Is it worth it to be the first to take the initiative in a relationship with a man. Many sexual partners

Have you ever wondered why you immediately like this or that man? When you single out someone you “like” from all other people, are you sure that you are doing it with your mind? Even if you understand psychology and are used to thinking rationally, your own unconscious chooses for you in choosing a future partner. And this is especially important to understand when it comes time to separate hobbies and flirting from serious promising relationships. By what internal criteria do we choose a partner? Here are 12 things to keep in mind.

1. The factor of "kindred ideal". According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, girls already at the age of 5-8 years have their own male ideal, created following the example of relatives and relatives: father, uncle, grandfather, brother. A classic example: if you adored your father as a child, then later on you will look for a person who has an external resemblance and a set of qualities that you have known and loved since childhood.

2. Puberty imprinting factor. You may not be aware of who in childhood caused your first exciting feelings associated with desire, attraction and erotic experience. Moreover, this can be both a positive experience and a danger of accentuations, deviations from the norm, etc. But the person who awakened these subconscious memories in you seems unusually attractive to you.

3. Physiological response factor. Objectively attractive are those people who meet the accepted standards of beauty and health in society. However, subjectively, we find attractive the person who is perceived by us at the level of "chemistry". Thus, hormones and biologically active substances give a signal. During the period of ovulation, for example, they signal to a woman: attention, this male has the potential for procreation. Naturally, neither personal qualities nor psychological compatibility play a role at this stage.

4. Factor in desirable genetic traits. He, too, is directly related to the choice of a father for his potential offspring, and also instantly affects the assessment and perception of a man, although you may not be aware of this. Your body is interested not only in continuation, but also in improving the kind, so you immediately note those signs that are desirable for you, or which you personally lack. It can be not only the height and constitution of the body, but also the shape of some of its parts, the color of the skin, hair and eyes ... In general, you instantly imagine whether these children will be beautiful. Sometimes this image is so desirable that you stop paying attention to everything else.

5. Similarity factor. “We are so similar - frost on the skin,” as the song says. I would like to believe that the person with whom you are in many ways similar will understand you better than others, deep and fruitful communication is possible with him, you will have common interests, etc. Unfortunately, in practice, similarity often turns into competition, and then this factor leads to the collapse of the relationship. But if there is a so-called psychological congruence between you (coincidence of personality structures, when partners are not so much alike as compatible), then this is great luck that can lead to a happy and lasting union.

6. Supplement Factor. If you know about the qualities that you want to possess yourself, but think that this is impossible, then you are probably looking for a partner in whom these qualities are present. That is, you pay attention to someone who is able to complement you in a pair. Such a choice is the desire to make life easier for yourself and achieve harmony, becoming the “half” of someone.

7. The attraction factor of opposites. One of the most ancient and simple symbolic signs is the Yin-Yang sign, the unity of black and white, male and female, aspiring and static. Probably, each of us can most fully realize himself if he finds a common language with a partner who has a number of opposite qualities. Of course, there is a big risk that opposites will turn into irreconcilable contradictions. Especially if the difference between cultures, upbringing, social realization, etc. is too great. But opposites do attract, and that has to be dealt with.

8. Dissociation factor. This is a very dangerous thing, because dissociation is a process in which your thoughts, beliefs and qualities are separated from your own awareness of them. That is, you do not identify yourself with them, but you see them clearly in the other person. In this case, you can choose a partner who is weaker than you, who has the same problems as you, but in a more pronounced form. The partner becomes the bearer of all those properties that you want to crush in yourself, and this allows you not to notice your own shortcomings, to look "cooler" in your own eyes. Think about it if you choose "problem" men every now and then.

9. Self-image factor. Sometimes, when choosing a partner, we pay tribute to someone who is able to maintain a positive image of ourselves. Remember, as in Pushkin: "I see myself as in a mirror, but this mirror flatters me." For many women, the determining factor is precisely the adoration on the part of a man, in which he does not notice shortcomings, but extols dignity. The logic is: “If he loves me so much, then I really deserve it. And whoever doesn’t love me so much is to blame.”

