Quotes about friendship between girls. Poems about friendship between a man and a woman. The best quotes, expressions about friendship and enmity from works: a list

I'm knocking on your soul: knock-knock...
You are silent, you do not even see my hands,
And knocking annoys you.
It's easier for you to close and lock yourself:
Are you afraid that I'm knocking on your heart?
Are you worried: what if I get through? But what if?
You're afraid for nothing. I don't need your heart.
I want more - simple human friendship.
Your heart is safe. Come on,
Open the door, take away the fear.
Who should be afraid of whom, right,
Who would hurt whom first?
You are stronger than me my friend...
You are brighter, cleaner and even better.
I dare not ask for anything. Listen,
Don't be afraid, don't cover your ears
It's just a heart sound.
This is just a request for peace.
Yes, open your eyes wider:
I'm just a poet with my lyre
Not a monster, not a snake, not a jester.
I stand before you without protection,
And you seem to be washed by the sun itself.
You are so far away that the soul hurts
And your heart is not here either ...
And I still knock: knock-knock...
Let this quiet simple sound
Reminds: everywhere, around
Happiness lives next to you.
No matter how the path drove across the Earth,
If you want to rest
Turn something in your soul
Look at the wreath on the wrist:
Do you hear it knocking? Knock Knock…
Your heart. And a circle of people
Holds your world with a thousand hands
Everyone loves you and you are powerful
With this love to bring light.
There is no magic here
You are just a sunny person
And your path is crystal clear.
But you won't hear me, sorry...
I will not reach out, and in my distance
Quietly I will leave, holding sadness,
In the blood, wiping the knuckles on the fingers.
But the soul is still light,
And no matter how many years have passed
Won't turn my back, no
If you find it, I'll invite you to stay.
Early, late, come.
Whatever is on the way
Let it be light for you to go
And there will be somewhere to return.
Well, you will hear me, you will read, -
Maybe you will understand something...
So come in then, well
Dreams must come true.
And don't worry about getting through.
Let it be. Really, let it be!
I don't need anything from you.
I'm looking for simple human friendship.

For strong friendship between women and men
There is only one, but an important condition:
As a measure of constant values,
To each other do not burn with great love.

So that there is no trace of feeling,
If there is no wound, and you can’t pour salt ...
You can be friends with a man, but then,
When you don't see a man in him at all.

When there are no forbidden topics for the heart,
Does not stifle the fear of loss tart-sticky,
And you and I for sure, absolutely ...
Friendship, alas, is not worth it. This is torture.

Failed to be friends with a woman ...
She nodded, even with a smart look,
When I was her science guide
And only asked not to rush much ...

Then suddenly time began to rush:
Her breathing became very fast,
There was a sparkle in the cat's eyes...
Tell me, how can a man be?

I had to no longer dream of friendship:
Start fighting under a common blanket,
And a strong storm, perhaps ten points
Broke the family bed again...

And so it goes for many long years:
Under the blanket of battle - a carbon copy,
Only names change like tags
And yet there is no friendship ...

I can solve my problems:
To prove the possibility of friendship to the world,
I came very quietly to "Poems.Ru" ...
Hope you can make friends here!

P.S. The Internet interferes with the merging of bodies!
Therefore, there is no risk for friendship!

Well hello old friend
So many years have passed since then.
How we lost each other
Not much water has flowed.

And you haven't changed at all
The same sparkle in your eyes.
I did not submit to my years,
Only a little gray hair at the temples.

As before a bright smile,
And the same pits on the cheeks.
Remained the same slender - flexible,
Sung by the muse in verse.

Whatever the burden
The Lord favors you.
From good thoughts of aspiration,
Your soul is warm.

And we go our own way
Which one did the person choose?
Let fate not be strict
To you in this difficult age.

See you again, I don't know
Everything in this life is possible.
But I wish for one thing
Remember friendship - do not forget.

