Home laboratory. Games and experiments with water - Let's play together! Educational experiments with water for curious children

In summer, home experiments with water for children are very useful. All kids love to play and romp in the water in hot weather. Conducting such “research” allows them to get acquainted with the most important properties of water. Therefore, we will present them before moving on to interesting, informative, fun, visual experiments.

Properties of water

Water is the basis of life. It is the “base” for the good functioning of the human body. There are three known states of water: liquid, gaseous and solid. Consider the following properties of water.

    1. Transparency. Take two glasses. Pour water into one, milk into the other. Give the baby a bead and offer to lower it into both glasses in turn. The bead can be easily seen in a glass of water, as the water is crystal clear.
    2. Colorlessness. To confirm, pour water into the glasses and paint it with different colors of paint. Leave the water in one glass colorless and transparent, that is, the way it was.

There are objects that sink in water, and some remain on the surface and float. Dip various things into the water - pebbles, pieces of paper, cones, objects made of metal, wood, and watch which of them sink and which do not.

Home experiments with water

Experiment 1. With regular paint

Take ordinary paint and drop one drop at a time into the water. Watch how it gradually mixes. The color in water becomes less vibrant. The more paint, the brighter the color becomes.

Experience 2. In search of treasure

It will be interesting for schoolchildren to do such an experiment. For this you will need buttons, pebbles, sparkles, and shells. Pour water into a glass and pour out the “treasure”. Next, put it in the freezer. Wait for the water to freeze. As soon as it freezes, you begin to take out a piece of ice with a spoon or tweezers, and then lower it into warm water. When it starts to melt, you get the “treasures”.

Experiment 3. Water absorption

Pour water into a container and hold a sponge to it and watch what happens. Water, jumping up, is absorbed into the pores. Then bring various things to the water and watch which ones are able to absorb it and which ones do not have absorbent properties.

Experiment 4. With ice cubes

Children aged 5-6 years will be interested in this experience. Freeze ice into special cubes. Take thin cocktail tubes, cut them to 5 cm in length and insert them into an ice mold. Then put it in the freezer. After freezing, you will get strong cubes with a tube. Really, they look like boats? When attaching the sail to the match, launch the boats through puddles or into a bath of water.

Experiment 5. “Floating” egg

Take a raw egg. Place it in a glass of water. You will see it sink to the bottom. Then take out the egg and dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of salt there. Place it again, this time in a glass of salted water. You will see the egg floating on the water surface.

Hence the conclusion is that the density of water increases with the help of salt and therefore it is more difficult to drown in salt water. For example, in the Dead Sea, the water is too salty, therefore, a person can lie on the sea surface and not drown.

Experiment 6. “Boiling” of cold water

Wet and wring out the handkerchief. Then cover a full glass of cold water with it and secure the scarf to the glass with a rubber band. Press the middle of the scarf with your finger so that it goes 2-3 cm into the water. Then turn the glass upside down over the sink. Hold the glass with one hand and lightly hit the bottom with the other. And what's going on? The water begins to “boil” or bubble in the glass.

Explanation: a wet handkerchief does not allow water to pass through. When you hit the glass, a vacuum is formed in it and air enters the water through the handkerchief, absorbed by the vacuum. These air bubbles form the idea that water is “boiling.”

Experiment 7. Disappearing water

Take two identical glasses and fill them with water to the same level. Mark it with a felt-tip pen. Cover one glass with a lid and leave the other open. Place them in a warm place. The next day you will see that the water level in the open glass has become lower, but in the closed glass it has not changed.

What happened? Under the influence of heat, the water in the open glass evaporated and turned into tiny particles of steam, which dispersed into the air. Hence the conclusion: someday everything wet dries.

Experiment 8. With ice

Place a piece of ice into a glass filled to the brim with water. The ice will begin to melt, but the water will not overflow. It follows that the water into which the ice has transformed is heavier and takes up less space than ice. Conclusion: ice is lighter than water.

Experiment 9. Rainbow

Show the kids a rainbow in their room. Place a mirror in the water at a slight angle. Then catch a ray of sunlight with the mirror and point it at the wall. Rotate it until you see the light spectrum on the wall. The role of the prism, which decomposes light into its components, is played by water. Little ones will love this experience as they will see a rainbow.

