The best foundation. What is fluid foundation and how to apply it

  • Features of problem skin
  • How to choose a shade
  • Foundation properties
  • How to apply foundation

Features of problem skin

Owners of problem skin always have difficulties when choosing a foundation. It must meet many requirements, and not everyone, even the most advanced product, is able to satisfy them.

For example, increased greasiness of the skin leads to the fact that the makeup does not adhere well to the face and begins to "float" in just a couple of hours. Therefore, you need to look for stable tonal formulas.

First, select the texture and format of the foundation. © iStock

How do you decide on a texture? Too light has weak disguising abilities. An overly dense product can clog pores even more and provoke inflammation. In addition, you need to ensure that the cream does not contain ingredients that can worsen an already difficult situation.

What to look for when choosing a cream

The first rule is not to use oil-based cosmetics. Such funds will not stick to oily skin and can clog the pores, provoking the appearance of comedones, and in the worst case, new inflammatory elements. Problem skin does not even like natural oils, let alone synthetic ones.

Avoid oily foundation. © iStock

In case the skin is dry and in dire need of hydration, look for:

  1. 1


  2. 2

    hyaluronic acid;

  3. 3

    lactic acid.

The simplest solution is to choose a product from the range of pharmacy brands. They complement the lines for problem skin with tonal creams that meet all requirements and parameters. If you buy a tinting product outside the pharmacy, do not be lazy to find a product labeled:

    "Non-comedogenic" (non-comedogenic);

    "Does not contain oils" (oil free).

How to choose a shade

There are no special rules when choosing a shade of foundation for a skin problem. But it is worth knowing that the color palette in this case does not differ in variety. There are objective reasons for this scarcity.

“In foundations for problem skin, the toning effect is usually provided by natural mineral particles so that the cream does not become comedogenic. And they have a limited color palette, so in most cases the foundation has a light shade adapted for 1-3 phototypes. "

Foundation properties

For problem skin, it is extremely important that makeup is a continuation of the skincare program, or at least does not contradict it and does not negate the effort spent.

The main difference between foundations for skin with problems from all others is that they not only mask imperfections, but also have a healing effect. Their "job" responsibilities include:

  1. 1

    matting and reducing sebum production;

  2. 2

    prevention and control of inflammatory rashes thanks to components with antibacterial and soothing properties.

Composition of foundations for problem skin

The composition of the foundation for problem skin should include anti-inflammatory substances. Remember or write down:

  1. 1


  2. 2

    piroctone olamine;

  3. 3

    benzoyl peroxide;

  4. 4


As in the composition of a day cream for problem skin, the list of foundation ingredients should include sebum-regulating and mattifying components:


    linoleic acid;

  • salicylic and lipohydroxy acids;

    plant extracts.

Foundation in winter and summer

Here, for once, problem skin was lucky - there is no need to change the foundation depending on the season, that is, it is not necessary to switch to funds with a thicker texture in winter. In both cold and hot weather, the main rule is the absence of comedogenic ingredients in the formula. So don't use products that are saturated with oils and lipids.

Problem skin does not need to change the foundation from season to season. © iStock

But a remedy with SPF during the period of solar activity will certainly be needed. Make sure it offers optimal UV protection, has a light texture and is not comedogenic.

Pay attention to SPF creams from the solar lines of pharmacy brands - these products combine matting ingredients with reliable UV filters. You can't find a better base for summer makeup.

Rating of the best tonal products for problem skin

Before you - the four best, according to the editors of the portal site, means that will help problem skin not only acquire an even tone, but also mask and correct imperfections.

Dermablend 3D Corrective Makeup, SPF 25, Vichy, with a high degree of coverage, masks all the imperfections inherent in problem skin: wide pores, pimples, blemishes, scars. It contains salicylic acid and eperulin, which help relieve redness and soothe inflammation.

The technique of medical camouflage has its own characteristics. Apply Dermablend 3D after using the moisturizer until it is completely absorbed. First, squeeze the tone onto the back of your hand, like a palette. And then spread over the face with your fingertips, smoothing lightly. No brush or sponge required. So the product will last up to 16 hours, mattifying the skin, ”comments Elena Eliseeva.

Each of us is familiar with the problem of what kind of tonal basis to choose in the summer - during the heat, vacation, scorching sun and "floating" makeup from our face. It is important to note that even, radiant skin is the key to the success of any look. In a cosmetic bag, without exaggeration, she can be confidently given the palm.

Of course, now stones will fly at me and comments that in the summer you can do without a foundation, why overload the skin of the face once again, it is already hot, and so on. But, it is very important to remember that it is during the summer period that our skin needs additional care and protection. Of course, during the youth of our grandmothers and mothers, the whole choice consisted in the famous Ballet foundation (that is, no choice). As for the modern market for beauty products, technologies have long gone ahead of the rest and have given us an incredible range of tonal bases for various textures and purposes.

