Room temperature for an infant. The optimal temperature for a newborn in the room

Many new parents have questions about the improvement of the room for the baby and comfortable living conditions. Often their heads are tormented by the question of what room temperature for a newborn baby should be. Let's take a closer look to take into account all the nuances.

Why is the temperature in the nursery so important?

Many states of the human body depend on the conditions of its environment. For example, if you are in a stuffy or cold room, this is at best limited to discomfort, and at worst, the development of pathological conditions (fainting, colds, etc.) is possible.

The little organism spent nine months in comfortable conditions, where stable humidity and temperature were maintained. Entering this world, the baby received stress with a change in his usual conditions. The task of adults is to make it easier for a small person to adapt to a new life. If we neglect the temperature regime, the baby may experience a number of conditions associated with a thermoregulatory disorder.

What happens if the temperature is violated?

Thermoregulation of the baby in the first years of life is different from adults. If you do not monitor the temperature in the room where the child is located, pathological changes may occur:

Hypothermia of the baby can be determined by cold extremities. Pediatricians recommended that in the first months of a child's life, he should wear socks, mittens and a hat made of natural materials.

The temperature in the nursery: what should it be?

Having analyzed in detail what the disturbed temperature regime for the baby leads to, we can conclude that overheating of the room is a greater threat.

Dr. Komarovsky and his supporters adhere to the principle of not overheating the child and recommend a temperature of 18-19 ° C. Opponents argue that the norm is 21-23 ° C. It is difficult to say what the optimal temperature is, all this is purely individual. The comfort zone can be determined by the state of the child.

Children born at term and premature babies have different requirements, so this fact must be taken into account. The room of a premature baby with low weight or with congenital pathologies should be a little warmer, but should not exceed 24 -25 ° C. The room should be ventilated daily and wet cleaning should be carried out.

Overheating should not be allowed at. The water temperature should not exceed 37 ° C, and the air in the room - 22 ° C. In order not to violate these requirements, you need to purchase thermometers in advance to determine the temperature of water and air.

If you decide to harden your child, do it gradually in the absence of contraindications. The temperature of air and water during bathing must be lowered gradually, since a sharp drop can cause discomfort and the development of pathological conditions.

What you need to know about humidity in the nursery?

Too dry or humid air can also provoke a number of pathological conditions in a child.

High humidity is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.

Extremely dry air can cause:

  • atopic dermatitis,
  • infections of various etiologies (since the nasal mucosa dries up and there is no barrier to pathogens),
  • allergic reactions.

Scientific studies by American scientists have proven that the influenza virus dies when the air humidity is 40-60%. This discovery is one of the preventive measures for the occurrence of epidemics.

To keep the humidity within the correct limits, you must:

  • carry out daily wet cleaning;
  • you can install a decorative fountain in the room;
  • use a room humidifier.

Do not forget to take into account that the air in winter requires additional moisture due to heating devices. Humidity in the norm in the children's room should be 60-70%. Readings can be determined with a hygrometer.

Humidity, kept within the normal range, is an excellent method of preventing diseases, and is also necessary for the proper physical development of a baby in the first year of life.

Alla Pasenko, pediatric neonatologist, specially for the site

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The temperature in the room for a newborn is of great importance for his health, proper growth and development. It is important to create conditions in the room under which the baby does not overheat and does not freeze, as this is fraught with problems with the skin, lungs and general well-being. In order not to be mistaken, be guided by 5 simple rules when organizing a comfortable mode.

The "correct" temperature in the nursery: myths and reality

Babies go through the most difficult stages of adaptation to life outside the mother's womb in the first months after birth. The mechanisms of thermoregulation have not yet been formed, and the main thing for babies is not to experience drops from heat to cold.

And it is precisely because of this that inexperienced parents tend to be zealous in creating the optimal temperature in the room for the newborn, trusting in myths. Let's look at the issue in more detail.

Myth 1. The ideal temperature is the same as in a maternity ward

It is not true. In any medical institution, special instructions are followed, which state that in the neonatal ward, the thermometer does not fall below 22 ° C.

But in fact, under such conditions, the baby will be stuffy if he was born not ahead of schedule and without developmental abnormalities.

Myth 2. If the child is cold, he inhales too cold air

In fact, these are two unrelated concepts. The fact is that by filling the lungs with oxygen, the human body increases the temperature of the air that it inhales by 2 times. That is, if the baby received a “portion” of 18 ° C while inhaling, then he will exhale 36.

