Vital energy is the foundation of life. Vital energy - the path to health

All that we see around ourselves are experiencing inside ourselves, the whole world around us is a manifestation of oscillating and current energy - infinite, unrecognizable vital, power supporting our world.

Buddhist philosophy shares the vital energy on the initial and true. Initial energy, in their opinion, is given to a person at birth along with the soul. The stronger the initial energy of life, the more powerful the protective forces of the body. The initial energy determines the hereditary features, its premature exhaustion leads to early aging and death of the body.

The vital energy of all living organisms is invisible feeding on cosmic energy. However, life energy loses its strength and breaks off with space energy if it becomes selfish and dependent body. Thus, human consciousness and physical body connects vital energy. Consciousness perceives mental vibrations or oscillations that apply to the physical body of a person. The vital energy manifested in the human body is denoted by Sanskrit in the word Prana - conscious energy.

The true energy of life is the driving force of the vital activity of the human body. Earth energy of life is the energy obtained using a digestive system from various foods. Ordinary medical devices are not yet able to determine the strength and location of the vital energy and its allocation by the body. But already created devices that determine this energy. Can determine it and some people. An antiquity was. It was found that the energy in the human body moves along special energy meridians, or channels. An ordinary person does not know how to manage this energy and even often does not know about its existence. But almost everyone can feel it, if he is calm and silently will come alone, listening to what is happening in himself. By affecting its vital energy, developing it and managing it, you can gain extraordinary ability to gain. However, this energy should be carefully protected from excessive spending, which can lead to diseases and death.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to see vital energy yet and hear, it has no color, no smell. However, some people can define channels for which this energy flows, places where it is too much or too little. Redistribution of energy gives health.

Clairvoying with the help of their mental abilities can see that each person is surrounded and permeated with luminous energy bodies. It is through this that the energy body of Prana, or vital energy, comes from the environment, turns into another energy and is distributed throughout the physical body.

This energy body is also known as the names of the Aura, Biopol, Bioplasmic Body and Ether Double. In yoga it is called "Pranamaya Kosha", unlike the physical body ("Annamai Kosha"). Aura is invisible for an ordinary person, however, it is visible for people who have certain abilities. In many countries, including Russia, scientific research is carried out on the further study of the nature and properties of the aura. In 1939, Semyon Davidovich Kirlyan and his wife developed a method of high-frequency photography (which became known as the Kirlyan photo), with which scientists were able to photograph and study an invisible eagle-eye energy radiation.

The energy and physical human body is inextricably linked with each other. The impact on one will certainly affect the other. Usually any disease, before manifested in the physical body, first manifests itself in the energy. While the doctors treat the physical body of a person, a pranal healer leads to the balance of the energy body, which speeds up the process of recovery of the physical body. In pranic healing, vital energy is used to accelerate biochemical reactions involved in the natural process of self-deflection. With an increase in the potential of energy on the affected part of the body or throughout the body, the rate of recovery of the body or healing of the affected area increases several times.

The energy of our nervous system is spent on thoughts, desires and other activities. And since the vital energy is absorbed mainly from the air inhaled by us, its streams in the body can be adjusted, driving breathing. So, when inhaling the body absorbs energy, when exhaling it distributes it. Vital energy can "flow" from those sites, El, where it turned out more, where it is less. Managing vital energy by breathing, a person will be able to control all the most important functions of the body, develop the mind and soul.

Nikolai Ivanovich Maznev, a man with an interesting biography

The modern world requires a lot of energy costs. A man wants to be active, wants a lot of people. Make the right way of life to be healthy. Learn languages, visit trainings to be more educated and erudite. Going to the gym to have a healthy body. All these activities need vital energy. Many specialists talk about the importance of such components as a healthy food, consumption of a large amount of water, deep breathing, the regularity of physical exertion. All this will ensure the presence of energy in the human body. Nevertheless, in practice, it turns out exactly the opposite. Including all the necessary ingredients, we get some kind of energy charge, which subsequently prevents us from and causes inconvenience. For example, after evening workouts, we cannot sleep for a long time, since our nervous system is "awakened." Also, we do not know where to do this energy. The answer is that the energy is necessary for everything is not the best, as there are no specifics where it can be applied. So how many energy do you need?