10. Empathy Factor. Regardless of external attractiveness, similarity, dissimilarity, etc., some person is not interesting to us, and some makes us want to enter into communication: not just chat, but really communicate. The root “general” is very important here, because empathy is when you want to put yourself in the place of another person, you feel and understand him, as if you really have a lot in common. This factor is very important for women with developed emotionality, and they expect the same from a partner.

11. Factor of mysticism
. Love at first sight can arise for various reasons, and it would be wrong to say that all of them can be explained by physiology and psychology. If you have ever seen a person for the first time, experience the feeling that you have known him for a long time, knew him once and will know more, then you understand what this is about. The concept of “soul mates,” though unscientific, is vital in the deepest sense. And if you have met your “soul mate”, then you may not become a couple, but you have a chance to carry this strong mystical feeling through your whole life. And perhaps it will help you in self-realization.

12. And most importantly: the love factor! If, thinking about a man, you find that most of the factors listed here are the same, and he can say the same about you, then you can be congratulated on the birth of mutual love. It can arise at first sight, and after quite a long time, but if this happens in your life, you will never forget it, no matter how many novels you have.

Finding true love can't be easy. If it were easy, we wouldn't invest so much energy, make so many mistakes, and waste so much time on relationships that aren't worth it. Of course, you can choose a partner for yourself without hesitation, according to the principle “it just happened”. But is it good for your development and fulfillment of your destiny at all levels: biological, mental, spiritual? If you want to be happy, study yourself, study people, listen to the clues of nature and try to make conscious choices. After all, in fact, only you know what kind of person you need next to you for happiness!

Why does a girl need a man

First of all, it is important to initially understand why a girl is looking for a man:

She needs a life partner with whom there is every chance in the near future to start a family, give birth to a child and meet old age together.

She is interested in an easy and easy relationship with a sponsor who will provide her with constant financial support.

It is not worth talking much about the first group of the fair sex, since not all men also set themselves the goal of finding a future spouse with all the ensuing consequences.

But the second group is modern young girls, relationships with which guarantee a man the preservation of freedom and other advantages of this approach: pleasant joint leisure, vacation trips, attending social events and business meetings with a beautiful companion, and so on.

If you are interested in finding a girl who will not build matrimonial plans for you, you should understand that she is looking for a sponsor in your person, and not a lover. Such honest, mutually beneficial relationships are becoming more and more popular as they suit both parties.

What does money mean in a relationship

There is practically no truth in the hackneyed saying that with a sweet paradise and in a hut, because not a single modern woman is interested in counting pennies to paychecks, living in a rented apartment on the outskirts of the city and buying new things on big holidays.

It is money, or rather, a sufficient amount of it, that is the key to a comfortable joint pastime. Accordingly, it should be understood: very few beautiful and smart young girls are ready to date a low-income man.

Actually, the relationship between a kept woman and a sponsor is based precisely on financial support from a man, and therefore you should be prepared for the fact that your chosen one, on completely legal grounds, will expect regular financial support from you. And there is nothing immoral in this, since both kept women and their sponsors initially know what they are choosing, receiving all the provided benefits of such a union.

Consequences of Financial Assistance

Some men mistakenly believe that a woman's selfish approach is bad, because she expects only financial support from her chosen one and does not meet him out of love. But this is true only if the man himself has romantic feelings for the girl and plans to build a family with her. Under such conditions, that is, when a girl needs extremely expensive presents, vacations at the expense of a companion and regular cash receipts, there is a high probability of breaking the union: a man will get tired of playing the role of a “purse”, and a woman can find a more profitable party.

