Infant loose stools. How to tell diarrhea from loose stools? Normal Newborn Stool

By the contents of a baby diaper, one can judge the quality of the baby's digestive system; regular bowel movements (at least once a day) are considered the norm for a newborn baby. Analysis of the state of the stool allows you to identify the incorrect functioning of the intestines and provide timely assistance to the fragile body.

What should be the stool for babies at different ages?

The ideal stool for a newborn baby is a uniform yellow consistency without additional inclusions, however, such feces are observed exclusively in bottle-fed babies, since in this case the baby receives the same mixture, which, accordingly, is digested in the same way. It is quite another matter for babies who are breastfed. In this case, the stool may have additional lumps and mucous layers, it may be of different colors, since the food that the mother ate affects the state of the stool.

A study of the baby's feces will help to identify possible nutritional deficiencies in a timely manner, therefore, each mother should know how the baby's stool should look at different ages:

  • in the first three days, the baby poops in a black-green mass, such a chair is called meconium. It consists mainly of amniotic fluid, which the baby ate before birth;
  • starting from the 3rd day until the end of the first week the stool can be gray or gray-green, while a liquid consistency of the mass is considered the norm. Such feces show that the baby gets enough milk and it is successfully digested by the body;
  • from the second week of life to 3 months the child should poop up to 10 times a day (sometimes there will be as many bowel movements as there were feedings), while the stool will be yellow or mustard in color, has a sour smell. This indicates sufficient nutrition and normal bowel function;
  • from about 4-5 months The baby's feces should be brown or brown interspersed, such a mass has an unpleasant, pungent odor. This is the norm for the crumbs who begin to receive complementary foods, the main characteristic is that the chair should not be hard, resemble putty in consistency;
  • after six months, the feces of a newborn may have an unusual shade, the reason is the vegetables and fruits used as complementary foods. For example, beets give the mass a bright red color, carrots color the stools orange, and zucchini in the diaper can cause greenish streaks.

Constant monitoring of the state of bowel movements will prevent all kinds of indigestion and protect the child from unnecessary discomfort.

There is no single definition of how many times a child should poop a day, however, for newborns of the first month, the norm is from 4 to 12 bowel movements per day. Over time, they will become more rare, but up to a year, the baby can walk "big" several times a day.

What does an unusual baby chair mean?

An unusual color or structure of feces in a newborn baby can indicate the reasons for the discomfort of the baby:

  • green stool with sour milk smell it will not necessarily be a harbinger of the disease, if the child is gaining weight well and does not experience discomfort, such a state of feces may be a common reaction to foods eaten by the mother;
  • if the feces are liquid and have a foamy structure, while irritation is often noticed around the anus, the reason may be an excess of anterior sweet milk in the mother. The way out of the situation is to pre-express the initial fluid from the breast;
  • bright yellow or green stools streaked with mucus can have three explanations:
  1. the child has received a viral infection due to infection with SARS or other infectious diseases;
  2. a common reaction to teething;
  3. lack of enzymes in an unformed body;
  • if the baby poops with a dark brown dense mass, this may be a consequence of taking iron supplements, if additional medications were not prescribed, it is worth revising the diet and somewhat reducing foods containing such a mineral;
  • bright green foam stool should alert you if the baby is restless and is gaining weight poorly. Most often, this situation manifests itself as a result;
  • hard feces in a newborn baby is an anomaly, and it doesn't matter what color it is. Constipation occurs due to the introduction of unsuitable products into the diet; in order to eliminate discomfort, it is necessary to find out what exactly such a reaction occurs to, which can be done by excluding the ingredients;
  • if the baby poops with diarrhea for a long time, this may be a consequence of dysbiosis, the best option would be to consult a doctor to prescribe suitable medications;
  • feces with bloody elements - a very alarming symptom. This imbalance can be caused by milk allergy, infection or intestinal bleeding. If you find this type of stool, you should see your doctor right away.

Causes of Stool Disorders in Newborns

Most often, the stool in infants is not disturbed due to a bacterial infection, the reason for the disruption of the digestive system in most cases is the incorrectness of breastfeeding.
The main mistakes of the first months of breastfeeding:

  • late attachment - the baby should be attached to the breast in the initial minutes after birth, even if he does not immediately eat, this contributes to the habituation to breastfeeding;
  • should eat when he wants it, since each organism requires a different amount of nutrition, and is also adapted to an individual regimen;
  • early introduction of complementary foods - how many products to introduce into the baby's diet, the parents themselves decide, however, the optimal time to start using adult food is the first half of life, until that time the stomach is simply not able to digest anything except mother's milk;
  • excessive amount of fluid in the body - this is obtained in the case of "supplementing" the child with water, teas and juice.

