As evidenced by curdled discharge during pregnancy - possible causes and methods of treatment. Discharge during late pregnancy

The period of pregnancy may be accompanied by secretions of various kinds. The explanation for this is simple - the female genital tract has epithelial tissue that releases moisture, so disturbances in the microflora or changes in the hormonal background will lead to discharge.

In the third semester, the body begins to rebuild itself in preparation for the birth state, so such changes entail regular discharge.

Late months of pregnancy characterized by the frequency and abundance of secretions and in most cases are considered the norm, if not accompanied by pain and other pathological phenomena.

Allocations that are considered "norm"

If a girl in the last stages of pregnancy has abundant discharge, then there is no reason to panic if they are not painted, but transparent and no unpleasant odor. Also, do not worry if such discharge does not bring inconvenience in the form of itching or even burning.

Transparent highlights

Experts call them the first messengers of the prenatal state, but not signs of any pathology or the presence of an infectious disease.

Already starting from the second trimester and tightening to the third, the mucus becomes more liquid. This is explained an increase in estrogen levels. On the basis of this, vascular permeability begins to increase in the vaginal mucosa, which leads to very frequent discharge.

It is believed that such mucous manifestations are completely harmless and do not bode well, but for the sake of complete peace of mind, it is better to once again go to the appointment of a leading gynecologist. And in any case, in the presence of any fluids from the vagina, it is necessary to strengthen hygiene.

Transparent highlights may begin as a result of the regular use of panty liners, which are irritating when in contact with the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. It is necessary to try to change them to others or stop using them altogether.

Brown highlights

Brownish discharge in the first months of conception can be considered normal, since the integrity of the endometrium was violated due to the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Manifestations of these secretions in the later stages can start due to cork exit, which prevented the entry of microorganisms into the vagina (two to three weeks before the onset of the birth state). Therefore, they are considered the norm in the prenatal state.

It is impossible to say that all discharge with a brown color is normal, since they can be harbingers of problematic changes in the female body. If they had a place to be, then it is worth thinking about what, perhaps, this signs of cervical erosion or there is an infection in the body.

When brownish discharge with blood blotches is observed, then it is worth sounding the alarm - detachment has begun, most likely the placenta, and in the worst case, the fetal egg.

We come to the conclusion that the presence of such secretions with possible pain accompaniments in the lumbar zone is a wake-up call about the presence of a problem in the woman's body. Therefore, in order for the mother and baby to remain healthy, it is urgent to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

White discharge

A slightly whitish discharge that is not accompanied by any discomfort or pain is not a bad thing.

After 37 weeks, if a white-transparent discharge is noticed, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that the time of the long-awaited birth is approaching, and the mucous plug has already left the uterus.

Beli can be observed in the morning. If abundant whitish discharge has begun, then it is worth signing up for an examination, because this may be an indicator that amniotic fluid is coming out.

Liquid secretions like water

The period when childbirth is already very close may be accompanied by liquid discharge with a gray or slightly noticeable white color. This is evidence that premature discharge of amniotic fluid begins.

This situation is not terrible, most likely, the body just lets you know that it is completely prepared for full birth. However, you should not independently diagnose the nature of the discharge, but turn to a gynecologist who will accurately determine the pathology.

Bloody issues

Having a serious problem portend copious discharge with blood. Most often they have an admixture of mucus and can be in the form of bleeding - this is direct evidence that the birth will be premature or there is a threat of placental abruption.

Blood stains with mucus are visible on the linen after the thirty-seventh week, then rather prepare your bag to go to the maternity ward, because there is very little time left. The excretion of mucus with blood indicates that the cork (it serves to protect against uterine infections) has already been torn off.

Mucous discharge

From the vagina of a woman in the initial stages and in the last months, it can be intensively allocated whitish slime. There should be no worries about this, this phenomenon is considered quite normal.

According to the external description, the discharge resembles raw egg white. They do not disturb the woman at all and are not accompanied by an annoying burning sensation, itching and other unpleasant manifestations.

The mucous secretions are already significantly increased in the prenatal state. The second trimester will be quite dry.

yellow discharge

Panty liners should be used throughout the pregnancy to monitor the nature of the discharge. For example, if they are yellowish, then this is due to poor personal hygiene.

