How beautiful to decorate the house for the new year. Festive decor in the interior of the apartment. Beautiful New Year's table setting

New Year is just around the corner! It's time to decorate your home. But it is advisable to enter the festive atmosphere in a good mood, and many of us are still carried by the burden of worries of the outgoing year.

Listen to good music, watch a New Year's movie, get out the Christmas tree decorations: in general, get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday. At the same time, you will estimate what you already have and what else you need to buy. The house should be imbued with the charm of the holiday, which means that everything in it should be decorated in the same New Year's style.

We decorate the Christmas tree

We traditionally start decorating the house with a Christmas tree.

The primacy among Christmas tree decorations is still held by balls, the size of which must certainly be combined with the size of the tree. Moreover, you need to hang them through at least one branch, leaving room for other Christmas tree decorations.

But balls with balls (many traditionally decorate the Christmas tree with them), but otherwise let's try to deviate from the accepted canons by decorating the queen of the year with bows and feathers (boas), ribbons and pendants, artificial flowers and beads, children's toys and souvenirs! Suddenly you have old children's toys lying around in your country attic: soldiers, caskets, hedgehogs, mini-dolls and horses - give them a new life! Paint with gold or silver paint and add retro style to your New Year's beauty.

If you are decorating a tree using feathers, place cute mini Christmas trees from them around it. And if you decorated your beauty with artificial flowers or bows, create a stylish environment around her from mini-Christmas trees, decorated in the same way. Now in stores there is such an abundance of various models that you will definitely find what you need.

Decorating rooms

When starting to decorate rooms, do not forget to adhere to a single style of home decoration. Only this rule does not apply to the nursery - you can experiment in it to your heart's content. Delicious New Year decorations are always in fashion: apples, tangerines and oranges wrapped in foil, candies in shiny "clothes", gingerbread cookies and cookies with colored glaze.

You can build pyramids from fruits, decorate them with tinsel and serpentine, or make such delicious New Year's snowmen out of tangerines.

It is quite appropriate to place in each room a vase filled with sweets and tangerines mixed with plastic Christmas balls.

Hallway and corridor

It's always nice to receive congratulations from loved ones. Attach colorful posters with humorous inscriptions and New Year's greetings in the hallway.

At the very entrance, hang wind chimes or bells to notify you of the arrival of guests. Decorate the walls of the corridor with pendants made of Christmas tree decorations and flat glazed cookies.

Hang large coniferous branches beautifully along the walls of the corridor, decorate them in moderation in the same style in which you decorated the Christmas tree.


In the main room of the house, we already have a decorated Christmas tree, possibly surrounded by small Christmas trees. From the design of this festive oasis and "dance", decorating the hall in the same style (details about the festive decor of the living room are described in the article ""). And I will present you with a photo of several beautiful ideas, from which you may draw New Year's inspiration for decorating the hall.

Next to the Christmas tree, as if dusted with frost, snow-white fur looks beautiful.

White, gold, green and red are classic New Year colors.

Well, have you chosen a suitable idea?


Make an exclusive bedroom decoration! Pour water into a transparent wide bowl, slightly tint it with potassium permanganate or watercolors. And launch boats there from lighted pill candles. The composition will look great if you add cut flower heads to the water and sprinkle glitter.

And by fastening several candles with flexible wire, you can make wall candelabra for the bedroom and even a "medieval chandelier". Just be careful with fire ...

Children's room

The safest decor for a nursery will be paper decorations and wall posters with a New Year's scenery. Also in the nursery, spruce twigs in "frost" or "snow" are appropriate, but it is not recommended to put a large Christmas tree there - children can overturn it while playing. Wrap your child's furniture with tinsel and garlands. Make snow pendants by wrapping cotton balls with long threads or beads.

Our children are talented by nature, so give free rein to children's imagination. You look - and they will teach you something!


Let's put a festive mood in the kitchen, then the New Year's table will turn out to be such that you will lick your fingers. Buy napkins, towels, tablecloth, plates, glasses and vases in New Year's style! Fortunately, now all this is sold in stores and is inexpensive.

