Gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children. Methodological development on the topic: Gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children

Gender upbringing - upbringing taking into account the gender of the child

For millennia, mankind, by default, raised its offspring, taking into account gender. And only the XX century turned over in the minds all ideas about sex and about what the upbringing of boys and girls should be. Feminism and the technical revolution have done their job in erasing the differences between men and women in almost all areas: in behavior, in clothes, in lifestyle, in professional activity, in the distribution of roles in the family.

But it seems that the 19th century is beginning to put everything in its place. Because psychologists, teachers, and doctors unanimously started talking about the fact that violations in gender education entail serious consequences of both psychological and physiological nature. Women with masculine (male) behavior are more likely than other women to make a good career, but also more often remain alone, suffer from neuroses, gynecological disorders.

Men with feminine (female) behavior have difficulties in communication, are suspicious, unauthorized in the family, suffer from nervous diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract

In order for your son or your daughter to grow up and become a real man and woman, happy and fulfilled, you need to educate them according to the gender principle from childhood. It should always be borne in mind that from infancy, boys and girls hear, see, speak and feel differently. Girls are more obedient and boys want to stand out; girls are more efficient, and boys are inventive; boys perceive information mostly with the help of sight, and girls by ear. You can continue to enumerate the differences endlessly.

The formation of sex (gender) identity begins in children from about two years of age. This means that at this age the child learns that there are two sexes, and begins to realize who he is: a boy or a girl. And from the same age, kids begin to understand the differences between boys and girls in terms of interests and behavior patterns. Already at two or three years old, they know, for example, that boys play with toy cars, and girls play with dolls, girls wear bows, but boys do not, and so on. But, of course, a child is only able to clearly position himself in society as a future man and woman at preschool age. Therefore, the role of gender education of children in kindergarten is so great.

For the formation of male and female character traits in a preschool institution, an educational environment has been organized that allows the child to systematically show and consolidate gender-role differences. In the playrooms there are zones for role-playing games: girls can play with dolls "like a mom", boys with cars "like a driver" and so on. Kindergarten teachers include a variety of forms of work in the lesson plan that contribute to the formation of the gender identity of preschoolers. These are not only story games, but also reading children's literature, fairy tales, poems with a discussion of the behavior of the characters, and watching cartoons with subsequent analysis, dancing classes.

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In kindergarten, gender education of children should be aimed at ensuring that gender identity is formed on time

By the way, it is often easier for kindergarten teachers than for parents to notice in time that the child's gender development lags behind, because the teacher has a child in front of his eyes throughout the whole day. Parents should carefully listen to the advice of kindergarten teachers and psychologists on gender education of preschoolers. Especially if there are any inconsistencies in the behavior of the child. For example, if a child prefers to play with toys of the opposite sex, in games he often acts as a character of the opposite sex, tends to behave like the opposite sex, and so on.

Targeted gender education for a girl or boy in preschool age will have a significant impact on the development of a child. And it will allow girls and boys to manifest those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society. However, gender upbringing of children does not mean that a child absolutely does not need to instill certain skills inherent in the opposite sex. On the contrary, having a boy and a girl possess a wide variety of skills will help them achieve better results in the future. And the role of adults, both parents and kindergarten teachers, should be to open up to children the whole breadth of possibilities of modern society and help them to realize themselves, taking into account innate and acquired abilities, individual traits, gender characteristics, as well as the needs of the child.

Gender education of preschool children

Gender education is the formation of ideas about real men and women in children, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of a person. Under the influence of educators and parents, the preschooler must learn the sex role, or the gender model of behavior that a person adheres to in order to be defined as a woman or a man.
Educational tasks of gender gender education and heterosexual education in kindergarten:
- to educate preschoolers with irreversible interest and a positive attitude towards their gender. Lay the foundations for awareness of their own characteristics, and how they are perceived by others, advise to build personal behavior, taking into account the possible reactions of other people;
- to instill in the preschooler an interest and a good attitude towards the people around him;
- to develop in a preschooler an idea of ​​himself and other people as individuals and social persons with their own advantages and disadvantages, typical and individual characteristics;
- to develop sensitivity and empathy, the ability to feel and recognize the state and mood of people around. Behave in accordance with them, be able to manage your emotions and behavior;
- to enrich knowledge about one's family, clan, family heirlooms, traditions, to acquaint with the main functions of the family as a psychological group and social institution;
- to lay the foundations for future social and gender roles, to explain the peculiarities of their performance, to foster a positive attitude towards different social gender roles, to the necessity of their existence;
- to deepen the knowledge of children about the content of the concepts "boy", "girl", about the division of all people into men and women. Promote gender and gender identification, correctly and competently respond to the manifestation of the sexual development of children of different genders.

