Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary. Silver wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary and what to give for it

25 years of marriage is the first serious anniversary for any couple. Two people spent a quarter of a century together, retained love and respect for each other. This day just needs to be celebrated! Let's take a closer look at how you can congratulate the happy "young", and also consider a detailed scenario for a silver wedding.

Such a special occasion calls for a special celebration. Choose the banquet hall that suits your taste and budget. Traditionally, designate a separate table for the heroes of the day. The wall behind the "young ones" can be decorated with paper balls hanging at different heights. Cover each ball with silver glitter (use spray paint or glue glitter on hairspray).
On the table of the "newlyweds" are lighted elegant candles, shimmering with silver, and in thin vases - irises on each side of the table. Iris is a symbolic flower of the 25th anniversary and at the same time means harmony and tranquility in the family.
Also in the hall you can place the so-called "photo-drying". On a string, lowered from the ceiling and weighted with sandbags, photographs of the “bride-and-wife” are hung, attached to clothespins. Let these be the best moments of their life together, funny, touching, full of joy and love photos.

Silver wedding script

Guests arrive at the hall a little earlier. Everyone takes a glass of champagne and arranges a corridor along which the "star couple" will pass. You can also put a vase with silver confetti on a tray, everyone comes up and takes a handful.

Leading:(to gentle music) Dear guests! Please testify! According to an old custom, the wedding crown turns into a precious diadem! (The wife takes off her white veil, and the leader puts a silver jewelry on her head to the solemn music).
Let two silver rings
They shine with their unity.
For you they mean
Hours of love that never ends.

Under Mendelssohn's waltz, the "young" are served silver rings on a white pillow. They are put on the middle finger or replace the previous wedding rings on the ring finger.

Leading: I look at you and I know for sure
Love lives among people.
For a quarter of a century your marriage is strong,
And the closeness of souls is even stronger!
And your house is a pure light,
Open to family and friends!
You can safely be proud
For wonderful grandchildren and children!”
I invite children (names) of our anniversaries to the microphone.

Children (grandchildren) give gifts to parents, congratulate them.
Break, nice music playing.

Leading: You've been collecting for years
By the silver star.
You studied, you tried
To be together, hand in hand.
You fought, you made up
It varies, we know.
You have become wiser, you have become kindred.
Your love is fragrant.
And the minutes are spinning in a whirlwind,
And the rhythm is calling us to the parquet.
Dance the waltz, anniversaries!
The past years don't count!

The couple goes to the dance floor and perform a waltz to their favorite tune. Everyone who wants to join them.

Table and dance break.

Leading: Sometimes it was difficult for you too.
You conquered every peak
Those rocks that life cocked boringly.
Each of you is now great!
And today we will wash away the years,
flow of silver water
Takes away all the hardships from life
All patient labors.
Let's carry out the oldest sign rite of washing. Please bring a vessel of silver.

Water is brought to the central table in a silver bowl. The rite consists in washing each other's hands in the supplied water, after which they wipe their hands with a towel.

Leading: Here comes the fast river
Took years away from them.
We wish you to live happily
Appreciate each other too
For at least another half century.
Close to a loved one.
So let's drink everything to the bottom
For these wise words!

Music break.

Leading: Dear friends! According to the old beautiful tradition, it's time to congratulate the family (surname of the spouses) on their birthday. Let's give a brilliant couple a wedding "Loaf" on their 25th wedding anniversary!

The guests become in a round dance, the anniversaries are in the center and hold hands. The host leads a round dance and shows in the direction of travel, the guests pick up.

Leading: For a resounding wedding
The honest people gathered
And the bride is naughty
She takes her husband by the hand.
Lots of tasty jam
And from a life of pleasure
This is the width
Here is such a height.
So that goodness takes root in the house,
And good health was
This is the width
Here is such a height.
Let the hut be full of prosperity,
Let grandchildren be born there
This is the width
Here is such a height.
Your union attracted money,
To grow a wallet
This is the width
Here is such a height.
And when the guests come to you,
Let them just bring a gift
This is the width
Here is such a height.
Keeps you through the years
That lucky star
This is the width
Here is such a height.
Host: Let's raise our glasses
Wine over the edge.
Pie - loaf
"Young" give!

They take out a festive loaf. The guests return to their places and drink for the anniversaries.

