What is Wirth examples. What is virtual flirting

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The meaning of the word wirth

Wirth in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


WIRTH (Wirth) Karl Joseph (1879-1956) in 1921-22 German Reich Chancellor. In 1922 he signed (together with W. Rathenau) the Soviet-German Rapallo Treaty. In 1930-31 the Minister of the Interior. After World War II, he advocated the establishment of friendly relations with the USSR. International Lenin Prize (1955).


Wirth :

Wirth (book)

"Virt" is the first book by Jeff Noone, written in 1993. Together with other works of the author - the books "Pollen" and "Nimformation" it is a trilogy.

Wirth (West Virginia County)

Wirth County located in the United States, West Virginia. Officially formed on January 19, 1848, it got its name in honor of the American politician and statesman William Wirth. As of 2012, the population was 5,847.

Examples of the use of the word Wirth in literature.

When did people switch to electronic pleasures, and then to feather travel Virtue, the zoo only needs to close.

After finishing work in Virtue- Drum continued, - I will go to the Festival and play my part in provoking the crowd.

Egon had long been convinced that Ruprecht Wirth- a worthy successor to his teacher Franz Lemke.

He threw away the pencil in annoyance, and his gaze focused impatiently on the hand of the wall clock: Ruprecht Wirth was a few minutes late Zinn was already reaching for the telephone receiver when the door opened without knocking and appeared on the threshold Wirth.

It would be little to call surprise what he experienced when the gate opened: in front of him stood, in a leather apron, stretched out and matured Ruprecht Wirth.

However, Boyce would still go to the general: he needs to see the car washer Ruprecht Virta.

First, the Elishites mingled with short-lived cults. Virtue- Gnostic, African, Spiritual, Caribbean - but Elishism has stood the test of time with sophisticated theology, engaging rituals and clear structured organization.

Wirth, Thomson and Trikov stepped onto the moving belt of a wide street of bluish plastic springing under their feet.

Wirth and Traykov disappeared into the corridor leading to the outer ring of Central Station.

I was told that allergies came from the world Virta called Drunken Juniper.

Donnerjack built it in Virtue- a huge, sleek, long, almost silent engine and an outlandish camper.

And amid the endless field of golden ears, Columbus tells Belinda that this fertile world is an example of a reality that will rule Wirth.

I had blue with me Wirth Mercury, almost faded to cream, but the telephone mouth gratefully swallowed the feather.

He put on a light cotton suit and slippers, combed his hair and went to the basement, where there were devices for going to Virtue specially built here for the convenience of workers.

Until the Church of Elish came into force, Bel Marduk lived in a small kingdom Virtue and had the right to be on the median slopes of Meru.

What is virtual communication?
How do you feel about him?
Do you believe that real love and family happiness can result from such communication?

Such questions are asked on any forum, in any chat. And opinions are very different. I spoke with many people and heard different opinions, of course, I also have my own. Such communication, in my opinion, gives life experience in terms of studying the psychology of people, their motivation and actions, for me, in particular, this is the knowledge of men, since in the virtual space you can find many individuals with whom acquaintance in reality would be impossible. Because we would be separated by distance, age, and, of course, families, social status and much more.

Love on the Internet and a smooth transition from virtual to reality? Yes! Is quite real.
I know a couple who met on the net like this. He was from Sochi, she is from St. Petersburg. He had a family and two children. Now there is already another family, in St. Petersburg, respectively. And there will be two children in it too. And it all started sooooo harmless. And the distance at first was oh, how big. But it turned out that it was just a stone's throw from Sochi to St. Petersburg, no wife and children could hold back. No, I do not mean that this is an example to follow. It's just an example of what can happen.

How dangerous is such communication?
Is it addiction?

In general, psychologists have not identified anything fundamentally different from the symptoms of any other pathologies - alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction. Once in a new habitat, a person is impressed by the opportunities that have opened up, which at first leads to an ever-increasing time expenditure on their study.
At first, a person spends a lot of time on the internet, he is interested, a lot of new strangers. After a certain period, a recession sets in, a person adapts, gets used to it, ... disappointment comes, and online activity subsides. Well, and then, the stage of equilibrium, when the Internet is included in the daily routine, like food, sleep, books, television. Addiction is when a person cannot go from stage to stage by himself.

