What problems are inherent in adolescence

The transitional age of a child is a real test for parents. Yesterday's smiling and affectionate baby suddenly turns into an eternally disgruntled and reserved teenager at one point. In the family, misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts arise, for which parents, like the children themselves, are most often not ready. We will talk about the main problems of adolescence and ways to solve them in our today's article.

Little Rebels: Causes of Behavioral Change in Adolescents

Before solving teenage problems, you need to understand where the legs grow from in whims and tantrums. Of course, the main reason lies in physiological changes, or rather, in the restructuring of the body. This is a real hormonal storm, which is responsible for all the mood swings, gratuitous tears and increased aggression on the part of a teenager. It starts at about 6-7 grade. It was during this period that the first teenage problems appear: acne, voice breaking, disproportionate body development. This storm will subside only when the biological transition from child to adult is over, by about 16-18 years.

But hormones aren't the only ones to blame for the complexities of adolescent behavior. Most of the problems are layered with psychological factors: misunderstanding of parents, rejection by peers, difficulties of socialization. Conventionally, the problems of adolescents can be divided into three large groups: emotional experiences, physiological complexes, and communication problems.

Adolescent Problems: Strong Emotional Experiences

Hormones are the main determinants of mood at puberty. They are so "naughty" that even the slightest trifle can cause a very strong emotional reaction in response. Hence the well-known power of first love, which literally completely absorbs a teenager. And unreasonable tantrums, mood swings, depression, conflicts are also the consequences of strong emotional experiences.

Teenage problems: complexes due to appearance

Even if a child does not suffer from acne and excess weight, this does not mean at all that he is satisfied with his appearance. Fantasies about the ideal self are peculiar to adolescents and they very rarely coincide with real external data. This stems from all the same physiological changes, which very often have a spasmodic character.

How to help? Try to explain that the body will not always be like this, and soon it will change for the better. Encourage your child to play sports. It has been proven that children involved in active sports experience adolescent problems more easily.

Teenage Problems: Difficulties in Socialization

This category includes both previously unusual character traits (shyness, shyness, isolation) and manifestations of deviant behavior (alcoholism, smoking, vandalism, drug addiction). The reason for such problems most often lies in the discrepancy between how a person feels and how others perceive him.

How to help? Promote positive social contacts, encourage communication with close friends and classmates. If the child does not have friends, then you need to help him find them. For example, enroll in a sports section or hobby group.

Many parents grab their heads when their children are 12-13 years old. Obedient and exemplary boys and girls become rude, cocky, often deny everything that they have been instilled in them at home. There are, of course, children who, even at a transitional age, only delight their parents, but they are a minority. On the eve of the school year, we would like to tell you about the most typical problems of modern adolescents and the reasons for their conflicts with their parents.

In the life of every child there comes a period when he first asks the question: “Who am I? What do I want from life? Whom I want to become?". Questions grow exponentially, and the time comes to search for answers in life. In a short period of time - from 11 to 16 years old, the child takes a huge step in development and becomes a teenager. At this time, not only the psyche of a teenager is radically changing, but also his hormonal and physical condition. The teenager becomes vulnerable and, without proper support, is not able to cope with the formation of his personality on his own. A period of internal conflicts with oneself begins, the companions of which are frequent mood changes, the search for new friends and hobbies, as well as the appearance of aggression. During this period, teenagers' problems with their parents begin. The reason for this is the following internal contradictions of the child:

· A teenager considers himself an adult, although in his real strength he is still a child. The main contradiction here lies in the formula: "I am an adult, therefore I do not trust other adults";

· The child defends his right to the role of a unique and inimitable personality, and immediately strives to “be like everyone else”;

· A teenager seeks to belong to one or another social group and to be its full member. However, teenage groups are the most closed and beginners hardly get there. From here begins the development of the adolescent's loneliness and difficulties in communicating with peers and the social environment.

From these contradictions grow all the main problems of adolescents: family, sex, and behavioral problems.
To understand how to help your child cope with them, let's look at the most common problems.

1. The child stopped talking to his parents and began to hide his problems.

The teenager really wants to separate from adults, to be independent and independent. This rebellion is inherent in its nature. The family does not cease to play a huge role in the child's life, the opinion of parents and other adults is important for a teenager, but at the same time he wants independence. Often a teenager does not know how to ask adults for advice, thinking that by doing so he will sink in the eyes of his parents and again rise to the stage of childhood. Do not interfere with the child, probing the boundaries of the possible. Show attention to the child, explain that you are not going to condemn, scold, accuse him of anything, but do not pester him with questions, just show that he has his own inner untouchable space, but you are always there.

