Pregnancy 30 31 weeks all. Pregnancy weeks - how to understand that everything is fine? Medical examination of women

31 The obstetric week is 29 week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as 31 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. If one baby grows in your belly, then exactly thirty-weeks you received "liberation" from work for the next 170 days, it is for such a term that a disability sheet is issued.

Children sizes at 31 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to the fruit for a period of 31 weeks

The fruit is growing, and his skills are improved, which is preparing him for independent life in environmental conditions. At 31 week, the brain continues to develop, its size increases. Nervous endings are actively beginning to function, nervous connections begin to form. Nervous impulses are already transferred much faster, it contributes to the fact that the fruit is capable of learning. The bodies and systems of the kid are developing, it can already empty the bladder and actively trains its urethra. Now the bone marrow, and not the liver, produces red blood tales.

Light baby is quite developed, but not so much to allow him to breathe unhindered independently. The kid swallows amniotic fluid, it passes several treatments, after which it is derived from the body in the form of urine. The capillary system is fully functional, supplied to blood oxygen, which is necessary for normal blood circulation and brain development.

In the body of the fetus, the adipose tissue continues to accumulate, but beyond white, the baby spares the brown fat. It is located between the blades, behind the sternum, along the spine and near the kidneys. Brown fat is designed to not give newborns to freeze. After all, by the time of birth, the thermoregulation center in the brain of the crumbs is not yet sufficiently developed. During the first year of the child's life, this "warm" fat is converted to white.

What does a child look like at the 31st week of pregnancy

At the 31 week of pregnancy, your baby, most likely, has already taken his final position in the womb. If he is destined to appear ahead with the head, as most children are born, then the buttocks are now directed up. It is lessstate the opposite position, referred to as physicians with a pelvic preview, even less often the fruit occupies a transverse position. The appearance of the baby is even more cute than before. His skin compressed so much that blood vessels no longer shone through it. Quickly increases the amount of subcutaneous fat, which makes the outlines of the kid rounded. Nailing has already reached the fingertips.

At this stage of development, the feature of the sheet becomes more subtle, the nose becomes a more defined form, the ears are growing, the neck is lengthened. The kid's skin is no longer so red and wrinkled. A white fatty tissue is laid under the skin, which gives the skin more natural and further contributes to the smoothing of the skin. Pupils of the eye this week are starting to respond to light. During the wake of the fetal eyes are wide open, and in a dream it is tightly closed for centuries. Their color for all kids is blue. And only after birth in a rainbow sheath (it determines the color of the eyes) accumulates pigments, and they acquire gray, carries, green or remain blue.

Infographics - Eyes of the Future Child

Development of the fetus for 31 weeks of pregnancy

The future child grows and pretty. The kid continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat. It has become plump and pretty. His subcutaneous fat stupor helps to maintain the body temperature after birth at a constant level.

  • The lungs are increasingly improved, in which the surfactant is produced - the substance does not allow alveolar bags.

  • The brain continues to actively develop, nerve cells are actively functioning, nervous connections are formed. Nervous impulses are now transferred much faster, protective shells appear around the nerve fibers.

  • The liver continues to be improved, the formation of lobes of liver, which is responsible for purifying blood from all sorts of toxins. Liver cells are also bile, it will take an active part in the process of assimilating fats that come with food.

  • Pancreas is increasing its mass by increasing the number of cells. After the birth of the child, it will produce enzymes that will split proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  • When ultrasound, it can be noted that the child for 31 weeks of pregnancy has already formed the so-called corneal reflex. If the baby accidentally hurt an outdoor eyebreaker, it will instantly clogged.

  • Most of the time he still spends in a dream. Eye color at this stage of development in all kids gray-blue. This is due to the fact that the color of the iris is changed, only a few weeks after birth, under the action of light.

  • Genitals have already taken shape, but the inner structure is not entirely developed. The boys eggs are lowered into the scrotum, and sex lips have not yet closed.

The development of the placenta has already stopped and it starts to grow old. Under aging, there is a decrease in the functionality of the placenta, and if the mother is leading the wrong lifestyle: smokes or ORVI fears - aging accelerates. This may lead to the fact that the feature of the placenta is atrophy: the child will begin to suffer from lack of oxygen and nutrients. This is called fetoplacentage failure. It is an important symptom of it - a change in the nature of the chapels of the child.

