Self-study habit. Physical education of a child in school and family

The need to expand physical culture and sports work, to improve its organization at the place of residence and study is one of the urgent problems of physical education at school. Of great importance here is the formation of a desire for physical self-improvement in schoolchildren.
The main directions of the reform of the general education school reflected the question of the need to organize daily physical education classes for all students in the classroom and after school hours. The solution to this problem largely depends on the ability of students to use the means of physical culture to strengthen their health, maintain high working capacity, and skills for independent study.

In our city, the network of sports facilities is steadily expanding, the number of qualified personnel is increasing. However, the involvement of students only in specially organized sections, the group is not enough to cover the vast majority of schoolchildren with systematic physical exercises. Therefore, it is of great importance to teach students the ability to do physical exercises. This is the reason for the selection in the physical culture program for grades 5-11 of the section "Skills and abilities of independent studies", which promotes the activation of work on the introduction of physical culture and sports in the everyday life of schoolchildren, increasing the physical activity of students.

It should be noted that teaching these skills and abilities not only contributes to the introduction of physical culture in everyday life, but also develops the quality of independence among young people. It is indisputable that people who have developed independence from childhood (meaning the quality of the personality) are more decisive in various life situations, do not wait for a hint from the outside, they know how to defend their opinion, their own position. This directly applies to this topic - the ability to exercise independently.

Human activity exists in the form of an action or a goal of action. According to psychologist S.L. Rubinstein, the voluntary action of a person is the realization of a goal, and before acting, one must realize the goal for which the action is being taken.

However, no matter how essential the goal is, awareness of the goal alone is not enough. In order to carry it out, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the action must be improved.

Solving intermediate tasks for self-control

An activity is understood as a set of actions united by a common goal and performing a certain social function. A prerequisite for any activity is the presence of a need. It is the needs that direct and regulate specific activities. One of the main tasks of physical education at school is the formation of students' needs for personal physical improvement.

Achieving this goal is possible only by solving a number of intermediate tasks:

- fostering a steady interest in physical culture among schoolchildren;
- the formation of their skills and abilities for independent study;
- promoting the introduction of physical education in the daily routine.

The first step on this path is to get students interested. Moreover, in practical work, it is important for a teacher, when dealing with a contingent of students of different ages, to distinguish between direct interest (interest in the process of activity itself) and indirect (interest in the results of activity).

The younger schoolchild does not care much about how his today's exercises will affect his tomorrow's well-being and condition. The main thing for him is to get instant satisfaction of his needs. Therefore, in primary school, the emotional coloring of the exercises, their figurative explanation are of great importance. The teacher must gradually, gradually instill in children the skills and abilities that students will subsequently consciously apply to achieve more distant goals. This property of the psyche of junior schoolchildren determines the limitations in teaching them independent physical education classes.

For elementary school, classes are provided that contain only elements of independence. For example, homework: the teacher specifies which exercises, how many times, at what time, how to do them. It remains for the student to follow these recommendations and perform tasks at home (repetition of the exercises is an element of independence).

Younger students need to set goals that can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. The goals set should be emotionally colored, their achievement should bring tangible, concrete results. When studying complex motor elements, they should be broken down into several simpler ones. Then the activities of students, supported by visible shifts, will be more effective.

It should also be borne in mind that any task assigned to a student must acquire a personal meaning for him. He should be interested in the results of his work and, most importantly, see these results not in the distant future, but now, today.

The main thing in fostering the habit of students for independent study is a clear explanation, explanation, bringing to the consciousness of students that it is necessary to work long and hard to get tangible results.

So, in order to prepare students for independent physical exercises, it is necessary to give them a fairly wide range of knowledge, to form skills and abilities, not limited to the content of the curriculum material. First of all, students must master the motor skills that they will use during independent study.

These are, firstly, general developmental exercises. They are the content of morning exercises, dynamic pauses during the preparation of lessons, and are included in the content of independent studies for the development of basic motor qualities.

Second, strong walking and running skills. Every independent lesson begins with them, and ends with them. It is important that students know how to walk and run correctly, change the speed and pace of movement, stride length, repulsion force in exercises, skills and abilities in exercises related to hanging and stops. This is, first of all, pull-ups in the hang, flips at close range, climbing on a rope and a pole.

Preparing students for self-study should begin with clear, laconic instructions to schoolchildren about the goal and objectives of specific self-study, gradual arming with knowledge about the system of self-training, instilling the need for technical and organizational skills. From the very first lessons, it is necessary to require students to observe the dosage of time and load.

Another important point is the development in children of the simplest techniques of self-control over the reaction of their body to the load. But the task of developing students' skills and abilities for independent study will not be effectively solved if the children are focused only on the result of their activities. It is important that the teacher, with the help of assessments, various types of moral encouragement, translates schoolchildren from an orientation only to the result to an orientation to the process, the way of activity.

What exactly should the teacher's activity include in preparing for the work of teaching schoolchildren the skills and abilities of independent study?

First, it is necessary to determine what to teach students. What is meant? Take, for example, the program for the 4th grade, it says: “Doing morning exercises. Control over the amplitude and speed of movements. " In this regard, the teacher needs to clearly imagine what knowledge and skills a student must have in order to fulfill the requirement of the program.

Second, the teacher needs to decide at what time of the lesson it is more convenient to provide students with the information they need, when to teach the skills and abilities of independent study.

Thirdly, it is very important to outline ways of step-by-step control over the mastering by students of the material "Skills and Abilities of Self-Study".

The teacher's activity should follow approximately the same pattern when performing this section. First, students should be given the knowledge necessary to independently perform specific exercises, to convince the children of the significance, importance and usefulness of these activities. Then it is necessary to bring to the students knowledge about the very process of independent activity.

A few words must be said about the independent exercise. In order to independently perform exercises, such as morning exercises, or develop physical qualities, the student must be able to control his movements. This presents a certain difficulty: in the absence of external control, assessment, he must be guided by his sensations, mainly muscular feeling, which Sechenov not without reason called "dark muscular feeling." If children are not specifically taught this, they experience great difficulty in distinguishing the spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movement. How can you teach them this?

First of all, the attention of the students should be drawn to the assessment of such provisions, that is, when the student has completed the exercise, the teacher should not rush to evaluate the correctness of the performance himself, the student should be asked to do this (thereby focusing on this issue).

You can teach how to think when doing exercises, you can choose exercises yourself by giving students age-appropriate tasks. For example, schoolchildren make bends by touching - you should ask the children what types of bends they know (bends to the sides, back, bends with different hand positions), teach students to select similar, typical exercises, develop creativity, a critical attitude. After all, independence is close to two personality traits: criticality and creativity.

It is important not only to teach students how to reproduce any movements on their own, but also to acquaint them with the basic provisions, rules of independent study. Only then students, in accordance with the conditions in which they will be engaged, will be able to choose the right exercises, plan their knowledge.

When determining the complexity of a task, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of students, their inclinations, so that, on the one hand, the task is feasible, accessible to them, and on the other hand, it has a certain difficulty that requires a certain amount of tension to overcome.

Organization of independent activities

The issues of organizing independent activities are very important points. They are also multifaceted: from elementary ones - the organization of independent exercises when performing morning exercises (hygienic conditions, safety measures, preparation of equipment, etc.) - to such as the organization of the conditions of the selected means, methods of implementation. You need to start learning this with simple elements, for example, when organizing the conditions for conducting educational and extra-curricular activities, systematically involve students in helping. Moreover, to use them not as simple performers, but to consult with them on various issues.

Independence is always creativity to some extent. From these positions, independent activity differs in terms of the level of creativity:

- there are types of independent activities when it is enough for a student to reproduce what the teacher has shown or told him; the simplest, lowest level;
- the second level of independent activity - when the well-known, well-known, mastered student applies in other situations, different from the usual, in a different setting;
- the third (highest) level of creative approach is that on the basis of knowledge, previous experience, the student finds other ways to complete the assignment, comes up with other means that ultimately lead to the same goal.

At the same time, direct teaching of skills and abilities of independent studies is not the only way of developing the habit of physical education. The achievement of this goal is facilitated by techniques that ensure the conscious assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills in physical education lessons, increase interest in physical exercises, foster the habit of active rest, as well as the development of self-esteem of movements in schoolchildren, taking into account the individual characteristics of students when defining homework assignments for physical education for them ...

Methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of a habit in schoolchildren to regularly engage in physical exercises include, in particular, methods of persuasion - conversations, lectures, information, explanations, etc. Applying these methods, the teacher forms socially significant motives for the emergence of a habit of physical education , develops interest in them, equips students with the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports. Conversation, for example, can perform both educational and educational functions, when a student receives certain information, replenishes his knowledge, gets acquainted with certain requirements.

Conversation helps to convince students of the need to cultivate positive personality traits. The statement of perspective strengthens the method of persuasion, specifies the goal of acquiring knowledge and skills, the discussion activates them for self-improvement.

Along with the methods of persuasion, practical methods play an important role in the formation of the habit of physical education - showing, demonstrating, instructing, testing knowledge and skills, counseling, example, adjusting and stimulating students' activities (encouragement and censure).

The above methods must be applied when reporting theoretical information - about sections of the program on physical culture, when teaching motor actions.

The teacher, guided by the goal and objectives of the lesson, should build his work in the following sequence: explanation, proof, demonstration, practical exercises with mandatory instructions on the dosage, pace, rhythm of performance. The sequence of work may vary depending on the age of the students.

Conducting an introductory conversation, the teacher should briefly talk about the main educational and educational tasks of physical culture. For example, explaining the content of the Moscow Mayor's Test Program, one should reveal its meaning, show the importance of fulfilling all the norms of the program. Using the method of example, you should more often tell schoolchildren about the sports paths of outstanding record holders, Olympic, world and European champions.