Myth 3. It is better to overheat than to cool the baby

For a child, the color of the diapers on which he sleeps is not so important, but the air temperature in the room

On the contrary, the lower the thermometer reading in the room, the more useful it is for the child - this is how his body protects itself from excessive loss of fluid, which is dangerous by disrupting the operation of all systems!

In this way, the optimal indicator of heat in the nursery is from 18 to 21 ° C!

If you don't have an air conditioner that makes it easier to control the temperature in the room, and the baby is overheated, remove excess clothing from him, give him more fluids (besides breast milk!) And bathe 2-3 times a day.

5 rules for creating a comfortable temperature for a newborn in the room

Rule number 1. Based on the health of the baby

The limbs of the baby freeze much faster, and the back, head and neck overheat faster

For premature babies, these figures are somewhat overestimated - from 21 ° C to 25 ° C.

When controlling the temperature in the children's room, do not be guided by your own feelings, since an adult often violates the mechanisms of heat regulation due to an unhealthy lifestyle - lack of sleep, bad habits, insufficient physical activity, etc.

Rule number 2. Focus on the time of year

Depending on the weather conditions and the season of the year, the "ideal" thermometer values ​​are determined as follows:

  • not higher than 23°C - in the winter season
  • from 19°C to 21°C - in the spring season
  • from 18°C ​​to 20°C - in the summer season
  • from 18°C ​​to 21°C - in the autumn season

Of course, when setting the mode, the planned switching on and off of heating is taken into account.

Rule number 3. Maintain a comfortable room temperature for the child

Room temperature for a newborn is considered comfortable if:

If the room is more than 20 degrees, then the baby has nowhere to put his heat, then the child actively sweats
  • the baby has a calm and deep sleep;
  • there is no redness, excess sweat on the skin;
  • the child is not covered with goosebumps, and the legs and arms are warm to the touch;
  • pulse and respiration are within normal limits.

How to maintain a comfortable temperature

To keep the air temperature at the same mark, the room is ventilated. The child should not be in the room during the ventilation or operation of the air conditioner, or from time to time turn on the heater if the readings are below normal.

Rule number 4. Avoid both overheating and hypothermia of the child

Harm of overheating

If the temperature in the newborn's room is higher than required, there is a risk of overheating of the body. And this is fraught with:

  • the appearance of dryness and redness on the skin (in such cases, you need to use it);
  • occurrence;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • excessively active work of the lungs;
  • weakening the existing level of immunity formation;
  • violation of the stable operation of all body systems.

The harm of hypothermia

Too low a temperature, of course, is also fraught with problems:

  • the occurrence of a cold;
  • complications due to respiratory diseases;
  • high body temperature (how to bring down the body temperature of a child, read);
  • taking strong drugs.

Thus, to the question of what temperature should be in the room of a newborn, there is only one answer - optimal for his state of health and the current season.

Rule number 5. Control air humidity

Air humidifiers are steam and ultrasonic

The temperature of the air in a room for a newborn is as important as its humidity. Its level is especially closely monitored during the heating season.

Batteries and heaters make the air dry, which negatively affects the breathing process, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Any adult needs comfortable humid air, and what can we say about a small child? In this article we advise the child's room.

To determine the humidity in the nursery, use a special device - a hygrometer, which is sold in any pharmacy.

The most optimal humidity is 50%. If the indicator is lower, then there are several ways to correct the situation:

  1. Purchase and install a humidifier.
  2. Arrange jars of cold water around the perimeter of the room.
  3. Wrap the batteries with wet sheets, rags, special "pockets".
  4. Buy an indoor aquarium.

Thus, the air temperature for a newborn, the humidity of this air must be monitored by parents daily in order to provide the child with the most comfortable conditions for growth and adaptation.

What moms and dads think: parent reviews

The temperature in the room for a newborn is an issue that still causes controversy not only among parents, but also in the scientific and medical environment. Therefore, many are guided by their own experience.

Olga, 28 years old, Moscow

A year ago, our first-born son Misha was born. My husband and I worried about literally every occasion and, of course, worried about what it would be like for the child to be in the house.

I read a bunch of articles, talked to several pediatricians, and decided that my son would be fine with a temperature regime of 22 ° C - he was born in the winter. I made sure that there were no drafts in the house, I dressed Mishka according to the weather.

From my own experience, I’ll say that the main thing in the first months of a baby’s life is to provide him with constant access to water, follow the feeding regimen, then he won’t get sick, even if the temperature in the room is not very comfortable for him.

Irina, 32 years old, Perm

I believe that the right decision for my husband and I was to accustom our son Seraphim to cool air. When he was born, we adjusted the air conditioner in his room to 18-19 degrees.

He is now 4.5 years old, during this time he only caught a cold once. Yes, and we are used to sleeping in comfortable freshness, always with the windows open. Many friends I knew, and my mother too, tried to convince me that we were too hypothermic to Seraphim when he was at GV. But the result - his good health - made everyone calm down.

I look to the future: very soon sweet cold drinks (Coca-Cola, Sprite) will begin in his life, this cannot be avoided! And, in my opinion, it is better to immediately prepare the child for this, so that he does not get sick from the first sip of ice water or at the first breath of the breeze.

Eugene, 41 years old, Moscow

My daughter was born in 2016, and, unfortunately, she lost her mother early. Therefore, from the first months of life, I solve the issues of her health.

I learned from my sister that there should be some special temperature in the child's room. But, since I am a rational person, I did not blindly trust her experience, but turned to doctors, began to look for information on the net and medical collections.

As a result, I made something like an arithmetic mean: in winter I set the air conditioner to 21 degrees, closer to summer the temperature gradually decreased to 18 degrees. I had a cold once, but who knows why.

My daughter sometimes visits my parents, and they are adherents of the fact that the child needs warmth, almost heat - when I come for her, I constantly take off her extra warm clothes. Therefore, everything is individual here, I think you need to go from your child - control his well-being, focus specifically on him.

Maria, 25 years old, Rostov-on-Don

And I think that the child should always be warm. We haven't bought a conditioner yet, but I make sure my 3-month-old daughter always has skin warm to the touch.

I open the windows if the door is closed, because I am afraid of a draft, and, of course, I air the room several times a day.

I think it's safest to keep the air temperature around 21-22 degrees. We control it with a regular room thermometer.


Thus, the temperature in the nursery is important for a newborn, but its indicators are calculated individually, after talking with a pediatrician and studying all the subtleties of the issue.

Optimal indicators of air temperature in the room for your baby.

Every loving mother strives to create the best conditions for her child. However, we must not forget that the comfort of the baby is built not only from caring for him, but also from what surrounds him. Most of the time the baby spends in his crib, which is why the main task of parents is to create comfortable conditions in the room. And the most important condition for the comfort of the child is the temperature in the room. Let's deal with all the pros and cons and find the best solution for our little ones.

Danger of excessively high temperature

Moms should certainly know that overheating is much more harmful than hypothermia. Due to the fact that the metabolic processes in babies are much faster, heat accumulates in their body. Thermoregulation in newborns also occurs differently, it has not yet fully formed, which means that heat transfer processes must be regulated by parents.

The baby's body has to get rid of excess heat, there are two natural ways: the respiratory system and the sweating system. However, for a fragile organism of a child, cooling through breathing is not possible, therefore, sweating processes are intensively activated. With increased sweating, the baby's body begins to quickly lose the necessary salt and moisture and feel a lack of water. This can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  1. The appearance of crusts in the baby's nose, which makes it difficult for the child to breathe.
  2. Due to the drying of saliva in the oral cavity, thrush can develop.
  3. Due to the lack of water, it is much more difficult for the intestines to absorb nutrients, the baby is tormented by colic in the tummy.
  4. Diaper rash occurs (especially in the diaper area and folds). This is the body's response to sweat.

As we can see, increased sweating is a certain danger. Medical intervention may even be required to eliminate the consequences.

Danger of too low air temperature.

Cold air not only causes a number of inconveniences to the baby, but can also cause serious illnesses. Toddlers cannot cope with low temperatures on their own. Here's what happens if the baby's body tries to normalize heat transfer through breathing, as adults do:

  1. The child inhales air that is much colder than his own temperature.
  2. Air passes through the respiratory tract, its temperature rises to body temperature.
  3. At the outlet, the already hot air takes the heat needed by the baby.
  4. There is a hypothermia of the child's body.

The greater the difference in air temperature and body temperature of the baby, the more actively the heat transfer device will work and the higher the chance of the baby getting sick.

