Ninth month of pregnancy, fetal development and mother's sensations. Joyful meeting soon! Feelings and well-being of a woman in the ninth month of pregnancy

Determining the true duration of pregnancy is difficult due to the fact that it is difficult to establish the exact duration of fertilization. However, in most cases, pregnancy lasts 280 days, or 40 weeks, if calculated from the beginning of the first day of the last menstrual period; fluctuations from 38 to 42 weeks are considered normal.

The most common way to calculate due date is “by menstruation”. To determine the date of birth, 280 days are added to the first day of the last menstruation, i.e. 10 obstetric or 9 calendar months. Usually, the calculation of the term is made easier: from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, 3 calendar months are counted back and 7 days are added. For example, if the last menstruation began on October 2, then, counting back 3 months and adding 7 days, determine the expected date of birth - July 9; if the last menstruation began on May 20, then the expected due date is February 27, etc. But this method will be unreliable if the woman has an irregular menstrual cycle or does not remember the date of the last menstrual period.

When determining the term of labor, the time of the first is also taken into account: in primiparous women this occurs on average at 20 weeks, and in multiparous women - at 18 weeks. However, it should be remembered that this feature is very subjective and has only an auxiliary meaning.

In modern conditions, the date of birth is determined quite accurately, focusing on the data of an ultrasound scan carried out before the 12th week of pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy, the likelihood of an error in determining the date of birth using an ultrasound scan increases, since the size of the fetus, which the doctor is guided by in his calculations, at the end of pregnancy has large individual fluctuations.

How you feel at 9 months pregnant

You can find out about full-term pregnancy and impending birth by several signs that appear 1-2 weeks before childbirth - the so-called precursors of childbirth.

By 40 weeks of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus drops to the level at which it was at 32 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. Lowering of the fundus of the uterus can be determined by the following signs: it became much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, heartburn has decreased or disappeared. However, due to the low location of the head, periodic pain in the lower abdomen may occur, and the frequency of urination increases.

By the end of pregnancy, the uterus becomes excitable, its periodic irregular contractions - weak contractions, usually accompanied by pain and discomfort, become more noticeable. Thus, the body of the pregnant woman is gradually preparing for the upcoming birth. Even a doctor cannot always say for sure whether this is the onset of labor or preparatory (preliminary) contractions occur. If the state of increased irregular excitability of the uterus lasts 1-2 days, accompanied by discomfort and sleep disturbance, then it is better to contact the maternity hospital, since a too long (pathological) preliminary period can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the fetus and requires treatment.

A few days before childbirth (or on the day of childbirth), light mucous discharge may appear from the genital tract, sometimes with small streaks of blood - the mucous plug "leaves". This is a favorable sign of "maturation" and softening of the cervix, i. E. her readiness for childbirth. In your ninth month of pregnancy, you see your doctor every week to regularly monitor your weight gain, blood pressure, and urinalysis. This is necessary for the timely diagnosis of late gestosis, which usually develops towards the end of pregnancy.

By the ninth month of pregnancy, you have already chosen a maternity hospital and a doctor who will lead your childbirth (as a rule, with a paid service, the doctor leading the delivery monitors the patient from 36 weeks of pregnancy). In any case, you must have collected documents for the maternity hospital:

  1. with the data of all analyzes and ultrasound examination in the III trimester;
  2. passport;
  3. insurance policy.

Be sure to carry these documents with you, because in the absence of medical documents, childbirth should be carried out in the II obstetric (observational) department or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

The ninth month of intrauterine life

By 40 weeks of pregnancy, all signs of prematurity disappear in the fetus and there are all indicators inherent in a mature fetus. However, sometimes a full-term fetus may show some symptoms of immaturity, i.e. the concepts of "maturity" and "maturity" are not identical.

Maturity is characterized by the following features:

  • body weight is 2600-5000 g, length (height) - 48-54 cm;
  • the chest is convex, the umbilical ring is located in the middle between the pubis and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • the skin is pale pink, the subcutaneous tissue is sufficiently developed, there are only remnants of a grease-like lubricant on the skin, vellus hair is almost absent, the length of the hair on the head reaches 2 cm, the nails on the legs and hands reach the tips of the fingers;
  • the cartilage of the auricles and nose is elastic;
  • in boys, the testicles are descended into the scrotum, in girls, the labia minora are covered with large ones.

Possible deposits at 9 months of pregnancy

A healthy woman with a favorable pregnancy can be at home before labor begins. If there are deviations in her state of health, the pregnancy proceeded with complications, or signs of fetal suffering were established, then the last 1-2 weeks (and sometimes more) should be in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists.

In the last month of pregnancy, the likelihood of developing such a complication as late gestosis increases, especially in high-risk pregnant women. Late gestosis is usually represented by a triad of symptoms: edema (of varying severity), hypertension (increased blood pressure) and proteinuria (protein in the urine). But you should not panic if you notice slight swelling of the legs or the doctor at the next visit to the antenatal clinic noted an excessive weight gain, because by the end of pregnancy, slight swelling of the legs and hands appears in 50-70% of pregnant women. This edema usually resolves with diet, fluid and salt restrictions.

You may be offered prenatal hospitalization and in case of abnormal fetal positions and presentations, in particular with breech presentation, for choosing a method of delivery after a thorough examination and assessment of all factors.

Usually, patients are hospitalized in advance with a burdened obstetric and gynecological history (infertility, miscarriage, complicated course of previous childbirth, etc.), over 30 years of age, scar on the uterus, narrow pelvis, large fetus, multiple pregnancy, low localization (location) of the placenta, extragenital diseases (diseases of internal organs).

With a full-term pregnancy, situations are possible that require special attention and emergency assistance. Call an ambulance immediately and go to the maternity hospital in the following cases:

  • bleeding appeared from the genital tract, smearing or more abundant;
  • the uterus is in good shape, does not relax, the contractions are strong, painful;
  • water leaks, light, yellow-green or stained with blood;
  • fetal movements became very weak;
  • you are worried about a headache, increased blood pressure, a sharp decrease in the amount of urine, severe swelling appeared.

So, your pregnancy is ending, and you have not yet had time to learn how the harbingers of childbirth differ from real contractions? One thing can be said: when labor really begins, you will not confuse them with anything; your pregnancy will end in a matter of hours - the condition is not always easy, but very joyful. After all, you gave life to a new person!

The last month of the third trimester, the final month of pregnancy, is all about him, about the final stage of a long journey of 9 months long. Now the woman has a hard time - she is overcome by doubts about whether the birth will go well, it seems that not everything is ready for the appearance of a new family member, and the impressive size of the belly significantly limits activity. Now you need to take care of your well-being with doubled activity, sleep more, walk, rest, getting ready for childbirth.

This date depends on the period of fertilization of the egg, but since it is not possible to establish it precisely, the gestation period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. With this method, pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks, or 280 days. Deviations in the 38-42 week range are considered normal options.

There are two ways to calculate your due date by your period:

    Add 280 days, or 10 obstetric, or 9 calendar months to the first day of menstruation;

With an irregular cycle, this technique does not work, moreover, a woman may not remember the date of the last menstruation. Another method of determining the due date is orientation to the time of the first fetal movement. During the first pregnancy, the onset of perturbations is 20 weeks, during the second and subsequent - 18 weeks. This method is not entirely accurate, since a woman's sensations can be subjective, depending on her sensitivity and constitutional characteristics.

When using an ultrasound scanner, the exact date of birth is determined by examining the size of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks. At a later date, the parameters of the fetus may differ significantly from woman to woman.

