Wrinkles around the eyes: causes of appearance, getting rid of them. Sun protection. The place of anti-aging cream "Black Pearls"

There are two main causes of wrinkle: the natural aging, about which we know from the lessons of biology and that, alas, unable to stop, as well as the reduction in facial muscles - the second factor makes sense to consider in more detail, having studied why mimic wrinkles are formed and how to remove them various methods. As it is clear from the name, Mimic - these are related to the movements of the facial wrinkle muscles. These include "goose paws" around the eyes, nasolabial and interbural folds, transverse grooves on the forehead.

As we said, the appearance of wrinkles is associated with two mechanisms. Firstly, the protective function of the skin deteriorate over the years, it becomes vulnerable to ultraviolet, low temperatures and other external influences. Due to the violation of hydration, the epidermis is experiencing a lack of moisture, which leads to dehydration. Muscle tone at this time weakens - fabrics, in accordance with the laws of physics, are lowered down. Wrinkles caused by age-related changes are called static or gravitational.

Another kind is mimic or dynamic wrinkles. Every time our face comes into motion, the skin at certain areas forms folds. In young age, skin covers are distinguished by elasticity, so these folds are unwarked immediately after relaxing the mimic muscles. With the age of the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it is reduced, so the consequences of the permanent "transformations" of the skin becomes noticeable.

The "zone of the Mimic Risk" is usually sites under the eyes, deprived of the sebaceous glands and the layer of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, it is on thin skin near the eye there is a major fabulous load. Then appear folds in the forehead and brine area, and then the wrinkle turn in the area around the mouth and in the corners of the eyes. The first wrinkles can manifest themselves in 15 or in 40 years. Genetic features, the structure of the face, the state of health, lifestyle play a major role.

Factors can aggravate skin problems:

  • Stress, lacking;
  • Bad habits;
  • Stay in the sun;
  • Dry air;
  • Wrong skin care;
  • Unbalanced nutrition;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal background;
  • Diseases of the gasts, liver, kidneys;
  • High mimic activity.

If static wrinkles are practically not amenable to adjustment, the wrinkles are mimic to remove quite real - or at least one can make them less deep.

Modern Arsenal Anti-Mimic Wrinkle Arsenal allows you to eliminate the "mesh" next to the eyes and chances on the skin in other zones. Numerous methods offered by cosmetology, traditional medicine and beauty bloggers can be combined into 4 groups.

Consider each of them, ranging from "light artillery" and ending with "heavy":

  1. Cosmetic formulations for outdoor use;
  2. Exercises (Facebilding) and massage;
  3. Hardware procedures;
  4. Subcutaneous injections.


Diverse anti-aging skin care products include creams, gels, lotions, masks, serums. You can purchase ready-made cosmetics or prepare it at home. In the first case, learn the composition. Beware of hormonal preparations that will delight the result in the short term, but will cause addictive. Do not believe in marketing slogans: Galuronka's mimic wrinkle challenges in the cream does not have any action on the skin, since the acid molecules are much larger in size, which would allow to penetrate the epidermis.

The choice of folk recipes to combat facial wrinkles is impressive even more than the store and pharmacy product range. Popular components are oils, aloe juice, honey, gelatin, vitamins in ampoules.

Here is a simple mask from mimic wrinkles: Add retinol and tocopherol in vegetable oil, the resulting mixture to use as a mask or compress, keep on the face of 20-30 minutes. The external means are not able to create a miracle themselves, forcing the wrinkles to disappear, but are part of the skin care, protecting, eating, and moisturizing it from outside, and also contributing to the purification from ero-digit cells.

Gymnastics and manual plastic

Facebilding and massage are good in that they can begin at any time at home. These methods do not require the cost of time or money, but require self-discipline, because the basis of achieving the desired results is the regularity of application. Every day, classes must be dedicated to 15-20 minutes. Information, how to remove mimic wrinkles using exercises and self-massage, you can easily find on the Internet, where many videos are represented on this topic.

Mimic gymnastics and massage techniques are aimed at normalizing muscle tone. Remember that movements should be smooth. Work with skin delicately, massaging the problem areas with fingertips, use soft patting techniques, in no case stretch the skin, especially under the eyes. It is advisable to use nutrient cream or oil. Another prerequisite is the purity of the hands and face during classes.

Hardware cosmetology

These techniques include:

  • Grinding;
  • Peeling;
  • Fractional thermolysis;
  • Phonophoresis;
  • Ionophoresis;
  • Laser biorevitalization;
  • Ridoliz;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Galvanotherapy;
  • Photolifting;
  • Thermage.

This is not a complete list of methods that aesthetic medicine uses to solve skin problems - including how to prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles and how to remove existing ones. The principle of technology is as follows: With the help of a laser, electric current, compressed gas, ultrasound or radio waves, blood and lymph circulation in all layers of skin are improved, regeneration is accelerated, the operation of fibroblasts - elements of connective tissue synthesizing the extracellular matrix is \u200b\u200bstimulated. As a result, the cells receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and water, the collagen production is enhanced, the operation of the glands is normalized. The skin surface is aligned, the complexion becomes more fresh.

