Our heavy treatment. Intestinal infection or rotavirus. Night vomiting in a child

Severe vomiting without diarrhea and temperature can be a sign of a number of diseases: pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and inflammation of the digestive organs, neurological abnormalities, problems with the endocrine system, traumatic brain injury. It is important in this situation to exclude cases of acute surgery - appendicitis and intestinal obstruction.

Vomiting is never an independent disease. It's always a symptom. As a rule, it is accompanied by diarrhea and fever, or one of these two symptoms. These are characteristic signs of any intestinal infection, some diseases of a viral nature, toxic infection or chemical poisoning. What can vomiting in a child say without fever and diarrhea?

Main reasons

  1. Food poisoning and indigestion. Usually, with food poisoning, a child has vomiting and diarrhea without fever or with fever. However, with a slight intoxication, only the stomach can react in the form of a single vomiting. It also happens with indigestion, overeating, taking some kind of medication.
  2. Problems with metabolism. Most metabolic disorders are hereditary. First of all, it is diabetes. To diagnose metabolic disorders, the doctor will recommend taking a blood test for hormones and enzymes, and doing an ultrasound scan of the digestive system and kidneys. The child may have an individual intolerance to whole cow's milk, glucose, cereals, fruits and other products. Treatment in this case is to eliminate unwanted foods from the diet.
  3. Neurological disorders and congenital pathologies. There is such a thing as cerebral vomiting. She points out that the root cause is neurological abnormalities. They could appear even during the intrauterine development of the fetus, during birth trauma and asphyxia. Congenital cerebral pathology and other abnormalities can provoke profuse vomiting with a fountain or leakage of food from the esophagus. Vomiting is a characteristic symptom of concussion, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors in children of any age. Associated symptoms: headaches, nausea, dizziness. Vomiting can also accompany migraines in children. Alas, this disease has recently become noticeably younger. Also, vomiting often occurs with meningitis, encephalitis, epilepsy.
  4. Intestinal obstruction, or intussusception. It can be congenital and acquired, complete and partial. It occurs in newborns, children up to a year and older. It occurs when one of the sections of the intestine does not contract and does not push the feces towards the rectum. Together with vomiting, the child may develop cramping, sharp pains in the abdomen, weakness, pale skin, stools in the form of raspberry jelly streaked with mucus and blood. Intussusception is most often treated surgically.
  5. Foreign body in the esophagus. Such an emergency most often happens with children from one to three years old, who are trying to try everything “by the tooth”. Typical symptoms: pain when swallowing, difficulty swallowing food, foamy formations in the throat, refusal to eat, restless behavior, crying, shortness of breath with a large foreign body. Signs may vary depending on the size of the object and in which part of the esophagus it is stuck. Vomiting is frequent and repeated, but does not bring relief. Long-term presence of a foreign body in the esophagus is dangerous with complications and can be life-threatening. Diagnosed by X-ray.
  6. Acute appendicitis. In infants occurs in extremely rare cases. Children of preschool and school age complain of pain in the right side, in the navel. The main symptoms: severe pain, frequent bowel movements and urination, lack of appetite, repeated vomiting. There may be a slight increase in temperature and diarrhea.
  7. Inflammation of the digestive organs. These include stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases. A common symptom of acute gastritis is recurrent vomiting. Also, the child may have vomiting with diarrhea without fever. In the vomit, an admixture of mucus and bile is often found. Gastritis in children provokes the nature of nutrition, lifestyle, psycho-emotional state, complications after infectious diseases.
  8. Pyloric stenosis. Congenital narrowing of the passage between the stomach and duodenum. This leads to the fact that the food lingers in the stomach, under pressure is pushed out. Symptoms of pyloric stenosis are detected during the first days of a newborn's life. After each meal there is profuse vomiting fountain. The child loses fluid and weight, which is life-threatening. Only surgical intervention in the early stages helps to get rid of pyloric stenosis.
  9. Pylorospasm. The stomach and duodenum are separated by a valve called the pylorus. Under the influence of the hormone gastrin, the pylorus muscles are in good shape up to about 4 months. With constant spasm, the passage of food from the stomach to the intestines is difficult. Unlike pyloric stenosis, with spasm of the pylorus, vomiting is not so frequent and plentiful. With this functional disorder, a transition to specialized nutrition of a thick consistency is recommended - antireflux mixtures. If the baby is breastfeeding, the doctor may prescribe a small amount of formula before each breastfeed. Of the medications, antispasmodics can be prescribed. A good weight gain and the general well-being of the baby indicate a favorable prognosis for pylorospasm.
  10. Cardiospasm. Violation of the motor function of the esophagus. It expands greatly when food enters it. The lower esophageal sphincter (cardia) is narrowed, is in good shape, which provokes the impossibility of further movement of food into the stomach. Vomiting occurs during meals or immediately after meals, accompanied by coughing. The child may complain of chest pain. Persistent cardiospasm is dangerous because children do not receive the necessary amount of nutrition, do not gain weight and may lag behind in development. It is treated conservatively, that is, with the help of drugs. Surgery is indicated when medical therapy fails.
  11. acetone crisis. Characteristic symptoms: the smell of acetone from the mouth, nausea, weakness, headache. The causes of acetonemic syndrome have not been precisely established. The most likely of them: fatty foods, constant overeating or, conversely, long breaks between meals, physical activity, emotional outbursts, intestinal infections, metabolic disorders, tumors. It is most common in children between the ages of two and ten. Acetone is found in urine and blood during the test. A hallmark of acetonic syndrome is sudden, repeated and profuse vomiting. It may last several days. The danger of an acetonic crisis is in a sharp dehydration of the body, which can lead to convulsions and loss of consciousness.
  12. neurotic vomiting. Typical for children after three years. It is called functional, psychogenic vomiting. Occurs during severe anxiety, overexcitation, fright. In the language of psychosomatics, vomiting means rejection, rejection of something. Neurotic vomiting may be a reaction to unpalatable food that is forced to be eaten. It can also be demonstrative in children deprived of parental attention. With persistent neurotic vomiting, a psychotherapist is engaged in the treatment of the child and parent-child relationships.
  13. Complementary foods for infants and a one-year-old child. Vomiting and diarrhea without fever in a child up to a year and at 1 year old can occur as a single reaction to complementary foods, the introduction of some new dishes into the diet. In this situation, it is worth temporarily canceling the product. Usually such a reaction happens to fatty foods or a large volume.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Treatment of vomiting without fever in a child is effective if the cause of this symptom is precisely established. And it can be difficult to do this, since vomiting is a “companion” of diseases of a different nature.

