Dry conspiracies. Strong attachment of a loved one at a distance. Strong magical effect

How to make a guy fall in love with you without memory and follow you? To do this, you need a strong additive that will work flawlessly. Folk methods of bewitching will tell you how to use it correctly and achieve love.

The most important problem that many now face is the mistake in choosing their soul mate. After all, we are far from always able to distinguish falling in love from true and serious feelings. Attracting the love of the wrong person, a woman suffers later, at a loss of what to do, making cuffs and over and over again interfering with someone else's energy. Or he treats love spells too lightly, guiding them one after another, and then, when, under the influence of strong energy, they suddenly work, he does not know what to do.

In order not to ask such questions, it is worth using the universal dough on the guy. Its peculiarity is that it requires your energy supply and will only affect the guy to whom you are really not indifferent, and your feelings are not fleeting.

Attracting love with a sucker

To "dry" your loved one, you need a small piece of meat. Its variety does not matter, and you can not buy too expensive - chicken is also fine. You need to bring it home and boil it, during cooking, saying the phrase over the pan 7 times: “ The meat is boiled, the love of the Slave ... (name) for me is born. May it be so».

Then you need to find stray dogs and feed them boiled chicken. When the dogs start eating, you need to look at him and say: “ As dogs like meat, so does Rab ... (name) to me Rabe ... (name) love grows. May it be so". This phrase must be repeated three times, and then leave without turning around.

Features of the ritual

As a rule, food additives have a very strong effect, so they should be used with caution. It is through food and certain words that you send powerful energy that attracts love, and then "fixes" the magical effect. There are many love spells where the guy himself needs to be treated; in the same ritual, animals are purposefully used. So information does not directly affect human consciousness, and this neutralizes the negative consequences of a love spell for a person's will. After all, the meat dough refers to powerful magic, and not to a light, white effect.

This ritual takes effect within 7 days. During this time, take a closer look at your beloved. He may already be showing signs of attention and is courting you. If after a week nothing has changed, then higher forces have not "tied" this person to you, and your love is probably temporary. Listen to your heart: is this really the person with whom you want to build a relationship? Maybe this is just a fleeting hobby, and you shouldn't waste your energy on it.

Do not despair, even if the drying effect is not achieved - now you know that you still have many new meetings and dates ahead of you. And if everything worked out for you, it means that the universe itself approved your union. Love yourself and loved ones, enjoy the fateful meeting and do not forget to press the buttons and

01.10.2015 00:50

Every woman dreams of being loved and desired. However, love is not always mutual, and such ...

A love spell is the most common magical way to bind a man to yourself. And while dealing with ...

Any woman who does not practice magical rites can return her former love and refresh feelings. After drying, the lover will not show interest in his mistress and the relationship in the family will strengthen.

How to make self-adhesive at a distance: a man or a guy? To carry out the ritual, you do not even need to leave the house, but simply follow the basic rules.

For drying, you can use:

  • Monthly blood.
  • Personal belongings.
  • Photos of the beloved.

Drying on blood is the strongest, since it uses the strongest biomaterial - blood. The dryness in the photo is no less strong, and the photo in this case acts as a phantom of a married man.

The main thing is that there is no one in the photo except for him. Personal things are associated with their owner, they store energy information about a person - this is enough to use a thing as a phantom.

note! After the ritual on the menstrual blood, you cannot leave a man or a guy, and the connection with him will be forever. You need to think about whether it makes sense to change your fate, the fate of your beloved, future children.

The time for drying should be selected based on the type of ritual. If done for blood, then 3-4 days of menstruation are suitable, on the waxing moon, and the suitable days for working on the photo are Monday and Friday.

The drying carried out on Easter will work carefully, will help to get to know each other, on the other hand.

Strong suction to exactly match the apple

The apple is a rather symbolic fruit and is used not only in love magic. The ritual is effective and the result comes in a few days.

For the ceremony you need an apple and a photograph of a man large enough to fit easily.

The knife used to cut the apple must be new. This is a strong attachment, therefore, it is carried out on any day, no additional paraphernalia for the ceremony is needed.

