Star friendship: who is friends with whom in the world of show business. Who are Hollywood stars friends with? Who is brad pitt friends with?

Incredible, but true: Kate Winslet met Reese Witherspoon not at all on the set, but "in the neighborhood" - she wanted to have a glass in the evening and knocked on the door of her ranch neighbor. Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore clashed in a cafe, and George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt were imbued with sympathy for each other on the basis of hard jokes. As you might have guessed, our all-new star collection is all about friendship. Her famous characters prove that real, strong, time-tested friendships exist between a man and a woman, and between two competing actresses or singers, and between people with a large age difference. Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez, Beyoncé and Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harelson and 20 more examples of stellar friendship you can find in our gallery of stories.

Beyoncé and Gwyneth Paltrow

Beyoncé and Gwyneth Paltrow owe their friendship to their husbands: while Jay Z and Paltrow's ex-husband, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, worked together in the studio, the girls communicated and found more and more common themes, were convinced of the similarity of views and aspirations. For many years, Beyoncé and Gwyneth have supported each other both professionally (Beyoncé regularly goes to film premieres with her friend, and Gwyneth - to her concerts) and in the sphere of private life. After Gwyneth broke up with Chris Martin, Beyoncé was among those who helped her get through this difficult time.

The stars also found a common ground in the issue of protecting their children from the paparazzi. Here's what Beyoncé said about this: “Gwyneth is amazing. She's a great friend in every way. I think child protection is incredibly important to us. she wants. "

Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Matt Damon

George, Brad and Matt became friends on the set of Ocean's Eleven. In many ways, the actors were united by a sense of humor: each of them has no equal in terms of all kinds of jokes and practical jokes. For example, it is known that during the work on this painting, Clooney hung buckets of cold water over the door of Pitt and Damon, sawed off the legs of furniture, which ultimately forced Brad to always be on the alert. As soon as Brad returned to his room, the first thing he did was carefully check everything, carefully looking into all the closets, dressing room and bathroom.

However, Brad himself pushed George to such behavior. Before filming began, Pitt sent the Italian crew a message in their own language, which included something like this: “Dear film crew, we wish you good luck. This is a very difficult role for George Clooney, so he asks all of you to stay focused on his work. Mr. Clooney also asks not to talk to him, not to look him in the eye and, if necessary, refer to him only as "Mr. Ocean".

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

Looking at Angelina Jolie - so beautiful, self-confident, with an active life position - you can hardly believe that she has few friends and she does not like noisy gatherings with friends. Angelina talked about this more than once in an interview: "If you noticed, I don't even have friends in films. Of course, there are several in my life, but I ... stay at home more often. I'm not very sociable. I don't meet with them that often. I'm much more comfortable at home. "

Angelina's close friends include singer Gwen Stefani. They say the stars have a great relationship since 1998. In addition, their husbands, Brad Pitt and Gavin Rossdale, are also great and longtime friends. Gwen and Angie even became pregnant at almost the same time: first there was a replenishment in the family of Stephanie and Rossdale (in 2008 the couple had a son), and a month later the twins Jolie and Pitt were born - Vivienne and Knox.

“It somehow happened that Gwen and I even got pregnant at the same time,” Angelina said with a smile. did she have any spare clothes and she gave me a great black dress. "

Angelina and Gwyneth do not see each other so often, but sometimes the paparazzi still manage to photograph them together - for example, on a walk. They say their children are also very friendly: they attend each other's birthdays, go to visit.

Julia Roberts and George Clooney

As soon as these two appear together at any event, rumors about their romance immediately arise in the press. And all because Julia Roberts and George Clooney, who have been close friends for many years, behave like real lovers: they endlessly hug, hold hands, make each other laugh. Looking at them, one involuntarily begins to doubt the truth of the phrase "There is no friendship between a man and a woman."