Ideal temperature for baby's room

Most children's pediatricians agree that the allowable temperature in the children's room should range from 18 to 22 degrees. However, for each individual baby, the temperature should be selected individually, taking into account his needs. The time of year and the weather outside play a big role in choosing the temperature.

Winter and summer.

The temperature in the room becomes more difficult to control due to the fact that the heating season has arrived. Summer itself is the hottest time of the year. It is necessary to ensure that the air in the room does not overheat and does not rise to 24 degrees.

Spring and autumn.

During these seasons, parents should ensure that the baby does not freeze, the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees, otherwise the child may become overcooled.

It is worth remembering that these rules apply only to healthy children. If your baby was born prematurely, he needs a different environment. Due to insufficient thermoregulation in such children, the temperature in the room should be several degrees higher.

Sleep is a particularly important time. Parents must take care of observing the thermal regime at night with the same attention as during the day. If the comfortable temperature is violated, the child’s sleep will be restless, he will sleep poorly and cry often. The temperature during sleep should not exceed 22 degrees. But, again, it all depends on the individual characteristics of your child. Mom definitely needs to know at what degree the baby will sleep better.

In order to monitor the temperature as accurately as possible, the thermometer should be located directly at the baby's bed.

Experts advise parents not to use canopies and bumpers, as these items can interfere with the flow of air. They also collect dust on their surface, which can cause an allergic reaction and respiratory diseases in a child.

Do not forget that only you can determine the optimal temperature for your baby. If the baby does not sweat and does not freeze, does not act up, and his legs and arms are warm, then this temperature is ideal for him.

bathing baby

The air temperature during bathing is one of the most important factors in the health of the baby. Some parents are sure that during and after bathing the air in the room should be warmer than at other times. Such parents, of course, can be understood: they do their best to help the baby. However, this is an absolutely wrong position. Do not forget that the highest temperature for a room is 23 degrees. And it must be so before and after the child has been bathed.

In the case when the bathing of the baby takes place in a warmer room, the child will freeze at normal temperature after bathing. It is because of this that, in preparation for washing a child, it is categorically not recommended to raise the temperature. If you do not want the child to freeze after water procedures, just cover him for a while with a warm towel. So, we can conclude that the temperature in the room should be constant. It should not change while the child is bathing or sleeping.

Humidity in the room

Humidity, along with temperature, is the main criterion for the comfort of your baby. The problem of air humidity is especially acute during the heating season. In winter, air dryness often reaches almost 100%, which is why parents should pay special attention to air humidity at this time. The optimum humidity in the child's room should be at least 50%. A hygrometer will help you determine the humidity level.

Ways to eliminate low humidity:

  • Place in baby jars filled with water;
  • Get an outdoor aquarium;
  • Hang a damp cloth over the batteries.
  • Install a humidifier.

Dealing with Excess Humidity:

  • Ventilate the nursery more often in the absence of the baby.
  • Do not dry diapers in the baby's room.
  • During the summer season, do not hang curtains on the windows, let the sun dry the room.
  • Install a special device that fights excess moisture due to the content of absorbent substances.

Humidity directly affects the thermoregulation of the child's body:

  • When passing through the lungs, the air not only heats up, but is also saturated with moisture, so its humidity always turns out to be 100% at the exit.
  • When a child breathes dry air, the baby's body uses its own fluid to hydrate, which can lead to a serious lack of fluid in the body.

How to keep the temperature in the room

Maintaining temperature at different times of the year requires different approaches.

In summer time

  • Using the air conditioner (make sure that the air currents do not pass near the baby's bed)
  • Regular ventilation, the baby at this time should not be in the room.

In winter time

a) In case of excessive heating operation

  • Cover the batteries with a thick cloth to trap hot air.
  • Every time you go for a walk with your baby, ventilate the room.
  • Remove unnecessary clothes from the baby, if the temperature is above 24 degrees, then leave him only in panties or a diaper.
  • The child should be bathed 2-3 times a day, in water with a temperature of about 35 degrees.

b) In case of insufficient heating

  • Use a heater to raise the temperature.
  • Dress your baby warmer.

How to determine that you are doing everything right, and the baby feels good:

  • The baby sleeps soundly and rarely wakes up at night;
  • He does not have increased sweating;
  • The baby's skin is not cold, it is not covered with goosebumps.
  • Compliance with the norm of his breathing and pulse.

