Temperature in early pregnancy What to do. What is dangerous high temperature. If the temperature is low

Pregnancy radically changes the daily way of women. Dynamically changing, the body concentrates all its efforts on the formation of a new life, building organs of the future little man. As strong, the child's health will be, largely depends on the mother, so the care of their health obliges future mothers to treat themselves with increased attention.

Since the functions and even the organs of the female organism are seriously changing in the process of bearing, careful and reverent attitude to the state of their health, the woman should be preserved throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Up to the appearance of the baby, you will have to listen to the slightest signs of malaise and immediately take the most effective measures to normalize your condition.

Temperatures during early pregnancy: norms

  1. The development of a new life in the womb is accompanied by a rapid increase in progesterone hormone. It is achieved by a normal reaction to such rapid changes is a slight increase in body temperature.
  2. In the absence of other signs, for example, malaise, it is not worth the alarm. In fact, nothing terrible occurs, just sharp changes in the hormonal system, previously unfamiliar organism, cause a small protective reaction.
  3. In fact, a small jump is the smallest and inconspicuous with which it will have to face the future mom in the process of adaptation. In addition, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman often experiences the attacks of nausea, and not only morning, as well as dizziness, reaching light fumbness. These are also ordinary phenomena associated with the restructuring of the body.
  4. But back to the temperature and its level. Normally, the thermometer testimony may vary slightly, within 37 - 37.1 ° C. In this case, there are no reasons for the panic, since the temperature rise is due only to a decrease in the immunity of the future mother to prevent the threat of intrauterine development of the fetus from the point of view of natural protective reactions. Thus, the body tries to preserve the embryo, reducing the likelihood of rejection of the emerging life.
  5. Why is this happening if the child is part of the mother? The explanation of this simple, the child, in addition to the mother genes, also inherits the father's genes, which are perceived as foreign onwards. Therefore, in obstetric practice, the temperature during pregnancy in early periods is considered the absolute norm within 37 ° C, and the diagnosis is determined as an increase caused by physiological changes that do not carry threats.
  6. Very soon the temperature is normalized and starting from 3 weeks the future mammy will cease to disturb this nuance.
  7. At later pregnancy rates, the temperature increases can be caused by both supercooling and banal overheating. Therefore, the choice of clothing during pregnancy should clearly fit the weather, it is not necessary to bother in winter, and too easy to dress in summer.

Temperatures during early pregnancy: threats

  1. High body temperature during early pregnancy can trigger the embryo rejection or the development of the fetus of various pathologies.
  2. Starting from 4 months of pregnancy, the child's nervous system is developing in full swing, so the state of the heat of the mother is extremely undesirable.
  3. After the 20th week of pregnancy, the hazard for the baby decreases somewhat, because since then it is reliably protected by the resulting placental barrier.
  4. Increased body temperature during pregnancy up to 37, 5 ° C for the fetus, it is necessary, but exceeding this value on the thermometer requires immediate response. On any time of pregnancy, a long-term heat of the mother is dangerous for the growth and development of the kid.
  5. The high temperature is disturbed by the protein synthesis, and also adversely affects the condition and functional component of the placenta.
  6. Prior to the drug treatment by a doctor, a pregnant woman can be taken in a limited concentration to take paracetamol or try to lower the temperature with the help of the child and pregnancy of folk agents. Remember that the uncontrolled drug intake may have the most negative consequences for pregnancy.

Cold for pregnancy

Increased temperature during pregnancy caused by ORZ, viruses and other pathogens, is extremely dangerous and many threats are not only for the mother, but also for the child. Moreover, the danger lifts the future mother throughout the term, because complications of pregnancy and the pathology of the child's development may arise at any time. If the thermometer is above 37.5 ° C - urgently go to the doctor, because the preservation of the fetus is in danger.

In this case, without qualified help of an experienced specialist cannot do. After inspection and analyzes, the doctor will determine the degree of danger, prescribes the necessary treatment, up to hospitalization. Strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, do not refuse the hospital, because a competently selected treatment regimen and constant control in this case is the guarantee of your health and well-being of the baby.