What happens in the body of a woman at 31 weeks of pregnancy

The body of the uterus is rapidly increasing in the volume, it rises to 32 cm above the bone allocating. A woman begins to periodically notice that the uterus for a short time comes to the tone, which is why the belly pulls, and then, after literally a few seconds, relaxes. A wave of easy excitement passes from the bottom of the uterus and ends down at the bottom. This phenomenon is sometimes called Braciston Hicks, and it is not connected with the development of premature birth. The number of accumulating fluid is increasing to the liter, this is enough enough to protect the baby from the gravity of the uterus and injury - water plays the role of protective buffer

You probably noticed that the movements of the kid became less active. Do not worry, just the uterus becomes crowded. You feel it pushes, it means everything is in order. I can not even believe that the baby will still have to grow up and gain about 1900 grams! Its head is more often located in the entrance to the pelvis, and this situation of the fetus is usually saved to the birth. In some cases, the presets are the buttocks, then at the top of the abdomen, it is possible to grope a large dense object - the child's head. Continue to consider the movements of the fetus, their number still must be at least 10 times in 12 hours or 4 movements during an hour of rest.

During this month you scored 1.3-1.8 kg. Add an average of 450 g per week - completely normal, since the baby is now a stage of active growth.

Your dairy glands continue to increase.

  • By the end of pregnancy, the mammary glands become 0.5-1.5 kg harder.

  • Most of their weight is due to increasing dairy slices and strengthening blood flow.

  • If you have not yet started to stand this colostrum (first milk for children who are breastfeeding), you may soon see it. Simple and convenient way to control this state are boosters for the chest. However, colosure may not leak at all until the date of birth, which is also the norm.

Do not worry about the fact that your shortness of breath after a walk or lifting steps can harm the baby - the placenta performs its functions clearly and in full, so that the experiences are in vain - the child is enough.

Many women note that the chair became irregular. The intestine is already emptied daily, and once a few days. The constipation arises because the pregnancy hormone progesterone slows down the intestinal peristalsis, and the magnified uterus presses on it, the mixture of the intestine to shrink.

Some pregnant women constipate can be accompanied by meteorism. A woman feels discomfort, gravity in the stomach, may involuntarily depart gases.

Because of the growing belly, back pain appear. Back pain for thirty-first week - also not uncommon. In general, they may appear on any gestation period, and sometimes accompany young mom and after childbirth. Wear sports shoes and low-heeled shoes. Do not lift gravity because they give extra load on fuel ligaments. Your doctor can recommend a special bandage for pregnant women who supports her back and helps you feel comfortable in motion.

Exercise and the right posture helps to feel more comfortable, and the massage performed by the careless hands of a beloved person - and at all forget about discomfort. Many women have pain in the thighs in the Third Trimester, sometimes even the discrepancy between the Lonnoye. This condition is called symphyzit, and it is quite painful.

Belly at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Your stomach is already so big ... and that's fine !!! It's nice to realize that your beauty is one of the main advantages of pregnancy.

Video Blog - 31 weeks of pregnancy

By 31 week, pregnant future mothers notice that in the position on his back they begin to spin the head and becomes bad. The reason for this is the compression of the lower hollow vein in an enlarged uterus. To avoid similar troubles, you should not lie on your back, more comfortable is the position on the right or left side.

To avoid dizziness, sleeping on the side. You need to get up from the bed slowly. After waking up, it is worth it first, then sit down and sit for a few minutes, and then just get up.

All pregnant women to strengthen the pelvic bottom muscles is recommended to do the exercises of Kegel. This will help prevent gaps in childbirth and facilitates the birth of a child. Sit, strain the muscles of the crotch, as if you try to keep the stream of urine, and then relax. Another exercise - strain the muscles, hold them in such a state for a few seconds and then relax. Exercises should be done daily until the birth.

Food guidelines remain the same - to facilitate the manifestations of heartburn, eat small portions. To ensure the kid, everyone necessary in the menu should include meat and fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, solid grades of cheese. You need to drink clean water, green tea, compotes, frost. Under the ban remains alcohol, coffee, soda. With constipation, it is recommended that there are more fresh vegetables and fruits. Preference is worth giving plums, apricots, figs, beets, cucumbers and tomatoes. Also in the daily diet should be fermented ferrous food products. If with the help of a power change to make a chair regularly fails, you need to consult a doctor.