George and Julia began to be close friends even before they co-starred in Ocean's Eleven. According to the actors themselves, the question of their first meeting is quite provocative. It took place in a hotel room at the Chateau Marmont in 2000, and was of an exclusively business nature: Clooney personally brought Roberts the script of the film to persuade her to star in Eleven Friends. At that moment, the actress was busy with photography and was not very friendly. To remedy the situation, Clooney added $ 20 to the script.

Now stars often meet, they say, Julia even gives George advice on family life.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

Leonardo and Toby have been friends for over 25 years. They met in childhood, at one of the auditions in the early 80s. “As soon as I met Toby at the casting, I felt that I wanted to make friends with him. I remember he was filming Hot Rod Brown Class Clown with Whoopi Goldberg, and somehow right in the middle of the stage I ran up to him and asked something like: "Toby! Toby! Toby! Give me your phone number. "And he replied approximately:" Yes, just remind me who you are? "- said Leonardo.

The friendship of the actors did not interfere with how the stories of their success in the profession developed: while Leo had already earned himself the fame of a talented Hollywood actor, creative stagnation was observed in Toby's career. According to DiCaprio, to this day they discuss with each other all their projects, together they make a choice - to accept proposals in this or that picture, or it is better to refuse.

For the first time on the big screen, Toby and Leo appeared in 2000 in the film "Cafe" Dons Plum ", and then collaborated together on the set

Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore did not meet at all on the set of Charlie's Angels, as many believe. The actresses literally ran into each other in a cafe, met and began to communicate: at that time, Drew was already working in the film industry, and Cameron was just taking her first steps in the profession. Barrymore later spoke about her friend in an interview:

"Cameron is one of the most wonderful friends. She can give you so much love! We constantly supported each other in difficult times. I always felt that she was my older sister, but at the same time, sometimes I am wiser and less naive, than her. We spend a lot of time together, always having fun and laughing. This is real friendship. "

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck

These guys have been friends since the age of 8 - Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were lucky to live on the same street as children, they were separated by only two blocks. The boys quickly became friends and decided to follow the same professional path. Ben and Matt co-wrote the Oscar and Golden Globe awards for Good Will Hunting.

“We have known each other for over 30 years, so our regular meetings are already an integral part of life,” Damon said in an interview.

By the way, despite the fact that both actors have strong families, not everyone agrees to believe in their simply friendly relationship. Several times the press tried to attribute something more to them, and the actors always just lightheartedly joked about this topic. So, when asked by TMZ about how Matt appreciated the nude scenes with Ben in Gone Girl, Damon replied: "Oh, I've seen him like this many times before."

Penelope Cruz and Salma Hayek

The secret of their true and proven friendship for Penelope and Salma is that this friendship began long before they became rich and famous. Their first meeting took place at an audition. When Penelope had to leave her native Spain for the filming of her first Hollywood film, Hayek was the only person she knew in Los Angeles. She immediately accepted a friend, introduced her to the city, and supported her. Their first joint picture was "Bandits" (2006).

"We're like sisters, and we have a very similar sense of humor," says Penelope. Stars can often be seen on joint walks and travels.

Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson

Strong male friendship in America is jokingly called the word "bromance", derived from bro (colloquial form brother - brother) and romance (romance). Matthew and Woody's bromance began on the set of Ed from TV in 1998. Communicating since then and in real life, in 2008 they met again on the same set - this time they took part in the film "Surfer". But the duet of McConaughey and Harrelson was remembered by the fans not at all for these works, but for the first season of the sensational series "True Detective" this year.