2. The teenager's academic performance has declined.

Since the main activity of a teenager is communication, then the child's progress in school depends on this. For example, when relations with peers deteriorate, a teenager's academic performance drops rapidly and, conversely, the better the relationship with peers, the higher the level of academic performance.

In addition, at the beginning of adolescence, the first sexual desires and interests appear, and the previous, children's interests die away, this is also associated with a drop in academic performance and a decrease in overall performance. But thanks to this, the adolescent forms a new system of interests, which includes an increased interest in the psychological experiences of other people, as well as himself. The child begins to think about his future and creates his own imaginary reality, a dream.

3. The teenager contacted "bad company".

Adolescents attach great importance to identifying themselves as a separate, unique member of society. Attempts to stand out from the "gray mass" can lead a child to commit antisocial actions.

Adolescents strive to expand the boundaries of their own personal experience in the shortest possible time, they seek adventure, and, often, do not recognize their behavior as deviating from the norm. They consider this to be absolutely normal, since they are very keen on themselves and do not yet know how to adequately assess situations and their own capabilities.

Misunderstanding on the part of parents and peers, neglect, lack of communication within the family, connivance on the part of loved ones, and even a negative assessment of the child by the parents of his friends can also cause deviations in the behavior of adolescents.

If a teenager thinks that he is rejected by everyone, and the need for self-affirmation is not satisfied, then the child is looking for a company outside the school grounds. Such companies are often called "street companies", they say about them that "the child got into a bad company." A teenager needs to prove to himself and others that he is an adult, and, like every adult, he has friends. In this company, the child can compensate for his personal failures in school.

4. The teenager stopped going outside.

The transitional age is a very difficult period for the child himself. From within, he is torn apart by a storm of emotions, which he is not always able to cope with. Some children withdraw into themselves, begin to get involved in reading, films, spend a lot of time on the Internet and in social networks - this is normal. Not all teens spend all their time walking outside. Some people need peace in order to find their "I".

5. Why is a teenager unhappy with his appearance?

Teenagers are very passionate about their appearance and react very painfully to any discrepancy with their subjective standard of appearance, therefore they exaggerate and invent bodily flaws. “I have ugly heels,” is a normal phrase for an ordinary teenager. Be patient with such dissatisfaction, with attempts to change your appearance - all this is necessary for the teenager to realize his own uniqueness and begin to adequately assess himself.

6. The teenager constantly thinks about the opposite sex.

Sexual interests play a huge role in the life of a teenager.

The biological feature of adolescence is hormonal changes in the body. Associated with this is the gender identity of adolescents. It is at this age that behavioral features regarding their gender role are fixed.

One of the reasons for the emergence of conflicts at this age is precisely puberty. The surge of sexual energy shatters the inner balance, and this causes an imbalance in the mental state of the teenager.

So, if your child has started a transitional age, be patient and try to calmly accept all changes in the behavior and character of the teenager. Everything that will happen to him in the coming years has a physiological and psychological explanation, and it is not your child's fault that a storm is brewing inside him. Just be there, try to round corners and not go into conflicts, accept his desire to seem like an adult, and talk, talk to your child as much as possible, even if it seems to you that he is not listening to you. Believe me, he listens and listens, he just doesn't show it.

How to help your teenager cope with the growing up crisis

1. Create and maintain a warm, trusting relationship with your teenager. Accept your teenager for who they are. It is important that every day the teenager receives signs of your love and acceptance in the form of affectionate encouraging words, hugs. Avoid irony, tactless remarks when communicating with a teenager. Famous family therapist V. Satir recommended hugging the child several times a day, saying that four hugs are absolutely necessary for everyone just for survival, and for well-being you need at least eight hugs a day.

2. Be patient and tolerant when dealing with your teenager. Change your communication style, switch to a calm, polite tone and abandon categorical assessments and judgments, negotiate more often, argue your opinion, compromise.

3. Take an interest in the adolescent's opinion, try to look at the world through his eyes, try to find a common language with the adolescent.