Life energy of man

A man travels to get more from his body, great opportunities for "something": to feel better for life to become more diverse to improve their health, or "so many". Indeed, visiting fitness clubs and gyms has become a popular occupation among all classes of the population. And it is good that everyone strives to take care of their body and health. This article focuses on the "dark side of energy", and also focuses on how important it is to understand, for which we need a vital energy specifically.

Restoration of vital energy: how to be productive?

A person always wonders where you can take energy how to increase its productivity. The answer is simple enough: to find a favorite thing. When you do what you like, the energy will appear by itself, from the deep bowels of your body. In each person there is a powerful reserve of vital energy, the very one, from which eyes light up, and their hands ask for themselves. This is the energy that makes us get up from bed early in the morning without regret and resentment on the whole world. And the key activation of this energy is the goal.

How to restore vital energy?

Not a gift they say that a person is able to turn the world if he has a goal, there is something to strive for. When you have a goal, then there is a desire to carry out something to achieve a significant result, you have energy. For its correction, practices of deep breathing, healthy eating, optimal sleep mode and regular physical exertion are used. All this is necessary to increase the level of tone, the mobility of the body. These are those things that complement the reserves of the body, but are not the main source of its filling. The main source of internal filling resources is the gradual realization of the goal.

A large goal consists of small goals, the gradual achievement of which gives us a resource to move on. Energy, internal force, is given to us to achieve the case. As long as you do not have a goal, nothing to spend your energy is - you will not be able to gain this "inner melting." High energy charge is needed.

One day, the Indian wise men noticed that a person is like a traveler with a teaspoon, standing near the limitless ocean. A person can get the energies exactly as much as he has enough to smear to carry in a teaspoon. From this wisdom should be a simple conclusion that we must understand why we need every teaspoon of energy, where we want to spend it. Otherwise, this is a useless spending of his time. If you have a desire to feel yourself in the mornings in vigorous, full energy, and you are engaged in certain techniques to achieve this effect, but I don't really understand what you do this - you spend your time, as you fill your inner reserve only partially. Purchase is a very good lesson, but it is not what will give an inner charge, that power that makes the "Superman".

Increasing strength for its increase contributes to trample in one place. The taste for life appears if there is a goal and a clear understanding, how to achieve it.

When you have a desire to achieve the desired, you find the internal lift. Your powerful reserve is activated in your body, so when you take on something, you are surprised to discover that you have energy. Remember, this is very important, and this is how it works: first the goal, and then energy.

The desire to first get energy to achieve its goal is to postpone the indefinite period of the realization of your dreams. So you will not get anything, you will not get. To have forces, you need a goal. With the help of a goal, you will always feel better, as it will be your inner flame, a ray of light, with which you will never give up "without a fight."

Many philosophers of antiquity, as well as modern approaches, talk about business. The case and activity in general is the work that has turned the person from monkey. It was the monkey, moving the primitive goal to make such an instrument in order to make it easier to get bananas at the highest branches, manifesting their smelting and intelligence, gradually evolved. An example with a monkey may seem enough banal. Nevertheless, she was obsessed with the goal to get bananas, and followed the task. Also children. By putting the goals, no matter how incredible or impossible, they seem, they strive to implement them, applying efforts. Children do not know fear. Social labels are not led by. They have a goal and excitement to achieve it. Be in this regard by children. Without fear, doubt, but with great luggage knowledge and skills on the incarnation of a dream in reality.

Level vital energy - This is a very sensitive human health indicator. And if there is not enough vital energy in your body, - you will feel fatigue and drought.

Eastern medicine since ancient times examined energy as a basis for human health. However, traditional medicine often considers a person as a collection of non-interconnected organs. And that every person is primarily a spiritual and energy being, few doctors think.

Man is a child of nature, a particle of the limitless universe, where everything is ordered and harmonized. But we have so far away from the harmonious nature ...

What kind of harmony can we say if we conduct an unnatural lifestyle, we have disastrous thoughts and feelings, mischiefly breathing incorrectly.

Our vital energy It cannot be freely circulated in our body, meeting many blocks and clamps. And from all these irregularities in the body forms stagnation of energy, dead seats, devoid of energies appear. Such a body can not be healthy.