Subcutaneous injections

"Purpose of youth" on functional purpose is divided into several species.


The first is a botulinistic toxin or, as it is called, Botox. This drug does not directly affect the state of our skin, its function is to paralyze the muscles, the reduction of which provokes the formation of the chances. Botulinoxin blocks the transfer of pulses from nerve fibers to muscle receptors. The elimination of musculature voltage ensures the disappearance of shallow mimic wrinkles, prevents new ones.

In other words, Botoks does what we - theoretically could themselves, having learned to control the Mimic expression of emotions and stopped pushing, frown, laugh, wrinkle forehead. But it is impossible, so people resort to injections that do not allow to appear with mimic wrinkles around the eyes, between eyebrows and above them. The advantages of the procedure include its painlessness, the lack of consequences in the form of a hematome under the skin, a rapidly noticeable result. For disadvantages - short action (up to six months), the impression of the "frozen mask", addictive, inefficiency with already formed, deep wrinkles.


The second type of injections is mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, vitamin cocktails and other biologically active substances. Hyaluronic acid has a property to bind water molecules, so the skin is saturated with inside, and the folds are "filled". Vitamins and other trace elements, "delivered" directly in Mesoderm, activate the recovery of cells, improve blood microcirculation, stimulate the production of collagen skin, slow down aging.

Mesotherapy is most often used to smooth out nasolabial folds, wrinkles over the lip and around the eyes, as well as with highly pronounced wrinkles of the skin of the forehead. Ingredients are selected by a doctor taking into account individual characteristics and needs. Crosses of mesotherapy are perceived by the skin is not as easy as Botoks: Redness, edema, either bruises can remain on the face. However, to suffer 15 minutes of pain you can, the effect of mesotherapy allows you to forget about wrinkles for a period of up to a year.

As a rule, to get rid of wrinkles, Botox and mesotherapy are used in the complex, since the first "works" above the muscles, and the second one is above the skin. The main key to the effectiveness and safety of injection is the choice of a competent specialist who will advise how to remove the mimic wrinkles in the eyes, lips or eyebrows, correctly define the necessary composition for injections, its dosage. Preparations for subcutaneous administration have contraindications.


There is another kind of injection from mimic wrinkles, which provides for the introduction of a human plasma under the skin of human plasma. Platmetes accelerate the growth of cellular structures and the process of the formation of the intercellular substance, contribute to reinforced regeneration, stimulate metabolism, strengthen vessels. The procedure can be applied not only for the beauty and preventing age-related occurrences from the skin, but also for the treatment of skin diseases, eliminate echoes and dark circles under the eyes, healing of scars.

It is not necessary at the very first surface wrinkles to start making injections. The choice of means to eliminate wrinkles depends on their depth, age of a person, the state of the body. The success of the event can be guaranteed solely with an integrated approach: not enough external manifestations of mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to work with the causes of their occurrence and promotional factors.

Add to diet products with high content of vitamins A, E, C, Groups in, eat olive oil, spend outdoor hours, do not rub, do not overcome your eyes, drink water, give up alcohol and smoking, sleep 7-8 hours per day, ensure the protection of the skin from sun ray.

How to remove mimic wrinkles video

In contact with

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes

Full face care of the face is difficult to imagine without solving such a problem, toak get rid of Mimic wrinkles around the eyes.
It is very unpleasant to watch in the mirror, as they begin to appear, and then the wrinkles surrounding the surrounding eyes. They manifest themselves at all, sooner or later, regardless of our desire.

Many women use simple masks recipes that save from facial wrinkles in the zone near the external corners and around the eyes without leaving home. After all, household agents are sometimes equally effective than expensive cosmetic and, in any case, it will definitely be incomparably cheaper.

The skin around our eye in structure is thinner , sensitive, practically does not contain subcutaneous fat and easily loses the precious moisture. In these places, treacherous first wrinkles appear, so eloquently screaming about the age of women. That is why think about the state of the skin around the eyes is as early as possible.

And no matter how much strength we have attached to care for your face, more attention from us still requires sensitive skin near the eye. She simply needs timely, regular and correct care.

Eyes, as they say, soul mirror. No emotion can be expressed without their participation.

Mimic movements expose the skin around the eye to more voltage and stretching and provoke the appearance of wrinkles.

With insufficient moisture, the early appearance of wrinkles is inevitable, to get rid of which is not easy.

How to be if you are a person outdoor and emotional, got used to rejoice, laugh, cry and manifest your emotions in every way?

How to get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes

Remember, by 20-25 years old, the skin needs additional moisture, toning, nutrition and protection. The first step will be the acquisition of a special cream for the age. It is necessary to choose it with the age of taking into account, it is necessary to give preference to proven trademarks.

Young skin requires light moisturizing creams, and older leather - saturated nutritious complexes with the latest scientific protection technologies. Be sure to look at the composition of the product, vitamins A and E, natural components, hoods, fruit extracts, vegetable oils should be present in the recipe.