Decorate the kitchen curtains with bunches of small blue balls that imitate grapes. Stick colored snowflakes on the glass. Use spruce wreaths and tinsel to transform kitchen shelves and cabinets. And a few New Year's toys hung on the walls will add the desired flavor to the entire kitchen interior.

Windows and mirrors

As a variant of non-standard window decoration, I propose to make New Year's "blinds" from bright satin ribbons, on the lower end of which Christmas balls, bows or stars are fixed. Or decorate the curtains according to tradition: garlands, snowflakes and Christmas tree decorations.

Paint glasses and mirrors in the house with frosty patterns or stars using ordinary toothpaste or watercolors.

Children especially love to do this kind of work. My daughter sticks out her tongue from the creative tension :)

Christmas wreath

A Christmas wreath is a must-have for your front door!

This wonderful tradition came to us from Europe. A wreath on the door means: "Welcome, you are always welcome here." Weave a Christmas wreath from fir branches or buy a ready-made one at the store.


Now let's plunge into the atmosphere of a fairy tale and create New Year's lighting in the rooms. Here you can not do without LED garlands, New Year's lamps. Fortunately, their choice is so great that our imagination has where to roam in the open.

Thinking over the New Year's decor of the rooms, do not forget about the external design of the country house. Decorate window openings, roof, porch and facade with glowing snowflakes, stars, and different figures. Use neon lights, LED lights, and more.

How are you going to decorate your home for the New Year holidays? Do you have especially original ideas? Share with us, please!

Used photos from sites: and

So the magical time of the New Year's holidays is approaching, which both children and adults are looking forward to. Since childhood, we all associate winter with real miracles and long-awaited gifts. One has only to believe in magic, and the most cherished wish will certainly come true! And so that the festive atmosphere completely envelops you even before the New Year and Christmas, play with the New Year's decor at home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year?

Already on the eve of this wonderful time, you can come up with and make DIY Christmas decorations... If you do not have enough imagination to create your own ideas, the Internet and various glossy publications offer a lot of options. It is enough to stock up on the necessary materials, and most importantly - patience and perseverance, and everything will work out for you.

Remember we already decorated the house with our own hands last year? Now let's look at the trends of New Year's decor in 2017.

Decor ideas for the New Year can be manifested in the interior with the help of additional elements. These can be Christmas wreaths, garlands, Christmas toys, candles, fruits, balls, light bulbs, and more. And of course, do not forget about the transformation of the main attribute of the New Year - the Christmas tree.

DIY Christmas tree

Popular ideas for 2017 for DIY New Year's decor are wreaths, candles, champagne. In general, everything that we all associate with this wonderful holiday.

DIY home decoration for the New Year

Some people think that decorating for New Year takes too much time and money. But you can think of something very simple, and at the same time stylish and charming, and your home will shine with new colors.

There are many shops where you can buy everything for decoration, you just need to be inspired by some ideas. But this does not mean that you need to run and buy everything in the world in order to decorate the apartment for the New Year. It is enough to add a few details to the interior that will add coziness and a festive atmosphere to your home.

Christmas wreaths

Wreaths as DIY decor ideas for the New Year are very popular, therefore, the methods and options for their manufacture are very diverse. You can use almost any material, the main thing is to follow the recommendations, and you will see how you can decorate your home easily and without unnecessary hassle. Detailed master classes on how to make Christmas wreaths for the home are here and here.

First, imagine how your wreath will look like, what colors will prevail in the elements of its decor, and where you would like to place it. Typically, this Christmas decoration is hung on the door, but you can arrange it anywhere. After the design of the wreath is mentally complex, select the appropriate materials and elements that will be needed to make it. The basis for it can be:

  • clothespins;
  • socks;
  • wine corks;
  • newsprint;
  • cardboard;
  • fruits;
  • Christmas tree toys;
  • candies;
  • cones;
  • balloons;
  • small items of clothing;
  • beads, fabric, and more.

Candles and champagne

Candles are an essential attribute of New Year's Eve, which will make your home even more comfortable and romantic. All that remains is to wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy the upcoming holidays in a warm family circle. In addition, this is a very simple DIY New Year decor idea.