Cut the apple, then put a photo of your boyfriend or husband between the halves. All thoughts at this moment should be focused on a loved one, there should not be anger and negativity in the soul.

To get it right, bury the apple only in the ground, and place the knife with which it was cut next to it. When the first worm eats an apple and a photograph, the beloved will leave his past passion and return.

Important! At the time of the drying and in the near future after the ritual, you need to be at least in the same city with the guy in order to be able to see.

Powerful add-on for a girl

It is not difficult to carry out a love spell ritual on a girl you like, it is enough to follow the rules and be sure of the need for a suction.

This is a full-fledged magical ritual, and any magical manipulation with another person entails a change not only in his fate, but also in the customer.

To influence girls, you can use a love spell of light and medium strength, because the female sex is distinguished by high suggestibility.

A powerful addiction to a woman is an extreme measure when you need to achieve the location of the chosen one in a short time or return a departed wife.

To carry out dryness, three components are needed:

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Church candle.
  3. Linen bag.

Pour coffee into the right palm, introduce the beloved and read a prayer with a lit candle. Then pour the coffee beans into a bag and carry it everywhere with you until the girl begins to show attention.

The second option is a cigarette add-on... To do this, a name is written on the cigarette with blood, then it is smoked. The remaining filter is extinguished in the palm of your hand and, together with the ash, is wrapped in a sheet of paper.

As soon as the burn on the hand heals, the beloved will return. If you believe the reviews, this method works very quickly.

We must not forget about the consequences of the love spell ritual. Life priorities are changeable and there will be no feelings for the bewitched girl, but the effect on her will continue.

In such a situation, only suck off or the lapel will help to remove the love spell, and if this does not help, then turn to an experienced magician.

How to dry at home in the wind?

To return the love of a dear person, they have long resorted to the help of higher powers, used occult objects and magic spells.

Love spells are quite strong if they are correctly interpreted and performed.

How to dry at home in the wind? Love spell to the wind is one of the simplest and most ancient rituals that do not require special knowledge.

To carry out the ceremony you need:

  1. Know in which side the chosen one lives.
  2. Go outside on the full moon with your hair down.
  3. Having well represented the image of a beloved man, a prayer is read three times: “My narrowed (first and last name) may this wind direct you on the true path.

    Will lead you to my eternal and voluptuous love. If you will be inspired by my love, and then our hearts will never part in life ”.

Advice: rituals performed at night work harder, because higher forces and forces of nature are at their peak at this time of day.

How to dry in other ways on your own?

There are a lot of love spells, spells and conspiracies, you can bewitch even with the help of an object and a natural phenomenon, turning to white or black magic.

How to dry in other ways on your own? To do this, you need to understand at least a little about magic and understand what mistakes are fraught with during the ritual.

By the nature of the effect on a person, the additives also differ:

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One of the important feelings that kindles the blood and overshadows the mind is love. Therefore, many try to use the maximum of opportunities in order to quickly feel exciting feelings. Among them, there is also light magic. Many ladies use conspiracies on a man to fall in love with him, to attract his attention, to bring marriage closer. Love magic and conspiracies have long proven themselves as reliable methods to achieve what you want.

In this article we will reveal the secrets of using magic spells. In particular, you will learn how a sucker conspiracy, designed to arouse a man's love, works.

Previously, women preferred tried and tested magical means to tie a man to themselves, fall in love, make him call, think about you, marry. Among them there are many popular spells that are still in demand today.

The use of magic to induce love for oneself from the opposite sex is quite a responsible step. Each strong conspiracy can not only make a person follow your will, but also change his fate. Therefore, before using a conspiracy for a man's love, it is better to think it over.

Such a spell as a clue can be cast if you really like a person madly, and without him you cannot imagine your future. In other situations, it is better not to check how strong the effect of a magical conspiracy is.

Each love conspiracy is capable of leaving an energy trail. However, the magical effect on a person serves only one purpose.

Therefore, using spells, consider in advance whether you can keep the man. After all, it's one thing to bind him, make him call, marry, make him bored. And it is completely different - when a man must be kept after the imposed conspiracy.