Instead of cream, it is possible to use natural oils, they can be found on any pharmacy at a very affordable price.
Skin care around the eye involves the following steps:

  • skin cleansing;
  • nutrition of the skin, its moisturizing;
  • toning.

Let's talk about every stage Read more

Purification of the skin

It is impossible to present a modern woman without makeup. It is necessary to take the rule of mandatory and regular use of special tools for removing cosmetics from the eye. It is unacceptable to go to bed with painted eyes.

If it is important to follow some rules. So, special milk is applied to cotton swabs, which are applied to the eyes. After dissolution, carefully remove the remnants of makeup: from the eyelashes - along the line of their growth, from other sites - by following massage lines.

It is important to do it carefully, not pressing and not stretching the skin.

Food and moisturizing

In order to moisture and nutrition use various creams and gels. They should be applied for the night, on the surface of the upper and lower eyelids with light pattering movements. They are easily absorbed, perfectly fill the lack of moisture, help the skin longer remain elastic and tightened.


Toned skin with special lotions. Such lotions include substances soothing and refreshing skin. The tool is applied to the cotton disk, the resulting compress is clogged. The duration of the procedure is about 5 minutes.

A good effect can be achieved using tea bags or ice cubes, cooked from frozen braveraged herbs (chamomile, calendula, mint, parsley, etc.). Various masks will also be useful for fading eye skin.

Recipes Masks to get rid of wrinkles

The figure shows simple and affordable discipers of masks that allow at home to significantly reduce, and with regular use to completely get rid of mimic wrinkles near the eyes.

Recipes masks to get rid of mimic wrinkles around the eyes

They are used 2-3 times a week.

Important. In addition to the right care, special gymnastics, full nutrition and healthy sleep will help maintain the skin of the eyelid.

After watching the video, you will learn how to get rid of and prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles near the eyes, and the overpowering of the upper eyelid by Facebilding.

Mimic wrinkles are becoming noticeable rather early, often before the age of 30 years. They are subject to even young elastic skin, which, not need anti-aging care. It's difficult to get rid of them, because this phenomenon depends in many respects from the facial expressions of the face that is almost impossible to change (wrinkles near the eyes with a smile, on the forehead - frowning from the habit). From the article you will learn what mimic wrinkles around the eyes, how to get rid of after 25 from this problem with the help of folk and other ways.

Causes of the appearance of mimic wrinkles

The reasons contributing to the appearance of mimic wrinkles, and to fight them should be in the complex. Such wrinkles are by no means a sign of age, they appear sometimes in 20 years. Thoughts about their prevention are only the beginning of a difficult path in combating them. Next, you need to be able to correctly choose effective means.

Wrong skin care

The main reason for the appearance of mimic wrinkles is often called the improper care of the skin of the face, in particular, behind the area around the eyes. Skin here is thin and tender, and therefore requires special attention. Up to 25 Many neglect special procedures for it, which subsequently leads to the appearance of "goose paws", which are noticeably with a smile.

Heredity and structure of the face

It is impossible to deny the hereditary factor of aging of the skin, as well as the muscular structure of the face. In order to determine when wrinkles appear, and what will be their specificity, just look at their grandmothers and mothers. If they have a lot of face wrinkles around their eyes, and they are very much expressed, then, most likely, you will inherit these features. It should not be upset, but on the contrary, to be an incentive for thorough care.

In addition, some people have such a structure of a person at which the "races" are very clearly visible. They quickly smooth when a person stops smiling, but over time and loss of skin of elasticity leave more and more noticeable traces.

Rejection of bad habits

The key to successful combating facial wrinkles around the eyes after 25 and their prevention at an earlier age is a refusal of bad habits. The first in the list of those with which it is necessary to part is the use of alcohol and smoking. Alcohol dehydrates and poisoned the body. Under its influence, the normal processes of cell regeneration are violated, which leads to the fading of the skin.

Smoking is dangerous in that it disrupts oxygen exchange in cells. Oxygen is the most important component in the processes of skin regeneration and maintaining its elasticity and elasticity. It is impossible to replace or fill it.

Water consumption

Refusal of bad habits is a very important step on the way not only to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, but also to improving the overall state of health. But besides this, you need to purchase new useful habits. One of them is the daily use of pure water in an amount of at least 1.5 liters per day. This will help maintain water balance and avoid dry skin, and therefore minimizes the risk of new wrinkles. At the same time, remember, it is desirable to drink water to 7 pm. The whole liquid obtained by the body after this time is likely to be interrupted in bags under the eyes in the morning.

Proper posture during sleep

A sufficient amount of sleep time will allow you not only to feel in good shape, but also maintain the skin condition in order. It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours - the optimal time for which the body is restored, and be sure to be restored. Pose "Face in a pillow" or on the side very comfortable, but harmful. But choosing the position of "on the back" you can avoid edema, and the emergence of new wrinkles.

