We learn counting within 20. Interactive games and simulators. What else needs to be remembered

Proper preparation for schooling is the key to good academic performance. Most parents pay a lot of attention to her - children are engaged not only in kindergartens, but also at home, together with their mother or grandmother.

Such diligence would seem to guarantee absolute success. But this is in theory, but in practice, "home teachers" face many problems when they try to teach their child to count. Some kids instantly find their bearings in the account, while others find it difficult. To understand why this is happening, you need to take into account the advice of teachers and show patience. Let's consider in detail how to teach a child to count examples within 10-20.

Ability for mathematics

Before starting training, parents must realize that all children are different! You cannot demand from your kindergartner what a neighbor's girl or the son of a best friend can already do. Teachers note that not all young mathematicians have the same abilities. Conventionally, they distinguish the following groups:

  • very talented kids who grasp mathematics literally on the fly;
  • kids with average abilities (probably future good ones), who are given new skills through regular classes;
  • and absolutely incapable of arithmetic - such guys sometimes cannot count correctly even in a column, and this problem in some cases is lifelong (such an adult is happy to use a calculator).

Do not despair if everything (according to your mother) is very bad. The sooner the kid becomes familiar with the principles of counting and numbers, the easier it will be for him at school. Perhaps the child prodigy won't grow out of him, but the problems with arithmetic are guaranteed to decrease.

The main thing for parents is not to despair in the event of the first failures and to treat such homeschooling as a regular system for the development of their own child.

Mental arithmetic

The requirements for modern children are very high - preschoolers must have all the basic knowledge.

The norm is when children at 3-4 years old count any objects, bending their fingers. For example, they are happy to find out how many spoons, plates, or cups fit on the dining table. But from about 5 years old, the skill of calculating in the mind should be developed, without the use of improvised means.

General training rules

At the first stage, kids get acquainted with the numbers and the variety of the world around them. And only after that, the parents begin to count, together with the children, how many steps by the stairs, cars in the parking lot, pots in the locker, and so on. This uses fingers. Small children cannot perform arithmetic operations without the help of objects.

Any failure cannot be criticized! Mom should be patient and choose a simpler example if the one already given to the baby is not clear. He must clearly understand that the action expressed by the words "plus one" is an addition. And in order to fulfill it, you need to name the next ordinal figure.

Along the way, children get acquainted with the concepts of "equal", "more" and "less". They also decompose numbers from 2 to 10. For example, 6 is 2 + 4, 3 + 3, 4 + 2 and 5 + 1. A young mathematician must memorize all variants of the expansion of numbers up to 10!

Only after mastering all the listed skills can you start calculating with the transition through a dozen. It is recommended to start the first lessons at the age of three. And the complication begins at 4-5 years old.

1 to 20

The next step will be more difficult. Here you cannot do without improvised means. For example, on the way to kindergarten, you might find out that there are more than ten cars in the parking lot. The child will quickly cope with a simple listing in order. Suffice it to explain to him that after 10, the ending “-deven” should be added to the usual numbers: one - eleven, two - twelve, and so on.

Explanation example:

  1. You need to take ten colorful cubes and put them in a row. Along the way, it is worth explaining that this row means ten or one "dtsat".
  2. Then, in front of the little mathematician, put the next row on each of the cubes. And say that this is the second dozen. The first cube of the second row is a one, laid on ten or on "dts" (one-for-twenty). We get eleven. The second die is a deuce, laid on "twelve" (two-for-twelve) or twelve. With this simple method, children quickly grasp the scheme for constructing numbers up to 19.
  3. Number 20 - 2 plus "dtsat" (two rows of 10 cubes), that is, twenty. Similarly, you can explain all the names of tens up to 100.

First examples

But with calculations within these limits, certain difficulties may arise. It is also easiest to overcome them in a playful way:

  1. 10 cubes are placed in a row on the table. They can be decomposed by the baby himself.
  2. Then mom adds on top, for example, two more cubes. And visually explains that 10 + 2 is twelve.
  3. The previously studied decomposition of numbers up to 10. For example, 12 + 7 is first the addition of ones (2 + 7), and then a whole ten (10 + 9). You can think of any addition examples! Subtraction is performed in a similar way - the principle of learning is the same.

The basic rule is that children must count (touch) everything with their own hands and understand the very principle of calculation.

