The inscription from February 23 in a beautiful font

In 2018, the Russian people will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day for the 96th time, this holiday was approved back in 1922. And although almost a hundred years have passed since the moment when the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFRF issued a decree that every year on February 23, citizens of the USSR countries will celebrate the foundation day of the Soviet army and navy, the traditions of celebrating this date have changed little. On this day, in honor of the holiday, rallies are held, fireworks are launched, congratulations to the defenders of the Fatherland, and of course, men are given postcards for February 23 with congratulations. The tradition of congratulating soldiers and officers of the army and navy, as well as men who gave their debt to the Motherland, with postcards, arose back in the 30s of the twentieth century, and now Soviet retro postcards with inscriptions are in electronic form. In 2018, rarely does anyone give paper cards for February 23, because pictures with congratulations can be downloaded for free from the network and sent by messenger. Moreover, on the Internet, the choice of free postcards for every taste is almost limitless - you can find pictures in retro style, and images of patriotic themes, and funny postcards from February 23 with humor.

During the existence of the USSR, February 23 was celebrated on a grand scale - on this day parades were held, fireworks were launched, and the command issued prizes and awards to servicemen. Therefore, Soviet postcards for February 23 were just as solemn - with images of defenders and weapons and patriotic inscriptions. But greeting cards with humor for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the USSR were almost impossible to find.

Although most modern men are sure that modern postcards for February 23 are much more interesting and beautiful than Soviet ones, there are still those who prefer retro pictures. And especially often, admirers of Soviet postcards are older men who served in the army even before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, electronic versions of Soviet postcards are a great way to congratulate dad or grandfather on February 23.

Collection of Soviet postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day for men

Here is a small selection of Soviet postcards for February 23. With exactly the same postcards, Soviet people congratulated each other on the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy in the 60s - 80s of the last century.

Beautiful cards for February 23 to my husband free download

Postcards for February 23, drawn by modern artists and designers, are distinguished by the brightness of colors and the beauty and originality of the image. The inscription "Happy Defender of the Fatherland" on them is made in a beautiful font, and often - with animation effects. It will not be difficult to download such beautiful postcards for February 23 for free - each of them can be saved to a laptop or computer in 2 clicks.

Moreover, it is important that you can find free postcards on the Internet, on which, in addition to the standard congratulations, there is also the inscription “Husband”, “Father”, “Beloved”, etc. It is especially pleasant for men to receive such cards, because they will immediately see that the picture was specially chosen for them.

A selection of beautiful postcards with congratulations for her husband from February 23, 2018

We have selected and placed below both funny and especially beautiful postcards for February 23 to my husband. Each of them can be downloaded for free and then sent to the closest man - spouse, protector and head of his family.

Postcards for February 23 with inscriptions to the Pope

No matter how old a person is, his father will always be an authority, support and protector for him. Our dads took care of us in childhood, protected us and taught us many life wisdom, so we must not forget to congratulate them on all the holidays, including February 23rd. And it doesn't matter if the father is nearby or 1000 kilometers away, in any case he will be very pleased to receive a beautiful postcard for 23 with a congratulatory inscription.

Beautiful cards for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Here all netizens can download beautiful postcards for February 23 with inscriptions - words of sincere congratulations. These cards with Defender of the Fatherland Day will surely bring a smile to their father's face and prove to him once again that his children have love and respect for him.

Cards to a friend on February 23 with congratulations

For a long time, February 23 has been considered an unofficial "men's day", on which all men are congratulated - both those who served in the army and those who have not yet paid their debt to the Motherland. Therefore, sending postcards for February 23 with congratulations to all familiar men - colleagues, friends and virtual interlocutors is now considered a manifestation of politeness. Moreover, not only women congratulate men - representatives of the stronger sex also exchange postcards and congratulations among themselves.

On February 23rd, you can send a friend almost any themed postcard - both with patriotic inscriptions and the flag of the Russian Federation, or a funny one. After all, the most important thing is not a picture, but attention and sincere congratulations on the holiday.

A selection of postcards with inscriptions for friends on Defender of the Fatherland Day

On our site below there is an excellent mini-selection of postcards for February 23 to friends. These postcards can be sent both to adults who have served in the army and to young men - the future defenders of our Fatherland.