Leading: Caravan, caravan,
Whom do you want to choose!
Choose a piece more
Yes, fulfill the desire!

The cake is decorated with foil roses, each wrapped with a task. The couple cuts the loaf according to the number of roses and bypasses the guests. The one who takes the piece is ready to complete the task. A host with a microphone approaches this person, the guest unfolds the card and does what is written.

Tasks (10 pcs.)

  1. - You only have two fingers to break the match this very hour
    (break a match using only two fingers)
  2. - Here's a phrase for you.
    I bet you can do it well!
    (patter: A cloned crocodile was crowned at the carnival)
  3. - Kiss the neighbor (neighbor) on the right,
    Just to avoid cheating.
  4. - Eat, try, without groaning,
    Three slices from a lemon!
  5. - You squat down
    Or push up 5 times.
  6. Tell a toast to all the guests,
    To be envious of us!
  7. - Treat us from the heart,
    Tell us a joke.
  8. - Show some courage, friend,
    Tell a rhyme like that, all of a sudden!
  9. “A silent wedding guest is unbearable.
    Give us a dashing ditty!
  10. - We want to hear a general toast,
    Let each guest say something.

Leading: Let's raise a glass to our cheerful guests-artists!

Drinking and musical pause. Those who wish go to the dance floor. Play 3-4 songs.
Medieval solemn music sounds, the clatter of hooves and the tinkling of a sword are heard in it.

Leading: What's the clatter, what's the noise?
Our guests are coming!
From afar, from the mountains
It's the Knights Watch!
The armor on them burns with fire,
And the silver sword shines!
Cross the knights swords,
Let the vow sound here ”

The knights cross their swords to the music.

Leading: Happy couple!
I beg you, stand under the swords
The oath will illuminate you with rays!
You repeat the words after me
Bond your union forever!

Husband's oath
- Do you swear, today on the day of the 25th anniversary of your wedding, to continue to cherish your love, take care of your spouse, support her in everything and come to the rescue? (I swear)
Do you swear to keep falling together and getting up together on all the hills of life? (I swear)
Do you swear to remain an exemplary spouse, protector and faithful friend? (I swear)
Do you swear before your friends, relatives to continue to share sorrows and joys in half? (I swear)

Wife's oath
“Do you swear to keep your feelings and care for your spouse in the same way that you have done all these years?” (I swear)
Do you swear to forget trifles, to sweep insults from the house with a broom? (I swear)
- Do you swear to bake cheesecakes more often, pour tea with love and gently cover the bed? (I swear)
- Do you swear all your life (the surname of the groom) to be known, affectionate and patient? (I swear)

Leading:"Friends, I ask you to stand up,
Fill your glasses.
Let in the wish of good
Sounds three times "Hurrah"!

Guests rise from their seats and chant: “Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!".

1st knight: Once in the battles we fought a lot,
They threw themselves into the fire for our ladies.
2nd knight: Your feast is too calm.
Let's have a tournament now!

Leading: Brave men and daredevils are invited to the center of the hall. Whoever survives three rounds of competition will receive the coveted prize as a reward - a kiss from the beautiful "bride" and a glass of nectar!

1 round: Large inflatable silver balls are hung. Objective: Hit the ball with a dart. If there are many knights or not enough balls, divide the guests into groups, whoever bursts the ball first in the group wins. The rest return to the table.
2 round: Tell the best compliment to the beautiful lady - the hero of the day. She selects 3 knights she likes.
3 round: The remaining three are given a "daring horse" - chairs. The task is to saddle the "horse" and ride to the table, where there are three scarves (yes, of course, silver ones). Grab a handkerchief, go back and do it first.

Leading: To the victorious fanfare, the beautiful lady gives her kiss to the winner.

The host also hands him a bottle of alcohol as a prize.

1st knight: It was a great tournament!
Honest people for fun, silver couple for joy!
2nd knight: Let's raise our cups for the health and honor of the anniversaries!
We wish you a friendly, sunny and sublime life!

The general light is dimmed, a spotlight is directed to the central table, imitating white falling lights or stars. Soft pleasant music sounds.

