Actionable advice on how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work. Protection from people - energy vampires, salt, mirror: technique

Many people, hearing about "energy vampires", think that they are talking about something supernatural, mystical or even occult. However, even in everyday life, we often hear stories about how someone "sucks" the vital energy of a person, negatively affects the mood, causing aggression and irritation, depression and fatigue of his "victim". What is really going on? Are there “energy vampires” in our life, or are some people, under the influence of the media or the stories of their acquaintances, trying to shift their own psychological problems onto other, completely innocent people?

So, who are these "vampire" people and how to distinguish them from the rest? The most important criterion of ordinary people is very individual, it is approximately the following: if after periodic communication with a person appears annoyance or irritation, anger or depression, headaches or fatigue, then there is no doubt that you are in front of a real "vampire".

The generally accepted classification divides "energy vampires" into active and passive. Active ones act openly, provoking quarrels and conflicts. Passive people prefer to gain energy by exhausting a person with long conversations, complaints, or overprotectiveness. Some authors introduce their own typology.

Up to eleven types of "energetic" or "psychological vampires" can be found in the psychological literature. In fact, it is not so important to what type or species each specific "vampire" is attributed, because they all have one thing in common: the desire to receive a certain emotional reaction from the interlocutor.

It's no secret that communication is extremely important for the normal functioning of our psyche. And not just communication between people as a kind of information exchange, not formal communication, but emotionally colored communication as an exchange of emotions. For example, infants who are deprived of the necessary emotional contact with people experience irreversible changes in the psyche, which subsequently prevent them from adapting to social life. Emotional hunger is just as difficult for an adult. For example, prolonged solitary confinement causes fear even in people who can endure severe physical punishment.

When a person experiences positive emotions during communication, this means that at this moment some important mental needs are being satisfied. Mental needs are not associated with any practical benefit, but are nonetheless very important. These can be needs for emotional attachment, security, recognition, respect and love, self-identification and self-realization, awareness of one's own uniqueness. The need to be meaningful to others, to express feelings and to be the object of the feelings of others, to feel community and unity, belonging to a certain circle of people, to share something valuable, to influence others, to tell and be understood, listen to and understand, discover a new vision of the world through the eyes of another person and, thus, expand the horizons of your personal experience. This is not a complete list of psychological needs, and the priority of one or another is purely individual for each individual person.

As you may have already guessed, the type of "psychological vampire" depends on what needs of his psyche he satisfies at the expense of his "donor". This happens just at the moment of the “donor's” emotional response to the corresponding influence of the “vampire”. The reasons for this destructive behavior can be different, but usually they all boil down to some traumatic situation in the past, as a result of which the "vampire" psyche has chosen just such a destructive way for itself to satisfy its needs.

Generally, you can divide "psychological vampires" into four groups: "aggressive", "miserable", "helpless" and "overly caring". "Aggressive" types are distinguished by the fact that during communication they look for a sensitive and most vulnerable point in the psyche of the interlocutor, and then masterfully strike this sore spot. And when the "victim" violently and irritably begins to defend himself, expressing his emotions, the "vampire", having received what he sought, may even smile in return.

The "pathetic" constantly demand sympathy. These are people who, despite their quite normal state, still present everything in a black light, just to arouse pity in the interlocutor.

The “helpless” look differs from the “wretched” one in that it constantly needs help. It seems that he is not able to solve his problems on his own. And his actions are aimed at making the "donor" do it for him.

The last type of "psychological vampirism" is observed on the part of overly caring people who often have psychological problems with expressing their own interests and therefore pass them off as strangers.

And although from the point of view of official science "energy vampirism" does not exist, psychology studies this way of interaction between people through the laws of the functioning of their psyche and helps to correct this interaction for the benefit of all its participants.

How to protect the boss, and if the boss himself is one of those?

The situation with "psychological vampirism" in the work collective is complicated: firstly, it is difficult to leave it, because it is quite difficult to avoid contacts with a colleague with whom a person is associated with some working moments. Secondly, the hierarchy of working relations initially presupposes some inequality, which can create additional favorable conditions for possible psychological pressure. For example, you cannot run away from a conversation with your boss, and the conversation itself may not be entirely on an equal footing.

Nevertheless, when it rains, we sit at home, and if we go outside, we take an umbrella with us, but we do not scold the sky and the clouds. What can become such an "umbrella" when meeting with a "psychological vampire"?

Often provoking a conflict, the "vampire" always encroaches on the personal psychological space of the interlocutor, which should be immediately told to the provocateur.

There is a fairly simple and effective response scheme:

1. Stop crossing your psychological boundaries. Sometimes one word is enough: "Enough!" or "Stop!"
2. We say that a person invades our psychological space, and in what exactly it manifests itself (in other words, HOW does he invade)
3. We ask him to stop doing this.
4. If this does not help, then we warn about the negative consequences.
5. If this does not help, we will realize what we have promised (therefore, negative consequences should be real and only those that you are ready to implement).