Is there friendship between a man and a woman? Can there be a real strong friendship between a man and a woman? Surely this question is often asked by schoolchildren, sitting at their desks! Since they cannot understand what kind of feeling it is that causes an increased interest in a classmate or classmate. Is it friendship? Is it love? Time passes, and they become best friends and begin to believe in friendship between a boy and a girl, a man and a woman. They are the happiest people because they have not yet realized the law of attraction. They still do not understand that plus reaches for minus, and minus for plus. That the bad is drawn to the good, and the good to the bad. That much in this world is based on energy exchange. That everything in life complements each other, and these additions, and energy metabolism, as a rule, are negative in comparison. Friendship between a man and a woman is a relative concept in any case, since they are opposite-sex creatures. And attraction to each other can occur only against the background of sympathy. A woman is weak and fragile, how can she be a friend to a man, because the main element of friendship is support in difficult times, and how can a woman support someone in whom she subconsciously, potentially sees a protector and father of the family? How can a man see a friend in a woman? First of all, he smells her, evaluates external data, subconsciously she is a sexual object for him, like a female in a herd. And if she is beautiful at the same time, then animal instincts generally take possession of him and she becomes prey in his eyes. Of course, he can talk to her about the sublime and beautiful, ignore the call of the flesh, convince himself that this is only friendship. For the time being... So, they become friends. Their friendly relations flow very nicely and beautifully, until the moment when advice and worries for each other lead them to bed. As a rule, this happens at a time when it is bad for both. It did not work out for her, he broke up with his girlfriend. Sorrow and pain, resentment and disappointment unite them. They begin to understand each other like never before. They choke on their own saliva, talking about how he cheated on her, or how she left him. Surely this happens in a bar, or a club where there is a drink. Then he, a friend, volunteers to see her off, but she graciously agrees. They reach the entrance, and with tears in her eyes she rushes into his arms and talks about how she would not want to be alone at this difficult moment. He, like a true gentleman and true friend, volunteers to support her and is easily invited to a cup of coffee. We drank coffee. It's time to sleep. They lay down, in a friendly way, maybe on the same sofa. And the light touch of her hand becomes the very moment that crosses out friendship. They ate the forbidden fruit. Here it is a standard model for the development of friendly relations between a man and a woman. Now, as it seems to them, or it seems to one of them, the relationship will be much stronger. But in fact, former friendship and current love unites someone, while for someone, on the contrary, it creates problems. After all, when we are friends, we do not notice many things. We do not see what becomes visible in love relationships. And then everything either ends, there is no friendship and no love, and sometimes, on the contrary, it develops, strengthens and becomes indestructible. I will not be new if I say that from the point of view of a psychologist and a sexologist, the friendship of a man and a woman is a completely unnatural form of relationship that can exist for a relatively long time in only one case - people like each other, but there are force majeure circumstances, not giving them the opportunity to become lovers, or one of the parties madly wants a love relationship, and the second stubbornly ignores the hints of the first! This axiom is born from the practical analysis of many specific situations and is always confirmed by life. Same-sex friendship can be based on mutual respect, similarity of views and characters, on the fact that we can calmly discuss with a friend (or girlfriend) all the vicissitudes of our intimate life and receive advice about it. Friendship between a man and a woman has a completely different energy color - it is pleasant for friends to be in each other's company, cheeks turn pink, there is an exchange of energy, but without an explosion leading to the catalyzation of the love process - this does not occur, relationships are maintained smoothly and touchingly, and their transition to the love stage is often a complete surprise for one of the participants in this tandem. Notice for one! Then it turns out, as a rule, that the second one has already been hopelessly in love for a long time, and agreed to the role of a friend, or even deliberately played this role, so as not to be rejected immediately, in order to become necessary in order to at least communicate with the object of his passion. If these are schoolchildren, a young man and a girl, then, as a rule, the first one is in love. But if these are people of mature age, then much more often a situation arises exactly the opposite - a female friend who sees in her boss or patron the most ideal man in the world, but he, due to the huge number of proposals, does not perceive her at all as sexual an object. There is also a friendship between a married man and a married woman, where the strength of this friendship depends only on their moral principles and on their relationship with their half. Such relationships, of course, sooner or later lead to bed, because in their families everything cannot always be perfect, and if they both gravitate towards this heterosexual friendship for a long time, it means that they do not receive any kind of human warmth in the family. And, finally, there is a third subspecies of friendship between a man and a woman - this is when they were already lovers, broke up, but it turned out that they did not want to lose the spiritual or business communication that they had developed in a couple - and remained friends. In this case, the friendship is just quite stable, because these heterosexual friends have already come from where everyone else wants to go! Analyzing such pairs of “friends” at psychoanalysis sessions, I always came to the conclusion that very deeply hidden emotional processes arise in the lives of these people, which can greatly influence their lives, both in a positive and negative sense. To some extent, friendship between a man and a woman can be very dangerous for our psychological health, if we don’t even know what subconscious motives are behind it. And in the same way, heterosexual friendship can be that absolutely healing factor that allows us to believe in ourselves and stay afloat in this life. Friendship of different sexes, especially a long one, is quite dangerous for a person, since this is just the visible part of that emotional iceberg that leads to psychological comfort, or to psychological discomfort! The love relationship between a man and a woman is always clear - it is clear what one wants, what the other wants. With friendship, everything is more difficult - we very rarely can clearly see her true motives. So, do you have a friend or girlfriend of a different gender? Think about the fact that after a while this relationship can lead you to bed. Do you want this? Then keep talking. Are you afraid of this? Try to end this friendship. Can't you just imagine that something like this can actually happen? Re-read this article from the beginning!