The correct organization of breastfeeding will help to avoid possible problems, so in no case do not refuse the opportunity to feed your baby with natural milk.

A child is always a big responsibility. And it's not about the upbringing or financial well-being of the family. Children are most susceptible to disease.

It can be difficult for inexperienced moms to recognize them and deal with problems. What is normal for an adult is a serious illness in a child.

Diarrhea in infants is common. Almost all children are exposed to this disease during the first year of life.

A small organism is sensitive to any changes, both external and internal. Many parents, due to their inexperience, are afraid of these changes and call an ambulance almost every day.

Diarrhea: True or False?

To understand what it is, you need to know what diarrhea looks like in a newborn. Up to 6 months, babies have unformed stools.

It can be runny, mushy, light, or yellow. Also, white blotches, the presence of mucus and green masses are quite natural for this age.

It should be understood that if there really is a problem, then the behavior of the newborn will "speak" about it. It will definitely change, the child will become more nervous and moody.

Since the baby cannot tell about the problem, his crying is the main indicator. In this case, crying can be accompanied by the release of a tear.

What does diarrhea look like in babies?

The main signs of diarrhea in a child:

  1. Change in color and consistency of feces.
  2. Constant whims for no reason.
  3. In children, stool odor becomes harsh, possibly putrid. Then, as on breastfeeding, the smell of feces has a sour, milky smell. On artificial feeding, it is more unpleasant.
  4. The bowel movement is profuse and frequent.
  5. The discharge is slimy and large in number. In the intestines, this mucus serves as a protective function for the walls. When it all comes out with diarrhea, the intestines become more susceptible to infectious lesions.

In infants, the daily bowel movement rate varies. In principle, only a pediatrician can distinguish real diarrhea from a normal physiological process.

Some babies poop 1 time in 2-3 days, others can empty themselves after each feeding or 5-6 times a day.

The main positive indicators if the mother suspects diarrhea in the child:

  1. Body weight is normal and weight is not decreasing.
  2. The child eats with great appetite.
  3. Doesn't refuse water.
  4. Plays, sleeps and does not suit whims.

These signs indicate that diarrhea does not actually exist and no treatment or intervention is required.

Moms need to know that their nutrition is very important. Any changes in food will affect the condition of the child and his feces.

What could be the reasons

Why does diarrhea appear? Various factors affect the condition of the stool in a newborn. They are not always considered dangerous, it is possible that these are simply physiological changes in newborns.

Up to 3-4 months, a child can defecate up to 10 times a day and this is quite normal.

It's another matter when the baby has already begun to receive complementary foods. The stool becomes thinner and thicker. On artificial feeding, a one-time bowel movement per day will be considered the norm.

In this case, no treatment is required. It's just that the child and his body are adapting to the environment.

If the child begins to defecate watery stools without accompanying factors, then you can think about the problem. It is likely that this is indeed a "call" to the onset of diarrhea.

Diarrhea in babies is a dangerous phenomenon that requires an immediate solution. Even in an adult, with prolonged diarrhea, dehydration can begin, and in a newborn, the water-salt balance is disturbed in a matter of days.

Loose stools lead to the loss of beneficial trace elements, electrolyte levels, which will cause cramp in the baby.

If diarrhea begins in a newborn, what to do and give in this case? First of all, don't panic. First, it is worth identifying the factors that cause diarrhea.

This is an important condition that will help the pediatrician to establish a diagnosis in the future.

A variety of factors affect intestinal disorders in children: teething, nervous shocks, the introduction of complementary foods, a decrease in immune defense, and much more.

Any changes associated with both the child and the mother affect the well-being of the child's body.

When diarrhea occurs, it is imperative to replenish the water-salt balance. For this, as much fluid as possible must enter the body.

Indeed, with diarrhea, beneficial bacteria are removed and the body stops absorbing the necessary substances. As a result, dehydration appears.

Whatever factors affect the presence of diarrhea in children, it is necessary to promptly seek help from a pediatrician and begin treatment.

Causes of Diarrhea: Teething

Sometimes parents start to panic about diarrhea in babies, although it was teething that influenced the change in stool. At this moment, the baby's body is under stress and immunity is sharply reduced.

