When should you buy baby clothes? Shopping before the birth of a child - superstitions and signs

Do not buy anything for the baby in advance, because this is a bad omen! Heard that, right? Of course, there are many myths associated with the birth of a child. Let's put aside prejudice and think logically about when to buy things for a newborn and whether it is worth doing it in advance.

Before or after, that is the question

All pregnant women are very sentimental. Expectant mothers enter the children's store with excitement, look with tenderness at tiny clothes, touch cribs, roll strollers. I want to buy everything right now! The inner voice immediately stops and says: “It’s not time, then your relatives will do everything for you.” Hanging her head sadly, the pregnant woman goes home. What for? Sadness, longing, bad emotions are not the best support for a baby in the tummy. So maybe it's better to buy everything in advance?!

Arguments in favor of buying in advance

  1. Choosing things for the baby, the expectant mother tunes in to a positive pregnancy outcome. A woman begins to feel the baby more sensitively, she has strengthens the maternal instinct.
  2. Relying on chance and trusting relatives is not the best way out, because everyone chooses according to their own taste. Even if you clearly discuss in advance with your dad or grandmother the model of the crib, stroller or the same clothes, you can still get the wrong result that you would like. When outsiders buy things for newborns, it's a big lottery.
  3. Future dad ... Yes, he is just as waiting for a baby, like you, but he is a man. He will not fumble around in crawlers, consider what color the bed is or what pattern is on the hood of the stroller. He will take and buy. Yes, and it’s good if he buys, otherwise you can return from the hospital to an empty apartment. Does your loved one have business trips? Suddenly one of them will be for the birthday of the baby?

Arguments Against Advance Acquisitions

  1. If it's clothes, then do not guess with the size. It is better to buy several sets and then decide whether they fit or not.
  2. Even if the ultrasound predicted what gender the child would be born, you can miss in this regard. Sometimes there are surprises! And what will you do next with a boy in a bright pink stroller, or with a girl in the clothes of a young football player?
  3. If these are large-sized acquisitions, for example, a stroller, a crib, then you should not go after them from the first weeks of pregnancy. They take up too much space, and there will be no benefit from new interior items yet.
  4. Some necessary things can be asked for as a gift. Why spend money if loving relatives will still ask what to buy. Seize the moment!

What items can you buy in advance?

  1. . Just remember that you don’t have to run after her after the stripes you see on the test? At, say, 35 weeks, you can already purchase it, assemble it and put it in the room. If you are still afraid to accept, then put a doll in it so that the bed is not empty.
  2. . Also buying later. The expectant mother must choose the model herself: evaluate the design, practicality, weight, availability of additional accessories. Nevertheless, it is the woman who will have to walk with the stroller.
  3. Chest of drawers or closet. Yes, it will be needed in the first days. You won’t even notice how little by little you accumulate a mountain of children’s little things. It is better to measure its size in advance and coordinate the design with your husband than to rely on chance.
  4. for the first days. Things need to be washed, but who will do it while you are in the hospital?

This is what is possible buy in advance. The whole for a baby is much longer. It can be reviewed after the birth of the crumbs and decide whether this or that item is relevant for you.

When to buy things for a baby, everyone decides for himself. Signs are our traditions, which, fortunately, tend to become a thing of the past. Let's leave them in memory and plunge into a pleasant shopping experience.

Soon a long-awaited event will happen in your family, the most important person in your life will appear. And of course you want to buy all the best and most beautiful for your baby. And now you are about to run to the store and buy everything you need, but there will definitely be a person who will say: “Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance? Stop, it's a bad omen!". After these words, even the most non-superstitious person will stop and think, is it worth the risk and what to do next? Let's figure it out!

There are several versions of the appearance of a bad omen, but be that as it may, you need to remember that all the reasons are rooted in the deep past and these days are not as correct and rational as they used to be.

The sign could appear due to some medical factors.

In ancient times, there was no such choice of various products, shops where you could go out and buy everything you need, parents prepared for the appearance of the baby on their own and with their own hands. Mom had to prepare patterns on her own, sew small clothes, knit. All of the above actions took a lot of time, the woman got tired, she didn’t have time for a banal walk, she constantly sat in the same position, usually hunched over, and of course such moments could not have a positive effect on the child’s condition. The women who cooked devotional while pregnant certainly felt worse than those who could take more rest and take time for themselves. From there, it could go that preparing in advance is a bad omen.

The appearance of folk signs can be associated with the way of life in Ancient Russia.

A long time ago, in Russia, a huge number of children were born in families and, of course, it was customary to transfer clothes from older children to younger ones. From here, too, an omen could have appeared, although it was rather more connected with the irrationality of such preparations, but to this day it could have come down as bad.

