Love at first sight is the strongest. Is love with first glance

Love at first glance ... as soon as they did not try to explain this phenomenon! Seeing for the first time, a man falls in love without memory. How can this happen? Often, pretty sensible people simply lose their heads from love at a glance. And it happens in youth, and in mature years.

What is happening at that moment when there are two eyes and some spark flashes between them? In fact, in most cases it has the following explanation: there are former "halves", those who in past lives were spouses, lovers, or had platonic relations. When the eyes of two people meet, the energy of past lives is activated, which is recorded in their energy fields. There is "recognition."

Karmic meeting

Relationships begin. In two there may be a real coincidence of tastes, consonants, etc. The vortex of emotions picks up them and circling his head.

These two in this life were not familiar before, but they may not know anything about past lives. And it seems to them that this meeting, when they felt such a traction to each other, such an inexplicable attraction was the finger of fate.

Yes, of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But the reasons for it can be a different one. Perhaps they have to complete something that they have not completed in the past life. Perhaps they need to realize something. Karmic energy can attract two, and they don't even know about it. And not necessarily in this embodiment they have to have a happy love or even the marriage. Very often, such meetings occur precisely for the causes of karmic.

When two are found, and "recognition" arises, and it seems to them that there is so much in common between them that they are "fate", it must be remembered that, having the memory of past lives that everyone has in the subconscious, man begins to impose For a partner, some expectations, their projections, etc., in connection with the qualities and circumstances that existed then in that life. But now the partner is a completely different person, something like that, but in many respects is new, since, being in this moment By the quintessence of their past incarnations, we still carry the features of many, and not one specific. And this other personality (or more specifically, both new personalities that have entered into relationships) are quite different, feel they come. And not necessarily the relationship from the past can continue now. Even if it was love to the coffin.

When a collision with reality, such relationships are often exhausted. A powerful attraction is scattered, the life invades, the past and current reality face and conflict.

Zeroing Karma

If people are wise enough, if the feeling that they have had, really strong and light, they can find a common language, build relationships and, perhaps, somewhere in a deep level to realize or feel the reason that brought them, and to work out it. And continue relationships free from karmic dependence.

More often the opposite - people break up. Karma remains not worked and passes to the next embodiment.

Cases when men in the mature age "lose their heads" from love and go out of the family to young mistress - from the same series. Most often this is also a meeting of former "halves."

Even in families where there is love between spouses, but constantly arise in relationships when one or both do not want to understand, take the closest person, constantly arises the topic of parting.

Very easy, of course, just get away from the problematic relationship, part and forget. This is the easiest way out, and, unfortunately, in some sources of New Age, they are advised to do this way: if you are not comfortable any relationship, just brush them. Yes, it is easiest, and many do it. But without an understanding, why they are not comfortable, without aware that we work out with this person, without neutralizing the karma and learning the lesson, such partition will not remove the problem. Karma with this person will remain not regulated and transferred to the next embodiment, the message that he carries will not be deciphered, and the lesson is not passed.

And in the near future, another person from a past life will be attracted with the same message and with the same lesson, and everything will begin at first. Many people all their lives are just doing that they run away from their lessons and coming on the same rake. But ask the question whether it is correct? And should not be more consciously approach an understanding of the true causes of your connection and break the Karma node finally?

At first glance, a woman has sexual attraction to a woman in a woman - he calls "love at first sight," in fact, there is a powerful release in testosterone blood. It is clear that in this deep attachment you will not grow, it is only a physiological need. Genuine relations and feelings arise later.

When a man wants a woman, he usually uses different tricks for seduction - says that she would like to hear, treats her as she wishes. Enchanting a gusty woman, he inspires her confidence that she is loved, although in fact she is just only desirable. But having achieved the desired, he loses interest to her.

A woman strongly offends such a man's behavior. She regards intimate proximity as love. The woman has an unpleasant precipitate in the shower, as if it was used as a thing. It is neither sad, but this is a fact to a certain extent, it is - a man used it to remove his sexual tension.