You can knit candle cases, or use an old knitted sweater by cutting off the desired piece. This decor will warm and delight you at home on cold winter days.

For the next idea, you'll need glass containers and long candles. Put a New Year's candle in their neck, and decorate the free space that forms at their junction with a cloth or pine needles.

With the help of beautiful candles, you can create a spectacular New Year's decor with your own hands, the photo of which is presented below. These can be whole compositions of cones, twigs, artificial snow, tinsel and other small details.

You can take a non-standard approach to decorating candles and decorate them with Christmas balls, only miniature, bright and neat. It will turn out to be just a wonderful decor for the New Year!

As for the champagne and glasses for it, they also need to be transformed for the holiday. They will become spectacular additions to home decoration for the New Year. Wine glasses can be decorated with interesting beads or paint something New Year's on them.

Champagne can be decorated in the following ways:

  • using colored ribbons that can be tied around the bottle and neck;
  • replace the usual sticker on the bottle with a festive New Year's greetings;
  • paint a winter landscape or any other themed picture on champagne using paints;
  • for a bottle, just like for a candle, you can make a knitted cover, or use some interesting fabric.

As you can see, you already know several ways to decorate a house with your own hands.

DIY Christmas garlands

Garlands are a proven way to create the right atmosphere in your home. They can be used to decorate all rooms and make them more festive. If you are wondering how to decorate a room for the new year, then garlands will be the most suitable option.

You can hang them on the windows, above the door and at the head of the bed. To make the tree shimmer with bright lights and look even more elegant, decorate it with a garland.

Such a New Year's decor of the apartment will delight all family members. And if you want not only the interior of the rooms to flicker, you can use garlands to decorate the house outside, and then not only you, but also the neighbors can enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday.

See also: Beautiful Christmas decorations for the street

Decorations for the Christmas tree

It is impossible to imagine New Year's Eve without this green beauty. A live Christmas tree creates a magical holiday atmosphere, and the process of decorating it for the New Year attracts everyone. This is a great opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Trends for Christmas tree decorations change every year, but the main thing is to dress it up the way you like it. It can be anything: balls, pendants, candies, paper snowflakes, garlands with colorful lights, stars, fruits and much more. It all depends only on your imagination.

DIY Christmas balls: step-by-step master classes

You can also make your own Christmas tree decorations. This requires:

  • Take a balloon and inflate it, just not too much.
  • Coat it on top with ordinary glue.
  • While the glue is not dry, you need to wrap the ball with threads and yarns of different colors and leave it all to dry.
  • Take a needle, deflate the balloon and you're done!

Thus, you can make one of the many original Christmas tree decorations for the New Year's decor, which will be remembered by all your guests.

DIY Christmas toys - photo

We decorate windows

If the snow has not yet pleased you this winter, but you want to see frosty drawings outside the window, then you can decorate the windows with homemade white paper snowflakes. New Year's ideas like these will make homes stand out from others, and you will feel winter like no other.

For those who are fond of knitting, you can make multi-colored snowflakes from threads decorated with beads and hang them around the apartment. This DIY New Year's decor, ideas for which you can take from the Internet, is easy to bring to life in any place convenient for you. This requires only diagrams and materials at hand. There are many more ways to make snowflakes:

You can also build such decorations:

  • compose a composition of candles, cones and spruce, and put it on the windowsill;
  • take homemade or purchased balls, and hang them around the perimeter of the window;
  • You can also hang Christmas socks, garlands, and other Christmas decorations for your home.

Do not limit your imagination and create whole New Year's compositions, because it is so much fun and interesting to create something with your own hands. Involve children in this process and help them make something magical.

Wall and door decor for the New Year

Just like windows, walls should be decorated with snowflakes and handmade garlands. Decorating the walls for the New Year will take you a little time, because you just need to attach the decorations with tape or a carnation.

If there is no room in the house for a living Christmas tree, then you can make it from scrap materials and place it right on the wall. Such a home decoration for the New Year will look very original and beautiful, and such an integral attribute of a holiday as a Christmas tree can delight you all winter.