Unconditional success awaits parents who adhere to the following golden rules:

  • on the day, classes take at least half an hour (5-10 minutes each with breaks for games);
  • the material passed must be repeated to consolidate knowledge;
  • training is conducted in a friendly, often playful way;
  • practice is given as much attention as possible (it is unobtrusively found out how many birds flew in the park, left or arrived at the parking lot, and so on).

Numbers and mathematical calculations are not necessarily boring and joyless. For some reason, many, raising mathematics to the rank of "queen of all sciences," endow it with just such characteristics.

However, the world of numbers can be very exciting - you just need to find the right approach to it. And if you still have not found it, then with the advent of the need to teach mathematical foundations and counting to your child, you will have to search with a vengeance.

At the very beginning of the path, a lot depends on you, so you should not let the process take its course or teach the child inconsistently. In fact, kids love to count, the main thing is to choose the teaching method that suits you and try to convey the information to the child in the simplest and most interesting, and better, playful way.

The peculiarities of children's perception are such that the child simply does not perceive and does not remember things that are not interesting to him. You can make him learn numbers as much as you want, but until he himself wants to do math, nothing will come of your studies.

One of the common mistakes parents make is rushing. Often adults are in a hurry to brag about the successes of their baby in front of acquaintances or friends, parents of other children of the same age, who, according to their assurances, already know how to count with might and main and even do it in their minds.

Chasing an ephemeral outcome to equalize the abilities of your own child with someone else's children will not only not help you in learning, but will even harm you. The best option is to start working with the baby when he is ready for it.

How to teach a child to Count to 10?

It is quite easy for a child to learn to count to ten at the age of two or three, depending on his individual characteristics and general development.

Many mothers do math with their kids without even knowing it. For example, when you show your child various game exercises for counting, such as "Magpie-crow", "Ladushki" or "Come out with your fingers" - as a rule, acquaintance with such nursery rhymes occurs before the baby is six months old.

Of course, he does not yet learn numbers, as such, but you help him develop memory, the perception of the presence of objects and their number, promote the formation of imaginative thinking, work on improving the fine motor skills of hands and fingers.

After a year or one and a half years on the example of toys - the same nesting dolls or any other objects, the child can get acquainted with the concepts of "one-many".

At the same time, try to show him numbers, so it is easier to teach counting in a playful way. Various cubes, magnets on the board, colorful posters, and many other devices with which you can teach mathematics in a fun and interesting way are suitable for these purposes.

If you practice counting constantly, gradually increasing the number of familiar numbers, then by the age of three it will be quite easy for a child to count to ten without prompts and mistakes.

From this video you can learn how to teach a child to count to ten, how much time it is recommended to spend for classes, what tools can be used.

Two-digit numbers: Counting up to 100

At the age of four, the kid, with whom they regularly studied, will be able to distinguish which number is greater and which is less, and will also know such concepts as "equal" and zero.

Be prepared for the fact that the baby may not immediately understand. Do not rush - it means that for now put this information aside and repeat it after a while. It's good if you learn the count from ten to twenty so far.

There are children who grasp faster and show more pronounced abilities for mathematics - they will be able to master counting in tens to one hundred and at four to five years. If your child is an expressed humanitarian, then this ability will come to him just a little later.

Some teachers advise, nevertheless, to first show the child the processes of subtraction and addition with those numbers with which he operates well, that is, from zero to ten or to twenty. This will significantly help in consolidating the material and in understanding the subject, as such, and only then it will be possible to move on to mastering tens and counting to a hundred.

Fast Invoice

  • he will remember the numbers well - he will remember, and not just memorize, that is, he will know their forward and backward sequence, will be able to recognize the number by spelling, find the missing or missing number, compare the written number with the same number of objects, etc .;
  • learn the basics of counting and the composition of numbers;
  • will clearly separate the concepts of "more-less-equal", "one-many";
  • will be able to count objects well and correctly, perform elementary mathematical operations with sticks, cards or other aids.

As a rule, children learn to count quickly at about five or after five years.

Mental counting

At the same time, it is worth gradually weaning the child away from using various aids when counting, like sticks, for example. Also, at the age of five or six years, a preschooler should already stop counting on his fingers, and switch to counting in his head.

This process may take a lot of time, but your task is patience and constant regular exercises to develop memory, until the child brings the operations first with the first ten digits to automatism.

Having mastered the simple counting mechanisms in his mind, he will memorize more and more much easier and faster and will soon be able to solve complicated examples.