The painful process also causes other accompanying symptoms:

  1. The baby is constantly naughty, sleeps poorly and cries even at night.
  2. The baby must have a fever. This is the main symptom that accompanies diarrhea throughout the entire time.
  3. Due to such changes and severe pain, children may even have a fever.
  4. Parents should observe the concern of the newborn. At every opportunity, he pulls various objects into his mouth. If you rub his gums with a clean little finger, he will calm down and feel relief.
  5. Profuse saliva in infants.
  6. The place where the tooth erupts swells.

How can diarrhea be treated? Teething is a natural phenomenon and more than one parent will not be able to bypass it.

All children experience this time in their own way. Special treatment for diarrhea is not required, but symptom relief is essential.

  • At this point, do not visit crowded places. Since immunity in infants is significantly reduced during this period, any infection can instantly join and worsen the condition of the baby.
  • A newborn needs to relieve gum inflammation using special gels. The product has a cooling effect and relieves the condition of the child.
  • Due to the fact that in children saliva flows abundantly and liquid feces come out, the result is dehydration. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to replenish the level of water and electrolytes in the body.

It is worth understanding that the duration of diarrhea in a child should not exceed several days. Usually 3 days is sufficient. Maximum - 5 days for the organism to adapt to the onset condition.

There may be cases when it is impossible to cope with the disease at home. Then you should contact your pediatrician. It is likely that the child will have to be transferred to hospital treatment.

In any case, one should be more careful about the state and behavior of the baby. Serious symptoms should not be ignored. You can play it safe and seek the advice of a specialist.

Food intolerance in a child

The newborn has a deficiency of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food. In this regard, the child undergoes a long adaptation to any innovations in complementary feeding.

The digestive system is underdeveloped and the stomach does not absorb nutrients. Enzyme deficiency has a medical name - malabsorption.

This type of congenital pathology has its own classification:

  1. Lactose intolerance. The child's gastrointestinal tract is not able to assimilate dairy products, due to a lack of the lactase enzyme.
  2. Celiac disease. This is an intolerance to cereal products. Gluten, when ingested, destroys the intestinal wall.
  3. Cystic fibrosis. This is a serious and dangerous disease. You need to know that such an ailment cannot be treated, which means that if it is detected, immediate assistance of specialists is required.

Throughout the entire time, the baby is under close medical supervision. Changes in your diet will not change your symptoms in any way.

Most often, babies from this group of causes are lactose intolerant. In this case, the mother needs to remove all dairy products from the diet.

If the diagnosis has shown gluten intolerance, then it is impossible to give the child products made from wheat flour, porridge, soy and other components that contain gluten for up to a year.

What can you do and how to treat diarrhea with intestinal infections?

Common diseases include: salmonellosis, typhoid fever, dysentery, E. coli. All these problems are associated with the ingress of harmful microbes into the body.

Most often, children under the age of one year are exposed to the disease. It is worth knowing that any diseases can play a negative role in the development of the child.

Symptoms of intestinal infections:

  1. Severe diarrhea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Heat.
  4. Lack of appetite.
  5. Pallor.
  6. Increased gas production, bloating and colic.

If there is a suspicion of precisely these reasons, then you should immediately seek the help of a pediatrician. In most cases, the child is assigned to a hospital for further observation, accurate diagnosis and treatment.

What to do and how can diarrhea be treated? Self-medication is not allowed at home. This will only aggravate the situation and lead to complications. But you can give first aid to the baby.

It is necessary to replenish the water-salt balance and increase the resistance to harmful bacteria. In this case, the child needs to be given a medicine like Rehydron.


Children under one year old do not have stable immunity, therefore, a variety of reasons affect the appearance of diarrhea. Any changes affect the state of feces: bronchitis, otitis media, nervous shock, overheating, hypothermia.

The exact reasons can only be identified by a specialist after diagnosis. What can parents do in this case? Treatment cannot be started without a diagnosis.

But parents need to stay hydrated. In this case, the infant should consume more fluids with added electrolytes. A remedy that relieves concomitant symptoms is allowed.

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Each caring mother monitors the well-being and health of the baby, paying attention to any warning signs. The crumbs chair is no exception, because during a diaper change a woman constantly evaluates its structure, shade and smell. As long as bowel counts remain normal, there is no reason to worry or panic. But the appearance of loose stools in a breastfed baby can disturb even experienced parents. It is necessary to react to pathological changes in feces promptly, because developing dehydration is often dangerous for the baby. When it is early to sound the alarm because of loose stools, and in what situations to take urgent measures, how to help a baby with diarrhea - you should figure it out today.

