Easter holiday in the younger group. Need advice. Outline of a lesson in drawing (junior group) on the topic: Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic creativity (drawing) in the second junior group on the topic: "Easter egg"

Summary of GCD on the topic: "Easter egg"

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Communication", "Physical culture", "Socialization", "Artistic and aesthetic creativity" (drawing), "Reading fiction".

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, reading.

The goals of the teacher: To introduce children to the bright holiday of Easter. To cultivate love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals. Develop artistic and creative abilities in children. Vocabulary work: Easter, Easter egg, golden, painted.

Materials and equipment: a saucer with painted eggs, pictures with painted eggs, Easter cakes; a tinted sheet of paper with an image of an egg, paint, brushes, cups of water, napkins for each child.

  1. Reading a poem.

Easter egg

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
Here is an egg, but not a simple one:
golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave the answer to everyone:
- Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know
Symbol of life on earth!

Guys, what holiday is this poem talking about. (Easter)

Easter is considered the main Christian holiday. And tell me, what kind of miracle did mom put in the dish? (Egg). What egg? (Gold, painted).

Easter is celebrated every year. People begin to prepare for it in advance: they put things in order in their homes, bake Easter cakes, pastries, paint eggs (showing pictures).

Guys, why do we paint eggs on Easter?

The egg is a small miracle, it is a symbol of new life. A chicken will lay an egg, and it looks like a pebble - as if inanimate, but there is life in it. A live chick that hatches from an egg. Coloring eggs is an ancient Slavic custom. That is why at Easter it is customary to give painted eggs and pronounce the words Christ is Risen, Truly Risen! It used to be considered a red egg - a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life. Eggs are dyed in different colors and given with the words: “Christ is Risen! ” In response, you should say: “Truly Risen! "- and kiss as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

Eggs dyed the same color were called eggs. If spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated on a common colored background, these eggs were called specks. And there are eggs - Easter eggs. They are hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns.

During the Easter week, people visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, and play Easter games. Come on guys, let's play with you too!

  1. Outdoor games.

The game "The most dexterous". Children stand in a circle, the number of eggs is one less than children. To the cheerful music, the children run in a circle, when the music ends, everyone must take the egg. The one who did not get it is out of the game.

Relay "Transfer the egg in a spoon."

  1. Drawing.

And now we will become real masters and paint the eggs ourselves.

Children sit down at the tables and color the painted eggs on a piece of paper.

  1. Reflection.

What holiday are we talking about today?

What is customary to give each other for this holiday?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

GCD on artistic and aesthetic development "We can preserve fruits" in the second junior group

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Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic creativity (drawing) in the first junior group on the topic: "Easter egg" ...

SUMMARY OF NOD ON ARTISTIC AND AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT Non-traditional drawing in the second group of early age “We will go to the woods, we will find a fungus”

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Target: Enriching children's knowledge about Easter.


1. Expand children's knowledge of traditional Russian folk holidays.

2. Develop visual skills, imagination, creative activity.

3. To cultivate interest in and respect for folk culture, accuracy, diligence, perseverance.

The lesson is held in a group (Russian hut).

hostess welcomes guests:

Hello dear guests!

you here in your light,

Happy to invite friends!

We will be one family

Meet a bright Easter.

You just have to call

Children, so that their laughter sounds,

Big ones, small ones, everyone!

Sounds like a record Russian folk song. Children enter the hut.

X. - Come in, dear guests. For a red guest, a red place. Have a seat. Now we're like

one big family.

slide 1 .Soon a wonderful spring holiday, which is called Easter, will come to us.

It has been celebrated in Russia for a thousand years. Easter is a celebration of life

the triumph of spring, sun, warmth over the winter cold. People prepare for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent.This holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

This is a holiday of kindness.

Slide 2. For Easter, special food has been prepared for a long time: Easter cakes, curd Easter

Slide 3. It was customary to give beautiful painted eggs on this holiday. Giving was considered a sign that you forgive a person all insults, that he is pleasant to you, that you are not angry with him.