A simple technique for grabbing attention

Starting with simple magical addictions, we offer a conspiracy for melancholy. This can make a young man yearn for you. You can use this conspiracy on a man if you want to:

  • the guy was bored;
  • the first one called;
  • fell in love;
  • thought constantly;
  • get his attention.

In addition, the additive below has a particular advantage. In contrast to one direction, for which many conspiracies "work", this one helps to "kill two birds with one stone" at once. That is, with the help of the rite, one can not only achieve the main goal, but also turn the attention of the object of the spell from rivals. This ceremony is arranged at midnight. As an entourage, you only need three black wax candles and a match.

When the clock hands converge at 12, place all the candles on the floor in a triangle. Light them up, turn off the lights. Stripping naked, stand in the center between the burning candles. Next, you need to pronounce the magic text, while simultaneously touching certain parts of the body with your hands. For a man to start thinking only about you and be the first to call, put your palms on your cheeks. If you want to make him fall in love with you, place both hands at the waist. To invite you on a date and desire, put your hands on your chest.

The freeze text looks like this:

“I am alone, the most beautiful. I can only make men love everyone. The rest did not come out in manners, with terrible figures and bad faces. I attract the attention of all men, I overshadow the rest. Only I will be liked by all the men around. "

After you pronounce the magical text, complete the rite. To do this, blow out all the candles in turn, saying over each word:

"My beautiful nakedness will darken the light in your eyes."

After completing the ceremony, go to bed. A conspiracy to attract the attention of a man should work over the next few days. The man will be the first to call, find you and ask you out on a date.

Let's talk a treat

There is another simple, but no less effective spell. You can use it to kindle love and the desire to think about you constantly in a man's heart. A strong energetic rite accompanies the fulfillment of the desired. During it, you need to speak one of the beloved's favorite sweets.

In order for the drying agent to work as long as possible, perform a magic rite on the growing moon. Take the candy and whisper the words over it three times:

“As you like this sweet candy, so let you like me. Amen".

Treat a man with a charmed candy. The main thing is that he ate it in front of you. While he is enjoying the taste of sweetness, you can repeat the plot again. After the performed ritual, you can expect the result. You can repeat this strong conspiracy when love begins to fade. Having treated himself to the charmed candy again, the beloved will begin to get bored. He will think about you all the time, he will decide to call, he will call you on dates more often.

Strong magical effect

Blood dryers are considered very powerful. The effect of their exposure is expressed as a strong attachment. By turning to magic and reading a conspiracy to attract men, you can achieve strong success with a strong half. And by casting a spell on a certain person, you can even force him to marry yourself. In particular, for this you need to do the following.

If you want not just to attract the guy's attention so that he calls and thinks about you all the time, but to tie him up for years to come, get the most beautiful apple. It is advisable to do this on the first day of critical discharge. After bringing home the fruit, wash it. Then it is necessary, in seclusion, to completely cover the fruit with secretions. Simultaneously read this magical text on the love of a man:

“I call upon the forces of nature, I read a strong conspiracy. Let my blood become dry so that the servant of God (the guy's name) would miss and run to me, wanting and wanting only me. So that you do not live without me, so that your passion is directed only at me. My slander will be a secret dryness. From now on, you will submit to me, no one will cancel my words. Amen".

When the task is completed, leave the apple to dry. Just keep in mind that for the conspiracy to work, the fruit cannot be washed. When the apple covered with bloody secretions dries up, it is enough to wipe it lightly with a paper napkin. After the performed manipulations, treat your beloved man with the charmed fruit.

Having stopped your choice on this conspiracy, remember that an important condition of this spell is not only confidentiality. This additive is used in cases where there was no intimate contact with the object of desire before. Otherwise, the performed ceremony can provide far from the same effect. If you do a similar ritual on your husband, he may lose potency.

Ritual to attract a guy

There is another strong conspiracy to attract a man. With its help, you can kindle love in the heart of a beloved. Using this spell, you can easily attract, fall in love with a particular guy.

The result will be that at first the guy will miss you and think about you. Soon the man will decide to marry.