Gender education is designed not only to help children recognize themselves as a representative of one gender or another. The relevance of gender upbringing consists in the formation of a stable concept of one's gender in the child - I am a girl; I'm a boy. And it will always be that way.
The relevance of gender education for this moment huge, because the direction of the gender education program also takes into account the fact that modern society is categorically opposed to men and women having only a set of advantages based on their gender.
Gender education in preschool educational institutions calls for the fact that we all want boys to demonstrate not only unbending will and muscles. We also wish that boys and men would show kindness according to the situation, would be gentle, sensitive, know how to show care towards other people, and respect relatives and friends. And women would be able to prove themselves, build a career, but at the same time not lose their femininity.
It would seem that gender education in the family is established from birth. Indeed, as soon as parents find out the gender of their unborn child, they begin to prepare both mentally and physically for the appearance of either a boy or a girl. They buy things by color, toys by gender. But gender upbringing has nothing to do with stereotypes: strollers are dark for boys and pink for girls.
Diverse upbringing in kindergarten will largely rely on the individual characteristics of a particular child, depend on those examples of the behavior of women and men that the little man constantly encounters in the family. Many parents point to this educational moment and believe that nothing else needs to be done. Children will automatically copy each of their gender roles. The problem is that it is often difficult for modern children to educate themselves. Because, for example, dad is rarely at home, and mom is associated with two sexes at once. Or a sample with a dad is not available at all and a lot of other negative nuances exist.
Relevance of gender education. The real way out of this sad situation is purposeful gender education. Purposeful parenting given to a girl or boy in preschool age will have a significant impact on personality development. And it will allow girls and boys to manifest those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.
The most favorable age period for the beginning of gender education is the fourth year of life. Already in the fourth year of life, children whose behavior corresponds to the correct gender upbringing feel different from the opposite sex.
The biggest role of gender education in the family is to ensure that men do not lose the ability to play the right role in the family, they do not transform from the main earner into the main consumers and do not shift the upbringing of children only to women. Well, women, in turn, would not become just creatures outside the sex.
Now many children associate their gender with precisely this distorted behavior: girls become straightforward and rude, and boys adopt the type of behavior of women who surround them both at home and in the garden, clinic, etc. Observing children, one can notice that many girls are deprived of tenderness, sensitivity and patience, they do not know how to peacefully resolve conflicts. Boys, on the contrary, do not try to stand up for themselves, are weak physically, not hardy and emotionally unstable.
At least some kind of culture of behavior towards girls is completely alien to modern little knights. There is also concern that the content of children's games, for example, in kindergarten, demonstrates behavioral patterns that do not correspond to the gender of the child. Because of this, children do not know how to negotiate in the game, to distribute roles. Boys rarely show a desire to help girls when physical strength is needed, and girls do not seek to help boys where thoroughness, accuracy, care is needed, these are gender education games.
Therefore, gender education, which will put all the features of raising girls and boys on the shelves, is very important.

Speaking about the relevance of gender education, educators and parents are encouraged to use such methods and techniques in gender education of a preschooler as gender education games:
· Role-playing game "Family"
Conversations using illustrations, fiction
Problem situations with ethical content
Making gifts for moms, dads, peers
· Didactic games: “Who likes to do what? , "What is to whom?", "I am growing," "What is in common, how are we different?" , "I am like this, because ...", "Who to be?" , "Dress the boy, dress the girl."

Gender education of preschool children

Gender education of preschool children.

1. Classification gender types

Under « gender» it is customary to understand the social gender of a person, which is formed in the process personality education. Gender indicates the social status of an individual and its socio-psychological characteristics that are associated with a person's gender and arise in the process of interaction with other individuals within a certain culture. Into the concept gender also includes psychological, cultural and social differences between women (girls) and men (boys).

Cognitive or gender identity(I know that I am a man / woman).

Emotional or gender identity(I feel like a man / woman).

Behavioral or gender roles and specificity of behavior (I act like a man / woman).

Allocate 3 gender type:

Classification gender types.