Beautiful cards from February 23 to men with congratulations

Colleagues, boss and business partners should also be congratulated on February 23rd. And it is best for them to send postcards from February 23 to men with congratulations, decorated in a patriotic style. Such congratulatory pictures are, first of all, a sign of attention and respect, therefore, when choosing a postcard for a boss or a business partner, one should give preference to "classic" pictures, rather than postcards with humor.

Cards with beautiful congratulations from February 23, 2018

Here you can download postcards from February 23 for free to congratulate colleagues and partners. Also, with such postcards, you can congratulate older relatives and not close acquaintances of men.

Funny cards from February 23, 2018 for a boy

On February 23, they congratulate not only those who have already paid their debt to the Fatherland, but also the future defenders of the Fatherland. And if it is better for serious men to send serious congratulatory pictures, then boys and young men will more like funny postcards from February 23rd. These postcards are decorated with comic images and inscriptions, and they will surely appeal to young people. Also on the network there are absolutely children's postcards from February 23, intended for very young representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Children's cards from February 23, 2018

Here is a selection of funny postcards for children from 23 February. These postcards for the little ones will help to instill courage in a child from childhood and instill in him a love for the Motherland.

Greeting cards from February 23 with humor

Postcards from February 23 with humor are suitable not only for children and adolescents, but also for close men with a good sense of humor. These funny pictures will surely evoke the addressee's memories of the funny and curious moments that happened to him and his comrades in the army, and make them smile. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the postcards with humor posted below are a way not only to congratulate a man on February 23, but also to cheer him up.

Download postcards from February 23rd and congratulate men for free

All postcards posted above for February 23 can be downloaded for free on your PC or smartphone. Choose which postcards with congratulations will please your familiar men more - Soviet, funny or humorous, and send them along with the most sincere wishes. Beautiful original postcards from February 23 in 2018, like 90 years ago, are a great way to congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

February 23 - the day of the most courageous and brave boys, men and grandfathers - the day of the real defenders of the Fatherland. On this bright holiday, shrouded in the haze of heroic stories and the shadow of great deeds, all children and adults rush to respect dads, husbands, friends, classmates, neighbors and even colleagues at work with the best congratulations with beautiful wishes and heartfelt parting words. The closest and dearest men buy nice symbolic gifts, friends and acquaintances are given cool greeting souvenirs, the rest are sent free postcards for February 23, 2018 with funny inscriptions and subtle thematic humor. Particularly conservative "defenders" are selected old Soviet pictures, ideally conveying the spirit of the times of the inception of the celebration.

Greeting cards with inscriptions to the boy on February 23

Children of school age can hardly be called defenders of the Fatherland. But in their own way they are already brave: defenders of weak children, helpers to their mothers, rescuers of chicks and kittens, young strategists. So why not congratulate the boys with cute postcards with characteristic inscriptions on the festive day of February 23rd. Such a sign of attention will be a small gratitude to them for good deeds in the past and a huge incentive to become great defenders of their Motherland in the future. Download greeting cards with inscriptions for the boy on February 23rd and send them to all classmates, friends and neighbors.

Collection of greeting cards with inscriptions to boys for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Beautiful cards for February 23 with congratulations to her husband

On the valiant Defender of the Fatherland Day, all young girls and adult women rush to congratulate their spouses with the most pleasant gifts and surprises. It's a pity, not everyone has the opportunity to present their present personally to the hero of the occasion. However, for couples living at a distance, there is a good way out - beautiful postcards for February 23 with congratulations to her husband. Thematic pictures in electronic format, supplemented with good wishes and eloquent parting words, can be transferred to a spouse in a few seconds, even hundreds or thousands of kilometers away. Beautiful greeting cards are a great way to congratulate your husband on February 23 and at the same time express your feelings and gratitude to your beloved for a firm shoulder.

A selection of beautiful postcards for Defender of the Fatherland Day to congratulate her husband

Original postcards from February 23 with congratulations to familiar men

Due to the lack of free time, many women start looking for original greeting cards for familiar men no earlier than the eve of February 23rd. As a result, a quick look at two or three Internet sites leads to a disastrous result: we congratulate our dear friend, godfather and colleague with the most primitive picture with a template phrase. It's time to change stereotypes. The next section contains the most original postcards from February 23 with congratulations to familiar men, which you can download quickly and for free just now, without putting it off for later!