Many women complain about the leakage of urine during laughter, cough, sneezing, and this is possible is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. The leakage of urine caused by an increased pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. Probably, this problem will disappear after the child's birth.

How to deal with it?

  • Try to completely empty the bladder. When you pour, try to lean forward, which will ensure complete emptying of the bladder.

  • Try to urinate more often: every 30-60 minutes.

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of fluid per day.

  • Use the kegel exercises that allow you to strengthen the pelvic bottom.

  • If necessary, we carry fine or large pads.

In the late period of pregnancy, the number of discharge from the vagina may lightly increase. But it is necessary to distinguish between the possible leakage of spindle water. Quite often, women cannot distinguish one of the other. If there is no deviations, then the water is liquid, transparent and do not smell. Today in the pharmacy you can buy special tests to help determine or you have strong discharge, or this is the same water leaving. If this is leaking the water urgently need to go to the hospital, because at such a moment the child is dangerous to intrauterine infection.

During the third trimester, it is slow to collect the necessary things for a trip to the maternity hospital. We advise you to add everything you need in advance. After all, in the case of the occurrence of childbirth, and it always happens unexpectedly, anyone be it a husband, mom, a friend will be able to deliver everything you need without delay to deliver you.

If you did not have time to visit the training courses for childbirth - it's time to sign up. You will receive information about the upcoming births, learn how to breathe it properly, what ways you can ease pain.

You should not neglect the daily sleep, now it should be an integral part of the regime - due to anxious thoughts and nightmares, the future mommy can not always sleep at night. Sleep best on the side, using special pillows.

Walking in the fresh air before bedtime, sleep in a well-ventilated room will help provide you and baby with enough oxygen.

If you have no contraindications, then sex at the 31st week of pregnancy is useful to you, and my husband. This is a source of positive emotions, from which it is not necessary to refuse. Although, a popular problem in intimate life becomes: the fear of her husband to harm the baby and the conviction of his wife in the loss of sexuality. Do not worry! You are attractive, and in a special, and it is impossible to harm the child.

Gymnastics for the 8th month of pregnancy

Danger at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Danger remains:

  • threats of premature births

  • fetoplacentage insufficiency,

  • gestosis

  • delays in the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Belly for 31 weeks should not be ill, the appearance of any painful sensations should attract your attention. The pulling, still pain, last time may indicate the uterus hypertonus and the possible development of generic activities. A sharply pronounced pain in the stomach, even not accompanied by bleeding, can occur during the placenta detachment.

If any pain lasts more than 30 minutes - go to the consultation, and it is possible and right on the "ambulance" to the hospital. If everything is fine, you just go home, but if something is wrong - the chance to preserve yourself and baby life and health will increase significantly.

After 30 weeks, gestosis is often developing, which is manifested by the advent of edema, protein in the urine and increase in pressure. Without adequate therapy, he can go into the life-threatening preeclampsia and eclampsia. This is an extremely difficult condition, which is treated only by eliminating the cause - i.e. Only a delivery, regardless of the period of gestation and the viability of the fetus. Symptoms of preeclampsia - blurred consciousness, melting "flies" before eyes, headache. The main thing is to have time to call "ambulance".

Good to know

Keep track of swelling, pressure and well-being overall. If the swelling of the legs does not pass, and you feel tired, and also, if the eyes are rippled, the legs reduce cramps, the headache and you have to disturb dizziness, you should go to the doctor immediately. Remember - Gesters is very dangerous! This condition threatens health and even the life of the mother and child.

Abundant watery discharges without smell, transparent or with a yellowish tinge can be an oily waters and appear when the fetal shells are completely broken. If a pregnant woman suspected such a state, it is impossible to slow - a defect in the shell good entrance doors for infection. If childbirth will come in this period - it is possible to leave the baby, but it is much more difficult to find the infected child.

Good to know

If you notice abundant liquid allocations from the vagina, then the water began to move away. In this case, immediately call for ambulance, otherwise risks to give birth at home.