Gender type Characteristics of men Characteristics of women

masculinity Vigorous, freedom-loving, ambitious, not too sensitive Have a strong will, can compete with men

Femininity Appreciate human relationships, sensitive Gentle, caring, loyal

androgyny Combines sensitivity and productivity Can solve male problems using female products (sociability, flexibility)

Masculinity - an expression of preference for instrumental styles of activity, energy, assertiveness, the ability to significant, but short-term effort;

Femininity - commitment to activities related to communication, perception of nuances, the subtlety of feelings, the ability to maintain activity, which does not require significant effort, for a long time;

Androgyny is a manifestation of masculine and feminine traits at the same time.

2. Relevance gender education.

Relevance and importance of the basics gender knowledge in the education system is expressed in the following documents:

Instructions of the Commission on the Status of Women in the Russian Federation under the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2003.

Order of the Ministry of Education of October 17, 2003 "About lighting gender issues in the education system ".

The order provides for the introduction into educational programs for advanced training and professional retraining of management personnel, teachers and teachers of special courses for studying the basics gender knowledge, gender policy, methods gender approach to the management of educational processes.

Implementation action plan gender policy in the field of education was proposed in the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 04.22.03 "On the development of measures to implement the tender policy in the education system for 2003" (Appendix 1 - 3).

The current problem gender education of children has become very relevant. Among the reasons are following:

Gender unification, feminization of men and masculinization of women;

Dull feeling gender;

The growth of inappropriate forms of behavior among young people;

Growing problems associated with loneliness and marital instability.

Relevance gender education is also due to the fact that domestic pedagogy is mainly focused primarily on psychological and age characteristics of the child, although many teachers have already begun to take into account the difference in psycho-physiological characteristics, intellectual abilities and ways perception, needs and social behavior children of different sex... System preschool education she is heavily finessed, and at home, a significant part of families grows up in single-parent families. This situation has a very negative impact, especially for boys.

However, it was in preschool period there is a definition and acceptance gender role... V age 2-3 years old children begin to realize their gender and identify themselves. In the period from 4 to 7 years, it is produced gender sustainability... It becomes clear to the kids that gender- a constant phenomenon that men grow out of boys, and women grow out of girls. The understanding comes that belonging to one or another sex does not change depending on the personal wishes of the child or the situation.

Gender education- a complex process that manifests itself in any kind of activity. At the heart of gender approach is differentiation by gender, taking into account socio-biological characteristics children in educational- educational process. At gender approach to the organization of educational activities preschoolers with the help of the selection of forms, content, rates, methods and volumes of education, the best conditions are created for the assimilation of knowledge by children.

A differentiated approach to teaching girls and boys is associated with the following features:

3. Psychological features of the development of boys and girls in various activities

The brains of boys and girls develop at different times, in different sequences, and even at different rates. In girls, the left hemisphere of the brain is formed earlier, which is responsible for rational-logical thinking and speech. In boys, the left hemisphere of the brain develops more slowly, therefore the figurative-sensory sphere dominates up to a certain age.

Boys tend to have more volatile moods and are more difficult to calm down. Girls tend to be more emotionally stable.

Boys are characterized by mobility, they grow more resilient, show negative emotions more vividly. Girls over receptive to the emotional state of others, speech appears earlier. Boys love joint games, while they love to compete with each other and arrange fights. It is common for girls, especially after a period of 2 years, to play in small groups, for them intimacy, alienation, and cooperation are important.

Educational process.

In the learning process, it is important to keep in mind that girls and boys perceive information in different ways. If hearing is important for girls perception, then for boys it is preferable to use visual aids based on visual perception.

Visual activity

An art lesson should be conducted in such a way that every child, regardless of gender, can express what is emotionally significant or interesting to him. During training in modeling, application or drawing classes, it should be remembered that the movements of the hand in boys in their development lag behind the hand of girls by 1.5 years.

Assessing the results of activities children and their behavior, it should be remembered that intonation and the form of its assessment are important for girls. Appreciation in the presence of others children or parents are very meaningful to girls. At the same time, it is important for boys to assess that he has achieved a result. Each new skill or result that the boy managed to get has a positive effect on his personal growth, allows him to be proud of himself and try to achieve new goals. However, it is precisely boys who, upon reaching a certain result, tend to improve this skill, which leads to drawing or designing the same thing. This requires understanding on the part of the teacher.

Play activities.