There are also foundations with varying degrees of coverage - from weightless to dense, and such popular BB and CC creams. The spectrum of properties of all these products is impressive: caring, moisturizing, protecting from the harmful effects of sunlight, breathable, mattifying, etc. It is very important not to get confused and choose what is right for you.

Every woman should remember that aggressive exposure to sunlight leads to dehydration of the skin, and, as a result, accelerates its aging. Another unpleasant nuance may also appear - age spots. To prevent this from happening, the face must be protected with creams with an SPF of at least 30 and properly moisturized after sunbathing. Not all young ladies love the feeling of sticky or poorly spreading sunscreen on their face, especially if you are not on vacation, but in the office. The tonal basis will help to cope with this problem. It will not only make your skin flawless, but also protect it from harmful rays. All that remains is to choose the right product, the list of the best and most comfortable tonal foundations for the summer will help you with this.

So, here is a list of 7 perfect foundations for summer:

1. The most budget-friendly option for a foundation is Maybelline Affinimat

It has a medium coverage that leaves a matte finish, which is especially suitable for owners of oily to combination skin. The only thing that makeup artists do not recommend doing is dusting the skin, it is better to remove excess sebum with matting wipes. But, if you are nowhere without powder, then it is better to turn your attention to products that do not contain talc in their composition, but are made on the basis of minerals, since talc will clog your pores, thereby provoking the appearance of inflammation.

2. Foundation for oily and combination skin - L "Oreal Paris 24h Infaillible

It is an incredibly long-lasting, high-coverage mattifying cream that will matte your skin and stay on it indecently. It is worth paying attention to, especially if you have an important event or a hot party all night long.

3. Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum

A moisturizing gel-cream that has a light coating and is more suitable for girls with normal dry and dry skin. The delicate texture of the cream is complemented by an incredibly pleasant, unobtrusive scent of fruit. He will instantly make your look fresh and rested. Another pleasant plus - the foundation contains fruit extracts, moisturizing ingredients and an SPF factor that will make your skin beautiful and well-groomed.

4. For owners of dry and normal skin - L "oreal Paris Lumi Magique

Light, inconspicuous, shining - just what you need for summer. With it, you will look like a star on the red carpet in the light of camera flashes. The face with him seems to be transformed, enveloped in a weightless, shining smooth veil. You can be sure that compliments are guaranteed with him. Thanks to its fine, luminous particles, it creates the appearance of skin that "glows" from the inside.

5. A more expensive option for foundation - Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup

A novelty from Clinique for girls with oily and combination skin. It is specially formulated for skin that is damaged by inflammation. A gentle, caring formula will not only hide flaws, but also fight them. It is important to note that this foundation is water-based, therefore, it is not comedogenic, does not provoke an oily sheen and gives the skin the necessary hydration.

6. La Roche-Posay Rosaliac CC Cream

CC cream for skin with redness and rosacea. When choosing a CC cream, it is important to remember that they are all quite greasy in texture and give a light degree of coverage. This option is most likely suitable for those whose skin is not at all prone to oily sheen. The cream from La Roche-Posay has a very pleasant texture, high protection factor, creates an even, noble coverage and fights redness of hypersensitive facial skin. Thanks to active moisturizing ingredients, it moisturizes well, preventing the appearance of red, flaky spots, heals small microtraumas on the face and helps to reduce the manifestations of the vascular network. Since all products of this brand undergo regular dermatological control, they should be paid attention to those who have sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

7.Nyx brand BB cream

There is an incredible amount of BB creams on the beauty market now, they are represented by almost all cosmetic brands known and unknown to us. The main task of the BB-cream is to care, moisturize and lightly even out the tone. You shouldn't expect super-coverage from it at all. It is ideal for happy owners of almost perfect skin who want to give their face a beautiful, even tone and hide small, I would even say, microscopic imperfections. The NYX BB cream can be your assistant in this. Lightweight, moisturizing, it will give a radiant, even coverage, and will also take care of your skin, saturating it with useful minerals and trace elements.

The best foundation for problem skin

about foundation

Good manners

It is not enough to know how to choose the right product for yourself. One must be able to use its properties 100%.

Anti-aging, moisturizing, mattifying foundations, powders, creams, spray powders, bronzers, reflective particles, highlighters and correctors ... Each of these products is designed for a different purpose and helps to cope with different problems.

Types of tonal means

To find the one that is right for you, we divided them into groups.
Liquid suitable for all skin types.
Cream (cream powder)- for dry, combination and mature skin.
Oil based- for dry skin or for a radiant effect.
Water based- for oily skin.


Matte(word matte on the package) are intended for natural makeup without oily sheen. After use, the face does not shine for several hours.
Velvety(word velvety on the package) gives the skin a matte shine.
Shining(the word high-shine on the package) - the skin seems to glow, the color turns out to be denser and brighter.
Shimmering(on the package the word luminous) - as a rule, these are bases (or foundations) for makeup, which are applied to the face before foundation to create a festive make-up. Reflective particles create a shimmery effect.