Analyzes for 31 weeks of pregnancy

As a rule, the visit this week is planned. Usually on the eve of the appearance in the female consultation, you pass the overall analysis of urine (to control the kidney function), blood (to eliminate anemia and inflammation in the body), blood for sugar (if pregnancy has developed gestational diabetes, or diabetes before pregnancy) . With a rezes-negative group of blood in mom and positive in dad, it is necessary to take blood to the titer of antibodies.

You will definitely weigh, the pressure on both hands will be measured, it will be measured to measure the height of the bottom of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, listen to the fetus heart with a stethoscope.

At the reception at your doctor, you can ask - how your baby is lying. Most often, it is located heads down, and with his back on the left side of the uterus (head presence). Much less often, the fetus is located a pelvic end or legs down, and head up (pelvic preview), and even less often it lies across the uterus (cross-preview).

Perhaps at the 31 week of pregnancy you will find another ultrasound procedure. Very often it is the latest research of the fetus, but sometimes obstetres advise to make another one after a week or two.

If, with the past study, the baby shy himself and did not show you his sexuality, you can find out all this time. The specialist, according to the protocol, will produce all the necessary measurements, will exclude malformations of the organs, measure the heart rate, the number of accumulating waters. On this time it is possible to detect the defects of the development of the gastrointestinal tract, the urogenital system. Mandatory is the assessment of the state of the placenta and blood flow in it. The state of the uterus is also estimated, wall thickness, muscle homogeneity, the length of the neck, the degree of disclosure of the cervical canal is measured.

First of all, with the help of ultrasound, the musculosis, respiratory movements, the heartbeat, are examined by the degree of maturity of the placenta. Also exclude or confirm the wiring of the fetus cord and compare its parameters with a period of pregnancy.

With the ultrasound of the fetus at 31 week of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude the lag from the normal pace of development of the fetus. This is carried out with the help of ultrasonic fetometry.

Fetometry (fruit size) when the fetus ultrasound in 31 weeks of pregnancy normally

  • BPR (biparity size) 73-87 mm.

  • Lz (Lobno-occipital size) 93-109 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 273-315 mm.

  • Co. (fetal abdomen circle) 247-301 mm.

Normal dimensions of long bones when the fetal ultrasound in 31 week of pregnancy

  • High bone 54-64 mm.

  • Shoulder bone 50-60 mm.

  • Bones of the forearm 44-52 mm.

  • Bones of shin 51-59 mm.

During the procedure, at 31 weeks make Doppler image of the vessels. All this is necessary in order to estimate the uterine-placental and fetoplazater circulation.

When conducting an ultrasound of the fetus in 31 week of pregnancy, in addition to the main sizes and diagnostics of the internal organs of the fetus, the amount and quality of accumulating waters are necessarily estimated. Their quantity and quality is due to the fact that the child is already so much urinated in the water and swallows them. During the day, all amniotic fluid is completely changing three times.

The reduced amount of accumulating water can be associated with the vices of the urinary system. With a reduced amount of accumulating waters, when the fetal ultrasound of the fetus, the kidney of the fetus should be evaluated at 31 weeks of pregnancy, eliminate the expansion of lochs, an increase in the bladder, the expansion of ureters.

The increased amount of accumulating water may be due to the disruption of water disposal. The defects of the digestive tract lead to the impossibility of adequate and full-fledged water swallowing. With an increased number of accumulating waters, when the fetus of the fetus, the stomach of the fetus is studied in detail in 31 weeks of pregnancy, whether it is expanded, whether it is generally shadow from the stomach. The intestine normally should not be expanded. With the ultrasound of the fetus at 31 week of pregnancy, the thickness of the small intestine should be no more than 8 mm, the thickness of the large intestine is not more than 13 mm.

Behind eight full months of pregnancy. The fruit continues to grow and develop, and the mother is engaged in preparing for the emergence of a new member of the family. What can prevent 31 weeks of pregnancy from conception (33 obstetric)? How to avoid complications and make your life comfortable?

The kid is already big, but the development of the fetus at the 31st week of pregnancy continues. Kroch is not quite ready for independent life outside the womb. Premature childbirth - test and for him, and for a woman. Children who are born on this period, in most cases survive and with the help of special equipment are developing to the state of docking. Such consequences of childbirth at the 31st week of pregnancy, like children's paralysis, reducing vision and hearing, are less common. The main parameters of the development of pregnancy on this period are reflected in the table.

