A weekly plan on the theme of gifts of autumn. "Gifts of Autumn". Calendar plan in the senior group. Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn"

Day of week


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Gold


Remember with the children about the change of seasons, highlight the signs of autumn. Repeat the autumn months.

Repeat the sequence of seasons, months of the year, and days of the week. Game "What's behind what?"

(Kostya, Kolya, Diana)

Continue to reinforce correct posture while eating.

Consideration of photo illustrations about autumn, about trees.

Suggest to parents :

Collect leaves for the work "Autumn Bouquet";

Bring plant seeds and fruit pits.

    Physical Education.

    Acquaintance with the subject and social environment.

Topic: "What did autumn bring us?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic features of autumn and autumn phenomena.



Watching the wind.

Pay attention

children down the drain, teach

see changes in

kind in windy weather.

Exercise Sonya, Dasha, Eva in hitting the ball with one hand in motion.

Research activities:

“We study leaves, bark, trunk, fruits and seeds”;

P / and "Fox in the chicken coop" - to teach to jump gently, bending your knees, run without touching each other.

Work before bed

Reading a favorite book M. Sadovsky "Autumn".


Recreational gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Adding plant care equipment to a natural corner.



Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What did autumn bring us as a gift?"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature".

Day of week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises.

Conversation:"Autumn. What do you know about her? " Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about seasonal changes in nature.

With Artem, Matvey, Seryozha, fix the names of the autumn months.

Situational conversation"On the benefits of air, trees for humans"

Exhibition of books about nature, children's encyclopedias.

Suggest to parents:

Make an applique of autumn leaves "Clown" with the children

Organized educational activities

    Acquaintance with the natural world.

Topic: "Whether in the garden or in the garden"

Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the diversity of the plant world; about vegetables, fruits, berries. Learn

Recognize them and correctly name vegetables, fruits and berries. Expand the concept of care

For garden plants. Create a desire to share experiences.


Theme: "Autumn Harvest"

Purpose: to consolidate imaginative ideas about the gifts of autumn. Continue to develop the ability to draw mushrooms,

Vegetables and fruits, conveying their shape, characteristic features.


Topic: "Basket with mushrooms"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to sculpt objects or their parts of a round, oval, disc-shaped form, using

Movement of the entire hand and fingers.


Watching the sun

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the sun, its influence on the state of nature.

Individual work on securing a lateral canter with a change of direction.

Remind children to take care of their appearance, cleanliness of clothes.

Samost. De children on the site. n / a

"Dap, Dap"

Cleaning the veranda from garbage.

Work before bed

Remind the children to fold the bedspreads neatly.

Reading V.A. Sukhomlinsky "Swallows say goodbye to their native side."


Exercise after sleep. Hardening procedures. Independent activities of children in activity centers.


Cloud observations (shape, color, how they move, why?)

Independent play activities of children on the site, games of their choice.

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What did the autumn bring us as a gift."

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises.

Conversation: "Why should there be order in the group?"

The development of fine motor skills. (Seryozha, Bogdan, Diana)

Continue to practice napkin use.

Enrichment with the material of role-playing games shop "Seeds".

Compare the clothes of people in early and late autumn with the child;

draw his attention to how the weather has changed.

Organized educational activities


Topic: "Strengthening the counting skill within 5"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form the number 5 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed

Adjacent numbers 4 and 5. Clarify ideas about the sequence of parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

    Development of speech.

Topic: "We are pupils of the senior group"

Purpose: To give children the opportunity to experience pride in the fact that they are now older preschoolers.

    Physical Education.


Observing the work of adults in kindergarten

(to foster a desire to help adults - a teacher, a janitor)

Labor activity: caring for indoor plants, harvesting dry leaves

D / And "Find a tree by seed." Examine the leaves under a magnifying glass. Games with portable material.

Work before bed

Finger game "Cabbage"


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Reading "Tops and roots", board games at the request of children. Didactic games: "Say the opposite" "Whose branch are the children from?"; C / I shop "Seeds"


Independent activities of children. P / And "Jump and get it", work on the site - we will sweep the veranda.

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What did autumn bring us as a gift?"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: "What is the day of the week, month, date, time of year"

Invite Lera and Sonya to help the teacher prepare tables for the lesson.

Continue to reinforce the rules of conduct in the group.

Add images of Khokhloma and Gorodets painting to the drawing center.

Organized educational activities


Topic: "Gifts of nature (mushrooms, berries, nuts)"

(according to the artistic director's plan)



Observation of precipitation. The nature of precipitation in September is rain and fog. Children find the difference between lingering and short-term rains.

Continue to improve the skills of various types of walking, running, jumping. (Zhenya, Cyril, Ulyana)

Conversation: "On the work of adults in the fall"

Children's games with portable material. Enter attributes for p / and "Catch a leaf"

Work before bed


Gymnastics after sleep, hardening procedures. Consideration of illustrations in the book and subject pictures on the theme "Autumn".