Sun protection

Being under the right sunlight or in solarium, be sure to use special skin creams around eyes with SPF filters. This is especially important for the skin after 25, more susceptible to the negative effects of factors from the outside. Do not neglect and moisturizing the skin, especially in summer period. Peresked leather under the action of ultraviolet is predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles.

Selection of decorative cosmetics

If you have mimic wrinkles, then when choosing decorative cosmetics, be especially careful. Of course, it is easy to hide, but for this you should use the means that moisturize the skin will be harmless to it. This applies mainly to the tonal means, which are often dried, which is unacceptable for delicate skin around the eyes.

women's common problem over 25 years old, which can be warned or somewhat smoothed through proper skin care with oils, masks, creams and other means

Folk remedies for the fight against wrinkles around the eyes

Mask of cottage cheese

For the preparation of a simple cottage cheese mask need:

  1. bold cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. honey - ½ h. l.;
  3. fat cream - 1 tsp;
  4. olive oil - 1 tsp;
  5. milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Milk to warm up so that it becomes warm. Honey melt on a water bath, if necessary. Ingredients to mix. The mask is left for 20 minutes, then wash off.

Olive leather oil around the eyes

Olive oil can be used independently or as part of masks, for example:

  1. olive oil - 50 ml;
  2. vitamin E - 10 ml.

Vitamin E can be purchased in the form of capsules in any pharmacy. The mixture is applied daily in the evenings after cleansing the skin, slightly patting, for 5 minutes. Surplus can be removed with a napkin, it is not necessary to wash off.

Lime color against mimic wrinkles

Such a mask will help remove traces of fatigue and swelling. It can be used before an important way out, the face will look fresh, wrinkles will be accessed.


  1. linden flowers - 2 h.
  2. water - 1 tbsp.

Lipa need to be boiled water, disastned about half an hour. From cotton discs Make a glare for an eye for 3 to 6 minutes.

Essential oils against wrinkles around the eyes

Essential oils are perfect for skin care around the eyes. Among them are jojoba oil, peach, geranium oil, verbena, rosemary, rose oil and others. They can be added in a couple of drops to a jar with cream to increase its useful effect.

It is very effective for getting rid of "goose paws" around the eye a mixture of essential oils in a duet with avocado and olive oil:

  1. olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  2. avocado soften - 1 tbsp. l.;
  3. mint oil - 2 drops;
  4. orange oil - 2 drops;
  5. fennel oil - 2 drops.

If the mixture is applied for 10 minutes to the lower eyelids and perform massaging movements, then the rejuvenating and toning effect will be noticeable very quickly.

In addition to the listed methods there are also creams that are available in supermarkets, pharmacies, cosmetic stores. Recommendations for their choice are many, so it is best to consult a cosmetologist or pick up your own version by samples and errors. Salon procedures conducted by a specialist possess high efficiency. However, the main thing is to prevent, and not treat, so pay attention to the prevention. This is important in order not to exacerbate the situation or to avoid the appearance of wrinkles at all.

Mimic wrinkles are the earliest of the unpleasant skin problems. These unsightly folds on the skin appear due to the active work of the muscles of our person who express our emotional state. Laughter, smile, chagrin, tears - about 15,000 times during the day of the muscles of our face involuntarily decrease. The ferozdes or chances formed at the same age are smoothed quickly and unwarked, it is worth only to relax, but over the years regular contractions of the face muscles begin to leave visible traces in the form of small folds, which become deeper and more clear with age.

Causes of the appearance of mimic wrinkles.
It is worth noting that the Mimic and age wrinkles are far from the same thing. Age wrinkles arise, most often, after thirty years, whereas the Mimic can turn on the face even in a fairly young person. Those who have unpleasant habits frowning forehead during a conversation, pushing, etc., risk earning them without reaching twenty years. The causes of such a phenomenon can be mass: from a banal nervous shock to the hereditary predisposition caused by the features of the structure of skin cells (fibroblasts). Actually, they are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, in addition, they take part in muscle contractions. A huge role in the emergence of such wrinkles plays a violation of metabolic processes and insufficient feeding of the skin. Most often, the mimic folds are located on the forehead, the nose between the eyebrows, in the corners of the eye (goose paws) and in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds.

Impact of negative environmental factors (severe humidity, low temperatures, Sun, etc.) contributes to the deepening of mimic wrinkles. Those folds and chances that are formed with each contraction of the face muscles with age are preserved, which is due to the slowdown in the processes of cell regeneration, the use of poor-quality or inappropriate cosmetics. Wrong lifestyle, presence of bad habits (smoking and alcohol), lack of physical activity, etc. Also contribute to the emergence of this unpleasant problem.