In the evening with the growing moon, retire to the room. With the curtains closed, sit down at the table. Place three lighted red candles in front of you. Take a nice, even bulb. Cutting it into halves, insert a few hairs from the body of your beloved in the middle. Close the onion and place it between the burning candles. Then say the words:

“As the onion dries, so let the heart and soul of the servant of God (his name) dry. May he be with me forever. Amen".

Wait for the candles to burn out. Take the cinders, the onion with the contents and put it in the most secret place. This drying conspiracy will work as long as the dried bulb is stored with you.

The proposed ways of helping in love and family matters relate to the field of witchcraft (conspiracies) and sorcery (various actions that were performed on the advice and with the participation of a sorcerer). The texts are taken from old collections, where they, in turn, came from ancient manuscripts or records made from the words of hereditary practitioners and experts in village divination.

It is necessary to take into account a very important warning: it has long been believed that a person who used a conspiracy for evil loses the ability to speak.

Prayer helping a girl (woman) to get married

"Oh, All-Merciful Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything.

So rule yourself, O my God, with my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and pride; reason, modesty and chastity are my labors.

Since your law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title consecrated by You, not to please my desire, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: It is not good for a man to be alone and, having created a wife for him helpers, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the earth. Hear my humble prayer, which is sent to You from the depths of a girl's heart: give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

A conspiracy for a man to dry

"I will go to an open field; there is a white gyrfalcon in an open field; I will ask a white gyrfalcon - he would fly into an open field, into a blue sea, into steep mountains, into dark forests, into a swampy swamp, and he would ask for a cursed force so that she gave him the help to go down to the high mansion and find him, if only in the middle of a dark sleepy night, a white gyrfalcon would sit on a white chest, on a zealous heart, on a hot liver, and put the servant of God (name) from his mighty lips so that he would not without the servant of God, (name), he could neither live, nor be, nor drink, nor eat. "

Dry conspiracy

A bar is taken from a light broom, which is placed on the threshold of the door, into which the one for whom the dryness is assigned will pass. As soon as he steps over the rod, the rod is removed (by putting it) in a place where no one could see him. Then they take the rod and put it in a hotly heated bath on the shelves, saying: "As this rod dries, let it dry for me (the name of the fellow)."

Drying conspiracy

"I will get up, red maiden, with a red dawn, on a bright and clear day, I will wash myself with dew, rub myself with a soft veil, dress with a soft veil, a white fan, go out of the gate, make a turn to the meadow, pick dandelions, blow on his fluff, and let him fly to where my dear friend (name of the fellow) lives, let the fluff tell him how dear and sweet he is to my heart. a bold, ruddy, white friend ... Let his heart melt before my love, like ice before the heat, and his speech will be with me, sweet as honey. "

Drying conspiracy

"I will go early in the morning to a green grove, I will catch a clear falcon, I will instruct him to fly to an unknown spirit so that he makes this spirit fly to the place where (the name of the fellow) lives, and let him whisper in his ear and in his heart say to those until the love in him to me (the name of the girl) speaks with a bright flame.Let him (the name of the young man) in reality and in a dream think only of me (the name of the girl), rave me at night at times, and gnaw at him without me, like a rattlesnake snake like a mortal illness, let him know neither day nor night, and see my clear eyes, and rush to me from a distant place lighter than the midday wind, faster than a fireball, lighter than a silver gull. Let other girls be terrible for him, like lionesses like fiery gehennas, sea sirens, like striped owls, like hairy witches! And for him, a red girl (name of a girl), let me seem like a firebird, a sea queen, a dawn red, a clear star, a blessed spring, a fragrant violet, light fluff, white snowflake, May night, paradise bird. Let him wander night and day without me like a shadow, bored, killed, like feather grass staggering across a clear field. Let him without me (the name of the girl) have no joy either in the middle of a dark night, or in broad daylight. And let him be with me joyfully, warmly, joy in his soul, light in his heart, fun in his mind, and singing in his tongue. "