How is the diagnosis carried out

There are several effective methods of examination for profuse vomiting.

  • Visually. The quantity, presence of impurities (pus, bile, blood, mucus), color, smell, consistency of vomit - all these parameters will help the doctor determine the type of vomiting characteristic of a particular disease.
  • Laboratory study of vomit. Confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis.
  • Instrumental examination of the digestive system. Ultrasound, gastrofibroscopy (study with a probe), X-ray.

How is the treatment carried out

If the diagnosis is established, then narrow specialists are engaged in the treatment of the disease.

  • Pediatrician. The first doctor to contact for repeated bouts of vomiting in a child. He will refer you for examination to narrow specialists.
  • Gastroenterologist. Engaged in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therapy can be carried out in a hospital and at home. The disease is treated with medication, and a strict diet is also important.
  • Neurologist. All attacks of cerebral vomiting are associated with neurology. Medical treatment, physiotherapy, massage are also prescribed.
  • Surgeon. Acute appendicitis, pyloric stenosis, intestinal obstruction, cardiospasm, foreign body in the esophagus - all these situations are considered by a pediatric surgeon.

When to call an ambulance? In all cases of emergency care, which are accompanied by bouts of severe vomiting: head injuries, epileptic seizures, convulsions, severe dehydration, loss of consciousness, poisoning with drugs and household chemicals, hematemesis, intestinal obstruction, symptom "acute abdomen", ingress of a foreign body into the esophagus and vomit into the respiratory tract.

What should parents do

What are the complications of repeated and severe vomiting

  • Dehydration. A sharp loss of fluid disrupts the water-salt balance in the body, and this leads to serious consequences - malfunctions of all vital organs. With extremely severe degrees of dehydration, convulsions and loss of consciousness are observed. This condition is especially dangerous for infants.
  • Weight loss. Dangerous for infants, premature and small children. In such babies, critical weight loss can occur within a day.
  • Bleeding. With persistent vomiting, the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is injured, blood vessels burst, as a result, blood may appear in the vomit.
  • Danger of suffocation from vomit inhaled. Infants and unconscious children are at highest risk.
  • aspiration pneumonia. Occurs when vomit enters the lungs. Gastric juice is dangerous for lung tissue. Inpatient treatment is required: suction of mucus from the trachea, antibiotic therapy, if necessary - artificial ventilation of the lungs.

You can not hesitate and self-medicate in such situations.