Modern methods of combating facial wrinkles.
These wrinkles make the skin of a small face-attractive, giving sometimes repellent expression. All this affects interpersonal communication, because the person in this case is dissatisfied with his appearance, by itself, which causes the development of some complexes. It is impossible to constantly control the facial expression, and it is unnecessary. Today, in the arsenal of methods of combating mimic wrinkles, the injections of special drugs are considered fairly effective, which significantly reduce the activity of muscle fibers. In addition, they additionally moisturize and nourish the skin, filling the intercellular space and giving elasticity. In the fight against this type of wrinkle, special masks and other cosmetics, professional massage, special gymnastics for face (Facebilding), contour plastic, Botox injection, hyaluronic acid, reeseyne, dysports are effectively helping.

Cosmetics based on synthetic peptides, which should be applied to the surface of the skin. As the prevention of mimic wrinkles, the pharmacies thread are good, which form a steady internal frame. To eliminate pronounced skin defects, hardware cosmetology (peels, laser grinding) and plastic surgery (face lift) are effectively used.

Repair the facial folds can be eliminated by filling them from the inside with a special biogel or adipose tissue. To resist such wrists will help the use of creams with mineshelaxants (for example, hexapeptide Argirelin). The composition of cosmetics is included in a small amount (2-3% active substance) artificially synthesized molecule, which has an effective impact. Although this impact is a little weaker than Botox, but it is distinguished by the absence of side effects and contraindications, and the pronounced effect will be noticeable after a month of regular use.

In general, in the fight against mimic wrinkles, the impact must be carried out comprehensively, only then the result will be noticeable.

Botox against mimic wrinkles.
Injections of this protein preparation are considered an excellent and fairly effective method of combating mimic folds. Botox prevents the transmission of nerve pulses with muscle fibers, providing long-term relaxes to the muscles. Such injections are perfectly smoothed wrinkles on the neck, forehead and around the eyes (the so-called goose paws), but the nasolabial folds and the elements on the chin is not recommended to smooth in such a way. This procedure can be supplemented with the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the zone of the most deep wrinkles. The effect of the procedure is preserved for six months. Best of all, if the procedure for introducing Botox will be carried out with a beautician with medical education.

Today, the effect of the introduction of Botox can also be obtained by using therapeutic cosmetics, which smoothes mimic wrinkles. Of course, the result will not be so fast as in the case of injections, but with non-deep wrinkles of this cosmetics, it is enough to eliminate the problem. In addition, such cosmetics still serves as an excellent prophylactic means against their appearance.

Cosmetics against mimic wrinkles.
Many cosmetics include in their composition toxin botulism, which has an impact on the muscles of the face and nervous endings. But there is another group of cosmetics that act directly on the dermis and the collagen and elastin fibers in it. It is these fibers, constantly compressing due to muscle work, lead to deformation of the upper layer of the skin, which contributes to the appearance of visible folds on the skin of the face. To prevent their education, as well as reduce the existing, it is necessary to block the ability of the dermis actively compress. That is why special creams and serums operated on this principle. That is, when cutting muscles, the signals do not reach the dermis, either reach more weakened, so that the top layer of the skin remains in a relaxed state. As a result, wrinkles not only do not appear, but also smoothed existing ones. Among the cosmetic firms, a means with a similar action produce Vichy, Givenchy, L "Oreal, Guerlain, M120, Lancome, Dior, Helena Rubinstein, Matis and some others.

Means for instant correction of mimic wrinkles.
Today, cosmetics are popular, which allow in two bills to correct mimic wrinkles. To such means include creams, gels and serums, including peptides, which are organic substances, which contains amino acid residues with natural biological activity. Peptides have the ability to easily penetrate deep into the skin and have a significant impact on the physiological processes occurring. They stimulate the production of essential substances by the body, helping to produce them in the desired volume. The use of such cosmetics contributes to the rapid restoration of self-regulation and recovery processes. Tools of ordinary effects do not immediately, the effect is noticeable after a few days.

With constant use, such cosmetics can accumulate in the body. After the first application, the effect can last for ten o'clock, and regular use extends it to a month. No contraindications and side effects have such funds, at least they have not been identified. Such funds can be used for women at any age.

Folk remedies for the prevention and elimination of mimic wrinkles.
Funds of traditional medicine can be an excellent addition to the main cosmetic care against mimic wrinkles. Take care of your skin always, starting as early as possible to preserve her fresh and young for a long time.

Of course, the folk agents will not be able to completely remove such wrinkles, but they contribute to the restoration of the cellular structure, normalize nutritious and oxidative processes, pull the skin, making it elastic. With regular and timely use of recipes for non-standard medicine, mimic folds are noticeably smoothed and decrease. I will say right away, to expect a miracle from one procedure that is not worth it. In all, an integrated approach is necessary.

So, the fine smoothing agent is natural oil (peach, olive, sesame, apricot, almond, linen oil, etc.). On problem areas of the skin, it is necessary to drive the oil with the pads of the fingertips for fifteen minutes, after which the oil residues flush with a paper napkin. With the help of oils, compresses and masks can also be made.

Connect along a teaspoon of carrot juice, sour cream and pulp of grapefruit. Apply the resulting composition on problem areas, and twenty minutes flush with warm boiled water and wipe the skin with an ice cube. Instead of sour cream and pulp of grapefruit, cottage cheese and cream can also be used.