Basic rules and nuances of training

In order for the classes to be a joy to both you and the child, it is worth following several rules and recommendations of specialists.

  • Patience and calmness. This state should be your motto in the learning process. Even if it seems to you that the information is basic to understand, a three-year-old child may think completely differently.
  • Do not force your child, do not yell at him or judge him for mistakes - the atmosphere in the classroom should be calm and comfortable.
  • The world around you will provide a significant help in learning - just count everything around with your child: buttons on a blouse, dishes that you put on the table for dinner, purchased food, toys, cars, animals and birds on a walk, steps on the way home, etc. etc.
  • To conduct a lesson, it is not at all necessary to sit at the table, as in a lesson - the child's acquaintance with mathematics should be fun, exciting and interesting, otherwise he will get bored, become absent-minded and will not accept the information you want to convey.
  • For a small child, classes can last no more than ten minutes. You can work with preschoolers for up to half an hour, but it is important that the child does not get tired.
  • There is an opinion that it is necessary to devote time to classes every day, constantly repeating previously passed material. If the child goes to kindergarten or to developmental classes, then this is quite possible, but at home the parents may simply not find time for regular classes.
  • Repetition and regularity, of course, are important, but the child also has his own natural learning rhythms, for example, at some point he will be enthusiastic about counting and learning numbers with pleasure, and then suddenly his interest in this topic will subside and he will switch to anything else. Then it is better to wait a little or present the information in a different form.

Be sure to take into account all these points and study with the child not because it is necessary, but be, first of all, interested and carried away by yourself - then your lessons will become a joy for the child, and from the lessons you will both be able to receive not only knowledge, but also positive emotions.

Learning by playing

Pay attention to the existing game techniques that help you get to know the world of mathematics faster:

  • you can use cards with numbers or pictures on which, in addition to the number itself, various objects will be drawn in a certain amount;
  • visual material can also be in the form of posters or tables;
  • cubes and numbers on magnets also work well;
  • you can find educational lotto or dominoes on the topic of account;
  • various counting material will also be useful - Kuisiner's sticks or specialized sets with fruits, geometric shapes or other objects.

How it works? In fact, it all depends on your imagination, because you can invent educational games on your own, relying on or taking as a basis already existing methodological developments.

  • Visual aids help your child visualize numbers. Show him the numbers on a poster or on cards, let him think about what each number looks like or come up with a special image for it, for example, a two is very similar to a floating swan, and an eight is like two bagels, which were placed one on top of the other, etc. etc.
  • Buy or make your own "knowledge cubes" with cards. At first, the child can place cubes in the box, counting them and choosing the appropriate card with the desired number.
  • Zaitsev's tables and cubes are very useful in this regard, since they can be used to show the child the difference between large and small numbers, colored cubes are well suited for teaching column counting - laying out examples, the child will see that units are indicated by one color, and tens - to others.

Dominoes for learning counting can be made from plasticine or quickly hardening plastic. Just blind small rectangles and make indentations in them with an arrangement like domino dots. Then make small balls of different colors.

Forms can play the role of houses, cars, ships, an airplane carpet or any other object in which the balls-characters will live, play or move in different quantities:

  • let the child lay out the balls and count how much fits on each rectangle, after that you need to find and put next to the card with the desired number;
  • cover any of the rectangles with a sheet of paper and invite the child to remember how many balls were there;
  • you can play like in a real domino - then you need to make a lot of chips, and additional players can be toys, for which you will also perform moves;
  • arrange all the numbers from one to ten in order and fill the rectangles with balls, then let the child turn away, and someone harmful, for example, Baba Yaga will fly in and confuse everything, and the baby will be tasked with fixing everything;
  • using multi-colored knuckles and balls, you can learn to divide them into groups by color and number of dots;
  • show the child how the larger number differs from the smaller one, let him find knuckles with the same number of points.

How not to miss the moment when you can start teaching mathematics, so that the account fits in the child's head, says the teacher.

We teach the account quickly and easily

You can familiarize a little baby with numbers by doing ordinary daily activities:

  • here you wash both eyes and one nose, here you wash two hands and feet;
  • here you put on two shoes, but put on one blouse;
  • then you can count the fingers - first on one pen, and then on two, accompanying the count with rhymes and nursery rhymes;
  • try to consider to your child the characters of the fairy tale that you read at night, for example, all the inhabitants of the house or everyone who pulled the turnip, etc.;
  • special educational cartoons and presentations can well introduce the baby to numbers;
  • numbers can be drawn or colored, played with magnets on the board;
  • use nesting dolls, pyramid rings, labyrinths and other toys that may be interesting and useful for a child in teaching.