What could be such a negative consequence? Anything: refusal to communicate, help, and so on. The main thing is that it is undesirable for the offender.

Of course, you need to speak in a calm voice, without aggression and as emotionally as possible, since, as we remember, the emotional response of the “victim” is precisely the goal of the “vampire”. But you can also emphasize that you are open to constructive, respectful communication.

One and the same person very often turns out to be at the same time a "vampire" in relation to some people and a "donor" in relation to others, how to contact such a colleague?

Almost always, a "vampire" in relation to some people becomes a "donor" - these are two sides of the same coin. The obvious encroachment of the "energy vampire" on the psychological space of the interlocutor indicates his problems with his own psychological space:

  1. On the one hand, the "vampire" has a destructive fear that his sensitive area may be touched.
  2. On the other hand, his sensitive place has already been hurt, or has been hurt in the past, and therefore numerous attempts are being made to satisfy his mental needs and thus “lick” his wounds.

In any case, it is important to remember five basic rules of effective behavior in a pre-conflict or conflict situation:

Politeness is the key to security

Don't be rude yourself, especially when the situation doesn't require it. It so happens that, feeling their own righteousness, people do not realize that they themselves too actively, and sometimes even somewhat tactlessly, impose it on others. Thus, they unconsciously, on the one hand, provoke an aggressive reaction, and on the other hand, act as a target for the "psychological vampire", exposing their vulnerabilities.

Balance and emotional stability

If you control your emotions, then you control the situation, if emotions control you, then your opponent owns the situation. Remember that it is always up to you and only you to choose your emotional reaction. As long as this is so, you decide which one to show the "energy vampire" or not to show at all. Be emotionally mature and you will always be in control of the situation. Remember the phrase Gandhi said to himself: "They are not able to take away our self-esteem if we ourselves do not give it to them."

Mindfulness and understanding

Situations are very different, but in each of them it is important to realize your own goal. Why do you need to communicate with this person, what do you want to achieve as a result? And, based on this, build your line of behavior.

“He who owns the information owns the world”, remember this and enrich your knowledge about the world around you and about yourself. Take an interest in other people and improve your ways of interacting with them. This will help you better understand the motives of others' behavior and, as a result, build more effective communication with them.

Learn to manage conflicts, maintain inner self-confidence, learn useful lessons from your life experience, ask the right questions, which, if used wisely, can become tools for controlling the interlocutor's thought.

Relieve stress if the provocation of the "vampire" still hooked you

Mental health is no less important than physical health, take care of it, keep it in good shape and use the help of good psychologists who will help work through problem situations, find the causes of their occurrence and understand the ways to resolve them.

How not to fall for the provocations of "energy vampires" and learn to control relationships with them?

In a certain situation, every person can unconsciously become an "energy vampire". All people are connected with each other by different ties: family, friendship, kinship and, of course, workers. What if you notice you are being targeted by a "vampire"?

Smile but stay aloof

As soon as the "energy vampire" tries to engage you in a conversation that is unpleasant to you, try to smile and keep silent. All the "energy vampire" requires of you is an emotional response. If it does not exist, the "vampire" will be left with nothing and after a couple of attempts will understand that in communicating with you he will not get what he wants and will stop wasting his energy on you. Abstract yourself from your own emotions and sensations that suddenly arise in you while communicating with the "vampire". Try to look at the situation as if from the outside, take the position of an observer who, by and large, does not care how this communication goes.

Don't let guilt take over you

Frequent false feelings of guilt are characteristic of communication with "psychological vampires." Remember: you are not responsible for the other person or their experiences. In no case should you blame yourself for making someone feel unhappy. In addition, it is important to get rid of the idea that you have to offer each interlocutor a solution to the problem. Sometimes you just have to part with some people so that they can take responsibility for their own lives.

There are no accidents

If it seems to you that there is simply nothing to hurt you, because everything is equally important to you, and suddenly your opponent finds a way to do it, then be grateful to him. Because he groped for that value of you, to which you attach excessive importance. It helps you identify and recognize your own erroneous beliefs and irrational thoughts so that you can eliminate them. Each person has his own set of ideals and it is they who are worried about the "vampire", trying to cause irritation. In fact, he is your doctor, because he shows you what is too dear to you. Consider this and try to be grateful to this person. He is a kind of catalyst for moving forward. If not for him, perhaps you would have remained a hostage of routine, optional, difficult relationships or life situations. Being a kind of irritants, "vampires" force us to move forward, look for ways to solve the problem, go to a new level of awareness.