Reading : S. Prokofiev "A Tale about a Little Oak".


Independent activity of children, p / and "Catch a leaf"

Approximate scheduling of educational activities

Topic: "What did autumn bring us as a gift?"

Final event: Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"

Day of week


Joint activities of adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with families of pupils on the implementation of the main educational program

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in times of security


Morning exercises.

Examining pictures

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".Learning physical education "Leaves are falling"

Exercises on FEMP with leaves "Ordinal count"

(Alisa, Seryozha, Ksyusha)

Remind children to keep books and toys in order.

Independent activities of children in activity centers.

Invite parents to bring photos on the theme "Autumn in our city".

Organized educational activities

    Development of speech.

Topic: "Memorizing a poem Autumn"

Purpose: to help children remember and read the poem expressively.

    Manual labor.

Topic: "Patterns of nature"

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of manual labor in the manufacture of crafts from natural materials.

Exhibition of children's works "Patterns of nature"


Watching the wind. Children independently characterize the wind: strong, gusty, weak, short-term, hurricane. Determine where and where the wind is blowing.

Throwing at the target with the left and right hand. (Ilya, Artem)

Situational conversation about what paper is made of wood. What types of paper do children know?

Games with portable material, p / and "Catch your pair"

Work before bed

Free activity of children in activity centers. Reading L. Tolstoy "Oak and hazel".


Gymnastics after sleep, walking on massage paths. Application at the request of children "Images from leaves" board-printed games "Learning letters", "Lotto"


Children's games with portable material. Work on the site. Role-playing games at the choice of children. Weather observations, compare morning and evening weather. P / and "Catch your pair"

Sekisova Svetlana Borisovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 9"
Locality: Altai Territory, Barnaul
Material name: Methodical development
Theme: Calendar thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard on the topic: "Gifts of Autumn"
Date of publication: 17.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn" 1st week of October Monday



Forms of educational area

targets and goals








Speech development Cognitive development Social and communicative development Cognitive development Physical development Social and communicative development Speech development - Articulatory gymnastics - Write pictures of fruits and berries for viewing. - Conversation: What is this? Name (apple, pear, plum). Tasks: To acquaint with the general word - fruit. Tell where they grow. - The game "Pass the apple to another", to teach children to be polite "- Individual. work with Sasha Mil, Vanya: D / and "Collect the picture" (What grows in the garden, and what grows on the tree). Tasks: to exercise in the ability to make up a whole from parts, to develop the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits. Morning exercises №3 Cultural and hygienic norms. Rules of conduct at the table. Purpose: to form cultural and hygienic norms, skills of correct behavior at the table during meals: eat with your mouth closed, not talk while eating.
GCD 1 Development of speech

OBJECTIVES: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Learn to write a short story. Exercise in the formation of words using a diminutive suffix. Learn to pronounce the isolated sound w in words correctly.
GOD 2 Physical culture number 16
F / s: to teach children to find their place in Golitsyna N.S. October Pictures on the theme "Fruits, berries". Dummies of vegetables. Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues Assisting in the correct formulation of the answer



of the day
Physical development Cognitive development Physical development Social-communicative development Physical development Social-communicative development of the rank after walking and running; exercise in landing on bent legs in jumping from hoop to hoop; to consolidate the ability to roll the ball to each other, developing the accuracy of the direction of movement.
Walk 1
1. Acquaintance with the hometown. Purpose: to broaden the horizons of children; to acquaint with the hometown, the village, its name, the main (close to the kindergarten) sights, elementary traffic rules; Expand words knowledge. 2. Outdoor game "Sparrows and the car" Purpose: to promote the accumulation and enrichment of motor experience; to create conditions for mastering the elementary rules of the road P / and "Along a flat path" - to exercise in balance. 3. Labor "What helpers we are!" Let's sweep the path in the courtyard of the kindergarten. Purpose: to teach children to observe order and cleanliness in the kindergarten area; foster a desire to take part in feasible work.
2nd half of the day
1. Gymnastics after sleep. Walking barefoot on the button track. Foot massage. 2. Cultural and hygienic skills. Rules of conduct while eating. Self-service. Purpose: to develop cultural and hygienic skills, elementary rules of behavior at the table; create conditions for getting acquainted with L.I. Penzulaev. Card file Card file B. balls, hoops. Molds, scoops, brooms. Reminder of road crossing rules; clarification of the wording of the question and answer Reminder of the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior in the yard Assistance in performing acupressure Reminder of observance of cultural