Learning to count to ten

Many techniques advise you to start learning counting with actions with objects, and not with numbers. That is, at first you operate only, for example, with toys: the child has one machine on the table, if another one arrives, then there will be two of them, and then a third, fourth, etc.can join them.

You can practice, as already mentioned, always and everywhere, counting the birds on the branch, and the trees along the road, and the steps in the stairs.

Then the acquaintance with the numbers themselves will begin. Remember that it will be easier for a child to visualize their images, and this can be done using various visual aids.

The most traditional and simple way of learning has always been finger counting, but keep in mind that this way you completely prevent him from using the memory mechanism, and later you will have to wean the baby from using fingers and teach him to count in his head, and this is quite difficult.

Another way to mechanically memorize numbers and their order is to learn to count "by a ruler". However, many teachers believe that with it you run the risk of weaning your child from remembering and thinking, because such a primitive method not only trains, but also inhibits memory and mental development.

Its essence is that to obtain, for example, the number five, you must find the number two on the ruler and count three divisions one centimeter to the right from it.

You can play a digital train with your child. To do this, line up his favorite toys or cars in a large train, adding one carriage at a time. Let the baby name himself: the bear is one or the first carriage, a bunny joins it - this is two or a second carriage, etc. Then the train must be disbanded and the numbers counted in the reverse order.

Learning to count to a hundred

First you need to solidify the numbers and count to ten well. Learn with your child a variety of simple and funny poems for memorizing numbers, riddles, songs and counting rhymes. Play educational games with visual aids, look for familiar numbers on the numbers of houses and cars.

Expand the range of familiar numbers in each lesson. First, you must explain to your child how to count from ten to twenty, and then show him the principle of counting from tens to one hundred.

Of course, he will not immediately learn and remember everything, but this is not scary. Move gradually, periodically recalling what has already been learned and consolidating the material, return to previous topics in the context of new, more complex tasks.

Among the exercises that may be useful at this stage, it is worth noting:

  • search for "neighbors" of any number, for example, the child must name or find what numbers are before and after the five;
  • search for missing or missing digits in a string;
  • ordering a confused row of numbers;
  • counting in both directions within every ten;
  • acquaintance with the clock and the principle of determining the time, various games on this topic;
  • familiarity with the thermometer for measuring air and how it works - the child can record temperature readings daily and compare them, etc.

Teaching the child to memorize examples and composition of numbers

If a child learns and is able to list numbers, this does not mean that he can count, because for this he needs to learn how to determine the composition of a number and master various simple mathematical operations, such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

You can introduce your baby to subtraction and addition after he has confidently mastered the count to ten. There is a way that is considered elementary, but not very useful for further learning.

Its essence is to show the child how to add and subtract one by one, for example, to get the number five, you add one to the three, and then another one, or even add five units. Many experts advise against dwelling on this method, but believe that it is better to immediately show the child a full account.

Nevertheless, in games it is quite possible to use it at first. Take the classics with drawn numbers in squares. Have the child jump with a bucket or basket containing small toys, possibly plastic fruit:

  • jumping from cell to cell in order, the baby must count out loud for now - one plus one will be two, two plus one - it will be three, etc.;
  • when he calculates everything without errors from one to ten, try jumping and counting in the opposite direction, already subtracting;
  • you can also lay out toys, jumping over the cells and counting them, determine which number is greater and which is less, when it turns out to be zero.

To make it easier for the child to learn addition and subtraction, solve simple problems with him using visual examples:

  • put a different amount of sweets or cookies on two plates, let him count them and compare where there is more and where less, then offer him to make it equal, then take a few pieces - you need to count how many are left;
  • learning the composition of numbers is also better visually, and a homemade domino, which we have already talked about, can help you with this - children perceive vivid visual images much faster, therefore, if you show on two knuckles that the five consists of either two or three balls, or from one and four (they must be multi-colored), then he will immediately remember it;
  • be sure to show your child the most elementary mathematical rule - the sum does not change from a change in the places of the terms. This can be done using the same ordinary objects, for example, putting on the table first two pears, and then two apples, and then vice versa - the baby must say that the same number four is obtained;
  • imagine a large number as a house in which smaller numbers live, come up with different rhymes for better memorization, invite your child to experiment and play in combinations of numbers, independently form the conditions for simple problems.