External infections during pregnancy: threats

Reduced immunity of a woman in a position begins the threat of increased susceptibility of the body to any external infection.

  1. Within 9 months, the health of pregnant mammies is threatened under the action of weather changes. These are supercooling, and overheating, and extremely dangerous viral diseases, sharpening during seasonal epidemics.
  2. It is autumn, winter and spring time in our latitudes - from September to April, is considered the most epidaste. Even a light cold can cause a significant increase in temperature.
  3. Especially dangerous, from the point of view of the development speed and damage to health, is an acute viral infection. In addition to high temperatures, characteristic symptoms of this disease are a runny nose, cough, headaches, painful feelings in the throat, as well as intoxication. If you discovered these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently turn to the doctor therapist and notify your gynecologist.
  4. Many progressive mothers who have eaten a single salt of salt on colds, without thinking about the consequences, prescribe largely advertised antiviral and immunostimulating drugs of the pharmaceutical industry. This cannot be done in any case, and even more so be so careless with the child under the heart.
  5. In addition, even folk methods, for example, to get the legs - can provoke miscarriage. Therefore, the tips of the girlfriends and grandmothers in this case, in the direction, because the health of the mother with the child depends on the right and timely prescribed treatment, and sometimes the outcome of pregnancy.

A woman during pregnancy often experiences dismisses, runny nose and other Symptoms of Light Orz. There is nothing surprising in this, because its increased vulnerability to infectious diseases is the result of reduced immune protection.

To avoid infection and consequences of diseases during pregnancy, it is enough just to fulfill a number of simple recommendations.

  1. Be careful and minimize contacts with sick people, up to their complete exception.
  2. Do not attend places of accumulation of a large number of people, try not to use urban transport, do not go to the movies, theater and public institutions with a high risk of morbidity.
  3. Do not neglect simple, all well-known prevention measures.
  4. Regularly ventilate the rooms in the house and make a wet cleaning.
  5. Walk more - long walks in the fresh air, receiving vitamins and compliance with the rules of hygiene will give their results. In addition, fresh air does not only strengthen the immunity, but also improves the emotional background and mood. And the calm, the peaceful situation has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the woman and the child.
  6. Do not be lazy more often wash your hands with soap, to clam your nose and throat, even if not sick.

Remember, for the sake of the health of the baby, it is better to try to warn complications within 9 months than then to deal with the consequences.

Cold for pregnancy: Treatment

If you failed to protect yourself from Orz, try to go using proven folk remedies, but remember, not all of them are equally useful for your delicate state.

  1. A pregnant woman, like all sick, will not hurt abundant drink. Just keep in mind, you need to drink in moderation. Too much liquid leads to edema, and it is undesirable. Especially carefully with liquids you need to be in the last weeks of pregnancy and women with impaired kidney functions. But in the early stages you can relax a little, but still not neglect the advice of doctors.
  2. Tea with lemon, lime, chamomile tea, raspberry drink and milk with honey will help to normalize the temperature and remove intoxication. It is important to remember that any liquid must be moderately warm, not hot.
  3. Herbal infusions are not recommended, as many herbs have contraindications for pregnant women.
  4. Cool wipes can also be facilitated by the state. But overheat and especially to steam in no case cannot. Writing can only increase the already high temperature.
  5. If the methods of the traditional medicine of a noticeable effect are not allowed, and the temperature will continue to keep more than 3 days, drug preparations appointed by the doctor will help to knock it down.
  6. In no case do not take medicines without prior consultation of the doctor. Only the therapist, together with the gynecologist, will select safe treatment.
  7. Traditional aspirin, thinning blood, in early terms can harm the development of a fetal egg. It seems to be a completely safe paracetamol, with long-term use has a very unpleasant side effect - disruption of the functioning of the liver and kidney.

It is better to take care of the prevention on time and do not get the whole period of the baby tooling.

