Craft Christmas tree made of corrugated paper. Do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of corrugated paper. Forest beauty made of colored paper and cardboard

New Year's Eve is a wonderful period to show your creativity, especially with benefit. Not all handicrafts require almost professional skills and enormous patience. Anyone can use a simple corrugated paper Christmas tree.

Christmas tree from skirts

No base forming materials are required for manufacturing, and they are not needed here. A great choice for a holiday craft is a corrugated paper tree, if you have one. The rest of the inventory will not be difficult to find in any household.

Materials and tools:

  1. threads;
  2. a skewer with a length equal to the estimated height of the Christmas tree;
  3. scissors;
  4. ruler;
  5. stapler or glue gun;
  6. sheets of corrugated paper.

If you want to dress up the composition, the list is supplemented with hot glue and the decorations themselves. As the latter, either ready-made or crafts for a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper are used. This Christmas tree is notable for its simplicity of making, so that even the smallest family members will cope with its execution.

How a Christmas tree is made:

1. Squares of different sizes are being prepared. The first should be the two largest sheets, for example, 17 cm each.

2. "accordions" are formed from the squares so that the folds go along the corrugation.

3. The blanks are folded along the fold line and tied in the middle.

4. Edges are trimmed to form corners.

5. The sides are stapled together with a stapler or glue gun. As a result, the workpiece will open and you will get a skirt.

6. Repeat steps two to four for all sheets.

7. Take a skewer. The largest circle made is put on it.

8. The subsequent skirts are strung in descending order in size. The smallest of the blanks should be at the top.

9. If there is an empty piece of a skewer, it breaks off.

10. Decorations are glued.

It turned out to be a lush and light attribute of the New Year.

Christmas tree with round branches

A more complex version, similar to a colorful picture, is made of dense material. When there are several multi-colored unnecessary buttons or small bright accessories and a jar in the house, then you will get a craft made of thick corrugated paper.

In addition to jewelry, you will need the following materials: cardboard, thick corrugated paper, a jar or basket. A hot glue gun, compasses and scissors are useful in work.

Materials and tools:

  1. green corrugated paper (floristic corrugated version is recommended, since it differs in density and ability to keep its shape well);
  2. cardboard sheet;
  3. wicker basket;
  4. jar, bottle or pot;
  5. compass;
  6. scissors;
  7. hot glue gun;
  8. small decor as a decoration (beads, small Christmas tree decorations, bows are recommended);
  9. flock (pile powder to give a fluffy effect);
  10. PVA glue for gluing glitter, flock.


1) Take a compass and cardboard. Set the center to the corner of the sheet and draw a circle with a radius equal to the height of the "trunk" of the craft. It will turn out to be a quarter circle.

2) Cut out, fold into a cone and glue.

3) Glue the jar into the base with the bottom out. It should partially extend into the inside of the cone. This will be the trunk.

4) Cut a few ribbons into twigs. We cook in such a way that they are wider on the lower rows of the Christmas tree and narrower on the upper ones.

5) Twist each strip in the middle once.

6) We connect the edges.

7) We spread the leaves so that we get a petal.

8) Take the widest branches and glue them in a row on the bottom of the cone.

9) We glue the following rows in descending order of the width of the petals, placing them in a checkerboard pattern.

10) The composition is completed by a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper in the shape of a small cone.

Another hand-made Christmas tree made of corrugated paper is ready to decorate the house. The work will come out quite durable and with wide leaves, on which it is very convenient to glue all kinds of decorations from buttons to tiny toys. The second option proves that do-it-yourself Christmas tree crafts from corrugated paper can be created independently without any problems.

Curly herringbone

This work will take time and meticulousness, so at some stages it is worth resorting to the help of the younger generation. It will turn out not just a fluffy beauty, but also a children's craft: a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper.

Devices and materials:

  • transparent glue;
  • iron (if foamiran is selected);
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • decorations;
  • 4 sheets of A4 corrugated paper or foamiran.

The specified amount is suitable for crafts with a height of 20 cm. The cardboard, if desired, is replaced with a purchased cone.

Manufacturing algorithm.

1) A cone is twisted and glued from cardboard, if one was not bought.

You can fasten it with both glue and a paper clip.

2) 2x2 cm squares are cut from the sheets.

3) On each square, a fringe is cut with a length of up to half a leaf. The cuts are not made on the side, but at the corner.

4) For foamiran. Lean the fringe against a hot iron for a minute. It should become wavy.

5) Prepared handicrafts made of corrugated paper on a Christmas tree are glued to the base, but not with "needles".

6) The crown of the head is decorated.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with beads or other small and light decorative elements.

Crafts differ in their complexity and appearance. The second will become an original decoration, as if it had come down from the picture. And the first and third will serve not only as a symbol of the holiday, but will also become a good occupation, because the whole family can be involved in their manufacture.

Master class of a beautiful Christmas tree with red bows

To complete you will need:

  1. whatman;
  2. corrugated paper in bright, green and red colors;
  3. stationery glue;
  4. scissors;
  5. Styrofoam;
  6. small beads;
  7. gold glitter;
  8. stapler;
  9. bright bow.

Execution algorithm:

1. We carry out a base-cone 14 cm high. Take a Whatman paper draw a circle with a radius of 14 cm. Then cut out a quarter of the figure, fold it, glue it or attach it to a stapler.

2. So that the Christmas tree craft does not shine through in white, glue the cone with green paper.

3. You will need to make 120 dandelion blanks. For this we use the quilling technique. We take green paper and cut strips of 1.5x15 cm.On the one hand, we cut, make a kind of fringe.

4. Screw the brushes onto the handle. Glue the end of the strip. We got dandelions for our Christmas tree.

5. Take the blanks and evenly glue them onto the cone. The result: a curvy, green beauty.

6. Now let's start making jewelry. We make a red bow and decorate with a small bead.

7. We take polystyrene, form balls. Then we cover with gold glitter, let the paint dry. We've got a bead.

8. Decorate the craft with bows and beads.

9. Attach a bright bow to the top of the head.

10. Craft a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper is ready.

Master class of the Fairy Christmas tree

To complete you will need:

  • whatman;
  • bright green corrugated paper;
  • stapler;
  • stationery glue or glue stick.

Algorithm for performing the "Magic Christmas tree":

1. We make a cone - this is the basis for our craft. To do this, take a drawing paper, draw a circle, cut out a quarter and glue or fix it with a stapler.

2. To make a Christmas tree from corrugated paper, cut a strip as long as possible, and 5.5 cm wide. We weave a pigtail from it, the process is well shown in the video.

3. The result is a beautiful pigtail that attaches to the cone.

4. Take the pigtail, glue it to the base. Then we go further in a spiral, do not forget to gather the side without teeth.

5. It is recommended that the teeth are not overlapped, but next to each other. After complete drying, the “needles” must be lifted. By this action we add splendor. The Christmas tree craft is ready from corrugated paper. It remains only to dress up.

Idea number 1

To make this beauty, we need: a bottle cork, a wooden skewer, a piece of a bright cloth for decoration and corrugated paper. We start the process by dividing the cork in half, then stick in the skewer, decorate the base.

Then we turn to paper: cut into strips of different widths, then divide into equilateral triangles. At the end we string on a knitting needle from large to small. All crafts of corrugated paper Christmas trees are ready.

Idea number 2

The Christmas tree is performed according to the scheme of the second master class, only the pigtail is not woven. For this beauty, cut strips of 2-3 cm, stretch one side. Glue to the cone in a spiral, decorate.

Idea number 3

We take double-sided cardboard. Fold in half, draw a diagonal, cut out. Along the fold line, we make an incision of one contour from the bottom up, the other from the top down. We insert into each other. Cut the outer side of the triangle into small strips. Then we direct the strips to the sides.

Crafts of a Christmas tree made of corrugated paper will create a festive atmosphere in your home and will be a creative gift for guests.

No glue

New Year's festive days are ahead. The pre-holiday chores began for adults and children. They buy or make gifts for loved ones with their own hands. Set up a New Year tree. Recently, people have been decorating the house so that it is individual, different from others. Craft Christmas tree made of corrugated paper is a creative idea for decoration.

You will need:

  1. Whatman paper for the cone;
  2. corrugated paper;
  3. threads; needle;
  4. decorations.

1. we make a cone, cut it out and fix it (you can use threads, tape).

2. Cut the shelves of 3-4 cm.

3. Gather, collect on a string as in the photo.

4. If the strip is long, you can simply wrap the cone, secure only at the base and top.

5. Decorate with a bow, balls, rhinestones.

New Year's long-awaited holidays will come very soon. Preparing for the New Year is becoming a priority, because you want to bring a spark of joy and magic to your home. It is not surprising that a do-it-yourself Christmas tree made of corrugated paper deserves increased attention.

Fluffy tree

A fluffy and voluminous tree can be created from beautiful corrugated paper. The use of a simple technology for the implementation of the task is envisaged. In addition, an elegant corrugated paper herringbone craft can take its rightful place in the home or office. It is recommended to complement the composition with a scarlet bow, gold or silver beads. The decoration promises to transform the entire interior ...

Materials and tools:

  • A4 cardboard;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • decor - beads, bow.


1. The initial task is to correctly determine the height of the future tree. Then you should draw a circle on a cardboard of a suitable size and cut it out. In the first step, a cone is created, glued along the edges.

2. The tapered structure is wrapped in green paper and glued.

3. To create New Year's crafts, cut strips of small fringe, which will determine the degree of fluffiness of the spruce needles.

4. A long workpiece is wound on a pencil, after which it is glued at the base.

5. Paper “needles” are tightly glued to the cone.

6. The final step is to decorate the forest homemade beauty with beads.

Such a hand-made Christmas tree made of corrugated paper will bring the necessary New Year's shades to the interior.

Parents with children can choose a suitable master class in order to independently create the most stylish version of New Year's decor. Many corrugated paper Christmas tree crafts are noteworthy due to their lightness. Careful actions and maximum diligence will allow you to become the owner of the best forest beauty made of paper.

Today, corrugated paper is very popular because it can be used to make a lot of crafts. It is ideal for DIY work and also comes in a wide range of colors.

It can be purchased at any stationery, flower shop, or online.

Tip: for crafts made of corrugated paper for the new year, paper with a density of 180 grams / m2 is suitable.

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

Necessary materials:

  • green and red paper
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • beads
  • Styrofoam
  • dye
  • foil

We will start the stage of creating a Christmas tree craft from corrugated paper by making a cone out of cardboard. We glue it over with green paper.

We make needles for our Christmas tree from paper. We cut strips of 120 pieces of 15 cm each, their width is 1.5 cm.

We will make a fringe on them and twist them into a flower.

We glue all these flowers on a cardboard cone.

We will make bows from red corrugated paper and decorate the Christmas tree

You will get an original Christmas tree that can decorate both your home and your office table. It is also perfect for making a Christmas tree for kindergarten.

Corrugated paper decorations for the new year

Decorations may vary. You can buy them, or you can do it yourself. From corrugated paper, New Year's decorations are bright and original.

And you can also involve your family and children in this process. This will create an additional festive atmosphere at home.

To decorate your Christmas tree, you can make Christmas cones out of corrugated paper.

Necessary materials:

Cut out ribbons of 5 cm from paper, cut the edges of 4.5 cm.Copy the strips by making Christmas tree needles.

Wrap paper around the wire and attach the needles.

Make several branches in this way.

Cut the brown paper into strips 5 cm wide, bend the edge 1 cm, twisting it.

In this case, it is necessary to retreat from the previous twisting by 1 cm.Roll this blank to get a bump. Tie up the edge with thread.

After making all the needles, the finished workpiece must be wound on a wire, imitating a spruce branch. Several such blanks are made, after which they are connected to each other, forming a single dense branch.

You can make several such cones and of different sizes to form a branch of New Year's cones.

New Year's decor made of corrugated paper conquers with its diversity and originality. It can be Christmas trees, flowers, balls, but you can also create a bright Christmas wreath from corrugated paper.

Necessary materials:

  • foam base
  • paper
  • pins

Currently, Christmas wreaths are made from any material, but if you want to make your own Christmas decorations from corrugated paper, you will have to stock up on time and different decor.

How to make a wreath of corrugated paper with your own hands

Cut a circle of the required size from cardboard

Cut the corrugated paper into 10 cm squares. Remember them in your hands and glue them to the base. Glue them so that the base is not visible. The closer you glue them, the more magnificent your New Year's wreath will turn out.

You can make a ribbon out of red paper to decorate a wreath.

Corrugated paper Christmas toys can look very attractive.

If time and imagination permits, then you can create real New Year's compositions from corrugated paper. With the New Year holidays approaching, everyone wants to decorate their home and make it more comfortable. Crafts for the New Year from corrugated paper look voluminous and bright.

New Year is perhaps the most important holiday for adults and children! They prepare for it for a long time: they decorate the home, decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts. And they celebrate it on a grand scale - by the whole big country and even abroad. Children love to create jewelry on their own or together with adults. In this article, we will try to make out the simplest and most interesting ways of making jewelry from the simplest material that is in every home - paper.

Making decorations for the Christmas tree

Making jewelry with your own hands is not only an exciting experience - joint creativity brings parents and children closer together. Christmas decorations made of paper are good for their lightness: even the thinnest branches will not sag under their weight!

The most suitable decorations for a fluffy New Year's beauty are volumetric balls. Making them is easy and simple, and under the guidance of adults, even the smallest family members will be able to do it. For this you will need:

  • thick paper (you can use watercolor paper, cardboard, colored paper, white, even old postcards);
  • stationery glue or glue stick;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • a compass or circle template (you can simply circle a cup or a round lid).

First you need to cut 20 circles out of paper. The size of the future toy will depend on their size. Inside each circle we draw an equilateral triangle, the corners of which must touch the sides of the circle. We make folds along the lines of the triangle - these will be the "edges" of our volumetric ball.

The next stage is assembly. Take five blanks and fold them with the sharp ends of the triangles to the center - we get a circle. We immediately place a loop-thread in the center, on which we will later hang our decoration, glue the blanks with the "ribs" outward - we get the top. The bottom of the ball is made in the same way. We glue the remaining 10 blanks into a strip, connect it in a ring, glue the already dried parts of the top and bottom from above and below.

So, we got a wonderful volumetric ribbed ball! By changing the size of the blanks, the color and texture of the paper, you can get many unique toys for decorating the Christmas tree and interior. It is easy to hide a small souvenir or gift inside the ball, give balls to guests or arrange a fun game.

Another way to make a volumetric ball is similar to the previous one, but much simpler. We cut out several circles or any other shapes from paper or cardboard, for example, stars, hearts, Christmas trees. The figures must be identical and symmetrical. You can print them on a printer or use a template. We bend the figure in half exactly in the center, and do the manipulation with the rest of the details. It remains to glue, for which we smear half of each workpiece with glue and connect with the other half. Thus, we glue all the figures. The latter is combined with the first, and a volumetric toy is obtained.

An exquisite decoration can be made using a foam blank. You will need the following tools and materials:

  • coated paper in pastel colors;
  • curly hole punches "Flowers" of two sizes: one - larger, the other - smaller;
  • bead head pins.

If you don't have hole punchers, it doesn't matter! Draw four-leaf flower patterns on cardboard and cut along them. The flowers should be folded in pairs (a larger blank at the bottom, and a small one at the top), pierced in the center with a pin and attached to a foam ball. Repeat the steps until the entire surface of the foam sphere is covered with flowers. Then glue the loop and hang it on the tree.

Christmas tree decor that children will surely like - cones with gifts. Making them is simple but exciting. From a beautiful double-sided paper, for example, origami paper, we cut out an even circle, find its center and cut out a small wedge. We fold the resulting part in the shape of a cone and carefully glue it. With a hole punch we make two holes on the sides opposite each other (they are needed to fix the thread).

It turned out a cone with a handle for fastening, in shape similar to a fire bucket. The possibilities of decorating it are literally endless: lace on the edge, beads, sequins, openwork edging and much more. You can put a small souvenir or candy inside and hang it on the tree! It should not be placed very high so that little guests can get a treat or gift.

Paper christmas heroes

One of the simplest decorations in a New Year's hall or apartment is a paper garland. For New Year and Christmas, it will be relevant to perform it in the form of angels, deer, snowmen, Santa Claus, a Christmas tree or a snowflake. The classic version is the little men holding hands. Very beautiful garlands come out of colored and corrugated paper, but plain white is also suitable for angels and snowflakes.

We will need:

  • paper of the selected color or white;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

We glue several sheets of paper together to get a long strip. The longer the strip, the longer the garland will be, but you should not make the strip too long - it will be difficult to cut the shapes. Then we fold the paper strip with an accordion and draw the selected character on the top sheet (you can use a stencil). Next, we cut out the figure, but not completely, but leaving uncut sections at least 5 millimeters wide on the left and right at the folds.

Now it remains to unfold the accordion and fix the ends of the garland in the chosen place. And now angels flutter under the ceiling, touching their wings, or snowmen lead a round dance!

It is also easy to make unusual toys from paper strips, for example, a snowman. We cut 10 equal strips 15–20 centimeters long and 1–2 cm wide and lay them out in the form of sunbeams, and fasten them with a stapler in the middle. We collect the free ends in the same way and also fasten it with a staple or glue - we get a sphere. We make another smaller one - this will be the head of the snowman. We connect the details and decorate to taste: glue eyes made of paper or beads, put on a hat or glue small paper mittens to the body of a snowman.

You can also make Santa Claus out of paper. To do this, you need to make a cone out of red cardboard - this will be the body of our hero. Then cut out two small ovals from white paper and glue the bottom of the cone - we get feet. We glue a circle of white or cream paper on top of the cone, draw or glue eyes, a nose, a beard from strips of white paper curled with scissors. Next, add details: hands, buttons on the fur coat, a cap on the head.

So the main character of children's winter fairy tales, Grandfather Frost, is ready.

Holiday snowflakes

The New Year is primarily associated with snow. It is customary to decorate the room for the New Year's holiday with snowflakes. Making a window at home is as easy as shelling pears: cut out a snowflake stencil from a sheet of office paper, apply it to the window and spray it with artificial snow. The stencil can be used several times, the artificial snow is easily washed off the window glass after the holidays.

Familiar from childhood and beloved by everyone, young and old, a way to decorate a house- cut snowflakes from a napkin or tissue paper. To do this, the square sheets should be folded in half so that a triangle is formed. Repeat the manipulation two more times. Figured off the sharp top, and on the left and right, arbitrarily cut out curved lines without cutting the folds to the end. When unfolded, a whimsical snowflake with a unique pattern is obtained.

An ordinary paper snowflake can be easily transformed into something special if you put it on a template in the form of a ballerina figurine. Draw the silhouette of the dancer on sheet A4 and cut it out. In the center of the pre-made snowflake, a hole should be made into which the template should be threaded. It turned out a ballerina in a snowy lace tutu!

If suspended from the ceiling, it will rotate with every movement of the air.

How to make a garland?

Making a New Year's garland is a snap. For the simplest classic method you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • ruler;
  • regular pencil;
  • scissors.

Cut the paper into strips 2 centimeters wide. We close the first strip in a ring and glue it together - it turned out the first link of the chain. We thread the next strip into the resulting link and also glue it together. We do these simple steps in stages, alternating different colored stripes until the chain reaches the desired length. We decorate the Christmas tree with the resulting garland.

Craftswomen engaged in scrapbooking offer to diversify the "old-fashioned way" using modern tools for working with paper: cut the paper with curly scissors, and make holes in the strips in the form of snowflakes with a special hole punch.

There is also a second way. Using a color printer, we print New Year's prints on ordinary office paper. Cut out the rhombuses and fold them in half, resulting in triangular flags. Next, you need to pull a strong thin thread in the place where you would like to place the garland. We coat each rhombus from the inside in the place of the fold with glue and hang it on a thread - the garland is ready!

This is a great, quick and easy way to decorate an office space, but it can also be used for a festive apartment decor.

The third way is for ladies who love to sew. You will need:

  • thick double-sided paper with a pattern or just colored;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • scissors.

Cut out the silhouettes of the New Year tree from paper (you can be the same, or you can different). The largest stitch should be set on the sewing machine. Sew the first shape in the center. Without cutting off the threads, we also sew the next Christmas tree in the center and continue this way until the garland reaches the desired length. It turns out a very original and stylish decoration!

To make another type of garland, we need:

  • strong thread equal to the length of the garland (you can also use fishing line or yarn for lint-free knitting);
  • glue;
  • thick colored paper or cardboard.

With a hole punch or by hand, you should make a circle with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters from thick paper or thin cardboard. We bend each circle in half and put it on a thread, glue the edges. We glue the next element in a similar way so that the semicircles are located close to each other. You can hang the garland!

The next idea for making a garland is a fan! Fold the rectangular strip like an accordion, bend it in half and connect with glue or a stapler - when unfolding, a semicircular fan is obtained. From two such fans, we collect a circle, glue it, make the required number of such fan circles. We connect the circles to each other with a stapler or fasten to a thread. The magic decoration can be used!

And one more simple corrugated paper garland. To make it, we fold wide strips of corrugated paper and cut a thin fringe on the sides. Twist the strip slightly in a spiral, and the delicate paper decoration is ready!

There is very little left until the New Year! Therefore, our lesson will be devoted to the creation of the main New Year's attribute - Christmas trees !!! Let it be small, but with positive energy. And if children are involved in the process, then a good mood and bright memories will be provided to everyone for the whole year.

The materials are the most simple and affordable: corrugated paper, cardboard, beads, satin ribbons, PVA glue (for children's creativity) or a hot glue gun (for adults).

There will be a cone as a base, it can be either made of cardboard (for children's creativity) or foam.

So, let's start creating Christmas trees made of corrugated paper... Consider 3 different options based on a cone.

A fluffy volumetric tree made of corrugated paper is completely simple in technology.

Option 1: Christmas tree made of corrugated paper petals

1. Cut 2.5-3 cm x 10 cm strips of corrugated paper of the desired color along the corrugation lines.

2. Twist the strip in the middle. Let's fold it in half. Make the “petal” blank convex by stretching both layers of paper in the middle of the petal.

3. We glue the blanks on the cone in rows from bottom to top. Each next row should cover at least half the previous one. The petals should be bent outward. Each next row is glued in a checkerboard pattern.

The base of the cone, if necessary, can be closed with a circle of the required diameter made of corrugated paper.

The Christmas tree is ready! It can be decorated according to your wishes.

Option 2: a herringbone from corrugated paper "shuttlecocks"

For such a Christmas tree, you will additionally need: a thread and a needle.

1. If necessary, close the base of the cone (if the base is a foam cone).

2. Cut long strips 3-4 cm wide from corrugated paper and assemble them on a thread.

3. Glue the assembled tape to the cone in a spiral, starting from the bottom.

4. The curved crown can be made with a 3mm diam craft wire. We wrap the top of the head with paper in a spiral and bend it.

5. We glue the decorations on the "shuttlecocks". And we decorate the top with a large bead and ribbons.

"Shuttlecocks" can be glued both in a spiral and in rows, alternating colors.

Option 3: a herringbone made of corrugated paper by facing

For this version of the Christmas tree, it is more convenient to use a cardboard cone. You will also need a pencil or an empty pen case. With PVA glue, it is better to use a pen case or a pencil of a light shade of color so as not to stain the paper.

1. The paper must first be cut into strips 3 cm wide, and then each strip must be cut into 3x3 cm squares.

2. Place one square on your left index finger. You have a pencil in your right hand. Place the blunt part of the pencil in the middle of the paper and scroll the workpiece, pressing it with your fingers, as if wrapping a pencil with a paper square.

3. Let's start to "trim" our tree. We dip each "flower" into glue and put it on the surface of the cone, pressing it slightly, remove the rod. I will glue in a spiral, so I immediately outlined the markings on the cone.

You can use one color or make the tree multi-colored. Imagine !!!

4. The Christmas tree is ready! Decorations are optional!

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!