Is it possible to wash after sunbathing on the beach. Sauna and tanning - how to combine in order to maintain a golden skin tone? Sun protection

How to properly plan your tanning so that you don't get burned, but get an even beautiful tan with a bronze tint.

An even and beautiful tan makes the body more attractive. However, you need to be able to sunbathe. Wrong reception sunbathing may cause burns. In this case, there will be no beauty, only a long and painful struggle with the consequences of improper tanning will appear. General rules equally effective both in the solarium and in the open sun.

How do different skin types tan?

  • In total, there are four types of skin, each of which reacts to sunburn in its own way. The first type includes white or pink skin. white color. This type of skin is called Celtic and is difficult to tan. Burns appear frequently, the result is not noticeable even after repeated exposure to the sun or in a solarium
  • The second type of skin - European, is characterized by a stable white color. People with this type of skin quickly get the first results of a tan, but it is not possible to develop it much even after long sessions.
  • Dark skin belongs to the third type, which is also called European, but differs from the second type in more dark color. With such skin, burns almost never appear, and the result of tanning only increases each time.

How does fair skin tan? A photo

How does dark skin tan? A photo

How does white skin tan? A photo

How to sunbathe? 10 basic rules

1. Avoid high sun activity. Sunbathe better in the morning before 10-11 o'clock and in the evening after 16-17 o'clock. During the day, the sun is merciless, especially to those who first came out under its rays.

2. Schedule your sun exposure correctly. The first visit should not exceed five minutes. Even if you do not feel any effect from exposure to the sun, you still go into the shade, and for a long time. Believe me, a little more time, and the burn is guaranteed, especially with the first two types of skin. Next time add a little more time and increase it gradually

3. Before going out into the sun, avoid using creams based on mineral fats, they greatly increase the chance of burns. Also, do not abuse essential oils and spirits

4. Try to always use before sunbathing sunscreen. It improves the quality of the tan and protects against burns.

5. Under the sun's rays, it is better not to go out with a feeling of hunger or after a heavy meal. For a good perception of tanning, the body should not feel internal discomfort.

6. Be sure to wear a panama hat or scarf on your head, and protect your eyes with glasses. This will prevent overheating in the sun and relieve the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

7. When sunbathing, it is better to completely relax your body. Avoid reading or watching videos. Eyes in the sun and so tense, tire them out once again do not do it. On the beach it is better to show more physical activity

8. When sunbathing in a static position on your back or on your stomach, be sure to put something under your head, it should be raised. This will improve blood flow

9. Having warmed up in the sun, do not immediately run to cool off in the water. Step into the shade for a few minutes and let your body cool down. Sharp and significant contrasts are stressful for the body

10. Always control your time in the sun, if you feel that you are about to fall asleep, it is better to get up and walk along the beach

How to get a good tan in the sun?

To obtain good tan in the sun, you must clearly follow all the 10 rules written above. This minimum set, which will avoid problems with burns. Be careful when choosing a sunscreen, it should have a high SPF content ( sun protection factor). The cream is selected according to the type of skin.

An even tan cannot be achieved in one go. This is the result of long work. A slight failure in terms of sunbathing will result in burns, even minor ones will need to be treated. After this, it will be very difficult to achieve an even tan. Therefore, it is necessary to show patience, to sunbathe with minimal intervals, in order to get the expected effect as a result.

When should you sunbathe so as not to harm your health?

  • If you plan to get a tan in a solarium, then the time of tanning is not important, the main parameter is the duration. If a tan turns out naturally from sun rays, should be excluded day stay in the sun
  • The scorching heat is the most dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health. During this period, people most often get sunstroke or heatstroke. When sunbathing, you should eat less salty foods, because salt retains water in the body. Internal processes should be as active as possible, for this you need to drink plenty of fluids and move more, giving water through sweating
  • The best time for sunbathing is in the morning. From early morning until about 10 or 11 o'clock. You can also sunbathe in the evening, when the main pressure of the sun's rays will subside.

What should I do if my skin is sunburnt? Urgent measures

First you need to assess the degree of the burn. If it is insignificant, you need to move to a cool place, it can be the shade of a tree or even go home. If conditions allow, cold showers can be taken at home to reduce the heat effect. Immersion in water in the open sun is contraindicated.