First of all, students need to arouse interest in the very process of physical education. Therefore, lessons should be conducted in such a way that they leave a deep mark in the minds of adolescents, bring satisfaction and be emotionally attractive, which creates favorable opportunities for more and more volitional tensions when overcoming difficulties during physical education. It should be noted that purposeful work on the physical improvement of schoolchildren, which is carried out mainly by the teacher in the classroom, also includes elements of student independence, mainly doing homework or periodic additional classes in order to prepare for passing any standards.

However, due to the fact that equipping children with knowledge, the formation of appropriate skills and abilities, without which independent studies are impossible, is an important condition for introducing physical culture into everyday life, a special section is highlighted in the program to focus on these issues. In it, taking into account the age and real capabilities of schoolchildren, material is given, for the study of which you need to make a lot of efforts in developing the skills and abilities of independent studies in children.

For example, the development of the quality of endurance is predetermined by the presence of training standards in the 500–1000 m running from the 1st grade. Naturally, in the classroom, the teacher teaches schoolchildren to maintain a certain running speed, distribute forces over a distance, breathe correctly, and gives specific homework assignments. During all the years of study, he develops endurance in schoolchildren, and along with this, students gradually receive information about the techniques, ways of influencing this quality, they develop certain skills and abilities.

Harmonious physical development, education of basic physical qualities should be carried out from primary school. However, the implementation of exercises for the development of physical qualities requires a fairly accurate dosage of physical activity and control over the body's response.

Now let's move on to the content of independent studies, what exercises can (and should) be recommended to schoolchildren for independent study.

But first you need to find out the difference between self-study and homework. When giving homework assignments, the teacher tells the students what exercises to do, how many times to repeat them, with what intensity, sequence, for what period (week, month or more) the task is designed. In addition, the teacher tells the students in what conditions the given exercises should be performed and how to create these conditions. After the stipulated time, the teacher checks the quality of mastering the exercises and, taking this into account, gives other tasks.

Independent tasks schematically represent the following. A specific goal is set for the student, for example, to fulfill the standard in pull-ups. The student must choose the means himself, plan training, provide himself with the appropriate conditions, independently control his condition, load, change in readiness at each lesson and analyze his activities at intervals determined by himself. The teacher can recommend to the student sample sets of exercises for self-study, but the student must choose from these complexes what is necessary, taking into account his individual characteristics.

When performing complexes in independent studies, students should build classes according to the following scheme. At the beginning of the lesson, preparations are made for the implementation of the complex - general developmental exercises such as warm-up: arm movements with a gradually increasing amplitude, tilts and circular movements of the body, squats and alternating leg kicks forward, sideways, backward, slow running or jumping in place, walking in place. Each warm-up exercise is performed 6–8 times. If there are particularly difficult exercises in the complex, you should specially prepare for them. In the main part of the lesson, it is advisable to plan the following sequence: exercises for the development of speed, flexibility, agility, strength and endurance. At the end of classes, it is imperative to provide for exercises that contribute to a gradual restructuring of the work of systems and body functions from intense activity to a calm state.

Orienting schoolchildren for independent physical education classes, it is necessary to recommend them to practice at least twice a week. The duration depends on the content and intensity of the training (but not more than one and a half to two hours). Gradually moving from specific homework to more and more general tasks, the teacher should create conditions for students so that difficulties do not dampen their desire to study. For this, various options are used. For example, use a gym for your own purposes. Thus, he can advise schoolchildren, helping them resolve emerging doubts, correct mistakes. Another option is to unite the guys into small groups, when there is a leader - a qualified athlete, a community instructor.

Physical education teacher V.A. Zinchenko introduces homework assignments among students in grades 1-6, and starting from the 7th grade - independent physical exercises. He developed a system of tasks: common for boys and girls (the same exercises, but different loads); common only for young men; common only for girls; individual - depending on preparedness.

Students perform exercises common for all every day, including them in exercises, in physical education pauses between preparing homework for other subjects, in independent training sessions. Students are offered a list of exercises, from which they choose 3-5 exercises for each day at their own discretion.

Individual tasks are aimed, as a rule, at preparing for passing educational standards, at eliminating the lag in the development of motor qualities. Therefore, in each specific case, they are planned separately, for certain periods of time.

General tasks are calculated for a month. After repeating them during this time, they are updated, the load changes. At the end of each quarter, the effectiveness of independent studies is determined - the indicators of the motor readiness of each student are compared with the specially developed requirements for the students of the given school, which are reflected in the tables.

A.K. Ataev advises to include exercises that strengthen the main muscle groups, develop hand dexterity, flexibility and other qualities, form correct posture, and contribute to the preparation for mastering complex motor skills in lessons, in independent classes conducted for the purpose of physical improvement. The training session should include 2-3 series of 4-8 exercises each. You need to do it 2-3 times a week.

The effectiveness of assignments is significantly increased with collective exercises. In this case, the emotionality of the classes increases, the students have the opportunity to receive urgent information from their comrades. In addition, group activities are beneficial for shy, insecure students who find it difficult to exercise regularly themselves.

It is impossible to ignore such a favorable time for self-study as summer holidays. Practice shows that if schoolchildren passively spend their summer holidays, despite an increase in height and weight, their results reflecting their preparedness significantly decrease. Therefore, it is very important to convince the children of the need for summer activities for them.

The content of such classes should be general developmental exercises such as charging. But due to the fact that in the summer the daily routine of schoolchildren is not saturated with various obligatory activities, as during the school year, it is possible to increase the number of repetitions of the exercises, to diversify them. Each student must at least maintain his level of strength and endurance development by systematically performing the appropriate exercises.

To maintain speed, running speed, agility, it is necessary to convince boys and girls of the advantage of outdoor activities, to recommend them to play sports games: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, handball. One of the leading didactic principles on which physical culture and sports (including independent ones) are based is the gradualness in increasing the loads and the regularity of their implementation. With an excessive load, there will be no increase in fitness, but fatigue will accumulate. This condition can be determined by subjective indicators. With fatigue, as a rule, a feeling of fatigue is noted, working capacity decreases, and the quality of movement performance deteriorates.

In order to prevent the unwanted negative influence of self-study, it is advisable to use self-control methods. Self-control is the systematic independent observation of a schoolchildren engaged in physical exercise and sports about changes in their health, physical development and physical fitness. It is important to explain the importance of self-control in the independent exercise of schoolchildren and parents, to interest them, to involve them in this important means of fostering dedication and hard work, a responsible attitude to their health.

As indicators of self-control, as a rule, subjective and objective signs of changes in the functional state of the body under the influence of physical exertion are used.

The most commonly used subjective indicators of self-control are the state of health, degree of fatigue, mood, sleep, appetite, and objective indicators - heart rate, dynamics of body weight, hand strength, etc. Self-control indicators should be entered into a special diary.

Taking into account the content of the load and the mode of training, analyzing the dynamics of results and the growth of fitness in comparison with the data of self-control will help the teacher assess the correctness of the training regime, promptly eliminate the negative effect of excessive loads, and the student himself will be convinced of the effectiveness of classes and their beneficial effect on physical development and health ...

Thus, self-control, regular and properly organized, can be of great help to the teacher in the upbringing of healthy and well-physically developed schoolchildren.

school number 761,

11.8. forms of organization of physical education of schoolchildren

11.8.1. Forms of organization of physical

education at school

In the system of physical education of schoolchildren, various forms of organizing physical exercises are used.

1. Physical education lesson. The main form of physical exercise at school is a physical education lesson. Compared with other forms of physical education, a physical education lesson has a number of advantages, since it:

a) is the most massive form of organized, systematic and compulsory classes for schoolchildren;

b) is carried out on the basis of a scientifically grounded state program designed for long periods of study;

c) carried out under the guidance of a teacher, taking into account the age-sex and individual characteristics of schoolchildren;

d) contributes to the comprehensive and harmonious physical improvement of all students, regardless of their motor abilities, sports results, distribution to medical groups, etc.

Physical education lessons in a general education school are held 2 times a week for 40–45 minutes each. Their main content is motor activity.

2. Physical culture and recreational activities during the school day. In the process of physical culture and recreational activities, the following tasks are solved: activation of the motor regime during the school day and the introduction of physical culture into the everyday life of schoolchildren; maintaining an optimal level of performance in educational activities; health promotion and improvement of the culture of movements; assistance in improving the physical development and motor fitness of students; mastering the skills of independent physical education. Several types (forms) of classes are referred to physical culture and recreational activities.

Morning exercises before class. Its goal is to contribute to an organized start of the school day, improve well-being and mood, and increase the efficiency of students in the first lessons. The basis of gymnastics before classes is a set of 7-9 physical exercises of a dynamic nature, affecting various muscle groups, performed for 6-7 minutes (in the lower grades - no more than 5-6 minutes). The sets of exercises are updated in 2-3 weeks, ie. 2-3 times in a quarter. Morning exercises are carried out outdoors, and in unfavorable weather - indoors (in ventilated corridors, recreation). The general management and organization of morning exercises is carried out by a physical education teacher. He is assisted by subject teachers who teach the first lesson in this class.

Physical education and physical pauses in the classroom. Their goal is to relieve fatigue, increase the productivity of mental or physical work, and prevent postural disorders. Physical education sessions are held in general education lessons when the first signs of fatigue appear (impaired attention, decreased activity, etc.) under the guidance of a teacher or a physical education teacher. The start time of the physical education is determined by the teacher conducting the lesson. Complexes of physical education minutes consist of 3-5 exercises (stretching, deflection of the trunk, bends and half-inclines, half-squats and squats with various hand movements), repeated 4-6 times. The duration of the set of exercises is 1-2 minutes.

In the senior grades, physical training pauses are held during classes in training and production workshops (in labor lessons).

