"Christmas Gingerbread Man". A script for a Christmas tale for older preschool children. A script for a Christmas story for Sunday school kids

Scenario of a festive Christmas party at school based on Russian winter fairy tales "Visiting 12 months".

Characters and performers:

A princess

Holiday progress

Dear guests! Dear viewers!
During our performance-
Don't yawn too much! Do not make a loud noise!
And honored artists from (class) -
Don't judge too harshly!

We want to give you a fairy tale
About kindness, about love and affection.
A fairy tale about poor orphan Nastenka
Yes, about her cat - Murenka.
About Christmas time
Only magic comes to a good heart.

On Christmas evening, Nastenka is sad at the window,
And next to it is Muryonka's cat.
"Hurry, put a candle in the window
Yes, wait quite a bit, -
The cat purrs affectionately, -
After all, the Christos are coming soon
Little ones - glorify Christ's Christmas! "(Christoslavs enter)

Bells are ringing
On the wonderful holiday of Christmas.
The stars are dancing
All nations are having fun.
Greet Christmas people!
May the holiday be happy!

Silver Christmas bell.
It rings, rings until the morning.
You can hear it ringing everywhere, far away.
This means Christmas is coming soon!
Light shines throughout the universe!
A miracle happened at the hour of the night.

The blessed world is old for us,
The globe of the earth is full of love!
Children glorify Christ's birth.
The Magi bring Him gifts.
And even ... and even ...
And even a little grasshopper
Sings psalms among the grass!
(Song "Christmas is a bright holiday)

Christos: Dear Nastya! We know how hard it is for you to live with your evil stepmother! May this Christmas present make you happy.
Nastenka: (bows) Thank you! What a wonderful book Winter Fairy Tales!
Stepmother: (enters) What is this noise? Look, sing here!
My Martha is a dear daughter,
Dear blood -
I didn’t sleep all night,
She turned and yawned,
All the sides lay down!

Martha (enters with a pillow, stretches):
It’s Nastka the lazy woman, I’m bad for a pillow and fluffed up a feather bed!
Nastenka: Forgive me!
Stepmother: Wake up, my daughter - Martha! Evening is already in the yard, and today we are invited to the royal ball.
This palace has never seen such beauties!
Martha: If only some "prince" - on a white horse - galloped after me!
Stepmother: Oh, you Nastenka, what are you worth? Help Martha to get ready for the ball! And then she, poor thing, will vzopreet all while she dresses up herself.

Nastenka: (hands over a mirror, ribbons, beads) Okay, mama, okay, sister!
Martha: Oh, and it will be hard to dance at the ball all night in such beads!
Stepmother: Oh, what is this? No way, are you going to read a book? (grabs the book from Nastenka's hands - so that the sheets fall apart)
By our return, the whole house must be urgently cleaned up and three bags of peas must be sorted out !! (stepmother and daughter leave)
Nastenka: (sweeps the floor, picks up the pages of the book)
What a pity that all the magical winter tales are messed up! What will happen now ?! (leaves)

Host: While the stepmother and daughter are going to the ball -
We will take a look at the royal palace - right into the throne room!
Princess (writes): The grass is greener, the sun is shining ... How much can you write ?!
My poor fingers are already in ink!
The dancing would have already begun!
Oh! How I dream that at my royal ball

The overseas prince galloped on a white horse! Not! Better on a white Mercedes!
Professor: I dare to report, Your Royal Highness ... excuse me, Majesty - on this decree, inscribe your resolution.
Princess: What to inscribe there? Hurry, give your papers here!
Professor: One of two things, Your Majesty: either "execute" or "have mercy"
Princess: By-mi-lo-vat, ... execution-thread. I'd better write "execute" - it's shorter.
Professor: What have you done, Your Majesty ?!
Princess: Ah, professor, have you found some mistake again? Okay, I'll write "intrigue"! And that's enough about that!
The grass is greener, the sun shines ...

And in the royal forests the first spring flowers bloom ... Sit down, professor, write:
On New Year's Eve I issue a decree:
Let the snowdrops bloom with us today!
Brooks run into the valley, winter is over.
Bring the basket of snowdrops to the palace!
Pick up simple snowdrops before dawn.
And you will be given a basket of gold!
Professor: Not so fast, Your Majesty, I am not in time!

Princess: Write, professor, write! You will know how to torture me with dictation! Okay! Give me a pen - I will inscribe my highest name! Quickly put a seal here and here!
Professor: Is there also a print for this? Your will, princess!
Princess: And see to it that all my beloved ones are urgently informed of this order! (the heroes leave, Martha and Stepmother run in)

Martha: (pushes her stepmother in the side) Wait, mom, did you hear ?!
Stepmother: Huh? FAQ? I've become deaf now in my right ear!
Martha: You, mum, have lagged behind modern life at all!
Our princess wished snowdrops today!
And urgently ordered to get them to the palace for the ball!
Stepmother: We need to run home as soon as possible before this lazy Nastka says! (Nastya enters, drags the bags)
Martha: Come on, take the biggest basket!

