Marriage proposals at home. Summer rain with a happy ending. I will give myself to you

When you enter the elevator, press all the buttons. The booth will stop on every floor, and your beloved will read one word from the marriage proposal. (Yes, the words will have to be printed out and pasted on the walls in advance.) When you get to the last floor, all she has to do is say yes.

A sure-fire way to win the heart of the pet lover. The main thing is to carefully clarify in advance whether the girl is ready to take care of the pet. If yes, give her a kitten or puppy with a small postcard or medallion with your proposal on its collar.

Well, or attach a message to a bird cage or aquarium.

3. Arrange a film screening

Rent a small movie theater or projector room in a time cafe, or invite a girl to watch a movie in your home. Show instead of him a video that you made from joint videos or photos. Your proposal will be in the credits.

4. Connect the drone

Date her in a park or any other outdoor area. When the girl comes, direct to her with a ring and a note.

This method is suitable for a lover of intellectual fun. Just make sure your short message is on the board at the end of the game. Even if you have to break the rules a little.

6. Find a bottle with a note

Take an aged bottle, put a ring and a confession note in it, and hide it on the banks of a river, lake, or sea. Invite your beloved to a picnic by the water, "accidentally" find a bottle and give it to the girl. Perhaps it will be difficult for her to open the find. But the content is worth the effort.

7. Rent a billboard

Let your or her photo with a proposal be pasted on a large billboard that a girl walks by every day.

8. Invite her to the photo booth

When you're making faces, laughing, and taking photos, suddenly pull out your ring. The historic moment will be captured in the picture.

9. Make a website

Create a page with your photos and videos and send it a link. When the girl scrolls to the end, she will see a marriage proposal. She will only have to click on the "Yes" button.

10. Print your sentence on a T-shirt

When the time is right, take off your sweatshirt and display the message on your chest or back.

Buy the same book as the one your beloved is reading right now. Cut the box out of the pages and place the ring inside.

12. Take the girl back to where you first met

Don't tell in advance where you are going. Let it be a surprise. When you get there, propose to the girl.

13. Order or bake a cake

A sure-fire way to offer your hand and heart to a sweet tooth. A beautiful cake with important words written on it will surely be the most delicious in her life. So order. Better yet, cook it yourself.

14. Propose on your birthday

Give her a nice big box. Inside, the girl will see another one, then another and another. In the end, your beloved will get to the coveted ring. It will be the main gift.

15. Build a thematic playlist

Make a selection of songs that your girlfriend likes. When she gets to the last track, she will hear your offer.

Write your proposal with a marker on the bottom of the white circle. When the girl finishes her coffee, she will see the inscription and most likely will not be able to refuse. If the coffee was delicious, of course.

17. Organize a picnic

Purchase flowers, food and wine, and ask your friends to help with the surprise. Bring the girl when everything is ready and say the cherished words. Just let it happen in private. It's better to thank your friends later.

18. Present origami

Make a paper crane, butterfly, or rose. Hand the gift to the girl and invite her to unfold the paper. Inside, the girl will find a marriage proposal.

Think over the necessary route, invite the girl for a walk and record your movements on the maps in your smartphone. When you find yourself at the last point, show her the map. The main words will be there.

20. Act out a scene from her favorite movie.

What girl does not dream of being in the place of the heroine of her beloved? Recreate one of the most striking scenes (for example, order a white limousine, as in "Pretty Woman"), and at the end make an offer.

21. Print the offer on the bottles

For this, bottles of cola, juice, wine and even ketchup are suitable. Stick labels on them with the words you want, put them in the refrigerator in the correct order, and then ask the girl to bring something tasty.

22. Come up with a quest

Create a route from places that mean something to both of you, and guide her along the route by sending hint messages. When the girl is at the last point, she will meet you, and you will say the main words.

23. Bake fortune cookies

If she likes sweets, then this is a win-win way. Make small cookies and put your message notes inside. When you meet, invite her to find out what awaits her next.

24. Take a trip

When you find yourself where she has long dreamed of visiting, make an offer. Just think ahead and book a table at a nearby restaurant to celebrate an important event with a romantic dinner.

