Women's flaws through the eyes of men. Imperfect women through the lens of mario testino

Gravity, you heartless bitch! Cellulite ... Why do you only touch our beautiful female bodies, our breasts and priests, and do not stick to men, huh? It's a shame! What flaws are there on the body of almost every woman, but men do not have them? Guess? Let's see the pictures?

1. Saggy breasts.

The disadvantages of a woman's appearance are generally very simple to find - just look at what men do not have. But they do not, for example, have breasts. But we have it, but this is not always happy. Because in this world there is not a single beauty whose Persians would not be subjected to the force of universal gravity. Some hide this fact in the plastic surgeon's office, while others postpone tuning for later, like Lady Gaga.

2. Ears on the thighs, or breeches, or love handles, as some men fondly call them.

By the way, some people like it. Unlike sagging breasts, which no one likes. And thank God! Because the ill-fated ears are practically ineradicable. They are in thin and fat, young and old. They remain after the massage and after the diet. But to hold on comfortably - the men are teasing!

3. Cellulite

According to the latest data from British scientists, it is the most incurable disease of the 21st century. Because it is impossible to heal something that does not exist. Cellulite is not a disease, cellulite is a cosmetic defect - as doctors who have been bitten in the ass are screaming in the ass. And women don't believe them. No, they say, a disease! And the most humiliating for women. Because it is simply impossible to tell a man - look at yourself! Well, they have no cellulite. No! But in vain. There could be at least not much, well, purely for the sake of justice.

4. Stretch marks

What can I say, sometimes, of course, men have it too. Especially among the kids who have grown up dramatically on steroids. But for the most part, this is a female flaw. Why? - because we give birth and bear children. How many copies have been broken around who is to blame for the appearance of ugly styria - mother laziness or genetics. I even dedicated it to them. But you have to admit - if you are dealing with a woman, especially one who has given birth, there is a chance of encountering stretch marks.

5. Saggy skin of the abdomen

Pregnancy is generally quite ambiguous for appearance. Keeping fit is worth the effort. Sometimes it's a very serious effort, even if the celebrity mommies from Instagram claim the opposite. If going to a plastic surgeon is scary, and massages do not help, it remains to console yourself with the thought that the skin of the abdomen is not too much of a payback for the joy of motherhood.

6. Fat deposition in the triceps area

This is the most unambiguous fubla from the entire list, it seems to me. Some have a peculiarly heavy figure after childbirth or after large hormonal shocks. If earlier a girl was proud of the fact that the fat lays down in the right places, increasing her ass and cheekily lifting her breasts, today, looking at herself in the mirror, she wants to announce: the only strong athletes in the world ... What to do? Just lose weight. The female share is like that.

7. Venus rings on the neck

Why, why, tell me why our skin is thinner and nasty wrinkles on it are more noticeable. Even the queen of queens, goddess of goddesses, magnificent Monica was no exception. Annual circles also fell on her swan's neck. Did she get any worse from this? No, the men say. Is the woman's age noticeable in this way? Unfortunately, yes.

8. Fluff over the lip

Of course, men have it. The more of it, the more pride in a man. It is he who is proudly shaved at the age of 13 by individuals beginning to mature. And he is so hated on his face by brunettes. Fortunately, modern beauty salons offer many ways to get rid of this deficiency. For a week, for a month, and sometimes forever.

9. Widow's tubercle

This problem is mainly age-related, which is why it got that name. The deposition of fat and stagnation of fluid on the back of the neck torments any woman of age. Precisely a woman, you can rejoice and clap your hands, boys. They say that manual massage helps with this scourge. And that as soon as the withers disappear, the accompanying problems disappear - the puffy lower face, the second chin. Damn, that's how many problems you have, guys ...

10. Fat in the lower abdomen

There is a version that he belongs there. Like, this very fat perfectly protects the baby from all sorts of misfortunes. The peasants doubt it. Like, this arrangement of fat makes a woman look like a pregnant woman. Perhaps in some way they are right. But…

In any case, remember that you are living with a person, guys. Then all these flaws will seem funny and cute to you. Otherwise, you are in danger of living your whole life with a creature moving on the road to death and rapidly losing breasts, teeth and nails. Or with a cellulite factory. The idea is understood, right?

A - car. The woman behind the wheel is worse than a monkey with a grenade. This is already so commonplace that it is unworthy of mention. Yet this is an irrefutable fact.

B - chatting on the phone. Only a woman can chirp nicely on the phone for two hours and then ask: "Who am I talking to?" - and find out that the person just got the wrong number.

B - extortion. "And Masha's husband bought a new fur coat," she would say, and pensively lowers her gaze. In half an hour he will inadvertently drop: "And the boyfriend gave Svetka a ring with a diamond." In another 15 minutes you will learn about Ira, and about Yulia, and about Tanya ... To stop this mockery, you have to rush to the store for the "wonderful boots" that she looked after.

D - lipstick. Some scientist calculated that a man eats at least 3 kilograms of lipstick in his entire life. Women say that they paint their lips in order to please men, but in fact they just poison them godlessly.

D - diet. You come home from work tired, angry and hungry. You open the refrigerator, and there are three carrots in the company with a leaf of lettuce. She flaps her eyelashes innocently: "Honey, I'm on a diet. Maybe you should try?"

E is food. Inability to cook is the worst female flaw. Compared to him, the seven deadly sins are just baby talk. Everyone knows what the path to a man's heart lies through.

F - pretense. And why are women so fond of breaking, grimacing, always making themselves hard to get?

З - mirror. The most sophisticated torture for a woman: buy her a dozen fashionable dresses and lock her in a room without a mirror.

And - hysteria. All women are hysterics, and those who are not hysterics just skillfully pretend.

K - karma, horoscopes and fortune-telling. Only women believe in all this, and then write ads in the dating newspaper: "Lonely Virgo-Monkey will get acquainted with a wealthy Gemini-Rat to create a strong family." And how can a normal man understand this?

L - logic. The wife tells her husband a story. The husband asks: "Don't you confuse anything, dear?" Wife: "I'm confusing? That is, you want to say that I am not telling the truth? If I am not telling the truth, then I am lying. If I lie, then I am lying. The dogs are lying. Oh, you called me a bitch ?!"

M - soap operas. How can you watch 348 episodes of a film, the events of which can be fit into one short film?

N - whining. If they asked me what I would agree to endure: a aching tooth or an aching wife, I would agree to the first, and this, as you know, is not a pleasant pleasure.

O - resentment. Women will always find a reason to inflate an elephant out of a fly and take offense.

P - girlfriends. She may complain about a catastrophic lack of time and at the same time chat with a friend for hours in a cafe, on the Internet or on the phone.

P - wastefulness. Women love to waste money, especially strangers.

C - fears. Well, how can a normal, mentally healthy person be afraid of cockroaches, spiders or worms?

T - mother-in-law. It's like in socialist times: good goods were sold only with a load. As a burden to a pretty bride, you will definitely get a mother-in-law.

U - reproaches. Endlessly reproaching a man for anything - that he does not pay attention or pays too much of it, that he is too smart, or vice versa - a favorite female pastime.

F - flirting. For some reason, women believe that if you make eyes at everyone, flirt and flirt recklessly, then you will be known as a sociable and pleasant young lady. If they only knew how we call such persons.

C - cellulite. Not every man really knows what it is. But everyone secretly hates this mysterious word, because it is because of him that she goes on a diet, disappears from morning till night in a fitness club and refuses to wear a short skirt that suits her so well.

W - eccentricities. Women themselves never know what they want, so sometimes their desires look, to put it mildly, unusual.

Ш - shopping. A man who has experienced such a thing at least once in his life is worthy of the order.

E - emancipation. An emancipated woman is not her own mistress, but her own servant. Well, let him serve - we, men, will not interfere with her.

Yu - female humor. Nothing like this simply does not exist in nature.

I am sarcastic.

Every woman has flaws, which ones bother men the most?

As you know, opposites attract. Perhaps that is why we are so fragile, feminine and so attractive to the opposite sex. Of course, there are some points in appearance or character traits that men would like to change in us. So, let's see what they dislike most about women? Let's alphabetically classify women's faults.

A- aggressive style of clothing (unisex), make-up, hairstyles (too short haircuts), actions ... Women with their appearance and behavior are similar to the stronger sex. As you know, opposite charges attract, and unipolar charges, alas, repel.

B- a jam-packed wardrobe. And at the same time, men often hear the phrase: "Dear, I have absolutely nothing to wear ..."

V- vulgarity, which can manifest itself in too bright colors of clothing. In addition, red lipstick on the lips, a thick layer of "plaster" on the face, a sharp scent of perfume, shiny dangle earrings, etc.

G- bare tummy and no waist. One gets the impression that it is impossible to discern where the waist ends and the hips begin.

D- diet. Confirm to your loved one and everyone around you about the diet, and at night "attack" the refrigerator and empty it under a clean one.

E- food. If a woman does not know how to cook, then this sometimes crosses out the ideal figure, grooming. After all, as they say: the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach.

F- pretense. For some reason, women always like to play hard to get out of themselves, to fill their own worth.

Z- stash. For some reason, the stash is spent not on new fishing gear or parts for cars, but on a dress or new shoes, of which there are already a hundred in the wardrobe.

AND- hysteria. This hurricane of feelings, which can appear unexpectedly, men cannot control or predict, so they most often do not like out-and-out "hysterics".

TO- careerism. Some women prioritize climbing the ladder over personal relationships.

L- curiosity. How often it is this quality of character that provokes us, women, to look for dirt in the notebook or mobile phone of our beloved.

M- make-up, on which women spend a lot of time, and men have to wait patiently for their beloved to finish making a "marafet". In addition, the layer of plaster does not allow kissing.

H- extended long nails, which, it seems, ladies do not for aesthetic beauty, but for self-protection.

O- resentment. Women will always find a reason to be offended, they may not talk for hours, cherishing a feeling of resentment in their hearts. And men have to puzzle over how to "appease" their beloved.

NS- lipstick. Imagine how a man feels when he kisses a girl with lipstick on. But scientists have proven that a man eats lipstick when kissing, and in decent quantities, at least 2-3 kilograms.

R- jealousy that goes beyond all boundaries and turns the weaker sex into Sherlock Holmes and Colombo lieutenants.

WITH- fees. They are so long that the man is already assembled and is waiting for his beloved to get together, and she flutters in a negligee and decides what kind of underwear is suitable for this dress.

T- television. Ladies watch their favorite TV series or talk shows instead of watching boxing or football.

Have- reproaches. Women know how to reproach so that a man feels that he is far from perfect.

F- flirting. Representatives of the weaker sex flirt with their lover, which engenders the patience of the chosen one in an atomic bomb that is about to explode.

NS- thinness. The woman looks like a teenager and, moreover, they often repeat that they need to lose a little more weight.

C- cellulite. Not all men understand what it is. They cannot understand why their beloved is on a diet, works hard in a fitness club and does not want to wear short dresses that suit her very much.

H- swagger. The beloved shows off her clothes and jewelry, spends a lot of time in a beauty salon, so that later she can tell her friends about her “good” life.

NS- shopping is long and exhausting, measured in dozens of boutiques. A man who has experienced something like this at least once will never again agree to go with his soul mate for a new dress. In addition, one purchase smoothly flows into another: you need to buy new shoes and a handbag for the dress.

NS- emancipation. Women have understood the meaning of this word well, they demand equality, although in a cafe or in a jewelry store they do not mind a loved one paying.

NS- skirts. The attitude of men to this item of women's wardrobe is very ambivalent. Some people do not like long skirts, they believe that such outfits are appropriate in a nunnery. And others are not happy when their beloved wears mini skirts, they believe that only they have the right to admire the delights of their beloved.

I AM- sarcasm. Hearing phrases like: “Look what kind of cow she is, and what she has put on herself. What a terrible hair color ”, women fall in the eyes of a man, he considers her primitive and narrow-minded.

Yes, we are imperfect! There are also "disadvantages" in women.

You can watch it now:

  • The first drawback is a catastrophic inability to manage money.

Men believe that women cannot be trusted with finances, because they will waste everything they have. Even this money will not be enough for them! Then women will regret that they did not ask for a larger amount from their loved ones.

  • The second is incomprehensible humor.

Not stupid, but incomprehensible! He does not always give in to the male mind. Not every man, in general, is able to understand what this or that woman is joking about and takes offense at such a misunderstanding.

  • The third is furious jealousy.

Men complain that women are jealous of every column. To everyone - to everyone! They also release hysterics when men try to justify themselves.

  • The fourth is insane flirting.

Men do not shoot with their eyes as women do. And they can do it! And they feel incredible comfort of self-esteem at the same time.

  • The fifth flaw is incredible cunning.

One has only to remember the very commonplace when sex is planned: “my head hurts so terribly today!”.

  • The sixth is incorrigible mystery.

Men get irritated when they hear from women: "guess what!" Anger has no limit when they hear it.

  • Seventh - the habit of talking in continuous riddles.

It is possible, of course, to “equate” this to the previous phrase, but men strictly share these shortcomings!

  • Eighth - excessive cleanliness.

Things and socks scattered by men are a tragedy for women. And men cannot understand this, because they do not see something negative in their slovenliness.

  • Ninth - the use of lipstick.

Men are so tired of eating these cosmetics every day! And when they found out how much (how much) they eat it a year, they were horrified!

  • The tenth drawback is the love of get-togethers - parties.

Women often sit with their girlfriends. They seem to forget that they have other halves.

  • Eleventh - terrible tearfulness.

A little bit - tears - little tears in streams. And they don't stop. Many men hate this behavior of women.

  • Twelfth - hyper emotionality.

All are moderately excellent! So many emotions at once? Men cannot understand where so many emotions fit! They try in vain to find out.

  • The thirteenth is constant calls.

Associations are control. Men will turn off their phones if they notice that their halves often call them.

Let's see what they say and how women say about their shortcomings:

Masha: Do you promise not to laugh? My flaw is a beautiful, very beautiful appearance! She drives all men crazy, makes them suffer. And I do not want anyone to suffer because of my "shell"!

Kristishka: This is more suitable for men, of course. I am very sloppy, although I educate myself as neat as I can. I have such a feeling that sloppiness simply "settled" in me.

Anya: The most cruel flaw is arrogance! I never stand or sit in lines. I go ahead despite any quarrels, or shouts, or name-calling.

Olga: My character, in principle, is my main flaw. But it is very difficult to fix it. It's so hard that I cry and freak out, dissatisfied with myself. But this does not solve anything.

Zhenya: I can bring anyone you want with my weirdness! I have two cups. And from one I drink exclusively tea, from the other - coffee exclusively. Nobody understands me. But I have no habit of changing desires. And it won't!

Nadya: My main drawback is that I am late everywhere. Everywhere and always. I hate myself for this "feature", but fighting it is a futile struggle.

Valyushka: My advantages and disadvantages? - The use of men! I use them in everything and always use them. I got used to living like that. And the habit was born to me at the age of fifteen. Now I am almost thirty, but my deficiency has not been eradicated somehow.

Svetik: Beauty is my flaw. Guys stack up at the sight of me! Exaggerating? Come and see! I am sure that you will not be disappointed in the least….

Ninok: I am complex. In fact, this is a very huge drawback. It’s a pity that I can’t do anything with him. And so I would like to….

Nadka: I'll go into the bathroom with a player and forget that someone else is in the bathroom. Selfish! But I am so happy that I adore my lack.

Irunchik: The husband is the most - the most - the most terrible flaw! He's bothering me lately, because I stopped arranging him in everything. And he just says how bad I am. What, tell me, is it cool to live like this - to live? Try to visit my place! You will live up to such a moment - you will understand everything at once! But I do not wish you such a life!

Tomochka: I don’t wear bras! My husband believes that this is my flaw. The chest is huge (fourth size). And I don’t even have a habit of wearing it. Even though I know that it is harmful and ugly. What can I do about the fact that my breasts are “special” like that? It's easier only for men in all that.

Sanka: My female flaws? - I meet with several men at once. I'm completely unfaithful. This flaw of mine hurts people. I am always aware of this, but I do not see any sense in realizing it. As I met with several, and continue to meet! And with only once "pierced" already. Didn't teach me anything. And I will never learn to live differently. Apparently, it is necessary that one of the guys either reeducate me, or “crack” me in the face, as it should. But so far there are no such daredevils. Do not meet….

Olka: I get my boyfriend messages. Why do I consider this "annoyance" my disadvantage? He suffers. I see it. And he tolerates me, because he loves me madly. As I do it. Of course, he doesn't like to text messages, but I get tremendous pleasure from it. When I write to him, the pleasure doubles. And why does he not understand me, considering my attention as a disadvantage? The truth is difficult to achieve…. Will not tell. Tired of asking. Tired!

In preparation for its 60th anniversary, Dove launched the #TrueBeauty photo project, breaking stereotypes and celebrating diversity. The works of the photographer Mario Testino clearly confirm the correctness of the company's internal policy - the future belongs to natural unique beauty.

Mario Testino shot 30 portraits of ordinary women for Dove

According to sociological research, the happiest people live in Denmark and Norway. One of the most compelling arguments is that women in these countries can afford ... imperfection. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. In fashionable world capitals, the dictatorship of standards and stereotypes is so strong that it has fed more than one generation of psychotherapists. The Dove company, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, decided to change the situation and prove that natural unique beauty is the main source of self-confidence. It is a rare case when changes begin not with loud slogans, but with the internal policy of the brand. For example, Dove never attracts models to participate in commercials - only real people, while a minimum of retouching is allowed. Trying to instill in young people a positive attitude towards their appearance and through this to fully realize themselves in life, the brand collaborates with prominent experts in the study of body perception and conducts a great educational work. A new endeavor was a creative alliance with the famous photographer Mario Testino, who shot 30 portraits of ordinary women of different ages, nationalities, weight and height for Dove. The result is a unique gallery of characters rather than images.

Women from different parts of the world participated in the Real Beauty project

Each heroine has a special story of overcoming and becoming ...

... unique appearance ...

... and the ability to appreciate life

By the way, among the participants in the project there is also a designer from Russia, Maria, who, after an accident that happened to her at the age of 18, had every reason to lose confidence in herself. But even the paralysis of the right side of her face and partial loss of vision did not stop her on the way to her dream. Today Maria is the owner of her own brand Inshade, stylist, teacher ... Such examples are inspiring. At the presentation of the # TrueBeauty project in New York, journalists met with plump girls who clearly do not fit into the model parameters, but at the same time have millions of subscribers and boldly demonstrate their own style. One of them was asked: “Okay, you yourself are not worried about being overweight. But surely there will be people who will call you fat ... How do you react to this? " She replied: “Yes, it is. What's next? .. ”Indeed, there should be no continuation. Another participant in the Real Beauty program is saber fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad, the first American woman to compete in the hijab at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, which in no way prevented her from winning the bronze medal.

"In fact, today we are talking about new standards that allow us to be proud of ourselves, and not try to meet someone's expectations."

From Russia, designer and curator Maria took part in the project, who, after a serious accident, found the strength not only to realize herself professionally, but also to discover new facets of beauty

“We want every woman to feel comfortable the way she is, and to rely on her uniqueness in all situations,” says Sophie Galvani, international vice president of the Dove brand. - Today the world is changing very quickly. Hopefully the next generation will take individuality and difference for granted. When choosing women to participate in the campaign, we first of all looked for an interesting story behind them.

Mario Testino at work

In fact, today we are talking about new standards that allow us to be proud of ourselves, and not try to meet someone's expectations. And here a very important point arises! Dove in no way encourages people to drop cosmetics, forget about salons and stop taking care of themselves. Our goal is not to make a woman a "slob", but to help her find individuality and "cultivate" her, enjoying and having fun. Frankly, I am a little sorry that in the pursuit of independence and masculine positions, we have lost the ability to enjoy communication with purely feminine things. Not so long ago we had a very interesting experience with sketches. At first, the artist drew the participants in the experiment from their own words (well, you know - all these "full hips", "short legs", "narrow lips" ...), and then he did the same, but from the words of their friends and relatives ... When compared, the results showed that the harshest and even ruthless critics are ourselves. In the eyes of those who love us, imperfections in appearance do not matter.