If a particular person with frightening frequency drives you to white heat, think about why this is happening? Analyzing your inner world and emotions that were a reaction to negativity, you can understand a lot about yourself.

A psychologist can provide very important help in this, for example, find a way out of a difficult situation that a person encounters at work and is unable to cope on his own, or help change the quality of his life, in the event that a person is seriously not satisfied with some moments in his relationship with the outside world. At the Maria Minakova Psychology and Training Center, the best specialists who have passed strict quality control of work are always glad to help you.

In any case, remember that the more positive you have inside, the more chances that the surrounding negativity will go unnoticed by you. Learn to enjoy every moment, every day. Learn to forgive. Get used to live in joy, harmony, love, and then no "vampires" will harm your health.

Case studies

  1. Irina came with complaints of poor sleep, as a result of which her working capacity was greatly reduced and problems began at work. It turned out that bad sleep is associated with the guilt that Irina felt in relation to her elderly mother. The last few months, after the death of her father, Irina's mother constantly complained about her loneliness and depression associated with it. Irina organized various activities and events for her mother, at which there was an opportunity to make new acquaintances with people of her age, but if she attended them, then she behaved very passively there. Dating did not start, and my mother continued to complain about her lonely lot. Irina felt a strong guilt before her mother for not giving her enough time and attention, for not inviting her mother to live with her, or for not filling her loneliness in some other way.

In this situation, Irina's mother was an unconscious "psychological vampire", her subconscious goal was to make her daughter feel guilty. After the therapy, Irina realized that her mother herself was responsible for her experiences and stopped feeling guilty for her mother's feelings. As a result, Irina began to sleep well and her working relationship improved, and her mother, having ceased to receive the desired emotional reaction from her daughter, switched her attention and made new acquaintances in her own entrance. At the same time, communication between Irina and her mother began to bring joy to both.

  1. Konstantin had a difficult relationship with the new head of the department, to whose sharp remarks Konstantin reacted very aggressively, as a result of which he could not concentrate on his current affairs for a long time. In working with a psychologist, Konstantin realized his inner attitudes that made him react so violently in a conversation with a leader. Having made the decision to change these attitudes to more constructive ones, Konstantin, together with a psychologist, worked out a new line of behavior for himself with the head of the department. After two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to provoke aggression from Constantine, the leader completely stopped carping with him.
  2. Lyudmila wanted to improve her relationship with her husband, which worsened after the birth of their son. In the process of working with a psychotherapist, it turned out that the reason for the deterioration in relations was Lyudmila's strong irritation at the constant remarks of her mother-in-law about raising a child. In addition, the mother-in-law often tried to take on some of the responsibilities of caring for the baby. All this caused a violent emotional reaction of Lyudmila, which was the subconscious goal of her mother-in-law. There were resentments against the husband who stayed away from the conflicts, which worsened the relationship of the spouses day after day. As a result of the psychotherapy, Lyudmila's negative emotional reactions (irritation and anger) were worked out, which completely changed her attitude towards the behavior of her husband's mother. The reasons for grievances against the spouse disappeared. After five weeks, the mother-in-law's intervention had subsided, and the relationship with her husband had improved significantly.

As you can see, life situations can be completely different, but everyone has something in common. This is an opportunity, independently or with the help of a psychologist, to find a favorable way out of any impasse and, taking from the experience gained all that is most valuable for your personal growth, happily live on.

Protection from energy vampires is necessary if you suspect that some people from your environment are literally "sucking" energy out of you. How to determine that your interlocutor is an energy vampire and protect yourself from him? Let's consider in detail.

Signs of an energy vampire

Energy vampires are dangerous in that after interacting with them, you may feel emotionally tired. You are deprived of energy, you feel bad, you see the world in black colors. You can protect yourself from this kind of influence, but first you need to determine whether the energy vampire is really in front of you.

Here are the signs:

  • Does not perceive or rejoice at the success of people, but envies them and wishes for failure
  • In a company, he often offensively ridicules someone, especially if the subject of ridicule is stronger and more successful than him
  • Loves to criticize other people, but takes criticism in his address inadequately
  • In any, even the brightest and most joyful situation, he will find something bad
  • Constantly complains about life, but does not notice good moments. Loves to dump a bunch of problems on others
  • Looks for those who are to blame for their own problems around - blames friends, the state, bosses or relatives
  • Not able to perceive anything new, clings to the past and does not let go

Energy vampires are very toxic people who pose a real danger. They are able to make you doubt the positive outcome of the case, criticize in such a way that a person will lose heart, they spoil the mood and introduce into the mindset "how bad everything is."

The best way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to refuse to communicate with him. But it is not always possible to do this: often parents or other close relatives, bosses and other people who are unrealistic to be taken out of the environment are "vampires".

Therefore, it is important to know the methods of protection - we will consider them further.