Variants of original greeting cards for men by February 23

Greeting cards for dad on February 23: free download

In the life of every girl there are defenders: a cheerful neighbor in a kindergarten school desk, a sympathetic classmate, a loving work colleague, a husband, and after that, a son. But the very first and most important protector of every girl is her father! It is this man who takes his little princess in his arms, regrets after an accidental fall, hugs and supports in moments of intense excitement and shares the joys of victories and achievements. So, dad deserves the most beautiful and sincere greeting card for February 23, albeit downloaded for free, if only from the bottom of his heart. Of course, you can attach a homemade souvenir or a store-bought gift to the postcard, but even a small token of gratitude will be enough. Just download a free birthday card for dad on February 23rd and send it to the famous sutra number early.

A selection of postcards for free download to dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Unusual postcards from February 23 with humor

If there are many guys and men with an excellent sense of humor among your friends, we recommend downloading several unusual postcards with humor for the holiday on February 23 for free on our website. Such pictures will help not only to successfully congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland on their professional day, but also it is good to cheer them up in the morning. And it doesn't matter what the weather will set the tone for the new day of the heroes of the occasion (the gloomy February slush or the monotonous thump of rain), your unusual postcard from February 23 with humor will quickly correct even the most pessimistic mood.

Collection of funny cards with humor for guys on February 23

Funny cards from February 23 to a friend

On a primordially man's day - February 23 - do not forget to congratulate all your friends with cool postcards: those who repay the debt to the army, who have served for a long time, and even those who are not at all going to defend their Motherland. Over the past twenty to thirty years, the celebration has turned from a holiday of victory and the birth of the Red Army into an ordinary men's day, dedicated to all representatives of the strong half of humanity. This means that everyone can be congratulated, regardless of their involvement in the armed forces. Just download cool postcards from February 23 to a friend and send them via SMS or social networks. He will surely be pleased to see your greeting.

Funny greeting cards to friends for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Vintage Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed back in 1991, the images on many greeting cards for the Defender of the Fatherland Day still remind of bygone times. Why not use such electronic pictures to amuse the nostalgia of our fathers and grandfathers? Vintage Soviet postcards for February 23, 2018 (Defender of the Fatherland Day) depict the traditional attributes of the heroes of that time: stars and banners, flags and military equipment, Kremlin walls and victory salutes.

Gallery of old postcards of the USSR for February 23

Previously, children's and adult postcards for February 23, 2018 for boys and men had to be searched for a long time, made on their own, or expensive to buy. The assortment of beautiful cards with congratulations and inscriptions was quite small and the desired variety was clearly not observed. Today, you can download even the coolest Soviet or modern postcard with humor for Defender of the Fatherland Day for free for dad, husband or friend, without much effort. That significantly colors the holiday for men and makes it easier for women to prepare it.

The last month of winter is not only a reason to part with the cold weather, but also to send sincere congratulations to men on February 23. After all, every woman is surrounded by a large number of representatives of the strong half of humanity ...

On this day, kind words must be said to dad, husband, boyfriend, brother, friend, colleagues and even a passing soldier who defended the Motherland.

But what wishes to choose from February 23 for each category of men? Will it be poetry or congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose? To whom is it better to address beautiful words, and to whom - cool "congratulations"? Let's figure it out together!

Congratulations on February 23 to husband or boyfriend- the most demanded. The text can be humorous, and the presentation can be artistic. For example, a lover can be compared with a general, and yourself with a private. Or you can use a romantic text, complementing it with a thematic photo. You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a cannon, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love!

My handsome man, my hero!
My defender is swashbuckling!
Behind your mighty back
Like a stone wall!

Be mobile, active,
Fit, athletic,
You are the best I have!
Honey, since February 23rd!

You are the only protector
Our little family.
How my daughter and I need
Your hands are strong.

Always be so brave
Gentle, kind, dear.
The rest is not important.
We love you so!

My dear! Defender of the Fatherland Day I say "thank you" for your strength and reliability, for the fact that our family is completely safe with you.
Beloved, on this valiant holiday I wish: to win only trust, authority and new horizons. Obey only your own willpower. Command opportunities, lead yourself to victory and success. And I am behind you, like behind a shield. Congratulations on February 23!
On this day, you can even afford to be frivolous and meet your beloved man in an erotic khaki suit ... And then words alone will not be enough!