To help your little ones learn useful and interesting information about water, do home experiments with water for children. In this video you will find some more ideas for experiments.

Friends, good afternoon! Agree, how interesting it is sometimes to surprise our little ones! They have such a funny reaction to . It shows that they are ready to learn, ready to absorb new material. The whole world opens up at this moment before them and for them! And we, parents, act as real wizards with a hat from which we “pull out” something incredibly interesting, new and very important!

What will we get out of the “magic” hat today? We have 25 experimental experiments there for children and adults. They will be prepared for kids of different ages in order to interest them and involve them in the process. Some can be carried out without any preparation, using handy tools that each of us has at home. For others, we will buy some materials so that everything goes smoothly. Well? I wish us all good luck and move forward!

Today will be a real holiday! And in our program:

So let's decorate the holiday by preparing an experiment for a birthday, New Year, March 8, etc.

Ice soap bubbles

What do you think will happen if simple bubbles that are tiny in 4 years loves to inflate them, run after them and burst them, inflate them in the cold. Or rather, straight into a snowdrift.

I'll give you a hint:

  • they will burst immediately!
  • take off and fly away!
  • will freeze!

Whatever you choose, I can tell you right away, it will surprise you! Can you imagine what will happen to the little one?!

But in slow motion it’s just a fairy tale!

I'm complicating the question. Is it possible to repeat the experiment in the summer in order to get a similar option?

Choose answers:

  • Yes. But you need ice from the refrigerator.

You know, although I really want to tell you everything, this is exactly what I won’t do! Let there be at least one surprise for you too!

Paper vs water

The real one is waiting for us experiment. Is it really possible for paper to defeat water? This is a challenge for everyone who plays Rock-Paper-Scissors!

What we need:

  • Paper;
  • Water in a glass.

Cover the glass. It would be good if its edges were a little damp, then the paper would stick. Carefully turn the glass over... The water does not leak!

Let's inflate balloons without breathing?

We have already carried out chemical children's experiments. Remember, there the very first for very small crumbs was a room with vinegar and soda. So, let's continue! And we use the energy, or rather, the air that is released during the reaction for peaceful purposes.


  • Soda;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Vinegar;
  • Ball.

Pour soda into the bottle and fill 1/3 with vinegar. Shake lightly and quickly pull the ball onto the neck. When it is inflated, bandage it and remove it from the bottle.

Such a small experience can show even in kindergarten.

Rain from a cloud

We need:

  • Jar of water;
  • Shaving foam;
  • Food coloring (any color, several colors possible).

We make a cloud of foam. A big and beautiful cloud! Entrust this to the best cloud maker, your child. 5 years. He will definitely make her real!

author of the photo

All that remains is to distribute the dye over the cloud, and... drip-drip! Rain is coming!


Maybe, physics the children are still unknown. But after they make Rainbow, they will definitely love this science!

  • Deep transparent container with water;
  • Mirror;
  • Flashlight;
  • Paper.

Place a mirror at the bottom of the container. We shine a flashlight on the mirror at a slight angle. All that remains is to catch the Rainbow on paper.

Even easier is to use a disk and a flashlight.


There is a similar, but already finished game. But our experience interesting the fact that we ourselves, from the very beginning, will grow crystals from salt in water. To do this, take a thread or wire. And let's keep it for several days in such salty water, where the salt can no longer dissolve, but accumulates in a layer on the wire.

Can be grown from sugar

Lava jar

If you add oil to a jar of water, it will all accumulate on top. It can be tinted with food coloring. But in order for the bright oil to sink to the bottom, you need to pour salt on top of it. Then the oil will settle. But not for long. The salt will gradually dissolve and release beautiful droplets of oil. The colored oil rises gradually, as if a mysterious volcano is bubbling inside the jar.


For toddlers 7 years It will be very interesting to blow up, demolish, destroy something. In a word, this is a real element of nature for them. and therefore we create a real, exploding volcano!

We sculpt from plasticine or make a “mountain” from cardboard. We place a jar inside it. Yes, so that its neck fits the “crater”. Fill the jar with soda, dye, warm water and... vinegar. And everything will begin to “explode, lava will rush up and flood everything around!

A hole in the bag is not a problem

This is what convinces book of scientific experiments for children and adults Dmitry Mokhov "Simple Science". And we can check this statement ourselves! First, fill the bag with water. and then we'll pierce it. But we won’t remove what we pierced with (a pencil, a toothpick or a pin). How much water will we leak? Let's check!