In recent years, there are so many health and vital energy circulating in the human body, but, nevertheless, there are still a lot of people who do not accept and deny these knowledge ("I do not believe!").

Amazing things! Not just "I do not believe," but I do not try to find out something. For some reason, that there are microbes, radiation, etc. - believe (although they also do not see them with a naked eye), and in the existence of energy flows in the body of a person - no.

Meanwhile, the energy system in the human body exists, as well as the blood, lymphatic, nervous. And it has long been proven by scientists. No wonder there are many institutions, research laboratories, academies (exactly as well as scientific papers).

And now it is proved that anyone, if he wants, can return his health and extend their youth. Inside us hidden powerful forces that are waiting for teams to wake up and get started.

What is this hidden forces?

This is energy.

We are from eternal, unsalted energy, which is a healing force of nature. And only a person donated himself from this power.

Energy is life. It is from the state of life energy depends on what life will be - a full or wet. The movement of this energy determines how people will be - young, healthy or sick and old.

Energy is power. We can well learn how to manage this force, subordinate it to yourself and adjust your health, directing this power in those places that are sick. You can thus improve your own strength.

It is important to awaken it in yourself.

Only an updated creative energy the body will allow you to return the youth and joy of life again and again.

It is important to follow your thoughts, feelings, vibrations.

These are 3 main keys to the improvement and rejuvenation of all organs and systems. Updating vibrations, thoughts and feelings - the path to health and longevity.

Almost all diseases are generated by the same person, ignorance or persistent reluctance to know the laws of nature.

At the beginning of the articles, we talked about the fact that the appearance of a person clearly shows how "de-energized" people (facial expression, posture, gait, etc.). Wash, drag, tired ...

And why?

Because they did not sleep, they did not resist, because they quarreled with someone, they were offended for someone, they were angry; Because there are some naughty for lunch, deliberately or the will of the current circumstances having lost its full nutrition; because there is not enough movement (if you are "sitting" work "; because the rolled air of the city deprived meals and our organs and fabrics; because noise, crowds of people, the blinking advertising of a big city holds in constant voltage; because everything is necessary everywhere Have time; because ... (each of us can continue "your" list).

As you can see a lot of reasons and they are different. Determine for yourself what makes you the energy. Causes It is important to know to know from what to get rid of. After all, it takes years (!) Of our life.

Well, now - about the receptions of self-healing.

Let's start with the rest.

Tell me, can you say about yourself that you are lazy?

And how often are you lazy?

But laziness does not exist ... Yes, yes, it is simply no.

What is lazy? This is either energy depletion (especially as a result of stress), or the absence of goals, motivation. And when you really don't want to do something, what are you doing?

It is one thing - to switch to another thing, relaxing and completely different when they are still being taken for business, forcing (read - raping) yourself and your own body. And the energy is less and less ...

Do you know how you rest? After all, voltage \u003d relaxation. This is a law!

Feeling that they are tired, - Be sure to give your body to relax, restore the energy balance. Plunge. Do not want to do it yourself, - "put" the disease.

After all, the body will signal you: "Tired, exhausted, you need a tayau", but you rape it by ignoring his needs. And then you ask from where and why diseases ... everything is natural!

Moreover, it is completely optional to lie. You can dock, go to nature, lie down in the bath, make a favorite thing (whether knitting, embroidery, drawing). This will make a positive and will help replenish energy.

Well helps cold and hot shower (alternating warm (not hot!) and cool (not cold!) Water). 30 seconds - warm water, 5-7 seconds - cool. Make 3 such cycles.

When water flows, say:

"Mother-water, see me with me all the dirt, both physical and energy. Mother Earth, Acceptance and Processing is all for the benefit. "

Finally, rinse the body with warm water, and the feet is cool.

If you feel fatigue, but not to lie down, use technique "pumping".

Make a deep breath, without raising your shoulders, but only inflating the belly. Hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale very slowly through the nose. Make 5-10 times (listen to your inner sensations). By the way, this exercise will help reduce pressure, align the heartbeat.

continued in the next article

Probably there is no man who would never think about where he came from life for work, active activity, and why sometimes it is so hard to make themselves even the simplest and usual things. Human vital energy is the engine that drives his body that gives inspiration that encourages acts and making decisions.