Cognitive development Physical development Social and communicative development of the menu 3. D / and “We are in order” - to help children build a bus from a soft construction set. C / r game "Bus", plot "Mom is taking her daughter to the d / garden." Purpose: to expand knowledge about the rules of behavior of passengers, to develop the ability to negotiate, to teach to play together.
2nd Walk
1. Observation of the carriageway. “Four Wheels, Rubber Tires, Motor and Brakes. What is it?" (A car). SDA. Purpose: to contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world; expand the horizons of children; familiarize with the carriageway, traffic rules; develop the ability to perceive the meaning of the riddle; create conditions for the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children. 2.P.I. "Sparrows and the car". Objectives: to develop physical qualities, to contribute to the accumulation and enrichment of motor experience; create conditions for mastering traffic rules. P / and "Sun and Rain" - to teach to act on the signal of the teacher. Individual. work with Lida, Andryusha - exercise: "Step over the obstacle"
1. Reading the fairy tale "Preferred". Reading conversation using illustrations. Why the girl was called picky. Is being picky good or bad? Purpose: to expand the understanding of good and bad deeds. 2. D / and "Mosaic" - do as I do. Creative Workshop: Color the fruit. Games at the request of children in the play corner. Card file Molds, rudders, scoops, brooms. hygienic standards Assisting in describing what he saw, correctly constructing answers to questions Reminder of the rules of the game Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn"
1st week of October Tuesday mode Educational area Forms of educational area goals and objectives Literature Subject-developing environment Note morning Speech development Social and communicative, speech development Cognitive development - Finger gymnastics "Family" - we learn words and repeat movements for adults. - Conversation "What did I see on the way to the d / s?", Tasks: to clarify the names of familiar objects and phenomena. - Exercise “We wash our hands correctly”, Tasks: teach how to wash our hands correctly, thoroughly wipe each finger. - Individual. work with Nastya, Kira, Yarik Z - D / and "Assemble the pyramid in order" (from large to small) Pyramids Indiv. conversations and consultations on parenting issues Physical development Speech development Morning gymnastics №3 card index GCD Cognitive development

Continue to teach to compare two groups of objects, different in shape, determining their equality or inequality based on the comparison of pairs. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. I.A.Pomoraeva, V.A.Pozina Page 5 Hood. aesthetic development
Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Traffic monitoring

To learn to distinguish between vehicles in appearance To give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.
Outdoor games: "Birds in

nests ".

learn to walk and run, scatteringly, without bumping into each other; accustom Card index Shovels, Buckets, Molds for sand, b. balls.
quickly act on the signal of the teacher, help each other.
Find your house.

learn to quickly act on a signal, navigate in space.
Individual. work with Sasha Mil, Vika -

exercise in the ball game.

Labor activity:
Collection of multi-colored leaves.
encourage self-fulfillment of elementary assignments. 2nd half of the day Physical development social - communicative speech development Exercise after sleep. Walking on massage mats. Preparing for the s / r game "Family". Reading N. Zabil's poem “As a mother, I don’t like disorder in the house”, “About the girl Marina”, viewing illustrations, contributing to the enrichment of the gaming experience through reading fiction. The Zayushkina izbushka table theater - to acquaint with a new fairy tale. Fixing the primary colors N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova Attributes of the play corner. Walk number 2 Physical development, cognitive, social - communicative
Watching the autumn trees

To form knowledge about the parts of the tree, their height and thickness. P / A "Birds in their nests" "Get into the circle"
Individual. Work
with Vanya, Yarik K-control "Bunnies" - exercise in jumping on two legs.
Labor activity:
Garbage collection at the site.
continue to nurture the desire to participate in labor. Card file Shovels Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, seals, pencils, buckets, scoops. Social evening - - Games with Lego constructor, Constructor
communicative speech development Objectives: to teach to combine parts into the simplest building, to encourage playing with buildings. - Smoothing crumpled paper lumps of colored paper - Objectives: to promote the development of fine motor skills. -Individual. work with Yaroslav Z, Kira, Dasha_ D / and “Pick a cup to a saucer”. Tasks: to teach to correlate objects by color. "Lego" Pieces of paper. D / and "Pick up a cup to a saucer."

Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn"

