The riot policeman who hit the girl in the stomach at the rally seems to have been found. True or not? What is important to know

During the opposition rally in Moscow on August 10, there were many arrests. But the detention of 26-year-old Daria Sosnovskaya attracted the most attention. This moment was caught on video.

The girl is being pulled by the arms by two employees of the Russian National Guard - they are fully uniformed, wearing helmets and body armor. Daria is trying to break out of this “embrace”. At one of these moments, the “cosmonaut” simply picks up and hits the girl in the stomach with his fist.

“I asked not to be hurt. “You’re kicking,” they answered me. We walk and walk, and then he either stumbles, or the baton falls from his hands, and he hits me,” Daria told Russian journalists.

“This is wildly unpleasant. Somehow everything suddenly came together for me, I couldn’t breathe, somehow everything came to a close here. Liver, ribs... Then I didn’t really understand what was happening - I just understand that they pulled me further and put me in a paddy wagon,” says Sosnovskaya.

The girl works as an extra. The arrest on August 10 was the first in her life. She says she feels very bad after this incident.

On August 12, Daria Sosnovskaya, together with her lawyer, contacted the Investigative Committee with a statement about the beating. The Investigative Committee intends to conduct an investigation into this situation.

Journalists named the probable name of the policeman who punched a girl in the stomach during his arrest at a rally in Moscow on August 10. The employee’s colleagues reported information about him to Baza. He himself did not make contact with journalists and ignored questions. But later the Main Directorate of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs denied his involvement in the incident. We tell you what is currently known about this situation and who the journalists suspected.

What is known about the policeman who was suspected of beating the girl?

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Did the named policeman himself confirm his participation in this incident?

No. Journalists tried to contact him. According to the publication, the man read the messages and then blocked the accounts from which the questions came. Tsyplakov also deleted photos on social networks and renamed his pages.

Is there any official confirmation that this is the person they are looking for?

Yes. A message appeared on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow: “We officially declare that the information posted in the media about the identity of the employee of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, who allegedly hit the detainee Daria Sosnovskaya, does not correspond to reality; the specified police officer has nothing to do with the incident.” However, the name of the policeman involved in the incident was not reported to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow. But they noted that an internal investigation began after the beating of a woman at the rally on August 10. According to the results of the check, the perpetrators are promised to be held accountable.

Is it true that a reward was offered for information about the policeman who hit the girl?

Is it true. The head of the international human rights group Agora, Pavel Chikov, promised 100 thousand rubles to anyone who would provide information about the security officer who hit the girl. The editor-in-chief of the publication, who assumed that Tsyplakov was guilty of this, refused the money.

Which girl was hit by a police officer and for what?

On August 10, an uncoordinated rally was held in Moscow on Sakharov Square in support of candidates who were not allowed to participate in the elections to the Moscow City Duma. During the protest, activist Daria Sosnovskaya was detained. The girl did not offer any resistance, but after the arrest the policeman punched her in the stomach. The incident was caught on video and spread across social networks. Sosnovskaya turned to doctors, who diagnosed her with bruises to her chest and head - she was hit on the head in front of the paddy wagon. The victim also wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee about abuse of power. The activist suggested that the policeman was angry because a rubber baton fell out of his hands at the time of her arrest.

The detainee is activist Daria Sosnovskaya. She is going to file an application with the Investigative Committee to prosecute the police under the article of abuse of power. The girl turned to doctors for help, Sosnovskaya’s lawyer Tatyana Molokanova told Ekho Moskvy.

What else is known:

Head of the human rights organization "Agora" Pavel Chikov announced a reward of 100 thousand rubles for information about the policeman who hit the girl.

Singer Yegor Creed, who performed at the Meat & Beat festival in Gorky Park during a rally in Moscow, spoke about the situation. “I have already personally filed a request and they promised to find it,” wrote Creed. In the comments, he was supported by Sergey Lazarev, Yana Rudkovskaya and Ekaterina Varnava, who from participating in Meat & Beat refused.

The National Guard denies that the fighter belongs to its units, the radio station Moscow Says reports.

What is important to know:

On August 10, an agreed-upon rally was held on Sakharov Avenue in Moscow in support of independent candidates who were not allowed to participate in the elections to the Moscow City Duma. According to the "White Counter", the event gathered from 50 to 60 thousand participants. After the end, part of the protesters went to the building of the Presidential Administration in Kitay-gorod, where detentions began. There are 256 people in total at the protest.

At the same time, the Meat & Beat music festival was taking place in Gorky Park, which was announced a few days before the rally. Yegor Creed, the Degrees group, Klava Koka, Bianca, Amchi and MC Doni performed there. Previously, many musicians from their participation. City Hall that the festival was attended by 52 thousand people, but there are almost no people in the photographs from the event.

Baza appealed to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a demand to check policeman Sergei Tsyplakov for involvement in the beating of activist Daria Sosnovskaya at a rally in central Moscow on August 10.

According to the publication, this is a man in the fifth battalion of the second operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Information about him was passed on by his colleagues. Baza also writes that they tried to contact Tsyplakov through social networks, but he refused to talk and blocked the correspondent.

Sosnovskaya was detained on August 10 on Zabelina Street in the Kitay-Gorod area, where some of the protesters moved after the completion of the authorized rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue. The girl made a remark to the police who detained a person with a disability. She shouted: “Let go of the invalid!” After that, they twisted her hands and took her to a paddy wagon. The recording shows that the girl did not resist the security forces.

Sosnovskaya wrote a statement to the Investigative Committee, Zona Prava reports. It says that during the arrest the girl experienced "very severe pain." “At some point, the police officer who was twisting my right arm had a rubber truncheon fall to the ground. Despite the fact that I did not offer any resistance, the said police officer unlawfully used physical force on me, striking me with his fist in the abdominal area on the right. I'm guessing he was pissed that his club fell out. From this blow I experienced very severe pain and lack of air,” Sosnovskaya wrote.

The girl also noted that police officers hit her on the head near the paddy wagon. She was diagnosed with a contusion of the soft tissues of the head and a contusion of the chest.

Earlier, the head of the human rights organization Agora, Pavel Chikov, announced a reward of 100 thousand rubles for information about the policeman who beat Sosnovskaya. Baza editor-in-chief Nikita Mogutin refused the reward. This money will be used to pay for the work of lawyer Sosnovskaya.