Next, the burn site should be treated special means from sunburn. The most popular and effective is Panthenol. This is a spray that does not need to be rubbed into the skin, which eliminates pain. After that, it is recommended to drink a lot of dining room for a while. clean water, avoid sun exposure.

If you feel nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and other negative reactions, you should seek immediate medical attention. Can call emergency care or come to the nearest point of assistance by taxi.

In case of a burn, it is forbidden to use alkaline substances, soap, alcohol, petroleum jelly and others. All this can only aggravate the condition. If blisters appear after tanning, they should not be pierced - this will lead to infection of the skin inside. Whole recovery period sunburn should be avoided.

How to enhance any tan?

To enhance any tan use special creams, which have two functions: protective and reinforcing. The result from such a tan usually appears quickly enough, but lasts for a short time. The choice of cream must be agreed with the doctor. Seek help from a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

How to take sunbathing: tips and reviews
Sunbathing can be harmful to prevent this from happening, use the tips that are described in this article. By properly controlling your tanning regimen, you can avoid negative consequences and get nice and even tan.

Video: Sour cream for sunburn

Video: Proper tan

The vast majority of girls love to sunbathe, or at least dream of a chocolate skin tone. Indeed, it is nice to lie in the sun, relax and take a break from everyday worries. But this must be done correctly so that the long-awaited rest is not overshadowed by burns and other troubles.

So, in order to understand how to properly sunbathe, you first need to determine your skin type. Conventionally, 4 types are distinguished:

  • light type. It is almost impossible for its owners to get a tan. Any exposure to the sun ends with a strong reddening of the skin, peeling, and then the skin becomes white again. With this type of skin, exposure to the sun is strictly contraindicated, but if you have a vacation, then try starting six months before it. Once every 10-15 days, sunbathe in a solarium for about two to three minutes, gradually increasing the time. This will prepare your skin for the upcoming tan.
  • Medium type. The tan lies for a long time, the skin turns red, but over time it acquires a darker shade.
  • The swarthy type. For such skin, exposure to the sun rarely ends in a “disaster”. Most often, the tan lies evenly and painlessly.
  • dark type. It is easiest for representatives of this type to get an even chocolate tan, because such skin does not turn red, but immediately darkens.

Surely you have already noticed the features of your skin and you can say with confidence how quickly a tan falls on it. But be that as it may, the basic rules of being in the sun must be observed by the owners of any skin color type.

Rules for tanning in the sun

Main condition healthy tan is exposure to the sun right time. From 9 am to 11 am, the sun is milder and safest for the skin, so feel free to sunbathe early in the morning. But from 12 to 15 o'clock it is best to "hide" in a shelter and not go out at all without a hat, because it is at this time that the greatest solar activity is observed and it is very easy to get burned or heatstroke. After 16 hours, you can resume the tanning procedure - the sun during this period becomes more gentle.

Don't forget about UV protection. Depending on your skin, choose a cream with a protection factor of 50 to 10 units and be sure to apply it to your skin every 1.5-2 hours and after each bath. The cream will not only save your skin from burns, but also protect it from subsequent peeling.

In addition to the skin of the body, it is necessary to protect the skin of the face, lips, as well as hair and eyes from the action of sunlight. To do this, take with you to the beach hygienic lipstick with an SPF factor, a hat, panama or any other headgear, as well as high-quality Sunglasses. The sun's rays dry out even our nails, so before taking a tan, remove the varnish from the nails and lubricate them nourishing cream for hands. It is undesirable to take sunbaths during menstruation - the skin produces less melanin these days, which means that the tan will be uneven or not lie down at all. In addition, during this period, the risk of overheating of the body and getting heat stroke increases.

Just before going to the beach, you can not take a shower and use alcohol lotions - such procedures “erase” its natural skin from the skin. protective layer. While on the beach, drink plenty of water - this will save the body from overheating and dehydration. Alcoholic drinks additionally dehydrate the body, so do not get carried away with them in hot weather. You should not sleep or even read on the beach - this will make you lose your vigilance and track time. After bathing, be sure to dry yourself with a towel, because water droplets serve as mini-lenses, and attract the sun's rays even more.