It is also effectively used to use such a recipe: the pulp of one quarter of the grapefruit is mixed with a teaspoon of carrot juice, the same amount of sour cream and crushed in a rice coffee grinder. The resulting composition of the problem zones. In thirty minutes, the mask should be washed off, and the skin of the face to wipe the grapefruit juice.

The pulp of one well ripe banana to connect with the wired bearer with the wired bean and add a little lemon juice. The resulting mass is applied to problem areas for thirty minutes. The procedure is recommended to do twice a week. Already a month later, wrinkles will noticeably smoke, plus the complexion will improve.

Such a scale is very effective as prevention: pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers with glass boiling water and insist for half an hour. Several strawberries berries to stretch with a wooden spoon and combine with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, a teaspoon of liquid honey and chamomile beam. Ingredients thoroughly stir and apply the resulting composition on the face. Twenty minutes later, the mask is removed by means of a cotton disk, pre-dipped in warm milk, after which wash the face with cool water.

Mix a couple of yelng-ylanca essential oil drops with a thimble of grape bone oil. Apply the resulting tool at night instead of your usual night cream. The result is noticeable immediately, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, and wrinkles smoothed.

Add a few drops of castor oil into your night cream. Use twice a week. The mesh under the eyes disappears completely, and wrinkles are noticeably smoothed.

Slightly heat the spoon and swing it into olive oil. The convex side to gently massage the skin of the face, especially problem areas, along the lines of the smallest skin stretching, that is, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the corners of the eye, from the center of chin to ears. The procedure is to carry out at least fifteen minutes, after which rub the skin with a decoction of mint or sage.

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead effectively use paraffin, paraffin-oil (7 g, spermaceta - 3 g, oil-cocoa - 10 g, peach oil - 10 g), spermacette (spermacet - 6 g, paraffin - 6 g, Lanolin - 30 g, glycerin - 10 ml, vitamin A - 3 g, castor oil - 70ml, apricot oil - 40ml.) And wax mask (wax, paraffin and lanolin equal to quantity). Ingredients included in each of the masks must be melt in a water bath. After that, in the resulting composition, mix the bandage or gauze, folded in several layers, slightly squeeze and impose on the forehead. Keep such a mask before it is full of frozen. Then take off the bandage with careful movement, and wash my face warm water. The procedure is allowed to do no more than two times a week.

The paraffin mask is preparing as follows: 50 g of paraffin warm up to 50 degrees in a water bath, add a teaspoon of cocoa oil and the same amount of beeswax. Everything is pretty stirred by a wooden spoon. Connect a tablespoon of olive oil with a half tablespoon of grape bone oil, slightly warm and abundantly lubricate the pre-cleaned skin of the face. On top of the oil layer with a special tassel apply a molten paraffin mixture into several layers. On top of these layers, impose a food film and a terry towel. A mask can be shot across fifteen minutes, then the skin should be wiped with tonic and lubricate with moisturizing cream. Parafinotherapy should be carried out twice a week. You need to spend ten-twelve masks, depending on the degree of problem.

Smooth out folds on the forehead will help and a mixture of two tablespoons of any natural vegetable oil, egg yolk and a tablespoon of crushed oatmeal. The mass is superimposed on the forehead, and in fifteen minutes is washed off with warm water.

This method is also effective: put on a plastic bag composition of two tablespoons of cream, a tablespoon of beer yeast and boiled potatoes (one small tuber). Then impose it all in the form of a compress on the forehead for twenty minutes.

A very effective popular way to eliminate mimic wrinkles is considered to use bee poison. In addition to smoothing the skin, the bee poison contributes to strengthening blood flow in the fabrics of the skin of the face and neck, which makes the skin of velvety and moisturized, improving the complexion. Only when using it should be careful, there are contraindications. Apply in strictly dosed quantities in the form of dosage forms. Mazi based on bee poison can be applied more than once during the day, it is better in the evening.

Elimination of "goose paws" or mimic wrinkles around the eyes.
A tablespoon of crushed green parsley to brew a half cup of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes to insist. Then a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes to connect with two tablespoons of the infusion of parsley and a tablespoon of olive or other vegetable oil. The resulting mass is shifted to gauze tissue and impose on the eye area for fifteen minutes. It is not necessary to wash after the procedure. It follows this procedure every day.

Grind one small potatoes in the shallow grater in the cheese. Take two tablespoons of potato mass and combine with the same amount of wheat flour and boiled milk. Ingredients thoroughly mix until the formation of a homogeneous mass, which is to be applied to the area under the eyes and leave for ten minutes. After the specified time, the mask washed off with warm water.

An excellent action has compresses based on olive oil. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with vitamin E (one ampoule) or with five drops of lemon juice, impose such a compress to the area under the eyes for ten minutes, after which the remnants of the means are removed by flushing with a paper napkin, and make a light massage.