They like to decorate doors in New Year's houses with natural or self-made wreaths. They identify some special festive spirit, and seem to remind that the New Year will be knocking on the door soon.

You can hang rain or tinsel on it and make a horseshoe that will bring good luck and success to the whole family. Thus, decorating a house for the New Year with your own hands can be not only beautiful, but also useful.

Ideas for setting New Year's table

When the interior decoration is completed, and the question of how to decorate the house for the New Year is closed, you can proceed to the final stage - setting the festive table.

Beautiful New Year's table setting

This is the place behind which all close people and friends will gather on New Year's Eve, so you need to put your whole soul into its design, and then all the guests will appreciate your preparation.

Place candles and compositions that you have prepared for decorating your home with your own hands on the table. Think about how you can “dress up” the table with festive napkins. Meals should also match the festive atmosphere, so take a look at how you can decorate salads and other cooked goodies.

You can also put a homemade Christmas tree in the center, and let everyone write wishes for each other on it. You can also make gifts with your own hands for the New Year, the videos of which can be viewed on the Internet. This is a good idea, because such a gesture of attention will be doubly pleasant.

New Year's decor trends 2017: photos

The approach of the New Year 2019 is felt by everyone. It is noticeable in the busy hustle and bustle of the streets, conversations on buses and just in the relationships of colleagues and acquaintances. To make everything go really unforgettable, it is worth considering in advance what the decoration of the house will be for the New Year. Still, in many respects, the atmosphere of the holiday depends precisely on the premises where it is celebrated.

Therefore, the approach to the design of housing, especially if small children live in it, should be especially serious - everyone wants to give their loved ones a piece of magic on this holiday. Where to start preparing for the 2019 meeting?

Of course, the Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year. It can be alive or artificial, but it should be anyway! The latter option is even better - you not only do not encourage the barbaric felling of beautiful trees, but you also protect yourself from unnecessary expenses, as well as the need to carry out serious cleaning when the needles begin to crumble from the tree.

What is the best way to decorate a Christmas tree? There may be several options here. Balls are classics. Bright, shiny and beautiful - they will look great on the tree. But if they are large, then you should not use too many toys - there should be at least one empty branch between them so that there is no feeling of clutter.

Decorating the tree with numerous cone toys would be a good option. It looks amazingly graceful and natural.

However, many people do not like this monotony too much. They believe that the tree should be as bright as possible.

In this case, the use of all kinds of toys is encouraged - balls, cones, icicles, fairy-tale houses, souvenirs and much more. Children come to indescribable delight, seeing such diversity and beauty.

You can also deviate from the canons by inventing your own style of decoration. In this case, you can use ribbons, pendants, children's toys, bows, feathers and much, much more. Or maybe in your family somewhere in the attic or mezzanine old toys, like toy soldiers, mini-dolls, hedgehogs or something else, are lost?

In this case, you can give the old toys a new life, using them as a decoration for the Christmas tree. Surely, they will look great on a green beauty. The main thing to remember is that Christmas decoration at home does not have any strict rules.

Just do what you want - the house should look bright, beautiful and festive, and you should not stick to any templates here.

Living room decoration

Decorating living rooms, whether it be a living room or bedrooms, is a very exciting and interesting business that allows you to fully enjoy the holiday atmosphere. And here the main thing is not to overdo it - remember that all rooms should be decorated in the same style.

Otherwise, you will get a full-fledged vinaigrette, in which the styles are messed up, and the house looks more like a warehouse of New Year's decorations.

A good solution would be to use delicious decorations. These can be oranges, tangerines, or foil-wrapped apples. Sweets in bright packages or even glazed gingerbread will also look great. An unusual, but even more original decoration can be large transparent vases filled with tangerines, sweets and unbreakable Christmas tree decorations.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time decorating your house with your own hands, you can create many small snowmen from tangerines and oranges, fixing the elements with each other with toothpicks, and plant them in the most unexpected places. The room will become brighter and more festive - for many people, it is tangerines that are associated with the New Year.

