Anxiety as a psychological characteristic of preschool children. Types of anxious children. Psychological characteristics of anxious children

Anxiety is an individual psychological feature, when a person is very worried about minor reasons, constantly expecting danger. It is also a negative emotion associated with personality traits, temperament or a weakened nervous system. In anxious kids, adaptation in the team is disrupted, which breaks their happy existence. Are the parents able to help the child on their own or do they need professional help? Let's figure it out.

Childhood anxiety is one of the problems of the modern world. It manifests itself as a fear of changing living conditions or situations. Anxiety is persistent, persistent anxiety that does not go away, such as fear of the dark with the onset of day. The child is shy, cannot adapt to an unfamiliar environment, is afraid of strangers, he is afraid of the new team. This state affects the development, psychological balance, health of the little person, he has great difficulties in communication.

Experts in child psychology believe that among kindergarteners and primary schoolchildren, male children are more likely to be anxious, and female children over the age of 12. After committing some kind of offense, girls are more worried about the relationship (what adults or girlfriends will think), and boys are worried about possible punishment.

An anxious child finds it difficult to adjust to unfamiliar surroundings

Causes and factors for the appearance of an increased level of anxiety

The reasons for the appearance of anxiety syndrome in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren can be:

  • violation of relationships, unfavorable conditions in the family, divorce of parents;
  • improper upbringing (high expectations, pressure on the child, humiliation of the personality, conflicting demands);
  • heredity or birth trauma, diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
  • diseases or infections that occur in infancy.

Types and types of anxiety: situational, personal, separation

Experts identify two main types of anxiety:

  • situational - associated with some event that happened to the child, shocked him and left a negative imprint on the child's behavior. It lends itself to correction. Try to avoid such situations by talking, explaining to the baby why and how it happened;

    The first visit to kindergarten or school can also lead to the development of situational anxiety. Children, getting used to new living conditions, show irritability, emotional excitability, and are capricious. After a certain period of adaptation (from a month to six months), everything is usually normalized.

  • personal - often transmitted and adopted from parents, in particular, a nervous and anxious mother, but it can also be an inborn feature of the psyche and temperament. This applies to children - pessimists and melancholic.

There is also such a concept as separation anxiety - the fear of separation from relatives or a place to which the child is emotionally attached. Its first signs appear in most babies: the little one gets scared and cries if the mother simply disappeared from his field of vision. Usually, over time and with the correct behavior of the parents, this passes by two years. First, you need to accustom your child to short separations. Further, to help him to be able to play with toys on his own, to stay calmly and without tantrums with other adults.

Babies find it difficult to let their mother go

To prevent such anxiety from becoming lingering, you need:

  • if the baby burst into tears, sit down next to him, hug him, comfort him in a calm voice, calm him down, but not grab his arms;
  • distract when the child stops crying;
  • play hide-and-seek and "peek-a-boo" so that the child gets used to the short-term absence of the mother;
  • leaving to say goodbye to him, wave his hand, explain where mom went and when she will return.

Aggressive disposition, shyness, impulsive behavior and other signs of disorder: a portrait of an anxious child

It is impossible not to pay attention to the increased anxiety of children: this condition will not go away by itself, but will only worsen. The constant anxiety of the child and the fear of seemingly ordinary things is a signal that there are violations in his life.

Symptoms to watch out for:

  • low self-esteem, shyness, lack of confidence in themselves and their intellectual abilities (they think that they will not succeed, they are not beautiful and smart enough), an inferiority complex;
  • complete obedience or absolute uncontrollability, demonstrative rudeness, excessive resentment;
  • refusal to play something new, to do something unusual;
  • neuroses (biting nails, pulling out hair);
  • somatic (nervous) problems (dizziness, weakness, cramps in the throat, shortness of breath, heart palpitations);
  • isolation, lack of communication, secrecy, constant expectation of something bad, depressive behavior;
  • tearfulness, fearfulness and absent-mindedness;
  • trouble falling asleep and restless sleep.

If the situation is serious, you need to seek advice from a specialist who will talk with the baby and his parents, create a psychological portrait of the child, and conduct tests to determine the degree of anxiety.

Tests for observation and conversation to determine the level of anxiety

There are a sufficient number of tests (in the form of questionnaires or pictures) that will help identify an anxious child.

Questions for parents of preschoolers

Fear of separation from parents often occurs in kindergarten toddlers. It is accompanied by constantly repetitive, excessive:

  • frustration, sadness at parting;
  • anxiety about the loss, that the adult may feel bad;
  • fear that any event will lead him to a break with his family;
  • refusal to go to kindergarten;
  • fear of being alone;
  • fear of falling asleep alone;
  • nightmares in which the child is separated from someone;
  • complaints of malaise (headache, abdominal pain).

Children with separation anxiety can get really sick when they think a lot about their concerns. If during a month of observations at least three of the listed fears have appeared, then anxiety has a place to be.

Diagnostics of anxiety in children of primary school age (grades 1-4)

  1. He cannot work for a long time without getting tired.
  2. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something.
  3. Any assignment causes unnecessary anxiety.
  4. During the exercise, he is very tense, constrained.
  5. Confused more often than others.
  6. He often talks about stressful situations.
  7. As a rule, blushes in unfamiliar surroundings.
  8. Complains that he has terrible dreams.
  9. His hands are usually cold and damp.
  10. He often has a stool disorder.
  11. Sweats a lot when worried.
  12. Doesn't have a good appetite.
  13. He sleeps restlessly, falls asleep with difficulty.
  14. Shy, many things make him afraid.
  15. Usually restless, easily upset.
  16. Often he cannot hold back tears.
  17. Poorly tolerates waiting.
  18. Doesn't like to take on a new business.
  19. Uncertain of himself and his strength.
  20. Afraid to face difficulties.

The number of affirmative answers shows the degree of anxiety in the child. High - 15 and more, average 7-14, low 1-6.

Scale of explicit anxiety CMAS schoolchildren up to adolescence

This is a kid-friendly option. Guys should characterize each sentence as right or wrong right away, without thinking for a long time. You cannot answer the same question twice.

The test is carried out by psychologists with groups of children; for younger students, an individual conversation is preferable, if the baby does not read well, the survey is conducted orally.

CMAS (The Children’s Form of Manifest Anxiety Scale) is a test to identify the degree of anxiety in schoolchildren of 8-12 years old.

Questionnaire to identify fears and anxiety-phobic disorders

  1. It's hard for you to think about one thing.
  2. It makes you uncomfortable if someone is watching you when you do something.
  3. You really want to be the best in everything.
  4. You blush easily.
  5. Everyone you know you like.
  6. Often you notice that your heart is beating hard.
  7. You are very shy.
  8. It happens that you want to be as far away from here as possible.
  9. It seems to you that others are doing better than you.
  10. In games, you love winning more than losing.
  11. Deep down, you are afraid of many things.
  12. You often feel that others are unhappy with you.
  13. You're afraid to be alone at home.
  14. It is difficult for you to decide on anything.
  15. You get nervous if you can't do what you want to do.
  16. Often you are tormented by something, and what you cannot understand.
  17. You are with everyone and always behave politely.
  18. You are worried about what your parents will tell you.
  19. It's easy to piss you off.
  20. You often find it difficult to breathe.
  21. You always behave yourself.
  22. Your hands are sweating.
  23. You need to go to the toilet more often than other children.
  24. Other guys are luckier than you.
  25. It is important for you what others think of you.
  26. You often find it difficult to swallow.
  27. Often you worry about something that, as it turns out later, didn't matter.
  28. It's easy to offend you.
  29. You are constantly tormented by whether you are doing everything right, as it should.
  30. You never brag.
  31. You are afraid that something might happen to you.
  32. It's hard for you to sleep in the evening.
  33. You are very worried about the ratings.
  34. You are never late.
  35. You often feel insecure about yourself.
  36. You always tell only the truth.
  37. You feel that no one understands you.
  38. You are afraid that they will tell you: "You are doing everything badly."
  39. You are afraid of the dark.
  40. You find it difficult to concentrate on your studies.
  41. Sometimes you get angry.
  42. Your stomach often hurts.
  43. You get scared when you are alone in a dark room before going to bed.
  44. You often do things that you shouldn't do.
  45. You often get headaches.
  46. You are worried that something will happen to your parents.
  47. You sometimes don't keep your promises.
  48. You get tired often.
  49. You are often rude to your parents and other adults.
  50. You often have terrible dreams.
  51. You think the other guys are laughing at you.
  52. It happens that you lie.
  53. You are afraid that something bad will happen to you.

Method for calculating results

After filling out the form, the result is studied by professional psychologists.

  1. The data are calculated on the subscale of social desirability (the tendency to present oneself in a predominantly favorable light):
    • the answer is “true” to questions 5, 17, 21, 30, 34, 36;
    • “Wrong” - 10, 41, 47, 49, 52.

      The total number of answers should not exceed 9. Such or a higher result indicates that the child answered inaccurately, his remarks may be distorted under the influence of the desire to hide his shortcomings, to please, to guess the correct option.

  2. Answers are considered "true" on the subscale of anxiety (manifestation of fear in different situations) to items: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53.

The amount received is a preliminary analysis. Further, the data is processed by specialists.

Initial stage.

  1. Sheets are looked through and selected, in which the answers are the same (all "true" or "false"), this is a dubious result.
  2. Errors are studied: double options, omissions, strikethroughs, reasoning. No more than three oversights are allowed. If there are five or more of them, it means that it is difficult for the child to make a choice or he avoids answering, which is interpreted as latent anxiety.

The main stage.

  1. Data are read on subscales of social desirability and anxiety.
  2. Grades are converted to a ten-point scale. To do this, the results of each child are compared with the standard indicators of a group of children of the corresponding age and gender.
  3. Based on the information received, a conclusion is made about the level of the subject's general anxiety.

Anxiety level in boys and girls on a ten-point scale - table

Age and gender groups (results in points)
7 years 8-9 years old 10-11 years old 12 years
girls the boys girls the boys girls the boys girls the boys
1 0–2 0–3 0 0–1 0–3 0–2 0–6 0–5
2 3–4 4–6 1–3 2–4 4–7 3–6 7–9 6–8
3 5–7 7–9 4–7 5–7 8–10 7–9 10–13 9–11
4 8–10 10–12 8–11 8–11 11–14 10–13 14–16 12–14
5 11–14 13–15 12–15 12–14 15–18 14–16 17–20 15–17
6 15–18 16–18 16–19 15–17 19–21 17–20 21–23 18–20
7 19–21 19–21 20–22 18–20 22–25 21–23 24–27 21–22
8 22–25 22–24 23–26 21–23 26–28 24–27 28–30 23–25
9 26–29 24–26 27–30 24–26 29–32 28–30 31–33 26–28
10 29 and more 27 and more 31 and more 27 and more 33 and more 31 and more 34 and more 29 and more

Characteristics of all levels of children's anxiety from high to low - table

Preliminary evaluation of results Characteristic Note
1–2 Anxiety is not characteristic of the subject. Such excessive calmness may or may not be protective.
3–6 Normal level of anxiety The usual degree of anxiety required for adaptation and vigorous activity
7–8 Somewhat increased anxiety A slightly overstated level, often associated with a certain area of ​​life
9 Obviously overestimated anxiety Usually generalized
10 Very high anxiety Risk group

Study of the child's condition according to the Kudrin anxiety scale

The student evaluates the proposed statements by putting:

  • "++" if the described circumstances are very unpleasant for him (3 points);
  • "+" - a little unpleasant (2 points);
  • "0" - do not cause excitement at all (0 points).

This method shows the child's attitude to himself, situations related to learning, communication with teachers and peers.

  1. You answer at the blackboard in the lesson.
  2. Your mom or dad scolds you.
  3. You meet the guys from school.
  4. You will go, and guests to strangers.
  5. You are left at home alone.
  6. You come up, talk to the teacher.
  7. You cannot cope with the assignment in the lesson.
  8. Comparing yourself to other guys.
  9. Thinking about your business.
  10. They look at you as if you were little.
  11. You cry often.
  12. The teacher unexpectedly asks you a question in the lesson.
  13. Nobody pays attention to you in the lesson when you have done the job well, beautifully.
  14. They disagree with you, argue with you.
  15. You meet with the older guys in the courtyard at the entrance.
  16. They don't pay attention to you when you do something, play.
  17. You have terrible dreams.
  18. The teacher gives a difficult task.
  19. You choose the main roles in the game.
  20. Evaluate your work at home or the guys.
  21. You don't understand the teacher's explanation.
  22. The guys laugh when you answer in the lesson.
  23. You watch horror on TV, they tell you "scary" stories.
  24. Thinking about what will happen when you grow up.
  25. Adults (mom, dad, teacher) are angry with you (it is not clear why).
  26. The teacher evaluates your work that you did in the lesson.
  27. They look at you (watch you) when you do something.
  28. Something is not working out for you.
  29. The guys do not play with you (they never take the game), they are not friends with you.
  30. The teacher makes a remark in the lesson.

The results are calculated both for each individual type of anxiety, and in general:

  • 20 points or more in each section (or 60 in total) - high level;
  • 10-15 (up to 20) - the norm;
  • 5 on average is a high point of calm.

The last situation suggests that the child does not adequately assess reality, does not allow negative experience into consciousness. This interferes with the normal formation of the personality.

Elaboration of questions - table

Type of anxiety Test questions
educational 1 6 7 12 13 18 21 22 26 30
self-rated 5 8 9 11 17 19 20 23 24 28
interpersonal 2 3 4 10 14 15 16 25 27 29

Pedagogical methods and programs for the correction of anxiety syndrome

Correction of anxiety in children is not an easy and slow business, but a painstaking daily work.

You need to communicate with children tactfully and confidentially.

Communicate with babies prone to anxiety, you need to sincerely, affectionately call by name, and publicly approve. It is better to deal with them constructively in three directions:

  • help build self-confidence;
  • teach the ability to control your own state in different situations;
  • show how you can calm down and relieve muscle tension.

When working with an anxious child, you cannot:

  • question the authority of other adults (teachers, educators);
  • make increased demands that he will not be able to fulfill;
  • draw parallels with other, more successful students.

It is very important for every baby to feel protected, trust family members and be sure that they love him.

Game therapy as a method of psychotherapeutic influence

With the help of game therapy, observing a child, you can sort out his worries and overcome them. Children love and want to play, they are liberated and interested. For anxious guys, you need to avoid the competitive aspects (who is faster).

Experienced professionals know many group and individual games to relax, increase self-esteem, and reduce anxiety.

  1. The breathing game "Ship and Wind" will help to cheer up a tired baby. Let him imagine that a sailboat sailing on the sea suddenly stopped. To help him move on, you need to blow hard: inhale air, and then exhale noisily through your mouth. The result is a wind that will whip up the boat. The exercise is repeated several times.
  2. Playing "Bunnies and Elephants" raises self-esteem. At first you will be a cowardly bunny. What does a hare do when he is scared? That's right, it is trembling, show me how. What will a bunny do when it sees a wolf? That's right, quickly run away, show it. Now imagine that you are a big, strong, brave elephant. Show how measuredly, without haste and without fear, he walks. What does an elephant do if it sees a person? Nothing, he is not afraid, but calmly moves on, because people are his friends, show me how. Show me what an elephant does if it sees a tiger? He does not freeze with fear and calmly continues on his way.

Breathing exercises will relax your muscles

Fairy tales to help: features of fairy tale therapy

Fairytale therapy is an excellent means of gently influencing a child. Children are happy to listen to interesting stories, ask to read at night. They associate themselves with brave heroes, pity the weak. You just need to choose the right ones.

There are special psychotherapeutic tales for getting rid of fear, self-doubt, fear of independent actions. You can start a story and invite your child to finish it. For example, "Hard Times".

Hares lived in the forest: mom, dad and a hare. One day the daddy hare says to the mommy hare: “These are hard times. I thought for a long time how to survive, and came up with. Let us ... ”What do you think the papa hare said?

The continuation, invented by the little one, will help to understand how he feels in his family.

Art therapy to reduce anxiety and calm your baby

Art therapy is an important and effective direction for correcting children's problems. The classes do not require any special artistic skills. The child does as he can and feels, and his works express thoughts and state of mind.

There are many directions in art therapy:

  • isotherapy (depicting your fears on paper, drawing with your fingers, modeling from plasticine or clay);
  • phototherapy (using photographs or slides to overcome emotional difficulties);
  • sand therapy (ordinary sandbox games, drawing with grains of sand);
  • music therapy (listening to specially selected music or playing the sounds of musical instruments);
  • dance therapy (using dance or movement as a process of combining emotional and physical states).

In the classroom, children fantasize. The use of improvised means (clay, paints, threads, pasta, cereals, stones and sand) develops fine motor skills. Exercises with music and dancing, singing help to reduce stress, extinguish bad emotions, and defeat anxiety. During the process, a preschooler or elementary school student learns to communicate with peers, gradually begins to believe in himself, and gains interesting knowledge.

Play as a way of psychological correction of a child's behavior - gallery

Anxiety in children with disabilities (HH)

Specially trained psychologists should work with such children, who help not only their little patients, but also conduct trainings for their parents, since they live in a state of persistent anxiety and often despair.

In children with cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy), a high level of anxiety is due to limited movement, frequent hospital stays, and worries about physical infirmity.

In children with mental retardation (mental retardation), anxiety increases at school, as it is difficult for them to correspond to ordinary peers. They may not be accepted by the team, it is difficult for such children to cope with the program and sit for the whole lesson. Parents' high expectations are also traumatic.

  • an individual approach to everyone (take into account the peculiarities of age, sex, disorders, mental development and condition);
  • inadmissibility of fatigue (often change tasks, alternate mental and practical work, submit material in small portions);
  • use methods that activate mental activity (developing speech, writing, reading skills);
  • timely and tactful help, encouragement for the smallest successes, the development of self-confidence.

The influence of parents on the occurrence of anxiety, divorce in the family

The family microclimate is an important factor in the normal life and development of a child. For a little person, relatives are his circle, in which he exists, learns to love or not love, rejoice, empathize.

The influence of mom and dad on a baby is enormous, it can be beneficial and, unfortunately, negative. Children become anxious if diktat reigns in the family, quarrels and conflicts occur, they begin to fear, withdraw into themselves, lie, play.

A child, of course, should grow up in a complete family, with mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents, where everyone loves him and he loves everyone, and this is ideal. But, unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. Parental divorce is a disaster for the baby, his emotional and mental state is under threat. Often he blames himself for this: he did not obey, he did not try enough. Moreover, worries are deposited in the subconscious and negatively affect future life. Mom and Dad should divorce as civilized and intelligent as possible, but if this does not work out, the little one should not hear swearing and insults.

Divorce of parents is a disaster for a child

Psychologists say that after a divorce, children's anxiety increases. You need to talk a lot with children, explain as honestly as possible why this happened.

If the baby stayed with one of the parents, the second one should come and spend time with him, and also talk, answer questions, and not just buy off gifts, because the baby loves both mom and dad. Everything possible must be done to minimize the mental trauma of the child, otherwise he will not grow up to be a happy person.