What kind of people are not afraid of the energy vampire?

Signs of an energetically stable person whom "vampirism" is unable to harm:

  1. He is always full of strength and energy. This is a person who never sits still, is constantly busy with something. He has a lot of hobbies, affairs, hobbies, a varied and eventful life. This is a generator of ideas, creative or for business, "lively"
  2. He has a positive mindset. He is able to find something good in any seemingly most negative and unpleasant situation. Grateful to Fate and the Universe for what he has, never complains about life. He does not think about problems, but seeks solutions. Perceives troubles as an experience useful for further development
  3. He does not have negative blockages of the type: “only thieves and scammers earn a lot”, “it is impossible to marry a child after thirty”, “all people are bad and think only of themselves”. On the contrary, he knows for sure - life is beautiful and everyone is free to live as he wants, you just need to look for the right paths and set the right goals

If you are just such a person, you do not need to be afraid of energy vampirism. Unless in rare moments of emotional instability and vulnerability - they happen to everyone, even the most cheerful optimists.

Best Ways to Defend Against the Energy Vampire

How to counter an energy vampire? It is not difficult and you will definitely succeed. If you feel that you are in dialogue with an unpleasant person, because of whom you are losing energy, use the following techniques:

  1. "Closed pose". A person who feels uncomfortable begins to unconsciously defend himself: crosses his arms over his chest or crosses his legs. This is not surprising - in this case, the subconscious mind feels the energy vampire and acts reflexively. If you don't want to sit in a closed position, at least cross your fingers
  2. "Water column". When communicating with an energy vampire, mentally imagine that there is a thick and powerful wall of water between you. This technique is ideal for those cases when you feel a sudden breakdown, deterioration in well-being. Water column will prevent energy leakage
  3. "Waterfall". This technique can be used after a hard day communicating with an energy vampire. When you feel that you are very emotionally drained and tired of contact with people. Get in the shower and imagine that you are standing under the purest mountain waterfall. Water gurgles, flows from head to feet, washes away all fatigue and accumulated negative energy. If the imagination is well developed, you can imagine a waterfall and mentally, without getting under the shower
  4. "Cocoon". This technique is best used in anticipation of meeting a potential energy vampire or simply an unpleasant person. Imagine that your body is surrounded by a dense cocoon of fine golden threads. You are calm, you feel comfortable, you do not feel any irritation or any other negative emotions

Watch a video about methods of protection against energy vampires:

The above techniques require at least a little concentration, but not everyone is able to concentrate at the right time. Therefore, if you cannot apply any of them, just mentally draw a circle around you and imagine that no one can step over it, not a single nuisance will penetrate the border.

And remember: never share with a vampire plans, ideas, thoughts, events that occur in life. Do not feel sorry for him and do not help even in small things. Do not listen to complaints and whining - either leave, or get off with the phrase: "I believe you can handle everything." And do not try to remake an energetically toxic person into a normal one - you risk getting out of this venture with great losses.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

If the energy is at zero? Every day, communication with such people sucks out the remnants of vitality, the body dries up and begins to hurt. How to regain a good state of mind and become invulnerable? How to protect yourself from vampires - find out in this article.

The boss is often accused of energy vampirism.

Here I am sitting at a planning meeting, at the end of the first hour my head starts to buzz, fatigue and yawns roll over me.

The boss, a man of 45 years old, tells me harshly in front of everyone about the need to hand over the work on time, the one that I owe. They use humiliating words, references to my psychological immaturity, objectively, real humiliation occurs. Shame rolls over in waves, legs give way. Coming home, I fall on the sofa and lie for an hour without moving. Thoughts run chaotically, I don't want to do anything, there is no joy.

And, as his rude behavior continues for weeks and months, the thought comes to mind that it seems my boss is an energy vampire. It's not for nothing that I feel worse after communicating with him, and I think how to protect myself. I have already bought the amulet, I keep it in my fist at the planning meeting.

And here's another colleague, a 50-year-old woman, divorced. She doesn't like everything, everything in this country, state. Once again, with obscenities, she says that she would have left the country long ago if she could. “How do you all live here, what are you happy about, you just don’t know life, you will get more from fate”... In my head, the words: "Here's a crack!", and now I already feel something bad, my face somehow turns red, tinnitus, internal resistance to do something. She seemed to have infected me with her pessimism. Yes, she's definitely an energy vampire, I think.

I bring a photo of my boss and a colleague to a mystically minded grandmother, she groans: "Terrible people, they drank all the energy from you, how do you still walk?"... In 3 sessions she removes the influence of these terrible people from me. But only the relief is getting shorter, and the trip to the grandmother is required more and more often. And, if not for the training, I would still go. I spent 2 years on these trips, and I could have spent my whole life.