It has been noticed that the styles and content of games for boys and girls differ from each other. For boys, active, noisy games are characteristic, for girls - quieter ones, on family and household topics. For educators the second type of games is closer, since it is not associated with the likelihood of increased injury and noise. As a result, future men are deprived of truly boyish games, and this has a negative impact on their development as a person.

For the educator it is very important to organize play activities in this way children so that children in the process of playing together would have the opportunity to act together, in accordance with gender characteristics... In this case, boys take on male roles, girls - female. Theatrical activity also helps in this.

Musical lessons.

Various types of musical activities can be carried out taking into account gender characteristics of children.

Musical-rhythmic movements take into account gender the approach is as follows - boys learn elements of dance and movements that require dexterity, masculine strength (brave soldiers, riders, girls learn softness and smoothness of movements (exercises with ribbons, balls, round dances) Learning dances (square dance, polka, waltz, boys get the skills of a leading partner, girls learn graceful and graceful elements of dance.

Playing musical instruments is organized differentially - boys play drums, spoons, girls - bells and tambourines.

Games and songs about girls and boys help the child develop a sense of their gender and their positive acceptance.

Theatrical activity.

One of the tricks gender education manifests itself in theatrical activities. Male and female costumes, fairy tales and poems, staging performances, through the synthesis of music, artistic words and dance, allow you to master the traditional personality traits - femininity for girls and masculinity for boys. One of the manifestations of this approach is the organization of thematic parties for girls and boys.

Physical upbringing.

Boys and girls study together, but methodological techniques are taken into account gender characteristics:

Difference in exercise choices for girls only (work with ribbons) or just for boys (rope work)

Difference in class duration (girls jump for 1 minute, boys - 1.5)

Difference in dosage (girls do the exercise 5 times, boys do 10)

The difference in teaching certain motor movements (jumping rope is easier to perform for girls, and throwing at a distance - for boys, this requires different methodological approaches - the choice of preparatory exercises, auxiliary equipment, a different number of approaches)

Difference in equipment selection (lighter dumbbells for girls, heavier ones for boys)

Orientation in space (for boys, distant vision is characteristic. For girls, near vision, based on this, boys are allocated a larger part of the hall than girls)

The difference in the requirements for the quality of exercise performance (boys need more rhythm, clarity, girls - plasticity, grace)

In outdoor games, the distribution of roles in a certain way (girls are bees, boys are bears)

Focusing on the fact that there are male and female sports.

Girls and boys are not allowed educate the same... But there are certain values, norms of behavior and prohibitions that should be learned by everyone, regardless of gender, which are important in any society: tolerance, respect for oneself and others, the ability to make choices, the ability to bear responsibility, mercy.

In modern pedagogy and psychology, gender education of preschoolers is often considered a relic of the past. From childhood, mothers teach children to equality, instilling in them that girls and boys are no different from each other. Meanwhile, gender-based education is still relevant.

Is there gender equality?

Western culture began to think about gender equality in the late 19th century. American and European feminists fought for the right of women to work, participate in public and political life, etc. Feminists considered it unfair for women to depend on their husbands or fathers.

In less than 100 years, the desired equality has been achieved. However, this did not make society any happier. A modern woman is compelled not only to run a household and raise children, but also to work on an equal basis with her spouse. Today, the fair sex is not just allowed to work, they are obliged to do it. The result of the feminist struggle was not the independence of the woman, but her even greater enslavement. At the same time, the man is completely freed from any responsibility for his family. Having become a husband and a father, he often continues to live the life to which he was accustomed as a bachelor.

By observing their parents, boys and girls begin to imitate them. Children get the wrong idea of ​​what a woman should be, what a man should be. The lack of gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten makes representatives of the stronger and weaker sexes forget their roles. Such upbringing leads to the emergence in society of female careerists who refuse to bear children in favor of work, and men who prefer fleeting relationships with unfamiliar girls to family values.

Is there a difference in upbringing?