Games and physical exercises during extended breaks are a good means of active recreation, health promotion and recovery of students' working capacity during the school day. Important conditions for carrying out physical exercises and games during recess are the availability of well-prepared places for classes, a sufficient amount of inventory and equipment. As a rule, in all games, children participate voluntarily, at will.

Daily physical education classes in extended day groups (sports hour) are aimed at solving the following problems:

health promotion; hardening the body of students; increasing the level of physical and mental performance; maintaining its stability throughout the school year;

improvement of motor skills and abilities studied in physical culture lessons; the formation of skills and the education of the habit to independently engage in physical exercises.

Physical education classes in extended day groups are held, as a rule, in the fresh air. They are not regulated as strictly in terms of structure and time as physical education lessons. The distribution of the time for performing various exercises and games depends on climatic conditions, material resources, and the preparedness of children. Each lesson consists of three parts. The first part is preparatory (10-15 minutes). Consists of construction, Varieties of walking, slow running, general developmental or preparatory exercises. The second part is the main one (from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the total time of the lesson). It contains outdoor games and relay races, sports entertainment, as well as independent motor activities (games, physical exercises). The third part is the final one (5–7 min). It is mainly aimed at the organized end of classes, includes general construction, calm walking, low-intensity outdoor games, games for attention. With such a structure of the lesson, a gradual increase in physical activity is provided at the beginning of it and a gradual decrease towards the end. The organization of physical education classes is entrusted to the teachers of the extended day groups.

3. Extracurricular forms of organizing classes. Out-of-class forms of physical education of schoolchildren include: 1) sports sections by types of sports; 2) sections of general physical training; 3) sections of rhythmic and athletic gymnastics;

4) school competitions; 5) tourist trips and gatherings; 6) holidays of physical culture; 7) days of health, swimming, etc. The purpose of the extracurricular forms of studies is to: a) promote the successful and complete mastery of the material of the program on the subject of "Physical culture"; b) to satisfy the interests of schoolchildren in mass sports and, on this basis, to identify children who have good abilities to engage in certain sports; c) provide healthy, active, meaningful rest. The content of classes in various forms of extracurricular work is determined taking into account the age, gender and interests of the students.

11.8.2. Forms of organization of physical

education in the system of out-of-school institutions

In our country, there is a wide network of out-of-school institutions of various types, designed to engage in the development of physical culture and sports among schoolchildren in their free time from school. Out-of-school sports, educational and recreational and cultural and recreational institutions include various forms of organizing physical education for school-age children.

1. Systematic training in the chosen kind of sports in children and youth sports schools (CYSS) or specialized children and youth schools of the Olympic reserve (SDYUSHOR).

2. Classes in health and fitness centers.

3. Physical culture activities in summer and winter health camps. The main tasks of the directed use of physical culture in the camp are the organization of active rest, physical training of schoolchildren, strengthening their health. Particular attention is paid to teaching swimming, various methods of skiing, tourism and sports improvement for students in various sports. The main forms and content of the work: morning hygienic gymnastics; physical culture and recreational activities (walks, water and air procedures, etc.); classes in camp sports sections; daily swimming lessons; sports competitions, sports days.

4. Various physical culture and recreational activities in parks of culture and recreation, playgrounds, ski resorts, boat stations and other places of public recreation.

5. Physical exercise, sports entertainment and competitions at the place of residence or in physical culture and sports clubs (FGC).

6. Educational and training and mass health-improving classes in tourist camps (at tourist and excursion bases).

Various forms of organization of physical education create conditions for a more complete satisfaction of individual physical culture and sports interests and needs of the younger generation due to a wide range of forms and types of physical culture and sports activities conducted in out-of-school sports and cultural and recreational institutions, for specialized educational and material support of physical culture and a sports base, highly qualified specialists in physical culture and sports, which are available to out-of-school institutions.

11.8.3. Forms of physical education in the family

The most common forms of physical education for schoolchildren in a family include:

1) morning hygienic gymnastics (exercise);

2) physical education minutes (pause) while doing homework. Conducted after 30-35 minutes of continuous work with schoolchildren of primary age and after 40-45 minutes of work with schoolchildren of middle and senior school age;

3) individual lessons of various physical exercises at home:

- power (athletic) gymnastics;

health-improving aerobics (dance aerobics, shaping);

stretching, callanetics, etc .;

4) active recreation in the fresh air in free time from lessons and homework. It includes walking, cycling, swimming, skiing, various games, etc. The total time of its duration in the daily routine is from 1.5 to 3 hours;

5) participation, together with parents, in various competitions-contests (such as “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family) and quizzes;

6) family trips (hiking, skiing, cycling, water) on weekends and during vacation time together with parents;

7) hardening procedures used after exercise, independent exercise or before bedtime.

Physical education of children in a family requires certain knowledge, experience, patience and direct participation from parents. Parents should: periodically hold conversations with their children about healthy lifestyles; to introduce them to systematic exercise and sports; participate in joint activities with children in health-improving physical culture; monitor the state of physical development, posture, health of children.

Whether we like it or not, we cannot stop the rapid pace of life; the ever-increasing requirements for the depth and quality of knowledge and experience of each person, a decrease in movements and the associated violation of the natural way of life will naturally affect our children. The more robust health and good physical characteristics we arm our children in infancy, the better they will then adapt to new social conditions. Taking care of the formation of the child's motor skills, of achieving the required level of dexterity, speed, strength and other qualities are the primary task of the mother and father even before the child enters school. Teachers should strive to make the parents of each student the adherents of physical education, their partners. To successfully involve all students in physical exercises, it is necessary, first of all, to convince parents of the health-improving role of physical culture, to show them that the range of tasks of physical education also includes the formation of a habit to work, in particular educational.




Physical education teacher

MKOU Repyevskaya secondary school

M.Yu. Romanova

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………… .. 3 p.

1. Cooperation between schools and families in raising children ………………… .. 6 pp.

2.Forms of work of teachers of physical education with

Parents ……………………………………………………………………………… ... page 8

3.Functions of parents in the organization of physical

Raising children ……………………………………………………………………… .. 11 pages.

4. Joint sports activities of children and parents ……………………… .. 13 p.

5. Involvement of the child in sports and organization

Sports activities ………………………………………………………………… .. 17 pp.

5.1. When to start practicing …………………………………………… .. 17 p.

5.2. When and how much to do ………………………………………………. 17 p.

5.3. How to interest a child in physical education …… .. 20 p.

5.4. What and how to do ………………………………………………………. 22 pages

5.5. How to ensure the safety of classes ………………………………. 28 pages

5.6. How to prepare a place and equipment for classes ……………… 30 p.

5.7 . How to dress for classes …………………………………………………. 31 pages

6. Physical education of children in the family …………………………………… .. 32 pp.

6.1. Daily routine ………………………………………………………………………… .. 33 pages.

6.2. Sleep ……………………………………………………………………………………. 35 pages

6.3. Balanced diet ………………………………………………………. 36 pages

6.4. Study ……………………………………………………………………………… .. 38 pages

6.5. Physical labor …………………………………………………………… .. 38 p.

6.6. Fulfillment of hygienic requirements in the family …………… .. 39 p.

7. Physical exercise at the place of residence …… .. 40 pp.

7.1. Morning exercises ……………………………………………………… 40 p.

7.2. Walk and outdoor games ………… 42 p.

7.3. Hardening of the child's body …………………………………… .. 43 p.

8. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………. 44 pages

9. References ……………………………………………………………… .. 46 pages.


Physical education of children in a family is a very important problem in raising children. Today, probably, there is no person on earth who would remain indifferent to sports. Sport is an expression of our strength, glory and achievements.

Everyone understands the role of sport, but adults themselves sometimes for some reason remain on the sidelines. One lacks patience, another lacks time, and the third lacks organization. This is especially important for parents. Children study their parents closely. Children have no one to take an example from in sports.

Do you know what is the most alarming disease of the century? .. Physical inactivity. Inactivity! It is for these and many other reasons that physical culture is a way of human life, all people, regardless of age, should be involved in it. But it is better to start from early childhood. This is not even a wish, but a necessity in modern times.

Movement is the main manifestation of life and at the same time a means of harmonious personal development. In infancy, the level of development of motor reflexes is an indicator of the general state of health and development; the activity of the child's movements is judged on the development of other aspects of the personality - in particular, the psyche. And since movements develop and improve in accordance with environmental conditions, the degree of a child's motor development largely depends on the parents. All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong and strong, but they often forget that good physical data is primarily due to the child's motor activity, that in addition to movement of a certain height and weight, he must be agile, agile and enduring. The results of recent studies confirm that in a highly civilized society it will be necessary to pay much more attention to the physical development of a person, as there are fewer and fewer stimuli for natural movement. People live in economically constructed apartments, the pace of modern life forces them to often use city transport, to receive information using developed means (radio, television) - all this requires good health. Studying and sedentary work necessitate motor compensation - with the help of physical education and sports, games, active rest. In this regard, our younger generation must learn to timely and fully use the beneficial effects of physical exercise - as a vital necessity in contrast to the so-called "diseases of civilization".

Whether we like it or not, we cannot stop the rapid pace of life; the ever-increasing requirements for the depth and quality of knowledge and experience of each person, a decrease in movement and the associated violation of the natural way of life will naturally affect our children. The more robust health and good physical characteristics we equip our children in infancy, the better they will then adapt to new social conditions. Taking care of the formation of the child's motor skills, the achievement of the required level of dexterity, speed, strength and other qualities are the primary task of the mother and father even before the child enters school.

Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Censuring in the child absent-mindedness, disorder and disobedience, we demand that the exercises be repeated during classes until the child succeeds in doing it correctly. Parents should communicate with the child as if in the form of a game, while the child's age and capabilities should always be taken into account. During the lessons, the most appreciated are those exercises that the child performs with joy, without pressure from adults, not suspecting that he is obeying their desires. Conducting the already mentioned experiment, we managed to interest in the lessons even very difficult, disobedient and somewhat lagging children in the development of speech. A gentle, consistent manner in dealing with a child requires a lot of patience and self-control from parents. There should be no quarrels or arguments that could turn the child away from school and thereby deprive him of the beneficial effects of physical education.