As Woody admitted, he would never have signed a contract to participate in this project if he had not found out that Matthew would become his partner: “I love Matthew McConaughey, he is like a brother to me. without him. He got into it so quickly and said yes even before the other actors were involved in the project that I had no choice but to agree. "

Reese Witherspoon and Kate Winslet

Kate and Reese, unlike many of their colleagues, did not meet at all on the set or even at one of the secular parties. The friendship began when Winslet settled in Witherspoon's neighborhood. In an interview, the star of the movie "Legally Blonde" often laughs at recalling their first meeting:

"I never tire of thanking fate for the fact that one day Kate Winslet became my neighbor, rang my door and said:" I think our children are the same age, it would be great if they could play with each other. Oh, and by the way, it's almost 21:00, and I have absolutely nothing to drink. Do you have some wine? "

Reese does not tell the continuation of the funny story of acquaintance. The actress only embarrassedly adds that everything further was too "obscene, tasteless and drunk."

While the Oscar-winning actresses have not yet starred together, Reese has repeatedly admitted that she really wants to work with her best friend on the same set.

Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon

Friendship of Justin and Jimmy also boasts an impressive experience. They first met backstage at one of the MTV awards in 2002. At that time, Timberlake had just left the group NSync and performed for the first time as a soloist, and Fallon had not yet hosted his own show Saturday Night Live and also made his debut as a host of a ceremony of this magnitude. Later Jimmy recalled their acquaintance:

"I remember our conversation with Justin backstage during the MTV VMA. I was very nervous, he was also energized, but we still had a great evening. It's great that we met. We bring each other good luck."

Since then, many funny sketches, scenes, videos have been recorded in which Justin and Jimmy fool around, parody someone or themselves and always dance and sing incendiaryly. As a rule, all videos are shown on the air of the SNL show, and then gain a large number of views on the Internet.

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman's friendship began long before they became famous actresses. The girls met at one of the castings in Australia, at a time when both were looking for fame and longed for bright roles. A little later, they moved to America, which at first was not very well received by Watts.

Nicole and Naomi supported each other in times of triumph and in times of defeat, helped to survive divorces and partings. There are even parallels in their fates: for example, both actresses managed to play famous princesses - Nicole Kidman embodied the image of Grace Kelly ("Princess of Monaco") on the screen, and Naomi Watts - Princess Diana ("Diana: A Love Story").

"Naomi Watts and I are very good friends who have gone through a lot of different circumstances together. I think it's really rare, especially for actresses. And I'm very proud of it," Nicole told the Telegraph newspaper.

Robert Downey Jr and Mel Gibson

The friendship between Robert Downey Jr. and Mel Gibson began, as often happens, on the set of Air America, which was released in 1990. Since then, the actors have not had a chance to work together again, but they actively support each other in real life. One of the most famous cases occurred after the scandalous divorce of Mel and Oksana Grigorieva. Then the press did not spare the actor, accusing him not only of inability to save the marriage, but also of assault. It was Robert who became Gibson's main defender. Downey Jr. stood up for his friend, telling reporters: "And which of you is without sin?"

Liv Tyler and Kate Hudson

Thanks to their stellar parents - Goldie Hawn and Stephen Tyler, Kate and Liv have moved in the same circles since childhood. But the girls began to communicate only after both entered the Crossroads School for Arts & Sciences in the early 90s. Best friends Tyler and Hudson became after filming the first and so far the only joint film "Doctor" T "and his women." Since then, they often meet, go for walks, support each other in difficult periods of life, and if the same event falls on their schedule, the stars only pose for photographers together.

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay

The famous football player and no less famous chef have been friends for many years, as have their wives - Victoria Beckham and Tana Ramsay. David and Gordon really became close when they both moved with their families to Los Angeles. Apparently, communication with a compatriot far from foggy Albion became for each of them something like a saving straw in a foreign land. Since 2007, Gordon has been a regular spectator of the games of the Los Angeles Galaxy, with which David has signed a contract; They spent Christmas and other holidays together with their families more than once.

Such unanimity, and also - the love of cooking prompted friends to open a pub in Los Angeles in 2010, about which the chef himself "let loose" to the press. However, the common business for David and Gordon did not work out, but this, fortunately, did not affect their friendship in any way. Football stars and food show stars are often seen together for motorcycle rides or other men's entertainment. In addition, Gordon has cooked more than once for friends on special occasions and, by the way, once said that Victoria's thinness has nothing to do with her appetite, since she eats a lot, she just tries to adhere to the correct diet.

Last year, David and Gordon again decided to create a joint project - the Street Cafe restaurant in London next to the famous Borough market, which opened in September 2013. David recently retired from the sport, and a friend supports him in this regard, knowing how much a football player lacks training: they go jogging and doing various exercises together.

Jessica Biel and Jennifer Garner

Compared to many of the characters in our collection, Jessica and Jennifer have not been friends for so long. The actresses became close on the set of the romantic comedy "Valentine's Day" and have continued to communicate closely ever since.

“Jessica is incredibly feminine and open,” says Jennifer. “She is a very talented actress. , touching and very, very funny. I was one of those who were very impressed by her performance. "

James Franco and Seth Rogen

By their 30s, these two managed to gain a reputation as permanent newsmakers in Hollywood, and not only thanks to their scandal film works with North Korea and the ensuing threats of terrorist attacks, the rental had to be canceled. Seth Rogen and James Franco parodied the cover of Vogue with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, then their clip Bound 2 - a passion for creative tomfoolery is inherent in them in principle. The friendship between the two jokers began on the set of the TV series "Hooligans and Nerds", which aired from 1999 to 2000. Later, in 2008, they worked together again, taking part in the film "Pineapple Express: Sitting, Smoking", and next year the tape "Interview" was to be released with them, but because

Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez

It would seem that 45-year-old Rachel from Friends and 22-year-old Disney Channel star have in common? However, the past year indicates that Jennifer Aniston and Selena Gomez have found common topics of conversation. In May of this year, reporters reported that a senior colleague shares her experience and gives valuable advice to the young artist. And not only professional, but also personal. They say that at dinner in one of the trendy Los Angeles restaurants, celebrities talked, among other things, about Selena's romance with Justin Bieber.

Aniston knows firsthand what it feels like to be abandoned, and how hard it is to recover from a breakup, being under the scrutiny of the press. Jennifer and Selena became so close that the first even gave her younger friend a book called "Return to Love". With this gesture, Jen wanted to support Selena and convince her that true love will definitely come. The warm relationship between the actresses was eloquently expressed by their sincere, strong hug and passionate conversation at the party in honor of the release of the movie "Cake" in early December.

Emma Stone and Taylor Swift

Emma Stone and Taylor Swift have been friends since 2011. According to the actress, they met at the Young Hollywood Awards. Then Emma first heard Taylor's songs and decided to write her a letter. Stone's first impression was not disappointing: the celebrities had a similar sense of humor and many common interests, including a love of cooking.

Star girlfriends can often be seen together not only at social events, but also on walks.

"Taylor is a wonderful, very open girl. She is not one of those who think:" I am one of the most popular celebrities in the world, "says Emma Stone of Swift.

Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams

Having given birth to her third son in March this year, Gwen Stefani chose new creative projects over a long and calm parental leave. The singer decided: it's time to return to the stage. This fall, the American version of The Voice kicked off, where Gwen replaced one of her mentors, Christina Aguilera. Her good old friend, producer Pharrell Williams, who also became one of the mentors of the new season, was next to her. In addition, in early December, the first joint video of celebrities in the style of pop art for the song Spark the Fire was released.

It is not surprising that for such a responsible mission as returning to the pop scene, Stephanie chose the performer of the main hit of the year, Happy, as the "accomplices". Ten years ago, the producer was already helping the singer to start a solo career - he created the album Love with her. Angel. Music. Baby. It was Farrell who was the author of the hit Hollaback Girl (2005), which returned the singer to the world musical Olympus. Williams and Stephanie have been friends for many years both on stage and in life, which helps them feel each other and create truly ambitious projects. We will wait to see what else this wonderful creative tandem will surprise us with next year.

Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes

The fact that Victoria Beckham and Katie Holmes are friends became known in 2007, when they appeared together at one of the shows of the Paris Fashion Week. It's just that the friendship grew into a strong friendship after the Beckham family moved to Los Angeles.

"Katy is a wonderful friend. We found a lot in common in each other. She helped me a lot when we moved to California, introduced us to people and even found a school for children," said Victoria.

However, over time, the relationship between the two celebrities began to weaken, and then Beckham and Holmes stopped communicating altogether. There were many reasons - the controversy over Scientology, different views on parenting. They also said that Victoria was outraged by the total control of Tom Cruise over Katie and her friend's addiction to copy her style.

Jay Z and Kanye West

The Jay Z and Beyoncé couple are perhaps radically different from the Kanye West and Kim Kardashian couple. If the first married couple prefers to hide their personal life and amaze the audience with creativity, then the second seeks to make PR out of everything, including from their relationships. But despite such different understandings of popularity and how to achieve it, Jay and Kanye have been close friends for many years. It was thanks to Jay, his participation and mentoring at the beginning of his career that Kanye was able to take his place on the musical Olympus.

For many years, colleagues in the shop participated in the recordings of each other's albums, released a joint disc Watch the Throne in 2011, and all these years they maintained almost brotherly relations. However, no matter how close the rappers were, their spouses could not become real friends. Most likely, this is due to the fact that Beyoncé is not happy with reality shows and the scandalousness that everyone associates with the name Kardashian.

This year, Jay and Kanye's friendship has undergone a serious test: in May, one of the most anticipated weddings in Hollywood took place, to which, of course, West and the Kardashians invited the Carter couple. As you know, the rapper even wanted to make his friend the best man, but Beyoncé and Jay-Z either refused to come to the wedding because of their unwillingness to appear on Kim's reality show, then agreed, citing their long-standing friendship. On the day of the ceremony, the intrigue was revealed: the couple did not come to the celebration in Florence. Queen B only posted on Instagram a photo of the West and Kardashian family, writing in the comments wishes for eternal love.

As a gift, Beyoncé and Jay-Z rented a yacht for 100 thousand pounds so that the newlyweds could spend their honeymoon on it. Rumor has it that Jay Z's refusal upset Kanye very much, so the relationship of his best friends has noticeably deteriorated. Hopefully the spat between the rappers won't last long.

Rihanna and Katy Perry

Rihanna and Katie have been friends for many years. In 2009, when the Barbadian singer was brutally beaten by her boyfriend Chris Brown, the girls became especially close. Then Rihanna was very much helped by the support of Katie, and in 2012 she had the opportunity to "repay the debt." Perry was going through a divorce from her husband-comedian Russell Brand, which took place on his initiative, and Rihanna became the main support of the singer during a difficult period for her. Subsequently, the girlfriends not only showed a warm relationship on camera at social events, but also took personal photos, showing that they can live well without men.

A little later, in the same year, after signing a contract with the cosmetics company M.A.C. Rihanna announced the renewal of relations with Brown, who was still "on probation." Katie could not accept, in her opinion, the stupid decision of her best friend, which led to their serious quarrel. By the way, Rihanna soon broke up with Chris again and opened her heart to a new relationship.

Within a few months, Katie could not ignore Ri's birthday and congratulated her on Twitter, and she, in turn, "retweeted" the entry on her page, thereby making it clear to the fans that the ice began to melt. This year the girlfriends were spotted together - let's hope that the friendship of the two singers can no longer be broken by their boyfriends.

Miley Cyrus and Kelly Osbourne

The two rebels, Kelly Osbourne and Miley Cyrus, have been friends for quite some time, in 2012 they played together in the comedy "Undercover Agent". But their friendship had a rather strange beginning, because at that time Kelly was trying to get rid of the status of a "scandalous star", and Miley, on the contrary, was desperately trying to acquire it. One way or another, the girls had an incendiary time in clubs, delighting the audience with dances on tables and other joys of a free life. To this day, Kelly and Miley love to fool around together: they do not hide photos with their "antics", and also often team up in order to prank colleagues in the shop.

Last year, Osborne, like many other artists, had to comment on Cyrus's provocative performance at MTV VMA 2013. Then Miley managed to embarrass almost everyone in the hall with her dance - from Will Smith's family to Robin Thicke, who performs on the same stage with her. Kelly, being an open and rather straightforward person, decided to give her friend some advice, and not in a personal conversation, but on the air of the E! Entertainment in the Fashion Police program.

The daughter of the legendary Ozzy Osbourne said that Miley is very close and dear to her, she is always ready to support her, but she simply cannot help but give her friend the main advice: "Miley! Keep your damn tongue shut!" Apparently, honesty is one of the main qualities that Cyrus values ​​about Osborne, because the girls can still often be seen hugging and having fun together.

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox

It's safe to say that the friendship between Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox is time-tested. The actresses met in the 90s on the set of the TV series Friends, in which they played, as you know, best friends. The celebrity's on-screen relationship was brought to life. Jen and Courtney can often be seen together on walks, at dinner in a restaurant, and if they attend the same social event, then they appear in front of photographers only hugging.

Courtney says in an interview that they were "incredibly lucky to meet each other," and Jen, in turn, sings the praises of her friend: "You can tell her anything and never hear a comment. She is very fair, ridiculously loyal and who knows how to love very much. "

All the main, sometimes not very simple and happy events in each other's life, famous friends try to experience together. So, after breaking up with Brad Pitt, Aniston lived for some time at Cox's house. The latter asked Jennifer to become the godmother of her daughter Coco. Needless to say, who will act as the bridesmaid at the upcoming wedding of Aniston and Justin Theroux?

0 August 7, 2010, 18:02

Opposites may be attracted, but nevertheless, it is easier for people of the same profession to find a common language. That is why representatives of show business are strong friends with each other. Almost everyone knows that, say, the best friends. But there are also much less popular friendly tandems. Most of the celebrity friends met at work.

As it turned out, Amy Adams is also very friendly. They met on the set of the movie "Cleaning to Shine". In it, they played sisters. Amy was, of course, a guest at the recent bachelorette party before.

Amy and Emily in the movie Shine

Jess and Jen

... and Jennifer with Olivia

Smart girls are friends with their own kind. Harvard alumni Rashida Jones represent the wonderful "friendship duo" and "brain" of young Hollywood. Together they are active in social activities and are involved in charity work.

Natalie and Rashida

Kimora Lee Simmons and Tyra Banks have been bosom friends since 1989. They met backstage at a show in Paris. In addition to fashion, they have a common interest in sports, they are big fans of basketball. By the way, Tyra was a bridesmaid for Kimora's wedding (she is married to basketball player Russell Simmons).

The famous actress, who has already turned 82 years old, prefers to communicate not with people, but with dogs. She has more than a hundred of them, by the way, but among people there are only two or three close people. She lives in a villa in the south of France and is actively involved in social activities, in particular, advocating for the rights of people and animals. At the same time, communication takes place in writing and only with the heads of state. The son of the actress, Nicolas, lived from early childhood with his father and practically does not see his mother.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina has repeatedly stated that her mother was her best friend. The girl, even at school, was not interested in the company of her classmates. She preferred boyish fun and went to a psychologist. It was her mother who sent her to acting school. After her death, Jolie found herself in motherhood, never making real friends. She has repeatedly said that her best friend is her husband, Brad Pitt. I wonder who she will communicate with now, after she was going to divorce?


The singer, despite her star status and super-old habits, is deeply lonely, which is confirmed by the letter from her mother, which she posted online. “Beyoncé, I wish people could see who you really are when you're not in front of the camera or on stage. How compassionate and kind you are to people, how you look them directly in the eyes when you speak to them. How hard you work and how generous you are with your time and money. How do you help everyone and do not worry so that all people know about it, because you are doing good from the heart, ”wrote Beyoncé's mother, Tina Knowles. The singer really does a lot of charity work and social activities, so she has absolutely no time to get real girlfriends. Therefore, he is friends with her husband.

Naomi Campbell

The character of "Black Panther" is such that not everyone can stand it. Maybe that's why she has no friends? Or maybe because Naomi does not communicate with people "just like that", but tries to squeeze the maximum material benefit out of them. She even sold entrance tickets for her birthday! Now the model is working on her character, is engaged in meditation and yoga. Alone.


Madonna ascended to the top of the musical Olympus with a load of fame and an almost complete absence of friends. A couple of years ago, her colleagues in the music community broke off relations with her. Boy George even called the singer "a mean and monstrous creature." At the same time, Madonna does not refuse gatherings with friends, but she does not let anyone into her personal life, as close friends.

Richard Gere

People have practically lost Richard Gere since he became interested in Buddhism. First, he engaged in self-improvement, the search for the meaning of life, then divorced, went to the mountains and meditation. He prefers to communicate only with a spiritual mentor and a child. Well, sometimes with journalists. And no friends!

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara © Getty Images

Tuesday, July 30, is celebrated International Day of Friendship 2019... On this holiday, it is customary to remind your friends how much you love them - to give gifts and souvenirs, to show your attention.

Also on Friendship Day 2019 edition invites you to find out who the Hollywood stars are friends with. Despite their recognition and popularity, they are ordinary people who need such simple things as friendship and love.

It is not strange that Hollywood celebrities often find their girlfriends and friends in the circle of the same stellar colleagues - often meetings of kindred spirits take place during the filming of films.

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara

The girls met on the set of the movie "Pretty Women on the Run". Reese often recalls how Sophia entered the hotel and everyone around her "turned their necks", turning at her. After filming, during the promo tour, the actresses became even closer and often posted funny joint selfies on their Instagram. The wedding took place in November 2015 Sofia Vergara with Joe Manganiello, to which the artist of course called her friend.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire © Getty Images

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

Friendship and Tobey Maguire has been going on for over 20 years. They met back in the early 80s at one of the auditions and since then cherish each other's friendship. In 2013, the movie was released "The Great Gatsby", in which star friends played the main roles: and Tobey Maguire... According to friends, in their free time they like to play basketball together. On the sidelines, their friendship is considered one of the strongest.

Courteney Cox and Ed Sheeran © Depositphotos

Courtney Cox and Ed Sheeran

The star of the legendary TV series " Friends"met a British musician Ed Sheeran thanks to mutual friends. After talking, they immediately found a common language and after that they became friends. Interestingly, Courtney and Ed spend the holidays together and post joint pictures on Instagram.


In 2013, it was Ed who introduced his friend to his longtime acquaintance, the band's frontman " Snow Patrol "Johnny McDade, with whom Courtney met for two years after. Even after breaking up with Johnny in 2015, the actress continues to maintain friendly relations with Ed Sheeran... Interestingly, one of Courteney Cox's best friends is also considered her "Friends" partner. Jennifer Aniston. This friendship has been around for many years.

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani © Depositphotos

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

In 2011, in an interview with an American publication "Marie Claire" Angelina Jolie admitted that she practically has no friends, and one of the few is the singer Gwen Stefani.

Jolie and Stephanie became friends back in 2006. Then they were connected by the fact that they had children with a difference of one day: the eldest son Gwen - Kingston was born on May 26, and Jolie's daughter Shiloh - on May 27. Young mothers immediately found many common themes and interests.

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay © Getty Images

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay

Ex-footballer David Beckham and famous chef Gordon Ramsay have been friends with families for a long time. Former football club player " Manchester United"and the host of Hell's Kitchen go to football matches and go jogging together. Their friendship has lasted for many years. In 2013, David and Gordon even launched a joint business project - they opened a restaurant "Street Café" in London.

Kate Hudson and Lea Michelle © Getty Images

Kate Hudson and Leah Michelle

The girls became friends on the set of the fourth season of the series "Glee", in which Kate Hudson acted as a dance teacher Cassandra Julai... In 2013, the girls were brought closer together by a tragic incident - Leah's beloved died of a drug overdose, and at a difficult moment in life it was Kate supported her friend in every possible way. Kate Hudson even invited Leah to stay at her place for a while.

Florence Welch and Blake Lively © Getty Images

Florence Welch and Blake Lively

Once upon hearing the songs "Florence and the Machine", American actress and model Blake Lively I decided to go to the concert of the group I liked, taking pizza with me for the musicians. Making her way backstage, Blake got into a conversation with Florence Welch... Appreciating the kind gesture, Florence invited Blake to celebrate the New Year in Las Vegas, and since then the girls have been inseparable.

"Moskvichka" tells about the most bosom friends and inseparable girlfriends of the world of show business.

Rihanna and Katy Perry

The singers met at one of the parties. The beginning of a strong friendship was an unpleasant incident with Rihanna. We will remind, on February 8, 2009 the black diva was beaten by her boyfriend - Chris Brown, because of which she even ended up in the hospital. It was Katie who then supported Rihanna. Rihanna put her shoulder to Katie when she divorced her husband. That's right, girls! Husbands come and go, but girlfriends stay!

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay

The famous football player and no less famous chef have been friends for a long time. Their wives - Victoria and Tana - and even their children are also friends. Communication became closer after the Beckham family and the Ramsay family moved to Los Angeles. They even tried to open a shared restaurant, but were unable to overcome their disagreements over business development. As they say, friendship is friendship, and the restaurant is apart.

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay.

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

In her interviews, "Mrs. Smith" has repeatedly admitted that she has never made friends in her life. However, in 2006, she became friends with the singer and designer Gwen Stefani, it so happened that they had children with a difference of one day. Stephanie Kingston's eldest son is only a day older than Shiloh, and Zuma's youngest son is the same age as Knox and Vivien, Jolie's twins. Angelina and Gwen began to be friends with families: they visit each other, celebrate holidays and birthdays together.

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani.

Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov

Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov know what real male friendship is, because their friendship has been going on for more than 20 years. They met when they were studying at the acting department. As time went on, student friendship grew stronger. Supporting each other, the actors went through many trials, one of which was the death of Konstantin's wife Anastasia. Khabensky was very upset by this loss, but, thanks to the support of his best friend, he was able to find the strength to move on. Now Khabensky and Porechenkov are friends with families and play on the same stage in performances.

Konstantin Khabensky and Mikhail Porechenkov.

Svetlana Khodchenkova and Anastasia Zadorozhnaya

The girls made friends on the set of the film "Love in the Big City" and proved by personal example that female friendship exists. They often star in the same projects, spend a lot of time together outside the set: they go shopping, go to various social events, go on vacation together. And not so long ago, friends decided to introduce their lovers. Almost like relatives.

Photo: Photo by ITAR-TASS

Svetlana Khodchenkova and Anastasia Zadorozhnaya.

George Clooney and Brad Pitt

The two main sex symbols of Hollywood, Brad Pitt and George Clooney, have been best friends for years. The actors made friends with the common work on the crime comedy "Ocean's Eleven". After the filming was completed, they began to spend joint weekends, despite the fact that one of them is a father of many children, and the other is an eternal bachelor.

Photo: Michael Buckner

George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

by the way

90% of social media users claim that friendship is impossible without live communication and real meetings. In Sydney, according to sociologists, the friendliest residents. Asteroid 367 Amicitia was named in honor of the friendship. In Moscow, there is a monument to processed cheese "Druzhba", which is held by a crow and a fox from the famous fable of Krylov.