The mystical reason for the appearance of signs.

There is such a belief that while the clothes are ownerless, all sorts of unclean people and evil spirits settle into them to live. And then, according to legend, when a child is born, evil spirits will force him out of his clothes and torment him, and the baby will get sick - that's a popular sign. Therefore, the preparation of the dowry before childbirth was out of the question.

How to be and what to do?

I would like to say that during pregnancy, a whole million advisers will immediately appear around you. Some will say that you need to buy this and that and that in advance, others will argue that in no case can you buy anything in advance. So many people, so many opinions, and you can't keep up with everyone. First of all, remember that you are a person and you have your own opinion, your own sense of comfort and your own intuition. This is your pregnancy and your baby, and only you know what is best and right to do. If you are more comfortable, then this is what you need to do, without fear of anything. This is what millions of mothers do and then give birth to healthy, happy babies. If it’s easier for you to buy everything after the birth of a child, then you need to do just that, your peace of mind and comfort are much more important than clothes for a baby that you can buy at any time.

Why should you prepare in advance?

Buying things for a newborn in advance is a very common and convenient practice. Let's look at the pros:

1) You have time to think about what the baby needs, whether it's newborn clothes or a bottle or rattle. After compiling a list and deciding on everything you need, you can go to the store.

2) Buying things for a newborn before his birth is convenient. Mommy has a lot of free time, she can safely go shopping and choose all the most beautiful, high-quality and best for her baby. And even if something is missed, there will be time to return and get it.

3) If things for the baby are bought in advance, and by things we mean clothes for the newborn and a crib and a stroller and a chest of drawers, you have time to arrange and unfold everything. In fact, this is very important, because when you return from the hospital, you should have everything convenient and at hand. Of course, everything is easier to arrange before childbirth.

4) Buying things for a newborn in advance is a terribly pleasant experience. You go shopping, look at tiny little things, get a lot of positive and joy. The most important thing is that your little one feels it and is just as happy with you, what could be better?

What are the benefits of shopping after baby is born?

Buying clothes for newborns in advance is common, but many prefer not to rush into shopping. And this also has its advantages, we will talk about them:

1) A very important and positive moment - dad goes and chooses clothes for the baby, all the necessary little things, strollers, cribs, whatever, the main thing is that he is in full swing in the life of his child. This is very important and this is not often found these days, usually only mothers are involved in such matters.

2) When buying clothes for a newborn after childbirth, you will never get into a mess if the ultrasound made a mistake with the sex of the child.

3) According to an ancient tradition, you can use the things left from the children of your relatives or friends, which will significantly save your budget.

4) If a newly-made mother wants to choose things for her baby on her own, but there is no time to go shopping, the worldwide network will come to her aid. On the Internet, you can always find a suitable store and order what the soul lies in.

5) If you give the freedom to choose clothes for the baby to grandparents, then this will only strengthen your family, thanks to unlimited trust. You can also save a lot of time and effort.

What needs to be purchased in advance?

Whether to buy things for a newborn in advance or not is an individual matter for each parent. One is a list of items and things that one way or another will have to be purchased before childbirth. Let's discuss what these things are:

1) We would recommend buying a crib before the baby arrives. The crib should be comfortable to use for both the baby and the mother, who will spend a huge amount of time next to this crib. You will need to review a bunch of different options, designs and colors of cribs. After the birth of the child, there will be no time for this.

2) Be sure to buy a stroller before giving birth. The stroller should also be comfortable for mom. You have to decide on a convenient model of the stroller, namely: its height, width, what kind of control it has, what kind of handle it has, bag, and even with a huge number of little things. Even if you don’t buy it before the X day, then at least stop your choice on what you need so that your relatives just go and buy what is convenient for you.

3) There is a certain set of little things and hygiene products that every woman in labor should have with her in the hospital. If you do not want to buy too much, check with your doctor clearly what you and your baby need.

What you need to buy for a newborn in the first month of life (video):

In conclusion, I would like to say whether to buy clothes for newborns in advance or not, the choice is yours and only yours. In any case, remember, you are in the most beautiful position in life and waiting for the biggest miracle! Regardless of your choice and acceptance, you will have the most beautiful, happy and healthy baby and nothing will stop it!

When a married couple finds out that her long-awaited baby will be born, the hassle immediately increases. Long before the birth of the baby, future parents are thinking about how to equip the children's room, what clothes to buy, what bed, mattresses and other accessories to choose. Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: is it possible to buy a crib before childbirth? Let's figure out whether this is simple superstition or a really important issue.

