Karmic relationships - love from a past life. Karmic marriage: the phenomenon of recognizing former "halves"

There is probably no such person who has not heard about karma. This concept came to us from Indian philosophy. Someone believes that this is the law of retribution, a causal relationship, some believe that this is fate or fate. Moreover, this concept is applicable to many aspects of our life and, last but not least, to relationships.

A karmic connection implies a relationship between which is already familiar from past incarnations. After all, many of our meetings are not at all accidental, but are the result of actions that we once committed. Similar relationships often arise with our parents, children, friends, relatives, and even colleagues and bosses. But the greatest interest, of course, is the karmic connection between a man and a woman.

It is understood not just as a relationship between partners who met before, but between people who experienced strong feelings, who had debts to each other. In this case, they also have unresolved problems. Once they could not find a way out of a confusing situation. These people may experience attraction to each other or, conversely, hatred. But, one way or another, they are given a chance to return karmic debts.

Often the same situation is reproduced for a while. Such relationships can always be recognized by some signs. And above all, the fact that it is a karmic connection that takes place is indicated by emotional states, such as dependence, fear, jealousy, anger, resentment. Partners experience the same emotions, repeat the previous relationship scenario. The purpose of the new meeting is to show other qualities, higher ones - will, self-sufficiency, compassion, acceptance, humility. And, accordingly, make a different choice.

Let's take an example. In the last incarnation, the man was insanely jealous and harassed his wife with reproaches, made her suffer. As a result, his wife left him. In desperation, the abandoned husband laid hands on himself. The woman lived the rest of her days with an overwhelming sense of guilt. In a new incarnation, their souls meet again. The situation repeats itself, but now the spouse is haunted by the fear of being abandoned. What should they take away from these relationships? He must show humility, forgive and let go without resentment. And she? She has to deal with her guilt.

In addition, there is another sure sign that indicates that this is a karmic connection. This is swiftness. Partners get married very quickly, in many cases unconsciously, which perplexes relatives. At the same time, one of them often has to move to another city or country. Awakening and disappointment come later, often after a year. A person does not understand why he did it, depression often occurs, which can last for years. In addition, former friendships are either broken.

Karmic connections can also be indicated. As a rule, this is a drug or alcohol addiction of one of the partners, or a disability. In this case, the man and woman are likely to switch places. The one who humiliated in a past life now appears as a humiliated one. The one who abandoned in trouble is abandoned. This, in addition to health problems, can be attributed to the early death of one of the spouses.

One of the signs of a karmic connection is also the fatality of the relationship. This is unrequited love, mental suffering and anguish. In such a situation, partners often cannot be together, and apart.

And another factor is the infertility of the couple, the inability to continue the race. It often happens that spouses come to terms with the situation and adopt an orphan. In this case, the debt is repaid, and such a couple often has their own child.

Karmic connection can be of two types - destructive and healing. In the case of a destructive relationship, a man and a woman first experience an attraction to each other. Over time, tears, suffering or reproaches and insults appear. Moreover, one of the partners (and sometimes both) would like to break off the relationship, but cannot and tolerates it. You can often hear from such people that this is fate, karma, usually they argue their indecision by the presence of children in marriage. But the situation is not changing. In this case, it is important to let each other go without reproach.

A healing connection is a relationship of kindred spirits. Partners do not alter each other, they know how to forgive and support in difficult situations. Communication brings them pleasure, there is a feeling that they cannot talk enough, and parting hurts.

In any case, a karmic connection implies spiritual growth and development. And only if the lessons are completed, we can say that the karmic knots are untied, and the meeting was not in vain.

When love relationships are more like a roller coaster, a person willy-nilly begins to think about what are the reasons for these stormy feelings. Why can't he control himself in this love affair? Often the answer is that it has its roots in a previous incarnation.


Karmic love is a relationship that often brings a whole bunch of problems to a person. No one is immune from this phenomenon. Both young and old, both men and women are exposed to the influence of love from a past life.