Dry conspiracy

"Zarya-zarynitsa, and I, a red girl, will go through the maple gates, into reserved places, I will find a stone whiter than snow, stronger than steel, heavier than tin I will take this stone, throw it to the bottom of the sea with those words:" Let the white stone lie at the bottom of the sea , and my dear heart (the name of the girl) boils with fiery love. "I will stand against the clear month and ask for the red sun:" The sun, the sun, melt the heart of a friend (the name of the young man), let it be softer than an ardent wax, kinder to my dear mother, pity dear father. Let the heart of a dear friend (the name of the young man) belong to the whole century, day and night, in summer and spring, only to me (the name of the girl). And for others, let this heart be cold as ice, strong as iron and callous as steel. Let the keys to the heart (the name of the young man) be kept forever only by me (the name of the girl). "

Dry conspiracy

"The winds are violent, the birds are fast, fly rather to the secret place, to the heart of the dear (name of the young man), let him know how I (the name of the girl) suffer days and nights for my dear friend (the name of the young man). May I be bitter, untalented happy with a sweetheart (name of a fellow) in all months, in long years, in May days, winter nights, in bad weather and in red days. family sisters. Birds are fast, violent winds, tell you about that dear (name of the young man) that I suffer, how from pain, from my love for the good young man (name of the young man). Let him be to my grave. So know him , to the fellow (name of the fellow) ".

Dried fellow

"I will, (the name of the girl), praying, I will go, blessing, from the hut at the door, from the door to the gate, I will go out into the open field, to the sub-eastern side, in the sub-eastern side there is a hut, a board lies in the middle of the hut, longing under the board. longing, longing sobs, waiting for the white light! The white light, the red sun waiting, rejoices and rejoices! So me (the name of the girl), waited, rejoiced and rejoiced, could not live without me, neither be, neither drink nor eat; nor at dawn, not at evening; like a fish without water, like a baby without a mother, without a mother's milk, without a mother's womb, cannot live, so (the name of the young man) without (the name of the girl) could not live, neither be, nor drink , neither to eat, nor in the morning dawn, nor in the evening, nor in everyday life, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, nor in the day with the sun, nor in the night with a month. , in the chest, in the heart, in the whole belly (the name of the young man), grow and give birth in all veins, in all the bones, aching and dryness for (the name of the girl). "

Conspiracies to return love

"I will become blessed, I will cross myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the gates with gates, into a wide courtyard, in a clear field. In an open field I will pray, I will worship. There are twelve winds, twelve whirlwinds, strong, violent, like dry, crush in the spring across the field, in the middle I will squeeze a warm summer field, mow the grass, dry it just as well, knock out my betrothed-mummer black eyebrows, black eyes, his blood is hot and his heart is zealous. not to while away an hour. So would I, the servant of God, be to him during the day - on his mind, at night - in his sleep and on his mind. Amen. "

"I will rise, the servant of God, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut to the hut, from the gate to the gate. In the open field I will bow and pray to all the lightning dawns, all the brothers, all the sisters, the mother moon, the sun-father, my red My light brown hair, take a closer look, my braids, take a closer look, at me, the girl, the servant of God (name) will fall in love, with black eyebrows, with clear eyes, zealous heart, black liver, scarlet blood. Could not live without me, neither to be, nor day to day, nor night to spend the night. In my words, the key and the lock. Amen "- to talk about water, wine or food and feed the beloved.

"I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, I will go out into the open field, there is an ocean-sea in the open field, there was an old oak in the ocean-sea, an old hare was sitting under this oak tree, I, the servant of God Elizabeth, will take the old hare in my white hands , I will take out a zealous heart, a brown liver, like a gray hare can neither be nor live without a zealous heart, without a brown liver, also the servant of God Ivan could neither be, nor live, nor drink, nor eat, nor think, nor I think to think, not to speak. The servant of God Elizabeth would appear to the servant of God Ivan whiter than the white light, clearer than the red sun, dearer than the father-mother "- to speak into the water three times so that the pipes, doors, windows were locked.

You need to say in the sun: "I will become blessed, I will cross myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the gates with gates, I will go out into the open field, to the east, under the red sun. steep hills, behind black mud. Look, look at the servant of God (the name of the rivers), cut off your fast legs, lower your white hands, shoot the white chest, black liver, hot blood, keen eyes, head, brain, let God's friendship, love on the servant and dryness, let him dry about me as a servant of God, he looks and does not take his eyes off me, a servant of God. "

"I, the servant of God, will stand, blessing, I will cross myself into a clear field, under the eastern side. Under the eastern side there is a tree. On that tree sit birds - iron noses, damask claws. I will pray to these birds, bow and say: - Birds - iron noses, take away from me, servants of God, longing and dryness to God's servant Ivan. Pluck his head into a riot, into a zealous heart, into hot blood, into a popliteal vein, a dead bone. do not stand out, do not eat bread and salt, do not drink anything, do not smoke tobacco, do not take a steam bath in the steam bath, keep me all, the servant of God Alena, on your mind. and the key is in the sea ”.

"I will get up at dawn, wash, rub myself with a white handkerchief, go into the courtyard, from the courtyard to the street, stand in the middle, turn around three times. Summon three monsters. The first monster is a fire. The second monster is water. The third monster is human death." They will come and ask: “What is needed?” “The first monster, go into the heart of the servant of God (the name of the rivers), the second monster, go into the lungs of the servant of God (the name of the rivers), the third monster, go to the black liver and the blood of aloe. Shtab that servant of God (name of the rivers) but not to sleep, at the table not to eat, not to drink wine, without me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), he cannot live forever. Amen. Amen. Amen "- three times. To do so that no one can see.

"I will arise, the servant of God, blessing, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut with doors, out of the hallway with doors, out of the courtyard with the gates. I will go out into the open field. I will look to the right. On the right side are three maidens, three young women. The first young girl carries a birch log, the second maiden-adolescent carries a pipe Plotzku, the third maid-maiden carries a fiery flame.I will ask three maidens-maidens: - Where did you go, three maidens-adolescents? to set fire to the sub-sections to King David. - I will pray and worship three maidens, three young women. - Do not go beyond the distant lands, beyond the distant seas, to the distant kingdom to set fire to the sub-sections to King David. and a zealous heart. So that the servant of God (the name of the rivers) without the servant of God (the name of the rivers) could neither live, nor be, nor eat, nor drink, nor time to be, nor sit at a feast, nor look at the light. the name of the rivers) the servant of God (name of the rivers) is redder than the red sun, clearer than St. a white man, loving father, mother, the whole clan-tribe. With the same words I will open it back. In the same open field lies the Batyr-stone. I will ask the Batyr-stone: - How long have you been lying, Batyr-stone? And how long will you lie? - I lie from the end of the white world and I will lie to the end of the white world. - I will pray and bow to the Batyr-stone: - Strengthen my true words. - The Lord Jesus Christ himself will strengthen your true words. Forever and ever. Amen ”- can be slandered with tea or salt.

"I will rise, blessing, go, crossing myself, from door to door, From gate to gate. I will go out onto the steep porch. I will go down that frequent staircase, I will look at my mother on the damp earth, on the blue cloud, there flies an evil, fire-breathing, scorching I will ask this snake: - Where did the scorching snake fly? - I flew over the distant mountains, over the distant lands, in the thirtieth kingdom to light the white oak fire for a peasant. Better fly into the servant of God and kindle, zealously inflame the heart, black liver, hot blood and all become human so that the servant of God (the name of the rivers) could neither live, nor be without the servant of God (the name of the rivers), neither drink, nor eat, nor sleep. Constantly so that it was on the mind and on the mind. And every hour and every moment. In my words the key and the lock. Amen "- say three times for food, milk or wine, but so that he does not know. I didn't put it on my leg.

Magical actions and rituals for linking the lines of fate, which now seem exotic, came to the modern world from that time period when female sacred magic was extolled as the highest good. Thanks to spells and love spells, families were created, but then and now the illiterate approach of an ignorant person could cripple fate and make bad magic irreversible. Drying is a complex ritual and you need to approach it only when you are aware of the consequences.

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    What is a filler?

    A dry spell is the same love spell, with the slight difference that the affected object does not lose its will in the hands of the spellcaster, but simply feels more comfortable in her presence. Moving away from the object of such imposed love entails a melancholy feeling of losing something important, uncomfortable, lost.