So, it is necessary to educate sports inclinations from early childhood. It is very important to sharpen the child's sense of "muscle joy", as the great Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov, - the feeling of pleasure experienced by a healthy person during muscle work. Every person has this feeling from birth. But a long-term sedentary lifestyle can lead to its almost complete extinction. Not to waste time is the main thing that parents need to know about this.

Thus, classes, by the way, help to develop important personality traits: persistence in achieving goals, perseverance; the positive results of these activities are beneficial for the mental state of the adolescent

Cooperation between schools and families in raising children.

Unfortunately, according to scientific research, today no more than 20% of parents are interested in physical education of children. Therefore, teachers should strive to make the parents of each student adherents of physical culture, their accomplices. To successfully involve all students in physical exercises, it is necessary, first of all, to convince parents of the health-improving role of physical culture, to show them that the range of tasks of physical education also includes the formation of a habit to work, in particular educational.

To ensure the effectiveness of physical education, parents must know what educational influence on children is carried out in the classroom and after school hours. Such knowledge is necessary to maintain continuity and ensure a unified pedagogical line in presenting requirements to the child. Indeed, in the complex of educational activities, each element must clearly fulfill its functions. Otherwise, the system will not work. Between family and school there must be an atmosphere of business and comradeship. After all, we are talking about combining efforts in solving one goal. At the same time, the conditions, family and school opportunities should be taken into account.

Motor actions are mainly taught by the school. The family has the best conditions for a health-improving and hardening effect on the body, the formation of posture, the education of hygienic habits. The mother does not teach her child the jumping technique, but her educational influence does not stop even when the child is sitting at dinner, playing or relaxing. Work on posture, culture of postures and manners (gait, gestures, facial expressions) occurs in parallel with teaching children to communicate with people, treat them with respect.

Forms of work of physical education teachers

With parents.

1. Speeches of the teacher at the general school parents' meeting (no more than two or three times a year). Parents of students of different age groups are present here, so their questions are different. Therefore, the materials of the speeches should be equally interesting for everyone. These performances can affect the role of the family in the physical education of children, the means of physical education in the family, the tasks that students face in connection with the season, the stage of the school's work, changes in curricula, etc. On these issues, not only the speeches of the teacher, but also the doctors of the physical culture dispensary, the children's clinic are desirable. All lectures, reports, conversations should end with practical advice.

2. Parents' conferences are recommended to be held once a year. They are aimed at solving not individual issues, as is the case at the meeting, but designed to show the existing practice of physical education, the experience of specific families. At the same time, professional analysis and assessment of the achieved success are of great importance. By concentrating parents 'attention on topical issues of physical culture and ways of their practical implementation in families, the conference promotes public recognition and dissemination of the best families' best practices, encourages parents to active educational activities. The conferences show slide films, photomontages, and sometimes short films with comments from specialists, doctors, and parents. It is also advisable to use demonstration performances by children.

3. Throughout the year, three or four classes for parents are held in each class, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the children, as well as the level of preparedness of the students. This is part of the class teacher's parenting plan. The physical education teacher takes an active part in the preparation of plans and their implementation. He is present in the classroom, advises the class teachers. The issues of a rational daily routine and healthy rest of children, morning exercises and hardening of the body, as well as ways of fostering a love of work are discussed. The personal example of the parents is of great importance, in particular the general exercise on weekends. In the classroom, it is advised to promote the experience of the best families in the class, to organize the exchange of their experience on the issues of physical education of children. At the end of any school year, teachers inform parents about the content of the assignments received by the children during the summer holidays and the methods of their implementation.

4. An effective form of work is organizing the participation of parents in family team competitions. Favorable conditions are created not only for the all-round physical development and health improvement of all participants, but also for fostering correct family relationships (between younger and older children, boys and girls, parents and children). Thus, the general participation of parents and children in wrestling creates an atmosphere of freedom, mutual respect, stimulates systematic physical education. Family competitions are based on relay races and team games with alternating actions of participants, where the results of each family member are summed up and, thus, affect the distribution of places. This increases responsibility and encourages preparation for the next starts.

These competitions can be part of a sports and artistic holiday, health days, or self-study during leisure.

5. Open lessons for parents can be of great benefit, as well as attendance by parents of low and low performing students. These lessons clearly show what exercises should be done at home, what methodological techniques can be used in this case. Each father and mother have the opportunity to independently assess the level of physical fitness of their child and his peers, to draw appropriate conclusions.

6. To equip parents with knowledge and practical skills will help the speeches of doctors and teachers in enterprises and in the place of residence. Here you can also organize permanent consultants, arrange evenings of questions and answers, meetings with interesting people who promote physical culture and sports as a means of healing and preventing diseases. Themed exhibitions are an effective form of disseminating relevant knowledge among parents. They clearly show the benefits of physical exercise, popularize the method of self-study. The subjects of the exhibitions can be very diverse, for example, "The posture of children and the methods of its formation." In the pictures and diagrams, you can show the types of posture disorders and explain the reasons for their occurrence, talk about the possible negative consequences of posture disorders (myopia, violation of the proportions of body development, deviation in the functioning of organs and systems), and about preventive measures.

However, one formal, meaningless event can cross out the whole work, call into question the authority of the teacher of physical culture and the authority of the subject.

The functions of parents in the organization of physical

Raising children.

The functions of parents in the organization of physical education of children can be grouped as follows:

1) creation of the necessary material and technical conditions for studying at home;

2) control and promotion of children's compliance with the daily routine, personal hygiene rules, tempering, morning exercises and homework;

3) direct participation in competitions of family teams, health days, sports and art evenings, sports and art festivals, games, entertainment, walks;

4) organization of competitions and games in playgrounds at the place of residence and at school;

5) fulfilling the duties of public trainers and judges.

The successful solution of the problems of physical education of students is possible only under the condition of general, coordinated actions of the school and the family (in this case, the family is not only father and mother, but also grandfather and grandmother, brother and sister). The school teaches children to do physical exercises, gives knowledge, instructs, advises. Improvement and tempering of children, the formation of posture, the development of motor and upbringing of moral and volitional qualities by means of physical culture are carried out by the school and the family together. With regard to the formation in children of the habit of spending their free time reasonably, hygiene habits, the family plays the main role here. The conditional distribution of responsibilities indicates that neither a school without a family, nor a family without a school will be able to successfully temper the younger generation.

Joint sports activities for children and parents.

Unfortunately, one more paradox has to be noted: although parents consider it important to improve the health of their children, only a few people really use the possibilities of physical culture for this. It must be said that the parents themselves, for the most part, self-critically assess their participation in the physical education of children, referring to a number of reasons that prevent them from showing themselves in this field more worthy. Indeed, some of the parents do not have sufficient physical education. However, not all the shortcomings fit into the column "we did not go through this, we were not asked this." Much was passed and asked. Observations show that parents are usually active and inventive in creating good living conditions, in taking care that children are beautifully dressed, tasty and satisfyingly fed. All this is good. The only bad thing is that they often calm down on this, believing that the child's good health will already be provided automatically. But in fact, it turns out that excessive comfort and abundant nutrition with an insufficiently active motor regime often give rise to everyday laziness, weaken their health, reduce their performance, and lead to obesity. This is, after all, it is not about some complicated things - about the alphabet. In physical education, such an alphabet is the formation of physical culture and hygiene skills. Skills of a clear study and sleep regimen, rational spending of free time, morning exercises, water procedures - all this turns over time into self-evident principles of organizing every day. Of course, it would be very useful to check and help with homework for physical education. Indeed, unlike tasks in other subjects, they can be individual: if it does not work out in class, then at home you can learn a somersault and learn to pull up. And how much "sports" help from adults is necessary for adolescents! They need the attention of adults in large and small, simple and complex. Next, what will the student do on the street? So that walking time does not pass in empty, or even unsafe, activities, it is necessary at least the following: to help the child master at least 3-4 of the most simple, known to all games that he could start with his peers. Teach him the most important motor skills and skills so that he can find something to do at any time of the year. Provide him with the necessary physical training equipment. Remember to ask how his free time went. All these separately seem to be small worries, but the worries are necessary.

The choice of goal is very important: adults should know what to do specifically at a given time of the year, as applied to the capabilities of a teenager, then physical education is more successful.

The following circumstance is also significant: joint activities, common sports interests give parents the opportunity to get to know the child better, create and strengthen in the family an atmosphere of mutual attention and business community, which is so necessary for solving any educational problems.

It has been proven that joint activities bring the following positive results:

Awakens parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and contribute to the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;

They allow to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve to mutual enrichment, and contribute to the all-round development of the child. It's great if the parents teach the child something, help him and, in addition, participate in school competitions themselves. Sports interests in such a family become permanent. What a win the school will be if it undertakes such joint sporting events! Even if it is not necessarily a competition, let it be just a sports holiday. Let us recall the spirit of folk amusements, entertainment, the main thing in them is not the desire for superiority, but the opportunity to take part, try your hand, enjoy the movement, the game. We habitually complain that children sit up in front of the TV. We ourselves need to try to overcome the spectator's omnivorousness, and teach children this. Then there will be free time for walks, outdoor games, sports entertainment, there will be no late, disturbing sitting at the TV. The point, of course, is not to "distract" the teenager from the TV. We will try to make him our assistant. He provides extensive teleinformation on physical culture and sports. You can and should always borrow a lot from the programs for your family: interesting exercises, games, competitions, relay races. There are undoubted benefits from many other sports programs: physical education holidays, Olympiads, competitions - they expand sports erudition, arouse interest in physical culture.