Stepmother: Yes, the snowdrops in the forest, pick them quickly!
Nastenka: But a blizzard broke out in the forest! And in the yard - is it the month of April?
Martha: Don't be smart! And take your cat into the forest, so that it would be discouraging to pick up any bkzdomnyh! Look, how pitiful! (Nastya leaves with the cat, takes the basket)
Stepmother: I dress up my little Martha, dress up, dress up - dress up.
And the suitors never woo her and do not woo her!

Everyone only looks at Nastka!
Get out of the house you away!
Freeze in the forest on a winter night!
Host: Nastenka is walking through the forest and crying bitterly.
Murenka consoles her, purrs affectionately. And suddenly...

Murenka jumped out of her hands.
She ran forward
And, as if, Nastenka is calling!
Nastenka: What is this? I can't believe my eyes! Why, this is the Silver Hoof!
He stomps his foot -
And precious stones are gems
Fall into the basket!
I decorate Christmas trees with these gems,
Let their needles sparkle even brighter!
So cold! Hands became like pieces of ice

Tears freeze in my eyes ...
I can't make out already -
Angels are spinning or snowflakes (sits under the tree, falls asleep)
(Song is performed - dance of Christmas angels)
Oh, what a wonderful dream I have now,
And snowflakes fall right on your eyelashes!
(Morozko comes out from behind the tree, approaches Nastya, spreads his hands in surprise)

Morozko: Dear "lady with a dog", or rather, "a girl with a cat"!
Why are you sitting down to freeze under my tree, and even with a basket? Can't you hear?
Or maybe you already run out of mice at home? AND! as I could not have guessed at once! Don't take such a ringing cat on an excursion - stay a fool! It is good for everyone to walk in the forest at night for health! So! Stop! .. What nonsense am I talking about? Forgot what I usually say to young ladies who are freezing under a Christmas tree in the forest? Ah, I remembered! Are you warm, girl, are you warm, beautiful?
Nastenka: Warmth, Morozushko! Warmth, father!

Morozko: (runs around the tree) Well, now, are you warm, the girl, are you warm, beautiful?
Nastenka: And now it's warm, Morozushko! Warmth, father!
Morozko: Well, now, dear young lady, I am asking seriously:
What are you doing in the forest alone in winter
And why do you need a basket here?
How are you not afraid of a blizzard?
Nastenka: They told me to collect snowdrops in the forest.
Morozko: Really? Who ordered?

You can download the full version of the "Christmas" holiday scenario at the link below

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Olga Skvortsova

b] Christmas story "Grandma's Angel" (for the competition "Christmas Gift" -20

Presenter: A family has gathered in the house,

There will be a celebration.

Away despondency and sorrow -

Today is Christmas!

Mom takes out a box with Christmas decorations, children decorate the Christmas tree.

Mom: These days I will tell you children

People have a custom:

To clean up luxuriously a Christmas tree

In the stars are bright candles.

Every year she shines

On the day of the great celebration

And proclaims with lights

Bright holiday of Christmas.

Girl: Spruce decorated with a star

And a golden garland

After all, today is a celebration

A bright holiday - Christmas!

Boy: Christmas trees are beautiful outfit

The lights are burning on it

After all, today is a celebration

A bright holiday - Christmas!

Girl: Mommy, did you hang an angel under the star itself? He is so beautiful!.

Boy: He is wearing a gold shirt, and his wings are like real ones!

Mom (smiling): Of course they are real!

Girl: Among the Christmas tree snowflakes, he seems to descend from the sky. And with his hand he points to the star, as if telling us to follow it.

Mom: This is a very old toy, it still belonged to my grandmother. You know that she took this angel off the Magic Christmas Tree. He's magical too - Christmas won't come without him!

Boy: Mom, tell us about Christmas! Tell me about the angel!

Mom: I will definitely tell you, but later. While you decorate the tree with rain, I will go to the kitchen to prepare a festive treat. (leaves)

Girl: I'll outweigh the higher angel. (climbs into a chair, takes out a toy and drops it)

Boy: Oh, what have you done! Angel crashed!

Girl (crying): What will happen now? Christmas won't come?

Boy: Don't cry! I know what to do! We will find a Magic Christmas Fir in the forest and ask her to fix our angel! Get dressed quickly. (run away)

Host: Well, winter has come!

Suddenly appeared, light-winged,

Showered with snow at home

Whitened the fields and hills.

Snowflakes, light as fluff

They started their dance together,

And the world sparkled around

Pearl beauty in the sun!

Dance of snowflakes

Snowflake 1

- We descended from the far cloud.

Spun over the ground.

Work awaits us

Nobody knows about her.

