Education in preschool and primary school age. Features of the development and education of children of primary school age


The initial formation of a person's personality

Child upbringing and development



The personal development of a person bears the stamp of his age and individual characteristics, which must be taken into account in the process of education. The nature of a person's activity, the peculiarities of his thinking, the range of his needs, interests, as well as social manifestations are associated with age. At the same time, each age has its own capabilities and limitations in development. So, for example, the development of thinking abilities and memory most intensively occurs in childhood and adolescence. If the possibilities of this period in the development of thinking and memory are not properly used, then in later years it is already difficult and sometimes impossible to make up for lost time. At the same time, attempts to run ahead, realizing the physical, mental and moral development of a child without taking into account his age-related capabilities, cannot give the effect.

Many teachers drew attention to the need for deep study and skillful consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children in the process of education. These questions, in particular, were posed by Ya.A. Comenius, J. Locke, J.-J. Rousseau, and later A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy and others. Moreover, some of them developed a pedagogical theory based on the idea of ​​conformity to nature in upbringing, that is, taking into account the natural characteristics of age-related development, although this idea was interpreted by them in different ways. Comenius, for example, put into the concept of conformity to nature the idea of ​​taking into account in the process of upbringing those laws of child development that are inherent in human nature, namely: the desire for knowledge, for work, the ability for multilateral development, etc. Rousseau and then Tolstoy interpreted this issue differently. They proceeded from the fact that a child is supposedly a perfect being by nature and that upbringing should not violate this natural perfection, but follow it, revealing and developing the best qualities of children. However, they all agreed on one thing: you need to carefully study the child, know his features and rely on them in the upbringing process.

Useful ideas on this issue are contained in the works of P.P. Blonsky, N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and other scientists. Krupskaya emphasized that if you do not know the characteristics of children and what interests them at a particular age, education cannot be carried out well.

In developmental and educational psychology, it is customary to distinguish the following periods of development of children and schoolchildren: infancy (up to 1 year), early childhood (2-3 years), preschool age (3-5 years), preschool age (5-6 years), younger school age (6-10 years old), middle school age, or adolescence (11-15 years old), senior school age, or early adolescence (15-18 years old).

The art of education has a peculiarity that to almost everyone it seems familiar and understandable, and to others it is even easy, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically.

parenting school teenage

1. The initial formation of a person's personality

1 Modern scientific ideas about education as a process of purposeful formation and development of personality

A person's personality is formed and developed as a result of the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people, acting spontaneously or according to certain goals. At the same time, the person himself is not thought of as a passive being that photographically reflects an external influence. He acts as a subject of his own formation and development.

But what is the essence of upbringing, if we consider it as a specially organized and consciously carried out pedagogical activity?

However, both the first and the second definitions reflect only the external side of the educational process, only the activities of the educator, teacher. Meanwhile, the external educational influence in itself does not always lead to the desired result: it can cause both positive and negative reactions in the educated person or be neutral. It is quite understandable that only if the upbringing effect causes an internal positive reaction (attitude) in the personality and excites her own activity in working on herself, it has an effective developmental and formative influence on her. But just about this in the above definitions of the essence of upbringing is silent. It also does not clarify the question of what this pedagogical influence in itself should be, what character it should have, which often allows it to be reduced to various forms of external compulsion. Various elaborations and moralizing.

These shortcomings in disclosing the essence of upbringing were pointed out by N.K. Krupskaya and attributed them to the influence of the old, authoritarian pedagogy. “The old pedagogy,” she wrote, “asserted that the whole point is in the influence of the educator on the educated person ... The old pedagogy called this influence the pedagogical process and spoke about the rationalization of this pedagogical process. It was assumed that this influence is the nail of education ”. She considered such an approach to pedagogical work not only incorrect, but also contradicting the deep essence of education.

Trying to more concretely represent the essence of education, the American educator and psychologist Edward Thorndike wrote: "The word" education "is given different meanings, but it always indicates, but it always indicates change ... We do not educate someone if we do not induce changes in him." ... The question is: how are these changes made in the development of personality? As noted in philosophy, the development and formation of a person, as a social being, as a person, occurs through the "appropriation of human reality." In this sense, education should be viewed as a means designed to facilitate the appropriation of a growing personality of human reality.

2 Features of the development and education of younger students

Younger school age is associated with teaching children in primary grades. By this time, their physical development is characterized by important features: basically, the ossification of the skull ends, fontanelles close, cranial sutures are formed, and the strengthening of the skeleton as a whole continues. However, the development and ossification of the limbs, spine and pelvic bones are at a stage of great intensity. Under unfavorable conditions, these processes can proceed with large anomalies (from the Greek. Anomalia - deviation from the norm). In particular, physical overload (eg prolonged writing, tiring physical work) can have harmful effects. Improper sitting at a desk during exercise can lead to curvature of the spine, the formation of a sunken chest, etc.

An essential physical feature of younger schoolchildren is increased muscle growth, an increase in muscle mass and a significant increase in muscle strength.

Anthropometric studies show that seven-year-old children are able to lift from 9 to 12 kg with their right hand, and ten-year-olds lift 16-19 kg. An increase in muscle strength and the general development of the motor apparatus determines the great mobility of younger schoolchildren, their desire to run, jump, climb and the inability to stay in the same position for a long time. In this regard, it is very important to practice in the classroom various types of educational work (alternating writing with reading, with performing exercises and other practical exercises, applying visualization, combining methods of explanation with conversation, etc.), conducting physical training pauses (physical education minutes), in warm weather. study with open vents or windows, and in cool weather more often ventilate classes and ensure a sufficient flow of fresh air into recreational (from Lat. hesgeatio - recuperation) rooms and corridors. It is also necessary to ensure that children can eat in the school cafeteria or canteen during recess, in good weather, take walks or quiet outdoor games with them, and after class organize excursions to nature, teach them to do morning exercises at home every day, etc. ...

A necessary element of sanitary and hygienic work in the lower grades is regular (at least once a school quarter) medical examinations, checking the weight of children, hearing, vision. Teachers should also bear in mind that when a child suddenly becomes withdrawn or excessively mobile, when he has difficulty concentrating on the perception of the studied material, suffers from forgetfulness and reduces the quality of academic performance, the causes of all these anomalies can sometimes be associated with physical illness and deterioration. health. In these cases, you need to promptly seek help from a doctor.

No less important are the features of the development of the psyche and cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren. An essential factor in this regard is the development of the brain to improve their nervous system. The development of the brain in younger schoolchildren is manifested both in an increase in its weight and in a change in structural connections between neurons (nerve cells). By the end of primary school age, the weight of the brain reaches 1400-1500 g and approaches the weight of an adult's brain, while its frontal lobes develop relatively faster than other parts. Peripheral nerve branches are also improved. All this creates biological prerequisites for the development of the neuropsychic activity of children. They have increased control of consciousness over behavior, and elements of volitional processes develop. The functional development of the brain and, in particular, its analytical and synthetic functions are also noted. There are shifts in the relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition: the processes of inhibition are intensified, but the processes of excitation remain predominant in behavior. Intensive development of neuropsychic activity, high excitability of primary schoolchildren, their mobility and acute reaction to external influences are accompanied by rapid fatigue, which requires a careful attitude to their psyche, skillful switching from one type of activity to another.

The improvement of the neuropsychic activity of younger schoolchildren also occurs under the influence of education. In psychology and pedagogy, the idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky on the leading role of education and upbringing in the mental development of children. That is why the efforts of teachers should be aimed at using teaching and educational work for their intensive mental development, taking into account the characteristics and age capabilities of children. What aspects of teaching and educational work are of decisive importance in this respect?

The correct organization and improvement of their cognitive activity is of great importance for the mental development of primary schoolchildren. First of all, it is important to develop those mental processes that are associated with direct cognition of the surrounding world, that is, sensation and perception. However, their perceptions are characterized by insufficient differentiation. Perceiving objects and phenomena, they admit inaccuracies in determining their similarities and differences, often focus on secondary details and do not notice essential signs. For example, when writing, they often confuse the letters "z" and "e", the numbers "6" and "9". In one of the math lessons, we witnessed how first graders confused the words "circle" and "ball". That is why, in the learning process, attention should be paid to the formation of the accuracy of the perception of objects and phenomena in schoolchildren and thereby to develop the so-called concrete thinking.

However, as already noted, the second signal system, associated with abstract thinking and speech, is intensively developing in younger schoolchildren. This creates conditions for the assimilation of many questions of the program material not only at the level of ideas, but also at the level of theoretical concepts, especially in languages ​​and mathematics. But a certain measure is needed here. An attempt in the 60s and 70s to raise the theoretical level of education in the primary grades turned out to be unsuccessful: it led to an overload of children and a decrease in the quality of their knowledge. This, however, does not remove the task of developing analytical and synthetic thinking in younger schoolchildren when assimilating the material under study, the need to teach them to divide the whole into parts, to isolate essential and less essential features of the objects and phenomena being studied, to make comparisons, conclusions and theoretical generalizations, to formulate rules and etc. The experiments of L.V. Zankov and his collaborators found that with purposeful development, children develop the ability to perceive and determine the essential features of the objects and phenomena under study, they learn to embrace a greater number of these features and reveal the most important of them.

Under the influence of improving learning and giving it a developmental character, qualitative changes are taking place in improving the memory of primary schoolchildren. Pupils of this age usually have a predominant mechanical memory, and they memorize the material being studied relatively quickly. Meaningful assimilation of knowledge requires significant analytical and synthetic cognitive activity, which, naturally, causes certain difficulties for some schoolchildren. Therefore, instead of overcoming these difficulties, they prefer to memorize the material mechanically, which, as a rule, leads to a lag in their studies. These shortcomings can only be prevented by encouraging children to deeply comprehend knowledge and develop logical memory.

The successful organization of the educational work of junior schoolchildren requires constant care for the development of their voluntary attention and the formation of volitional efforts in overcoming the difficulties encountered in mastering knowledge. Knowing that involuntary attention predominates among children in this age group and that they find it difficult to concentrate on the perception of "uninteresting" material, teachers tend to use various pedagogical techniques to make school learning more entertaining.

It should not be forgotten, however, that not everything in learning has external amusement and that children need to develop an understanding of their school responsibilities. In particular, K.D. Ushinsky:

Of course, having made your lesson entertaining, you may not be afraid to bore the children, but remember that not everything can be entertaining in learning, but there are certainly boring things, and should be. Teach the child to do not only what occupies him, but also what does not occupy him, to do for the pleasure of fulfilling his duty.

The organization of the practical activities of primary schoolchildren is characterized by important features. At preschool age, the main activity of children is play. Even the simplest types of labor are better and more readily performed by them when they are clothed in playful form. Significant shifts are taking place in younger schoolchildren in this regard. Although now play takes a prominent place, they are beginning to realize the importance of productive work, self-service work, helping adults and strive to acquire the work skills and skills available to them. That is why it is so important to expand the scope of labor activity of younger schoolchildren, especially its collective forms. What is specific is that it is on the basis of their inclusion in learning and work activity that an awareness of their social responsibilities is formed, an interest and desire for participation in public life develops.

The moral development of younger schoolchildren is distinguished by a noticeable originality. In their moral consciousness, mainly imperative (imperative) elements predominate, conditioned by the instructions, advice and requirements of the teacher. Their moral consciousness actually functions in the form of these demands, and in assessing behavior they proceed mainly from what should not be done. That is why they notice the slightest deviations from the established norms of behavior and immediately seek to report them to the teacher. Another feature is connected with this: reacting sharply to the shortcomings in the behavior of their comrades, the guys often do not notice their own shortcomings and are uncritical of themselves. Self-awareness and introspection among younger students are at a low level, and their development requires attention and special pedagogical work from teachers.