Table - Interesting Facts

Future development

The child grows rapidly, and this is noticeable by the grand belly of mom and in a strong shock inside. Baby is already very close, and it acts as not as before. Now instead of easy tumbling, the woman feels smooth, but confident movements, and sometimes and at all pain. Such uncomfortable sensations are due to the fact that most children are already located down their heads to this deadlines, and the legs rest in the rib or the diaphragm.

Systems and organs

All that happens with the baby at the 31st week of pregnancy, is aimed at strengthening his own forces and resources. Formed systems continue to develop: immune, nervous, endocrine, digestive. The respiratory authorities are especially quickly improved, because quite soon, the crumb will make the first breath, and the lungs should be prepared for their functions.

The brain has already been formed, but the nervous links will be improved by a very long time, even after birth. The heart and vessels become stronger, and the kidneys are ready to perform blood filtering function.

Some children already have rare horses on the head. Lano disappears almost all of all by 31 weeks.

Puzzles now can even show their character and temperament. They react to music, light, mother's emotions and intonation, distinguish between voices and especially well know the timbre of those who have live under heart. If the baby was tiring, and the woman is too active or is in a noisy place, it will be resentment with the help of shocks in the side or frequent movements.

Weight set

The kid is recovering: recruits from 15 to 30 g per day. The weight of the child at the 31st week of pregnancy comes to 2 kg, the average growth rates are 43-45 cm.
Now he is increasing muscle mass, and also accumulates subcutaneous fat. It makes it more and more like a small man, smoother, chubby, less wrinkled.

The body weight reflects the intrauterine state of the child. You can control the weight:

  • measuring the height of the bottom of the uterus;
  • tracking the weight set of pregnant;
  • with the help of ultrasound.

The most reliable is the fulfillment of ultrasound research. Weight standards and sizes on ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnancy are presented in the table.

Table - Main indicators of ultrasound at 33 obstetse week

Based on the data obtained, the mass of the fetus is calculated. In case of inconsistencies, the norms in a large or smaller side takes a detailed examination to clarify the reasons:

  • excessive set - possible with decomposed or hidden diabetes mellitus;
  • insufficient weight -it is observed with intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus (developmental delay).

Also, a small or large weight may be a consequence of the peculiarities of the constitution of parents.

If the alleged mass of the fetus does not correspond to the norm, the speed of blood flows in the placenta vessels, umbilical cord and child are required. When identifying violations, treatment is necessary. With critical indicators, a variant of early delivery is considered. The delay in the development of the fetus can be one of the symptoms of gestosis in a woman.

31 week of pregnancy: what happens to mom

As over to 31 weeks from conception, Mommin Belly takes the highest point, and from now on it will gradually go down. Now the fruit is already quite large and is under the diaphragm itself, providing pressure on nearby organs. For this reason, a woman is often tormented by difficulty breathing, problems with peristaltic and stomach, frequent urge to the toilet, especially night.

Body weight and its control

Woman continues to gain weight to 33 obstetric age week. Its addition normally ranges from 9 to 14 kg from the initial one. If this indicator is much more, it is recommended to limit the use of sweet, flour, acute and carbohydrate food, as well as reduce its calorie content. It is useful in this case add physical exertion, such as hiking or Scandinavian walking.

Excessively overweight may occur due to hidden edema. Such a complication of pregnancy occurs, including due to the development of gestosis. Weight control is very important to identify and prevent the further development of pathologies of pregnancy.
Because of the weight gain, the future fever is tormented by pain, a sacrum, lower back pain, a hypership of the spine. Now it is important to try to observe the correct posture and not to push the belly forward. If a woman is not able to control this moment, it can wear special support bandages.

Evenkers who do not pass more than a day and after rest must become a reason for appeal to the doctor. To understand what is happening with my mother, only a specialist can.

Other changes

Do not forget that sleep on the back is no longer recommended. This can provoke compression of the lower hollow vein, as a result, dizziness, darkening in the eyes. For night recreation, only poses on the side or on a special pillow for pregnant women are acceptable. The following changes are also possible.

  • Pelvic bones . Now the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth, and gradually begin to "disperse" pelvic bones - ligaments soften due to a special hormonal background. This affects uncomfortable pulling and goded sensations in the pubic area and pelvis. Sometimes there are easy cuts in the uterus. This training scaffolds is a short-term and irregular phenomenon. Often the belly "mowels" when stroking, after exercise - it is also the norm.
  • Upper limbs. The future mother may notice that she has no hands, feel tingling in the fingers. These are clusters of fluid in the interstitial space of the limbs. Sometimes pregnant women have a custody syndrome on this period, which is also manifested by discomfort and pain in the hands and fingers. To prevent such troubles, you need to make gymnastics and massage of the upper extremities, do not put them under the head during sleep, do not wear long omitted, periodically put in a horizontal position. With exacerbation of the state - consult a doctor.
  • Belly skin. It continues to grow and hide due to skin stretching. It will not hurt to enjoy special cosmetics for pregnant women to avoid large stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Selection. They must be neutral: moderate, transparent or bright, homogeneous consistency or odorless. Yellow, green, cotton white, with lumps, unpleasantly smelling mucus indicates the development of an infectious or fungal disease. Abundant liquid discharge, the feeling that the "wet between the legs", they say about the leakage of the octopotic waters and the beginning of premature births, and the presence of blood in them - about the placenta detachment. If these features are found, it is necessary to immediately apply to a specialist.

Surveys and visits to the doctor

If a 31-32 obstetric age of pregnancy was not conducted ultrasound diagnostics, it's time to make it now. Ultrasound is carried out to assess the state and development of the fetus (weight, length, head circle, tummy, chest). Indicators such as the amount of amniotic fluid and the placenta maturity are also investigated.

Now you can make a preliminary forecast of whether a woman will give birth to a child with a natural way or a cesarean section will be required.

Additional types of research are appointed, such as dopplerometry and cardiotocography (CTG). The latter is carried out at each visit to the gynecologist. If there is no such equipment, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat (heart rate) with the help of a "tube" of a stethoscope.


Not superfluous during this period will be visiting training courses for childbirth. They can be walking with her husband. His support is now important in everything.

It is more often to communicate with the baby, including a pleasant music, read out loud, talk to a calm voice and not forget to stroke a big belly. No need to be nervous, it is better to discard all the excitement and fears. The main motivation should be a karapuz, think first of all about him.

Do not try to do everything immediately: this period requires the smoothness of movements and the measured routine of the day. Husband is capable of home affairs, shopping can also shift on it, news to discuss on the phone, but it is necessary to pay for your body and baby special attention.

Intimate topic

Now you can slow down the momentum in intimate life. Sex classes contribute to the production of oxytocin - hormone, stimulating the cutting of the uterus. Excessive intimate life is not very relevant, but it is not necessary to completely refuse it. Most women on this period are tired so much that they do not have strength and desire for love joy, and many of the minutes are afraid to harm the baby.

Food and lifestyle

The issue of proper nutrition remains relevant. It should be continued to have more fresh fruits and vegetables, beef, fish. It is useful to exclude, even if there is no swelling and weighing problems, oily, fried, sweet and salty food.

More often to spend time in the fresh air, dressed on the weather. It is necessary to protect yourself from drafts and clusters of people, contact with those who have a high temperature. It is important to wear free and comfortable clothes. It is necessary to get more positive emotions, look at beautiful things, communicate with pleasant and kind people. No need to be afraid once again ask others about help.

Answers to frequent questions

Future mothers are puzzled by many questions. This period is especially interested in the following.

  • What if the ultrasound is there are signs of aging placenta? With the normal weight of the fetus and the absence of changes in blood flows, it is not necessary to worry about, but it is important to carry out a dynamic ultrasound, that is, repeat after two or three weeks. Often "signs of aging" - deposition of calcium salts, if pregnant is fond of multivitamin complexes. Everything should be moderately and only by appointing a doctor.
  • How dangerous is the accused of a baby's cord neck? Identification on the ultrasound of this location is the option of the norm. In no case, this is not an indication that childbirth will flow with complications or kid suffers. The clinical significance of the merits is determined only after the start of the bout.
  • Can a pelvic presence correlated on this time? At this time, the location of the crumbs down the legs is still allowed. The more period, the greater the likelihood that he will remain. For this, its reasons, for example, lowland, short umbilical cords, anomalies of pelvic bones.
  • Why does a child yelling? This is the norm. But if the baby wants constantly, along with this, a woman notes too turbulent or inactive movements for 31 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor to control the state of the kid.
  • Is it possible to make a mistake on this period by determining the floor of the child? A boy or a girl shelters a woman, best to determine during screening for 20 obstetse week. In the third trimester, the external genitals are clearly distinguishable. However, the reviews of women prove that sometimes the doctor can be wrong.

Moms are also worried if the fetal head for 31 weeks pregnancy is located low. Is it a sign of imminent birth? The head mechanically presses the cervix, contributing to its discovery. Therefore, a low location can be considered a threat, especially if the woman notes that the abdominal bottom is drawn or there is a tone of the uterus.

It remains less time before childbirth. For 31 weeks pregnancy, there is already attending special lectures on which to learn how to behave during childbirth. It is also important to promptly visit the gynecologist and take tests in order to identify possible pathologies in time.

It actively picks up muscle mass, its weight reaches about 1.6 kg, the growth can vary from 39 to 42 cm. The baby learned to suck his finger.

The brain continues to actively develop. Nervous fibers are already protected by a special shell, and the child can transmit impulses much faster.

He is already capable of learning. Starting from this week, the fetus pupils are almost, such as in an adult, they already react to light and darkness.

Its skin pose, the white-type fatty tissue is deposited under it.

He can already feel pain, so if it is inadvertently pressed on the stomach stronger than usual, the child immediately reacts to active movement.

As soon as 31 weeks of pregnancy begins, the fruit becomes much more receptive to the environmental signals. He shudders from sharp sounds and fright, can ick. On this time, he hears the voice of his parents and perceives the lullabies that they sing.

The fetal increases the mass of the pancreas. It is almost ready to produce enzymes responsible for cleavage of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates. But they will be needed after the newborn appearance. For 31 weeks, the pancreas produces insulin and maintains a normal level of glucose in the fetus organism.

The liver continues to develop, the formation of cells that are responsible for purifying blood from harmful substances.

The kidney of the fetus is well function, they remove urine into the oily water.

On this period of gestation of the fetal movement is needed to develop the muscles of the limbs. It periodically performs chaotic movements of the legs and hands, which are noticeable to others.

What happens to mom

As a rule, on this time, the woman may notice that it is distinguished from the mammary glands, which is a thick brackwate liquid. It contains a lot of useful substances that are necessary for the newborn during the first days of life. Over time, it will be replaced by maternal milk. The discharge of polezol is regulated by prolactin, the production of which activates hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands of the fetus.

The weight of a woman continues to grow, from the moment of conception, the mass of her body can increase by 9.5-10.5 kg. Normally, weight gain per week is 300 grams. When it is more, it is worth checking your daily diuresis. It is necessary to calculate the amount of drilled liquid and selected with urine. When this result is positive, then everything is in order. If the diurez is negative, then, despite the fact that there are no visible edema, most likely the liquid is delayed in the body. In this case, you should pay attention to your diet: exclude all sharp, salty, fatty and fried dishes from the menu.

Reduce receipts into the body of sodium ions, which delay water in the body. They are contained in the cooking salt, so it is desirable not to do food.

Also cannot be used to eliminate heartburn food soda. And, of course, with the appearance of edema, it is worth reporting on this doctor, as they are one of the symptoms of the late toxicosis called gestosis. The risk of his appearance increases, if a woman has:

  • excess weight;
  • high blood pressure;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • heart and kidney pathology;
  • age older than 30 years old.

In severe cases, gestosis can cause seizures, fainting, pregnant death. Therefore, it is not worth deceiving a doctor about your condition and importantly, to donate urine on time. This will prevent the appearance of dangerous complications.

On this duration of the uterus is strongly issued ahead and rises above the pubic symphysome more than 30 cm. Practically observed back pain, as the lumbar lumbar lumbar lumbar. Pelvas pain may also appear. They are caused by the relaxic hormone, which softens the ligaments of the pubic symphima and allows you to expand the pelvic bones to facilitate the choice of the child during childbirth.

Another signs of late toxicosis is gravity and abdominal pain. Also, gestosis can be accompanied by dizziness, headaches, flashing flies before eyes. In this case, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.

Symptoms 31 weeks of pregnancy

The uterus surrenders the neighboring organs, including the digestive tract.

It can appear such unpleasant symptoms as:

  • constipation that can provoke hemorrhoids, his first sign is the appearance of pain in the back pass, they need to be informed about the doctor, since if the disease does not treat it will progress;
  • heartburn;
  • screwing belly and increased gas formation.