Harbingers of childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy

During the ninth month, the uterus sinks lower, and its bottom is at the level of 32 weeks - in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process.

A woman will definitely feel it on the following grounds:

    Breathing has become easier;

    Heartburn has decreased or disappeared completely;

    It became easier to sit on the chair;

    Frequent urination;

    From time to time, pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

The last two signs are caused by the fact that the child's head is lower than more recently, it entered the pelvic area.

The excitability of the uterus at this time has increased markedly, it is increasingly weak and irregularly reduced. These preparatory (preliminary) contractions are accompanied by mild painful sensations, they prepare the uterus for the upcoming labor. Even a specialist will not be able to determine the fine line between these and real fights. Excitability of the uterus, lasting more than 1-2 days, requires treatment in a specialized department of the maternity hospital. A prolonged preliminary period is harmful to the fetus and can lead to a deterioration in its condition.

On the day of childbirth, or a few days before it, a mucous plug leaves the cervical canal of the cervix. This is a sign that the neck is softening, it is ripe for labor. "Cork" consists of light mucus, sometimes there are bloody streaks in it.

Another sign of approaching labor is a decrease in body weight by 1-2 kg a couple of weeks before the alleged event. This phenomenon can be explained by a change in the balance of hormones, a decrease in the amount of fluid in the body, and a decrease in appetite.

At this stage of pregnancy, almost all women have already decided on the maternity hospital in which their child will be born.

Now you should always have the following documents at hand:

    Exchange card of a pregnant woman with the data of the last ultrasound and fresh test results entered into it;

    Insurance policy;

Each time you leave the house, you need to take these documents with you, because in the event of the onset of labor, a pregnant woman who has not undergone a full examination will be placed in the observational department of the maternity hospital or in a specialized infectious maternity hospital.

Video about preparing for childbirth, about partner childbirth, about changes in a woman's body, lifestyle requirements:

In a fetus at 40 weeks of gestation, all the parameters inherent in a mature newborn are determined:

    Body length - from 48 to 54 cm;

    Body weight - from 2.6 kg to 5.0 kg;

    Convex chest;

    Elastic cartilage of the nose and ears;

    The tips of the nails reach the fingertips;

    The head has hair up to 2 cm long;

    The umbilical ring is located midway between the xiphoid process and the pubic bone;

    Boys' testicles descend into the scrotum;

    The labia minora in girls are covered with large lips;

    There are no vellus hair on the body;

    cheese-like lubricant is available only on certain parts of the body.

The child's digestive system is fully ripe, he has a developed sucking reflex, the lungs are already trained to perform breathing movements. His body is proportionally folded, the skin is pink, underneath there is an evenly spaced fatty tissue, which gives an infant roundness.

In the baby's intestines there is meconium - the original feces, consisting of transformed blood cells, skin and intestines, waste from processed amniotic fluid. Iron for hematopoiesis in the first year of life has accumulated in the liver of the fetus, the nervous system is also formed almost completely. The baby's heart is ready for independent autonomous work; immediately after childbirth, a hole in its central septum will close. This will be a signal for the beginning of air circulation through the lungs, including them in the blood circulation system.

The immune system of a baby preparing for birth is still far from perfect. While the child receives the antibodies he needs through the placenta from the mother's body. After birth, he will receive them from breast milk. That is why every effort should be made to maintain breastfeeding.

The ninth month of pregnancy is considered a difficult period, in particular due to the fact that often a woman has to experience a sensation of pain: in the lower back, in the lower abdomen, due to cramps in the legs, due to uterine contractions. Plus, she becomes distracted and forgetful. Immersion in one's own thoughts periodically changes to hyperactivity, aimed at preparing for the appearance of a child.

Although the uterus has already sunk into the pelvic area, it has not stopped pressing on the abdominal organs. Hence it follows bloating, a tendency to, the risk of varicose veins ,. Vaginal discharge becomes thicker, after sexual intercourse and a gynecological examination, bloody streaks may appear in them.

The stomach can itch a lot, the risk of stretch marks on the surface of his skin, on his chest and thighs is still high. To prevent the appearance in problem areas, they are treated with special means.

Part of pregnant women at 9 months suffer from "vena cava syndrome". This vein runs behind the uterus and can be pinched by pressure on it. Then the woman feels dizzy due to lack of oxygen, she may faint. To prevent discomfort, you need to try to sleep not on your back, but on your side.

9 month doctor visit

A visit to the doctor at this stage of pregnancy is planned every week. Before visiting the antenatal clinic, you should take a urine test to determine sugar and protein in it.

After the obstetrician-gynecologist asks the woman's well-being, he assesses the following parameters:

    Blood pressure indicators;

    The presence of edema;

    Fetal heartbeat;

    The height of the standing of the fundus of the uterus;

    Presentation and size of the fetus.

Before giving birth, the doctor may be interested in the condition of the cervix, its maturity and readiness for labor. When the optimal term of labor is “crossed”, the cervix is ​​re-examined, and, in the absence of changes, the woman will be shown artificial stimulation.

At the beginning of the 9th month, a smear is examined for the purity of the vaginal flora, if necessary, the identified problems are treated.

Possible pregnancy problems

In the absence of health problems, a pregnant woman can stay at home until the very due date. Possible deviations are recommended to be treated in a hospital setting. A complication of pregnancy such as preeclampsia or late toxicosis is especially dangerous.

The main symptoms of gestosis:

    The appearance of protein in the urine;

    Severe edema.

Gestosis can be complicated by eclampsia, expressed by convulsions, loss of consciousness, cerebral edema. Eclamsia is dangerous because it can be fatal for a woman and a child. Do not be scared when minor edema appears, weight gain is a natural phenomenon for half of women at this stage of pregnancy. To eliminate small edema, it is enough to limit salt, excessive fluid intake, and follow a diet.

Breech presentation of the fetus can be a significant problem for hospitalization. In this case, specific methods of labor management are planned.

Indications for preliminary hospitalization at 9 months:

    History of complicated previous labor;

    Pregnancy with twins, triplets;

    Age over 40;

    Large fruit;

    A scar on the uterus after a previous cesarean section;

    Low placentation;

    History of miscarriage and infertility (pregnancy after IVF);

    Narrow pelvis;

    Pathology of the reproductive organs.

Even in the absence of indications for early hospitalization, you should immediately seek emergency help with the following symptoms:

    Weak fetal movements;

    Bloody vaginal discharge;

    The appearance of amniotic fluid is light green (may be mixed with blood);

    Severe painful contractions;

    The appearance of severe edema, a decrease in the amount of urine excreted;

    A jump in blood pressure,.

Bleeding can be a symptom of placental abruption. If it is severe, the woman is given an urgent caesarean section. Minor bleeding may go unnoticed and will not cause significant damage to the course of pregnancy.

Food at this stage of pregnancy should be light and nutritious.There is no place on the menu for fatty and fried foods, canned foods, dishes containing allergens. The main filling of the diet is lean meat, fish, cereals, salads seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, not mayonnaise.

The use of pickles, sweets, muffins, fatty foods is excluded. It is worth reconsidering your attitude towards foods containing calcium. If this element was vital at the stage of fetal formation, now its excess can lead to premature ossification and closure of the fontanelle in the baby, an increase in intracranial pressure. The daily rate is 150 g of cottage cheese or a couple of glasses of kefir. To improve digestion and prevent constipation, you can drink a glass of cool still water before meals.