More pronounced yellow or green color testify that infection in the body. Discharges of this kind are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and sometimes even foam. Urgent treatment and elimination of disturbing symptoms is required.

pink discharge

Pink, because they resemble spotting, can scare the expectant mother. After all, everything that is connected with blood is directly associated with threats.

But you should not panic right away, because they do not always indicate something very terrible.

Almost all pinkish discharge has blood blotches, regardless of what shade - pink-white or even pink with yellow.

All this is explained by the fact that ordinary secretions are stained with the help of secreted erythrocytes. Such secretions can manifest themselves in many ways, but they are not a pathology in the early stages, but are a sign of changes in the body.

More they are dangerous in the last months of pregnancy and they say that the placenta began to exfoliate. If pink discharge began after active sex, then the expectant mother has cervical erosion.

Milky discharge

Not alien during pregnancy and such a phenomenon, like a thrush, which is characterized by white, and sometimes yellowish secretions, which in their consistency look like cottage cheese.

The expectant mother will feel constant discomfort in the genital area, which manifests itself as constant itching and burning.

This infectious disease does not harm the fetus, but, like any other disease, there is nothing good, therefore, it requires urgent treatment. Only on the prescription of the attending physician can you use drugs for thrush.

The mother-to-be should keep track of discharge of any kind and not delay making an appointment with the doctor if they turn out to be alarming. In no case should you ignore the discharge and diagnose their nature on your own.

Allocations at different stages of pregnancy can be both the norm and the deviation. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and preserve the health of the unborn baby, it is necessary to see a leading doctor as often as possible.

Discharge in late pregnancy is a major concern for many women who are expecting a baby.

Let's analyze what they are connected with, how to treat and prevent them.

Causes of discharge in late pregnancy

Discharge in late pregnancy may be a sign of placental abruption, in which an urgent caesarean section must be done. In this case, doctors always try to save the child, but if they have a choice of whom to save, unfortunately, they have to sacrifice his life ... In the early stages, with placental abruption, it is enough to exclude physical and emotional overstrain.

Another reason is cervical erosion. And just before the birth, brownish discharge indicates their approach - this is the cork that has been protecting the cervix throughout the pregnancy.

Also spotting in late pregnancy appears when the uterus ruptures. It happens if pregnancy occurs immediately after a caesarean section or abortion. Massive bleeding may develop, and the uterus will have to be removed. If the fetus is not viable, it will die. In the event of uterine rupture, there is a very serious threat to the life of the mother, all actions must be taken without delay.

Greenish discharge is most likely thrush. You can not allow thrush just before the birth, as you will not only infect the child, but also provide yourself with breaks. Sometimes sexual infections become the reason that already in the maternity hospital they decide to do a caesarean section.

Discharge symptoms in late pregnancy

Allocations in late pregnancy may have a different color, smell and texture. They are not always bloody. Anxiety should be caused by white curdled discharge - these happen with thrush. Bright red is a sign of placental abruption. Transparent with an unpleasant odor - a sign of bacterial vaginosis. This is a state of imbalance of the vaginal microflora. Lactobacilli produce hydrogen peroxide. It acts as an antiseptic against streptococcus, E. coli and other harmful bacteria that threaten to enter the uterus. With a deficiency of lactobacilli, a large number of opportunistic flora is found. This is bacterial vaginosis. Its cause is douching, the use of condoms (some types) and changing sexual partners.

Stitching or cutting pains in the lower abdomen at any time - a signal to immediately call an ambulance!

Brown discharge in late pregnancy

Brown discharge in late pregnancy may indicate the threat of its termination. You may also be placed in a hospital for preservation.

Erosion of the cervix can also be a possible cause.

When the uterus enlarges, small blood vessels in the placenta can burst and cause some bleeding.

Any brown discharge contains red blood cells, which means traces of blood. If in the early stages brown discharge is one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy, then in the later stages they have other reasons. For example, placenta previa, ie. its abnormal location, or detachment of the placenta - it has already been mentioned above.

Diagnosis of discharge in late pregnancy

You can see for yourself the discharge in late pregnancy on your underwear. White discharge is leucorrhea. They occur with cervical erosion, as well as brown ones, thrush and STDs.

Discharge of a grayish color with an unpleasant odor is disturbing in case of sexually transmitted diseases.