Normal Stool for a Breastfeeding Newborn

A month-old breastfed baby may have slightly runny stools, no need to worry even with a daily change in color. He is able to change depending on the food eaten by the mother the day before. So if a woman consumed dairy products before feeding, then the diapers will be stained with feces of a bright yellow hue.

Food of plant origin changes the shade of stool to a greenish one - these are berries, green fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, spinach, parsley, dill. Even in the case of green stool, the baby should not worry too much - normal stool in a baby, regardless of the shade, is mushy and not watery.

The color and consistency of the stool may vary, there may be inclusions of mucus, lumps of undigested food, and the smell resembles sour milk. If a breastfed baby is cheerful and cheerful, eats with appetite, does not wake up with a loud cry, there are no alarm signals. The intestine of a newborn is in the process of colonizing with beneficial microorganisms, which is why sometimes there are disruptions in digestion, and the thickness of the stool changes.


Liquid stool in a bottle-fed baby is much less common. Usually, the structure of feces in artificialists is thicker, and the color of the stool is darker. This is due to the composition of the milk formula with which the mother feeds the baby. If food is prepared in violation of technology, then the stool can be very thick - therefore, artificial people are more often worried about constipation than diarrhea.

If an artificial person has orange-colored loose stools, this signals liver problems. When occult or overt blood appears in the stool, the stool becomes dark, almost black.

Loose stools are rare in a bottle-fed baby.

Mixed feeding

Loose stools appear in babies on mixed feeding due to an unbalanced diet, the mother's use of foods or drugs that are prohibited during lactation. Normally, with mixed feeding, the feces are colored brown, the consistency is thick, and the stool frequency is within 1-2 times a day.

If the mixture is prepared too thick, the baby poops with an admixture of curdled particles - this symptom is not dangerous and goes away on its own within a few days. When a loose stool appears, it is not recommended to give up breastfeeding in favor of a mixture. After all, mother's milk contains a set of vitamins and substances necessary for the full development of the baby.

The frequency of bowel movements of the newborn is normal

In the first month of life, a breastfed baby can walk up to ten times a day, and this is not considered a pathology. When the baby reaches the age of one month, this frequency gradually changes, and bowel movements occur 3-5 times a day. Children over six months begin to poop 1-2 times a day or even less often, it all depends on the general state of health, the nature of nutrition and the nuances of introducing complementary foods.

On a note! Often, frequent bowel movements of a newborn scare new parents, but in this way the body of a breastfed baby is trying to adapt to new living conditions and the way of getting food. Therefore, with the normal well-being of the baby, good weight gain and mushy stool consistency, the parents of the crumbs have nothing to worry about.

How to tell diarrhea from loose stools?

Loose stools that appear in a newborn during breastfeeding often do not signal the child's pathological condition. To know when to seek medical attention, you need to examine the signs of diarrhea:

  • the frequency of trips is greatly increased by many times;
  • normal mushy stools liquefy, acquiring a watery structure;
  • the discharge of feces from the intestines becomes sharp and unexpected;
  • the feces have an intense sour smell, uncharacteristic for a baby's usual trip to the toilet;
  • the color of feces changes to greenish or dark green;
  • watery stools in breastfed babies may contain foam, blood and mucous clots.

At the same time, the child's well-being suffers - he refuses to feed, cries, possibly a rise in temperature, the stomach is hard, swollen and painful. If the stool is simply liquefied, without signs of diarrhea, the listed symptoms will be absent, and the baby will feel healthy.

Causes of diarrhea in newborns

Liquid and when applied only to the breast can occur for a number of reasons. The main ones are doctors:

  • intestinal infections are often common causes of loose stools in breastfed and mixed-fed infants. The intestinal tract is affected due to the failure of the defense system and the incomplete formation of useful flora;
  • lactose intolerance - while the child's feces have a foamy structure and a pronounced sour smell. This happens due to a lack of enzymes in the intestines needed to digest milk sugar;
  • intestinal dysbiosis is an imbalance between the beneficial and pathogenic flora, which often occurs when the mother takes antibacterial drugs. In terms of symptoms, dysbiosis is similar to an intestinal disorder;
  • errors in the diet of a nursing mother - early introduction of peas, cabbage and exotic products into her menu by a woman;
  • growth of milk teeth - during this period, the crumbs have an increase in temperature, upset stools, saliva flows abundantly from the crumbs mouth.