Snowflake 2

- We flutter in a light swarm,

And cover the fields, forests

We are a fluffy blanket

So that the earth does not freeze.

Snowflake 3

- Let's paint it with white paint.

Everything will become like in a fairy tale.

We'll cover the tree-girlfriends in peace,

So that the trees do not freeze in winter.

Snowflake 4: Oops, someone is coming here! (sees the children) Why did you come to our forest in such cold weather?

Children: We are looking for a Christmas tree.

Snowflakes: Christmas tree? Do you want to cut down a Christmas tree in the forest? We won't give it to you!

The song "I learned a little secret"

Girl: No, no! We didn't want to cut anything. We need the Magic Fir.

Boy: We need to fix Grandma's angel, otherwise Christmas won't come.

Snowflakes (whispering): You are very brave children, since you were not afraid to go alone into the forest, and we will help you. Follow us into the light of the brightest star.

Snowflakes join hands and lead children. They go out into the clearing to the Christmas tree.

Snowflakes: Here it is - the Magic Fir!

Boy: But there are no toys on it, only the bumps hang on the top.

Girl: So we came here in vain (crying)

A Star comes out from behind Eli: Hello! I am the Star, it was my light that led you to the Magic Tree. What happened? Who is crying here?

Snowflakes: These kids broke the Christmas angel. They came to the Magic Fir to fix it. Help them, Star.

Star: I don't know how to fix angels. But today is the night when the wishes of kind and courageous people come true.

Snowflake: Why is Christmas such a magical holiday?

Star: I'll tell you about Christmas. Listen and watch.

Cartoon "Nativity of Christ"

Star: Well, did you know what Christmas is?

Snowflake1: This means that in the world

God's Son Appeared

He is still a baby

But his eyes are radiant,

And it's so clear around him

And around him is so clean.

Snowflake 2: He lies in a dark cave,

He shines like the sun

And the rays of your smile.

It sends to everyone in the world.

Snowflake 3: Even angry?

Star: Both evil and harmful,

Everyone - rich or poor,

Indiscriminately; Children, birds,

Wild lions and insects

As if to your friends!

Boy: Oh, look, our angel is hanging on the tree!

Girl: Thank you, Magic Fir, thank you, Star! Now Christmas will come to our house!

Snowflake: A star lit up ...

Christ was born!

And the world lit up with love!

Let happiness enter every home!

Merry Christmas!

Snowflake: Let's Sing and Have Fun

Whirl around the tree.

After all, today is a celebration

All: Bright holiday - Christmas!

Dance of all participants of the performance "Crystal Stars"

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"Autumn Tale". Holiday script for senior preschoolers To the soundtrack "Autumn Park" (rhythmic mosaic 3 by A. I. Burenina), children with autumn leaves run into the hall, perform a dance. Stand up in a semicircle.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Combined Kindergarten No. 13" Educator: Deeva Lyudmila Anatolyevna.

Christmas is perhaps the most joyous Christian holiday. It is celebrated with the whole family, this day is famous for its traditions, which are few.

Christmas angels - messengers, messengers of God on earth, bringing good news, are symbols of the Nativity of Christ. This is magic,.

Project "Christmas Tale" MDOU "Novomichurinsky kindergarten №1" "Christmas tale" information and creative project. were composed: Denisenko O. V. Kharyutkina L. N.

Winter continues to draw magic lace, we met with excitement the long-awaited New Year, and the great holiday of Christmas is on its way.

Callsign. Leading exit.

No. dance ANGELS

The angels dance away. 2 angels "return" to the stage
1st plan
Angel 1 Listen, did no one notice that we were behind?

Angel 2 It seems not. Come on them! They will play hide and seek in the clouds again.

Angel 1 Yeah. And our business will be more important- ...

Angel 2 ... after all, the Fairy herself made an appointment for us!

A fairy appears on the scene with a magic wand and a flower

Angel 1 Oh, look, here she is!

Angel 2 Hello Fairy!

Fairy Hello my Angels.

Angel 1 Why did you call us?

Fairy I have important business for you. This Christmas flower bloomed in my garden right before the holiday.

Angel 2 Oh, how beautiful ... Why did you rip it off?

Fairy And then that this flower is magical. He grants wishes. Hold on.

Angel 1 Great! For example, I want ...

Fairy Stop stop stop! The flower will not fulfill your desires.

Angel 2 Why then did you give it to us?

Fairy And then, so that you go on a big journey with him and help everyone who meets on your way.

Angel 1 Do you know who we will meet?

Fairy I know. But this is a secret.

Angel 2 Well, if it's a secret, don't tell me. We will go?

Fairy Stop! You don't know how to use this flower.

Angel 1 Do you have instructions for it?

Fairy There are three conditions. First, to make a wish come true, you need to tear off one petal

Angel 2 Well it's simple
Fairy The second condition is to say the words: ""
Angels Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be led in our way!