Environmental conditions play an important role in the development of the infant, who is forced to spend most of the first months of life indoors. Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn should be optimal and comfortable. Constant hypothermia or overheating of the child, as well as sudden changes in temperature, can lead to the development of a number of conditions that are fraught with unpleasant consequences and chronic diseases.

Even if the temperature in the room seems optimal to you, carefully monitor the well-being of the child: if he feels comfortable, there is nothing to worry about

The conditions in the room where the child lives are determined by his condition, vital signs and reaction to the environment. The weaker the baby, the more comfortable the indicators should be. For example, the temperature in the room of a newborn who was born on time and without any deviations is 19°-21°C. If the child is premature, then it will develop better at an air temperature of at least 24 ° -25 ° C. If the baby is strong and vigorous, you can introduce natural hardening, starting from birth. In this case, the thermometer should not exceed 18°-19°C.

The main mistake of parents is an attempt to adjust the newborn to conditions that seem comfortable for an adult organism. In fact, with age, the processes of human thermoregulation are violated due to an improper lifestyle. And babies are able to adapt to environmental conditions without problems. This gives rise to an interesting paradox. In prosperous families, where parents and numerous relatives take care of the child, such greenhouse conditions are created that the child's skin is unable to breathe. Therefore, these children often get sick. And in dysfunctional families, where the baby is left to himself and no one controls the temperature, the level of colds among newborns is an order of magnitude lower.

It is important to remember that it is necessary to prepare the conditions in the room before the baby appears. The temperature and humidity of the air must be adjusted in advance. In addition, the indicators should not change dramatically. The thermometer should be located near the newborn's bed, in the same plane - this will help you always get the right numbers.

Try not to wrap the child unnecessarily, because overheating has no less detrimental effect than hypothermia

An accelerated metabolism and an incompletely formed thermoregulation system lead to the fact that infants release heat very intensively. This occurs with the help of the lungs and the entire surface of the skin. If there is a significant increase in air temperature in the newborn's room, the baby has to inhale warm air, he cannot get rid of the internal heat and begins to sweat. And with sweat, mineral salts and water come out, which are so necessary for a growing organism.

If the air temperature in the room is above normal, it is easy to determine by the condition of the child:

  • in the natural folds and folds of the joints, redness appears, turning into diaper rash;
  • the baby often opens his mouth, as if he does not have enough air. Gradually, breathing from the nasal becomes oral;
  • body temperature may rise slightly;
  • as a result of intense water loss and indigestion, newborns may experience abdominal pain, bloating;
  • crusts appear in the nose, which also interfere with normal breathing.

As a result of hypothermia, a cold can develop, which will significantly weaken the children's body.

If the room is too hot, bathe the child more often: this will help to endure the high air temperature more easily.

Most often, the temperature in the living room does not fall below 20 ° -22 ° C. This may be due to hot weather or the heating season, when it is impossible to adjust the indicators yourself.

If it is impossible to artificially create the optimal temperature in the newborn's room, you must:

  • ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the child's body;
  • minimize the amount of clothing;
  • organize water procedures. The temperature of the water during bathing should be as close as possible to the indicators in the room, then the baby will not notice the difference and will not catch a cold.

If the humidity in the baby's room is very low, put an aquarium or just any water containers there.

In addition to the temperature in the newborn's room, it is also necessary to monitor the humidity. There is rarely high humidity in the room, but excessive dryness of the air is very common. If you do not follow this indicator, drying of the mucous membranes of the newborn, sleep disturbance, accelerated fluid loss, and changes in the child's behavior may develop. To prevent this, you can install an aquarium or ordinary water containers in the room. The relative humidity of the environment should not fall below 50%.

Humidity and temperature control in the newborn room should be carried out daily. Do not neglect regular ventilation and wet cleaning with a minimum amount of detergent chemical components.

Every parent worries about the health of their child from the first days of life. Many ENT diseases are directly related to improperly created conditions in the room where the child is. For the normal functioning of the body, especially in a newborn, the temperature and humidity in the nursery are important. What should be the optimal indicators and how to maintain and adjust them, let's try to figure it out.

The body of a newborn is still imperfect, the regulation of body temperature occurs with some difficulty, which is due to intensive metabolism. In turn, a large amount of heat is produced, which the child needs to get rid of, there are two options - through the lungs and pores on the skin.