Coating types Transparent means(containing less than 50% pigment) is best applied to clean skin. If the product is based on water, it is easier to shade and evens out the tone well.
Light foundation look natural and hide redness and light pigmentation.
Medium density products able to mask more than 60% of skin irregularities and make you look more pale or tanned.
Dense funds are needed if you need to hide age spots, acne or even tattoos. You just need to apply the tone to the entire face and then remove the excess where needed. Fresh face in 5 steps Mix the reflective base with foundation and apply to face. Line up your eyes with a dark pencil. Powder lightly all over your face (including eyelids and lips) and apply lip balm. Accentuate your cheekbones with pink blush: smile and apply it to the apples. Curl your eyelashes with tongs, cover them with mascara. Then glue the overhead on top. Now a drop of transparent lip gloss - and you're done! Golden Rule

If your skin is tanned, then you need to use a darker tone than usual. In order not to buy a new one every time, keep at home two shades (light and dark) of the same product and mix in different proportions in accordance with the skin color.

Masking pimples

Let's face it: make-up alone isn't enough. One of the provocateurs of the problem is creams with oils in the composition (most of them). If your skin is prone to rashes, then such remedies are contraindicated for you. Owners of combination skin cannot do without them, and the danger can be avoided if they are applied only to dry areas.
Almost every cosmetic product that fights acne contains substances such as benzoyl peroxide (used to treat acne), retinol, AHA, and BHA (acids that are added to cosmetics to gently exfoliate and get rid of fine wrinkles). It is these components that help get rid of both the acne themselves and their consequences (for example, pigmentation).
After providing the skin with proper care, let's start with the makeup.

Tips from make-up artist Svetlana Grebenkova:

The first way hide pimples - act like a puff cake. First, apply a make-up base on the skin, then apply a concealer suitable for your skin color in a thin layer, then a foundation all over the face and, if necessary, another thin layer of concealer on top of the tone.
Second way- use the principle of interchangeable colors (for example, yellow masks blue, red masks green). You need to choose a base for makeup or a concealer of a suitable shade (there are yellow, blue, lilac, green and pink), apply it locally on the pimple (use them very carefully, pointwise, this is almost jewelry work), and then even out the overall tone with foundation ...

To choose

Use one of two types of foundations - water-based creams (they mask blemishes well and are especially suitable for acne-prone skin) or cream powders (work well with the skin and are easy to blend

Towards the perfect tone

STEP # 1 Cleanse your skin. The best way is to mix baking soda with a cleanser. This will make a great exfoliator (not suitable for people on acne treatment).
STEP # 2 Wipe your skin with toner. It links the two stages of makeup - completing the cleansing and improving the penetration of the moisturizer.
STEP # 3 You can now apply a moisturizer or makeup base to your skin.
STEP # 4 Use a foundation and concealer. If there are no particular problems, then tone first. If you apply the corrector earlier, you risk being wrong with the amount and using too much of the product. Thoroughly blend the foundation, and then, if you see that it is not enough to hide all the imperfections, mask them with a concealer.

Mix baking soda and toner to cleanse your face. Then use matting and foundation. Apply a bit of tone to the eyelids, then apply a dry brush with gold eyeshadow.Add light shadows to the inner corner of the eyes, under the eyebrow, above the upper lip and in the center of the lower lip for volume. Curl your eyelashes and paint them with black mascara. Accentuate your eyebrows. Use a creamy blush and apply gloss to your lips in a warm, natural shade. Mineral powder
for: skin care and natural makeup
skin type: any, but especially combined
try: Highlight Your Beauty by Faberlic long-lasting foundation
for: makeup that will last longer than eight hours
skin type: any
try: Infaillible "Invincible" by L'Oreal Paris Tinted Moisturizer
for: care and hydration, brighter skin tone with transparent coverage
skin type: dry, sensitive
try: Skin Tones by Sebastian Compact powder
for: maintaining makeup throughout the day
skin type: everything except dry, and for oily, matting wipes are also needed
try: Revele Eclat Illuminez-Moi by Dr. Pierre Ricaud Dense foundation
for: maximum smoothing of the skin, masking defects
skin type: any
try: High Definition Foundation # 145 by Make Up For Ever Foundation for problem skin
for: masking pimples and preventing their appearance
skin type: problematic
try: Norma Teint # 05 by Vichy Matting foundation
for: permanent elimination of oily sheen
skin type: oily and combined
try: Matt Touch Foundation # 03 by Yves Saint Laurent Loose powder
for: final make-up hold and natural matte effect
skin type: any
try: Poudre Douceur Libre # 01 by Clarins Oil-free foundation
for: matte natural makeup
skin type: problematic, combined, oily
try: Superfit Makeup # 07 by Clinique Skin tone evening agent
for: the most natural complexion, adapts to tone
skin type: any
try: Perfect Tone # 16 by Maybelline Anti-aging foundation
for: skin care and anti-aging
skin type: mature
try: Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Creme Compact Makeup SPF 15 No. 01 by Estee Lauder The foundation fits well only on thoroughly cleansed and properly moisturized skin Methods for applying tonal means Using a sponge

Thanks to him, you will be able to apply a small amount of foundation, it will lay down smoother and thinner. The sponge helps to blend or blend different shades better. However, keep in mind that a fairly large amount of the product absorbs the sponge (which is not very economical), and besides, this is an excellent place for bacteria to grow, so you need to wash it in warm soapy water every two days.