A boy who was not the Son of the Father in childhood, deprived of his positive influence, may not become the Father of the Son and pass on to him his adequate experience of sex-role behavior and protection from everyday dangers and fears.
In addition, parental divorce in older preschool children has a greater adverse effect on boys than on girls. The lack of influence of the father in the family or his absence can make it most difficult for boys to develop gender-appropriate communication skills with peers, cause self-doubt, a feeling of powerlessness and doom in the face of danger, albeit imaginary, but filling the consciousness.

A. I. Zakharov

Nobody wants their child to become anxious. But it so happens that even the most loving parents contribute to this if excessive demands are made on the baby, which he is not able to fulfill, they want to embody their unfulfilled dreams and aspirations in him. Over time, a son or daughter begins to understand that they do not meet the requirements, an inferiority complex develops.

Memo: wishes for parents in matters of education and communication

  1. Understand and agree with your child's concerns. Be interested in how he lives, what he thinks, what he is afraid of, talk about it, discuss current situations together, look for a way out, draw conclusions from the troubles that happened, because this is how experience is gained. A small person should be absolutely sure that with his worries he can always run to mom or dad. You need to sympathize, even if children's problems seem like sheer nonsense.
  2. Create conditions, help to overcome tightness (if your child is afraid to make a purchase in a store, make it with him, thereby setting a personal example).
  3. Prepare the baby for changes in life and important events in advance, explain what and how will happen.
  4. In difficult situations, do not do everything for your son or daughter, offer to think for yourself, sometimes it is enough that someone from your family is nearby.
  5. You cannot stimulate the child's legal capacity by describing the expected difficulties in an unfavorable way (for example, emphasizing what difficult dictation awaits him). Optimism is an anti-anxiety quality.
  6. Tell us about your experiences in the past tense (at first it was scary, but then everything worked out).
  7. In every unpleasant situation, find good moments (mistakes in the lesson - it happens, but you figured out what to pay attention to).
  8. Teach your offspring to set small, real-life tasks for yourself and carry them out, bring up responsibility in him.
  9. Show how to relax and calm down (breathing exercises, good thoughts, counting to ten).
  10. Hug, kiss, stroke the head more often - everyone needs tactile contact.
  11. Do not undermine the authority of other adults with whom the boy or girl interacts.
  12. Act consistently (do not suddenly prohibit what was previously allowed) and unanimously (if mom says no, then dad, grandmother and everyone else support her).
  13. Do not demand the impossible, once again help the little one.
  14. Praise any minor successes.
  15. Trust your child and be sincere with him.
  16. Choose a hobby group for him, where he will not feel worse than others.
  17. Punish and reprimand as little as possible. But if such measures are necessary, then do not humiliate.

Parents should try to follow the listed principles, give the baby some freedom, let him learn to make decisions on his own, but never leave him alone with difficulties for which he is not yet ready.

Become your child's best friend

Recommendations for educators (educators and teachers) in working with children

  1. The tasks for the student should be appropriate for his abilities. Complicated and deliberately impracticable assignments doom to defeat, a decrease in self-esteem.
  2. A benevolent emotional background and confidence in the baby is the key to success (you will definitely succeed).
  3. Comparison with other children is not acceptable. You can only compare the achievements of the child himself (you did well, and tomorrow it will be even better).
  4. Public speaking or competition is not for the anxious little one.
  5. A detailed plan for completing the assignment will help the insecure kid to cope with the task at hand (first you do this, then that).
  6. Humiliation is unacceptable: you cannot shame such a child in front of other children.
  7. Calling by name increases self-confidence.

Pedagogical work, the work of psychologists and parents, agreement between them and the desire to help will not remain without positive consequences.

How to help an anxious child - video

A list of literature on the psychology of childhood anxiety, accompanied by parents who want to dig deeper into the topic

Many books, articles and scientific papers have been written about the problem of childhood anxiety and how to correct it.

  1. A.I. Zakharov "Prevention of deviations in the behavior of a child." The Russian Honored Psychologist in his book analyzes the causes of psychological disorders in the behavior of preschoolers, ways of correcting and preventing them with the help of games and drawing.
  2. A.M. Parishioners "Anxiety in children and adolescents: psychological nature and age dynamics." The author cites the results of a long-term study devoted to the study of anxiety from preschool to adolescence. The reasons for its appearance and the ways of expression in different years of the life of children are considered.
  3. P. Baker, M. Alvord "Criteria for determining anxiety in children." American psychologists have developed a child's anxiety scale based on his behavior.
  4. V.M. Astapov "Anxiety in Children". The distinguished scientist has dedicated a book to the examination and analysis of emotional disorders.
  5. L.M. Kostin "Play therapy with anxious children." The publication analyzes in detail the importance of game therapy in the process of correcting psychological disorders, and describes ready-made educational programs.
  6. O.V. Khukhlaeva, O.E. Khukhlaev "Labyrinth of the Soul: Therapeutic Tales". The authors have compiled a collection of psychocorrectional and therapeutic fairy tales for preschoolers and primary school students.

Works of Astapov, Baker, Kostina, Alvord and other psychologists - photo gallery

Small children are defenseless, they need timely, qualified help, which must be provided tactfully and kindly, with faith in success. Support for adults, timely counseling from experienced professionals, implementation of recommendations will help in the fight against anxiety.

Anxiety is a characteristic trait of the baby's personality, characterized by a predisposition to expressed excitement and anxiety in a variety of situations that do not dispose to this.

Concepts "Anxiety" and "anxiety" differ significantly. Anxiety refers to an occasional restlessness. Anxiety, on the contrary, refers to permanent states and is not associated with a specific situation. The condition when the baby is very afraid of certain things or events is called fear.

In children under 6 years of age, problematic relationships with parents are considered the most important causes of anxiety. During this period, boys are more anxious.
The level of anxiety of parents has a big imprint on the same condition in children. The use of an authoritarian style in upbringing, increased demands on the baby, as well as comparing him with those around him, significantly increases anxiety. Often, anxiety is a consequence of neuroses and other mental disorders.

The main causes of anxiety in babies are:

Lack of a sense of safety in babies;
Hostility and rejection of children by adults;
Parental anxiety;
Unfavorable family microclimate;
Poor material conditions of the family;
Inconsistency of the claims of adults with the real capabilities of the baby;
Inadequacy of parental requirements for the baby;
An increased level of anxiety in parents;
Parents do not follow the sequence in the upbringing of the baby;
Making demands on children that contradict each other;
Increased emotionality of parents;
Comparisons of the baby with others;
Authoritarian parenting method;
The desire of adults to comply with generally accepted norms.

Types of childhood anxiety:

1. Anxiety is a character trait(copying the actions of anxious adults, peculiarities of temperament);
2. Situational anxiety. It deals with individual situations.

Types of Anxious Babies:

Neurotics... In such babies, an increased level of anxiety leads to somatic disorders: stuttering, enuresis (bedwetting), tics;

Disinhibited kids. In such children, anxiety is expressed in the form of increased emotionality and activity;

Shy kids. They are afraid of almost everything;

Introverted kids. In this case, anxiety is expressed in alertness, lack of responsiveness and friendliness in the child.

Features of anxious children:

Intense look;
Quiet voice;
The baby's lack of confidence in himself;
The presence of somatic disorders of the body: painful sensations in the abdomen, headaches, spasms in the airways, thirst, decreased muscle tone in the legs;
Decreased self-esteem;
Painful reaction to criticism;
Self-blaming tendency;
Children with great difficulty make contact with others;
Kids often criticize others.

Signs of high anxiety in a baby:

1. Constant manifestation of anxiety;
2. It is very difficult for a kid to concentrate attention;
3. Increased muscle tone on the face and neck;
4. The kid is often annoyed;
5. The child has sleep disorders.

If you constantly notice at least one sign in your baby, then it is likely that he has a high degree of anxiety.

Determine the level of children's anxiety:

To identify this indicator in your baby, it is recommended to use a special test. In it, next to the sign of anxiety, you must put a + sign if it is typical for your child.

Signs of anxiety:

1. The kid gets tired quickly enough;
2. It is very difficult for a baby to focus his attention;
3. Completion of tasks causes great anxiety in the baby;
4. The child is very tense when performing tasks;
5. The child is more embarrassed than others;
6. The kid often mentions stressful situations that happened to him;
7. The child blushes in an unusual or new environment;
8. The baby has terrible dreams;
9. The limbs of the baby are usually cold and damp;
10. The baby often has a stool disorder;
11. The child is characterized by increased sweating when performing tasks or assignments;
12. The baby has a weak appetite;
13. The child's sleep is very restless, he often wakes up;
14. The child is shy;
15. It is very easy for a kid to get upset;
16. The baby often cries;
17. The kid is impatient and has great difficulty with waiting;
18. The child does not like to start a new business;
19. The child expresses self-doubt;
20. The kid is very afraid of difficulties.

Count the number of + signs:

0 - 6 - the child has very low anxiety;
7 - 14 - average degree of anxiety;
15 - 20 - high anxiety.

We help anxious children in the right way:

Improving self-esteem

It is important to refer to the baby by name;
Reward your baby for any achievements in the presence of strangers;
Explain the reasons for rewarding your baby.

Self-management skills

Discuss the reasons for the baby's anxious behavior together;
Do not compare the crumb with strangers;
Avoid events where competition is taking place;
Establish a close eye-to-eye relationship with your baby;
Compose stories together;
Play the situations that worry your child.

Decreased muscle tone

1. Use games where physical contact with the baby is established;
2. Apply relaxation exercises several times a day;
3. Teach your child to breathe deeply;
4. Do yoga with your baby;
5. Massage your baby;
6. Rub the baby's body gently.

Correct organization of the life of anxious children:

It is important to observe your child carefully so that you do not waste time to correct his problems. Don't leave baby crying unnoticed. On the contrary, show that you deeply understand and experience its difficulties.

Anxious babies feel safe only in the presence of their mother. Calmly, without stress, take the baby to your bed.
For such children, it is very important to adhere to the daily routine. They don't like swimming too much. Therefore, it is better to bathe them longer in a small baby bath. With such children, do not rush to learn swimming, dousing and other wellness procedures.
Anxious kids don't like dressing up. Therefore, buy clothes that are easy to put on and take off. Reduce the amount of clothing you wear over your head. If the temperature in the room permits, put on a minimum of clothes on the crumbs.
It is very difficult to feed anxious children. They do not like multi-component dishes, because they do not understand what they are made of.
Anxious children often refuse to work in a team, so it is necessary to create conditions for the child to spend some time with the children. The child should not be forcibly involved in group games.

At first it will be difficult to communicate with your anxious child, but if you start to react sensitively to his requests, then over time he will be able to please you with his attention, tenderness and developed thinking.

What should parents of anxious babies do ?:

O Do not make high demands on the child;
o Convince the baby of your boundless and sincere love;
o Communicate your baby's progress to all family members;
o Do not use words that degrade the dignity of the baby;
o Do not force the kid to apologize for misconduct, but ask him to explain their reason;
o Minimize the number of comments;
o Do not frighten the kid with impossible punishments;
o Communicate with your baby more;
o Use gentle touch;
o Parents must be unanimous and consistent in parenting;
o Parents of anxious toddlers are advised to perform a set of relaxation exercises;
o Find out the reasons for fears and increased anxiety in the child;
o Be interested in everything that happens in your baby's life;
o Minimize the number of anxious situations;
o Do not solve all life problems for the child;
o Always offer your child your help;
o Prepare your baby for a difficult situation in advance;
o Tell your child about your childhood fears and current problems;
o Compare the child's achievements;
o Do not skimp on affectionate words and body contact.

Good luck in raising happy kids!

Chapter 1. Anxiety as a psychological characteristic of preschool children

    1. Psychological characteristics of children 6 - 7 years old

Formulation of goals, hypotheses and preparation of material;

Conducting research;

Processing of the received data;

Working with children, teachers, parents;

At the stage of formulating the goal, the main methods were selected in accordance with the requirements that apply to the study when working with children of older preschool age. The time and place of the study was thought out, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of older preschool children.

The organization of the study was the same for all pupils.

The room where the study took place was well lit, there were no extraneous stimuli in the room: sharp sounds, smells, new objects.

The study was carried out in the morning (from 9.00 to 9.40); the work was carried out on an individual basis

When conducting methods for studying anxiety at the beginning of the work, the instruction was explained. Then, during individual work with the child, all the results were recorded by the experimenter.

After the study, the results were processed, the data for each child were recorded in the Card of psychological diagnostics; on the basis of which children in need of psychological assistance and correction were identified.

Based on the results of the diagnostics, parent meetings and individual consultations were held with the announcement of the data obtained and recommendations for the further upbringing and education of children.

With the consent of the parents, a correctional group of children was formed, consisting of 6 people (2 girls and 4 boys).

Correctional work to reduce the anxiety of pupils was carried out on the basis of MDOU No. 87 in a room specially equipped for classes and according to a specially developed program (Appendix 6).

The psychological aspect of the content of the program reflects:

Formation in pupils of ideas about verbal and non-verbal ways of expressing emotions based on the analysis of external signs of people's behavior in emotionally significant situations;

teaching to recognize different moods, emotional experiences;

Teaching pupils the techniques and ways to reduce anxiety in various situations;

Formation of the ability of pupils to analyze and evaluate their own state and behavior based on the knowledge and skills acquired (self-organization and self-control).

Classes were held 2 times a week (Monday, Thursday), their duration was 25 - 35 minutes; in total, children attended 10 classes.

During these lessons were used different kinds work with anxiety: fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, game therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

At the end of the classes, secondary diagnostics of the study of anxiety was carried out, which made it possible to reflect the dynamics of changes in the studied indicators.

Based on the results of secondary diagnostics, recommendations were made for further work with the pupil, parents and educators.

2.2. Methodological substantiation of the experiment
Today, the attention of researchers to such a stable personality trait as anxiety is relevant. Modern life makes rather high demands on a person's resistance to stress, and such a trait as anxiety is increasingly found as a stable neoplasm. Of particular concern is the manifestation of this trait in preschool age.

The effectiveness of the help of a psychologist is determined by the correct isolation of the causes of a particular problem. In the process of the initial collection of information, it is important to understand what exactly prevents the child from interacting, since the external manifestations of various problems may have similarities. For example, shyness and isolation. Children with such problems react very painfully to any changes in their lives, feel fear of strangers and new surroundings. However, these are different problems. An introverted child most often does not know what to do, and does not want to communicate, he has no need for the people around him. And a shy kid knows what to do, wants it, but cannot apply his knowledge. Most often, adults turn to a specialist only when shyness obviously begins to interfere with them and the child himself: he is afraid of everything that is not familiar to him, refuses to communicate with peers, constantly blushes when they turn to him. Does not answer, even if he knows the answer to the question, cannot do anything in the presence of strangers, tries to find some secluded corner, begins to stutter strongly or talk non-stop and talk nonsense. The problem is that the fear of the new, the fear of drawing attention to oneself, block the development of both the emotional and intellectual spheres of the child's personality. Such children have meager play activities, since even the simplest everyday task is not solvable for them - to approach another, ask for a toy, agree on joint play.

Anxiety is part of the shyness symptom complex. According to E.K. Lyutova and G.B. Monina, anxiety develops in children when they have an internal conflict provoked by adults' exaggerated demands, their desire to put the child in a dependent position, the absence of a unified system of requirements, and the presence of anxiety among adults themselves. The mechanism of anxiety lies in the fact that the child is in constant expectation of troubles, problems and conflicts, he does not expect anything good from others.

The work of a psychologist directly with anxious children should be carried out in several directions:

  • development of positive self-perception;

  • increasing self-confidence and self-confidence;

  • developing trust in others;

  • correction of fears;

  • removal of bodily tension;

  • developing the ability to express your emotions;

  • development of teamwork skills;

  • developing self-control skills;
The main difficulty with anxious, shy children is to establish contact with him, develop trusting relationships. In this case, there is no need to rush, it is necessary that the child gets used to the psychologist.

Therefore, at first, the psychologist must systematically visit the group, conduct observations, talk with educators, conduct games and participate in them.

When the child is able to communicate more or less freely with the psychologist, individual or group corrective work can begin in the office.

Anxiety negatively affects the course of many mental processes, as well as many of the child's personality characteristics.

In this work, special attention was drawn to the problems of anxiety and its correction. Measuring anxiety as a personality trait is especially important, since this property largely determines the behavior of the subject; anxiety does not help a person, but, on the contrary, begins to interfere with his daily activities. In this case, anxiety can also affect relationships with relatives, peers, educators and, later, school teachers. Communication becomes selective, emotionally uneven, and tends to be confined to the old circle of attachments.

Contact with strangers becomes difficult, it is difficult to start a conversation, it is easy to get confused and inhibited with sudden questions.

Thus, the study of anxiety and its correction provide extensive material for further research on this problem.
In this work, a preparatory group was taken to study the level of anxiety. 20 pupils of the group took part in the diagnosis. The research took place in several stages:

  • selection of diagnostic techniques that are intended for
preschool children;

  • interviewing parents on issues related to the possible anxiety of their children, because children's anxiety can also be a consequence of the symbiotic relationship of the child with the parents, when parents try to protect their children from the difficulties and troubles of life;

  • diagnostics of pupils;

  • interpretation of results;

  • defining a group of anxious children;

  • selection, systematization of correctional programs;

  • correctional work with children;

  • repeated diagnostics;

  • recommendations to educators, parents;

At the first stage of material selection, the following diagnostic techniques were identified:

  1. Diagnostics of the school anxiety - this technique is of the projective type. Designed for ages 6 - 9 years old. Experimental material - two sets of 12 drawings, 18 x 13 in each. Set "A" was for girls, set "B" for boys. The technique was carried out with each child individually. Requirements for conducting are standard for projective techniques.
Instructions: Come up with a story based on pictures. The pictures are quite unusual. There are no faces on them. This is done on purpose in order to make it more interesting to come up with. It is necessary to come up with what mood the boy (girl) has, and why it is.

As a result the responses of the children were evaluated for all the pictures - the general level of anxiety was diagnosed by the "unfavorable" answers characterizing the mood of the child in the picture as sad, sad, angry, boring. A child who gives 7 or more similar answers out of 10 can be considered anxious.

  1. Projective test "Non-existent animal ". In this technique, children were asked to draw an animal that does not exist in the world. How you can draw is completely irrelevant. Draw how you imagine such an animal. Give him a name, tell him. "
At the end of the assignment, the child was asked the following questions: - "What is his name?", "Where does it live?", "Is it good or evil?", "What does it eat?" animal dream? "

Result was assessed by the position of the drawing on the sheet, by the position of the figure on the sheet, head rotation, drawing (eyes, mouth, ears) on the head, parts that rise above the level of the figure (wings, legs, tentacles, details of the shell, feathers, etc.)

  1. Technique "Merry - Sad ". The child was offered six drawings depicting children in various school and learning situations.
The child is asked to describe what, in his opinion, the children's facial expressions in the pictures should be - funny or sad, and explain why. If the child says “I don’t know,” then additional questions are asked: “What do you think is going on here? Who is drawn here? "

According to the answers of the children are interpreted results.... Answers that describe a cheerful or serious child reflect the child's positive attitude and were rated as emotional well-being.

If the child gave 5 - 6 "disturbing" answers, this indicates that he is "painful" about being in the garden, "school", for him this stage of life is associated with strong emotional experiences.
According to the results diagnostics identified a group of anxious children in the amount of 6 people.
With parents These children were interviewed and general recommendations were given to all parents on the relationship with the child.

It was said that one should not "tie" a child to oneself, protecting him from imaginary, non-existent dangers. If such is present in the family, then the child experiences anxiety when left without a mother, is easily lost, worried and afraid. Instead of being active and independent, passivity and dependence develop.

In cases where upbringing is based on overstated requirements that the child is unable to cope with or copes with difficulty, anxiety can be caused by the fear of not coping, doing the wrong thing.

Often, parents cultivate the "correctness" of behavior: the attitude towards the child can include strict control, a strict system of norms and rules, deviation from which entails censure and punishment.

Subsequent stage experiment assumed selection of correction programs adapted for children 6 - 7 years old, which would create optimal conditions and opportunities to reduce the level of anxiety in children.

The literature on the correction of anxiety was studied, which made it possible to select programs y, which would answer the following tasks:

  • develop the child's ability to be aware of their fears and anxieties, and through their own effort to learn to overcome them;

  • teach the child to feel the reliability and safety of what is happening around him;

  • develop basic interaction skills;

  • develop self-confidence;
Correctional work was carried out twice a week for 35 - 45 minutes. Classes were group, where children interacted not only with a teacher - psychologist, but also with each other.

The specificity of this form of work was the purposeful use of group dynamics, i.e. the entire set of relationships and interactions that arise between the members of the group.

However, two classes were conducted with pupils individually, as I think that with such psychocorrection the result is deeper, due to the fact that all the attention of the psychologist is directed only to one person.
In the course of psychocorrectional work, such a technique was used as sand therapy, it is becoming more and more popular in psychological practice.

Sand for children is a natural material, and communication with it is necessary. Playing with sand and small objects, the child enters into a dialogue with the world around him, and that in response reveals his secrets to him.

So , for example, Nastya Z. when she saw the sandbox, she became interested in it. After meeting her and the figurines, she spontaneously began create my own composition... First, a foundation pit was dug in the center.

This is the sea, - said Nastya.

There are five sunbathing babies along the shore.

These are children who run away from their parents and are having fun while their parents are looking, ”says Nastya.

From the sea there was a path to the house, near which there was a figurine of a man.

He looks into the distance and looks for children, - says Nastya. “The adults went to the sea and saw their babies,” she continues, “but one mother never found her baby. She was upset because she thought he had drowned. She sat down by the shore and cried for a long - long time. But suddenly a terrible wind swooped down, lifted the sand and buried her there.

And then Nastya spoke. No, it was not like that, he went into the forest, and his mother found him there.

Nastya, while creating the picture, simultaneously commented on it and changed the creation of sand therapy herself.

At this moment, Nastya was worried, as it turned out at that time there was a problem of relationship with her mother, who is a significant figure for Nastya.

In the sand picture, the desire to "run away" from the mother (independently playing dolls) was actualized. On the other hand, there was a feeling of control on the part of adults (the children were "spotted" and found).

I think that this was Nastya's starting point for her harmonization.
Also used fairy tale therapy. This is a method where a fairytale form was used to integrate the personality, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interactions with the outside world.

For example, children were offered to work with the fairy tale "Cloud". Almost all children took an active part in the discussion of the fairy tale. They answered questions with interest, revealed the concept of "nobility", talked about the qualities that people possess. They talked about their qualities, and about the qualities of each other.

Such therapy helped children to increase their self-esteem, develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, and reduce personal anxiety. Children became more self-confident.
Game therapy.

In the process of playing activity, the game influenced the children, contributed to the creation of close relationships between the group members, relieved tension, increased self-esteem, and removed the danger of socially significant consequences.

The game helped the child acquire certain skills in their activities, including communication, helped to assimilate social norms of behavior, and to increase their emotional state.

And the parents were asked to carry out such game therapy at home, by the parents themselves, the benefits of this will be more obvious. After all, this will change not only the child; parents change, the relationship between children and parents changes. Parents understand children better.

And the game allows you to experience traumatic life circumstances in a child in a lightened form.

Parents were offered games:

"Brave Mice"

A cat and a mouse are selected. The cat sleeps in the house, the mouse runs and squeaks. The cat wakes up and catches up with the mouse. The mouse can hide in the house. Then they switch roles.


A sheet is put on the leader, he becomes a ghost, runs after the rest of the players and scares them with loud shouts: "Oo - oo - oo ..." The one he caught becomes the leader.

"Bee in the dark"

An adult pronounces the text, and the child performs the actions: “The bee flew from flower to flower (chairs and sofas are used as flowers). When the bee swooped in and ate nectar, she fell asleep in a beautiful flower (under a chair or table). Night fell, and the petals of the flower began to close (a chair or table is covered with dark matter). The sun came up (the material is removed), and the bee began to have fun again, flying from flower to flower. " The game can be repeated by increasing the density of matter, i.e. degree of darkness.

"Owl and hares"

The game should be played in the evening in order to create darkness. The light should be dimmed gradually.

Owl and hares (or hare) are selected. When the light is on (day), the owl sleeps and the hares jump. When the light turns off (night falls), the owl flies out, looks for hares and shouts: "Oo-oo-oo." Hares freeze. If an owl finds a hare, it becomes an owl.

In the classroom was used and music therapy, which also contributed to the correction of emotional deviations, anxiety, deviations in behavior. Relaxation exercises were carried out.

To reduce the feeling of anxiety, parents were recommended to purchase audio cassettes, CDs with classical music in traditional performance.

For example, to reduce feelings of anxiety and insecurity - Chopin's Mazurka, Strauss's Waltzes, Rubinstein's Melodies.

Method used art therapy- this is one of the most productive and irreplaceable ways in psychological work with children.

This method is used for psychocorrection by artistic techniques such as drawing, modeling.

While drawing, the opportunity was offered to play the experience, the anxiety situation through the drawing. After all, it is he who can tell more than the child himself.

Working on the drawing helped to express the child's feelings, relieve internal stress.

By results of correctional work individual consultations were held with the parents of each child. A conversation was held on how to continue the work on relieving anxiety in the family circle. Recommendations for each child were individually issued.

A conversation was held with educators regarding the children of this group of children. Also, recommendations were given for working with this group of children.

In the future, it is envisaged to continue the observation of the children of this group by the teacher-psychologist.
All methods of psychocorrection of anxiety required the psychologist to be able to individually select one or another method of working with a child, taking into account the peculiarities of his age development and without harming his mental and physical health. And this was successful, since repeated diagnostics showed significant dynamics in relieving anxiety in children. (see tables, diagrams).
In the course of psychocorrectional work, the peculiarities of children were revealed. Each parent was given individual recommendations on the further trajectory of behavior and interaction with children.

2.3. Dynamics of changes in anxiety in children 6 - 7 years old based on the results of correctional work
At the beginning of the correctional classes, the pupils had the results shown in Table 1 according to the indicators of anxiety.
Table 1 - Table of the results of the entrance diagnostics of pupils

correctional group.

I.F. baby

Garden No.

Personal anxiety

Interpersonal anxiety

School anxiety


Egor B.






Nastya Z.






Timur G.






Vova S.






Almaz G.






Diana V.





The table shows the designations:

H - low level of anxiety;

C - the average level of anxiety;

B - high level of anxiety;

During the period of classes under the program,

the following psychological characteristics of children:
Egor P. is an active, mobile, somewhat aggressive child towards boys; at the same time attentive to girls; a fear of interacting with children in a group is pronounced, especially with leaders and with a teacher in preparatory classes for school; in a group, he most often initiated various games and methods of solving problems; from the methods of correction reacted positively to outdoor games, sand therapy and fairy tale therapy;

Nastya Z. - has pronounced features of a melancholic; begins to work with enthusiasm, but quickly gets tired, becomes apathetic, requires constant positive support and assessment; little contact; prefers to work alone; at the beginning of a new task, a pronounced marked marked anxiety was noted; in his work gives preference to various forms of art therapy;

Timur G. - shy, calm; in outdoor games it reveals itself, can be a leader; personal anxiety is largely provoked by self-doubt; in work gives preference to outdoor games; in tasks that require attention to oneself, complex, sometimes refuses to complete the task;

Vova S. - reacts to the beginning of a new lesson with increased anxiety, but then quickly adapts; quick-witted, one of the first to complete tasks; reasonable, the guys listen to the modeling from plasticine.

Almaz G. - mobile; active, seeks to take the position of a leader, but he rarely succeeds, which makes the boy nervous; inattentive, the instruction is carried out only with 2 - 3 repetitions; bully, provokes others to aggressive behavior; among the methods of work, preference is given to outdoor games and drawing; likes to talk about himself, takes an active part in the discussion;

Diana V. is demonstrative, loves to talk about herself, in communication she chooses 2 - 3 guys over whom she feels superior, is mobile, emotional; the greatest anxiety is caused by communication with the teacher and parents; prefers to work alone, associated with drawing.

At the end of the training, in addition to the implementation of the main program for reducing anxiety, methods for assessing the effectiveness of correctional work were included. These methods were carried out in an individual form with pupils, the results were recorded by a psychologist in specially prepared forms.

Thus, according to the results of the control diagnostics, the results were obtained, reflected in table 2:

Table 2 - Summary table of the results of control diagnostics of students of the correctional group:

I.F. baby

Garden No.

Personal anxiety

Interpersonal anxiety

School anxiety


Egor B.






Nastya Z.






Timur G.






Vova S.






Almaz G.






Diana V.





Analysis of the level of anxiety of input diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Analysis of the level of anxiety of control diagnostics of pupils of the correctional group

Thus, according to the results of correctional measures, 87.8% of pupils have a positive dynamics of changes in anxiety.
At Nastya Z., Timur G., Almaz G., Diana V. Significant changes in interpersonal relationships are noticeable, the guys have become more tolerant of the shortcomings of others, more courageous in building new relationships. Thanks to a thorough analysis of various school situations that caused anxiety in children, there is a decrease in this indicator in 57% of cases.

At the same time, only a partial decrease in anxiety occurred in% of children (a person). Egor B. showed a decrease in interpersonal anxiety, while personal anxiety remains at the same level, which, in our opinion, is due to unstable self-esteem and self-doubt. Almaz G. showed a decrease in school anxiety, but the indicators of personal and self-rated anxiety remained at the initial level.

Thus, based on the results of correctional work in order to consolidate and improve its results, the children and their parents were given the following recommendations.

Thus, according to the results of correctional work in order to consolidate and improve its results, children and their parents were given the following recommendations:

Egor B., Nastya Z. - visiting a sports section, swimming pool or dancing in order to relieve tension and discharge; compliance with the regime and rest;

Almaz G. - compliance with the regime, planning the daily routine of the child; obligatory positive reinforcement of behavior and activity; it is possible to repeat the course of correctional classes to reduce anxiety;

Vova S., Timur G. - compliance with the regime, a rational combination of physical and mental labor in order to increase efficiency; constant positive reinforcement of the results of work; Diana V. - work with dignity, self-confidence; constant positive reinforcement for the child's success.

Preschool, primary school age is one of the most problematic ages in psychology. At this age, guys, most of all, are prone to experiencing anxiety, anxiety, and are capable of aggressive actions in this regard. Therefore, it is important to prevent such an attitude of children to the world around them. This requires a detailed study of these phenomena and the development of ways to overcome them.

Considering the relevance of the problem of anxiety and e correction, the theoretical foundations of this topic, in this work, the hypothesis put forward was confirmed by 89% (in 5 cases out of 6). When considering the dynamics of changes in anxiety, it was revealed that the indicators of anxiety in all parameters: personal, school, interpersonal, changed their values ​​in the direction of their decrease.

Partial confirmation of the hypothesis indicates the correctness of the chosen direction in the work, but at the same time requires further intensified theoretical and practical development in the field of characteristics of anxiety and its correction.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov"

Faculty of Management and Psychology

Department of Social and Clinical Psychology

Specialty: 030301- psychology

Specialization: social psychology

Graduate work

Socio-psychological characteristics of anxiety states in preschool children


1. Theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon of anxiety

1.1 Research of problems of anxiety in foreign and domestic psychology

1.2 The essence and meaning of anxiety in preschoolers

1.3 Anxiety as an emotional state accompanying a preschooler

2. Socio-psychological aspects of anxiety in preschool children

2.1 Socio-psychological causes of anxiety in preschoolers

2.2 Behavior of anxious children

3. Experimental study of the level of anxiety in preschool children

3.2 Program for the correction of anxiety in preschoolers

3.3 Results of re-examination


List of sources used



Relevance. The study is devoted to the study of the causes of the formation and consequences of anxiety in preschool children, consideration of theoretical and practical issues of its diagnosis, prevention and overcoming. The study of anxiety in preschoolers is extremely important in connection with the problem of emotional and personal development of children, the preservation of their health. This work examines one of its poorly studied aspects, the question of the factors provoking the manifestation of high anxiety in preschool children.

The relevance of the chosen research topic is determined by the tasks of psychological and pedagogical practice, set before it in connection with the modern requirements of society for various aspects of child health. Children's age, especially preschool age, is decisive in the formation of a child's personality, since during this period of life, basic properties and personal qualities are formed and largely determine all of his subsequent development. It is especially important to pay attention to what the initial stages of the transition to new types of relationships between the child and others outside the family will be, how the nature of the activity will change when entering a preschool educational institution.

Changing social relationships can present significant challenges for a child. Many children in the periods of adaptation to kindergarten, school begin to experience anxiety, emotional tension, become restless, withdrawn, whiny. It is especially important at this time to monitor the preservation of the child's psycho-emotional well-being. The study takes into account that the inclusion in new social relationships, joint activities with other adults, previous experience can either help a child adapt to unfamiliar conditions, or negatively affect the level of his adaptation. Adverse circumstances, negative emotional experience in life situations can lead to various undesirable consequences, one of which is expressed in the formation of high anxiety in children.

The problem of diagnosing and preventing childhood anxiety deserves special attention, since, forming into the property and personal quality of a preschooler child, anxiety can manifest itself as a stable personality trait at school age, and in adult life, and cause neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

Elaboration. A number of foreign and domestic researchers have worked on this problem. In foreign psychology, the problem of anxiety has been developed quite fully, while in domestic psychology, studies on this problem are quite rare and scattered, with the exception of the works of V.R. Kislovskaya (1972); A.M. Prikhozhan (1977, 2000); YL Khanina (1978, 1991); I.A. Musina (1988); V.M. Astapov (1992). Currently, in our country, anxiety is studied mainly within the narrow framework of specific problems: school anxiety (E.V. Novikova, T.A. Nezhnova, A.M. Prikhozhan, 2000), examination anxiety (V.S. Rotenberg, S. M. Bondarenko, 1989), anxiety of expectations in social communication (V.R. Kislovskaya, 1972; A.M. Prikhozhan, 2000). A relatively large number of studies in Russian psychology are devoted to the study of anxiety in adolescents and adults; there are practically no studies of anxiety and the possibilities of its correction in preschoolers. This fact determines the lack of timely assistance to anxious preschoolers, which leads to the emergence of a number of psychological difficulties of childhood: anxiety is a harbinger of neuroses (K. Nogpeu, 1937; A.I. Zakharov, 1988; A.S. Spivakovskaya, 1988; B.D. Karvasarsky, 1990; A. Freud, 1993); promotes behavioral disorders, disorganization of intellectual and productive activity (N.V. Imedadze, 1971; C. Spielberger, 1983; L.N. Sobchik, 1985; H. Heckhausen, 1986; V.S. Rotenberg, 1989; I.A. Musina, 1993).

Many causes of childhood anxiety have been identified. As its external source, only child-parental and intra-family relationships can be confidently considered, the violation of which leads to constant microtraumas of children (A.I. Zakharov, 1988; A.M. Prikhozhan, 2000). At the same time, there are practically no data in the literature on the features of such relationships, as well as on the influence of the personal qualities of parents on the appearance of anxiety in preschoolers.

Thus, the consideration of the causes of the appearance and fixation of anxiety in preschool age, the possibilities of its correction in connection with the peculiarities of the family environment seems to us relevant and relevant to the tasks of the development of psychological theory and the needs of practice.

Target. The reasons for the formation and consequences of childhood anxiety in preschool age.

To achieve this goal, we solved the following tasks:

To study the theoretical basis of the phenomenon of anxiety.

Consider the socio-psychological causes of anxiety in preschoolers

Identify the behavior of anxious children

Identify ways to overcome anxiety

Conduct and analyze an experimental study of the level of anxiety in preschool children.

The object of research in the thesis is the study of the dynamics of anxiety in preschool children, the individual forms of its manifestation.

The subject of research in the thesis is the sources, causes, features of the manifestation of anxiety in preschool children, ways to overcome this state.

Methods. In this study, a set of methods was used, including: observation, conversation, survey, mathematical_statistical analysis, literature analysis, diagnostic methods. Among the tests:

Methodology "Ladder" V.G. Schur.

Methodology "Fears and Fears in Children" by A. Zakharov;

... "Parental attitude towards children" (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin).

The structure of the thesis consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, each of which has three paragraphs, conclusions, bibliography, appendices. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of foreign and Russian specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy on the problem under study. The empirical basis of the work is the materials of periodicals and the global network of the Internet, data published in articles, monographs and publications, analyzed and summarized in the work.

Research hypothesis. This general assumption was concretized in particular hypotheses of the work:

The main factor causing the appearance of anxiety in preschoolers is a violation of parent-child relations, which manifests itself in the instability of the behavior and demands of parents, as well as in their authoritarian, dominant position.

The deformation of parent-child relations is significantly associated with the activation of various characteristics of anxiety in children: the expectation of unfavorable developments in objectively neutral situations and in situations of interaction with the immediate social environment, deterioration of performance results in psychologically stressful conditions, increased closeness in communication, and a sense of their own inferiority.

The use of special psychotechnologies in working with anxious preschoolers can significantly reduce their intensity of anxiety.

The psychological impact on the personality of an anxious child will be more effective if the parental attitude towards him is optimized, while the stability of the results achieved in the course of correctional work is determined by their subsequent support by the child's closest social environment.

The practical significance of the work.

Based on the analysis of experimental data, the features of anxiety in preschoolers and the specific characteristics of relationships in their immediate environment were determined, which made it possible to identify the main directions of psychological correction. A complex has been developed for the correction of anxiety in preschoolers, which ensures a decrease in the intensity of anxiety and contributes to the adequate socialization of children. Within the framework of the diploma work, its approbation was carried out and an assessment of its effectiveness was given.

Providing an anxious child with psychological support in the early stages of development facilitates the process of social integration, which is significant both for an individual subject and for society as a whole.

The research results have a certain practical value for solving a number of problems related to the upbringing and development of a person, the formation of his personality. Adequate ideas about the causes and characteristics of the course of anxiety in preschoolers are a prerequisite for the creation of appropriate developmental and correctional programs aimed at optimizing the process of personal development. The research materials can be used in the mass practice of the work of kindergarten psychologists, as well as in the training and advanced training of preschool specialists in pedagogical universities and colleges.

The developed programs can have a wider scope and be used to correct certain types of personality disorders in other groups of children. It is possible to use them in the practice of family counseling not only for this sample, but also in work with parents of children with other disorders.


Approbation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the diploma study took place in the conditions of real work with anxious children, which was carried out on the basis of the children's enterprise MDOU №78 "Malysh" in Ulyanovsk

Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the phenomenon of anxiety

1 Research of problems of anxiety in foreign and domestic psychology

preschooler anxiety family correction

In the psychological literature, you can find different definitions of the concept of anxiety, although most researchers agree on the recognition of the need to consider it differentially - as a situational phenomenon and as a personal characteristic, taking into account the transitional state and its dynamics.

So, A.M. The parishioner points out that anxiety is "an experience of emotional discomfort associated with the expectation of trouble, with a presentiment of impending danger."

Distinguish between anxiety as an emotional state and as a stable property, personality trait or temperament.

According to R.S. Nemova: "Anxiety is a constantly or situationally manifested property of a person to come in a state of heightened anxiety, to experience fear and anxiety in specific social situations."

L.A. Kitaev-Smyk, in turn, notes that "in recent years, the use in psychological research of the differentiated definition of two types of anxiety:" character anxiety "and situational anxiety, proposed by Spielberg, has become widespread."

According to A.V. Petrovsky: “Anxiety is the tendency of an individual to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold of anxiety reaction; one of the main parameters of individual differences. Anxiety is increased in neuropsychiatric and somatic diseases, as well as in healthy people experiencing the consequences of psychotrauma, in many groups of people with deviating subjective manifestations of personal dysfunction ”.

Modern research on anxiety is aimed at distinguishing between situational anxiety associated with a specific external situation and personal anxiety, which is a stable personality trait, as well as the development of methods for analyzing anxiety as a result of the interaction of a person and her environment.

G.G. Arakelov, N.E. Lysenko, E.E. Schott, in turn, note that anxiety is a polysemantic psychological term that describes both a certain state of individuals at a limited time, and a stable property of any person. Analysis of the literature of recent years allows us to consider anxiety from different points of view, allowing the statement that increased anxiety arises and is realized as a result of a complex interaction of cognitive, affective and behavioral reactions provoked when a person is exposed to various stresses.

Anxiety - as a personality trait, is associated with genetically determined properties of the functioning human brain, which cause a constantly increased feeling of emotional excitement, emotions of anxiety.

In a study of the level of aspirations among adolescents, M.Z. Neimark discovered a negative emotional state in the form of anxiety, fear, aggression, which was caused by the dissatisfaction of their claims for success. Also, emotional distress, such as anxiety, was observed in children with high self-esteem. They claimed to be the "best" students, to occupy a high position in the team, that is, they had high claims in certain areas, but they had no real opportunities to realize their claims.

Domestic psychologists believe that inadequately high self-esteem in children is formed as a result of improper upbringing, overestimation by adults of a child's success, praise, exaggeration of his achievements, and not as a manifestation of an innate desire for superiority. Contradictions between high aspirations and real opportunities can lead to a difficult emotional state.

From the dissatisfaction of the child's needs, defense mechanisms are developed that do not allow recognition of failure, insecurity and loss of self-esteem in the consciousness. He cannot admit to himself that the reason for failure is in himself, comes into conflict with everyone who points out his shortcomings, shows irritability, resentment, aggressiveness. M.Z. Neimark calls it "the affect of inadequacy" - "... an acute emotional desire to protect oneself from one's own weakness, by any means to prevent self-doubt, repulsion of the truth, anger and irritation against everything and everyone." This condition can become chronic and last for months or years. A strong need for self-affirmation leads to the fact that the interests of these children are directed only to themselves.

T.V. Dragunova, L.S. Slavina, E.S. Maxlack, M.S. Neimark show that affect becomes an obstacle to the correct formation of the personality, therefore it is very important to overcome it. The works of these authors indicate that it is very difficult to overcome the affect of inadequacy. The main task is to really bring the child's needs and capabilities in line with, or help him to raise his real capabilities to the level of self-esteem, or lower self-esteem. But the most realistic way is to switch the interests and aspirations of the child to the area where the child can achieve success and assert himself. Thus, the study of L.S. Slavina, dedicated to the study of children with affective behavior, showed that complex emotional experiences in children are associated with the affect of inadequacy.

In addition, studies of domestic psychologists show that negative experiences leading to difficulties in the behavior of children are not the result of innate aggressive or sexual instincts that “await release” and dominate a person all his life. These studies can be viewed as a theoretical basis for understanding anxiety, as a result of real anxiety that occurs in certain unfavorable conditions in a child's life, as formations that arise in the process of his activities and communication. In other words, this is a social phenomenon, not a biological one. The problem of anxiety has another aspect - psycho-physiological. The second direction in the study of anxiety, anxiety goes along the line of studying those physiological and psychological characteristics of the personality that determine the degree of this state.

A large number of authors believe that anxiety is an integral part of the state of strong mental stress - "stress". Russian psychologists who have studied the state of stress have introduced various interpretations into its definition. So, V.V. Suvorova studied stress received in the laboratory. She defines stress as a condition that occurs in extreme conditions, very difficult and unpleasant for humans.

V.S. Merlin defines stress as psychological, rather than nervous, tension that occurs in an "extremely difficult situation."

It can be assumed that the presence of anxiety in a state of stress is associated precisely with the expectation of danger or trouble, with a premonition of it. Therefore, anxiety can arise not directly in a stressful situation, but before the onset of these states, ahead of them. Anxiety, as a state, is the expectation of trouble. However, anxiety can be different depending on who the subject expects trouble from: from himself (his inability), from objective circumstances, or from other people.

It is important that, firstly, both in stress and in frustration, the authors note the subject's emotional distress, which is expressed in anxiety, anxiety, confusion, fear, uncertainty. But this anxiety is always justified, associated with real difficulties. I.V. Imedadze directly connects the state of anxiety with a premonition of frustration. In her opinion, anxiety arises when anticipating a situation containing the danger of frustration of an actualized need.

Of particular interest is the study of V.A. Bakeev, conducted under the leadership of A.V. Petrovsky, where anxiety was considered in connection with the study of the psychological mechanisms of suggestibility. The level of anxiety in the subjects was measured by the same methods used by V.V. Whitebeard.

An analysis of the main works shows that in understanding the nature of anxiety among researchers, two approaches can be traced - understanding anxiety as an inherent property of a person, and understanding anxiety as a reaction to an external world hostile to a person, that is, removing anxiety from social conditions of life.

Thus, if we consider anxiety or anxiety as a state, experience, or as a more or less stable personality trait, then it is unimportant how adequate it is to the situation. Such an experience is not an indicator of the subject's anxiety. Experiencing anxiety without sufficient grounds means that the perception of the world is distorted, inadequate. An adequate relationship with the world is broken. In this case, we are talking about anxiety as a special property of a person, a special kind of inadequacy.

1.2 The essence and classification of types of anxiety in preschoolers

There are two main types of anxiety. The first of them is situational anxiety, that is, generated by some specific situation, which objectively causes anxiety. This condition can occur in any person on the eve of possible troubles and life complications. This condition is not only completely normal, but also plays a positive role. It acts as a mobilizing mechanism that allows a person to seriously approach the solution of emerging problems. Rather abnormal is a decrease in situational anxiety, when a person, in the face of serious circumstances, demonstrates carelessness and irresponsibility, which most often indicates an infantile life position, insufficient formulation of self-awareness.

Another type is personal anxiety. It can be considered as a personality trait that manifests itself in a constant tendency to experience anxiety in a variety of life situations, including those that objectively do not dispose of it. It is characterized by a state of unaccountable fear, an indefinite sense of threat, a readiness to perceive any event as unfavorable and dangerous. A child susceptible to this condition is constantly in a wary and depressed mood, it is difficult for him to contact the outside world, which he perceives as frightening and hostile. Anchoring in the process of character formation to the formation of low self-esteem and gloomy pessimism.

Situational anxiety dominates in preschool children.

In our work, we define anxiety as an individual psychological feature that manifests itself in a person's tendency to frequent and intense experiences of anxiety, as well as in a low threshold for its occurrence. It is considered as a personal education or as a property of temperament due to the weakness of nervous processes.

Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic reflecting the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggesting that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a personality predisposition, anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous, associated with specific situations of threats to his prestige, self-esteem, and self-esteem.

Situational, or reactive anxiety as a state is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state arises as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamic over time.

Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life activity in a wide range of situations and react very tensely, with a pronounced state of anxiety. If the psychological test reveals in the subject a high level of personal anxiety, then this gives reason to assume that he has a state of anxiety in various situations, and especially when they relate to the assessment of his competence and prestige.

According to Spielberger's concept, anxiety as a state and anxiety as a personality trait should be distinguished. Anxiety is a reaction to an impending danger, real or imagined, an emotional state of diffuse, unobjective fear, characterized by an indefinite sense of threat, as opposed to fear, which is a reaction to a very definite danger. Anxiety is an individual psychological feature consisting in an increased tendency to experience anxiety in various life situations, including those whose objective characteristics do not predispose to this. Highly anxious individuals perceive situations or circumstances that potentially contain the possibility of failure or threat more intensely. The situation of anxiety is accompanied by a change in behavior or mobilizes the defense mechanisms of the personality. Frequently repeated stressful situations lead to the development of typical defense mechanisms. ...

Thus, we have identified the essence of the concept of "anxiety", its difference from the concepts of "anxiety" and "fear"; described two types of anxiety - situational and personal. In this work, we mainly intend to investigate personal anxiety. We've looked at a number of risk factors for anxiety. These are mainly the shortcomings of family education, mistakes of pedagogical influence, as well as prenatal and natal factors. In some preschool children, speech and communication difficulties prevent the establishment and maintenance of contacts with peers, this is the cause of anxiety.

3 Anxiety as an emotional state accompanying a preschooler

Emotions and feelings are a reflection of reality in the form of experiences. Various forms of experiencing feelings (emotions, affects, moods, stresses, passions, etc.) together form the emotional sphere of a person.

There are such types of feelings as moral, intellectual and aesthetic. According to the classification proposed by K. Izard, fundamental and derivative emotions are distinguished. Fundamental include: 1) interest-excitement, 2) joy, 3) surprise, 4) grief-suffering, 5) anger, 6) disgust, 7) contempt, 8) fear, 9) shame, 10) guilt. ... The rest are derivatives. From the combination of fundamental emotions arises such a complex emotional state as anxiety, which can combine fear, anger, guilt, and interest-excitement.

"Anxiety is an individual's tendency to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the onset of anxiety reactions: one of the main parameters of individual differences."

A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an individual's vigorous activity. Each person has their own optimal or desired level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety.

A person's assessment of his condition in this regard is for him an essential component of self-control and self-education. However, an increased level of anxiety is a subjective manifestation of an individual's dysfunction. The manifestations of anxiety in different situations are not the same. In some cases, people tend to behave anxiously always and everywhere, in others they reveal their anxiety only from time to time, depending on the prevailing circumstances.

Situationally stable manifestations of anxiety are usually called personal and associated with the presence of a person's corresponding personality trait (the so-called "personal anxiety"). This is a stable individual characteristic reflecting the subject's predisposition to anxiety and suggesting that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide "fan" of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction. As a predisposition, personal anxiety is activated when certain stimuli are perceived by a person as dangerous, associated with specific situations of threats to his prestige, self-esteem, and self-esteem.

Situationally changeable manifestations of anxiety are called situational, and a personality trait exhibiting this kind of anxiety is referred to as "situational anxiety." This state is characterized by subjectively experienced emotions: tension, anxiety, concern, nervousness. This state arises as an emotional reaction to a stressful situation and can be different in intensity and dynamic over time. Individuals classified as highly anxious tend to perceive a threat to their self-esteem and life in a wide range of situations and react very tensely, with a pronounced state of anxiety. ...

Emotions play an important role in the life of children: they help to perceive reality and react to it. By manifesting in behavior, they inform the adult that the child likes, makes him angry, or upsets him. This is especially true in infancy, when verbal communication is not available. As a child grows, his emotional world becomes richer and more diverse. From the basic ones (fear, joy, etc.) he goes on to a more complex range of feelings: he is happy and angry, delighted and surprised, jealous and sad. The outward manifestation of emotions also changes. This is no longer a baby who cries from fear and hunger.

At preschool age, the child learns the language of feelings - the forms of expressing the subtlest shades of experiences accepted in society with the help of glances, smiles, gestures, postures, movements, voice intonations, etc. On the other hand, the child masters the ability to restrain violent and harsh expressions of feelings. A five-year-old child, unlike a two-year-old, may no longer show fear or tears. He learns not only to largely control the expression of his feelings, to clothe them in a culturally accepted form, but also to use them consciously, informing others about his experiences, influencing them.

But preschoolers are still spontaneous and impulsive. The emotions they experience are easily read on the face, in posture, gesture, in all behavior. For a practical psychologist, the behavior of a child, the expression of feelings by him is an important indicator in understanding the inner world of a small person, indicating his mental state, well-being, and possible prospects for development. Information about the degree of the child's emotional well-being is given to the psychologist by the emotional background. The emotional background can be positive or negative. The negative background of the child is characterized by depression, bad mood, confusion. The child hardly smiles or does it ingratiatingly, the head and shoulders are lowered, the expression on his face is sad or indifferent. In such cases, problems arise in communication and establishing contact. The child often cries, is easily offended, sometimes for no apparent reason. He spends a lot of time alone, is not interested in anything. On examination, such a child is depressed, not proactive, and has difficulty making contact.

One of the reasons for such an emotional state of the child may be the manifestation of an increased level of anxiety. Anxiety in psychology is understood as a person's tendency to experience anxiety, i.e. an emotional state that arises in situations of uncertain danger and manifests itself in anticipation of an unfavorable development of events.

Everything that is characteristic of anxious adults can be attributed to anxious children. Usually these are very insecure children, with unstable self-esteem, they rarely take the initiative. Being obedient, they prefer not to attract the attention of others, behave approximately both at home and in kindergarten, try to accurately fulfill the requirements of parents and educators - do not violate discipline, clean up toys. Such children are called modest, shy. Their example, accuracy, discipline are protective - the child does everything to avoid failure.

It is known that a prerequisite for the occurrence of anxiety is increased sensitivity (sensitivity). However, not every hypersensitive child becomes anxious. Much depends on the way parents communicate with their child. They can sometimes contribute to the development of an anxious personality. For example, there is a high likelihood of raising an anxious child by parents who carry out upbringing according to the type of hyperprotection (excessive care, petty control, a large number of restrictions and prohibitions, constant tugging).

In this case, the communication of an adult with a child is authoritarian, the child loses confidence in himself and in his own powers, he is constantly afraid of a negative assessment, begins to worry that he is doing something wrong, i.e. experiences a feeling of anxiety, which can gain a foothold and develop into a stable personal education - anxiety. The overprotective upbringing can be combined with the symbiotic, i.e. extremely close relationship of the child with one of the parents, usually with the mother. In this case, the communication of an adult with a child can be both authoritarian and democratic (the adult does not dictate his requirements to the child, but consults with him, asks his opinion). Parents with certain characterological characteristics are inclined to establish such relations with the child - anxious, suspicious, unsure of themselves. Having established close emotional contact with a child, such a parent infects his son or daughter with his fears, i.e. contributes to the formation of anxiety.

If the child's anxiety increases, fears appear - an indispensable companion of anxiety, then neurotic traits may develop. Self-doubt as a character trait is a self-destructive attitude towards oneself, towards one's own strengths and capabilities. Anxiety as a character trait is a pessimistic attitude towards life when it is presented as full of threats and dangers. Uncertainty breeds anxiety and indecision, and these, in turn, shape the corresponding character.

Also, the reaction of psychological defense is expressed in the refusal to communicate and avoid persons from whom the "threat" comes. Such a child is lonely, withdrawn, inactive. It is also possible that the child finds psychological protection "by going into a fantasy world." In fantasies, the child resolves his insoluble conflicts, in dreams he finds satisfaction for his non-embodied needs.

Thus, in children of senior preschool and primary school age, anxiety is not yet a stable character trait and is relatively reversible when appropriate psychological and pedagogical activities are carried out, and it is also possible to significantly reduce the child's anxiety if the teachers and parents raising him follow the necessary recommendations.

Based on the above, we can conclude from the first chapter:

A number of foreign and domestic researchers have worked on this problem. In the psychological literature, you can find different definitions of the concept of anxiety. An analysis of the main works shows that in understanding the nature of anxiety in foreign authors, two approaches can be traced - understanding anxiety as an inherent property of a person, and understanding anxiety as a reaction to an external world hostile to a person, that is, removing anxiety from social conditions of life.

There are two main types of anxiety: The first of them is situational anxiety, that is, generated by some specific situation, which objectively causes anxiety. Another type is personal anxiety. A child susceptible to this condition is constantly in a wary and depressed mood, it is difficult for him to contact the outside world, which he perceives as frightening and hostile. Anchoring in the process of character formation to the formation of low self-esteem and gloomy pessimism.

Emotions play an important role in the life of children: they help to perceive reality and react to it. By manifesting in behavior, they inform the adult that the child likes, makes him angry, or upsets him. Anxiety as a certain emotional infusion with a predominance of feelings of anxiety and fear of doing something wrong, wrong, not meeting generally accepted requirements and norms develops closer to 7 and especially 8 years with a large number of insoluble and coming from an earlier age of fears. The main source of anxiety for preschoolers and primary school children is the family. Later, even for adolescents, this role of the family is significantly reduced; on the other hand, the role of the school doubles.

Chapter 2. Socio-psychological aspects of anxiety in preschool children

1 Socio-psychological causes of anxiety in preschoolers

Among the reasons causing children's anxiety, in the first place, according to E. Savina, is the wrong upbringing and unfavorable relations between the child and the parents, especially with the mother. So rejection, rejection by the mother of the child causes him anxiety because of the impossibility of satisfying the need for love, affection and protection. In this case, fear arises: the child feels the convention of material love (“If I do badly, they will not love me”). Failure to satisfy the child's need for love will prompt him to seek its satisfaction by any means. Childhood anxiety can also be a consequence of the symbiotic relationship of the child with the mother, when the mother feels like one with the child, trying to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life. It "binds" to itself, protecting from imaginary, non-existent dangers. As a result, the child experiences anxiety when left without a mother, is easily lost, worried and afraid. Instead of being active and independent, passivity and dependence develop.

In cases where upbringing is based on overstated requirements that the child is unable to cope with or copes with, anxiety can be caused by the fear of not coping, doing the wrong thing, often parents cultivate the "correctness" of behavior: the attitude towards the child can include in itself a strict control, a strict system of norms and rules, deviation from which entails censure and punishment. In these cases, the child's anxiety can be generated by fear of deviation from the norms and rules established by adults (“If I do not what my mother said, she will not love me”, “If I do not do the right thing, I will be punished”).

The child's anxiety can also be caused by the peculiarities of the teacher's interaction with the child, the prevalence of an authoritarian style of communication, or the inconsistency of demands and assessments. In both the first and second cases, the child is in constant stress because of the fear of not fulfilling the requirements of adults, not "pleasing" them, starting a rigid framework. An inconsistent caregiver makes a child anxious by preventing him from predicting his own behavior. The constant variability of the requirements of the educator, the dependence of his behavior on mood, emotional lability entail confusion in the child, the inability to decide how he should act in this or that case.

The next situation is a situation of rivalry, competition, it will cause especially strong anxiety in children whose upbringing takes place in conditions of hypersocialization. In this case, children, finding themselves in a situation of competition, will strive to be the first, to achieve the highest results at any cost.

Another situation is the situation of hanging responsibility. When an anxious child falls into it, his anxiety is due to the fear of not justifying the hope, expectations of an adult and of being rejected by him. In such situations, anxious children differ, as a rule, in an inappropriate reaction. In the case of their anticipation, expectation, or frequent repetitions of the same situation that cause anxiety, the child develops a stereotype of behavior, a pattern that allows you to avoid anxiety or reduce it as much as possible. These patterns include a systematic fear of participating in activities that cause anxiety, as well as the child's silence instead of answering questions from unfamiliar adults or those to whom the child has a negative attitude.

In general, anxiety is a manifestation of an individual's dysfunction. In some cases, she literally grows up in an anxious and suspicious psychological atmosphere of the family, in which the parents themselves are prone to constant fear and anxiety. The child becomes infected with their moods and adopts an unhealthy form of reaction to the outside world. In this case, the old call to the educator to educate himself first of all sounds extremely appropriate. If you do not want your child to resemble a wary and fearful animal, take an honest look at yourself: has he adopted this manner from you. The situation can be exacerbated by inconsistent parenting requirements. If the child does not know for sure how this or that step will be assessed, but in principle foresees possible discontent, then his whole existence is colored with intense alertness and anxiety.

Peer relationships

The influence of anxiety on the characteristics of communication is more clearly traced. Psychological work with anxious children, in-depth analysis of cases indicate that anxiety often acts as the main motive for communication, giving rise to increased dependence on peers.

Internal conflict

An internal conflict is singled out as the most important source of anxiety, mainly a conflict associated with attitude towards oneself, self-esteem, self-concept.

Emotional experience

Persistent anxiety indicates that a person has an unfavorable emotional experience. Objective characteristics of success not only do not indicate such a source, but, on the contrary, often indicate a sufficiently high level of achievements of anxious people in the most significant areas.

A specially conducted study has shown that an inability to take into account conditions is characteristic of anxious children, in contrast to emotionally well-off children. They often expect success in cases where it is unlikely, and at the same time, they are not sure of it even when the probability is high enough. They are guided not by real conditions, but by some inner premonitions, expectations, hopes and fears. As a result, such children are indeed significantly more likely to experience failure than their non-anxious peers, which leads to the accumulation of negative emotional experiences.

A significant influence on the accumulation of such experience is also exerted by the fact that in assessing their successes and failures, anxious children are guided mainly by external criteria (grade, assessment of others, etc.). If such criteria are absent, they have great difficulty.

These results complement the literature data on the relationship between anxiety and the external locus of control. It is obvious that both the external locus of control and the orientation towards externally set criteria give rise to a high degree of dependence of anxious people on those around them. But since both are largely outside the control of a person, such dependence is accompanied by a constant experience of uncertainty, uncertainty, duality, giving rise to the experience of failure and anxiety.

The accumulation of unfavorable emotional experience is also served in preschool and primary school age by memorizing mostly unfavorable, unsuccessful events. All this contributes to the accumulation of negative emotional experience, which works as a mechanism of the "vicious psychological circle". One may think that it is precisely these features of emotional experience that affect the nature of the experience of anxiety as diffuse, pointless. They create a kind of force field that ascribes a negative modality to the entire immediately perceived environment and extrapolates it into the future.

The study allows us to present the following scheme of the origin and consolidation of anxiety as a stable personal education at different age stages.

In preschool and primary school age, the situation in the family, relations with close adults provoke the child's experience of constant psychological microtraumas and give rise to a state of affective tension and anxiety, which is of a reactive nature. The child constantly feels insecurity, lack of support in a close environment and therefore helplessness. Such children are vulnerable, highly sensitive to the alleged resentment, and they react sharply to the attitude of those around them. All this, as well as the fact that they remember mostly negative events, leads to the accumulation of negative emotional experience, which constantly increases according to the law of a “closed psychological circle” and finds its expression in a relatively stable experience of anxiety.

Thus, in preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, anxiety arises due to the frustration of the need for reliability, security from the immediate environment and reflects the dissatisfaction of this particular need, which can be considered at this age as the leading one. During these periods, anxiety is not yet a personal formation itself, it is a function of unfavorable relationships with close adults.

2.2 Features of behavior of anxious children

Anxious children are characterized by frequent manifestations of anxiety and anxiety, as well as a large number of fears, and fears and anxiety arise in situations in which the child, it would seem, is not in danger. Anxious children are especially sensitive. So, the child may worry: while he is in the garden, suddenly something will happen to his mother.

Anxious children are often characterized by low self-esteem, in connection with which they have an expectation of trouble on the part of others. This is typical for those children whose parents set them unbearable tasks, demanding that they are unable to fulfill them, and if they fail, they are usually punished and humiliated (“You cannot do anything! You cannot do anything! ").

Anxious children are very sensitive to their failures, react sharply to them, tend to give up activities, such as drawing, in which they have difficulty. In such children, you can notice a noticeable difference in behavior in class and outside of class. Outside of class, these are lively, sociable and direct children, in class they are squeezed and tense. They answer the teacher's questions in a quiet and deaf voice, they may even start to stutter. Their speech can be either very fast, hasty, or slow, difficult. As a rule, prolonged excitement arises: the child fiddles with clothes, manipulates with something.

Anxious children are prone to bad habits of a neurotic nature (they bite their nails, suck their fingers, pull out their hair, masturbate). Manipulation with their own body reduces their emotional stress, calms them down.

Drawing helps to recognize anxious children. Their drawings are distinguished by an abundance of shading, strong pressure, as well as small sizes of images. Often these children get stuck on details, especially small ones.

Anxious children have a serious, restrained expression on their faces, lowered eyes, sits neatly on a chair, tries not to make unnecessary movements, not make noise, prefers not to attract the attention of others. Such children are called modest, shy. Parents of peers usually set them up as an example for their tomboys: “Look how well Sasha behaves. He doesn't indulge in a walk. He folds his toys neatly every day. He listens to his mother. " And, oddly enough, this whole list of virtues is true - these children behave "right". But some parents care about the behavior of their children.

Features of motor development of children experiencing anxiety:

The development of the muscular system and body structure: the muscular system and body structure in anxious are varied. We meet anxious children, both asthenic, lean in their physique, and overweight. The problem of body complexion itself can become a factor for the emergence in children of suspicions of their self-worth, anxious assessments of their persona, and a threat to their dignity.

The muscles of children showing anxiety and fear are excessively tense (contracted) as a result of the predominance of excitation processes in the nervous system. Muscle hyperactivity is often observed, especially in the back, arms, and gastrocnemius. With age, this hyperactivity can develop into a hypertensive state. Muscle tension is formed as a result of the fact that the muscular system, even in a neutral situation, "stands guard" so as not to miss a danger. Therefore, proper work with the muscular system of such children is required. As in working with children experiencing an aggressive orientation, it is necessary to retrain muscles at the level of their neurology, i.e. "Rehabilitation" of their reactions.

Another reason for the unbalanced work of the muscular system is incomplete, rapid and shallow breathing (chest), the use of a holding type of breathing, which, as we said, a person turns to in a stressful situation.

An anxious child usually has wide eyes, clenched jaws and hands. The work of the muscles of the eyes is disharmonious. This leads to a weakening of focal vision, inability to concentrate attention, poor awareness and assessment of specific choices and events, phenomena, etc., of the surrounding reality. In moments of fear in children due to discharge a large number of adrenaline into the blood, the involuntary motor activity and the threshold of pain sensitivity are increased. This condition can also be combined with emotional or motor shock prior to “making a decision” at the kinesthetic level.

The development of the structure and posture of the body in a child showing anxiety "deviates back". The center of gravity of the body, accordingly, falls disproportionately backward and, in order to maintain the posture of the body, the brain commands the hamstrings and muscles to "exert all forces to withstand." This situation over-activates the “fight and avoidance” defenses.

Coordination of movements. Children with a "tendency" to anxiety are unsteady on their feet, uncoordinated in the process of movement. They may have disharmony in movements and a predominance of chaotic movements due to the excessive predominance of excitation processes in the nervous system.

Thus, the behavior of anxious children is characterized by frequent manifestations of anxiety and anxiety, such children live in constant tension, all the time feeling threatened, feeling that at any moment they may face setbacks.

2.3 Rehabilitation and prevention of anxiety in preschool institutions

The Concept of Preschool Education emphasizes - "Preschool education from top to bottom should be permeated with care for the child's physical health and mental well-being." Preschool age is the most important period when the foundations of the health of the future adult are laid. It is during this period that the maturation and improvement of vital systems and body functions occurs, habits, ideas, character traits are acquired.

Harmonious development of the child's personality, success in adulthood are possible in the presence of health, defined by the World Health Organization as the state of the child's physical, mental and social well-being.

Mental health is the foundation of a child's spiritual development. V recent times there is an increase in borderline neuropsychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. It has been proven that there is a close relationship between mental balance and physical health, and a positive state is one of the most important conditions for personality development. Modern conditions of society, instability in family relationships and early intellectualization contribute to the manifestation of disorders in the emotional development of a preschooler, which exacerbate the child's sensitivity, increase the level of anxiety, and lead to neurotization. Anxiety is conditioned by the tendency to anxiety and worries that come to the child from the outside, from the world of adults, from the system of those relationships that are set by parents in the family, educators, children in interpersonal interaction.

Experience in preschool educational institutions shows that about 40% of older preschool children have a high level of anxiety in situations related to communication with peers and adults. According to the analysis of the consultation reception of teachers and parents, 30% of appeals to the psychological education service are associated with increased anxiety and alienation of children in the family. Parents and educators note the "suspiciousness", "sensitivity", "fear" characteristic of these children. Modern medicine claims that 30-40% of chronic diseases have a psychogenic basis.

Anxiety, as a factor of emotional instability, acts as a maladaptive moment that prevents the development of the emotional-volitional, cognitive sphere and the formation of emotional and personal formations. Especially dangerous in this respect is the senior preschool age, accompanied by a developmental crisis and a change in the social situation. Therefore, the problem of childhood anxiety and, in particular, its correction at the present stage is very relevant.

When assessing the state of the problem of anxiety in psychological science, two trends are noted. Distinguish between anxiety as an emotional state (situational anxiety) and as a stable personality trait, an individual psychological feature, manifested in a tendency to frequent and intense experiences of anxiety (Khanin Yu.L.), N.V. Imedadze connects anxiety with the dissatisfaction of leading needs, A.M. The parishioner views anxiety as a personal education. A.I. Zakharov believes that in older preschoolers, anxiety is not yet a stable character trait and is relatively reversible during psychological and pedagogical correction.

On the other hand, on a practical level (when it comes to the impact of the state of anxiety, about the self-regulation of this state, about "working with anxiety", ways to overcome it, etc.) there is sufficient agreement. Both preventive and corrective work related to anxiety includes five interrelated areas: Psychological education of parents; Psychological education of teachers; Teaching parents and teachers specific ways to overcome increased anxiety in children; Direct work with children, focused on developing and strengthening self-confidence, the ability to behave in difficult situations; Help and support of a psychologist outside the teaching situation.

Thus, it is important to organize a comprehensive work aimed at the prevention of mental health disorders in children and the correction of existing ones. The program of psychological and pedagogical support for anxious children, compiled by us, is aimed at strengthening the psychological health of preschool children and is focused on solving some problems in the development of the child.

The purpose of the program: correction of the level of anxiety in senior preschool children within the framework of psychological and pedagogical support.

The creation and implementation of a practice-oriented program of psychological and pedagogical support involves the humanization of the pedagogical process and methods of raising children. Its essence is preoccupation with the life of children, their problems, their difficulties, their experiences and aspirations, an appeal to the true, real “I” of the child.

Emphasizing the activity orientation of this approach, "orientation not to the object, but to work with it," the main thing is "to organize cooperation with the child, aimed at his self-knowledge, the search for ways of self-management of the inner world and the system of relations." The humanistic approach involves the creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the holistic development of the child's inner inclinations, his spiritual and cognitive needs.

Objectives of the program: To enhance the understanding of the anxious child by significant adults; Development by parents and teachers of effective skills for interacting with an anxious child; Providing assistance to teachers in creating conditions for harmonizing the emotional and personal development of the child.

Criteria for the effectiveness of the program: reduction of anxiety; reducing the number of fears; increased self-confidence; increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of adults.

The organization of an integrated approach (psychologist-teacher-parent), filling it with a certain content, knowledge of theories, the ability to provide psychological and pedagogical support for anxious preschoolers, contributes to the solution of certain tasks aimed at reducing the high level of anxiety in older preschoolers, helping the child to develop confidence and independence , teaching children to interact constructively with the outside world and acquiring skills in socially acceptable ways of behaving.

Stages of psychological and pedagogical support for an anxious child:

stage - diagnostic.

Purpose: identification of anxious children and the reasons for emotional instability (questionnaire survey). Diagnostics.

An experienced teacher in the very first days of meeting children will understand which of them has increased anxiety. However, before making final conclusions, it is necessary to observe the child of concern on different days of the week, during learning and free activity, in communication with other children.

The first step of a psychologist in working with an anxious child should be to find out the possible reasons for this behavior. It is necessary to try to collect as complete information as possible about the behavior of the child in the preschool educational institution, at home, in public places. For this purpose, you can use the following diagnostic methods: observation; conversation and questioning of parents and educators; projective techniques.

Participants Method, author Children "Family drawing" Khomentauskas G.Т. "Anxiety test" R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen "Fears in the houses" modification by M. Panfilova (in-depth diagnostics) Parents 1. Questionnaire "Criteria for determining anxiety in a child" P. Baker, M. Alvord 2. Questionnaire for identifying anxiety in a child G.P. Lavrentieva and T.M. Titarenko 3. Questionnaire "DIA", ed. E.G. Eidemiller, V.V. Yustitskiy (in-depth diagnostics) 4. Test for assessing the level of anxiety of AI Zakharov (in-depth diagnostics) Teachers1. Questionnaire "Criteria for determining anxiety in a child" P. Baker, M. Alvord 2. Questionnaire for identifying anxiety in a child G.P. Lavrentieva and T.M. Titarenko 3. Methodology "Emotional-color analogy" A. Lutoshkin (in-depth diagnostics)

This variable diagnostic package will allow the psychologist to understand the reasons for the child's anxiety and outline further work with him:

stage - the implementation of measures to eliminate the identified problems.

Purpose: prevention and correction of anxiety in older preschool children.

Academic-thematic plan:

Forms of work Total hours Children Parents Teachers Group lessons 28 hours 26 lessons of 30 minutes 10 meetings of 1.5 hours Group consultations 3 hours 2 meetings of 1.5 hours Seminars-workshops 7.5 hours 5 lessons of 1.5 hours Total: 38.5 hours

stage - diagnostic.

Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken (re-diagnosis).

The main blocks of the program:

Diagnostic unit. The goal is the initial psychodiagnostics of the child, child-parental relationships, educators. To track the effectiveness of the work performed, diagnostics can be carried out after the end of the maintenance program.

Information block. The goal is to reveal the specific content of those issues that this problem includes.

Correction block. The goal is to harmonize and optimize the emotional and personal sphere of the child, to form and consolidate effective skills for interacting with an anxious child for teachers and parents, and to expand their understanding of an anxious child.

Technologies, methods and techniques used in this program:

Fairytale therapy - Activation of resources, personality potential, awareness of feelings, emotions.

Play Therapy - Used to reduce tension, muscle tightness, anxiety, fear, and increase self-confidence.

Body Therapy - Helps reduce muscle tension, tension, anxiety.

Art therapy - Actualizing fears, increasing confidence, developing fine motor skills, reducing anxiety.

Relaxation - Preparing the body and mind for activity, focusing on your inner world, releasing excessive nervous tension.

Concentration - Concentrating on your visual, sound and bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and experiences.

Functional Music - Soothing and revitalizing music helps to reduce emotional tension and shift attention.

Based on the above, we can conclude from the second chapter:

In preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, anxiety arises as a result of the frustration of the need for reliability, security from the immediate environment and reflects the dissatisfaction of this particular need, which can be considered as the leading one at this age. During these periods, anxiety is not yet a personal formation itself, it is a function of unfavorable relationships with close adults.

For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality, which cause increased anxiety for most children, regardless of the presence of a real threat or anxiety as a sustainable education. These "age-related anxieties" are a consequence of the most significant social needs

Chapter 3. Experimental study of the level of anxiety in preschool children

1. Research methods and results

Children's age, especially preschool age, is decisive in the formation of a child's personality, since the main properties and personal qualities are formed during this period of life and largely determine all of his subsequent development; it is especially important to pay attention to what the initial stages of the transition to new types of relationships between the child and others outside the family will be, how the nature of the activity will change when entering a preschool educational institution.

Changing social relationships can present significant challenges for a child. During periods of adaptation to kindergarten and school, many children begin to experience anxiety, emotional tension, become restless, withdrawn, whiny. It is especially important at this time to monitor the preservation of the child's psycho-emotional well-being. The study takes into account that the inclusion in new social relationships, joint activities with other adults, previous experience can either help the child to adapt to unusual conditions, or negatively affect the level of his adaptation Adverse circumstances, negative emotional experience in life situations can lead to different undesirable consequences, one of which is the formation of high anxiety in children.

The problem of diagnosing and preventing childhood anxiety deserves special attention, since, developing into the property and personal quality of a preschooler, anxiety can manifest itself at school age and in adulthood, become a stable personality trait, and cause neuroses and psychosomatic diseases. Experimental and practical work to correct children's anxiety was organized on the basis of the senior group of the children's enterprise MDOU №78 "Malysh" in Ulyanovsk. Number of children: 32, age - 6-7 years. Tasks of the experimental-practical work: Carry out an initial diagnosis, develop and conduct a series of lessons on the correction of anxiety.


At the first stage of our work, we conducted a diagnostic examination of children in order to identify the level of their personal anxiety.

We diagnosed the level of anxiety in children according to the observation program developed on the basis of an anxiety test (Temple R., Dorki M., Amen V.). Observation data were recorded as follows. For 2-3 days, we observed the children in various activities and entered the results into a special observation sheet. During the day, the presence or absence of this feature in the child's behavior was noted by signs "+" or "-".

To identify anxious children, we used the following observation scheme. We have identified the following units of observation (manifestations of anxiety): increased excitability; increased tension, stiffness; fear of everything new, unknown; self-doubt, low self-esteem; expectation of trouble, failure, disapproval of elders (in communication situations / in other situations, outside communication); oversensitivity to the assessment of negative impressions; overcautiousness in the perception of a negative assessment; diligence, developed sense of responsibility; lack of initiative, passivity, timidity; refusal of activity if it causes difficulties; does not continue to work independently in cases of difficulty; cannot make a decision, make a choice, overcome resistance.

Additionally, data from observations in various activities were analyzed.

Anxiety test (R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen)

To increase the objectivity of the study, we used the anxiety test.

Purpose - the test allows you to diagnose anxiety in a child aged four to seven years in relation to a number of typical life situations for him in communication with other people.

We considered anxiety as a type of emotional state, the purpose of which is to ensure the safety of the subject at the personal level. It:

) A high level of anxiety may indicate insufficient emotional adaptation of the child to certain social situations. Revealing the level of anxiety makes it possible to assess the child's internal attitude to a certain type of situation and provides indirect information about the nature of the child's relationship with peers and adults in the family, kindergarten, school.

) An average level of anxiety may indicate an insecure attitude in behavior with people around.

) A low level of anxiety may indicate a good adaptation of the child to the people around him

Diagnostics of the child's anxiety level allows you to correct behavior in order not to injure the child and, if necessary, carry out corrective work in order to form an adequate level of anxiety. Each individual symptom is not evidence of pronounced anxiety. It is necessary to summarize the number of observed signs and draw a conclusion based on the following interpretation:

) the presence of 18 - 36 (more than 50%) signs indicates high anxiety,

) 7-17 (20-50%) - about average level of anxiety,

) 0-6 (less than 20%) - about low anxiety.

... "Child-adult" - a study of the relationship of a child with adults.

... "Child-child" - the relationship of a child with peers.

The experimental material consists of 14 drawings, which depict situations typical for a preschooler's life. The test has a standardized quantitative treatment. Special attention we focused on situations that simulate communication between a child and an adult and peers.

Methodology "Ladder" V.G. Schur

Purpose of the study: to determine the characteristics of the child's self-esteem (as a general attitude towards himself) and the child's ideas about how other people evaluate him. Using this test, we examined the child's high, medium and low self-esteem levels.

The methodology "Fears and Fears in Children" by A.I. Zakharov was used in the work

Purpose: This technique is an individual conversation with children on the list. The conversation is carried out slowly, in detail, listing the fears and expecting the child to answer "yes" or "no". There are 29 fears in the main list. The unit used is the average number of fears for each child. Normally, for children 6-7 years old, there should be 9 fears for boys, and for girls - 12. We examined high, medium, and low emotional levels in children.

Test "Incomplete sentences" A. I. Zakharov

The child is unobtrusively offered this technique, carried out in a somewhat unusual and thus interesting form for him - the continuation of the begun sentence, and not just formal answers to questions, which allows the child to relax and calmly complete sentences, not concentrating especially on his experiences.

With the help of this test, we examined the high, medium and low levels of fear in children.

Drawing test "Kinetic drawing of the family" (R. Burns and S. Koufman)

Purpose: study of interpersonal relationships in the family (through the eyes of a child); identifying relationships in the family that cause anxiety and emotionality in the child.

Formative features are the quality of the image: the thoroughness of the drawing or carelessness in drawing individual family members, the colorfulness of the image, the position of objects on the sheet, shading, size. The meaningful characteristics of the drawing are: the image of the activities of family members, their relative position in relation to each other and to the child, the presence or absence of family members and the child himself, as well as the ratio of people and things in the picture. The analysis of the results of the figures was carried out according to the following indicators: The presence of anxiety in children about the attitude of adults towards them; Emotional tension and distance; The discomfort; Presence of hostility towards adults. On the basis of these indicators, the levels of influence of family relations on the child were revealed.

Methodology: Parents were offered question forms (61 questions). For each question, either a positive or a negative answer was assumed. The basis for the assessment was the key to the questionnaire, which allowed to reveal the level of parenting relations. We considered:

Cooperation is a socially desirable parental behavior. A parent highly appreciates the abilities of his child, feels a sense of pride in him, encourages initiative and independence, tries to be on an equal footing with him.

The neutral level can be attributed to relationships of the "symbiosis" and "little loser" type. A parent sees his child as younger in comparison with real age, seeks to satisfy his needs, to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life, does not provide him with independence.

We attributed the negative level of parental relationships to such a type of parental relationship as rejection and "authoritarian hypersocialization." A parent perceives his child as bad, unadapted, requires unconditional obedience and discipline from him, feels anger, irritation, annoyance towards the child.

Thus, we have determined the research base, a sample of children, selected research methods and set the tasks of experimental and practical work with preschoolers.

Research results

Anxiety test (R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen)

As a result of quantitative processing of the initial diagnostic data, we obtained the following results, which are presented in the form of a table (Table 1).

Group composition by anxiety levels (observational data)

Table 1

Group composition by anxiety levels

Activity in regime moments Organized activity Unorganized activity Total score withdrawal% Number of manifestations Number of manifestations Number of manifestations 1315321 average 21% 2318425 average25% 3318526 average26% 4418224 average24% 5316423 average23% 63911858 high 58% 7417526 average average1,326% 8371,774 58% 15417526sredniy26% 16377751vysokiy51% 17315321 sredniy21% 18318425 sredniy25% 19318526 sredniy26% 20418224 sredniy24% 21316423sredniy23% 223 911 858 high 58% 23417526sredniy26% 24377751vysokiy51% 25315321 sredniy21% 26318425 sredniy25% 27318526 sredniy26% 28418224 sredniy24% 29316423sredniy23% 303 911 858 high 58% 31417526sredniy26% 32377751vysokiy51%

High level - An analysis of the observation results showed that more than 50% (high level of anxiety) of signs of anxiety are present in 8 children, this indicates poor adaptation to the outside world in preschoolers.

Average level - From 20 - 50% (average level of anxiety) in other children. This indicates a lack of good emotional fitness, adaptation of the child to the environment.

Low level - Less than 20% (low level of anxiety) signs of anxiety: not identified. They are well-adapted children.

Moreover, several children have the greatest number of signs of anxiety in all observed types of activity. The data indicate that more than 90% of modern, urban preschool children living in a large metropolis, experiencing the influence of stressogens of different nature and nature, have a high or medium level of increased anxiety. But most scientists believe that in the preschool age, one of the main reasons lies in the violation of child - parent relationships.

table 2

Diagnostic results according to anxiety test (R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen)

Children High level% Medium level% Low level% 125% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 258% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 358% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 425% - the highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-adult" 526% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 627% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 727% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child "858% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "925% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "1058% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "1158% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child -child "1225% - the highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-adult "1326% The greatest th level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1427% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1527% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1658% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1725% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1858% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 1958% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 2025% - the highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child -adult "2126% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "2227% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "2327% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "2458% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "Child-child" 2525% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child "2658% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "2758% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "2825% - the highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-adult "2926% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "3027% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "3127% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "3258% The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations" child-child "

Analyzing the results of observations, it can be noted that the majority of the examined children have more manifestations of anxiety in organized activity than in other types of activity. We believe that this may be due to the fear of not meeting the expectations of others, in particular teachers.

High level of anxiety. A qualitative analysis of the results of the anxiety test (R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen) showed that more than 50% of the signs of anxiety are present in 12 children (high level of anxiety).

Average level of anxiety - From 20 - 50% of signs of anxiety: in all other children (average level of anxiety).

Low level of anxiety - Less than 20% (low level of anxiety) signs of anxiety: not identified.

Situation "Child-adult"

Analyzing the table of quantitative data processing for the test by R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amen, we found that 4 children have the highest level of anxiety in situations "child-adult".

Child-child situation

The highest level of anxiety in child-child situations is in the rest of the children. Therefore, a suggestion can be made that the cause of anxiety in most children in this group is a violation in the "child-child" interaction system.

Thus, the majority of preschool children living in a large metropolis, experiencing the influence of stressogens of different nature and character, have a high or medium level of increased anxiety. One of the main reasons lies in the violation of the child-parent relationship. Analyzing the results of observations, it can be noted that the majority of the examined children have more manifestations of anxiety in organized activity than in other types of activity. This may be due to the fear of not meeting the expectations of others, in particular teachers.

Methodology "Ladder" V.G. Schur

According to the “Ladder” method, we obtained the following results (Table 3).

Table 3

Diagnostic results according to the "Ladder" method

Children Self-esteem of a child High% Medium% Low% 121% 215% 321% 421% 521% 618% 728% 811% 921% 1015% 1121% 1221% 1321% 1418% 1528% 1611% 1721% 1815% 1921% 2021% 2121% 2218 % 2328% 2411% 2521% 2615% 2721% 2821% 2921% 3018% 3128% 3211%

The table shows that 12 children have: - low self-esteem - this suggests that children are deficient in attention, love, support, emotional security on the part of adults

The rest of the children have average self-esteem - this means that a preschooler is characterized by high self-esteem, and medium and low may indicate deviations in the emotional sphere.

Comparative analysis

Based on the results of the examination of children, we compiled a summary table (See Table 4):

Table 4

Comparative analysis of diagnostic data using various methods

Children Self-assessment according to the "Ladder" method V.G. Schur Observation results Indicator according to the test R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amena Conclusion 1 Average 21% average 21% average 21% average 21% 2 Low 11% Average 21% High 51% High 51% 3 Average 25% Average 25% Average 25% Average 25% 4 Average 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 5 Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28% 6 Low 15% High 58% Medium 21% High 58% 7 Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% 8 Low 11% High 58% High 58% High 58% 9 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 10 Low 11% Medium 21% High 51% High 51% 11 Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% 12 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 13 Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28% 14 Low 15% High 58% Medium 21% High 58% 15 Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% 16 Low 11% High 58% High 58 % High 58% 17 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 18 Low 11% Medium 21% High 51% High 51% 19 Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% 20 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21 % 21 Average 28% Average 28% С Medium 28% Medium 28% 22 Low 15% High 58% Medium 21% High 58% 23 Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% 24 Low 11% High 58% High 58% High 58% 25 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 26 Low 11% Medium 21% High 51% High 51% 27 Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% Medium 25% 28 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 29 Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28% Medium 28 % 31 Low 15% High 58% Medium 21% High 58% 31 Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% Medium 26% 32 Low 11% High 58% High 58% High 58%

In general, the number of children with high, low and medium levels of anxiety was:

High level of anxiety - 12 people. (38%), which indicates insufficient emotional adaptation of children to certain social situations.

The average level of anxiety is 20 people. (62%), which indicates an insecure attitude in behavior with people around them.

A low level of anxiety - 0 people (0%), suggests that there are no well-adapted children in this group.

Thus, the data of our study confirmed that there is a connection between the manifestation of anxiety and self-esteem of the individual. A child with an increased level of personal anxiety tends to perceive a threat to his self-esteem. As a rule, he develops inadequate low self-esteem. Increased anxiety is a typical manifestation of low self-esteem.

Anxious children need corrective action. Anxiety in relation to a person is evidence of the limited means at his disposal to overcome the difficulties of unpleasant situations for himself, compensates for the lack of means used in his own activities and interaction with other people.

Since some children have poorly expressed communication skills, we suggested that correctional and developmental work should be aimed not only at reducing anxiety, but also at developing communication skills, at increasing ideas about their own value, at developing self-confidence, and increasing self-esteem. , as well as the ability to most successfully realize oneself in behavior and interaction with people around.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that in the course of the study of the anxiety of preschool children of kindergarten No. 62, it was revealed that the majority of children have an average and high level of anxiety and self-esteem, which is an indicator of their emotional distress. It is these children who need psychocorrectional assistance first of all.

The formative experiment of the study included conducting classes with children aimed at reducing the fear reactions in children.

Drawing test "Kinetic drawing of the family" (R. Burns and S. Koufman)

To a high level of parent-child relations we refer to drawings where the child is comfortable in the family, all family members are present in the drawing, in the center of the drawing is the child himself, surrounded by his parents; portrays himself and his parents smartly, carefully draws every line, on the faces of adults and a child - a smile, calmness can be traced in poses, movements. An analysis of the figures showed that out of 32 families, only 9 families (30%) can be attributed to a high level of parent-child relations, which indicates the optimal level of parental relations.

The average level of parent-child relations: the absence of any family member, the presence of anxiety, the child draws himself sad, far from his parents, the presence of hostility towards adults through shading of details, the absence of some parts of the body (hands, mouth). The average level of parent-child relations includes 15 families (50%), which indicates a neutral level of parental relations.

A low level of parent-child relations: the presence of one of the parents with an object that threatens the child (belt), a frightened expression on the child's face, a feeling of emotional stress through the use of dark colors in the drawing. We classified 6 families (20%) as a low level of parent-child relationships, which indicates a negative level of parental relationships.

The presence of hostility towards parents can be traced through the drawing of such details as spread arms, spread fingers, bared mouth, etc.

After the children drew a family, we offered a number of questions, the answers to which allowed us to identify the reasons that cause anxiety in children in the system of parent-child relations:

physical punishment - 3%, which means that the threat of force is used against the child at home;

lack of communication with parents -10%, which indicates a lack of attention from parents;

unfavorable situation in the family (alcoholism of one of the parents) - 5%, which suggests that the child is uncomfortable in such conditions, he needs peace;

communication with the child in raised tones -6%, this indicates that in the family the voice is constantly being raised on the child.

The test results are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Drawing test of children


% - a high level of parent-child relationships (9 children), which indicates the optimal level of parental relationships in the family.

% - the average level of parent-child relationships (15 children), which indicates a neutral level of parental relationships in the family.

% - a low level of parent-child relationships (6 children), which is about the negative level of parental relationships in the family.

Thus, according to the results of this test, we can judge that not all families have an atmosphere of positive parent-child relations. They are mostly variable in nature.

So, we have identified:

8 children are not satisfied with their position in the family.

15 children often feel uncomfortable, although satisfied.

As a result of the previous diagnostics, we assumed that these children are not satisfied with the relationship with their parents.

Methodology "Unfinished sentences" A.I. Zakharov

The results of this survey helped us to reveal the relationship of children to their parents.

Positive attitudes are observed in 9 children (30%), which indicates a rather favorable environment in these families.

Negative relationships are experienced by 6 children (20%), which indicates a negative situation in these families.

In 50% of cases, children sometimes experience emotional discomfort in the family.

Good relationships have developed in 9 families (30%), which indicates that the child feels quite comfortable in this family ..

Bad relationships. In 21 families (70%), children are not satisfied with the relationship with both parents or with one of them, which suggests that there is no mutual understanding in this family.

Based on the results of our research, we identified the reasons that cause anxiety in a child:

fear of physical punishment; - fear of being left at home alone;

lack of parental affection; - shouts of parents for wrongdoing.

These manifestations were observed in the responses of 21 children (70%).

Of these, 15 (50%) had some causes of anxiety.

All of these reasons were noted in 6 children (20%), and only in 9 (30%) cases, anxiety was not observed.

Based on the results of this technique, it can be concluded that in many families, children experience anxiety in relations with their parents, there is no mutual understanding between them.

Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin

The most optimal is such a level of parental relations as

Cooperation is a socially desirable parental behavior. A parent highly appreciates the abilities of his child, feels a sense of pride in him, encourages initiative and independence, tries to be on an equal footing with him, which speaks of the optimal level of parenting in this family.

Relationships of the "symbiosis" and "little loser" type can be attributed to the neutral level. A parent sees his child as younger in comparison with real age, seeks to satisfy his needs, to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life, does not provide him with independence - there is a neutral level of parental relations in the family.

To the negative level of parental relationships, we attributed this type of parental relationship as rejection and "authoritarian hypersocialization", which speaks of a negative parental relationship in the family.

A parent perceives his child as bad, unadapted. Requires unconditional obedience and discipline from him. For the most part, he feels anger, irritation, annoyance towards the child.

After analyzing the parents' answers, we got the following picture of parental attitudes towards children:

Optimal parental attitudes towards a child are observed in 10 families (33%), while 14 families (47%) can be classified as neutral. Parental relationships, which are negative, are manifested in six families (20%).

Thus, based on the results of this methodology, we see that most families use ineffective relationships with the child, which leads to the growth of anxiety in children.

Comparative analysis

Comparing the data on this method and the results of tests aimed at examining children, we found that violations in parental attitudes towards children affect their emotional state, in particular, on the manifestation of anxiety.

Thus, as a result of the study, summarizing the results obtained, we have identified the levels of parent-child relationships in the family. The criteria for determining the levels of parent-child relations for us were:

children's relationships with parents;

knowledge of parents about raising a child;

parenting relationship to children.

High level - characterized by a sufficient amount of knowledge and ideas of the parent about the upbringing of the child. The child in the family feels comfortable and cozy. Parents respect their child, approve of his interests and plans, try to help him in everything, encourage his initiative and independence.

The middle level is characterized by an insufficient amount of knowledge and ideas of the parent about the upbringing of the child. Parents violate relationships with children, the child feels lonely, they do not provide him with independence.

Low level - characterized by parents' ignorance about raising children. The child is not satisfied with his marital status, he experiences increased anxiety. Parents perceive their child as bad, unadapted, unlucky, feel irritability and resentment towards the child.

Survey results

high level (9 children)

intermediate level (15 children)

low level (6 children)

Thus, the results of our research have shown that the average and low levels in the development of parent-child relations cause special attention, since in the relationship between parents and children there are certain disorders that affect the appearance of anxiety in children.

In our opinion, the reasons that led to the increase in anxiety in children are that:

* the parents do not have a complete understanding of the upbringing of the child;

* the child does not feel cozy and comfortable in the family (he is not satisfied with his position in the family);

* children grow up in conditions of a deficit of kindness, affection, love; afraid of punishment;

* in the family - an unfavorable environment; excessive custody.

To identify the level of anxiety in children, a test was also conducted to check the psychological comfort of children in the kindergarten group.

2 Program for the correction of anxiety in preschoolers and its implementation in the kindergarten group

We conducted special classes for older preschoolers, using developmental games and exercises, taking as a basis the "Program of socio-psychological, correctional and developmental work with older preschool children" by I. Yarushina, adapted it to the conditions of a specific group of children.

This program consists of several blocks, for our experimental and practical work we have chosen blocks corresponding to the objectives of our research:

“Correction of anxiety. Formation of social trust "and" Harmonization of personality contradictions. Formation of adequate self-esteem in children ”.

Classes were based on material that is close and understandable to children, related to problems that are urgent for them.

Program goal: To help older preschool children cope with experiences that interfere with their normal emotional well-being and communication with peers.

Block 1. Correction of anxiety. Building social trust. (4 lessons).

Help in overcoming negative experiences and relieving fears.

Reduce anxiety.

Build self-confidence.

Reduce emotional stress.

Block 2. Harmonization of personality contradictions. Formation of adequate self-esteem in children. (4 lessons).

Correct behavior through role-playing games.

Learn to recognize emotions by external signals.

Relieve emotional stress.

Create a positive emotional mood.

Train psychomotor functions.

The series of 8 lessons we have developed is designed for a period of 4 weeks. The structure and methods of conducting classes correspond to the principles of social and psychological training. The duration of the lessons is 30-35 minutes. Classes were held twice a week.

The methodological basis of this program is the ideas of L.S. Vygotsky on the role of play in the upbringing of preschoolers. Persistent affective barriers that arise in a child's life are much easier to overcome in play. Therefore, play and play forms of work are the most adequate means of correcting the mental development of a child's personality.

The program is designed for children 6-7 years old and includes educational activities, play mini-trainings and exercises in body-oriented techniques. Correctional work was carried out on the basis of the principle of formative and gentle teaching. All classes had a flexible structure, developed taking into account the age characteristics of children and the severity of the defect. Classes were built on the basis of the principles of integration (inclusion of elements of musical art therapy, dance-movement therapy), consistency and continuity. The choice of the subject of the classes was determined by the nature of the developmental disorder and the selection of the most adequate tactics of correctional and developmental work. The forms of work were determined by the goals of the lessons, which are characterized by a combination of both traditional techniques and methods (frontal and individual lessons) and innovative (drawing tests, drawing to music, etc.).

We assumed that in the process of classes, children should develop communicative qualities, enrich their emotional experience, activate thinking, be aware of and experience successes and failures, results of activity, projected social interactions and motor acts, and develop personal orientation. The mood of the children, their psychological state at specific moments were the basis for varying the methods, techniques and structure of classes.

The structure of the lessons can be presented in the form of successive stages. Each lesson does not necessarily have all the steps.

Welcome ritual. Warming up children, that is, exercises and games aimed at activating mental processes, emotional and physical state of children.

Creating a problematic situation on the topic of the lesson through the use of play or surprise moments, dramatization, reading of literary texts or telling a fairy tale or story.

Discussion on the problem with individual statements of children, where the teacher is the organizer of the discussion and leads the children to the need to generalize what has been said, that is, to solve the problem.

Drawing on the topic is possible (with a diagnostic or preventive corrective purpose).

Games aimed at the development of communication and the emotional sphere of children: playing situations that are significant for children with their participation, in order to correct violations in the field of interpersonal relations; relieving anxiety, games to harmonize the personality of the child and the general cohesion of the group.


Farewell ritual.

Analyzing the classes, we can say that the children were interested in such an unusual form of conducting classes. All children took part with pleasure.

So, in the game "Hello, I'm glad to meet you" children were asked to perform an exercise in which everyone had to choose a name for themselves. This exercise took a long time, because children began to invent fictitious names for themselves, sorting through them, many wanted to change names.

Then it was suggested to say the phrase: "Hello, I am glad to meet you", your name and a few words about yourself. The children did this exercise, but they behaved very stiffly.

The ritual of the end of the class was proposed: the participants stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other. With the help of this ritual, they reminded each other that we are a single group, that we are very friendly, that we love each other. This exercise should make us all feel better. The children really liked this form of the end of the lesson, and they agreed with the proposed ritual.

In the game "The Magic Word" children, passing a soft toy to each other, said polite words and compliments, and then shared their feelings. Most of the children said that after accepting the compliment, their mood improved, they were pleased to receive compliments. This caused positive emotions in the children.

In the game "I am not like everyone else, and we are all different" for 5 minutes the children should draw "joy". But the children drew for more than 5 minutes. Then the drawings were shown in turn, but the children's story was descriptive. Children simply told what they portrayed, what objects, while not talking about feelings, experiences. After the discussion, the children told that they had been thinking for a long time about what to draw. Then the children simultaneously raised their drawings, showing them to each other. It was concluded that all drawings are different, everyone understands and represents the concept of “joy” differently, and in general, all people understand the same things differently, and therefore each person is special, unique, because each person is irreplaceable.

In the game “Gratitude without Words,” couples entered a circle and, in turn, expressed gratitude to each other using non-verbal communication methods. Receptions, expressions of gratitude were basically the same. These are shaking hands, bows, hugs, smiles, etc. The children did not experience great difficulties in expressing the feeling of gratitude.

After all the children in the group completed the assignment, a discussion was held. The children said that they did not feel anything, everything was as usual, normal, no special feelings arose. Some said that the image of gratitude looked sincere, others - feigned. It was clear to all the children what feeling was portrayed.

In conclusion, it was concluded that gratitude plays a big role in our life, we express it with words such as thank you, I am very pleased, etc., but we can convey the feeling of gratitude through facial expressions, gestures, and this plays even more important than words, because words spoken with an indifferent face will be empty, they will not have the same effect that we can have on a partner by coloring our speech, our gratitude with any gestures. This makes a great impression on the person, and your gratitude will be sincere, it will nudge the person to do something else pleasant for you. The task promoted the development of activity, the ability to inspire confidence, sociability, resourcefulness in non-standard situations.

The children especially liked to play the game "Typewriter" (children had to reproduce the process of typing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." at the end of the word - everyone stands up and claps their hands. The children were confused for a long time, made mistakes, were inattentive, forgot what to do and in what case. Therefore, the children trained for two rounds in a row. Then they were asked to evaluate the strongest.

In the Compose a Story game, the children were asked to compose a story. We started the story with the words “Once upon a time”, the next child continued, and so on in a circle. The children composed the following story: “Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. They had a goat, a cat and a dog Bug. They all went into the forest together, and a bear appeared. The bear stole the goat. Out of fear, my grandmother climbed a tree and fell down with the cat. The dog ran to his grandfather in his arms. Suddenly their grandson Ivan appeared, he had a gun. He killed the bear and skinned it. Then they all went home together, began to live peacefully and amicably. And they did not swear until the day they died. " The children really liked this exercise, they were enthusiastic about composing a story, fantasizing, offering to play again. There was a discussion at the end. The participants responded that writing the story was not difficult, but rather fun, it was interesting to keep track of how your proposal is developed and how the story ends. The children answered that each of them followed the course of history.

This lesson contributed to the development of such qualities as sociability, activity and resourcefulness.

In the Continue game, sentences were given for the children to continue. The sentence needs to be completed in terms of how you think others see you. The task seemed difficult to the participants. During the exercise, the children showed great interest, with passion they tried to select the end of the phrase, but at the same time they thought for a long time. Difficulties arose due to the fact that it is difficult to judge how others see them. The children were asked to close their eyes, imagine a situation when they feel good and look at it from the side, keeping their own image at the same time. This method helped the participants complete the task. Another problem arose due to the fact that children said that there are many situations when, for example, they are sad. For this, it was proposed to choose at will such a situation that would most colorfully describe this state. After the participants had finished all the proposals, the discussion began. In a circle, children talked about their experiences in various situations. The children noted that it was difficult to come up with a continuation of the phrase, and it was easy to tell.

At the last lesson, we asked each child to talk about what the job gave him, what he learned new for himself, about others, what he learned.

Each child shared their opinion. Children talked about how they learned to say compliments, express gratitude, learned what polite and warm words can be said to each other, play interesting games, learned a lot about each other, learned about their advantages and disadvantages, began to treat each other differently learned to behave correctly. The discussion did not last long, since the children spoke one two phrases, often repeated.

During the classes, we observed an increase in the activity of children, their self-confidence. Children were increasingly not afraid to express their opinions, to pronounce difficult words that were included in their activities. By the end of the experimental work, they learned to follow the rules of group work: listen without interrupting, not ridicule the answers of others.

The most important stage of correctional and developmental work with children was work with parents. We held a parenting meeting, at which questions about the concept of anxiety, its causes, about the behavior of children with anxiety were disclosed. Most of the parents were interested in this problem, asked questions of interest to them on this topic.

3 Results of re-examination

In order to check the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work aimed at reducing anxiety in children, a second diagnosis was carried out, which made it possible to trace the dynamics of reducing anxiety in preschool children. For re-diagnosis in preschool children, the following was used:

Anxiety test (R. Temple, M. Dorky, V. Amen) (Table 5).

Table 5

The results of re-diagnosis according to the test of R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amena

ChildrenQuantitative analysis data Qualitative analysis data1 average The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 2medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 3medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 4low anxiety manifests itself in situations "child-adult" 6 high The highest level of anxiety manifests itself in situations "child-child" 7. low The highest level of anxiety manifests itself in situations "child-child" 8 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 9 medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "Child-child" 10medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 11medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 12 The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations “child-adult” 14 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations “child-child” 15 Low 17 average The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 18 medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 19 medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 20 Low The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-adult" 21 Medium "Child-adult" 22 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 23 low The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 24 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 25 Average The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 26 Medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 27 Medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 28 Low The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "Child-adult" 29 Medium The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "Child-adult" 30 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 31. Low The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child" 32 high The highest level of anxiety is manifested in situations "child-child"

A qualitative analysis of the test results of R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amen showed that more than 50% (high level of anxiety) signs of anxiety are present in 8 children.

From 20-50% (average level of anxiety) signs of anxiety: in 16 children.

Less than 20% (low level of anxiety) signs of anxiety are present in 8 children.

To confirm the testing data, a second observation was carried out (Table 6).

Table 6

Re-observation results

DetiDeyatelnost regime in momentyOrganizovannaya deyatelnostNeorganizovannaya deyatelnostObschy score vyvodKolichestvo proyavleniyKolichestvo proyavleniyKolichestvo proyavleniy1323329 sredniy2215320 sredniy3315523 sredniy4113216 nizkiy5224329 sredniy6728853 vysokiy7 ---- 13215 nizkiy8735658 vysokiy9323329 sredniy10215320 sredniy11315523 sredniy12113216 nizkiy13224329 sredniy14728853 vysokiy15 ---- 13215 nizkiy16735658 vysokiy17323329 sredniy18215320 sredniy19315523 sredniy20113216 nizkiy21224329 sredniy22728853 vysokiy23 ---- 13215 nizkiy24735658 vysokiy25323329 average26215320 average27315523 average28113216 low29224329 average30728853 high31 ---- 13215 low32735658 high

An analysis of the observation results showed that more than 50% (high level of anxiety) of signs of anxiety are present in 8 children.

From 20 - 50% (average level of anxiety) signs of anxiety in 16 children.

Less than 20% (low level of anxiety) signs of anxiety in 8 children

At the same time, some children have the greatest number of signs of anxiety in activities during regime moments, in organized activities, in unorganized activities. We also carried out repeated diagnostics using the “Ladder” method (Table 7).

Table 7

Analysis of the data of repeated diagnostics according to the "Ladder" method

Children Child self-esteem high medium low 1. X 21% 2. X 21% 3. X 21% 4. X 25% 5. X 21% 6. X11% 7. X25% 8.X14% 9. X23% 10.X21% 11.X21% 12.X23% 13.X25% 14.X13% 15. X21% 16.X 17% 17. X 23% 18. X23% 19. X 23% 20. X26% 21. X 26% 22. X19% 23. X27% 24.X11% 25. X21% 26.X23% 27.X24% 28.X21% 29.X21% 30.X11% 31. X21% 32.X17%

Analysis of the data of repeated diagnostics using the “Ladder” method showed that self-esteem increased in 8 children, while in the rest of the children it did not change.

Comparative analysis

Then we compared the data for all methods (Table 8, .9).

Table 8

Comparative data analysis (re-diagnosis)

Children Self-esteem Observation results Amen test indicator Conclusion 1. Average 21% Average 21% Average 21% Average 21% 2. Average 21% Average 21% Average 21% Average 21% 3. Average 23% Average 21% Average 21% Average 21% 4. Average 25 % Low 14% Low 14% Low 14% 5 Medium 26% Medium 23% Low 11% Medium 23% 6 Low 11% High 58% Medium 23% High 58% 7 Medium 23% Low 17% Low 17% Low 17% 8.Low 16% High 53% High 58% High 58% 9 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 10 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 11 Medium 23% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 12 Medium 25% Low 14% Low 14% Low 14% 13 Medium 26% Medium 23% Low 11% Medium 23% 14 Low 11% High 58% Medium 23% High 58% 15 Medium 23% Low 17% Low 17% Low 17% 16 Low 16% High 53% High 58% High 58% 17 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 18 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 19 Medium 23% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 20 Medium 25 % Low 14% Low 14% Low 14% 21 Medium 26% Medium 23% Low 11% Medium day 23% 22 Low 11% High 58% Medium 23% High 58% 23 Medium 23% Low 17% Low 17% Low 17% 24 Low 16% High 53% High 58% High 58% 25 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21 % 26 Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 27 Medium 23% Medium 21% Medium 21% Medium 21% 28 Medium 25% Low 14% Low 14% Low 14% 29 Medium 26% Medium 23% Low 11% Medium 23% 30 Low 11% High 58% Medium 23% High 58% 31 Medium 23% Low 17% Low 17% Low 17% 32 Low 16% High 53% High 58% High 58%

After carrying out group correctional and developmental work

7 children had low levels of anxiety,

in 16 - the average level, in 6 children, the indicators of anxiety remained high.

Thus, in 12 people out of 32, it was possible to reduce the level of anxiety. This indicates that correctional and developmental work aimed at reducing anxiety in preschool children turned out to be effective.


The study of anxiety in preschoolers is extremely important in connection with the problem of emotional and personal development of children, the preservation of their health. This work examines one of its poorly studied aspects, the question of the factors provoking the manifestation of high anxiety in preschool children.

The relevance of the chosen research topic is determined, on the one hand, by the urgent tasks of psychological and pedagogical practice, set before it in connection with the modern requirements of society for various aspects of child health: On the other hand, mental, psychological, psychophysiological. theoretical and empirical significance of the problem of anxiety in the individual and personal development of a child, insufficient, in our opinion, knowledge of the individual causes of anxiety in preschoolers, the lack of a set of reliable methods for its identification and effective methods of psychoprophylaxis.

Children's age, especially preschool age, is decisive in the formation of a child's personality. Since the basic properties and personal qualities are formed during this period of life and largely determine all of its subsequent development; it is especially important to pay attention to what the initial stages of the transition to new types of relationships between the child and others outside the family will be, how the nature of the activity will change when entering a preschool educational institution.

The first chapter was devoted to the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon of anxiety. This chapter examines research into the problems of anxiety in foreign and domestic psychology, considers the essence and significance of anxiety in preschoolers, considers anxiety as an emotional state that accompanies a preschooler.

In this work, we identified the essence of the concept of "anxiety", its difference from the concepts of "anxiety" and "fear". As a result of the analysis of the literature, we found that personal anxiety is one of the manifestations of the child's emotional distress, the reasons for its occurrence are prenatal and natal factors, shortcomings in family education, errors in pedagogical influence, and we also found that speech and communication difficulties impede the establishment and maintenance of contacts with peers. , this is the cause of anxiety.

For modern psychology, the issue of the relationship between emotions and speech in ontogenetic development is relevant, in particular, the problem of the occurrence of anxiety in children with speech pathology. Anxious children show traits of shyness, timidity, suggestibility, or, conversely, aggressiveness and other negative manifestations.

Since some children have poorly expressed communication skills, we suggested that correctional and developmental work should be aimed not only at reducing anxiety, but also at developing communication skills, at increasing ideas about their own value, at developing self-confidence, as well as the ability to most successfully realize oneself in behavior and interaction with people around.

The second chapter of the work was devoted to the analysis of the socio-psychological aspects of anxiety in preschoolers and methods of overcoming this state. In preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, anxiety arises as a result of the frustration of the need for reliability, security from the immediate environment and reflects the dissatisfaction of this particular need, which can be considered as the leading one at this age. During these periods, anxiety is not yet a personal formation itself, it is a function of unfavorable relationships with close adults.

For each age period, there are certain areas, objects of reality, which cause increased anxiety for most children, regardless of the presence of a real threat or anxiety as a sustainable education.

These "age-related anxieties" are the result of the most significant social needs. In young children, anxiety is generated by separation from the mother. At the age of 6-7 years, the main role is played by adaptation to school, in younger adolescents - communication with adults (parents and teachers), in early adolescence - attitudes towards the future and problems associated with gender relations. The behavior of anxious children is characterized by frequent manifestations of anxiety and anxiety, such children live in constant tension, all the time feeling threatened, feeling that at any moment they may face setbacks.

In the third chapter, an experimental study of the level of anxiety in preschool children is carried out. This chapter reveals research methods, the results of this research, provides mathematical and statistical processing of the results. Correctional work aimed at reducing the level of anxiety in preschool children is proposed. In the course of the study of the anxiety of kindergarten children, it was revealed that the majority of children have an average and high level of anxiety and self-esteem, which is an indicator of their emotional distress, which can be stated that anxious children need corrective action.

The data obtained prove that with the help of correctional and developmental classes, it is possible to reduce the level of anxiety in preschoolers. Along with classes, it is necessary to implement the recommendations by teachers and parents on interaction with preschoolers.

The hypothesis of the study was confirmed, on the basis of which conclusions and recommendations were made.

Children's age, especially preschool age, is decisive in the formation of a child's personality. Since the basic properties and personal qualities are formed during this period of life and largely determine all of its subsequent development; it is especially important to pay attention to what the initial stages of the transition to new types of relationships between the child and others outside the family will be, how the nature of the activity will change when entering a preschool educational institution.

Changing social relationships can present significant challenges for a child. Many children in the periods of adaptation to kindergarten, school begin to experience anxiety, emotional tension, become restless, withdrawn, whiny. It is especially important at this time to monitor the preservation of the child's psycho-emotional well-being.

Emotions play an important role in the life of children: they help to perceive reality and react to it. By manifesting in behavior, they inform the adult that the child likes, makes him angry, or upsets him. Anxiety as a certain emotional infusion with a predominance of feelings of anxiety and fear of doing something wrong, wrong, not meeting generally accepted requirements and norms develops closer to 7 and especially 8 years with a large number of insoluble and coming from an earlier age of fears. The main source of anxiety for preschoolers and primary school children is the family. Later, even for adolescents, this role of the family is significantly reduced; on the other hand, the role of the school doubles.

The behavior of anxious children is characterized by frequent manifestations of anxiety and anxiety, such children live in constant tension, all the time feeling threatened, feeling that at any moment they may face setbacks.

Anxious children need corrective action. Anxiety in relation to a person is evidence of the limited means at his disposal to overcome the difficulties of unpleasant situations for himself, the lack of means used in his own activities and interaction with other people.

Role-playing is very useful for working with anxious children. You can act out both familiar situations and those that cause special anxiety to the child (for example, the situation "I am afraid of the teacher, teacher" will give the child the opportunity to play with a doll symbolizing the figure of the teacher; the situation "I am afraid of war" will allow acting on behalf of a fascist, a bomb, then there is something terrible that the child is afraid of).

Games, in which an adult's doll plays the role of a child, and a child's doll plays the role of an adult, will help the child express their emotions, and you will make many interesting and important discoveries. Anxious children are afraid to move, and it is precisely in a mobile emotional game (war, "Cossack robbers") that a child can experience intense fear and excitement, and this will help him relieve stress in real life.

It is advisable to use physical contact games when working with anxious children. Relaxation exercises, deep breathing techniques, yoga classes, massage, and simply rubbing the body are very helpful.

Another way to relieve anxiety is to paint your face with your mom's old lipstick. You can also arrange an impromptu masquerade, show. To do this, you need to prepare masks, costumes or just old adult clothes. Participating in the performance will help anxious children relax. And if the masks and costumes are made by the hands of children (of course, with the participation of adults), the game will bring them even more pleasure.

Working with parents of an anxious child

Job offers with parents of anxious children

Obviously, no parent wants to make their child anxious. However, sometimes the actions of adults contribute to the development of this quality in children.

Often, parents make demands on the child that he is unable to meet. The kid cannot understand how and how to please his parents, unsuccessfully tries to achieve their location and love. But, having suffered one setback after another, he realizes that he will never be able to fulfill everything that mom and dad expect from him. He admits himself not like everyone else: worse, worthless, considers it necessary to bring endless apologies.

To avoid the frightening attention of adults or their criticism, the child physically and mentally restrains his internal energy. He gets used to breathing shallowly and often, his head sinks into his shoulders, the child acquires the habit of carefully and imperceptibly slipping out of the room. All this by no means contributes to the development of the child, the realization of his creative abilities, interferes with his communication with adults and children, therefore, the parents of an anxious child should do everything to assure him of their love (regardless of success), of his competence in any area ( there are no completely incapable children).

First of all, parents should celebrate his progress on a daily basis by reporting them in his presence to other family members (for example, during a general dinner). In addition, it is necessary to abandon words that demean the dignity of the child ("donkey", "fool"), even if the adults are very annoyed and angry. It is not necessary to demand an apology from the child for this or that act, it is better to let him explain why he did it (if he wants to). If a child apologizes under pressure from his parents, this may cause him not to repent, but to embitter.

It is useful to reduce the number of comments. Suggest that the parents try to write down all the comments made to the child during one day only. In the evening, have them reread the list. Most likely, it will become obvious to them that most of the comments could not be made: they either did not benefit, or only hurt you and your child.

You cannot threaten children with impossible punishments: ("Shut up, or I'll seal your mouth! I'll leave you! I'll kill you!"). They are already afraid of everything in the world. It is better if parents, as a preventive measure, without waiting for an extreme situation, will talk more with children, help them express their thoughts and feelings in words.

Affectionate touches of parents will help an anxious child gain a sense of confidence and trust in the world, and this will relieve him of the fear of ridicule and betrayal.

The parents of an anxious child should be unanimous and consistent in encouraging and punishing them. The kid, not knowing, for example, how his mother will react to a broken plate today, is even more afraid, and this leads him to stress.

Parents of anxious children often experience muscle tension themselves, so relaxation exercises can be beneficial for them as well. But, unfortunately, our relationship with parents does not always allow us to openly tell them about it. Not everyone can be advised to pay attention first of all to themselves, to their internal state, and then make demands on the child.

In such situations, you can tell the parents: “Your child is often stiff and would benefit from doing muscle relaxation exercises. It is advisable that you do the exercises with him, then he will do them correctly. "

Thus, parents who follow such recommendations, after a while, notice pleasant sensations in the body, an improvement in their general condition. They are usually ready for further cooperation.

Such classes can be recommended not only to parents, but also to teachers. After all, it is no secret to anyone that parents' anxiety is often transmitted to children, and a teacher's anxiety - to students and pupils. That is why, before helping a child, an adult must take care of himself.

Be consistent in your actions, do not forbid the child for no reason what you allowed before.

Consider the capabilities of children, do not demand from them what they cannot accomplish. If a child has difficulty in learning a subject, it is better to help and support him once again, and when he achieves even the slightest success, do not forget to praise.

Trust your child, be honest with him and accept him for who he is.

If, for any objective reasons, it is difficult for a child to study, choose a circle for him to his liking, so that classes in it bring him joy and he does not feel slighted.

If parents are not satisfied with the behavior and success of their child, this is not a reason to deny him love and support. Let him live in an atmosphere of warmth and trust, and then all his many talents will manifest.

How to play with anxious children

At the initial stages of working with an anxious child, the following rules should be followed:

The inclusion of a child in any new game should take place in stages. Let him first familiarize himself with the rules of the game, see how other children play it, and only then, when he wants to, become a participant in it.

It is necessary to avoid competitive moments and games that take into account the speed of the task, for example, such as "Who is faster?"

If you are introducing a new game, then in order for the anxious child not to feel the danger of a meeting with something unknown, it is better to conduct it on material that is already familiar to him (pictures, cards). You can use part of the instruction or rules from a game that the child has already played repeatedly.

An anxious child can be included in collective games if he feels comfortable enough, and communication with other children does not cause him any special difficulties.

The effect of these games will be only if they are held repeatedly and regularly (each time you can add an element of novelty).

When working with anxious children, it should be remembered that the state of anxiety, as a rule, is accompanied by a strong clamping of various muscle groups. Therefore, relaxation and breathing exercises for this category of children are simply necessary.


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Annex 1

Anxiety test (R. Tamml, M. Dorky, V. Amen)

Purpose: To determine the level of anxiety of the child.

Experimental material: 14 drawings (8.5x11 cm) were made in two versions: for a girl (the picture shows a girl) and for a boy (the picture shows a boy). Each drawing represents some typical situation for a child's life. The child's face is not drawn in the figure, only the outline of the head is given. Each drawing is provided with two additional drawings of a child's head, in size exactly corresponding to the contour of the face in the drawing. One of the additional drawings depicts a smiling child's face, the other - a sad one.

Conduct of research: The pictures show the child in a strictly listed order, one after the other. The conversation takes place in a separate room. Having presented the drawing to the child, the researcher gives instructions.


Play with younger children. “What do you think the child's face will be: cheerful or sad? He (she) plays with kids "

Child and mother with baby. “What do you think this child will have: sad or funny? He (she) walks with his mother and baby "

Object of aggression. "What do you think this child will have: funny or sad?"

Dressing. “What do you think this child’s face will be sad or funny? He (she) dresses "

Playing with older children. “What do you think this child will have: funny or sad? He (she) plays with older children "

Going to bed alone. “What do you think this child will have: sad or funny? He (she) goes to sleep "

Washing. “What do you think this child will have: funny or sad? He (she) is in the bathroom "

Rebuke. "What do you think this child will have: sad or funny?"

Ignoring. "What kind of face do you think this ben will have: funny or sad?"

Aggressive Attack "What do you think this child will have: sad or funny?"

Collecting toys. “What do you think this child will have: funny or sad? He (she) removes toys "

Insulation. "What do you think this child will have: sad or funny?"

Child with parents. “What do you think this child will have: funny or sad? He (she) with his mom and dad "

Food alone. “What do you think this child will have: sad or funny? He (she) eats. "

In order to avoid imposing choices on the child, the name of the person is alternated in the instructions. The child is not asked additional questions.

The child's choice of the appropriate person and the child's verbal statements can be recorded in a special protocol (forms must be prepared in advance).

Sample protocol:

Name: Nikolay Age: 6 years Date: 10.11.10

Drawing Saying Choice Cheerful face Sad face 1. Playing with younger children I'm tired of playing + 2. Child and mother with baby Walking with my mother, I like to walk with my mother + 3. Object of aggression I want to hit him with a chair. He has a sad face +4. Dressing He will go for a walk. It is necessary to dress + 5. Playing with older children Because he has children + 6. Putting to bed alone I always take a toy to sleep +7. WashingBecause he washes + 8. Reprimand Mom wants to leave him +9. IgnoringBecause there is a kid + 10. AggressivenessBecause someone takes away a toy +11. Collecting toys Mom forces him, but he does not want +12. Isolation They don't want to play with him +13. Child with parents Mom and Dad walk with him + 14. Food alone Drinks milk, and I like to drink milk +

Analysis of results: The protocols of each child are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively.

Quantitative analysis

Based on the protocol data, the child's anxiety index (IT) is calculated, which is equal to the percentage of the number of emotionally negative choices (sad face) to the total number of pictures (14):

IT = Number of emotional negative choices х100% 14

Depending on the level of the anxiety index, children are divided into 3 groups:

a) a high level of anxiety (IT is above 50%);

b) the average level of anxiety (IT from 20 to 50%);

c) low level of anxiety (IT from 0 to 20%).

Qualitative analysis

Each child's response is analyzed separately. Conclusions are made regarding the possible nature of the child's emotional experience in this (and similar) situation. Figs have a particularly high projective value. 4 ("Dressing"), 6 ("Going to sleep alone"), 14 ("Eating alone"). Children who make negative emotional choices in these situations are more likely to have high IT; children making negative emotional choices in the situations depicted in fig. 2 (“Baby and mother with baby”), 7 (“Washing”), 9 (“Ignore”) and 11 (“Collecting toys”) are more likely to have high or medium IT.

As a rule, the greatest level of anxiety is manifested in situations simulating the child-child relationship ("Playing with younger children", "Object of aggression", "Playing with older children", "Aggressive attack", "Isolation"). The level of anxiety is significantly lower in the drawings simulating the child-adult relationship ("Child and mother with a baby", "Reprimand", "Ignoring", "Child with parents"), and in situations simulating everyday actions ("Dressing", "Laying sleep alone "," Washing "," Collecting toys "," Eating alone "). stimulus material for the test of anxiety (R. Tammple, V. Amen, M. Dorky) Pictures for the test for girls:

Pictures for the test for boys

Appendix 2.

Lesenka "V.G. Schur.

The study of self-esteem (method "Ladder")

Purpose of the study: to determine the characteristics of the child's self-esteem (as a general attitude towards himself) and the child's ideas about how other people evaluate him.

Materials: drawn ladder, pencil (pen).

Testing: The child is given a piece of paper with a ladder drawn on it and the meaning of the steps is explained. It is important to see if the child understands your explanation correctly. Repeat it if necessary. After that, questions are asked, the answers are recorded.

Instruction. “Here is the ladder. If you put all the children on it, then the very good guys (smart, kind, obedient) will be on the very top step, below - just good, then average, but still good children. Bad children are also distributed accordingly, i.e. on the lowest step - the worst, etc. Where will you put yourself (yourself)? Explain why".

In this case, it is necessary to find out why the child chose this particular step. Then the child is asked to answer where, in his opinion, his mother will put him, as well as other close adults: “What step do you think mom will put you on? Why do you think so?" Further, depending on the composition of the family, the significant environment, the following questions are asked: "Where will your dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, friend, teacher put you?"

Appendix 3

Methodology "Fears and fears in children" A. I. Zakharov

This technique is an individual conversation with children according to the list. The conversation is carried out slowly, in detail, listing the fears and expecting the child to answer "yes" or "no". There are 29 fears in the main list. The unit used is the average number of fears for each child. Normally, for children 6-7 years old, there should be 9 fears for boys, and 12 for girls.

"Are you afraid or not afraid ...":

When you are alone;

Attacks, bandits;

Get sick, get infected;

Death, die;

Death of parents;

Some people;

Are you afraid of mom ... dad;

Are you afraid that your mom will punish you… dad;

Are you afraid of: Babu Yaga, Koshchei, Gorynych's Snake, Black Hand, Queen of Spades, skeletons, ghosts, ghosts, devils, aliens;

To be late for kindergarten;

When you go to bed, before going to bed you are afraid of something or not; if so, what exactly;

Terrible dreams;

Darkness when it's dark;

Animals (wolf, bear, dogs), insects (spiders, snakes);

Cars, trains, planes;

Storms, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes;

When high;

When deep;

In a small cramped room, room, toilet, subway, crowded bus;

Big streets, squares;

Doctors (except for dentists);

Blood when it bleeds;

Pain when it hurts;

Unexpected sharp sounds, when suddenly something hits, it will fall.

Appendix 4

Test "Incomplete sentences" A. I. Zakharov

The purpose of the technique: to identify what the child is afraid of.

Assignment: finish sentences. This allows you to diagnose the current state of the child. The projection mechanism incorporated in the content of the methodology also allows us to determine the hidden sources of fears and the level of internal tension.

The child is unobtrusively offered this technique, carried out in a somewhat unusual and thus interesting form for him - a continuation of the started sentence, and not just formal answers to questions. I think this is what allows the child to relax and calmly complete sentences, without concentrating especially on their experiences.

The suggestions are as follows:

I am very happy when ...

I am very sad ...

I get scared when ...

I feel ashamed when ...

I am very proud ...

I am very surprised when ...

I am very offended ...

I really love ...

I would like to…

I would not like ...

Appendix 5

Drawing test "Kinetic drawing of the family" (R. Burns and S. Koufman)

study of interpersonal relationships in the family (through the eyes of a child);

identifying relationships in the family that cause anxiety in the child.


The child is offered a sheet of paper, pencils. A condition is set: it is necessary to draw your family so that its members are busy with something.

The quality of the image is considered to be formative features: the thoroughness of drawing or carelessness in drawing of individual family members, the colorfulness of the image, the position of objects on the sheet, shading, dimensions.

The analysis of the results of the figures was carried out according to the following indicators:

The presence of anxiety in children about the attitude of adults towards them.

Emotional tension and distance.

The discomfort.

Presence of hostility towards adults.

On the basis of these indicators, the levels of influence of family relations on the child were revealed.

To a high level of parent-child relations we refer to drawings where the child is comfortable in the family, all family members are present in the drawing, in the center of the drawing is the child himself, surrounded by his parents; portrays himself and his parents smartly, carefully draws every line, on the faces of adults and a child - a smile, calmness can be traced in poses, movements.

The average level of parent-child relations: the absence of any family member, the presence of anxiety, the child draws himself sad, far from his parents, the presence of hostility towards adults through shading of details, the absence of some parts of the body (hands, mouth).

A low level of parent-child relations: the presence of one of the parents with an object that threatens the child (belt), a frightened expression on the child's face, a feeling of emotional stress through the use of dark colors in the drawing.

The presence of hostility towards parents can be traced through the drawing of such details as spread arms, spread fingers, bared mouth, etc.

Appendix 6

Methodology "Parental attitude to children" (A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin)

Purpose: to study the identification of parental attitudes towards children.


Parents were offered question forms (61 questions). Each question was supposed to have either a positive or a negative answer.

The basis for the assessment was the key to the questionnaire, which made it possible to identify the level of parenting relationships.

In our opinion, the most optimal is such a level of parental relations as cooperation - this is a socially desirable image of parental behavior. A parent highly appreciates the abilities of his child, feels a sense of pride in him, encourages initiative and independence, tries to be on an equal footing with him.

Relationships of the "symbiosis" and "little loser" type can be attributed to the neutral level. A parent sees his child as younger in comparison with real age, seeks to satisfy his needs, to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life, does not provide him with independence.

We attributed this type of parental relationship as rejection and "authoritarian hypersocialization" to the negative level of parental relationships. A parent perceives his child as bad, unadapted. Requires unconditional obedience and discipline from him. For the most part, he feels anger, irritation, annoyance towards the child.


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Anxiety is an individual psychological feature that manifests I am in a person's tendency to frequent and intense experiences of the state of anxiety, as well as in a low threshold for its occurrence. It is considered as a personal education or as a property of temperament due to the weakness of nervous processes.

Anxiety, having a natural basis, develops in vivo, as a result of the action of social and personal factors. Anxiety can be generated by internal conflicts, mainly of a self-evaluating nature. There is a stable anxiety, in any area, private (school, interpersonal and others) and general. Adequate anxiety is also distinguished, which is a reflection of a person's unwell in a particular area, although a specific situation may not contain a threat.

Anxiety is an indicator of dysfunctional personal development and, in turn, has a negative impact on it. The same influence has the insensitivity to real trouble, "security" arising under the influence of protective mechanisms and manifested in the absence of anxiety even in potentially threatening situations. Anxiety can be a harbinger of neurosis, as well as its symptom and mechanism of development. Was first described by Freud.

Thus, the distinction between the concepts of "anxiety" and "anxiety" is as follows: anxiety, which is a component of the concept of anxiety, associated with relatively stable personality formations.

Emotions and feelings are a reflection of reality in the human sphere.

There are such types of feelings as moral, intellectual and aesthetic. According to the classification proposed by K. Izard, fundamental and derivative emotions are distinguished. Fundamental include: 1) interest-excitement, 2) joy, 3) surprise, 4) grief-suffering, 5) anger, 6) disgust, 7) contempt, 8) fear, 9) shame, 10) guilt

The rest of the emotions are their derivatives. From the combination of fundamental emotions arises such a complex emotional state as anxiety, which can combine fear, anger, guilt, and interest-excitement.

"Anxiety is an individual's tendency to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the onset of anxiety reactions: one of the main parameters of individual differences."

Anxiety in psychology is understood as a person's tendency to experience anxiety, i.e. an emotional state that arises in situations of uncertain danger and manifests itself in anticipation of an unfavorable development of events.

A certain level of anxiety is a natural and obligatory feature of an individual's vigorous activity. Each person has their own optimal or desired level of anxiety - this is the so-called useful anxiety. A person's assessment of his condition in this regard is for him an essential component of self-control and self-education. However, an increased level of anxiety is a subjective manifestation of an individual's dysfunction. When this level exceeds the optimal level, we can talk about the appearance of increased anxiety. There are two main types of anxiety. The first of them is the so-called situational anxiety, that is, generated by a certain person in anticipation of possible troubles and life complications. This condition is not only completely normal, but also plays a positive role. It acts as a kind of mobilizing mechanism that allows a person to seriously and responsibly approach the solution of emerging problems. Rather abnormal is a decrease in situational anxiety, when a person, in the face of serious circumstances, demonstrates carelessness and irresponsibility, which most often indicates an infantile life position, insufficient formulation of self-awareness.

Another type is the so-called personality anxiety. It can be considered as a personality trait that manifests itself in a constant tendency to experience anxiety in a variety of life situations, including those that objectively do not dispose of it. It is characterized by a state of unaccountable fear, an indefinite sense of threat, a readiness to perceive any event as unfavorable and dangerous. A child susceptible to this condition is constantly in a wary and depressed mood, it is difficult for him to contact the outside world, which he perceives as frightening and hostile. Being consolidated in the process of character formation, anxiety creates the basis for the formation of low self-esteem and gloomy pessimism.

Children's anxiety is not associated with any particular situation and is almost always manifested, accompanying the child in any kind of activity, be it educational or creative. When children are afraid of something specific, this is fear. For example, fear of darkness, height, confined space. loneliness, fear of pain (and associated fear of health care workers). At 3-5 years old, children are characterized by fears of loneliness, darkness and confined space. In preschool and primary school age, fear experiences prevail, when a specific, emotionally rich image, often of a fantastic or exaggerated nature, appears to be threatening. Every child has certain fears. However, if there are too many of them, this indicates manifestations of anxiety in the character of the child.

Portrait of an anxious child

In most cases, a school psychologist does not need to carry out special diagnostics to identify students with an increased level of anxiety; for this, a simple method of supervision (observation) during lessons or during recess is sufficient.

Having experience working with children, it is not difficult for a specialist to compose a portrait of an anxious child: he enters the classroom, peers intently into everything that surrounds him, shyly, almost silently, greets and awkwardly sits on the edge of the nearest chair. He seems to expect trouble. There are many anxious children at school, and working with them is not easier, and even more difficult than with other categories of "problem" children, because both hyperactive and aggressive children are always in sight, in full view, and anxious ones are withdrawn and silent, they try keep your problems to yourself. To find the "key" to the trust of such a child, the school psychologist must have not only the ability to empathy, but also high professional competence.

Anxious children are distinguished by excessive anxiety, sometimes they are afraid not of the event itself, but of its premonitions. The worst is often expected. Feel helpless, fearful of playing new games, embarking on unfamiliar species

children are very self-critical, they think that they really are worse than others in everything, the most ugly, stupid, awkward. They are looking for encouragement, approval of adults in all matters.

Anxious children are also characterized by somatic problems: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, cramps in the throat, shortness of breath, etc. During the manifestation of anxiety, they often feel dry mouth, lump in the throat, weakness in the legs, palpitations.

An experienced teacher from the first days of meeting children understands which of them has increased anxiety. However, before making final conclusions, it is necessary to observe the child of concern on different days of the week, during study and free activity (at recess, on the street), in communication with other children.

To understand the child, to find out what he is afraid of, you can ask parents or subject teachers to fill out a special questionnaire form. The adults' answers will clarify the situation, help to trace family history. And observation of the student's behavior will confirm or refute the assumption.

P. Baker and M. Alvord advise to look closely, whether the following signs are characteristic of the child: constant anxiety, difficulty, sometimes inability to concentrate on something, muscle tension (for example, in the face, neck), irritability. It can be assumed that the child is anxious if at least one of the criteria listed above is constantly manifested.