A certain external turn of moral consciousness and an insufficient level of development of self-consciousness have as their consequence that their regulatory role in the behavior of younger schoolchildren turns out to be weak. The actions of children of this age are often imitative in nature or are caused by impulsive internal urges. This must be taken into account in the upbringing process. It is very important, in particular, to develop the moral consciousness of children and enrich them with vivid moral ideas on various issues of behavior. At the same time, moral exercises should be skillfully used to develop and consolidate stable forms of behavior in children. Explanatory work, not supported by habituation and moral exercises, has little effect on improving the behavior of younger students.

In the upbringing and development of younger students, the personality of the teacher, as well as the influence of parents and adults, is of great importance. Their sensitivity, attention and ability to stimulate and organize both collective and individual activities of children decisively determine the success of upbringing.

3 Development and education of children of primary and secondary school (adolescence) age

The next age stage, no less important in the upbringing of a child, is the primary school age. During this period, the child goes through a difficult path from a novice first grader who has only a faint idea of ​​the educational process, to a student who has mastered the rhythm of school life, who has mastered a significant store of knowledge. Differences between the habits and way of thinking formed in the course of preschool education of children and the new skills of communication and cognition that arise under the influence of school education are gradually being smoothed out.

Under the influence of the educational process in elementary school, the development of the child reaches a new level. First of all, cognitive interest develops intensively and in various directions. However, the pace of a child's development is largely determined by the characteristics of the upbringing of children, adopted by a particular teacher. A child comes to school with a great desire to learn everything new, and upbringing, methods of teaching and assessing student success largely determine whether this interest develops in the future or is slowed down under the influence of teacher discontent and poor grades. At this time, the inclinations and inclinations for certain types of art and areas of knowledge are finally formed in children. Therefore, the upbringing of children at this age should be aimed not only at gaining knowledge indirectly, from teachers or parents, but also at the formation of a number of skills necessary for independent learning and work with various educational materials.

At the initial stage of school education, the upbringing of a child is based on maintaining the authority of the parents and especially the teacher. The power of the influence of the teacher on the personality of the child is very great. This is a period when upbringing and development are closely interrelated: the level of development is still a determining criterion in the choice of teaching methods, and vice versa, the intensity of a child's development depends on the quality of upbringing.

The upbringing of children in adolescence, with the transition from primary to secondary school, is marked by the fact that the child is gradually emerging from the influence of teachers and parents. During this period, the upbringing of the child is hampered by special physiological processes that lead to increased excitability of the nervous system and, as a result, imbalance in the child's behavior.

This period is characterized by a heightened sense of adulthood, the desire to get rid of the guardianship of elders. The circle of interests of a teenager is determined to a greater extent by himself, rather than is the result of the influence of parents. It is at this age that friendships with peers are strengthened, new authorities appear - both in the immediate environment and among famous people or even literary and film heroes. In the process of raising children during this period, it is important to show sensitivity and tact, respect for the individuality and the right to independence of each child. An important role in this period can be played by the awakening of interest in self-education, based primarily on the desire to imitate your favorite characters.

Basically, a child's development ends in high school. At this time, most of the contradictions of adolescence are smoothed out. The role of the teacher in the upbringing of the child is again strengthening - now as a mentor who helps to form the foundations of the worldview in students, to realize their inclinations and interests in certain types of activities or professions.

It should be emphasized that at present there is a lot of methodological literature on this issue. Often, it highlights only certain aspects of the moral and patriotic education of children in specific types of activity, and there is no harmonious system that reflects the entirety of this issue. Apparently, this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for their native places, pride in their people, and the feeling of their inseparability with the world around them, and the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their country.

The tasks of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers are:

raising a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;

fostering respect for work;

developing interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

formation of basic knowledge about human rights;

acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the country's achievements;

the formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, at work, in everyday life - since they bring up in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationship with adults and peers.

The immediate environment is of considerable importance for the education in children of interest and love for their native land. Gradually, the child gets to know the kindergarten, his street, city, and then with the country, its capital and symbols.

The system and sequence of work on the moral and patriotic education of children can be represented as follows:

Of course, this scheme cannot convey the entirety of the work on this issue. All these tasks are present, as it were, within the work on moral and patriotic education.

Adolescence is commonly referred to as transitional age, as the transition from childhood to adolescence occurs during this period. For students of this age period, the features of childhood and features are intertwined, in many respects inherent in adolescence, but still in the stage of formation and development. This is why the adolescent is sometimes described as half-child and half-adult. As a semi-adult, he feels the rapid growth of physical strength and spiritual needs, as a semi-child, he is still limited by his capabilities and experience in order to satisfy all emerging demands and needs. This explains the complexity and inconsistency of the character, behavior and development of adolescents, which gives reason to consider this age, to a certain extent, difficult for education.

The "separation" from childhood and the approach to adulthood are clearly manifested in those peculiar features of physical and spiritual development that distinguish adolescents from younger schoolchildren. First of all, the physical development of secondary schoolchildren proceeds differently. It is characterized by greater intensity, unevenness and significant complications associated with the onset of puberty.

In particular, there is an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. This stimulates physical growth and enhances metabolic processes in the body. However, there is a disproportionality in physical development: the limbs grow faster, while the development of the body lags somewhat behind. Outwardly, this is manifested in the fact that in adolescents the arms and legs seem somewhat elongated, and their movements are distinguished by angularity and some awkwardness. At the same time, unevenness is noted in the process of growth itself: in certain periods, it either slows down or occurs too intensively. This process is accompanied by ossification of the skeleton and a decrease in cartilage. At the same time, muscle tissues and, in particular, thinner fibers develop, which, together with the strengthening of the skeleton, gives adolescents greater physical strength. At the same time, a number of scientists note the acceleration (acceleration) of these processes, which is expressed in the fact that the physical development of adolescents is currently happening 1-1.5 years faster than 30-40 years ago.

Some imbalances are also observed in the development of the cardiovascular system. The heart grows faster, while the development of blood vessels lags somewhat behind, which leads to a lack of blood flow to individual organs and systems, to an increase in blood pressure and associated headaches. Adolescents are distinguished by great mobility, increased agility, a desire for activity and the practical application of their strength in work, in lifting weights, in physical competitions, "and boys in fights with each other. But both the muscles and the circulatory system are still not strong enough, so adolescents quickly get tired, unable to endure prolonged physical stress, and excessive physical exertion (for example, long and high jumps, jumping ditches and other obstacles) often lead to physical injuries.That is why the correct dosage of physical activity is an important task in organizing the practical activities of adolescents ...

The need for constant attention and the creation of favorable conditions for the physical development of adolescents (organization of daily morning exercises, sports events, outdoor games, ensuring sufficient stay in the fresh air, etc.) is also due to hypodynamia (from the Greek huro - the prefix that is used in the sense of "under" and indicates a decrease against the norm and dinamus - strength, mobility), that is, insufficient mobility. Learning that requires a sedentary lifestyle can lead to stagnation in the body, to insufficient oxygen supply, which negatively affects the physical development of students.

The development of the brain, further structural formation of nerve cells and associative fibers create the prerequisites for improving the cognitive activity of adolescents. The entry into the blood of hormones produced by the organs of internal secretion causes an increase or decrease in vitality, then an increase, then a decline in working capacity and energy, and is also accompanied by an alternation of good mood, then withdrawal into internal experiences, then cheerfulness, then passivity. During periods of low mood and loss of energy, adolescents may develop irritability, an indifferent attitude towards studies, quarrels with friends and conflicts with friends, as well as many misunderstandings in relations with teachers and adults.

But the periods of rising energy and activity of adolescents bring a lot of anxiety. Often they are accompanied by mischief, pranks, the desire to show their strength, physical and moral superiority. It is during such periods that some adolescents display "false heroism": they secretly leave home and set up "partisan camps" in the forest, organize unauthorized "trips" to other cities, and so on. These "breakdowns" in behavior just speak about the half-childishness and half-maturity of adolescents, about the lack of ability to take a serious approach to thinking about their actions and deeds. All this, of course, complicates education. Therefore, it is necessary to spare the nervous system of adolescents in every possible way, to show special sensitivity and provide assistance in learning during periods of declining academic performance so that an accidental "bad" does not kill the desire to learn.

For adolescents, significant shifts in thinking and cognitive activity are characteristic. Unlike younger schoolchildren, they are no longer satisfied with the external perception of the objects and phenomena being studied, but strive to understand their essence, the cause-and-effect relationships existing in them. Striving to comprehend the deep causes of the studied phenomena, they ask many questions when studying new material (sometimes tricky, "with a cunning"), demand from the teacher more argumentation of the proposed theses and convincing proof. On this basis, they develop abstract (conceptual) thinking and logical memory. The natural character of this feature of their thinking and memory is manifested only with the appropriate organization of cognitive activity. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to giving the learning process a problematic character, to teach adolescents to find and formulate problems themselves, to develop their analytical and synthetic skills, the ability to theoretical generalizations. An equally important task is the development of skills for independent educational work, the formation of the ability to work with a textbook, to show independence and a creative approach when doing homework.

Of particular importance in the organization of educational work of adolescents is the internal stimulation of their cognitive activity, that is, the development of their cognitive needs, interests and motives for learning. It should be borne in mind that incentives do not arise by themselves. They are formed only when teachers pay special attention to this side of the work, which was already discussed in the chapter on the essence and laws of education.

The process of moral education should be different from that in the lower grades. Adolescents are weighed down if their behavior is determined by external regulation. They are more willing to follow rules of conduct if they are well aware of these rules and act as their own moral principles. That is why a deep explanation of moral norms and rules and the formation of moral views and convictions in adolescents should be an essential feature of moral education. At the same time, tactfully carried out regulation, as well as control over the behavior of students as measures to prevent rash actions, does not lose its pedagogical significance.

The personality traits of adolescents associated with their position in the peer group, attitudes towards teachers and adults, as well as towards themselves, seem to be very prominent. Adolescents, as a rule, are distinguished by collectivism, they are attracted by common interests and joint activities, although during periods of mood recession and withdrawal into internal experiences, they also notice some desire for isolation.

An essential age feature of adolescents is the desire to assert their dignity and prestige among their comrades. The main paths to this are good studies, social activity, the manifestation of abilities in certain types of activity, external charm, etc. If this or that teenager does not achieve a worthy place in the team, he is going through his situation hard. It is quite understandable that teachers should carefully study the relationship of students and help them strengthen their prestige in the team.

The adolescent's position in the team affects his relationship with teachers and adults. It is noticed that in those cases when a conflict situation is created and it is necessary to make a choice between the opinion of the teacher and the opinion of the class, the teenager most often adheres to the opinion of his peers. Therefore, in resolving sensitive issues, the teacher should be very careful and strive to rely on the opinion of the student body.

Increasing intellectual abilities, general spiritual growth and the expansion of interpersonal ties stimulate the development of self-awareness in adolescents, inspire dreams of their vocation and future. They compare themselves with their peers, assess their strengths and weaknesses. But if they judge the shortcomings of others harshly, then in relation to themselves they are less exacting. This necessitates the development of self-criticism in them and the urge to self-education.

An essential feature of educational work with adolescents is vocational guidance. When conducting it, one should take into account the fact that students of this age usually see their future in romantically elevated tones. They dream of bright professions and prefer to become astronauts, pilots, geologists, sailors, etc. Manufacturing professions attract them less. That is why, while supporting adolescents' striving for a bright and dignified life, it is necessary to reveal to them the heroics and beauty of everyday work in industry and agriculture, to orientate them to work in the sphere of material production.

