Frozen pregnancy, treatment. Frozen pregnancy: cleaning is required! How to terminate a pregnancy if the fetus is frozen

If the fetus dies, there are no options - you need to get rid of pregnancy, and the sooner the better.

At a gestational age of up to 7 weeks, medical termination of a missed pregnancy is possible. The same drugs are prescribed with which a conventional medical abortion is done. With a frozen pregnancy, the uterus is released from the dead embryo in the same way as in a normal one, after 2 weeks an ultrasound is done to monitor the condition of the uterus, whether the remains of the fetal egg have lingered there. Often, medical abortion during a missed pregnancy is supplemented with antibiotic therapy.

Removal of a missed pregnancy at a later date requires surgical intervention.

Curettage during a missed pregnancy (colloquially, cleaning), is performed under short-term anesthesia or using local anesthesia, if a missed pregnancy occurs for a period of more than 7 weeks, the operation is performed in a gynecological department. Curettage after a frozen pregnancy requires mandatory antibiotic therapy in the postoperative period.

After scraping a frozen pregnancy, the discharge is sanious in nature, and lasts for several days.

The uterus gets rid of the remnants of the endometrium, the restoration of its mucosa begins. Excessive bleeding after a missed pregnancy is not the norm and requires a doctor's consultation. Discharge from the ward is usually fast, but it will take you a few days to get back to good health. Discharge after cleaning a frozen pregnancy resembles menstruation, but they should be less plentiful and stop fairly quickly. You will need a mandatory course of antibiotics, but the treatment will not end there.

How to treat a frozen pregnancy after curettage, doctors decide in each case. Of course, it is necessary to conduct an examination to identify the causes of what happened.

Menstruation after a frozen pregnancy is restored after 1 - 1.5 months, while it proceeds as usual. Sexual life after a frozen pregnancy is possible after the first menstruation.

What to do with a frozen pregnancy after its termination?

It all depends on the reasons. Histology after a missed pregnancy usually makes it possible to find out why the pregnancy was terminated and the embryo died. Whether it was an infection or gross violations of the development of the child, the study of the remote during the operation will show this. Sometimes the cause remains unexplained.

It is impossible to get pregnant again for at least six months, so OK is always prescribed after a frozen pregnancy. Oral contraceptives not only prevent the onset of a new pregnancy before the body recovers, but also normalize the menstrual cycle. Birth control pills, such as regulon, after a missed pregnancy are not the only treatment. Be sure to prescribe vitamins, recovery takes time and the most attentive attitude towards yourself.

If, as a result of the examination, a woman is diagnosed with a disease that led to the death of the embryo, it is treated. How to be treated after a frozen one is determined by the pathology that has been identified. A subsequent pregnancy after a dead one should be planned. It is possible that the body will need help so that this does not happen again. Hormones for antiphospholipid syndrome, duphaston or utrogestan, if low progesterone is detected, allow a healthy child to be born.

However, physical problems are not the only difficulty for women; missed pregnancy, especially in the later stages, is a serious psychological trauma. Life after a frozen pregnancy turns into a struggle with depression, a change of scenery, the help of loved ones, and a psychotherapist help to cope with it.

Rehabilitation after a missed pregnancy is not only the restoration of one's physical health and fertility, but also adaptation to what happened. If you feel guilty about losing a child, don't torment yourself in search of an answer to why this happened. This happens to many women, and it's not your fault that it happened.

What are the consequences and complications of a missed pregnancy?

Nevertheless, most often the pregnancy freezes for a random reason, which means that it is likely that the second time you will succeed, the next pregnancy after the frozen one will end safely.

The untimely diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is dangerous. It is possible for a pregnant woman to pass both a week and a month after the death of a child; in the later stages, a large interval before delivery is dangerous. The ability of the mother's blood to clot is affected, and this can cause bleeding. Infection of the contents of the uterus at any time causes its inflammation - endometritis.

It is important to be observed by a gynecologist on time and to contact in a timely manner if complaints appear.

The fear of a missed pregnancy is especially strong in those women who have already endured it. The best prevention of a missed pregnancy is planning.

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Most often, it is difficult to establish the exact cause that led to the development of this disease (each case is studied and considered individually), although doctors name several of the most common points. Among them:

  • uncontrolled intake of various medicines, which include dietary supplements and vitamins consumed by expectant mothers without consulting a specialist;
  • viral diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
  • taking illegal drugs, etc.

