First date with a girl: tips for the timid. Tips - first date with a girl

Time and place are important. If the young man made an appointment himself, then you do not need to worry about this, but if you are dating and are already coming up with the two together, then you can just in case have several ideas in your head. Neutral options are suitable that will allow you to communicate and have fun - a walk in a park or boulevard, sitting in a cafe or coffee shop with a cup of your favorite aromatic drink, going to the cinema. Think about it just in case, but keep in mind what the place usually offers.

How to look is usually well known to everyone. But there are also pitfalls, for example, if you prepare too carefully, it can be striking and look ridiculous. A hairstyle clearly done in a hairdresser, bright makeup and uncomfortable shoes will not make you a princess, but the whole evening will prevent you or those around you from feeling comfortable and free. The same goes for perfume - be careful with perfume, don't overdo it. A great option is to wear something fairly casual and “proven”, but at the same time something that would make you look great.

How ? This is one of the most important questions. Try to be natural, confident, but not overwhelming. Relax and just enjoy the conversation with an interesting person, do not pretend to be someone else.

What to talk about at first? Try not to talk only about yourself. Listen to your companion, take an interest in his life. Do not interrupt him, and if he is joking, laugh at his words. Don't giggle, but don't laugh. Plain polite conversation is something to start with, and then you will find questions that interest both of you, and you will no longer need to think about topics for conversation.

Do not look at him with adoration and delight. Looking easily approachable is not something that you should allow yourself on the first date. Of course, you do not need to pretend to be a cold and unapproachable person, but still try to behave quite modestly. Even if you yourself want sex from him, and you do not intend to wait, nevertheless, let him get the impression that this was not part of your plans, but you simply could not resist under the influence of his charm.

No matter how the date ends, no matter what relationship it may lead to between you, in any case, you can learn from the date an important life experience.

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  • how to behave on the first date

In order for that which will become decisive in the development of your further relations to pass at a height, you must not let things go by themselves. Think over his plan ahead of time. It is not a very good option to start your acquaintance with a meeting at a cinema or a club. You will hardly be able to communicate there. Choose a place that is conducive to communication and exchange of impressions. And sincere emotions are the best "mirror of the soul". Remember that the date initiator must take care of all the nuances.

If the weather permits, plan a pleasant route through the park or waterfront. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the area in advance in order to choose a place for solitude and a light picnic. Take a backpack with a small blanket, put in a couple of sandwiches, fruit, chocolate, a thermos of tea or a bottle of wine. If the weather is good, but not conducive to long walks, then make a route so that it will lead you to a cozy cafe, where you can relax and warm up, and at the same time continue a pleasant conversation.

In any, it is pleasant to remember childhood. Visit a circus, zoo, dolphinarium, or amusement park. Any of these places will allow you to make the date easy and will provide a lot of topics for conversation and discussion. And positive emotions and memories greatly increase the chance to continue meetings. True, these establishments must be of a fairly good level and quality, otherwise, instead of joy, you may end up with sheer disappointment.

If you live in or near a large enough city, try to find out what options for excursions are available in the city itself and its environs. This option is especially suitable for those who are not very talkative or shy at the initial stage of dating. This will not only be interesting, but also save you from having to say or invent something all the time. And at the same time it will give an opportunity to prove oneself as an intelligent person.

For an active holiday, choose the appropriate program. Bowling, skates, bicycles for rent, horseback riding will help you have fun and at the same time get to know each other better; in a non-standard situation, people usually directly and openly show their emotions and character traits. A more relaxed option is a billiard club.

If both of you are not afraid of heights, you can find a suitable roof of a tall house and have a light dinner there. The night scattering of lights below sets you in a romantic mood and is very conducive to rapprochement, because looking at it with an embrace is much more pleasant than separately.

Do not disclose in advance all the upcoming events, but be sure to warn about the necessary form of clothing, as its inadequacy can spoil all your plans.

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The first date with a girl: 12 tips to make a good impression.

The romantic autumn has come. And along with her, all the feelings, and the feeling of loneliness as well, intensified. Tinder is crammed with profiles of both guys and girls. Pages in VK and FB are hysterically replenished with the most stunning photographs to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

And if earlier it was necessary to carry on a long correspondence, grope for common topics for conversation, get used to each other and prepare for a meeting, now everything is much faster. The world has become hectic, we are in a hurry and value our time too much.

Therefore, having liked the beauty's profile and exchanging a couple of phrases, I made an appointment with her. The lady whose nickname is Katarina Romashkina, without hesitation, accepted the invitation. Agreeing that there was no point in wasting time online, it’s better to chat live, we agreed on a date at her favorite coffee shop.

Two days before the scheduled date, I began to feel a slight tremor.

"What's the matter?" - I was alarmed, measuring the pulse before training. 1.5 times my norm! On the way home, I languidly trudged in a traffic jam when suddenly ... Honest mother, but I'm afraid of a date!

By the way, we haven't met you. My name is Max, I'm a crossfit coach, I'm 25 and I'm not married. Yes, 185 cm and 95 kg of mass can also be afraid. Goodbye. To the horror.

It so happened that dating in my life was few. After school, I fell in love with a girl with whom we were together for 5 years. She became my first and greatest love. We parted 3 years ago, and since that time sports have become my great love. And not a single date.

Clutching the steering wheel, I thought convulsively. Oh my God, how to behave on the first date with a girl? How will my first one-on-one meeting go?

Returning home, I decided to prepare for the meeting in advance, and to approach the issue comprehensively. If you are as much a mug as I am, I share my tips below.

In order for the first date with a girl to take place at all, pay attention to your profile on the social network in which you met her (or are just going to do it).