Leading: The silver bell is ringing!
And precious stars are raining down on you from the sky.
Each star is a moment of your life.
Minutes of well-being, good luck, success.
Each star promises you even more warmth,
Even more understanding, even more mutual support.
You smile at each other.
You have your own wonderful secret,
Your magical secret to success!
No wonder you are together, bound and entangled by these mystical ties!
Let the years fly over you like birds, but you, holding hands, courageously and happily meet each new round of life, go through it with dignity and grace.
Today we are glad to share moments of joy with you, to partake of your love, to become at least a little like you ourselves.

Guests light sparklers, which during the whole holiday lay on the tables along with lighters. Anniversaries kiss.
General lights and energetic holiday music are turned on.

Leading: Attention everyone! Another guest of honor has arrived - an anniversary cake!
The cake is taken out to the middle of the hall. Next to the cake is a silver bucket of melted chocolate and two brushes.
Host: There are a lot of surprises today,
After all, your family has matured.
Take up the brushes
And a bold stroke on the cake
Apply your initials
Thus completing its decor.
The couple decorates the cake and cuts it into pieces, the guests approach the cake for pieces. Break for tea.
Moderator: Thank you very much for the lovely holiday!
For a good climate and for a joyful mood!
Now the melody is even more diverse
Let it sound like a new spring!
Soul to soul so reverently flies,
Soul speaks softly to soul.
Let love continue without words
In your eyes it burns with enthusiasm.
With a beautiful silver date!
Fly high together
On the wings of rich Love!
May you be comfortable and intoxicated!
See you at the sparkling golden wedding!

Props for the wedding:

In order to decorate the celebration, you will need

  1. Silver confetti and a vase for it
  2. Cups (glasses) of silver color
  3. Bouquet for wife
  4. Silver diadem
  5. Silver rings on a white cushion
  6. Silver vase with water and towels
  7. Wedding loaf decorated with foil roses
  8. Notes with tasks for guests
  9. Costumes of medieval knights and swords with a silver sheen
  10. Silver balloons and darts
  11. Three chairs and three silver handkerchiefs
  12. Bengal lights by the number of guests and lighters

silver wedding- it's whole 25 years of marriage. The symbol of the anniversary is silver, which in turn is a precious metal. A twenty-five-year marriage is also a jewel in some way. Spouses who have lived together for a whole quarter of a century will never part, their love has been tempered over the years, they appreciate, respect and love each other.

For a silver wedding, a husband and wife must exchange silver rings with each other, which will henceforth be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, next to the wedding ring. Also, in addition to the rings, the spouses exchange bouquets of 5 flowers.

Invited guests are also required to donate silverware, including jewelry and crockery. You need to celebrate the anniversary without skimping on treats. Guests, in turn, should not skimp on gifts. After all, the value of gifts should correspond to the value of a twenty-five-year relationship.
It is recommended to celebrate this celebration in the same place where the spouses first exchanged rings. On this anniversary, in the circle of guests, the spouses remember the best moments of life in marriage.

You have an anniversary today
And a great date.
How many months and days
Gone since you've been married!

Oh, how to scream
Such a beautiful couple "Bitter!".
What is "twenty-five"?
A hundred times you live so much.

Today is the Silver Day
And silver is a sacred metal.
Let the head shine
And the feelings will remain the same.

Already the twenty-fifth anniversary
And it seems not so much.
But feelings are stronger and brighter,
The road has already been paved.

We wish you not to break
Those bonds that tightly bound you,
And do not be sad, and do not be bored,
Even if they got tired somewhere.

And there's another stage ahead
Now we must strive for it -
Survive to the golden wedding
And enjoy this moment.

How quickly the years go by
They can not be returned and not caught up.
You have a silver wedding
You are exactly twenty-five together!

You are our role model
Anyone will envy you.
Now we wish you the main thing -
Survive until the golden wedding!

Congratulations, my dears, on a wonderful date - 25 years of a happy married life! You have already been through a lot: both good and bad. But these circumstances did not break your family idyll, and I want to wish you that it would be like this for more than a dozen years. May everything be fine with your family: incomes increase, love multiplies, trust grows stronger and doubts never arise regarding each other. Many, many positive and bright days for you, kind gentle words. Continue to love and go through life only together, without opening your own hands. Happy silver wedding!

Fate brought you together for a reason,
Led difficult roads.
But if the hand is in the hand and the heart is sweet,
The couple will be together forever!

We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century outside the window.
How important it is to meet a person in life
And share a common home with him.

A silver wedding is a date.
Segment of life as much as twenty-five.
Kiss, hug like once,
Well, turn back the years!

We wish you well, love and respect,
But, the truth is, we know it's all with you.
The key to family comfort is the height of patience.
Today all words are for you!

You didn't have time to look back
Haven't lost the passion yet
All of a sudden this week
Marriage happened twenty-five!

Didn't get wrinkles
Still gray hair - no, no,
And the years in a long string
Gone like a weekend.

Or maybe this is great:
That did not have time to grow old,
And the children grew up, and it's clear
What soon can grandchildren sing songs?

Still so young
And everyone is just great.
Wearing a suit and dress, now
Go down the aisle again!

Others should take an example from you,
And we probably will.
Having such friends is a reward
After all, everyone around you is in love!

Health, happiness and from now on
From now on, be so young.
Take care of half
Cherish, cherish and love!

It will be useful for everyone to know
That you are all twenty-five
Winters are fierce, very hot years
That vow given to each other
Resolutely kept in their hearts,
And every year only loved
Everything is sincere and stronger.
About your hectic life
Many books can be written
... but I want to wish you
Keep romance, loving.
You have the main thing - family!

Happy, wonderful anniversary!
You have been together for 25 wonderful years.
May your life be happy
And keep your joy a secret!

As before, walk hand in hand
On the long path of life
Respect each other, adore,
To save love from various storms!

Congratulations on your silver wedding!
Love a friend more and more, more tenderly.
May your union prosper for the same number of years,
Hug each other more often, stronger.

We wish you good health, so that you live well,
They said goodbye to boredom, met success.
All my life we ​​smiled in the arms of happiness
And they were happy, happier than everyone else.

Gave you the keys to the heart
For each other so long ago
Take care of them gently, tightly,
Protected from everything!

And precious today
Your holiday is coming
Sweet, long-awaited wedding
And silver now.

In marriage, everything happens often,
And problems, difficult life,
It's good that you have patience
And they could show love!

You successfully live in union,
Keeping it just as carefully
And let the golden wedding
It will be done in your days!
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Silver wedding - 25 years from the date of the wedding. The name of the anniversary is explained by the fact that the spouses appreciate and respect each other, that they are like jewels for each other. Silver is a symbol of a strong family union. A life lived together is an example for others. This is a quarter of a century, lived by two hearts in love and harmony, they were able to carry their feelings through many years, not allowing them to break into daily problems and troubles. A gift for a silver wedding should be made of silver or include silver-plated elements. Traditionally, cutlery, various decorations, figurines, original silver souvenirs are given. A good and unusual gift for spouses can be a collectible silver commemorative coin, presented for good luck, or a couple of cute spoons or glasses, candlesticks or photo frames that will create coziness and a romantic atmosphere in the house.

Congratulations on your silver wedding
We wish you success, happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Live in peace, love one another,
For 25 years now, you have been husband and wife.
May happiness always smile at you
Let the hearts beat in unison
Let the house be a full bowl
Let love and joy dwell in it.

25 years, as you are one family,
Handsome husband, hostess wife,
The daughter is already marriageable and the son is married,
And hearts, as before, tremulously knock.
With a silver wedding, congratulations,
Let life give you only inspiration,
May your fate be happy
May God grant you health, longevity, kindness.

On this day we met again
To good luck to you, wish you happiness,
Like 25 years ago
Everyone is happy to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Live in harmony and love
Always appreciate each other
God forbid that age does not rush for a long time,
And that there was prosperity in the house.

25 years since golden rings are worn,
And there is a seal in the certificate,
At the table you are young again,
We want to wish you happiness and good luck.
Let life give you inspiration
Let luck walk side by side
Let there be many bright impressions
May there be 365 happy days a year.

You live as a friendly family for 25 years,
There is no better and happier couple in the world,
Fun is knocking on your house like silver,
Let fate give you only inspiration.
We wish you prosperity and good luck,
Mutual love for many years in addition,
Good health, good luck and warmth,
Patience, attention, joy, kindness.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding - the most beautiful rite,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding - an exciting moment,
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

Adam donated a rib
To get a wife.
You found each other without a rib,
And your wedding is silver
Already gives - worthy metal:
Pleasant shine does not hurt the eyes,
The color is light, matte-calm..
Let me congratulate you:
Together you know the meaning of life
Love carried through the years
Finding peace and happiness
They became a single, common whole.
We don't know what Adam would say
But would support us, perhaps:
We want you to stay
And continue to be such a wonderful couple!

We watched the fire every day
Which flared up more and more.
And at night and wonderful day
You cherished the fire of love.
And now the long-awaited hour has come,
When we congratulate you,
So turn to us
Your clear and cheerful eyes.
We wishes a whole kilo
We will ship it to you in a beautiful package.
We so want to wish you
So that soon you can again
To those gentle, beautiful days
Add a new, colorful environment.
So that you can never lose each other!

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding!
And we want to sincerely wish
To you: health, success, good luck,
And always understand each other.
Quarter of century! After all, it's a lot
To test your feelings.
We will fill the glasses today
On this holiday of great LOVE!

Congratulations on your silver wedding
Twenty-five is truly valuable
You are strong and rich with each other,
Your bonds are strong and imperishable.

Your destinies are intertwined
For two, one life is the road,
You, as a whole, two halves,
You were created by God for each other.

May your marriage be like a thousand springs
Blooms with love and passion.
And fate will bring on the dressing
You are happy in silver glasses.

Silver wedding - family anniversary,
Silver wedding - you can not forget about it!
Silver wedding is the most beautiful ceremony,
Silver wedding - a big parade of love!
Silver wedding is an exciting moment
Silver wedding - the wealth of common years!
You celebrate the silver wedding with soul,
A silver wedding is a stepping stone to a golden one!

I am very glad to congratulate you, relatives,
Happy silver wedding now!
You are my parents
What is difficult to convey ... well, just "Class!"
Health to you, mutual understanding,
Prosperity and family warmth!
May every wish come true
May your life be happy!

A quarter of a century is a wonderful date,
In tender feelings, magical power -
Love once married you
Happiness has given you forever.

The silver wedding is knocking at your door.
There have been so many ups and downs in life!
But you didn't break that thread of love
What connected you to life path.
We wish you longevity, warmth,
Family comfort, health and kindness,
Look into each other's eyes, and feel the thrill,
And in the starry evenings hug with love!

We hasten to congratulate you on your silver wedding:
You had to go through a lot.
However, we wish you to continue this path.
And do not leave your hand out of your hands for a moment.
Such unity is unknown to many,
For you, it is family law.

Silver wedding means
That the Lord has ordained you for each other,
So let your dreams always come true
We wish you happiness and love.
Help each other in the future
Support and don't be discouraged!
Let all good things happen
And a smile will light up your face!

I instantly congratulate mom and dad,
I wanted very, very, very much.
And I won't lie here
I prepared a gift at night.
As a gift, I will read the lines,
So sincere, tender, colorful.
Accept congratulations from your daughter,
My good, beloved, relatives.
I congratulate you on your silver wedding,
I will give you my heart again.
The only thing I'll say here, I know
That I will never betray you!

The date today is long-awaited,
Silver wedding desired
And we wish the young
Intimacy to be always cool
So that peace reigns in every corner,
And there was no place for trouble
Love burned like a star
And your dream come true
Union so that it is strong like steel,
And in my heart I sang for spring!

Dear, my beloved husband,
You are not only a husband, you are also my friend.
I am very glad that we are together
It's very interesting with you
Congratulations on your silver wedding
I wish you with great tenderness.
So that life flows like a stormy river
Bypassing all the thresholds and potholes.
And so that together we are like a husband, wife
We also celebrated our golden wedding anniversary.

The day of the silver wedding has come -
Your couple is celebrating!
Silver is a precious metal
He protects the owner from troubles!
So these properties are magical
And for your happiness pledge!
Be joyful, believe in the best!
Take your piece of luck!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
We congratulate you, keep it up!
There were strife and joy.
But you were able to hold each other.
And love gives birth to your pride.
We will test it to the fullest.
Congratulations on silver today.
Let the wave of happiness cover!

Surprisingly, after a quarter of a century
Two wonderful people together.
Congratulations on this important date
And we wish you guys love!

Silver wedding - twenty-five!
What toast can we say here?
And who could come up with the perfect
For the case of such a rhyme?
No, all the words sound awkward here,
And a long toast is completely, completely unnecessary.
And all I need to say here is:
You are as happy as on the morning of your wedding!
Let the gray hair of whiskey turn silver,
But your ardor has not cooled!

