How do the first ultrasound. When do the first ultrasound during pregnancy and what it will show - tips on how to prepare for the examination

Examination of the female body during the period of bearing a child and monitoring the course of pregnancy is an important measure in order, as they say, to keep everything under control. In the course of the examination, we receive data that guide further actions, if such are required, or create a favorable atmosphere for the expectant mother and her child. One of such informative examination methods is ultrasound examination (ultrasound), which includes, in addition to various indicators, also visual information.

The principle of such a study is based on echolocation: the reflection of ultrasonic waves from the tissues into which it penetrates, and the display of an image of these tissues on the screen. The sensor that receives the reflected rays perceives the response signals differently, depending on the density of the tissues that reflect the rays. Therefore, the screen reproduces the image of the fetus in all its outlines. Ultrasound today is the most effective and safest, which means it is the most common research method used for diagnostics for 40 years. For the entire time of the use of ultrasound in diagnostics, its negative effect on the object under study was not observed.

Note! In the scope of the study, the duration of the sensor's operation for radiation is only 0.1%, the rest of the time it is busy receiving and processing ultrasonic waves reflected from the object under study. Therefore, the female body and fetus are not in danger.

The advantages of ultrasound in its reliability, full information content. A simple and quick study does not require complex and special preparation of the patient, and ultrasound is also included in the list of free diagnostic procedures.

According to experts, for the entire period of pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out three ultrasound scans at strictly established stages of pregnancy (at 10-12, 20-24 and 32-36 weeks) for strictly defined purposes. Doing an ultrasound scan in order to please yourself with a picture is hardly worth it. Of course, there are times when the doctor prescribes an additional ultrasound.

The purpose of the first ultrasound

The studies on the above-mentioned dates do not include the first ultrasound, which is recommended to be done to confirm the assumptions of pregnancy. The importance of the first ultrasound, first of all, is that it can help prevent a very dangerous diagnosis - an ectopic pregnancy. An ultrasound will show whether the ovum is attached where it should be, that is, in the uterus. The importance of ultrasound and the fact that this diagnostic method allows you to determine multiple pregnancies.

Note! The first ultrasound examination is carried out with several purposes - to confirm the fact of pregnancy, including multiple pregnancy, to exclude the likelihood of ectopic fertilization.

Timeliness of diagnosis at the early stage of pregnancy is vital for a woman. It is extremely important to identify an ectopic pregnancy as soon as the egg is fertilized. Early diagnosis will allow you to avoid serious complications in the future by providing emergency assistance. Therefore, it is important to know when to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy.

Time of the first ultrasound

The first ultrasound examination is performed at the beginning of the 1st trimester (up to 12 weeks). In order to confirm uterine pregnancy, an ultrasound scan is performed 3-5 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation.

In obstetrics, at this time, two methods of diagnosis are mainly used - ultrasound through the abdominal wall and the transvaginal method using a vaginal sensor with special protection like a condom. Vaginal examination significantly increases the accuracy and reliability of the data obtained due to direct contact of the sensor with internal organs. In this case, there is also no need to fill the bladder when preparing a woman for examination. With the help of a transvaginal ultrasound method, pregnancy can be confirmed as early as 4-5 days of delayed menstruation, that is, an embryological pregnancy at a period of 2-4 weeks. During this period, the ovum reaches a diameter of only 5 mm. A little later, the gestational age is specified by measuring the size of the embryo from its coccyx to the crown (head). The probability of an error in the gestational age does not exceed 3.

At a period of 3 weeks, the embryo is determined (its coccygeal-parietal indicators are 4 mm), cardiac pulsation is visible (heart rate is determined).