X. And now we have the heading "It's interesting!". Its presenter Matvey Petrukhnov will tell us what magical and wonderful properties Easter eggs have.

slide 4. (child says)Easter eggs were considered wonderful, magical, because a new life is obtained from the egg.

for example:

In order for the new house to turn out beautiful, elegant, strong, and life in the new house to be happy, the shells of Easter eggs were crumbled and laid in the foundation of the house.

slide 5 .In order to harvest a good harvest in autumn, in the spring the shells of Easter eggs were crushed and scattered on the ground.

slide 6. When a foal was born, the owner ran an Easter egg along the back of the foal so that it would not get sick and grow up to be a strong horse.

Today I invite you to the workshop. Today we will become masters of painting eggs. And who is a master?

Where are the eggs? They are hidden in different places of our group. Each of you will receive a plan where the egg is hidden (children find eggs, are divided into subgroups, sit down in places, at tables).

X. Look, I have two baskets of eggs. What is the difference? (children's answers). An experience: How do you tell a boiled egg from a raw one?

boiled eggs rotate well if you try to twist them;

Raw eggs, no matter how you try to rotate them, do not spin. The egg stops without making a single turn.

This is due to the fact that a boiled egg in the physical sense is a single solid body, and by rotating it, we transfer the energy of rotation to the whole body, where it is evenly distributed - the egg is spinning. A raw egg is only solid on the outside, but liquid inside. So it turns out that we are essentially trying to rotate the shell, while the inner liquid part “remains in place” and dampens rotational movements.

Slide 7. Egg decoration patterns.

Consider how you will decorate your egg. Your egg should bring joy to the one you give it to.

Children decorate eggs One subgroup decorates using the Decoupage technique (when the selected pattern from the napkins is transferred and fixed on the egg shell), the other one paints with gouache. (before this, finger gymnastics is conducted by a child.) Calm Russian folk music sounds.

From the day of Holy Pascha, spring games began, dances were danced.

Let's play too. The game is being played "Egg rolling"... Everyone takes turns coming up and rolling eggs. The little thing that the testicle touched will be a win.


X . - Did you like to celebrate Easter in my hut? What have you learned? What was difficult? I see that

I have raw eggs in my basket. Next time we will learn how to separate the yolk from the protein and cook Easter gingerbread.

The children say goodbye, thank the hostess and leave.

Project "Dear egg for Christ's Day"

(second junior group, short-term, creative and informational)

Project type: creative and informational.

Project duration: short-term - 2 weeks.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, educators, parents.

Educational area: knowledge, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music, socialization.

Relevance of the topic:

Everyone knows that the impressions of childhood are deep, indelible in the memory of a person. Folk culture is an effective means of cognitive, moral and aesthetic development of children. The Russian people must not lose their moral authority. We must not forget our cultural past. By acquainting children with folk ritual holidays, we thereby introduce them to universal human moral values. Communication with folk culture ennobles, makes a person soft, sensitive, kind, wise.

Easter is the most joyful and great holiday of Christians. Nature rejoices, everything around comes to life and blooms. The celebration of Easter has become a tradition. But children do not have enough ideas about this holiday, about painting Easter eggs, about old fun games.

I decided to acquaint children with folk holidays, since preschool age is a favorable period for introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture, capable of reviving the continuity of generations, conveying moral principles, spiritual and artistic values. Even K. D. Ushinsky noted: “Education, if it does not want to be powerless, must be popular, must be permeated with nationality.”

Formulation of the problem: learn about the traditions of celebrating Easter in Russia, how parents and their children can prepare and hold a family Easter holiday together.

Objective of the project: Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian folk culture through the organization of various types of children's activities.


To develop cognitive activity, curiosity of children through acquaintance with the history and traditions of the Orthodox holiday "Easter".

To instill respect and love for the Orthodox traditions of their people, to cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings.