Often people wonder what karmic love means. The explanation of this term is simple: they are relationships that are somehow connected with previous incarnations. For example, in a past life, a man and a woman were husband and wife - or perhaps mother and child. They have not fully worked off their karma and must do so now.

Love at first sight

One of the most common types of karmic relationships is love at first sight. There are many interpretations of the phenomenon when one person falls in love with another without memory, seeing the object of his adoration for the first time in his life. Often this happens even with quite adult, sane people. What happens at the moment when people meet each other's eyes for the first time, and passion flares up between them? Esotericists believe that in the vast majority of cases this phenomenon has the following explanation: these people in a previous incarnation were spouses, lovers, or were in a platonic relationship. When their eyes meet, this energy is activated again - they "recognize each other."

A new love relationship begins. The two discover how similar their tastes and ideas are. If one of the partners or both are also weak-willed people, easily succumbing to emotions, then this connection begins to occupy a dominant position in their lives. Succumbing to a storm of feelings, they destroy old ties, forget about work affairs, and abandon their children.

All this happens because such a meeting seems to people a real sign of fate. Of course, such a meeting is not accidental. But it can have various reasons. It is possible that the couple must complete some process that was not completed in the previous incarnation. Maybe they need to realize some important things. It will not necessarily mean that they will have a happy love affair or family life.

Why are these relationships unsustainable?

Often such meetings take place precisely for karmic reasons. When “recognition” occurs during the first glance, and it seems to people that fate itself “brought them together”, one important point must be remembered. Having a memory of previous incarnations, the soul begins to impose on another person certain expectations, psychological projections that existed in the previous incarnation.

At present, the partner is a completely different person. In some ways, he looks like a lover from a past life, but in many ways - this is a new personality. At the moment, he is the quintessence of previous incarnations. And it contains the features of many, and not one incarnation from a particular life. This person will act completely differently. Her feelings are also different. Even if in the previous incarnation it was love to the grave, the relationship from the past will not necessarily be serious now.

When such a couple begins to equip a joint life, the relationship gradually fades away. Powerful energy is gradually fading away. Past and present realities collide, come into conflict. If people have a certain life wisdom and experience, and the feeling between them is not destructive, but bright, they will find a common language. If desired, they will be able to build harmonious relationships, and become happy.

But most often the opposite happens - people break up. Their karmic debt is not worked off and passes on to the next life.

Signs of a love affair from a past life. Surprise

Whether the current relationship is connected with a past life can be determined without going to fortune-tellers or clairvoyants. One of the main signs of karmic love is surprise. Relationships fall like snow on a person's head. At the same time, a man and a woman may differ in age, social and financial status. Sometimes it happens that people have known each other for many years, but it never occurred to them to start a family. For many years they communicate as friends, but one fine evening the situation changes dramatically.


Relationships are formed very quickly - already within one month after they met, the couple begins to meet. A person is not able to correctly perceive all the information, and only after a year or more begins to realize what really happened to him. Before that, he is in complete control of his emotional reactions, which he cannot explain. No matter how violent the passion may be, it is far from always that the partners after the “awakening” want to see each other, not to mention maintaining friendly relations.


After the official marriage, the spouses can change their place of residence, move to another city or country. A distant move, a break in ties with friends and relatives, the beginning of life “from scratch” is another important sign of such a connection. But whether it really represents karmic love must also be judged by the presence of other signs. One move abroad does not yet mean that feelings came from a previous incarnation.

Difficult relationship situation

One of the most common options is an alcoholic or drug addict partner. Sometimes it can be a partner's health problems, such as living with a bedridden or disabled person. In some cases, the early death of a partner. One way or another, such relationships can be safely called "punishment."

Usually a person arranges this “punishment” for himself, unconsciously choosing a psychologically or physically disadvantaged person. This choice is due to a sense of guilt for the bad deeds committed against him in a past life. In the previous incarnation, the roles of the “bad” and “good” partners were opposite, but in this one, justice is restored.