Who am I? Why is it so easy to bring me out of a calm state, why did I see energy vampires everywhere at work and how to protect myself from them?

With the help of the knowledge gained at the training "System-Vector Psychology", we will figure out who can become a victim of the so-called energy vampire, whom we call vampires at work, whether it is possible to protect ourselves from energy vampires and how to improve our well-being.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, in the vector composition of a person who sincerely believes in energy vampires, in bioenergetic influences with bad goals, in the evil eye, in the real impact of bad thoughts, there is a visual vector. It is he who is prone to "the influence of vampires" - the most sensitive, emotional, delicate person who wants to protect himself from the whole cruel world.

A little something - immediately in tears, everything takes to heart.

Often he is haunted by fears and anxieties. The spectators are wonderful, kind, reliable people. They are sensitive, empathetic, compassionate. A person who is lucky to be born with a visual vector, and there are only about 5% of them on the planet, must realize himself in some kind of profession that allows him to show sincere emotions.

This is acting, and performing on stage, and singing, medicine, teaching, volunteering, work in charitable foundations. There, empathizing and showing our best emotions, we leave no room for fears. The main task of the visual vector is to create emotional connections. With people. Close and acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Sincere, warm connections. If they are not there or a break has occurred, this can also be reflected by fears of a mystical nature.

A realized happy spectator is so filled with sensuality and positive emotions that no filth "sticks" to him, even the most unsightly person does not cause fear in him.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work, often a boss

And what are they - the boss and the colleague? They are good too, why are they like that?

For such a painful manifestation for others, the presence of an anal vector in poor conditions is responsible. People with this vector, with good realization in the family and at work, are intelligent, conservative, self-possessed, scrupulous.

They have a great sexual desire, which also requires its realization. If such a person has grievances, plus not everything is smooth in the personal, then he does not just break down on others, but sadists and mocks.

And if his boss demands results, and his subordinates do not obey, evade work? Then a person with an anal vector begins to behave humiliatingly, rudely, criticizes, distributes "verbal slaps".

When you see that he lives such a person, you understand that he is tormented and forced to behave this way, then it is simply impossible to succumb to the influence. The mechanism for the development of such behavior is discussed in more detail during the training.

Of course, after communicating with such a verbal sadist, it becomes bad. But not only because he is an energy vampire, but because he is an unhappy person with unfulfilled desires, who is trying to improve his condition at least a little with his aggression.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire once and for all

We have not burned witches for a long time, we know that the earth is round, we fly into space, thanks to the Internet without wires, we communicate with people from another hemisphere. And the Middle Ages lives in our heads to this day.

Still would! How you want to relieve yourself of responsibility for all your troubles in life, wrong decisions, wrongly built relationships. All! Vampires and evil people are to blame for everything, I suffer from them. It's not my fault, I'm in the house.

I will walk on energetically advanced grandmas and remove corruption from a vampire, I will buy amulets to get rid of his influence. I will keep a fig in my pocket, read conspiracies, fight, fight, fight with something outside. This can take my whole life, and I will never admit my responsibility for everything that happens in life.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan returns to us our responsibility for our own life. Communication with "difficult" people is smoothed out, and the strength appears to act, to do real things to improve their own lives, instead of fighting the mythical influence of energy vampires.

Step by step, we reveal the characteristics of various people, we see why they act this way and not otherwise.

And this surprisingly helps not to react emotionally, not to fall into bad states after communication. We no longer need to think about how to protect ourselves from energy vampires at work. It becomes much easier to work.

You can find out the results of people who have improved their relationships with others below.

“… It somehow happened that I acquired the ability to be happy for other people, to share their happiness, to feel it as my own. Earlier, if they shared with me information about success in life, promotion at work, if a person flew on the wings of love, etc., I experienced outbursts of painful envy or resentment: why is this all to them? why isn't it with me? And she didn’t want to be happy. And why? She twisted her mouth in a smile and said deceitfully: "Congratulations!"

But recently I noticed one thing: no more negative feelings, no envy, resentment, or longing. I feel the joy, the luck of the other person as my own. I understand what is the value of what happened to him, why he is so happy to get exactly what he wants - and after understanding comes a feeling of separation of happiness, joy for him, as for a close relative, as for a loved one ... "

    Energy vampires are divided into:/\u003e Solar, Lunar, Solar-lunar.

    Solar vampires:

    He is a cruel and supremely selfish energy bandit. They themselves provoke scandals and quarrels, causing mental and physical pain. The solar vampire acts insolently, causing an explosion of our indignation, insulting to the face. He is driven by envy, anger and hatred. If we do not react to solar vampires, then they are able to hit us, just to get a portion of waste energy. You can identify a solar vampire by the lines on the palms of his hands. They are dark red or purple instead of solid red. In Russia, bloodletting was used to alleviate the disease, in which heavy blood prevailed, since the blood of vampires was slagged. However, the most effective treatment was the use of medicinal leeches.


