Repeated pregnancy after cesarean section: recovery time, natural childbirth, IVF. Features of pregnancy one year after cesarean section

How long can you get pregnant after a cesarean, the doctor will answer. The reasons for the previous surgery should be considered before planning. It is also necessary to assess the general condition of the patient and identify the end of the recovery period. Only after that a decision is made about the nature of the upcoming birth.

Early pregnancy after a cesarean section is unacceptable. The prohibition is associated with the presence of various processes in the body. The recovery period is accompanied by such processes as:

  • the formation of scar tissue on the uterine wall;
  • restructuring of the hormonal system;
  • psycho-emotional change;
  • restoration of the work of muscle tissue and the reproductive system.

The main recovery is the formation of scar tissue on the wall of the uterine body. This fabric is different from the usual one. The scar does not have all the usual properties of the uterine tissue. He cannot make contractile movements and does not undergo stretching. This scar property affects the general characteristics of the uterine cavity during the second conception.

We should not forget about hormonal changes in the body. This is a very complex and lengthy process. Before the start of pregnancy, a woman goes through her menstrual cycle. It is formed by estrogen, luteinizing hormone and progesterone. During the gestation period, the main substance is progesterone. The approach of labor causes an increase in the amount of prolactin and a decrease in the volume of progesterone. After the operation, the hormonal background undergoes regular changes. The body begins to return to the menstrual cycle. There is an increase in estrogen. The amount of prolactin and estrogen affects the late onset of menstruation. If the second pregnancy after a cesarean occurs quickly, then it may not persist. The risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases.

After giving birth, a woman also experiences a psycho-emotional stress. It is for this reason that postpartum depression is diagnosed. The way out of this state can take a year or more. The lack of assistance from a specialist also increases this gap. It is for this reason that repeated pregnancy after a cesarean section is not recommended.

The body also needs to restore the elasticity of muscle tissue. After the operation, the girl is contraindicated in strong physical activity. Carrying a baby is also included in this prohibition. If a woman has not been able to fully recover, and the second pregnancy after a cesarean section has occurred, placental abruption may occur. Thanks to this process, a late miscarriage occurs.

You also need to let the woman get used to the role of mom. This does not always happen quickly. The early onset of the next gestation period can interrupt this process. A breakdown of the nervous system appears. It is all these conditions that you need to know before planning the 2nd child.

Reasons for the appointment of the operation

Pregnancy immediately after a cesarean section is not allowed for other reasons. The doctor should explain to the patient the reasons for the previous intervention. There are two types of factors for the purpose of the operation:

  • straight;
  • relative.

Direct reasons are associated with the patient's health. The operation could be recommended due to the presence of serious illnesses. Often, the intervention is carried out in the presence of oncological neoplasms. Oncology causes disruption of the cell membrane and changes the characteristics of its nucleus. If additional external influences arise, the development of pathology increases. The woman is sent for surgery.

Also, the direct cause of the operation is the incorrect intrauterine position of the child. The localization of the fetus depends on the location of the placenta. Spontaneous childbirth is not recommended for women whose fetus assumes a transverse uterine position. Such babies have a chance of hypoxia in the birth canal. Lack of oxygen has a negative impact on the baby's brain and overall health. In rare cases, such births can result in fetal death.

Sectioning is recommended for women whose fetus is heavy. Normal weight should be no more than 4 kg. If the body weight of the child is greater, then the woman will not be able to give birth on her own. Medical attention is required. The problem is aggravated by the presence of a narrow small pelvis. A large fetus can get stuck in the birth canal and get injured. If the weight of the fetus is again large, then the birth is carried out by section.

The operation is also used for multiple pregnancies. The development of several fruits during one gestation is complicated by a decrease in nutrient material. To save the life of all babies, doctors advise giving birth by caesarean section. You should be aware that multiple pregnancies can recur. Second births are also performed surgically. After repeated intervention, the patient is not recommended to carry it again.

Natural birth process is not recommended in the presence of myopathic syndrome. A severe decrease in vision does not occur without reason. In many cases, myopia is accompanied by problems with the vascular tissue. Improper functioning of the vascular system leads to a decrease in the functioning of the optic nerve and lens. The extra pressure during pushing can cause visual impairment. For this reason, the next pregnancy will also be accompanied by surgery.

You can discuss the relative reasons for the operation with your doctor. Recommendations for reoperation arise due to the presence of uterine fibroids. Myoma is considered a conditionally pathogenic neoplasm that easily degenerates into a malignant tumor. The presence of this disease must be monitored by a specialist. If the fibroid is actively developing, secondary surgery should be performed.

During childbirth, specialists monitor the divergence of the cervical canal and the contraction of the walls of the uterine body. Weak development of the process or its complete absence is an indication for emergency surgery. This problem can occur both in the first and in the second pregnancy.

Planning start dates

It is recommended to start planning the next conception after a cesarean section in the third year. During this period, the body has time to fully restore its functions. Attention should be paid to the characteristics of the postoperative scar. The scar has a dense structure, due to which improper fastening of the embryo can cause rupture of the walls. Rarely, after the first operation, there is a section of thinned tissue. Further gestation may be accompanied by strong stretching of the damaged tissue. The chance of rupture of the uterine cavity increases during the second trimester.

Some patients do not consider it necessary to adhere to these deadlines. They are not interested in when to get pregnant after a caesarean section. Such women are subject to more thorough examination and control by specialists.

The recommended starting date for planning should not be less than 24 months. This is the time after which you can start planning. If pregnancy occurred earlier, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will assess the risk of this condition and choose the right way to support the fetus.

Conducting the gestation process

Preparing for pregnancy should begin with a visit to a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the postoperative scar and check the hormone levels. Only then is it allowed to start planning. After the appearance of positive tests, a woman should immediately inform a specialist about this. The management of a second pregnancy after surgery is not much different from the first. During the gestation period, the patient needs to visit the doctor frequently. The examination of the fetus is also more thorough. Ultrasound diagnostics during the second pregnancy is performed up to 6 times. Any sensations unusual for the body should cause anxiety. If there is soreness in the lumbar spine or lower abdomen, see your doctor.

The earlier onset of the second pregnancy should be monitored more closely. The patient is assigned frequent tests. For any slight decrease in the positive course of gestation, the woman is put on support.

You should also know the features of physical activity. In the second pregnancy after surgery, a woman should limit physical activity. Refusal to carry weights and long walks has a beneficial effect on the process. That is why, after a cesarean, you can become pregnant after three years. The first child acquires partial independence, bearing takes place according to the rules.

Risk of a second surgery

The presence of risks causes an increase in the timing of how long after a cesarean it is allowed to become pregnant. During the period of secondary gestation after surgery, the following risks arise:

The greatest risk is rupture of the wall of the uterine body. The uterus ruptures at the site of the scar tissue. The scar does not allow this area to stretch normally. Rapid growth and development of the fetus exacerbates this process. Modern doctors have learned to avoid this complication. This is done by changing the incision. Initially, the procedure was carried out using a vertical section. Such an incision increased the risk of not only rupture of the uterus, but also the appearance of a hernial orifice. The cavity between the diaphragmatic muscles of the peritoneum was dissected. The uterus was damaged along the entire anterior wall. At the moment, doctors have revised the localization of the incision. Modern specialists use an incision on the top of the pubic bone. The incision does not exceed 20 cm and is carried out on an area with a tight convergence of tissues. Such an operation shortens the wound healing time and reduces the risk of developing concomitant complications.

A complication such as thinning of the uterine wall is also possible. This problem is observed in patients whose fetus is entrenched in the area of ​​a previous pregnancy. Complications cannot be avoided. Usually, in this case, it is recommended to abandon further bearing. The woman is offered a sterilization procedure or ligation of the fallopian tubes.

In some cases, placental abruption occurs. The baby seat is formed from vascular tissue and endometrium. It is responsible for the nutritional function of the fetus and the delivery of oxygen. Detachment can occur due to the weakness of the uterine wall. The lack of proper elasticity is detected at a later date. The preservation of such a pregnancy is carried out in a hospital. The woman remains in the hospital until the surgical section is performed.

The risk of early labor increases. For this reason, the second caesarean is not scheduled for the preliminary date of birth according to the obstetric term, but at 35–36 weeks.

During this time, the child acquires all the necessary functions. Its further formation takes place in an incubator. The discharge is carried out one month after the operation.

The chances of bleeding during gestation also increase. Early miscarriages are due to rupture of vascular tissue. For this reason, women are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant and carry a child immediately after surgery. The answer is always negative. Strengthening and restoration of the vascular system occurs only the next year after the operation. No medicines are able to speed up the process. You should wait until your health is fully restored and only then start planning.

Together with the development of risks, the question arises as to how many procedures can be performed using an operation. Many doctors agreed that operative childbirth can be resorted to no more than three times. After that, it is recommended to use protective equipment or sterilization.

Any planning should be accompanied by medical supervision. The doctor will assess the patient's overall health and select the type of delivery that is most appropriate for the patient. If the first gestation ended with an operation, you should ask when you can get pregnant after a cesarean section. Independent decision-making in this case can cause various unpleasant phenomena in the gestation process. They can be fatal during natural labor.

Delivery does not always occur naturally. For some women, doctors prescribe surgery. If the child is the first, and the girl still wants to have babies, the logical question arises when it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean. An unambiguous answer to this question can only be given by an obstetrician-gynecologist. At the same time, the doctor will tell you in detail how to properly prepare for the gestation process and what interval should be done between conceptions.

The very concept of a cesarean section is an operational procedure, thanks to which doctors have the opportunity to remove a newborn from the mother's womb. Recently, medical statistics indicate that approximately 20% of women give birth with the help of the CS. Let's consider in more detail, after a cesarean section, how long you can get pregnant.

If we consider the issue from a theoretical point of view, then planning a second child, and accordingly conception, can be immediately after the end of the breastfeeding period. As for the restoration of the cycle of menstrual bleeding, it will take exactly as much time as in natural childbirth, which depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Answering the question of how long it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean, doctors draw the attention of women to the fact that it will take at least six months to restore the normal state of the whole body, and certain tissues in particular. That is, before this period it is better not to plan another child.

The KS procedure is considered an operation, and you need to remember about blood loss, which will be no less than with any other surgical intervention of this kind. Against this background, the development of anemia is not excluded. If the level of iron in the blood is low, then both the health of the mother and the baby will be unsatisfactory. It is necessary to give time to replenish this trace element in order to avoid the development of complications.

When asked when it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean section, doctors advise giving the body to recover at least two, and even better three years. With earlier conception, there is a significant risk of complications during the period of gestation and development of the fetus, as well as during labor.

It is very important not only to know, after a cesarean, when you can get pregnant, but also to plan this event without neglecting the preparatory stage. Spouses must use the most convenient contraception to prevent unwanted conception, since abortion is highly undesirable for a woman who has recently undergone a CS procedure.

When scraping, trauma is inflicted on the scar, which was formed after surgical delivery. That is, if a girl becomes pregnant 3 months after cesarean or earlier, it is better to give preference to drug interruption (only at a very early stage), or to give birth to a child.

Doctors note that if a girl becomes pregnant 2 months after cesarean, or after six months or a year, then you should not panic, because the bulk carries and gives birth to children without any complications, although there are exceptions.

Child planning

If a girl first became a mother thanks to surgery, you should not think that she no longer has the opportunity to have children, it is only important to recover from a cesarean, and after how long the doctor will say to become pregnant, although exact numbers cannot be given, since each organism is individual.

According to statistics, more than 30% of women who have gone through the COP are planning to have one or two more children in the future. It will take about 24-36 months to fully recover muscle tissue. Actually, here is the answer to the question, after a cesarean, how long can you get pregnant. However, for those mothers who have passed 10 years or more after such a delivery, pregnancy is not recommended.

As for the basic planning rules, they are as follows:

  1. Regular use of contraceptives until the moment when fertilization attempts can not begin;
  2. A woman should do outdoor walks every day;
  3. You should come on time for a gynecological and therapeutic examination, as well as treat the identified diseases;
  4. It is worth observing the regime of wakefulness and rest;
  5. Nutrition should be complete, healthy and varied;
  6. If possible, you need to do fitness or your favorite sport.

Also, a married couple, knowing the answer to the question when it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean section, must be examined by a gynecologist and urologist before conception in order to check for the presence or absence of genital diseases.

Pregnancy in 1-2-3 months

Many girls are wondering if it is possible to get pregnant after a cesarean after 2 months or three. Doctors unequivocally assure that fertilization in this period is possible. It is very important to understand that it is at the time of the first bearing of the fetus, as well as during childbirth, that a serious restructuring occurs in the mother's body. In order for him to bounce back and recover, he will need some time.

Actually, if you become pregnant after cesarean after 3 months, first of all you need to understand how to proceed. You can either keep the baby or interrupt with medication, if time permits. No matter how rude it may sound, the second option is considered preferable, since the likelihood that gestation will not be associated with complications and risks of spontaneous interruption is extremely low. Answering the question whether it is possible to become pregnant after a cesarean in a month, doctors also say yes, but this is highly undesirable.

When a girl became pregnant after a cesarean after 3 months, what to do next, you need to decide on your own. No one will be able to advise the correct option, since the body has not yet recovered from the first event. To fully replenish all the necessary resources, as well as stabilize the emotional state, at least a year and a half should pass.

Pregnancy in 4-5-6 months

In some couples, it happens that the girl becomes pregnant 4 months after the cesarean. If conception occurred after natural childbirth, then this interval would be sufficient for the restoration of the body, but after the prompt removal of the baby, such a period of time is extremely short.

It should be understood that the very process of bearing a fetus in women who have previously given birth by means of the CS is different from those whose babies appeared naturally. That is why, if it happened that a woman became pregnant 5 months after cesarean, then their gynecologists or obstetricians put them on special account and control.

Even if a woman becomes pregnant 6 months after cesarean, she will be at risk as a patient who is overly prone to premature birth. The peculiarity of the observation is that the expectant mother will have to visit the gynecologist in the LCD several times a week, take additional tests and more often do ultrasound diagnostics of the uterus in the early stages.

Also, those who managed to become pregnant six months after the cesarean are examined for the detection of the placenta attachment, and in most cases it is located exactly at the place of the scar. This will lead to the fact that it will develop more intensively, and the uterus will stretch unnecessarily.

If a woman asks the question: became pregnant 6 months after the cesarean, what to do, doctors advise to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist, provided that the expectant mother wants to keep the child. It is very important to undergo all the prescribed ultrasounds during the third trimester, since during this period the fetus grows most intensively. Also, at each examination, the doctor should feel the scar, note the presence or absence of pain.

Often, such expectant mothers are shown a course intake of antispasmodic drugs, as well as vitamin complexes that will help relieve pain and fill in all the missing elements in the body. To improve the general condition, you should eat right and follow the daily regimen.

Pregnancy after 12 months

It is not surprising that every woman asks the question: after a cesarean section, how long can you get pregnant if children are still planned in the couple. As mentioned earlier, the most optimal break after the previous birth is the period from 24 to 36 months. This is exactly how much it takes for the body to recover.

It often happens that a girl becomes pregnant 9 months after cesarean, or earlier. Having come for a consultation with a gynecologist, such patients may hear that they are being sent for an involuntary interruption, that is, an abortion. You should not immediately listen to this recommendation. Yes, the period of gestation and birth of a baby can be difficult, but if there are no contraindications, then why give up the opportunity to become a mother again.

Most doctors are sure that if a woman becomes pregnant a year after cesarean, then, often, the bearing of the fetus passes without any complications. By itself, the scar heals within three to five months, and after a six-month period, the main genital organ (uterus) is also restored.

It is important to understand that the more time will pass from the moment of birth to the next pregnancy, the less likely it will be that during the process of carrying a child, there will be a detachment of the placenta, its low location or problems with the suture itself.

If pregnancy after a cesarean section occurred in the early stages, then a decision should be made whether to leave the child, or go back. If the couple does not get rid of the baby, then it will be necessary to be patient, discard all negative thoughts and calmly give birth to a healthy child.

Expert opinion (video)

When can you get pregnant after a cesarean section?

There are no absolute contraindications for a new pregnancy after cesarean, and about 30% of women plan to have more children in the future. It is believed that a more favorable period for the onset of pregnancy and childbirth is after 2 - 3 years, since it is during this time that muscle tissue is restored in the area of ​​the scar on the uterus.

At this time, very reliable contraception is needed, because with early pregnancy, a weak scar can disperse and cause a tear in the uterine wall. Abortion during this period also cannot be done, any mechanical stretching or impact on the wall of the uterus can weaken it and provoke rupture or inflammation.

Natural childbirth after cesarean section

The rule "one caesarean - always caesarean" has long lost its validity. In itself, the presence of a scar on the uterus is not an indication for surgery. Moreover, expert organizations in Europe and the United States claim that natural childbirth is desirable for women who have undergone cesarean.

As a rule, natural childbirth is possible after one cesarean section. After two caesarean sessions, the doctor will insist on surgery.

The chance of a successful natural birth after a cesarean is about 60 - 70%. This largely depends on the reason for the previous operation. It is worth trying if the causes of cesarean were associated only with the course of the previous pregnancy, and did not repeat in the next one:

  • breech presentation of the child;
  • toxicosis of the second half;
  • pathological condition of the fetus;
  • active stage of genital herpes.

In the case of a “clinically narrow pelvis” in a previous pregnancy, it is also possible to give birth without the aid of a surgeon. This diagnosis often hides just a weakness in labor, so there is a chance that it will not recur.

Features of labor management after cesarean section

In Russia, doctors are still reluctant to carry out natural labor after cesarean. Often there are a number of strict requirements for pregnancy:

  • The time between the first cesarean and the second pregnancy must be at least 3 and no more than 10 years;
  • The incision in the uterus is preferably horizontal (transverse);
  • The placenta should be located high enough, preferably along the back wall;
  • The fetus should be in cephalic presentation;
  • The seam must be in good condition.

If all these conditions are met and there are no contraindications, then you will most likely be allowed to give birth naturally.

During natural childbirth after cesarean, stimulation and pain relief should not be done. This can intensify the contractions of the uterus and increase the likelihood of rupture.

Should you try to give birth yourself?

Is it worth it to suffer trying to give birth a second time after cesarean, if in the end you still have to cut? This question can be answered like this: your baby would say thank you for your efforts.

Firstly, for everything to work out, you always need to tune in for the best. Secondly, children born by cesarean section, but after the onset of contractions, find it easier to adapt to the environment than their peers born before labor. They have much better breathing after childbirth and better hormonal levels.

Is uterine rupture possible

The main reason for refusing natural childbirth after cesarean is the fear of uterine rupture. In Russia, only 30% of women give birth after a cesarean section by natural means (for comparison, in some clinics in the west, the number of such women is close to 70%). However, this risk is largely exaggerated. There are cases when women gave birth naturally, even after two operations on the uterus.

The fact is that many years ago an incision in the uterus was made longitudinally in its upper part, that is, where the probability of rupture during childbirth is greatest. Now it is almost always done transversely in the lower part and almost cannot cause rupture.

According to official data, the risk of uterine rupture in the case of a transverse incision is only 0.2%, respectively, the probability of a successful outcome of childbirth is 99.8%! In addition, not a single woman or child in our time dies from a ruptured uterus, regardless of what the incision was. Fortunately, the threat of an incipient rupture can be easily detected by ultrasound and CTG, his condition is determined at 36 - 38 weeks and before childbirth.

How many times can you have a second cesarean section?

Usually doctors undertake to do a caesarean section no more than three times, but sometimes you can meet women with a fourth. Each operation weakens and thinns the wall of the uterus.

If you are planning a third cesarean, then it is worth talking to your doctor about the possibility of surgical contraception with tubal ligation right during the operation. This method will reliably protect against subsequent pregnancy and possible surgery on the uterus.

Many women who have already undergone a cesarean section, after a while, easily decide on a second similar birth. But few of them know that the first pregnancy with surgery is somewhat different from the subsequent ones, which carry more threats and dangers for a woman. When planning a second birth after cesarean, it is necessary to take into account certain points, which we will talk about further. How long can you get pregnant again without a threat to your life?

When is pregnancy possible?

Caesarean section (CS) is an abdominal delivery operation, in which the child is removed from the uterine cavity through its dissected wall. The operation takes about 1 hour on average and is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. After giving birth, the new mother is transferred to the intensive care unit, where the process of her recovery begins. Thanks to modern medications, rehabilitation after surgery is quick. Many women easily tolerate the healing process of stitches and after six months do not remember them.

In order for the scar on the uterus to heal well, it is necessary at least three months, during which it is important to take care of yourself in order to avoid complications and rupture of the suture.

At the end of this time, you can safely do household chores and exert other stress on the body. Sex is also included in the list of these loads and implies planned or unplanned conception. The question arises: "When can you get pregnant after cesarean?" How much time should pass - only the doctor will answer, based on the examination data.

If we talk about a second pregnancy after a cesarean section, then three months and even six months are very few. In order for the process of subsequent pregnancy to take place as safely as possible for a woman, at least one year must pass, and preferably two or three years. During this time, the uterine scar is completely overgrown, and the tissues are strengthened, provided that no intrauterine manipulations have occurred during this time.

It is also not worth delaying pregnancy after a cesarean section, since the scar tissue atrophies over time, losing its elasticity and strength. Similar processes are observed after 10 years from the date of the operation. Therefore, experts recommend planning a pregnancy between 3 and 10 years of age.

Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo an examination of the postoperative suture on the uterus - hysterography. This study allows you to assess the condition of the scar and determine what tissues it consists of (muscle, connective, fatty). Muscle tissue is considered ideal, but other options are considered the worst for repeated pregnancy. Based on the results of hysterography, the doctor determines whether a woman is able to give birth on her own in a natural way or she cannot avoid repeated CS.

Repeated pregnancy

If pregnancy after a cesarean section occurred no earlier than 2 years after the operation, then along the course it will not differ in any way from pregnancy without a scar on the uterus - at least until 32-35 weeks of the term. From this time on, a woman should regularly undergo scheduled examinations - every week. The doctor should carefully examine the uterine scar and, with the help of palpation, determine its degree of pain. If the seam begins to bring unpleasant sensations to the woman, then an additional weekly ultrasound examination is prescribed in order to prevent unwanted complications. Increased attention is paid to aggravated pregnancies, for example, multiple or early pregnancies.

When conception occurs six months after the operation, then there is a clear risk for the woman.

Early pregnancy after a cesarean section is a rather dangerous phenomenon, since when carrying a child, a not yet fully healed and unhealed suture can disperse at any time, and an abortion is no less risky. Doctors recommend that the couple pay increased attention to contraception during the first two years after CS. Even a pregnancy one year after a cesarean is not completely safe.

Delivery methods after KS

In medicine of the last century, there was a clear statement: everyone who gave birth for the first time with the help of KS will give birth again in the same way. However, modern medicine refutes this dogma and allows repeated birth in a natural way, if there are no serious contraindications. A scar on the uterus is now not considered the basis for a second CS if it is made in cross section. With a longitudinal section, natural delivery is excluded.

The natural option of childbirth is allowed mainly for women who have undergone a cesarean section once. If there were several operations, that is, there were second, third births, then the doctor, as a rule, convinces the woman of the need for another operation and does not expose her to possible complications.

According to statistics, after caesarean surgery, almost 70% of women give birth again naturally. It depends on how the first operation went. You can try to give birth on your own if the cause of the COP was a non-chronic problem:

  • breech presentation of the fetus;
  • gestosis (late toxicosis);
  • fetal developmental pathology;
  • the presence of the genital herpes virus;
  • a clinically narrow pelvis (the ratio of the baby's head to the pelvis).

If the caesarean section was performed for the first time due to the anatomically narrow pelvis (the size of the pelvis is reduced by 1–2 cm), problems with the heart, vision, etc., that is, due to chronic deviations in health and physiology, no doubt, it will be prescribed repeated KS operation.

Any pregnancy after KS obliges future parents to give birth in a maternity hospital, where, in case of any complications, the woman in labor and the child will be able to provide first aid.

The dangers of re-pregnancy

Having experienced the COP for the first time, some of the mothers will decisively go for the second operation, since they have the opinion that this procedure is harmless, not scary, and they already know the psychological and physiological side. Others want their child to be born naturally and do not know about the complications and dangers of the natural method of childbirth after CS:

  1. Rupture of the postoperative suture on the uterus. Almost 30% of women give up vaginal delivery in favor of CS due to the risk of scar rupture. According to modern medicine, this fear is caused by echoes of the past and the ignorance of women in labor. Previously, the seam was performed in a longitudinal section, which in itself was incorrect. This execution of the incision meant the dissection of the muscle wall with great trauma, because of which its further full fusion and restoration became almost impossible. With the cross-section of the seam, the muscles seem to move apart, and their structure is practically not disturbed. After the operation, only a scar remains, and the muscles can continue to fully exist.
  2. Dense attachment of the placenta (true accretion). Placental accreta is an unfavorable consequence of pregnancy, in which there is an ingrowth of the chorionic villi forming the placenta into the wall of the uterus. The main cause of this pathology is the previous operation of the CS. Placental accreta is dangerous because the attached placenta will not be able to separate from the wall during childbirth, which will provoke bleeding. Every year this pathology is gaining momentum and at the moment it occurs in 1 out of 2500 pregnant women. In addition, each new caesarean section increases the chance of augmentation by 25%.

Before deciding on a second pregnancy after a CS, it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with all the important points of such conception and undergo a thorough examination, since a harmless cesarean section, transferred several years ago, can hide a clear threat to a woman in the future.

A huge panic in women is caused by pregnancy a year after cesarean. This process makes you wonder once again whether it is worthwhile. After all, many intimidate pregnant women with consequences. What do modern doctors think about this? What is the right thing to do? The best tips and tricks on this topic will be presented below. In fact, everything is not so scary. The main thing is to know some of the features and nuances of such a pregnancy.


What if you have come after a year? It all depends only on your decision. If you want - save, if you want - not. In any case, earlier doctors all unanimously said that in no case should you give birth.

Childbirth is a rather difficult process. And pregnancy is a difficult time both for the expectant mother and for the body. After childbirth, some period should be spent on recovery. Now, on average, it is 2 years.

If you get pregnant earlier, you can create a lot of problems for yourself and your unborn baby. In the past, such pregnancies ended in failure. Therefore, doctors placed a taboo on such a crucial step.

Modern medicine

Nevertheless, nowadays, pregnancy one year after cesarean is not so rare. Previously, medicine was at a completely different level - there was neither sufficient knowledge for a quick response to certain situations, nor equipment. Therefore, the strictest ban on early pregnancy was in effect. And not only after cesarean, but also after normal childbirth.

But now these processes are not surprising to anyone. Medicine has reached a completely new level, there is sufficient knowledge and equipment for a favorable course and outcome of labor. Therefore, you should not immediately panic if you have a second pregnancy a year after cesarean. It's not so scary. If you want to keep the "interesting position", just approach this issue with special responsibility. It is necessary to know some of the characteristics of the body that can affect the course of childbirth and bearing a baby. This will help you make the right decision.

Why are concerns?

After cesarean, despite the development of modern medicine, it still causes ambiguous opinions and concerns among doctors. Why does this happen?

The female body is a mystery that has a huge number of features and "unpredictability". Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure what kind of reaction will be to early conception.

Caesarean section is a complicated procedure. After it, a scar is formed. And it takes about 2 years for its complete healing. Despite this, the suture itself on the lower abdomen heals completely in about 6-7 months. But internal healing, as you might guess, takes longer. It is for this reason that early pregnancy is not recommended.

The load on the woman's body after cesarean should not take place during all these two years. True, this does not always work out. Modern life is full of physical activity and stress. Therefore, sometimes the tension from the outside is much greater than from the "interesting position".

Please note that pregnancy one year after cesarean is dangerous precisely because of the lack of healing of the scar on the uterus. He can provoke her breakup, which is extremely dangerous for both the unborn baby and the mother.


But, as already mentioned, the woman's body is a mystery. It is impossible to say exactly what kind of reaction he will have to the "interesting situation" that has arisen a year after the cesarean. Everything is individual.

In general, if your wounds heal quickly, and doctors notice rapid tissue regeneration, you can not be too afraid for pregnancy. Indeed, in this case, it usually takes just a year to drag on. It turns out that you can conceive a baby earlier without consequences.

Just to be sure of safety, you will have to regularly visit a gynecologist. Let him watch you for as long as possible. Find out how well and quickly the scar on the uterus heals. If it is confirmed that the process is really going on rapidly, there will be no fear for pregnancy after cesarean. Yes, there are risks anyway, but they will not be so high.

Medical opinion

Did you get pregnant a year after your cesarean? What to do in such a situation? See your doctor. Just don't be surprised if your question embarrasses doctors. After all, it is difficult to answer right away. Therefore, it is necessary to first study the woman's body, and then draw conclusions.

As practice shows, in most cases, doctors prohibit an "interesting situation" for a period of 2 years. It is this period, as already mentioned, that is the most dangerous for pregnancy, the unborn baby and the mother. Most likely, the ban on conception at an earlier date will still take place.

Only a doctor who has been observing you for a long time, and who also knows well the characteristics of your body, is able to change the decision. Usually, as advice on this topic, they talk about the prohibition of an "interesting situation", but few people send women to abortion. Especially if the weather was planned. If you have been seeing the same doctor for a long time, just let him know about your idea. Then the doctor will do everything in his power to maintain an "interesting position."

Are you pregnant a year after your cesarean? The opinion of doctors, as already mentioned, can initially scare. But remember, we are living in a time of technological progress. Now there is everything you need for the normal course of childbirth. The main thing is to ask for help in time and take a responsible approach to pregnancy. Then there will be no problems.


There are doctors who talk about abortion right away. For many women, this procedure itself is unacceptable. Not everyone succeeds in living with the thought that you have killed a small person in yourself, alive, with his own character and feelings. Therefore, these girls are most often kind to all pregnancies. Not necessarily this "interesting position" after cesarean. But everyone has a different attitude to abortion. In any case, the decision is yours.

The second pregnancy after a cesarean section (a year later) causes not the best emotions for some doctors. And they send girls to abortion, pointing out the undesirability of conception at such an early date. You don't need to follow this advice impeccably. Both childbirth and abortion in such a situation are dangerous. The second procedure is even more so, especially if you are planning more children. Abortion is often the cause of infertility. It's worth knowing about this.

Did you get a pregnancy a year after cesarean? What to do in this case? Remember, an abortion without harm to your health, or rather with minimal risks, is possible only in the early stages - up to 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. There is only a medical method. Surgical intervention is often a much more serious action than labor. Therefore, you should not think that abortion is the only way out.

Your wish

Another rather significant factor is your personal opinion. Doctors are often ready to make any decision of the patient. If you are serious, you can tell your doctor about your intentions right away. Now nobody will dissuade from the process. Unless they will warn about the risks. The main thing is not to panic, many give birth in a year and a half after cesarean without complications.

Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to think carefully about what exactly you would like to do. After all, the birth of a child is a responsible step. Yes, many will be intimidated by the danger of early re-pregnancy, but the final decision is up to you. Often, doctors adjust to the opinion of the girl. If her health is not too bad, you can endure a healthy baby without any special consequences.

Home birth

In the modern world, there is a fashion for home birth. Only usually this process is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a physician. Cases of natural delivery are considered. Caesarean is not carried out at home.

Please note that if you have an early second pregnancy, it is forbidden to give birth at home. It has already been said that in any case there is a risk of scarring. Therefore, it is imperative to be in the hospital, where there is everything you need for an emergency. Pregnancy one year after cesarean is childbirth only in the hospital and under the close supervision of medical personnel. There can be no question of any home options.

Natural childbirth

Doctors believe that natural childbirth after a cesarean is a huge risk. Indeed, from a medical point of view, with such a delivery, the likelihood of rupture of the uterus along the scar increases several times. It is because of this that many doctors point out that after cesarean, natural childbirth is prohibited.

In fact, this is not the case. If you have a pregnancy one year after a cesarean, you can hope for a natural birth. You just need to find an extremely responsible doctor who already had some kind of practice in this area. Risks always remain, but usually with an experienced obstetrician, labor does not cause any problems for either the mother or the child. Therefore, you can give birth naturally.

The course of a past pregnancy

Pregnancy one year after gets varied. Doctors usually point out the high risks of complications, and women - that with experienced doctors there is nothing to be afraid of. True, not always.

The course of your first pregnancy plays a huge role. As practice shows, women who gave birth without complications have lower risks of complications in the future. Therefore, a smoothly flowing "interesting position" allows you not to worry too much about an unfavorable outcome.

Not so hard

As practice shows, if a woman is serious about giving birth "without respite", then the likelihood of a harmful effect on the fetus and the girl's body is reduced. In addition, even doctors assure that the second birth by itself is usually easier than the first. And it doesn't matter if it was caesarean or not.

So don't panic. All you need is confidence in your decision and a responsible attitude towards pregnancy. Find a good doctor, and then observe during the "interesting position".

Indeed, for the body, to some extent, the second birth, even with a short break, is easier. And you already know exactly what to expect. If you do not wind yourself up, you can give birth without any problems. Therefore, do not panic and do not rush to an abortion right away if you find yourself pregnant after a year. The month after cesarean is the safest period. Usually, the probability of getting pregnant is almost zero. All this is due to the lack of sexual intercourse. In addition, the body itself is recovering for some time. And if we talk about childbirth, then the closest ones can occur approximately 1.2-1.5 years after the birth of the first baby. If you have a healthy body, and the scar is small and heals quickly, doctors are unlikely to start raising a panic.

Many are faced with situations when they have a pregnancy one year after a cesarean. How can I keep it? If you seriously decide to give birth, then you should not panic and always remain calm. This is the key to a successful course of any pregnancy.

Try not to overwork yourself. Fatigue has a detrimental effect on the health of the mother and the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, it is worth resting and relaxing more.

Less internet! A modern and very useful rule. Now you can find a lot of articles that will intimidate mommy with the danger of early birth after cesarean. Excessive panic is useless.

Constantly and regularly see a doctor and conduct all prescribed examinations. This will help you quickly identify problems if they arise. Usually complications do not threaten those who do not wind themselves up.


As you can see, pregnancy one year after cesarean is not as scary as it seems. It is just that this situation must be approached with intelligence and attention. Then you can hope for success.

It is not recommended to become pregnant within 2 years after a cesarean. But for the modern world, this is not a ban. Find a good obstetrician who will take over your "interesting position" observation. And don't panic. If you try, you will have no problem giving birth to a healthy baby! Pregnancy a year after the cesarean response from women in labor receives various. But mostly they indicate that you will be able to give birth to a healthy baby. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to this issue.