4. Make it possible for your teenager to feel like a full member of the family with opinions that count.

5. Form a habit and need to talk with parents "heart to heart", trust secrets. Never use the frankness of a teenager against him, do not rush with grades and advice, be able to listen patiently and without judgment and sympathize.

6. Be ready to review and discuss with your teenager restrictions and prohibitions that you adhered to before, give him more independence.

5. Show interest, take an interest in your teen's hobbies, try to find something interesting in them. Don't criticize, ignore, or ridicule your teen's hobbies that you don't understand.

6. Use the adolescent's desire for self-affirmation, provide him with positive opportunities for self-realization.

6. Plan and spend leisure time together.

7. Respectfully and with interest speak about the teenager's friends, do not criticize them, give the teenager the opportunity to invite his friends to visit, this will give you the opportunity to learn more about your child's social circle. Talk to your teen more often about their friends.

8. Sincerely take an interest in the experiences and problems of adolescents, demonstrate your respect and recognition of their personality, individuality.

9. Teach your teenager to independently solve problems that arise, and not ignore them.

10. Form a habit of setting goals, planning your actions to achieve your goals.

11. Provide the teenager with the opportunity to independently design their own space (room), choose the style of clothing. If necessary, help the teenager to find their own style in clothes, hairstyle, etc.

12. Respect the teenager's personal space, knock when entering his room, do not look in his diaries, give the teenager the opportunity to control the order in his room himself, as he is comfortable.

13. Share your concerns with your teenager, ask him for help and advice, talk about how important his support is for you.

14. Be a role model for your teenager, find ways to maintain and strengthen your authority in a non-violent way. Be a friend to your growing child.

15. When communicating with a teenager, remember yourself more often at this age, perhaps you will understand his feelings and actions more clearly.

Adolescence is not only a difficult test, but also a period of great changes that can compensate for early childhood problems: the ability to overcome shyness, understand the intrinsic value of oneself, learn to communicate and build relationships with peers.

Problems in the life of a teenager are inevitable. And only in your power, dear parents, to facilitate the child's search for himself and help overcome these problems. No matter how the teenager behaves, before punishing him, take his place and try to understand how difficult it is for him during this period. Let not immediately, but the child will appreciate your support and will be grateful to you for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, there are not so many parents who would find complete mutual understanding with their teenage children. And not all children are ready to be frank with moms and dads, to share with them what is painful, to ask for advice, and even more so - to act according to their recommendations. However, the parents themselves, as older people and with great life experience, will not hurt to show more attention to their children, trying to find out what worries them and how you can help in this situation.

It is better not to think about what is happening to adolescents whose problems are of no interest to anyone. Unfortunately, such children often commit unreasonable acts, leaving home among which is not the worst thing. Therefore, never dismiss your child if you see that something has changed in him, that he needs advice and, possibly, help - your help.

Actual problems of modern adolescents

Fear of real communication with people

This problem is not in vain put in the first place, since with the spread of the Internet it became more and more urgent, and today it is much more correct to call it a disaster. Boys and girls spend long hours in social networks, talking on various topics, but at the same time they practically do not have "live" communication.

Solution: if you, being the parents of such a child, decide to change the situation by simply restricting access to the computer, you may not only not improve the situation, but also significantly aggravate it: a teenager will find the opportunity to go online, but relations with you will be ruined for a long time ...

The way out of the situation is not easy, but it exists. By your own example, you should show the children how much more interesting it is to communicate in the real world, where you can immediately see what a person is and how to behave with him. It is very simple to do this: invite friends to your place, preferably with children (ideally, the same age as yours). Do not turn on the TV, move phones and other gadgets away! You will see: your children will eventually appreciate this way of spending time.

Fear of disappointing adults

If you think that your children are not interested in anything, and at the same time everything is fine, you are greatly mistaken. The main reason a teenager doesn't want to do something is because he or she fears not being able to handle it and disappointing you.

Solution: Never belittle your child's worth or let him feel needed or loved only as long as he is successful. On the path of life, many obstacles and disappointments come across, but only if the teenager feels a reliable rear, he will cope with all this. Let him know that you are certainly very pleased when he achieves something, but even if he is an ordinary average child, you will not love him less.