Fairy The third condition is that all the guys should speak these magic words together with you. Guys, let's try! (rehearse). Well done!

Angel 2 And when the desire is fulfilled - will all of us say "thank you"?

Fairy Unfortunately, no ... You are Angels, you cannot be seen. But is it so important for those who do good deeds? It is so? (Angels, nodding)

Angel 1 And what will happen then when all the petals run out?

Fairy And then a surprise awaits you

Angel 2 And what kind of surprise is this also a secret? ...

Fairy Of course. All right, don't waste your time, hit the road. (Angels leave)
Fairy And you guys, I will ask you to help all, all the heroes. Did you agree? (YES!) Well, the fairy tale begins! (waves his wand and leaves)

No. song - FAIRY TALE


1st plan
Kikimora comes out, shaking from the cold

Kikimora Oh, and winter this year! Minus forty! This is necessary! And we, Kikimors, are unusual to such cold ... Oh ... Uh ... Are you guys cold? And why? Why why? (…) Have you done your exercises? And what helps? Well, I can do exercises too. Will you help me? (YES!) Then everybody get up. (…) Got ready, started!


Kikimora shows the movements, all children perform
Kikimora This is another matter entirely! A little warmed up ... (Angels appear at the back of the stage, watching) Oh, it's cold again! Oh ... Uh ... Well, what am I supposed to do now - exercise all day? I would now go to sea ... By the way, Koschey is resting in Cuba now, traitor. Warms his bones. And I? Why didn't he take me with him? And he is also called a friend ... Oh ... the leg is frozen ... oh, the other ... (tries to pull his legs off the floor)

2nd plan
Angel 2 Let's do something, now Kikimora will turn into a piece of ice!

Angel 1 Come on! What about?

Angel 2 We wish you a fire!

Angel 1 And when it burns out, it will freeze again. Let's better send her to Cuba, we'll send her to Koschei!

Angel 2 Exactly! Guys, say magic words with us!

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 1 We want Kikimora to be in Cuba!

No. CUBAN dance

During the dance, Kikimora freezes, dances.
Koschey appears after the dance

1st plan
Koschey Kikimora, dear, what are the fates?

Kikimora I don't know myself ... I just thought about you ... and immediately found myself here! Well, it's hot here! (fanning herself) Now we'll have a rest together!

Koschey It will not work out. My trip is over. Plane in half an hour. We must go back.

Kikimora I don’t want to go back! It's cold there!

Koschey Do not be afraid! We will descend from the airport straight to Baba Yaga. She's warm, the stove is heated.

Kikimora Will she let us in?

Koschey Still would! (dials the number on the phone) So happy that he cooks his signature stew for us! (into the phone) Hello, Yagusya, hello! Happy holiday to you! Which one? - Christmas! So I say - we must meet. Yeah. Only Kikimora will be with me. All right, wait. (To Kikimore) You see, all the "perfectamente"

Kikimora What, what?

Koschey "Per-fek-ta-meng-te". This is "excellent" in the local way. Eh, the darkness of the forest ... let's go ... (leave)

№ dance "MUKHOMORY" (fragment)

During the dance, Baba Yaga comes out in an apron, with a kettle and a ladle, "cooks" a stew

1st plan

Baba Yaga Come on, shoo! Look, we danced! And now I'll quickly throw it into the pot! (fly agarics run away) So ... well, it seems my signature stew is ready! (tries) (Angels appear) Oh ... something tastes wrong ... We need to look at the recipe ... (opens the scroll) Ta-ah ... Put the frogs' eyes, cut dried spider legs, cut toadstools, added wolf berries ... Here's a garden head! I forgot the bay leaf! Where is he with me? (looking for) no ... Well, what are you going to do! And the leaf is needed not simple, but gold, it grows only in Greece! While I'm on the stupa to Greece, I'll rattle, Koschey and Kikimora will already be here! Do not have time! What to do ... (walks, thinks, searches, rereads)

2nd plan

Angel 1 Let's help Baba Yaga, we will deliver a golden bay leaf from Greece!

Angel 2 Are you suggesting to help the evil ones?

Angel 1 Or maybe she will become kinder after that?

Angel 2 Maybe it will. Let's consult with the guys

Angel 1 Guys, can we help Baba Yaga? (YES!)

Angel 2 You see, the majority agree. Do you guys remember the magic words? (YES!)

Angel 1 Three four!

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 2 We want Baba Yaga to have a golden bay leaf!

№ dance "SIRTAKI"

Baba Yaga collects laurel leaves

1st plan

Baba Yaga Oh, killer whales, where did you come from? Straight some miracles ... Yes, how many lavrushki! Enough for a century! So-a-k, I add to the soup, I interfere ... That's it, it's done! (Koschey and Kikimora enter) And here are the dear guests! Come in, come in, treat yourself to my stew! (gives spoons)

Koschey (trying) I recognize the hand! Good soup!

