Didactic game with big little hands. Didactic games in mathematics

Using the exciting game "Large, Medium, Small", you can teach your little one to accurately recognize the size of objects. While playing, the child will easily learn new knowledge, since this lesson will certainly seem interesting to him and will occupy his attention for a long time. Before starting the game, you need to download the images, and cut them into separate cards along the visible dotted lines, as a result, you will receive 72 cards depicting various objects. Some of which will be the same in appearance but different in size.

The kid needs to be explained that the cards need to be sorted according to a certain criterion, disassembled into groups. For example, collect cards with the image of bears and chairs in one pile, in the second with butterflies and flowers, in the third with fish and aquariums, and so on. Then you need to encourage the kid to arrange the objects in size and in relation to each other, ask him to explain his choice: "The little bear sat on a small chair, the middle bear on the middle chair, and the big one on the big chair."

Let the child collect all the groups of objects, and when he learns to do this successfully and without prompts, the plot of the game can be slightly changed: for example, offer him to collect small, medium and large objects into separate groups. Such classes will contribute to the development of logical and spatial thinking of the crumbs, introduce you to the new concept of sorting, teach you how to correctly determine the size of objects, and also significantly expand its vocabulary.

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Types of didactic games and guidance of didactic games

Types of didactic games Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, in the role of educator ...

DIDACTIC GAMES AND SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. Didactic play is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of learning, and independent play activity, and a means of all-round

Didactic play is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a play method of teaching preschool children, and a form of learning, and independent play ...

Experience in the use of didactic games and entertaining didactic material for the intellectual development of preschoolers

A selection of games for the intellectual development of preschoolers (Voskobovich, Nikitin, etc.) ...


From early childhood, the child sees various vegetables and fruits around him. Gradually, he remembers their names, begins to find friends among them. However, kids have almost no idea about ...

"Formation of ecological culture in preschool children through didactic games." "Formation of ecological culture in preschool children through didactic games."

Under the ecological upbringing of children, one should understand, first of all, the upbringing of humanity, that is, kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature, and towards people who live nearby, and towards descendants who ...

Purpose of the game: To create conditions for contacts with children and with each other, to establish emotional connections, the formation of concepts big - small, the difference in geometric shapes, the development of hearing, taste ...


  • Teach children to compare objects in size (size, length, height, width) using the words: wider - narrower, longer - shorter, higher - lower, more - smaller. Teach by superimposing and on the "eye" to compare contrasting objects.
  • Develop the ability to analyze, compare, classify objects by size, and serialize objects.

"Big small"

The teacher puts the cards in front of the child, pictures up. Tells a fairy tale, such as this one.

Different objects lived in one fabulous country. Each item had a brother or sister, very, very similar to each other. They differed only in size - one large and the other small. And then one day a strong wind rose. He mixed up all the objects, scattered them in different directions. Let's help you and me find the inhabitants of the fabulous country of their brothers and sisters. If we find it right, they will take hold of the handles. And if we make a mistake, they will not give hands to each other. Let's try?

The child needs to take one card with any object, name it and find a pair for it. If the choice is made correctly, then the locks on the cards will allow you to combine the cards into a paired picture.

"My size"

(D / and "Once upon a time there was a circle")

The teacher offers children pictures with different objects. The child chooses for himself only pictures with large objects, regardless of the shape, and discards medium and small ones (other options are possible).

"More less"

(D / and "Once upon a time there was a circle")

The teacher lays out the cards in a chaotic order, pictures up, takes one card and asks the child to find 2 more with the same geom. figures, but of a different size. The child compares the depicted figures in size, using the concept of "more, less".

"The doll is visiting"

The teacher offers the child one doll and 6 dresses and says that he needs to help Tonya find her dress. The doll measures all the outfits, commenting: "This dress is not enough for me, I need more, etc." The child must help Tonya find her dress.

"Who is faster"

(D / and "The doll is visiting")

The teacher distributes dolls to the children and says: "Who will find his outfit faster?" Children find the appropriate dress size (first out of 3 suggested, and then out of 6).

"Expand to fit"

(D / and "4th extra")

The teacher selects for the game cards with objects that are contrastingly different in size. Lays them out in random order and asks the child to distribute the cards by size, choose the largest, smallest of them.

"Wonderful bag"

The bag contains items of different sizes. The teacher offers the child to get only large (small) objects. The child determines the size of the object by touch.

Gyenesh block games:

  • Find all shapes like this (by size).
  • Find a shape other than this (by size).

Informational resources:

1.Z.A. Mikhailova, E.N. Ioffe "Mathematics from 3 to 7", St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2001.

2. Z.A. Mikhailova, I.N. Cheplashkina, "Mathematics is interesting", St. Petersburg, Childhood-Press, 2004.

3. D. Alhaus, E. Doom "Color, form, quantity", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1984

4. B.P. Nikitin "Steps of creativity or educational games", Moscow, Enlightenment, 1991.

Elena Demina

I represent d / and in mathematics, made by hand for older children. Games are aimed at forming ideas about number and have been tested in practice.

D / and "Find an aquarium for a fish"

Purpose of the game: To systematize knowledge about the numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Strengthen the ability to increase and decrease numbers within the first ten by several units

Rules of the game

The child is asked to find an aquarium for each fish in which it can live. To do this, you need to solve one example, which is written on the fish.

Option number 1

All children participate in the game

The child solves one example and finds the appropriate aquarium for his fish.

Option number 2

The game involves five children

Each child chooses an aquarium for himself, and then populates it with fish (correctly solving the example)

The winner is the player who populates the aquarium faster

Option number 3

Children are divided into teams.

The team that solves the examples faster and finds the fish tank is the winner. This option is good to use in competitive competitions.

And one more game for older children

D / and “Where is more? Where is less? "

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the concepts: equality, more, less

Learn correctly, use signs< > =

Improve the ability to compare numbers visually and verbally.

Rules of the game Each player receives a card depicting groups of objects.

Having determined the number of objects in the group, you need to put a more, less, equal sign on the field. And explain your action.

The player who quickly completes the task and "reads" the entry wins

Games can be replenished as you master new math concepts and to improve your numeracy skills

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