New Year's Eve party ideas at home. New Year's party: script. New Year's party: ideas

New Year's Eve party will be much more fun if you choose the right theme. New Year's Eve night is an exciting time to reflect on the events of the past year, and of course dream about the future. The style of your party should match this special mood at all stages of the event. It doesn't matter what it will be, a spontaneous celebration or an organized, deeply thought-out solemn event, themed New Year's parties will help you realize any of your ideas.

New Year

To avoid unnecessary worries and save a lot of time, there are a few points to consider when compiling a list for a themed party. In this article, you will find everything from choosing a concept and calculating a budget, to drafting an invitation to a New Year's party.

Select new year party theme which is close to you. Between “it’s fashionable and prestigious” and “it’s interesting to me”, choose the second, after all, you are the host or hostess of the party, and if you yourself are not delighted with your choice, joyfully jumping in anticipation of the holiday, then it’s unlikely to infect guests with your enthusiasm whether it will work.

Now that you're ready to start getting ready for the New Year, check out some cool New Year's Eve party themes. In principle, there is an article on this site - you can read it for the sake of interest. But not all of them are suitable for the New Year, so check out a couple more examples.

masquerade party

Add some mystery to New Year's Eve and organize a charming masquerade party. A masquerade is always fashionable, and it is also traditional for New Year's Eve. You can provide masks to attendees or ask them to make their own. Make sure you have enough space for the dance floor and use a bright color scheme to bring the theme to life.

retro party

Sixties, seventies, eighties - always relevant. It's a fun costume idea that encourages visitors to get creative and immerse themselves a bit in the not-so-distant history. Each decade had its own special feature, so it will not be difficult to pick up the characteristic clothes of that period. But most importantly, this is a selection of music, and also a great occasion for karaoke.

neon party

Widely known "glowing" parties, great for kids and teens. To make the party a success, cover the windows with black paper and then replace the regular light bulbs with neon ones. You can hang special decorations with reflectors, spread luminous balls, in general, you can think of a lot of things, the effect is always amazing.

World Traditions

New Year is celebrated not only here. Learn a little more about, and organize an "Around the World" party. For example, in Spain there is a tradition of eating 12 grapes in the last 12 seconds of the countdown to midnight. Why not use it on your holiday, it definitely won’t get worse, but suddenly Spanish happiness will smile at you. In Brazil, lentils are eaten on New Year's Eve. Perhaps not everyone likes lentils with champagne, but for the sake of such an occasion, you can try it, it is not for nothing that the people of Brazil believe that it will bring good luck and wealth. In Denmark, they break dishes under the door, the more the better, this is to show how many friends they have. Perhaps not the most successful tradition, but if you don’t feel sorry for the dishes, then ....

black and white party

If you are looking for an official theme, then this is the perfect idea for you. Use black and white decor and set a dress code. You can read more about the implementation of this idea in the article "".

champagne party

Have a Champagne Party! You can decorate your party with champagne decor and create a bar with different types of champagne cocktails. You need to buy several types of this magical drink. Of course, it's not cheap, but you don't have to buy expensive French champagne, Spanish Cava and Italian Prosecco are also good options. Get ready for the holiday and learn how to make a glass tower. While the Champagne Fountain seems like a big gimmick, it can actually be done easily at a house party. You can easily find instructions on how to make a pyramid on the Internet. Laying the slide will take some time, but for the guests it will be an unforgettable sight. Elements can also be added to an event.

Night in Paris

Who wouldn't want to visit Paris at least once in their life? On New Year's Eve, wishes come true. Immerse yourself in a Parisian party atmosphere, with gourmet French cuisine (ordered at a restaurant or looking up recipes online), the Eiffel Tower and lots of flowers. Nothing could be more romantic.

costume party

This is a very broad topic. You can, for example, arrange a real one. Of course, you can narrow down the theme and, for example, invite guests to dress up as characters from Russian folk tales. And it’s better to let the imagination fly and let it be the most non-standard solutions. It's fun when Vasilisa the Beauty and Luke Skywalker from a far, far away Star Wars galaxy meet at the same party. Then the feature of the evening will be the contest "Guess the costume" - no one will be bored.

Midnight Brunch

New Year's Eve is the only time of the year, other than Christmas Eve, when it's acceptable to have a midnight brunch! The name brunch comes from the words breakfast and lunch, that is, a meal between breakfast and lunch. This is European, but in our opinion, a grand feast, a dinner that begins with the farewell of the old year and ends with breakfast in the New Year. And although it is not original, it is traditional. And to not look so trite, prepare freshly squeezed juice and call the event a night brunch.