Using your hands Despite their love of brushes, many makeup artists apply foundation with their fingertips, spreading it evenly from the center of the face to the edges. Fingers warm the cream, and it falls very easily. But be careful at the hairline and on the chin: the tone here needs to be shaded especially carefully so as not to get the mask effect. With a brush

It is simply indispensable for applying the product to difficult areas (for example, the wings of the nose), but it can take longer. Makeup artists often apply the tone with a brush, because the skin then looks smoother and more radiant. Just like sponges, brushes should be washed regularly.

Do you work in the beauty industry?.

Summer foundation

For summer makeup, it is best to use light texture products, thick and oily creams are best left for application in cold weather. The best option is to use water-based mineral cosmetics with the addition of sunscreen filters (SPF no more than 15). It is ideal if the composition of the summer foundation contains hydrogenated hyaluronic acid, which perfectly moisturizes the skin and allows it to retain moisture in the upper layer of the epidermis.

What is included in the foundation

The ingredients differ depending on the texture of the cream and its accessory for a particular skin type.

Products for oily skin are devoid of fatty components, vegetable or mineral oils, but they contain quince seeds or licorice root, which regulate the production of sebum. They often contain silicones. To absorb the released fat, clay, talc or special polymers are added to the composition. Foundations for oily skin should be free of lanolin, which often clogs pores.

Foundations for dry skin include vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and vitamins A and. If the cream is intended for dry, aging skin, it contains antioxidants and reflective ingredients that care for the skin, mask its minor imperfections and give it a special shine.

The foundation for problem skin does not include oils, but it does contain grape seed, tea tree extracts, triclosan and salicylic acid.

Zinc, iron and titanium oxides are used as color components. To make the product homogeneous, the composition includes emulsifiers and fiber. Foundations for aging skin contain enzymes, sunscreens, and ingredients that have a lifting effect on the skin.

As for the content of preservatives, one cannot do without them in modern cosmetology. True, high-quality cosmetics are produced with a minimum content of preservatives and emulsifiers, flavors and fragrances. When choosing tonal cosmetics, please note that the composition should not contain EDS, Octyldimethyl PABA, NDGA, PABA synthetiques, Padimate-O.

Review of famous brands

Avon Charge of Freshness Foundation (SPF 15) contains antioxidants and vitamins, easily adheres to the skin, does not create a mask effect. The light texture is hardly felt on the skin. The “Charge of Freshness” foundation contains optimal protection from the first rays of spring, and also protects the skin from the appearance of age spots.

Foundation L`Oreal

A water-based cosmetic product from Loreal, when applied, is practically invisible on the skin, since it merges well with its natural shade. The Alliance Perfect foundation conceals only small imperfections, but evens out the skin relief well and gives the face a fresh, rested look. The composition includes components that perfectly moisturize the epidermis without tightening the skin surface. The product does not penetrate deep into the pores, prevents irritation and inflammation.

Armani Designer Lift Foundation

Armani foundation is a product presented in the class of elite cosmetics. The cream perfectly lifts the skin and strengthens it, effectively fills in fine wrinkles. The formula is composed of ultra-fine powder and elastic microscopic spheres, which, when combined, form an effective coverage of the skin, giving an even complexion. Thanks to the unique pearlescent pigment, the product makes the skin incredibly bright and beautiful. It lasts up to 12 hours on the skin, provides intensive protection from the sun's rays.

Ballet-2000 foundation

The tool is presented in the category of budget cosmetics. The cream should be applied to cleansed and moisturized skin, carefully spreading over the surface. It contains lecithin, which guarantees good care and hydration. The product is suitable for daytime make-up, for daily use.

Products of this brand are easy to apply and distribute. Depending on the series, you can choose a foundation for a specific skin type.

The Max Factor Xperience Foundation contains jojoba oil and is ideal for dry skin. It is convenient to apply it with a brush or fingers - the product is perfectly distributed, evens out the tone. At the same time, the cream is not able to hide irritation and redness due to its too light texture.

Foundation Max Factor Color Adapt has a fairly dense texture, but easy to apply. Well suited for women with combination to oily skin. Do not use the product if there is peeling on the skin. The cream is not suitable for sensitive skin.

Max Factor Miracle Touch Cream is good to use if you have oily skin. With a large amount of irritation and redness, you should additionally apply a concealer foundation.

Artdeco Mineral Fluid Foundation is a mineral-based foundation (contains smithsonite and other minerals) with the addition of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Cosmetics perfectly cares for the skin, nourishes it, preserves and activates the ability to heal itself and protects it from the sun's rays.