Awaken emotional responsiveness.

Create conditions for the implementation of creative activity.

Involve parents in the educational process.

Project stages:

Organizational and preparatory.



Expected results of the project:

Awakening interest in the history and culture of their homeland, love for their native land.

Expanding the horizons of children.

Acquaintance with traditional and ritual holidays, with Russian folk games.

Combining the efforts of teachers and parents in organizing work to familiarize children with Russian national culture.

Project implementation:

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Justification of the relevance of the topic.

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project.

Creation of a developing environment: selection of literature, manuals, attributes.

Discussion with parents of children on issues related to the implementation of the project.

Stage 2. Basic.


Didactic games "Collect a picture" (Easter stories), "Pick by color", "Big - small".

Role-playing game "Family" (on clean Thursday we prepare the house for the Easter holiday).

Easter games-fun: "Egg rolling", "Who will find more eggs?", "Relay with eggs", "Smash", "Easter nest".

Dramatization game based on the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen".

The game of low mobility "The chicken went out for a walk ...".

Round dance games "Sun-bucket", "You go around in a circle, find yourself a friend."


Lesson (FTsKM) "How in the old days people prepared for the Easter holiday."

Conversations on the topics: "What is Easter?", "Why do we paint eggs for Easter?"

Compilation of stories "How did we celebrate Easter at home?"

Planting grass for decorating an Easter egg.


Reading: L. Zilov "The Legend of Christ's Lark"; poems about Easter folklore works.

Artistic creativity.

Volumetric application in the technique of paper plastic "Willow twig".

Drawing a painted Easter egg "The egg is not simple, but painted."

Occupation of the circle "Magic paper". Making a postcard "Easter joy".

Learning songs and round dances about spring, flowers, Easter: round dance "Flowers in the Meadow" muses. Velichko; round dance "Here spring has come" p. n. m.

Listening to the bells.

Bell game.

Working with parents.

Folder-screen "Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ Easter."

Folder-slider "How to celebrate Easter".

Consultation "Easter traditions and meaning for the family."

Tips for parents “Getting ready for Easter. How to spend the weekend with your child during Easter?

Stage 3: Final

Lesson "Bright Easter".

Acquaintance with the fairy tale Easter tale about the chicken Ryaba "

Practical work "Let's decorate eggs for Easter"

Exhibition of children's drawings, crafts on this topic.

Exhibition of works of joint creativity of parents and children "Dear testicle for Christ's Day".

Statement of a new problem: Find out how Easter is celebrated in other countries?


Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D. "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture": Program. Teaching aid. - 2nd, revised. and additional - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2010.





Introducing preschoolers to the national culture, through the formation of interest in the traditions of celebrating the Christian holiday “Easter. Holy Sunday of Christ. Revival of the traditions of folk culture.


  • To acquaint children with the customs and traditions of celebrating Easter.
  • To interest children in the Orthodox meaning of celebrating Easter.
  • Develop interest in Russian national culture.
  • To cultivate patriotic feelings for the traditions of the Russian people.


How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday

Grandma paints eggs

I will help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I will give to my friends

By the testicle, congratulations

And I’ll say: “I painted it myself”


Guys, what do you think, what holiday are we going to talk about today? What bright holiday will we celebrate soon?

(children's answers)

Easter - the most important holiday of the church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from all evil. This is a holiday of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. God loved people so much that He came into the world to save them. He took upon himself all the bad deeds (sins) of people. But the evil people did not want Christ to save the people. They grabbed him and killed him. But Christ conquered death, he rose from the dead. Therefore, all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen! And they are answered, “Truly Risen! ". Many non-believers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature.

It was on this day that people could enter the church belfry and touch the magic bells, not only for adults, but also for children - this happens once a year. You can do it too. But you can go up to the belfry when you know exactly what you want to ask. This is a request that may help someone. Not empty, but very important: about recovery, salvation, and the like. Ask for the most cherished, but to yourself, in complete silence. On Easter, early in the morning, people went outside to see how the sun “played” and from it they predicted what the harvest would be.