    1. In the transport, a young man - a vampire pushed the old woman away and sat down on the vacant seat. The people begin to be indignant, to shame him, but he sits and smiles insolently. And now everyone is almost shouting at him, calling him names, and he sits and smiles. They were involved in the scenario conceived by the vampire and fed him with their waste energy, because during the stormy emotions they discovered, and some even broke their biofields and gave them the opportunity to flow energy to the vampire. The more intense our reaction to irritation, the faster and better we fed the vampire, and that's all he needs. Then he leaves, everyone sighs with relief, but they feel bad, they can barely stand on their feet - they have such a strong weakness. 2. Teacher - a vampire enters the class and after hello begins to insult the students, calling them lazy, idlers, ignorant and threatening to instruct the whole class of deuces. The students begin to tremble with fear and. losing their energy, they feed the vampire teacher, who by the end of the lesson becomes even cheerful and affectionate. He ate and he feels good.
    2. A jealous husband is a vampire. Moreover, jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but a cunning technique to keep your victim in constant energy (mental) tension and breakdown. The vampire does not see or hear the object of his love, and by making scandals, he eats energy. Family vampires live long, not giving life to their household. They outlive their donors, and we wonder why good people die before bad ones.
    3. The boss-vampire needs slovens like bread, he will keep them near him constantly, keep those who can be offended and insulted daily with impunity. When the boss is a vampire, on this basis, sycophants and saints appear around him. These are weak people, and by this they protect themselves from energy shocks.
    4. Another hidden technique of vampirism that vampires use, they require proof. You will never convince them of anything, they will still remain unconvinced. And how many nerves you spoil at the same time; and how devastated you come out of these conversations! Here the conflict is important for the vampire, it provokes us into an energy clash. We rush in front of him, and he is filled with contentment. The vampire loves only himself, he does not know how to love others and enjoy life.

    Moon Vampires:

    The energy of the lunar vampire people is the opposite of the sun, it is cold and wet. Lunar energy has a strong magnetic quality. These are people who quietly, softly and calmly pull the soul out of us. The Moon Vampire is an energy thief, quiet and secretive. He always cries about his problems, pretends to be deaf and incomprehensible. It's boring. He does not swear, does not quarrel, does not prove, he whines and thus takes us out of mental equilibrium. A person is built in such a way that if he is not attacked or destroyed, then there seems to be no reason to alienate the one who is supposedly looking for advice and help. Such a person always has the same problems and, no matter how much you say or advise, the problems do not change, and this is already beginning to annoy. From contact with him, strength is lost, vitality decreases, you begin to yawn, your throat is squeezed and sore. Moon vampires value friendship with you, because they managed to find a key for you and learned to gently open the floodgates of your energy channels.


    1. Prelude to the energy meal of a home vampire: "No one loves me and does not pity me. I try for you, and you just spoil everything. You can't even help me, but I'm so tired, etc." And after some time: "Well, what are you some kind of boiled? I told you that you can’t do anything. But I spoke out and it’s easier for me. Let's go somewhere."
    2. A vampire neighbor came to visit and began to talk about her alcoholic husband, drug addict son, ailing mother, etc. You listen, advise something, then begin to almost fall asleep under her monotonous voice, and she says: "Well, I ran, I still have a lot of things to do." And the neighbor runs away, and you wander to the sofa and fall asleep. A characteristic detail: vampires never invite you to visit, but strive to come to you, drink tea, but they themselves never treat you to tea. At a vampire's visit, you will feel at ease, and you will leave him with a sore head, weakness in the body, with a sense of wasted time.
    3. Technological progress has given rise to another sophisticated type of vampirism - telephone. A telephone vampire, calling, does not share with you joy, but splashes out on you the next or the same problems.

    Lunar solar vampires

    They are characterized by duplicity: at work they are alone, and at home they are completely different.


    1. In the family, even moon vampires are always aggressive and every day they give the whole family or someone one of its members an energy shake. Outside the house, they are quieter than water and below the grass, ingratiating, lisping.
    2. With a family, solar vampires often complain about misunderstandings at work, about their boss or stupid subordinates. Voluntary donation When someone in the family falls ill, we unconsciously, caring for our loved ones, give them some of our energy and help them recover. When someone in the family is very tired, then by communicating we help restore the balance of energy. From a person with a high level of energy, vital forces will automatically flow to a weakened one (with a low level of energy). People exchange energy with each other without even touching each other. Don't be afraid to give your energy to good people. The more often you empty your "reservoirs" for them, the more fresh and healing energy you will receive from nature. For those who "loved their neighbor as themselves," energetic vampirism does not exist! Give, you will receive more - this is the Cosmic Law.