At the end of the day, at night, use moisturizing or nourishing milk or body cream - this way you will save your skin from dryness and flaking and prolong the durability of the resulting tan.

And finally, remember that moderation is important in everything, and it is better to sunbathe a little every day than to burn out on the first day and be afraid to go outside for the rest of your vacation.

The coming spring-summer warmth, together with the bright sun, pretty battered queues in the solarium. Beauties rushed to nature to get a natural tan. However, sometimes there is difficult situation when a tan stubbornly refuses to lay down on the skin. The sun causes only a short-term reddening of the skin, which soon disappears completely. Attempts to increase the time spent in the sun simply lead to burns or overdrying of the skin, peeling.

This situation, of course, is familiar to "white-skinned" girls, for whom it is always difficult to get a high-quality natural tan in the middle lane. But sometimes it happens that typical “dark-skinned women” suddenly realize that they cannot tan as always. Something is going wrong. There may be several reasons for this. How to keep a tan, a little later. In the meantime, let's figure out how to get it right.

Nutrition for sunbathing

A tan will stubbornly not stick if you start taking B vitamins. Aggressive marketing is promoting brewer's yeast, vitamin capsules sold in pharmacies, to the market today. They are enriched with B vitamins. These tanning vitamins are not best friends. The skin will only brighten. Moreover, being irradiated for a long time in the sun and taking yeast at the same time, it is easy to earn dark spots on the skin. Accordingly, drinks containing yeast (kvass, beer) should be limited.

The perfect drink during tanning, and after - it's mineral water without gas. In food, restrictions are introduced on everything sour. Any acid (acetic, citric, etc.) is not friendly with a beautiful and even tan. Drop a few drops of natural lemon juice into strong black tea and you will understand what is at stake. Undoubtedly, best products for tanning - these are vegetable salads containing vitamins A and E. Although there will be no special effect from them, they will help to cope with drying out of the skin, reduce negative impact ultraviolet. are harmful. They absolutely destabilize the skin tone. But red meat, liver, on the contrary, are useful. If not overcooked.


If you have problems with deepening your tan, pay attention to cosmetics. You may have changed it. If lotions, creams, shower gels and other products contain an extract cucumber juice Don't expect a great tan. It is an intense skin whitener. cucumber masks are cancelled. Otherwise, the question of how to keep a tan longer will not lose relevance throughout the season.

However, eating cucumbers has little effect on tanning. Also, cosmetics with natural fruit acids. These are basically shower gels. Therefore, you should wash immediately after a tanning session. plain water. Without any soap. Scrubs and peels are prohibited during this period. They can be used no earlier than 2 days after sunbathing.

Optical illusion

If in winter time If you have maintained your skin tone with the help of a tanning studio, then you have probably used various tan enhancers and bronzers. They give a completely different effect under and in normal sun. The likelihood that you are used to a studio skin tone is high. Against the backdrop of winter, it seemed to you that you were almost a mulatto; but without snow and with the rejection of the solarium, "enlightenment" may seem striking. In fact, everything is normal and the skin just releases the coloring pigment of the bronzer. If you continue to use it in the sun, the skin may still lighten somewhat. Natural sunlight is not always able to surpass the capabilities of an artificial lamp. In this case, there is no need to panic, unless, of course, your goal is African dark skin.

Sea and sun

In the event that getting a natural tan is a constant problem for you, you will have to go to the sea. Even the most skeptical of the idea that the ladies will sunbathe at sea return from the resort with spectacular bronze on their skin. The reason is the climate. The rays here act softly, reflecting from sand, water, dissipating in the air. About how to save sea ​​tan, not many people think - it is really deep and high-quality. However, if you eat less fried, spicy, salty and avoid alcohol, then the sea tan will last a very long time.

11 chose

After returning from the resort, you want to keep the bronze skin tone longer. There are several simple ways to do this.