What to hide, most couples now. Everyone has their own life, hobbies. Often, the guys simply do not have the opportunity to meet a beautiful girl in reality.

Therefore, critically analyze your page. Dirty jokes, disrespectful posts about women, greasy comments under other people's photos - all this will alienate the girl with whom you would like to go on a date.

Remove all photos with your ex. The first date with a girl is unlikely to take place if your profile is adorned with a savory kiss with a lady from your past.

What is the best way to start a correspondence so that later the girl agrees to go on a first date?

PROS: (say hello and ...)AGAINST:
Submit a good song and inquire about her musical tastes.Hello pussy / babe / bunny / ass
Ask how she's about the new Game of Thrones series (only in this case, be so kind as to follow the current news so as not to get into a puddle, "hitting" the TV series addict).Does your mom need a son-in-law?
Send a link to an interesting article about art, for example. And ask what she thinks about it.This is * oops!
It's simple and straightforward to ask how she's doing. If your photos and profile interest her, the conversation will start.These are your photos? We bet not!
Sign in with a joke. Just please, forget about "Girl, are your parents, by any chance, pirates?"How do you like the current political situation?

It is better to plan your first date with a girl in advance. And you need to be especially careful.

Movies, theater, concerts are still not the best option for a first date. Chaos will reign around, music will rumble and you will not be able to concentrate on each other. A coffee shop, a cozy bar, an exhibition or a museum, a gallery or just a walk in the park are more acceptable options for a first date with a girl.

It is best to ask the lady what kind of place she prefers, what is her favorite coffee shop, how she sees your first meeting. Thus, you will kill 2 birds with one stone: and the girl will be pleased that her opinion is taken into account, and you will protect yourself from the wrong choice.

A wise old truth: they are greeted by their clothes. Take care of your appearance in advance.


- Hey. So we met. How are you?
- Hey. So we walked with the boys yesterday, fire! Will I get a beer? My head is bursting!
— ???

First things first, never come on your first date with a hangover. This will scare the girl even more than socks with sandals.


- Hey.
— ???
- Oh, that's right, got into a fight a little. The second eye is normal.

Never, you hear, never come on your first date with a girl with a bruise, broken lips, or fists. And even if injuries are received during training - wait until everything heals. Better to postpone the date. Remember, there won't be a second chance to make a first impression.


You: Hi. Well, shall we spend the evening at your favorite restaurant?
She: Hi, yes, come on.
Restaurant guard: I don't think so.

Never wear a tracksuit on your first date, even if it's Adik, or even if it's snow-white. Leave your favorite sneakers in the closet, send a tracksuit and a cap there. It's simple: you may simply not be allowed to enter the institution / event, where there will be a dress code.


- Hey.
- Hello, dear lady. (Takes off his hat). The weather is fine these days, hold my cane, I'll wipe my pince-nez.

And yes, as you already understood, too formal an appearance is also useless on the first date. The girl will probably be somewhat discouraged by your tuxedo or business suit. Especially if you meet on a weekend for a cup of coffee in the park.

Of course, for the first date, it is best to choose a casual style. Casual, not too fussy, not too gray. Personally, I will opt for jeans, a T-shirt and my favorite sneakers.

I hope you don't need to be reminded that your clothes must be clean and ironed?

Take care not to resemble Arsen from the nearest grocery store (I mean, get yourself a clean-shaven face). And be sure to take a shower, so as not to smell like the same Arsen.

One of the most pressing questions for me before the first date was the following: should I give a girl on the first date flowers, sweets and other trifles?

Let's talk together.

"For" delivery of the bouquet"Against"
To give a girl a bouquet of beautiful flowers is to cheer up, make her day brighter, and the impression of meeting you will remain great.
In 10 years she will tell the children: "And your dad came to a meeting with such a bouquet of beautiful roses, and I understood: this is my future husband."
She will have a reason for a new photo on Instagram (and you know, this is very important for girls).
Bringing your girl flowers on her first date can make her feel uncomfortable. Especially if she didn't like you at first sight.
Or it may happen that you don't like the girl. Then your bouquet will give her a reason for unnecessary illusions, and resentment later. Perhaps you should bring a beautiful bouquet for your second date if it happens?

As for sweets, then definitely give. Of course, it will be cool to present the girl with something special, and not the standard "Alenka" from the supermarket. For example, a bar of real Belgian chocolate.

If the girl with whom you will have your first date, "fitonyashka" - beautifully packaged dates, dried fruits and nuts will help you.

Of course, the choice is yours. As for me, I definitely want to please the girl on the first date. Therefore, I will opt for an unpretentious, but "tasty" bouquet of flowers. Chrysanthemums, I think, will do great.

Quite an actual question for both guys and girls. In the 21st century, it is categorically impossible to omit it. Otherwise, you will pay for the girl, and she, you see, is some kind of feminist. Then hear about equality and that she earns enough.

Many of my buddy friends refuse to pay for a girl on their first date. This is how its commercialism is tested, they say. Also, many friends told about girls who ordered expensive dishes in a restaurant, and the guys at the end of the evening simply did not have enough money.

This is a double-edged sword, and the topic is too delicate. But so that embarrassing situations do not arise, you should initially clearly define the place where your first date will take place. If a girl chooses an expensive restaurant, stock up on funds and draw conclusions. If her choice fell on a coffee shop or a pub, it won't take much money.

Personally, I will ask the girl if I can treat her. This way we are guaranteed to avoid embarrassment.

Tip # 6. How to behave on your first date with a girl?

When the day of the first date with Katarina began to be called "tomorrow", I began to worry in earnest. How to behave with a girl on a first date? How to make a good impression? What is taboo in this matter, and what will play into my hands?