Children's room decoration

Perhaps decorating a children's room for the New Year is the most difficult, but at the same time, the most fun part of the preparation. After all, first of all, the house is decorated for children, so that they feel the holiday and its magic.

The choice of jewelry should be approached quite carefully, especially if there are small children in your family who are drawn to everything beautiful, not figuring out whether it is safe or not.

Wall posters can be a great solution. Long before the onset of the New Year, a huge number of New Year's posters depicting Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, a Christmas tree and many other indispensable attributes of the holiday appear on the streets of cities and in shops.

These posters, combined with paper decorations, can be very suitable items for decorating a child's room.

The walls can be decorated with small spruce twigs - you can buy them for a pittance at the points of sale of live trees. Even if they are not too conspicuous, they bring a delightful scent of the spruce forest and the New Year. If your fantasy has let you down, you can study numerous photos. Surely they will give you a lot of interesting and original ideas.

You can also make snow pendants. Use long strands of rain, securing some cotton wool over them, and hang them all over the room. This will create the feeling of real indoor snowfall.

If your children have already grown up enough, then you can completely entrust the decoration of the children's room to them. Not ossified thinking, irrepressible imagination and enthusiasm will allow them to decorate their room in such a way that both you and your friends will only be surprised.

Surely, any child will be delighted if several cute and cheerful snowmen settle in his room during the holidays. All that is needed for this is a few white balloons, thread, some scotch tape and a few markers.

Read also

Home decor ideas

Inflate the white balloons to different sizes, then tie them with a thread and fasten them together with tape, forming a snowman. Now, using felt-tip pens, draw the snowman's mouth, eyes and nose.

Such a snowman can be placed on a table, glued to a wall or even a ceiling, or simply hung on any ledge, such as a door or window handle.

Such decorations are ridiculously cheap, take up a minimum of space, but bring great joy to children.

The party starts from the corridor

Where do all your acquaintances go when they come to visit you in order to meet 2016? That's right, into the corridor. Therefore, he should also pay a lot of attention when decorating the house.

It is not worth using bulky decorations in the corridor - they will be a hassle in an already cramped room. Better to use small but colorful posters and New Year's greetings.

The walls of the corridor can be hung with fir branches, which will add a festive flavor, adding an indescribable aroma. Small Christmas tree decorations can add a little coziness and festive mood.

Don't forget about the kitchen

It doesn't matter where you celebrate the next New Year - in a country house or in your apartment, you need to decorate every room. And the kitchen is not the least important place.

If the financial situation allows, you can buy napkins, tablecloth, towels, glasses, vase and plates, decorated in a festive style. They will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the New Year. Tinsel and spruce twigs will gracefully decorate walls, shelves and cabinets. Small plastic Christmas tree decorations can be hung on cabinet handles.

If you wish, you can buy white self-adhesive paper, cut out snowmen from it, paint them and stick them on all suitable surfaces - refrigerator, cabinets and seats of stools or chairs.

You will feel how a magical holiday penetrates into every room of your home.

Removing the paper after New Year's Eve will be pretty easy.

We decorate mirrors and windows

If something gives a huge scope for creativity when preparing housing for the New Year, it is windows and mirrors. And this can be used to its fullest, especially if you are interested in decorating a summer house, where there are much more windows than in a city apartment.

Curtains on the windows can be decorated with colorful garlands, as well as New Year's toys. Mirrors and glass can be painted with delicate frosty patterns. For this, both white watercolor paint and a simple toothpaste are suitable. Children will simply be delighted when they see such beauty. It is important that it is very easy to remove these decorations - just walk over them with a damp cloth.

Glasses can also be decorated with snowflakes. They look great both from the inside of the house and from the outside. Therefore, in part, such a task as decorating the facade of a house will be solved - from the street, snowflakes look great against the background of illuminated windows.

Perhaps everyone knows how to cut snowflakes, regardless of age. By the way, it is better to make them from napkins, and not from plain paper. Then the snowflakes are more airy and elegant. And if you use not paper, but foil, then they will also turn out to be shiny, bright. You can stick snowflakes on windows with a simple toothpaste.

You can also just paint snowflakes on the mirrors and windows of the house. To do this, you will need paper, an unnecessary toothbrush and toothpaste, and blue gouache.

Cut out the shape of the snowflake you like best.

Wet the glass or mirror a little and hold the snowflake to the surface for it to stick. Now mix the gouache and toothpaste for a light blue color. Dip the bristles of a toothbrush into the resulting "paint", slightly bend the bristles with your finger and release them near the snowflake.

Repeat the procedure several times so that the "paint" covers the snowflake and the glass around it. Then just pick up the paper snowflake and remove it. As a result, you get a very graceful painted snowflake on the glass - light and surprisingly natural.

After the holiday, you can quickly wash it off - moisten the glass with a damp cloth, and then clean it with any glass cleaner.

In general, there are much more ideas for decorating glasses and mirrors. If you can't come up with anything really original, you can watch a few videos. Surely they will inspire you to create new and unusual jewelry.

Use of lighting technology

In many stores today, you can easily and relatively inexpensively purchase LED strips. The color can be very different - some tapes are equipped with one-color diodes, others - multi-colored. Of course, white, blue or blue colors are best suited for celebrating the New Year - the most winter and coldest ones, corresponding to the holiday.

And from these LED strips, you can create the best home wall decoration, both external and internal. Using the ribbon, you can lay out absolutely any image - a snowflake, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and in general, whatever comes to your mind.

If you can spend a few extra thousand to decorate your home, then you can purchase several single-color ribbons to create an entire display - a tree, snow, gifts and much, much more. The picture can be of any complexity - it all depends on your skill, imagination and financial capabilities.

You can decorate a room for the New Year in such a way as to create coziness for relatives, and at the same time surprise everyone. But when it comes time to prepare, very often we don't know where to start. What attribute of the holiday can be considered the main one? In this article, you will get acquainted with a huge number of original ideas for decorating. You will learn how you can prepare a room and windows in it for the holiday. So, about everything in detail below.

Where to begin?

Preparing a venue for the holiday should begin with careful planning. Some do not pay attention to this question at all, considering it unimportant. Others focus their entire attention on planning menus, purchasing groceries, and preparing a festive dinner.

In fact, it is by preparing and decorating the room that you can create a truly warm atmosphere. Those who love their loved ones and try to surround them with care and attention will definitely find the strength and time to decorate their apartment or house.

The first thing to do is to do a spring cleaning. After all, if there is no cleanliness in the room, then any decoration will look ridiculous. Nobody canceled the rule "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it"... Therefore, you need to make an effort to meet the New Year clean.

After that, you can transcend to decorate the room. First you need to evaluate the premises itself and the possibilities. If the room to which guests will be invited is large and spacious, you can safely give a flight of imagination.

If it is small and there is no particularly free space, then you need to proceed from the size of the jewelry. For example, you can use those ideas below that take up little space.

Some of them are small, others are generally attached to windows or ceilings, so they don't take up much space.

It is also important to choose a color scheme. It is unlikely that someone will decide to re-glue the wallpaper or radically change the design of the room, so you need to build on those colors that are already present.

The New Year's atmosphere should not be monochromatic, boring, but it is also not worth going to extremes, combining many shades for decorations at the same time.

The main attribute of the holiday

Even a small child will say that the Christmas tree is the main symbol of the New Year. Everyone is faced with the question of which one is better to buy - artificial or live. In order to save money, many decide to buy an artificial Christmas tree and use it for many years.

Others would love to do this, but there is no place to store it. And yet, many residents of our country cannot imagine the New Year without a living Christmas tree, the aroma of which fills the whole house.

Almost all decoration options are suitable for both live and artificial Christmas trees. Decorating with ordinary glass toys is considered outdated, so you can use one of the modern ideas.


It is not necessary to completely replace toys with it, you can simply combine several decor options.

Edible decorations

The easiest way is to arrange sweets. You can take both small candies and larger chocolate bars. However, this flight of imagination should not be limited. Some cookies or cakes are round and difficult to hang. And if it is also homemade cakes, then such a decor will definitely create a cozy atmosphere.


If the New Year is celebrated with your family, you can hang photographs on the tree. In this case, it is not necessary to use frames. Each photo can be simply decorated with a little rain. Everyone who comes to the holiday will admire himself, looking at the Christmas tree. A if you make it a surprise, having prepared photos in advance, then everyone will definitely be surprised.


Why not? Only the truly creative will take up the idea of ​​combining the incompatible.

The only caveat is that it is better to choose flowers that do not fade immediately. It is better to choose in advance a place where exactly fresh flowers are sold and to decorate the Christmas tree with them literally before the arrival of guests.


Some people decide not to limit themselves to one tree. You can build "additional" Christmas trees, for example, by laying them out in the rain on the wall. Even from products, you can lay out the shape of a Christmas tree, the main thing is to turn on ingenuity.

Artificial snow

The New Year is associated not only with a Christmas tree, but also with snow. Unfortunately, Mother Nature does not spoil us with real festive weather every year. Sometimes you have to go to celebrate the New Year in rubber boots, under an umbrella. Therefore, the idea of ​​making artificial snow is always relevant.


Yes, it will take a long time to gut the foam. But, given that there is an unnecessary sheet in the house (for example, all the equipment is packed in it when selling), then such a decor will cost free. You can crush the foam with your hands, or you can use a grater or even a fork. You can put artificial snow under the tree, on the wrapped gifts under it. You can also string Styrofoam balls onto a fishing line to create a chandelier decoration. Although it is troublesome, it is very beautiful.

From toilet paper

Such artificial snow is more suitable for making snowballs out of it to decorate a Christmas tree, or for making other figurines. Tear the paper into small pieces, put it in a microwave-safe bowl, put a piece of white laundry soap on top. We put the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute, take out the material and add a glass of water to it. We knead it with our hands like plasticine. After that, we proceed to sculpting the selected figures.


You can decorate with artificial snow different New Year's attributes. For example, you can glue bottles with foam made of snow, both decorative and those in which there is champagne.

To do this, you just need to pre-coat them with glue. In the same way, you can decorate candlesticks and other elements on the festive table.

New Year's windows

There are many ways to decorate windows. New Year is not a holiday where you can just curtain them. Sooner or later, guests will come to the window to enjoy the weather outside the window or watch the fireworks. And from the street, decorated windows look special, especially in private houses. Any owners will be pleased by the fact that people passing by their house admire the beauty.

The most popular way to decorate windows is with hand-made snowflakes. There are many techniques for making them on the Internet, so masterpieces can be made. Drawings on the windows also look beautiful.

In stores on New Year's Eve, special stickers are sold that are easy to apply and just as easy to remove. However, it is much better when someone from the family paints the glass himself. You don't need to be an artist to do this - even simple stains in snow-white tones will look appropriate and resemble the “creativity” of nature in frosty weather.

You can also decorate the windows by arranging the decor on the window sills. These can be bouquets of Christmas tree branches and cones, candles, Christmas balls and everything that is left after decorating the Christmas tree. Some decorate windows from the street side, however, this can be done only if the weather permits.... For example, you can hang a garland that can be seen in the room.

Favorite garlands

You can supplement the usual garland or even replace it with the help of independent work. A lot of material is not required for this. Some families have a tradition to make garlands with their own hands every year on the eve of New Year's holidays. To do this, you can use these ideas.

Colored paper

You can prepare a stencil as simple as possible, it can be a circle with a diameter of about 6 cm. Cut out circles of different colors and after that it remains only to fasten them. To do this, you can take a fishing line or thread. The circles are pushed onto them with a needle or glued. You can make one long garland, or you can make several small ones. You can decorate with them a window, a Christmas tree, a chandelier, curtains.

Garland of natural materials

A few days before decorating the room, start collecting peels from tangerines, oranges, and lemons. Then, when the time is right, you can cut any figures out of them using a clerical knife. Stars or hearts look original. The cut figures are strung on a thread using a needle. Despite the fact that such a garland is far from durable, because the skin will lose its shape the very next day, this idea is very original.

"Delicious" garland made from natural materials