You have probably noticed that a tan obtained at a seaside resort is much more intense: it looks brighter, but, alas, lasts less. If you took sunbaths in your native latitudes, then the skin tone will not be so bronze, but it will last an order of magnitude longer. This is explained very simply: in the south, the sun burns much stronger and the skin receives a decent dose of radiation, even if you sunbathed according to all the rules. That is why sea tan is so dark. Over time, the body will try to renew the epidermis faster, which is why southern tan going off so fast. But there are ways to keep it. We'll talk about this.

Tanned skin tends to be dry. For the most part, it is for this reason that it starts to go off earlier than you would like. So if you want to prolong the life of your tan, stock up on a good body moisturizer. Usually such products have the prefix "super", "intensive" or "extra". Apply it several times a day when you feel tightness and always after water procedures, paying special attention to obviously dry areas of the body.

The simplest and the right way maintain a tan - just prolong it. For example, in the solarium. Of course, this option will have its opponents and supporters. Be that as it may, if you decide to visit the solarium, prepare for this procedure as expected. Namely: take a sunscreen with a small protection factor, such as 10 or 15 SPF. Before sunbathing in a solarium, it is better not to take a shower, so as not to wash off the protective lipid barrier of the epidermis. But the day before it is desirable to do good scrub for body. Although we will prolong the tan, in fact, we will receive a new portion of ultraviolet radiation and in order for it to lie more evenly, dead cells must be removed. After tanning, be sure to moisturize your skin with a soothing moisturizing lotion. The tanning time in a solarium depends on your skin type: 5 minutes will be enough for fair girls, 7 minutes for dark ones.

Another surefire way to save golden hue skin - use self-tanning. Just use the bronzing lotion once or twice a week. Of course, do not forget about the scrub the day before. By the way, for those young ladies who were previously afraid to use self-tanning or had an unsuccessful experience with it, it is best to make another attempt right now, when the skin is still tanned - any flaws will simply not be so noticeable.

In addition, modern self-tanners imitate the natural color of a tan so well that you can not be afraid to get too yellow or pink.

If you want to keep your tan, refrain from using whitening products - masks and peels. They're filming upper layer skin, thereby literally erasing and tanning. If the need for the use of such products is great, then be sure to purchase a powder with a tanning effect or a washable bronzate. By the way, they can be used not only on the face, but also on the body. For example, in the décolleté, neck and shoulders.

Sunburn can be fixed not only with the help of external means. Include as many foods high in vitamin A and antioxidants as possible in your diet. Drink more fresh carrot juice and wipe your face. You can also drink a course of multivitamins.

To save your tan, you should wait a while with a visit to the sauna and bath. After such procedures, the metabolism increases and the skin turns noticeably pale. And while taking baths, add a strong infusion of tea or coffee to the water - this helps to keep a dark shade.

Most of the fair sex fair skin dream of a vacation that will allow them to transform. Namely, to change the painful pallor of the skin to a bronze tint of an even tan. But often, instead of the desired bronze tint, girls get bright red skin and the appearance of a fried chicken. In addition to this, the surface of the skin becomes painful, burns do not allow you to sleep normally and continue to rest, in the end everything is covered with a terrible spectacle of a sliding thin skin. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, as they say.

To avoid this, you need to follow some rules that will help you not burn out in the sun, but get a uniform, beautiful tan.

How to prepare your skin for tanning

Before going to the sea or to a body of water for the first time in this bathing season, you need to peel the skin. Removing dead scales will allow the tan to lie more evenly on your skin. For this you can use professional tools Or use what you have at home. Mix kefir with sugar, lemon juice and coffee. Apply the prepared mixture on the body and carefully wipe the skin with your hands. Lemon juice eats away dead skin cells. Sugar and coffee, like a brush, remove the dead layer. And kefir helps to moisturize and nourish the epidermis. Instead of all this, you can use a hard washcloth.

Do not do anything serious before sunbathing. cosmetic procedures. Deep peeling, facial cleansing, pigmentation removal and other operations imply complete UV protection for some time.