I would like to note that everything that has been written also applies to virtual communication. With the only frenzied difference that interest in any technical innovations in themselves, as well as in any other product of human reason and labor, is just a shadow in comparison with the interest that a person has for another person. God is God, as they say, but human is human.

Is it dangerous for social life?
Is it dangerous for your health?
Is it dangerous for the family?

YES!!! YES! AND ONCE AGAIN, YES! A person completely forgets about his duties. You just disappear from real life. You don't care what happens around you. Career, love, children, money, real goods, street, food, hygiene ... Well, what does it have to do with some kind of porridge, well, I cooked it at the wrong time, so what? What are the things in the kitchen ?! I have the love of my life! Nonsense that he lives in Siberia, and you are in Moscow, you already cannot live without him. And the last degree, when the roof is completely blown away ... THIS IS, TAKE TICKETS AND FLY TO HIM!

You break everything, the usual way of life, family, career. What for? What will be in return? Where is the confidence in the future?

Virt-communication is a game, take it this way. Enjoy communication, learn new things, learn. So and only so, from my point of view, you need to understand VIRT-COMMUNICATION.

Now, let me continue reading.
Suggest a love novel in verse.
To summarize this communication in ICQ
And what is not unfounded to prove ...

Hey! are you Rina the Green?
Are you Don Quixote of Laman?
I am not Green and not Sancho Panza.
donky_hot: I am a noble and valiant knight Donky Hot,
nice coiths! will we make friends, queen?
Thank you, noble knight,
but you and I live in different eras.
Far from it, my queen!
I am quite a modern young man,
besides, the jeltelman!
Nice coyote - it is, of course, very modern. :))
but that's not what I'm looking for.
inglorious and lethargic castrato?
I do not believe you, sly princess!
And where, knight, your nobility,
when you strive to humiliate your rivals ?!
What men want at 30
You don't need to be 25 yet.
I am looking for not just sex - RELATIONSHIP!
(but what is not with castrato is for sure).
(Cervantes is resting :))))
I am grateful for your frankness ...
I will not allow my nobility to doubt,
I do not recognize rivals in castrates!
Well, I'll be honest too - I'm under 30 (it will be in a month).
And relationships are my interests too, queen!
Why should you be young, MAN ?! although…
So, you will be 30. in a month. hmm.
Who are you according to the horoscope? A fish? Aries?
yes, I'm a ram, and I'm not ashamed of that at all!
ugly site hangs !!!
So, Aries you ... We will butt ...
I was born on a beautiful May night
in the constellation Taurus,
since then everyone who knows me
suffer from my obstinacy.
But these are THEIR problems ...
(And if you press F5, then mail will come more often)
returned, queen?
will we continue communication or what?
about age I lied why?
let me leave your question unanswered,
there are so many interesting topics for discussion!
concept is not just sex, but relationships
What for you?
Thanks for the advice!
And what to press so that you can meet more pleasant ladies?
You offered to play around ... well, let's get started.
what will be the reward in this duel?
1. What do I mean in understanding RELATIONSHIP?
Hmm, I'll try to answer.
Calls, visits, mutual friends ...
Questions: "where were you / were you yesterday?"
Joint week-ends, birthdays ...
And then how it goes ... who knows ...
2. Will you butt the queen ??? I do not believe.
I did not offer you a duel - I predicted -
Butting, to horror, fortunately, is it inevitable,
When both are alert.
3. And I will forbid you to receive letters from beautiful ladies
When you decide on a RELATIONSHIP, are you not afraid?
Such an attitude for me, I confess, is like a clamp ...
Maybe later I will settle down.
In the meantime, I value freedom, queen.
I hope for mutual understanding!
Of course, my knight, I understand you!
I value freedom no less than you, believe me ...
And I resist the control in every possible way,
Interrogations and prohibitions ...
The only problem is that without control
Freedom does not seem priceless to me ...
Such is the paradox - I value freedom only by losing it ...
Women are fools ... Everyone, even queens ...
I am conquered by you, I confess!
if we are united in thoughts about the concept of freedom,
maybe we will meet and have a nice time
in the beneficial communication of our organisms?
I'm shocked, knight! Are you talking about soiti again ???
Or I, being completely spoiled,
Do I see the vulgar in the bad? In a non-rude - rudeness?
Is it impudence in modest?
I think, the queen, that vulgarity and rudeness
not in my message!
(don't forget - I'm a knight, heltelman!)
but I have never been humble ...

Good luck to all colleagues and readers of this magazine.