Changing the temperature during pregnancy: other reasons

  1. Unfortunately, not only a cold can touched the future mothers on the way to the long-awaited replenishment of the family. Just like all people, they can become infected with such dangerous infectious diseases, like rubella, chickenpox, cortex and pig. These diseases are developing against a very high temperature, with concomitant rashes on the body, and may have catastrophic consequences for the development of the child. Only timely vaccination is the necessary prophylaxis against this kind of disease.
  2. Chair disorder and high temperatures are indicators of intestinal infection in the body.
  3. If a pregnant mommy is aware of chronic kidney diseases and urinary tract, it must be remembered that they can lead to exacerbation of the disease at later pregnancy. This is because the increasing uterus, every day, puts more grazing to nearby organs. As a result, the outflow of urine is disturbed, which leads to the reproduction of microorganisms. Woman, except for temperature, suffers from pulling pain at thenime abdomen and lower back, and urination gives pain.
  4. Such symptoms like a strong headache, the severity in the frontal area, covered with a white throat, nasal discharge, accompanied by a low temperature, should be a reason for urgent appeal to a doctor with a targeted examination.
  5. Rarely, but in pregnant women there is a so-called temperature fever, as a sign of an allergic response of the body for inflammation of non-infectious nature.

REDUCED TEMPERATURE IN Early Pregnancy: Causes

In obstetric practice there are cases when pregnancy causes a decrease in body temperature. Such an unusual feature of the body of the threat to the fetus, fortunately, does not bear.

  1. Early toxicosis, overwork and violations in the work of the endocrine system lead the body to decline forces. If you do not accept adequate measures in time, there are more complications in a state of health: weakness, dizziness and frequent fainting. It is important to do something only after consulting with a specialist.
  2. The body temperature of a pregnant woman is an important health indicator, so it is necessary to regularly measure it. Any deviations from the norm signals the pathological processes occurring in the body. If the temperature deviations are also accompanied by ailment, you need to immediately notify the doctor controlling the pregnancy.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

Separate attention deserves the topic of basal temperature during pregnancy.

  1. Its main feature is the method of measurement. You can learn the level of basal temperature by placing the thermometer into the rectum or in the vagina.
  2. For the accuracy of the indicators, basal temperature is measured in complete rest immediately after sleep, eliminating any physical exertion.
  3. The testimony of basal temperature is especially important in the first weeks and even the days of pregnancy, when slightly exceed the norm as it is an indicator of pregnancy.
  4. If pregnancy proceeds without complications, the temperature is normalized and its indicator reaches a normal value.
  5. It does not make sense to perform measurements in the second half of pregnancy, but in the early period of pregnancy it is necessary to control the basal temperature to prevent the threat of interruption or difficulties in the development of the fetus.
  6. If the level of the next measurement of basal temperature decreased at least 0.8 ° C and more is a sign of the drop of progesterone. In this position, the development of the fetus stops, and the pregnancy turns out to be frozen.
  7. Basal temperature indicators talk about the need to assign hormone therapy. Timely appeal to the doctor can rectify the situation.

Measuring temperature in pregnant women is an effective means of controlling the process of proceeding. Timely detection of deviations will avoid complications. The beginning of a large life path of the mother and the child is destined to go together. Show maximum responsibility in the first 40 weeks of the emerging life. Mainly it depends on how this life will be. Happiness for the baby have a careful and caring mother. Feed yourself and your child from possible complications. Perform your main purpose in life with honor.

When a woman finds out about her new position, she begins to experience new sensations. They are not always pleasant. It may be weakness, drowsiness, malaise, smearing pain in the area of \u200b\u200bgroin, nasal congestion, stuffing heat or cold and so on. One of the most disturbing sensations is the increased body temperature. In this article we will look at whether the high temperature in pregnancy is normal or it is worth alert.

Changing body temperature

The body temperature of the woman fluctuates much more often than the temperature of the man's body. This is explained by the fact that the woman's body is subject to change every month. For example, the temperature balance may vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Accordingly, the temperature rise in the first days of pregnancy is also normal for the female organism.