Absence of children

Another sign of karmic love is the absence of children. Spouses are focused only on themselves. A love affair serves as a way for them to comprehend their own character flaws. In karmic relationships of this kind, their outcome depends on how each of the participants in the couple acts "correctly". For example, if a husband and wife do not quarrel because of infertility, but take a child from a baby house, soon a joint child appears quite unexpectedly. If only one of the partners tries to behave “correctly”, but he does not receive support from the other, the situation ends differently here. As a reward, fate gives him another partner, from whom he has children.


Relationships in such a pair are often fatal in the most negative sense of the word. Usually this includes:

  • love triangles;
  • relationships in which reigns either love or hatred;
  • relationships that continue regardless of the desire of the partners, due to the influence of certain external factors.

Karmic love in real life is usually filled with hardships and suffering. In fact, this connection is incompatible with normal human existence. A person simply does not have any spiritual or physical strength for personal and professional growth. On the other hand, having acted “rightly” in such a situation, a man or woman gets a chance to rise to the highest stage of his development, to rise above his shortcomings.

Other signs by which one can judge the karmic debt in love

The fact that the love affair is karmic in nature is also indicated by other “bells”:

  • Powerful and inexplicable attraction.
  • The feeling of "recognition" of each other. From the very first conversation, it seems that people have known each other for many years.
  • Constant thoughts about this person.
  • Relationships can be exhausting, but people don't see life without each other.
  • The opposite of characters - for example, the right girl - "excellent student" meets with a "bad" guy.

Karmic love by date of birth: calculation

You can also find out whether love is an echo of a relationship from a past life with the help of numbers. To do this, you must completely fold both partners. All zeros are omitted. For example, a girl was born on 05/11/1990, and a man on 07/15/1985. The numbers add up: 1+1+5+1+9+9+1+5+7+1+9+8+5=62. Then the resulting amount is adjusted to a single digit. In this example 6+2=8. After that, they look at karmic compatibility by date of birth in love according to the table.

  • Number 1 - the union is based on passion and love. But relationships can be superficial, and partners run the risk of quickly getting bored with each other.
  • Number 2 - a love affair comes from distant previous incarnations. The union can turn out to be full of secrets and romance. But relationships can deteriorate due to excessive cloud-flight.
  • Number 3 - a woman influences a love affair more than a man. It is for him that the union will be karmic. For a lady, it will be either a convenient option, or another entertainment.
  • Number 4 - relationships are karmic for a woman, not a man. The union may be strong, but to a greater extent it depends on the desire of the man.
  • The number 5 is the highest wisdom. Communication is built on understanding and mutual respect.
  • Number 6 - a situation in which both partners cannot get rid of claims, disagreements. Relationships are unlikely to last.
  • Number 7 - love that will last a long time. For the sake of their own happiness, the couple is ready to go through many trials.
  • Number 8 - communication is based on cold calculation and formality.
  • The number 9 is a good union. The connection can last until old age.

Karma according to the horoscope

Astrology can also tell you what the past life was like. A general karmic horoscope allows you to find out the features of the previous incarnation - both your own and your partner. By comparing these data, it will be much easier to build relationships. In astrology, the following opinion is accepted regarding the karma of the signs of the zodiac:

  • Fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) - the current incarnation occurred immediately after death.
  • Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) - a person incarnated in the current shell months or years later.
  • Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) - centuries have passed between this and the previous incarnation.
  • Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) - a very large amount of time has passed between the previous incarnation and the present one. It may be a thousand or several thousand years.

For example, if one of the partners has a small "history" and the other is "older", these relationships can be safely called karmic. Most often it happens that "debts" are accumulated by a more "senior" partner. For example, relationships in the Aquarius-Capricorn pair will be difficult. A partner under the sign of Aquarius will be pleased with a love affair. Capricorn, who has already managed to "break wood" for his numerous incarnations, will experience difficulties in them, working off his debt to fate. The information that a karmic horoscope gives is useful not only for analyzing a love affair, but also for any other relationship - for example, a subordinate and a leader, a parent and a child.