Otherwise, you need to have the courage to face the truth and remember that the relationship between the sponsor and the kept woman is necessarily mutually beneficial. For a man, opportunities open up to have a good time with a pretty and smart girl when it is convenient for him, and the fair sex can be sure of her financial well-being and financial support from her chosen one. If this approach attracts you, you need to remember that it is money that is its basis, and this is absolutely natural and correct.

Where to find a girl for a mutually beneficial relationship

In the event that all the advantages of an honest relationship based on financial support from a man are obvious to you, the next actual question arises: where can you find such a woman?

There are two most popular ways:

Dating websites;

Special resources where profiles of girls who are ready to become kept women and looking for a sponsor are collected: for example,, which can be found by clicking on the appropriate link.

The second option is preferable, since on such resources all visitors are guaranteed complete confidentiality, and the profiles of girls with attached photos are real. Moreover, on such resources you can find a suitable companion both on your own and by publishing your own profile, and then considering proposals from interested ladies.

Of course, it is up to you to decide which relationships are the most relevant for you - disinterested, but with limited freedom and a whole range of not always pleasant obligations, or based on mutual benefit - free and therefore more acceptable to many representatives of the stronger sex.

About how to seduce a mysterious stranger with or without a reason!

12. You remind her of someone from her childhood.

This case is also completely uncontrollable, but it can work wonders. Scientists have found that every woman has in her subconscious some kind of ideal “lover model”, which is assembled from pleasant and unpleasant memories of her childhood. The already forgotten bearded uncle, who read fairy tales in a grazing voice and who had such a sweet way to fall asleep on his knees, is able to provide all the bearded and burry with irresistible power over this woman. A bald, nasty bespectacled doctor can suddenly appear from the feverish nightmare of a children's clinic and destroy your ideal family, as soon as you start to go bald or wear glasses. However, there is some clue. If you have already started a relationship and then you find out that all your ex-girlfriends look somehow very similar - here she is, the “lover model”! Now it remains only to look in the mirror and understand how serious you are.

13. You are famous

The sexuality of fame is obvious. However, how to explain the evolutionary-biological reasons for this phenomenon? It is clear that fame is most often accompanied by access to material goods. In this sense, the star is a profitable match for long-term relationships. However, women are often ready to enter into even a short-term relationship with a celebrity. Even with the unattractive! Why? The fact is that in social animals the status of a female is automatically set according to the status of a partner. Even a one-time intimacy with a man not from her circle raises the girl's shares among her friends and potential partners. In addition, in the course of intimacy with a celebrity, a woman gets the opportunity to get for her child those genes that provided fame to his father.

14. You were able to please her.

This case does not belong to the “first meeting” category, but it is the main reason why women do it. Orgasm has an irresistible power not only over her body, but also over her mind. The biochemistry of orgasm is such that, under certain circumstances, it can literally make a woman your slave, a sex addict who will depend on your caresses. It is the orgasm, due to the release of the hormone oxytocin, that is responsible for the formation of an emotional connection between you, which makes a woman fall in love and want to continue, and with you.

15. You are a good kisser

Kissing is generally good for health: they reduce the level of cortisol, the hormone of anxiety. For homo sapiens, this strange ritual is also an important test of the physical and emotional qualities of a potential partner. By the smell of the breath, one can judge the health of a partner, and his ability to feel what kind of lip contact for a woman is most pleasant now speaks of empathy and a mood to please her. Not surprisingly, 50% of men and only 15% of women agree to intimacy without a kiss first. At the same time, 66% of women and 58% of men admitted that sexual desire evaporated after an unsuccessful kiss.

16. She wants to lure you into a relationship.

Girls, especially young ones, often tend to think that intimacy will make you fall in love with her. So many women in all countries of the world admitted that for the first time they succumbed to the pressure of a partner solely in order to maintain or consolidate relationships. Whether to use this circumstance is up to you, but our biochemistry is such that most often, after intimacy, it is the women themselves who fall in love.