The amount of discharge just before childbirth can increase so much that you will be forced to use pads for critical days. A clear, non-itchy discharge should not bother you. These are prenatal secretions, which can be replaced by brown mucous membranes three days or a week before delivery.

Bright red discharge requires immediate hospitalization. They, like brown ones not just before childbirth, are due to placental abruption.

Green discharge with severe itching and an unpleasant odor is a sign of a gynecological infection, which is very important to treat before childbirth. This way you won't infect your baby.

Treatment of discharge in late pregnancy

Yellowish profuse discharge in late pregnancy with severe itching is thrush. They have a very strong sour smell. Thrush during pregnancy is a frequent "guest" due to the decrease in immunity that occurs in the body of every pregnant woman. Wear only natural linen - the fungus does not multiply so much on it. Diseases of the circulatory system and poor functioning of the sex glands, leading to hormonal failure, are also causes of thrush. Also, thrush worsens when taking antibiotics. In general, they are prescribed to pregnant women only in extreme cases, but sometimes it still happens, with especially aggressive infections. The cause of an exacerbation of vaginal candidiasis (as doctors correctly call thrush) can be vitamin deficiency or vaginal dysbacteriosis. Improper functioning of the stomach and intestines is also the cause of thrush.

The problem of treating thrush during pregnancy is quite serious, because most of the medicines for it are prohibited for pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to use mainly folk remedies: do washing with tincture of oak bark, calendula baths, washing with a solution of soda with a few drops of iodine (1 tablespoon of soda and half a teaspoon of iodine per 1 liter of water). All this should be done within 4-5 days.

Sometimes discharge is due to inappropriate panty liners. It is enough to change the scented pads to odorless pads - and the problem will disappear.

The most dangerous are spotting - a symptom of premature birth. In this case, the woman is placed in storage in order to stop the onset of labor. Most often, it is possible to contain placental abruption. A hospital is a constant observation of a doctor, which you cannot organize at home.

Doctors are especially alarmed by the increased tone of the uterus, which occurs in many women with disturbing symptoms. To prevent it, no-shpu and magnesia are prescribed.

No-shpa is a well-known antispasmodic. Within an hour, its maximum content in the blood is reached. Completely excreted in 84 hours by the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. No-shpa is contraindicated in hypersensitivity reactions to drotaverine, the active substance of the drug, severe hepatic, renal failure, heart failure. Side effects: tachycardia, dizziness, constipation. Intramuscularly and intravenously injected slowly 40-240 mg / day or drink no-shpu tablets. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 injections (receptions). The duration of treatment is 2-4 days.

Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is a solution of bitter-salty taste, soluble in water and weathered in the air. It has anticonvulsant, hypotensive and sedative effects. The active substance of the drug is magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium in the body is the physiological opposite of calcium. It regulates metabolic processes and muscle excitability. Magnesium deficiency leads to heart rhythm disturbances. Magnesia is useful for women with cardiovascular pathology during pregnancy. Lowers BP. Has an analgesic effect. It is used for exclamation of pregnant women. Contraindicated in severe renal failure. Side effects: bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, flushing of the face, respiratory depression, anxiety, weakness, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, confusion, convulsions. In case of an overdose, calcium preparations are administered, hemodialysis is used. Apply intramuscularly or intravenously 5–20 ml of a 20–25% solution daily 1–2 times a day.

Prevention of discharge in late pregnancy

Discharge in late pregnancy can be prevented by identifying and treating infectious diseases in the mother before pregnancy, eating right throughout pregnancy, not smoking or drinking even meager doses of alcohol. In the cold season, drink vitamins for pregnant women. Avoid stress and quarrels. If you have recurrent miscarriage, or have had difficult pregnancies in the past, it is better to find a good doctor in advance.

Discharge in late pregnancy is a problem that almost every fourth pregnant woman faces, but with timely diagnosis, pregnancy can be saved.

Of course, there is, but before you panic and cause discomfort to the fetus, consult your doctor, as not all discharges are dangerous and threaten with serious problems. Often, mucus or fluid coming from a woman's genitals is normal and does not indicate a pathology.

With the correct development of the child and the absence of contraindications in a woman, the placenta should begin to exfoliate from the uterus after childbirth. If it exfoliates prematurely, then the fetus may die if urgent medical care is not provided to the mother and child. When the pregnancy enters the final stage, mucous brown clots from the genitals are not a pathology, but inform about the passage of the cork, which protected the entrance to the uterus for all 9 months. In this case, you should go to the maternity hospital and wait for the birth of the long-awaited baby.