As is known, several phases are included in the menstrual cycle. During each of the phases, certain processes occur: the ripening of the egg, its exit to the abdominal cavity, fertilization and further development or death and removal from the body, if fertilization has not happened.

For each of the processes, appropriate conditions are necessary. For example, if fertilization occurred, then a higher temperature is required to maintain the life of the egg, rather than for the ripening period. Therefore, with the onset of ovulation, the body temperature rises and persists until the end of the menstrual cycle in case of fertilization. In the first days of pregnancy, the temperature remains elevated, which helps the germin in the uterus and start its development.

Hormone progesterone

The effect of hormone progesterone affects the temperature indicator in the first days of pregnancy. With the onset of ovulation, and then conception, it begins to be produced in large quantities, which prevents the organism heat transfer. This process can be observed throughout the first trimester, since during this period the yellow body lives, which produces this hormone. There are such situations where the temperature remains high throughout the pregnancy, but should not be taken for pathology. This factor is in no way affects the development of the child.

Can the temperature be a sign of pregnancy? Undoubtedly. It is recommended that even measure it every day to understand whether the miscarriage occurred, especially if there is a bloody selection.

Weed immunity and intoxication

Another reason for increasing the temperature as the first sign of pregnancy in the early stages is a reduced woman's immunity. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon provided for by nature. It is necessary that the mother's body does not fought with the "alien" body and gave quietly to attach the embryo in the uterus. For the same reason, nausea arises. Increased temperature and nausea in the first days of pregnancy make it clear that the fertilization occurred and a new life originated in the female organism.

Immunity declines temporarily. As soon as the embryo entrenches in the uterus and starts to develop when he has his own immune system, then the woman's immunity will become the same.

Some believe that the change in thermoregulation occurs due to intoxication in the body of a woman caused by the development of the embryo. It is for this reason that there is an opinion that vegetarians who do not use meat, such organism reactions are less common.

What can be seen on the thermometer?

So, what temperature in the first days of pregnancy is considered normal? A generally accepted average meaning is 36.6. But this indicator can fluctuate for several tenths.

The temperature of 37 o C and higher is already considered increased. If a woman had an increased temperature before conception, it will be an order of magnitude higher after fertilization. It is not necessary to scare this. In the first days of pregnancy, the temperature of 37 degrees or above is normal. The process of implantation of the embryo is very complicated, so the change in the thermoregulation of the body is the most common safe phenomenon.

Basal temperature

To control women's health, basal temperature is measured. This is an internal temperature that is measured in the rear pass immediately after waking up for 5-7 minutes.

What is the basal temperature on the first day of pregnancy? During menstruation, the basal temperature is 36.7-36.9 degrees. At the time of ovulation, it rises, its indicator is 37.2-37.4 degrees. If the conception has not happened, then 5-8 days before the date of the intended menstruation, it begins to decline. However, if the egg cell was fertilized, the basal temperature indicator usually does not change.

Measuring basal temperature is one of the most popular and reliable methods for determining pregnancy. Women who constantly monitor the internal temperature indicators can determine that they are in position, even before the menstruation delay.

What can affect basal temperature?

There are many factors that can change a reliable gradation rate. Among them:

  • sleep less than 4-6 hours;
  • sexual intercourse (must pass at least 4 hours);
  • uncomfortable ambient temperature (too hot or too cold);
  • measurement at different times (it is recommended to measure in the morning at the same time after awakening);
  • the presence of sharp inflammatory diseases or chronic in the aggravation stage;
  • reception on the eve of alcoholic beverages or psychotropic drugs.

In order to identify the temperature features of your body, you need to measure basal temperature for three or more menstrual cycles. Thus, you can get a more complete picture of a hormonal background of a woman.

Decrease in temperature

An increase in temperature indicators does not always remain unnoticed. Some women feel malaise, others do not have any new sensations.