Teaching Mental Counting

When a child confidently copes with numbers and counts quickly without using fingers or counting aids, then he can already be taught to count in his head.

There are two required elements in this process:

  1. Speech.

At first, your kid can loudly comment on his actions and the mathematical operations that he performs. Then he will begin to do it in a whisper, until he comes to the counting in his head without speaking out loud.

  1. Motor.

Often, at first, children need to perform certain actions with objects in order to count them - rearrange, move, remove. The next step is to simply point your finger at the items to be counted, and then the baby will learn how to count with just his eyes.

Didactic games are very helpful for learning mental arithmetic, and children also like to play in the store. You can buy a manual called "Cashier of numbers", operate with toy or conditional money and candy wrappers, or involve your child in real purchases in the store.

If the child shows ability for mathematics, introduce him to multiplication and division, the concept of even and odd numbers, some formulas.

Learning to count in a column

When the baby learns to write numbers, you can slowly prepare him for the column counting. To do this, you just need to show how the numbers are located and written with this method of counting.

The key principle of writing numbers in a column is their arrangement under each other with different bit depths, that is, we write units under units, tens under tens, and hundreds under hundreds. Explain to your child that this is how addition occurs - from units or from right to left.

Continuous practice is needed to develop knowledge. Don't try to get your child to memorize information. Go to the next counting operation only when the kid remembers the previous one, that is, do not start teaching him to subtract in a column until he is still good at adding in this way.

Visual examples in the form of didactic games, diagrams, number cards, multi-colored cubes will also come to your aid.


Math is not an easy science, but it can be fun and interesting if you open it to your children from this point of view.

Be consistent and patient, turn the learning process into an entertaining game, do not impose excessive demands on the child - then everything will go much easier and faster, and very soon the baby will delight you with his new achievements and mathematical abilities.

counting examples up to 20

Good afternoon, dear readers! How much effort adults have to make to teach a child to count between 10 and 20. And not only count, but also solve examples, subtract and add! At the same time, this is not as difficult to do as it seems at first glance. We offer you non-standard play techniques on how to teach a child to count examples within 20.

Stage 2

If you have learned how to count, we get acquainted with the graphic representation of numbers. For this purpose, we use cubes with numerical images, cards.

Stage 3

The next step is very important: it prepares the foundation for quick mental arithmetic. This is the study of the composition of the number. If the baby knows exactly how numbers are decomposed, he will easily solve examples for addition and subtraction.

The study of the composition of the number is traditionally carried out using the so-called "houses". Draw a house on paper in a box. On one "floor" there are always 2 cell rooms. The number of storeys of a house is determined depending on the number of numerical pairs into which the number can be decomposed.

For example, 4 can be decomposed into 3 and 1, 2 and 2. This means that the number 4 lives in a two-story house, etc. We will write it on the roof. The example clearly shows how to correctly make houses for the numbers 3, 4 and 5.

The child will have to memorize the resettlement of the "tenants" on the floors. Start with small numbers. Ask the baby to carefully look at who lives with which neighbor, and then "populate" the numbers on their own.

When the two and three are mastered, move on to more complex numbers. This technique gives the most solid results. Proven on our own experience.

Here here you can download such a table and use it to master the technique of number composition:

Stage 4

When the houses are passed, the turn of examples within 10 came. In the first grade, these examples will have to be solved in the first half of the year, so it is better to prepare in advance. Now all that remains is to put + or - signs between the "settlers", having previously explained their purpose to the baby.

First, present addition or subtraction in the form of a game. For example, one left the four from the floor. Which of the neighbors will stay on the floor? Answer: three. Such exercises will help the baby quickly get used to mathematical examples. Gradually, the words "left", "came" are changed to "plus" and "minus".

So we have mastered counting within 10 with the child. As you can see, the technique is very simple, but it takes time and patience to operate. Try to make the baby count in the mind first: written exercises slow down thinking.

Along the way, train the concepts of "more or less" (first use objects, expanding them on different sides, then compare the numbers), neighbors of the number (write a series of numbers with missing numbers and ask the crumbs to complete the row by placing the neighbors correctly).

Move on…

It's time to introduce the kid to the second ten. To overcome arithmetic difficulties, we propose the following training algorithm:

Part 1

We introduce the concept of ten. To do this, lay out 10 cubes in front of the child and add one more. Explaining that this is eleven. We say that the end of the word "dtsat" means "ten". To form a number from 11 to 19, all you need to do is add the number to the end of “d” and put the preposition “on” between them.

Part 2

Since the baby is already familiar with the concept of ten, we enter the category of units and, when adding, we operate with these concepts. For example, 13 + 5. First add the units: 3 + 5 \u003d 8. Now we add the remaining ten and get 18.

Part 3

Now let's move on to examples for minus: we act in exactly the same way. Subtract one, then add ten.

Part 4

The most difficult stage is subtraction, in which the first unit is less than the second: 13-6. In this example, we cannot subtract six from 3. You have to deal with a dozen. One of the ways is to subtract three from six, subtract the remaining number from ten, i.e. 6-3 \u003d 3, 10-3 \u003d 7. After a few workouts, your child will be able to do mental subtraction.

The child must clearly master the described skills: in grade 2 he will need this to solve examples with two-digit numbers.

To brighten up the learning process, you can use various aids:

  • cubes;
  • magnets;
  • pictures (training with pictures is especially diverse: you can simply count them, use coloring pages with examples to consolidate counting skills);
  • any items at hand;
  • counting sticks;
  • abacus, etc.

The more you show your imagination, the sooner the child will be interested in mathematics.

We have examined the sequence of learning crumbs to solve examples within 20 stages. If the article was useful to you, leave a comment or share the article with your friends in social. networks.

See you soon, dear friends!

Experts say that children should learn to count in kindergarten, it is important that the classes are interesting, and the child of 3-4 years old wants to count himself. As soon as the first knowledge about numbers and counting is obtained, it will be easier and easier for the child to consolidate new knowledge about addition and subtraction.

Adults should support the child's first steps in counting. For example, you can ask your kid to find one or more objects, voicing their number. You will also need to teach the kid to understand what is "more", "less" and "the same."

Before the child learns to add and subtract, you need to teach him how to simply count, then teach him how to pronounce the count aloud, then he must learn to do it in a whisper, and only the last stage will be the counting in the mind, and out loud the baby will only pronounce the result.

You can count not only at home, it is quite possible to teach your child to count while walking. For example, you can count how many cars are parked in the yard, then try to complicate the task and count how many of them are red and how many are gray. You can count the encountered animals, birds, trees and everything that only catches your eye. So the child will assimilate the process of counting, reinforcing it with visual images, and will come one step closer to the goal in order to learn how to quickly count in his head.

Any teaching of a child to count should take the form of a game. Here special counting sticks or ordinary identical objects can help you, it can be pencils, buttons, felt-tip pens. Start activities with the preschooler, starting to master the count to five. When your child learns to count quickly within 5, you can try teaching him to count to 10.

Try to explain to your child what a number is. This is easy to do with sweets, for example, a child has four sweets, if he shares with his mother and gives her one, then he will have three sweets. You will be able to explain to the child the subtraction process, that if he had 4 candies and if one is removed, then there will be 3.

You can use sticks and rulers for counting

Try to teach the baby and addition in the same way, change the number of sweets in places so that the child understands that the sum does not change from the change of places of the terms. So you can very much up to 5 and up to 10, and also consolidate the skills of addition and subtraction.

Be sure to explain to your child the concept of "zero", it is much easier to do than it seems. Just place a few counting sticks in front of the baby and carry out several additions and subtractions with them, and give an example where three sticks will be subtracted from three sticks. Remove all the sticks from the table and explain that in this case there will be nothing left, that is, there will be zero.

In teaching counting to a child, the main thing is regularity and no compulsion, classes should be daily and fun, so that the kid understands that quickly counting numbers in his head is very fun. Try to give your child simple and well-remembered examples, so he will remember the numbers much faster, here little pieces of paper with numbers can help you.

Learning Numbers for Toddlers - Number and Number 10

While you are teaching your kid to count within 10, you must explain to him what the number 10 consists of. He must understand that ten can be obtained in different ways by adding 5 + 5, 3 + 7 or 8 + 2. Once your toddler can add and subtract numbers up to ten out loud, try asking him to do it in a whisper and then mentally.