Kikimora (tastes) Delicious!

Baba Yaga Yes, I tried ...

Koschey Mmmm, lick your fingers!

Kikimora Yeah, as if you could not swallow a spoon

Baba Yaga This is all lavrushechka, golden ... (Angels appear)

Koschey Oh, I fed ...

Kikimora To the dump ...

Baba Yaga Now you can have fun!

Koschey How are we going to have fun?

Kikimora As always - do evil deeds

Koschey Or maybe we can think of something for a change?

Baba Yaga What? Will we dance under the balalaika?

Kikimora Great idea!

Baba Yaga But there is no balalaika!

Koschey Well, then only evil deeds remain (calls to himself, whispers, talks, leaves)

2nd plan

Angel 2 Well, did you help Baba Yaga? Has she grown kinder? Now they will start doing nasty things ... You see, let's go to consult.

Angel 1 We need to fix this urgently! I heard they talked about the balalaika? We'll get them a balalaika now. And such that they would dance without stopping!

Angel 2 Correctly! And then they will forget about evil deeds. Do you guys agree? (YES!)

Angel 1 Then we say magic words!

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 2 We want a magic balalaika to appear!

№ dance "BALALAYKA"

1st plan

One balalaika remains on stage. Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Koschey come out

Koschey In general, we do everything as agreed ...

Kikimora Oh, what is it?

Baba Yaga What a balalaika!

Koschey She's the most ... (takes) Well, the evil deed will wait ... Dancing?

Baba Yaga What - I do not mind

Kikimora And I!

Koschey begins to play, Baba Yaga and Kikimora are dancing

Baba Yaga (dancing) Well, that's enough!

Kikimora Aha, and then the legs are already falling off!
(Koschey shows free hands) Yes, I no longer play - she herself!

Baba Yaga And what to do?

Koschey Dance!

Kikimora And how much to dance?

Koschey Until the balalaika is silent! (go off in a dance)

Angel 1 You see how great it is! Now they will definitely not commit any evil deed

Angel 2 Yes, they will dance like that - there will be no strength left for anything!

Angel 1 Look, you and I have already done three good deeds.

Angel 2 Who else could I help? ...

Angel 1 And there the Christmas tree goes. Maybe she needs help? Let's watch!

Angel 2 Come on!



1st plan

Christmas tree Hello guys! You recognized me? Who am I? That's right, Christmas tree. But not simple - Christmas. Look - how slender I am, what beautiful branches I have, what ... what ... but where are my toys? There are no toys! And I and the Snowman are going to the guys for a holiday ... He has been waiting for me for a long time ... how can I look like this now ... I won't have to go anywhere ... And the guys will celebrate Christmas without a Christmas tree (crying)

2nd plan

Angel 2 So, children cannot be left without a Christmas tree!

Angel 1 We need to think about who can get the toys ...

Angel 2 At Princess Nesmeyana! They say she has the most toys!

Angel 1 This means that we urgently need to get into her fairy tale!

Angel 2 Are you guys ready? (YES!)

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 1 We want the Christmas tree to get to Nesmeyana!

1st plan

(Nesmeyana comes out to the crying Christmas tree, also cries, they meet)

Christmas tree Hello Nesmeyana

Nesmeyana Hello Christmas tree. How did you get here?

Christmas tree I don't know ... Some miracles ... Why are you crying?

Nesmeyana And I'm supposed to cry according to a fairy tale. Why are you crying?

Christmas tree And I’m going to the children’s Christmas tree, but I’m not wearing toys ...

Nesmeyana Do you want me to give you toys?

Christmas tree Want!

Nesmeyana Only you amuse me.

Christmas tree It's very easy! I know a great game! And we can play it right now. Only I need your help, guys. Can you help? Fine!

GAME # \u003d HA-HA-HA and HI-HI-HI

Nesmeyana the game starts to laugh

Christmas tree Well, did I cheer you up?

Nesmeyana Amused! I'll give you toys. (gives)

Christmas tree Thank you, Nesmeyana. All right, I'll run, otherwise the Snowman was waiting for me. (Leaves)

Nesmeyana Thank you for having a real Christmas mood now! (leaves)

1st plan

Snowman comes out

Snowman Where is the Christmas tree? Guys, have you seen the Christmas tree? And where? Did Nesmeyana have it? What was she doing there? Did you go for toys? And Nesmeyana gave them to her? I see ... Why hasn't she been away for so long? .. We're late!

An elegant Christmas tree comes out

Christmas tree Snowman, hello, sorry for being late. I forgot to dress up, I had to go to Nesmeyana ...

Snowman I know, I know, all the guys told me. Well, let's go, or we'll be late! (Angels appear)

Christmas tree Wait, something is wrong with you ...

Snowman What's wrong with me?