And if parents try to at least partially compensate for motor passivity by arranging a physical culture pause during breaks in football or hockey matches: to run near the house, "count" the steps in their entrance, jump rope, then this will be a very good addition to the TV show.

That is, the joint activities of the child with the parents in sports is one of the main aspects of education.

Attracting a child to sports and organizing sports activities.

When to start exercising?

Start working with your child from the very first days of his life. Take good care of the delicate tissues of the baby, armed with thorough knowledge, detailed in the special literature. The main period of classes for parents with children is the age from 2 to 6 years. But even after 6 years, one should not stop studying in the family, although at this age other opportunities appear for the physical development of the child - at school, physical culture society and cultural and educational institutions, where the child is engaged under the guidance of a specialist.

When and how much to do?

The opportunity to include in the daily routine of joint activities of one of the parents with the child exists almost always. It is necessary to give the child at least a few minutes every day. Try to determine the optimal time of day for your family's activities and then stick to it. First of all, the principle of systematicity should be observed so that the child gradually gets used to classes, so that they become a daily need for him. The duration of a parent's activity with a child is different: it depends on the child's age, on the parent's free time limit, on the time of day, as well as on what the child does before or after school (if the child is tired after a long walk or the walk is still ahead, the duration of the lessons will be less than after rest).

Morning exercises have the advantage that immediately after sleep the muscles of the body "stretch", and blood circulation in the tissues improves. It is better to use light and familiar exercises while exercising, as there is usually not enough time and patience to learn new, more difficult exercises. Duration of morning classes is no more than 10 minutes.

Before lunch, be sure to give your child the opportunity to take a walk in the fresh air. If you have time, you can spend a 15-20 minute, more intense lesson during these hours, including exercises for large muscle groups.

After dinner, rest is necessary; a preschool child must sleep or at least lie quietly for at least 2 hours. After sleep, a short invigorating exercise and a longer exercise outdoors, if possible, are helpful.

Afternoon activities should provide the child with more time to master a variety of apparatus movements and to exercise different apparatus, preferably in a peer group.

During the same hours, it is convenient to conduct a longer training session with one of the parents (about 20 minutes).

Exercise before dinner is the most common form of joint activities, as the parents are usually at home and at least one of them can take care of the child. During this period, there is time for learning acrobatic exercises, playing games and improving the results achieved. Duration of classes with children under 6 years old - 20-30 minutes, with six-year olds - up to 45 minutes.

After dinner, it is not recommended to engage in physical education with children: intensive physical activity after eating is harmful, and in addition, after exercise, children have difficulty falling asleep.

It is imperative to use every opportunity to move around with your child in the fresh air - most often it is provided on weekends.

For the normal development of the child, it is very important to be outdoors every day. An interesting fact: while a child is in infancy, parents conscientiously observe this requirement, but when children grow up, parents often forget about it. The child needs active movements in the air, in any weather. If a child can spend the whole day outdoors in the summer, this is especially beneficial for his physical development. In some childcare facilities, children play, eat and sleep outdoors. As a result, they get sick less and move more.

For the normal physical development of a healthy child, it is not enough just to accompany the mother to the store for purchases, to rush after her through the busiest streets of the city; a necessary requirement for him is the ability to run freely. Parents, as a rule, are in a hurry and often do not realize that the child has to run all the time to keep up with their pace. Thus, his body receives an excessive load. During long hikes, parents also overestimate childish strength. It is much more useful for a child to just run, play - in this case, he himself controls the degree of fatigue.

How to get a child interested in physical education?

A healthy child does not need to be forced to engage in physical education - he himself needs movement and willingly performs more and more new tasks. In no case should you force the child to perform a particular movement or turn classes into a boring lesson. Preschoolers do not yet feel the need to learn in the literal sense of the word. In this regard, training should take place in the form of a game - then the child will be in a great mood all the time. Gradually involve the child in all new types of play and fun, systematically repeating them so that the child consolidates the learned movements.

It's great if you cheer up your child with praise, be surprised at how strong, dexterous, strong he is, how much he can, that he will already show himself.

Demonstration of his skills in front of the rest of the family or his peers will also help arouse the child's interest in classes. This is how the child gradually develops confidence in his abilities and the desire to learn further, mastering new, more complex movements and games.

If the child does not have a desire to study, analyze the reasons for such a negative attitude towards classes in order to create more favorable conditions in the future. Some obese children do not like to study because it is difficult for them to move, they are prone to laziness. Such children should be treated with a diet and in every possible way strive to involve them in classes so that they do not lag behind in motor development. In addition to praise, they can also be rewarded by convincing explanations of why physical education is so necessary.

Children love to study. They are happy to learn new, especially difficult exercises; they themselves want to work out with one of the parents, it is better to complete the exercise, because they know that their parents will appreciate their skills. A healthy ambition should be awakened in the preschooler.

What and how to do

First of all, an adult must know exactly what exercise he wants to learn with a child, how he will perform it and what he wants to achieve by this. Each exercise and each outdoor game has its own task, purpose, meaning; in this regard, they are divided into several groups.

To the first group includes exercises aimed at developing correct posture, correct position of the head, shoulders, and other parts of the body. Exercises of this kind are called wellness exercises; it is these movements that contribute to the correct physical development. When performing these exercises, it is necessary to pay special attention to their correct implementation in order to achieve the required straightening of the back, stretching the corresponding muscles. Parents should first demonstrate the exercises to the child and then help the child master the new movement. When performing any exercise in this group, help and non-intrusive supervision from the parents is required so that the individual poses and positions are correct.

To the second group includes exercises containing elements of acrobatics. They are aimed at developing agility, flexibility and responsiveness and are performed with insurance. To ensure complete safety when performing these movements, adults must be very careful and attentive.

Since parents are interested in developing the child's courage, the ability to overcome fear caused by an unusual position of the body or rapid changes in posture, you should patiently teach him to navigate in unusual positions until he overcomes the fear and happily repeats acrobatic exercises.

To the third group includes outdoor games that use walking, running, jumping, climbing and throwing. In order for these natural movements to be attractive to children, they are combined with play with simple rules.

Thus, the child learns to follow certain rules, discipline, and also the ability to focus. It is also necessary to teach the ability to lose. To conduct games, a team is needed: a child plays with his parents or with older brothers and sisters.

IN fourth group includes exercises using various objects, shells in the fresh air or indoors. This includes, for example, walking on an elevated and inclined plane, climbing a ladder and a gymnastic wall, crawling under various obstacles, jumping over obstacles. Here it is necessary to observe the principle of a gradual increase in requirements for children. Especially important is the ingenuity of parents, which will help, under normal conditions, to make for children various interesting obstacles for climbing, jumping and swinging, which would enrich the child's reserve of movements. It is advisable to daily prepare a fascinating obstacle course for the child in the apartment so that he can practice on it in agility, quickness of reaction, and fix various movements. In nature, such paths can be easily built using ropes, boards.

Children overcome the obstacle course on their own, trying to do it as best they can. In these exercises, it is not so much the accuracy of the execution that is important, but the quick adaptation to unusual conditions. The kids liked this type of exercise the most.

Fifth group make up musical and rhythmic exercises that bring up grace in children, conscious performance of movements and a combination of movements with the rhythm of poetry, songs, music. The child first learns to listen to music and understand its character, and then easily connects movement with music. Parents should be able to sing a children's song, play a simple melody in the right rhythm on a musical instrument. If the child with movement can emphasize the rhythm andthe nature of music, as if getting used to it, he gets great advantages for further learning to play a musical instrument, dance, singing. Listening to music is useful at any age.

Systematic engagement in any sport develops muscle strength, endurance, speed and agility.

However, the "weight" of these qualities in different sports is different. That is why prior advice from a sports educator and doctor is necessary for practicing a particular sport. At the same time, the state of health and the nature of the physical development of the student are taken into account, as well as the possible influence on the development of his body of training.

Some sports can be recommended for younger students, namely those that develop dexterity, flexibility and coordination of movements, provide for an even and moderate load on the largest possible group of body muscles, for example: figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, etc.

You can start with 10 sessions of sports that are associated with speed-strength exercises of low intensity and duration (long jumps, slalom) or with workouts in which rather intense strength exercises alternate with pauses (volleyball, water polo). -11 years.

From 12-13 years old, it is usually allowed to start preparatory classes in almost all sports, which not only develop speed, agility, but also include exercises for endurance and strength (cycling, rowing, shot put, etc.)

Classes requiring high power loads (weightlifting, boxing) should be started at the age of 14-15.

And one more note: sports should be carried out under the guidance of a coach.

It is impossible to imagine going in for physical education and sports without competition. But sports competitions for teenagers are not only physical, but also a great emotional stress. And too high a load on the nervous and endocrine systems can lead to undesirable, even severe breakdowns. That is why special instructions strictly regulate the age from which teenagers can participate in competitions of various sizes.

But how, then, to make the right choice, what kind of sport will your child do? There are relatively few lucky ones who manage to make the right choice right away. Most guys go through a difficult time of hesitation, hope and disappointment. It is not easy for a teenager to make an informed choice. But this does not mean at all that they should decide for him, guided exclusively by their own sympathies and tastes. Sometimes the parents give in to the teenager's purely random wishes. It is necessary to consult with a specialist to what extent this desire corresponds to the personal data of this athlete. It is good to involve in such a discussion a school physical education teacher who, like no one else, knows your child and can appreciate his sports capabilities. And the parents themselves, in order to act as a competent advisor, need to become a little "specialists".

In any case, a minimum of sports knowledge will not harm them in the least. Of course, it is difficult to accurately predict the possibilities of a future athlete. And therefore, the desire of the child himself must be taken into account, first of all. Longing desire is sometimes able to awaken abilities. In general, one must always remember that emotions play a great stimulating role in sports. And yet, given the physical development of a child, it is possible to predict in which sport he may excel. One of the most elementary criteria for children's sports orientation is height. In this respect, it is most convenient for children of average height, for them, in principle, all kinds of sports are open. It is better for undersized people to focus on sports that have weight categories: boxing, acrobatics, etc.