Conflicts with peers

One of the most painful problems of adolescents. In the conditions of modern society, it is not at all necessary to be an antisocial person to be drawn into various "showdowns" and conflicts of teenage groups. In an era when material values ​​are substituted for spiritual ones, the child may well be ridiculed for the fact that he dresses unfashionably, that he does not have the latest models of gadgets, etc. At the same time, it is good if the level of trust of the teenager and one of the parents (or both) is so high that he will come to them with his misfortune and ask for advice. But often the scenario of the development of the situation is slightly different.

Solution: before looking for ways to solve a problem that has arisen, you need to realize its existence. Please note: taking a bank loan or borrowing money from friends in order to buy your child a fifth iPhone, because he is the only one in the class who does not have one, is not an option, but indulging in whims.

Equally, quarrels with a child are not a way out, during which parents categorically forbid thinking about expensive purchases, arguing that he himself has not yet earned money. The best option is to give the child arguments that would really refute the need for such a purchase. Believe me, your teenager thinks much more than you think, and he will listen and accept all reasonable arguments.

Lack of attention from loved ones

You can justify yourself as much as you like by the fact that you need to earn money, but it is absolutely impossible to forget that your child is a living person who needs attention and support.

What happens when a teenager lacks your attention? The situation is developing like a snowball. First, your child tries to tell what happened during the day at school, what he was asked about in class, etc. What's the classic reaction from a busy mom? That's right: "Don't bother!" And what is most interesting - you can understand my mother: she came home from work, and at home she will have a wonderful vacation with a vacuum cleaner, iron and pans. It is quite logical that everyday school days will not interest her, because they can distract!

What is the mistake? In all honesty, answer: will you be able to treat the stories of your son or daughter with the same indifference if he begins to list what was broken or broken by him at school and how much you need to pay for it. Will you remain as indifferent or will you interrupt the teenager in mid-sentence? Unlikely. Moreover, the child understands this perfectly, and therefore deliberately commits misconduct so that you stop ignoring him.

Solution: the only way to streamline your life and keep up, if not everything, then at least the main thing is to make a daily routine (a plan for a week, a month - it doesn't matter) and strictly follow it. Be sure to allocate time in this plan that you devote exclusively to the child. Let it be the way home from school or a joint trip to the store, but communication with children should be done every day. As soon as a teenager realizes that nothing will change, whether he does bad deeds or not, he will not want to be dirty. After all, it is much more pleasant to talk to your beloved parents than to take up precious time "debriefing".

Sexual problems of adolescents

This is a rather broad concept, which includes both the notorious sizes (breasts - in girls and penis - in boys), and questions about the optimal age for the onset of sexual activity. Oddly enough, not everyone dares to come to parents with questions of an intimate nature, and there are not so many adults who can competently help to understand the problem.

Solution: You might be surprised, but a solution to this problem needs to be planned long before your daughter or son's adolescence. How? Everything is very simple: you should build a relationship of trust so that when a problem arises, the child does not even think that it is impossible to tell mom or dad about it.

Personal relationship problems

This is especially noticeable if others join this problem of the adolescent: sexual problems, difficulties with real communication, etc. As a rule, many teenagers are not confident in themselves, especially if they do not study well. Also, uncertainty arises from the appearance, quality of things, as well as many other things, which in modern society are considered to be indicators of success.

Solution: Reassuring your child that he is the best is going from one extreme to another. It is much more optimal to conduct explanatory conversations, during which it is necessary to convey to the teenager that the most important thing is the inner world of a person, and there is no need to talk about judging others by the size and "sophistication" of gadgets.

Teenage problems are a phenomenon that all parents, without exception, had to face. Someone tries to cope with it on their own, others turn to psychologists for help, but the goal in both cases is the same: to ensure that children grow up uncomplexed, not angry with the whole world, but kind, noble members of society, ready to help those in need.

Applying those simple recommendations that are outlined above, you will be surprised to notice how your child is changing, turning from a hard-to-control teenager into a polite and reasonable adult. Do not rush to punish your son or daughter, even if it seems to you that their act is negative. Just try to put yourself in his place and reason with common sense: what would be your actions?

Parents whose children are entering adolescence fear sudden changes in their child's behavior. Psychologists and educators assure that there are ways to solve the problems of adolescents, but not all mothers and fathers can withstand this difficult period with dignity.

The student has no real problems, but he can create them for those around him. If parents and school did not pay attention to the changes in the character of adolescents, they would not feel lonely and would not try to show their independence and individuality in spite of everything.

Most of the problem situations are easily resolved through peaceful negotiations. But parents stubbornly continue to educate and guide the grown child. And he begins to persistently oppose this.