Friendship between a man and a woman is a hot topic of discussion at all times.

Quotes of great men , examples from the life and opinions of psychologists are often so polar that it seems possible to establish the truth only from one's own experience.

True, and this is risky: if one of the parties is right, in such a relationship you can get very burned.

Let's try to understand if it's possible between man and woman in reality, what is said about this great people quotes from old books and contemporary specialists in gender relations.

Friendship or love - when and why one can turn into another

“... There is no better friend of a woman. Such | My opinion; but so that the union is quite close, | | No need for a friend to sing love songs.

This passage from a poem by the great British poet George Gordon Byron states unequivocally that friendship between a man and a woman is possible.Still. Or not?

After all, it is necessary to take into account not only the opinion of an individual - albeit deeply experienced in matters - but also the influence of the era, environment, and personal experience.

The very meaning of the word "friendship" is also important.

As part of a living language that changes with society, it has lost certain shades of meaning and acquired new ones, while people and the routines established among them have changed.

A well-known saying says that friends are the one we choose ourselves.

These words show how deep and trusting classic friendships are.

It is important to distinguish friendship from friendly relations. Sometimes we communicate with friends more often than with friends, but in serious cases the difference becomes obvious.

Do men and women understand friendship the same way? There are also many different opinions on this matter.

The French philosopher Auguste Comte was also of this opinion, mentioning in his writings:

  1. “The only, sincere and lasting friendship is that which exists between a man and a woman, because this is the only affection free from all rivalry.”

Indeed, men and women do not compete with each other.

Being completely different, thinking by different standards, they are able to significantly each other, provide indispensable support and create strong, productive and interesting relationships for both parties.

However, in practice, this happens less often than it could - and all because people of the opposite sex are much more likely to fall in love with each other and build romantic relationships than friends.

And the modern concept of "friend zone" shows how ephemeral "friendship" between the sexes can be: most likely, someone simply uses the other, hiding behind the words of an equal partnership without an admixture of attraction.

Great people quotes about friendship
  1. “Although friendship can exist between people of different sexes, in which there is not even a shadow of impure thoughts, nevertheless, a woman will always see a man in her friend, just as he will see a woman in her. Such a relationship can not be called love or friendship: it is something very special.