Against the background of pregnancy, the temperature can not only increase, but also to decrease. This may indicate the insufficient developing of progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy. Of course, this can only be a feature of your body, but it is still necessary to report this to the doctor. It is likely that hormonal therapy will need to preserve pregnancy. A particularly important indicator is a sharp decrease in temperature after its increase.

Causes of reduced temperature

Reduced temperature indicators during pregnancy may be observed with the following concomitant states of a woman:

  • individual features of the female organism;
  • intoxication of the body (toxicosis);
  • overwork;
  • iron-deficiency anemia;
  • improper nutrition and disadvantage of useful substances in the body;
  • violations in the work of the endocrine system.

A decrease in temperature can deliver as many unpleasant symptoms as the increase. A woman can feel the overall weakness of the body, increased sweating, headaches, dizziness, up to loss of consciousness.

The thermoregulation of a woman with a pregnancy is a very individual indicator. Reduced or elevated body temperature in the absence of other unpleasant symptoms is not a pathological feature. But for more reliable information about the development of your baby, you should consult a doctor.

How to prevent temperature differences?

To avoid leaks of temperature at the beginning of pregnancy, it is customary to perform certain measures. They do not differ from the prevention of colds and viral diseases.

  1. It is necessary to speed up the room in the house more often, especially those where the future mother is most often. However, sewing rooms can not. Therefore, it is important not only to air, but also good to dump the rooms.
  2. It is better not to visit the places of accumulation of people, especially if during this period various epidemics (ORVI, influenza, tuberculosis, etc.) are observed. If visits cannot be avoided, it is necessary to use a mask and other personal protective equipment.
  3. It is necessary to comply with measures to preserve health: not to translate, wash your hands after the street, clean the nasal passages and the oral cavity, etc.
  4. Monitor your nutrition. It must be balanced and healthy. Increase the consumption of vitamins, they are contained in fruits, vegetables, meat and fish products.
  5. Polyvitamins are allowed to strengthen immunity. However, only your gynecologist should be appointed, depending on the term of pregnancy.

When is it worth alert?

Increased body temperature can be considered not only as the first sign of pregnancy in early time. Many inflammatory processes in the body are also accompanied by a change in temperature. Often, the body also responds to the fact of conception, also the nasal congestion, sleepiness, chills and weakness. At this time, it is important not to confuse the occurrence of pregnancy with the beginning of a cold illness or influenza. After all, the reception of medicines can provoke miscarriage. Therefore, it is recommended to use folk remedies when such symptoms appear.

Your attention should be paid to the fact that the body's reaction on the occurrence of pregnancy remains stable, that is, does not deteriorate over time. While viral and colds tend to grow symptoms. If in a few days you do not observe the appearance of additional symptoms, such as cough, abundant discharge from the nose, tearing, allocate or pain in the throat, then you should not worry.

When a woman begins to notice other signs of pregnancy at the same time with an increased body temperature, the first thing you need to do is a test. Then it is recommended to visit the gynecologist and become credited to the women's consultation.


The temperature in the first days of pregnancy, reaching 38 degrees, is dangerous to the fetus. This situation requires an immediate medical intervention. You can only bring down this temperature only with paracetamol, since other drugs during the battery period are contraindicated.

There are certain rules for the use of drugs at the beginning of pregnancy:

  • the antipyretic drugs cannot be taken at a temperature of less than 38 degrees;
  • reception of antibiotics is allowed only in extreme cases and under the strict control of the doctor;
  • recommended the reception of vitamin complexes and drugs that increase immunity;
  • in severe cases, taking drugs, contraindicated during pregnancy, under strict medical control.


Also relieve the state at elevated temperatures in the first days of pregnancy will help the following funds of traditional medicine:

  • wet wipes with fresh lemon juice and vinegar;
  • compresses from fresh cabbage leaves;
  • milk with honey (2 tsp of liquid honey dissolve in warm milk; drink big sips on a glass 2 times a day; the main thing is that it is precisely warm, and not hot);
  • cranberry Morse (400 g of cranberries to smoke in porridge and squeeze juice, add sugar, pour 2.5 liters of water and warm up);
  • lime tea (1.5 tbsp. Crushed dried linden flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, cool and can be taken);
  • compote from ginger root (ginger clean and cut thin straw, cook with sugar syrup and put ginger there; insist 2 hours in a dark place and consist in warm form);
  • the decoction of the leaves of the raspberry (leaves washed, crushed and pour boiling water; after 20 minutes, the decoction should be strain and add sugar, cool and drink 2-3 mugs per day).