Most people have achieves less than potential energy, so there are those who have the goals

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In numerous works on psychology created by the well-known and not very authentic, a number of views of views, concepts and ideas that determine what human vital energy is. For a person, who for the first time in life seriously became interested in this orientation, not so easy to delve into the essence of energy psychology and make constructive conclusions for himself, to extract from the read benefits that could serve as a guide to action.

In this article, an attempt was made to explain to the reader, without overloading it with special terms, bye, the ideas and theories of psychology, on what the reasons that prompted him to show interest in this topic. As a rule, a person who is pleased with his life will not be interested in what life forces, from where they come from, and where so unexpectedly and disappear.

If you read this article, it means that you have something wrong with you, and you would like to certainly correct the situation, determining the reasons and defending the action plan for the exit of their established position. Of course, for you the main thing is to find the right way, but without theoretical justifications it will be quite difficult to do.

Often you have to hear the phrase: "I have no strength ...". "

Continuation may be like this:

  • go to work;
  • do sport;
  • support with a certain person relationship;
  • prepare for exams.

The list can be continued to infinity. Not dealing with what is the real reason for unsatisfactory condition and mood, a person summarizes them with one concept: forces. What is these very strength, where do and where can they disappear so without a trace?

Human vital energy is his potential actions

It can be represented in the indivisible unity of the two components: physical and moral moral. A strong health, a strong body, bodily perfection is something that belongs to the first category, and a complex of psychology, internal installations and thoughts to the second.

If you compare a person with a computer, physical energy is its "hardware", "iron", which obediently performs the instructions of the "program part", that is, moral energy. That is why these elements must be in full harmony, their clear interaction and will provide high-quality work of the entire system - a person will live and develop as a full person.

Here the most important thing is to realize that the work on oneself should be carried out in two directions at the same time. The human vital energy should have a reliable power source, without which there is no, and there can be no activity. Body health is a sport, the right lifestyle, rational food. The spiritual is the adoption of deliberate decisions, the development of positive views and eliminate all harmful and destructive installations.

The human vital energy gives strength to meet all its urgent needs, both primary and secondary. To primary, it is customary to attribute the natural needs of the body, such as nutrition, and to secondary - those that have a psychogenic orientation. This is the desire for respect, acquisition of knowledge, intellectual development. The need for implementation and those and others is expressed in targeted behavior. It is from the availability of internal resources, vital energy, and depends on how the human development will occur as a person.

Where and why disappears human life

Without life energy, none of us can carry out any action. Very often you can face such phenomena when a person becomes so inert and passive that he does not want to go to work, he disappears the desire to communicate with the surrounding and disappears interest in his appearance. This state is customary to be called depression, and few people can determine the causes, as a result of which such a helpless state comes.

The most important thing in such a situation is to convince the person that he must find a reasonable way out of the situation. Without his conscious desire, it will only be exacerbated, leading to unpredictable consequences. It is possible to refer to the help of a psychologist who will suit the problem of problem professionally, but still it is worth attempting to restore the state on their own.

Such a state can be formulated in such a way that the human vital energy is dried, "left", and first of all it should be found, where and why "leakage" was formed. What could be the causes of exhaustion? You can try to analyze, and determine what was exactly the impetus for the acquisition of such a state.

The reasons why human vital energy has become low can be a lot

First of all, it is fear, one of the main instincts. He acts on us destructive, it is quite difficult to resist him. This can also take offense, misunderstanding, gathered in a whole tangle claim to themselves and the world around. A person can develop irrational and ineffective internal installations, or psychologies, and himself become their involuntary victim.

For example, if by coincidence, several events from life in a row will be unexpected and unpleasant, a person has an opinion that the whole world has rebelled against him. This is a conspiracy theory that is no more than cognitive distortion, incorrect interpretation of the situation. In this case, you can develop a devastating and destructive installation: "All people around are gravily, insidious and unreliable. So that I did not make, this is not changed, I can not go against the majority. Unknown forces act against me, and the entire outcome is predetermined. "

There is nothing surprising that perceiving such an installation as a final and firm conviction, a person lowers his hands, and even suicidal thoughts can come to the development of such a progress. Another thing, if after a number of failures he will tell himself: "It's all - nothing more than coincidences. And since I am a resourceful, intellectually developed and purposeful person, I will find a way to cope, and I will solve all problems, even if gradually ".

The restoration of human vital energy is possible only with its active position and conscious desire

Between incoming events that perceives his brain, and meaningful actions expressing his reaction, there is a very important, most significant process - interpretation. From how the received information is processed, and the course of further events depends.

If a person is suitable for analyzing the situation critical, he will understand that not everything is so scary and categorically. It is important here not to rush with decision-making, but still try to understand whether he takes what happens to him. After all, ridiculous randomness is not a reason to be disappointed in life. If it seems to him that he was betrayed, it should be sorted out if it really is, and not to perceive apparent as valid. Perhaps the claims arose at work, but he could and allow an error that it could really be eliminated. If on the way home on the same day he was stuck in the elevator, this does not mean that the whole world was dried against him, and simply in his area disappeared, and such as it was a lot.

To great unfortunately, a person becomes a victim of his own delusions, which over time form a kind of "eaters" of energy. They go through the initiative, fully controlling the behavior and actions, and the person begins to act on non-constructive and improper templates, losing the remnants of vitality. Entering the conflict with the outside world, it turns out to be in a state of conflict with himself, which inevitably leads to an adequate mood.

We are very often turning back

Very often in the man's head there are thoughts that begin to transfer it to the past, make it make unpleasant situations, or assume failure in the future. They only seem uncontrollable, in fact they can and need to drive away, and do not allow them to create a hard, but destructive installation. After all, it is precisely such reflections to eat human vital energy.

The destructive and harmful for himself is the desire of a person to strive to ensure that everything around happened with his participation or under his direct control. He has an opinion that he can, and should correct the situation, but to customize the whole world has no longer meaning. He is not so helpless, so as not to cope and without anyone participation.

A bright manifestation of such a desire to keep everything under his control is a feeling of jealousy. It seems a person that he must check every step of people close to him, interested in everything that happens to them, constantly doubt their sincerity. He begins to ask them questions that will not be just annoying, and repel them from him, the farther, the more. There is nothing surprising that human vital energy will disappear, and then runs out at all.

Imagine a black cloud - this is your fear. Fear is energy, energy has consciousness, which means that your fear hears you. He is not malicious and appeared not to torment you. You yourself imagined him. He came to teach you

Vilma Loule

It is difficult to restore the vital energy of a person, but quite real. In order for him, he had a desire to restore his potential, to gather with the forces and continue the active struggle with all the destructive installations, he may need help surrounding. Here the most important thing is to convince that nothing irreparable happened that everything is in His hands, and that it is easy to configure yourself for further activities.

First of all, it should be determined that it serves as a source of positive emotions. They will be the mechanism that will launch restorative forces and contribute to the adoption of the right decisions. Coming to the conclusion that everything around is not so bad, as it seemed earlier, the person will drive all the bad thoughts, and produce rehabilitation beliefs. These include such phrases like:

  • "I can achieve everything I dreamed of",
  • "I will resume my sports",
  • "I will not allow my mind to be manipulated",
  • "I am the master of my fate".

If a person has a desire to write everything on a sheet of paper, everything forces him to suffer, worry and suffer, it can only be greedy. Since this approach will indicate that he begins to realize why he disappeared by vital energy. It will be easier to analyze each of the items, and determine what should be taken to make the situation no longer repeated.

Among the main tasks will be a program to strengthen and restore physical form. Sports, the lack of disadvantages, contribute to the positive attitude towards the world around the world, and will become a source of lifting of vital energy. Here you should not give any specific advice, since the sport that will lead a person from unenviable sports, everyone chooses himself. Some will go to the gym, some will resume morning jogs, and someone will be suitable for visiting the swimming pool.

Summarizing the foregoing, it is worth noting that on the way to restoring human vital energy should be taken care of physical health and prevent the formation of harmful and destructive internal installations produced on the basis of deeply erroneous and false conclusions and beliefs.