The baby should be comfortable and safe

A baby crib is one of the most essential items after a baby is born. Indeed, in a dream, the baby spends most of the day, and he should be comfortable, cozy and, most importantly, safe. Therefore, it is necessary to choose such furniture carefully.

Some mothers prefer to do this even during pregnancy, arguing that after the birth of the baby they will not have the strength or the opportunity to go shopping and do such things. And this argument really plays an important role. Think about it: before childbirth, provided that a woman feels well, she has a lot of free time. Thus, she can calmly devote at least a whole day or a week to this issue - choose a crib, slowly, analyze all the minuses and pluses. Indeed, today the furniture market presents many options for such furniture.

And after childbirth, no one can guarantee how a young mother will feel, how much her physical and moral condition will allow her to “run” around the shops and choose the right product. Moreover, often in the postpartum period, a woman is exhausted, irritable, and it is not very pleasant for her to make such purchases, because her thoughts are always busy with other issues that relate directly to the baby who was born. If you shift the responsibility for this purchase only to your husband or relatives, then, most likely, the young mother will not be satisfied with the result. Because it so happened that the decision when buying children's furniture in most cases is made by a woman, because she must be satisfied with the choice.

Why not buy?

Many women and their relatives are categorically determined that it is absolutely impossible to buy a crib or other things. They say that such unspoken rules existed decades ago, and our grandmothers strictly adhered to them, because no one can predict how the birth will go, whether everything will be fine with the baby. Indeed, no matter how scary it may sound, in rare cases, the fetus freezes in the last stages of pregnancy, or during childbirth, the baby is born dead or sick and dies in the hospital a few days later, even if there were no special health problems during pregnancy. In such cases, a pre-purchased baby bed is simply not needed. And after returning home from the hospital, this furniture will only plunge parents, who are already heartbroken, into an even more shock state.

Alternative Solution

The best option is to fit the right baby bed in the store before delivery, but not buy it. You can negotiate with the seller and pay the necessary deposit a few weeks before the baby is born. In this case, you will be sure that until your baby is born, no one will buy the crib you have chosen.

When you give birth to a baby and will be in the hospital, your husband or other relative will be able to find a few hours to go to the store, pay the necessary amount of money and pick up the crib. It will take a few more hours to install this furniture in the room. In any case, in a few days, while you are with the baby in the hospital, this issue can be resolved without problems.

Remember that to believe or not to various superstitions and the so-called "grandmother's advice" is your choice. The decision when and what kind of children's furniture to buy is up to you. Or maybe you and your husband are adherents of the theory that a baby under three years old should sleep with his parents, since his psychological comfort depends on it? In this case, you should not buy a crib at all, so as not to throw money away.

In any case, we wish you successful shopping and happy motherhood!

Many families in anticipation of the birth of a baby are wondering Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance. The most superstitious people prefer to wait for the birth of the child, and only then go shopping, but in reality, such a decision can bring a lot of inconvenience, turning postpartum days for mom into a complete hassle, and for dad - into a real test of strength. Let's talk about whether it is possible to buy things for a newborn in advance and how to make postpartum shopping easier for yourself.

Is it possible to buy things for a newborn in advance: the background

It is no secret that the ban on buying things for a newborn is a superstition that arose in hoary antiquity, when not every pregnancy was happily resolved by the birth of a healthy baby. Superstitious mothers tried not to advertise the very fact of pregnancy, because they feared that evil spirits would want to interfere with the safe birth of a baby. However, at present, this belief has practically lost its power - modern psychologists, for example, in contrast to it, teach that thought is material, and therefore the dowry for the baby must be prepared in advance, not even allowing doubts about the happy outcome of childbirth.

By the way, even adherents of superstitions believe that some things for a newborn can and should be bought in advance, but you should pay attention to a number of “protective mechanisms”.

  • It is not worth believing in evil omens, as well as being offended by "advisers" - wish them well and do not take evil into your head.
  • Lockers where pre-prepared things for the baby are stored must be kept open.
  • The cradle, bed or stroller should not be empty: put a doll or soft toy there - let it “warm up” the place.

Things for a newborn: what you can buy in advance

There are things that a baby will definitely need literally from the first day, here is an approximate list of them:

  • Stroller. The choice of a stroller should be approached responsibly - there is no need to “dump” this decision on dad. In the end, it is mothers who most often have to carry strollers for newborns. Consult with more experienced friends in advance, read reviews on the network. Knowing what exactly you need to pay attention to in the first place, you will not go wrong. In addition, by starting to choose in advance, you can find the most suitable price for the option you like.
  • . Toddlers, in fact, initially quite a lot of health problems. You must be ready to react quickly and help the baby cope with a runny nose, colic, and these problems arise without warning, and they need to be addressed urgently.
  • Bed sheets. Make sure that the baby has everything necessary for sleep: clean sheets, blankets made of natural fabrics and even a sleeping bag - babies love to sleep in the fresh air. But the baby does not need a pillow until he is one year old.
  • Bathing accessories. On the first day after discharge, the baby will have to bathe, so buy a bath, a ladle, a thermometer, baby soap and soft, well-absorbing towels in advance.

Do not be afraid of superstitions - everything will be fine with you, and therefore it is worth preparing well for the long-awaited meeting!

You are expecting replenishment, but you are tormented by the question, is it possible to purchase a dowry for a baby in advance? Have you heard that it is a bad omen to gather in advance the necessary things for a child who has not yet been born into the world? Now we have to consider this problem from different angles, to place the right accents. We will try to weigh all the pros and cons and tune in to a positive wave.

Where did the belief come from? Looking for reasons

First of all, let's try to find out what the popular belief about children's dowry is connected with. Why are many people sure that collecting things for the baby in advance is a very bad omen and such actions can adversely affect the health of the child, cause difficulties during childbirth. It turns out that there are several reasons why the dowry was not prepared in advance.

  • Medically. Previously, mothers especially carefully prepared for the first birth. The upcoming birth of the first child caused a storm of emotions, and the young mother tried to collect absolutely all things in advance. She independently hemmed diapers, cut, knitted, sewed undershirts with caps and much more. It took a lot of effort, a lot of time. When a woman spent all day sewing, knitting, trying to make more new clothes for the future baby, she could thereby cause negative processes in her body. Fixed posture, fatigue, lack of regular walks had a negative impact on health. As a result, those pregnant women who prepared a dowry for future babies felt worse. That is why problems at the birth of a child were associated precisely with the preparation of a dowry. Although in fact they were caused by ordinary overwork, wrong posture during pregnancy;
  • mystical aspect. Of course, not everyone believes in the other world, but we are not able to accurately refute its existence. You can try to listen to the opinion of people who believe in signs, legends, guided not only by superstitions, but also by specific life experience. So, it has long been believed that new clothes are a kind of "empty house". If the future owner of the outfits has not yet been born, evil spirits will try to take the clothes. And they will begin to fight for it, forcing the baby out of the life, not allowing him to be born or harming his health. Fearing these evil spirits, people just refused to prepare the dowry in advance;
  • Practical aspect. Previously, families had many children. Things were not thrown away, but kept for other kids. Therefore, it was simply not necessary to prepare a dowry for the unborn child. This is unprofitable, impractical, because diapers, undershirts and other outfits for babies were left from other guys. The acquisition of the next things was not justified from an economic point of view: it is impossible for everyone to buy new sets. There are many children, so old things come in handy for newborns.

We see that there can be many reasons for the appearance of such a sign. But what does a modern mom decide? And how to get rid of the unpleasant feeling, if you still dared to break this mystical "prohibition"? Let's start with the psychological aspect.

Psychological aspect. Don't dwell on negative thoughts

The opinion that it is dangerous to prepare a dowry for a child in advance is widely known. If you want to do it your way, you need to forget about it. Other people's ideas about life, the universe, unreasonable fears of some people should not disturb you. Set a specific goal for yourself: do not be guided by someone else's opinion, realize the benefits of preparing a dowry for a baby. Think about how many positive aspects there are to such early care for a child who is just about to be born.

Since the well-known "bad omen" about the advance preparation of a dowry for a baby clearly takes us into the sphere of mysticism, legends, we will dwell on another belief. It is also very ancient, strong, so many people believe in it. There is an opinion that we are able to encode the future by our actions, to prepare a certain “base” that attracts exactly those events that we have thought of. When the expectant mother constantly communicates with the baby, while still in the womb, buys things for him, sews clothes, she programs the future, attracts positive into her life. This is very important just from a mystical point of view. Remember this. Good programming is essential! Only you must be sure that everything will be fine. Doubts, fears must be immediately swept aside.

Now read on for some helpful tips. You will learn how to behave so that no opinions, signs spoil your life, do not affect your mood and psychological state.