In addition, it is important to compose a congratulation guy in verse. This will emphasize the seriousness of your attitude to this holiday and respect for its army past. But most importantly, congratulations on February 23 to your beloved should be sincere and go with all your heart.

Happy men's day.
Be, my friend, always like this:
The strongest, the most courageous.
Confirm the words with all deeds.

Be ready to stand in the ranks
Protect and guard.
Be faithful to your country.
And, of course, me!

With or without weapons,
You are ready to defend both the Motherland and your loved ones,
You are without a doubt, the hero, of my novel,
And on this day I bow to you low.

Do not paint men completely pathos,
And a real hero doesn't need a show-off,
He does not need metaphors in his biography,
A man has only masculine features.

In you, dear, everything oozed at once,
You are always valiant and brave
And I know that you won't be afraid
Not before problems, not before the enemy - never!

You are a protector wherever,
I know very well.
In the middle of the night without fear
I'm walking with you.

You conquered me
Kind, strong, brave.
He conquered dad and mom -
Not an easy task.

I want to tell you
In the midst of winter and cold
I want to live my life with you
I need you a lot.

As for the "congratulations" to dad then she can be humorous too. Of course, poems with a joke are inappropriate here, but funny jokes on this day are quite acceptable.

The text should be fun but respectful. Dad will be pleased if you use army photos, stick them on the stand and make cool but kind signatures. Such a handmade gift is the most precious thing!

Dad - Happy Defender Day,
Our whole family is proud of you,
You are the real chapter for us
You are a support, you are a strong wall!

Congratulations to dad
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

Means also a warrior,
Not a commander, though.
Worthy of the holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
You will not give me the abyss:
I am the glorious Motherland
Small part.

What could dad want?
You have no mind
You will teach us all our lives
How right we need to live

Well, teach me, father, for a hundred years,
You are not wiser in the world!
And since February 23rd
I want to congratulate you!

I congratulate you
From February 23rd.
Daddy dear, dear,
I am always proud of you.

Let everything be with you
Never be discouraged.
You are my hero, I love you.
You, dad, are the best with me.

Daddy, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you peace of mind and peace. Let only joy and light be in your life. You are our support, protection, support! You combine all the best qualities of a real man and a master of the house. I wish you health, self-realization and all the necessary benefits!

Many girls don't know what kind of "congratulations" to pick up for my brother. In fact, there are a great many suitable options! Moreover, the brother can find a text of both serious and funny content. Even songs - wishes for February 23rd will do. This kind of creativity will appeal to every brother!

May everything in your life be cool.
Foreign currency rustles in my pocket,
So that you never need anything
And without straining he enjoyed life.
After all, you deserve it, we will notice.
Brother, congratulations on the 23rd!

From 23 February
Congratulations, brother, you!
Be strong, brave, brave
No matter how difficult the path is!

I believe you will find yourself
And you will still take yours!
Your dreams will come true.
I know you can do anything!

We have been together since childhood -
In happiness, in joy, in trouble.
There is no human dearer
In my life and destiny.

You are a real man -
Kind, bold and straightforward.
I wish to be near
We were always with you.

You drove me around the house
Broke my mother's flowers
The cat was sent out the window ...
It was all there. But for a long time.

The years passed, you grew up
I wanted to become our protection.
You have achieved a lot in life:
There is a career, he is already married.

Now the man is in front of me,
Beloved brother - I'm proud of you!
You are stronger - you are not in the world!
And on holiday, I send you greetings.

You can come off to the fullest by looking for humorous holiday greetings to a friend... It can be just funny and even with a joke text. However, the best congratulations are, of course, those that extol masculinity, courage and determination of a man. Met on this day with these words, a friend will feel like a real warrior!

If you want to be a military man
But until you become one
Train on girls
And slay them on the spot !!!

To a real man
All tasks are within reach!
Happy holiday of the cool and strong
I want to congratulate again.

Let colleagues respect
Let my wife not drink
Money will not melt during a crisis!
From February 23rd!

Come on, my friend, let's get together
Keeping the tradition in everything,
And, as usual, let's hope -
In honor of our men's day!
God himself commanded on such a date
Take a sip, and I will not dry out for:
We are, after all, but still soldiers! ..
Well, since the twenty-third of February!