Increased temperature during pregnancy Always disturbing woman: is it dangerous for the baby? How can you knock down a high temperature?

Why increase the temperature during pregnancy?

The body temperature ranges from 35.8 ° C to 41 ° C. It is conditionally accepted to divide it on:

The body temperature of a non-removed woman ranges from 36.6 ° C to 37.2 ° C. It depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Of course, each organism is individual, and the temperature of 36.6 ° is only conditionally normal, but nevertheless such oscillations occur with a certain periodicity. In the second phase of the cycle, active method of progesterone hormone. Progesterone affects the center of the thermoregulation of a woman, it has the property of pyrogen, i.e. Ability to raise the temperature. Because of this, the body temperature in the second phase of the cycle can slightly exceed the norm, to become subfebrile.

Increased body temperature is preserved during pregnancy. In the first trimester, it can hold on to 37.4 ° C, in the second and third trimesters, as a rule, does not exceed 37 ° C.

If, besides an increased temperature, the future mother does not bother anything else, then this is considered an option for the norm.

Temperature due to illness

Unlike the immunity of non-empty women, the immunity of the future mother is weakened, the body is more susceptible to disease. This is due to the increase in the total burden on the body. In addition, the future child wears someone else's genetic information, and the activity of the immune system decreases so that the body does not refuse it.

Is the temperature for a pregnant woman dangerous?

Each has its own degree of endurance. Someone at a temperature of 38 ° C is already bad, and someone and at 39 ° C feels relatively normal. For the most pregnant woman, the high temperature carries the same danger as for an ordinary person. In the worst case, at a very high temperature, cramps may occur, live breathing, myocardial infarction occur.

To high temperatures, you should always treat carefully and immediately call an ambulance if:

  • the temperature exceeded the 39 ° C mark;
  • there are diseases of the heart, lung, nervous system;
  • diagnosed sugar diabetes;
  • there were convulsions, vomiting or loss of consciousness.

Is the elevated body temperature dangerous during pregnancy for the fetus?

Dangerous for the child is considered if the mother's body temperature is above 38 ° C and lasts longer than three days.

The most sensitive to various factors is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the bookmark and the formation of the future man organs occur. High temperature during pregnancy It may affect the formation of the CNS, the cardiovascular system, the development of the limbs and even affect the appearance of the child.

After 14 weeks of pregnancy, the high temperature no longer has such an influence on the child, but contributes to the development of intrauterine hypoxia and may cause the interruption of the pregnancy itself (miscarriage or premature childbirth).

Do not risk - if pregnant woman has a high temperature, she should take measures to reduce it.

How to bring down the temperature in pregnant?

  1. 1. If the body temperature is low, and you feel normal, you should not begin active treatment. An increase in temperature is the normal reaction of the organism to the penetrated virus or infection.
  2. 2. If you have a subfebrile or moderately elevated temperature, and the overall health is generally not bad, the treatment can be started by folk remedies. Folk remedies include abundant warm drinking and wiping.
  3. 3. If non-drug treatment does not help, and your well-being does not improve, then paracetamol can be enhanced to reduce the temperature (no more than 4 tablets per day). In addition to paracetamol, you can use Vuribol.
  4. 4. Aspirin to reduce the temperature is not used at any time of pregnancy!
  5. 5. The listed drugs do not treat the disease itself, but only knock down the temperature, therefore, to form an accurate diagnosis and purpose of proper treatment, you should contact the doctor.

So, if the body temperature of the pregnant woman does not exceed 37.4 ° C and the woman does not bother anything else, then this is the version of the norm. In all other cases, it should be "listening" to its body and act on the basis of well-being and degree readings.