1st week of October Wednesday
mode Educational area Forms of educational area goals and objectives Literature Subject-developing environment Note morning Speech development Cognitive development - Articulatory gymnastics - Conversations: What grows on a tree? What apple (apple, pear, plum) tastes like? Is it hard or soft? What can be made from fruits? - Individual. work with Yarik K, Andryusha, Nastya - D / and "Fold such a pattern." Objectives: To develop a sense of rhythm, to promote the development of attention. Pictures depicting fruit trees; fruits, juice, compote, jam. D / and "Fold such a pattern." Individual conversation, consultations on parents' questions Physical development Speech development Morning gymnastics №3 Finger gymnastics "Orange". card index GCD Cognitive development
Cognitive lesson
"Gifts of Autumn"
F / s: to consolidate knowledge about the autumn phenomena of nature. Learn to understand poetic images in a poem. Provide an idea of ​​the need to dress for the weather so as not to get sick. Golitsyna N.S. October Page 36 Artistic aesthetic. development DECORATION THEME:
"Mushrooms for a hedgehog"
F / h: to consolidate the idea of ​​mushrooms. Give an idea of ​​poisonous mushrooms. Strengthen the ability to sculpt familiar objects using rolling techniques. N. S. Golitsyna October P. 41 Plasticine, boards for modeling. Physical development
Physical education on the street
F / C: exercise children in walking with the performance of various tasks, in jumping, consolidate the ability to act on a signal. L.I. Penzulaeva No. 18 Bldg. 34 Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Bird watching
Shoulder card file,
cognitive, socially - communicative
Expand the understanding of birds; Formation of knowledge about which birds most often fly to the feeder, how they need to be fed; to cultivate a kind attitude towards the birds of the P / and "Airplanes". Teach you to run in different directions without bumping into each other. The game "Catch and throw." Objectives: Exercise in catching and throwing the ball. Individual work with Nikita, Ilyusha - to clarify the time of the year. Its characteristic features.
Labor activity
Cleaning of the territory.
teach how to use brooms correctly. Buckets, Molds for sand 2nd half of the day Physical development socially - communicative Exercise after sleep # 3 Walking on massage mats. Table theater "Zayushkina izbushka" - to continue developing the ability to stage a familiar fairy tale using the table theater. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarov Wooden table theater. Walk # 2 Physical development, cognitive, socially - communicative Observation of freight transport Purpose: To teach to distinguish freight transport by its appearance. P / N: "Sparrows and the car" - exercise in the ability to act on a signal. Throwing cones in a circle with the right and left hand. Tasks: develop accuracy. Individual work with Vika, Sasha Men - exercise "Crawl into the hole" Purpose: to form the ability to crawl under the arc. Card file Portable material, typewriters.
Evening socially - communicative speech development Reading and discussion of the poem by Z Petrova: "Let the toys be friends with us, we will not offend them ..." Purpose: to teach to restore order in the play corner. Individual work with Eva, Dasha, Vika - Playing with clothespins "Make the sun". sensory perception. Free activities of children in the play areas Play with clothespins "Make the sun". Attribute for games
Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn"

1st week of October Thursday
mode Educational area Forms of educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developing environment Note morning Cognitive, speech development - Conversations: remember and name the time of year. "What has autumn brought us?" When are vegetables and fruits harvested? - Exercise "Bows for girls, buttons for boys." Form self-service skills, teach how to tie bows and button up, develop motor skills. Individual Conversation counseling on parenting Cognitive development. Individual. work with Eva, Yarik, Vika D / and “Let's Harvest Apples”, teach to distinguish homogeneous objects by size, make rows in ascending and descending order. Dummies of vegetables and fruits. Assistance in completing the assignment. Physical development Speech development Morning gymnastics №3 Finger gymnastics: "Orange". GCD card file Artistic and aesthetic development.
TOPIC: “We are taking vegetables and fruits to the store across the bridge” OBJECTIVES: to consolidate the knowledge about autumn as the time of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter. Learn to independently analyze a sample, be able to transform a building, add details, play around. NS Golitsyna October Physical development Lesson number 17 P / z: teach children to find their place in the line after walking and running; exercise in landing on bent legs in jumping from hoop to hoop; to consolidate the ability to roll the ball to each other, developing the accuracy of the direction of movement. Penzulaeva L.I., p. 34 Walk No. 1 Physical development,
Plant Observation
Shoulder card file,
cognitive, socially - communicative
to form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe features of a spruce, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; To foster a respect for nature. Exercise in walking on a bench with an additional step.

to teach to follow the rules of the road; to consolidate knowledge about trucks. Individual. work with Seryozha, Maxim, Matvey - D / and "What's gone?" - to promote the development of attention.
Labor activity
Work assignment from the benches and from the veranda to sweep the sand.
foster a desire to maintain order on the veranda. Buckets, Sand molds, broom. 2nd half of the day Physical development, social - communicative Exercise after sleep No. 3 "Nebolika". Walking on massage mats. Labor in the play corner Purpose: to teach to maintain order, to keep toys clean, to develop labor skills. sociability, learn to work together. Card file Walk number 2 Physical development, cognitive, social - communicative
Watching the rain

to acquaint with the natural phenomenon of rain.
P / N
: "Mousetrap" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to walk in a circle. Develop attention. Ability to run quickly and dexterously. "
"From bump to bump."

size, ability to navigate in space. Indus R. with Sasha Men, Sasha Mil. control in balance. "Walk over the bridge." Card file Portable material, steering wheels, scoops, molds, toys, chalk, cars.