When the baby inhales air, it heats up when it enters the respiratory system. If air with a temperature above 23°C enters the lungs, the heat loss at the exit decreases and the body is released from the thermal excess through sweating. A newborn loses moisture and salts, and an insufficient amount of fluid in the body provokes a violation of many vital systems.

The level of humidity in the children's room is also extremely important, dryness is very harmful, especially for the baby's respiratory system. The exhalation air temperature is normally 36.6 ° C, and the amount of water vapor in it is 100%, the body spends liquid to eliminate dryness, and this is an additional water consumption.

Overheating is no less dangerous for a child than hypothermia, especially at an early age.

Moisture and heat levels

The correct temperature and sufficient humidity in the children's room are the main conditions for a comfortable stay in the child's room. Dryness and excessive heat in the room can cause many diseases. Loss of fluid leads to a violation of the water-salt balance, and sometimes even to dehydration.

Increased sweating in a too hot and unventilated room provokes skin problems in a child, namely: redness, dermatitis, diaper rash, rash, hives. Every mother at least once faced with one of these troubles and knows how hard it is to get rid of them. It would be worth considering if there was an overheating of the air in the room?

In addition, the child may be disturbed by pain in the tummy, problems with stools, because a lack of fluid leads to problems for the newborn in digestion, gastric juice is poorly liquefied and food is not completely digested. Lack of water in the body threatens the appearance of thrush - white spots in the mouth. In this case, saliva becomes too thick and cannot fully perform the functions of moisturizing the mucosa. Problems with the eyes of a child are also possible, they can fester, since little fluid enters the organ of vision.

From the side of ENT organs, insufficient air humidity in the apartment and an excess of temperature threaten the appearance of:

  • Dry scabs in the nose.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Dry rhinitis.
  • Cough.
  • Decreased ability of the bronchi to self-cleanse.
  • Edema of the respiratory tract.
  • Increased susceptibility to SARS.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • General deterioration of well-being.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

All this is often accompanied by lethargy, whims, anxiety, increased heart rate. It is worth noting that the presence of dampness in the room will bring a lot of troubles, such as: headaches, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, diseases of the respiratory system, nosebleeds and indigestion.

The optimal humidity in the room where the child is for a long time reduces the risk of these problems, if you do not want to face them, follow the temperature regime and control the humidity.

Optimum room temperature and humidity

How many degrees should the thermometer show, what humidity should be adhered to, given the opinion of experts? When born, the child spends the first days of his life in the maternity hospital, where the recommended 22 ° C is usually observed. Doctors advise sticking to the mark of 18–21 ° C - this is the norm for babies. Such parameters will be acceptable for healthy children; in case of prematurity, the room should be warmer by 3-5°C. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the air temperature in a healthy child's room should not exceed 18-19°C.

It should be borne in mind that babies feel differently at the same temperature. Room conditions are suitable if your child has:

  • Good restful sleep.
  • There is no excessive sweating and redness on the skin.
  • The limbs are warm.
  • Normal pulse and breathing.

Especially often, dryness in a room can be found during the heating season, because parents are diligently trying to heat an apartment or house. Many parents are wondering what is the optimal humidity for a child in an apartment? Typically, the humidity in such rooms does not exceed 30%, which is very low. 50-70% is considered the best indicator, for children it is still better to stick to 70%.

Place a thermometer and hydrometer near your baby's crib to monitor temperature and humidity levels.

Temperature and humidity control

In the child's room, the temperature regime must be adhered to in the first place. If the room is too warm and the readings on the thermometer are above normal, you need to:

  • Do frequent ventilation (open all the windows in the room, but only in the absence of the baby).
  • Turn on air conditioning only in neighboring rooms.
  • Cover hot batteries with a blanket.
  • It is advisable not to hang a canopy over the crib (this complicates air circulation).
  • Do not wrap the child tightly, do not wear a lot of clothes.
  • Give plenty of water to drink.
  • Bathe in the bath (you can 2 times a day).

If the room is cool and the temperature is below 18°C, you should use a heater, but be sure to ventilate the room frequently. It is important to bathe your baby at the same temperature he is used to to avoid freezing.

The humidity must be within the normal range, but if its indicators are lower, you need to buy an air humidifier, place several open water containers in the room, put an aquarium or cover the batteries with a wet thin cloth. If the house is damp, clean it, if it is ineffective, you will have to make repairs and insulate the room.