Affirmations how to make them correctly. Possible reasons for the lack of effectiveness of working with affirmations. How affirmations work

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“Affirmations make the brain turn on and the legs go,” is how I answer if someone asks for a brief explanation of why affirmations are needed and what they do.

And if in more detail, then an affirmation is an affirmative short phrase with which you can program your subconscious to commit and achieve what you want.

This phrase, repeated every day, seems to turn on the "start" in the body and - the legs follow the path leading to the fulfillment of the goal. On this path, by a happy coincidence, helpers meet, and as a result, the dream also comes true. It would seem that nothing complicated: you take a phrase that symbolizes your goal, and repeat it from day to day. But it was not there. There are certain rules and tricks for constructing such phrase-programs.

How to formulate your affirmation correctly?

The more unique and individual an affirmation is, the easier it is to “process” and launch it. Take any of your goals (not from a book, not from another person, etc.). What do you want? How do you see the result? This result is your goal. For example, I want to publish a book of my poems. The result is a book. Affirmation "I will present a book of my poems in November 2018." That is, the affirmation corresponds to a specific goal (book) and is formed directly for this goal (publish and present a book).

Determining the parameters for achieving the goal. By what parameters specifically will it become clear to you that the goal has been achieved? “I make a lot of money” or “I make enough money” can be repeated endlessly, but the concept of “a lot”, “enough” is too vague. For some, 100 dollars is a lot, and for some, even a million is not enough. More specific phrases work much better. For example, the phrase "I make $2,000 every month" is more specific.

Firstly, there is an amount that will satisfy the needs, secondly, there is a clearly defined period of time for which a person will receive his money, and thirdly, specific phrases make it possible to clearly understand whether the result has been achieved or not. Of course, this does not mean that common phrases do not work. It's just that with the phrase "I earn enough" it is difficult to understand when the goal is achieved, when "enough" comes. Generalized phrases carry too many factors, and until these factors are put in order, it can take a lot of time. And even worse - a person can be simply-on-simply disappointed. And add yourself instead of a positive attitude, a bunch of negative ones.

I have one example from my own life, when the phrase was vague, not specific. It was in 2011. I was invited to a master class at Oriflame. Naturally, they talked about the delights of cosmetics and big earnings. But what hooked me was the opportunity to go to the Venice Ball in Switzerland. I came home. She took a sheet and wrote on it in large letters "I'm going to the Venice ball." The affirmation worked. But ... Since it was not compiled correctly, I did not go to the ball in Switzerland. Six months later, I moved to another city and completely forgot about the ball. And a year later I found myself at the Venice ball, but in the Dnieper. I got the most important thing from the ball: I walked along the red carpet to meet the photo and video cameras.

brevity. Short phrases penetrate the subconscious faster. Plus, they're easier to remember. Affirmation, pleasant to the ear, cause more positive emotions, which helps the brain to quickly get involved in the work to achieve the goal. If the affirmation causes rejection, there will most likely not be a positive effect.

The phrase should begin with yourself: “I ...”, “I ...”, “Me ..” (i.e., in the first person). Affirmations can only concern the person himself, personally you, but not your environment. No one has the right to decide for another person. Yes, and it is unlikely that such an affirmation will work. For example, “My husband loves me” is not a well-formed affirmation. That's right - "I am loved by my husband", "I am comfortable with my husband", etc.

Here and now. When creating an affirmation, use only the present tense. When we ask for something in the future (or past), the brain takes it literally. In the past, it means that it has already passed and the person, as it were, does not need it. In the future, it is not clear when this future will come, because the brain is just waiting. Instead of "I can sing well" - "I sing well" (now and here). Or instead of "I found a good job" - "I work as a teacher at Moscow State University" (here and now).

“Not”, “Would”, “I can”, “I will”. In phrases, we avoid the words “I can”, “I will” and particles “not”, “would”. First, affirmations can only be positive. For example, instead of "I don't smoke" - "I hate smoking cigarettes." Secondly, as we already know, the affirmation must be specific, and “would” introduces uncertainty, the brain starts to get confused and generally rejects this phrase. Therefore, instead of "I would like to live in Paris" - "I live in Paris." Thirdly, “I can” does not mean that I will do it, but “I will” generally speaks of the future, which is not known whether it will come. So instead of "I can buy a car" - "I have a red Audi S8", instead of "I will ride a motorcycle" - "I ride a Yamaha Virago motorcycle."

Resource. An affirmation works well when it carries the resource for change. Why would you make $2,000 a month? Why love your husband? Why sing well? Why do you need a car or a motorcycle for you? What will it give? What will you get? If your affirmation fills you with strength, gives you a feeling of confidence, security, calmness, raises your lowered hands, saying it, you feel harmony, support in life, you are filled with joy, etc., then this is exactly the affirmation that is “perfectly yours.” ".

Emotions. Using the words “easy”, “happy”, “with pleasure”, “comfortable” in your wording allows you to feel positive emotions that can fill you with enthusiasm and inspire you.

How to use affirmations correctly?

Say the affirmation regularly: in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. For example, I do this in the bathroom. You can in front of the mirror, looking into your eyes. At first, you will feel inner resistance, because the consciousness feels that the words are not true. This is a normal reaction of the body. You just have to not give up and keep going.

Be sure to speak out loud so that you can hear yourself.

Repeat several times (French psychologist Emile Coué recommends 20 times).

Emotions. Unlike the classical practice of self-hypnosis, where you need to speak with concentration, without unnecessary emotions, so that the words mechanically fall into the subconscious, affirmation must not only be reinforced with emotions (I wrote about this above), but it must also evoke strong emotions at the time of pronunciation, then affirmation works much faster. After all, when you “burn” with your goal, you are not indifferent to it, you need it, the brain “thinks” that this is something vital - and “leads” us to achieve our desire. That is, the stronger and brighter the emotions, the easier and faster the affirmation penetrates the subconscious. For me, emotion is motivation. An affirmation is simply bound to give you pleasure when you say it. If you experience discomfort, continue to work on the text until you feel that this is it - yours.

Without "all at once". In order not to create a mess in your head, it is better to pronounce the same affirmation. The best effect is achieved by concentrating on one thing. The more targets, the more dispersion, and as a result, the less result. Work through one affirmation first (at least a month), then the second, and so on. For a year, you can work out about 4-12 affirmations. It is best to repeat the phrase for 2-3 months.

No vinaigrette. It is worth pronouncing the same phrase, adhering to one version of this affirmation. And not so that today one phrase, tomorrow another, but with the same meaning. Without vinaigrette in the head and in speech.

Not in spirit and without faith. If you're in a bad mood or you don't believe in the power of affirmations, it's best to put the affirmation aside for a while and work on the reasons for your protest. Without positive emotional reinforcement, affirmations either don't work at all because your feelings oppose what you're saying, or they can lead to the opposite.

You can sing your affirmation (come up with your own song or put words on a well-known motive), you can mentally concentrate on it, you can write it down many times. This is like an addition to the main one: to pronunciation in the morning and in the evening aloud. Also, the affirmation can be beautifully designed and hung in a conspicuous place, for example, on a mirror, on the wall, make a screen saver on your phone, computer, etc.

Thank the Universe for helping you make your dreams come true.

Many would like to achieve goals simply and effortlessly. So, of course, it does not happen. However, there is one technique that is so simple that a 7-year-old child can perform it. It's about affirmations.

Affirmations are oral or written instructions that are repeated continuously for 40 days. That is, you buy a notebook (it is recommended to do it in writing, since the brain remembers better if it is associated with the actions of the body), choose the phrase you need and write every day for 40 days. You need to write each phrase 40 times. 40 times 40 days. Simple formula. But there are small nuances.

Rules for writing affirmations

1.Correct wording. Your desire must be in the NOW. That is, if you want to improve your health, write "I am completely healthy and feel great." If you want to start a family "I'm married (married) and I'm happy." And if you want to earn more "I earn (amount) per month." And so on.
An affirmation is a statement that what we want has already happened to us.

2. Continuity. You need to write every day. This is the main condition. Here you will find all sorts of obstacles: fatigue, forgetfulness, laziness, lack of a notebook, etc. Get over it all, remind yourself why you are doing all this, remember your goal.

3. Awareness. When writing phrases, it is important to be present. This means that you need to think about what is written, consciously draw letters and, preferably, imagine your dream (what you are writing about). If you start to get carried away by other thoughts, which you will certainly happen, return to the process of writing each time. If you really need to leave (for example, to see a child), it's okay, the main thing is that you are not distracted by trifles. Be careful!

4. Faith. Believe in what you do. If you're only writing to prove to yourself and the world that miracles don't happen, don't waste your time. Only what you are internally tuned to happens.

Here are the most important 4 rules, the implementation of which guarantees you success.

Watch this short video for examples of the most powerful affirmations.

happy affirmations

Not always the goal is achieved 100% when writing affirmations, but there is always progress in the desired topic. Let's say you do not create an official family, but you will meet a soul mate. Or, for example, you won't earn 1,000,000, but you will earn 200,000. Not bad, is it?