Vomiting in a child without fever can be a single reflex reaction to some kind of irritant: the baby choked, coughed heavily, or ate something tasteless. This is due to the increased gag reflex in children. However, repeated, profuse vomiting that is not associated with intestinal infections can signal a number of serious diseases. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Vomiting in a child at night is always very worrying for parents. After all, the little one had previously slept peacefully and did not show any anxiety. Before taking any action, it is necessary to determine what could have caused this condition. When, in addition to nausea and vomiting, watery diarrhea begins and the body temperature rises, the cause most likely lies in an intestinal infection. But there are a number of other conditions when only vomiting is observed and there are no other symptoms.

Causes of nighttime vomiting

There are plenty of reasons for nighttime vomiting in children, it can be difficult to immediately determine what provoked this condition. When vomiting occurs in a dream, you should immediately analyze what the baby ate shortly before sleep. Perhaps there was some new product in the diet that could cause an allergic reaction and the body tried to get rid of foreign substances. If vomiting in a child during sleep is not accompanied by a rise in temperature, then the reasons include:

  • There is a foreign body in the digestive tract. This is typical for young children, who often take small parts in their mouths during the game.
  • A cold with copious sputum that runs down the back of the throat and causes nausea and vomiting.
  • Severe overwork or stress during the day. Parents need to remember how the little one spent his day.
  • Inflammation of the appendix. This condition is accompanied by a rise in temperature, lethargy and acute pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The kid ate fatty and junk food in the evening. It can be smoked meats, barbecue, cakes with fat cream, chips or soda. All these products are desirable not to include in the diet of young children, and chips with carbonated drinks are generally undesirable for children at any age.

If the cause of vomiting was poisoning, then the content of acetone in the body usually rises. To determine how much this indicator exceeds the norm, you can use the test strips that should be in every home first aid kit.

When vomiting in a child, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, appendicitis can be suspected. The baby in this case is lethargic, pale and very restless. If such a condition is observed, it is necessary to call an ambulance without delay.

What can parents do

Many parents are lost as soon as the baby starts to vomit, and do not know what they can do. Do not panic, all actions should be clear and calm. If a child vomits at night without raising the temperature, then the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  1. Soothe the child, wash and, if necessary, change his clothes. Replace bedding.
  2. Rinse your mouth well with clean water.
  3. They offer drinks. Water is given in small portions, but often.
  4. They measure the temperature.
  5. With repeated urges, adsorbents are given and the baby is observed.

When there is an increase in temperature over 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to give antipyretic tablets. Paracetamol is best, but ibuprofen is fine.

A single vomiting in a child at night indicates overwork or overeating. Most often, after such an incident, the child calmly lies down and sleeps. If vomiting has become regular, then after each attack the baby is given to rinse his mouth, and then give a tablespoon of water. If vomiting is caused by rotavirus or poisoning, then the first hour the urge occurs every 15-20 minutes, then gradually subsides.

You can add a little honey and a few drops of lemon juice to the water to solder the baby. Such a drink not only tones and refreshes, but also supplies useful trace elements to a weakened body.

What to look out for

If a child vomits before bedtime or at night, then the child should immediately be calmed, changed and washed. Babies wake up scared of such an unpleasant phenomenon and may begin to cry a lot. Parents should be nearby all the time, it is unacceptable to leave the little one alone even for a few minutes.

The baby is held in the arms with a slight slope. Older children are placed in bed on a barrel to avoid choking with vomit.

During vomiting, it is necessary to avoid dehydration of the body, which in children occurs quite quickly. It must be remembered that the smaller the weight of the baby, the more dangerous this condition is for him.

What Not to Do

When vomiting was only once in the evening or at night, you can help the child and put him to bed. Wherein:

  • do not self-medicate and give the baby to the child any medications other than sorbents and antipyretics;
  • do not leave the baby alone, even for a few minutes, without adult supervision;
  • do not solder the peanut with dairy products or juices;
  • keep the child awake in anticipation of the next bout of vomiting.

If vomiting occurs only once at night, then you can not worry and watch the patient until the morning. When the condition is steadily worsening every minute, it’s not worth the risk, only a doctor should treat the baby.

What to do in the morning

Sometimes it happens that the baby vomited once at night and remembers absolutely nothing in the morning. In this case, parents should provide the crumbs with a sufficient amount of drink and adhere to a diet for a couple of days. You can give the following dishes:

  • vegetable soups on the second chicken broth;
  • porridge-smear from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steamed chicken meatballs;
  • bread crumbs;
  • banana and apple puree.

Infants continue to breastfeed on demand, but do not introduce new foods into the diet for the next couple of days. As a drink, fruit jelly, which has an enveloping effect, is well suited. If nothing reminds of a nighttime incident for about two days, you don’t have to worry, which means that the cause of vomiting was not serious.