Christmas tree I don't understand ... but something is wrong ... Exactly! You don't have carrots!

Snowman How is it not? And really - no ... What to do? I won't go to the guys like that - they will laugh!

Christmas tree We need to think ... (think, exchange opinions ...)

2nd plan

Angel 2 What's going on? The Christmas tree forgot about the toys, the Snowman - about his nose!

Angel 1 Who does not happen to ... We must help the Snowman.

Angel 2 It is necessary. So-a-k, where can you get carrots in winter?

Angel 1 Of course the hares!

Angel 2 Exactly! Guys, get ready ...

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 1 We want hares to be right here!

Angel 2 With carrots!


Snowman dancing with them ???

1st plan

Snowman Bunnies, bunnies, don't run away! Give me a carrot - otherwise I lost mine

Hares give their carrots

Christmas tree Wow, how many carrots!

Snowman Nothing, the pocket does not pull the stock. Well, now we can go to the guys

Christmas tree Let's go to! (leave)

1st plan

Angel 1 Well, the Christmas tree and the Snowman are all right

Angel 2 And we have 2 petals left. That means two more good deeds.

Angel 1 Hear the music? This is Little Red Riding Hood. What if she needs help too?

Angel 2 Let's see. (leave)



The Wolf comes out in a Snow Maiden fur coat

Wolf Hello Little Red Riding Hood ... Little Red Riding Hood ... and one more Little Red Riding Hood ... Are you three?

Krsh 1 Three. I am French - Chaperon rouge. Charles Perrault wrote about me

Krsh 2 I am German Rotkäppchen. Brothers Grimm wrote about me

Krsh 3 And I am the Russian Little Red Riding Hood. My author is Eugene Schwartz.

Krsh 1 Who are you?

Wolf Silly ones, they didn't know! I am the Snow Maiden!

КрШ 2 Something you do not look like the Snow Maiden….

Wolf You just haven't seen the Snow Maidens for a long time. I see you are bringing cakes to your grandmothers.

КрШ 1 Yes. I have pies - with jam

КрШ 2 I have - with cabbage

Krsh 3 And I have - with meat

Wolf And my grandfather - Grandfather Frost - cannot get out of bed - he is sick.

Krsh 3 How can you cure it?

Wolf (Angels appear) Pies! Your pies! My grandfather eats them, he immediately recovers, and will go to give gifts to the children. Poor children, they have been waiting for him for so long, but it is clear that they will not wait ...

КрШ 1 Snow Maiden, do not be upset, take my pies

КрШ 2 And mine too

Krsh 3 And mine

Wolf (takes all the baskets) Thank you, Red Riding Hoods, thank you! I will definitely tell my grandfather who helped him, and he will give you gifts (runs away)

КрШ 1 Still, some kind of strange Snow Maiden ...

КрШ 2 The ears are big ...

Krsh 3 The eyes are huge ...

КрШ 1 And fangs ... Yes, it was the Wolf!

КрШ 2 Definitely a Wolf!

Krsh 3 And we gave him all the pies, stupid ones.

КрШ 1 With what are we going to our grandmothers now? (discussing)

2nd plan

Angel 2 See, this is where our help is needed

Angel 1 We need to think about who can get the pies

Angel 2 And I know - at the Pechka!

Angel 1 Correctly! Guys, let's call the Stove? (YES!)

Angel 2 You are ready? (YES!)

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Angel 1 We want the Stove itself to come to us!

1st plan

КрШ 1 Hello Stove!

КрШ 2 We are so glad to see you!

Stove And I am glad ... I have never been in your fairy tale ...

Krsh 3 Stove, could you help us?

Stove With pleasure! And in what?

КрШ 1 The Wolf tricked the pies from us

КрШ 2 And we carried them to grandmothers

Krsh 3 Could you treat us to your pies?
Stove Of course of course! Now I’ll call my cooks. Hey, cook! Come on, bring the pies here! (the cooks carry out the pies in bundles) Here are my dears, take it. (Angels appear)

КрШ 1 Thank you, Stove!

КрШ 2 You helped us a lot.

Krsh 3 Now we can go to our grandmothers (leave)

Stove Go, my dears, go. And say hello to your grandmothers! (leaves)


2nd plan

Angel 1 How pleasant it is to do good deeds!

Angel 2 Yes ... Look, we only have one petal left

Angel 1 And what to do with it? It seems that no one who needs help is in sight

Angel 2 (Fairy comes out)

Angel 1 And there the Fairy goes. Let's ask her.

1st plan

Fairy Well, dear ones? Are you managing?

Angel 1 Yes. We have only one, seventh petal left.

Angel 2 But we don't know who else to help

Fairy I must inform you that you have completed my task perfectly!

Angel 1 But what about ...

Fairy Seventh petal? I promised you a surprise, didn't I? This petal is yours.