How to resolve relationship problems from a past life

How to get rid of karmic love? The ability to break a difficult relationship is determined by their characteristics. If one partner plays the role of a “debtor”, who behaved inappropriately in a past life, in this incarnation the situation is such that he must pay his “debts”. As soon as they are paid, then the need for a love affair will disappear. Feelings will fade away. This will be evidenced by ease in relationships, the absence of guilt or fear towards a partner.

To achieve this, sometimes it is not enough just to cut off a love connection. A person suffering from the vicissitudes of karmic love needs to do a lot of work on himself. He should identify those negative qualities that are in his character, and which cause problems in the current relationship. For example, a man may love a woman who does not seek a serious relationship. If he suffers because of this, he should work on his qualities of sanity, realism and even some pragmatism. Perhaps if he turns his attention to more pressing problems in his life, then the situation on the love front will change for the better. In this case, karmic love from a past life will fulfill its function, and the relationship will either become happy or fall apart on its own as unnecessary.

In everyone's life, sooner or later, a partner appears, a relationship with which is like running in a vicious circle. You both love and hate this person at the same time. It is very difficult for you to be together, but without him life seems unbearable. Almost every adult knows firsthand the karmic relationship between a man and a woman, but not everyone knows what they are for.

You are drawn to each other by an irresistible force and you yourself cannot explain why he hooked you so much. How to get out of a karmic relationship and what to do if you met a karmic partner - we will try to dot the “i” in this article.

What is a karmic relationship between a man and a woman and why are they needed?

Yes, you heard right: karmic relationships are not a problem, not bad luck, this is one of the necessary lessons that the Universe teaches us in accordance with our karma. We need karmic lessons in order to work through situations from the past, “pay off” karmic debts, draw the right conclusions for ourselves and gain skills that will help in the future.

Why do we enter into karmic relationships?

Repetition is the mother of learning, and this saying is the best suited to the situation of karmic relationships. Sometime in a past life (and perhaps not in one, but several), you have already met this person and each time in a relationship the situation between you remained unresolved. Emotions did not find a way out, you did not draw conclusions, and so you did not learn anything from your previous meetings in the past.

That is why a karmic relationship between a man and a woman is needed - in order to finally learn an important lesson, and then begin to live in harmony with oneself and the world.

Karmic relationships can be so unbearable that your suffering will eventually lead you to decide to break the connection with your karmic partner. How to do this so that the karmic lesson is not in vain?

  1. Most importantly, you need to understand what exactly the Universe wanted to tell you. teaching this lesson. Analyze your condition, remember key situations, your behavior and results. Formulate what mistakes you made, but do not give in to guilt - accept the past as experience. For convenience, write down your conclusions on paper.
  2. Recognize that you and only you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Don't shift the responsibility to your partner. This is your life and you live it the way you see fit. All in your hands.
  3. Answer yourself the question: “What did I gain (-la) in this relationship?”. For example, you have become tolerant towards others, you have learned to openly express your feelings, etc.
  4. Thank your partner sincerely for the fact that he went through the lessons of the Universe with you, taught you something new, reminded you of important things (for example, that it is important to love yourself).
  5. Say goodbye to your partner and those unpleasant feelings and thoughts that accompanied you in a relationship. Mentally tell them: "Goodbye!" and release on all four sides. Letting go is an important part of getting out of a relationship, don't neglect it.
  6. If you live together, move to another apartment, if there is a desire and opportunity - to another city. Stop communicating, do not respond to attempts to contact you - your partner may not want to let you go. Cut off all the strings that bind you. Lesson learned - you should no longer be bound by anything.
  7. Don't try to jump right into a new relationship. Learn to spend time interestingly alone with yourself. Practice meditation, yoga, mudras, pamper yourself with gifts, walks in the fresh air, trips to exhibitions. Find inner harmony, feel that the main person in your life is yourself.
  8. Don't shut out communication and new acquaintances, but remember the lesson learned and the conclusions that you have drawn from the experience of karmic relationships. Take your time to live, enjoy every moment, tune in a positive way and the right people will be attracted into your life!