- Hey.
-Hi, you're 15 minutes late.
- Was it difficult for you to wait?


-Hey. Actually, we agreed for 19:00. It is now 7:15 pm. Why are you late?
— ???

Yes, accept it. She can be late (within 15 minutes), you - absolutely not. Don't try to understand, just accept. Never be late for your first date! They say that now even the girls are no longer late. It is better to come 5-10 minutes earlier - in case the girl did not calculate the time and came earlier.


- Hey.
- Hello, go hug, why is this dull?
— ???

On the first date with a girl, it is best to avoid hugs and other expressions of intimacy. At the very least, the girl will be embarrassed to freeze in the arms of a stranger, at the maximum - you will get in the face and hear the sound of receding heels.


- Hey. Can you buy me coffee? I forgot my wallet at home.
— ???

No comments. You understood me.


- Thank you, it was a wonderful evening.
- I had no doubts, yesterday Irka also said so!
— ???

- You are so Beautiful. What an ass, otpad. Do you know how many girls I had before you?
— ??????????????

For God's sake, on the first date with a girl you like, don't make yourself a lustful male. Otherwise, the first date will be the last.

- Hey.
- Hey. You look wonderful. Let me help you with your coat?

The basic rule: on the first date with a girl, be polite and gallant. Help the girl take off her coat, close her umbrella. Surround her with attention and care. Even if she outwardly disappointed you from the first seconds, continue to look after her. Just be yourself.

One of the most relevant topics for me. I know how to squeeze 100 kg. How to tie - ???

But friends suggested this.

Taboo topics:

  • Politics.
  • Religion.
  • Very personal questions.
  • The financial well-being of both.
  • Who was before?
  • Discussion of each other's appearance.
  • Bragging (I have an apartment, a car, I earn this much).
  • Sharp topics such as: a man should / a woman should, life principles and attitudes.

Leave it all for a second, fifth, or tenth date. Leave some topics on “never”.

Topics that you can talk about on a first date with a girl:

    What is going on in theaters now, favorite director, favorite comedy or actor. Yes, as in those questionnaires that the girls gave us to fill out in class.

    It is important for me that my girlfriend and I have similar tastes for music. But even if you hear that the cute blonde likes hard rock, do not rush to express your fairy.

    Better to be surprised by emphasizing that this makes her very special.


    If you, like me, are a complete zero in painting, it is better to keep quiet. But if the girl herself started this topic, it is worth honestly admitting that she is not strong in this area.

    And accompany the answer with a funny joke.


    What was the last time you read?

    Here, by the way, you can accurately tell about your hobbies or achievements in sports.

    Carefully, Karl! So that your dialogue does not develop into a monologue with your praises of yourself.

    How does a girl like to spend her free time? After all, it is important for you to understand if you start a relationship.

    On weekends, you will lie in bed and eat gingerbread, or spend time actively.


    A theme that is just mi-mi-mi for girls. Tell her about your dog and his funny antics.

    Ask if she has any pets.

    Find out what a girl likes to do when she's not on first dates.

    If she is interested in you, she will gladly tell you about her favorite salsa studio, culinary blog and macrame mug.

    Profession \ work.

    Of course, it is important to find out about what profession the girl has chosen for herself. Believe me, she will be just as interested to know who you are.

    And yes, she will mentally assess your financial condition. Nothing can be done about it, such is the world.

    Dreams and goals.

    Of course, you shouldn't share intimate things on the first date.

    It will be enough to tell about the planned trip to Europe in March, about the desire to open your own fitness room or about the intention to get another dog.

    And, of course, don't forget to ask about her plans. A girl with no goals should alert you.

Remember that if you wish, you can brighten up any jamb, explain, apologize. But if you are an idiot, then it will be noticeable in the conversation. The first date will deteriorate, and the girl will never agree to the next meeting under any circumstances.

On the first date with a girl, it is better to discuss light topics, laugh more. Are you afraid that you won't be able to humor like Petrosyan in his youth (which is certainly for the best)? Open Google, read 101 funny jokes or watch your favorite comedy before meeting.

To figure out what to talk about with a girl on the first date and how to behave is, of course, good. What are we going to do with non-verbal communication?

Be sure to watch your body. Don't let the non-verbal signals sent to the girl ruin everything:

    Keep your hands in view, palms up.

    Gesture lightly to show the girl you are open.

    Do not cross your arms over your chest, do not keep them in your pockets (this will be counted as negligence, arrogance or closeness).

    Do not sit in a wrap-around.

    So you came to the cafe, you have a first date. The girl sat down with her hands modestly folded on the table.

    And you collapsed with your legs wide apart and your arms outstretched over the back of the chair.

    At the very least, the girl will feel uncomfortable. As a maximum, she will feel annoyed by such a cheeky behavior.

    And it will be much more difficult to build a dialogue, because subconsciously it will already be closed from you.


    We all like smiling people. Subconsciously, they seem to us more pleasant and beautiful than those who do not smile.

    Regardless of whether you like the girl or not, smile.

    This will create a comfortable atmosphere between you and will remove many of the barriers that come with a first date.

    Speak clearly, loud enough for the girl to hear.

    But not loud enough to hear the next table.

    Look in the eyes.

    There is still something intimate in an open gaze.

    They say that in order to interest a person, it is worth looking into his eyes for 2-3 seconds longer.

    Try this tactic. Look the girl straight in the eyes and be prepared to look away awkwardly or blush.

    And, probably, on your first date a "difficult thing" came to you, which will not be confused by the glance.

    All the more interesting, right?

    Yes, you got it right. In a conversation with a girl, it is very important to tune in with her on the same wavelength. Listen carefully to what she says.

    Sometimes make a slight nod of your head to make it clear that you hear and listen to her.

So the first date with the girl came to an end. Whether or not to see the girl home is the question.

Here, too, opinions were divided:

    The girl is guaranteed to come home safe and sound, especially if the meeting ended late.

    She will feel safe with you.

    The girl herself may be afraid of you. Even though the evening went well, you are still a stranger to her.

Of course, shoving her into a minibus or a subway car, waving a pen goodbye, is a terrible option. Especially if you yourself came by car, and she knows about it.

A great solution is to take her home if you are driving. However, not every girl after the first date will agree to go with an unfamiliar guy late at night through the whole city.

The best option, in my opinion, is a taxi. Ask if the girl would mind going home in the ordered car. Offer to go with her to make sure she got there without incident. In case of refusal, just pay the named amount to the taxi driver and wait for an SMS from the girl that she has arrived.

Since we are talking frankly with you, we will also raise this topic. But what if the girl you were expecting on your first date is not at all the same as in the photo? What if she's not your type at all, or she's not very smart, and it's hard to have a conversation with her?

Either way, your first date should go well. It does not matter if it is the last or will be more. Your task is to make the girl have a great time, laugh enough and go home happy.

Never show a lady that you don't like her. So you can hurt the girl who came to you on a date. And, of course, by doing this you will humiliate yourself.

Oh, this is the most important question. Should you kiss a girl on the first date?

Of course, there are different situations. If the girl herself is closing the distance between you, if her voice has become quieter, and her gaze now and then outlines the contour of your lips, you can take a chance.

But, as a rule, girls on the first date quite clearly observe their personal boundaries. And besides, if you try to kiss her on the first date, your act may be misinterpreted. And then the girl may think that you only need intimacy from her.

Look for fistulas then her.

First date with a girl. How to behave and what to do ?!

What to talk about on a date? We watch and remember!

Let's say you had a wonderful first date with a girl. You are completely fascinated by her, and she presumably reciprocates. Should I immediately offer to meet again?

Friends advised me not to rush. After all, the sediment or sweetness from the first meeting can cloud the eye so much that any hasty decision may turn out to be wrong. And then, the girl also needs to calm down and think about whether she found you an interesting guy or just a good conversationalist?

It is best to write on the Internet directly in the evening after the first date. Even a call may turn out to be superfluous and distract the girl from thoughts about the past meeting. Ask her what she found your first walk. Take an interest: perhaps she felt awkward in your communication? Try to end your dialogue on a positive note and go to bed.

The next day, waking up with the thought of a new acquaintance, you can write a cute message to the girl. Good morning and wonderful day wishes are perfect. When a conversation starts, feel free to invite her to an exhibition, to a movie or to a rollerdrome.

It's great if you use the information that you learned from the girl on the first date. For example, she said that all her life she dreamed of riding horses ... You got my idea, right?

And the main thing for us guys to remember is: first date with a girl is a chance to make the most wonderful impression... The main thing is not to miss it!

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Often a young man has the question of how a man should behave on a first date with a girl. Many people feel anxiety about this, fearing not to please, not to impress, or simply not to please the fair sex, as a result of which the first date may be the last. Fearing this is a big mistake. On a date with a woman, you should feel confident, relaxed and enjoy communicating with her. This is very important if you want the meeting to be successful and end with violent sex at your home.

How not to behave on a first date

Every man has stereotypes about how to behave on a first date. Usually they are imposed by society, television and women themselves in order to spin a man for loot and increase women's self-esteem. But they do not lead you to success in any way.

Here are some popular ineffective first date beliefs:

      • a man must necessarily give a woman flowers or one rose;
      • a woman can be as late as she wants, and a man must wait for her;
      • a man must pay for a girl;
      • touching and kissing a woman on the first date is prohibited;
      • the guy should definitely take the girl home after the date, etc.

As you can see, everything is for women and nothing for men. But understand the main thing, such actions on your part in no way lead to a successful completion of a date for you, that is, to sex. It can be pleasant and interesting for a girl to communicate with you if you do all of the above things, but when you invite her to go to your house, she will say that she is not ready yet.

Indeed, why should she go to you, if she already received all the nishtyaki from you for free, and you did not arouse her at all? You did not touch her, did not pester her, did not evoke the necessary emotions in her, indulged her whims, paid for her and behaved like a snot. What should she have turned on? And then the guys are surprised when they are told the cherished phrase: "Let's stay friends." But there is nothing surprising here, she will really perceive you as a friend. And she will fuck with those who do not care about her opinion, who does not pay for her, but constantly touches and excites. She understands that a date with a girl is not a gift for such a person, and any other girl would like to be in her place. Such is the harsh truth of life.

How to date, two possible strategies

There are several possible ways to develop a first date. , so I will not repeat myself. We are now interested in two possible scenarios that will play into your hands. Since for the most part they depend only on your actions, they can be called dating strategies.

Your goals for your date should be as follows:

      • you want the girl to come on another date;
      • you wanna take her to bed tonight.

Depending on your goal, your actions may differ specifically. In the first case, it is enough to be just an interesting person, to inspire confidence in the girl and slightly excite her, leaving her at the peak of her emotions. In the second case, you may have to show a lot of perseverance to achieve the task.

It also happens that you plan to spend the first date with a girl so that she then agrees to the second, but you see that the girl is clearly horny and wants you. Or you planned to seduce her today, and she won't even touch her hand. In such cases, you should be flexible and act according to the circumstances.

Remember! If a girl is ready to give herself up to you right now, don't wait for the next date - act now! If you want sex with her, and she reacts negatively to all your actions, take a step back and try to interest her even more, inspire confidence and excite.

If you want to understand the subject of a pickup well, I advise you in one half of the cases to make the girl agree to another meeting, in the second - to squeeze her for sex that same evening. If you want to become a cool seducer, at first it is not the result that is important, but increasing your experience of communicating with women in different situations and practicing the right actions. So just do what needs to be done with no hope of success and it will come sooner or later.

How to behave on a first date so that a girl wants to meet you again

If you decide to go along the first, most simple way of seduction - to do everything so that the girl agrees to come to another meeting, most likely you have little experience with women, and you are afraid to miss her.

Be honest with yourself. Understand that if you do this for this reason alone, you are behaving ineffectively. The main secret to being successful on a date with a girl is to do what you like without worrying about the results of your actions.

Of course, you must have some kind of plan for a date, but in this case, the plan is a labile thing. All the same, you will not fully calculate all the options, and it makes no sense to turn a date with a woman into a chess game. Learn to get high and enjoy communicating with the fair sex. In the end, by not doing what you want, pleasing only the girl or acting strictly according to the scheme, you miss the best moments of your life in which you could do what would really bring you pleasure.

Remember! Don't waste your life! Understand that on a date, you can do absolutely whatever you want, within the framework of the criminal code. Everything else is prejudice!

If you want to hug this girl - hug! Kiss - kiss! Tell her a poem - do it! Pinch the ass or the chest - go ahead! It is important that you get a thrill from the girl, from the pastime and from life, because you have one, there will not be another.

Remember! Don't miss a minute! Don't look for excuses for yourself! If you can sleep with this girl today - do it! Tomorrow you may no longer be trite, or will stop standing, or something else. Therefore, in order not to regret the mediocre or lost moments, act today and right now!

Of course, you may have objective reasons why you cannot sleep with this girl today:

      • you did not excite her enough, interest or did not inspire confidence in yourself, which is why she refuses to go to your home, and you do not have time to live her out;
      • you are not yet sure if you want to continue communicating with this girl, since you have other girls.

If you want a woman to agree to meet you again, on a date you should build her confidence in yourself and increase your importance. You can do this through your actions and words.

  1. Invite a girl only to a place you know well. You can go to a new place for the two of you, but it's better to go where you know everything well. There you will feel at ease;
  2. Do not rub hard. You shouldn't throw a feast for the whole world on the occasion that she agreed to go on a date with you. Approach this issue wisely and measure spending against your income;
  3. Behave naturally. Let the girl perceive you as you are. Don't be afraid to dislike her. If you don't like this one, you will like the other;
  4. Sometimes it's appropriate for a girl to pay for you. Paradoxically, this is how it becomes;
  5. Be polite and gallant. At the same time, you can invite the girl to take care of you, for example, pour tea, give me a phone, etc.;
  6. The more emotions the better! The more emotional the date goes, the more interesting it will be. Tell funny stories, touch on erotic topics. If the resources allow, you can invite the girl to the amusement park or just unexpectedly pick her up and twist her. You can get wet together in the rain - it all depends on your imagination;
  7. It's good to touch her things. Ask the girl to look at her phone or key fob - whatever. Play with this thing a little and give it back. Subconsciously, the girl will grow trust in the one to whom she just entrusted her things and they came back whole;
  8. Leave at the peak of interest. If you've followed the path of multiple dates, don't sit too long. The optimal time for a first date is 1 hour. Try to leave at the peak of your interest. Act like Brazilian TV shows - each episode ends at the most interesting place, making viewers look forward to the next.

How to behave on a first date to have sex with her today

If you decide to try to sleep with this girl today, you may have to overcome a difficult path, but not always. It often happened to me that the girl herself wanted sex on the first date without much effort on my part. Moreover, it was impossible to describe it with an indecent word. I even managed to breed virgins for sex on the first date. And if you think that this is unrealistic, you simply have not had such an experience yet.

To make a girl have sex on the first date, you also need to interest her, inspire confidence, plus, excite her. You also need to be persistent enough. I'll tell you more about how to breed a girl for sex on the first date- this is a topic for a separate article. For now, remember the basic feelings that you need to evoke in a girl on the first date in order to have sex with her:

  • interest;
  • confidence;
  • excitation.

If you decide to seduce her today, you have to go all the way. The trick is not to be afraid of the girl's rejection. Better to lose her now than in a few days - this way, you will save time that you can spend on seducing other, more accommodating women.

Be prepared for the fact that the first reaction to your harassment will almost always be rejection. But you mustn't give up. I can give a lot of examples, both from my own life and from the life of my friends, when a girl at first refused, and then the guy showed enough persistence and she gave up.

Important! You need to understand the clear line between persistence and rape. Unlike persistence, rape is a serious, criminal offense. Therefore, if you see that the young lady clearly and decisively refuses to sleep with you, take a step back and make sure that you did everything right in the previous stages.

Of course, there are girls who get pleasure in sex only when the guy takes them hard, and sexual intercourse is on the verge of rape. You need to feel such women and with the increase of your experience you will get better and better at it. But remember, in this case it is better not to do it than to do it and then regret the rest of your life.

If a girl refuses you harshly, and not for decency, then you are doing something wrong. If you want to sleep with a girl on the first date, the order of your actions should be as follows: interest her, inspire confidence, excite, act. If the young lady clearly does not want to sleep with you, then you messed up at some of the previous stages. To dissolve her, you need to return to the previous stages of seduction and evoke the necessary feelings in the fair sex.