Water that doesn't spill

Only such water still needs to be produced.

Take water, paint and starch (as much as water) and mix. The end result is just plain water. You just can't spill it!

"Slippery" egg

In order for the egg to actually fit into the neck of the bottle, you need to set fire to the piece of paper and throw it into the bottle. Cover the hole with an egg. When the fire goes out, the egg will slip inside.

Snow in summer

This trick is especially interesting to repeat in the warm season. Remove the contents of the diapers and wet them with water. All! The snow is ready! Nowadays such snow is easy to find in children's toys in stores. Ask the seller for artificial snow. And there is no need to ruin diapers.

Moving snakes

To make a moving figure we will need:

  • Sand;
  • Alcohol;
  • Sugar;
  • Soda;
  • Fire.

Pour alcohol onto a pile of sand and let it soak. Then pour sugar and baking soda on top and set it on fire! Oh, what a funny this experiment! Children and adults will love what the animated snake gets up to!

Of course, this is for older children. And it looks pretty scary!

Battery train

The copper wire, which we twist into an even spiral, will become our tunnel. How? Let's connect its edges, forming a round tunnel. But before that, we “launch” the battery inside, only attaching neodymium magnets to its edges. And consider that you have invented a perpetual motion machine! The locomotive moved on its own.

Candle swing

To light both ends of the candle, you need to clear the wax from the bottom down to the wick. Heat a needle over the fire and pierce the candle in the middle with it. Place the candle on 2 glasses so that it rests on the needle. Burn the edges and shake slightly. Then the candle itself will swing.

Elephant tooth paste

The elephant needs everything big and a lot. Let's do it! Dissolve potassium permanganate in water. Add liquid soap. The last ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, turns our mixture into a giant elephant paste!

Let's drink a candle

For greater effect, color the water in a bright color. Place a candle in the middle of the saucer. We set it on fire and cover it with a transparent container. Pour water into a saucer. At first the water will be around the container, but then it will all be saturated inside, towards the candle.
Oxygen is burned, the pressure inside the glass decreases and

A real chameleon

What will help our chameleon change color? Cunning! Instruct your little one 6 years Decorate a plastic plate in different colors. And cut out the chameleon figure yourself on another plate, similar in shape and size. All that remains is to loosely connect both plates in the middle so that the top one, with the cut out figure, can rotate. Then the color of the animal will always change.

Light up the rainbow

Place Skittles in a circle on a plate. Pour water inside the plate. Just wait a little and we get a rainbow!

Smoke rings

Cut off the bottom of the plastic bottle. And stretch the edge of the cut balloon to get a membrane, as in the photo. Light an incense stick and place it in the bottle. Close the lid. When there is continuous smoke in the jar, unscrew the lid and tap on the membrane. Smoke will come out in rings.

Multicolored liquid

To make everything look more impressive, paint the liquid in different colors. Make 2-3 batches of multi-colored water. Pour water of the same color into the bottom of the jar. Then carefully pour vegetable oil along the wall from different sides. Pour water mixed with alcohol over it.

Egg without shell

Place a raw egg in vinegar for at least a day, some say for a week. And the trick is ready! An egg without a hard shell.
The egg shell contains calcium in abundance. Vinegar reacts actively with calcium and gradually dissolves it. As a result, the egg is covered with a film, but completely without a shell. It feels like an elastic ball.
The egg will also be larger than its original size, as it will absorb some of the vinegar.

Dancing men

It's time to mess around! Mix 2 parts cornstarch with 1 part water. Put a bowl of starchy liquid on top of your speakers and turn up the bass!

Decorating the ice

We decorate ice figures of different shapes using food paint mixed with water and salt. Salt corrodes the ice and seeps deep, forming interesting passages. Great idea for color therapy.

Launching paper rockets

We free tea bags from tea by cutting off the top. Let's set it on fire! Warm air lifts the package!

There are so many experiences that you will definitely find something to do with your children, just choose! And don't forget to come back for a new article that you'll find out about if you subscribe! Invite your friends to visit us too! And that's all for today! Bye!