  1. Make your own decision. Of course, it is not so easy for a pregnant woman to go against the established tradition. However, you just need to think and clearly decide: if you decide to prepare a dowry in advance, you should not be disturbed by gloomy thoughts. This is your life, your personal choice. You have to be able to overcome prejudice. If it is more convenient for you to approach the problem from a practical point of view, just forget about the sign. Remember better that thousands of women prepared the dowry for babies in advance. And nothing bad happened, on the contrary, they were comfortable. If you still do not want to take risks, mystical fear is strong in you, then also accept your choice. Are you more comfortable to play it safe? Please. You can buy things later, it's not scary.
  2. Don't pay attention to other people's opinions. Do you feel like you're being pressured? Do they tell you about the sign? Just ignore it. Your task is to form a positive space around yourself, tune in to a positive wave. Abstract from the negative, because the health of the baby you carry under your heart depends on your psycho-emotional state.
  3. Take it easy. Peace, complete calm, balance - this is exactly what a pregnant woman needs. You should not pay too much attention to this issue of the sign associated with children's dowry. Just listen to your intuition and act.

In general, your intuition will give you the best advice! Listen exactly to your feelings. For example, at one time I was frightened for a very long time with different stories about all kinds of problems that may arise due to the preliminary purchase of a dowry. They said that there could be difficulties during childbirth, evil forces would not want to give the outfits to the baby. Acquaintances urged not to buy things in advance, referred to ancient beliefs and the experience of ancestors. I simply answered: "I so want". I liked to go shopping, choose lovely little things and gradually fill the chest of the future princess with outfits. I just physically felt how my girl was already beginning to rejoice at the choice of her mother, how pleased she was that so much had already been prepared for her! It was also very pleasant for me to watch how the number of Sonechka's personal things was growing.

Try it! You will see how great it is. By the way, I still believe in the programming of the future. So I'm not completely free from mystical views, I just look at this issue from a completely different angle. Our thoughts attract events. Think positive - you will be fine. Yes, my baby, when she was born, the chest of drawers was already literally bursting with “outfits”.

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Benefits of dowry preparation

Now it's time to think about specific advantages.

  • Freedom of choice. When mommy herself is preparing a dowry for the baby, she can take into account absolutely all the nuances. She will be sure that everything is chosen correctly, exactly the things that she dreamed about are ready. Explaining to someone what to buy is much more difficult than choosing one yourself. So much time, energy to search for the necessary things after childbirth will no longer be. When mommy is in a hurry, she is busy taking care of the baby, usually a lot of unnecessary, inappropriate items are purchased. Then you have to iron, wash, disassemble all these (). That is why many advise looking for a dowry without haste. The second trimester is considered the most favorable period for this;
  • 100% comfort guaranteed! When there is time, you can find everything you need in a calm environment, pick up the perfect things. You won't have to rush. After giving birth, it is inconvenient to buy things. A young mother has no strength, and a baby is already in her arms, which also requires attention. It is better to do everything in advance, on your own, than to worry later in the hospital that something is not there. Of course, you can entrust everything to dad, but the choice of things for the crumbs is still a woman's business. Men with dowry lists tend to get confused as they are not familiar with such new clothes, quality of materials and sizes. Here, buying a stroller or a crib, where certain technical skills are needed, is really up to a man. Here, dad will figure everything out, even be able to surpass mom;
  • Positive emotions are guaranteed. I know for myself how nice it is to choose things for your future baby. These feelings are incomparable! I picked up diapers, undershirts, bonnets and already imagined how my future beauty would lie in them. And everything came true!

As you can see, advance preparations have enough advantages.

Decided not to prepare in advance? It's also good!

By the way, if you are calmer not to violate the sign, you may well not prepare a dowry for the baby in advance. It's your personal choice. And it also has its advantages.

  • Trust in relatives. Your loved ones will appreciate the degree of your trust if you entrust all the preparations to them while you are in the hospital. At the same time, you do not have to spend time and effort on this at all;
  • You can remember the old tradition. Things for the baby are purchased in advance, but are kept by someone from close people;
  • A good option is to choose and order everything in. Mom will be much easier this way, and then the father will only have to agree with the courier, check, pick up and wash things.

Necessary things

Do you still believe in omens? Have you decided not to collect a dowry for a child in advance? Then you need to stock up on some basic items. These are the things that must be prepared in advance.

  1. Bed with linens. When a mother returns from the hospital, there is no time to pick up a crib. The baby should be put in right away. At the same time, the choice of a crib is a responsible matter that should not be entrusted to someone. It is advisable to find a reliable, durable, transforming crib, in which it will be possible to raise the fence, lower the front wall for convenient swaddling ().
  2. Stroller. It should also be chosen very carefully, in advance. In it, you will then immediately take the baby home. It is better to purchase a high-quality branded stroller with the possibility of transformation. There are folding models, strollers with a flip handle, a removable top. For the baby, it is necessary to ensure comfort, safety ().