Summarize. On a date, you can follow one of two effective strategies:

  1. Behave so that the girl comes on a second date;
  2. Seduce her today.

I advise you to act according to the second scenario, as it trains courage, bring more pleasure, increases your self-esteem and saves time. If a girl clearly and decisively does not want to sleep with you, but you really like it, behave in such a way that she agrees to come to another meeting.

For a girl to agree to come on the next date, you need to:

  1. Something to interest her;
  2. Build confidence;
  3. Slightly arouse;
  4. Leave at the peak of interest.

If you want to sleep with her, you need to:

  1. Get her interested;
  2. Build confidence;
  3. Excite;
  4. Show sufficient persistence and have sex with her.

Each of these steps requires a separate detailed analysis, which I will post on this blog shortly.

In the modern world, much of what was right before becomes irrelevant now. Many girls no longer expect to receive a date invitation in the form of "Will you go on a date with me?" And they do not expect that they will be offered to meet in an official tone like “I like you. Will you date me? " The experience of today's youth shows that friendships flow smoothly into weekend dates or longer relationships. Dating is now treated like a daily routine and is not seen as an act of romanticism. You can invite a girl to spend time with you in the park and find out in one day that you can no longer date and your separation will not become a tragedy, as it would have been, say, 200 years ago.

The date should be considered in terms of not what you get, but what you can give. After all, giving is always more pleasant than receiving, especially if you like the person to whom your actions are addressed. Always offer what you can so the girl can choose. You shouldn't wait for the girl to start thinking for you, because you are still the initiator of the date. To make it go better, do not wait until the girl begins to tell something, tell a joke or a funny story yourself. Do not wait until they begin to entertain you, but entertain and please yourself, and only then you can hope to get something in return. If a girl herself is very proactive and loves to keep the thread of dialogue in her hands, you will understand this very quickly, and then the conversation will generally flow naturally. Indeed, in a conversation, you will smoothly move from one topic to another. But if you start with trivial questions, you can disappoint her or even scare her away with excessive curiosity.

So, when you have received confirmation that you are not indifferent to the girl, you can invite her to wander around the city or sit in the park. Moreover, you can invite for a walk with the most elementary phrase: “Let's go for a walk around the city” or “Maybe we’ll go somewhere with you?” Frankness always breeds candor, and that's great in itself. If many secrets and omissions do not accumulate around a simple invitation to walk, then the date itself will be easier.

❧ If you ask a girl out on a date by phone or using the Internet, conduct the conversation so that her consent is not the last phrase of the conversation. Chat with her about something else, otherwise the girl may get the impression that you are asking her out only to prove to everyone that she will agree to go with you, or for some of your personal list of victories.

A date involves taking pleasure in communicating with someone you like. The best actions come from the heart and are born spontaneously. You should never expect too much from a first date. If you draw in your head in advance how this day will go, then you can be very disappointed when everything does not go the way you would like. When asking a girl out on a date, learn to enjoy the present moment of life, and not delve too deeply into opportunities, at least until you decide to start a family. Expecting too much from a date, you create a nervous environment around you: such a state that someone owes something to someone. But in fact, this is not and in fact should not be on the first date. Such a mood will quickly pass on to the girl, and the whole date will simply go wrong. And if it does not give pleasure, then perhaps neither you nor the girl will learn what they wanted about each other. This can cause unnecessary shyness and isolation in both of you, and maybe even complexes.

Almost any girl will love it if you give her a flower, but not a rose. A rose is suitable if you know for sure that the girl loves them very much.

Better if your date is spontaneous. Spontaneity is your friend, not your enemy. For example, you chat on the Internet, and you write that you are very pleased to communicate with her and would like to talk live. The conversation about the first date should start smoothly and as if from afar, that is, guided by the principle of 3-5 "yes": ask the girl questions in such a way that she answers you "yes" 3-5 times in a row. Then invite her to take a walk, if not too late, then you can right now. If you managed to establish a good relationship with her in the company, then the girl will almost never refuse you, unless there are really serious reasons for this.

You should talk about a date as if everything was decided. Try to make an appointment closer to her house or say that you will meet her near the entrance, and then go for a walk wherever you want. A good place for a date is a park with attractions, rollerblades, bicycles. Many girls enjoy walking along boutique alleys and large supermarkets with clothes or toys. Neither the beach, nor the nightclub, nor anyone's house (not even your own) are suitable for a first date. You shouldn't arrange a meeting in a cafe either. Often, almost all girls are romantic, and a cafe is banal. In addition, in a cafe, as a rule, it is impossible to communicate, and you definitely need this on several dates in order to better understand and get to know each other. There will be loud music in the cafe, there is a chance to meet acquaintances, and communication between the two of you may not work out.

By the way, after the first few walks, you shouldn't tell everyone that this is your girlfriend. First you need to ask her about it. After all, a girl could go on a date with you simply in revenge on another person, to make him jealous, or simply because she wanted to have fun, and not sit alone at home. During these few dates, you will be able to charm the girl so that she abandons her initial plans.

You can become attractive, charming and unique for a girl if, first of all, you are direct, open, honest, natural.

Be always interesting and if a girl asks: "How are you?", Do not answer the banal: "Normal." Try to remember something interesting about today. If nothing like that happened, then you can say that this day was quite ordinary, but something interesting happened yesterday or the day before yesterday.

If you are still denied a date, you should not dwell on the same thing. Do not try to ask the girl what you did wrong, since she refused you. It is likely that you did everything right, but the girl herself is not ready for any kind of relationship with you, even for the simplest date.