2. Education and development of the child

1 Individual characteristics of the development of students and their consideration in the process of education

The age characteristics of the development of students are manifested in different ways in their individual formation. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren, depending on their natural inclinations and living conditions (the relationship between biological and social), differ significantly from each other. That is why the development of each of them, in turn, is characterized by significant individual differences and characteristics that must be taken into account in the process of teaching and upbringing.

What are the problems facing the school staff in this case?

When taking into account the age-related characteristics of the development of children, the teacher largely relies on the generalized data of pedagogy and developmental psychology, which were discussed earlier. As for the individual differences and characteristics of the upbringing of individual students, here he has to rely only on the material that he accumulates in the process of personal study of students. What questions should be paid attention to when studying the individual characteristics of students? It is essential to study the physical condition and health of schoolchildren, on which their attention in the lesson and general performance largely depend. It is necessary to know the diseases previously suffered by the student, which have severely affected his health, chronic diseases, the state of vision and the warehouse of the nervous system. All this will help to correctly dose physical activity, determine the place of landing of students in the class - mass and recreational activities.

It is very important to know the features of the cognitive activity of students, the properties of their memory, inclinations and interests, as well as the predisposition to more successful study of certain subjects. Taking these features into account, an individual approach to students in learning is carried out: the stronger need additional classes in order to develop their intellectual abilities more intensively: the weakest students need to be provided with individual assistance, to develop their memory, intelligence, cognitive activity, etc.

Much attention must be paid to the study of the sensory and emotional sphere of students and in a timely manner to identify those who are distinguished by increased irritability, react painfully to comments, and are unable to maintain friendly contacts with comrades. No less important is knowledge of the typology of the character of each student, which will help to take it into account when organizing collective activities, distributing social assignments and overcoming negative traits and qualities. It is difficult, but very important to study the internal incentive factors of behavior and development of schoolchildren - their needs, motives and attitudes, their position in relation to learning, events and changes taking place in society, work, as well as to teachers and a team of comrades. The study of students should also cover familiarization with the conditions of home life and upbringing, their extracurricular hobbies and contacts, which have a significant impact on their upbringing and development.

A significant place is occupied by teachers' knowledge of those important issues that are related to the learning and educational ability of students and include the degree of receptivity of pedagogical influences, as well as the dynamics of the formation of certain personal qualities. In conclusion, we emphasize that only a deep study and knowledge of the characteristics of the development of each student creates the conditions for the successful consideration of these characteristics in the process of teaching and upbringing.

In the concept of developing learning, the child is viewed not as an object of the teacher's teaching influences, but as a self-changing subject of skill, as a student. According to VV Davydov, the bearer of any activity is the subject. Its content and structure belongs to the subject, as a result of which it is impossible to separate the activity from the subject, which in turn has such qualities as consciousness, initiative, independence, responsibility and others.

Purposeful formation and development of personality provides scientifically organized upbringing.

Modern scientific ideas about upbringing as a process of purposeful formation and development of a personality have developed as a result of a long confrontation between a number of pedagogical ideas.

Already in the Middle Ages, the theory of authoritarian education was formed, which continues to exist in various forms at the present time. One of the brightest representatives of this theory was the German teacher I.F. Herbart, who reduced parenting to managing children. The purpose of this control is to suppress the child's wild playfulness, "which throws him from side to side," controlling the child determines his behavior at the moment, maintains external order. Herbart considered supervision of children and orders to be methods of management.

As an expression of protest against authoritarian upbringing, the theory of free upbringing, put forward by J.J. Russo. He and his followers called for respect in the child of a growing person, not to restrain, but in every way to stimulate the natural development of the child in the course of upbringing.

Soviet teachers, proceeding from the requirements of the socialist school, tried to reveal the concept of "upbringing process" in a new way, but did not immediately overcome the old views on its essence. So, P.P. Blonsky believed that upbringing is a deliberate, organized, long-term impact on the development of a given organism, that the object of such an impact can be any living being - a person, an animal, a plant. A.P. Pinkevich interpreted upbringing as a deliberate systematic influence of one person on another in order to develop biologically or socially useful natural personality traits. The social essence of education was not revealed on a truly scientific basis in this definition.

Describing education only as an impact, P.P. Blonsky and A.P. Pinkevich has not yet considered it as a two-way process in which educators and children are actively interacting, as the organization of the life and activities of pupils, the accumulation of social experience by them. In their conceptions, the child acted primarily as an object of upbringing.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "education is a multifaceted process of constant spiritual enrichment and renewal - both those who are being brought up and those who are raising." Here, the idea of ​​mutual enrichment, the interaction of the subject and the object of education, stands out more clearly.

Modern pedagogy proceeds from the fact that the concept of the upbringing process reflects not a direct impact, but the social interaction of the teacher and the educated person, their developing relations. The goals that the teacher sets for himself act as some product of the student's activity; The process of achieving these goals is also realized through the organization of the student's activities; the assessment of the success of the teacher's actions is again made on the basis of what are the qualitative shifts in the consciousness and behavior of the student.

Any process is a set of regular and consistent actions aimed at achieving a certain result. The main result of the educational process is the formation of a harmoniously developed, socially active personality.

Education is a two-way process, involving both organization and leadership, and the individual's own activity. However, the leading role in this process belongs to the teacher. It would be appropriate to recall one remarkable incident from Blonsky's life. When he was fifty years old, the press approached him with a request for an interview. One of them asked the scientist what problems he was most worried about in pedagogy. Pavel Petrovich thought for a moment and said that the question of what is upbringing does not cease to interest him. Indeed, a thorough understanding of this issue is a very difficult matter, because the process that this concept designates is extremely complex and multifaceted.

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of "education" is used in a variety of meanings: preparing the growing generation for life, organized educational activities, etc. It is clear that in different cases the concept of "education" will have a different meaning. This distinction is especially clear when they say: the social environment, the household environment and the school brings up. When they say that "the environment educates" or "educates the everyday environment", they do not mean specially organized educational activities, but the everyday influence that socio-economic and living conditions have on the development and formation of the personality.

The expression "educates the school" has a different meaning. It clearly indicates a specially organized and consciously carried out educational activity. Even K.D. Ushinsky wrote that, in contrast to the influences of the environment and everyday influences, which are most often spontaneous and unintentional, education in pedagogy is considered as a deliberate and specially organized pedagogical process. This does not mean at all that school education is fenced off from the influences of the environment and everyday influences. On the contrary, it should take these influences into account as much as possible, relying on their positive aspects and neutralizing negative ones. The crux of the matter, however, is that education as a pedagogical category, as a specially organized pedagogical activity, cannot be confused with various spontaneous influences and influences that a person experiences in the process of his development.

But what is the essence of upbringing, if we consider it as a specially organized and consciously carried out pedagogical activity?

When it comes to specially organized educational activities, then usually this activity is associated with a certain impact, influence on the formed personality. That is why, in some pedagogical textbooks, upbringing is traditionally defined as a specially organized pedagogical influence on a developing personality in order to form social properties and qualities determined by society. In other works, however, the word "impact" is omitted as an incongruous and allegedly associated with the word "compulsion" and education is interpreted as a leadership or management of personality development.

However, both the first and the second definitions reflect only the external side of the educational process, only the activities of the educator, teacher. Meanwhile, the external educational influence in itself does not always lead to the desired result: it can cause both positive and negative reactions in the educated person, or it can be neutral. It is quite understandable that only if the upbringing effect causes an internal positive reaction (attitude) in the personality and excites her own activity in working on herself, it has an effective developmental and formative influence on her. But just about this in the above definitions of the essence of upbringing is silent. It also does not clarify the question of what this pedagogical influence in itself should be, what character it should have, which often allows it to be reduced to various forms of external compulsion. Various elaborations and moralizing.

These shortcomings in disclosing the essence of upbringing were pointed out by N.K. Krupskaya and attributed them to the influence of the old, authoritarian pedagogy. “The old pedagogy,” she wrote, “asserted that the whole point is in the influence of the educator on the educated person ... The old pedagogy called this influence the pedagogical process and spoke about the rationalization of this pedagogical process. It was assumed that this influence is the nail of education ”.

She considered such an approach to pedagogical work not only incorrect, but also contradicting the deep essence of education.

Trying to represent more concretely the essence of upbringing, the American educator and psychologist Edward Thorndike wrote: “The word“ upbringing ”is given different meanings, but it always indicates, but it always indicates change. We do not educate anyone if we do not bring about changes in him. " The question is: how are these changes made in the development of personality? As noted in philosophy, the development and formation of a person, as a social being, as a person, occurs through the "appropriation of human reality." In this sense, education should be viewed as a means designed to facilitate the appropriation of a growing personality of human reality.

What is this reality and how is its appropriation by a person carried out? Human reality is nothing more than social experience generated by the labor and creative efforts of many generations of people. In this experience, the following structural components can be distinguished: the whole set of knowledge developed by people about nature and society, practical skills in various types of work, methods of creative activity, as well as social and spiritual relations.

Since this experience is generated by the labor and creative efforts of many generations of people, this means that in knowledge, practical skills and abilities, as well as in the methods of scientific and artistic creativity, social and spiritual relations, the results of their diverse labor, cognitive, spiritual activities and life together. All this is very important for education. In order for the younger generations to “appropriate” this experience and make it their property, they must “distribute” it, that is, in essence, in one form or another, reproduce the activity contained in it and, with creative efforts, enrich it and already in more developed form to pass on to their descendants. Only through the mechanisms of his own activity, his own creative efforts and relationships, does a person master social experience and its various structural components. It is easy to show this with an example: in order for students to learn the Archimedes' law, which is studied in a physics course, they need in one form or another to "distribute" the cognitive actions performed by a great scientist, that is, to reproduce, repeat, even under the guidance of a teacher, that the way he walked towards the discovery of this law. In the same way, the mastery of social experience (knowledge, practical skills, methods of creative activity, etc.) and in other spheres of human life takes place. It follows that the main purpose of upbringing is to include a growing person in the activity of “de-objectifying” various aspects of social experience, to help him reproduce this experience and thus to develop his social properties and qualities, to develop himself as a person.

On this basis, education in philosophy is defined as the reproduction of social experience in the individual, as the translation of human culture into an individual form of existence. This definition is also useful for pedagogy. Bearing in mind the activity-based nature of education, Ushinsky wrote: "Almost all of its (pedagogy's) rules follow mediocre or directly from the basic position: give the pupil's soul the right activity and enrich it with the means of unlimited, soul-absorbing activity."

For pedagogy, however, it is very important that the measure of a person's personal development depends not only on the very fact of his participation in the activity, but mainly on the degree of the activity that he shows in this activity, as well as on its nature and orientation, which in the aggregate, it is customary to call the attitude to activity. Let's take a look at some examples.

Students learn mathematics in the same class or student group. Naturally, the conditions in which they practice are about the same. However, the quality of their academic performance is often very different. Of course, this reflects the differences in their abilities, the level of previous training, but their attitude to the study of this subject plays an almost decisive role. Even with average abilities, a schoolchild or student can study very successfully if they show high cognitive activity and perseverance in mastering the material being studied. And vice versa, the absence of this activity, a passive attitude towards educational work, as a rule, lead to lagging behind.