Non-infectious diarrhea can be triggered by a baby getting more front milk than back milk. It is more liquid and contains the maximum amount of water, while the back is necessary for the crumbs to saturate the body with fats and proteins. The back portion of milk contains beneficial vitamins for the formation of healthy intestinal flora, and its lack is detrimental to the baby's stool.

Improper mother's nutrition while breastfeeding can cause loose stools in the baby

Disease symptoms

First of all, the development of the problem is indicated by yellow liquid stool in a breastfed baby. The baby is soiling the diapers several times more often than usual, the color of the stool changes to greenish, and the consistency is replaced by a watery one. Also, the feces acquire a pungent smell with hints of rot.

Abnormal stools cause bloating, and the newborn is worried and screams. At night, he often wakes up, and an intense rumbling is heard in his tummy. Loose stools streaked with blood in a baby should scare the parents, as well as the appearance of a large amount of foam in the stool. Against the background of colic and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, the temperature often rises, which is also an alarming symptom.

Attention! Such a picture should not leave parents indifferent, the baby's body is prone to rapid dehydration. In order not to provoke dangerous complications, you need to monitor the state of health of the crumbs and take measures to eliminate loose mucous stools.

What should parents do if a baby has diarrhea?

If a bottle-fed baby has problems with stool, then the milk mixture should be changed

Bottle-feeding diarrhea is less common than loose stools in a breastfeeding newborn. But parents of babies need to know what to do with the onset of diarrhea in a baby:

  1. Monitor the baby's condition, appetite, sleep and mood.
  2. Adjust the diet of a breastfeeding woman. Diarrhea is often triggered by eating fatty, fried, smoked and salted foods. In addition to liquefying baby bowel movements, these foods can help reduce milk supply.
  3. Do not give up breastfeeding. Against the background of various diseases, mother's milk protects the child's body and saturates it with substances that increase the resistance of the immune system. So it will be easier for the baby to overcome harmful bacteria in the intestines, he will not develop dehydration.
  4. It is necessary to add water only to artificial people and children who are on mixed feeding. Babies have enough fluid in breast milk.
  5. Change milk formula if the baby receives it in pure form or together with breast milk. Perhaps an unexpected reaction has developed to the components of the new food. But changing the mixture is often not recommended due to the long adaptation of the child's body and possible digestive problems.

Observing the baby for 1-2 days, you can find out whether the condition is pathological, requiring medical intervention, or simply having problems with digestion due to a combination of a number of negative factors. If parents are worried about the baby, a visit to the doctor will not be superfluous.

In what cases is it urgent to see a doctor?

If, when a liquefied stool appears in a breastfed baby and parents' observation of his condition, alarming symptoms develop, do not hesitate to call a doctor. Such dangerous calls doctors include:

  • the child is constantly crying and twisting his feet;
  • have trouble sleeping;
  • the baby refuses to feed, becomes lethargic and moody;
  • urination becomes rare or absent, and urine smells harsh and pungent;
  • the crumb noticeably lost weight in a few days;
  • the temperature has risen sharply;
  • the abdomen is hard and distended, and when palpated, the baby cries loudly.

If lumps of mucus are noticeable against the background of greenery and an unpleasant odor in the stool, the problem may be caused by dysbiosis. With a constantly liquefied stool of a yellow tint that does not recover for a long time, lactase deficiency can be suspected. In this situation, diarrhea is due to a lack of enzymes that break down lactose.

Poor sleep and high fever are reasons to see a doctor

How to restore stool?

To normalize the shade and density of stool in a breastfed newborn, doctors advise using a special technique and principles of attachment. So when feeding, you need to observe that the baby captures the areola completely or most of it, but not the nipple itself. If a woman does not have enough milk, you need to establish feeding and increase lactation - you should feed the baby on demand, and not after 3-4 hours. Expressed milk should be kept in the refrigerator to prevent sourness and diarrhea.

Advice! During feeding, you need to try to give the baby a back portion of milk, it is thicker and more saturated with useful substances. Feeding only front milk will make the stool thin and watery, and the baby will lag behind in weight. You should not take the breast from the crumbs before he releases it himself, even if the feeding process lasts 20-30 minutes.

How to adjust nutrition for mom with diarrhea in infants?

The mother's diet during feeding directly affects the well-being of the baby. When a woman violates the rules of nutrition during lactation, consumes spicy, fatty, salty foods, the baby may react to errors in the diet with diarrhea. A nursing mother should be especially careful about her diet during the recovery of normal stool in the child. To do this, exclude a set of products from the menu:

  • products containing food additives, preservatives, dyes and flavorings - these are ready-made sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise), canned food, instant noodles;
  • exotic fruits and vegetables;
  • carbohydrate foods, pastries, cakes, pastries, chocolate, white bread;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • cabbage and legumes;
  • onion garlic;
  • soda, coffee, black tea and cocoa.

To restore the digestive tract in a baby, you can prepare herbal decoctions - an infusion of linden blossom or mint, a decoction of green aspen buds, rice, primrose grass, rosehip berries. These funds should be given to the baby with the permission of the pediatrician in a few teaspoons. Rice broth has been popular since ancient times, it is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio and is given to babies in several doses.

Prevention of diarrhea in infants

So that the crumbs on breastfeeding do not have diarrhea, pediatricians advise mothers not to quit feeding in the hot season. Mother's milk saturates the child's body with immunoglobulins to strengthen the protective functions. And in the summer, bacteria in the air multiply most actively, which makes it easier for a weakened baby's body to pick up an infection.

A nursing mother caring for a baby should often wash her hands and wash her mammary glands with boiled water before each latching on to the breast. This will help prevent mouth infections. Also, as the child grows up, he needs to wash his pens during the day, because he takes them in his mouth, and before that there are enough toys, pets, surrounding objects (remotes, phones, watches, etc.)

Remember! A woman who continues to breastfeed needs to eat properly. In the first 4-8 weeks of a baby's life, any error in the diet can cause an unexpected reaction in his intestines in the form of bloating, nausea and loose stools.

Bowel failure in a breastfed infant is not always a signal for concern. If the child is awake, sleeps and eats calmly, gains weight, then loose stools are due to non-pathological reasons. But when a fetid odor appears in the feces, blotches of blood, foam and mucus in them, you should not pull a visit to the doctor. It is also not recommended to give the baby any medications on their own, for this you must first establish the cause of the diarrhea. Perhaps diarrhea is caused by errors in the mother's diet or banal non-observance of hygiene rules.

Mothers carefully study their crumbs almost from the moment of the first cry. Everything is noted: whether the eyes are cheerful, whether the nose is warm, whether the cheeks are plump, whether there are constrictions on the arms and legs. With the same curiosity and amazing pedantry, young mothers study the contents of a diaper or diaper for several minutes, examining the quantity, color, nature of the chair. More than enough attention is paid even to the smell of feces. And this is an absolutely correct approach to the issue of child's health.

It is these observations of the baby's bowel movements that will help the mother determine the health of the baby, the degree of assimilation of mother's milk and whether the nurse is eating correctly. So what does normal stool look like in a breastfed baby? What consistency, color and smell are the norm, and when is it time to run around neonatologists? We will find out now!

Loose stools in a newborn: normal or not

In determining the "normality" of children's poop, there are very specific parameters:

  • frequency of bowel movements;
  • quantity;
  • consistency;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • bowel movement process.

We will not take into account the baby chair in the first days of life. At this time, the baby defecates with thick dark-colored feces - meconium, or, as it is also called, original feces. This indicates that the child's intestines have begun their responsible work.

So, normal feces in a breastfed baby are characterized by:

  1. Frequency of bowel movements: the baby of the first weeks of life can poop up to 10 times a day, after the introduction of complementary foods - 2-3 times a day.
  2. The number of feces: small children defecate often, but little by little, after the introduction of complementary foods, the amount of poop is inversely proportional to the frequency of bowel movements.
  3. Consistency. The kid is now eating liquid food - your milk. Accordingly, his feces will be mushy, semi-liquid, liquid. Very rarely, babies get "thick" yellow poop, somewhat similar to plasticine. After the introduction of complementary foods, the feces become thicker, over time you will see the long-awaited "sausages" in the diaper.
  4. Color. In a healthy breastfed baby, poop can be any shade of yellow. Sometimes there are white blotches in them - not completely digested "excess" milk (the crumb simply overeat). With the introduction of complementary foods, the feces begin to darken, by the age of one and a half years, the infant poops quite "in an adult way."
  5. Smell. While the baby is eating your milk, his bowel movements do not smell at all. There may be a slight milky or sour tint in the smell, but these are also normal limits, because milk actually turns sour in the stomach and intestines of the crumbs, being digested in this way.
  6. The process of defecation. Normally, the baby poops calmly, slightly pursing the lips and slightly straining. The process does not cause tears and screams.

Liquid stool in a newborn baby, in a child a little older on breastfeeding is a variant of the norm, in which you should not worry. The kid eats liquid food, and there is simply nothing to form such “sausages” so desired by every mother.

When is treatment needed?

However, every mother should understand that not all baby's liquid bowel movements are 100% normal. In some cases, this is already a real — child diarrhea — that needs to be treated. It is not difficult to determine this, knowing the signs of intestinal problems and diseases. At the same time, it is important to pay attention not only to what the baby pooped with, but also to the general condition of the crumbs.

Green loose stools in infants

Important!If the baby is transferred from breast milk to formula, this is the absolute norm!

If not, watch the baby. Green feces with a fetid odor, gas bubbles, flatulence and acute pain in the tummy in a baby are typical for:

  • viral infections;
  • enteritis;

Only the doctor will tell you the exact diagnosis, having previously sent the child's feces for analysis and conducting a detailed clinical examination of the baby.

Liquid yellow stools in infants

Usually it is regarded as the absolute norm for a baby. But sometimes it can be a pathology. If the baby has loose yellow stools that foam, it may be:

  • (but then the crumbs will definitely have a rash on the skin);
  • (fever and sometimes vomiting will be added);
  • reactions to medication;
  • overeating.
  • fetid putrid odor;
  • black blotches;
  • bloody blotches.

Watery stools

Important! If it is observed in a baby who is accustomed to compotes and teas, this is not a pathology, just try to limit the amount of baby's drinking, let him more to the breast.

If a watery stool is observed in a child exclusively breastfed, while in the infant, defecation occurs as if "under pressure" and with pain, these may be signs:

  • dysbiosis;
  • improper peristalsis in the small intestine;
  • problems with the rectum or sphincters in the intestines.

Again, you should see your pediatrician for an accurate diagnosis.
However, if the baby's watery feces are released without pain, the baby feels completely normal at the same time, eats well - there is no reason for concern.

Did you know? When a child "poops with water" interspersed with digested milk, the mother needs to be careful about her diet. She may be eating laxative or fatty foods. You also need to pay attention to breastfeeding. If the crumb eats only the front milk, then his feces will look like water - it contains fewer nutrients than the back milk.

Features of the diet of a nursing mother

Only breast milk affects baby stool under normal conditions. Mother's milk is influenced by what the mother eats.

It is important to follow a breastfeeding diet. Although you probably know it yourself. We just remind you that you can eat a nursing woman:

  • cereals boiled in water (rice - with care, it strongly strengthens);
  • hard pasta;
  • boiled poultry, rabbit or beef;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • baked apples;
  • bananas;
  • vegetable oils;
  • lean broths;
  • vegetable soups and stews without cabbage and legumes;
  • white bread;
  • hard cheese;
  • any potatoes (except fried ones);
  • biscuit biscuits;
  • crackers or bagels;
  • weak teas, compotes, mineral water.

A nursing mother should be very careful about foods that contain:

  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • stabilizers;
  • allergens;
  • crude fiber;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • stimulants of taste and smell.

The more serious the mother's attitude to her diet, the less problems the crumbs have with the tummy and, accordingly, with feces.

Liquid stool in a baby - video

In this video, a nursing mother of a one-month-old baby tells in detail what should be the stool of a breastfed baby, and when to see a doctor and do a coprogram (examination of the baby's feces).

Many moms are more than serious about looking at the contents of a diaper or diaper. And rightly so - sometimes it is better to "overlook" than to miss the alarm bells. Liquid stools for a baby who eats breast milk is the norm.

Even if it has acquired a greenish tint, it's not scary. But if the poop of the crumbs sharply changed color, an unpleasant odor appeared, defecation became painful and colic became more frequent, or you identified bloody blotches in the feces - this is a serious reason to review your mother's diet and turn to a highly qualified specialist.

Do you watch your baby's chair? What feces does your child give you? If you have any problems with the baby's stool, you turned to the specialists about this - share your experience with us in the comments!

Breastfeeding a baby is not an easy period and, frankly, requires many abstinence so as not to provoke digestive problems in your baby. Recall that during the first two months of its life, the baby's digestive system is still developing.

Loose stools in a newborn does not always indicate a health problem and the onset of any illness. Inexperienced parents may be very puzzled by this, but we hasten to calm down, this is how the maturation of the body looks, adaptation to the world and new food. Stool frequency in infants will increase after about the fourth day of life. Usually the stool is mushy, light in color, practically odorless. It can be taken immediately after feeding, or two or three times a day.

The less frequent bowel movements, the fewer calories your baby gets.

By the age of two months, the baby's stool will become more systematic and regular.