Writing affirmations is not just an interesting game, it is work on yourself. After all, writing 40 days 40 times requires a lot of patience, willpower and desire.

If what you wrote does not come true at all, then think “Why is that? What else gets in the way of my dream? Perhaps you have blocks and subconscious attitudes inside that do not allow you to be happy, do not allow you to own what you want.

These settings are easy to remove at psychotherapy sessions or constellations according to B. Hellinger. We give you contact one of the experienced professionals.
Good luck! May your dreams come true.

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affirmation is a positive statement. Affirmation example: “I am young and beautiful!” With the help, you can change the worldview, acquire useful habits and skills, get rid of fears and psychological complexes, and much more useful.

Affirmations are undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools for self-improvement and self-development, but not everyone knows how to write affirmations correctly.

Why is it important to write affirmations correctly?

1. An incorrectly composed affirmation simply will not work. And the maximum that you will achieve in this case is to waste your time.

2. If the affirmation is too long, then you will not be able, in a reasonable period of time, to say it enough times. And accordingly, affirmation will not give the desired effect.

3. If the affirmation is not composed correctly, then instead of benefit, it can cause harm.

Tips for writing affirmations correctly

The affirmation should never be too long. One sentence, consisting of 5-10 pleasant, understandable and unambiguous words, is the best option.

In terms of meaning, affirmation should be completely opposite to the negative program that you want to get rid of (unless, of course, the goal of affirmation is to get rid of negative programs). Examples of correctly composed affirmations for: “I easily overcome difficulties!”, “I am an excellent specialist!”, “I am appreciated and respected by others!”

A correctly composed affirmation should not contain negatives (“not”, “no”, etc.). Examples of “wrong” affirmations: “I will never be poor!”, “I am not afraid of criticism!”, “There are no failures in my life!” and so on.

Avoid future tense. affirmations should sound like a statement of a fait accompli, not an assumption. Wrong: “I will always be brave!” Correct: “I am very brave!”

Affirmation should be extremely specific and unambiguous. Avoid generalized statements like: "All people are kind and sympathetic!". In addition to the fact that such a statement does not apply to you personally, it is also an idealization. Indeed, not all people are kind and sympathetic. A correctly composed affirmation should sound something like this: “I am surrounded by kind and helpful people!”

Use the pronouns "I", "Me", "Me", etc. The affirmation must be directly related to you personally, otherwise it is just a statement. In some situations, it is useful to write an affirmation as if it were spoken by another person. In this case, you must use your first and last name. Examples: “Vasily Pupkin has an excellent memory!”, “Vasily Pupkin easily earns one hundred thousand rubles a month!”

The affirmation must be "yours". This means that its repetition should make you feel good. The words that make up the affirmation should please you. Therefore, it is very desirable to compose affirmations on your own, and not to use ready-made ones.

If you use these recommendations for making affirmations, then very soon the number of your problems will be zero. And it's not a joke. Affirmations are a powerful tool for changing yourself. for the better, don't miss it!

When we think negatively, we attract negative things into our lives. Fears very often come true because we think about them. Positive emotions and thoughts lure happy events, good luck in business and pleasant people into our lives.

Affirmations are statements that aim to change the way a person thinks and get the desired changes. Relaxation, harmony, self-confidence - all this can be achieved by saying affirmations. These affirmations have great power and effectiveness to set the mindset for happiness and good fortune.

The installations created independently have the greatest efficiency: in this case, they are born in the soul and heart. How to write affirmations for yourself and others?

1. They must begin with the word "I", to which a verb is added.

All phrases that begin in this way, our subconscious mind accepts as instructions for action and the implementation of the task.

2. You need to use only the verb in the present tense and the affirmative mood.
The desired is described as if it had already been received or achieved.

Wrong example:

I want to buy a car.
I'm not afraid to speak in public.

Correct example:

I love driving my brand new blue car.
I always speak confidently and boldly.

3. Do not use negations.

You should enter into the affirmation what you want, and not what you do not want.
Our subconscious does not perceive the word "no" and the particle "not".
This means that the phrase "I'm not afraid of heights" will evoke the image of a person trembling with fear at heights.
Whereas the phrase “I enjoy the thrill of heights” is an image of a person taking pleasure.

Wrong example:

I'm not afraid of heights anymore.

Correct example:

I enjoy the thrill of heights.

4. Be concise.

5. Be clear.

Vague statements lead to vague results.