A man can start, even seeing an erotic photograph or a sexy scene in a movie, flashed a piece of naked body in the neckline of an unfamiliar woman, beautiful private legs or breasts, and from many other things. The excitement is accompanied by an erection, which after a while passes itself. But it happens that a man remains excited quite a long period of time. When he dwells in an excited state, he needs physiological discharge. In this case, it will suit almost any woman who was nearby. It may be a permanent partner or a girl, behind which he is still cares, but maybe the one he sees for the first time.

What does a man take up to the sexual desire to achieve the desired? It is the fact that most women regard as a hobby, love and even love at first sight: he says compliments and various cute stupidity with erotic attack, confesses to love. And the words he skillfully combines with the action: Touch, hugs, kisses, caresses that the partner also felt sexual arousal.

A rare woman will not answer ardent and passionate arms of a man who she likes. And a rare woman will not feel the fire of desire. But for her it is not just sex - the first place is the emotions and the feelings that she is experiencing to this man. If a man is indifferent to her, his hugs and kisses will be unpleasant to her.

In women, the organ of love is a heart, and men have sexual member, "some people think so. In the life of every man, there were cases when he was looking for only physical pleasure in sex or even simply discharge of sex, a woman mostly needs an emotional aspect of intimate relationships. Kisses, touch, hugs and caressing men, she regards as an expression of his feelings.

It often happens that the woman loves a man, and the man loves sex. Because women are disappointed when a man immediately loses interest to them. He can get up and leave, throwing a farewell indifferent "while!", Without taking even the partner number of the phone number, or may have to chase, but will not call, or can call in two three weeks, lash, that was very busy, although at the very I didn't even remember about her, but I remembered only when he once again wanted.

Romantic confessions in love Many men are used only at the stage of seduction and communications. Some cynical representatives of strong sex declare that beautiful and gentle words about love are needed only to drag the woman to bed, and after this tenderness is no longer obligatory.

If you are doing this with your partner, you know that he does not like you. It just uses a typical male reception: tender words, recognition in love at first sight is just the necessary prelude to sex. Women want to hear them, and the men they say it. But only before sex or during it.

The behavior of a man in bed and outside it can be very different: in an intimate setting, he is gentle and affectionate, says words about love, but it is worth it to end and it is clearly replaced. Just he just whispered: "God, how I feel good with you! You are the most desirable and sexy, the most favorite woman in the world! " - And here it is at the window and smokes, cold and indifferent, completely alien. If that, which is five minutes ago, was "the most desirable and sexy" appeals to him, waiting for gentle and gentle words, he looks at her with bewilderment, they say, what do you need from me at all?!

In a similar position there are many women. It seems to be a favorite man in her life - and at the same time he is not. He appears when he wants sex, and she awaits his call. When he comes, everything is wonderful. He says that he loves her and that he really missed himself, but he was so busy that there was not one free minute. But he was constantly thinking about her, recalled and missed. And the woman believes everything that she tells her beloved.

This once again confirms the words of Sari Gabor, who claims that the man loves his eyes, and a woman's ears! The more beautiful and affectionate words, the man says, the stronger the woman falls in love with him. And at the same time, it is not even thinking that the words of her beloved diverge with his actions. If he has so time, then why not found the opportunity to see or call? There are no such cases that cannot be postponed, transfer. One who really loves can neglected even important things to see his beloved. What are things there! In the name of love men make heroic actions! And here - some banal excuses and excuses: "It was very busy", "There was no one free minute" well, let's say, he really was busy, but at least you can call something! And besides, things are afraid. But there are even evenings, nights and weekends.

It is impossible to deny that work for a man has the most priority value in life. But a loving man is given to his beloved work not to the detriment of his beloved woman. If he knows that she misses and is looking forward to him, - is it really not looking for any opportunity to meet?! But most importantly, a loving man himself wants to see his beloved woman! A person in love is very ingenious and will always find time, even when there is absolutely no time!

The conclusion is: when a man craves sex, he cares and is very gentle, because the woman is waiting for her caress and tenderness, but, having achieved the desired, he loses interest in the one that only satisfied his physical need.

Here are a man of gullible women, knowing how they actually act on them the words of love. Tell me: "I love you!" - And woman melts. But love is not there and was not! This is just a sexual attraction.