Educators who insist on equality, abandon the traditional model of education, act rashly. They refused to take into account the gender characteristics of preschool children. A boy-only or girl-only method seems to be “progressive” scholarly humiliation and discrimination. In fact, we are not talking about the fact that one sex is somehow better or worse than the other. You should not go to extremes and assume, for example, that girls should not play sports, and ballroom dancing is not for a real man. When working with children of different sexes, the educator should take into account that:

  1. Boys perceive information visually much better. It is easier for girls to memorize by ear. The chosen method of presenting new information should be such that information can be obtained both visually and by ear.
  2. Correct gender behavior is inherent in the child at the genetic level. The upbringing of preschoolers on the basis of folk traditions was adopted in the last century. They abandoned it quite recently. That is why children intuitively feel that the aggressive behavior of the mom and the passivity of the dad are not the norm. The child unknowingly copies the parental behavior. However, subconsciously, he realizes that dad and mom are wrong. This internal dissonance leads to psychological problems.
  3. High activity is suitable for a boy. He cannot do the same job for too long. The girl copes with the routine much easier and prefers quieter games and activities. Boys should be taught more science in preparation for school. Girls are inclined towards liberal arts.
  4. The leading factor in shaping the personality of a male child is the environment. A female preschooler is more influenced by a genetic predisposition.

The gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children is not based on discrimination, as advocates of equality claim, but on the basis of the peculiarities of the mental and physiological development of female and male children. Already at the age of two, the child begins to realize his gender. Boys and girls notice that they are physiologically and psychologically different. By the age of 7, children have already developed the basic gender stereotypes of behavior adopted in this society.

Raising a son

Preschool age is the period when a small person finds his place in this world thanks to the realization of belonging to a particular gender. In most cases, boys mature mentally later than girls. Their gender education should be dealt with much earlier.

It is believed that only fathers (grandfathers, brothers, uncles) should be engaged in gender socialization of male preschoolers. This is partly true, since a father, being of the same sex with his son, is able to pass on to the child much more gender-role experience. However, one should not completely exclude mother, grandmother and sister from the educational process. From childhood, a boy should learn to communicate successfully with people of the opposite sex. In order for a child to get used to his role from childhood, it is necessary to use the following recommendations:

  1. Give him "serious" tasks. Effective gender education requires children to do some kind of adult activity. At the same time, the tasks of the parents are not to shift their worries onto the shoulders of the baby. They should become teachers for their son, teaching him in practice. A senior preschooler can be entrusted with a lot. At 5-6 years old, a child is able to buy bread on his own, counting money without assistance, take out the trash, and wash the dishes.
  2. You can already talk with a child of 4-5 years old as with an adult. By this age, the boy had already mastered the basic moral norms accepted in society.
  3. Parents need to encourage their son to make independent decisions more often. You can start with the simplest: what kind of ice cream to buy, what cartoon to watch today, etc. You should also encourage your son's initiative.
  4. It is advisable to enroll the child in the sports section. Physical education is useful for both boys and girls. However, good athletic training is much more important for a future youth who will have to go to the army. The son can choose one of the most interesting sports to him. Boys most often like football, hockey, boxing, martial arts. Sport teaches a child to work in a team, to communicate not only with colleagues, but also with opponents. The desire not to be worse than your comrades makes you constantly work on yourself.
  5. The son should not be scolded for crying. Do not suppress the emotions in the child.

Raising a daughter

The role of the mother in the upbringing of a female child is very great. It is the mother who passes on to her daughter many female secrets and tricks that her parent once passed on to her. These secrets can relate to the preparation of delicious dishes according to special family recipes, and relationships with men. However, often a mother tries not only to pass on her life experience to her daughter, but also to realize her unfulfilled hopes through her. If a woman in her youth unsuccessfully tried to become an actress, singer, ballerina or businesswoman, she can impose her dream on her daughter.

As a result, the girl is forced to study ballet, vocals or attend an acting studio. From childhood, she prepares herself for the "great" future. But even having achieved success in the field chosen by her mother, the girl does not feel happy. Getting a brilliant education will not make a girl successful in family life, because she never prepared to be a good wife and mother. Useful for raising girls:

  1. Conversations on the topics "Girls are future mothers", "Every girl is a princess".
  2. Household participation. Regardless of their age, all girls love to wash and iron. Daughters willingly help mothers in the kitchen when preparing culinary products.
  3. Emphasis on appearance. A girl should always look like a princess. Mom should explain to her daughter that even in front of her father or brother, she cannot appear sloppy.

Together or separately?

Gender education of preschool children does not imply a complete separation of boys and girls, as was the case in pre-revolutionary Russia. The inability to contact the opposite sex leads to the fact that, becoming boys and girls, people feel awkward when communicating with each other. Very often, young women are cold and aloof to hide their embarrassment. For the same purposes, guys are rude towards girls.