How to get an even and beautiful tan

  1. As soon as you set foot on the beach, do not rush to rush into the open sun. Especially if this is your first tan since. winter season. The skin is still quite tender and can acquire a bright red hue in half an hour. You need to get used to it gradually - 5 minutes in the morning on the first day, 10 minutes in the evening, 15 minutes in the morning on the second day, 20 minutes in the evening and so on. Subsequently, when the skin is already a little tanned, you can not be in direct sunlight for more than an hour.
  2. As you know, you can be in the sun only in the morning and in the evening, when the sun's rays fall on the ground at an oblique angle. Sunbathing from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. is strictly prohibited - powerful ultraviolet rays can provoke early aging epidermis and even skin cancer.
  3. Regardless of the fact that you want to get a tan, be sure to use sunscreen. It will help you avoid burns and help your tan go on more evenly. Remember that sunscreen should be applied every two hours. If you swim in a pond, after water procedures, you need to renew a layer of washed off cream, or use a waterproof cosmetic product. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its SPF score. It indicates the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. Usually creams are produced with SPF from 10 to 50. Children, as well as people with fair skin and blue eyes the maximum protection level is 50.
  4. To get a good tan, the skin must be enriched with vitamins E and C. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink green tea. It is very useful to drink a glass of carrot juice before a day at the beach.
  5. To prevent the nose and the skin under the eyes from burning and appearing especially red, it is important to wear a headdress, or better, a wide-brimmed hat.
  6. In the sun, and even more so, in sea windy weather, it is very easy to choke your lips. Use special hygienic lipsticks that will protect delicate skin lips from the sun.
  7. To get an even tan, you need to purchase open swimsuit, which does not leave a colorful pattern on the body. After all, such a tan is of little use - unless you put it on with it open dress? Maybe you have the opportunity to go to wild beaches and sunbathe naked?
  8. In no case do not manage to fall asleep while sunbathing. In this case, you can forget about an even tan. In addition, such carelessness can lead to burns and sunstroke.
  9. Very often, many girls complain that their shoulders and back are sunbathing the most. But the stomach, chest and thighs remain without a bronze coating. But remember yourself on the beach - we run, swim, build sand castles so that the back is more exposed to ultraviolet rays. To tan from all sides, move more and lie on a sunbed on your back - facing the sun.
  10. If you have very white skin that instantly turns red, you need to tan in the shade. The shadow scatters ultraviolet rays and only small portions of it fall on the skin. This is the only option for such people to get a beautiful and even tan.
  11. If you want to get a more intense tan, you need to use a cream with a tingle effect. It is applied to the skin, it promotes the production of more melanin, which makes your tan darker and more beautiful.

After sunbathing, do not forget about proper care behind your skin. When you come back from the beach, take a shower, but do not rub your skin with a washcloth - you can injure it. Then apply on skin light moisturizer, preferably based on aloe extract. The juice of this plant will not only give the skin lost moisture, but also saturate it with micronutrients.

Speaking of sunburn, I would like to consider everything alternative ways receiving it.

To get the right, beautiful and even tan in a solarium, you need to determine your skin type. This can be done by a solarium worker. Depending on the type of skin, the time spent in the capsule is determined, as well as the frequency of visits to the solarium. Usually, a session is recommended for beginners, which lasts no more than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of acceptance ultraviolet rays may take up to 15 minutes.

What is the solarium visit schedule? You can not be exposed to UV rays more than once a day, this is even prescribed by law in some foreign countries. Therefore, not a single salon will accept you twice a day. It is best to take ultraviolet every other day for the first time, until the tan is sufficiently developed. When your skin has acquired a pleasant shade, you can visit the solarium once every two weeks to maintain a tan. And remember that any tingling, unnaturally hot sensations are a signal to complete the procedure. Be attentive to your body.

When visiting the solarium, do not forget to remove all jewelry and contact lenses. Take care of availability bathing suit before entering the capsule. Ensure that employees beauty salon offered you special goggles that protect your eyes from UV radiation. And, of course, before visiting the solarium, do not apply on the face. decorative cosmetics You can only use sunscreen. And so that the tan in the capsule lies evenly, move your arms and legs slightly, change position. Do not press your chin to the grid, otherwise you will get in this place White spot. Tilt your head back as much as possible.

A beautiful tan hides many skin imperfections - freckles, cellulite, stretch marks. In addition, clothes on a beautiful tanned body look much prettier and sexier. Sunbathe, strive for perfection and look like summer!

Video: how to get an even tan