Primitive sexual attraction of a man can be adopted for love if you call it the most beautiful words, but - alas! - This is not love. In such cases, "I love you" means you want you, "and sometimes cynical -" I want sex. "

Love is primarily spiritual proximity, an emotional attraction, the state, when it is impossible to live a friend without a friend, I want to be with your loved one every second, living his life, his problems and concerns, to take it as it is, with all its shortcomings and advantages, this respect each other, empathy, the unity of the soul, finally. And meetings from the case of the case - this is not at all love, it is just a sexual discharge.

Love is a feeling that moves everyone. Sometimes she betrays. Sometimes turns everything from the legs on the head and carries away as a boomerang, and you leave you standing in the wind with a confused smile on your face ... a lightning strike that broke out a spark, the brain explosion - in love at first glance a lot of definitions. This feeling is painting romantics and makes doubt the skeptics. So what is love at first sight? And is it in nature?

Agree, most of you, remembering our "life meetings", remember that for the first time the minutes of dating have already been a premonition that it is with this person something will connect you, the feeling of how you met an old friend who have not seen a hundred years. Strength, unknown and not understandable to pull you to him, and did the whole world so that you were together.

Chemistry and life
The question arises, why out of thousands of people who met on our path, this person left such an indelible impression? From the first meeting with him, your body as if he got a shake, your heart was blocked, the body gained ease (sometimes they say "Behind the back wings grew up"), and in the soul incomprehensible joy? There are a lot of versions on this.

Physiologists explain this by the Action of Pheromones - special substances allocated by a person to attract the opposite sex. They do not smell, but have an impact on certain receptors, cause strong emotions and sexual attraction. Only one thing is incomprehensible: why from the pheromones of one person "covers the wave", and you are indifferent to others.

Anthropologists believe that love at first sight- This is a literal meaning. The point is in the eyes, or rather in their contact with the eyes of another person. They believe that this is an instinct that we inherited from animals. A close look of the animal makes him take a combat rack and sends a pulse to the brain zone that is responsible for the action - to get closer or leave. People are also perceived by people like love. Studies were conducted, where unfamiliar men and women were offered when communicating to see each other in eyes with various degrees of intensity. It turned out that a long glance only increased the feeling of love and caused confidence in the partner.

If a person who is prettier to you, looks at you on you, you answer the same. As a result, it occurs love. And if you do not like this man, then you just look out and feel nothing to him.

Part of psychologists, Freud's followers believe, the first person and bright love appears in childhood - this is love for father or mother. And after the girl, becoming women looking for a man similar to their father, and men, respectively, like a mother like a mother.
Therefore, if you had a good relationship with my father, then having met a man similar to him outwardly or in detail, you may unexpectedly cover the wave of "love at first sight". Or vice versa, if there was a conflict with his father, then a woman seeking a man similar to him to complete the dialogue and prove that she was better than he thought about her.

According to another one, the woman unconsciously looking for a man similar to a man who once left an indelible impression of herself. They may have a neighbor boy, in childhood he rolled her on a bike, the guy with whom was the first love or the first man in his life. Sexologists have come up with a term describing this phenomenon - "Love Topography". As if cuts of pleasure and pain that remain in our heart. Therefore, when we meet a person, similar to the one who gave us joy or despair, we immediately fall in love - contrary to any logic.

When a woman is one long time, in the circle of "not those" men: a low level of education, lack of culture, etc. She creates the ideal of his chosen one. And having met a man who is a little suitable for this image, she begins to feel a sense of love for him.
Sometimes people fall in love with someone's feelings. If you are loved, you feel beautiful, smarts, you have a sea of \u200b\u200bhealthy energy. And in response, you are ready to "repay" the same person who managed to raise your self-esteem!

People who are interested in mysticism are confident that there are couples that have a karmic connection, which means they are waiting for a meeting in a new life and they will recognize each other. This can be attributed to lovers, sometime separated. Or enemies that have not gone each other. Having met in a new life, they continue unfinished dialogue.

Versions may be more, but there is a question: can it be configured to this feeling, so suddenly arising?
There are no guarantees in love. All you can do is coming to feel feelings on you, include your mind and ask yourself questions: What do you expect from this person and is it really what is happening now?

You are drawn to a man only in physical plane, then think about what connects you other than sex: education, interests, general social environment. Are you a graduate of the conservatory, and his favorite repertoire - Radio "Chanson"? Alas, you may be guaranteed with stunning sex, but you should not hope for a long relationship.