What is Wirth

  1. Wirth (eng. "Vurt") is the first book by Jeff Noone, written in 1993. Together with other works of the author, the books Pollen and Nimformation constitutes a trilogy.

    In everyday reality, described in the book, there is such a concept as the virtual world of trip-dreams, the entrance to which is brought with new types of drugs, the so-called feathers, the variety of which is described more than once in the book. In addition to people, shadow people, dog people, virtual people, robotic dogs and other evil spirits roam the streets of Manchester. A group of untethered young people who call themselves the Secret Riders lost their friend Desdemona during their next trip to Wirth. Instead of into reality, a certain incomprehensible shapeless creature with six tentacles was carried out of Wirth. To free Desdemona from virtual captivity, the main character of the book Scribble, the brother of the lost girl, must exchange her back for this alien. But the exchange can be made only by getting into the meta-virtual virtual reality, which is inside virtual reality, where access is open only to beings of a higher order, constantly living in virtual reality. The hopeless attempts of Scribble and the Secret Riders to break into the meta-wirth, skirmishes with shadow cops, communication with all sorts of mysterious creatures, as well as Scribble's memories of his tragic romance with his own sister, make up the plot of the book.

  2. The concept of Wirth can be understood in different ways. In any case, it is directly related to the Internet and communication in it.
    There are also several other interpretations. If a person wants to know what a Wirth is, then he must pay attention to all the meanings.
    What is Wirth? By typing the word Wirth in a search engine, a person is likely to receive information about a literary work.
    Wirth, or, in the original language, Vurt is a book written by Jeff Noon. He was born in the late fifties in the UK.
    After graduating from university and working in a bookstore for five years, he began writing books, the first of which was Wirth.
    Many people call Jeff Noon's works science fiction, but the genre is officially cyberpunk. In this book, virtual are called trip-dreams.
    Getting into them, a person, as it were, gets a drug, of which there are quite a few types. This world looks like an alternate Manchester filled with shadow people, robotic dogs and other such creatures.
    The plot is based on the fact that Scribble lost his sister Desdemona in the virtual. Instead, an alien with tentacles fell into the world. The main character must get into the depths of the Wirth and make a reverse exchange.
    Do you want a virtual skype? Go to this site and you will see www. virtik. рф / vip.html
  3. Well, actually, Virt is virtual sex. I think this word is used here in this context.

If you were offered a Wirth frankly and without hesitation, then do not rush to block the interlocutor and add him to the black list. First you need to figure out in what context the word was used and what it means. Wirth - dangerous, embarrassing or obscene?

There is an opinion

If you ask an experienced Internet user what a virtual is, they will immediately answer you: "Virtual sex, intimate communication at a distance." But is it really so?

Initially, in fact, Wirth was something resembling a secret code and meant virtual sex. It can only be compared with intimacy on the phone, where girls with sweet voices said nice things in the hope that their interlocutor will enjoy.

Wirth was a great way to have fun when the era of home phones receded back, and in its place appeared instant messengers, social networks, and dating sites. And even if you don't get the full pleasure from such virtual sex, the interlocutors either became potentially closer, or, conversely, moved away from each other.

What is Wirth today?

Today Wirth is an abbreviated meaning from the word "virtual". This designation is used extremely rarely, and even if someone mentions it in a conversation, it can serve as the beginning of a new relationship (not necessarily intimate). Wirth means any communication on the World Wide Web, even if it is an ordinary small talk or a dialogue window between colleagues. But it is always worth checking with the interlocutor what exactly he meant when he mentioned this word.


If we consider what Wirth is in a sexual context, then it can be attributed to one of the many fetishes. Until recently, people sent each other love letters, because there was no way to have physical intimacy. This was practiced by hundreds of people, studying, working, serving in different cities and countries. And as strange as it may sound - having sex in letters - this practice helped couples in relationships, keeping them on fire.

With the advent of telephones and the Internet, nothing has changed - only the number of interlocutors and those wishing to participate in interactive sex has increased. Now you can find hundreds of communities that explain in detail what the word "virtual" means. Many ordinary people share their experience, talk about how long they have been practicing, and help find partners.