If there is no need to confirm the fact of pregnancy (when its presence and absence of ectopic pathology are established in a different way), then ultrasound diagnostics up to 12 weeks for a woman will be her first ultrasound, which makes it possible to see on the monitor screen:

for a period of 7 weeks - the head of the embryo;

For a period of 8 weeks - limbs;

On a period of 9-11 weeks - ossification points and bones of the extremities;

For a period of 11-14 weeks - the presence (or pathology) of all fingers, bladder, kidneys and stomach of the fetus. The "collar space" is measured: the norm is no more than 2-3 mm, more than 3 mm leads to swelling of the fetal neck, which indicates a chromosomal disorder, hereditary pathology of the child - the presence of a risk of Down's syndrome. Collar data are especially important in multiple pregnancies. Its early detection will help to be more accurately examined for Down syndrome, since the results of a blood test for Down syndrome during pregnancy with many children allow an error.

The sex of the child can be determined only in the second trimester (after the 12th week). A more accurate and detailed detection of various fetal pathologies is possible only after the 20th week.

Note! The first ultrasound in the first trimester can show only the most serious malformations in the development of the fetus, on the basis of which a decision can be made about the artificial termination of pregnancy.

Preparation for research

I must say that the principle of ultrasound is that the waves pass through a kind of window, which serves as a liquid. This is especially important when diagnosing the pelvic organs of women who are not pregnant or at the shortest possible time. In this case, a filled bladder plays the role of such a window.

Note! Before the procedure, the patient needs to drink from 500 to 700 ml of liquid an hour and a half before the start of the procedure. With an increase in pregnancy, the need for such an amount of fluid for the bladder gradually disappears, as the amount of amniotic fluid increases.

The diagnostic method using ultrasound should not be chosen as the main method of detecting and confirming pregnancy. Modern medical technologies make it possible to choose simpler and cheaper methods for this. Ultrasound, despite its safety, in the early stages of pregnancy should be performed without repetitions, if necessary and only at the behest of a doctor.

A repeated, more thorough examination is best done in a prenatal laboratory and only if fetal pathology is detected. The results of all studies should be saved to assess the course of pregnancy, to monitor the dynamics of fetal development, which will allow timely identification of complications and take measures to eliminate them.


For more information on the first ultrasound, see below:

Ultrasound examination (also called echography) is performed to assess the course of pregnancy and study the development of the embryo. This method of examining a pregnant woman is a safe and effective way of early diagnosis of serious malformations and genetic disorders in the fetus, assessment of the state of the uterus and reducing the risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in the early stages. During the procedure, with the help of special sensors, a visual image of the fetus is displayed on the screen, an assessment of its condition and development is made.

Tasks of the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy

The first planned ultrasound scan during pregnancy is prescribed in order to clarify the normal course of the processes occurring in the uterus and assess the state of the embryo, diagnose the rate of its development, exclude possible defects and genetic pathologies. During the first trimester, the doctor determines the gestational age of the fetus (the time it is in the uterus). Based on these data, the obstetrician-gynecologist sets the planned delivery date.

The term of the first ultrasound during pregnancy

In most cases, the first ultrasound of a pregnant woman is routinely performed at 12-13 weeks. This moment is considered optimal for considering the anatomical features of the fetus, determining the thickness of the collar space (it is used to determine congenital genetic abnormalities, for example, Down's syndrome). In some cases, the study can be prescribed at an earlier date, the indications for its conduct are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, bloody vaginal discharge and other serious complaints. An ultrasound scan up to 12 weeks can be performed for the following purposes:

  1. The analysis helps to confirm uterine pregnancy, to exclude the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy and the risks of cystic drift - at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. To assess the formation of the umbilical cord, rudiments of the extremities, ear auricles - at 3-4 weeks. The size of the fetus at this point is 2-4 mm.
  3. To assess the main anatomical structures of the embryo, diagnose pathologies incompatible with life and developmental abnormalities - 10-11 weeks. At this time, the liver, kidneys, bladder and stomach of the fetus are visible, normally ossification of the posterior part of the nasal septum occurs.

Carrying out the first ultrasound scan after 12 weeks of pregnancy allows you to obtain accurate data on amniotic fluid, their quantity and composition, to clarify the placenta attachment site. The analysis done at this time indicates the presence of signs of possible violations of the course of pregnancy, which can lead to its early spontaneous termination - uterine hypertonicity, placental detachment.