The mass of a person plays a significant role in the choice of sports. Here, however, it is most difficult to predict anything for several years ahead.

And yet: if a boy or girl has a "wide bone" and they, as they say, tend to be overweight, it would be very difficult for them to achieve success in sports such as gymnastics, figure skating.

But the most important criterion for sports orientation is the characteristic of motor characteristics. A child is able to run very quickly, but tirelessly - he will always find something to his liking in athletics. Reaction is also important.

In a word, the possibilities of involving children in sports are great. They will grow from year to year. It is the duty of parents to use these opportunities for the benefit of raising a comprehensively developed person.

How to keep your classes safe

Every movement that you perform with the child must be correctly selected and well performed, the possibility of any damage to health must be completely excluded. Of course, it is very important to provide safety, insurance and assistance to the child, but at the same time, unnecessary and excessive fearfulness, which prevents the child from becoming independent, is unjustified. Pay attention to the basic safety rules that should be followed when fostering courage in a child.

1. When picking up a child, never hold it only by the hands - be sure to completely by the forearm, since the bones and muscles of the wrist are not yet strong enough. It is safest to support your child's hips When performing acrobatic exercises, the positions of the hands of an adult are very important, which protect the spine from improper bending and the head from an unsuccessful turn or blow. All of these grips should be based on a thorough knowledge of your child's capabilities.

2. Master the new exercise slowly and constantly support the child to feel confident.

With further repetition, you can speed up the pace of the exercise and gradually eliminate any help to the child so that he can do this exercise on his own as soon as possible. Always back up him.

3. Teach your child to be attentive in class so that he takes care of safety himself. Strive to prevent the child's recklessness and negligence.

4. Prolonged holding of difficult poses at an early age is unacceptable. It is better to repeat the exercise several times.

5. Hanging only on the hands in preschool age is dangerous, because it puts an excessive load on the joints and the entire shoulder girdle.

6. When teaching lasagne, do not allow your child to climb above the level at which you can reach him.

7. Never use the most dangerous exercises for competition. Always do them slowly and with concentration.

8. Avoid exercises in which the child unnecessarily bends in the lumbar spine, as most children just need to straighten this part of the spine.

How to prepare space and equipment for classes

Any movement activates the child's breathing, increases oxygen consumption. In this regard, preference should be given to outdoor activities, including in winter, when the supply of oxygen to the blood increases during exercise and you can breathe clean air. Only rain and wind can interfere with outdoor activities. The room where you work with your child should always be well ventilated, be sure to open the window or window. Sufficient space should be allocated for acrobatic exercises and games.

Make sure that children do not run or jump on the pavement and concrete: the arch of the foot in preschoolers is just being formed and therefore requires an elastic lining. Trails in a park or field work well for jogging.

An active interest in physical exercise awakens in children a variety of toys and objects that are in the house. The child needs to be given the opportunity to roll something, throw something, take objects of various sizes, shapes and colors, climb safely, climb stairs, swing. In this regard, remember: the better you teach your child to enjoy movement and being in nature and the less you spoil him with comfort, which only generates inactivity and laziness, the better you prepare him for an independent life.

How to dress for class

Clothing for physical education should be such as not to impede movement and provide as much air as possible to the skin of the body.

At home and on the street in summer, children can work out in shorts and barefoot, in cooler times - in a tracksuit and soft shoes.

Special clothing is required for winter activities. It is better to wear two lightweight sweaters on your child than an airtight jumpsuit. Upon returning from sledding or skiing, the child must change into dry clothes, change shoes and warm up with a warm drink.

Doctors have a golden principle, rooted in hoary antiquity, to the time of Hippocrates: during treatment, first of all - do not harm! This principle should be leading in relation to sports..

Thus, it is very important not only to introduce the child to sports, but to organize these activities: observe the daily routine, ensure the safety of the activities (it is better to conduct them with a trainer), the right clothes, exercises that are suitable for the physical development of your child, etc.

Physical education of children in the family.

As already mentioned, in order for physical education lessons to be effective, parents need to be included in this work. It is necessary to systematically discuss the issue of organizing physical education lessons at parent-teacher meetings, and at such meetings preceded by open physical education lessons.

If the first part of the parent meeting is a physical education lesson, in which children, in the presence of their parents, perform the proposed morning exercises, play outdoor games that require quickness, dexterity, and ingenuity, then the parents will know better what their shortcomings are. After all, the fact that parents can see and themselves objectively assess the physical development of the motor capabilities of their children in comparison with others has a positive effect on their attitude to physical education. In addition, in the second part of the meeting, the teacher should try to analyze the physical fitness of each child and give advice to parents on how to correctly compose the student's day regimen, form the correct posture, and develop motor abilities. The doctor, who must also be present at such meetings, will inform parents about the medical examination of their children, answer questions of interest about the organization of rational nutrition, tempering the body, and preventing diseases.

Thanks to such meetings, parents involuntarily come to the idea that the school and the family have approximately the same opportunities in the health improvement and hardening of their children, the formation of posture, the development of motor skills and the upbringing of moral and volitional qualities in the process of physical education. Moreover, the family has even more opportunities than school to develop children's habits of wisely spending leisure time and to instill in them hygiene skills. It is precisely this, the conditional distribution of responsibilities, to which such meetings are pushed, that says that neither a school without a family, nor a family without a school can successfully solve the problems of physical education of students. In addition, a truly massive development of physical culture among schoolchildren is possible only where parents are active participants in the physical education of children.

Daily regime

The great physiologist I.P. Pavlov has said more than once that nothing facilitates the work of the nerve cells in the brain as a certain routine of life. Such a specific schedule, daily routine is extremely important for students. Everything has its own time in the daily routine, otherwise the work will not go well, it will not be beneficial.

If the correct alternation of various activities is not established, if the duration of night sleep is insufficient, if there is little time for outdoor recreation, all this leads to the fact that the nervous system is quickly depleted. The result is a decrease in the student's performance. This is why the family, as well as the school, must pay serious attention to the organization of the students' waking and sleeping times.

A good rest, and then strict adherence to the daily routine will relieve the little schoolchild of headaches, lethargy, and a constant feeling of fatigue. He will again be attentive, assiduous, and successful.

Correctly organizing the schoolchild's day regimen is:

to provide him with a sufficient duration of sleep with a strictly set time for getting up and resting for bed;

provide for a regular meal;

set a specific time for preparing lessons;

set aside time for outdoor recreation, creative activities, free activities and helping the family.

Of course, it is difficult to teach a child to follow all the points of the regime; but if you show persistence, it will be easier and easier for him to do this - habit begins to play its role, and the child will understand that the regime helps to live.


Sleep, relieves the nervous system from overwork and overstrain, restores the performance of the nerve cells of the brain and prepares the nervous system for the upcoming work.

Chronic lack of sleep in a child negatively affects the general condition, leads to overwork, nervousness, reduces the body's resistance to diseases, and delays physical development.

For schoolchildren of six years of age, the duration of night sleep should be 10 hours, and the compulsory daytime sleep should be 2 hours in the first half of the school year and 1 hour 30 minutes in the second. In order for children to sleep normally, they need to be taught to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Dinner should be no later than an hour before going to bed. Half an hour before bedtime, it is recommended to stop strenuous activities, games, watching television. This time is used for putting shoes and clothes in order, as well as for evening wear. A calm environment, clean air, a comfortable posture and bed determine the full value of sleep.

Balanced diet.

Rational nutrition is the same condition for the normal development of a child, like sleep. The younger a person is, the more important nutrition is for him: it is a source of substances necessary not only for energy supply, but also for the growth of the body.

Improper nutrition of children affects their general development, is often the main cause of various diseases, which in turn negatively affects appetite, impairs the digestibility of food.

The most frequent disturbance in the diet of students is malnutrition in the morning. It is allowed, as a rule, due to non-observance of the general regime of the day: children go to bed late and wake up late, as a result of which they do not perform morning exercises, are nervous, afraid of being late for school, which means they eat in a hurry. In addition, a systematic violation of the regime inevitably causes a loss of appetite.

Younger students are recommended five meals a day - breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. Between meals, it is not recommended to give children fruits, berries, delicacies. They should only be served as a third course.

Food should contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Most of all, the child's body requires proteins: they are the main material for tissue growth. Complete proteins are found in animal products: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.

Carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy for the body. The student's diet should include fats of both animal and vegetable origin. Vegetable and cereal dishes, fruits, berries, flour and confectionery products, sugar contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Vitamins are an essential component of good nutrition. An insufficient amount of them in food products weakens the body and leads to various diseases. Milk and butter are rich in vitamins A and P. Vitamin C and B vitamins contain a lot of vegetables and fruits.

In spring, even vegetables and fruits contain less vitamins than in summer and autumn. Given this, in the spring, children should be given vitamin preparations.

Minerals (salts of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other elements) are necessary for normal metabolism in the body, for the growth of tissues (especially bones), for the function of blood circulation. There are many of these substances in vegetables, fruits, berries and dairy products.

The student's diet should consist of varied, tasty and balanced dishes in terms of the content of the necessary components. IP Pavlov said that the most useful is the food that a person eats with appetite.Study

Compliance with hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process is of great importance for the normal physical development of children, maintaining their health, ensuring high academic performance. The most important of them are the sufficiency of the area, the correct lighting and the appropriate coloring of the classrooms, the correspondence of the desks to the height of the children, the conditions that exclude excessive noise. Sitting at a desk, children should not slouch, bow their heads low, tilt their bodies to the side. Particular attention should be paid to this issue in the first year of study, since the formed habit of sitting incorrectly at the desk is difficult to correct at the table. The wrong posture causes myopia, stoop, curvature of the spine to the side (scoliosis), deformation of the chest and other undesirable consequences.