Sex-role education of preschool children is impossible without inter-sex contacts. Not a single teacher will teach you how to behave correctly with the opposite sex without direct communication between boys and girls of preschool age. That is why parents should not prohibit their daughters from having boy friends and sons from having girl friends. Do not think that such communication will lead to early intimate relationships. On the contrary, the more prohibitions, the greater the desire to try the forbidden. Children of the opposite sex growing up together rarely get attracted to each other.

For full-fledged communication between boys and girls of preschool age, at home, dad and mom must create all the necessary conditions using didactic games and all kinds of psychological and pedagogical techniques. Brother and sister often quarrel. Everyone wants to get more attention from mom and dad. So that the children know that they are both dear to their parents, at the first convenient opportunity the family should go on trips together, visit cinemas, go to cafes. Mom should spend more time with her daughter, and dad should spend more time with his son. However, one should not forget about joint activities either.

What should be the results?

The role of parents in the upbringing of a child is not only to use this or that method of upbringing, but also to observe the operation of the method used. If the parenting system chosen is truly effective, parents will be able to:

  1. To form in the child the correct attitude towards the opposite sex. Boys are often seen by girls as bullies. Boys are sure that all girls are crybabies. Thanks to good upbringing, the child will be able to understand that the representative of the opposite sex is no better or worse than himself. It's just differently designed.
  2. Prepare children for family life. Parents can show their child what a real family should be only by their own example. If dad and mom quarrel in the presence of children, or their behavior violates moral and ethical standards, verbal convictions will not achieve the goal. For the sake of a happy future son or daughter, mom and dad should start monitoring their behavior. You should not sort things out in the presence of children.
  3. Teach a child to communicate not only with the opposite sex. Proper parenting will help your baby build relationships based on mutual respect and trust with people of any gender and age.

A child is a unique personality with its own characteristics. Sometimes, the predispositions initially inherent in him turn out to be stronger than upbringing. A boy who went to the karate section for several years turns out to be a romantic who prefers lyric poetry. The girl, who since childhood was instilled with a love of painting and music, dreams of serving in the army. Parents need to do more than just "mold" the child into what they need. It is important to take into account the developmental characteristics and tastes of the little person.

Prepared by: Taran Tatiana Vasilievna,

educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8"

“The Almighty created man as One, but, being angry with him, cut him into two halves (man and woman). Since then, they, so different, have been looking for each other around the world in order to gain the fullness of existence ... "(from an eastern legend)

Let us first recall some aspects of this issue.
In modern science, two terms are used:
Gender - (from the Latin "secare" - to divide, share) - initially refers to nothing more than the division of the human race into two groups: women and men.

Man is either a female or a male being.
Modern science clearly distinguishes between masculine and feminine principles, linking them with the concept of sex and gender. What is gender? For many people, this word will seem not only unfamiliar, but also threatening.
Gender is social gender, gender as a product of culture. This concept is not biological, social and spiritual.
Gender - (from Lat. Genus - "kind") - social gender that determines the behavior of a person in society and how this behavior is perceived.
A child is born with a certain biological sex, and takes on a gender role in the process of socialization, i.e. in the process of communicating with other people.
Gender upbringing of a child begins from the moment of his birth and lasts throughout his life.

Psychologists have proved that by the age of 2, a child begins to understand who he is - a girl or a boy, and from 4 to 7 years, children already realize that girls become women, and boys - men, that gender remains regardless of the situations or desires of the child. (that is, gender sustainability is being formed).
Once upon a time in Russia, gender-role education of children was carried out easily and naturally. Girls spent most of their time with their mother or nanny, and the upbringing of boys from the age of 3 was led by their father or tutor. Children constantly saw their parents, communicated with them, and as a result, they formed stereotypes of behavior characteristic of men and women.
Educators, educators and parents need to consider the gender factor in the educational process.
The educator should know that the flaws in the formation of gender roles lead to a violation of gender and gender identity, and this, in particular, can cause problems in future sexual contacts, family life, and raising children.
Gender education is a purposeful, organized and directed process of the formation of socio-cultural mechanisms for the construction of male and female roles, behavior, activities and psychological characteristics of a person, offered by society to its citizens, depending on the biological sex.