White and pregnant

The woman's vagina is covered with a protective layer of translucent mucus, which, under the influence of hormones, can change its color or consistency. When a woman is expecting a baby, the production of mucus does not stop, and some of it can come out of the genitals.

In the case when the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor, then there is no particular reason for concern, and everything is in order with your body and the unborn child. But if the discharge during pregnancy in the later stages is accompanied by pain or itching, then you should consult a doctor immediately and begin treatment.

Any changes in the body, especially discharge during pregnancy, require consultation with a specialist. In the later stages and in the first months of bearing a child, consult a doctor in a timely manner and avoid complications. Treating advanced diseases is much longer and more difficult.

When a woman begins to discharge during pregnancy, it is always alarming. It is especially frightening if at first everything went well, and in the later stages unpleasant symptoms began.

If they are not accompanied by additional manifestations, then in most cases there is no cause for concern. However, sometimes such signs can indicate serious health problems. It all depends on their nature, color or gestational age.

What discharge is considered normal in late pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, women often experience discharge that was not there before this period. If they are transparent, mucous, odorless and are not accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of itching, burning or pain in the abdomen, then this is the norm. Usually, mucus is formed as a result of hormonal changes in the mother's body - due to an increase in estrogen in the blood.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the discharge of secretion can be plentiful, but still it should not be frightening. In rare cases, such a symptom indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. This is determined by special testing and diagnostic procedures.

If there is a secret of an unpleasant odor, any color, as well as associated discomfort in the abdomen or external reproductive organs, you should immediately tell the doctor about it, since such signs may indicate the development of pathologies that affect the normal course of pregnancy.

At 37–38 weeks, other types of discharge may be present, but they should also not smell or cause inconvenience to the woman.

Why discharge appears - possible causes

The reasons for the abundant discharge of secretion can be different and have a different character:

  1. Medications, which were used during the gestation period, can provoke unwanted symptoms. So, there are slight discharge after Terzhinan.
  2. Thrush or candidal colpitis- a fairly common pathology among women of different ages. Beli will have a sharp beer smell and a cheesy appearance.
  3. Infectious diseases, such as bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion and others also provoke leucorrhoea of ​​a different nature - watery, yellowish, stretching, with an unpleasant odor. There may be impurities of pus or blood.
  4. Allergy on any irritant also causes abundant, but colorless signs that disappear immediately after the disappearance of the irritating factor.
  5. Threat of miscarriage accompany bleeding. They can also talk about placenta previa. Their profusion increases with physical exertion and sudden movements, but if they are not accompanied by pain, it is not so dangerous. However, with sharp pains in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to immediately visit a gynecologist, no matter at what stage of the gestational period symptoms occur.

After 39–40 weeks, bloody secretions may indicate the onset of labor or separation of the placenta, so you should contact the maternity ward.

Additionally, you can highlight slight liquid secretions after intercourse, which have no color or smell. They pass quickly, but often frighten women because of their resemblance to amniotic fluid leakage.

If pinkish clots appear after a gynecological examination, this may be a cork discharge. It is formed as early as 1 day after fertilization and performs a protective function. But when the doctor examines the patient, in order to obtain accurate data on the readiness for childbirth, he inserts his fingers inside and can damage the mucous plug. As a result, after a few days, it will come out in the form of brown clots.

The nature of the secretion

Different types of mucus at different times can signal many processes in the body that are not always dangerous. For example, at 5, 6 or 7 weeks, smearing brown or bloody mucus is a clear sign of spontaneous abortion. The same symptoms at 17-19 weeks may indicate a violation of the placenta, but do not always lead to a breakdown. And towards the end of the term, they signal the beginning of labor.

What signs of secretion are dangerous in the second and third trimester?

In the second trimester

Whitish secretion in both the first and second trimester does not portend serious illness. But it can be a sign of candidiasis, which is also unpleasant.

The secretion of a pink or brown color will tell about the danger in the second trimester, since this is more likely due to the incorrect location of the child's place or its detachment. If bleeding begins, urgent hospitalization is necessary. With mild signs, without pain and other symptoms, it is enough to undergo a treatment course and be under the constant supervision of a doctor until the onset of childbirth.

In the third trimester

Bloody mucus at the beginning of the third trimester should be alarming, but before childbirth, this is a sign that the baby will soon be born.

But if the manifestations began as early as 7–9 weeks of pregnancy, you need to prepare for premature birth, and by the 35th put everything you need for emergency dispatch to the maternity ward.

But the gray-green or yellow-green branches, resembling snot, speak of serious diseases, the treatment of which should be started immediately in order to avoid the consequences of abnormal fetal development.

What color can the discharge be

The color and consistency of secretion indicates certain problems in the body of a pregnant woman. So there are several types of secretions.


Until the fifth week, whitish translucent mucus is observed, indicating changes in the hormonal background in connection with the conception and bearing of the baby. There is nothing to worry about.

Both in the first and last stages of the gestational period, white thick discharge from the vagina may occur, resembling a curd mass. They are often accompanied by itching, irritating the mucous membrane of the external genital organs. This indicates the presence of a fungal infection - thrush. It occurs in half of pregnant women, creating a lot of discomfort. For the treatment of thrush, medication is prescribed, as well as washing with soda or saline. However, douching, which is often treated by women before pregnancy, is prohibited in our situation.


If the leucorrhoea is grayish or whitish in color but is watery and sticky, this is a clear sign of bacterial vaginosis. Confirms its fishy smell and itching, aggravated after sexual contact.

The danger of the disease lies in the risk of infection of the placenta and fetus, which is fraught with damage to the amniotic membranes, impaired placental activity and premature delivery. After childbirth, a woman in labor experiences complications in the form of various inflammations of the uterus and mammary glands, prolonged discharge of lochia, etc.


If for a period of 26–28 weeks the secretion has pinkish tints, this cannot be called a good sign. Blood discharge is a signal of placenta previa or its detachment. The initial stage of infectious processes or erosion of the cervix also manifests itself in the form of reddish signs.


Yellow, green or gray leucorrhoea at 22–23 weeks of gestation speaks of serious inflammatory processes of the internal female genital organs or sexually transmitted diseases. If there were chronic diseases of the reproductive system before conception, the pale green color of the secretion may indicate their exacerbation. And the orange secret warns of inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Greenish mucus at 25–27 or 31 weeks can be released as a result of poor perineal hygiene, hormonal failure, taking antibacterial drugs, mechanical damage to the mucosa, and so on.


It happens that at 29-30 weeks the placenta detaches due to injuries, sudden movements or pathological problems. Then the selection becomes dark red, or even brown. Additional symptoms: uterine muscle tension, fetal heart rhythm disturbance, pain in the abdomen and lower back.

Dark secretions may indicate inflammation. The release of a secret after intimacy, accompanied by painful sensations, indicates cervical erosion. But for a complete vision of the pathological picture, additional diagnostic procedures are needed.

Who to contact

Most women believe that the first trimester is the most fearful, when the risk of losing a baby is very high. But at any time during pregnancy, complications can occur, the symptoms of which will be various discharges. For any signs, it is necessary to notify the gynecologist about this. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

If the symptoms are pronounced, there are sharp or pulling severe pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately call an ambulance. Bloody mucus should be especially alarming at 35–36 weeks of gestation, as this may indicate intrauterine pathologies, such as placenta previa or abruption. Then medical care is required, and surgery may even be necessary.

Abundant transparent signs in the first half of gestation do not exclude the risk of damage to the amniotic sac, which leads to leakage of water. This is a very dangerous diagnosis that requires mandatory medical supervision. For up to 18 weeks, a woman is recommended to have an abortion because of the possible infection. After 20 weeks, antibiotics, saline solutions and drugs are prescribed to accelerate the development of the baby's pulmonary system, and a caesarean section is performed at a certain time.

The doctor tells about bleeding during pregnancy:

Diagnostic Measures

For timely detection of pathology, ultrasound examinations are performed several times during the entire period of gestation. The first is prescribed at 10-13 weeks, the second falls on 21-24, and the last is carried out at 32-33 weeks. If necessary, it is done on the 39th to determine the position of the fetus and placenta.

To detect water leakage, a special test is used, and a mucus analysis is also taken to determine the infectious agents. A blood test shows the level of hCG and the amount of estrogen and iron in the blood.

An internal gynecological examination at 41 weeks determines the readiness of the birth canal for childbirth. At this time, light brown mucus may occur - the discharge of the cork.

Some pathologies can be independently determined by the symptoms and nature of whites on underwear:

  • white thick - thrush, erosion, STDs;
  • gray - venereal diseases;
  • yellow-green - diseases of an infectious nature;
  • red and brown - problems with the placenta, requiring hospitalization.


To avoid trouble, experts recommend:

  • do not use hygienic tampons during the period of bearing a baby in order to avoid infection;
  • use unscented sanitary pads;
  • monitor the hygiene of the perineum, do not use flavored hygiene products;
  • refrain from using deodorants, perineal sprays;
  • do not douche;
  • do not swim in pools, ponds;
  • wear only cotton underwear.

It is also worth resting and walking in the fresh air more often, apply moderate physical activity and follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Additionally, it is worth adding more vitamins and flaxseed oil to your diet, which strengthens tissues and prevents ruptures during childbirth.

Experts are sure that the best prevention of problems during pregnancy is its competent planning. Doctors recommend drinking the herbal complex in advance Gathering Seraphim based on Altai herbs for easy conception and successful gestation. The tool gently prepares the body for a change in status, cures old chronic infections, accelerates the onset of conception.


Any woman in position must definitely listen to her body and pay attention to all the signs and symptoms that accompany such a delicate period.

A special place is occupied by discharge, which can begin in any trimester. More often they appear in late pregnancy. By their nature, possible pathological processes in the body of a woman or fetus are determined. Therefore, it is important to notify the attending physician of the presence of any manifestations of such symptoms.

The entire 9-month period of intrauterine development of the fetus is caused by significant fluctuations in vaginal secretions due to hormonal changes. Allocations during pregnancy in late pregnancy imply preparation for labor, so they become more abundant and acquire a more liquid basis due to the significant production of estrogen.

Normal vaginal secretions in late pregnancy

From the second trimester, estrogen predominates in the body of a pregnant woman, which affects the state of the vaginal secretion. In the later stages, before childbirth, liquid creamy and often abundant secretions normally predominate.

The color remains transparent, brown streaks and a whitish color, later, mucus and a discharge plug from the cervix can add. The normal state of the secret is due to the absence of smell and a homogeneous consistency, which does not cause discomfort.

Increased watery light discharge becomes an indicator that the discharge of amniotic fluid has begun and labor is approaching.

Deviations from the norm

If discharge during pregnancy in late pregnancy brings discomfort, changes color or smell, then there is a danger of the appearance of pathological bacteria in the microflora of the vagina, which leads to the threat of premature birth.
  1. Bloody vaginal secretions, often brown in color, indicate placental abruption and its aging. Pink color occurs when the pharynx opens and the mucous plug begins to move away. With heavy bleeding in the later stages, immediate medical attention will be required, especially if there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen.
  2. White curdled secretions, which are accompanied by a sour smell and itching, indicate the reproduction of the Candida fungus in the vagina, candidiasis or thrush is diagnosed. Pathology poses a danger to the formation of the baby, due to the possible infection during the appearance of the child in the process of childbirth. Medical treatment should be carried out immediately.
  3. Green strong discharge is accompanied by a specific unpleasant odor, itching occurs on the external genitalia, the situation is dangerous for the further intrauterine formation of the baby. Pathology is associated with the formation of bacterial vaginosis or with sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Yellow color is caused by inflammation of the cervix and appendages. The danger lies in the appearance of purulent secretions of a dark yellow hue and their penetration into the cavity to the child.
Morning yellow discharge after 35 weeks indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, which is also considered a rather dangerous condition, since the infection is likely to enter the baby due to insufficient protection of the fetal membrane.

To diagnose a change in the color of secretion and for the purpose of hygiene in the later stages, it is necessary to use sanitary pads, preferably without flavorings. Such a measure will help to independently assess the structure of the discharge, if suspicions of an infection are confirmed, then a doctor's consultation is required.

During the entire stage of gestation, a woman is accompanied by various discharges. In the first three months, these are thicker secretions; by the end, liquid vaginal secretions predominate. But, at any stage, changes that are accompanied by unpleasant sensations are a sign of a developing pathology.