One squirrel with one tablespoon of liquid honey and add a tablespoon of chopped oat flakes. Apply the resulting mass to the area under the eyes and leave until complete drying. After that, wash the mask with warm boiled water.

Lubrication for the night of the skin under the eyes of freshly squeezed aloe vera juice will not only moisturize the skin, but also prevents the appearance of mimic wrinkles.

Mix a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon of oil vitamin E. Every evening to apply to the area around the eye the resulting composition, preheated in a water bath, for fifteen-thirty minutes, making a light massage. After that, surplus flushed with a paper napkin. Such an oil mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

A mask of a mixture of milk, aloe and liquid honey juice will help to get rid of deep wrinkles under the eyes. All ingredients are taken in an equal ratio.

Pour three tablespoons of birch leaves with a glass of cold water and leave for eight hours so that the mixture is fill. Then in the infusion, mix your cotton discs and impose on the eyelids for fifteen minutes.

Connect oatmeal (three tablespoons) with four tablespoons of fatty cream. Put the mixture in the gauze bags and impose in the form of a compression on the area under the eyes for twenty minutes.

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of tightly brewed tea and two spoons of liquid honey. The resulting composition is heated to a warm state and put on the area under the eyes for twenty minutes, after which the mask was washed off at the beginning with warm and then cool boiled water.

The linen seed perfectly smoothes wrinkles and serves as an excellent prophylactic agent. Pour two tablespoons of linen seed 400 ml of water, put on fire and cook before obtaining a cashaty mass. Ship the resulting mass in gauze bags and impose under the eyes for twenty minutes. Running off at the beginning warm, then cool boiled water.

50 ml of milk to combine with two tablespoons without top of wheat flour and add a small amount of yeast. In this composition, moisten a gauze tissue and impose on the zone under the eyes. After half an hour, the mask is removed and washed warm and then cool water.

In order to prevent mimic wrinkles, always carefully moisturize the skin, not allowing it to dry, do not abuse the tan in the open sun, solarium and decorative cosmetics, lead an active lifestyle. Use scrubs, but carefully and carefully, and after the procedure, be sure to use the skin.

Mimic wrinkle correction methods exist today quite a lot. Only the use of any of them should be carried out from the appointment of an experienced cosmetologist after a thorough examination of your skin. Only in this case the result will be maximum and will continue for many years.

The skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye is very thin and sensitive to the effects of various negative environmental factors, so the first age changes begin to appear here. Sometimes, minor "goose paws" can be noticed even from 20-year-old girls. To prevent the emergence of this problem or get rid of the already available, you need to know the basic methods of struggle. Various methods will come to help, and not only modern hardware methods, but also proven grandmothers beauty recipes.


How to care for the skin around the eyes

To prevent the occurrence around the eye of mimic wrinkles, it is necessary, first of all, to explore the rules for skin care in this area. This question is very important, as the fabrics are fairly tender and easily exposed to aging. For this purpose, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • avoid constant stressful situations, emotional overvoltages;
  • in the morning and in the evening, apply a cream on the skin around the eye, designed specifically for this area;
  • be sure to remove makeup at the end of the day;
  • refuse bad habits: from alcohol and nicotine;
  • drink at least 2 l liquid per day;
  • to walk outside;
  • in sunny weather, put on sunglasses not to puchel;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • do not stretch the skin when applying cosmetics, wiping with her towel and other procedures;
  • do not apply on the eyes a daily thick layer of decorative cosmetics, since its negative action leads to the formation of wrinkles.

In addition, to combat minor wrinkles near the eye or to prevent their development daily or at least several times a week, it is necessary to carry out self-massage in the area around the eyes, using a small amount of olive oil. It has a positive effect on the state of the skin wiping her ice cubes. Even better if it is a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs. Contrast compresses will help to increase the tone: you must first impose a napkin moistened in hot water, and then rinse the face cold.


In order to get rid of the Mimic wrinkles around the eyes, various masks are used. It can be both independently prepared funds and purchased. When choosing a mask necessarily takes into account the skin type.

Milk Banana Mask

Banana - 1 tsp.
Cream or sour cream - 1 tsp.

Grind a banana flesh with a shallow grain or blender. 1 tsp. The resulting cleaner is mixed with the same amount of milk product. Apply the resulting mixture on the napkin and attach to the eyes, hold out for a quarter of an hour, after which it was washed off with clean warm water. For dry skin type, milk product is recommended to replace with pre-melted butter.

Honey mask

Honey - 1 tsp.
Flour - 1 tsp.
Egg protein - 1 tsp.

Preheat honey so that it is liquid and warm. Honey can not be boiled, otherwise all its beneficial properties are destroyed. Further, all components are mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass and evenly apply to the area around the eyes. Keep means before cooled. After that, rinse the skin with water. If the skin is dry, it is recommended to add some chopped oat flakes into the mask. In this case, it needs to hold about 20 minutes. After cleaning, apply a nutrient cream around the eye.