The article will "advise" you on several ways to propose to your girlfriend.

For those who are lost in the choice of paraphernalia to make an offer, you should know about some important elements:

  • Flowers. They are always indispensable for the "correct", and most importantly - beautiful proposal. In choosing a bouquet, you can navigate yourself: many flowers, few, roses, chrysanthemums, chamomile and others. It is simply impossible to propose without flowers. Be sure that a woman in any case will expect a bouquet of incredible beauty from you.
  • Ring. This is perhaps the most important attribute of the event. The ring symbolizes engagement, which means "tying" a person to himself. The choice of a ring should be modest but beautiful. Most often, men prefer a thin ring with one round or square pebble.
  • Declaration of love. For this, a man should try to find beautiful words, fall on his knee or come up with something that will prove to the woman his "burning" and true love. Recently, more and more often men make proposals in a public place in front of everyone, thereby proving that they are not ashamed and proud of their feelings.
  • Romantic setting. You don't have to book a table at a fancy restaurant and rent a white horse cart. You can create a cozy atmosphere at home, in the park, and so on. In some cases, men prefer to make a "love confession video" and put the video on the Internet, or on the screen in a shopping center.

What does a man need to propose?

How original, effective and beautiful to propose to your girlfriend to get married at home?

For those who wish to deviate from generally accepted standards, you can use the original ways of offering a hand and heart. Such methods are good because they allow you to "surprise" your soul mate and show how reverently you treat your beloved woman.

The most important "secret" of an original and effective proposal is surprise. A woman should never guess about your intentions. You should avoid talking about marriage, plans together, and “dream weddings” in every way for a long time.

Unusual ways:

  • The letter is under the pillow. This is a simple but "classic" way to declare your love. All you have to do is get up early and discreetly place a note under the pillow (you can put it on the bedside table). It's good if you pack the ring in a special box, and put a bouquet of flowers next to the gift.
  • "Sweet proposal". This method has become very popular lately, because the “art of confectionery” has become a part of modern life: sweets and cakes are baked in shops and at home, and personal targeted delivery is made. You should agree in advance with the pastry chef that your order should be in the shape of a heart, and the main question will be written on the cake with cream: "Will you marry me?" .
  • Phosphoric paint or markers. This paint differs in that in the daytime it is completely invisible, but as soon as the light is extinguished in pitch darkness, the lines you have written become bright. Such a confession will be unexpected and even shocking.
  • Radio proposal. It is unusual and modern. The girl will not expect such a development of events, she will be completely discouraged and confused. The main thing is to indicate the name and surname of your beloved, name her place of work, for example, or location, give your name. So, your beloved will not have a single doubt that the recognition is intended specifically for her.
  • Inscription with candles. This can be done both on the street (special lamps are suitable for this, and in the house (for example, while your beloved is taking a bath, you spread the words in the room on the floor with candles). This method is always impressive and always leaves pleasant emotions.

Chocolate egg offer

Cinema offer

Offer on the street

Parking offer

Banner offer

House offer

Suggestion by lettering on a plate

Unexpected proposal on the mirror

Unexpected offer on home delivery pizza

Proposal for a walk

How original, effective and beautiful to propose to your girlfriend to get married in a restaurant?

If you decide to decorate a romantic evening with a trip to a restaurant or cafe, you should know that this is far from trivial and even such an event can be diluted with originality and surprise. Such methods are found in real life less and less and only because men do not like too long preparation.

Interesting ways:

  • Ask the waiter to put the ring on the bottom of the glass. This should be agreed in advance and the moment a woman starts drinking champagne, you should be fully armed, making sure that she does not choke on it or swallow it.
  • Ask the waiter to put the ring in the dish before serving it beautifully. There are also nuances: choose a beautiful dish, in a flat plate, preferably a snack. So the ring will not sink, will not get lost in the garnish and will be noticeable.
  • Agree on live music. For example, have a violinist or saxophonist come up to you in the middle of dinner and play a slow melody. At this time, you will attract attention to yourself, make an offer.
  • Make an appointment with the restaurant in advance and hang romantic paraphernalia all over the room so that your woman will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Hide flowers and a ring in the garden or on the territory of the restaurant. At a certain moment, invite the girl to go out for some fresh air and make her feel good by taking out the flowers from nowhere and standing on one knee.

Ways to propose to a woman in a restaurant

How original, effective and beautiful to propose to your girlfriend to get married in winter for the New Year?

It is worth noting that most often men decide on a proposal during the holiday time: on the birthday of their beloved, on New Year's, on Valentine's Day or on March 8th. Most likely, men are simply sure that such an offer will definitely receive a positive response, because the mood will be necessarily good.

New Year is a holiday associated with new life and new beginnings, and therefore on New Year's, women often decide to get married. Nevertheless, in order not to be trivial, one can think of original way:

  • Wrap the ring in a gift box... Here it is important to choose not a typical small box, but something that from the first minutes does not even hint at a marriage: packaging from a phone, perfume or cream.
  • Hang the ring on the tree and at the right time, come up with your favorite just to admire the Christmas tree. Let her find it herself with her eyes and guess everything.
  • Come to the house as Santa Claus with congratulations, gifts, wish you happiness and change, get the ring out of the bag and kneel.
  • Make an offer to the chimes. This is unusual and very beautiful, because the chimes count down the first seconds of the New Year and they will be decorated with pleasant emotions.
  • Write a proposal in the snow and bring your beloved to the window. It is difficult and depends on weather conditions, but very beautiful and original.

New Year's offer

How to correctly and romantically offer the hand and heart of your beloved: ways, ideas, words, phrases, speech

The “correct” proposal to marry is something that touches the soul and heart of a girl, awakens tenderness and tears of joy in her. Of course, such emotions arise in the couple that sincerely loves each other for several days and values ​​their relationship.

However, there are a few things to note that girls and women pay attention to:

  • Sincerity. You should choose the most truthful and accurate words describing your attitude to your beloved: “I value you,” “I’m afraid of losing you,” “I don’t see life without you,” “you are the meaning of my life,” “you are what makes me live".
  • Thank the woman. It is important here to list everything that your beloved has done for you. By doing this, you will show how attentive and sensitive you are to your relationship. What to say: “you gave me love, affection and warmth”, “you are the best friend in the world”, “you replaced everyone in this world”, “thank you for every second of your time that you gave me”.
  • Tell about love. This should be done with the help of strong words, confidently and with “heart”: “I love you from the ends of my hair to the tips of my fingers”, “I love you any: sleepy, angry, calm, sad”, “I don’t live without you”.
  • Ask for consent. Here it is important not to insist, but to ask politely: "could you marry me", "please marry me", "will you make me happy?"

IMPORTANT: When you propose, do not be afraid to look overly sensitive, vulnerable and tender. A woman will certainly appreciate and be touched by your efforts, even if her hands are shaking and words are lost.

What is the “right” way to make an offer?

An original and unusual way to get married: ideas

To surprise or touch a girl use methods like this:

  • Photo slideshow. In it you can collect photos of all the pleasant moments in life, joint portraits that have been taken over the years. This will allow the girl to remember your whole love story and understand how much you value the relationship.
  • Make a video confession. Such a clip can be musical or composed of small pieces. You can film your loved ones and friends, give them roles and words.
  • Paste flyers. This marriage proposal is designed for a surprise effect. Here you should know the exact route of your woman so that she goes to work, home, to the university and be sure to notice your efforts.
  • Hide notes with "leading" tasks. It looks like a kind of quest in which a woman finds clues, and at the end the main prize is a ring!

Beautiful ways to propose to get married

The guy proposed to the girl: response words

In order for pleasant memories of the marriage proposal to remain not only with you, but also with your man, you should know exactly the beautiful answer to the "main" question.

Positive answers:

  • I've been waiting for this all my life! Of course yes!
  • It was my dream! I agree!
  • You made my dream come true! Yes!
  • Thanks! This is what I wanted the most! Of course yes!
  • I agree to spend my whole life with you! Hurray !!!
  • You gave me a fairy tale! I agree!
  • You can't even imagine how happy I am now! I agree!
  • I didn't expect you to be able to please me so! Yes!

Other answers:

  • You pleasantly surprised me and I need to think a little.
  • Thank you for making me happy, I have to make the right decision.
  • I never thought that you could surprise me like that. Let me come to my senses a little and make a decision.
  • You left so many pleasant impressions for me that I cannot give you an answer because I am under the impression.

Video: "How to propose to a girl?"

I am so pleased that you and I have been together for two whole years. In my opinion, during this time, we have sufficiently tested our feelings. Our love is strong and mutual. Honey, I want to live my whole life next to you. And therefore, today I am making you a marriage proposal. Be my wife. I promise to make you the happiest person in the world. We will live with you like in a fairy tale. My dear, good and most beautiful, I really hope for a positive answer. Be my second, most loyal and most reliable soul mate.

Darling, you are the best in the world. You radiate kindness and tenderness. I love you so much that I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life. Sweetheart, my dear, marry me. We will have the happiest family. I've been dreaming about this for so long. Let our hearts beat in unison, and swan fidelity will accompany us throughout our life. I'm sure - only you are my destiny. From the bottom of my heart I give you a ring, and I hope that you will answer - YES! I so wish that it would not be - you and me, but that it would be - we.

My soul mate, my bright ray, my happiness. I am so grateful to fate that she gave you to me. I look forward to every meeting with you. I always admire your charming eyes, your delightful smile. You are the most beautiful, and you are not more beautiful on the whole earth. I love you very much, and please, my only one, become my wife. I promise to make life a paradise for you. I will just be your guardian angel, and I will always protect you from sorrow. I so wish we had the happiest family.

Although we have recently met with you, it seems that we have known each other for a long time. We even think in the same way and understand perfectly. Our hearts are beating in unison. You are so cheerful, cheerful, I like the way you laugh. I can no longer live a day without you. So what is this suffering for. Let's never part again, let's get married. I dream so much about creating a cozy family nest. So I want to wake up with you every morning, beloved, and tell you the most important words in the world.

I am so grateful to fate for giving me you - the most beautiful girl in the world. How I love to listen to your ringing laughter, look into your beautiful eyes, Kiss your sugar lips. Honey, I just can't imagine life without you. More dear than you, I have no one on earth. I want to walk side by side with you all my life. And that's why I make you a marriage proposal. Marry me, I promise to make you the happiest in the world. You are my most beautiful, kindest and most beloved.

How glad I am, my beloved, that I have you. I am so pleased to listen to your sonorous voice, admire your charming appearance, kiss your sweet lips. I am without you, like a sun without heaven. You are the only and most beloved girl in the world. I am so incredibly lucky that I am ready to thank fate every day for such a gift. I want to be with you every minute. Marry me, please. I promise to make you the happiest person in the world. You are the only one with whom I dream of living my whole life.

You came into my quiet life as a priceless, wonderful gift. Wise, beautiful, gentle, affectionate, I so want to preserve our happiness for many, many years. My most cherished desire is to walk side by side with you all my life, to be your support and hope. Darling, marry me, give me the key from your heart, which I will cherish all our life. I love you more than anyone else in the world, and I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, just be with me. You are my most beloved, most beautiful person in the whole world.

Sweetheart, dear and just mine, you are sweeter than anyone else in the world. You are just a charm. Life seems like a fairy tale to me when I'm next to you. I so want to be always with you together. You are the most gentle, affectionate and kind, you are my guardian angel. Darling, I offer you my hand and heart and really hope for a positive answer. Be always with me, give me your love, and I promise to take care of you all my life, as the most precious treasure. I am ready to fulfill all your desires every minute. I love you, my dear.

You are half of my heart. Fate gave you to me, and I am so grateful to her for that. Sweetheart, kind, gentle, I love you more than life, and I ask you to be my wife. You will tirelessly swim in the ocean of my love. Only next to you, my beloved, I want to go all my life, and I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, so that you are happy. My love for you is boundless, inexhaustible and endless. you give me happiness and love, affection, hope and warmth. I am very lucky to have you, my honey.