Physical work

The physical labor of students as an obligatory component of the regime of his day should provide, on the one hand, rest (active), and on the other, the formation of the necessary skills and abilities, the education of industriousness. This is mainly self-service work, household cleaning, cleaning clothes and shoes, looking after flowers, helping with the kitchen, etc. But these children can already be involved in socially useful work - to equip playgrounds and take care of them, prepare places for sledding, skiing, etc.

It is clear that when defining a task for children, you need to take into account their capabilities and, accordingly, dose the load. With optimal physical activity, properly organized work brings true moral satisfaction to children, and therefore achieves an educational goal.

Compliance with hygiene requirements in the family.

The fulfillment of hygiene requirements in the family is also a matter of particular importance. First of all, the child must be made to understand that fresh air, cleanliness and order in the apartment are extremely important for the health of all family members, and therefore he must, must take an active part in cleaning the room, maintain cleanliness and order in it. This should become a habit for him too. In addition, it must be taught constantly, keep your body clean, wash your face correctly, brush your teeth, bathe in time, cut your nails, etc. It is especially important to instill in children a conscious habit of diligently washing their hands with soap and water before every meal.

Physical exercise at the place of residence.

Physical exercise at the place of residence should be aimed at ensuring optimal physical activity for children. They are carried out in the form of morning hygienic exercises, walks, exercises and outdoor games.

Morning gymnastics

Morning gymnastics is one of the most effective forms of physical education for schoolchildren. Correctly organized daily morning exercises are very helpful in solving health problems, promote optimal activation of nervous processes and, therefore, create a good working mood, ensure readiness for work. Systematic physical exercises after sleep stimulate the development of muscles, especially those groups that are "responsible" for correct posture, develop the respiratory and circulatory organs, and improve metabolism. Taking air baths during these exercises and conducting water procedures after them hardens the body. If a child starts his day with morning exercises, this will also contribute to the education of organization, discipline, punctuality, interest and habit of doing physical exercises in everyday life will appear.

If possible, morning exercises are best done outdoors - in the garden, in the yard or on the balcony. The most suitable clothes in warm weather are underpants or underpants and a T-shirt, in cool weather - a training suit.

Exercises in the morning gymnastics complex are usually composed in the following sequence: walking or walking in place in combination with deep breathing, stretching exercises, torso turns, arm movements, torso bends, squats, a combination of leg and arm movements, jumping in place, walking in place, hand movements with coordinated deep breathing.

The basic rules for doing morning exercises are as follows:

Use of clothing for training that helps to harden the body and is comfortable when performing exercises (panties, T-shirt, training suit).

Providing sanitary and hygienic conditions at the places of employment.

Maintaining correct posture when doing exercises.

Correct coordination of breathing with movements.

A gradual increase in the intensity of exercise at the beginning of classes and a decrease in it at the end of them.

Compliance with the rules of hardening during the performance of morning exercises (air baths) and after its completion (water procedures).

The morning gymnastics complex for students should consist of 6-8 exercises. One complex is performed for two to three weeks.

In order for children to do morning exercises every day, a well-thought-out system of stimulation, assistance, and control from the school and family is needed. One of the most effective techniques that stimulate the performance of morning exercises are homework assignments, involving the implementation of a set of morning exercises with the help of parents.

Walks and outdoor games.

Walks and outdoor games held at the place of residence on ordinary days should last at least 3.5-4 hours, and on weekends and during holidays - much more time: children's stay in the air in combination with physical activity contributes to hardening organism, increasing resistance to diseases, improves appetite, has a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system, mental performance, sleep. In order for the benefits of these walks to be maximized, first of all, it is necessary to form the correct attitude towards them in the children themselves. A study of the daily routine of students shows that many of them spend much less time outdoors than is required by hygiene standards. But in the general budget allocated for various forms of physical activity (morning exercises, physical culture minutes, physical culture lessons, "health hour", classes in extended day groups and other activities), the largest part is devoted to walks, games, exercises and entertainment on air. Hardening the child's body.

Hardening the child's body - the systematic use of special measures and procedures that develop the body's readiness to adapt to environmental conditions and increase the resistance to colds. The means of hardening are the sun, air, water.

When hardening, the following rules must be observed:

Form a desire to strengthen your body and thereby provide a psychological attitude that contributes to success. The personal example of parents plays a significant role in this.

Ensure that procedures are systematic. Hardening, begun in childhood, should continue throughout life.

Gradually increase the time of influence of air, water, sunlight, gradually reduce the temperature of the water, gradually increase the surface of the body on which the hardening agents act.

Take into account individual characteristics and monitor the body's response to procedures.

Combine the influence of various means of hardening: sun, air, water and physical activity.

Organize everything so that the child gets satisfaction from the hardening process itself.

Take into account the climatic conditions of a particular region.


Recently, much attention has been paid to the issues of raising children in the family: books, television, the Internet give parents advice, call, inform and warn. But the physical education of the child is also less important.

It has been proven that joint activities between parents and children bring the following positive results:

Awakens parents' interest in the level of "motor maturity" of children and promotes the development of motor skills in children in accordance with their age and abilities;

Deepen the relationship between parents and children;

Provide an opportunity to exercise in a short period of time not only for the child, but also for the adult: the parent shows the child certain exercises and performs most of them with him;

They allow to usefully spend the free time that the mother or father devotes to the child, serve to mutual enrichment, and contribute to the all-round development of the child.

I would like to hope that parents will wake up interest in the harmonious development of the child's personality, so that they themselves are actively involved in physical education and thus contribute to strengthening family relationships, fostering love and respect of children for their parents. Science has proven that joint physical exercises between parents and children are a source of joy, enrich and heal family life.

Naturally, not every kid will become a champion, but everyone must grow up strong and healthy. When people talk about happiness, they, first of all, wish each other health. So let the children be healthy and happy. This means that we will all be healthy and happy.

List of references

1. Berdykhova Ya.G. Mom, dad, study with me. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2004.

2. Children's practical psychology: Textbook / Ed. prof. T.D. Martsinkovskaya. - M .: Gardariki, 2006.

3. The value of sports. Ed. I.A. Solntseva. - M .: Pedagogy,


4. Kovalev L.N. Sport in family education of children. - M .: Knowledge, 1999.

5. The world of childhood: Teenager. Ed. A.G. Khripkova. - M .: Pedagogy, 2006.

6. We and our family. Ed. IN AND. Zatsepina - M .: Mol. guard, 1988.

7. Nechaeva A.B. Family and sports. - M .: Nauka, 1998

8. Reimers N.F. Sports in the modern family. - M .: Bustard, 2004.

9. Chebyshev N.V. Pedagogy and social aspects of education. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 2004.

10. Chumakova T.K. Our family. - Minsk: Belarus, 1995.

11. Matveev A.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2006.

12. Belov R.A. Organization of work on physical culture at the place of residence. - K .: Olymp. Lit., 2004.

13. Book of the teacher of physical education. - M .: Education, 2004.

14. Berdykhova J. Mom, dad, study with me. M: Physical culture and sports.

15. Vavilova EN Strengthening the health of children. Moscow, Education, 1986.

16. Vinogradova NF Educator about working with his family. Moscow. Education.

17. Ostrovskaya AF Pedagogical situations in family education. Moscow, Education, 2005.

18. Telenchi VI Hygienic foundations of raising children. Moscow, Education, 1987.

19. Tonkova-Yampolskaya FV, Chertok T. Ya. For the health of children. M, Education, 2005.

20. Kholodov Zh. K., Kuznetsov V.S. The theory and methodology of F.V. and sports. Moscow.

21. Khripovskaya A.G. Mirchildhood. Moscow, Pedagogy, 1988.

Experience shows that the physical education of schoolchildren at the place of residence is effective under the following conditions: a) the presence in the microdistrict of a unified management system for extracurricular physical culture, health-improving and sports-mass work; b) active participation of youth, trade union and physical culture organizations, educational authorities in carrying out physical culture and health, sports and mass work; c) involvement of children in socially useful and labor activities in physical culture and sports; d) carrying out systematic physical culture and recreational and sports events with the active participation of the chiefs of industrial enterprises, educational institutions, sports societies, parents; e) organization of agitation and propaganda work in physical culture and sports; f) creation of an appropriate material base for physical education and sports (premises for a physical culture and sports club, flat sports facilities, playgrounds, etc.); g) provision of medical and pedagogical control over children and adolescents involved in physical culture and sports.

Tasks of physical education of schoolchildren at the place of residence these are: moral education; promotion of health promotion and hardening of children; formation, improvement and consolidation of motor skills, skills and the development of motor qualities; development of organizational skills and abilities, fostering a sustainable interest in physical education and sports; instilling in schoolchildren the skills and habits of independent exercise.

For effective physical education of schoolchildren and student youth outside the classroom, it is necessary to clearly define the levels of management and functions of officials. Various organizations are currently involved in the upbringing of schoolchildren at the place of residence: administrative, public, pedagogical, etc. Each of them is represented by an independent management level, and at the same time they are in close connection with each other.

Consider the issues of physical education management at the place of residence on the experience of Tchaikovsky, Perm region. It is a young, modern developing city with 11 comprehensive schools. 12 large micro-districts are clearly identified in it, there are excellent natural conditions (proximity of forests, open reservoirs, sports facilities), which make it possible to successfully carry out health-improving and sports-mass work among schoolchildren, students of secondary schools and vocational schools.

In each microdistrict of the city, councils of microdistricts have been created and are actively operating, which are headed by heads of industrial enterprises and construction projects. The city headquarters for work with the population at the place of residence manages the activities of the councils of microdistricts. As part of the city headquarters, there are five commissions: educational, for working with children and adolescents, public order protection, landscaping and landscaping, mass physical culture. Public councils of physical culture and sports have been created under the councils of microdistricts. Their work is coordinated by the mass physical culture commission at the city headquarters for work with the population at the place of residence. It includes representatives of the city's organizations.

Basically, all physical culture and health work among school-age children is carried out on specially equipped playgrounds created by housing administrations and housing and communal services (there are 27 such playgrounds in the city, each of them unites from 5 to 10 residential buildings). Chefs are assigned to the playgrounds - employees of the Silk Fabrics Factory, the Votkinskgesstroy administration, synthetic rubber and precision engineering plants, the repair and operational base of the river fleet, the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station and other organizations. The chefs show constant concern for the improvement of playgrounds and the development of the material and sports base, allocate public coaches and physical education instructors, and provide material assistance.

Noteworthy is the experience of managing physical education at the place of residence in microdistricts No. 3 and 5, where mainly the families of workers of the silk fabric combine live. Three levels of management are clearly traced here: administrative, social and pedagogical.

The administrative level of management is represented by the directors and organizers of the extracurricular and extracurricular educational work of schools No. 9 and 11, on the one hand, and the administration of the ZHKO of the silk fabrics factory, on the other. School principals and the management of the Silk Fabrics Combine signed an agreement, which reflects all the activities that require joint efforts. The contract stipulates that schools represent a sports base for organizing club and sports work with children and adolescents on Saturdays and Sundays. In turn, the trade union committee of the plant and the administration of the ZhKO found an opportunity to provide specific material assistance to schools. It was decided that part of the funds of 2 percent deductions from the rent and 5 percent deductions from the rent of non-residential premises allocated for cultural and sports work will be used to purchase sports equipment, musical instruments, which are donated to schools and children's clubs. "Peer", "Gaidarovets", "Olympian". In addition, the administration of the ZhKO has allocated a room where these children's clubs are located.

As stated in the agreement, at this level of management, many issues are resolved, in particular, establishing contacts with public organizations on a city scale, drawing up a plan for educational work with children, identifying the possibilities of schools and microdistricts to carry out work at the place of residence (availability of material resources, teaching staff, attraction of a public asset, etc.). The agreement provides for the direct implementation of organizational measures, the creation of an appropriate psychological mood in adults in relation to the sports-mass work carried out, control and accounting of the implementation of decisions made. Such interaction clearly showed that it is at the administrative level of management that the foundations of successful activity in all areas of educational work, including physical education of schoolchildren at the place of residence, are laid.

Thus, at the administrative level of management, the work is carried out in several directions. Namely: a) establishing contacts and implementing decisions of party, Soviet, state and public bodies on the scale of a microdistrict, district; b) joint setting of tasks both in terms of educational work with the population and in terms of solving various economic issues; c) identifying the possibilities of secondary schools and the housing office for carrying out work on physical education (availability of material resources, teaching staff, involving the public and public organizations in work); d) direct management and carrying out of organizational events (meetings, conferences, subbotniks, etc.); e) the creation of an appropriate psychological attitude in the adult population in relation to the sports and mass sports and physical culture and health-improving work; f) control over the implementation of the decisions made and their accounting; g) setting new tasks for teams.

The next level of management is represented by public organizations that exist in each microdistrict (deputy groups, councils of microdistricts, parental community, sports veterans, etc.).

The participation of a wide range of sponsoring enterprises (the main production facilities and services of the plant) and the public in mass sports work in microdistricts became possible thanks to the creation of special governing bodies that manage all educational and mass sports work at the place of residence. The public council for mass sports and recreational work of microdistricts No. 3 and 5, councils for playgrounds became such a body.

The unification of social forces made it possible to more successfully and effectively carry out educational and sports-mass work with children and adolescents not only at school, but also at the place of residence. Representatives of the administration of schools, housing and communal services and the plant, physical culture workers of the Trud secondary school, public trainers, parents, sports veterans, school teachers of physical education were elected to the council. The council coordinates the work of the schools in the microdistrict, acts as a liaison body between the school and housing offices, councils of schools' physical education collectives and the plant's physical culture council. Thus, he not only supervises the practical activities of clubs at the place of residence, but also determines the content, direction of physical culture and health-improving activities in microdistricts.

Sergey Bazhukov

The search for innovative technologies of physical education of children, adolescents and youth is constantly being carried out, but at the same time the issues of modernizing the content of the process of physical education are practically not touched upon, it is unclear what needs to be done to create a scientific and technological, material and technical, program, regulatory and personnel base for such modernization. , creating a favorable socio-psychological climate for its implementation.

Currently, we are dealing with serious circumstances that impede the implementation of new approaches to improving the effectiveness of physical education in our country. These include:

1) the lack of a material and technical base in the country capable of providing conditions for full-fledged physical culture and sports activities in the system of mass physical education of students in educational institutions of various types; 2) the lack of teaching staff who are ready to work on new technologies of physical education without retraining or additional training; 3) a low level of information and educational culture and the corresponding needs of specialists in physical education, including managers in the field of physical education, physical culture and sports.

Overcoming these negative characteristics of the state of mass physical education, which is currently carried out in state educational institutions, is possible only by creating a fundamentally new infrastructure for the system of physical education of children, adolescents and youth.

The purpose of this study is the organization of physical education of schoolchildren at the place of residence in out-of-school institutions at the municipal level.

The research was carried out in 2004-2006. on the basis of secondary schools, institutions of additional education and a sports school of the Preobrazhenskoye district of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. A complex of methods was used, such as analysis of literary sources, questionnaire survey, analysis of regulatory documents.

The questionnaire survey showed that only 29% of the district's schoolchildren are engaged in sports sections and groups. Moreover, among boys, this figure is approximately 48%, and among girls - only 19%.

The most popular among boys is football - more than 15%, followed by swimming - 7.3%, martial arts - 7.1%, volleyball - 6.8%, basketball - 6.5%, etc.

For girls - aerobics - 18.2%, tennis - 14.4%, rhythmic gymnastics - 10.1%, martial arts - 7.8%, etc.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow, in 2005, in all administrative districts, centers of physical culture and sports were established. The main task of the Center's specialists is to organize physical culture and sports work with the population at the place of residence. In accordance with the number of residents living in the territory of the Preobrazhenskoye district (about 70,000 people), at the rate of 1 specialist per 10,000 residents, 7 rates were allocated for the organization of physical culture and sports work in the district for specialists of the Center for Physical Culture and Sports Eastern Administrative District of Moscow.

Responsibility for the selection of the staff was assigned to the Preobrazhenskoye district council. The Service for the Organization of Physical Culture and Sports Work of the Preobrazhenskoye District Administration, based on the data of the questionnaire survey conducted among the students of 9 educational institutions of the district, chose football, volleyball, boxing, kickboxing as the main sports that will develop in the district's out-of-school institutions. The types of sports were selected taking into account the sports interests of children and adolescents of the region, as well as in accordance with the material and technical base that the region had. Specialists for the Center for Physical Culture and Sports were selected from among the coaches working in out-of-school institutions of the Preobrazhenskoye district.

Before starting work, each specialist was assigned a workplace for the training process. Thus, the football sections began to work on the territory of the Children's Cherkizovsky Park GOU (a football field with artificial turf and a playground for playing mini-football), as well as on the flat sports facilities of the district. With the direct participation of the district council and the State Unitary Enterprise Management Company "Preobrazhenskoe", a comprehensive repair of flat sports facilities intended for physical culture and sports work was carried out, with the installation of lighting masts, which made it possible to significantly increase the duration of classes in the autumn-winter period. Also, information stands were installed on the sports grounds with the schedule of the sports sections. In winter, football lessons were held in the sports hall of GOU SOSH № 1080 "Ecopolis".

The recruitment in the section was carried out through the district mass media (TV company "Grom-Media", newspapers "Preobrazhensky Kvartal", "Molodezhny Kvartal"), as well as through meetings with students of the district in the framework of lectures to promote physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle ...

The volleyball section conducted its work on the basis of secondary school No. 1032, and in the warm season on the territory of Izmailovsky Park.

Boxing and kickboxing classes were held at the "Combat Gloves" sports club.

Each specialist of the Center for Physical Culture and Sports had his own individual schedule, which significantly increased the percentage of those involved. Each trainer led 4 groups of children, adolescents and youth, 15 people each, while the duration of classes per week was at least 6 hours.

The groups were selected taking into account the age of the students, without competitive selection. A prerequisite was the absence of contraindications for the doctor to go in for sports. The age categories for children, adolescents and youth who played football were as follows: 95/96, 93/94, 92/91, 89/90 years of birth. Those involved in the football section took part in tournaments organized by the district administration under the motto "Come out into the yard, let's play!", District tournaments among children's courtyard teams dedicated to significant dates (Victory Day, Athlete's Day, City Day), district competitions for the prizes of the club " Leather ball ". The most gifted children were recommended for viewing in the Sports School for Football "Trudovye Rezervy".

Those involved in the volleyball section were divided into 2 groups, at least 15 people each. in each - students of the 7-9th and 9-11th grades, classes lasting 2 academic hours were held 3 times a week. Students in the senior group took part in the district sports festival "Youth Day".

Those engaged in the boxing and kickboxing sections were divided into 4 groups, at least 10 people each. in each - students 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17 years old and older. After six months of training, sparring fights in the "Open ring" format were held monthly, which allowed the trainees to determine their level of preparedness. The most gifted pupils were offered training in the sports school in kickboxing with the further assignment of qualification categories.

In our opinion, the implementation of such an approach to the organization of physical education at the place of residence in out-of-school institutions on the basis of the type of sports activity chosen by the student will ensure the formation of his attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and will allow attracting children, adolescents and young people to regular physical education and sports.


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  2. Balsevich V.K. Infrastructure of highly effective physical education in a comprehensive school: methodology of design and operation / V.K. Balsevich // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. - 2003. - No. 4. - S. 2-6.
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