To teach a preschooler to count to 20, use the same method as for teaching to ten. Give your child an example to add 8 + 4. Number 4 is not enough to ten 6, we will take them from 8. 2 remains, and then ten needs to be added to two, so we get 12.

Do not forget that you need to teach the preschooler to count, first on visual aids, then switch to cards with numbers, then to oral counting aloud without benefits, to counting in a whisper, and only then to oral counting in your mind. Until the child learns the first level of knowledge and brings them to automatism, do not move on to the second.

Once a preschooler can easily count to 20, you can turn counting into a fun game by asking your little one to add and subtract the different numbers they encounter on the street. These can be numbers of houses, cars, or numbers on advertising posters.

You decompose complex numbers like "245" into simple ones, ask the kid to calculate how much 2 + 4 + 5 will be aloud or in a whisper. So the child will be able to hone the skills of counting in the mind in the form of a game and easily learn to add and subtract numbers up to 20.

A regular ruler with divisions can help in teaching a preschooler to count to ten and to 20. Here you can visually show your child addition and subtraction and can teach him to quickly count to 20. Ask your baby to add 4 + 4. Find the number 4 on the ruler and walk to the right from it with your finger, since we are talking about addition.

for kids toddlers - Amazing construction - Addition - Learn to add numbers

We need to add 4 more, so we need to take 4 steps. Try subtraction in the same way, just take 9-5 as an example. Find a nine with your child, leave your finger on it, and count 5 steps with the other. Stop your finger on the number 4. So you can very easily and visually teach your baby to count, add and subtract up to 20.

Many parents doubt whether their child needs to go to school, but you, as a parent, must assess the abilities of your child, perhaps it will be too much of a burden for him. You should not turn the life of a preschooler into a solid math lesson, there are many other interesting activities. Scoring should be a fun and addicting game, not a duty.

The question of how to teach a child to count quickly in the head is asked by many parents whose children have already reached primary school age. Parents should understand that interest in counting should be started as early as possible, in the form of a game, so that the kid understands what an interesting subject it is - mathematics.

To make the count much easier and easier for a first grader to count, it is imperative to teach the kid to add and subtract numbers in a column. It will be easy to teach a child, for this you need a little patience, the desire of the baby, a piece of paper and a pen.

At the beginning of the tutorial, focus on addition only. Ask your child to write down the numbers on a piece of paper so that units are above units, tens are above tens, hundreds are above hundreds. As soon as the numbers are written down, draw a line under them.

Explain that the addition should start with the units that are written at the very end. If the sum of the digits is less than ten, then you will need to immediately write it down below the line. If it is more than ten, then write the units under the line, and the number of tens - remember or write down the example above.

Now you will need to add tens, but to them you will also need to add the ten that we remembered when adding units. Hundreds and thousands add up just like tens.

Column addition of integers

When the first grader knows how to add numbers, try solving subtraction examples. Explain that you need to write down the numbers in the same way, and if the number of units in the decreasing is more than in the subtracted, you need to “take” ten.

Teach a first grader how to divide. To do this, write down the number that you are dividing on paper and separate it from the divisor with a corner. The result is written below it. Remember, long-term counting takes practice. Study with the child who will go to first grade a little bit, but regularly. Be sure to make sure the examples are solved correctly.

Oral counting for a student

There are several types of oral counting and for a student who goes to first grade, it is very important to master each of them.

A fluent auditory score develops when it is counted by a teacher, parent, or classmate. The main load falls on memory, but at the same time the baby will quickly get tired, so you do not need to practice this counting for too long.

Visual verbal counting can be done using tables, posters, and chalkboard notes. So it will be much easier for the child to perform mathematical actions, and mathematics will be learned much easier with visual aids.

A combined account can be conducted in a variety of ways. The class can show the answers on cards, the teacher can ask the children to do a peer review, the exercises can be given in the form of a game, quiz, maze, etc.

Round numbers

You can use a regular long ruler to explain to your child the concept of round numbers. You will be able to explain that ten consists of ten, one, two tens - of twenty, and so on.

Tell the toddler who goes to first grade that in order to count something in tens correctly, you need to use the principle of counting in units, you do not need to pay attention to zero. Try to count in tens and remember to write down zero.

Three-digit numbers

It often happens that when first graders get to the topic of three-digit numbers, they get scared. So that the child quickly understands what's what, try to present the material to the child using tables.