We are the warriors of the light -
Let the shadow hide!
Oh, it's a pity that not in the summer,
Our holiday.

Defender of the Fatherland,
I wish you,
What would every shot be aimed at,
The rewards are double.

That everything would work out
On a long journey.
And the sun was laughing
And find happiness!

Friend and faithful comrade! On the day of February 23, I wish you a peaceful path and a reliable rear. I am glad that I can always entrust you with any "military" secrets!
There are so few friends in the world
Each has its own path.
But I was lucky in life -
We have been friends for a long time, in spite of everyone.

I wish you a man's day
To live with a smile, not discouraged.
Always love your relatives
To be happy and contented!

I wish you loyal friends.
Those who are not scary next to.
Strong health and creative ideas,
So that you can overcome all obstacles.

Also to you, the defender of the country,
I want to wish peace and happiness.
Let an angel watch you
And protects from troubles and bad weather.

Happy real men day, buddy! I wish you deafening victories in the fight against the opposite sex, a dizzying career and well-deserved awards!

Congratulations on Defender's Day in prose can be addressed to your to the head... Jokes are irrelevant here, because it is very important for employees to keep their distance from their superiors. But for the rest of the colleagues in the office, funny "congratulations" are quite suitable. I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you new victories, great ideas, executive and responsible subordinates. Let successful work put a stamp of well-being on your life.
Our boss is the helmsman,
Boldly rushes into battle on the move.
Energetic and successful
Strong in spirit, businesslike.

Happy Defender's Day,
Admiration without melting,
Our state holds on
On such heroes.

May everything in life succeed
No barriers and no hindrances.
Let the sun shine brighter.
Be an incentive for everyone!

Congratulations on February 23! We sincerely wish you good health, peace, kindness, joy, luck, prosperity and happiness. May work always be enjoyable, and family idyll reigns at home.
Happy February 23rd
I hasten to congratulate you!
I wish you
They were always cheerful.

So that the fire burns in your eyes
There was no need for money!
May all dreams come true
After all, you are worthy!

As for a holiday, for work
We are all in a hurry every day.
We can go out on Saturday,
If the team has decided.

It's always calm here,
Everything is serious, gentlemen,
Is it only during the breaks,
Let's laugh sometimes.

Helps us in our work
The most important chef in the world,
It guides with advice,
That scolds everyone at once.

Thank you for this,
And we don't need another one,
Happy February 23rd to you,
Our boss is dear.

So, for colleagues you can perform funny holiday songs right in the office. On this day, short congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day are also relevant. After all, there are many colleagues and, if you pay attention to everyone, work in the office can stop for a long time. But short "congratulations" on the holiday, the text of which will be just a few sentences, will allow you to celebrate each of your colleagues in the office.

SMS from February 23- an excellent choice for people who do not have time for long-term verbal congratulations. On this day they can be sent to a friend, brother, old friend ... Funny sms will always cheer up a soldier doing military service. I wish you live with your shoulders back
So that everyone calls you a hero
And so that honor at every meeting
The ladies gave them willingly.

All men are soldiers at heart.
Carrying machines in childhood
And on toy horses
They chased the sparrows in the bushes.

Now everyone is ready to fight
Satisfied and proud of ourselves
Blankets are crumpled on the sofas,
Portraying a general.

Even if you are still young
But already a man
We are all proud of you
There's a reason for this

And congratulations are as follows:
Always be so brave
May dreams come true
In everything, let you be the first!

The stock of socks has almost run out in a year
The cologne is splattered to scratch.
Lack of stock is a good sign,
That the twenty-third of February is coming soon.

Don't let you go on the attack
You don't sit in the trench either,
But business is a fight too
I believe that you will win!

And a gift made with your own hands will delight your grandfather, who was at the front! Collect his front-line photos, scan them and order an album. Then pick up the best and most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose, and thank your grandfather for his deeds.

Happy Defender's Day,
My beloved grandfather, I want to.
You are the strongest and most courageous
All obstacles on the shoulder.

I admire you
And I always take an example.
I wish to be healthy
You are many, many years old.

There were times before -
Times of heroes.
Risked for us
Life and destiny.

Granddad! Loving you
Happy February 23rd!
We hug tightly.