    The effect of a sucker on a man is not as unambiguous as a love spell. The object is able to resist magical bonds or not react at all to them if such factors are present:

    • the person on whom the conspiracy is read has great willpower and a practical lack of suggestibility;
    • a man is in love with another girl and is reciprocated;
    • if the guy somehow found out about the upcoming ceremony, his moral resistance will always be stronger than simple manipulations performed at home.

    In the cases listed above, only professional magicians who come into contact with dark forces will have an impact on the consciousness of the object. You can figure out when you need a sucker for a man, and when - a powerful love spell that completely subordinates him to the will of the spellcaster, you can independently.

    Here are a few of the main points that say you can do without black hat methods to attract the right person:

    • a man should not fall in love with himself, but only arouse his interest, provoke him to the first steps;
    • when a turning point comes in an already existing union of two people and it is required to save the family;
    • the beloved man is often not around and the partner is not sure that there is no other woman next to him;
    • the wife has suspicions of betrayal of her husband.

    If the future spell reader has doubts about whether it is worth involving energetic beings of a lower order in solving the problem, an alternative to magic can be “praying” love in the church in front of the icon of the Mother of God. This method works well at a distance and helps if the problem has arisen recently.

    The negative side of the issue

    It will not be possible to completely remove the negative recoil after the ritual action, but it is necessary to soften the power of the response wave in advance and, above all, through competent preparation for the ritual. The texts should be memorized, as well as the ritual sequence. Pay attention to which hand to take the object, at what moment to light or extinguish the candle.

    On the day for which the event is scheduled, the reader needs to fast - it's good if the girl only drinks water from morning to night. Thus, moral cleansing will occur, and the level of negative sent in response will decrease.

    The successful result of a dosing on a man is not always a joyful event for a lover. Finding himself far from the spellcaster, the object feels anxiety, everything is not pleasant to him, he seems to lose his taste for all events in which the shadow of the desired image is not present. Trying to get rid of the glamor, the man begins to stick closer to the temptress, looking for meetings and near her really feels something that remotely resembles satisfaction.

    But it is never possible to completely satisfy this mental hunger, and often the unfortunate person begins to seek salvation in alcohol or drugs. The witch herself suffers involuntarily, because all the aggression and deep mental pain of the partner is poured out only on her. It is almost impossible to normalize the situation, to make it more peaceful. The only way out is to completely cleanse the dryness on the man.

    Rules and conditions for carrying out a ritual action

    In magic rituals, there are universal rules that are valid for all spells that affect the will of a person, and original, suitable only for love rituals. Before you start reading a suitable spell, you need to make sure that the necessary conditions are met so that everything works out exactly as intended:

    • the rite is held on Friday on the border of the new and full moons;
    • any week, month will do, as long as it does not fall on church holidays and major fasts;
    • magic on blood, hair, personal belongings will intensify on January 21, the holy calendar of the revered Agnes and on Valentine's day on February 14;
    • the main condition for a good result is sincere and strong love for a young man;
    • It is better to "dry" a man without the intervention of third parties, taking full responsibility for the awakened feeling;
    • if personal belongings or household items of a loved one are needed for the ritual, they must be taken stealthily, since a man's suspicion about upcoming actions is already a strong obstacle to success.

    The appearance of the reader is the same for all ritual actions - loose-fitting clothes, not intercepted by a belt, no jewelry, loose hair. The head should be uncovered, the legs should be bare. Since the ceremony is performed alone, the best option would be to take off all your clothes.

    What is the dream of a girl - interpretation of dream books

    Conspiracy on a string

    The ancient incantation "How much rope does not twist" is recited by the light of a red church candle, certainly after midnight. In advance, on the table next to the candlestick of the required hour, a prepared linen or cotton thin cord of white color with a length of about half a meter awaits.

    Before reading, you need to take the string in your right hand and use your fingers to sort through it from one end to the other, thinking about the coveted chosen one. Then quickly, trying to clear your head of all thoughts, you need to begin to impose the knots, tightening them tightly, but in no case counting them. There can be as many of them as you like and they should be located, tightly lowering the entire rope.