New Year's Eve will be unforgettable if you guess with the theme. The main thing is that you personally like the idea, then the planning process will not look like work at all. Feel free to ask your friends for help, infect them with your enthusiasm, then the organization of the party will be no less fun than the New Year's party itself.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year this is one of the most wonderful and most anticipated holidays. On this holiday, I want to believe in a fairy tale and the fulfillment of desires. We are constantly decorating and preparing in every possible way, buying gifts and being in a great mood.

But that's not the problem, if you constantly celebrate the New Year in the same way, some effect of surprise disappears, and the expectation of a miracle goes away. Of course, we have a solution for this task for you!

Let's create our own fairy tale. Let's meet New Year at a theme party. So, the holiday will be fun and will be remembered by everyone, plus you will have a large number of original photos. Yes, and organizing the holiday itself will be much more interesting.

What theme party to choose for the New Year?

New Year in Gangster style - what could be better. Handsome men in formal suits and, of course, in a hat, and no less beautiful girls in straight-cut dresses and various wonderful accessories in style. Chicago 30s. You can completely and completely plunge into the atmosphere of that time: decorate the room, choose the right menu, costume and, of course, contests. And with all these questions, the article Gangster Style Party will help you.

A party in the style of the Wild West will give you the opportunity to plunge into cowboy world and beautiful ladies. After all, we often dreamed about this in childhood, and now we have every opportunity to make it happen. On such a holiday, you can appear as a great Indian, or even as Indiana Jones! Well, you will find help in organizing a New Year's party in this style in our article.

Wanted to go to Spain for the New Year, but for some reason the trip was not successful? No problem. Let's organize a Spanish party at your home. The Spaniards are very emotional people, so emotions at this party are provided to everyone. You can cook unusual dishes from Spanish cuisine for the New Year, decorate the room in their style, choose the right outfit and arrange a real bullfighting! And believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Now let's try to dive into atmosphere of the 90s . In addition, we do not need to move to any other country. Most likely, the majority still remembers the times of the USSR, and for those who did not find these times, this will be an even more interesting undertaking. In this case, you don’t have to bother with food, everything is very similar to the standard New Year’s menu. Soviet champagne, vinaigrette, herring under a fur coat and the like ...

What could be brighter and more interesting than a dandy-style party for the New Year? You obviously will not regret if your choice falls on this topic. Bright costumes men, wonderful dresses for girls, eye-catching jewelry, a large number of dances - all this awaits you on New Year's Eve. Immerse yourself in the days of your parents and light up to the fullest!

For fans of the game "Mafia", you can organize a party in the appropriate style. Although it is not necessary to associate this party with the game. This topic has its own history and its own characteristics. Find out more about her and you won't regret it! Put on your masks mysterious Mafia , organize various mafia contests and a good mood on a winter holiday is guaranteed to you!

This is where childhood dreams come true. After all, everyone in childhood had their favorite superhero. Now you can try on the costume of your hero yourself. Act like him, talk like him. It will be fun. You can come up with a common mission to save the world. And when the world is saved, continue to celebrate the New Year. Choose your favorite role. Maybe it will be a formidable and strong Hulk, or a fast and agile Spiderman, or Woman - Cat, there are actually a lot of options!

Favorite book and movie of many adults now. But what if you have already grown up and the film, its characters and the book do not cease to please? We urgently need to organize a Harry Potter themed party. Plunge into the atmosphere of magic and magic, make yourself a magic wand, visit Hogwarts school ! In this universe there is a very large variety of characters and all with their own characters and habits. Try to play the role of this wonderful creation that you like!

Such a party will look very stylish, and photos from such a holiday will not leave you indifferent. Remember the times when there was only black and white cinema and various cinematic masterpieces appeared before the audience in only two colors? So on such a holiday, you will need something similar so that only black and white harmonize around! Read more about this party, most likely it will not leave you indifferent.

You don't have to worry about costumes. The party is especially suitable if you are celebrating the New Year with a women's team. Bright and cheerful photos are provided to you. Dive into your carefree childhood , and try to choose the most beautiful pajamas for this holiday, because the New Year is also a kind of children's holiday, and the Pajama Party will help make it doubly childish and carefree!

A party is perfect, for example, for medical students. In this case, the design of the room and costumes will not cause worries, and if you live in a hostel, then it will be easy to draw a parallel to the hospital ward. But we are sure that in addition to people who are somehow connected with medical activities, this type of New Year celebration is suitable for any company, because each of us has ever dreamed of being in the shoes of some famous surgeon , or maybe he wanted to become a patient of a pretty nurse!

As practice shows, holiday, held in an unusual and not ordinary style, has more bright and memorable moments! To date, there are a huge number of themed parties, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from!

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Every year the winter holidays are the most anticipated. We get together with close people and have fun to the fullest, because everyone knows the old saying that how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. Naturally, I want to celebrate the main celebration so that everyone remembers pleasant memories for a long time. Therefore, many are trying to prepare in advance for the meeting of this wonderful holiday, they are preparing, diligently thinking through all the possible topics for the party for the New Year 2019, and this takes a lot of time. After all, everything must be thought out so that all guests experience only good emotions and enjoy games and entertainment to the fullest. It seems that it is very difficult to think over a themed New Year's Eve, but as soon as you properly understand the preferences and interests of your friends, the scenario for the holiday appears by itself.

Important Points

Particular attention, of course, should be given to the guests, or to be more precise, their average age. You will not force the elderly to participate in active sports New Year's competitions, and you will not offer young people to spend the evening watching old films and playing chess. The New Year's program of the holiday must be designed in such a way that absolutely all the guests on it would be interesting and fun, otherwise your party risks turning into a failure. Think carefully about the possible types of activities so that no one ends up bored - these are perhaps the most important points when organizing a New Year's party for the year of the yellow pig.

Theme for the holiday

In the New Year, the atmosphere of a real fairy tale reigns everywhere, so why don't you bring it to your home? Choose from a variety of New Year's stories the one that you like the most and go for it! Guests can dress up as their favorite heroes, hide their faces with masks and turn into participants in a fairy-tale masquerade. Perhaps the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will seem banal to someone, but these characters can play an important role in your holiday. Let them give some to each guest who attended a fabulous evening. The theme for the New Year's holiday may be different, some interesting options are presented below.

If winter and cold bring you and your guests down, then moving your New Year's Eve party to the Hawaiian Islands is a great way out. Of course, no one is going to force you to pay a tidy sum to celebrate the New Year 2019 in warmer climes or, because there is a much easier solution.

We offer you to organize a winter holiday in a hot style for a company of friends. Decorate the hall for a cool tropical-themed party, put vases of exotic fruits on the table that you can now buy in any store, turn on incendiary music, invite guests to have fun with the famous Limbo beach game or jumping over a fake fire, make a paper necklace for each guest flowers and have fun. A great way to celebrate the New 2019 Year of the Pig in the hot tropics without leaving the territory of your native country!

exotic style


Movie! Movie! Movie! This theme gives a huge scope for imagination. Of course, you can hold a quiz on the world of cinema, but you can come up with something more interesting. Perform small scenes from famous films, come up with a script that will be based on a movie known to all guests, or even shoot your own picture! Conduct a comic casting of actors, shoot small takes, and at the end, hold a comic ceremony "Oscar" or "Golden Globe" and present the winners with well-deserved prizes. Make your own Hollywood at home!

Invite your friends to try on alien masks or costumes and go explore the expanses of space! Ask each of the guests to come up with some kind of planet and tell about it and its inhabitants, and arrange a competition for the most unusual planet. Or give out water pistols and arrange a real confrontation between earthlings and insidious alien invaders.

I would like to note that this theme of the party for the new year will be more interesting for the representatives of the younger generation, since it is among them that science fiction lovers are most often found. Teenagers and students will definitely want to celebrate the fantastic New Year 2019 in this style.

fantastic masks

culinary competition

No festival is complete without a variety of delicious dishes. Most often, the party organizer either prepares food for the New Year's table on his own or orders it in some restaurant. We suggest that you move away from this familiar ceremony and not think about the fact that let each of the guests bring their own or favorite dish.

It does not matter whether it is a cake, a turkey baked in the oven or a simple appetizer, the main thing is to try the dish and appreciate the efforts of the culinary specialist. It will turn out a kind of culinary competition in which all participants will be winners.

Video master class cooking delicious desserts:

You can be sure that among your mature guests there will not be a single person who was not at the disco in the 90s. How many pleasant and warm memories connect them with these years, which they rightfully considered then the best in their lives! Let guests remember their youth and dance to their favorite old songs, succumbing to a wave of nostalgia. The disco of the 90s organized by you for the new year 2019 will be a huge success with the older generation.

Incendiary dances, loud music, bright outfits and a lot of drive. This is how you can briefly describe the content of the party for the year of the pig, made in the dude genre. Hang colorful retro posters and garlands with light bulbs on the walls, make room for the dance floor in the center of the festive hall, turn on the music at full volume and get ready for the most incendiary evening in the past and coming year!