    Child vampirism

    Children's vampirism is usually accompanied by begging for expensive purchases, tantrums and blackmail. What to do? Let's try to understand the reasons for this behavior of the child. What makes a child take energy from adults? Disease? Physical exhaustion? It looks like no. The child is "healthy, developed". Little care? Also not: "They stretch out with their last strength so that she has everything ..." And yet the child lacks something. What? Why immediately after birth did a "cheerful, cheerful" woman become irritable? The child interferes with her previous way of life. Now she has to give all her strength, time, attention to this little man. Secretly, deep down, she hates her child for it. She does everything that is supposed to be: feeds on time, changes diapers, but ... the child is dissatisfied, he is capricious and "everything demands something." What? He demands love! The mother, on the other hand, pays off with handouts: "Ha, just don't bother ..." This is where the real reason for children's vampirism is: the mother has deprived her child of the most powerful and most necessary energy for him - the energy of love. If the mother manages to change her attitude, the child will cease to be a little vampire. "Start with yourself ..." If the mother does not change, then the child, having exhausted the mother, begins to look for new victims - this is how "hysterical" children appear in kindergartens, "hooligans" at school, and then "tyrants" in the family and at work.

    Protection from the energy vampire.

    1.When a vampire's energy attack:

    1. So, you recognized the energy vampire, how to behave in this case, how to protect yourself from him? First you need to interrupt the process of transferring energy from your aura to someone else's. To do this, you cannot look into the eyes of a vampire, and you need to close your energy field by folding your palms together for this.
    2. Silence is known to be a good energy defense. Silence gives a person wisdom, but on one condition: there should be no internal dialogue - reproaches, insults. The only wise dialogue will be your appeal to God: "Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing." This sincere prayer with pity for a person can stop him, and save you from suffering. Only calmness, only a person's soul filled with joy can resist psychic attacks. "Love your neighbor as yourself."
    3. Counteraction with coldness. It so happens that the energy vampire does not leave you alone, constantly complains about his fate, problems and illnesses, but at the same time does absolutely nothing to correct the situation. It may turn out that this is your close relative. Then you can counteract it with coldness. It is necessary to treat people with sick radiation coldly, not cruelly or indifferently, but coldly. Of course, after such a change in your relationship with the energy vampire, their deterioration or rupture is inevitable. However, believe me - this is the best solution for both of you. You will be protected, and the vampire will be forced to learn how to obtain energy in a normal way, in the worst case, switch to other donors.
    4. To counteract vampires, you can ask for help from God, a Guardian Angel, or use a conspiracy that you can say to yourself upon contact with a vampire: to meet them twelve fever sisters, sucking blood, cursed. Where are you going, sinful, cursed? star, I complain to you, servant of God (name), about twelve maidens. Herod's daughters! Repeat the spell three times, imperceptibly spitting to the left after each time, with the verdict: Where I spit, sinful bloodsuckers do not go there! "
    5. Special talismans and amulets help to fight energy vampires very well. 6. Counteraction with an energy shield. This method is found among some adepts of occult teachings. It consists in the fact that a person, confident in the influence of an energy vampire on him, must mentally surround himself with a thin energy shield or screen, as if woven from an unusually strong luminous matter. This is usually a golden sphere or shield. The brighter your imagination, the calmer and more confident you are at the moment of the attack, the more effective the result will be. Do not forget to destroy the screen later, as its constant presence will disrupt your natural energy exchange with the environment.

    2.After contact:

    1. After contact with an energy vampire or after being in crowded places, it is necessary to take a shower, preferably a contrasting one, since the water takes everything away.
    2. Hot tea or drinking hot water in an amount of 200-300 ml, which is an excellent means of cleansing the body and contributing to an increase in energy strength in it. It is a glass of boiling water, which is drunk in slow sips on an empty stomach, relieves headaches, reduces fever and improves appetite.
      • a) Herbal tea to neutralize solar vampirism should include: berry, hawthorn, peony, licorice, yellowish sophora, nutmeg, astregal, lingonberry, lily of the valley, eucalyptus.
      • b) Herbal tea for neutralizing and treating lunar vampirism should include: elecampane, thyme, tansy, wormwood, celandine, bearberry, gloucester, strawberries, white mistletoe, mint, wild rosemary.
      • c) Tea from medicinal plants for neutralizing and treating solar and lunar vampirism at the same time: yarrow, rhubarb, calamus, dye march, plantain, horsetail, marigold, burdock, blueberry.
    3. Stop talking and getting annoyed with vampires, do not hold grudges against them. As long as you remember your offender, keep anger and resentment at him, while you wash his bones, you will be shaken, and your energy and strength will continue to go to the offender.
    4. If energy was stolen from you after all? As well as the sucked blood, it urgently needs to be restored, because blood and energy are the two dominant life principles of a person. To do this, you need to take the so-called "coachman pose": you sit comfortably in a chair, put your hands on your knees, palms up (this is how you open your energy channels) and, completely relaxed, closing your eyes, turn mentally to the Cosmos, asking for new vitality from there. The session lasts fifteen minutes, during which you feel how prana fills you.
    5. Energy storage method. To do this, you need to choose a donor tree, such as birch, oak or pine. Walk around the tree nine times counterclockwise with the words: "I ask you tree (name) give me strength, heal my wounds." Then you need to hug the tree and imagine that it fills you with energy.