If, nevertheless, the girl refused to meet with you, referring to some urgent matters, then try not to close this topic and do not cut the ends in a rush. Perhaps she really has something to do. Just pick up a couple of expressions that keep the topic open. For example, you can ask the girl to choose a day or time when she is free. But you should not constantly take the girl's words that she is busy for the truth. If you have been refused more than three times, you should not pay more attention to her. Perhaps you just have not yet had time to interest the girl enough, but you can continue to do this by communicating with her in the company. There is a chance that she is really very busy with serious matters: exams, illness of relatives, etc. Then look carefully: maybe the girl is trying to somehow make you understand that she is not indifferent to you, but now is just really a very inappropriate moment. If you catch such signs or the girl directly talks about it, then you can wait if you really like her. If she doesn't pick up the phone, doesn't answer emails, then maybe it's time to look for another girl to meet.

Refusal shouldn't unsettle you, because you don't get upset every time your homework is not checked at school. If, nevertheless, refusal upset you greatly, you can use very simple techniques to regain balance and harmony.

1. Understand that anyone in the world can say no. Do not forget that you will not be cute forcibly.

2. Do not dive too deeply into the analysis of the problems of the past, but start living in the present.

3. You should not remember all the negative things that happened to you.

4. Stop, take a deep breath and think about something good: music, nature, friends ... This will definitely help, since the human brain is not able to contain two opposite emotions.

5. You can go in for sports or physical labor - they are able to cure any emotional distress.

6. You can focus on the study of a new subject: language, dance, science, etc. Purposeful concentration of thoughts on a new business simply will not leave room for unnecessary emotional experiences.

7. Many people are helped by writing experiences on paper, only they are not stored, but thrown out very quickly. And do not think that this is just a girl's prank. When you throw out all your negative emotions on paper, it is quite possible that you will look at the world from a completely different angle and the problem will no longer be as serious as it seemed before.

After all, if you heard “no” in response from one or two girls, this does not mean at all that you will receive rejections all the time. Perhaps at that moment you just took wishful thinking: the girl wants to treat you like a friend, and you thought that she liked you much more. Do not think that the problem is only with you: it is likely that the girl simply loves another for a long time, but does not know how to attract his attention. Life is an interesting thing, and it may happen that a girl pays attention to you when you start dating someone else. But in such a situation, do not rush to leave a new girl, perhaps, in the first one, offended pride simply spoke.

But back to the positive: consent to the date has been received. You should consider in advance how much time you are going to walk with the girl, so that both of you do not get tired. After all, the success of a date does not depend on its duration, but on the saturation of positive emotions, impressions, etc. And the most important thing: for this or a few dates, you must understand whether it gives you pleasure to communicate with a girl. Although most often this becomes clear from the first date.

A girl reveals herself more on a date if she feels psychologically comfortable. And this happens when she begins to understand and get to know you better. If you don't know each other very well, try to mention in a conversation what area you live in, what you do in your free time from school, etc. You can ask the girl about the same thing. Then you, as they say, will kill two birds with one stone: you will get to know the girl better and show interest in her.

There are some important rules to follow when dating.

1. Do not act like anyone else, do not try to be like any of the famous actors, comedians, DJs. Be sure to be yourself and behave naturally, as if you did not read these tips, but thought of everything yourself. Otherwise, the girl will definitely notice the pretense and will not respond to your advances.

2. Call the girl by her first name as often as possible. After a few dates, you can call it a pet name or a cute nickname (if the girl, of course, likes it).

3. Anyone who goes on a date should leave their bad mood and all problems at home. You shouldn't bring them on a date, let alone discuss with a girl. Always look at your new acquaintance as a person with whom it is very interesting and pleasant to communicate.

You should not think too much about how not to spoil everything with some unfortunate phrase. After all, more often happens exactly what we think about the most. Therefore, before a date, always think about how you will have a good time with an interesting girl.

4. Don't think about kissing a girl on the first date. This will cause some tension and interfere with direct communication. And if so, then you will never kiss her.

5. Always be genuinely interested in her and her hobbies. If you can't learn to do this, then the relationship is likely to come to a standstill and very quickly.

6. Always be polite, you should not be rude to a girl. Do not be foul at all. A self-respecting girl won't want to date you anymore.

7. Girls really like it when they look in the eyes. This is especially true when you are silent, thinking about something. Such a look will intrigue the girl. Intrigue is what it takes for your next date.

8. Don't start hugging too quickly (especially on the first few dates). She may regard this as rude and not want to continue to meet with you. On several dates, allow only light, as if casual touches - this will definitely have a positive effect on your relationship with the girl.

9. If you went somewhere by transport, then be sure to give her a hand when you go out. Girls appreciate gallantry.

10. Try to be original from the very first date, and then you will be successful.

11. Since all people, without exception, love to talk about themselves, talk to the girl about herself. Ask about your favorite movies, actors, music, places, hobbies. Try to ask questions that cannot be answered yes or no. And never answer that way yourself. Try to build communication so that the conversation does not go to a standstill.

12. Always try to evaluate the girl positively. If she says that she is going to learn a second foreign language or do aerobics, then be sure to support her in this and praise. The most important thing is that it looks genuine.

13. If a girl has done something unpleasant for you, do not show aggression, swear or find out something. Reflect on what happened: if she did it, just without thinking, then try to bring her to a situation in which she will understand that she did the wrong thing. Then it will be deposited in her memory and she will never repeat the mistake. If, in such a situation, you just scream, no one will get better from it.

14. Remember that girls do not always correctly perceive the guy's sense of humor and may not understand something and be offended. Therefore, when you are joking, carefully look if the girl took your next joke as a joke or thought you were serious about it. Because of such misunderstandings, a beautifully starting relationship very often deteriorates.

15. Don't be afraid to be rejected. But if you are determined to lose, then you have already lost. Always be sure of success, hope that you will have another wonderful day.

16. On any date, try to be fun and funny. If a girl laughs a lot in your company, it means that she really liked you.

17. The most important rule of any date: never compare the current girl with the previous one (if you had one), at least out loud. Hearing such a comparison, the girl will certainly be offended and, most likely, decide that you are dating her to take revenge on your ex. And such a role can only satisfy the one that herself is trying to anger someone.

A little later, when you establish a good relationship with the girl, it will be easier for her to perceive you as you are, so you will no longer need many of the above rules.

One of the most important first date rules- the next one should take place as soon as possible, within 3 consecutive days, and best of all - immediately the next, so that the girl does not have time to forget how great it is with you. And be sure to correspond or call back with her until the next date. In order for your relationship to develop, try to offer her your help more often, even in some small things.

Almost all guys and girls, especially when they are just starting out on dates, have a false sense of guilt when they want to refuse a date. The main thing in such a situation is to be polite and kind. You should not be rude or laugh if you do not like the person, because you should remember that everything bad that we have done comes back and can also make fun of you, making it even more painful. Try to refuse very politely and lightly, not forgetting to emphasize that this person is very nice and kind. If you want to break up after the first date, then be sure to say that it was pleasant for you to talk to or that you had a very good time. Be sure to wish the girl the best in her search for a new boyfriend. You should not postpone the conversation about parting on the back burner, because no one will benefit from this. You will waste time with each other, and is it worth spending your life on something that does not bring complete happiness. Therefore, take care of your time and the time of the people around you.

Going on a first date, not only girls are nervous, but also guys. After all, the first date often depends on imagination, intellectual savvy and the ability to maintain a conversation on a man. Men, as carefully as women, prepare for a responsible meeting and in every possible way try to show themselves in front of the chosen one in all their glory. But sometimes they forget about the most elementary things, behave very ostentatiously or, on the contrary, overly restrained, which is why they end up making a not very pleasant impression on the girl. Dating a Girl for the First Time - Below are some tips for every guy.

It is men who often become the initiators of the date, therefore they are the ones who choose the place where it will take place. Often, the representatives of the stronger sex are not too inventive in the matter of where to take the girl. Sometimes they make a fairly common mistake and, meeting with a protégé on some neutral territory, charge her with the right to choose, asking an innocent, seemingly question: "Where are we going?" Most girls do not like such an unobtrusive transfer of initiative, because, going on a first date, she cared more about her appearance, and not about thinking about where she can calmly chat.

Therefore, one of the main tips regarding the first date with a girl will be a banal request - be a man and propose an option yourself. An exception may be the moment when you negotiate a meeting by phone and ask the darling in advance whether she cares where to go, or does she have any specific wishes.

Otherwise, the man must be creative himself and offer a place appropriate for the occasion. For example, a girl can be taken to a cafe, cinema, restaurant, for a walk in a park or the historical center of the city, for attractions or a theater. It is only important to subtly feel the tastes of the chosen one and proceed from them. For example, if a girl is allergic to coffee and sweets, or if she is on a strict diet, then inviting her on a first date to a coffee shop would be at least unreasonable. Most likely, such a young lady prefers walking or active entertainment, which means that you can invite her for a walk around the city or a beautiful mysterious park.

The look of a guy on a first date with a girl: tips - the most important thing is to dress according to the venue of the rendezvous. And do not forget about the rule: they are greeted by clothes, which means that you should look as neat and advantageous as possible. Try to choose clothes according to your figure. You can opt for the timeless classics that suit most men, and dilute it with accessories that will make your look less pretentious. If we are not talking about a date in a restaurant, then try not to dress too pretentious, leave ties and bow ties for later, but do not go to extremes. No sweatpants or sneakers. Clothing for a date should be more casual, especially if the meeting takes place during the daytime. If you stop at a T-shirt and a jacket, then it is advisable to unbutton it, so psychologically the girl will feel that you are openly disposed towards her.

Do not forget about the cleanliness of your shoes and clothes. All garments should be ironed and showcase your style. Carelessness should show in detail and look like a sweet whim, and not hint at your lifestyle. And, of course, do not forget about the scent: on the first date with a girl, you should emit the scent of a light (in no case harsh or cloying) perfume and a scent of a clean body.

Well, don't forget about the flowers. Any girl is pleased with such a display of attention as a pretty bouquet. However, remember that you will have to wear it, which means you should make sure that your hands are free. Therefore, it is better to choose a shoulder bag instead of handbags or briefcases. And do not try to shove money, keys and documents into your pockets: firstly, there is a risk of losing them, and secondly, it looks extremely unpresentable.

First of all, try not to be late and not rush her with calls if she suddenly gets delayed. Remember the diplomatic niche - 15 minutes late is considered acceptable. But we advise at the first meeting with a girl to call only after half an hour late.

Try to look calm and at ease. Do not twitch when you hear unexpected questions, if you do not find an answer - do not be silent, try to joke or say frankly that you cannot answer. Remember to ask her questions about her life. It is very important that the first date becomes a dialogue, not a monologue. And remember about compliments. Compliments, like flowers, make any girl melt. However, they should not be too frank, let the compliments relate to the beauty of her hair, impeccable style, melodic voice or dazzling smile, but not the size of the bust, elasticity of the bottom or the length of the legs.

During the first date, it is also undesirable to bring up the topic of sex. The touch you can afford is a light touch on your hand or a kiss goodbye. The rest of the gestures can be misunderstood. Although everything, of course, also depends on the girl's plans for you. Therefore, it is also extremely important to be able to improvise and change the tactics of behavior at the right time in order to show herself the way she wants to see you.

Good luck on your first date with your girlfriend!