17. She has a marital crisis

There are two options here. The first is that she wants to fix everything and uses you as bait for her husband. Up to 50% of women start flirting with other men if they are not sure about their permanent partner. The tactic justifies itself in most cases: by proving that it is desirable for other men, a woman becomes more attractive to her partner. Some go so far as to cheat on their husband in an attempt to win him back. However, in this case, they will fail. Cheating dramatically lowers the value of a woman in the eyes of a man. In any case, the status of "unloved" lover of someone else's wife is unlikely to bring you much pleasure.

The second option, when the woman has already decided that the old relationship cannot be restored, is more honest. Women don't tend to walk away from a relationship, so it's likely that a frustrated wife sees you as a temporary base or a new big feeling (depending on how things go for you). Of course, you can try, because, most likely, you are provided with an unforgettable night: the girl will try to prove to herself and to you that it is too early to discount her. But be careful: most likely, all the problems of her unfinished family life will be transferred to your relationship. Keep in mind that 79% of women fall in love with men, whom they initially consider as a casual romance on the side.

18. She just broke up with another

Women, like men, quite often seek to put into practice the proverb about "a wedge with a wedge." This has a rational grain in terms of biology: the negative emotions that we experience after breaking up with a loved one are largely caused by changes in the hormonal background due to the cessation of regular exercise. We miss oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine as much as amphetamine and cocaine addicts miss them the day after a wild party. Intimacy with another partner helps to restore some of the hormonal balance and in this sense really softens the pain of parting. However, in the case of oxytocin (a classic antidepressant that helps relieve stress), everything is not so simple: it is much more actively released in women in response to closeness with a familiar partner. That is why intimacy with another man immediately after a breakup often causes disappointment and bitterness - the same as that experienced by a drug addict who, in withdrawal, was injected with a placebo instead of a drug.

19. You are her worst friend's boyfriend

About a third of women admit that at least once in their lives they used intimacy to take revenge on a friend or partner. For the woman herself, this often brings a sense of shame and regret instead of pleasure, but in some cases the desire to take revenge makes the avengers do the most curious things in bed. So, if her ex is not your friend, and you have nothing serious with her friend, we do not advise you to refuse such a delicacy.

20. She is curious

In today's liberated world, intimacy for pleasure or to try new tactics is not considered shameful. This is most often prone to extroverted women who also willingly try unusual food, travel to exotic countries. And if you happened to be born a two-meter black man, feel free to go hunting for white tourists. If not, you'll have to figure out how to hit her. Here's a hint: sexologists have found that up to 30% of women fantasize about submission.

21. She lost weight

For women, as for men, intimacy is an important way to boost your self-esteem. In this case, a certain vicious circle arises: a feeling of self-doubt reduces sexual desire, and a lack of intimacy reinforces self-doubt. It can be broken in a well-known way - to take care of your appearance. Women are well aware that for men, visual information is the most important when choosing a partner, which is why, in all cultures, they spend significantly more time on “grooming” than men. In the modern world, turned on the promotion of weight loss, the achievements that the young lady achieves on the scales are instantly projected into all areas of her life. A huge percentage of the women interviewed admitted to sexologists that, having put themselves in order, they felt how their sexuality was revealed, and were ready to immediately embark on the path of intimate adventures to be convinced of this.

22. She liked your gift

No matter how primitive it sounds, but intimacy for material gain is still sewn into the subcortex of most modern and seemingly independent women. In 79% of countries, there is a tradition of giving gifts to women. In another 5% of countries, both women and men give gifts (but men are more expensive). There are no countries where only women give gifts. What gift should I give her?

According to statistics, women most often do this in exchange for:

  • dinner in a good restaurant;
  • material goods (range - from a bouquet of flowers to a car);
  • participation in the extravagant lifestyle of a man (clubs, parties, weekend trips in an expensive car);
  • promotion at work (or help in passing an exam at the university).

Avarice in this matter is one of the main annihilators of sexual arousal.