Olga Guzhova

Experiments for children preparatory group in kindergarten

In the preparatory group, experiments should become the norm of life, they should be considered not as entertainment, but as a way of acquaintance children with the outside world and the most effective way to develop thought processes. Experiments allow you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develop observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develop the desire to know the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, create a creative personality.

Some important tips:

1. Conduct experiments are better in the morning when the child is full of strength and energy;

2. It is important for us not only to teach, but also interest the child, make him want to gain knowledge and create new ones himself experiments.

3. Explain to the child that unknown substances should not be tasted, no matter how beautiful and appetizing they look;

4. Don't just show it to your child. interesting experience, but also explain in a language accessible to him why this is happening;

5. Do not ignore the child's questions - look for answers to them in books, reference books, Internet;

6. Where there is no danger, give the child more independence;

7. Invite your child to show his favorites experiments for friends;

8. And most importantly: Rejoice at your child’s successes, praise him and encourage his desire to learn. Only positive emotions can instill a love for new knowledge.

Experience #1. "Vanishing Chalk"

For spectacular experience We will need a small piece of chalk. Dip chalk into a glass of vinegar and see what happens. The chalk in the glass will begin to hiss, bubble, decrease in size and soon disappear completely.

Chalk is limestone; when it comes into contact with acetic acid, it turns into other substances, one of which is carbon dioxide, which is rapidly released in the form of bubbles.

Experience #2. "Erupting Volcano"

Necessary equipment:


Make a cone from plasticine (you can take plasticine that has already been used once)

Soda, 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Vinegar 1/3 cup

2. Red paint, drop

3. A drop of liquid detergent to make the volcano foam better;

Experience No. 3. "Lava - lamp"

Needed: Salt, water, a glass of vegetable oil, several food colors, a large transparent glass.

Experience: Fill the glass 2/3 with water, pour vegetable oil into the water. Oil will float on the surface. Add food coloring to water and oil. Then slowly add 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: Oil is lighter than water, so it floats on the surface, but salt is heavier than oil, so when you add salt to a glass, the oil and salt begin to sink to the bottom. As the salt breaks down, it releases oil particles and they rise to the surface. Food coloring will help make experience more visual and spectacular.

Experience No. 4. "Rain Clouds"

Kids will love this simple activity that explains to them how it rains. (schematically, of course): Water first accumulates in the clouds and then spills onto the ground. This " experience" can be done in a science lesson, in a kindergarten, in an older group, and at home with children of all ages - it enchants everyone, and children ask to repeat it again and again. So, stock up on shaving foam.

Fill the jar with water about 2/3 full. Squeeze the foam directly on top of the water until it looks like a cumulus cloud. Now pipette onto the foam (or better yet, entrust this to a child) colored water. And now all that remains is to watch how the colored water passes through the cloud and continues its journey to the bottom of the jar.

Experience No. 5. "Red Head Chemistry"

Place finely chopped cabbage in a glass and pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes. Strain the cabbage infusion through a cloth.

Pour cold water into the other three glasses. Add a little vinegar to one glass, a little soda to the other. Add the cabbage solution to a glass with vinegar - the water will turn red, add it to a glass of soda - the water will turn blue. Add the solution to a glass of clean water - the water will remain dark blue.

Experience No. 6. "Blow up the balloon"

Pour water into a bottle and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

2. In a separate glass, mix lemon juice with vinegar and pour into a bottle.

3. Quickly place the balloon on the neck of the bottle, securing it with electrical tape. The ball will inflate. Baking soda and lemon juice mixed with vinegar react to release carbon dioxide, which inflates the balloon.

Experience No. 7. "Colored milk"

Needed: Whole milk, food coloring, liquid detergent, cotton swabs, plate.

Experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of different food colors. Then you need to take a cotton swab, dip it in the detergent and touch the swab to the very center of the plate with milk. The milk will begin to move and the colors will begin to mix.

Explanation: The detergent reacts with the fat molecules in the milk and causes them to move. That's why for experience Skim milk is not suitable.

The child learns about the world around him visually and experimentally. His knowledge is based on what he saw, heard and felt on his own. In addition, children's attention is fixed only on those objects that are interesting to them. In this regard, it is better to present any information to a child in the form of a game or experiment so that it is better remembered and finds practical application.

Water is a substance without which life on our planet would not have formed. It surrounds us constantly in everyday life and is even part of the human body. Experiments with water will be excellent educational entertainment for a child and his parents. The huge advantage of such experiments for children is that they themselves can become not just observers, but also participants in the game. Such a pastime will allow you not only to enjoy magic tricks, but also to study the basic properties and characteristics of water.

Experiments with water for kids

Young children, more than anyone else, are ready to absorb new knowledge. However, you need to choose a way to present them so that it is interesting to the kids. Water experiments are ideal for playing with children. However, experiments need to be selected so that the child not only enjoys the resulting trick, but also understands its meaning. IQ Club offers several common water experiments for preschool children.

Shape of water

You can start with a simple experiment for children 3-4 years old who generally know little about the world around them. For the experiment, you will need different objects into which you can pour water: a glass, a vase, a bucket, and a table surface will also work. The containers must be transparent so that the child can clearly see the water in them.

The essence of the experiment is that the child is shown how water takes the shape of the object in which it is located. You can also pour some liquid onto the table and show how it spreads.

Water expansion

In order for children to learn about one more property of water, you need to take a 1.5-2 liter bottle, colored electrical tape and the water itself, of course. It is better to carry out the experiment in winter, when the temperature is significantly lower or if there is a large freezer where the bottle can be placed vertically.

Algorithm for conducting an experiment with water:

  • Fill the bottle about halfway with water;
  • At the liquid level, apply colored electrical tape in a circle;
  • Leave the bottle in the cold or in the freezer for several hours in an upright position;
  • After the water has completely frozen, show the bottle to your child.

The experiment allows the child to independently verify that the ice has formed much higher than the level of the applied electrical tape. So he will understand that when frozen, water expands.

Growing Crystals

A very simple but beautiful experiment with water and table salt can be done at home and surprise your baby. For the experiment you will need salt, warm water, a woolen thread or twig and some kind of jar. You need to pour water into it and dissolve a large amount of salt (so much that a precipitate begins to form). The thread is immersed in the solution and left alone for 3-5 days. After which the child can be shown the resulting crystals on a string and explained how they appeared.

Flip trick

Many people believe that if you turn a glass of water upside down, it will simply spill out, although this statement is completely false. For the experiment, you only need thick paper, such as cardboard. Pour water into a glass, cover it with a piece of paper and turn it over sharply. Now you can let go of your hand, and the liquid will not go anywhere. The point is that the air pressure outside the glass is much greater than inside it. Therefore, the paper stays on the edges and the water does not spill out.

Experiments with water for elementary school

At primary school age, you can begin to study the most important properties of water. For example, without much difficulty it will be possible to determine whether water has a taste, what color it has, and other simple characteristics. But children at this age will be interested in complex experiments with water. Take the advice of the IQ club and conduct the following types of experiments with the liquid around us.

Finding the way

The experiment can be carried out using an ordinary napkin, multi-colored markers and, of course, water. To do this, unfold the napkin and cut off a long strip of small width, but for its entire length. Place multi-colored dots in the form of beads across the entire surface of the strip. Dip it into a glass of water, not reaching the end a few centimeters. The child will see that the water spreads not only downwards, but also upwards, staining the napkin with spots of the colors with which the dots were set. Explain to the child after the experiment that the essence of the experiment is how the water spreads along any path it finds. In this case, they were cellulose fibers of the napkin.


Pour the water for the experiment into the glass to the brim. Then dissolve salt or sugar in it (it is better to take a warm liquid) and mix gently. The child will see that despite filling the glass with water, a sufficient amount of sugar or salt can be added there, because there is free space between the molecules of the substance. In addition, this experiment will show that at a certain point the crystals stop dissolving and begin to precipitate.

Boiling Features

A simple, but at the same time educational experiment even for adults is carried out as follows:

  • To experiment with water, take a handkerchief and an elastic band;
  • The handkerchief must be wetted and wrung out well, and then secured with an elastic band on the surface of the glass, closing it;
  • In the center, press the scarf so that it is immersed in water a couple of centimeters;
  • The glass is sharply turned over and at the same time the bottom is hit with your hand.

The meaning of the experiment is quite simple: boiling water at the moment of impact is formed due to the fact that air is sucked through a handkerchief and must pass through a barrier in the form of water, which means that bubbles will appear on its surface.

self-inflating balloon

Only an adult should carry out the following experiment as it involves a chemical reaction. For a child, such an experiment will seem more like a trick. Its essence:

  • Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bottle of water and dissolve;
  • Separately, mix lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • The resulting mixture is added to the bottle;
  • You need to immediately put the ball on the neck, because the reaction will happen quickly;
  • To avoid holes allowing air to pass through, the ball is wrapped with electrical tape.

After the components of the mixture enter into a chemical reaction, carbon dioxide is produced, the pressure of which helps to inflate the balloon.

Interesting tricks for teenagers

Children in middle school have already learned a lot in science lessons, so they won’t be surprised by ordinary magic tricks. However, you will still be able to discover several magical properties of water. Some of the experiments with water that the IQ club offers will help you better understand its physical and chemical properties.

The water cycle

At school, from the first grade on, children are taught about the water cycle in nature, but this experiment will allow them to demonstrate it clearly. For the experiment with water you will need: a metal plate or baking sheet, a 3-liter jar, 5 ice cubes and a little more than a glass of boiling water. Execution algorithm:

  • The bottle is placed on a hard surface and boiling water is poured to the bottom, about 3-4 cm;
  • Ice is placed on a plate, and it is placed on top of the bottle so that the cubes are directly above the neck;
  • The steam that is formed from boiling water will rise upward, but there it will meet an obstacle in the form of a cold plate and condense again;
  • The result of the experiment will be a cloud formed inside the jar.

Water extraction

Children always like different adventures, so you can add a little playful aspect to experiments with water. Let's imagine that we find ourselves on a desert island and we need to get drinking water. The island is naturally surrounded by an ocean of salt water. However, it is possible to obtain fresh liquid for yourself. How it is carried out:

  • water for the experiment is diluted with salt in a basin to imitate sea salt;
  • A plastic cup is placed at the bottom of the basin;
  • Pebbles are placed inside so that it does not float up (the edges of the glass should be above the water level;
  • Cover the top of the basin with cling film so that there are no gaps;
  • A pebble stone is also placed in the center at the level of the cup;
  • The structure is left in the sun.

The essence of this experiment with salt water is that in the sun it begins to actively evaporate. But there is no space where this can be done. Therefore, the liquid condenses again on the surface of the film and runs down its walls into the glass.

In chemistry, teenagers will be able to conduct many more experiments with different states of water. They will be convinced that many substances have a higher density than this (it is not for nothing that the density of water is taken as one). The IQ Club recommends conducting those experiments at home that are forgotten during the learning process, so that the child develops comprehensively and is interested in the world around him.

Parents of little fidgets can surprise them with experiments that can be carried out at home. Light, but at the same time surprising and delightful, they can not only diversify a child’s leisure time, but also allow them to look at familiar things with completely different eyes. And discover their properties, functions, purpose.

Young naturalists

Experiments at home, great for children under 10 years of age, are the best way to help your child gain practical experience that will be useful in the future.

Safety precautions when conducting experiments

To ensure that educational experiments are not overshadowed by troubles and injuries, it is enough to remember a few simple but important rules.

Safety comes first
  1. Before you start working with chemicals, the work surface must be protected by covering it with film or paper. This will save parents from unnecessary cleaning and will preserve the appearance and functionality of the furniture.
  2. During work, you do not need to get too close to the reagents, bending over them. Especially if your plans include chemical experiments for young children that involve unsafe substances. The measure will protect the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes from irritation and burns.
  3. If possible, you should use protective equipment: gloves, glasses. They must be suitable in size for the child and not interfere with him during the experiment.

Simple experiments for little ones

Developmental experiences and experiments for very young children (or for children under 10 years old) are usually simple and do not require parents to have any special skills or rare or expensive equipment. But the joy of discovery and miracle, which is so easy to do with your own hands, will remain with him for a long time.

For example, children will be indescribably delighted by a real seven-color rainbow, which they can create themselves with the help of an ordinary mirror, a container of water and a sheet of white paper.

Rainbow in a bottle experience

To begin with, place a mirror at the bottom of a small basin or bathtub. Then, it is filled with water; and the light of the lantern is directed onto the mirror. After the light is reflected and passes through the water, it is decomposed into its component colors, becoming the same rainbow that can be seen on a sheet of white paper.

Another very simple and beautiful experiment can be carried out using ordinary water, wire and salt.