Wrong example:

I drive in my new car.

Correct example:

I drive my new car BMW X6.

6. It is necessary to add such adverbs as: “confidently”, “always”, “now”, “continuously”, “constantly”, giving an imaginary action an image of activity and duration in time from the present moment to the future.

Not a very good choice:

I do well in competitions.

Successful option:

I always successfully and brilliantly perform at competitions.

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We offer to your attention affirmations for every day. All affirmations are very simple, practice them every day and after 21 days you will see how your life will begin to change for the better.

In this article, we have prepared for you a lot of affirmations for every day (here you will find Luisa Hay affirmations, affirmations for attracting money, love, health and wealth).

positive affirmations for every day

1. I can do everything!

2. I can do everything well!

3. In my life, everything always happens in a timely manner and according to the best scenario.

4. I am grateful (grateful)

5. Universe for all the material goods in my life.

6. Today is the best day of my life.

7. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.

8. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.

9. I'm doing well and every day my life is getting even better!

10. My life blossoms in perfect harmony.

11. I am aware and feel my power.

12. In all situations, I am calm and focused.

13. I am always lucky.

Affirmations by Louise Hay

1. I am always safe and God keeps me.

2. The truth about everything I need to know is revealed to me.

3. Everything I need comes to me at the right time and day

4. Life is joy and it is full of love

5. I love and is loved

6. I am healthy and full of vitality

7. Everything I do brings me success.

8. I want to change and grow spiritually

9. Everything is already good in my world

Louise Hay affirmations for women

1. I constantly discover wonderful qualities in myself.

2. I see my magnificent inner being.

3. I admire myself

4. I am a wise and beautiful woman

5. I was determined to love myself and enjoy myself.

6. I am in charge of my life

7. I am the one and only for myself

8. I am empowering myself.

9. I have a wonderful life

10. I am free and can realize myself as a person

Affirmations to attract money

1. I am always in the right place at the right time.

2. I always get everything that is the greatest good for me.

3. Money flows to me easily.

4. If others can be rich, I can too!

5. I am a money magnet.

6. I always get what I want for myself.

7. I am full of ideas to make money.

8. I earn 100,000 rubles a month.

9. Unexpected income makes me happy.

10. Money flows freely and easily in my life.

11. I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.

12. I am very successful.

13. My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.

14. My income is growing all the time.

15. My life is filled with love

16. I manage my life

17. Love in my life starts with myself.

18. I am a strong woman

19. I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life

20. I deserve love and respect

21. I stand firmly on my feet

22. It's good for me to be alone

23. I am aware of my strength and use it

24. I enjoy everything I have.

25. I like other women, I love and support them.

26. I love and appreciate myself

27. I am completely satisfied with my life.

28. I like being a woman

29. I radiate love in all its diversity

30. I like that I live here and now

31. I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.

32. I fill my life with love

33. I feel my own worth and perfection

34. I perceive life as a unique gift.

35. I am safe, all is well around me

36. I want to see myself in all its splendor

37. My future is bright and beautiful

38. Now I am independent and independent in choosing decisions

39. I am called to fulfill a grateful mission on this planet.

40. I can safely grow and improve

41. I provide myself with everything I need

Affirmations that express love for your body

The most important thing for the body is to remember that you love it. Look into your eyes in the mirror more often. Tell yourself that you look wonderful. Send yourself positive messages every time you see your own reflection.

1. I love my body

2. My body loves to be healthy.

3. Love is in my heart

4. There is life force in my blood

5. Every cell of my body is loved.

6. All my organs work perfectly

7. I admire my wonderful body.

8. I am healthier than ever before.

9. I know how to take care of myself

10. My favorite drink is water.

11. I live in complete harmony with the outside world

Affirmations for health

1. I am healthy.

2. Happiness surrounds me.

3. My mental health is normal. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.

4. Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.

5. I am stress free.

6. Every day I feel healthier and healthier.

7. I eat healthy food and I feel great.

8. Every day my vision is better than yesterday.

9. I love to exercise every day.

10. I am grateful for my healthy body.

11. Perfect health is my divine right, and I declare it now.

12. Every cell in my body radiates energy and health.

13. My immune system is very strong.

14. Every organ in my body performs its functions to the optimum extent.

15. My body is energetic.

16. I have enough strength, energy and cheerfulness at any time of the day.

17. God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.

18. The light within me has a healing effect.

19. Every doctor that I meet on the way helps my recovery.

21. My body heals quickly and easily.

22. My life energy is increasing every day.

23. Health and longevity to you!!!

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