Preparation for research

The methods of preparation for the examination depend on the chosen diagnostic method. In the case of the appointment of the first ultrasound through the abdominal wall, two hours before the procedure, the woman needs to drink about a liter of water without gas (or another amount recommended by the doctor). It will be possible to get rid of the contents of the bladder after the end of the study.

When prescribing a transvaginal analysis using a special vaginal sensor, you may need to purchase and bring with you a special condom and a diaper (this information should be clarified with the administration of the clinic or antenatal clinic). It is not necessary to fill the bladder before the procedure with this method of examination. The choice of the method for conducting ultrasound diagnostics depends on the timing of pregnancy and the indications for its implementation, is determined by the doctor.

How is ultrasound performed?

The research method is based on the principle of echolocation. During the procedure, a special device emits ultrasonic waves, which are reflected from the walls of internal organs and returned back, transmitting information about the state of the examined organism. After processing the received data by the device, they are displayed on the screen in the form of a picture.

In obstetrics and gynecology during pregnancy, two main methods of ultrasound are practiced. In traditional screening, the doctor guides the woman's abdomen with a transducer, a special transducer that emits ultrasonic waves. Before the procedure, a special liquid is applied to the skin, which promotes better penetration of waves into the abdominal cavity.

Vaginal examination (transvaginal ultrasound) is performed using a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina. This method increases the accuracy of the results obtained, helps to obtain reliable data on the fetus in the early stages. The procedure itself does not cause unpleasant sensations; the next day after its implementation, small spotting may appear.

Results of the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy

After the ultrasound examination, the doctor draws up a protocol, where the data on the main parameters studied during the examination are entered. These indicators include:

  • imaging of the embryo;
  • structure and location of the chorion (outer fetal membrane);
  • fetal heart rate;
  • the size of the collar area;
  • coccygeal-parietal size;
  • structural features of the uterine walls and uterine appendages.

After screening, a woman may be referred for a biochemical blood test to obtain a more accurate picture and clarify some details. For this test, blood is drawn from a vein, on an empty stomach, or four hours after the last meal. The data obtained is also recorded in the protocol, which is transmitted to the obstetrician-gynecologist, who leads the pregnancy.

An ultrasound examination is a mandatory procedure for a pregnant woman. The main task is to determine the state of the fetus and its environment, the correctness of the baby's development, and identify various diseases at an early stage. A timely diagnosis contributes to the prompt treatment and avoidance of the birth of children with various defects and diseases. The procedure in the early stages or the very first ultrasound during pregnancy can identify the threat of miscarriage, which is very important for the preservation and normal course of pregnancy.

The first is prescribed by a gynecologist within 12 weeks. The following procedures are performed for periods of about 24 and 32 weeks. This applies to pregnancy with a normal course and without any problems. But if carrying a child is accompanied by a constant threat of miscarriage, uterine tone and other diagnoses, then ultrasound is prescribed as needed.

Quite often, this procedure is also used as a way to determine pregnancy or to exclude it. Many women do not completely trust the tests, but the ultrasound does not guarantee accurate diagnosis. Modern equipment can discern the embryo as early as three weeks. The most important benefit of early diagnosis is the exclusion or confirmation of an ectopic pregnancy that threatens a woman's life. The embryo outside the uterus is visible from about five weeks.

So, the supervising gynecologist appointed the procedure at 12 weeks. Why is it necessary to do the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy? This period can be called a kind of borderline, the transition from the embryo stage to the fetal stage. Almost all of the baby's organs are developed and began to function. The baby's place, the placenta, all the necessary attributes for a favorable development work great, the fetus receives nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. Although the baby is only no more than a decimeter in size, he has the outlines of a small man with an enlarged head so far.

This is the ideal course of pregnancy, when the fetus meets the deadline, everything is fine, he is provided with everything he needs. But, unfortunately, things are not always so rosy. It is to identify the slightest deviations in development that the first ultrasound is carried out at a twelve-week period.