Educational tasks of gender gender education and heterosexual education in kindergarten:

To educate preschoolers with irreversible interest and a positive attitude towards their gender.
- to instill in the preschooler an interest and a good attitude towards the people around him;
- to develop in a preschooler an idea of ​​himself and other people as individuals and social persons with their own advantages and disadvantages, typical and individual characteristics;
- to develop sensitivity and empathy, the ability to feel and recognize the state and mood of people around. Behave in accordance with them, be able to manage your emotions and behavior;
- to enrich knowledge about one's family, clan, family heirlooms, traditions, to acquaint with the main functions of the family as a psychological group and social institution;
- to lay the foundations for future social and gender roles, to explain the peculiarities of their performance, to foster a positive attitude towards different social gender roles, to the necessity of their existence;
- to deepen the knowledge of children about the content of the concepts "boy", "girl", about the division of all people into men and women.

When working with preschoolers regarding gender education, the following areas should be taken into account:

Supplementing the children's self-regulation zone (for example, encouraging girls to play sports, and boys to self-service);
organization of research on the equality of cooperation between boys and girls in joint activities;
elimination of traditional cultural prohibitions on emotional self-expression of boys, encouraging them to express feelings;
creating conditions for training intergender sensitivity (for example, through theatricality, trainings).

The goal of the gender approach in pedagogy is the upbringing of children of different sexes, equally capable of self-realization and disclosure of their potentials and capabilities in modern society.
A gender approach in education is an individual approach to the manifestation of a child's identity, which in the future gives a person greater freedom of choice and self-realization, helps to be flexible enough and to be able to use different possibilities of behavior.
The relevance of gender education at the moment is enormous, because the direction of the gender education program also takes into account the fact that modern society is categorically opposed to men and women having only a set of advantages based on their gender.
Gender education in preschool educational institutions calls for the fact that we all want boys to demonstrate not only unbending will and muscles. We also wish that boys and men would show kindness according to the situation, would be gentle, sensitive, know how to show care towards other people, and respect relatives and friends. And women would be able to prove themselves, build a career, but at the same time not lose their femininity.
It would seem that gender education in the family is established from birth. Indeed, as soon as parents find out the gender of their unborn child, they begin to prepare both mentally and physically for the appearance of either a boy or a girl. They buy things by color, toys by gender. But gender upbringing has nothing to do with stereotypes: strollers are dark for boys and pink for girls.
Diverse upbringing in kindergarten will largely rely on the individual characteristics of a particular child, depend on those examples of the behavior of women and men that the little man constantly encounters in the family. Many parents point to this educational moment and believe that nothing else needs to be done. Children will automatically copy each of their gender roles. The problem is that it is often difficult for modern children to educate themselves. Because, for example, dad is rarely at home, and mom is associated with two sexes at once. Or a sample with a dad is not available at all and a lot of other negative nuances exist.
Relevance of gender education.
The real way out of this sad situation is purposeful gender education. Purposeful parenting given to a girl or boy in preschool age will have a significant impact on personality development. And it will allow girls and boys to manifest those personality traits that will allow them to be successful in modern society.
The most favorable age period for the beginning of gender education is the fourth year of life. Already in the fourth year of life, children whose behavior corresponds to the correct gender upbringing feel different from the opposite sex.
Now, observing children, one can notice that many girls are deprived of tenderness, sensitivity and patience, they do not know how to peacefully resolve conflicts. Boys, on the contrary, do not try to stand up for themselves, are weak physically, not hardy and emotionally unstable.
At least some kind of culture of behavior towards girls is completely alien to modern little knights. There is also concern that the content of children's games, for example, in kindergarten, demonstrates behavioral patterns that do not correspond to the gender of the child. Because of this, children do not know how to negotiate in the game, to distribute roles. Boys rarely show a desire to help girls when physical strength is needed, and girls do not seek to help boys where thoroughness, accuracy, and care are needed. Therefore, gender education, which will put all the features of raising girls and boys on the shelves, is very important.
Personality-oriented technologies are the mechanism of gender upbringing of young children:
1. Means:
folk tales
2. Methods:
cognitive and developmental ethical conversations
problem situations
action schemes
3. Forms:
play activity
Speaking about the relevance of gender education, educators and parents are encouraged to use such methods and techniques in gender education of a preschooler as gender education games:
Role-playing game "Family"
Conversations using illustrations, fiction
Problem situations with ethical content
Making gifts for moms, dads, peers
Didactic games: “Who likes to do what? , "What is to whom?", "I am growing," "What is in common, how are we different?" , "I am like this, because ...", "Who to be?" , "Dress the boy, dress the girl."

Thank you for the attention!