No less important for the development of the personality is also the nature and direction of the activity that the personality manifests in the organized activity. You can, for example, show activity and mutual assistance in work, striving to achieve the overall success of the class and school, or you can be active in order only to show yourself, earn praise and derive personal benefit for yourself. In the first case, a collectivist will be formed, in the second - an individualist or even a careerist. All this poses a task for each teacher - to constantly stimulate the activity of students in organized activities and to form a positive and healthy attitude towards it. It follows from this that it is the activity and the attitude towards it that act as the determining factors in the upbringing and personal development of the student.

These judgments, in my opinion, quite clearly reveal the essence of upbringing and make it possible to approach its definition. Upbringing should be understood as a purposeful and consciously carried out pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating the various activities of the formed personality to master social experience: knowledge, practical skills, methods of creative activity, social and spiritual relations.

This approach to the interpretation of personality development is called the activity-relational concept of education. The essence of this concept, as shown above, is that only by including a growing person in a variety of activities for mastering social experience and skillfully stimulating his activity (attitude) in this activity, it is possible to carry out his effective education. Without the organization of this activity and the formation of a positive attitude towards it, education is impossible. This is precisely the deep essence of this most complex process.

Modern problems of preschool and primary school education and ways to solve them.

What does D. Vorobyova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, suggest in this regard?

Over the past decade, the education system in the country has changed significantly. In modern education, the variability of the types of educational institutions has significantly increased, numerous author's schools have appeared, offering their own training programs for children of preschool and primary school age, which undoubtedly forms new requirements for the teacher.

Life more and more persistently sets the task of revising the nature of the teacher's interaction with children in the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) and primary school. This ambiguous, multifaceted task is associated with the teacher's attitudes and the need to change them, which presupposes awareness of the modern goals of education.

The brake for changing the relationship between the main subjects of the pedagogical process (child - teacher) is the existing system of training and retraining of specialists. Unfortunately, today they are being trained in such a direction so that specialists can mainly implement the tasks of developing the cognitive sphere of a child. Of course, this is an important, but not the only direction of the teacher's work with children, moreover, in practice, it is strangely replaced by an urge beyond measure download a child in primary school and, which is especially alarming, in a preschool educational institution with a large amount of knowledge.

An increase in the volume of educational material leads to an overestimation of the requirements for children and an increase in pressure on them in order to assimilate it. However, various administrative educational structures do not adequately respond to this state of affairs. By supporting and encouraging such practices, they, to a certain extent, form public opinion, which is based on the belief that the accumulation of large amounts of knowledge is a blessing and this is exactly the path that leads a child to development. In these conditions, a rush of parents' demand for teachers and institutions of this type is created, and educational institutions, satisfying it, improve the system of training teachers and continue to bring to schools and preschool educational institutions graduates who have poor ideas about how to solve the problems of the integral development of a child at the age of 3-10 years.

The most striking thing is the lack of miscalculation of the global consequences of such education of children, its influence on the formation in subsequent years of a child's attitude to school, teacher and learning.

The observational data and statistics at our disposal under these conditions indicate that already in the preschool period of childhood, children lose their natural interest in learning and, unfortunately, do not acquire it, as a rule, in primary and secondary school.

However, some scientists and administrative structures in charge of education, despite the negative attitude of children towards learning and their associated asocial behavior, stubbornly turn a blind eye to the essence of the problem. Often wishful thinking, they refuse to see the reason in the violence against the child's personality in the educational process. At the same time, these same structures are looking for an opportunity to mobilize their efforts to find methods that provide an opportunity to assess the knowledge of schoolchildren and preschoolers. It is possible to foresee what this will lead to: a teacher, a preschool teacher will increase the threshold of pressure on children, since it is the volume of the student's knowledge that will determine the teacher's image. As you can see, the circle is closed, and the result is deplorable. Once again, educational problems associated with the development of a child's positive attitude to learning remain outside the field of vision of the pedagogical community.

It must be admitted that the teacher of preschool educational institutions and schools is constantly under rather tough pressure, which contradicts the call to introduce humanistic pedagogy.

The teacher acts according to the rules learned even within the walls of educational institutions: the teacher (educator) must teach, and the child must master the material. And whether a child can master is not a question. The entire management system, willingly or unwillingly, prompts the teacher to treat the child as a given, a unit that can always learn everything if you try. And the teacher, sometimes contrary to objective facts and common sense, tries, not particularly caring for the child to feel comfort and a sense of the joy of learning, to be successful in the process of introducing him to social experience (knowledge, skills, skills). Out of the field of attention of the teacher are the state of health, medical indicators, sometimes age, as well as mental and individual characteristics of the child.

Against the background of these alarming tendencies, we are actively searching for ways that provide the opportunity to form a teacher of a new warehouse.

The main direction is the formation of a professional ideal-teacher capable of exerting such an influence on a child that would ensure his success in intellectual, emotional and moral-volitional development. For this purpose, we are working out the conditions that contribute to the formation of the teacher's ability to realize the idea of ​​the holistic development of a child of 3-10 years old in the process of his participation in the development and testing of a new pedagogical technology.

We note the rapid professional growth of a teacher if he has a sufficiently high level of critical self-esteem and an active desire to improve himself in the practice of working with children.

The analysis showed that in a fairly short period of time there is a dramatic change in the teacher's attitudes towards the process of teaching children. The task of developing children's interest in learning about the world around them is brought to the fore.

An integrated approach is used - combining various educational material in one lesson (lesson); at the preschool educational institution, classes are conducted individually and in small subgroups, where children gather on their own initiative, according to their interests. Classes are held against the backdrop of playing children. The teacher begins to take into account the state of health and psyche of the child to a greater extent, he develops the ability to purposefully select and vary the educational material.

The conducted monitoring indicates the possibility of forming new attitudes among preschool and primary school teachers, ensuring the introduction of humanistic pedagogy into the pedagogical process, based on a dialectical approach to solving the problem of upbringing and education.

Mastering a new pedagogical technology requires the teacher to have sufficient knowledge of the psychology of the child, a conscious approach to the choice of methods and the appropriateness of their use in work, taking into account the knowledge of the characteristics of children and the inadmissibility of hard pressure on them in the process of appropriating social experience. The new technology brings the teacher to positions that ensure the development of a sense of success for each participant in the pedagogical process, forms the child's desire to learn and explore the world.

The presence of an ideal image presupposes the advancement of the teacher to success in teaching. This happens on condition that he realizes the need for self-improvement and himself becomes the developer of a new pedagogical technology. The feeling of deep satisfaction experienced by the teacher opens up new opportunities for professional growth, which also contributes to solving the problems of preschool and primary school education.

2 The current state of education

A feature of the modern approach to assessing the educational activities of educational organizations is a systemic vision of the upbringing process and the allocation of an integral complex of necessary conditions and factors that ensure the effectiveness of this work.

Analysis of the regulatory framework showed the widespread use of the concepts of "personality development", "human rights", "personal interests" and others. These formulations imply democratization, first of all, at the primary level of educational organizations. Individual self-development, successful self-realization and self-determination are highlighted as priority values.

The new model of education is of an activity nature, aimed at the formation of the desire for independent continuous education and the development of creative abilities. On its basis, a system for educating children and youth is being built, covering various levels of education: preschool, general secondary, technical and vocational, post-secondary higher postgraduate, additional. Scientific and methodological support of the educational process is carried out: educational programs have been developed and implemented, both at the level of the republic - the Comprehensive Education Program in educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006-2011, - and at the regional level, in educational organizations; author programs are created; criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the educational process and the level of upbringing of the individual are being developed.

Work is underway to staff the educational process. Staff units have been introduced for deputy directors for educational work of schools, vocational schools, colleges, vice-rectors for educational work, class teachers, organizing teachers, senior counselors, social teachers, educational psychologists, released class teachers, additional education teachers, methodologists, group curators.

In a number of educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, educational systems have been created and are successfully functioning, focused on the needs of students, teachers and parents, taking into account specific socio-pedagogical conditions, which makes it possible to expand the range of opportunities for educational influence on the individual. But in the matter of education in the regions of the republic, there are still many problems, including:

the emergence of a new system of society's requirements for the individual, generated by new social realities;

insufficient consistency of ideological guidelines, allowing to designate the goal and priority areas of education;

social stratification of society, demonstration by a part of the population of welfare based not on labor activity, gives rise to a feeling of inferiority, disbelief in social justice;

overestimation of the role of education and underestimation of the role of upbringing in the formation of new generations of Kazakhstanis;

weak effectiveness of the activities of teachers in the formation of students of a responsible attitude to universal and national values;

weakening of the educational role of the social institution of the family;

underestimation of human life as the most important value, insufficient formation of healthy lifestyle skills;

negative influence of mass media on personality formation;

insufficient scientific and methodological support of the new paradigm of education;

insufficient knowledge of modern educational technologies by teachers;

low efficiency of the upbringing potential of children's public organizations;

loss of the system of labor education and vocational guidance;

limited network of children's and youth associations of interests (clubs, circles, sections, etc.) and insufficient efficiency of their activities.

Based on the above-mentioned problems, the upbringing of the younger generation should be considered as one of the main strategic and priority tasks of the development of modern Kazakhstani society, which is the fundamental basis of state policy.

The Concept develops the basic principles of the educational policy of Kazakhstan, determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Freedom of Religion and Religious Associations" by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Marriage and family "Strategy" Kazakhstan - 2030 ", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On the prevention of delinquency among minors and the prevention of child neglect and homelessness ", The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the prevention and limitation of tobacco smoking", the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the State Program" People's Health ", the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2010, the State Program for the Development of Education, the Concept for the Development of Education Of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, etc.

The concept identifies education as a nationwide priority. The proposed Concept of education should become a system-forming element of a unified management system in the organization of education. In accordance with this Concept, an Action Plan for its implementation is being developed.

Upbringing values

Values ​​- socially significant for the individual, social community, society as a whole, material, social objects, approved and shared by the majority of people ideas about what is good, justice, patriotism. They serve as a standard, an ideal for all people; the pedagogical process is aimed at their formation.

Man is an absolute value, the highest substance, "the measure of all things." The highest value of our state is a person, his life, rights and freedoms. In modern conditions of development, a person is presented not just as an object of study, but, first of all, as a subject of creativity and cognition, creating the greatest examples of culture and captivating with his desire for creativity.

The family is the initial structural unit of society, the first collective of the child, the natural environment for his development, where the foundations of the future personality are laid. A marriage of two people does not yet form a family; a family arises when a child appears in it.

Motherland, native land - the only native land, unique for each person, given to him by fate, inherited from his ancestors, connecting with the spiritual culture of his people, his historical past.

Health, a healthy lifestyle is an indispensable condition for a happy, productive life; a responsible attitude to one's health should become a natural inner need of a person. In the Address of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan - 2030" health is recognized as one of the strategic long-term priorities for the development of the republic.

Labor is the basis of human existence, "the eternal natural condition of human life." Spiritualized, conscious, creative work most naturally expresses the natural essence of man.

Education is a necessary condition for the development of every personality and social progress. Knowledge is the result of learning. The educational essence of education is that it is not an end in itself, but a means to an end.

Cultural heritage is the great wealth of every nation and of all mankind in the sphere of spiritual and material life. Real culture combines in itself the eternal striving for truth, goodness and beauty.

Language is the main means of human interaction, one of the most important sociocultural values.

Friendship is an individually selective, free and sympathetic relationship. Friendship presupposes not only loyalty and mutual assistance, but also inner closeness, frankness, trust, love.


Modern Kazakhstani society requires from a person not only polytechnic knowledge, high cultural level, deep specialization in various fields of science and technology, but also the ability to live and coexist in society. The main parameters of a child's personal development can be considered his orientation to universal human values, humanism, intelligence, creativity, activity, self-esteem, independence in judgment. The level of development of these qualities can be considered as indicators of the formation of social competence and social formation of the individual.

The main task of the education system is to create the necessary conditions for the formation, development and professional development of an individual based on national and universal values; realization of the child's rights to upbringing, education and all-round development, preservation of the native language, culture, national customs and traditions, to awareness, health promotion.

The creation of conditions for the formation and development of these qualities is increasingly considered as the most important task of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The focus of state policy on the integrity of the education of a student as a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and ensuring his constitutional rights are reflected in the Concept of ethnocultural education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of legal education of students in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of state youth policy in the field of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept on moral and sexual education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Concept of humanitarian education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Comprehensive program of education in educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State program of patriotic education of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.

The concept of upbringing in the system of continuous education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Concept) is a document that defines the general strategy, goal and objectives of state policy in the field of upbringing, the content and technology of upbringing, the main directions and conditions for their implementation.

A person's personality is formed and developed as a result of the influence of numerous factors, objective and subjective, natural and social, internal and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people, acting spontaneously or according to certain goals. At the same time, the person himself is not thought of as a passive being that photographically reflects an external influence. He acts as a subject of his own formation and development.

The study of this topic makes it possible to compare the features of the physical development of students of junior, middle and senior school age, gives a comparative analysis of the neuropsychic and cognitive spheres of students of different ages and shows their impact on the organization of educational activities. Also, the study of this topic shows what features characterize the behavior and personal development of students of different age groups, determines the issues that should be in the center of attention of teachers when studying the individual characteristics of students.

List of used literatures

1.Pedagogy: Educational. - 6th ed. - Minsk: Universitetskae, 2000. - I.F. Kharlamov "Pedagogy".

Textbook for pedagogical institutes, edited by Bobnyanskiy.

Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev and A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov. - M .: School-Press, 1997.

Divnogortseva Svetlana - Theoretical Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions in 2 parts, part 1

5. Stolyarenko A.M. General pedagogy: textbook, Publisher: Unity-Dana, 2012

Pidkasisty P.I. Pedagogy - Textbook, 2004


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Svetlana Evsyutkina

Evsyutkina Svetlana Viktorovna

“Everyone knows how to raise children, except for those who have

they are". Patrick O Rourke.

Harmonious development of the individual is unthinkable without family education, which must be combined and supported by social education.

“The family is the first social stage in a person's life. From an early age, she directs the consciousness, will, feelings of children. " The family is the cradle of a person's spiritual birth, an important and in many respects irreplaceable stage in the development of every personality. The first reason for the special role of the family in education is stability, constancy, and long-term influence. The second is its versatility.

The role of the family is great in the formation of the foundations of the worldview, in the assimilation of moral norms of behavior, in determining the attitude towards people, their deeds and actions. The main feature of family education is that it is emotional in its content and presupposes the love of parents for their children and the reciprocal feeling of children for their parents. The warmth of the home microclimate, the comfort of the state in the home atmosphere stimulate the child to educate the rules that exist in the family, demeanor, attitudes and aspirations. The conditions for proper family upbringing are a rationally organized way of life, a mode of life in the family!

One of the common disadvantages of family parenting

becomes in our time the cult of things, acquisition, the attention of parents only to the educational work of children, their underestimation of everyday work, the participation of children in self-service work.

which is. That is why they are ineffective for the normal, harmonious upbringing of a good person, a worthy personality.

The source of the well-being of the child in the family, the condition for proper upbringing, a happy childhood is love to him parents.

Also, an important condition for raising children in a family is parental authority... The influence of the father and mother on children, based on respect and love for parents, trust in their life experiences, words and actions. Without authority it is impossible to raise a child, to form in him the qualities of a good person.

It is very important that the skills and habits of correct behavior, which are formed in the child at school, are consolidated in the family. The uniform agreed requirements of the family and the school are one of the conditions for the correct upbringing of children in the family. Important conditions for the upbringing of a younger student are relationship school - family - child... Sometimes parents believe that with the arrival of a child to school, the role of the family in his upbringing decreases, because now children spend most of their time within the walls of the school. Note that the influence of the family is not only not decreasing, but increasing.

Education-dialogue becomes one of the most important conditions for raising a child in a family. Parents who are accustomed to forcing the unquestioning fulfillment of their requirements will have fewer opportunities to influence him as the child grows up. Adults themselves often notice that sensitivity, a benevolent tone, trust in a child, patience in handling him cause a reciprocal disposition, a desire to fulfill the requirements of elders.

Educators highlight three main styles of relationships between parents and children in the family: conniving, authoritarian and democratic. The first of them characterizes permissiveness and indifference towards children. The second is tough authoritarianism, peremptory character, diktat in relations with children. The third is cooperation, mutual understanding between parents and children, taking into account the rights, needs and interests of each of the participants in the relationship.

Social needs of the child.

The need for communication- communication between adults and children always takes place on an emotional basis, empathy is characteristic of it. This enriches the child's personality, makes him more sensitive to the experiences of other people, more susceptible to the influence of adults. The longer in time and richer in content the child's communication with family members, the richer his personality.

Unfortunately, the current hectic pace of life, changing living conditions have influenced the nature of communication: it becomes rare, more and more formal, not only between acquaintances and neighbors, but also between relatives within the family.

The younger student not only seeks to satisfy his emotional and intellectual needs in communication, but also wants to receive assessment of your personality, assert yourself, realize yourself... At primary school age, the child's need to assess his personality increases. The evaluative influences of adults contribute to fostering a sense of duty, self-confidence, responsibility, organization and many other qualities, and influence the level of schoolchildren's aspirations in learning.

Parents, evaluating the behavior of the child, the results of his activities, often admit extremes - they abuse either praise or censure. Many people mistakenly believe that negative assessment stimulates the child. In fact, often used, it negatively affects the education of independence, self-confidence, extinguishes the initiative. Comparing a child's failures with the successes of other children can cause a reaction that is the opposite of the desired one: instead of encouraging him to achieve the same successes, it will instill in him self-doubt, envy, and hostility. Abuse of a positive assessment can form overestimated self-esteem, conceit, and irresponsibility.

Observing the measure in positive and negative assessments, it should be remembered that it is always more useful to encourage the good deeds and qualities of a child than to constantly emphasize and condemn his shortcomings. The assessment must be fair and in no way humiliate the child.

The main conditions in the upbringing of a child are: the emotional climate of the family and moral education. A positive emotional climate of the family, where joy, optimism, sincerity, love and tenderness prevail, is necessary for a child for his mental health. The way adults react to what is happening in the surrounding life is of great importance for the formation of the child's ideas, who responds to everything that happens with emotional means: laughter, anger, gestures, facial expressions. The child is suggestible, inclined to imitate, he is sensitive to and adopts all emotional reactions. Therefore, if you do not like something in the child, his moral character, remember: the child is to some extent your mirror image.

The critical attitude of adults to their actions, taking into account their influence on the child, helps to create a calm atmosphere in the family. You cannot take out your bad mood on your loved ones, especially on a child. Of course, adults can have serious reasons for feelings of anxiety, discontent. Children cannot fail to know about the difficulties that parents face outside the family, but this does not mean that their adult problems can be shifted onto the shoulders of the child, creating an oppressive atmosphere in the house.

Friendship between parents and children plays an important role in upbringing - this is a special relationship that requires, first of all, mutual respect, the ability of an adult to understand the child, empathize with him, showing tact in communicating with him. The best way is to try to put yourself in the child's shoes, remember your own childhood, and give advice from the perspective of today's experience. Parents should build friendly relations with the child, namely, strive to feel, understand, accept his spiritual world.

The difficulties of raising children are due to the fact that many sources of influence are outside the field of vision of parents, even if they try to follow the child, his relationships with other people, peers, know his interests, attachments. Communication with peers, the street can have a negative impact on him: he learns the language of the street - slang, obscene expressions, rude manners. At home, this may not appear for the time being. The family seems to enter into an argument with the street, and sometimes a very difficult argument. If the child does not have a trusting relationship with the parents, the street wins.

Thus, summing up, we can safely talk about the variety of functions of the family, it is also worth noting the presence of not one, but a wide range of roles that the family plays in raising its child. The family is the main support for its own "baby", it guides, regulates, develops, educates all spheres in a complex, including psychological, emotional-volitional, etc. The family is the first teacher and irreplaceable educator for a younger student, a companion of the child's life , building a line of upbringing in accordance with their desires and interests. She must fully pay attention to the events occurring in the child at this age, take into account the peculiarities of their course, the conditions in which their baby is, what emotions, experiences he is experiencing during this period, what worries him and what affects him, how he lives.

The family forms, educates and develops those qualities and personality traits in accordance with their needs and requirements. Repeating once again, parents, according to their will, determine the vector of upbringing and development of the child. To educate does not mean to say good words to children, to instruct and edify them, but, first of all, to live like a human being. Thus, the family is an irreplaceable source of resources for the child, the energy in which he lives.

Ten Commandments of Parenting

Don't expect your child to be like you. Or whatever you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

Do not take out your grievances on the child; what you sow will rise.

Don't ask your child to pay for everything you do for him: you gave him life - how can he thank you? He will give life to another: this is the irreversible law of gratitude.

Do not think that your child is God's.

Don't look down on his problems.

Don't humiliate!

Do not torment yourself if you cannot do something for your child, torment if you can and do not do.

Remember: not enough is done for the child if everything is not done.

Know how to love someone else's child. Do not do to someone else what you would not want others to do to yours.

Love your child by anyone: untalented, unsuccessful, adult; while communicating with him, rejoice, because the child is a holiday that is still with you.


Do not spoil me, you spoil me with it. I know very well that it is not necessary to provide me with everything I ask for. I'm just testing you.

Don't be afraid to be firm with me. This is the approach I prefer. This allows me to define my place.

Don't rely on strength in your relationship with me. This will teach me to reckon only with force.

Don't make promises you can't keep. This will weaken my faith in you.

Don't be too upset when I say, "I don't love you." This is not what I mean. I just want you to regret what you did to me.

Don't make me feel younger than I really am. I'll get it back on you by becoming a crybaby and a whiner.

Do not do for me and for me what I am able to do for myself. I can continue to use you as a servant.

Do not correct me in the presence of strangers. I will pay much more attention to your remark if you say everything calmly, face to face.

Don't try to discuss my behavior in the midst of a conflict. My hearing is dulled at this time, and I have little desire to cooperate with you. It will be better if we talk about this a little later.

Don't make me feel like my actions are a mortal sin. I must learn to make mistakes without feeling that I am worthless.

Do not find fault with me and do not nag at me. If you do this, I will have to defend myself by pretending to be deaf.

Don't expose my honesty to too much training. If I become intimidated, I will turn into a liar.

Don't forget that I love to experiment. In this way, I get to know the world. Please accept this.

Don't protect me from the consequences of your own mistakes. I am learning from my experience.

Don't get hung up on my ailments. I can learn to enjoy feeling bad if I get so much attention.

Don't try to get rid of me when I ask frank questions. If you do not answer them, then you will see that I will stop asking them altogether and will start looking for information on the side.

Never even imply that you are perfect and infallible. It gives me a sense of the futility of trying to match you.

Don't worry about too little time together. What matters is how we conduct it.

Don't worry about my fears and concerns. Otherwise, I will be even more afraid. Show me what courage is.

Do not forget that I cannot develop successfully without attention and encouragement. Treat me the same way you treat your friends. Then I will become your friend too.

Development and education of children of primary and secondary school (adolescence) age

The next age stage, no less important in the upbringing of a child, is the primary school age. During this period, the child goes through a difficult path from a novice first grader who has only a faint idea of ​​the educational process, to a student who has mastered the rhythm of school life, who has mastered a significant store of knowledge. Differences between the habits and way of thinking formed in the course of preschool education of children and the new skills of communication and cognition that arise under the influence of school education are gradually being smoothed out.

Under the influence of the educational process in elementary school, the development of the child reaches a new level. First of all, cognitive interest develops intensively and in various directions. However, the pace of a child's development is largely determined by the characteristics of the upbringing of children, adopted by a particular teacher. A child comes to school with a great desire to learn everything new, and upbringing, methods of teaching and assessing student success largely determine whether this interest develops in the future or is slowed down under the influence of teacher discontent and poor grades. At this time, the inclinations and inclinations for certain types of art and areas of knowledge are finally formed in children. Therefore, the upbringing of children at this age should be aimed not only at gaining knowledge indirectly, from teachers or parents, but also at the formation of a number of skills necessary for independent learning and work with various educational materials.

At the initial stage of school education, the upbringing of a child is based on maintaining the authority of the parents and especially the teacher. The power of the influence of the teacher on the personality of the child is very great. This is a period when upbringing and development are closely interrelated: the level of development is still a determining criterion in the choice of teaching methods, and vice versa, the intensity of a child's development depends on the quality of upbringing.

The upbringing of children in adolescence, with the transition from primary to secondary school, is marked by the fact that the child is gradually emerging from the influence of teachers and parents. During this period, the upbringing of the child is hampered by special physiological processes that lead to increased excitability of the nervous system and, as a result, imbalance in the child's behavior.

This period is characterized by a heightened sense of adulthood, the desire to get rid of the guardianship of elders. The circle of interests of a teenager is determined to a greater extent by himself, rather than is the result of the influence of parents. It is at this age that friendships with peers are strengthened, new authorities appear - both in the immediate environment and among famous people or even literary and film heroes. In the process of raising children during this period, it is important to show sensitivity and tact, respect for the individuality and the right to independence of each child. An important role in this period can be played by the awakening of interest in self-education, based primarily on the desire to imitate your favorite characters.

Basically, a child's development ends in high school. At this time, most of the contradictions of adolescence are smoothed out. The role of the teacher in the upbringing of the child is again strengthening - now as a mentor who helps to form the foundations of the worldview in students, to realize their inclinations and interests in certain types of activities or professions.

It should be emphasized that at present there is a lot of methodological literature on this issue. Often, it highlights only certain aspects of the moral and patriotic education of children in specific types of activity, and there is no harmonious system that reflects the entirety of this issue. Apparently, this is natural, since the feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content. This is love for their native places, pride in their people, and the feeling of their inseparability with the world around them, and the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their country.

The tasks of moral and patriotic education of preschoolers are:

Raising a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, street, city;

Formation of a respectful attitude towards nature and all living things;

Fostering respect for work;

Development of interest in Russian traditions and crafts;

Formation of basic knowledge about human rights;

Acquaintance of children with the symbols of the state (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

Developing a sense of responsibility and pride in the country's achievements;

Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in the classroom, in games, at work, in everyday life - since they bring up in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationship with adults and peers.

The immediate environment is of considerable importance for the education in children of interest and love for their native land. Gradually, the child gets to know the kindergarten, his street, city, and then with the country, its capital and symbols.

The system and sequence of work on the moral and patriotic education of children can be represented as follows:

Of course, this scheme cannot convey the entirety of the work on this issue. All these tasks are present, as it were, within the work on moral and patriotic education.

Adolescence is commonly referred to as transitional age, as the transition from childhood to adolescence occurs during this period. For students of this age period, the features of childhood and features are intertwined, in many respects inherent in adolescence, but still in the stage of formation and development. This is why the adolescent is sometimes described as half-child and half-adult. As a semi-adult, he feels the rapid growth of physical strength and spiritual needs, as a semi-child, he is still limited by his capabilities and experience in order to satisfy all emerging demands and needs. This explains the complexity and inconsistency of the character, behavior and development of adolescents, which gives reason to consider this age, to a certain extent, difficult for education.

The "separation" from childhood and the approach to adulthood are clearly manifested in those peculiar features of physical and spiritual development that distinguish adolescents from younger schoolchildren. First of all, the physical development of secondary schoolchildren proceeds differently. It is characterized by greater intensity, unevenness and significant complications associated with the onset of puberty.

In particular, there is an increase in the activity of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. This stimulates physical growth and enhances metabolic processes in the body. However, there is a disproportionality in physical development: the limbs grow faster, while the development of the body lags somewhat behind. Outwardly, this is manifested in the fact that in adolescents the arms and legs seem somewhat elongated, and their movements are distinguished by angularity and some awkwardness. At the same time, unevenness is noted in the process of growth itself: in certain periods, it either slows down or occurs too intensively. This process is accompanied by ossification of the skeleton and a decrease in cartilage. At the same time, muscle tissues and, in particular, thinner fibers develop, which, together with the strengthening of the skeleton, gives adolescents greater physical strength. At the same time, a number of scientists note the acceleration (acceleration) of these processes, which is expressed in the fact that the physical development of adolescents is currently happening 1-1.5 years faster than 30-40 years ago.

Some imbalances are also observed in the development of the cardiovascular system. The heart grows faster, while the development of blood vessels lags somewhat behind, which leads to a lack of blood flow to individual organs and systems, to an increase in blood pressure and associated headaches. Adolescents are distinguished by great mobility, increased agility, a desire for activity and the practical application of their strength in work, in lifting weights, in physical competitions, "and boys in fights with each other. But both the muscles and the circulatory system are still not strong enough, so adolescents quickly get tired, unable to endure prolonged physical stress, and excessive physical exertion (for example, long and high jumps, jumping ditches and other obstacles) often lead to physical injuries.That is why the correct dosage of physical activity is an important task in organizing the practical activities of adolescents ...

The need for constant attention and the creation of favorable conditions for the physical development of adolescents (organization of daily morning exercises, sports events, outdoor games, ensuring sufficient stay in the fresh air, etc.) is also due to hypodynamia (from the Greek huro - a prefix that used in the sense of "under" and indicates a decrease against the norm and dinamus - strength, mobility), that is, insufficient mobility. Learning that requires a sedentary lifestyle can lead to stagnation in the body, to insufficient oxygen supply, which negatively affects the physical development of students.

The development of the brain, further structural formation of nerve cells and associative fibers create the prerequisites for improving the cognitive activity of adolescents. The entry into the blood of hormones produced by the organs of internal secretion causes an increase or decrease in vitality, then an increase, then a decline in working capacity and energy, and is also accompanied by an alternation of good mood, then withdrawal into internal experiences, then cheerfulness, then passivity. During periods of low mood and loss of energy, adolescents may develop irritability, an indifferent attitude towards studies, quarrels with friends and conflicts with friends, as well as many misunderstandings in relations with teachers and adults.

But the periods of rising energy and activity of adolescents bring a lot of anxiety. Often they are accompanied by mischief, pranks, the desire to show their strength, physical and moral superiority. It is during such periods that some adolescents display "false heroism": they secretly leave home and set up "partisan camps" in the forest, organize unauthorized "trips" to other cities, and so on. These "breakdowns" in behavior just speak about the half-childishness and half-maturity of adolescents, about the lack of ability to take a serious approach to thinking about their actions and deeds. All this, of course, complicates education. Therefore, it is necessary to spare the nervous system of adolescents in every possible way, to show special sensitivity and provide assistance in learning during periods of declining academic performance so that an accidental "bad" does not kill the desire to learn.

For adolescents, significant shifts in thinking and cognitive activity are characteristic. Unlike younger schoolchildren, they are no longer satisfied with the external perception of the objects and phenomena being studied, but strive to understand their essence, the cause-and-effect relationships existing in them. Striving to comprehend the deep causes of the studied phenomena, they ask many questions when studying new material (sometimes tricky, "with a cunning"), demand from the teacher more argumentation of the proposed theses and convincing proof. On this basis, they develop abstract (conceptual) thinking and logical memory. The natural character of this feature of their thinking and memory is manifested only with the appropriate organization of cognitive activity. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to giving the learning process a problematic character, to teach adolescents to find and formulate problems themselves, to develop their analytical and synthetic skills, the ability to theoretical generalizations. An equally important task is the development of skills for independent educational work, the formation of the ability to work with a textbook, to show independence and a creative approach when doing homework.

Of particular importance in the organization of educational work of adolescents is the internal stimulation of their cognitive activity, that is, the development of their cognitive needs, interests and motives for learning. It should be borne in mind that incentives do not arise by themselves. They are formed only when teachers pay special attention to this side of the work, which was already discussed in the chapter on the essence and laws of education.

The process of moral education should be different from that in the lower grades. Adolescents are weighed down if their behavior is determined by external regulation. They are more willing to follow rules of conduct if they are well aware of these rules and act as their own moral principles. That is why a deep explanation of moral norms and rules and the formation of moral views and convictions in adolescents should be an essential feature of moral education. At the same time, tactfully carried out regulation, as well as control over the behavior of students as measures to prevent rash actions, does not lose its pedagogical significance.

The personality traits of adolescents associated with their position in the peer group, attitudes towards teachers and adults, as well as towards themselves, seem to be very prominent. Adolescents, as a rule, are distinguished by collectivism, they are attracted by common interests and joint activities, although during periods of mood recession and withdrawal into internal experiences, they also notice some desire for isolation.

An essential age feature of adolescents is the desire to assert their dignity and prestige among their comrades. The main paths to this are good studies, social activity, the manifestation of abilities in certain types of activity, external charm, etc. If this or that teenager does not achieve a worthy place in the team, he is going through his situation hard. It is quite understandable that teachers should carefully study the relationship of students and help them strengthen their prestige in the team.

The adolescent's position in the team affects his relationship with teachers and adults. It is noticed that in those cases when a conflict situation is created and it is necessary to make a choice between the opinion of the teacher and the opinion of the class, the teenager most often adheres to the opinion of his peers. Therefore, in resolving sensitive issues, the teacher should be very careful and strive to rely on the opinion of the student body.

Increasing intellectual abilities, general spiritual growth and the expansion of interpersonal ties stimulate the development of self-awareness in adolescents, inspire dreams of their vocation and future. They compare themselves with their peers, assess their strengths and weaknesses. But if they judge the shortcomings of others harshly, then in relation to themselves they are less exacting. This necessitates the development of self-criticism in them and the urge to self-education.

An essential feature of educational work with adolescents is vocational guidance. When conducting it, one should take into account the fact that students of this age usually see their future in romantically elevated tones. They dream of bright professions and prefer to become astronauts, pilots, geologists, sailors, etc. Manufacturing professions attract them less. That is why, while supporting adolescents' striving for a bright and dignified life, it is necessary to reveal to them the heroics and beauty of everyday work in industry and agriculture, to orientate them to work in the sphere of material production.

Understanding your own value

The task of parents and people close to the child is not only to feed the child on time, dress him well and for the season, make sure that he is clean and tidy so that he does not get sick, but also to educate a person in him independent, responsible, active, competent, confident in their strengths and capabilities. It is not very likely that in parenting, mom and dad will achieve significant success if they do not instill in the child an understanding of self-worth. Speaking about the understanding of self-worth, we do not mean all the exaltation of one's own “I”, which would make the child an out-and-out self-lover and not a very kind person, but we mean the awareness of one's uniqueness, one's skills and, in some ways, talent, the awareness of one's own significance for loving loved ones, whose love for him is not just emotions and affection, but everyday painstaking work for many, many years; the hopes of these loving loved ones can also be invested in the understanding of intrinsic value: no, it was not in vain that we lived our lives, it was not in vain that we overcame difficulties - with our help a person will grow up who will be better than us ...