Intimate relationship

The question of whether sexual relations between spouses at 9 months of pregnancy are allowed or not is still not clear. In women with a predisposition to terminate pregnancy, intimate contact can cause premature birth. If there is no danger in the form of a low location and the threat of placental abruption, pregnancy with twins and triplets, leakage of amniotic fluid, intimate relationships can be carried out with extreme caution.

It is believed that such contacts between spouses can stimulate the onset of labor during pregnancy that lasts longer than expected. The reason for this is the prostaglandins contained in male sperm. Once in the vagina, these substances help to soften the cervix and stimulate its contractions.

Education: Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development (2010). In 2013 completed postgraduate studies at N.N. N.I. Pirogova.

The last month of bearing a child is the most exciting in the life of a woman, and of the whole family. Childbirth can begin on any of the days, and there is nothing to worry about if it happens before the appointed date. Babies born at 37-40 weeks are considered full-term with mature organs capable of breathing independently and regulating body temperature. At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, it is better to complete all unfinished business: prepare a bag with accessories for the maternity hospital, prepare things for yourself and the baby for discharge, once again sort out and lay out the dowry for the crumbs, check the readiness of the baby room for the arrival of its future owner or mistress.

Ninth month of pregnancy

The child is absolutely ready for birth, the lungs have opened, the important internal organs are ripe and ready to start functioning: to digest and assimilate mother's milk.

In the last month of pregnancy, the baby is proportionally complex, his head no longer looks too big in comparison with the body. The original lubricant and the first hairline, otherwise called lanugo, virtually disappear from the baby's body before birth. However, there are cases that they remain in a newborn in an insignificant amount for some time.

After 34 weeks of pregnancy

Photo of a baby in the ninth month of pregnancy

After 34 weeks of pregnancy, the baby usually settles in the mother's tummy upside down, the so-called head presentation. He retains this position until childbirth, although the possibility is not excluded that he may turn over. The movements become stronger and more noticeable, but the child has less and less space for activity.

Reflex development

The active formation of the nervous system is coming to an end, and with it - the most important reflexes for a newborn child: sucking, grasping, protective, automatic walking. In the intestine, during intrauterine development, the original feces accumulated, which is also called meconium. It is usually dark, sometimes even black, and comes out in the first days after the birth of the baby. The liver is actively working in the ninth month. The organ diligently "stores" iron, which will be necessary for the body to maintain a normal level of blood clotting. This "precious supply" of the crumb will spend up to six months, and there it will already be able to receive an important trace element from food. The cardiovascular system is also ready to function in new conditions: it is able to provide oxygen to the baby's lungs.

Genital development

The child's genitals are fully formed. In some cases, boys may be born with undescended testicles in the scrotum. This will happen later. Immunity continues to form actively. The baby receives the necessary antibodies from the mother through the umbilical cord, and after birth - immunoglobulins from breast milk.

Height and weight

In the last month of pregnancy, the baby continues to actively grow and gain weight. The average values ​​of newborns born at 37-40 weeks are 2500-3500 g, and their height is 48-54 cm. Although full-term babies may be born with hypotrophy or hypertrophy, this may not affect their development in any way.

Well-being and feelings of a woman at the 9th month of pregnancy

Photo of the belly in the ninth month of pregnancy

For many pregnant women, the ninth month brings some relief. First of all, the expectant mother begins to realize that in a few more weeks, she will be able to pick up her long-awaited miracle. An improvement in well-being may be observed, due to the fact that the child, before childbirth, descends to the very bottom of the pelvis, and, therefore, stops pressing on the mother's lungs, and breathing becomes not so difficult. But more and more often painful sensations in the lower back and lower abdomen can begin to disturb.

Possible problems in the ninth month of pregnancy

At the 9th month of pregnancy, swelling of the limbs may appear.

Other problems associated with carrying a child may still be felt. Due to the increased size of the uterus, the internal organs are displaced, and hence the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, the occurrence of heartburn, excessive gas formation and constipation. The latter most of all cause inconvenience to pregnant women. Especially the bladder suffers, on which the child presses with its weight, as a result, the woman is forced to frequent the toilet. The situation with swelling of the extremities may worsen, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the diet and follow all the doctor's prescriptions.

Vaginal discharge changes its color and consistency somewhat. They become thicker, and sometimes you can see streaks of blood in them. However, such a discharge should not cause concern for a woman, since it is the norm for a given period of pregnancy.

Itchy skin

Many pregnant women in the last month complain of unbearable itching of the abdominal skin, this is due to its rapid stretching. Unfortunately, it is possible that stretch marks or stretch marks appear in the form of red stripes, which subsequently fade. To minimize their occurrence, it is necessary to daily smear the chest, abdomen and thighs with special creams that make the skin more elastic.

In the last weeks before childbirth, women are encouraged to rest more. However, you do not need to lie on your back. The fact is that in this position, the vena cava is compressed, and as a result, the heart rate increases, dizziness appears, and possibly fainting. In addition, when the pregnant woman lies on her back, the baby lacks oxygen, which is why it begins to actively move.

The ninth month of pregnancy is psychologically a difficult period for a woman.

More and more fatigue from their position is felt, and the problems associated with bearing a child are making themselves felt. At this time, expectant mothers are distinguished by an amazing ability to forget everything, but this will pass after childbirth. The main thing at this time is to be patient, to endure all the painful sensations, to emotionally tune in to a successful birth. However, on the eve of the baby's birth, some women get out of their apathetic state and begin to actively improve the nursery, go shopping and buy beautiful outfits for the child. They can do needlework: knit tiny booties or hats, sew blankets and other bedding, or embroider. In any case, this is a very useful activity that allows the expectant mother to temporarily escape from the anxious thoughts and anxiety associated with childbirth. In addition, this is a great opportunity to spend time in peace and quiet, enthusiastically doing what you love. After the birth of a child, such an opportunity will not appear soon.

Last weeks before labor starts

Perhaps the last weeks before childbirth will seem very long and overshadowed by unpleasant sensations. The body is preparing for a very important stage - the birth of a child. Periodically there is discomfort in the form of tingling in the side, sharp pain with careless movement. The appearance of cramps of the lower extremities during a night's sleep is possible. It can be caused by a lack of calcium or magnesium in the body. Increasingly, training fights are reminded of themselves, when the uterus seems to "turn to stone".

Harbingers of childbirth in the last days of pregnancy

Let us repeat that the baby may want to be born on any day, and it will not necessarily be the estimated date of birth, which was determined by the doctor. However, the soon-to-start labor, the so-called harbingers, will help to recognize. What should pregnant women pay attention to?

  • A sagging belly speaks of the imminent birth of a child. This can be noticed by ourselves, but that the baby's head is already in the small pelvis, this can only be confirmed by a gynecologist after examination.
  • If a woman gradually gained weight throughout her pregnancy, then a few days before the onset of childbirth, she may suddenly lose a couple of kilograms. This is explained by the beginning of the work of hormones, which are responsible for softening and dilating the cervix and a deterioration in appetite.
  • A sure sign of the imminent onset of labor is the passage of the cork. This is a mucous lump, maybe streaked with blood, which forms in the first trimester and "clogs" the cervical canal, thereby protecting from getting inside various infections. As the neck opens, the cork begins to move away. It should be remembered that childbirth after the plug comes out can begin both in a few hours and in a few days.

If a pregnant woman is expecting the beginning of labor at home, which is more often the case, then you can put things in order, put things that will be needed in the hospital. Please note that on the website of each hospital or on the information stand there is necessarily a list of things that a mother and child will need. You can continue your daily walks in the fresh air or go shopping, but do not forget to have your passport, medical certificate and exchange card with you, as the waters can move at any time and in any place.