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How to heal karmic relationships?

The karmic relationship between a man and a woman is not always a negative experience, doomed to an ending. If you both feel empowered and ready to work on healing the relationship, correcting your mistakes, and moving towards harmony, you can do it.

Together with your partner, think about what lesson the higher powers have taught you and draw conclusions (you can write it down), what you have learned in relationships, what qualities you have acquired.

Deal with the resentment you hold against each other. Recall all the negative situations and accept shared responsibility for what happened. Do not blame each other, but honestly admit that each of you is responsible for everything that happened in your couple. Calmly discuss what led you to certain results.

Think back to the good times you spent together. Think about why it was good for you, what actions and thoughts led to this. Thank each other for the time spent together and for the experiences (positive and negative) each had.

If both partners sincerely and openly approach the healing of the relationship, a karmic reset will occur, and you can start everything from scratch.

Discuss your plans for the future, think about how you can refresh your relationship: perhaps this is a joint vacation or a trip to nature, updating the interior of your home, a new joint hobby. This will bring you even closer after resetting. Agree on rules: for example, no more reproaching each other, giving everyone personal space and time, not mentioning unpleasant past events (if the situation has already been resolved and feelings have been worked out), give up bad habits, etc.

Lastly, an important tip: talk to each other! It sounds simple, but from omissions, hints, misunderstanding is born, a wall appears between partners. It can only be destroyed with a word. Discuss with each other your feelings, emotions, talk about what worries you or vice versa, makes you happy. If something does not suit you, tell your partner about it, but not with reproach, but in a calm tone. And be ready to listen and accept what your partner has to say. Relationships are work, and if you do not invest in them, you should not expect a good result.

Good luck and personal happiness!

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Karma is the impact of the experience of past reincarnations of a person on his fate in the present. Rejecting all skepticism, they confidently say that some events and meetings are predetermined. Karmic union is possible not only in the sphere of love, but also in friendship, work.

What is a karmic relationship between a man and a woman? Knowledge of this appeared in Indian philosophy. The reason for the emergence of a karmic knot is strong emotional outbursts of love or hatred, affection or enmity between souls that intersected in past lives. They are born as a result of unfinished, begun in past incarnations, relationships between a man and a woman.

What is a karmic connection for? If there are unresolved problems, emotional debts, circumstances hanging in the air, then the person is given one more chance to resolve them in a new incarnation.

If a conflict situation leads to a person harboring resentment, a thirst for revenge and lasts for many years, then new karma is generated. The deeper the negative emotions, the more serious the karma in the next incarnation. It is important that a person is able to overcome destructive emotions in relation to a partner, forgive and let him go.

How long do such relationships last? A karmic union exists until one of the partners corrects their mistakes. They try to interrupt her by flight, but the task will remain unsolved. Therefore, a person soon receives a similar connection, the essence of which exactly repeats the previous one.

Karmic scenarios

There are several typical scenarios in past lives leading to the clearing of karma in the present. The reason for the emergence of karmic obligations are unfulfilled promises. They are preserved in the form of an imprint on the ethereal shell of the body, and then, as an energy trace, it passes to the causal body. In the next incarnation, a person is forced to solve this problem. Usually in his life there is a similar case in which there was a partner through his fault.