“On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun“ plays ”for a good harvest.”

"On Holy rain - good rye."

"To the Holy Thunder - to the harvest."

If the weather is clear on the second day of Easter, the summer will be rainy, if it is cloudy, the summer will be dry.

The entire week leading up to Easter is called Holy Week. The last days of Holy Week are especially distinguished - Maundy Thursday (the day of cleansing from sins), Good Friday (mention of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ), Great Saturday (the day of sorrow), and the Bright Resurrection of Christ - a celebration of life and victory over death. Starting from Maundy Thursday, we begin to prepare for Easter - first we clean the house, and then we paint eggs and bake Easter cakes.

"Why do we dye eggs?"

Easter is a day of universal equality, love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words “Christ is risen”, the answer was “Truly risen”, kissed three times, gave each other red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. We know that a living being comes out of an egg.

Who hatches from an egg? (children's answers).

At Easter, a special ceremonial food is prepared. What do you think this food is? (Answers of children). It includes Easter from cottage cheese, Easter cakes and colored eggs.

The Feast of Feasts is coming.

People bring to the temple to sanctify.

Eggs, Easter cheese,

Ginger cakes.

The main symbol of the holiday is a red egg.

Egg - this is a small miracle, it is a symbol of life. The custom of dyeing eggs is rooted in antiquity. It used to be considered a red egg - a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life. A lot of eggs had to be made - for gifts to relatives and friends, for games.

Why is the red egg the symbol of Easter?

(children's answers)

- Red color is the color of joy. And it is also the color of the blood with which Christ sanctified life.

Since then, people began to greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life. Listen to how eggs were dyed in the old days. Initially, the eggs were painted only red, later they began to be painted in all sorts of colors, they painted landscapes on them, even wrote down their thoughts. Also in the old days, eggs were dyed with bright shreds and threads that shed. The egg was moistened with water, and covered with shreds and threads, wrapped in a white cloth and tightly wrapped with thread, then boiled. They painted eggs on the Thursday before the holiday, the whole family. There was a belief that hard-boiled eggs on Clean Thursday protect against diseases if they are eaten on Easter, and bury the egg shells in the ground in a pasture where cattle were grazed, this reliably protected domestic animals from the evil eye and all sorts of misfortunes.

But the most important thing to remember is that Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. Do not offend the younger, be attentive and obedient to the elders, generous to the poor, kind to our four-legged and winged friends.

caregiver : let's do a little exercise with you.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –

We need to sit down and stand up.

Spread your arms wider.

Bend over - 3, 4.

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

This is how we recharge.


- Listen, guys, giving about Mary Magdalene and the first red Easter egg.

“After the Resurrection of the Savior, His disciples went all over the world to tell people about Christ, to teach people the faith.

Among the disciples of the Lord there were also women, one of them - Mary Magdalene - went to preach the word of God in the city of Rome and entered the palace to the emperor. Once upon a time, Maria was noble and rich, so she was known in the palace and missed. In those days, coming to the emperor, people had to bring an expensive gift. Maria had nothing with her but a simple chicken testicle. Having greeted the emperor, Mary extended her modest gift to him, saying:

Once I was rich.

And, brought valuable gifts.

Today I am rich only in faith.

In the Savior and Lord Christ.

What can I give today?

Here is a gift - an egg, a symbol of life.

Christ is risen!

The emperor replied to Mary:

How can anyone be resurrected?

It's incredible, it's impossible.

Only then would I be able to believe on Sunday

When would the testicle become red.

Suddenly everyone froze in amazement, and one of the emperor's servants exclaimed:

Oh emperor, look quickly!

The testicle turns pink, no - it darkens.

O miracle! It turned bright red!