Seeing each other as representatives of the opposite sex, potential parents for offspring, a man and a woman tend to join rather than become friends.

On the contrary, if people explicitly or subconsciously see in another something that evokes associations with family members - parents, sisters or brothers - then instincts, as a rule, recede in order to prevent even virtual "incest".

Great people quotes about friendship

It is from this, according to modern psychology, that it depends whether bonds of friendship will arise between a man and a woman.

Science proves that it is possible, albeit with some reservations. Knowing them is useful for everyone, because it can help:

  1. Avoid negative experiences in friendships with the opposite sex
  2. Learn how to build that kind of friendship
  3. Determine the real nature of the existing relationship

Pitfalls in friendly relations between the sexes and how to get around them

  1. “Women start falling in love when they get to know us. Men are the opposite: having known a woman to the end, they are ready to part with her.

The American writer James Salter, who wrote these lines, was absolutely right.

Men tend to fall in love quickly, and in the future, if romantic feelings fade away, they calmly and even with some enthusiasm relate to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfriendship with a woman.

For a woman, the notorious understanding is important - not how much a man really correctly interprets her words, thoughts and actions, but how much she opened up and trusted him.

Great people quotes about friendship

The phenomenon can be explained in different ways, starting from the good old instincts and ending with the characteristics of the characters of representatives of different sexes.

The bottom line is that such a scenario calls into question the very possibility of friendship.

However, no one says that history is obligatory for everyone: knowing certain rules, one can prevent suffering and falling in love on either side.

Here are eight basic commandments for a happy friendship between the sexes:

  1. Clarify intentions. From the very beginning, talk about what is developing between you, what each of you expects from this relationship. Periodically repeat this conversation, clarifying that everything is in the same direction.
  2. Agree that there is no place between you for flirting, compliments with subtext, etc.
  3. Don't close on each other. Meet and chat with other people.
  4. Do not consider a friend or girlfriend as a first aid kit in any difficult situation. Ask for advice, but not for solutions, otherwise the habit of relying on the other too much can grow into something more.
  5. Do not engage in joint household chores, small or large. This is the lot of families, but not a friendly couple.
  6. Be honest. Not only with each other, but also with yourself, because the attitude from any side can change, even if you didn’t think about anything like that initially.
  7. Do not share too intimate secrets with a friend or girlfriend. Without sexual overtones, only children perceive such things, the adult brain works differently - and regardless of your desire.
  8. No sex. Never. Under no circumstances!

Great people quotes about friendship

The last point is especially important. Of course, opinions differ on this. For example, the Soviet poet Vladimir Derzhavin believed:

  1. "Real friendship between a man and a woman is possible only after mutual sexual satiety."

There is some truth in this. However, in order to remain friends after the novel, without having any explicit or hidden claims, hopes, etc. to each other, a lot of points are required.

For example, people should initially enjoy communicating with each other, which is not depleted by the lack of intimacy.

Do not take the relationship too seriously, but do not mind keeping it in another capacity.

In addition, it is important that the characters of both are light enough to avoid awkwardness - it is not always easy to keep back jokes about the past.

Great people quotes about friendship

Such a set of coincidences is extremely rare, but if it occurs, the friendship turns out to be really strong and reliable.

We would rather agree with the opinion of the English writer Charles Colton, whose words are much more applicable to real life:

  1. "Friendship often ends in love, but love rarely ends in friendship."

We have selected for you 20+ quotes from famous people about friendship between men and women - reflections and discussions. Write in the comments which of the authors, in your opinion, is more right!

"Marriage is invented for mediocre people who are mediocre both in great love and in great friendship - therefore, for the majority: but also for those quite rare people who are capable of both love and friendship."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Great people quotes about friendship

“There is a higher friendship, based not on habit, but on reason, in which a person loves his friend thanks to fidelity and good will ... If we can find anything higher than such friendship, this is divine love. A person begins to love God and loves Him in every other person.”