If you try to concretize the problems of adolescents, then you can immediately see that they are different for everyone and are not found in all polls. Strange behavior can depend on the situation, gender, character, personality, upbringing and communication environment of the child.

Experts have identified the most common:

If a teenager spends time with friends who have created a musical group or are fond of a certain sport, it is not so scary. It is dangerous that children after 12-13 years old feel a desire to try cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and find attractive companies where such activities are fashionable. The desire to be "like everyone else" leads to the fact that the use of prohibited products occurs against the wishes of a person.

  1. Awareness of your gender.

Of course, children already know about the differences between boys and girls, but it is in adolescence that they realize their attraction to the opposite sex. Connections with peers and “older” friends can occur, active masturbation appears. Virginity is perceived as something shameful, which is why boys especially suffer.

  1. Communication difficulties.

The proliferation of social media in the past decade has exacerbated certain problems adolescents have in establishing relationships with others. The inability to communicate live leads to secrecy, isolation, and then to depression. The child spends a lot of time on the Internet, playing computer games, does not want to make contact.

  1. Desire for self-affirmation in society.

The main source of deviant behavior is the desire to defend their individuality and independence. Others' opinions and advice from adults cause rage and indignation in a teenager.

Causes of problems in adolescents

It is impossible to understand when a difficult period for a child will begin. In addition, someone experiences it brightly and painfully, while someone does not cause trouble to others. The first signs can appear both at 11 and at 16 years old. Sudden mood swings, changes in appearance, rudeness, aggression, theft, the desire to leave home and leave school - this is not a complete list that adults may encounter. From a calm, benevolent child, a teenager turns into an embittered and cruel person.

What is causing this change?

  • The reason for this may be mistakes in the upbringing of a son or daughter. Excessive severity or permissiveness negatively affects the teenager. Parents are perceived as a kind of space constraints for a teenager. They create barriers to him in adulthood.
  • In fact, problems arise from changes in human hormones. There is a change in appearance, voice changes, sexual characteristics appear. Subconscious fear and misunderstanding of how to live on with these changes and cause protest. A teenager is not always satisfied with the reflection in the mirror. Big ears, the presence of acne, the appearance of hair on the body scares and irritates him.

What to look for when raising a teenager

  • A person gets the first experience of communication in the family. It is on the basis of family values ​​that character and behavior are formed. Modern parents devote a lot of time to work, so children often feel unloved. The abundance of toys and gadgets takes up a child's free time, but does not replace human communication. In a family where events that happened to a son or daughter are regularly discussed, problems rarely arise.
  • The influence of the street and the Internet helps a teenager create a wrong value system, where parents are far from being in a winning light. Climbing with advice is dangerous. This will further alienate the child, who will perceive the desire to help as an invasion of privacy.

  1. Try to create a comfortable environment in your home. The moment will come and the child will remove posters from the walls or remove strange clothes. Friends will look normal. Take it for granted without ruining your relationship with your child.
  2. Try to be a friend. Do not pry, do not insist, but try to be near at a difficult moment.
  3. Don't compare a teenager to a peer. This will only lower his self-esteem. The child should know that he is the most beloved and the best for you.
  4. Do not humiliate his new friends and do not enter into open conflict with them. Of course, within reason. It is urgent to get the addicts out of the den, but it is not worth condemning the musical direction or hobbies without understanding it. The same goes for the first love. It does not matter whether you like your chosen one or not - let the teenager "fill the bumps" himself.
  5. Take time to socialize. Suggest a joint activity that the child will enjoy, invite his friends.

Recall that recently you also experienced this. Respect the individuality of the child, give the opportunity to decide for yourself, remove the lock from the cage, and he will not want to upset you.

Difficult situations occur frequently in adolescents. Accept it, but you don't have to give up. There are solutions, and they are not difficult. Help your child survive this period with dignity.

Adolescence is a serious challenge for both the child and his parents. Teenagers often argue with their parents, while being rude to them in an attempt to achieve greater independence and a minimum of control from adults. This is a natural stage of adolescent growing up, however, parents have to deal with self-respect during this period.

In situations where your teen's behavior becomes more problematic, it is important to deal with the difficult situation before it gets out of your control. Let's take a look at some of the common challenges facing today's adolescents and how parents can help them.

The main problems of modern adolescents

Teens are obsessed with gadgets

The current younger generation spends most of their free time on social networks, for them it is a way to stay always in touch with their friends. Many teenagers are fond of computer games and do not consider this hobby to be their problem at all. However, spending too much time on the Internet can interfere with other aspects of their life, such as school, home help, and self-development.

To avoid many problems with the child in the future, install a computer in the common room at home so that you can monitor the teenager. Enter a rule for temporarily limiting the use of your computer. In addition, you can set parental controls to block sites and programs with inappropriate content.

Teens are rude to their parents

Rudeness, hostility, and rudeness are very clear changes in adolescent behavior and one of the main problems of modern adolescents. You may not even notice when your affectionate child has turned into an irritable teenager who behaves disrespectfully, speaks rude and ignores all your rules. Teenagers begin to behave according to their own patterns of behavior, which should be different from the behavior of their parents.

Unfortunately, at this age, adolescents value the opinion of their friends much more than the opinion of their relatives. There is a small danger in this, since adolescents are largely amenable to other people's influence. Be that as it may, it is important to demonstrate to the child the basic norms of behavior, and establish a rule of respectful communication in the family.

The teenager often breaks out and rebelles

Any words provoke a teenager to rage and anger. Mood swings and mood swings are a daily problem adolescents face. It is common for teenagers to scream and immediately cry, stamp their feet and run to another room. And all of these emotional reactions can be very spontaneous and violent. They are often the result of physical and hormonal changes that the growing child is going through. However, this behavior seriously complicates communication with him and prevents him from establishing a trusting calm relationship.

Try changing your parenting tactics. For example, instead of moralizing and giving advice, empathize with him. This will help you avoid unnecessary family conflicts.

Teenagers tell lies

There are many reasons a teenager might lie. And he does not at all think that lying can become a problem for a teenager. Although he can lie, for example, in order to hide some facts from his parents.

It seems to adolescents that they are thus asserted in their independence and independence. Of course, when a child hides the details of his life, this can alert parents. They may think that the teenager fell into a bad company and is engaged in illegal business. It can also mean that the teenager will not turn to you for help if he needs it.

In this case, if you often convict a child of lying, first of all, take care of your reputation. That is, if you are too strict a parent for a child and he thinks that you will kill him for his fault, then of course he will be afraid to tell you everything.

Only trusting, partnerships, an atmosphere of mutual understanding and trust can break down the barriers between you and your teenager. Let him know that you will forgive him for his mistake, but do not stop being demanding and consistent in your upbringing.

The teenager comes home late

Teens often deliberately violate the established curfew. Such a protest may be an unconscious expression of independence.

Before starting a scandal, try to find out if the curfew imposed by his friends' parents is really much later than yours. Make a promise from your child that you will be late. And conduct preventive conversations with your child so that he is warned about the consequences of antisocial and illegal actions.

Teen chooses bad friends

You may feel that some of your growing child's friends are having a negative influence on him. However, this is not always a cause for alarm and is often unjustified.

A teenager can be very attached to his friends. And then any criticism directed at them will be perceived sharply, as personal criticism. In order not to lose the child's trust, it is better to refrain from harsh unfounded remarks towards his friends.

The only exception can be a company of drug addicts, bandits and other antisocial groups. Here it is necessary to intervene in time, isolate and relieve him of this problem of modern adolescents.

Problems of adolescents of an intimate nature

For adolescents, an increased interest in sex is natural, due to the increase in hormonal changes in the body. It is important to make sure that the child has a healthy understanding of the possible consequences of unprotected sex.

Teenager is a bad student

Or does not want to study at all. This is another problem of modern adolescents. The point is that a teenage child's horizons are significantly broadened, his worldview is changing, and in itself, studying at school becomes less valuable for him.

Learning motivation decreases, especially during the period of active growth of a teenager at about 13-14 years old. And this is exactly the period when there is still 5 years before leaving school and the teenager simply loses internal motivation. That is, he thinks: "why study if there are so many different perspectives around?" or "Biology is not useful to me in my life"

In order to help the teenager, it's time to do career guidance. Make him reflect on the question of professional self-determination, starting with the simplest: "What do you want to do in life?"

Even if the child will sharply answer you: "Nothing!" believe that within himself he will seek the answer. And it is also very important to bring the results of school studies closer. Tell your child why it is needed, explain the importance and significance of it for his future learning.