Indeed, Jesus Christ is risen! »

And now, guys, a bird's egg can actually be called a symbol of life, because a living chick can hatch from this outwardly inanimate egg, more like a pebble. Of course, for this, the egg does not need to be taken from the mother chicken, which must hatch it, warming it with its own warmth.

But a chicken egg is not stored for a long time, but I would like to preserve the joy of the holiday. How do you think this can be done?

Children: you can draw an egg and decorate it beautifully


Of course, decorate. So there were krashenki, and later pysanky. Krashenki are eggs dyed the same color.

Pysanka - drawing a symbolic pattern on the egg. And now we will learn how to apply symbolic patterns on an egg.

caregiver : come in, sit down in your seats, at the desks.

The kids get to work. Outline the egg template, color and draw patterns. Finished works are exhibited for admiration and consideration.

They solved riddles.

1) Strong round bubble

The color is white inside the yolk

Hens carry him

Tell me your name (egg)

2) Likes to drink kittens and small kittens (milk)

3) Cheesecakes are baked from me

And pancakes and pancakes

In cakes pies and buns

They must put me down (flour)

4) He is ripe on a branch

The fruit is beautiful and tanned

Squirrels love to gnaw on it

Hide for the winter in a hollow (walnut)

5) The grapes were dried

Laid in the sun

She was exhausted from the heat

And what did it turn into (raisin)

The game "Transfer the egg in a spoon": You take an egg, put it in a spoon and run with it a little. Whoever ran first, he became the winner.

The game “Roll the testicle”: The children stand in a circle and pass the egg to each other with the words “You roll, roll the testicle, Quickly, quickly on the hands, whoever has the testicle now will dance to us.” After these words, the child who had a testicle in his hands dances to a Russian folk melody.

The game “Two birds flew”: Children perform movements in accordance with the text.


Everyone was in a joyful and cheerful mood, because good conquered evil, and Christ is Risen! Truly Risen! But the most important thing to remember is that Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. Do not offend the younger, be attentive and obedient to the elders, generous to the poor, kind to our four-legged and winged friends.

May love and mercy reign in your souls

On the next day of the Easter week, the guys decorated the eggs in folk paintings and gave them to each other.

The Easter week of the Great Feast was kind and joyful

Target: introduce children to the history of this Orthodox holiday.


  • Arouse interest in the life of the Russian people at different historical times.
  • Introduce children to traditional culture through the use of folklore.
  • Contribute to the development of imagination, enrichment of children's vocabulary.


Children in Russian national costumes are built at the doors of the hall. Small bags are thrown over the shoulder, in which there are painted Easter eggs.

Russian national melody sounds. Children, holding hands, enter the hall in a round dance, go to their places at the tables, take off their bags, put them on the table in front of them and sit down calmly.

1 hour (1)


Hello good fellows!
Hello red girls!
Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily
Easter has come to visit us.

- Guys, today in the lesson we will talk about the greatest holiday that is celebrated in Russia - the feast of Holy Easter. This holiday is popularly called the holiday of holidays, the celebration of celebrations.

Easter is always celebrated on Sunday. We talked a lot about this holiday, learned a lot of interesting things. Yesterday you and your parents, brothers and sisters celebrated this wonderful holiday - the feast of Holy Pascha. Some of you must have been to church. And tell me, children, what event served to establish this holiday in the Christian religion?

Children(answer) Resurrected (revived) Jesus Christ after he was crucified on the cross.



Educator. On this day, the church remembers the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the cross, teaches Christian forgiveness, because Jesus Christ loved all people and forgave them all evil. Even when he was nailed to the cross, he prayed for his enemies and said: “Our Father! Forgive them, they don't know what they're doing."
The feast of Holy Easter is famous for various treats that you will not find on any festive table during the year. Tell me, children, what dishes are prepared once a year, only for the Easter table?

Children.(answer) Easter cakes, Easter, colored eggs.

Educator. What do they decorate the house with?

Children.(answer) They light candles, turn on lamps, chandeliers, lamps, put willow branches in vases.

Educator. Yes, the willow is placed a week before Easter, on Palm Sunday. Guys, who will tell me why the willow serves as a decoration for the house?

Children.(answer) Willow in Russia is considered the first flowering shrub.

Educator. It has long been believed that three flowering willow twigs are enough to drive all evil spirits out of the house. And willow golden fluffy earrings contain healing power. Grandmothers kneaded them in their palms, applied them to their faces and said: “Get off, wrinkles, smooth out, skin.” A mashed willow branch was tied with a scarf to the forehead and whispered: “Calm down, headache!” Willow bark was dried, crushed into powder, and it became a healing medicine. The patient was given to inhale willow powder, and his runny nose disappeared.
Holy Easter is rich rituals. On this day, the old people combed their hair with wishes that they had as many grandchildren as hair on their heads, washed themselves with gold, silver and red eggs in the hope of getting rich, and the young climbed onto the roofs to better see how the red sun would play and have fun. All the people went to church. All night before Holy Pascha there was an Easter service. When during the Easter service the holy words “Christ is Risen. Truly resurrect,” young girls thought of the future: “Send, God, a good groom, neither young nor old, but a twin.”

1 hour (2)

Musical director. We will listen to church hymns with you. In the Orthodox Church, the sound of musical instruments is not allowed, so the music is written for the choir. This is spiritual music, its author is the Russian composer Dmitry Bortnyansky. Listen to how beautiful the most amazing, most perfect musical instrument is the human voice.

A fragment of the concerto for two choirs “We praise God to you” by D. Bortnyansky (gr-s) (1. Allegromalstoso) sounds.

Musical director. On this day, on the day of Holy Easter, bells ring in all churches and cathedrals after the end of the Easter service. Listen to a poem written about the ringing of bells by the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin.

The dormant bell woke me up.
The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.
Blows rushed to the blue skies,
A voice resounds through the woods.
The white moon hid behind the river,
A roaring wave ran loudly.
Silent valley will drive away sleep,
Somewhere behind the road, the ringing stops.

Come on, children, let's hear the bell ringing with you.

Musical director. On the Bright Sunday of Christ, the bells ring in a special solemn way. This ringing is called the Easter bell. Let's repeat.

Children repeat with the music director.


Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressed.
Spring is coming full of wonders
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

2 hours

Educator. The first spring games and round dances begin from Holy Easter week. Come on, we, good fellows, beautiful girls, let's call for spring, let's get up in a round dance.

Russian national melody sounds. Children get up, start a round dance in the center of the hall, read spring Russian folk incantations and sentences.

1) Titmouse - sisters, tap dance - aunts,
Kulichki - peasants, starlings - well done,
Fly to us from across the sea,
Bring the red spring!
With silk grass
With pearly dew
With a warm sun
With a grain of wheat!

2) Spring, spring, on what did you come?
On the plow, on the harrow, on the wrong side.
3) Oh, spring, spring, weave, aunts, kresna,
And you, peasants, sharpen coulters.
Yes, go to the field, start plowing!

The round dance "Vesnyanka" is performed
Ukrainian folk melody.

4) Larks, fly in,
Bring the warmth of the flyer,
We are tired of winter
We ate all the bread
Firewood, burned all the straw.
She took all the milk.

5) Spring, red spring!
Come spring with joy
With joy, with joy
With great mercy!
With tall flax,
With a deep root
With abundant bread!

The round dance "Spring-Red" is performed

Belarusian folk melody.


Hey boys and girls
Don't you want to dance?
Your bravery
Show in Russian dance.

Children(answer) We want!

There is a general dance.
Russian folk melody "Grass - Ant."


you danced
And they danced together.
And now my boys
You need to play.

The game "Burn bright"
Russian folk melody.

Educator. Take me into your circle too!
If I have a goat, there will be gray wolves. (Counts a rhyme, chooses a goat)

A goat walked along the bridge
And wagged her tail
Caught on the railing
Went straight into the river
Who does not believe - it is he,
Get out of the circle!

A Russian folk song is being performed.
Like a grandmother's goat "(staged)
(The teacher stands in a circle to the children)

The game "Goat" is being held - it was considered

Educator. They played well, sang well and danced well. It's time to get to work.

Children in a round dance, holding hands, go to the tables.

3 hours(1)

Educator. I want to test your skill in painting Easter eggs.
According to custom, Easter eggs were dyed on Good Friday, the day before Easter.
It has long been believed that the egg is a symbol of new life, clean, bright, a symbol of hope. Once upon a time in antiquity there was such a legend: “In the beginning, the human race was enclosed in an egg. He was an unsprouted seed, an unopened bud. But the end came to imprisonment. Rod gave birth to mother Lada. Rod destroyed the dungeon with the power of love. Then the world was filled with love.
Eggs were dyed most often with onion husks! It was believed that an egg painted in this way acquires healing power, helps from all sorts of diseases, from the evil eye. Small children, when they did not sleep well, rolled a testicle on the crown of the head, and the child's nightly fears disappeared.
Let's repeat the symbols with the images of which Easter eggs were painted.

Pine - longevity and health.
Star - moral purity, philanthropy.
Oak leaf - harmony.
The sun is for the harvest.

Russian folk songs sound. Children paint eggs with watercolors or felt-tip pens.

(The teacher observes the work of the children, helps those children who do not succeed, praises for successful work.)

Educator. In front of you on the table in your purses are real painted Easter eggs that you brought from home. What are they popularly called?

Children(answer) Krashenki.

Educator. Take out the dyes from the bags, take them in your hands, and hang the bags on your shoulder. Now we will play games with krashenka. Get off the tables!

3h (2)

Children go out and stand in two lines in the center of the hall: the girls are opposite the boys, turn around to face each other.

Game number 1 is being played (the first and second couples participate alternately)

On command, the children simultaneously spin their dyes. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner, he takes the loser's egg.

Game number 2 is being played (the third and fourth pairs participate alternately)
The players roll the eggs so that they collide. Whose egg breaks, he gives it to his opponent.

Game number 3 is being played (fifth and sixth pairs participate)

Paint fight. Players hit with krashenki with a sharp side. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser. He gives his egg to the opponent.

Educator. This concludes our lesson.

Children line up in the center of the hall in a semicircle.

Educator. Let's summarize. What great holiday was discussed today in the lesson?

Children(answer) About the feast of Holy Easter.

Educator. What is another name for this holiday?

Children(answer) Holy Sunday of Christ.

Educator. What is the name of the shrub, the branches of which are brought into the house and placed in vases a week before Easter in order to drive all evil spirits out of the house?

Children(answer) This shrub is called willow.

Educator. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, to attend the Easter service, where do the people gather?

Children(answer) In the church.

Educator. In the morning in churches and cathedrals after the Easter service, they start calling what?

Children(answer) The bells.

Educator. What is the name of this call?

Children(answer) Easter evangelism.

Educator. What church music did you listen to and who wrote it?

Children(answer) We listened to a concerto for the choir, written by the Russian composer Bortnyansky.

Educator. What else did you do in class today?

Children(answer) We painted Easter eggs.

Educator. How are Easter eggs usually dyed?

Children ( answer) Before Easter, eggs are usually dyed with onion skins.

Educator. And why?

Children(answer) Such an egg helps against various diseases.

Educator. What else did we do in class today?


1. They sang songs, danced round dances, played different games.
2. They also played games with eggs.

Educator. Well done! Did you enjoy the activity?

Children(answer) Yes, I liked it.


Praise the Lord from heaven
And sing along!
The world of his wonders is filled
And glory unspeakable!


Praise the Lord from heaven
And angel faces!
Let all sorrow be silenced
And the murmur is hopeless.


Praise the Lord from heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ! Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!

Song. Invite children to the table.