Non-developing pregnancy, medical termination of it is the number 1 choice in modern gynecology. It has now been proven that curettage during a missed pregnancy is not the best, and even dangerous, way to empty the uterine cavity. Therefore, according to current recommendations, it is necessary to use alternative options that do not lead to damage to the endometrium. In subsequent pregnancies, this will be associated with a lower risk of complications than with surgical curettage.

Alternative options for traditional curettage of the uterine cavity are:

  • The drug method (drug interruption), which in Russia is allowed only up to 6 weeks, and in world practice it is used up to 12 weeks. Currently, Russia is also reviewing the increase in terms, but this process is lengthy. In this case, other dosing regimens of pharmacological drugs are required.
  • Vacuum aspiration, used up to 12 weeks in case of missed pregnancy. When medical interruption is not possible, it is the preferred method.
Medical termination of a missed pregnancy should completely replace curettage, which is not acceptable in this variant of miscarriage.

Risks of surgical curettage in non-developing pregnancy

Unfortunately, until now, the traditional practice among obstetricians-gynecologists with non-developing (frozen) pregnancy is emptying the uterus using surgical curettage. This means that the cervical canal is forcibly expanded with special instruments, and then the curette is used to scrape and remove the remnants of the fetal egg.

Such manipulation is always accompanied by negative consequences for the female body - both early and long-term. The main risks are related to the following factors:

  • Injury to the cervix, which leads to isthmicocervical insufficiency, which is subsequently accompanied by an increased frequency of miscarriages and premature births;
  • Intense pain after curettage of an undeveloped pregnancy (medical interruption is not accompanied by them). Over time, in some patients, they can be realized in chronic pelvic pain syndrome, i.e. when pain periodically appears over the past 6 months;
  • Structural and functional inferiority of the endometrium, especially pronounced at the site of subsequent implantation (attachment) of the fetal egg. This leads to a high frequency of miscarriages and repeated non-developing pregnancies (medical interruption is devoid of these disadvantages).

Also, doctors should refuse (and patients should inform doctors about their desire in advance) from surgical curettage with an abortion that has already taken place, if the remains of the fetal egg are not found on the ultrasound. Thus, with heavy bleeding during pregnancy, the first step is an ultrasound scan. If there is no fetal egg in the uterine cavity, then curettage is not necessary.

Important! Traditional curettage of the uterine cavity during a missed pregnancy is always an equal sign between this manipulation and chronic endometritis. This inflammation of the mucosa aggravates the subsequent reproductive health of a woman, when her chances of becoming pregnant naturally and giving birth to a normal child are significantly reduced.

Non-developing pregnancy. Medical interruption, technique

Medical termination of a missed pregnancy involves a phased intake of 2 drugs. The first is mifepristone and the second is misoprostol. They have a different mechanism of action.

Mifepristone leads to detachment of the ovum due to blocking of progesterone receptors. Misoprostol during a missed pregnancy increases the contractile activity of the uterus, contributing to the expulsion of a detached fetal egg. At the same time, there is a gradual pharmacological opening of the cervical canal without injury.

Currently, after a major Cochrane review (i.e. studies with the highest evidence of the data obtained), the minimum effective doses of drugs recommended for use have been established. Therefore, in classic (uncomplicated) cases, mifepristone in a missed pregnancy is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg orally, and misoprostol - 400 mcg after 24-48 hours. However, it is forbidden to use this as a guide to action without consulting a doctor - an assessment of contraindications, clarification of the obstetric period and characteristics of the female body is required.


Medical termination of a non-developing pregnancy should not be used if:

  • an ectopic pregnancy was diagnosed;
  • there is an indication of an allergic reaction to the drugs used (Mifepristone or Misoprostol);
  • chronic insufficiency of the kidneys or liver, which are involved in the metabolism of the drugs used and their excretion in the urine from the body;
  • porphyria is a hereditary disorder of porphyrin metabolism with the deposition of these substances in the liver, intestines, skin, etc.

An ectopic pregnancy requires surgery. Preference should be given to minimally invasive (laparoscopic) techniques. For all other contraindications, the only way out is vacuum aspiration. If, for technical reasons, it cannot be performed, then, unfortunately, they resort to curettage (scraping) of the uterine cavity. It should be performed very carefully, without injuring the inflamed mucosa (endometrium).

Non-developing pregnancy. Medical interruption - recommendations after it

The American Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has formulated clear recommendations for the safe and effective management of the post-abortion period when there was an undeveloped pregnancy, which was medically terminated. These are 2 basic rules:

  1. Mandatory intake of analgesics. However, it should be said that the pain after surgical curettage is much more intense than after taking mifepristone in combination with misoprostol. As analgesics, it is recommended to use non-steroidal drugs (Indomethacin, Diclofenac and others).
  2. Mandatory control of sanitary napkins. If you need to change 2 pads with maximum absorbency in an hour, then this is regarded as bleeding after a missed pregnancy. Be sure to urgently contact a gynecologist.
Non-developing pregnancy, medical interruption is a mandatory control of pads and taking painkillers for better tolerability of the procedure.

After drug "curettage" of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy, a control ultrasound scan should be carried out no earlier than 10-14 days from the moment the ovum is evacuated. Early ultrasound threatens with overdiagnosis of placental (chorionic) residues, which is naturally accompanied by an increase in the number of unreasonable surgical curettage. In cases where it is not possible to produce an ultrasound, it is necessary to determine the level of hCG in the blood, which, if successfully emptied, should be less than 1000 mIU / l.

Non-developing pregnancy, medical termination of it is regarded as successful if ultrasound on the 10-14th day (not earlier!) After the release of the fetal egg does not reveal any residue, or if hCG is less than 1000 mIU / l.

After drug "curettage" due to a missed pregnancy, the routine use of antibiotics is not indicated. The issue is decided individually by a specialist, depending on the degree of infectious risk that a woman has.

After the final diagnosis of a missed pregnancy is established, the fetus must be removed from the uterine cavity. If the woman's condition allows, sometimes doctors take a wait-and-see attitude, that is, they expect the body to get rid of the dead fetus by itself through spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

But today, experts still try to remove the contents of the uterus surgically, without waiting for complications. The choice usually depends on whether the woman has vaginal bleeding or not. The presence of brownish discharge or bleeding indicates that a miscarriage will occur, but sometimes this has to wait several days or even weeks. In most cases, the doctor recommends that surgery be done no more than a few days later to reduce the chance of infection in the uterine cavity. It may be better from the point of view of the emotional state of a woman - to know that there is a dead fetus in the uterus is psychologically very difficult.

Termination of a missed pregnancy, depending on its duration, can be done by medication, using vacuum extraction (mini-abortion), curettage, or stimulation of labor.

Medical termination of a missed pregnancy

Medical abortion with a missed pregnancy is given for a period of not more than 42 days from the date of the last menstruation in a hospital. A woman takes a pill (usually mifepristone) in the presence of a doctor, after which, after a few hours, she starts spotting. Usually, within two days, the dead embryo completely leaves the uterine cavity, which must be confirmed by ultrasound.

To increase the contractility of the uterus, some women are prescribed additional prostaglandins. Repeated ultrasound in order to make sure that the fetal egg has been completely removed is performed after one to two weeks. At the same time, a repeated determination of hCG in the blood is carried out. If an incomplete abortion occurs, curettage is performed uterine cavity.

The operation is performed up to 12 weeks or in case of incomplete abortion caused by other methods. Curettage after a frozen pregnancy is performed under general anesthesia. At the same time, the cervical canal first expands, then a long-handled spoon (curette) is inserted into it, with the help of which the entire surface layer of the mucous membrane of the wall is scraped off and the fetal egg is removed along with it.

Cleaning during a missed pregnancy is a full-fledged operation, so it can have complications.

In the conditions of specialized departments, such complications, as a rule, are successfully dealt with. To prevent infection, antibiotics are prescribed, and to stop bleeding, modern drugs that contribute to the rapid contraction of the muscles of the uterus (thus compressing the vessels) and increase blood clotting abilities.

Artificial childbirth with a missed pregnancy

This type of abortion is carried out in the second half, for a period of more than 22 weeks and only in a hospital. A woman is prescribed drugs that stimulate the contractile activity of the muscles of the uterus. This triggers the birth mechanism, and the frozen fetus is removed from the uterine cavity. After artificial birth ultrasound control is carried out.

How to survive a frozen pregnancy for a woman? Often a frozen pregnancy, especially if it happened in the second half, is accompanied by persistent depression . In some cases, a woman even needs the help of a psychiatrist. But more often, relatives help to cope with depression - it is their sensitive attitude that allows you to overcome psychological difficulties.

Unfortunately for women, not every childbearing ends with delivery. It also happens that the fetus stops in its development and dies in the womb. Immediately after this, many questions arise - how to live on, whether there will be a possibility of having a baby, what to do after a frozen pregnancy. Answers to these questions can be given by the attending physician, who will conduct a general examination.

The fetus stops developing most often for up to 14 weeks, this is exactly the period when the placental protection is not yet too great and the connection between the woman and the fetus is not sufficient. The causes of a missed pregnancy in the early stages can be of a different nature. Sometimes they are quite difficult to determine even for doctors. For this, the couple must undergo an unscheduled examination, and the material after curettage will be subject to such a procedure as the histology of a missed pregnancy.

The death of the fetus in the womb can occur both in the early stages and at the end of pregnancy. That is why the termination of a missed pregnancy is quite difficult to survive. At such times, the psychological support of loved ones is especially important. The main thing is to cross this line and understand why you need to go further.

Interruption methods

There are several methods that will help remove the fetus from the uterine cavity. Whether it is a frozen first pregnancy or any subsequent fetus may not come out on its own. In this case, this should be done by a gynecologist using various techniques.

­ Curettage during a frozen pregnancy is a very popular procedure for removing an embryo. Many women, not knowing about this intervention in detail, always expect pain from it. But cleaning after a frozen pregnancy does not pose any danger. This procedure takes place more often under general anesthesia or, if it is impossible, under local anesthesia. It resembles an abortion in a missed pregnancy. The uterus and cervix are cut off with an anesthetic, then the external parts of the genital organs are treated with an iodine solution. Inside, the genitals are covered with a special solution of alcohol. The next stage of the physician is the insertion into the vagina of an instrument that will expand the cervix. The fertilized egg is removed with a curette, which cleanses the mucous membrane. This whole operation lasts about 20 minutes, then the woman is transferred to the ward and taken out of anesthesia. Psychological support is very important in this situation so that pregnancy after curettage of a missed pregnancy becomes a reality.

Medical termination of a missed pregnancy. If this happens in the early stages, the doctor may prescribe drugs that will cause an artificial miscarriage. Thus, the fetus spontaneously leaves the mother's womb, and no additional intervention is carried out. After such a situation, a woman needs to undergo an ultrasound examination and take tests after a frozen pregnancy. This is necessary in order to control the situation after stopping development and undergo a special course of treatment for further fertilization and bearing a healthy child.

­ Vacuum aspiration. A very popular procedure among women with missed pregnancy. This procedure takes place under general or local anesthesia, on the recommendation of a doctor and the desire of a woman. A cervical dilator is not used, and a disposable catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity and, like an aspirator, the embryo is removed. Modern medicine has not learned to answer in all cases the question of why there is a frozen pregnancy, but it can be done in 5 minutes to remove such a problem. After this procedure, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound to confirm that everything has been completely removed. A fetus that has been removed is usually subjected to a procedure such as histology after a miscarriage to determine the cause of the arrest.

The female body after such a big shock should rest for at least 6 months before the next pregnancy. That is why it is desirable at this time to choose the right and reliable contraceptive for partners. And the main goal of every woman who survived this will not understand why pregnancy freezes, and the mood is positive and expecting a miracle in the form of a small child.

Every pregnant woman dreams of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. She rejoices and looks forward to many pleasant worries. However, sometimes such an event is overshadowed by a frozen pregnancy.

This is a challenging and difficult time for every couple. From the moment of diagnosing fetal fading, the main question arises, how to extract it. Is it possible to have a medical abortion? What are the consequences of such a procedure?

Dangerous terms of fading pregnancy

The fetus may stop developing at any stage of pregnancy. This happens for many reasons, and usually a woman cannot influence it in any way. However, most often, fading occurs in the early stages during the 1st trimester.

The most "dangerous" weeks when the risk of embryo freezing increases:

  1. 3-4 (the fetal egg has recently attached to the wall of the uterus, the pregnancy is still unstable);
  2. 7-11 (it is believed that this period is the most unsafe);
  3. 16-18.

How is a missed pregnancy diagnosed?

There are 2 ways to diagnose a missed pregnancy - ultrasound and a blood test for hCG. At the earliest stage, ultrasound may not be completely informative, so both methods are used.

With an ultrasound examination, the doctor compares the size of the uterus with the gestational age. He is looking for a heartbeat, trying to catch the movements of the fetus.

The cessation of fetal development is evidenced by its incorrect position, fuzzy contour of the image, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. In the 1st trimester, there is no visual development of the embryo. Very rarely, the embryo stops developing, but the fertilized egg continues to grow for some time.

When the development of the fetus stops, the level of hCG in the blood drops sharply or does not increase to the prescribed levels. Sometimes its indicators remain high for several days after the death of the embryo, but most often they are close to zero.

Options for terminating a missed pregnancy

Options for terminating a missed pregnancy:

  1. Medical abortion. Medical termination (cleansing) of pregnancy, incl. frozen, possibly no later than 7-8 weeks. Pharmabort is carried out in a hospital. The patient is given the first pill, which promotes the exfoliation of the contents of the uterus. After taking the second pill (a special antispasmodic), the woman feels light contractions (spasms), which release the uterus from the fetal egg and the upper layer of the mucous membrane. The procedure is considered the least traumatic.
  2. Vacuum aspiration (mini-abortion). The procedure is of 2 types: manual (manual), which is performed using a special syringe and the power of a doctor, and machine, in which equipment is used.
  3. mechanical abortion. The doctor scrapes the top layer of the uterus along with all its contents. Then the tissues are sent for research to determine the causes of the death of the embryo. The woman is given a drug to contract the uterus, such as oxytocin.

Complications and consequences of the procedure

Despite the relative safety, medical abortion is fraught with:

  1. severe pain (pain at the time of the procedure is quite normal, but sometimes it does not stop for a long time);
  2. bleeding;
  3. an increase in body temperature (a reaction to a drug or the development of an inflammatory process);
  4. incomplete cleansing (the drug does not guarantee a 100% result, so there are cases of incomplete cleansing);
  5. infections or vaginal dysbiosis (rare).

Prediction and planning for the next pregnancy

After the interruption procedure, a woman should be protected for at least six months. If the death of the embryo occurred once, it does not pose a threat to subsequent pregnancy. However, it will require planning and a comprehensive medical examination.

The doctor must determine the cause of past failure and make sure of women's health. It is necessary to exclude any pathologies of the reproductive system, hormonal imbalance and the presence of infections in the body. After that, you can resume trying to conceive and bear the baby.

Fetal fading is one of the reasons for not carrying a pregnancy in women, regardless of their socio-economic level and lifestyle. The danger is that it manifests itself only after the death of the fetal egg.

Sudden spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a stress for the body, a psychological trauma for a woman and her family members. Hope for the future - planning a new conception, the success of which determines the quality of treatment andrehabilitation after a missed pregnancy.

It is impossible to revive a dead fetal egg. It gradually decomposes, over time, an infection begins to develop in it, which causes intoxication and can end in sepsis.

Therefore, the treatment is aimed at removing the fetus from the uterine cavity without a trace, and restoring the woman's body after that. The choice of technique depends on her state of health, the duration and development of pregnancy until the moment of fading.

The following removal methods are used:

  1. Spontaneous miscarriage.
  2. Vacuum aspiration (mini abortion).
  3. Medical (tablet, pharmaceutical) abortion.
  4. Curettage (cleaning) of the uterine cavity.

More often prescribed method of pill abortion, curettage, mini-abortion, less often - miscarriage. With the fading of the fetus in the later stages, an artificial birth is performed.

Use of spontaneous miscarriage and vacuum aspiration

The fading of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of a specific hormone in the woman's body - human chorionic gonadotropin. The uterus reacts to this with contractions, rejection of the dead fetus and pushing it through the ajar neck. The method is prescribed in the absence of symptoms of inflammation in a woman.

A complete miscarriage without complications is confirmed by an ultrasound study. If fetal remains are found in the uterus, a vacuum or curettage is performed.

The first week after a miscarriage may be accompanied by slight pain in the lower abdomen and discharge with a small amount of blood. After a few weeks, the woman's body is restored, a month later, menstruation begins. The method is used in the absence of signs of inflammation and intoxication in the body of a woman.

If the fetus is frozen for a period of 5-6 weeks, a vacuum aspiration of the contents from the uterine cavity is prescribed using an inserted catheter. In this case, only the upper layer of the mucous membrane is removed and the embryo is removed. Control ultrasound is performed.

The found remains of the fetus in the uterus are sucked off with a vacuum again, or a mechanical curettage is performed. 2 weeks after the mini-abortion, the woman's body is restored, menstruation appears on the 35th - 40th day.

Tableted removal of a frozen fetus is performed during the period of embryonic development - no later than 7 weeks of pregnancy.

A woman in two stages according to the scheme takes drugs that block the action of progesterone - Mifepristone, Mifegin. Their properties are enhanced by misoprostol. Under the influence of drugs, the uterus actively contracts, rejects and pushes the embryo out with bleeding. After its release, the release of blood gradually stops, but it is smeared for several more weeks.