Hundreds Dozens Units
3 5 1
2 3 8

Let's solve example 351 + 238 using the table. We will need to fill in an empty row

We write down the number into digits and carry out the addition. We will have a simple score within ten.

Hundreds Dozens Units
3 5 1
2 3 8
5 8 9

Similar actions can be done with subtraction and with the transition to tens.

Teaching a child to subtract and add is a complex, multi-stage process, starting with the study of single-digit numbers and turning into two-digit ones, with a gradual study of the moments when there is a transition through a dozen. To teach a child to quickly count two-digit numbers, you must go through each stage sequentially. The use of different teaching methods, mainly in a playful way, makes it possible to make the whole process interesting for the baby, which will have a positive effect on the results.

Subtraction of two-digit numbers with a transition through the digit

Explaining the subtraction of two-digit numbers to a child is easier using. This will allow you to focus on the process and improve the assimilation of the passed material. You should not start with large numbers right away, it is better to start the first steps with minimum numbers, gradually increasing.

An important point is that the child will not be able to immediately count in his mind, even when it comes to small numbers. It is better to use a piece of paper, parts of the construction set, a computer or other additional means where the kid can make the required notes. Attention should be paid to studying the order of formation of tens, up to a hundred. This will help when learning addition and subtraction with the transition through the digit, and not just within the limits of one ten. Having mastered the counting within ten, you can proceed to the study of more complex actions, using one of the techniques or by combining them.

Separating numbers by subtracting

When subtracting a single digit from a two-digit number with a transition through the digit, division can be used. Explain to your child that it will be easier to subtract from a whole ten, and it is enough to divide a single number in such a way that by subtracting one of its parts, you get 10, and only then subtract the second part. As a result, the child will quickly master such an account, having learned how to correctly divide the numbers and get the final result.

This method is well suited in cases where the count up to 10 has been mastered, and the baby is also familiar with numbers up to at least 20. Classes should be conducted in a playful way, using consumables or special ones.

Using geometric shapes to render numbers

A common variant when tens are denoted by triangles and ones by dots. It is enough to explain to the child the meaning of the figures and give a few examples. After that, you can start training, starting with simple tasks, using numbers up to 20, gradually complicating them.

For the entry-level, this is a suitable option, allowing you to make calculations quickly and clearly. However, it can be difficult when the additional ten must be subtracted when deducting (for example, 54-35 \u003d 19). It is important to explain to the kid the subtlety of such a moment. It is better to subtract two-digit numbers in this way, avoiding such situations, or regularly show examples to the child for better mastery.

Taking away with Lego

To apply this method, you can use Lego Duplo, calculated for these purposes, or ordinary construction blocks, having previously numbered them. With their help, you can solve complex problems, including those in which there is a transition through a dozen.

It is enough to display the required numbers using the appropriate digits (for example 25-19). To explain the subtlety more clearly to the child, it is enough to divide them into smaller ones (10, 10, 5 and 10, 5, 4). The child easily learns that 10-10 \u003d 0, and will be able to remove the extra tens. The remaining equation can be easily solved in the future (10 and 5 - 5 and 4). The child is left to count 10-4, having received the final result.

Adding two-digit numbers

Explaining the addition of two-digit numbers to a child is usually easier than a deduction, even in cases where there is an addition of an additional ten after the addition. There are enough teaching methods to choose the most suitable one for your baby. It is important that all preschool children should be entertained in a playful way.

Splitting numbers

One easy way to learn is to divide numbers into tens and ones. This also helps in the case when the ten is added after adding the units. For example, the child will write 25 + 36 as 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 6 + 5 and get the result 50 + 5 + 6. After that, the addition takes place 5 + 6 \u003d 11. Expanding 11 by 10 + 1 again gives 50 + 10 + 1 \u003d 61. Children easily perceive this method and quickly learn to use it even with mental calculations.

Use a column solution

This will greatly simplify the counting process for your little one. So the child perceives tens and ones more easily, can make notes about additional tens and other necessary entries. It is easier to add two-digit numbers in this way and soon the child will be able to carry out the necessary operations in the mind.

Using this method is also possible to study the deduction.

Application of online games for learning

Today there are many mini-games that are aimed at helping parents to educate their child. Their use makes it possible for the kid to quickly and with interest to master the basic basics of counting, including cases when two-digit numbers are added with a transition through the discharge.