Labor activity
Sweeping the path leading to the site.
teach correctly, use brooms Evening Learn. development. Hood. aesthetic development. Conversation about healthy and wholesome food. Purpose: to expand the understanding of healthy and wholesome food (fruits) Name fruits, what do they taste like, how are they useful? - D \ game: "In the garden, in the garden" Purpose: to exercise in the classification (vegetables, fruits). - Individual work with Nikita, Ilyusha Purpose: to form the ability to hold a pencil correctly, draw round and oval shapes. (vegetables). Dummies of fruits. Sheets of paper. pencils.
Topic of the week: "Gifts of Autumn"

1st week of October Friday
mode Educational area Forms of educational area goals and objectives literature Subject-developing environment Note morning Social-communicative, speech development Repeat with the children the rules of behavior in kindergarten. Form a respectful attitude towards others. Individual devil and consultations on parental issues Speech development Conversations: about the signs of autumn, "Golden Autumn" Purpose: to evaluate natural phenomena and find good and joyful in everything. D / and "The postman brought the parcel", describe the items and recognize their description. Preparing for the s / r game "Shop", examining illustrations from the book by S. Mikhalkov "What do you have? Pictures and illustrations on the theme: "Autumn". Helping children in mastering a coherent statement during a conversation. Physical development Individual. work with Seryozha, Vika - "Lay a thread along the contour" (pear) Purpose: to promote the development of fine motor skills. Flannelegraph, threads. Physical development Speech development Morning gymnastics №3 Finger gymnastics "Orange". Articulatory gymnastics Card file GCD Hood. aesthetic development
TEMA: "C H E N E N I LEAVES" OBJECTIVES: to clarify knowledge about the techniques of autumn. To consolidate the use of the words "leaf fall" in speech. To teach to depict a rounded and oval shape of leaves, placing the drawings on the entire sheet of paper and, to use paints of two or three colors to convey the color of autumn.
N. S. Golitsyna Walk No. 1 Physical development, cognitive,
the weather is sunny or cloudy. Observing withering plants. Card file Spatulas, Buckets,
socially communicative Pay attention to the sticking out blades of grass that are left over from the annual grass. Ask what mood arises when looking at this picture. P / and "My cheerful, ringing ball", p / and "The sea is worried" to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in motion.
Outdoor games

"We are chauffeurs."

learn to navigate in space.
"Cat and Mice"
Purpose: to run without bumping, to act on the signal of the teacher.
Individual. Work
with Maxim, Andryusha, Seryozha .: "Get into the circle."

improve the ability to handle objects; teach to hit the target, develop an eye, dexterity.
Labor activity
Offer to dig up and transplant a marigold bush into a flower pot for further observation. Sand molds, wreaths. 2nd half of the day Physical development, social - communicative Exercise after sleep No. 3 "Nebolika". Walking on massage mats. Role-playing game "Cook" Purpose: to develop the ability to independently develop a plot, interact with peers during a joint game. Card file Help the teacher in the ability to interact and get along with each other in a joint game. Walk number 2 Physical development, cognitive, social - communicative
the weather is sunny or cloudy. Trees and shrubs. What is the difference. What are their leaves? Purpose: to develop the ability to distinguish between trees and bushes, game exercise "catch up with the hoop", to develop dexterity, coordination. "Knock down a pin" Card file Portable material, cars, hoops, ball.
- Individual. work with Sasha Men, Sasha Mil, Eva - Ball game "One - many" (apple - apples, plum - plums)
Labor activity in nature.
Cleaning from a flower bed of dry plants.
encourage children to participate in joint work activities; foster a desire to participate in the care of plants on the site. Evening Cognitive development - Conversation
Vegetables and fruits". Clarify ideas about vegetables and fruits that differ from each other in appearance, develop the ability to listen to each other. - D \ game: "Guess by touch" Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits, the development of olfactory sensations.
Individual work
Vanya, Nastya, Yarik K - "The fourth extra", Purpose: development of attention, ability to classify (vegetables, fruits). Dummies of vegetables and fruits ..

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" in Gornozavodsk

Comprehensive - thematic plan


In the preparatory group

Compiled by: O.V. Kostareva

Educator of the first qualification category


"Basket with mushrooms"

Examining illustrations about mushrooms.

Tasks. Enrich the children's dictionary with the names of various mushrooms.

Conversation. "Edible, inedible mushroom"

Tasks. Form an understanding of the dangers associated with poisonous mushrooms.

Work on the proverb: “A torn out mushroom has perished forever, a cut off under the spine gives birth to a sack.

Tasks. Teach children to understand the meaning of the proverb. To foster a respect for nature.


Examination of mushrooms under a birch on the site. Teach children to describe the appearance of mushrooms, determine its name.

Job assignment: cleaning fallen leaves.

Tasks. Introduce children to feasible work.

An outdoor game. "At the Bear in the Forest"

Tasks. Development of motor reaction, dexterity, speed.

Reading a work of art by Z. Alexandrova "In the mushroom kingdom"

Modeling "Kingdom of mushrooms"

Tasks. To reinforce in children the ability to sculpt objects or parts of them in a round, board-like shape. Learn to convey some characteristic features.

Didactic game "Guess-ka". Tasks. Teach children to describe mushrooms by presentation.

"I take one berry, look at the other, notice the third"

Consideration of the album "Berries".

Tasks. Consolidate children's knowledge of berries.

Conversation. "On the benefits of berries for humans"

Tasks. To form ideas about the benefits of berries, to acquaint with the fact that there are also poisonous berries.

View the presentation "Wild berries"

Tasks. Give an idea about forest berries and their benefits for humans.

Finger game. "One, two, three, four, five. We are going for a walk into the forest ... "

Tasks. Development of fine motor skills of the hands.


Observation of changes in nature in the fall.

Tasks. Teach children to notice changes in nature occurring in the fall. Describe the beauty of autumn trees.

Labor assignment. Collecting flower seeds.

An outdoor game. "Third wheel"

Tasks. Development of attention, dexterity.

Reading poetry about berries.

Tasks. Continue to develop an interest in fiction.

Painting. "Berries"

Tasks. To teach children in the drawing to convey the characteristic features of berries.

Didactic game "The fourth extra".

Tasks. Teach children to find unnecessary things and explain their choice.

"Berry bushes"

Viewing the album "Bushes"

Tasks. Fix the names of various shrubs in children, their differences from trees.

Reading the work of art "About berries"

Tasks. Help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Didactic game "Name the juice, jam"

Task. Teach children to form relative adjectives.

Walk. Consideration of various shrubs on the site. (Lilacs, currants, irgi.)

Tasks. Teach children to compare shrubs to find differences and similarities.

Outdoor game "One, two, three run to the tree"

Tasks. In a playful way, remember the name of shrubs and trees.

Didactic game. "From which bush the leaf"

Tasks. Teach children to identify a bush by leaf.

Painting. "Berries on a bush"

Tasks. To form in children the ability to convey in drawing.

Making riddles.

Tasks. Continue to teach children to guess riddles, develop logical thinking.

"Gifts of Nature"

Didactic game "Edible is not edible"

Tasks. Continue to form ideas about edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Reading a work of art by S. Nikolaeva "Excursion into the forest"

Tasks. To consolidate the rules of conduct in the forest with the help of an artistic word.


Observation of leaf fall.

Tasks. Expand children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. To form the ability to express the observed in their speech.

Labor assignment. Cleaning the site from garbage.

Tasks. Continue to teach children to work together, to enjoy the work done.

An outdoor game "Runs"

Tasks. Continue to teach not to bump into others while running, to be able to deftly dodge.

Drawing using stencils "Mushrooms and Berries"

Tasks. Continue teaching children to draw with stencils. Be able to paint over a drawing without going beyond the outline.

Making riddles.

Tasks. Continue learning to guess riddles. To consolidate the knowledge of children about mushrooms, berries, fruit bushes.

"Day of the Elderly"

Photo exhibition. "Grandma next to grandfather"

Tasks. To foster love and pride in their families in children.

Conversation "My beloved grandfather and grandmother"

Tasks. Strengthen the desire of children to talk about their loved ones.

Listening to the song "Grandmother next to grandfather" V. Troshin

Tasks. Continue teaching children to listen to music.


"What did autumn give us?"

Tasks. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the plant world, to clarify what grows where.

Outdoor game "Burners"

Tasks. Teach children to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity and speed.

Meeting interesting people.

Tasks. Help children accumulate an emotional reserve of respect for people, kindness, and contact.

Entertainment "You are not a year old"

Tasks. To bring up in grandchildren a respectful attitude towards their grandmothers and all elderly people, the desire to do something pleasant for them, to help them.

Irina Budnikova
Calendar-thematic planning. Thematic week "Gifts of Autumn" (senior group)

Thematic week:« Gifts of autumn»

Target: Expand children's understanding of autumn... To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature (it got colder - butterflies disappeared, flowers faded, etc., to conduct seasonal observations. Expand knowledge of agricultural professions, the profession of a forester. Expand knowledge of vegetables and fruits. Expand understanding of the rules safe behavior in nature. To foster respect for nature. To form elementary ecological ideas.

Final event: holiday "Gold autumn» ... Contest of planar crafts made from natural materials « Autumn Hermitage» .

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual work

Cognition (FTSKM)

Theme: "Garden"

Target: to expand the generalized ideas of children about vegetables, about the place of their growth. Clarify how they are looked after, what is prepared from them. Remind you that vegetables are rich in vitamins

(Kaushkal, Karpeeva "FTSKM senior group» , p. 13)

9.30-9.55 Construction (from paper)

Theme: "Basket"

Learn to fold a square sheet into 9 and 16 small ones. Make cuts along the four fold lines, fold and glue the basket. (Kutsakova "Design and artistic labor. Lesson 16 p. 69)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio tales

(complex # 2)

15.40-16.05 Musical activity (on specialist plan) Individual development work speeches: learning poetry about autumn

Exercise children to pronounce sounds clearly "H" and "with". "Sequencing of events throughout the day"

Target: to consolidate the concepts of morning, day, evening, night. Morning

Conversation: « Autumn» .

Target: systematize children's knowledge about autumn;

Di "Who is doing this?" Target: to identify and expand the knowledge of children about the professions of people growing and harvesting crops.

Walk no. Sept. p.

Reading and dramatization of the poem by Y. Tuwim "Vegetables"

Target: develop the ability of children to transform into the desired role.

D / game exercise "Labyrinth" harvest the harvest.

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, visual perception, attention.

Album review « Gifts of autumn»

Work at the center of creativity

Drawing vegetables and fruits.

Di "Vegetable store"

Target: teach children group vegetables and fruits according to one or several characteristics Updating information in the parent area Walking in autumn with a child»

Individual conversation with Sergey's family about the child's attitude to adults

Joint activities of an adult and children

Independent activities of children

Working with parents

Educational activities

Individual work Educational activities during regime moments


Theme: "Trip to autumn forest»

Target: generalize the children's view autumn, about the forest and its inhabitants in autumn period;

To consolidate, clarify, expand knowledge about the world around us through the activation of the child's life experience. Learn to form possessive adjectives; Strengthen the ability to form adjectives from nouns; Strengthen the skills of orientation in space;

Fine art (applique / modeling)

Theme: « Autumn paintings» Teach children to create plot compositions from natural material - dried leaves, petals, seeds; develop a sense of color and composition. To foster interest and respect for nature, arouse the desire to preserve its beauty in arrangements and floristic compositions. Lykova I.A.,

Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Gymnastics after sleep, (complex number 2) walking on massage paths, washing face, neck, hands with cool water.

physical cult. (on plan physical education instructor) Individual work on the development of speech.

"Name the signs autumn»

Conversation “What is harvest? Why is it collected exactly in the fall

Target: to expand children's knowledge of gifts autumn... Explain why maturation occurs exactly in the fall.

The apple experience

Target: to show how an apple turns black on a cut - this iron in the air changes its properties that are useful for us.

D / game "What tree is the fruit from?"

Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about fruit trees.

Outdoor play "Harvesting"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to run without colliding with each other.

Examination of ears of wheat, rye, oats, sorghum

Target: tell children what is produced from each grain

Unregulated activities of children.

To contribute to the prevention of emotional overstrain, to form the ability to find something to do for oneself, to communicate constructively with peers.

Invite parents to take part in the final exhibition following the results weeks.

Morning gymnastics (on FIZO instructor's plan)

Cognition (FEMP)

Theme: "Lesson 4"

-number and count: number and digits1, 2, 3; correlating the number of items with a figure.

Geometric figures: square, laying out a square of even sticks, work in a notebook in a cage.

(mathematics for children 5-6 years old, p. 26)

Fine art (Painting)

Theme: "Riddles from the garden"

Target: Learn to convey the shape and characteristics of vegetables according to their description in riddles; create expressive color and fantasy images. I. A. Lykova P. 44

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Exercise after sleep (complex number 2) walking on massage paths, washing face, neck, hands with cool water.

15.40-16.05 physical cult. on the site

D / game "The fourth extra"

Target: to consolidate the concepts of vegetables and fruits

Conversation "Forest gifts of autumn»

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms and berries. About the rules for their collection.

D / game "Third wheel"

Target: the ability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Reading sayings about autumn and harvest.

Target: to develop the ability to listen and understand the meaning.

Watching a cartoon "Tops and roots",

Consolidation of knowledge about plant parts.

D / game "Find the seed"

Target: to show children that big fruits grow from a small seed. Learn to distinguish between seeds belonging to a particular vegetable or fruit.

Consideration thematic album« Autumn gifts from the forest» (berries, mushrooms)

Target: expanding children's understanding of gifts autumn from the forest

Independent activities of children in activity centers.

Target: invite children to choose their own type of activity. The ability to play in pairs, in group.

Morning gymnastics

Communication (speech development)

Theme: Retelling of the story of J. Thaits "Obedient rain"

Target: coherent speech, teach retelling the text, lead to the education of professions based on occupation. Teach to name the subjects necessary for people of a particular profession.

(Ushakova. Classes on the development of speech p. 103)

9.45-10.10 musical activity (on specialist plan)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise. Hardening procedures. Exercise after sleep (complex number 2) walking on massage paths, washing face, neck, hands with cool water. Individual work "Hatching in a given direction"

Individual task to consolidate the composition of the number "

Working in a corner of nature: the game "What is my name?"