On the first day, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which is relieved with the help of an antispasmodic - No-shpy. Pain medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of such drugs significantly weakens the immune system.

The menstrual cycle is counted from the onset of bleeding after taking the pills. Within 2 - 3 months, it is normalized. The first menstruation lasts up to 2 weeks.

2 weeks after the abortion, ultrasound scans the remains of the fetus in the uterine cavity. During this time, it should be completely cleared. If this does not happen, perform vacuum aspiration or curettage.

Rehabilitation after medical abortioncomes down to the implementation of a number of doctor's recommendations that contribute to the restoration of the woman's body. He reviews the patient's diet, helps to balance it, include vegetables and fruits in the menu.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor prescribes a vitamin complex. It also recommends following simple rules:

  • avoid psycho-emotional stresses, learn to manage them;
  • exclude any physical activity;
  • include in the daily routine rest, walks in the fresh air;
  • give up smoking, alcohol, strong coffee;
  • to exclude the reception of water procedures in baths, saunas, baths, swimming in pools, reservoirs;
  • monitor the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the nature of vaginal discharge after an abortion;
  • begin sexual activity after the end of the first menstruation;
  • it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy for the first 6 months, coordinate the means of contraception with your doctor.

Every woman after an abortion thinks abouthow to recover quicklyand conceive a child again. This should not be allowed until the body is fully restored. This can negatively affect pregnancy.

The pharmacist method is the simplest and most affordable, it is easily tolerated by women. But it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.

Mechanical cleaning, restoration

Curettage of the uterine cavity is prescribed in cases of fetal death at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy and later. Before the operation, the woman is examined, special training is carried out. Cleaning is performed in a hospital, under anesthesia (general or local), with the expansion of the cervix.

Scraped with a special tool (curette). The upper layer of the mucosa is cleaned and removed along with all the contents of the uterine cavity. Cleaning materials are sent for histological examination to determine the cause of fetal death.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy and curettagebegin during the operation - drugs are administered to quickly contract the uterus (Oxytocin, Pituitrin).

Rehabilitation after curettage of a missed pregnancy

The complex of therapeutic and restorative measures after the surgical removal of a frozen fetus includes:

  • antibacterial drugs that prevent the development of infection in the uterine cavity (Ceftriaxone, Metronidazole, Gentamicin);
  • contraceptive hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy and restore the hormonal background in a woman's body (Regulon, Marvelon);
  • vitamin complexes to support immunity;
  • proper nutrition with the inclusion in the menu of meat, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, juices;
  • conducting a control ultrasound to detect fetal remains in the uterine cavity.

Incomplete curettage is an indication for re-cleaning. If you experience severe pain after surgery, your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

Menstruation starts 2-8 weeks after surgery. If the menstrual cycle is not restored, hormonal drugs are prescribed - analogues of progesterone (Dufaston, Utrozhestan).

The next pregnancy can be planned no earlier than 6 months from the date of the curettage. The favorable period is 9-12 months after the operation. During this timerecovery after curettage of a missed pregnancycompleted, its causes established.

At the first fading of pregnancy, the doctor, most often, finds them in violations of the woman's health in the first trimester. Additional studies are not carried out.

The histology of curettage materials gives an answer about the reasons for the repeated fading of the fetus. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination of both spouses. After that, if necessary, perform treatment.

Psychological recovery of a woman

A sudden frozen pregnancy is a psychological trauma for a woman and develops into depression. She blames herself for the death of the fetus. Therefore, the gynecologist refers each patient to a psychologist for professional help.

It is important for relatives, especially her husband, to surround her with care and attention, to be patient. The woman is depressed, loses interest in life, is indifferent to everything, cries. She must be convinced that motherhood will be, but for this it is necessary to recover.

It is more correct to speak this topic, and not to feel sorry for the woman. During this period, it is better to protect her from contact with young children and pregnant women.

Communication with family and friends, doing your favorite hobbies, meditation, walking will help you find peace of mind and confidence in future motherhood. This takes 1-2 months. Protracted depression can last up to 6 months.

In this case, to restore the woman, a psychiatrist is involved, who prescribes medication with the use of antidepressants, tranquilizers. The heartache subsides, life goes on, and the family is planning a pregnancy again.

The success of re-conception depends on the fulfillment of all prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician, compliance with the deadlinesrecovery after cleansing. A healthy lifestyle, a good family climate, harmony in family relationships and observation by a gynecologist will help you safely endure the next pregnancy.