Key features

So what does the word "virtual" mean, and what are its features? The first is anonymity. Only you control how far your communication goes. You can just write compliments to your interlocutor, or you can flirt and write intimate things that are inaccessible to prying eyes. In addition, you can be anyone and look exactly how you would like - after all, no one will know your real "I" without your own initiative. Secondly, security. Virtual sex completely eliminates sexually transmitted infections. In addition, such communication is suitable for particularly shy, complex people. Thirdly, the risk of "running into" an inadequate, uncontrollable person is completely excluded. If something goes wrong, you can always close the dialog box and add the interlocutor to the black list.

How to behave if you were offered a Wirth?

Helpful Hint: Don't panic at all. Due to the fact that the interlocutor does not see your emotions and experiences, you can always take a deep breath, move away from the computer and ask your friends for help. If you think that Wirth is an immoral act, then politely refuse it, or check with your interlocutor what exactly he meant.

Many guys ask themselves the question: "How to behave if the word" Wirth "sounded from the girl's side?" As a rule, the fair sex in this way probes the "soil" and tries to find out whether they should move on, develop communication between you, and give any signs of attention.

  1. If the girl is unfamiliar. Think about how much virtual sex can affect you. Perhaps you will not like what kind of things a new acquaintance can write, thereby alienating you from yourself. Or you respect and value her so much that you cannot "step over yourself" by sharing obscenities on social networks. In any case, you must first find out in what context the interlocutor used the word.
  2. If suggested by a partner / wife. When you are in a relationship for a long time, it means that intimacy and obscenity are not alien to you. Perhaps your significant other wants to diversify your sex life, add flavor and add a little passion. Usually in this way, girls can flirt with you, whetting your appetite and increasing libido. Do not give up Wirth - try it, because you trust each other. Use intimate photos, voice messages and cryptic phrases.

Girls need to be careful when choosing partners. According to statistics, men like virtual sex much more than women, so if a new interlocutor insists on intimate correspondence, then you should think about his plans for you. That being said, don't be afraid to experiment with your boyfriend or husband.

Now you know what Wirth is. After overcoming the constraints, especially at a distance, interactive communication can be a new experience for you that will only bring closer and strengthen the relationship.

By what kind of Wirth your partner has appeared, a lot can be said about your relationship.

Let's start with theory. Virt is male and female.

Male is always a foreplay before real sex. A man doesn’t just virtue: the need to write a lot of bukaf and squeeze out endless and varied compliments makes him terribly tired. So if a guy is caught behind a virtual, keep in mind: tomorrow he will already be in someone else's bed.

Female Wirth is diametrically opposite. Least of all, this is preparation for real sex.

In more than half of the cases, virtual relationships are a way to get the necessary share of compliments, admiration, adoration and recognition of themselves as the queen of the world (given that for men, see above, all these compliments are given with a lot of blood and are perceived exclusively as artillery preparation before the offensive, you need to understand that a girl has a lot of virtual partners - one will not give her as much pleasure as she needs).

Therefore, we make the diagnosis based on gender characteristics.
Man: if he started a Wirth, it means that in a real relationship he stopped having sex. Sex and only sex: they treat a lack of attention, care or kitchen quickness in a different way, namely by frequent visits to their mother and a real constant mistress.

Virt is adventure, hunting, lightning victory, thrill, risk and novelty. Give this to him: instead of the matrimonial routine and longing - adventures and victories.

Shown are joint travels with both organized groups and savages, moving, rearranging furniture, or at least a joint viewing of erotic movies every night.

Female. There are options here.

If she has an abyss of virtual fans, the whole wall is littered with “likes” and “gifts”, flirting does not go beyond “crackling” - she simply does not have enough attention. And not yours specifically, but masculine in general. Most likely, she has terrible complexes or childhood trauma.

Leave her her innocent entertainment, buy theater tickets for six months in advance (for two, of course), give flowers more often and increase the dose of daily affectionate words.

If she has one but constant admirer, if Wirth goes so far that she cannot live a day without communication, if her gaze has become absent, and her actions are hysterical, then she sorely lacks love. Most likely, in this marriage they ceased to communicate heart to heart, to understand each other perfectly, to speak in the special language of lovers.

It is difficult to help: you need to rebuild the marriage again. Prescribed: obligatory family breakfasts and dinners, weekend trips, visits to happily married friends, flowers, gifts, care, exchange of calls and SMS.

And all this - even for the purpose of prevention, and not two days before Wirth turns into real.

In general, people who are unhappy in marriage are noticed in virtual novels and virtual infidelities. So your marriage definitely has a diagnosis. Start treatment immediately.

VELVET: Agata Volchkova