Target: activate the names of indoor plants in the speech of children, teach them to pronounce them correctly. Tell about the features of plant care.

Di "Find the same vegetable, fruit" (by shape, color)

Target: to consolidate the ability to classify by color, shape, size.

Russian folk game "Tsar Potato"

Target: Exercise in catching the ball, develop dexterity.

Competition of riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Viewing the exhibition of creative works. Discussion. Examination of dummies of vegetables and fruits

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about where and how different types of vegetables and fruits grow.

C / r game "Vegetable store".

To develop children's independence, initiative, to form the ability to choose a game according to their interests, to promote the unification of children for the game.

Decoration of the exhibition of creative works

Musical Morning Gymnastics

Theme: Reading the story of G. Skrebitsky « Autumn»

Target: to educate the emotional perception of the work, to teach to convey their impressions.

(T.M.Bondarenko Complex occupations p132)

Preparation for sleep: listening to audio tales

15.00-15.15 Gradual rise.

Hardening procedures.

Gymnastics after sleep, (complex number 2) walking on massage paths, washing face, neck, hands with cool water.

Individual work D / i "Tops and roots"

Target: fix the names of the vegetable parts

Learning pure phrases

Target: fix the pronunciation of sounds "G", "To"

Canteen duty.

Target: Teach children to use the canteen skills learned earlier. Note the peculiarities of duty in senior group(independence, speed and coordination of actions, distribution of responsibilities).

D / game "Lesovik and forest berries". "Fold the picture"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of wild berries (name, appearance, places of growth, useful properties).

Building material games "Warehouse for vegetables".

Form children's ideas about various types of crop storage, their functional purpose, structure;

Free creative activity (modeling, drawing, applique) on the topic « Gifts of autumn» berries, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits

Larisa Rudenko
"Gifts of Autumn". Senior group calendar

Calendar plan in the senior group on the topic: « Gifts of autumn» ... Completed by the teacher MBDOU 119 Rudenko L.V.

Joint activities of a teacher with children in the process of regime moments. Organization of independent activities of children Interaction of the teacher with the family

Morning Dining room duty.

To teach how to set the table correctly and accurately as instructed by the teacher.

Didactic game "Say the opposite"... Learn

Children choose antonymic words.

Conversation on the topic: "Ah still life"... Examination of reproductions of paintings "Vegetables" A. Lentulov and “Moscow food. Breads " I. Mashkov. To consolidate the idea of ​​a still life.

Individual work of FEMP. Fix with Misha and Alena a score within 5 (quantitative and ordinal, using counting material.

Organization of the exhibition « Gifts of autumn» .

Introduce dummies of vegetables, bakery products for role-playing games.

Introduce colored modules for outdoor games.

Prepare natural material for the productive activities of children. Place information in the parent's corner about the topic of the week and the purpose of its holding.

Invite them to take a self-guided tour of the store or market. Target: pay attention to the vegetable and bakery department, the work of the sellers.

Direct educational activities. Cognition. "Bread is the head of everything"

Target: Introduce the seed's journey from field to table (how bread is made).

Software content:

Cognition: - to generalize and systematize the knowledge of children about bread, the process of growing and making bread, about the variety of bakery products;

Lead children to an understanding of respect for nature and reasonable human intervention;

Work: - on the basis of expanding knowledge about the world around us, educate children in respect for working people (grain growers, bakers, respect for bread;

Forms of work: showing, explaining, talking, posing problem situations, reading fiction.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems and cries about bread; explanation and memorization of proverbs and sayings about bread; reading stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvina "Lisichkin bread"; comparison of spikelets of rye and wheat; comparison of wheat and rye bread in color, shape, taste.

Artistic creativity. Dough modeling "Buns".

Target: continue to develop in children an interest in dough sculpting, the ability to create relief figures;

Achieve the implementation of an expressive, vivid design of the product, complementing the work with decorative elements;

Forms of work:


Educator show

Independent activities of children

Playing with crafts.

Walk. Observing plants: Maple in September. Target: fix the names of parts of the tree, pay attention to the beauty of its leaves, choose the most accurate designations for colors and shades.

Forms of work: showing, viewing, chatting, reading fiction.

Labor assignments: cleaning the garden.

Target: to educate children to be industrious, a desire to achieve results.

Remember with the children the necessary conditions for growing vegetables. determine the ripeness of vegetables.

Forms of work: conversation, joint work.

Sport game "Towns".

Target: to acquaint children with the folk game and the history of its origin.

Develop agility in children.

Teach children to negotiate with each other while playing.

Forms of work: conversation, explanation, joint activities. Enter attributes for the organization of outdoor games (proud, soccer ball, scooters).

Involve Nikita and Semyon in games with children.

Enrichment of the gaming experience:

Excursion to the post office.

Invite parents to make crafts from natural material with their children or draw a still life.