2. Causes of loose stools in infants during breastfeeding

Do not worry about loose baby stools, let's try to figure out the main causes and problems together. The causes of loose stools can be:
1.Infection. One of the explanations for this problem is intestinal infection. Unfortunately, even with very clean and hygienic parents, this is possible. The fact is that the baby's body is still beginning to form, and the protective functions of the stomach are weak.

Often microorganisms that are not dangerous for an adult, cause significant damage to the newborn.

An infectious disease occurs abruptly, with pain in the tummy, the child cries a lot. Sometimes a high fever rises;
2. Dysbacteriosis. A common cause of loose stools in children. Reaction to various drugs, antibiotics. Stool consistency varies. And the treatment for this reason is taking probiotics in a return dosage. And which ones, of course, only the pediatrician will tell you;
3. Violation of proper nutrition of the mother. Improper nutrition of the mother or child can also cause the baby's diarrhea, the use of foods that facilitate stool thinning, such as cucumbers, beets, apples, pears, etc. A reaction to the introduction of new products can also be manifested in this way. to which the baby's body is not yet used;
4. Intolerance to certain foods. Separately, I would like to highlight the congenital intolerance of the child's body, specific components. This is due to the pathology and deficiency of enzymes, which is the reason for the disruption of the intestinal digestive process. Pathology manifests itself gradually. The medical name for this is malabsorption syndrome;
5. Teeth. Not always loose stools, indicative of intestinal diseases. When the first teeth appear in infancy, diarrhea is common. This happens mainly after the age of six months, but it also happens at four or even three months.
but , if something really worries you, contact a specialist and consult, only a competent doctor can identify the exact cause and prescribe a course of treatment or dispel your suspicions.

The correct treatment for loose stools is supported individually, depending on the cause of the occurrence. Of the general rules, it is worth highlighting only that with loose stools, a lot of water is lost, and dehydration may occur. To avoid this, give saline solution - oralit or rehydron. Also, the drug enterodesis is a part of activated carbon, and it is known to have an absorbing effect of all toxins. Any of these means, it is advised to have in the home medicine cabinet all the time. Give your baby to drink, both from a bottle and with a pipette, in small doses so as not to provoke vomiting. Ordinary boiled water is not enough, it is important to give salty water in order to restore the water balance.

In addition to solutions, you can give smecta, polyphepan, enterosgel. These medicines are like a sponge, absorbing toxins that have entered the stomach. However, this does not completely kill bacteria. Also, review your diet to exclude provoking foods from it, they include apples, cucumbers, etc. (for a more detailed list, see our article: "Nutrition while breastfeeding."

Loose stools in newborns are similar to water and, as mentioned earlier, it is quite common in the first days of life. But if the baby is less than three months old, and you are already changing the diaper for the fourth, or even five times, then do not self-medicate and urgently call a pediatrician. You can heal yourself, at best, to constipation. Be careful!

What is suitable for an adult, in case of illness, can harm the baby.

During the infection, food should be continued, but in smaller amounts. Babies who are on artificial nutrition are advised to feed fermented milk mixtures. When feeding, you can add half a mezim-forte tablet. Monitor your baby's reaction to the foods you eat, but it can change, so the baby adapts. Liquid stool in a child, as we have already said, is due to intolerance to certain foods, namely the enzymes that they contain. To identify which, you and your baby will have to go to the clinic and get tested.

This is a disease, which is popularly called intolerance to certain enzymes in foods, namely not the ability to perceive them. It is divided into two types:
1. Lactase deficiency is milk intolerance and manifests itself from the very birth of a child, while breastfeeding. Stool in case of insufficiency with foam, greenery, colic and vomiting.
The baby must be switched to lactose-free food and within a month the condition will return to normal.
2. Celiac disease is a disease of the damaged small intestine. With this disease, the body is not able to digest the cereal category of foods, such as wheat, oats, rye. This problem manifests itself in the first four months after the introduction of these products into the diet. Stools with foam and oily sheen, frequent. It is enough to exclude these foods from the diet and the state to recover.

Often, the protein found in artificial mixtures is foreign, for example from cow's milk or soy. This is of little benefit to an infant, unlike breast milk. Allergic inflammation in the stomach may develop, the production of lactase will be disrupted. Such processes are rarely manifested by a skin rash and outwardly it is not noticeable. At the same time, there are disruptions in the absorption of many substances in the intestine, a violation of the digestion of lactase. And for this, if a child on mixed feeding has diarrhea for a long time, it is necessary to be tested for allergens.