Vitamin mask

Aloe juice - 1 tsp.
Olive oil - 1 tsp.
Honey - 1 tsp.
Vitamin E - 1-2 capsules

Scarlet juice can be prepared independently, squeezing it from the leaves of the plant or use the means purchased in the pharmacy. All ingredients are mixed, in the resulting mass well mix your cotton discs and attach them to eyes. Keep compress about 20-30 minutes. After that, the skin must be rinsed with water and lubricate with cream.

Other means to fight wrinkles

Get rid of mimic wrinkles will help some other means that are also fairly effective. These include:

  1. Oil. They are not only struggling with wrinkles, but also protect the skin from evaporation of excess moisture, the effects of negative environmental factors, as a protective film form on it. The most effective is coconut oil, but there is a good effect and castor, peach, ray, almond, jojoba oil.
  2. Mesophershri. This tool is quite new in the cosmetology market. Efficiency is due to the presence of protrusions containing hyaluronic acid, and a biodegradable layer. These substances, in contact with the skin, contribute to increased elasticity and eliminate the mimic wrinkles around the eyes. All applications can be found on the package.
  3. Creams. These cosmetics also give a good result, but when choosing it is necessary to pay attention to the composition. Mioryelaxants should be present in it, due to which the skin is smoothed.

Video: What exercises will help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

Hardware methods

Modern cosmetology salons offer various techniques that quickly eliminate age-related changes around the eyes in the form of wrinkles. Moreover, the effect of them is noticeable immediately and remains for a long time.

Laser grinding

Laser beam affects the skin. This procedure is carried out strictly on the zone of the cheekbone, the area around the eyes does not affect, but the wrinkles disappear. To the use of this method, it is worth a resort in extreme cases and entrust its execution is better than experienced specialist, as it injures fabrics, which often leads to negative consequences.


This procedure involves replenishment in nutrient deficit tissues due to the introduction of a vitamin cocktail. After the procedure, the skin becomes younger, and the age wrinkles are smoothed. Biorevitalization is carried out in two ways:

  1. Laser. It is a more gentle method. A gel containing hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin, after which the laser is affected. At the end of manipulation on the face, there is no trace, the maximum effect is visible through 7 sessions. To maintain the result, you should repeat the procedure at least once a month.
  2. Injection It implies the introduction to the area around the eyes, where there are mimic wrinkles, hyaluronic acid using a syringe or an injector. The procedure takes about 30 minutes, after it, Papulas remain on the face due to the introduction of the needle into the skin. They disappear independently in a few days. The result is noticeable after 3-4 weeks. To save it, you need to repeat the manipulation twice a year.

Chemical peeling

The procedure involves treating the zone of special chemical compositions, but after it is improved not only the condition of the skin, but also the wrinkles are absorbed. Peeling is a few species, while the depth of exposure can also vary. These indicators determine the cosmetologist depending on the age of a woman, the state of the skin and what depth is the mimic wrinkles around the eyes.


This method is rather gentle, since it is not accompanied by any discomfort. Its essence lies in the fact that pulsed light streams are sent to the skin, under the influence of which the epidermis begins to actively produce elastin and collagen. As a result, wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes young and touched.

The result after the procedure is noticeable immediately and is preserved for a long time. Before using this method, consult with a beautician, as it has a number of contraindications.

Botox injections

The introduction of Botox is also actively used by women who want to get rid of wrinkles in the eye area. This drug contains a substance that paralyzes the muscles, as a result of which they relax, and the skin begins to recover and becomes more elastic, tightened.

The procedure is painless, well tolerated by women at any age. However, after the introduction of the needle on the skin for several days there may be a rally, hyperemia. To maintain the result, it is recommended to repeat the manipulation every 6 months.

Radio wave lifting

This procedure is known as thermalifting. During the problem areas, thermal and cold waves affect the problem areas, which will permeate the epidermis and heat the deep tissues to 39-55 degrees. As a result, a durable collagen frame is formed, and the skin is leveled, investigate, wrinkles are solved.

At the end of the procedure, biostimulation is carried out, which contributes to the increase in regeneration. This approach allows you to prevent the occurrence of pigment spots, hematomas, hyperemia and other cosmetic defects.

Is it possible to get rid of wrinkles using massage

A positive effect in the fight against wrinkles near the eye has a massage. It is easy to fulfill it, but the result will surely please. All movements are performed without much effort, you should never stretch the skin, it will lead to the formation of even large defects.

Video: Effective massage against mimic wrinkles around the eyes in the program "Everything will be good"

To eliminate wrinkles, you need to perform lungs that cover movements in the eyebrows area in the direction of the bridges to the temples, then go down to the eyes and make it easily at first around the outer corner, and then near the inner. This massage is performed daily in the evening or in the morning during hygienic procedures.

Video: 5 simple exercises from wrinkles around the eyes in the program "Everything will be good"

You can cope with wrinkles near the eyes using various methods. Which of them choose depends on their own wishes and depth of age-related changes. Choosing salon procedures, you should not neglece and home care, which will support and keep the effect for a longer time. In addition, masks are an excellent tool to prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles.