Epilation procedure during pregnancy. Risks of laser hair removal during pregnancy

Women always strive to stay beautiful. A well-groomed face and body increases self-esteem, improves mood, and allows you to feel more confident. But while waiting for the baby, you have to refrain from some of the usual procedures. Is epilation allowed during pregnancy? After all, this is a rather painful path to beauty, which can negatively affect the well-being of the future mother.

At what stage of pregnancy is hair removal allowed?

Hair removal helps to get rid of excess hair on the body. During this cosmetic procedure, the hair root is affected by different methods. As a result, the bulb dies, which retains the effect of smoothness of the skin for several weeks, or even for several months (depending on the chosen method).

Epilation is very popular among modern women, not excluding pregnant women:

  • so it is easier to maintain hygiene, which is important during pregnancy (for this, bikini hair removal is performed);
  • when carrying a child, due to hormonal changes, the hairs on the body grow faster, and epilation relieves the expectant mother from the need to shave large areas of the body every few days.

But hair removal (in the salon or at home) has its own characteristics, according to each trimester:

  1. In the early stages there is an intensive formation of all the most important systems and organs of the fetus. The risk of spontaneous abortion during this period is extremely high - it can be caused by any stress, including pain, from hair removal. Painful syndrome provokes tone and contractions of the uterus.
  2. Second trimester considered to be beneficial for body, bikini and leg hair removal. The fetus is already well established, and the hormonal level naturally helps to lower the pain threshold.
  3. In the third trimester there are no strict prohibitions on hair removal. But the risk of skin pigmentation increases significantly, so the choice of hair removal method must be approached responsibly.

When epilation is unacceptable

There are restrictions under which epilation cannot be done during pregnancy:

  • the presence of skin diseases in a pregnant woman;
  • diabetes;
  • herpes;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • scars and scars at the site of the planned treatment;
  • diseases of the veins;
  • the tone of the uterus or the threat of miscarriage;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • mental disorders.

In such cases, if there is an urgent need to get rid of excess hair, it is better for the expectant mother to carry out depilation, that is, use a regular shave.

Safe ways to epilate pregnant women

When carrying a child, the body undergoes significant changes, ensuring the vital activity of two creatures. Due to the changed hormonal background, hair growth is enhanced. They become dark, hard and thick, impairing their appearance. It is difficult to remove them due to the rounded tummy, especially when it comes to the legs and bikini area.

  • laser hair removal;
  • photoepilation;
  • bioepilation (or waxing);
  • shugaring.

Laser hair removal

This is an effective and painless manipulation. During the hair removal process, the laser beam acts on the bulb and heats it up. The follicles die, and the small holes remaining on them gradually heal. Hair no longer appears in this place. The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is the high cost of the service.

Owners of light hair will have to refrain from this method. Heating the bulb with the subsequent removal of vegetation passes successfully only on dark hair and fair skin... Some doctors do not recommend laser hair removal to their patients, and consider it a provocateur of miscarriages. But others, on the contrary, are sure that this is an absolutely safe procedure that does not in any way affect pregnancy.

Bioepilation (wax)

Inexpensive, efficient and fast removal procedure. With a wooden spatula, melted wax is applied to the problem area. A small napkin is placed on top and waited until it cools. Then, with a sharp movement, the napkin is pulled along with the wax and hairs. Hair length should not exceed 5 mm... A few days before the planned procedure, you need to shave off your hair with a regular razor.

The removal process is quite painful, and has some contraindications:

  • varicose veins - read about thrombophilia during pregnancy;
  • allergy;
  • moles, age spots in the planned treatment site;
  • high sensitivity to pain.

If a woman has not tried waxing before, then experimenting during pregnancy is not worth it. Better to find another, more gentle way.


Like laser hair removal, this hair removal method is controversial during pregnancy... The action of photoepilation is a flash of light that damages the vessels around the follicle. Gradually, the bulb dies due to a lack of nutrients. Old hairs fall off, and nothing grows in their place.

This service in beauty salons began to be provided relatively recently. Nobody can say about the effect of the process on pregnant women or its complete safety, since no special studies have been carried out.


This method is similar in action to waxing. The difference is in the materials used during the procedure. This is usually sugar, honey, or caramel. This method can be used to remove hairs in all areas, including the bikini area.

For a whole month after the procedure, the expectant mother will enjoy velvety and smooth skin. But there are also negative aspects - possible allergic reaction on materials and painfulness of removal.


It differs from ordinary hair removal in that during processing the bulb does not die, but only the upper hairs are removed. The procedure can be carried out with a special cream, wax, household epilator. But the last two methods are extremely painful and undesirable during pregnancy, especially when it is necessary to carry out the treatment in an intimate place.

Depilation benefits:

  • availability;
  • simplicity;
  • security;
  • no special skills are required to carry out the processing.

For pregnant women, it is better to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the body with a razor. It does not take long, is cheap and is relatively safe. In addition, there are no contraindications for this type of depilation. It is important to use your razor carefully to avoid injury or injury to your skin.

Waxing during pregnancy

The big disadvantage of depilation is the rapid appearance of bristles and the active growth of new hairs. A cream or a cooling gel will help prevent irritation after the procedure. It will relieve inflammation, heal micro wounds, soothe the skin and prevent rashes.

To remove hairs on legs or other problem areas, a pregnant woman can use depilatory cream. In this case, the skin is not injured, and the hairs are removed just as quickly. The main thing is to test for an allergic reaction before using the selected cream. To do this, a small amount of cream is applied to the bend of the elbow. If in 10 minutes redness does not appear on the skin, then you can safely proceed to the procedure using the instructions.

How it is forbidden to remove hair

Almost all types of hair removal are extremely painful. You can avoid discomfort and discomfort by replacing the procedure with regular shaving. In addition, a stressful situation and painful sensations can provoke an increase in blood pressure in a pregnant woman, which poses a threat to gestation.

The more pain the chosen hair removal method calls out, the sooner it must be abandoned. The body of a pregnant woman is extremely sensitive to pain, and can react sharply to it, even if the woman is already familiar with such a procedure. You need to remove the most noticeable and unwanted hairs (for example, above the upper lip). Everything else can be shaved or epilated after the baby is born.

You will have to refuse such removal methods:

  1. It is undesirable to wax and epilate with a home epilator. Both procedures cause severe pain. It is especially dangerous if a woman will carry out the procedure on her own. In addition, the instructions for the epilator indicate that pregnancy is one of the contraindications to its use.
  2. Electrolysis is the effect of an electric discharge on the hair root. As a result, the hair follicle dies forever. An electric current is supplied through a thin sterile needle inserted into the hair canal up to the follicle itself. There are many types of electrolysis, but none of them can not be carried out by pregnant and lactating mothers.

Whether to epilate or not, the pregnant woman decides. It is good if she consults with her doctor before visiting a beauty salon. If there are no contraindications and negative factors, you need to take into account some points:

  • try not to use depilation cream with fragrances and dyes, so as not to cause allergies again. The cream cannot be kept on the body for a long time, otherwise its active components will be absorbed into the blood;
  • choose a painless method of removal, since the stress hormone produced during processing adversely affects the fetus;
  • in order to exclude the possible presence of skin problems, before going to a beauty salon, you need to consult a dermatologist;
  • laser hair removal and photoepilation for pregnant women is not carried out in the bikini area and in the tummy area;
  • after the procedure, the treated areas must be wiped with pharmacy hydrogen peroxide - this will significantly slow down the growth of future hairs;
  • if hairs on any part of the body appeared during pregnancy, then you should wait for the birth. Then they will disappear without outside interference.

Without fear, without fear of pregnancy, you can only use depilation. The rest of the methods raise doubts in the fight against unwanted vegetation. Here, the expectant mother needs to decide for herself what is more important - the beauty and smoothness of the skin or the healthy course of pregnancy.

More sweating self-care:

Girls who are accustomed to removing unwanted body hair, while waiting for a baby, ask themselves the question: is it possible for pregnant women and breastfeeding to do hair removal? In what ways can and what can not be removed hair? What precautions should you take during this period? We will try to answer all these questions in this article.

Features of hair removal during pregnancy

Hair removal with wax

Waxing gives about the same results as shugaring. With both of these methods of epilation, unwanted hairs are removed from the root, so they will not grow during the specified period, and your skin will delight you with tenderness and beauty for a long time.

However, during pregnancy, varicose veins may appear (on the legs or in the groin area), so you have to abandon the use of hot wax, and you will need to limit yourself to warm wax, or use wax strips, which is completely inconvenient, for example, in the bikini area.

Hair removal methods prohibited during pregnancy?

Epilation means the removal of hair completely, together with its bulb. Consider the types of hair removal that are 100% prohibited for pregnant women:

  • Electrolysis. Removing hairs using an electric current allows you to get rid of the problem for a long time - up to several years. However, since the procedure is usually very painful and uses a current that can adversely affect the baby, electrolysis cannot be done during pregnancy.
  • Laser hair removal during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated since this method is quite new, and the results of exposure of the fetus to a laser beam have not yet been studied. The same applies to photoepilation, which uses the same technologies - similar devices that remove hair using rays of a certain wavelength. Although laser hair removal and photo hair removal can get rid of vegetation for several years, it is recommended to wait until the baby is born and breastfeeding ends.
  • Elos-, diode and other similar methods of hair removal are also prohibited during this period.

The rest of the hair removal methods can be used during the period of gestation and feeding, but under certain conditions. First, let's take a look at these methods.

Epilation of the bikini area during pregnancy

A special topic is the removal of hair from intimate places. You should be even more careful here, because the bikini area is closer to the uterus than other areas of the skin from which hair needs to be removed. Therefore, bans on bikini hair removal for women who are expecting a baby are more stringent.

It is strictly forbidden during pregnancy:

  • Laser hair removal, electro- and photo-hair removal of bikini;
  • Chemical depilation, because the cream can get on the mucous membrane and cause severe allergies.

It is also better to postpone sugaring, waxing and other methods of hair removal associated with pulling out hair from the root indefinitely, since they are quite painful for the bikini area even with good pain tolerance, and even more so during pregnancy. With the approval of a doctor, it is possible to do shugaring or wax depilation at a later date, when you can no longer be afraid of the onset of contractions, which can provoke pain.

Of course, it is best to arm yourself with a razor during pregnancy, and not torment yourself with long and painful procedures, or completely abandon the removal of bikini vegetation at this time, using a razor just before childbirth.

Safe ways to depilate women during pregnancy

The electric depilator also removes hairs from the roots, saving you the hassle of long-term treatment. However, even in contrast to waxing or sugaring, this method is more painful and therefore less preferable.

Depilation - removal of the visible part of the hair without affecting the bulb - is considered the most acceptable method, because does not cause painful sensations. There are several ways of depilation.


The best way out is to clean the vegetation with a razor. The procedure takes very little time, makes it easy to get rid of hair on any part of the body, and is absolutely painless. The most important thing is to use special moisturizing creams and depilatory foams, as well as good looms, preferably women, with a floating head to avoid cuts and irritations.

Instead of a razor, you can use the trimmer at the men's shaving razor, leaving 1-2mm of hair.

Depilatory cream during pregnancy

This is hair removal using special creams or gels. The cream is applied to the skin, waits for 5 to 10 minutes, after which the composition must be removed with a special spatula - along with the hairs.

This method also does not take much time, but there is one "but". Creams have a chemical composition that can cause allergies or irritation after the procedure, therefore, chemical depilation with a cream during pregnancy or during breastfeeding should be treated with caution. Be sure to do an allergy test, and strictly follow the instructions. Use this cream no more than once every two weeks, and if irritation occurs, stop using and consult a doctor.

If you have already used hair removal creams before pregnancy and did not find allergies and irritation, feel free to depalle with a cream, except for intimate areas.

Restrictions for hair removal by the above methods

It is strongly recommended to refuse from sugaring, waxing, waxing with resin or honey, as well as an epilator during pregnancy, if:

  • You have not tried these methods yet and do not know your reaction. For example, it may be too painful and provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, or cause severe irritation, ingrown hairs after the procedure. That is why it is better to refuse experiments during pregnancy.
  • There is at least a minimal threat of miscarriage, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy, even if you tolerate the procedure painlessly.
  • In the presence / exacerbation of skin diseases and / or a tendency to irritation, which can sometimes be exacerbated in pregnant women.

If there are no such contraindications, and before pregnancy you perfectly tolerated shugaring or waxing, then you can continue to do these procedures while in position. However, we recommend that you still consult with your gynecologist beforehand.

Very often, the issue of hair removal becomes more relevant during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hormonal changes in the body, hair growth is activated. These can be both natural physiological changes and problems requiring treatment. Therefore, before deciding on one or another method of hair removal, you should find out the reasons for their excess growth. With this question, you can contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist and conduct an examination. At the same time, pregnancy limits the use of certain hair removal methods for women. How can you preserve the beauty and smoothness of your skin?

This is how we women are arranged, that in the pursuit of perfection we constantly have to change, supplement, and sometimes correct what is given to us by nature: adjust our weight, change the color of our hair, and build up our nails. Vegetation appearing in undesirable places also creates a significant problem. In prehistoric times, the presence of hairs protecting the body, arms and legs was justified. Now they have lost their function, and the overwhelming majority of the female population is embarking on the path of struggle for smooth skin.

There are two main options for getting rid of unwanted vegetation: depilation and epilation. In the first case, the part of the hair that is above the surface of the skin is removed, in the second, the hair is extracted from the root. It is easy to guess that the effect of depilation is less persistent, and epilation allows you to keep the skin smooth for a relatively long period.

Hair growth rates are similar for most people. The difference is within 1 - 2 weeks, with the expectation of this will be given the approximate "terms of validity" of all applied methods.



This method certainly has its advantages: cheapness, simplicity and speed of hair removal. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages: if the legs, as a rule, react calmly to shaving, then irritation is very likely in the bikini area. Scratches and cuts are also possible. Since the hair is removed without a root, after a day or two it can be found again on the skin surface. Moreover, until the hair reaches a significant length, it will be quite tough, which can cause discomfort.

Shaving is okay during pregnancy. Before shaving, take a warm shower, massage your skin. Heat expands pores, makes hair and skin softer, more hydrated, and therefore easier to carry out.

You can reduce the risk of irritation by using special razors for women. Firstly, such a machine is more convenient in shape, it is more convenient to hold it in the hand, it does not slip. Secondly, it has a special strip with softening and moisturizing ingredients. Pay attention to the products used for shaving (foams, creams, gels) and after shaving (soothing, softening, moisturizing). Now there is a fairly wide range of products created specifically for women's skin. For smoother skin, shave against hair growth. But if it is very sensitive, and the procedure is required, shave according to hair growth. The result may be slightly worse than you expected, but there will be fewer side effects.

The use of depilatory creams.

This method is sometimes referred to as gentle shaving. Depilatory creams (some manufacturers produce them as foam) contain chemicals that destroy the hair's structure. As a result, the hair that is above the surface of the skin is removed with a spatula (in some situations, a regular washcloth is used) together with the applied mass. In this case, only the part of the hair protruding above the skin surface is removed.

The advantages of this method are simplicity and speed, as well as an affordable price and the ability to carry out the procedure at home. In addition, depilators have a softer effect, simultaneously exfoliating and moisturizing the skin; hair grows back at approximately the same rate as shaving, but is somewhat softer and weaker. The composition that is applied to the skin, despite the specific smell, is safe for pregnant women, since it is applied to the skin for a short time and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. However, try to carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area, and after that it will be beneficial to get some fresh air. If there is a lot of work ahead, don't try to do everything at once. Remove hair, for example, from the legs one day, and treat the armpit the next day. Depilatory cream is, in principle, suitable for any area of ​​the skin. But keep in mind that there are special creams for especially sensitive areas (bikini area), as well as for removing facial hair: on the chin, above the upper lip, along the hairline on the forehead. Disadvantages of this method: during pregnancy, the likelihood of skin irritation is quite high, so be sure to start by checking for sensitivity (the annotation to the tool says how to carry out the test). Hair grows back quickly enough, and coarse hair may not be partially removed at all. With regrowth of hair, manifestations of folliculitis are possible - inflammation of the hair follicle. In this case, you will have to use antiseptic agents, for example, 1-2 times a day to treat the skin with salicylic alcohol, with particular care to monitor the hygiene of the skin.


Plucking with tweezers

This is the easiest way to epilate. Of course, one or two unwanted hairs on the body can be removed in this way. It is also suitable for correcting the shape of the eyebrows. Before use, be sure to disinfect the tweezers and the skin with an antiseptic (for example, chlorhexedine or miramistin).

Household epilator

In fact, this device is a set of tweezers pulling out hair by the root. The advantages of the method are that the procedure can be carried out at home, at any convenient time. The device is compact enough and does not take up much space. At first, epilation will have to be carried out quite often - about 1 time a week. This is due to uneven hair growth. In the future, with regular use of the epilator, the hairs grow slower, become thinner, weaker, and easier to remove. The effect of one procedure lasts longer. In the future, with a regular procedure, it is required less often: experience shows that within 3-4 weeks most women manage to avoid its use.

Unfortunately, the procedure has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, it is soreness - the most common reason for refusing this method of hair removal. Each person has their own pain threshold, and therefore it is possible to find out whether such a procedure is suitable for you only by experience. Epilator manufacturers are aware of this problem and try to solve it whenever possible. Therefore, modern epilators are equipped with special attachments (relaxing, massaging, cooling) that reduce the severity of pain. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to sufficiently anesthetize the procedure. In addition, hair removal on a large area (for example, on the legs), especially the first procedures, will take a long time. Ingrown hair is a common complication with household epilators. This is the second most common reason why you have to look for new methods of hair removal.

This problem can be partly solved with the regular use of a body scrub, as well as peels based on fruit acids. There are also special creams for hair ingrowth prevention. They contain substances that accelerate healing, soften the epidermis, delicately exfoliate dead skin cells. Regular use of these products will make your skin softer, more elastic and tender, it will no longer be an insurmountable barrier to weak growing hair, as a result of which hairs grow in less often. If the hair has grown, a thin, sterile needle will come to your aid (the one supplied with a disposable insulin syringe is best suited). After wiping the ingrown hair with an antiseptic, use a needle to gently remove the hair from under the epidermis, then reapply the antiseptic. If the hair has grown in an inconvenient place for manipulation, you can contact a beautician with this problem.

The annotations to household epilators indicate that their use is not recommended during pregnancy. However, apart from painful sensations, the device does not carry any danger. If you have been using an epilator for a long time and calmly endure the procedure, then its use during pregnancy is permissible (of course, if not). But you should not start your acquaintance with the epilator while the child is waiting - put it off until the postpartum period.


Despite the emergence of new products, this method has long been considered one of the most effective. Its essence is that, in turn, a thinnest needle is introduced into each hair follicle of the treated area - an electrode, through which a weak discharge of electric current is supplied. Depending on the type of electrolysis, the destruction of the follicle occurs due to exposure to high temperature, microscopic doses of alkali, or a combination of both.

The advantages of the method are that it can be used to remove hair in any area on the face and body. Electrolysis makes the hair much thinner and weaker after just a few treatments. Of the minuses, it should be noted that this procedure requires special equipment and a trained specialist, so you will certainly have to seek help from a beauty salon or medical center. This service cannot be called cheap. Electrolysis is sensitive (and sometimes even painful), and the procedure takes quite a long time. In addition, there are a significant number of contraindications for this procedure. An absolute contraindication is pregnancy (the effect of an electric current on the body can adversely affect the bearing of a baby), the use of a pacemaker. It is undesirable to carry out electrolysis with a tendency to form keloid scars (scars with excess connective tissue, towering over the skin), malignant neoplasms, infectious diseases and severe somatic diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system, decompensated diabetes mellitus, severe hyperthyroidism).


This is the name for hair removal with wax. History shows that this method was used in ancient Egypt. Advanced waxing has become very popular lately. For the procedure, natural wax is used (composition based on pine resin), which may contain additives (seaweed, chamomile and others). Wax with the addition of cocoa butter has become very popular. In addition to its high efficiency, it is pleasant to use, as when heated, the aroma of chocolate spreads.

The wax can be warm, hot, or even cold. Warm wax is packed in cartridges equipped with a roller. After the wax heats up to the optimal temperature (about 40 ° C), it is applied in a thin layer along the hair growth, then a piece of special paper is applied and the paper is torn off the skin with a sharp movement. On a piece of paper, along with the wax, the removed hairs are also found. After the end of the procedure, the skin is lubricated with oil to remove wax residues, if necessary, treated with special moisturizing and soothing agents.

Epilation with warm wax is great for removing hair from your arms and legs. In more sensitive areas, it is more convenient to use hot wax for hair removal. It has a higher temperature, therefore, when wax is applied to the skin, the pores open and hair extraction becomes less painful. Hot wax is applied to the skin with a spatula, removed, like warm wax, with special paper.

Sometimes cosmetologists use phyto-resin for epilation - it is applied with a spatula, and removed with a "dexterous movement of the hand". The use of phyto-resin is a painstaking, almost gem-quality work that takes into account all the natural curves of the body. This allows you not only to effectively remove excess vegetation, but also to create an intricate pattern from the remaining hair. Phyto-resin is most popular when creating bikini designs.

Cold wax is used exclusively at home. The wax plate is warmed up in the hands, applied to the skin with effort, and then removed along with the hairs.

The advantages of waxing are the relative speed of the procedure, long-lasting effect (3-4 weeks), gradual thinning of hair and slowing down of their growth. The procedure can be carried out both in the salon (its cost is very affordable) and at home. For the first time, it is advisable to contact a specialist in order to clarify all the details and nuances of the process. In the future, if you wish, you can handle it yourself.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure are soreness, the risk of ingrown hairs, the impossibility of carrying out the procedure in areas suffering from varicose veins. Waxing is contraindicated in case of serious somatic pathology, skin diseases (including neoplasms). Pregnancy is not a contraindication for bioepilation, but only if you have previously used this method and know that it is right for you. As in the case of using home epilators, you should not start using this method against the background of a developing pregnancy due to possible pain. After the procedure, you should refrain from visiting the sauna, bath, and solarium for 24 hours. In the shower on this day, try to do without soap and gel, as they can get into open pores and cause irritation.

Laser hair removal

During this procedure, a laser flash acts on the hair follicle, heating it and thereby causing its death.

The advantages of laser hair removal are that it is very effective, quick and suitable for any area. The procedure can cause discomfort, but it cannot be called painful. The risk of ingrown hairs after the procedure is minimal.

The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is selectivity. Due to the fact that melanin pigment conducts heat, the procedure is suitable only for those people who have rather dark hair and fair skin (which is why it is recommended to carry it out in winter, before the active sun appears). If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, then after the session, minor burns may appear, which will heal soon. In addition, the cost of such hair removal is quite high, and it is carried out exclusively in salons and aesthetic clinics by dermatocosmetologists. The procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy, it is not recommended for exacerbated skin diseases, severe somatic pathology. People taking photosensitizing medications (if you are taking medications, then pay attention to the information in the instructions), this type of hair removal is also not suitable. After the procedure, you should avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the areas where the procedure was carried out, apply sunscreen. It will be necessary to limit contact with water for several days.


Its principle is somewhat different - it is based on the effect of a light flash. The pigment melanin in the hair absorbs light energy and converts it into heat. The intensity of the thermal effect is quite high, as a result of which coagulation (sealing) of the vessels occurs, supplying the hair follicle with nutrients. The follicle does not receive sufficient nutrition, and as a result, its atrophy occurs. This leads to hair loss and the prevention of new hair growth.

Pros: the procedure is suitable for hair located anywhere on the body. There are no restrictions on the length, structure and color of hair (with the exception of very light and gray hair).

Cons: unfortunately, the procedure is very expensive, a course of several procedures is required (their number is determined by the doctor performing photoepilation). This hair removal option is not recommended during pregnancy (the method is relatively new, and there is no data on its safety for a pregnant woman and baby). You should not do the procedure for severe somatic diseases, as well as skin diseases.

How to prolong the effect?

Whichever method of hair removal is discussed, we want its effect to be as long as possible. This can be helped by means (lotions, serums, creams) that prevent hair growth. They contain substances that stop the development of the hair follicle. With regular use of such products, the interval between two epilation sessions can be significantly lengthened. Among them - a lotion that slows down hair growth from Beauty Image, Epilex 2 Serum from Ericson Laboratoire, body lotion that slows down the growth of Johnson's hair. It is also possible to use special alkaline formulations that, using ultrasound, penetrate deeply into the skin and prevent the formation of hair follicle.

Summing up, it should be said that only depilation methods can be used fearlessly while the child is waiting. Epilation, as a more complicated procedure, is suitable only for those who are already familiar with it. Moreover, only bioepilation and the use of a household epilator are suitable methods for this time. Techniques such as electro-, photo- and laser hair removal, despite their high efficiency, are recommended to be postponed until the postpartum period.

Lyudmila Soboleva

Pregnancy is a wonderful period filled with wonderful moments in a woman's life. But at the same time, this period is filled with prohibitions on things familiar to an ordinary person.

And, nevertheless, pregnancy is not a reason to stop monitoring and caring for yourself and your body.

Many girls ask themselves during this period of their lives a very pressing question: “ Can hair removal be done during pregnancy?».

The experts answer: “ Epilation during pregnancy is not dangerous". The main thing in this matter is to seek help from a specialist and choose the appropriate method for yourself.

As a rule, in pregnant women, due to the growth of hormones, hair begins to grow even more actively and faster, so epilation is a sure way to give yourself a carefree and long period with smooth skin.

Another problem that pregnant girls face is varicose veins. Do not despair! Even with such a problem, you can do hair removal. But this situation has its own nuances. For women with such a problem, wax hair removal is completely contraindicated. Other types of hair removal should be done with caution and always in a specialized salon.

Bikini epilation during pregnancy: what is possible and what is not?

When a woman in a position thinks about epilation of the intimate zone, then with the question: "Is it possible?", She turns directly to the gynecologist or cosmetologist and receives different answers from them. Today we will help girls figure out all the pros and cons bikini hair removal during pregnancy.

Any epilation is a long period of skin smoothness comfort - any woman who has done epilation at least once in her life knows. During pregnancy, most girls want to regain that comfort. In their situation, it is not only about sensations, but they also see a number of other advantages in this procedure:

  • Hygiene - thanks to epilation during pregnancy, it becomes much easier to maintain intimate hygiene, which is very important at this moment in a woman's life;
  • Harmony - during pregnancy, women try to maintain their usual appearance, try to take care of their bodies, as before, so epilation during pregnancy is one of the surest ways to maintain the feeling of their usual appearance.
  • In late pregnancy, it becomes very difficult to remove hair in the bikini area on your own.

Despite these advantages, there are also limitations. Restrictions are something that pregnant women have to put up with, because there are too many restrictions. It is important to say that during this period the following types of hair removal become undesirable:

  • Laser hair removal during pregnancy Is an innovative and not fully understood procedure. Doctors and cosmetologists have not yet studied its exact reflection on the development of the fetus. Therefore, in order to avoid even minimal risks, it is worth giving up laser hair removal during pregnancy.
  • Photoepilation during pregnancy also not recommended. There are no strict prohibitions on it, just as there are no confident “pro”. Photoepilation is also not fully known to doctors and cosmetologists, as well as laser hair removal during pregnancy. In order to avoid even the smallest risks, you should still abandon this procedure.

Do not despair, because there are those types of epilation of the bikini area that are not contraindicated during pregnancy. For example, shugaring during pregnancy, as well as waxing during pregnancy, are not prohibited. These two procedures will allow the skin to remain smooth without any threat, for both mother and baby. But here it is important to know about some of the nuances.

You can do shugaring during pregnancy!

And this is great news for expectant mothers. Now we will understand the features of this procedure. Before you go to the epilation master, you need to contact your gynecologist. Often, doctors give positive answers, especially for those women who have done shugaring of the bikini area before pregnancy. In such clients, the skin in the intimate area is already adapted to this procedure and the hair is no longer as hard as in those girls who are going to do shugaring or wax epilation for the first time. What are the doctor's contraindications?

The prohibitions on shugaring include deterioration of health and toxicosis.

Arriving at the salon for the procedure, you must definitely inform the master about your interesting situation, because experts carry out this procedure with pregnant women in a slightly different way. During the procedure, the master more scrupulously monitors the woman's reaction and, with great care, epilates the bikini area so as not to increase the tone of the uterus and not cause even the slightest deterioration in the condition.

What if during pregnancy you decide to have epilation for the first time in your life?

This often happens in the second half of pregnancy, when a woman, without someone's help, can no longer remove her hair in the intimate area on her own. And then she turns to a specialist for help. In this case, many masters refuse to carry out the procedure. This is due to the fact that shugaring causes pain, especially during the initial conduction, which can cause stress in a woman, which in turn provokes stimulation of the uterus, which is not necessary at all during pregnancy. This should be done as carefully as possible. If the pain seems to be very strong or the baby begins to behave very actively, then the procedure should be stopped. The master must carefully listen to every movement and signal of the pregnant woman's body.

As you already understood, shugaring during pregnancy is not prohibited for those who were previously familiar with her. Most importantly, epilation for pregnant women needs to be done even more carefully and gently, then during this wonderful period of their life they will have smooth skin, without harm to expectant mothers and their babies.

Now let's talk about waxing

Some women, before pregnancy, did hair removal exclusively with wax. But finding themselves in an interesting position, they begin to think about whether it is possible to do wax hair removal during pregnancy.

Waxing during pregnancy can be dangerous if a pregnant girl is doing this procedure for the first time. Waxing is a very effective procedure for getting rid of unwanted hair. In fact, here are the same rules as with shugaring: whoever waxed with wax repeatedly before pregnancy can do it while in position. There is only one very important "but". Pregnant women should not be waxed if they have varicose veins. And one more important rule - wax should not be hot. But for pregnant girls who decide to do wax epilation for the first time in their life, it is better to refuse it. But they shouldn't despair either. In such cases, a depilatory cream is perfect.

Depilation can be done with special creams

And here again the question arises: “ Can depilatory cream be used during pregnancy?". “You can use depilation cream during pregnancy,” experts say. In addition, it is the most optimal and painless option for pregnant women. In terms of its duration, depilation is naturally inferior to epilation, but still, during pregnancy, you should think about your own well-being and the development of the baby. Depilatory creams are best chosen with the slightest fragrance content. It is also important that the composition contains as many natural ingredients and moisturizers as possible, due to which the cream will reduce the risk of allergic reactions to zero.


Do not forget about your beauty and take care of your body during pregnancy. Let this wonderful period be accompanied by the pleasant sensations of smooth skin. Our experts will help you to keep the usual smoothness, who will save you from unnecessary hair. You can make epilation for pregnant women in Moscow in our World of Beauty epilation offices.