Silver wedding - feelings are burning in the hearts,
Great holiday - a masterpiece for art!
The husband is serious, and the wife is beautiful and colorful!
Looking at you, eyes rejoice.
And the bright radiance of silver,
He says that life is not in vain!
We do not wish for wealth,
And happiness, but we wish you love without guile!

I am grandma and grandpa, so I want to congratulate
And with verses of congratulations, I'm flying on wings.
Lived together for a long time, you are twenty-five years old,
And there was a lot of sense, from you - from good fellows.
I want you to live forever. Love, always bloom
So that everything was fine, and never be sad.

Silver wedding - a quarter of a century,
How did you connect life for a reason.
And the years flew by very quickly -
And touched the whiskey already gray hair ...

But it doesn't matter, everything around doesn't matter,
After all, the main thing is as before, you are young,
Eyes sparkle with boundless love,
Such as a flame, in a crazy spring.

May this date give you tenderness,
Attention and care from children.
Well-being will become endless,
So that you live many bright days.

Another twenty-five years, or even more.
After all, you have enthusiasm for this.
Shine your happiness longer,
Protecting your love again.

Today is your silver wedding day!
I congratulate you, my dear ones!
I wish you happiness, love each other!
And make your hopes come true!
May your dreams and wishes come true!
Parents, Happy Holidays! I love you!
I wish you joy, laughter, smiles,
Let only goodness and comfort reign in the house!

You have lived together for a quarter of a century.
And today is our wedding anniversary!
There is no more reliable person in the world -
For each other you are the most valuable!
We wish you peace and care,
Be a little wiser every day.
Let all adversity go around your house,
Sunny and joyful days to you!

Silver wedding - love reward!
You are walking hand in hand.
And more, it seemed, was not necessary,
Than to feel loved care.

Another hundred years you live together together,
Do not know any grief or sadness of days!
We shout "Bitter!" bride and groom!
So that your fire of love burns stronger!

You are so close! Isn't that a miracle!
And for friends an example of great love!
The interweaving of your two faithful destinies,
What a young dream come true!

Dear friends and spouses!
For the twenty-fifth anniversary
You came through downpours and blizzards,
Keeping the sparks of love in the souls,
At the time of the school gave the ovary.
I believe feelings hardened
Enough for you to live all the envy.
Congratulations and I'm glad with all my heart,
What a worthy distance covered.
So I want love to flare up
So that you can warm yourself with its warmth,
And when the date will be tripled.

Today is exactly twenty-five years old,
How pure love was born.
She lives, not melting, not burning.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

On your silver wedding day
I wish peace in the family!
So that you live together, happily,
Well, just like in a fairy tale dream!
May everyone in the house be healthy!
Let there be only grace in it!
I wish you joy, laughter,
Sorrow and grief do not know!

Silver wedding - silver medalist,
The high peak of everyday difficult mountains.
Silver horses will not reach the goal,
When the good family harmony does not rule on the way.
Hand in hand always - both in happiness and in adversity,
The crystal string is ringing on the most tremulous note.
A luxurious garden will not grow the wealth of love,
Silver wedding is more expensive than all awards!

Silver anniversary today
The most wonderful people!
So pour, rather, do not regret
Let's celebrate this glorious anniversary!

After all, a quarter of a century behind them,
And how many cases were decided for two!
And how many restless days!
And, of course, sweet nights!

Guys, you are so great!
In the eyes - fire, in the soul very youngsters,
Keep love, we remind
That the next wedding is gold!

I hasten to congratulate mother-in-law and father-in-law,
I want to say a lot of tender words to them,
Today they have a dear holiday,
I congratulate you with all my heart and soul.
25 years old, how are they in the place,
May all your days be happy!

Twenty-five is a big date.
This is a tribute to your long love.
And she only decorates
It only reveals its secrets.
Twenty five! How long has it been
How many difficulties were along the way.
Only what has not cooled down in the chest,
Didn't dare to cool down and leave.
Twenty five! With a silver wedding
We congratulate you today.
Let your happiness grow stronger
Every year, every day and hour.