Artdeco Long-lasting is a long-lasting foundation with a medium coverage. Suitable for various types of skin, contains hyaluronic acid, which nourishes the upper layers of the epidermis. It also contains vitamin E, which neutralizes the effects of free radicals. The cream contains special ingredients that absorb the fat produced by the sebaceous glands during the day, which allows you to keep the skin matte and smooth.

Foundation MAYBELLINE Affinimat

The product is ideal for oily and combination skin, as it contains many tiny microparticles that absorb oil secreted by the skin. Natural pigments perfectly match natural skin tones for a natural and even complexion. The composition also includes vitamin E, which helps to actively moisturize the epidermis.

Bourjois foundations

Bourgeois foundations are presented in different series for certain skin types. The most popular are the following.

The Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum series combines delicate care and excellent masking of minor skin imperfections such as acne and redness. The composition contains fruit extracts that saturate the skin with useful substances. The active ingredients of the foundation protect the skin from the sun's rays, eliminate dryness and hide fine expression lines.

Bourjois Bio Detox Organic Cream is 99% natural. The product actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also helps to cleanse the pores from impurities. At the same time, the foundation does a good job with its direct task: it hides minor skin imperfections, evens out the relief and complexion.

Bourjois Flower Perfection Foundation is a light cosmetic product that spreads quickly on the skin when applied and effectively hides minor imperfections. Includes minerals and wild azalea extract.

Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift Teint foundation

Vichy foundation is a remedy made on the basis of thermal water. Thanks to the silicone component, the cream hides imperfections, does not collect in wrinkles. The composition includes an active complex that allows you to effectively fight the formation of wrinkles - with prolonged use (at least a month), wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out. The inclusion of reflective particles allows for a visually even and natural skin tone. The product is available in 4 shades, applied to the skin and spread using your fingers or a sponge.

Foundations Vivienne Sabo

Cream Vivienne Sabo Ton Mattin Mattifying Foundation mattifies the face well, but is suitable not only for oily, but also for dry skin thanks to a moisturizing complex.

Vivienne Sabo Ton Sur Ton cream creates a moisturizing effect, and also hides imperfections well, forming an even, continuous, natural coverage. The product contains vitamins C and E, which neutralize the effects of free radicals and moisturize the skin. Silicone components provide an even coverage, while violet extract and emollients treat minor breakouts and irritations.

Guerlain Lingerie De Peau Foundation

When this unique product is applied, an invisible microscopic mesh of synthetic and natural fibers is formed on the skin, which allows it not to clog the skin, not to roll, creating a perfectly even and uniform coverage. The container contains a convenient dispenser that dispenses the required amount of product. Immediately after application to the skin, the product resembles a powder, but within a few minutes it practically dissolves and acquires a natural natural shade, becoming invisible on the face.

Garnier Skin Naturals Foundations

Foundation Garnier "Anti-aging program" is specially designed for mature skin of different types and shades. Almost immediately after applying the product, the skin looks flawlessly smooth and minor imperfections become invisible. The active ingredients make the skin more elastic, and with prolonged use (at least a month), its surface becomes smoother and more well-groomed, fine wrinkles go away.

The "Secret of Perfection" series was created to level the relief, moisturize and hide minor imperfections of normal European-type skin. The products are easy to apply and spread on the skin surface, creating an even coverage, without a mask effect.

Gosh Natural Touch Foundation

The product combines amazing caring properties and perfectly masks imperfections. Gauche foundation immediately after application becomes invisible on the face, giving the skin an amazing glow and silkiness. The formula includes vitamins A and E, squalene and almond oil, which provides excellent nutrition and hydration, preserves youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Suitable for all skin types.

Dior foundation (Dior)

Capture Totale Serum de Teint is an elite, luxury cosmetics. Provides a velvety finish and excellent correction of various visible imperfections. At the same time, the cream looks natural on the skin, does not overload it, gives beauty and freshness. The product perfectly moisturizes the skin, stimulates the process of collagen production and contributes to an effective fight against premature aging.

Eva Foundation (Perfect tone 24h)

The cream has a rather dense texture and requires special skills when applied to the skin, as it quickly hardens. At the same time, the product is created on the basis of natural ingredients, does not tighten the skin, does not clog pores, and hides imperfections well.

The foundation is well suited for oily skin, providing a lasting mattifying effect, lasts a long time without rolling.

Givenchy PhotoPerfexion is infused with a unique complex that instantly fills in irregularities for a flawless skin. At the same time, the foundation is practically invisible on the surface, and all imperfections and small wrinkles are hidden from prying eyes. It got its unusual name due to the fact that the effect when applied is comparable to retouching images when taking photographs - the effect of foundation is so expressive.

Givenchy Eclat Matissime has an almost weightless, light texture and is positioned as a fluid. The foundation contains zinc microspheres, which become active exclusively on those areas of the skin where the sebaceous glands work most actively and secrete a lot of fat. In dry areas, these ingredients remain inactive, which prevents the epidermis from drying out.

Ga-De Foundation

Ga-De Longevity Radiant Lifting Foundation SPF 25, in addition to the amazing functions of a good foundation, includes anti-aging care. The active ingredients effectively tighten the skin, combat aging, and provide reliable protection from the sun's rays.