23. You told her: "I love you"

This hackneyed way still works great. Women are much more willing to do this if they are convinced of the seriousness of their partner's intentions. At the same time, about 30% of women complained that the partner misled them about the depth of their feelings and took advantage of the moment. 71% of men admitted that they greatly exaggerated their passion for a woman in order to achieve intimacy. The dramatic difference in these figures is due to the fact that it is not so easy for women to admit that they have been deceived. They are much more intense than men in the course of intimacy, the hormone oxytocin is released, which makes them more trusting and sensitive. Thus, inattention on the part of a partner after intimacy is psychologically perceived by women more painfully.

But there was another case!

Several respondents shared with us experiences of unexpected intimacy. And it was not a holiday romance and not a disco.

“Somehow I arrived in Moscow, and the friend with whom I agreed on an overnight stay disappeared from the radar. I had to call my friend from the online game. He invited me to spend the night. It happened as a matter of course - like a cup of tea in the morning. I didn't find any reason to refuse. The tea, however, was cold. Nothing good came of it."Sveta, 26 years old

“We have been friends for seven years. I always knew that Sasha liked me, but, alas, I did not experience reciprocal feelings. And then the girl left him, besides, the project in which he invested his strength did not justify itself. He came to me with the words: "I'm thirty years old, and I'm a loser." I felt sorry for him, he looked so lost! Unexpectedly for myself, I began to pester him. Well, then Sasha took the initiative in his own hands, and it was too late to retreat. I didn't want to upset him even more."Sveta, 25 years old

“I just moved to Moscow, worked as a saleswoman, I had few acquaintances, and even fewer interesting events. And somehow one of the buyers began to flirt. He was on a business trip, the next day he left and called me on a date. We had dinner, walked, he made me laugh. Finished at his hotel. Usually I don’t do this, but it was clear that there would be no continuation, and I thought: what am I missing?Oksana, 32 years old

There are features of the female psyche. These features are as follows: a girl can be absolutely faithful only to that young man with whom she has her first, very first relationship! It means close relationships.

According to the Vedas, it is believed that the first feelings of intimacy between a man and a woman are strongly imprinted in the mind of a woman. She begins to be attracted to just this type of relationship and it is almost impossible to change this. That is, the girl will be the happiest and will automatically be very faithful only to the very first person she fell in love with. Therefore, the parents took great care of their daughter before marriage so that she would be happy. The more partners a girl has, the less she is attached to the groom, and then she feels less loyalty, closeness, love, respect for the next young man.

This is a very, very important point! Some girls think that they should first take a good walk, and then get married. But in fact, they are mistaken, because with each new acquaintance it will be an increasingly serious problem for them to choose a young man for themselves, because there will be no such as before, affection, devotion, love.

For girls, if they want to have a happy family, the best thing is to get married and choose a reliable husband right away, take care of yourself until marriage, and not let your mind change.

A man must also observe the absence of ties with girls before marriage - this is due to another factor. If a young man does not have intimate relationships with women before marriage, all his energy rises upwards, to higher centers, the qualities of will, beauty, strength, determination, rationality begin to actively develop, and he can achieve a lot in life. If he has fun with girls, then all his energy goes down and good qualities are lost.

In Vedic culture, young people before marriage often engaged in self-realization, tried not to have any relationship with girls. At the same time, they became more and more responsible, serious, and, accordingly, attractive and could choose the best girl for themselves.

It really is. The more a young man develops as a person, the more attractive he becomes to a girl. And a girl, the more she retains what she already has from birth, the more attractive she remains. That is, during her life she needs to preserve what she already has, and a man needs to re-develop all his qualities. A man needs to develop. Young people are at a disadvantage in relation to mature men, because they have already accumulated strength, they can already achieve something in life. Of course, if a man grows up and at the same time does not improve his qualities of character, then he does not have any advantages. The girls are; the younger they are, the better position they have. Therefore, age for a woman plays against her if she does not get married on time. For a man, such a pattern does not immediately exist, that is, age can play against him when he begins to age. But until that time, if he has good qualities of character, he can choose any young girl, even much younger than him, and such a marriage will be happy.

Marriage is an important life decision that you should not make without careful consideration. To help you get started, consider these 25 qualities of the person you should marry.

1. They respect your beliefs and values.

The person you marry disagrees with you on every issue, but even so, you should have mutual respect for each other's beliefs and values. You can't keep loving someone you don't respect.

2. They help you grow as a person.

The person you marry should be helping you develop your best side. This doesn't mean they should belittle you with insults or say you're not "good enough" because positive change can't happen without full acceptance of who you are; but your partner should inspire you to develop in every area of ​​life.

3. They trust you, you trust them.

The person you marry should not be spying on your phone by looking at private messages or call history. If they are concerned about a particular issue, they should talk to you about it, and not remain silent and spy on your back.

4. They love everything about you (even your flaws).

The person you marry should be in love with you, not with his idea of ​​what you should be. If they can't accept you without trying to mold you into another person, you'd be better off looking for love elsewhere.

5. They make you laugh.

The person you marry should make you feel happy and fulfilled, not sad and withdrawn. You should be able to smile at each other for no good reason (other than the fact that you and you are so happy to be together), and you should have your own jokes that you don't share with other people in your circle.

6. They're okay with random nights.

The person you marry has every right to expect an occasional romantic night out, a trip out of town, a weekend adventure; however, he shouldn't expect you to always do something in order to have fun together. They should be happy just to snuggle up in bed with you and enjoy a rare moment of silence together, nothing more than the feeling of peace and happiness that comes from wrapping yourself in your arms.

7. They prioritize spending time together.

The person you marry needs to make time for you, because even the best relationships cannot survive without proper care and attention.

8. They have a life outside of your relationship.

The person you marry shouldn't expect you to spend every free moment with them because you have hopes and dreams outside of your relationship. Plus, two people can spend as much time together as it takes without getting bored with each other, so a little privacy is good for both of you.

9. They say why they appreciate you.

The person you marry expresses their thoughts about why they appreciate you, how they feel about you, and what qualities they find attractive, beautiful, sexy. If your partner doesn't give casual compliments, it shows right away, so make sure he truly appreciates the part you'll be playing in his life story.

10. They are willing to compromise.

The person you marry doesn't have to be a weak-willed simpleton who goes along with your every whim, but that doesn't mean he has to be stubborn. It rarely happens that one half of a couple is 100% right or wrong in their arguments. The answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. Your partner should be willing to talk to you about any issue that comes up, and come up with a compromise that may not be exactly what you want, but is nevertheless fair to both parties.

11. They respect your parents.

The person you marry does not have to enjoy your family (to see how unrealistic this is, just ask any married person how they feel about their spouse's relatives), but they still need to have enough respect, not to complain during holidays and special occasions that are important to you.

12. They inspire confidence.

You have to trust the person you are marrying so much that you are ready to tell him anything. If you feel like you have to hide things about your past or identity, this could be a sign that you are dating the wrong person.

13. They admit their mistakes.

The person you marry doesn't have to be perfect, but he does need to be truthful enough to admit his mistakes. It's okay to make a mistake, as long as it's followed by a sincere apology and an honest explanation. But if your partner avoids conflict, denies his mistakes, and is unwilling to apologize, you can leave the ship before you face a storm of family squabbles.

14. They capture your interest.

The person you marry should intrigue you, just like a good movie does; no matter how many times you watch it, you still enjoy it, and with each viewing, you notice something new. If he's not capable of keeping you interested in the long run, then you may not expect a successful long-term relationship.

15. They share your vision for the future.

The person you marry doesn't have to have the same life path as yours, but your routes must match in several areas so that you can get to your destination together. In other words: if your partner wants to travel to other countries, but you are too afraid to even get on a plane, then you may be in trouble.

16. They give without expecting anything in return.

The person you marry should be selfless enough to surprise you with a small act of kindness, without expecting anything in return. If you've ever been on a date with a man (or woman) who expected to have sex just because they invited you to a wonderful dinner, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. There is nothing more annoying than people who do not give gifts just to please, but give for the result that they expect in advance.

17. They don't try to constantly "pin" you.

The person you marry may dance about winning poker or board games. But life will not be complete if it is lived as if every moment is a competition with another person.

18. They enjoy your company in the present moment.

The person you marry should enjoy a romantic dinner or a road trip together, with no distractions on their phone every few seconds. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who can't appreciate the simple act of looking into your eyes, basking in your presence, and enjoying the silence? I don't think you do.

19. They excite you (and you excite them).

The person you marry must feel magnetically attractive to you; you should also control your thoughts when you have the desire to rip off his clothes so hard that it can hurt. It doesn't seem like the most important thing, but show me a person who says that physical attraction is completely unimportant part of a relationship, and I'll show you a person who is delusional and out of touch with reality. I want to clarify - I do not mean that you need to look better than others. I happened to have relationships with many luxurious women of different physiques - full, muscular, thin, slender. It does not matter. The same applies to you guys. I can't speak for everyone, but there are three things that excite me more than anything else: self-confidence, a sharp mind, and the ability to make me think.

20. They are ready to confront their demons.

The person you marry may have a few skeletons in their closet, and that's okay. I will never tell you not to marry a man just because he suffers from alcoholism or suicidal thoughts; it is another matter if they are unwilling to resist these vices.

21. They do not allow feelings to accumulate inside.

The person you marry should not keep their most vivid thoughts and feelings hidden behind a veil of secrecy. He should be open to talking when something is bothering him so that you can work through problems together as a team. Problems that are kept inside tend to intensify, so you probably don't want to live with a person who is constantly closed to you.

22. They are still faithful to you.

The person you marry must be loyal to you and only you (unless you both agree otherwise). If you want to play in bed with other invitees, then I'm not here to judge you, but it's very important that you and your partner both get involved; otherwise, cheating is a frivolous and thoughtless act that is unforgivable in the eyes of most people. I usually ask people to forgive their partners, but this is an area where you can only give one chance, and I wouldn't blame you.

23. They are not afraid of change.

The person you marry shouldn't be resistant to small changes. Sometimes life opens doors for us, presenting new opportunities that could lead to a new career, a new home, a move to a new city, or (insert limitless possibilities here that could happen). If you like to improvise in your business, no matter how it may happen, then you should not put up with a tough partner who is so afraid of change that he does not even want to discuss this issue with you.

24. They show personal responsibility.

The person you marry should act like a responsible adult, not a reckless teenager. Just because life should be fun doesn't mean it should be like shopping 24/7. If your partner gets into debt, or misses a payment after payment, or is unemployed and seems unconcerned about it, then his or her financial problems will become a constant source of stress once you tie the knot. If calling debt collectors and paying for a bunch of junk that aren't your problems doesn't sound like fun, find out about your potential spouse's thoughts on financial matters before considering marriage.

25. They love you here and now, just the way you are.

The person you marry should never make you feel inferior, unpleasant, or not “good enough.” Yes, they should encourage you to improve yourself, but they should be building you up little by little (not breaking and pulling you down). If they cannot love EVERYTHING about you, even all your flaws, then they are not worthy of you.

Important Notice

Of course, marriage is not for everyone, so never feel like you "should be married" just because "society said so." Millions of happy couples have prospered without the need for a marriage license. If you don't want to tie the knot, don't. This is your life, do your thing without apologies.

Your opinion

Different people are attracted to different things, so feel free to leave a comment and tell us what two or three qualities a potential marriage partner should have. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends through the social media buttons.