Pregnancy is the time of change and rebuilding in the body of the future mother, and often the girl will ask the question, what should be the temperature during pregnancy, the rate of indicators. It is very important to carefully monitor your own health and pay attention to the slightest changes. In particular, it is necessary to control body temperature indicators and seek help if the norm is deviated.

Body thermoregulation rate

In general, when entering the child, the body temperature indicators should not be different from human indicators in the usual condition.

A small increase in body temperature can be physiological and not indicate the problem

However, there are a number of factors that can provoke a rise in temperature to 37.1 ° C in the first and second trimesters. This state of doctors consider not dangerous. This is due, as a rule, with the following factors:

  • the production of hormone - progesterone, which is actively produced in the body of a woman;
  • immunosuppression, impairment of immunity, which is associated with the addition of fertilized egg.

These are natural changes in the body of a woman who can cause changes in thermoregulation. Control over the state of the future mother is necessary and for this you need to regularly attend the attending physician.

What are the increased indicators

Increased body temperature During the toddler period, the baby can signal about a number of violations. When manifesting such a symptom, urgently need to consult a doctor to eliminate the danger to the fetus or for the future mother. Speaking of increasing indicators, the temperature is higher than 37.5 ° C.

Increase in temperature may indicate the development of a cold, the presence of a viral infection or poisoning. Viral disease or ORVI requires medication therapy. For assignments, you need to contact the observer doctor.

Increasing the body temperature of a pregnant woman can be a symptom of ORVI or other disease

Pneumonia or kidney problems can also appear increasing temperature indicators. And, if with a cold you can cope with the help of folk methods, in this case it will not work without drugs. It is required to visit the clinic for testing analyzes, the passage of relevant research and receipt of the recommendations of the attending physician.

In addition, symptom of increased indicators may be accompanied by such conditions as:

  • increased tone of the uterus (in some cases leads to miscarriage);
  • pathology of the placenta (provokes painful fetal changes);
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system (the cause is often serious inxication of the body of the girl);
  • the malformations of the kid (often manifest in the first trimester).

Nevertheless, the most frequent reasons for temperature with an increased rate is a cold, flu, ARVI or kidney problems. For treatment, you can apply the recipes of traditional medicine, but to pre-consult with the observatory doctor.

What are the reduced indicators

The reduced temperature during pregnancy can also talk about the presence of pathology. But there are cases when the temperature below 36.6 ° C does not indicate any of the diseases, is considered the norm. Most often, the causes of reduced indicators are:

  • specific features of the body of a woman;
  • toxicosis;
  • extreme overwork;
  • iron deficiency in the body of a woman (anemia);
  • lack of nutrients;
  • failures in the work of the endocrine system.

Long preservation of low temperature indicators can cause sharp headaches, deterioration of well-being, dizziness and loss of consciousness. An explicit sign of violation of the thermoregulation of the body of a woman is a strengthened sweating.

Doctors often have to answer the questions of pregnant women about whether it is necessary to constantly control their temperature. In fact, there is no particular need. In the absence of signs of ailment of a threat to the body and the future of the child.

Increased or reduced temperatures are able to talk about the individuality of this woman. At the same time, for the first time, it may be such a feature that can be in the period of tooling the baby. The main provocateurs of such a phenomenon are the rebuildings of a hormonal background, a decrease in immunity, etc. In the manifestation of various symptoms and ailments, it is necessary to immediately turn to the observing doctor to eliminate the development of pathology.

Clear standards and standards of the body temperature of pregnant

On the question of what temperature during pregnancy should talk about pathology, it is difficult to answer unequivocally and specifically. Indicators can be varied depending on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. At the same time, deviations from the generally recognized norm at 36.6 ° C can talk about serious disorders in the body of a woman. Especially carefully for temperature indicators need to be monitored in the third trimester. This last stage of the baby tooling does not imply changes in the body of a woman who can cause an increase or decrease in temperature.