Ninth month of pregnancy: nutrition

Nutrition in the ninth month of pregnancy

The dietary guidelines and rules remain the same as for the previous months of pregnancy. A complete rejection of harmful products, only healthy and healthy food should be present in the daily menu. Listen to the demands of your body more often. For example, if you want a banana, it means there is not enough magnesium, and if you want cheese, then there is a lack of calcium. If during eight months of carrying a child a woman neglected proper nutrition, then at the ninth one still needs to revise her menu. Because what is eaten can affect the course of labor, as well as the health of the baby.

What dietary rules in the last month of pregnancy must be followed?

  • Complete rejection of foods that can cause allergies in the baby after birth. This applies to citrus fruits, red vegetables and fruits, as well as eggs. It should be said "no" to foods that contain preservatives, as well as unpasteurized dairy products, various homemade products that can be a source of E. coli.
  • If, from the second trimester, doctors strongly recommended that pregnant patients eat more dairy products, since the child needs calcium for the formation of the bone skeleton, then in the ninth month the daily intake of milk, cottage cheese, etc. should be reduced.

The fact is that a large amount of calcium can contribute to the rapid overgrowth of the fontanelle. Normally, in children, this happens by the age of two, but due to an excess of calcium, the fontanelle can completely close at six months, which entails certain neurological problems.

In the last four weeks of pregnancy, it will be enough to include one glass of kefir or natural yogurt, or 100-150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese in the daily menu. It should be a natural product, not a curd mass.

  • No fried food, all kinds of pickles and smoked meats. For protein foods, portions of fish, meat, poultry and eggs should also be reduced. This is because protein makes tissues looser, which means that there is an increased chance of tearing during labor. Some European doctors recommend that expectant mothers completely abandon animal protein before childbirth. However, such extremes should not be taken.
  • Yellow and green vegetables, primarily various cabbage, as well as fruits, with the exception of citrus fruits, should prevail in the diet. Various salads can be prepared from vegetables, only as a dressing for them you need to use not fat sauces, but vegetable oil.

Best Nutrition for 9 Months of Pregnancy

The best thing is to steam or boil food. The number of meals a day should be five to six: three main meals and two to three snacks. It is recommended that you continue to consume enough clean water. But from other drinks, preference should be given to various berry fruit drinks, which perfectly quench thirst and act as a mild diuretic. It is advisable to refuse black and green tea, as well as coffee. If you really want a hot drink, then opt for herbal teas.

Sex in the ninth month of pregnancy

Sex in the last month of pregnancy

Let's say right away that intimate relationships have the most beneficial effect on the well-being of a woman who is in the last stages of pregnancy. The mood rises, the feeling of anxiety and anxiety, which certainly arises before childbirth, disappears. On this issue, be sure to consult with your supervising doctor. Perhaps it is for you that sex in the ninth month will be contraindicated. The main indications for a ban are multiple pregnancies, placenta previa, cracks in the amniotic fluid, short cervix and a pessary installed on it, as well as the presence of genital infections in one of the spouses, you can read more about sex during pregnancy on the corresponding page.

If the gynecologist approved an intimate relationship a few weeks before giving birth, then you still need to adhere to several rules. Not all sex positions are suitable, but only those in which the tummy will not suffer. The most common and comfortable positions are the side and knee positions.

Analyzes and examinations at 9 months of pregnancy

Examinations and tests in the ninth month of pregnancy

You will have to visit the antenatal clinic every week. Two days before the appointment, a general urine test is required, which helps to identify possible problems with the functioning of the kidneys, as well as the presence of infections in the genitourinary system. During a visit to the doctor, weight gain or loss is necessarily determined, pressure is measured, the height of the fundus of the uterus is measured, and the fetal heartbeat is also heard. Perhaps a gynecologist can watch a woman in a chair to determine the degree of cervical dilatation.

  • One of the mandatory tests in the ninth month of pregnancy is a smear for flora. It can show the presence of any infection or active growth of opportunistic microflora, such as candidiasis or ureaplasmosis. In this case, the birth canal is sanitized so that the child does not become infected during childbirth.
  • A visit by a pregnant woman to a doctor is mandatory if she reaches 40 weeks, and there are no harbingers of childbirth. After examination, such patients are usually sent to prenatal hospitalization. In the hospital, after a series of examinations, such as urine and blood tests, CTG and ultrasound, artificial stimulation of labor is used.

Preparing for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the best option for a baby

If you are determined to breastfeed your baby, which is undoubtedly the best option for him, then you need to start preparing for this just a few weeks before delivery. Many women worry that they will not have enough milk to feed their baby. It is worth remembering that you can successfully feed a baby with both large and small breasts.

  • One of the problems that mothers face in the very first days after childbirth is the soreness of the nipples and the appearance of cracks on them. In the ninth month of pregnancy, you can carry out prophylaxis, periodically exposing your breasts, wipe your nipples with a terry cloth dipped in cool water.
  • If possible, during pregnancy, you can attend special courses in which breastfeeding counselors teach and show you how to properly latch your baby to the breast. The fact is that if the baby does not completely capture the entire nipple, this can also cause painful cracks.
  • Another significant difficulty for successful breastfeeding is the elongated nipples, which the baby cannot capture with his lips and receive the required portion of milk. Towards 40 weeks, but not earlier, massage the nipples, alternately pulling them out. Such a procedure should last no more than a couple of minutes, since it can cause contraction of the uterus and the onset of labor.

It is likely that in the last weeks of pregnancy, colostrum may appear - the first milk with a high fat content and containing many beneficial trace elements and immunoglobulins. It is no coincidence that in maternity hospitals, it is practiced to attach the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth, so that he receives all the substances necessary for health. However, do not worry if the due date is approaching, and there is still no colostrum. This is also the norm and does not mean at all that after childbirth the woman will not receive milk.

What to take with you to the hospital for childbirth

The most necessary things to take to the hospital
  • A watch with a stopwatch for measuring the frequency and duration of the spasm.
  • Receiver or cassettes with your favorite tunes.
  • If the rules of the hospital allow - a camera, tape recorder or video camera.
  • A cosmetic liquid, oil, or other massaging product.
  • A small paper bag for breathing into it during a spasm.
  • To massage the painful area of ​​the sacrum - a tennis racket or plastic ball.
  • Sugar-free lozenges to help keep your mouth moist.
  • Warm socks.
  • Hair brush.
  • Soap, towel.
  • Sandwiches for your husband who will be with you during childbirth.
  • You can bring your own clothes: a robe and a nightgown.
  • Cosmetics.
  • Toiletries, everything you need to maintain your hygiene and beauty.
  • Sanitary napkin.
  • A book of names, if you want to choose the name of the unborn child only after childbirth.
  • Foods that will keep you strong and have regular bowel movements regardless of the hospital diet: raisins, nuts, coarse seed crackers, prunes.
  • The clothes in which you will return home. Choose it keeping in mind the enlarged belly after childbirth.
  • Accessories for the child according to the season and weather; diapers, bonnets, sliders, blouses, various blankets.

10 months of pregnancy - overdue pregnancy

Delayed pregnancy and its consequences

It's incredible to hear that number ten in relation to carrying a baby, as we all know that pregnancy lasts nine months. Why does this figure appear? First of all, it may be the date of birth that was incorrectly determined by the doctor, and hence other errors follow. But if the calculations with the determination of the timing were correct, then "walking" is fraught with danger for both the woman and the child. Aging of the placenta is observed, which means that the baby does not receive enough oxygen and may suffer from hypoxia.

Symptoms of an overdue pregnancy

  • Immature cervix;
  • Reducing the number of fetal movements per day;
  • Low water and staining of amniotic fluid in a greenish color.

So, if by all indications you are walking around, you need to pay special attention to the child's physical activity. If he often pushes, which is unnatural for him, or, conversely, has calmed down, then an urgent need to contact the antenatal clinic.

What is the danger of an overdue pregnancy?

If labor has not begun within the prescribed time, the expectant mother must visit a gynecologist. After the examination, she will most likely be sent to the pregnancy pathology department, which is available at every maternity hospital. There, specialists will assess the condition of the mother and child and make a decision on further waiting for the onset of labor or their artificial stimulation.

For a baby, being born in the tenth month of pregnancy can be fraught with serious health consequences. First, he continues to gain weight, and this makes it difficult for him to pass through the birth canal. The crumb can be poisoned by the original feces, which, during a post-term pregnancy, often enters the amniotic fluid. This is often fatal. The longer the fetus is in the womb, the stronger the bones of the skull become, the less likely it is to be born by natural delivery.

Why does pregnancy take longer?

Probably, no specialist will be able to give an exact answer to this question. Doctors consider it normal to have a baby two weeks earlier or two weeks later. It should be remembered that gynecology has high-quality equipment at its disposal, so there is a high probability of detecting the appearance of a problem and fixing it. The main thing is that a healthy baby is born.

What does a post-term baby look like?

The appearance of the skin looks somewhat unhealthy, and the original lubricant is almost absent. The subcutaneous fat layer is much smaller. Such babies require round-the-clock supervision of neonatologists. However, this applies to babies born at 43 weeks. Usually babies born at 41 or 42 weeks are no different in appearance and health from those who were born on time.

What to do if you are 10 months pregnant?

As mentioned above, in this case, the woman is referred to antenatal hospitalization, where the question of the methods of delivery is being decided. There is an option of forcing labor if the condition of the mother or baby is of concern. Or continue monitoring and expect the onset of labor, if the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus is considered satisfactory.

If the pregnant woman has no contraindications, and the baby is in no hurry to be born, you can try a number of proven methods of stimulating labor without the use of medications. You can start to actively move, walk in the fresh air, clean up the house, wash the floors, in general, perform any actions, but just do not lie. This promotes abdominal prolapse and cervical dilatation.

Another effective way to activate labor activity is sex. Emphasize foreplay, especially breasts, with your spouse. Because nipple massage promotes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract and induce contractions.

We leave on the home stretch. There is very little time left, and the miracle of which you have dreamed all this time will come true. The less time is left before this long-awaited moment, the more you think about how it will happen. You listen and watch yourself for signs of impending labor. And although this month is the last, but it also must be lived. Let it be remembered by you as one of the happiest months of your life.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother

You don't grow in size anymore. From the pubic symphysis, the uterus rises by 36-40 cm, everyone has it differently.

By the end of the ninth month of pregnancy, the overall weight gain is on average 8 to 15 kg. Moreover, in the last weeks, you may not get better at all.
The total weight gain is:
... placenta - 10%
... fruit - 30%
... amniotic fluid - 10%
... an increase in the volume of blood and tissue fluid - 25%
... an increase in the mass of the uterus - 10%
... increase in "fat depots" - 15%

Already from the beginning of the ninth month, your body began to rebuild at an accelerated pace from "preserving pregnancy" to "giving birth". The placental clock, laid down by nature, counts down the last days of your pregnancy. From week 36, the placenta begins to reduce its hormonal production, primarily progesterone. Relative placental insufficiency develops and the fetus begins to lack components for nutrition and respiration. In addition, due to the high growth rate of the fetus and a decrease in amniotic fluid, the uterus grabs it more and more closely. In response to stress, the adrenal glands of the fetus begin to release large amounts of stress hormone cortisol. In addition, it is believed that the normal course of childbirth is possible only with the formed "generic dominant" in the brain of a pregnant woman.

In response to these processes, the hormonal balance in the mother changes. In a woman's blood, the level of oxytocin, a hormone of the pituitary gland, increases, which ensures the release of prostaglandins and the release of other substances that stimulate the contraction of the uterine muscle. The state of readiness for childbirth is most accurately manifested when determining the "maturity" of the cervix during vaginal examination.

Your hematopoietic system strenuously produces red blood cells - this is a preparation for blood loss during childbirth. Physiological anemia of pregnancy loses its severity as the number of red blood cells begins to match the volume of plasma.

Future child

With an occipital presentation at 38 weeks, the fetal head usually descends to the entrance to the small pelvis and takes a characteristic position: the baby's torso is bent, the head is pressed against the chest, the arms are crossed on the chest, and the legs are bent at the knee and hip joints and pressed against the tummy. In this position, the baby will move along the birth canal during childbirth.

Determining the gestational age and the date of delivery is difficult, due to the fact that it is often difficult to establish the exact date of release of the egg from the ovary and the time of fertilization. Therefore, delivery is considered timely in the period of 37-42 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation, provided that there are signs of fetal maturity.

The concept of fetal maturity is determined by a number of characteristic features.

A mature fruit has a body weight of 2600 grams and a length of more than 47 cm. In the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby daily gains from 14 to 28 g per day. It is extremely difficult to determine the exact weight of the unborn child, the error in such measurements is from 0.5 to 1 kg, even when using ultrasound.

The skin of a mature newborn is light, pale pink, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, in the folds of the skin there are remnants of a cheese-like lubricant. If, for some reason, childbirth is delayed, then a decrease in lubrication leads to maceration of unprotected places, first of all, "bath" piles and palms appear. A mature newborn screams loudly, breathes, sucks well, retains heat and does not need special heating. His face is smooth, there are thick cheeks - the result of an increase in subcutaneous fat and intensive training in thumb sucking. The skull is still soft enough to make it easier for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal. Ear and nasal cartilage is elastic. The child has already lost most of the vellus hair on the body, except, probably, only the shoulders and the places that hide in the folds of the skin. Toenails have grown completely.

In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum; in girls, the clitoris and labia minora are covered with the labia majora. In very few full-term boys (about 1%), the testicles do not descend into the scrotum at the time of delivery, which requires mandatory observation by the surgeon. A dark substance accumulates in the intestines - meconium, primary feces. In the last week, the child has accumulated a lot of waste products in the intestines. This is meconium - the original feces: the child will push it out of himself after birth. However, sometimes he is able to do this even before giving birth: then he is born covered with a rather unappetizing black-green mucus. Meconium is made up of dead intestinal cells, as well as scaly skin cells, decayed blood cells, embryonic vellus hair, and other components that are swallowed along with the amniotic fluid.

The child is completely ready for the coming changes. Iron accumulates in his liver, which will help hematopoiesis in the first year of life. The lungs are fully ripe to provide oxygen. The heart prepares to work in a completely different mode: immediately after birth, a hole in the central septum closes, which, as it were, turns off the lungs from the circulatory system, and blood will begin to circulate through the lungs.
The only thing that hasn't matured yet is the immune system. While the baby receives your antibodies through the placenta, and after birth, he will receive them from breast milk.

Feelings of a future mother

This month gives you a whole range of new sensations, indicating the approach of childbirth. All these sensations are harbingers of childbirth. They can appear a couple of weeks before giving birth, or even a few hours before.

"Ptosis" of the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the fetal head enters the pelvic cavity. Sometimes women even visually notice that the stomach has gone down, but more often this is judged by indirect signs. As a result of the movement of the child, pressure is relieved from the diaphragm and stomach, it becomes easier to breathe, heartburn passes, and appetite changes. In multiparous women, this rarely happens before labor begins.

Drawing pains. Spasms and a feeling of discomfort in the lumbar region, sacrum, groin are associated not only with pressure from the child, but also with an increase in the extensibility of the connective tissue. In addition, false contractions may appear, which can be just as painful as true contractions, but at the same time disappear when you change your position or begin to move around the room.

Frequent urination and bowel movements. After the head is displaced into the pelvic cavity, the uterus presses on the bladder with even greater force, and therefore it has to be emptied more and more often. The hormones of childbirth affect a woman's intestines, and some women may experience mild abdominal cramps and loose stools. Like before an exam. :)

Insomnia . At this time, it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, you have to often get up to use the toilet, false contractions at night are much more likely to disturb you, in addition, leg muscle cramps during sleep may disturb you.

Decrease in body weight. Before the onset of labor, some women lose weight from 1 to 2 kg. This is how the body prepares for childbirth.

Loss of mucous plug. As the cervix matures, it becomes softer, shorter, shifts to the center of the small pelvis, and its canal begins to open slightly. All this leads to the fact that a lump of colorless, yellowish, or slightly colored mucus is pushed out of the cervical canal, which you will find on your underwear after a while.

Changes in fetal activity. The kid is no longer pushing so actively, it is cramped for him, his movements are more like swaying.

The manifestation of precursors of childbirth is very individual and optional. Childbirth can begin without any precursors at all. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor, he will evaluate this or that symptom from a medical point of view.

Psychology of the ninth month of pregnancy

Normally, in the emotional state of the expectant mother in the last month of pregnancy, the processes of inhibition and inertia prevail. She becomes somewhat forgetful, absent-minded, withdrawn, with difficulty concentrating attention. This is necessary to create a "generic dominant" in the brain. However, against the background of apparent calmness, there are still frequent changes in mood, when one moment passes from pouring tears to unrestrained laughter. The state of calmness and fatigue can be replaced by periods of violent nesting activity: even in the middle of the night, you can rush to wash, clean, wash or iron something.

Analyze your emotional state. Maybe you are overly excited, tense. Imagine yourself as a bowl that can only be filled with clean water, and don't let debris get into it. It is very important during this period to communicate with the child. He senses your mood and mood for childbirth, and depending on your condition receives hormones "joy" or hormones "stress". Invite your baby to this world, invite him to meet you.

Decide finally where you will give birth. In this case, be sure to find out when the maternity hospital you have chosen closes for a sink, if necessary, select a "fallback" option. Think again about having your husband or someone close to you at the birth. Just remember that this is only possible if you both really want it. Not the best option is the presence of the dad at the birth, who was persuaded. This can affect not only your emotional state, but also the very course of labor. It takes time for a man to realize himself as a father.

Possible deviations from the norm

In the later stages of pregnancy, you can again remember its beginning - fainting comes back. However, now this may not happen in a stuffy subway car, which would be easy to understand, but at home, in bed. This is how it manifests itself "Inferior vena cava syndrome" when a heavy pregnant uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, disrupting blood flow to the heart. In response to this, blood pressure reflexively drops sharply, causing fainting. To avoid these troubles, you should only rest on your side.

In late pregnancy, the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Now is not the time to jump and chase the departing bus like you did before. Take care of yourself and your baby - avoid falls in every possible way. Be very careful, especially in winter when it is slippery outside. As you go down and up the stairs, hold onto the railing. Fortunately, falls usually do not have serious consequences for either the mother or the baby. Your belly, uterus, and amniotic fluid serve as good protection for the fetus. But if you fall, be sure to see a doctor. Let him check if you are all right. In some cases, the fall may not be as harmless. Placental abruption- one of the most serious consequences of a fall or impact. In this case, the placenta is separated from the uterus prematurely (during normal pregnancy and childbirth, placental abruption occurs only after the birth of the child), which leads to significant blood loss to the mother and threatens the life of the fetus. With placental abruption, the fetus stops receiving blood from the umbilical cord, which is attached to the placenta, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood to the fetus stops. Death of the fetus is possible. The symptoms of placental abruption are not the same in different cases. There may be severe bleeding from the genitals, or it may not be at all. Perhaps the absence of fetal movements, severe persistent pain in the lumbar spine and abdomen, a change in the shape of the uterus. When diagnosing placental abruption, ultrasound is used. However, sometimes a blood clot between the placenta and the wall of the uterus may not be visible, which makes diagnosis very difficult. When the diagnosis is confirmed, immediate delivery by caesarean section is indicated.

Postponing pregnancy within a week or two does not cause much concern for doctors, and only in cases where the pregnancy is delayed for an even longer period or there are signs of fetal suffering, they can offer stimulation of labor or cesarean section. Pregnancy is considered post-term if more than 42 weeks have passed since the last menstrual period. The reasons for overdue are: various diseases and the age of the mother, undergone abortions, menstrual irregularities, malformations of the uterus, abnormal fetal positions. With a post-term pregnancy, the placenta has already worked out its term, it ages quickly and worsens supplies the child with the substances necessary for his life. In this regard, the risk of hypoxia and fetal death increases. At birth, a post-term baby has dry, flaky and tight skin, elongated nails, no vellus hair and no cheese-like lubricant. If your pregnancy is approaching 42 weeks, talk with your doctor about possible methods of birth. It is not worth hoping that childbirth will begin if you overload yourself with physical labor, this has no medical evidence. Try massaging your nipples to increase the production of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

Necessary medical measures

From now on, your doctor visits should become weekly. At each visit, your health is assessed, your weight, blood pressure, abdominal circumference and fundal height are measured, a urine protein and sugar test is performed, and an examination for edema is performed.

From additional studies in the ninth month, the last complete blood count is taken, first of all, to determine the level of hemoglobin and platelets in the blood. These indicators are now especially important, since there is always a risk of significant blood loss during childbirth.

At the end of the eighth and beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, a vaginal examination is performed. In addition to assessing the degree of maturity of the cervix, such an examination helps to determine the position of the fetus and the position of the fetal head relative to the pelvic bones. A sampling of material for the study of a smear for flora is carried out. If at least minimal changes are found in the smear, the doctor will definitely suggest that you undergo preventive treatment. This is very important, as only a healthy vaginal wall can stretch a lot during labor. With inflammation, it breaks much easier than stretches. Also, if there is an infection, any birth injury heals very slowly. If your pregnancy is over forty weeks, you will be offered an additional vaginal exam that re-assesses your readiness for childbirth. If there are no signs of cervical maturity, then you may need hospitalization to create an artificial background in order to prepare your body for childbirth. If there is clear progress, then you should not rush to the hospital, you just need to wait a little.

On a weekly basis, the doctor assesses the function of the placenta and the condition of the fetus. Most often this is done on the basis of a fetal cardiotocogram, less often by simply listening with a stethoscope. In some cases, additional ultrasound, dopplerometry, or biophysical test. The latter test is used in order to assess the condition of the fetus during prolonged pregnancy, or when there are doubts about its health. With the help of ultrasound for 20-30 minutes, the presence of fetal movements, its heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid, the tone of the fetus and its attempts to make respiratory movements are assessed.

If the test result is unsatisfactory, then prompt delivery may be indicated. If all is well, then the test is repeated a week later. If the results are questionable, a control test is carried out after a few hours.

Rules of behavior

Only a few women prefer to go to the hospital a few days before the expected due date, most are going to come there with the onset of labor, so let's figure out what to consider as the onset of labor.

There are two main signs of onset of labor:
1. The appearance of contractions - regular contractions of the muscles of the uterus. It is not the strength of painful sensations that is important, but their rhythm. Real labor pains should be repeated every 15–20 minutes, and the intervals between contractions should be reduced. When you count 3-4 contractions in 30 minutes, go to the hospital.
2. Water discharge. The fetal bladder can leak, then the water flows out slowly. It can burst suddenly, then the water will "rush out of a bucket." When the fetal bladder ruptures, pain is not felt.
The amniotic fluid is usually clear, but may be slightly bloody or yellowish or greenish. For some women, the water withdraws before regular contractions appear, such women in labor should go to the hospital immediately. You should also hurry up if the waters are very dark or heavily colored with blood.

In the meantime, there are no signs of the onset of labor yet, make your last efforts to ensure that the baby is born healthy. It's time to change your diet. During this period, it is not recommended to eat meat in large quantities, as well as fatty cottage cheese, mature cheeses, flour and confectionery products. Better to switch to a non-strict vegetarian diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits, cereals, nuts, fish, low-fat dairy products. Remember to limit salt and sugar! Continue to do the stretching exercises recommended in preparation for childbirth, do joint exercises, and learn to relax.

Household affairs

You, of course, should already have a bag of things ready for the hospital. In addition to personal accessories, it must contain your medical documents and passport. This is to avoid unnecessary last-minute clutter. Having prepared for the little things, you can calmly, without nervousness and tension, meet the most important moment. When that moment arrives, you will have a little time to shower, put on clean underwear, trim your nails and rinse off the nail polish. For many women, shaving the perineum on admission to the hospital is a very unpleasant moment. However, this procedure is necessary, as it allows you to control the degree of stretching of the perineum during childbirth, to prevent its rupture, and in case of injury, it is better to match the tissues when suturing. Feelings of awkwardness can be avoided by doing this simple procedure at home on your own. Just get a brand new razor and treat your skin well with an antiseptic solution or antibacterial soap.

In the last days before childbirth, reconsider whether everything was bought for the baby, give relatives detailed instructions for urgent purchases and assembly of the crib.
Stock up on food for the duration of your stay in the hospital and for the first days after returning. Do not forget the main thing - this is a positive, kind attitude towards childbirth. And you will succeed! :)

It may seem very long - the wait torments you, and then your legs, back and everything else ache! Now all the discomforts of pregnancy have reached their maximum. But don't forget that your persistence and patience will soon be rewarded.

How a baby grows in the ninth month of pregnancy

During this period, the child gains weight almost as quickly as you, adding more than 200 grams per week.

Week 33 The next four weeks will be a period of exceptionally rapid growth. The next month, when your pregnancy is nearing completion, your weight gain will slow down a bit. At the 33rd week, the baby is almost fully developed. His pupils can now expand and contract when exposed to light. The lungs are almost ready to go, which is encouraging if the baby is born this week. Although it’s better to wait, most babies born at this time are quite healthy.

Week 34. A white, wax-like lubricant that protects baby's skin gets thicker this week. When the baby is born, traces of this lubricant can be seen under the armpits, behind the ears, in the groin.

At the same time, the soft "fur" that had covered the skin for several months has almost completely disappeared.

At the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 2.5 kg and reaches about 32 cm in length from the crown to the buttocks.

Week 35 The baby continues to gain weight by accumulating fat all over the body, especially on the shoulders. The fastest way for your baby to gain weight is in the next three weeks, at over 200 grams per week. Since your uterus is already cramped, you will feel less of your baby's movements. Because of the tightness, an already large and strong child will not be able to kick you, but will stretch, roll over and wriggle.

Week 36 At the 36th week, the baby continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat. If you could look at the child now, you would see that he is rather plump, with a small, but already rounded face. The face is rounded thanks to the newly acquired fat reserves and strong sucking muscles, already fully developed and ready for work.

At the 36th week of pregnancy, by the end of the 9th month, the baby weighs about two and a half kilograms or slightly more.

How your body changes in the ninth month of pregnancy

The baby is already big and may interfere with your sleep. Muscles ache from the constant carrying of this load. All of this makes you feel tired all the time. Relax, lie still so that your legs are raised. If you feel weak, it means that your body says that you need to reduce activity.

What is happening and where. This month, your body prepares diligently for childbirth.

Respiratory system. Since the diaphragm is raised, you may feel like a shortage of air. Sometimes this month, the baby sinks lower in the uterus, and then it becomes easier to breathe.

Breast. The mammary glands in the breast continue to grow. The glands that secrete fat that moisturize the skin around the nipples and on the areolas become even more visible.

Uterus. This month, the child finally takes the position in which he is ready to be born. If the baby is in the correct position, as is the case in most cases: head down, arms and legs pressed firmly against the chest, then you are ready. During this month, you may feel that the baby is sinking, deeper inside the pelvis, in preparation for birth. This is called relief, although the name is deceiving. Breathing will become easier, but the pressure on your hips and bladder will increase.

Some women, especially those who are pregnant for the first time, experience relief several weeks before giving birth. For others, it only happens on the day of birth. It is difficult to foresee when your child will drop and whether you will feel it.

Digestive system. If your baby drops this month, some digestive problems such as heartburn and constipation will stop. But not all women experience "relief." Even when descending into the birth canal, a grown child can continue to press on the ribs.

Urinary tract. If the child drops down, your problems in this area will intensify. The baby will sink and the pressure on the bladder will increase. Your toilet will become your family and friends. You may need to get up several times a night during the last weeks of pregnancy. But soon after giving birth, all this will stop.

Bones, muscles and ligaments. Your body's connective tissues continue to soften and stretch in preparation for childbirth. This is especially felt in the pelvic area. You may feel as if your legs have separated from the rest of your body, but it is clear that this is not the case.
Keep exercising, but be careful: as the softening and stretching continues, it is easy to injure a muscle or ligament.

A growing uterus can still cause hip and back pain. You may also experience numbness or tingling in your thighs and buttocks caused by pressure from the uterus on the sciatic nerve. When the child descends, these sensations will stop.

Vagina. The cervix may begin to open this month. It can start weeks, days, or hours before delivery. Or the cervix may not open at all until the very beginning of labor. All women are different. During dilation, you may feel a sharp, stabbing pain in your vagina. This does not mean that labor has begun. The reasons for this pain are unclear, but neither you nor the child is threatened by it. Pain like this at the end of pregnancy usually does not mean anything serious, but if it bothers you, tell your doctor.

You will almost certainly experience contractions this month. They may not bother you, or you may not notice them at all. If you still feel spasms, and the uterus tenses and hardens at the same time, see how regular and frequent the contractions are. False contractions are unpredictable and, even if they are frequent, they do not have a regular rhythm. Real contractions are frequent — every five minutes or more — and repeat at regular intervals.

Leather... Some of the skin changes caused by pregnancy become more noticeable this month:

  • Varicose veins, especially in the legs.
  • Spider veins, especially on the face, neck, upper chest and shoulders.
  • Dryness and itching on the abdomen or all over the body.
  • Stretch marks on the skin of the chest, abdomen, buttocks, thighs. Many of these changes will disappear or become much less noticeable after the baby is born. Stretch marks will most likely remain, but subtle.

Weight gain. This is the month of weight gain. You will be adding about 450 grams per week, for a total of about 1800 grams per month.

Preparing the body for childbirth in the ninth month of pregnancy

In addition to the exercises of the month, here are some more exercises to help you prepare for childbirth. These are exercises for the muscles that will be most stressed during childbirth.

Kegel exercises. The pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder, and intestines. Toning them with exercise will ease the inconvenience of the last months of pregnancy by minimizing the two main problems that occur during this time: urinary incontinence and hemorrhoids. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles will reduce the risk of urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after childbirth.

How to make them. Recognize the pelvic floor muscles - the muscles around the vagina and anus. To do this, try to interrupt the flow of urine - if you succeed, you have found the right muscles. But don't do this often. Kegel exercises while urinating or a full bladder can ultimately weaken the muscles. It can also lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder. Which increases the risk of urinary tract infection.

If you still can't find the muscles you want, try another way. Insert your finger into the vagina and try to squeeze it there. The muscles strained at the same time are the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Once you have identified the muscles you want, empty your bladder and stand or sit down. Tighten your muscles vigorously. Do this for 5 seconds with a small interval of 4-5 times. Exercise until you can keep your muscles tense for 10 seconds, with a 10 second break. Exercise three times a day and three times a mini Kegel. Count quickly to 10 or 20, contracting and relaxing your muscles with each count.

While doing these exercises, avoid flexing your abdominal muscles, hips, and buttocks. This will reduce the tone of your pelvic floor muscles. Don't hold your breath. Focus only on tightening the muscles around the vagina and anus.

Perineal massage. Massaging the area between the vaginal opening and anus in the last weeks before childbirth will help stretch these tissues in preparation for childbirth. This will reduce pain as the glans pass through the vagina and possibly avoid tearing and avoid incisions to expel the glans. Midwives have long recommended this massage. Although it does not guarantee against injury, there are positive results.

How to do it. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and make sure your nails are trimmed evenly. Apply emollient cream to your thumbs and insert them into your vagina. Press back towards the rectum, stretching the tissue. Repeat daily for 8-10 minutes. If you want, a partner can help you. You may feel a slight burning sensation or discomfort, but this is normal. However, stop massage if you feel pain.

A couple more notes: do not massage if it is unpleasant for you. And if you do it, it does not guarantee against tears and cuts. In some situations during childbirth, if, for example, the baby is very large or is lying incorrectly, incisions cannot be dispensed with.

Your emotions in the ninth month of pregnancy

You may be thinking a lot this month about when and how the labor will go. The growing tension during this period is understandable, as well as worries about the health of the unborn child.

You are probably thinking about how it will feel during childbirth. Does it really hurt that much? How long will this take? How are you going to cope with all this?

Prepare for childbirth. It is clear that you are worried about future childbirth, but remember that every day women give birth to children - this is a normal natural process. To feel calmer:

  • Get knowledge. Knowing what happens to your body during childbirth will make you less stressed and afraid. Less fear and tension means less pain. In childbirth preparation school, you can meet other moms-to-be and learn about the changes in your body during childbirth. Also read the chapters on childbirth in this book.
  • Talk to women who have already given birth safely. Find out what helped them give birth.
  • Tell yourself you have to try. The course of the case depends on the circumstances and on your strength. There is no single right way to have a baby.
  • Find out what methods of pain relief are possible during childbirth. Read chapter 23 about drug pain relief and the natural birth technique. But don't make categorical decisions in advance about what you need and what you don't. Until it comes down to it, you may not know what you need. It is best to be informed, but remain flexible in your decision making.

Visit your doctor in the ninth month of pregnancy

You will see your doctor twice this month. As usual, it will measure your child's pressure and weight, and the activity of your child's movements. The doctor will measure the uterus, which in the first half of the month will reach 33-34 cm - the approximate number of weeks of your pregnancy. Will conduct a study for the presence of bacteria. Usually, these bacteria live in the body without causing any harm, but a woman can pass them on to her baby during childbirth. The newborn does not yet have immunity to them, and this can cause complications. If streptococcus is found, you will be given an antibiotic before giving birth. This will reduce the risk of transmitting bacteria to the newborn.

Checking the position of the child. The doctor will check the baby's position this month. The position of the baby in the 33rd week of pregnancy is most likely the position in which he will be born: head first, buttocks or legs. However, if you have already had children, chances are that the child may change position in recent weeks.

To determine the position of the baby in the uterus, the doctor must check which part of the body is located below everything, that is, it will be released first.

To do this, your doctor will gently feel your abdomen. If delivery is coming soon, the doctor may examine the vagina if the baby's position is unclear. Through the vagina, the doctor will determine which part of the baby's body is at the entrance to the cervix. If doubts still remain, an ultrasound scan will be done.

If the child is head first, everything is in order. If forward with buttocks or legs - he has a breech presentation.

If the baby hasn't sunk too low yet, the doctor may try to get him into a better position a few weeks before delivery. This is called an external option. By pressing on certain points of the abdomen, the doctor will try to move the baby into the correct position.

Special medications are used to relax the uterus and relieve pain. The external version is usually applied 2-4 weeks before delivery.

Your birthing plan

This plan forces you to think about labor before it even starts. You can write down your preferences for childbirth and postpartum care. You can also discuss your preferences with your doctor.

Please note that your plan is not set in stone. It is impossible to foresee everything during childbirth, and the situation may change. For example, you may feel that you do not want pain relief. Although during childbirth, you may change your mind.

But the plan will help bring reality as close as possible to what you wanted.

The doctor may ask you to complete a questionnaire indicating your preferences. You can also write your own plan. Be sure to communicate your wishes to your doctor.

Anesthesia. If you haven’t decided yet how you’ll manage the pain of childbirth, now is the time to do it. Yes, labor is painful, but the pain can be dealt with. For everything to go as smoothly as possible, you need to know what to do when the pain begins.

Know your options. There are different ways to control pain during childbirth. Some women learn breathing and relaxation techniques and rely on them to cope with pain. Others prefer medicated pain relief. It is of two types: analgesics relieve pain, anesthetics block it. A combination of breathing techniques and drug pain relief can be used. You can do without pain relief at the initial stage of labor - it is easier, and in the final, when the pain intensifies, use pain relief.

To decide what is best for you, explore all the possibilities and then make your choices. Talk to friends who have given birth. Find out what they used, what helped them. Remember, this is only your choice.

Birth plan

Your plan may include the following points:

  • When to arrive at the maternity hospital or hospital.
  • What to take with you - personal belongings, creams, phone.
  • What difficulties can be during childbirth.
  • What you need to consider in advance.
  • Who will support you during childbirth.
  • Natural ways to relieve pain are preferred - showering, music, dim lights, walking, etc.
  • Preferably drug pain relief - what type.
  • Conditions for drug anesthesia - none, some, according to the circumstances.
  • Drinking regime during childbirth - little by little, no limitation, no water.
  • Delivery position - sitting, lying on your back, on your side, squatting.
  • Incisions - although your doctor will do what he sees fit.
  • Childbirth observation - want to watch in the mirror? Do you want your relatives to watch?
  • Immediately after childbirth - do you want to get your baby immediately or already swaddled?
  • Should circumcision be done?
  • How are you going to feed your baby?
  • In a room with parents or in a separate nursery?
  • Mother and child care.
  • Desire to be present at the first bath of the child.
  • About caesarean section.