Augustine Aurelius

"Pop culture has taught us to shout at the top of our lungs, 'I want a man!' - this is normal, so why are we still embarrassed to say: "I want to have a best friend"?

Rachel Bertsche

Great people quotes about friendship

“Romantic relationships are not as different from just friendships as people think they are. Friendship, like love, involves sympathy and support, and just as often puts before a choice. Friendships require the development and use of positive relationship skills and abilities: the ability to share, honesty, empathy, listening, and communication—all of which are required in a romantic relationship. We can assume the following: a person who has difficulties with girlfriends and friends will have difficulties in the most important relationship - romantic.

Laura Day

Great people quotes about friendship

“You can’t love - sit be friends!”

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

“We prevent our friends from looking into the very depths of our hearts, we do this not so much out of distrust of them, but out of distrust of ourselves.”

François La Rochefoucauld

“When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the larger one absorbs the smaller one.”

Madeleine Scuderi

“In friends, we notice those shortcomings that can harm them, and in loved ones, those from which we ourselves suffer.”

Jean de La Bruyère

Friendship is the greatest gift a person has. Only true friends are able to support, comfort, with them we share joys, sorrows, reveal to them secrets, the most hidden thoughts. There has been a debate for a long time: is there a . Many authoritatively assure: yes, it exists!

Also, some assure that friendship does not tolerate any “laws”, while others, on the contrary, are sure that there should be certain rules between friends, especially between a man and a woman, for example:

  • respect;
  • tolerance;
  • the ability to admit one's mistakes;
  • accept tastes;
  • your friend's habits.

One way or another, but friendship really exists, it’s not for nothing that they talk about it so much, argue about it. Friendship is sung in poems, songs, quotes with meaning are made up about it, aphorisms about friendship are added.

A friend is an extension of yourself

A friend is a person with whom it is not just pleasant to be in the same company or have close interests. It's much more. One of the aphorisms about friendship and friends says that friendship includes the deepest, most sincere relationships filled with emotions. Only people who understand well, can communicate without unnecessary words, can understand a loved one by facial expressions, gestures, movements (even those that no one else will notice), intonations can be friends. The phenomenon of girlfriends is that they predict reactions, behavior in a given life situation.

The meaning of the other between a man and a woman says that comrades are always close, gravitate towards one another. Quotes and aphorisms about friendship carry the deepest meanings, because only a loved one is able to understand the mood of a friend, his experiences, is able to share joyful and sorrowful moments in life, show sympathy, comfort, support in difficult moments.

And the support and help of true friends is always disinterested, a true friend always knows how to sacrifice, his own well-being is not even important for him, he knows how to make sacrifices for the sake of his closest comrade.

friendly rules

Between friends, regardless of whether it is the relationship of friends or who are friends, equality always reigns. Comrades always come to the rescue, they know how to understand and respect. Friendship relationships are always loyal, trusting. These are postulates, the so-called rules, which true friends never break. Neglecting even one of them will destroy the relationship.

But on the other hand, quotes with meaning assure that friends love each other, and love can forgive mistakes. But what is the difference between friendship and love, you ask? Everything is very simple. Friendships are usually members of the same sex. Although there is also friendship between a man and a woman.

You need to be friends

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to make friends. The reason for this lies in a misunderstanding of the true nature of friendships. To learn how to be friends, you need to understand a loved one, realize how hard it is for you without him and how great it is to be around. In friendship, you can never show selfishness, in it you need not only to “take”, but also be able to give a part of yourself, be able to sacrifice, make concessions for the sake of friends.

Quotes with meaning and aphorisms about friendship say that it should be based on reciprocity, support. A true comrade is always ready to lend a helping hand, to help in trouble.

Even if you have never had to use it, we always know that you can rely on a friend in any situation, trust him as yourself, be sure that in difficult times you will not be left alone with your experiences, misfortunes, difficulties.

Trust will strengthen friendship!