Every moment is with you, my dear, wonderful. I am very happy for such a royal gift of fate. I adore you, my love, and I will do everything to make your every day happy. Sweetheart, like a kind wizard, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes. You are a ray of the sun that warms me with love, you are my ideal. My dear, you are like a fabulous flower, just as beautiful, gentle and tremulous. Please fulfill my desire, be my wife, give me the happiness of life. Let the flow of love whirl us, and our life will be full of happiness.

Darling, looking into your beautiful eyes, I fall in love with you again and again. Your love always warms me, and this hot flame will never go out. Because there is no person on earth more beautiful than you. My sincere love is always with you like a shadow. I can't keep my love a secret anymore, because you are the best in the world. And the key that you found to my heart gives me happiness, affection and care. Dear, be my wife, become my soul mate, fill my life with warmth and comfort.

My dear, the nicest and kindest girl in the world. I want to always be next to you, kiss your beautiful lips, hold your tender hands in my strong hands. You are perfection itself, always cheerful, kind and the nicest. I found in you everything that I was looking for: tenderness, soul, charm. I need you. I live and breathe only for you, and I want to make you the happiest in the world. Darling, marry me, be with me all my life. I promise to make our life a fairy tale. I love you, my soul mate.

How grateful I am to fate that she gave me you. All the warmest, most tender words to you, beloved. I am always comfortable with you, warm and light. Like the sun with rays, so you warm me with your love. I am so happy that I have you, my kind, sweet and most beautiful girl. My love for you knows no boundaries, without you I simply do not exist. Honey, I offer you my hand and heart, marry me. I will do whatever you want, and your expectations will never deceive you. And all your dreams will become reality.

Today is the most exciting and most important day in my life. I make you a marriage proposal. You are everything to me that is in my life. I love you more than anyone else in the world. How I want to send every time and wake up with you together, give you my tenderness, kisses. I will turn your life into a fairy tale, fulfill your most cherished dream, just give consent. Be by my side all my life, my only love. May there be a place for me in your heart.

My kind, beloved and most gentle. You are like a scarlet flower that attracts with its extraordinary beauty. Your ringing laugh pleases me, your eyes radiate goodness. I admire you. My most cherished desire is to be next to you all my life. My sun, marry me, be my only and most beautiful wife. All my life I will carry you in my arms, give you the most delicate flowers. A hundred times I am ready to swear my love to you. Thank you fate for such a huge gift.

My soul mate, presented to me by fate. I can't live a day without you. You are my window light, my golden ray of happiness. Every minute spent with you seems like a fairy tale to me. I so want to be next to you, and give my love. Marry me and make me the happiest person in the world. You are my treasure, my sweetest, most tender and kindest. Always be with me, give me your affection. My love for you is stronger every day. I love, I love, I love you.

Let everyone in the world know how I love you. Many thanks to fate that I have you. I value our love, I value every minute of meeting you. And this, it seems to me, is not enough. I want to live with you all my life, I want to make you holidays every day. Darling, be my wife. Let's carry our love through our lives. May our family be strong and happy, may the stork come to us, and more than once. You will be the most beautiful wife in the world, my beloved wife.

Today is the most crucial moment in my life. To you, my beloved, I want to propose. Be my wife. I want to be next to you all my life, to be your support, to help in everything, and, like a guardian angel, to protect you. You are my closest, dearest man. I have no joy in life without you. You are my window light, you are my love. I ask you to accept my offer, and I promise to make you the happiest. All my life I am ready to carry you in my arms, and, like a good magician, fulfill all your whims.

Let all the singing birds sing to you about my love. Let the most sonorous streams tell about my love for you. You are my sweetest, kindest. No flowers on the planet can match your beauty. I am fascinated by your smile, your heavenly blue eyes. I want to live with you all my life, give you all my love, my tenderness. Darling, I ask your hand and heart, be my wife, make me happy. I promise to be the most exemplary husband, and carry you in my arms all my life.