Loss the head of love, Think: maybe he is an Alphonse or Picaper? Most men use different techniques, for seduction of a woman.

Perhaps you are "tried out" the image on a man who drew themselves, but it does not correspond to reality. And when you begin to notice nursing with your way, you will experience irritation. But if, fascinated by a man, you can see the person in it and love it exactly as it is, then you can probably build a future with him.

Tired of loneliness, a woman of any man who pays attention to her, begins to perceive as the perfect one. This is mistake. There are no ideal people and you will not find a person who will fully fit your invented image. Love from loneliness - perceived as obsession.

It's good to fall in love with a man who loves you. But maybe two ways to develop events: you love in gratitude, and therefore this novel will soon end, since you both will love one person - you. But if your man will push you to the fact that you would also love it, then your relationship has a future.

Together forever
Love, which arose at first glance, is no different from love from the second or six months of dating. Life is full of stories about love at a glance, in which everyone is happy. But there are other stories when people look closely for a long time, check each other's feelings, and issuing relations, bred in a couple of months.

If you fell in love with first glance - enjoy this feeling. And it does not matter how the continuation will be, the main thing you loved and were loved.

Do you believe that "love will inadvertently get out when they are not waiting for it." Many skeptics only smile and start talking that - the high feeling that you need to earn, it does not appear just like that. Romantics will alternate with them and answer that everything is possible in life. Sometimes you live, everything seems to be funny, boring, nothing new, meet a person who fully turns all his life.

How does everything happen?

Love at first sight resembles a bright outbreak, insight. It seems that the person begins to manage an unknown force, he does not understand how he could live before without the second half. Immediately occurs the idealization of the partner. Those who suddenly fell in love understood that life had changed dramatically, now a man appeared, with whom I want to build a future. When the novel develops gradually, as a rule, emotions, and there are no stormy feelings.

But sudden love is uncontrollable, it does not depend on plans, everything happens unconsciously. The more the person begins to think, which attracted him to the chosen, the stronger the feeling. Therefore, many dreams so fall in love, and not to build relationships according to plan.

Who comes such love?

Psychologists are confident: no need for sudden love to consider something supernatural, it has its own prerequisites.

Freedom from expectations, different obligations

If you specifically look for someone, you will never fall in love. Real feelings are inexplicable, spontaneous, unexpected. Sometimes you do not understand why it pulls this person so much, I want to talk a lot with him, walk, hugging, kissing. Love comes to those who are absolutely free: there are no other relations, internal taboos, a person is ready to open a new feeling. With stable, long family relations, such love will come hardly.

Internal discontent

Sometimes circumstances fold so that a person feels: "I miss something," and when the feeling flashes to another person, everything becomes in its place. A stranger helps to return to life, believe in itself, he supports in a difficult situation. And here you can talk about serious feelings.

Need for reliable rear

Each person needs security, protection. In childhood, her parents provide. When a person grows, it is necessary to defend himself from life troubles. But sometimes I want to have a reliable support. If you meet real love, immediately get rid of all the troubles, you feel calm in childhood, pacificate.

Attention! There can be no permanent love. This love is when the same person is sitting in his head, and you do not want to change it.

But if sudden love becomes an ordinary phenomenon for you, you can suspect serious. In this case, an object for love is not important, but simply the heat of feelings. This is already "addiction" from love.

Casual love can be happy?

Feelings are not always mutual

The problem is that not always love is mutual. If a person was charm, it does not mean anything. There are situations when one is experiencing bright emotions, attraction, and another person is still. In this situation, everything ends with suffering, pain.

Fear of love

The insecure people who are afraid to be rejected, live according to the usual embodiment they themselves do not understand what happens to them. Suddenly floating feelings are all ruins, they are trying to escape from them, close in themselves, so they do not give the development of love.

Fake love

Unpleasant when one person falls in love with the other, just uses it. It will take time and the in love will understand everything, disappointed, but before that there may be many mistakes. Unfortunately, in the modern world this is a common phenomenon. Many alphonses, marriage sweatshops specifically fall in love with a woman to enjoy its financial condition. The girls who live and see how to successfully marry a wealthy man. Workaholics, careerists do not notice that they are deceived, they just want to finally be loved. For them, feelings are a kind of discharge.

Unequal feelings

In some situations, it happens that one falls in love, he flashes the spark, and for another it is just sympathy. Over time, such relationships can grow into mutual feelings. Only for one it will be a storm of emotions, a passion volcano, and for another novel with addiction, recognition.

Mutual strong love

Still, miracles exist, however who did not say! There are people who find each other. Their feelings are bright, bright, relationships are developing very interesting. There are few such pairs, but they are immediately visible. Lovers shine are shining, they will shone their eyes from happiness, they are painted. If a person meets true love, he can fully cross his old life. It doesn't matter what others will think, do not care about the old relationship. For him, the main goal is to preserve precious love. A person who truly loved confident that there are higher forces that give a soul mate, and the fate brought him off the chosen one is not just like that.

Believe or not believe in love, solve only you? But you can confidently say until you love, you will not understand this feeling. Do not confuse acquaintance, different relationships with this high feeling. Love completely turns life. It differs from love, sexual attraction by the fact that a person attracts not only appearance, but its inner world, becomes a very interesting object for studying. I want to sleep not only with him, spend a rapid night, but also spend your free time, relax, communicate, have fun.

If you are finally disappointed in feelings, just release everything bad, open your heart for something new. Perhaps the time will pass, and you will unexpected half, which "color" your gray, gloomy world. The main thing is to believe in the best. Remember, life loves to prevent surprises!

And it seems that nothing has happened yet, you have not even been supported by the hand and you failed to consider the object, but it seems to you the most beautiful person on Earth and there is no need to explain that he is the same!

Many do not believe in love at first sight, but this is their personal matter. Because most people on the planet still faced this uncontrolled and merciless feeling. How is it so that it is limitless to love a person "straight right away"?

1. Appearance

Thinking about who we want to see next to you, we create a specific portrait of the future chosen one. Someone attract bald, someone's high, others love subtitle or, on the contrary, large men - each lady has their own preferences. The same applies to other external data, therefore, when one who corresponds to at least 50% of our "ideal of beauty" appears on the life path, it is impossible to resist - the picture is instantly synchronized with the real object. And love takes place at first sight.

2. Indicative speeches

Nobody on the first date will not be uploading all their secrets about the dark past, a million extramarital children, drug problems and financial difficulties. And if they are, then about love at first sight, the conversation will be inappropriate even in the form of the theory. Most often, a man, like a woman, tries to make a positive impression. To do this, it will include all his wit, shine intelligence, gallantly care for and diligently "behave well" so that you do not run away in three minutes after dating. If a man behaves confident, decayed, but not cheeky, he is friendly and smile, and the topics for conversation are instantly and, it seems that you know each other a million years old - then this is a great reason to work on the ears, without departing from the box office.

3. Personal addiction

Each of us has its own strange preferences or non-standard forms of time. For example, one girl could not sleep with a closed former, and therefore always fell in love with those men who also slept with an open window. Such "Points" is all. And everyone lives with them and do not give it much importance, relaxing to them as part of themselves. But when a man comes across in the life of life, who is exactly the same as you, brushing the orange or with the ringing stirring sugar in a glass with tea, then you immediately feel some kind of inexplicable karmic intimacy. How not to fall in love here?!

4. An insurmountable attraction

Do not be ashamed that we actually have animals and the first impression is very dependent on physiological instincts. Most often things in the smell. If you like how a man smells - it doesn't matter whether it smells a perfume or his own - it is almost immediately a desire arises. I want to inhale further, go down, as much as possible to plunge into this fragrance. Accordingly, sexual contact is already adjacent. And if it pulls it, it would seem, to an outsider, it clearly looks like love from the first ... sigh.

5. Surprise

We survived a lot, seen and know. But when, during a date, a man performs an unexpected act, shows a completely unpredictable reaction, demonstrates his resourcefulness, immediacy and does everything absolutely sincerely, and you like it, then it is quite difficult for you. Even if it is his "home billets", you can not know about it, so his behavior impresses and surprises. And a person who can surprise and laugh, deserves love, even if she lasted the whole "first look."