Quotes about friendship between a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a man and a woman are always interesting and deep in their meanings. Especially popular “friendly” quotes, where they say that with real comrades we completely disinterestedly share what is so important to us, we allow a friend, no matter whether we are a man or a woman, to take part in what is especially dear to us. In strong friendship there are common ideals, friends share their life positions, overcome obstacles together.

True trust between friends helps to further strengthen relationships, make them stronger. And it's not about the material. For example, if you can entrust a person with a large amount of money, this does not mean at all that he can become a real close friend for you. A true friend is trusted unlimitedly, in all situations. Remember the quotes that only a true friend we can always cry in a vest, a real comrade will always turn his shoulder, share with us not only joys, but also our sorrows.

The same quotes assure that friendship is not afraid of either time or distance. And this is true! Sometimes it is enough just to hear the voice of a loved one, the soul becomes easier. It is possible not to see a friend for a long time, but to remain close to him for many years. This constancy distinguishes true friendship from mere friendships.

Friendship is not blind

Yes, this love can be blind, in a loved one we sometimes do not notice flaws, and even if we see them, sometimes we are silent, trying to adjust so as not to destroy the relationship. In friendship, everything is different. A true comrade can point out the mistakes of his loved one, he will not be offended by criticism, unless, of course, true friendship, he always listens to her. Even despite the visible shortcomings, we will continue to be friends, because we perceive our friend as he is.


1. Nothing in this world is more appreciated than a good friend.

2. The greatest crime is committed by the one who abuses friendly trust.

3. Do not embellish yourself in front of a friend: for him, you are any good.

4. Friendship is the most pleasant thing in the world. Losing friendship is like losing sunshine.

5. Great joy - to be near a friend, great grief - to be separated from him.

The article contains a selection of quotes and sayings about friendship.

Friendship is a great human value, about which many poems were written, pictures were written and words were said. Friendship quotes allow everyone to think about important things in life, allow you to re-evaluate relationships with each other and just become wiser. In this article, you are invited to study a selection of the best statements about friendship that were left by outstanding personalities of all times and peoples.


Quotes and phrases about friendship at a distance for statuses: list

Friendship at a distance can acquire value and become stronger. It is especially important to understand and appreciate this. If you still do not realize how valuable friendship is at a distance, you should reread a selection of the most interesting and wise quotes.


Beautiful, strong words, wise quotes and phrases with meaning about real, true friendship for statuses: list

True "real" friendship is a treasure that not every person can boast of. It is never too late to start a friendship, but you can learn to appreciate it only with time and having a devoted person to whom you can not be afraid to express personal thoughts, experiences, fears and dreams.

IMPORTANT: You can understand how much you value friendship and whether you have a “real” friend by re-reading a selection of quotes and sayings on this topic.


Words that make you understand what "real" friendship is No. 1

Words that make you understand what "real" friendship is No. 2

Words that make you understand what "real" friendship is #3

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases with meaning about male friendship of male friends for statuses: list

Male friendship is a relationship that has been tested by many events, tested by patience and support. Male "brotherly" friendship has always been valued and is of great importance today. Quotes about male friendship exist in many works, so it is important to know them, study them, take them to heart and understand them.


Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about female friendship for statuses: list

For many centuries, humanity has argued and still doubts whether female friendship exists at all. Eminent personalities also tried to understand this: poets, writers, philosophers, public figures. It was they who left behind themselves and in their works a lot of reasoning on this topic. The best quotes and words about "female friendship" are selected in this article.


Smart quotes and phrases with a meaning about strong, eternal friendship and fidelity for statuses: list

Statuses are those statements that a person can leave on his main page in social networks. It is the status that allows you to perceive a person the way he would like it, set the mood and leave impressions.

Suitable friendship statuses:

Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about friendship between a man and a woman, a guy and a girl for statuses: list

Whether there is friendship between a man and a woman, humanity has been arguing for more than one century in a row. Some are sure that it has a place to be in the world, others believe that this is a real myth. Each person needs to understand this individually, and only the statements and quotes of famous people who have lived and survived similar situations can help him.