Be sure to enter a dress code and tell guests to come in 50s and 60s outfits, such as in the photo below. After all, a party a la "Dandies" simply will not work without flared skirts, bright dresses and colorful shirts.


Whatever theme you choose for a party for the New Year 2019, you must remember that only your sincere smiles and good mood can make it truly festive.

Finally, we want to wish you: have fun, laugh, make wishes and enjoy the holiday.

The New Year is the right time to bring something new into your life. This holiday gives us a wonderful opportunity to change our lives for the better, to fulfill our cherished dreams. This means that it must be held according to a special scenario - original and fun, especially if a party is organized at the enterprise.

What theme would be better to choose for a corporate party for 2019 New Year? We will suggest some ideas. You can hold a themed New Year's corporate party in the style of "Casino", disco party, cinema serpentine, military, in a pirate or vampire style.

How to choose a theme for a New Year's corporate party

Recently, parties in retro style or "Back to the USSR" have been especially popular. Decorate the hall in the style of the 1930s or 1980s. You can recreate the atmosphere of a pioneer camp or the Blue Light.

Use old photographs, things of the Soviet era to decorate the room. This can be a gramophone or equipment for gramophone records, a cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorder, abacus, pioneer attributes, decanters with faceted glasses, etc.

Funny quizzes, games and contests, beloved by all karaoke will help create a festive mood.
Invite guests to take part in the Guess the Melody contest and name old songs by listening to the first few notes.

Then a competition will begin, the participants of which need to determine which song from which Soviet movie sounded. Then - remember more catchphrases from old films. You can hold a quiz with questions about the Soviet past, competitions, who will tie a pioneer tie faster, who will fold the Rubik's cube faster, etc.

What theme is more suitable for a corporate party for the New Year 2019?

In the winter season, many of us want to return the summer and go to hot countries. Perhaps that is why Hawaiian parties are so popular. By this holiday, you will have to decorate not a Christmas tree, but a palm tree or other tropical plant.

Hawaiian Santa Claus in a cap, shorts and flip-flops, Hawaiian Snow Maiden in a summer dress with bright beads and the hostess of the upcoming 2019 - Yellow Dog - will invite guests to go to the beach to have fun.

It is not necessary to set a magnificent table for such a party with a large number of hearty dishes - it is better to arrange a buffet with light seafood snacks and exotic cocktails.

Organize interesting games and competitions for guests. For example, the game "Limbo", the participants of which need to go under the rope (stick) and not fall. After each pass, the height of the rope is changed to a lower one. And Hawaiian dances will complete the holiday.

How to make sure that the theme of the New Year's corporate party is liked by colleagues? You can gather colleagues on the eve of this celebration in an informal setting. Share your suggestions with them and listen to their ideas. Conduct a survey among employees of the enterprise, offering a choice of several topics.

Perhaps your colleagues will express a desire to hold a themed corporate party for the New Year in an oriental style? The East is a fairy tale, mystery and incendiary dances. A genie in a dressing gown and a turban and Princess Budur in a bright oriental dress can act as the hosts.

Ask guests to come to the holiday in the appropriate costumes, dressed up as sultans, janissaries, concubines from the harem, etc. You can decorate the room where the holiday will take place in this style, or you can hold a New Year's corporate party in an oriental restaurant or cafe with the appropriate interior.

Arrange a competition of ornate compliments in oriental style among colleagues; Act out with your staff the story of Aladdin and the Forty Thieves or another Scheherazade tale.

What else can be a themed New Year's corporate party in 2019?

What else can you choose a theme for a New Year's corporate party? Let's give a few more ideas. It can be a holiday on the occasion of the end of the world, a sea voyage, a vampire ball, a space trip.

A themed New Year's corporate party in a gypsy style will allow guests to indulge in unbridled fun. Costumes for such a holiday will be easy to make yourself. To do this, it is enough to take clothes of bright colors - long skirts, colorful scarves - and add a few massive, eye-catching accessories: beads, earrings, bracelets.

To the clink of glasses, the beloved romances “Black Eyes” and “Shaggy Bumblebee” will sound. Don't forget about incendiary gypsy dances, card divination and beautiful romantic toasts!

In what other style can a corporate celebration of the New Year 2019 take place? You can organize an Egyptian, Cuban, Italian party - it all depends on your preferences.

Having decided what topic your New Year's corporate party will be devoted to, clearly plan in what way the celebration will take place, so that each of your colleagues will be interested in such an evening.

You can sum up the results of the past year and celebrate the best employees in the atmosphere of a New Year's holiday in the style of "Oscar". It is worth renting a large banquet hall for it, the necessary element of interior design of which is the red carpet. Men should come to the celebration in suits or tailcoats, women in evening dresses.

An excellent option would be an invitation to a party of some star, albeit a local one. Also invite professional photographers and organize video shooting of memorable moments of the celebration.

To the sounds of solemn music, the managers of the enterprise will reward distinguished employees by presenting them with statuettes of laureates in various nominations, for example, “Best Employee of the Human Resources Department”, “Best Young Employee”, “Soul of the Team”, etc. Such a holiday will give each guest an opportunity to feel star and enjoy the atmosphere of chic.

Or maybe you decide to hold a New Year's corporate holiday in an informal setting... at the skating rink? The Snow Maiden with Father Frost, the Snow Queen, Kai with Gerda and other characters of fairy tales will honor the Ice Festival with their presence.

Masquerade costumes can be sewn by yourself or found in specialized rental shops. Hold master classes in professional figure skating, arrange a skating disco. Such an evening promises to be very active, which means that no one will have time to get bored.

So, in what style the New Year's corporate party 2019 will be held, it's up to you. In an informal setting, employees become more sociable, tension is relieved, and the level of trust and mutual understanding grows.

This is a great opportunity to relax, chat with friends and have fun. Show a little imagination and diligence - and your colleagues will remember the holiday for a long time.

Especially! We offer a scenario for its organization, written by a talented author T. Efimova "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!", which will help to entertain and captivate friends or relatives gathered at the same table to celebrate their favorite holiday. For the event, you will need simple props, which, like the holiday itself, are easy to make on your own by adding your own ideas and jokes to the proposed version.

Scenario "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!"

What is necessary? Garlands, a box for New Year's mail, CDs with popular songs and melodies, adhesive tape, A4 paper, cardboard, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, scissors (3 pcs.), Whatman paper (4 pcs.), plasticine, newspapers, corrugated and colored paper , bright paper in rolls (the more the better), large plates (2 pcs.), chiffon scarf or scarf (4 pcs.), balloons (20 pcs. or more), cosmetics, jewelry, hat, thick mittens ( you can use oven mitts), a bag for gifts, ribbons (1 m long, from 5 pcs.), Rain.

What to make and how to do it yourself?

Christmas mailbox.

Cover a box (for example, from under shoes) on all sides with blue wrapping paper with snowflakes. In the upper part, cut a hole for letters 0.5 by 10 cm in size and make a white large inscription "Mail". The box for letters and wishes is ready. Place sheets of paper, pencils and markers next to the New Year's "mailbox" so that everyone can send holiday messages to each other.

Poster with unfinished phrases.

On whatman paper, in large block letters, write the parts of the sentences and leave an empty space so that they can be added.

Snowman portrait.

On paper, draw a snowman in a bucket instead of a hat and with a broom in his hands. In place of the nose, cut a round hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone, the carrot.


While all the guests are gathering, the presenters offer to cut out snowflakes, stars from colored paper and write wishes on them. All New Year's cards are mixed and put into a "mailbox". The holiday begins with a traditional congratulatory part.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about insults.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Nearby - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to turn black.
So that bald hair
Thickened at the top,
Like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dances
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Game moment "New Year's mail"

Leading: Dear guests, the snowy breath of winter brought us a huge number of letters with wishes for the holiday. They are stored in the mailbox. Throughout the evening, you can replenish it with congratulations and confessions to anyone. They can be either anonymous or named. Every hour the mail will be checked, new letters will be taken out and sent to the recipients. Well, now we will receive the first “snow” wishes that have arrived. New Year is a truly magical holiday! So let all the good things that will be said today come true, and all wishes come true!

I invite two volunteers to take part in the first New Year's competition. They will play the role of a blizzard that sends its messengers all over the Earth - snowflakes. And to whom they will fly and what kind of message they will bring, we will soon find out.

The essence of the game:

Two volunteers take a snowflake from the "mailbox" (one of those on which guests wrote wishes). They put a snowflake on their lips, inhale the air and suck up the leaf so that it does not fall. After that, each player chooses the addressee of his message, comes closer to him and sharply blows the snowflake so that it falls into the hands of the addressee or as close as possible to him. After the New Year's messages arrive, the participants who received them read aloud what was sent to them, take the snowflake as a keepsake and become "postmen" themselves who must send the next snowflakes.

The game can be suspended at any time and resumed at the request of the participants or at the discretion of the host. It is not at all necessary to send out all the snowflakes - some of them can simply be read aloud to the hosts or distributed to guests at any time. One way or another, it is best to empty the New Year's "mailbox" after this competition so that the snowflakes do not mix with other congratulations that guests will write throughout the evening.

Competition "Continue the New Year's phrase"