How to cultivate an understanding of self-worth in a child?

Observing the principles of regularity and consistency, the child's attention should be focused on self-esteem. Even if the child does not highly assess his own successes and capabilities, these assessments can be somewhat overestimated (give a small "advance" that will not spoil the child). Higher grades will be a good incentive for the child in the future: believing that he is really successful in this matter, he will make every effort and effort and, no doubt, he will achieve noticeable success. Observing her child from day to day, every mother knows what the child is most interested in and what he does best. The discovered abilities of the child should be praised, and the improvement of the abilities should be approved in every possible way; you cannot skimp on praise if a child has undoubted success in his chosen business - in drawing, for example, or in singing, or in sports, etc. the best (among peers, I mean), the child will be able to achieve very good results. But the main result will be the formation of a self-confident person who knows his own worth, a person of word and honor, who can be trusted in everything, and whom you can always rely on.

Be able to see the dignity

The relationship with the child will be stronger and the upbringing process will be more constructive if the parents not only see shortcomings in the child and oppress them in many different ways, but also strive to see dignity in him (love for loved ones, respect for others, caring for the younger ones, honesty, conscientiousness, hard work, etc.). Systematic emphasis on merits, their purposeful development in a child is the key to correct upbringing. Nurturing positive qualities in a child's personality is nothing more than active love for a child, which cannot be overestimated.

Do not forget to praise the child, if there is anything for it. Praise is important for any person, and even more so for a child. Every success, even a small one, of a junior high school student must be accompanied by your approval. Your approval for the child is a great incentive.

Still strong imitation

Although your child is already attending school and although you sometimes call him an adult, he still tends to imitate the people he respects, loves and has the opportunity to observe. Mostly, he imitates you, the parents (but he can imitate some of the teachers as well). This still imposes some responsibility on you. You are obliged to constantly monitor yourself - your neat appearance, your statements, behavior, etc. If you suddenly find that a child is rude to you and the words that he introduces into his vocabulary cannot be called graceful if his buttons are buttoned through one, and the collar is "twisted", then before scolding, turn your gaze to yourself.

Be able to say no

To be able to refuse something, regardless of persons and authorities, to be able to say a firm “no” to what you are not interested in, and sometimes harmful, - from the same cigarettes, glasses, drugs and, in general, from actions that you do not want to perform , - a skill that is very useful in life, a skill that can be called a manifestation of strength. Unfortunately, not all people, even adults, know how to say this "no", and therefore find themselves in awkward situations, submit to someone else's influence, become puppets in someone's hands with all the ensuing consequences ...

The ability to say "no" must be taught from childhood. You can resort to using a simple game. The mother offers the child certain things and objects, offers to perform certain actions, and the child answers her "yes" or "no", depending on how he relates to these objects and actions. Cigarettes, wine, and drugs should be mentioned among the proposals - yes, yes! the child must know his enemies "by sight", must understand where the danger comes from; he must be prepared for the fact that one day some tempter in an insinuating voice will offer him to try this or that "foolishness".

Your home is your fortress

This old, like the world, saying: "your home is your fortress" should be in the child's "luggage" and not in the farthest corner of this "luggage". You should explain to your child that the world, unfortunately, is not as rosy as it is, it may seem, that the world is full of dangers, pain, troubles. And only at home behind the door, behind strong stone walls, in an atmosphere of parental care and love, the child can completely relax and unwind. But as soon as he leaves the house, he must be collected, extremely attentive and ready to fight.

Of course, everything that has just been said for the child is just words - perhaps alarming, but still words behind which he does not see the concrete. What you want to say, the child will be clearer (and therefore will be remembered) through examples. This is where you must turn on your imagination and simulate several situations that pose a danger to any child: busy car traffic on the street and non-observance of crossing rules; bullies bullying other children; open well of the heating system; swimming in water bodies in the absence of parents, and even in places unsuitable for bathing; indiscretion and pranks during icy conditions; entering the construction site; “Excursion” to the roof of a high-rise building, etc. The dangers that a child may face outside the home must be constantly reminded; the child's memory is strong only for what is interesting to him - for all sorts of trinkets, mainly.

Security organizations

The mother's duty is to tell the child about those organizations that ensure the safety of citizens: about the fire service, about the police, about the ambulance service, about the housing department. The child should clearly know the functions of these services, be aware of situations in which it is necessary to contact this or that service, and know the phone numbers of the relevant services. Since the child can forget the phone numbers (he who is attending school now has to memorize a lot of things), it will be better if the mother writes down the necessary phone numbers on a separate piece of paper, which is always in sight. The child is already old enough, and you trust him with the key to the apartment, and your younger student is often left at home alone; who knows what might happen in your absence. The child must know how to act in different situations.

Communication is important

On the same piece of paper, which we talked about above, the numbers of the working phone numbers of parents, grandparents, the phone numbers of friends and neighbors can be written. Anything can happen in the absence of parents; for example, a tap suddenly leaked and emergency assistance is required ... Who can be the first mate here? Neighbors, of course. Of course, neighbors should be warned that one day the child may call them and ask for help. Another situation: the child is alone at home, and they call the apartment. The child sees strangers in the door "peephole", and the classic phrase "dad is asleep, asked not to disturb" said in a confident voice does not in the least confuse the unexpected guests. Here is the time to dial the phone number of the nearest neighbors - one or the other ...

Be on the alert

The child returned from school, rested, completed part of his homework and was going for a little walk. As a parting word to him: caution, caution again. And especially in relationships with strangers ... The child must refuse if one of the unfamiliar or even unfamiliar adults invites him to get into the car, persistently invites him to ride, offers a treat, asks or, conversely, threatens. A refusal should also follow if an unfamiliar adult Person calls the child to his home, asks for help to bring some boxes into the house (they are not at all heavy, do not be afraid!) Or to bring a very cute puppy taken on occasion into the house, etc. strangers may be followed by requests of a different kind: “bring, baby, drink”, or “bring out the matches,” or “bring a piece of sausage for the dog,” or “bread for the pigeons”. It is clear that such harmless requests follow after a short conversation about the parents, "who are probably at work, and you alone, poor thing, miss you." Then everything develops according to the following scenario: the child skips home, opens the door with his key, and the robber bursts into the apartment, one might say, “on the shoulders of the child” ... Often such a situation arises: the child called the elevator and waiting for her to come up, and then an unfamiliar adult appears on the landing and is also going to use the elevator. What should a child do? He would be wise to go up the stairs to his floor. The child must always remember the rule: do not enter the elevator car with strangers!

It may not be enough just to tell your child about situations that could be dangerous for him. The child will nod and forget about science in five minutes. It is best to lose situations fraught with danger, and maybe more than once; practical lessons are remembered for a long time. For any specific situation, your child should, without hesitation, give out a predetermined specific reaction.

Know your area

Your child is already old enough and walks without you. Of course, you do not allow him to go further than your yard and from time to time you control - you look at the child from the window (is he here? With whom is he? How is he?). But as time goes on, your child has new friends, new hobbies. Gradually he loses interest in his yard, in which he knows every stone, every tree, and the child somewhat increases the circle of his walks. Sometimes without asking. This is where some danger arises - if the child does not know his area well and if control from the parents is reduced to zero.

One of the tasks of the mother is to acquaint the child with the area in which the family lives, and at the same time with the surrounding areas. Surely you have already done this a long time ago, during daily walks together. The child should know the places in his area, which he is not allowed to visit without adults: construction sites, uncomfortable areas (wastelands), areas under power wires and near transformer booths, dense bushes, forest plantations along roads, etc.

Must know your child and the so-called crime scenes in the area and avoid them. Talk to your school's teachers. They are usually aware of all the events that are taking place in the area. The local policeman and the employee of the children's room of the police are quite frequent guests at the school. Precisely because participation in the educational process of a student is part of their function.

Letting the child "run out"

The child's body develops correctly only when it is not restricted in movement. With this in mind, you must give your child the opportunity to "stand out", to dump the "excess" of energy. At school, children do not have such an opportunity (in any case, running around the corridors and classes during recess is not encouraged; teachers monitor compliance with the norms of behavior). But after returning from school, let the child move, jump; it is better, of course, to combine manifestations of physical activity with a walk, otherwise at home there will be a continuous "racket" and bedlam. A good way out is to teach the child in a sports corner equipped in the apartment with a Swedish wall, a horizontal bar, a Health disc, etc.

Self-control and control

Self-control in the younger schoolchild is still insufficient. A child may take a walk on the way from school and be late for lunch, may get too carried away with the game and not complete homework, may not strive to complete homework at all, believing that school is a big game in which the rules can be changed arbitrarily ... Therefore parental control is necessary (and will be needed for a long time). You must, however, take care that your control is not too intrusive and that it does not boil down to yelling and grunting. Control is good and effective when it is benevolent. You will need a lot of strength and patience in educating a cultured, educated person, but the work, you see, is worth it.

Treat the inner world of the child with care

To say that the “values” that concern your child and your values ​​differ significantly from each other is to say nothing. What may be of value to your first grader is just junk to you that takes up space in the nursery, in the child's desk. And you, of course, from time to time, putting things in order in the apartment, look at the child's desk, conduct a strict revision of the contents and throw in the trash bin everything you think is superfluous, everything that interferes with the child's learning, that distracts him from the educational process .. But you are doing it in vain. By putting things in order so cruel from the position of a child (the child is standing next to him, frightened and, of course, agreeing with your actions; quiet, he listens to your reprimand and nods, but deep down he regrets his lost "treasures" very much) you trample on his inner world, which peculiar and fragile, you are destroying that "house" in which the child from time to time finds shelter for himself from the difficulties and troubles of the real world, you may be extinguishing the lamp that illuminates the children's magic world ...

Be gentle with your child; never forget that there is still a child in front of you who will remain so for a long time. A child should have his own secrets, he should have his own little world, into which an adult has no move. So, cherishing his little secrets, the child feels more protected in the face of the realities of life - huge, seemingly insurmountable and sometimes frightening ... If you strive to restore order and do not want to hurt the child's inner world, you do not want to break into the psychological space in the most barbaric way child, treat the "things" in the children's room and in the writing desk with its secret corners with understanding, tolerantly. The best way out: let the child clean up the order himself, make the revision himself. Put a trash can in the middle of the room, and let the child, in a calm state, decide what else is of value to him, and what has already lost this value and what is not a pity and it is time to part with it.

If a child argues

Probably, one should be more happy than upset that the child argues with his mother, defends his point of view, offers his own options for solving some issue (unless, of course, this is a dispute, not a protest like “I don’t want to wash myself”, “I don’t I want to do my homework ”,“ I don’t want to go to school ”, etc.). Rejoice because such behavior can already be seen as a manifestation of the child's independence, a manifestation of his desire for adulthood. Sometimes the child argues very emotionally, especially if the spirit of democracy reigns in the house and the threat of punishment does not hover in the air every minute. Mom is not recommended to insist on her own at all costs. If she sees (correlating with her own life experience) that the child is mistaken, she should wait a while until the child calms down, and prove her innocence with arguments, without strong emotions. Thus, she will teach a lesson in the culture of argument (dialogue, polemics), teach the child to rely on arguments, not emotions, in a dispute, and teach them to make informed decisions. An indispensable condition that a mother should remember is respect for the child in an argument. Feeling respect, the child becomes more critical of his words; gradually he begins to understand that independence cannot exist apart from a sense of responsibility.

If the dispute has gone far

Often, a dispute between a mother and a child begins because of a mere trifle, but if neither the mother nor the child are able to control their emotions, then emotions begin to control their actions, their behavior in general. And the dispute can go far - up to mutual insults and other manifestations of disrespect, up to aggression. It is clear that the child is inexperienced and may break loose. But it happens that mothers also allow themselves to lose their image of understanding and benevolence. This is bad. In her relationship with her child, a mother should play the role of a guarantor of stability. Sometimes you need to be able to stop in a dispute and think whether the game is worth the candle, is it worth that little thing, because of which "the cheese - boron flared up", because of which no one wants to give in, the loss of good relationships.

Appreciating a child's trust

If a child, having met difficulties (at school, in the yard), does not close, does not feel sad, hiding in a corner, but goes with a confidential conversation to his mother, she can only rejoice: the relationship between her and the child has developed exactly as it should all moms strive. Trust in a relationship gives a mother the ability to fix some of her childhood problems quickly and with "less loss." She will give advice on time, and the child, acting in accordance with it, will be able to avoid a conflict situation. In addition, confidentiality presupposes complete frankness. Having understood the situation, mom will help resolve the issue in a spirit of cooperation: she will advise you to help a friend in a difficult situation, encourage generosity towards an enemy (it often happened that an enemy, impressed by the generosity shown to him, became the most reliable friend). Trust in the relationship between parents and a child not only makes life easier for the child, not only has a noticeable educational value, but also strengthens these relationships, makes them friendly.

The emotional climate in the family and the state of the child

There are no exceptions to this rule: what will be the emotional climate in the family, so will the state of the child. If the atmosphere in the house is friendly, if the child is attentive and respectful, if the relationship between the child and the parents is trusting, then the child is calm, he is dominated by positive emotions, his outlook on the future is full of optimism. A good family environment has a beneficial effect not only on the mental state of the child, but also on his physical condition. Practice shows that in prosperous families, children get sick less often; in other words, a child who is calm at heart is more resistant to disease. Conversations about the "happiness hormone", which you may have heard, are not empty conversations ... If the situation in the house, to put it mildly, is far from ideal, if tyranny reigns and the child is not "light in the window", but "bring - give "and" try to make a sound! " In his mood, nervousness and irritability, suspicion will prevail. In addition, such a child, probably, will not achieve much success in school (success comes when it is done with desire and with pleasure, and not when it is done out of fear, from under a belt). A child whose family is chronically dysfunctional usually has poor health.

Be careful with criticism!

Your child is constantly busy with some business that interests him, unless, of course, he is sick and if he does not watch cartoons from morning to evening because of parental thoughtless connivance. Let's remind: play for a child is also an important matter; lying on the couch for hours and looking sadly at the ceiling is a state not typical for a child. It is clear that not every business is good for a child right away; he gets it wrong a hundred times before he does something good one day. If something does not work out for him, it is not recommended to rush with criticism, especially with harsh or angry (mocking) criticism. Untimely and inappropriate criticism offends the child and does not form unwanted complexes in him: the child becomes less self-confident, less active, and, importantly, creative activity is suppressed in him. In the future, for fear of making a mistake or not achieving the desired result, the child will abandon the case altogether, try to evade it and put it on the shoulders of others ... If a child who is busy with something makes a mistake and, in your opinion, deserves criticism, be more careful with criticism: firstly, do not rush with it, and secondly, express criticism as gently as possible. Carefully, kindly criticizing, help the child correct the mistake. Identify alternative ways to get out of the predicament.

Take care of the child's social circle

Your child will develop better (both mentally and physically), better orientate himself in people, in society, better know his place in society, become more self-confident, more informed, more contact, which will be very useful to him in life if you purposefully and consistently expand his circle of contacts. He has friends and acquaintances in the yard, he made many friends at school, but this, it can be said with confidence, is not enough. An old Turkic proverb says: if you have a thousand friends, do not assume that it is many. And you, a loving mother, must help your child. Take it with you when you go to visit a friend, when you go somewhere on business - to work, to the library, to household services, to someone in the office, etc. Show your child an example of contact and communication; Demonstrate that these important qualities are based on benevolence, politeness, and charm. Show your child that you do not need to be afraid (ashamed) to talk to people, explain that each person is a huge and unique world, that it depends only on you at the moment whether this person will entrust you with one of his facets, whether he will enrich you with anything -not spiritually.

Organize outdoor games

Outdoor games, varied games-competitions are necessary for the normal physical development of the child, since it is in movement that the child's body (in particular, the osteoarticular, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, etc.) develops the way it should develop. But outdoor games are also a great opportunity for emotional relaxation. Dad said to the child at home: “Sit quietly, do not interfere”; the child at school was told by the teachers (and the director even shook his finger): “Do not bother others, sit quietly” ... But then the time came, and someone organized an active game: you can make noise and shout to your heart's content, you can laugh, get angry, triumph and thus, "skate" without looking at the always busy dad or the strict classy lady the whole gamut of emotions from alpha to omega and vice versa. Outdoor games and, as psychologists also call them, emotionally rich games, easily remove stiffness from a child, make him more contact, self-confident, and expand the circle of friends.

The transition to school age is associated with drastic changes in his activities, communication, relationships with other people. Teaching becomes the leading activity, the way of life changes, new responsibilities appear, and the child's relationship with others becomes new.

A child who enters school automatically takes a completely new place in the system of human relations: he has constant responsibilities associated with educational activities. Close adults, a teacher, even strangers communicate with a child not only as a unique person, but also as a person who has undertaken the obligation (no matter - willingly or under compulsion) to learn, like all children at his age.

Biologically, junior schoolchildren are going through a period of the second rounding off: in comparison with previous ages, their growth slows down and their weight increases noticeably; the skeleton is ossified, but this process is not yet complete. There is an intensive development of the muscular system. With the development of small muscles in the hand, the ability to perform fine movements appears, due to which the child masters the skill of fast writing. Muscle strength increases significantly. All tissues of the child's body are in a state of growth. At primary school age, the nervous system is improved, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres are intensively developed, the analytical and synthetic functions of the cortex are enhanced. The weight of the brain in primary school age almost reaches the weight of the brain of an adult and increases to an average of 1400 grams. The child's psyche is developing rapidly. The relationship between the processes of excitation and inhibition changes: the process of inhibition becomes stronger, but the process of excitement still predominates and younger schoolchildren are highly excitable. The accuracy of the sensory organs is increased. Compared to preschool age, the sensitivity to color increases by 45%, joint-muscle sensations improve by 50%, visual - by 80%.

Despite the above, in no case should we forget that the time of rapid growth has not yet passed, when children are reaching up. There is also disharmony in physical development, it clearly outstrips the neuropsychic development of the child. This affects the temporary weakening of the nervous system, which manifests itself in increased fatigue, anxiety, increased need for movement. All this aggravates the situation for the child, drains his strength, reduces the ability to rely on previously acquired mental formations.

It follows from what has been said that the very first steps of a child in school should be under the close scrutiny of parents, teachers and doctors.

The cognitive activity of a younger student mainly takes place in the learning process. Expanding the sphere of communication is also important. Rapid development, many new qualities that need to be formed or developed in schoolchildren, dictate to teachers a strict purposefulness of all educational activities.

Memory is of great importance in the cognitive activity of a student.

Thinking in elementary school children develops from emotional-figurative to abstract-logical. The task of the first stage school is to raise the child's thinking to a qualitatively new stage, to develop the intellect to the level of understanding the cause-and-effect relationships. At school age, the child enters with a relatively weak function of the intellect (in comparison with the functions of perception and memory, which are much better developed). In school, intellect usually develops in a way that it does not at any other time. The role of the school and the teacher is especially important here. Studies have shown that with different organization of the educational process, with a change in the content of teaching methods, methods of organizing cognitive activity, it is possible to obtain completely different characteristics of the thinking of children of primary school age.

Voluntary attention develops along with other functions and, above all, motivation for learning, a sense of responsibility for the success of learning activities.

In the first and second grades, the level of voluntary behavior is still low, children are still very impulsive and not restrained.

The natural capabilities of a first-grade schoolchild are very great: his brain has such plasticity that it allows him to easily cope with the tasks of word-for-word memorization. Let's compare: out of 15 sentences, a preschooler remembers 3-5, and a younger student - 6-8.

Children's thinking develops in conjunction with their speech. The vocabulary of today's fourth-graders is approximately 3500-4000 words. The influence of schooling is manifested not only in the fact that the child's vocabulary is significantly enriched, but above all in the acquisition of an extremely important ability to express one's thoughts orally and in writing.

Elements of social feelings are developed in junior schoolchildren, skills of social behavior (collectivism, responsibility for actions, comradeship, mutual assistance, etc.) are formed, collective ties arise, public opinion is formed. Younger school age provides great opportunities for the formation of moral qualities and positive personality traits. The perception of younger schoolchildren is notable for its instability and disorganization, but at the same time it is fresh, "contemplative curiosity." The younger schoolchild may confuse numbers 9 and 6, soft and hard signs with the letter "P", but with lively curiosity perceives the life around him, which every day reveals something new to him.

Small differentiation of perception, weakness of analysis during perception are partially compensated by the pronounced emotionality of perception. Based on it, experienced teachers gradually teach schoolchildren to purposefully listen and watch, develop observation. The child completes the first stage of school with the fact that perception, being a special purposeful activity, becomes more complex and deeper, becomes more analyzing, differentiating, and takes on an organized character.

The attention of younger students is involuntary, not stable enough, limited in scope. Therefore, the entire process of teaching and upbringing of an elementary school child is subordinated to the upbringing of a culture of attention. School life requires constant exercises in voluntary attention, volitional efforts for concentration from the child.

Memory during this period, memory has a predominantly visual-figurative character. The material is unmistakably interesting, specific, and vivid. However, primary school students do not know how to dispose of their memory and subordinate it to the tasks of learning. It is worth a lot of effort for teachers to develop self-control skills when memorizing, self-examination skills, knowledge of the rational organization of educational work.

The foundations of moral behavior are laid precisely in elementary school, its role in the process of socialization of the individual is enormous.

At primary school age, youth and adulthood acquire special significance and attractiveness for the child. It is these ages that seem to children the happiest and most desirable. Moreover, for the first time, children begin to identify for themselves such a criterion as the social status of a person (his profession, position in society, marital status, etc.). The child begins to think about his future and wants to take a certain place in society (policeman, chief, veterinarian, mother, etc.).

The idea of ​​oneself in a new social quality appears among younger schoolchildren in the form of mastering role behavior as the most adequate form of social activity. It is in the role that a promising goal, social in meaning, is objectified.

The school attracts many children primarily with its formal accessories. Such children are focused primarily on the external attributes of school life - a portfolio, notebooks, notes, some of the rules of behavior they know at school. The desire to go to school for many six-year-olds is not related to the desire to change the preschool lifestyle. On the contrary, school for them is a kind of adult game. Such a student first of all singles out the social, and not the actual educational aspects of school reality.

The pliability and certain suggestibility of schoolchildren, their gullibility, inclination to imitate, the enormous authority enjoyed by the teacher, create favorable preconditions for economic education. Primary school should include its pupils in reasonably organized, productive work that is feasible for them, the importance of which in the formation of the social qualities of the individual is incomparable.

The desire of the younger student for the bright, unusual, the desire to learn the wonderful world of miracles and trials, physical activity - all this should be satisfied in a reasonable, beneficial and enjoyable game that develops in children hard work, a culture of movement, collective action skills and versatile activity.