Beautiful words, quotes and phrases about friendship between girlfriends for statuses: list

Women's friendship and relationships between friends deserve to be composed of quotes that will affect everyone and deserve respect.

A selection of words and quotes:

Quotes and phrases about friendship and betrayal, betrayal in friendship: a list

Where there is friendship, there is betrayal and betrayal. The best outstanding personalities spoke about such situations, wrote, and, of course, their words were parsed into quotes.


The best quotes about friendship with the meaning of Omar Khayyam for statuses: list

Omar Khayyam is an outstanding philosopher and master of a sensitive, penetrating word that can touch the soul of everyone. Here you will find a selection of his best quotes about friendship and relationships.


O. Khayyam about friendship (rubai)

O. Khayyam about friendship (rubai)

O. Khayyam about friendship (rubai)

The best quotes, sayings about Yesenin's friendship for statuses: list

Another master of the word of Russian literature is Sergei Yesenin, who could convey in a few lines the whole salt of relationships between people, feelings and their experiences. His quotes about friendship deserve attention and respect. Quotes and sayings on the topic of friendship No. 2

The best quotes about friendship from songs for statuses: a list

Just like films, songs (old or modern) can reveal the meaning of friendship and express thoughts and feelings about it.


The best quotes, expressions about friendship and enmity from works: a list

Enmity is the completely opposite side of friendship, and you can also find a lot of sayings and quotes about it from famous personalities that make you think about important things in life.

Friendship words for children

Boyfriend Friendship Quotes List

These are statements about real "brotherly" male friendship, true and unsellable.


Video: "Quotes about friendship"

  • The friendship of a guy and a girl cannot be mutual. For one of the parties, such a relationship is always a hope for something more.
  • There is always something between the friendship of a man and a woman.
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is an impossible thing; between them there can be passion, enmity, adoration, love, but not friendship. (O. Wilde)
  • Quotes about friendship between a man and a woman- The guy is friends with the girl hoping for something more, and the girl is friends with the guy thinking that the guy does not hope for anything.
  • True friendship between a man and a woman does not exist, so this theater of two actors always ends at the moment when someone inadvertently shows their true feelings.
  • Well, how can a woman and a man understand each other, because they both want different things: a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man.
  • Are you just friends with her? Is your friendship based on past intimacy or planned?
  • Friendship between a man and a woman can exist if a man is not able to win a woman, but wants her to be in his heart.
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is when one is friends and the other secretly loves.
  • If a man is friends with a woman, then the woman believes that he cannot achieve more.
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is possible, but you should always have condoms with you)))
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed for later.
  • Friendship can exist not between any man and woman, but only between lovers, it does not matter: former or future.
  • Care and tenderness, confidence and help are the advantages of heterosexual friendship.
  • Some kind of wrong friendship we have with him: we can not stand it when one of us finds a mate.
  • This friendship exists as long as neither of the two has a soulmate ... When it appears, you have to sacrifice either friendship or love.
  • If a man can be a woman's lover, he will never be her friend...
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is possible only if the man is blue ...
  • Friendship between a man and a woman is like jumping, running and swimming at the same time.
  • Funny quotes about friendship between a woman and a man- And somehow it happened so that the hand slipped, the head fell on the shoulder, the faces turned to each other at the wrong time. And friendship went to hell.
  • I believe in the friendship of a man and a woman: after all, there is friendship between a cat and a dog)))
  • A friend is such a warm affection, which can be called love .. and why overshadow it with sex?
  • The only sincere and enduring friendship is that which exists between a man and a woman, because it is the only affection free from all rivalry.
  • Friendship between a guy and a girl is IMPOSSIBLE ... Someone will definitely fall in love and ruin everything ...
  • To be friends with a woman, you must first of all be in love with her.