Ga-De Idyllic is formulated with pomegranate juice extract to effectively moisturize the skin and retain moisture in its upper layers. The foundation also contains polymers and pigments that successfully hide imperfections, even out the color and texture of the skin.

Yves Saint Laurent foundation

Creams of this brand belong to the class of elite cosmetics, in the manufacture of which many years of experience of well-known laboratories are used.

YSL Touche Eclat perfectly evens out the overall complexion and even masks dark circles under the eyes. The cream is saturated with moisturizing and nourishing oils that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and micro particles of gold create a weightless veil on the face, which gives the face an extraordinary radiance.

YSL Youth Liberator Serum Foundation SPF 20 / P ++ reliably conceals age spots, fine lines and irritations. In addition, the active complex contributes to the gradual smoothing of wrinkles, strengthens the skin, makes it more elastic and taut. Does not create a mask effect on the face.

Means YSL Le Teint Encre de Peau Fusion Ink Foundation reliably hides wrinkles, blemishes and makes enlarged pores visually narrower. The general condition of the skin is improved due to the inclusion of tamanu oil, the relief and shade are evened out due to a special complex.

Extra-Comfort SPF 15 is designed for dry skin. Includes argan oil and an anti-aging complex, thanks to which it perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, makes it more elastic and elastic, and effectively smoothes wrinkles.

True Radiance contains moringa seeds and white tea extracts and antioxidants. Thanks to the rich content of polysaccharides and tara gum, the skin receives adequate hydration. The sunscreen carefully protects against radiation.

Clinique Stay-Matte Oil-Free Makeup is ideal for combination to oily skin. The inclusion of kelp extract regulates the release of excess fat, and the willow bark extract absorbs excess fat. The addition of silicones ensures an even and beautiful finish.

Foundation Lancome Miracle Air de Teint

Lankom foundation perfectly evens out skin tone and relief, gives it radiance and freshness. The formula harmoniously combines oils and powdery ingredients. Thanks to the inclusion of sun protection filters, your skin will be reliably protected from the influence of negative radiation. Special microspheres provide optical correction, which guarantees visual improvement of the skin condition.

Lumene foundations

Lumen Natural Code Skin Perfection Matt Makeup evens out skin tone and removes oily sheen thanks to the addition of arctic plantain extract. The product lasts about 4-5 hours, suitable for daily use.

Foundation Lumene Color Correcting Cream perfectly masks age spots, irritations, hides traces of fatigue and enlarged pores. Thanks to the addition of arctic lingonberry extract, the product moisturizes the skin well. Sun filters reliably protect the epidermis from harmful radiation.

The water-based Face and Body Foundation is suitable for all skin types, moisturizes it well, is easy to apply and spreads comfortably. Thanks to the active ingredients, the skin is protected from premature aging. The formula is quite stable and you don't need to fix your makeup during the day.

NYX Stay Matte But Not Flat Liquid Foundation

Nyx Foundation contains mineral supplements that help nourish and hydrate the dermis upon application. The addition of vitamin E promotes cell renewal, actively combats the appearance of mimic wrinkles. High-quality pigments and a special formula allow the product to adhere perfectly to the skin, hiding minor imperfections.

Oriflame Foundation

Giordani Gold anti-aging treatment perfectly evens skin tone, gives a healthy glow and radiance. Unique components soften, moisturize and nourish the epidermis, and sunscreen filters protect from harmful radiation.

Foundation Oriflame Visions V Fresh Face Foundation is specially designed for young skin. Includes Shea Butter, Aloe Vera Extract, Water Based.

Oriflame Beauty Dual Care Foundation, when applied, does not block pores and spreads evenly for a natural-looking complexion. The cream is enriched with special nourishing ingredients.

Pupa foundations

Ultra Smoothing Foundation is ideal for removing and smoothing the first expression lines. With repeated use, the skin becomes firmer and firmer. The foundation is suitable for normal to dry skin, protects from the sun's rays.

The formula of the Active Light SPF 10 foundation is enriched with special leveling, moisturizing, protective and correcting ingredients that take care of the skin and ensure the most even application.

The Pupa Antitraccia Foundation lasts more than 14 hours on the skin. Active moisturizing is provided by a special vegetable micro-pad. Smoothing and matting of the face is due to the inclusion of modified starch.

Foundation Revlon

The Revlon Colorstay Foundation is intended for combination to oily skin. The product adheres well to the skin. Its texture is soft and light, not dense. At the same time, the cream hides imperfections on the face, perfectly mattifies the skin on oily areas. The product lasts a long time and does not roll off. According to consumer reviews, the only drawback is not very convenient packaging.

Suitable for all skin types, Revlon PhotoReady Liquid Makeup is a versatile product. The cream does not dry out the skin or clog the pores, has a light consistency and spreads easily over the surface. It conceals imperfections well and contains sun protection filters.