When the baby is still worried about constant nausea and there is a cutting pain in the stomach, you need to see a doctor. It is possible that there is a foreign body in the digestive tract that should be removed.

Every child experiences vomiting at night at least once. The reason most often is the use of harmful products. To avoid such trouble, the child's diet should consist only of natural and healthy products.

Vomiting is a rather complex process of the reaction of a child's body (and an adult too) to how the external or internal environment has changed. It can start at any moment, very unexpectedly. But as a rule, mothers are most worried if the child vomited at night. After all, babies are sleeping, so they can’t tell their parents in advance that they don’t feel well. And the standard signs of vomiting - blanching of the skin or nausea - may not be seen.

To properly treat nighttime vomiting in babies, you must first find out what causes it. If, in parallel with vomiting, the temperature rises and diarrhea begins, most likely there is a connection with an infection of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, and it would be more correct to contact the doctors.

If the child vomited at night, there is no temperature, there is no diarrhea, then the subsequent actions of the parents can be found in this article.

What could be the reasons?

If a child has started vomiting, there can be many reasons. First of all, you need to pay attention to what the baby ate the day before. Vomiting could begin after eating and serve as a loud signal that the body, through an allergic reaction, rejects some product that should be immediately excluded from the baby's diet.

If the baby does not have a temperature, then the reasons include the following:

The child has not yet reached the age of seven, a possible reason is that there is a foreign body in the stomach. A kid during the game can swallow a part from a designer, a pyramid or a small part of some toy. This can later lead to nausea and vomiting.

Vomiting can occur due to a cold: a strong cough, pain in the throat make it difficult for the baby to breathe; excess sputum and will cause vomiting during sleep.

The peanut is overtired or has suffered stress; Mom needs to remember how the day went for the child, whether he slept.

An attack of appendicitis, which will be accompanied by a deterioration in appetite, some lethargy of the baby; temperature may rise. All these signs are clear indications for calling an ambulance.

The child ate fatty or low-quality food (special attention is when the baby eats chips and drinks with soda, so all this should be excluded from the children's diet); in this case, it is necessary to pass tests to determine the level of acetone. At home, it can be measured using test strips. If the baby already had precedents, they should be warned at the first sign, for example, by offering the baby a cup of sweet tea or giving glucose solution in ampoules.

First steps for parents

The most important thing that parents should do in the first minutes when the child vomited at night is to protect their little one from dehydration. In this case, you can take the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, who suggests limiting food intake and giving the baby as much water as possible.

Vomiting is a reflex process of ejection of the contents of the stomach through the oral cavity. Various factors influence the occurrence of the reaction of the body. The child's body is most susceptible to adverse conditions that can cause a gag reflex. Vomiting at night is the main concern for parents, as it can harm a fragile child's body.

There are a number of factors that can cause vomiting at night. Anything can be the cause. It is worth paying attention to parallel symptoms. If the urge passes without fever, then the causes may be the following:

In an infant, the cause of vomiting can be:

  1. Sudden climate change, as the child's body is not yet able to protect itself from the effects of weather changes.
  2. Eruption of the first teeth. While eating, the baby swallows air, which, getting into the stomach, causes an attack.
  3. The beginning of the first feeding. Due to the lack of the necessary enzymes in the body, unusual food is rejected by the stomach.
  4. Early introduction of certain foods into the diet.

Also, the cause of nighttime vomiting are diseases of the digestive system:

  • Pancreatitis. Due to enzyme deficiency, food is not digested well enough, which causes an attack.
  • Cholecystitis. There is a stagnation of bile and with accumulation, the contents of the stomach are ejected along with particles of bile masses.
  • Diseases of the liver.
  • Gastritis. Due to a violation of the motility of the stomach, stagnation of food occurs in the organ and, when accumulated, the contents are erupted.
  • An attack can cause a long horizontal sleep in the presence of pathologies in the digestive system.

With simultaneous vomiting and an increase in body temperature, an infection that has entered the gastrointestinal tract, overheating of the body, influenza or SARS can be the cause. A sharp increase in temperature leads to a reflex reaction of the body. If the attack is accompanied by diarrhea, the cause was an intestinal infection.

Associated symptoms

  1. Attacks are accompanied by acute pain in the abdominal cavity - a sign of an infectious disease or poisoning.
  2. Vomit contains mucus - in children older than a year, this is a sign of an intestinal infection.
  3. When sick with influenza, the child vomits water.
  4. Foamy vomit requires immediate hospitalization, as this is a symptom of rotavirus infection.
  5. For infants, vomiting is characteristic of a fountain as a symptom of overeating or the presence of pathologies in the digestive system.