    After tying the extreme knot, you need to count them all. An odd number of ovaries means that the girl did not manage to attract outside forces to the action today and the ceremony is considered complete - there will be no effect. The ritual can be repeated three more times on other suitable days, but no more than three times.

    An even number of knots is a sign that outside help is present and you can continue. Holding the rope in her hand, very close to her lips, the reader slowly says: “No matter how you (affectionate, diminutive name of your beloved) hide from me, run, my libel will overtake you and destroy you. Love, servant of God (his full name), servant of God (your full name). "

    The rope should be placed against the front door of the man's dwelling, for example, under the rug, but so that when leaving the house, the person stepped over it. The conspiracy takes effect from the minute it happens.

    East into the morning dawn

    The strongest of the superscripts on a man is read in the morning dawn, as soon as there are glimpses of dawn in the sky. If the spell is cast indoors, you need to turn to the east-facing window, but the best effect is achieved when a barefoot woman is standing in the open.

    First you need to prepare - write the words of libel on a piece of paper with a fountain pen or ballpoint pen. You do not need to memorize the text - it is read in a quick recitative three times from the notes. This additive is a series of repeated actions. You need to read it for as many days in a row (without skipping) as it takes to harden all the words by heart.

    “In the morning I will get up, blessing, crossing myself, going into the courtyard from door to window, from the gate to the very blue sea. Twelve, as one, brothers are standing there, looking at me. I will approach them close, bow low. Come, brothers, into the sea-ocean, on that sea there is a blue island, on that island there is an oak sticking out, under that oak there is a heavy slab, grief-stricken. Take that slab, take that longing. Bring it from the blue sea, lay it on the heart of the servant of God (his name), so that impenetrable longing, unbreakable sadness descends on him. Let him yearn, rush, for me, the slave (his name), grieve both day and night thinking. See that morning dawn Maria, evening - Marimyana, night-midnight Ulyana. So that any girl seemed terrible to him, like a bat mouse, and a feisty snake, like a horned devil, and a shaggy sorcerer. And I was only (my name) for him was a firebird, a desirable girl. "

    The entire series of spells can take from several days to several weeks to read, depending on how soon the girl can recite the text three times without stumbling. Then you can stop reading and wait for a quick result.

    Honey Hex

    A sweet conspiracy is used to soften the tough temper of a young man and to instill in him sincere love and patience. For a rite of passage on a man in this way, you need to get his hair and cut off one of them.

    Several spoonfuls of fragrant liquid honey are placed in a glass jar with a ground-in lid, and both hairs are drowned in this thick mass. At the same time, a slander is read: “as the sweetness of honey is intertwined with hair, so the servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (his name) will intertwine for ever and ever for a sweet life. Amen".

    After the ceremony, the jar is wrapped in a white napkin and removed from prying eyes.

    Cleansing from the magical binding

    After the slander has worked and the man has shown interest in the addressee or has stopped looking at other women, it must be removed so that from now on the man's actions are guided by sincere feelings. If at one time a professional magician was involved for the ritual, it will not be possible to cleanse the traces of witchcraft by home methods, a woman can easily direct her own conspiracy in any direction convenient to her. Conspiracies to remove magical influence are read once on the waning moon.

    A pinch of table salt is poured into a clean cast-iron pan and, while the salt is heating up over low heat, the woman recites the incantation: “Salt is white-pure, cleanse the soul of the servant of God (his name), remove from his soul everything that is smoothed and spoiled, induced and spoken. Take from him everything that has been drunk with drink, taken with a lining, eaten with food. Take off everything that is sent by the evil eye, whispered with fierce lips. By my will, so be it. Amen".

    The words need to be pronounced, bending over the pan and holding the male image in your head. Darkened salt is a sign that information has been delivered and heard. After reading, salt is poured onto a clean plate, and the plate is placed on the front side of the photograph showing the beloved. Let the plate stand like this until evening. With the onset of darkness, the spell is read once again directly above the plate.

    Repeat the reading procedure over hot salt four more times in the next 2 days - at dawn and in the evening. After extreme reading, salt is poured into a piece of paper and thrown away.