Well, you clearly realized that you have found your soul mate, and are ready to connect your life with her forever. Now it remains only to offer his beloved hand and heart in an original way. This day should definitely be the best and brightest in your life. We offer some tips that will help you organize everything and not rack your brains over how to propose to a girl to get married.

There are many ways to offer your beloved hand and heart, but you must take into account the nature of your girlfriend. Surely she has repeatedly told what, in her opinion, the proposal should be. Remember and translate her desire into reality.

Public offer

This type of proposal is the most popular, it is often recorded on video in order to have something to remember in the future. On the Internet, these videos are gaining a lot of likes and views in a short period of time. To ask for a hand and heart in this way means to make a lot of efforts and, most importantly, to show imagination.

For example, you can take your beloved to a concert of her favorite group, agree in advance with the performers so that they make something like this: “Irina, will you marry Alexander? it's about you. "

You can also go to the cinema with a girl and agree in advance with the manager so that he puts your video proposal at the beginning of the film. Before the start of the session, the guy allegedly leaves for popcorn, then a video about their love begins, then a proposal follows. The girl is going through a whole storm of emotions at this moment. And especially she will be glad when her beloved returns, but not with popcorn, but with a bouquet of flowers and a ring.

If your girlfriend is currently on a long trip, then this is a great chance to propose at the airport when she returns. Instead of a nameplate, as is usually done, take a sign that says "Marry me!"

A proposal in a park or in another crowded place will surely be remembered by a girl for many years. Having made an appointment at a specified place, you must carefully prepare: musicians, actors, flowers, etc.

If your lover has a car, and you are wondering how to propose to a girl to marry with the help of a car, then this method is for you. Sprinkle the car with rose petals, and attach a postcard with the cherished words to the windshield. It is undesirable to hide in the car at this moment. It is best to stand around the corner of the house or behind a tree growing nearby. Also, the trunk and interior of the car can be filled with flowers. Please your beloved with such a pleasant surprise!

Proposal to a Girl: Ring at Dinner

Place the ring in a glass of wine or croissant. A tempting offer, of course. However, this should be done with care so that your evening does not end within the walls of the hospital. Only put the ring in the drinks that the girl will drink through the straw. This way she will be able to see the ring and not swallow it.

It is very effective when the waiter, instead of the desired dish, brings a ring under the lid. The girl will be pleasantly surprised, and the young man, in turn, should make an offer beautifully and put the ring on his beloved finger.

"Sweet" offer

If your girlfriend has a sweet tooth, get a regular chocolate egg in the store, cut it with a blade, place a ring inside and wrap the treat back in foil. The ring is best placed in a capsule that usually comes with a chocolate egg.

If you do not want to go to any restaurants, but you want to make a delicious surprise, we offer a mini-recipe for home gatherings. You no longer have to puzzle over how to propose to a girl to marry. Just make a surprise cookie for her!


  • 50 grams of flour (1/3 cup);
  • 110 grams of powdered sugar (1/2 cup);
  • 2 egg whites (preferably chicken);
  • 60 grams of softened butter;
  • ring and note.

Melt butter in a water bath, add powdered sugar and stir thoroughly. Then we send egg whites and flour, stir the mass thoroughly again. While you are kneading the dough, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees. Cut out circles of the same diameter from the dough and put them in a preheated oven for 6-7 minutes, until the edges of the cookies begin to redden. Then we quickly take it out, put the prepared surprise in the center and fold the "cake" four times. Special forms for baking muffins are very convenient at this stage, although you can do without them. We place the cookies in a mold or just on a tray and put them in a cool place to cool.

You don't have to propose in private. You can invite your family or go to a restaurant and ask the waiter to bring the cookies you made. Be sure that your chosen one will appreciate your efforts. After all, she has probably already looked more than once as another guy proposes to a girl. Hit her too!

The most original proposal to a girl

Go to the mountains. This is where the most beautiful sunsets occur. At this point, propose to your beloved. Do not forget to be sure to kneel down and hold the ring in your hands. In this situation, you will not need to say anything - the girl herself will understand everything.

In the sky

In the United States and Europe, "air advertising" is becoming more and more popular. A poster with the inscription "Marry me!" Is clinging to the tail of the rented plane. Recently, this method has become possible to use in Russia.

Many countries offer hot air ballooning. It is when emotions are already going through the roof, it will be most successful to make an offer. Although there is only one "but". If you are not sure about the answer of your chosen one, if there is even the slightest chance that she will answer "no", we do not recommend going to heaven. In this case, the girl will feel like on a submarine, from which she cannot get out.

Offer for photo sessions

A photo shoot is a great idea to propose to your girlfriend. Your beloved will in no way expect such an alignment of events, which means that her unique emotions will be captured in the photographs.

Set up a tripod, a camera, turn on the "burst of photos" mode. Invite your girlfriend to take a photo. Present the ring to her during the shoot. This way you will get photos with real feelings. The pictures will serve as a reminder for the rest of your life. In addition, there will be something to show to children and even grandchildren.

A dream come true

If you are thinking about how to correctly propose to a girl, then this scenario can be called the most successful and at the same time the most difficult. Every man can accidentally ask his beloved about her cherished dream, and then make it a reality. Naturally, it all depends on the desire of the man himself and on his financial capabilities.

A girl can dream of a trip to another country, of a parachute jump and much more. A truly loving man will overcome all obstacles and become a real wizard for his beloved.

Play-style proposal

Waking up early in the morning, the girl does not see her lover next to her, and instead of him there is a note on the pillow. The text in the note will indicate where the girl should go. Collecting clues in this way, she will finally move to that part of the house / apartment where the groom will be waiting for her. This is also one of the original ways to propose to your girlfriend.

Of course, be sure to show your imagination. The proposal should come from the heart, you can choose some method from the ones proposed in this article and improve it a little, adjust it to the character of your beloved and the style of your relationship.

Show offer

There are a lot of scenarios for this type of proposals. You can negotiate with a musical or theater group so that they help you make a show that will win the heart of your chosen one. Either way, your girlfriend should be the center of attention. But if you are interested in the question of how to propose to a girl to get married and invest in a certain budget, then we advise you to re-read the options proposed above, since this method will cost a lot of money.

An offer you don't mind the money

Arrange with the radio station and play a romantic song of your own composition. However, be sure to find out if the girl is listening to your radio message, otherwise the surprise will fail.

Rent a balloon, take to the air. For this case, you will need several assistants. While you are flying, a heart or some kind of inscription should be burning on the ground. Assistants are needed in order to set fire to the message, and they will also make sure that a fire does not break out and ruin the whole holiday. Yes, this method has its drawbacks, as you have to work with fire. But you still have quite a few options for places where to propose to a girl.

Go to warm countries. You have to find a shell on the seashore, or maybe in the sea itself. During your rest, tell the girl that you will be absent for a few minutes, and yourself go to prepare a surprise. If the shell is large, add sand and small seashells to it. If your sink is small, you can pour quite a bit of sand into it, and put a ring on top. In this form, you present the ring to your chosen one and say the words that she dreamed of hearing for so long.

Romance in simplicity

Get up early, go for fresh food. Find a recipe for a romantic breakfast in advance, of course, do not forget to prepare it. Wake up your darling with a passionate kiss and invite to breakfast. At the beginning of the meal, you can propose. From the received emotions, your girlfriend simply will not be able to hold back her tears.

Arrange for your bride-to-be a spa-salon at home. Take a whole bathtub of hot water, scatter rose petals all over the room. If your loved one is still asleep, then you can make a kind of path from the bed to the bathroom. When the girl is taking a bath, dip the duck with the ring into the water and say the cherished words to her.

So, you have a solid baggage of ideas and thoughts on how to propose to a girl to get married. In principle, you shouldn't have any difficulties with organizing this important event now. We sincerely hope that your only one will say yes!