The nature of the vomit

The color of vomit can suggest the cause of an attack:

  • Green: the reason was a violation of the child's comfortable psychological state, poor sleep.
  • Yellow: indicates the presence of poisoning of the body, infection.
  • Red: associated with a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, mechanical trauma of the digestive system.
  • Black: excessive use of absorbents.

First aid

What to do when vomiting has just begun? Turn the baby on its side, raise its head, put a towel on it. If the attack began in the baby in a dream, keep it in an upright position. Vomiting at night can cause fear in a child.

First of all, you need to calm the baby. The child should not be left alone without supervision. After the attack ends, rinse your mouth, let you drink water that is as close to body temperature as possible. In the event of an attack in children at night, parents should adhere to a certain help algorithm:

  1. Wash the baby, change clothes, soothe.
  2. Rinse your mouth, give a teaspoon of water at room temperature to drink. Do not give tea, juice or any other drinks.
  3. Lay infants on their hands on a side or hold them vertically, leaning on their shoulder. This position prevents vomit from entering the throat and nose. Lay older children on their side, slightly raising the headboard.
  4. The parent should lead to be calm, not to panic, not to scream, not to lament.
  5. Measure body temperature.
  6. With an interval of five minutes, solder the child with water or saline solutions, for the preparation of which use ready-made mixtures (Regidron, etc.). This is one of the main actions, since when the attacks are repeated, the body is dehydrated, which poses a danger to human health. You should also give Smecta a drink, which will help remove toxins from the body. If the baby refuses to drink water, it is allowed to give juice diluted with water to the most transparent state. You do not need to give to drink a large amount of liquid.

If nighttime vomiting is single and not accompanied by other symptoms, you can do without calling a doctor. During the night, observe and monitor all changes in the baby's condition - if the child is sick during sleep, he tosses and turns, whimpers, wakes up periodically.

There are a number of cases in which an ambulance call is required:

  • The child is not yet a year old.
  • Attacks of acute pain in the abdomen, severe bowel disorder.
  • A sharp rise in temperature.
  • Whitening of the skin, general weakness of the body, fainting.
  • Recurrent bouts of vomiting.


After arrival, the doctor conducts a survey to find out the cause of the attack. You need to find out the following points:

  • The frequency of repetition of vomiting.
  • The volume of erupted masses.
  • When did the first seizure occur?
  • What food did the child eat during the day.
  • Whether the baby has been ill in the previous 14 days.
  • How did the baby behave before going to bed.
  • The quality of sleep before the onset of vomiting.

Examination of the child can determine whether the child has a fever, signs of dehydration, the appearance of a rash, seizures, the appearance of symptoms of food poisoning, the presence of rotavirus infection.


With repeated bouts of vomiting, the first priority is to take drugs that relieve symptoms. Medical treatment includes the use of:

  • Solutions that restore the water-salt balance of the body.
  • Medicines for nausea approved for use in childhood: absorbents to reduce intoxication, Cerucal (an anti-vomiting drug, used in the form of solutions or intramuscularly), Motilium, with rotavirus Enterofuril.
  • In order for the stomach to start working normally, beneficial bacteria are prescribed: Linex, Acipol, Enterol, Bifidumbacterin.
  • If diarrhea is a concomitant symptom, Diarol, Imodium are prescribed.
  • With an intestinal infection, antibiotics can be taken.
  • Drugs that lower the temperature (Cefecon, Ibuprofen).

Therapeutic diet

The first meal is allowed no earlier than five hours after the end of the attack. Don't give too much food at once. Meals should be light, well digestible. Enveloping cereals on the water, vegetable soups will be optimal. The first days after vomiting should avoid eating fried foods, sweets, milk porridge.

The use of folk methods

For babies, a decoction of raisins, rice, dill water, mint infusion are suitable. Children from one year old are allowed to give pear broth, milk-yolk mixture, soaked crackers from rye bread. Children over three years of age are allowed to use decoctions of valerian herbs, a collection of lemon balm, mint and chamomile.


Vomiting at night is a great stress for the child's body. There are three types of complications:

  • Weight loss - the body is weakened by attacks, rejects all food, there is no appetite.
  • Dehydration - vomiting leads to loss of fluid, a violation of the water-salt balance of the body. Signs of dehydration: dry skin, lethargy, crying without tears, lack of urination.
  • The entry of vomit into the nasopharynx - an incorrect body position leads to a delay in vomiting in the airways, which can lead to suffocation.

Sudden nausea at night can cause parents to panic. Remain calm, take all necessary actions and, if necessary, seek emergency medical attention.