Foundation Tom Ford

Toning cream Tom Ford Traceless Foundation belongs to the elite class cosmetics and is presented in two versions: in the form of a dense stick and a liquid base with sunscreen SPF 15. The stick is ideal for masking individual problem areas of the skin. The face is completely covered with a liquid product.

The tool has an average degree of density and cannot completely hide too obvious flaws, but they become almost invisible. Immediately upon application, the cream looks a little damp, but after a couple of minutes the coating dissolves. During the day, the product does not need to be reapplied. The cream is suitable for owners of dry, normal and sensitive skin.

Uriage Foundation

Uriazh Sensitive Skin Roseliane Tinted Emulsion is created on the basis of thermal water with the addition of red grape extract and rose wax. The product is ideal for sensitive skin, nourishes and moisturizes it, evens out the tone. The cream has an anti-inflammatory effect and protects against irritation. The product can only be applied to problem areas or the entire face.

Foundation Faberlic

Faberlik Secret of Youth Anti-Aging Effect foundation actively nourishes the skin, fights the signs of aging, restoring firmness and elasticity, effectively moisturizes. It is well distributed on the surface of the epidermis, gives an even and beautiful shade. Suitable for sensitive skin.

Janssen Cosmetics Long Lasting Make-Up contains polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins C and E, thanks to which the foundation soothes the skin, nourishes, moisturizes, and also improves firmness and elasticity. The tool well masks minor imperfections, gives the skin an even and beautiful shade, as well as a healthy look. Suitable for daily use for all skin types.

Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua foundation contains kelp and lotus extracts that moisturize the skin and saturate it with useful microelements. It also contains a mineral screen and sunscreens. The product has a very light texture, ensures even application and gives a feeling of freshness.

Sisley Phyto-Teint Expert Foundation

The product contains extracts of cucumber and plumeria, as well as enriched with vegetable glycerin, thanks to which the skin is effectively moisturized and smoothed. The addition of lecithin allows the product to even out the skin's relief without emphasizing enlarged pores and wrinkles. Special reflective particles and mica crystals reflect incident light at an angle of 180 °.

Foundation Eisenberg The Invisible Corrective Makeup

The cream contains sweet almond extract, which provides reliable skin hydration. A special complex promotes skin renewal, and pomegranate extract acts as an antioxidant and guarantees protection against free radicals. The product evens out the skin tone and its relief well, it can even be applied to the area around the eyes. The product adheres perfectly to the skin regardless of the weather.

Among the products used on a daily basis, a very practical tool has appeared - a tonal fluid. It makes personal care more comfortable and faster. At the same time, the skin not only receives a variety of vitamins and nutrients, but also acquires a uniform tone without a mask effect.

What is foundation fluid?

If literally every woman is familiar with the foundation (cream), then the incomprehensible postscript "fluid" can clearly be confusing. In order not to get confused in the concepts, you can immediately reveal the intrigue: the fluid is a representative of a group of creams that have a lightweight formula (less fat, more natural ingredients).

Regular fluids are absorbed quickly, in seconds, without the need for additional day / night cream. But the tonal fluid is a good start for makeup of any complexity and purpose, since the pigments it contains will mask all irregularities and imperfections.

Before and after photos: the effect of applying tonal fluid

By combining two basic products into one (fluid + foundation), manufacturers have offered even more options for a comfortable use of the product. You can find combined tonal fluids that additionally provide intense hydration, sun protection, rejuvenation and good nutrition with all the necessary nutrients.

One of the features of the product: you can achieve a translucent effect or thicker coverage. Thanks to these properties, it is possible to hide skin imperfections:

  • fine wrinkles;
  • pigmentation (along with the ideal tone, discoloration of pigment spots is a merit of the action of the fluid);
  • skin imperfections (post acne, blackheads, blackheads);
  • circles under the eyes.

In addition to the ability to even out the tone, long-term use improves the condition of the skin: it looks healthier, a natural radiance appears, and the color improves. The fluid base of the product will provide high-quality daily facial care, the effect will be noticeable after a month of use.

The liquid pleasant texture of the product spreads easily. This allows even the thinnest layer to provide the skin with an even tone. There will be no mask sensation. If necessary, you can make "layering" of the cosmetic product, thereby adjusting the density of the coating. But not all cosmetic products are designed for this.

The composition of tonal fluids

Despite the fact that the product does an excellent job of leveling the tone of the face, but first of all, it is a fluid. That is why the structure of the product is lighter and weightless, and the skin quickly absorbs it, and at the same time its healing occurs.

In order for the product to have toning properties, it contains a certain amount of pigments. Their percentage is different. Therefore, among the cosmetic assortment of products, you can find tonal fluids with a high concentration of pigment (to obtain a dense layer) and not significant (can be applied both in one layer or in several).

Who is it for and who is not?

Teenagers often hide imperfect skin with dense tonal means. These products are ideal for masking redness and acne. But using such tonal fluids for teenage skin is contraindicated.