You are two wonderful people!
And your marriage lasts a quarter of a century!
Your twenty-fifth anniversary
I wish you more fun!
Let the glasses be in your hands
Fireworks are beautiful in the sky,
Smiles of family and friends
And the whole world for you two!

Happy anniversary to you, wife,
A quarter of a century together you
So congratulate each other
With the new wisdom of an owl.

You deserve silver
Bitterly we will shout
So that they are friends like this all their lives,
And they didn't back away.

Your union is strong
May it grow stronger every day
And your ancestors are proud of you
So that the house is full of happiness.

Silver wedding - a quarter century!
Your love has been ruling the ball for many years.
It's a sin for us not to mark such a date,
May the sun shine on you every day!
And the silver that we give you for happiness,
May it bring good luck and joy.
And keep love in your power,
Live together - there is sweetness in this life!

A quarter of a century lived in love,
You took great care of your relationship.
You raised good children
And the silver anniversary has come to you.
Live with love behind you
And enjoy our speeches.
Put the chest of success in a corner,
You add a drop of love to it.

Silver, silver
This wedding is like snow
25 years old you are together
There is no happier couple!

So caring for each other
What the soul enters
You have passed the fog and blizzard,
Life has seen the wind.

You have not forgotten how to love -
Learned to survive
Learned very wisely
Resolve all problems.

Have become stronger and dearer,
You know the taste of happiness
And silver threads
Let them bind you stronger!

You are together exactly 25
Happy, long years
And I want to wish you
Luck and victories!
You have a wonderful family!
We are proud of you!
And there are children, and friends,
Wish you love!

Your love is admirable
Even lyrics are hard to convey.
All the importance and solemnity of the moment,
Not a joke - a quarter of a century to exchange!
Glasses clink now only in your honor,
And noble wine flows
After all, better and more beautiful than your couple,
In the world there will not be the same!

My beloved husband, we are with you,
A quarter of a century bride and groom.
I congratulate you and smack-smack on the cheeks,
Accept this day from me a poem.
I love you so much, my heart aches,
Tells me about love for you
To let adversity pass by,
You stay only with me.
Native, dear, awesome,
Strong and my most incomparable.

Anniversary of silver rings
We will celebrate with you at last.
You have lived in love for so many years
Protecting your family from harm.
We will pour glasses to the brim,
So that your house is a full bowl.
You are in health, in joy to live in it,
To deserve a golden wedding.

My parents are beloved
In my destiny irreplaceable,
You've been together for 25 years
And, I believe, you are not happier!
I wish you longevity
To celebrate your centenary
Joint life is golden,
And let love make you happy!

A quarter of a century, how are you together
And we want to tell you -
Just like a feminine bride
And the pen can not describe.

And the groom is handsome and stately
As if the years had not passed -
Charming, gallant.
Well, confess you found

Unravel the secret of happiness
How to live life in love
As without grief and bad weather
Only joy deserve.

You are an example for many. Know
All glory and honor to you.
Accept congratulations
May you continue to be lucky!

Here is the silver wedding
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Never let it be
In the relationship of winter.
25 years is a long time
So we want to wish.
So that three times the number
You should have noted.

Congratulations on your anniversary!
We shower you with silver!
You've been together for a quarter of a century
Well, how not to admire?
And watch with love
How not to be touched?
Great day,
And the holiday is yours!
And captured the guests courage!
We wish you happiness and good
So that joy every day!
Happy moments - mess,
And to away adversity and laziness!

You passed the test of a quarter of a century,
At the same time, preserving the hearth of the family,
And celebrate the silver anniversary
You can deservedly now!
Thank you for raising us!
Live happily, good health to you, good!
We love you! We wish you success!
And on the way only the sun is warm!

The joyful wedding broke out -
25 happy years!
Silver shines again
Aroma streams bouquet.
Dear, congratulations,
And we wish not to grow old,
So that happiness does not melt,
To ring out the voice.

On this day you celebrated your wedding!
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge!
A quarter of a century in joy, in sorrow!
Silver sparkles at the temples!
Congratulations on your silver wedding!
But we wish you not mountains of silver!
Love, happiness be you rich!
And may luck be generous to you!

A great day, no doubt!
Happy to announce today:
Silver is a priceless metal!
Young people will confirm.

Though the whiskey has turned silver -
They are not spoiled by this shine.
This wisdom manifested
Traces of happiness for two.