The main scenarios of karmic relationships in real life:

  1. Unrequited love. The reason is an oath of fidelity, eternal love, a constant sense of duty in a past life.
  2. A close relationship with an unsympathetic person is a consequence of marriage vows and promises.
  3. Failure to find the perfect love for yourself. In a past life, a person swore to find a spiritual twin, promised to devote his life to the service of divine forces.
  4. Obstacles to marriage with a karmic man are caused by a vow of celibacy (generic, personal). A love vow is also the cause of this scenario.
  5. Aggression, tyranny in the present. It is necessary to get rid of the guilt complex, the thirst for revenge.
  6. Negative dependencies in one of the partners. The second person must eradicate his status as protector or victim.

To work out the situation that has arisen, they repent of their sins, showing humility. At the same time, they analyze their behavior, the meaning of the partner’s actions and form the correct attitude to what is happening.

Karmic relationships

Karmic relationships last only a few months or last for many years. They can be exactly the opposite.


Healing karmic relationships are often based on past life friendships. They represent a pleasant path of spiritual growth. Two kindred spirits met to learn to accept each other for who they are. Communication is built on mutual support, forgiveness and brings pleasure to partners.

People do not want to leave even for a moment. Communication over many reincarnations allows partners to accumulate creative energy. The kinship of souls, mutual understanding and mutual respect allow such relationships to last until the end of life.


This karmic connection is given to partners in order to become wiser. Interaction is also built on strong mutual attraction and is filled with suffering from mutual reproaches, conflicts, misunderstandings, betrayals. The growing wall of negativity torments people, but they cannot part. The karmic situation develops until the partners forgive and let each other go.

This is a necessary life experience, from which it is important to be able to get the maximum benefit for yourself, to become wiser. Such a connection is called a cross - retribution for past mistakes. It is always a test, a sacrifice, a correction of the delusions of the soul. Therefore, such a relationship is also referred to as a debtor and a creditor.

The prospects for such a karmic connection are negative. Bring suffering to both partners throughout their lives. The nature of such a connection resembles a love spell. People feel bad together due to different characters and habits, but they are also not able to be apart. They are incapable of negotiating or breaking up. Partners pass over and over again the stage of attraction, rapprochement, showdown, separation, attraction again - there is a movement in a circle. Every time they get another chance to do the right thing.

It is required to surround yourself with people who help you move forward, develop, and do not pull you to the bottom. Therefore, it is time to be able to leave, having received the necessary lessons, and find your happiness. But leaving without practicing the due karmic lesson will lead to dependence on a partner. Only after completing the karmic task, having drawn the right conclusions, do they get rid of the obligation.

For example, by wasting their lives on an alcoholic husband, they imperceptibly descend to his state. A woman does not fulfill her true destiny, while inevitably blaming her husband for her unfortunate fate. By making the wrong decision to share her life with her drunken husband, she aggravates her karma. The consequence of the voluntarily accepted status of the victim and the protector will be a repetition of the situation in the next life. If efforts to save a partner do not give results, then the right choice is to get out of obviously destructive relationships and start a new life. At the same time, they remove all claims to the partner, get rid of resentment and anger.

Signs of a karmic relationship

With this option, the question of how to choose a partner does not even arise. Life itself confronts a person with certain people in order for them to help him work out his karma. In turn, he carries the same mission towards them. How to recognize the emergence of a karmic union? Love from a past life always arises with the feeling that partners have already met sometime before. This vague feeling cannot be explained. They are drawn to each other like a magnet.

A karmic connection has certain features:

  1. An unexpected start. The union causes bewilderment of others, as it arises between people with a big difference in age, different social status, and opposing interests. The idea of ​​marriage comes up unexpectedly. This is love at first sight.
  2. Speed. Ordinary relationships are characterized by gradual development. Instant relationships, speed, drive, blinding feelings speak of the karmic nature of relationships. At the same time, the awareness of the swiftness of the development of events comes much later, the partners are so absorbed in each other.
  3. Abrupt changes, relocation. Partners are ready to give up all their affairs, relatives and friends, in order to go live together in another place.
  4. Relationship problems. One of the partners in a karmic union is most often an alcoholic or drug addict, a disabled person, a sadist, a mentally ill person. However, such a relationship exists for many years, until one of the partners passes away. People had to make efforts to correct the situation in order to solve the karmic problem. But they keep moving in the wrong direction.
  5. One of the partners will do things that are unusual for him. Something will push him to a certain type of behavior in relation to his chosen one (-tse).
  6. Childlessness. The reason for the absence of children is that the partners met to solve their own developmental problems. Therefore, new generations in such a marriage do not appear. If a couple who does not have children decide to adopt a child, then soon their own baby will appear in it.
  7. Doom or fatality. This is the most common type of relationship. At the heart of a difficult situation is love combined with hatred caused by the formation of love triangles. Relationships just exist, not developing, not improving, not collapsing. Happiness in such a union cannot be achieved.
  8. Age difference. If one of the partners is 5–10 years older, then this is a sign of a karmic connection. People met to get out of debt. One of them will be the leader leading the partner. They must go in the same direction. The difference of 15 years speaks of the strongest karmic connection. This is a complex variant of relations that develops in two directions. Either one of the partners helps the other determine his path, or takes him in the wrong direction, creating even more karmic debts for himself in a future life. It is very difficult for such partners to leave.

Calculation of karmic connection

Numerology allows you to determine if there is a karmic background in the existing relationship. Only a comparative analysis of dates of birth is carried out. How to calculate? To do this, simple calculations are performed:

  1. It is necessary to sum up all the numbers of the dates of birth of each of the partners. If the date of birth contains the number 10, for example, 10/5/1977, then it is added in its entirety, without decomposing into 1 and 0.
  2. The resulting two numbers are able to reveal the secret. The union is karmic if the numbers are the same or multiples of each other.

The study of the karmic cause of relationships is also carried out through divination on Tarot cards, runes, and the use of gypsy methods. Astrology finds out the cause of a karmic union with the help of a compatibility horoscope. It is compiled on the basis of the intersection of certain planets at the time of acquaintance, various aspects of the angles. A clairvoyant session helps to reveal the nature of karmic relationships.

How to complete a karmic union

Working off karma begins with a detailed analysis of the current situation. A karmic union is always fateful and gives valuable life experience, wisdom and liberation. Incorrect working out of the karmic task is characterized by strong mental suffering, feelings of resentment, hatred.

Jealousy, abuse, disputes, revenge slow down the process. A person does not evolve, but marks time, experiencing the same thing over and over again. It is important to ignore your partner's provocations. Do not try to hold him by force, do not expect gratitude for good deeds. An attempt to humiliate the human dignity of a partner only leads to aggravation of karma. The main key is to change yourself, and not try to change your partner. At the moment of overcoming the karmic problem, kindred souls are strengthened.

In order to break out of negative relationships, you will have to use all your willpower. It is advisable to enlist the support of loved ones. The main steps to get out of a karmic relationship:

  1. Understand your karmic lesson, what mistakes in marriage need to be corrected.
  2. It is recommended to cut off the connection completely and completely. A protracted separation ends with a loss of willpower and the continuation of karmic relationships. They disappear from social networks, change their phone number, do not respond to attempts to keep them. There should be no conversations and mentions of this person from friends and acquaintances.
  3. Moving as far as possible from the partner: another city or country.
  4. The wrong decision would be to try to immediately start a new serious relationship. It is good to recover, how to realize past mistakes.
  5. A new friendship, hobbies, easy flirting, joyful moments of life will positively affect the state of mind.

These actions are carried out only after working off karma. They remember that an attempt to avoid passing a karmic lesson ends in failure. Escape from a problematic union without gaining spiritual growth and gaining the necessary experience ends up repeating a similar relationship scenario, sometimes with more serious conditions.

A successfully completed karmic test is characterized by a sense of satisfaction, inner peace. Sometimes there is a cure for a serious illness. Life is changing for the better. Working off karma awakens in a person love for his own personality, as well as respect for the personality of a partner, for the whole world.

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