Such products are perfect for girls who have already turned 18 years old, with such skin problems:

  • combination skin with a prominent oily sheen (ideal is tonal cream fluids, which are designed specifically for this type of skin);
  • dry skin with flaking (fluids moisturize the skin, do not emphasize flaking, giving the face a healthy glow);
  • normal skin (the delicate texture will give a light coverage, which will become the basis for the continuation of the makeup);
  • owners of oily skin (they should choose a fluid specifically for oily skin and not use universal ones in order to get rid of the intensive production of sebum, eliminate oily sheen on the skin);
  • women with any skin type, but in order to even out the tone of the face and at the same time rejuvenate (special anti-aging products are selected).

It is not recommended to use tonal fluids for those who have skin diseases and allergic rashes. Also, do not use several products of a similar direction in one skin care session: fluid, essences, fatty creams, etc.

How to use?

A popular method of applying any kind of foundation is a sponge or brush. At home, they are often replaced with a simple cotton pad. But for a tonal fluid, this application option is not suitable for the reasons:

  • excessive overspending of the product;
  • the difficulty of even distribution over the skin.

Since almost all products in small bottles are equipped with a convenient dispenser, it is easy to apply it simply with your fingers.

If necessary, then it is worth applying a second layer of the product, paying attention to the problem areas. To obtain a more perfect result, it is worth using a corrector in these areas.

  1. After waiting a few minutes, continue with your planned makeup.

In order to follow all the instructions for applying the product as accurately as possible, it is worth studying the information on the package. This is due to the fact that some cosmetic companies recommend using a tonal fluid on a previously moisturized face. Then you will need additional steps before applying the product: apply a moisturizing cream on cleansed skin with a thin layer, wait until it is completely absorbed, and then use a tonal fluid.

How to choose: brand overview

Cosmetic companies are expanding their range of tonal fluids. This is how products appeared that protect the skin from external factors, give a light matte finish, after which the face becomes just perfect. But it is not so easy to choose exactly that, your own product, which will become not just a tonal base, but also a means for healing the skin from the inside.

Also, among cosmetic products, tonal fluids appeared in a radically new interpretation: instead of a light liquid, there are compact tonal powders-fluids, pencils.

Branded products are quite expensive. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of tonal fluid, you can first purchase a trial version of the tool (miniature, probe, tester). The amount in a sachet is usually enough for a couple of uses. This number of applications is enough to determine if a tonal fluid is suitable or not.


The brand has developments in the field of combining fluid with pigments, the series is called Dermablend. The product can be chosen from several basic shades, for example, Opal (opal), Vanilla (flesh), Nude (sand). The proportion of pigment in the product is ¼.

The consistency of the product is quite thick, the tonal fluid thoroughly covers the skin. Designed for high-quality concealment of even the most visible imperfections of the skin. The makeup on the face looks spectacular, without the appearance of imperfections. The product should be shaded to avoid contouring of the tonal fluid.


Elite French cosmetics from Chanel have created their own unique tool - a tonal fluid with a sun protection filter SPF 25. Les Beiges products have expanded the choice of the required shade. There are 14 of them in total.

The product has a liquid consistency, is evenly distributed over the surface of the face, does not create the feeling of a mask, does not leave contours. To achieve a healthy, radiant effect, choose a product lighter than your skin tone. To create the most natural effect, it is better to purchase a tone-on-tone tonal fluid.


For the convenient use of the tonal fluid, the Lancome brand, following the example of Korean cosmetology companies, has created its own version of the product - in the form of a compact powder (cushion). The product itself does not look like the usual dry powder. There is a fluid-soaked sponge inside the package. You can apply it to your skin using an applicator disc.

In addition to the ideal tone, the Lancome Miracle Cushion product took care of additional effects for the skin: deep hydration, brightening, toning, sun protection (SPF 23).

The palette has more than 15 shades of tonal fluid, this allows you to choose a tone that best suits your skin color.


A non-standard approach to the form of fluid release - a tonal stick. Blend Stick HypoAllergenic is a light pencil that masks skin imperfections, adapts as much as possible to the tone of the face, almost imperceptibly if it is well shaded with a sponge, finger or brush. The main advantage is that the product is not allergenic.

But the action of the pencil is not as long as their liquid counterparts. The product is best used as a make-up correction during the day, after application it will ideally hold on the skin for about a couple of hours. Suitable for all skin types, over 18 years of age. Ease of use makes it possible to pay more attention to problem areas, creating a denser layer there.

Available in 5 shades of pencil. The volume of 6.5 g is enough for a long time, so as not only to use a pencil as the main and additional means for correction.


The elite Swiss brand offers women a complete skincare for the age of 18+, it will also give the face a seductive light tan in a bronze tint. The Delining Tinted Fluid smoothes the skin, protects from the sun, thanks to the SPF 10 filter. The components of the product not only saturate the dermis, but also stimulate self-renewal - the production of elastin and collagen.

The fluid will suit almost any skin tone with its own tone, after getting at least a minimal tan. For thorough masking of skin imperfections, it is better to use additional corrective agents.