    3. After contact with a lucid vampire.

    1. If the vampire is not very strong and stuck not so long ago, it is quite easy to get rid of him using such a simple technique as temporarily stopping the updraft. To do this, as you already know, you just need to hold your breath while inhaling. The suction cup will disappear by itself.
    2. With a not too deeply rooted suction cup, if it has been installed recently, it is also enough to focus on feeling the boundaries of your etheric body and trace their integrity and inviolability. By focusing on your etheric body and carefully examining its boundaries, you will surely feel where they are violated, where exactly the outflow of energy occurs (as you already know, vampires connect to the lower chakras - Manipura or Svadhisthana). Feeling the place of outflow, you can direct additional energy there until the feeling of the restored integrity of the boundaries of the etheric body becomes clear and distinct.
    3. If the previous two methods did not help, then you got a vampire strong enough and he managed to take root very deeply. It will be better if you are left alone in a quiet room, relax, banish extraneous thoughts. After that, you have to cut off, cut off or in some other way cut off the suction cup from yourself. Concentrate on the sensation of your etheric body, examine its boundaries, feel the place of the suction cup, along which your energy flows out. Now feel this sucker in the form of a completely material bundle, rope, rope - as your intuition tells you. Further, again in accordance with your own intuition, act as you would in reality if you had to cut this rope. You can use whatever tool you like - take, for example, a sword, saw or ax and cut off the suction cup. If it turned out to be beyond the power of either a sword or an ax, well, use a laser beam, a flamethrower, or a rocket launcher. In general, any weapon that you can clearly and clearly feel can be used - it will be modeled by your etheric body. Cut off, chop off, cut off the suction cup until you have a clear sense of its detachment and restoration of the normal border of your etheric body. But keep in mind the following: cutting off the suction cup is not all. Because even after cutting it off, it will still reach out to you in space, striving to suck back. To prevent the vampire from reattaching, you can close the severed tourniquet with the vampire's Manipura chakra, forming such a kind of loop. If for some reason you cannot do this, you can plunge the cut off suction cup deep into the ground - as deep as you can reach it (naturally, in your imagination, you don't need to dig a real hole). After that, the vampire will hardly want to reach out to you with its tentacles again.
    4. If you manage to recognize a vampire at the moment when he just installs a suction cup (for example, you are talking with some person, and suddenly you feel tired out of nowhere), the easiest way for self-defense is to do this: immediately create a powerful energy flow from your Ajna chakra, like a searchlight beam, and with this beam connect the etheric body of the vampire with the etheric body of any nearby object. A tree, an animal, and even a casual passer-by are suitable for this purpose. You will not harm anyone with this: this connection will collapse almost immediately, but during this time you will have time to get out of the influence of the vampire. And yet, this method must be used very carefully: it can be used only if you are sure that you are a vampire consciously, that the person perfectly understands what he is doing, because he is used to receiving nourishment at the expense of others. Otherwise, you will go beyond the necessary defense. If a person connects to you by chance, simply because he is energetically depleted at the moment, then his vampirism is unconscious. And for such a person, your searchlight beam can be dangerous, since in this case you are doing nothing more than directing the evil eye. Again, I want to remind you that by doing this you can harm yourself, spoiling your karma with such an unseemly act. Someone might get the impression that vampires have a better life than ordinary people - of course! - "freebie", on everything ready-made ... Dangerous delusion! Do not envy, and even more so do not take their path. Information about the illnesses of these people is also absorbed with someone else's energy. Over time, you will acquire such a "bouquet" of sores that neither medicine nor the best healers will help. And secondly, the body will soon forget how to feed itself from nature. Chronic exhaustion and rapid aging are guaranteed ...

    How to stop being an energy vampire:

  • Honestly admit to yourself that you have become an energy vampire and want to change.
  • The institution that is fighting against energy vampirism is the Christian Church. The commandments of Christ teach the weak who need the support of people to draw the necessary energy not from their neighbor, but from prayers and spiritual communication with the Creator.
  • Engage in energetic cleansing, chakra opening and spiritual practices.
  • Communicate more with nature.