    When proposing to a girl, men say different words. Someone immediately hints at marriage, while someone comes in from afar. For example like this:

    • you are the best;
    • you are the most beautiful;
    • I like you;
    • I'm in love with you;
    • I can't live without you;
    • I need you like air;
    • marry me;
    • be my wife.

    All these phrases or several of them always sound at the moment when they make an offer. And without this you can’t.

    It seems to me that now many young people make a very thoughtful proposal and there are very creative options for such a presentation.

    And the words can be different, they often say that they want to live in joy and sorrow with their beloved until they have gray hair and make up in one day.

    They can say about love and that they cannot imagine their life without their beloved and suggest that she marry him.

    Usually, a person who really loves is very worried at the moment when he offers his hand and heart.

    And the most important thing is that his words are sincere and come from the very heart. Then the proposal will be accepted.

    My husband told me after a month of our acquaintance that he is my prince really without a horse. Marry me. I said there is no money to build! In the end, after 7 years of living together, I had to marry him so that the child does not rewrite. Apparently fate! We live until so far for 27 years

    Nothing like this. In fact, when a girl is proposed to, in fact, she is ready for it. Because it was she who all these (years) (months), at least days, brought you to this. Because be courageous, admit that as one of the heroes of the movie DMB said, you do not choose the oath, but the oath chooses you. For a variety of reasons that women think that only they understand. In general, the phrase My love, take your passport for our date near the registry office tomorrow. Don't ask why . This phrase is a million times more effective than an offer to go to the amusement park again. I say it exactly, based on experience.

    You can say something in different ways, the main thing is that the words come from the heart. Here's how to say when making an offer:

    1) I want to spend my whole life only with you, marry me;

    2) Let's get married, I realized that I only need you;

    3) Let's make all decisions together, cope with difficulties and enjoy the general happiness, marry me;

    4) I want to make the most beautiful girl / woman the happiest, be my wife;

    5) Darling, come on now, from this minute, we will always be together.

    Of course, this is usually a deliberate act - a marriage proposal. And that is very often given to a man with great difficulty)))

    But in books and novels this happens more often spontaneously - as a manifestation of the greatest and highest love. And there are many beautiful words.

    Of course, there is no need to quote other people's poems. It is better to tell the girl something sincere, to tell about your feelings, albeit in a brief form, believe me, she will remember this for the rest of her life - You have become special for me. I want to see you by my side every day .... I want you to become my wife ....

    The usual words, marry me, the most sincere and not pompous.

    Usually, at the moment when it comes time to propose, the guy and the girl understand each other even without words. The couple has special phrases, words that are understandable only to them. They call each other in a special way.

    When proposing, quickly speak / use the following phrases:

    • We are connected with you by the same destiny;
    • I cannot find happiness without you;
    • I want to live with you the rest of my life;
    • You are my half;
    • Etc.
  • In my opinion, any options will do, you can think of others. In my opinion, in this case, the main thing is to feel that the girl has matured and is ready to reciprocate. Believe me, in this case, the right words will be found by themselves.

    The classic of the genre is “Will you marry me?”. Or you can say not a question, but the statement Be my wife! or paraphrase in the question Will you become my wife?

    And do not forget to say that you love her and cannot live without her!

    At the same time, get down on one knee, take her hand, after opening the box with the ring for the proposal. Before that, you can give a bouquet.

    But this is all standard, if you want, you can add something of your own, present the proposal in an original way.

    My current husband said okay, if you want, then come on . That is, in fact, I made an offer to officially register the relationship. And, I must say, exclusively from a practical point of view, so as not to bother with the distribution of property. Real estate, general business, even inheritance issues - everything is much easier if there is a prenuptial agreement. Both of us will not attach any importance to the stamp in the passport. And I think for any couple it doesn't matter what words will be said if both of them want to spend their whole lives together.

    Probably the most pleasant thing is when it is done in a fit of heart, that is, the feelings themselves, strong emotions. Sincere feelings cannot be replaced by anything.

    They say the words that your heart suggests, and it is the main advisor. And then the brain turns on, God forbid, it’s not too late. Emotions usually take precedence over consciousness.