Angel 2 But we can't fulfill our desires

Fairy And you give it to me. And we, together with the guys, will say the magic words again (tears off)

ALL Petal, fly-fly, as soon as you touch the ground, be in our way!

Fairy I want everyone who the Angels helped to see them!
(all heroes come out)

Nesmeyana Oh, Angels!

Stove So beautiful!

Fairy It was they who helped you today and did good deeds for you.

Baba Yaga So I immediately said - some miracles ...

Kikimora And I noticed too

Snowman I also realized that it was not without magic today

Christmas tree We all want to thank you for your help.

Angel 1 And we want to thank all the guys in the hall

Angel 2 We wouldn't have succeeded without your support.

Fairy And now I want to give a task to the guys: do good deeds!

Koschey It's so great when someone helps you.

Wolf And for this it is not at all necessary to have a magic flower.

Snowman There is so much you can do yourself!

Angels And we will always be by your side!


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→ Christmas\u003e "url \u003d" http://scenarii.ru/scenario/index1.php?raz\u003d1&prazd\u003d107&page\u003d1 "\u003e

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 4872 human

Children sit on two wide staircases of three steps. The light goes off, candles are lit, an icon lamp is near the icon. Calm music sounds softly.

How quiet this night ... How transparent it is!
Heaven looks up with inspiration.
And in the arms of the deep ...

"The feast of the saint, the sun has risen" scenario of the feast of the Nativity of Christ

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 3802 human

Hello dear guys, dear guests! Happy holiday to all of you! Merry Christmas! How miraculously the Lord comforts us these days: the earth is covered with white fluffy snow, everything in nature seemed to be frozen in contemplation of the miracle of the birth of the Savior. ...

Scenario of the feast of the Nativity of Christ

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 4124 human

A child runs in with a star.
Child 1
Vika, Seva, come here soon! Look what a Christmas star I have!
Two more children come up.

Child 2
This star is not simple
This star is gold.
And the star shines
To us to ...

Christmas legend about the tree

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 2021 person

The narrator
At the very entrance to the cave where Jesus lay, there were three trees: a slender palm tree, a fragrant olive tree, and a simple green tree.
Olive tree, look how wonderful the light in the cave is!
Let's go and we will bow to the Divine Child and bring ...

Christmas gatherings in the gorenka

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 2007 person

Parents and guests are sitting at the tables in the chapel. Children with a presenter enter with a Christmas star while singing carols.
And God forbid the one who is in this house.
Good evening, generous evening,
Good people for health.
Grant, Lord, their life and existence and ...

Christmas surprise performance

06.01.2012 | We looked at the script 1800 person

Carollers walked and wandered,
They walked and walked Christ praised.
To the salvation of the whole world
God was born in Bethlehem.

Dance of snowflakes

I'm a little yellow Chicken
And instead of baby diapers -
These pieces ...


07.12.2010 | We looked at the script 3102 human

Children, I brought a Christmas tree, let's dress it up with toys that you made yourself in the group and in the Design Studio classes, and we will celebrate “Christmas” with you.
In Russia, Christmas is celebrated in January, when the tree is still in the house. Her evergreen branches ...

Attention! The administration of the site rosuchebnik.ru is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

A script for a holiday for preschool children with their parents, during which the participants get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating the Nativity of Christ.

purpose: Introducing parents and older preschool children to the tradition of celebrating Christmas.

Tasks: to acquaint children with the Gospel events, to continue to form ideas about the traditions of celebrating Christmas, to create a festive mood.

Material: tree, decorations, film "Christmas", presentation in the form of screensavers on the computer, Magnetic board, elements of 2 snowmen, "Christmas picture" cut into pieces, Christmas tree with sweets.

Preliminary work: Learning songs, dance, poetry.

Event progress

(Calm quiet music "Christmas song" sounds)


Fur trees
The whole house smells
Each needle whispers:
"Merry Christmas!"

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guys, guests and adults! We celebrated the New Year, and one of the most important and brightest holidays awaits us - Christmas. I congratulate you, dear children, on the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Since ancient times, the Orthodox people have celebrated Christmas. And now we will watch the film "Christmas" and get acquainted with the history of this holiday.

Watching a movie.

Leading: But what is it? Look, the Christmas tree is sad. She is sad because she does not know how to please her baby. Meadow flowers will give your baby their beauty and delicate aroma. Fire will warm him, and water will quench his thirst. What can she, herringbone? After all, apart from thorny needles, she has nothing? Let's decorate the Christmas tree with lights.

Let's say: "One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!"

(Everyone repeats the words and the lights come on on the tree).


The brightest, the sweetest
The most important holiday of the year.
Fireworks, chocolates
And a round dance of snowflakes.

Children love this holiday
Dads, mothers for a reason.
With the whole planet we will mark
Birthday of Christ.

This holiday is bright, bright
The whole Earth has been waiting all year.
What would give dream gifts
To us for good deeds.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas -
This holiday is fabulous.
And I meet him
In front of the colorful Christmas tree!

I will congratulate the whole family
Happy holiday.
I love them very much
And I appreciate them too!

May health bring
This bright holiday
And a blizzard will sweep
Trouble is the snow-prankster!

Children perform the song "Bright Star"

“A bright star in the sky is burning.
Mom says to the children at the Christmas tree:
"There is a celebration in the whole world, Christmas has come,
It's Christmas! "

Happy holiday, happy holiday for adults and children!
They even tell the mischievous
Because it's a celebration, because it's Christmas,
It's Christmas!

We don't want to sleep on this night at all,
I would like, I would like to go to the city of Bethlehem.
Look at the celebration, where it was Christmas,
Where Christmas was! "


New Year has come
Round dance by the tree
Fireworks take off into the sky
It sparkles with bright lights.
Paints the windows
Covers tracks.
Love her kids
Wonderful time (Winter)
Yes, a wonderful time of the year winter, snow, but a blizzard has come to visit us.

Children perform Dance "Snow and Blizzard" everyone is dancing. (Children show the movements of adults, parents repeat)


Snow covered the city with a white shroud,
A sharp wind will beat outside the window,
Collect snowflakes, snuggle up to the frame.
I will put a festive tree in the hall,
I'll put golden candles on the table
And I will hide sweets and gifts under the tree.
And with friends I will celebrate Christmas together,
The best holiday, joyful and bright!

We will continue the holiday
Let's have fun playing play:

I. Game "Golden Gate"

Children are divided into two teams. One team joins hands and utters the words:

Golden Gate
They do not always open it.
The first time he says goodbye
The second is prohibited,
And the third time
We will not let you pass!

At this time, the second team moves one after the other "snake". The children give up on the last words, and those who stayed in the circle begin to dance, the rest continue to play.

2. Game "Artists"

Participants are divided into teams. The presenter invites the players, alternately connecting the dots, to draw a drawing. The picture was pre-conceived by the presenter, and the location of the points should correspond to the idea. The winner is the team that manages to unravel the presenter's plan.

3. Relay "Collect a Snowman" with parents

The relay race involves two teams "SNOWFLAKE" and "ICE", are lined up in columns one after another. Each of the participants of the two teams is given paired pieces of a snowman cut out of cardboard (three circles - large, medium and small, arms, legs, eyes, nose - carrot, bucket, broom). At the command of the leader, the players of both teams, in pairs, run up to a certain place, put their part and return to their team. The team that collected the snowman the fastest and receives a token wins.

Christmas quiz

Leading: Remember the characters from the Christmas movie. Questions need to be answered. A badge for the correct answer. Parents help your children.

  1. Where was Christ born? (in a cave, in a manger)
  2. In which city was Jesus Christ born? (city of Bethlehem)
  3. Who walked the surrounding fields, guarding their flock: cows, sheep? (shepherds)
  4. Who Appeared Before the Shepherds? (shining angel)
  5. Name Jesus' parents. (Virgin Mary and the pious old man Joseph)
  6. What did the Angel tell about, what great joy? (the Lord was born - the Savior)
  7. What are the eastern sages called? (Magi)
  8. What did the wise men present to Jesus? (their gifts, gold and precious incense: incense and myrrh.)

Leading: Well done, you answered all the questions correctly. And now you need
collect a plot picture "Christmas"on small fragments from the film. It turns out the one who has not earned a single token - 2-3 children, their parents are helping them.

Game "Assemble the picture"

(A Christmas song is playing.)

Leading: When the Christmas holidays come, people come to visit each other and generously present with sweets, gingerbread and all sorts of sweet gifts.

Children sing the song "Christmas tree"

"Silver light streams through the window,
This night is not an easy one.
Let it be outside the window, let it be outside the window,
The fabulous snow sparkles.
In the morning a star will flash in the sky
Brighter than all the stars in the world.
It will become brighter than ever
And the children will smile.

Christmas tree
Christmas tree
Let him give us all
Joy and warmth.
Christmas tree
Christmas tree.
Let the heart be
Quiet and light. "

Leading: And here is the Christmas tree. The presenter draws attention to a small Christmas tree on which candies are hung instead of toys.Everyone who has tokens receives a Christmas tree prize.

God made a wonderful gift from heaven for all of us by sending us Jesus Christ the Savior. Therefore, thanks to Him for this.


Christmas is a great holiday
Christmas is good news:
A defender is born for people
And there is a Savior for us all!
With this joy we hurry
I sincerely congratulate you -
Peace, happiness and rest
Every day and every hour.


Merry Christmas,
What is already knocking on the house!
Open wider the doors

May grievances and losses
Fly away like foliage!
May luck enter the door
On the bright holiday of Christmas!

This concludes our entertainment, but the winter holidays continue!