Don't get tired of love
Rejoice in it every hour.
And with a silver wedding
Congratulations to you today!

Accept congratulations from children
On your joyful joint anniversary!
Turned 25 today
Family, and we will congratulate you!
We wish father, mother to love,
And more often he gave flowers just like that,
And we wish mom that always
You supported your father in everything!

Today the wedding is twenty-five!
And the heart confuses beats, -
Such honor and grace
Congratulations to the glorious anniversaries:

You are together for so many years and winters,
that have become an inseparable whole,
And I want to wish two
All the best in the world without limit!

May this wedding be silver
Brings happiness to your couple,
well-being, goodness,
The warmth of love and joy gives!

All 25 years of marriage, there was always a reliable and loving partner nearby. Therefore, the 25th wedding anniversary is so important, because the couple managed to maintain quivering feelings, despite all the underwater reefs that they met on the way. It is very important to carefully prepare wedding congratulations, think over what to give, and do not forget what kind of wedding is celebrated in 25 years of marriage.

What is the name of the wedding

In the people, the 25th wedding anniversary is called the Silver Wedding.

In family life, silver is the first to be found from precious metals, and this is no coincidence. Like silver in jewelry, a twenty-five-year marriage is a unique treasure, because not every couple has managed to overcome the barrier of 25 years. During this time, the couple were able to thoroughly study each other, now they understand their partner perfectly. If a married couple has passed such an important stage together, then the rest of their life will definitely be happy.

How to celebrate

There are several important traditions for the 25th wedding anniversary.

By adhering to them, you will make the holiday truly symbolic and memorable.
Here are the most important ones:

  1. It is necessary to start the wedding morning with washing from silver dishes. If there is no silverware in the house, put silver jewelry in the prepared water. Traditional washing takes place three times, with each performed with the help of a partner.
  2. On the 25th anniversary, the festive table must be served with silver.
  3. During the festive ceremony, the "newlyweds" must exchange silver rings.
  4. Be sure to repeat the ritual with the ransom of the "bride". True, this time the groom must pay with “silver” coins.

A silver wedding can be celebrated in different ways. The most important thing is to create a joyful mood. A properly designed banquet hall will help in this. For this you will need:

  • balloons;
  • big hearts;
  • numbers "25";
  • Natural flowers;
  • silver or blue tablecloth;
  • candles covered with silver lacquer;

Be sure to add to all this collages of family photos and comic posters with inscriptions.

gift for wife

When choosing a gift for your wife, you need to start from the symbol of the 25th wedding anniversary - silver, so pay attention to silver items. An ideal gift would be:

  • silver box;
  • powder box;
  • mirror;
  • silver wrist watch;
  • silver chain;
  • ring;
  • a bracelet;
  • brooch;
  • earrings;
  • suspension;
  • pendant;
  • medallion.

It is desirable to complement any gift with flowers; roses are ideal for this.
The best congratulations on the 25th anniversary of the wedding will be a silver item, so perfect:

  • silver set of spoons;
  • candlestick;
  • statuette;
  • jug;
  • strainer for tea;
  • symbolic cup;
  • stacks;
  • glasses;
  • silver tray;
  • silver sugar bowl;
  • milkman;
  • coffee pot.

You can also donate:

  • linens;
  • household appliances;
  • plaid;
  • pillows.

What to give your husband

The gift should directly depend on the traditions of the anniversary. Therefore, the ideal choice for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary would be:

  • ring;
  • a bracelet;
  • silver cufflinks;
  • tie-pin;
  • key ring;
  • silver flask;
  • cigarette case;
  • clock;
  • a pen with a silver nib;
  • photo frame.

On this day, it is very important to show your spouse how much he is dear to you. To do this, the gift can be supplemented with homemade cakes.


And beautiful additions to all wishes and gifts for the wedding anniversary will be beautiful poems:

Today is your wedding anniversary!
Let the house of guests be full to capacity,
Your marriage confidently shines with silver,
Prosperity, family happiness and kindness!
You have lived 25 wonderful years!
We wish you never to know troubles,
Always protect your family, keep,
Each other tenderly, reverently love!

Silver is a precious metal
And lived up to its name
Giving you a spark of love
And good luck on time!
Let the house be filled with silver
Laughter and joy will always be in it!
Let the children give you hope
And in the family there will be peace and comfort!