A specialist will take measurements of the fetus to determine the correct anatomical structure. Measurement of the collar zone is very important to exclude chromosomal abnormalities. All internal organs of the baby will be examined for the correct structure and functioning, and the heart rate will be measured. The placenta, its development, the place of attachment, whether the fetus is supplied with the necessary amount of oxygen, is necessarily examined. The threat of interruption, anomalies in development is diagnosed. An exact due date will be set and an estimated due date will be assigned. There is a lot of research and all of them are important for a favorable course of pregnancy.

The term of 12 weeks was not chosen by chance. If the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy revealed developmental abnormalities or other terrible diagnoses, the parents still have time to make a decision about maintaining this pregnancy.

Among many mothers, there is talk about the harmfulness of the procedure. In fact, there is no harm and the frequency of ultrasound examinations does not affect the development of the baby in any way. Only the time of the procedure is important, but all the specialists conducting the research are well aware of the time frame and do not exceed them.

If the equipment is good and the specialist is experienced enough, then already at such a short time you can see the sex of the baby.

Today, echography (ultrasound) is the most common, safe and highly effective method for assessing the development of pregnancy.

Thanks to transvaginal echography, 3 weeks after conception, you can see the ovum in the uterine cavity, and a week later - and its inhabitant.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy

The body length of a 4-week-old embryo is no more than 5 mm, and its heart rate reaches 100 beats per minute. By the 6-7th week from the moment of conception, the head and body, arms and legs of the embryo are clearly defined. Then he makes the first attempts to move independently.

An important component of an ultrasound scan in early pregnancy is the study of the environment around the baby. If everything goes well, a relationship develops between the embryo and the extraembryonic structures, without which, alas, the further development of pregnancy is impossible.

We emphasize that the first ultrasound scan during pregnancy should be carried out by a specialist. Very well versed in early prenatal diagnosis. After making sure that everything is in order with the baby, he will gladly help the parents to see the eyes, ears and even fingers on the arms of the unborn child on the screen.

When to do the first ultrasound during pregnancy?

Future mothers are always interested in the issue of ultrasound safety. Back in 1978, before echography became a method of mass examination of expectant mothers, the biological aspects of the effect of ultrasound on living tissues were thoroughly studied. It was found that even with a multiple excess of the permissible ultrasound intensity during diagnostics, there are no harmful consequences for mammalian embryos.

But the negative consequences of refusing ultrasound in the first trimester are very clear. About 100 children with Down syndrome are born in Moscow every year. Unfortunately, not only people who are far from medicine, but also some doctors do not know that with the help of echography it is possible to suspect trouble as early as 12-13 weeks. Why is it necessary to conduct the first ultrasound session no later than this period?

At first, it is optimal for the diagnosis of gross malformations of the fetus and markers of chromosomal pathology. After 2 weeks, ultrasound features that allow one to suspect Down syndrome and other serious diseases can disappear without a trace.

Secondly, if a chromosomal pathology is suspected, doctors have time to conduct a special genetic study and, in case of an unfavorable result, terminate the pregnancy.

Thirdly, in the first trimester, the gestational age of the fetus is established with an accuracy of 2-3 days. Obstetricians are guided by this age in all difficult situations.

Timing of ultrasound

An ultrasound scan is done to all pregnant women at a certain time: 12-13 weeks, 22-23 weeks and 31-32 weeks. This allows you to timely identify the widest possible range of possible fetal diseases and complications, as well as determine further medical tactics.

The period from 12th to 13th week of pregnancy
The very first genetic blood test. Specialists have the opportunity to assess several important points: the anatomical features of the fetus and the thickness of the collar zone - a marker of Down's disease.

Period from 22nd to 23rd week of pregnancy
At this gestational period, it is possible to exclude the overwhelming number of existing malformations of the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, as well as the gastrointestinal tract of the unborn child.

Period from 31st to 32nd week of pregnancy
Ultrasound can diagnose late anomalies in the development of internal organs, such as the heart. In addition, doctors determine the rate of growth of the fetus and how much its size is as expected.