Happy 23rd February,
My dear grandpa
I congratulate you.
Know that you are a superhero!

Let health do not fail
There will be a big pension
Bypassing troubles!
After all, you, grandfather, are the coolest!

From the twenty third of February
I congratulate my grandfather!
May health be strong
And always dear people

They help to become happy,
I sincerely wish you
Never lose heart
And do not grumble without doing!

At home, in the office or at a friendly party, do not hesitate to wish men a peaceful sky and good health. Do not forget about little boys, because someday they will also become defenders of the Fatherland!

    The holiday of all men on February 23 or Defender of the Fatherland Day is very close. I would like to surprise and please my beloved husbands, brothers, dads, grandfathers, friends and colleagues. An addition to the main gift can be a beautifully signed postcard with warm words, with the wishes of all the best, light, warm. How beautiful to sign a postcard for February 23? This is not a difficult question at all. Above, the authors have given quite a few beautiful and varied options. I will also do my bit and add a couple of ideas - beautiful inscriptions, warm words. All kinds of inscriptions for February 23:

    If you want to make an inscription on the postcard From February 23 on your own, you need to have a fairly beautiful handwriting and drawing ability. In general, you can add a small picture to make the card look complete. Here are some examples (materials from here):

    You first choose a person, who is he to you, friend, brother, husband, just your acquaintance? You know his preferences better. Buy a beautiful postcard and write words, but such that only he alone would be clear and pleasant. For example, I prepared such a congratulation for my husband (he doesn't like many words with me, I will say all the words when I congratulate 23):

    Beautifully write from February 23 It is not difficult at all - and for this it is not at all necessary to have a calligraphic handwriting. I will add a few more ready-made options, how to sign a postcard by February 23... All congratulations in these examples are written in verse, but, if desired, they can be supplemented with your own words.

    This is how, for example, you can sign a postcard for a beloved man:

    Postcard for Dad you can sign it manually, or you can design it beautifully on a computer:

    To the future defender of the Fatherland you can sign such a holiday card by February 23:

    Good day!

    Many girls have already thought about how they can congratulate their man on this holiday.

    Even if a man did not serve and did not defend his homeland, he will always be a defender for a woman - HER PERSONAL PROTECTOR.

    Now there are a lot of beautiful postcards and congratulations in verse are already beautifully written there. But I want to write something on my own, as I say with my own hand.

    Personally, I do it badly, because my handwriting is crooked. And who has a beautiful handwriting can try to write or redraw.

    First, I will choose postcards, and then I will write the content of my message.

    Here it is, one of the most beautiful and successful, in my opinion, postcards:

    At the end of the answer, there is another postcard, no less beautiful in form and content.

    I would like to offer you my congratulations, which I dedicate to my friends at BV, from February 23rd. After all, the day after tomorrow we will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    So, these lines are for you, dear men:

    Happy red calendar day!

    Let me congratulate you

    Happy Defender's Day, friends!

    Siberian health to you,

    Big, heroic!

    I wish you success, good luck,

    Dare to solve your problems!

    Peace reigned on the planet

    The day always gave joy.

    So that you do not fight,

    Wives, children do not suffer!

    To make families smooth

    And your soul is sweet

    Festive mood

    Good luck to you!

    I wish you loyal friends

    About which songs are composed.

    May there be more warm days

    From those who keep you warm.

    To write beautifully a beautiful inscription on February 23, you need to learn how to write beautiful letters. Personally, I really liked the ability to decorate the letters beautifully, what I read here In my opinion, everything is shown very accurately, you will need to show your imagination, thinking about who will be congratulated, who is this man for you, etc.

    There are a lot of options for congratulations on February 23rd. You can make a postcard with your own hands or buy a ready-made one in a store, already with congratulatory words. It is better, of course, that these were words from the heart, for example, about how you love your mkzhchina and words of gratitude for that You can sign beautifully using felt-tip pens and a variety of fonts, and if you have an artistic talent, then it will not be difficult for you.

    My dear (husband, friend, brother). I am very happy that in my life there is such a wonderful, strong, kind and intelligent man like you. You are dear to me, you are my support and support, with you I feel like a real woman. I wish you health, strength and loving dear women's hearts!

    And we will definitely not forget on this holiday congratulate

    But this congratulations - for a beloved husband: