If the pregnant woman is nervous what to do. Stand Up: Ruslan Bely - About the fact that we are nervous with or without reason. Negative effects of tantrums during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is often more impressionable and emotional, prone to extraordinary actions. Attention becomes less concentrated, and the expectant mother seems to be constantly in a state of "flight". All these changes in the nervous system are provided by nature for the normal intrauterine development of the baby. To maintain calm and peace of mind at this time, various soothing techniques, walks in the fresh air, aromatherapy and other methods of distraction are useful. Why should you not be nervous during pregnancy, how can this affect the health of the unborn child?

Read in this article

How nerves affect the baby

Calmness of a pregnant woman is the key to successful bearing. After all, it is not in vain that there is an opinion that all diseases are caused by nervous strain. Including stresses and experiences affect the formation of the unborn child.

Practitioners of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) in fetal development look for all the problems of a person in the future as a person. And, for example, they believe that desired children and those whose appearance was sudden have clear differences in the processes of adaptation to the outside world and society. And the worldview and happiness of each person depends on this.

Even young and inexperienced mothers can notice how their baby reacts to stress or anxiety. He then begins to move violently and roll over (by the way, you can contribute to the incorrect presentation of the fetus in this way later), then he calms down, as if there is no one there.

During the prenatal period, the connection between the crumbs and the mother is maximum, he reacts even to trifles, not to mention fluctuations in the woman's mood.

There are not so few reasons why you should not be nervous in early pregnancy, and how nervous strain affects the development of the embryo.

Disorders in the formation of the chorion

One of the criteria for a successful pregnancy is the correct and calm development of the chorion in the early stages. The structures of the uterine wall and the fetal bladder participate in its formation. In the future, a full-fledged placenta is formed from the chorion - a child's place.

During stress and experiences in the body of a woman, a huge amount of biologically active substances is released. One of the groups - vasopressors - are responsible for changes in the vascular wall. At the time of strong emotional upheavals, a huge amount of adrenaline and noradrenaline of the human adrenal gland is formed. All this contributes to the reduction of the vascular wall of arteries, veins and capillaries. And their well-coordinated work is extremely important for the proper formation of the chorion. As a result of spasm of small vessels, the embryo cannot fully "penetrate and gain a foothold" in the wall of the uterus. All this can lead to pregnancy fading, delayed embryo development or other pathology.

If a woman, for some reason, gets nervous in the second or third trimesters, this can also lead to spasm of even normal placental vessels. And through them the child receives nutrients and oxygen. With their deficiency, hypoxia occurs, the normal development of cells, tissues and organs of the baby is disturbed.

Changes in the formation of the nervous system in a child

It is known that already from the second or third week, the embryo can imprint in its memory a negative attitude on the part of the mother (for example, if the issue of abortion is being discussed) or her strong feelings. Of course, in a conscious life, then no one will be able to remember these moments in a normal state. But under hypnosis or using other practices, it sometimes turns out that this is the whole root of a person’s problems.

In the later stages, the reaction of the crumbs to stressful stress in the mother can be felt - the baby at this moment begins to actively kick, roll over, etc.

Consequences of taking various sedative drugs

Often, in a fit of tears, resentment or anger, a woman may, out of habit, take some medicines that are undesirable during pregnancy. It is especially dangerous if this happens systematically. They may not have an unequivocal teratogenic effect, but, most likely, they will affect the development of the embryo as a whole. And this can manifest itself in the child's predisposition to diseases, adaptation disorders, etc. in the future.

Consequences for the course of pregnancy

But how not to be nervous during early pregnancy or at any other period, if there are so many problems around or something has happened in the family? Of course, not every woman can look through her fingers at the situation. Experiences, emotional breakdowns and the like can provoke various complications of pregnancy at any time. Most often you have to deal with the following:

  • Adrenaline and other substances released during stress affect the contractility of the myometrium - the muscular layer of the uterus. As a result, this can provoke a threat of abortion or even in the first trimester, and after 20 weeks cause premature birth.
  • Spasm (narrowing) of the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord can lead to acute or even chronic fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen. As a result, the baby can slow down its growth: it develops, and in combination with other adverse factors, this can cause intrauterine death of the crumbs.
  • The constant psycho-emotional experiences of the mother can become inductors for the development of diabetes in the child, a predisposition to arterial hypertension, overweight, allergic diseases and problems with the respiratory system.
  • Many researchers associate the development of autism and various phobias precisely with the course of pregnancy and the conditions in which the woman was then.
  • Constant stress can contribute to the development of preeclampsia at the end of the gestation period with and disruption of the kidneys. This poses a threat to both mother and baby.

Due to the fact that all tests and studies on pregnant women and children are prohibited, there is no reliable data and no connection between stress and the pathology of the baby. But here the results of observations of animals prove that during gestation it is better to limit oneself from all kinds of experiences.

How to calm down

But sometimes unpleasant situations cannot be avoided. In such cases, you should know how to calm down easily and quickly, thereby reducing the risks for the baby.

Simple tips to help you cope with any situation:

  • It is important how a person relates to events. After all, even the most unpleasant news, perceived calmly and with a "cold head", will not bring negative consequences.
  • It is good if there is a person whom the pregnant woman trusts. Any situation is accepted in a completely different way if you discuss it with a loved one.
  • Walking in the fresh air in any weather is what will help you look at recent unpleasant events in a different way and minimize the negative impact.
  • Even pregnant women benefit from breathing exercises and yoga. But before you go for them, you should consult with your attending gynecologist, who will exclude all contraindications.
  • , a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, protein will also help to cope with stressful situations.
  • You can also find yourself a hobby, such as knitting or embroidery. Unless, of course, it suits the temperament.
  • It is useful to drink relaxing teas: with mint, chamomile, thyme and others.
  • Alcohol tincture of valerian, hawthorn are allowed during pregnancy and will help to calm down.

Expecting a baby is a big step. A woman in this position should avoid stressful situations. It is useful to always have a couple of tricks on hand that, in case of emergency, will help maintain a sound mind and calmness, because the health of a developing baby is at stake.

Almost all women during pregnancy begin to get nervous and worry over trifles.

Sometimes the condition of a pregnant woman even reaches panic attacks.

The thing is that hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, affecting her emotional and physical state.

What consequences can these changes entail and how not to be nervous during pregnancy? Experienced psychologists answer this.

The influence of nerves on the condition of mother and baby

Excessive nervousness during pregnancy can provoke unpredictable consequences. It is especially dangerous to be nervous after 20 weeks.

  • Constant stress can provoke fetal hypoxia, which is life-threatening for the baby.
  • Also, according to the doctor, if the expectant mother is nervous all the time, then she risks giving birth to a child with insufficient weight or lung disease.
  • In addition, an unstable emotional state can cause hyperactivity and anxiety in her child. These children often suffer from disturbed sleep and wakefulness.

This is what constant stress and anxiety can lead to and why pregnant women should not be nervous.

How to deal with nerves?

So, the emotional state strongly influences the formation of the unborn child. And when a woman understands why she should not be nervous during pregnancy, it becomes easier for her to monitor her emotional health.

Outbursts of anger and sudden mood swings are a thing of the past. And they are replaced by peace of mind and self-confidence.

To make it easier for pregnant women to endure hormonal changes, psychologists give some advice that should not be neglected.

1. Learn to plan.

It seems that there is less and less time left before the birth of the baby, and things are only increasing and there is nothing to do? Pregnant women who carefully plan their time are more likely to remain calm.

To do this, you need to focus and think about what you need to do before the child is born. By making a to-do list, it will be easy for you to follow the plan without fear that you will forget something.

2. Learn more about pregnancy.

In order not to be nervous during pregnancy, be interested in all its nuances. Especially if you are pregnant for the first time.

It is very useful to communicate on forums for young mothers. There you can get answers to many questions that are relevant to you.

The experience of other women will help you understand why you are currently experiencing certain sensations, why they occur, and whether it is worth spending time and going to the doctor because of them.

However, in no case do not use any folk remedies and medicines that have helped others without consulting a doctor!

3. Find support.

According to psychologists, this is the best way not to be nervous during pregnancy. Reliable support in the person of a loved one is the strongest shield that protects you from unnecessary fears and worries.

Knowing that pregnant women should not be upset, a loved one will constantly guard your peace of mind. Tell your loved one what is important to you now - it will be easier for him to support you.

4. Talk to the future child.

Communication with the baby will help relieve stress during pregnancy. Stroking the belly and talking with your child will provide an opportunity to relax both you and him.

In addition, by communicating with him, you establish a strong emotional connection between the child and the world around him. It has been proven that after birth, a child recognizes lullabies that he heard while still in his stomach.

5. Pamper yourself.

When, if not now, to treat yourself to your beloved? You can not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a relaxing massage course, getting a beautiful manicure or a new hairstyle.

Positive emotions from these procedures will favorably affect your psycho-emotional state. And they will give you a boost of energy.

6. Don't take on everything at once.

If during pregnancy you continue to live in the same rhythm, without giving yourself a break, naturally, you will have to be nervous.

Do only what you currently have the strength to do. Pay more attention to your favorite activities, reading and communicating with loved ones.

7. Eat Right

One of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is malnutrition. It will also help control your weight.

To maintain a stable emotional state, you need to consume fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products daily. Also, pregnant women are very useful food rich in proteins.

8. Rest.

Carrying a child is hard work for a mother's body. Therefore, she definitely needs a good rest.

If you have a free minute, why not take a nap, or just lie on the couch? Even a short rest brings noticeable benefits to both pregnant women and their children.

9. Positive environment.

Your emotional state can be disturbed by negative emotions and bad attitudes of people. The consequences of communicating with them cannot be called pleasant.

The hurtful words they say and the heightened sensitivity during pregnancy can lead to deep stress. So be very selective about your surroundings and limit your interactions with people you don't like.

10. Think about the future.

Imagine your baby more often. Draw pictures in your head of how you walk with him, swim in the sea, relax in nature, etc.

Such thoughts during pregnancy are inspiring and uplifting. Explain your dreams aloud to your child, this will have a good effect on his development.

By following these tips and understanding why pregnant women should not be nervous, you can easily manage your psycho-emotional state.

The main thing to remember is that your child's health is in your hands. Paying enough attention to him, you calmly endure and give birth to your little one.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time when a mother is preparing to meet her future baby. However, it is at this moment that a woman is often in a state of heightened emotionality, when even a trifle can cause tears and hysteria. Scientists have proven that frequent and prolonged stress during pregnancy can harm the expectant mother and her baby. Why do pregnant women often get nervous and why is it dangerous? How to deal with stress? Every woman who is preparing for motherhood should know about this.

Causes of increased nervousness in pregnant women


  • a change in the hormonal background, which provokes excessive emotionality, irritability, tearfulness;
  • manifestations of toxicosis: nausea, change in taste preferences ();
  • unpleasant physical sensations, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy.


  • uncertainty about the future, financial problems, relationship with the father of the child;
  • anxiety associated with the course of pregnancy and the approaching birth.

Obviously, expectant mothers have plenty of reasons to worry. But doctors warn that pregnant women should try to be as nervous as possible. Why is stress dangerous during pregnancy?

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

10 reasons to avoid stress during pregnancy

  1. Strong nervous experiences can lead to miscarriage. Negative emotions affect the hormonal background of a woman, which is fraught with uterine hypertonicity. In the first trimester, this can provoke a miscarriage, in the last - premature birth.
  2. Stress and nerves during pregnancy weaken the immune system, which increases the frequency of colds, exacerbates chronic diseases.
  3. In women who are constantly nervous during pregnancy, children with malformations are born 2 times more often.
  4. Excessive irritability and anxiety of the expectant mother can cause sleep problems in the newborn.
  5. Adrenaline, released into the blood during stress, constricts blood vessels, which leads to fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Chronic hypoxia can cause organ pathologies, neurological problems, intrauterine growth retardation.
  6. The nervousness of a pregnant woman causes an increase in the level of the “stress hormone” (cortisol) in the body of the fetus. This increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system of the unborn baby.
  7. Constant stress during pregnancy causes asymmetry in the location of the ears, fingers, limbs of the fetus.
  8. The irritability and nervousness of the expectant mother often leads to disturbances in the formation of the nervous system of the embryo, which causes brain functions such as thinking, memory, perception, and attention to suffer in the future.
  9. Negative experiences are transmitted to the baby in the womb, which is why he can be born overly excitable and impulsive, or, conversely, fearful, timid, inert.
  10. An unbalanced emotional state can cause changes in the presentation of the fetus, which causes difficulties in the process of childbirth, up to the need for a caesarean section.

Maternal stress can have different effects on babies depending on gender. For girls, this can result in the rapid flow of labor and the absence of a reflex cry, and for boys, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.

Prevention and management of stress

What to do to calm down and stop being nervous over trifles, thereby harming the health of the unborn baby? Let's name a few simple and effective means:

  1. Breathing exercises. To calm down, you need to use deep, measured breathing. Thanks to it, the muscles and organs of the whole body are enriched with oxygen. This leads to the normalization of blood pressure, the removal of muscle and emotional stress.
  2. Phytotherapy. Melissa, mint, valerian, motherwort have a relaxing effect. You can make tea from these herbs, add a decoction to the bath.
  3. Aromatherapy. Essential oils of pine needles, citrus fruits, and sandalwood will help calm down a pregnant woman.
  4. . It can be a set of exercises for pregnant women, or just walking in the fresh air.
  5. Meditation and autotraining- ways to manage your physical and psychological state, based on the technique of self-hypnosis. To learn how to relax and set yourself up in a positive way, 10-15 minutes a day is enough.
  6. Massage. A future mother can massage her neck, head, ears, hands and even her spine. It brings a calming effect, helps relieve tension.
  7. Proper nutrition. Often, increased nervousness during pregnancy is caused by a lack of vitamin B. It is necessary to regularly consume foods rich in this vitamin: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sprouted grains, legumes, liver, herbs, vegetables.
  8. Positive environment. To avoid unnecessary reasons for stress, try to communicate more with positive, friendly people.
  9. Beneficial effect doing what you love, hobby. If there is none, you can learn to needlework, sew, knit. Repetitive movements allow you to concentrate, distract from unpleasant experiences.

Expecting a baby is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life. Let go of the negative experiences and fully enjoy the new life growing. A happy and calm mother is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

During pregnancy, many women change their behavior, become unpredictable in deeds and words, get a lot of nervousness and, in response to a harmless joke, can become hysterical. Absolutely everything can annoy expectant mothers: how a husband eats, how colleagues look at her, how carelessly an older child draws ... “Hormones ...” - many will say and they will be right, because hormonal changes occur in the body during pregnancy. It directly affects the psycho-emotional status of a woman and manifests itself in frequent tantrums, tears for any reason, and a bad mood.

Causes of increased nervousness during pregnancy

One of the main reasons why the expectant mother becomes nervous is the hormonal surge in her body, which inevitably occurs already in the first weeks of bearing a baby. Such a serious change in the hormonal background is always reflected in the mood and susceptibility of the world around the pregnant woman. After all, even during PMS and menstruation, a woman is more nervous than usual, but these conditions are incomparable with the storm of emotions that involuntarily arises in the head of a pregnant woman day by day, until the long-awaited child is born and her hormonal status gradually returns to normal.

But a pregnant woman should know and understand that one should not be nervous during this crucial period of life, since excessive nervousness can affect her health, affect the course of pregnancy and provoke various health and developmental problems in a newborn baby.

Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy

The mood of the mother is transmitted to her baby even during fetal development, so a woman must understand that in order to give birth to a calm and healthy child, she needs to learn to control her emotions, even if this seems like an impossible mission. The very process of the appearance of a particular emotion depends on many neurogenic factors, as a result of which hormones of happiness or stress are released into the blood of a woman.

So, during a nervous breakdown during pregnancy or any, even minor, stress, the hormones cortisol and prolactin are produced, which freely penetrate the placental barrier. This causes a constant activation of the baby's endocrine system, which after his birth leads to various behavioral abnormalities.

If a pregnant woman often experiences positive emotions, hormones of happiness - endorphins and encephalins - enter the blood in large quantities, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the fetus and contribute to the birth of a healthy and calm baby.

Nerves during early pregnancy

Starting from the 4th day after conception, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which naturally affects the excitability of the nervous system of the expectant mother. And even if the pregnancy was expected and long-awaited, a woman sometimes cannot cope with her emotions, which not only harm her and the nascent child, but also those around her: her husband, work colleagues, friends.

Nerves during pregnancy in the early stages are often provoked by a sharply deteriorating physical condition of a woman:

  • weakness appears;
  • suffering from severe toxicosis;
  • I want to sleep and eat all the time, which is why weight is rapidly gaining.

But if others can understand and put up with the constant tantrums of the expectant mother for the next 9 months, then the woman herself is not always able to control herself. And learning how to do this is vital, because nervous breakdowns in the first trimester can provoke a miscarriage.

Nerves during late pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, the female body gradually gets used to the new hormonal status, and the pregnant woman becomes a little calmer. But the beginning of the third trimester is often accompanied by a resumption of stress, tantrums and other negative conditions. This is more related to the upcoming birth and the process of preparing for it, since the woman still needs to complete many things at work and at home, prepare the house and things for the arrival of a new family member, and there is less and less strength left.

Constant fuss inevitably affects the mood of the expectant mother, while a woman may notice an increase in the activity of the child: he often and intensely pushes, even at night. This may indicate fetal hypoxia developing against the background of stress, when the baby does not have enough oxygen, and this can be fraught with a delay in intrauterine development of the baby and premature birth.

How do mother's tears and tantrums affect the fetus

Recommendations according to which one should not be nervous during pregnancy are not unreasonable. Scientists have long found out that strong negative emotions can harm not only the pregnant women themselves, but also be dangerous for their children. Nervousness during pregnancy can cause:

  • delayed fetal development, which is associated with a violation of the formation of embryonic cells;
  • fetal hypoxia - lack of oxygen;
  • pathology of the formation of the cardiovascular system;
  • the birth of a child with a lack of weight;
  • the development of asthmatic diseases in a child;
  • premature birth.

In addition, women who are constantly nervous during pregnancy often have very restless babies. They grow up hyperactive, react to loud sounds and lights by crying, are very irritable and often suffer from abdominal colic. In these children, at an older age, I more often diagnose diseases of the nervous system.

Nerves during pregnancy: consequences

Nervousness during pregnancy negatively affects not only the health of the baby, relationships with her husband and people around her, and her own psycho-emotional state. Frequent tears and tantrums can seriously harm pregnant women, causing the development of diseases and adverse conditions even before birth:

  1. Pregnant women, who are often nervous, face problems such as headaches, dizziness, and tremors in the limbs.
  2. Stress conditions further depress the already weakened immune system: the body can no longer adequately respond to the penetration of viruses and bacteria, which significantly increases the risk of developing diseases - from the common cold to venereal infections.
  3. Nervous skin rashes may appear.
  4. Chronic nervousness can provoke the development of tachycardia.

Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy: what to do

First of all, you need to learn how to discuss such moments with your husband and family. As soon as the wave of negative emotions subsides, talk to your loved ones and share your experiences, ask them to help you in those moments when your nerves are at the limit.

Pregnant women need to learn how to relax. To do this, be more outdoors, sign up for yoga or gymnastics courses for pregnant women, buy an interesting book. Ask your husband to give you a relaxing massage every day before going to bed, try chatting on forums with pregnant women with the same period as you: you will surely have something to discuss. Experts recommend women "in position" not to neglect daytime sleep.

If, despite all your efforts and the help of your relatives, it was not possible to normalize your condition, you can discuss with the leading doctor the possibility of taking medications that are allowed for pregnant women. A specialist can prescribe valerian tablets, Magne B6, Persen. But it is forbidden to choose drugs on your own: you can harm yourself and your child!

Any nervousness of the mother affects the condition and well-being of the unborn child. A pregnant woman clearly feels this in the third trimester, when the baby is already moving. "Nervous" together with his mother, he begins to spin vigorously, kick, not allowing him to sit and lie down. The results of stress can be much more serious: in the early stages, you can lose your baby or “reward” him with chronic diseases. The threat of termination of pregnancy persists for all 9 months, so it is important to learn to control yourself.

“All on my nerves!”, or Why are pregnant women so irritable?

Exciting expectation of the birth of a child, caring loved ones, a pregnant woman glowing from the great mystery of nature ... For some reason, these idyllic pictures turn out to be far from reality.

Often a woman carrying a child is nervous all the time, under stress, because the body is being rebuilt to ensure normal growth, development and protection of a new life. This explains the irritability during pregnancy, tearfulness, explosions of emotions, sentimentality.

Doctors note a number of reasons that can upset the balance:

  1. Hormonal background: changing levels of progesterone, estrogen, especially in early pregnancy, cause irritability, mood swings. Progesterone, which is responsible for premenstrual syndrome, is produced in greater quantities during pregnancy, the endocrine system does not keep up with all the changes, estrogen adds problems to the neurotransmitters that transmit signals to the brain. Tantrums, suspiciousness, depression, laughter, fatigue, drowsiness, phobias at this time are the “merit” of hormones.
  2. Physical condition: the emerging fetus “spurs” the appetite, the toxicosis of the first trimester recedes, and at 2 the expectant mother feels the child, and at the same time heaviness in the abdomen, pressure on the abdominal organs, digestive problems, heartburn, constipation and other “charms”. The body continues to adapt to the developing fetus and its needs, working for two. The third one gets even more difficult. Edema, increased weight, newly begun toxicosis, increasing pressure on all organs of mood do not improve.
  3. Psychological state: hormones provoke an increase in all emotions, so that for 3 trimesters a woman will have to experience excitement for the child and his health, fears of losing the baby or relatives, hypochondria. With a tendency to neurasthenia, irritability during pregnancy will become stronger, existing chronic diseases may worsen.

Nervousness is associated with weather sensitivity, lunar cycles, and the child's temperament. Explanations can be found very different, the main thing is that you need to treat a pregnant woman with understanding and patience, surrounded by care. It is important to support and reassure the expectant mother if the conception was unexpected, unwanted, dad does not want to hear about the baby if the woman is not legally married. Understandable and justified is the excitement and anxiety for one's fate and the future of the baby, but are these worries worth the health of the crumbs?

Is it possible to stabilize the psychological state of a pregnant woman?

Not everyone knows how to love themselves, and when the body changes in anticipation of a child, blurs, becomes unattractive, it's hard not to get nervous. Out of love for herself, the expectant mother needs to continue to take care of her body, resigning herself to its condition and listening to life, which is gaining strength.

Gradually, everything will return to normal, and a woman will celebrate every change with ever-increasing pride in herself, her ability to bring a new person into this world. The care of relatives and friends is the best antidepressant and sedative, but sometimes, in order to stabilize the psychological state, one has to resort to medicine. It is worth remembering a few rules that will help you cope with sudden outbursts of anger, irritability, and find peace:

Truly close people will never blame the expectant mother for her whims, outbursts of anger, hysteria or nervousness. It is better for a woman not to harbor resentment, not to become depressed from thinking about how she has changed, but to ask for advice from loved ones, to talk frankly about fears and well-being.

The decision on whether the expectant mother needs special preparations to normalize the condition is made by the doctor. You should not take even those medicines that were usually taken without fear without his permission, this can adversely affect the development of the child.

How does the nervousness and negative experiences of the mother affect the fetus?

From the first days of pregnancy, the health of the baby should become the main thing for the mother. Answering the question why one should not be nervous, doctors honestly tell pregnant women that the consequences for the child can be unpredictable. Whatever events occur, they should not be allowed to influence the psychological state. Many people know that irritable mothers risk giving birth to a mentally unbalanced baby who is tormented by whims. Constant emotional instability, irritability, stress can cause:

  • miscarriage in the first weeks;
  • premature birth;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus due to constriction of blood vessels with a sharp release of adrenaline;
  • malformations of the cardiovascular system, which leads to cortisol;
  • diabetes (the stress hormone cortisol raises blood sugar levels);
  • asymmetries of the baby's body (doctors associate this phenomenon with the constant nervous tension of the mother in the first and second third of pregnancy);
  • pathologies of brain development, which leads to mental retardation;
  • complicated and premature births, stillbirths;
  • emotional instability, low level of self-control, nervous diseases of the child in the future.

Obstetricians believe that rapid childbirth and the absence of a cry in the first minute of a girl's life and fast, with premature rupture of amniotic fluid, large gaps in the birth of boys are associated with strong negative experiences of the pregnant woman. As a result of an explosion of emotions, irritability, a newborn and his mother can suffer, the consequences sometimes become irreversible (bleeding, asphyxia, trauma).

The effect of stress on pregnancy

Talking about why pregnant women should not be nervous, doctors call the most likely consequences of irritation. This is fetal hypoxia, and the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies due to vasospasm, which leads to mental retardation, the development of mental and nervous diseases in childhood or adolescence, autism, and immune deficiency.

Carrying a child is already a serious stress for the body, and if it is heated up by causes from the outside, then the risk of interruption in the early stages, miscarriages, preeclampsia in the last weeks with high blood pressure, nausea, disruption of the genitourinary system becomes extremely high. Postpartum depression, which causes women in labor to harm themselves and the baby, is more common in women who suffer from excessive excitability. It is necessary to keep yourself in control throughout pregnancy, not to be nervous and not to be influenced by negative emotions for the sake of yourself, your health and for the sake of the baby.

How can relatives help a pregnant woman not to be nervous?

After learning about pregnancy, almost everyone experiences stress. Every minute will now be filled with expectation, anxiety and worries. First of all, of course, taking care of my mother and her well-being. It is important that a woman feel loved, needed, take care of her nerves. You should not constantly focus the attention of the pregnant woman on changes, say that she cried only because of a hormonal failure, was offended or scolded the children for the mess, also because of him, everything that irritates should be attributed to suspiciousness and nervousness.

It is better to carefully listen to the expectant mother, reassure, promise protection, emphasize again and again how beautiful and loved she is. Relatives should remember that the woman did not deteriorate, but for a while her character became slightly different, and this must be treated with respect, patience and understanding.