To begin the experiment, you need to prepare a supersaturated salt solution. Calculating the required concentration of a substance is quite simple: with the required amount of salt in water, it stops dissolving when the next portion is added. It is very good to use warm distilled water for this purpose. To make the experiment more successful, the finished solution can also be poured into another container - this will remove dirt and make it cleaner.

Experience "Salt on a wire"

When everything is ready, a small piece of copper wire with a loop at the end is lowered into the solution. The container itself is removed to a warm place and left there for a certain time. As the solution begins to cool, the solubility of the salt will decrease and it will begin to settle on the wire in the form of beautiful crystals. You will be able to notice the first results within a few days. By the way, you can use not only ordinary, straight wire in the experiment: by twisting fancy figures from it, you can grow crystals of very different sizes and shapes. By the way, this experiment will give your child a great idea for New Year's toys in the form of real ice snowflakes - you just need to find a flexible wire and form a beautiful symmetrical snowflake out of it.

Invisible ink can also make a lasting impression on a child. It’s very simple to prepare them: just take a cup of water, matches, cotton wool, half a lemon. And a sheet on which you can write text.

Invisible ink can be purchased ready-made

First, mix equal amounts of lemon juice and water in a cup. Then, a little cotton wool is wrapped around a toothpick or a thin match. The resulting “pencil” is dipped into the mixture in the resulting liquid; Then they can write any text on a piece of paper.

Even though the words on paper will be completely invisible at first, it will be very easy to manifest them. To do this, a sheet of already dried ink needs to be brought to the lamp. The written words will immediately appear on a heated sheet of paper.

Which child doesn't love balloons?

It turns out that you can even inflate an ordinary balloon in a very original way. To do this, dissolve one spoon of baking soda in a bottle of water. And in another cup, mix the juice of one lemon and three tablespoons of vinegar. Afterwards, the contents of the cup are introduced into the bottle (for convenience, you can use a small funnel). The ball must be placed on the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible until the chemical reaction is completed. During this time, carbon dioxide will be able to quickly inflate the balloon under pressure. To prevent the ball from jumping off the neck of the bottle, it can be secured with electrical tape or tape.

"Inflate the balloon" experiment

Colored milk looks very interesting and unusual, the colors of which will move, intricately mixing with each other. For this experiment, you need to pour some whole milk into a plate and add a few drops of food coloring to it. Individual areas of the liquid will turn different colors, but the spots will remain motionless. How to set them in motion? Very simple. It is enough to take a small cotton swab and, after dipping it in detergent, bring it to the surface of the colored milk. By reacting with the milk fat molecules, the detergent molecules will cause it to move.

Experience “Drawings on milk”

Important! Skim milk is not suitable for this experiment. Only whole ones can be used!

Surely all children have had the opportunity to observe funny air bubbles in mineral or sweet water at home and on the street. But are they strong enough to lift a grain of corn or raisin to the surface? It turns out yes! To check this, just pour any sparkling water into a bottle, and then throw some corn or raisins into it. The child will see for himself how easily, under the influence of air bubbles, both corn and raisins will begin to rise up, and then, having reached the surface of the liquid, fall down again.

Experiments for older children

Older children (from 10 years old) can be offered more complex chemical experiments that require more components. These experiments are a little more difficult for older children, but children can already take part in them.

To comply with safety precautions, children under 10 years of age should conduct experiments under the strict supervision of adults, mainly as a spectator. Children over 10 years old can take a more active part in the experiments.

An example of such an experiment would be the creation of a lava lamp. Surely many children dream of such a miracle. But it’s much more pleasant to make it yourself, using simple components that are probably found in every home.

Lava Lamp Experience

The basis of the lava lamp will be a small jar or an ordinary glass. In addition, for the experiment you will need vegetable oil, water, salt and a little food coloring.

The jar or other container used as the base of the lamp is filled two-thirds with water and one-third with oil. Since oil is much lighter in weight than water, it will remain on its surface without mixing with it. Then, a little food coloring is added to the jar - this will give the lava lamp color and make the experiment more beautiful and spectacular. And after that, add a teaspoon of salt to the resulting mixture. For what? Salt causes the oil to sink to the bottom in the form of bubbles, and then, dissolving, pushes them up.

The following chemical experiment will help make a school subject like geography exciting and interesting.

Making a volcano with your own hands

After all, studying volcanoes is much more interesting when there is not just a dry book text nearby, but a whole model! Especially if you can easily do it at home with your own hands, using available means at hand: sand, food coloring, soda, vinegar and a bottle are perfect.

To begin with, a bottle is placed on a tray - it will become the basis of the future volcano. Around it you need to mold a small cone of sand, clay or plasticine - this way the mountain will take on a more complete and believable appearance. Now you need to cause a volcanic eruption: a little warm water is poured into the bottle, then a little soda and food coloring (red or orange). The finishing touch will be a quarter glass of vinegar. Having reacted with soda, the vinegar will begin to actively push the contents of the bottle out. This explains the interesting effect of the eruption, which can be observed with the child.

A volcano can be made from toothpaste

Can paper burn without being burned?

It turns out yes. And an experiment with fireproof money will easily prove this. To do this, a ten-ruble banknote is immersed in a 50% alcohol solution (water is mixed with alcohol in a 1 to 1 ratio, a pinch of salt is added to it). After the bill is properly soaked, excess liquid is removed from it, and the bill itself is set on fire. Once it flares up, it will begin to burn, but will not burn out at all. This experience is quite simple to explain. The temperature at which alcohol burns is not high enough to evaporate the water. Thanks to this, even after the substance burns out completely, the money will remain slightly damp, but absolutely intact.

Experiments with ice are always a success

Young nature lovers can be encouraged to germinate seeds at home without using soil. How it's done?

A little cotton wool is placed in the eggshell; it is actively moistened with water, and then some seeds (for example, alfalfa) are placed in it. In just a few days you will be able to notice the first shoots. Thus, soil is not always needed for seed germination - only water is enough.

And the next experiment, which is easy to do at home for children, will certainly appeal to girls. After all, who doesn’t like flowers?

A painted flower can be given to your mother

Especially the most unusual, bright colors! Thanks to a simple experiment, right in front of amazed children, simple and familiar flowers can turn into the most unexpected color. Moreover, this is extremely simple to do: just put the cut flower in water with food coloring added to it. Climbing up the stem to the petals, chemical dyes will color them in the colors you want. To better absorb water, it is better to make a cut diagonally - this way it will have the maximum area. In order for the color to appear brighter, it is advisable to use light or white flowers. An even more interesting and fantastic effect will be obtained if, before starting the experiment, the stem is split into several parts and each of them is immersed in its own glass of colored water.

The petals will turn into all colors at once in the most unexpected and bizarre way. That we will undoubtedly make a lasting impression on the child!

Experience "Colored foam"

Everyone knows that under the influence of gravity, water can only flow downwards. But is it possible to make it rise up the napkin? To conduct this experiment, an ordinary glass is filled about a third with water. The napkin is folded several times to form a narrow rectangle. After this, the napkin unfolds again; Having stepped back a little from the bottom edge, you need to draw a line of colored dots of a sufficiently large diameter on it. The napkin is immersed in water so that about one and a half centimeters of its colored part is in it. Having come into contact with the napkin, the water will begin to gradually rise upward, coloring it with multi-colored stripes. This unusual effect occurs due to the fact that, having a porous structure, the fibers of the napkin easily allow water to pass upward.

Experiment with water and napkin

To carry out the following experiment, you will need a small blotter, cookie cutters of different shapes, some gelatin, a transparent bag, a glass and water.

Gelatin water does not mix

Gelatin dissolves in a quarter glass of water; it should swell and increase in volume. Then, the substance is dissolved in a water bath and brought to approximately 50 degrees. The resulting liquid should be distributed in a thin layer over a plastic bag. Using gelatin cookie cutters, shapes of various shapes are cut out. After this, you need to lay them on a blotter or napkin, and then breathe on them. Warm breath will cause the gelatin to increase in volume, causing the figures to begin to bend on one side.

Experiments conducted at home with children are very easy to diversify.

Gelatin figures from molds

In winter, you can try to slightly modify the experiment by taking the gelatin figures out onto the balcony or leaving them in the freezer for a while. When the gelatin hardens under the influence of cold, patterns of ice crystals will clearly appear on it.


Description of other experiences

Delight and a sea of ​​positive emotions are what experimenting with adults will bring to curious children. And parents will allow themselves to share the joy of their first discoveries with young researchers. After all, no matter how old a person is, the opportunity to return to childhood at least for a short time is truly priceless.