This period may increase the number of vaginal secretions. This is due to the fact that the blood flow of the genital organs for 31 weeks reaches a maximum. White color can vary from milk to light gray. In their consistency, they are homogeneous, do not have a pronounced smell.

The body of the woman on this period is weakened, which can cause the appearance of itching and burning in the vagina. Allocations become white, with sour smell, in appearance resembling cottage cheese. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and under the course of treatment, otherwise the fungus can harm the child during the intrauterine development or during childbirth.

It is also worth noting a gynecologist if the allocations from the vagina have become green, yellow or earthly shade and have acquired a sharp smell, since these symptoms usually indicate the connection of sexual infection.

It is impossible to tighten with a visit to the doctor if there are bleeding from the vagina, because they may indicate the placenta prelation or detachment.

At this time, the leakage of spindle water may be observed, which have a yellowish tint and liquid watery consistency. In this case, it is also necessary to seek medical care, since if the integrity of the fetal shells is broken, the child is not protected from pathogenic agents.

Sommonty expulsion of amniotic fluid is a sign of early childbirth. In this case, it is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance carriage.

On this date, the gestration of the kidney may not cope with their function, as a result, the edema of the limbs appear. Normal pressure is considered a pressure of 120/70 mm Hg. Art.

Many have shortness of breath and pain in the back. This is due to the fact that the muscular-ligament apparatus is resting to then fully participate in childbirth.

This period increases the risk of swollen veins on the legs.

Feelings for 31 weeks of pregnancy

On this time, the body of pregnant woman tires more often and faster. Due to the high weight of the fetus, light women cannot be filled with enough air, because of what it gets harder to breathe.

The appearance of shortness of breath is possible, especially after physical activity. All movements become clumsy, increasing the likelihood of falling.

The metabolism is accelerated, which is manifested by excessive sweating. Often, a woman becomes hot even in a cool room.

It is very good, since with then from the body there are harmful substances.

Analyzes and examinations

On this period, once a week you need to visit the gynecologist, which:

  • measit hell and pulse;
  • determine the increase for weight;
  • measure the girth of the abdomen;
  • listen to the palpitation of the fetus;
  • estimate the results of blood and urine analysis.

In addition, at the end of the 31st week, at the beginning of the 32nd, pregnant guide to the planned ultrasound.

During it, it is necessary to determine how the fruit is located in the uterus, which depends on how the delivery will be held: or naturally, or with cesarean.

Also, the uzist determines:

  • the dimensions of the fetus correspond to whether they are normal;
  • the volume of accumulation waters;
  • are there any anomalies for the development of the internal organs of the fetus;
  • matching a baby cord and if it is how many times;
  • the state of the uterus and organs of a small pelvis of a woman.

Possible dangers for 31 weeks of pregnancy

On this period of gestation often the woman rises appetite, so it is necessary to fear too much weight gain. Since it will provoke the appearance of edema, including internal, headaches, raising blood pressure.

Another danger when 31 weeks of pregnancy goes, are premature childbirth.

For which the dishevement of the oily waters, the appearance of abdominal pain, bleeding from sex tract.

Sometimes, when the placenta is delayed, there are no selections from sex tract, but a woman can begin internal bleeding. In this case, pregnant women have severe abdominal pain, which sometimes it is simply impossible to touch.

In any case, if abdominal pain is observed, it is worthwhile to call a doctor without delay, especially when a woman has multiple pregnancy.

On the period of 31 weeks, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. Power should be diverse. In the diet should prevail the cereals, milk products, lean grades of fish and meat, fresh vegetables and fruits (except cabbage, grapes and other products that increase gas formation). There must be a sufficient amount of fiber to be present in the menu, which will help cope with constipation. It is also important to observe the drinking mode. Water softens the carte masses, helps to maintain the normal intestinal microflora, eliminate its spasms and excessive gas formation. But per day can be maximally drinking 1.5 liters of liquid. It is unacceptable to drink carbonated water, as it can provoke a meteorism. It is also necessary to limit the use of coffee and strong tea, which can cause insomnia and headaches.

    From thermal processing methods, preference is worth petting cooking, cooking in a double boiler, oven.

    It is important to always check the expiration date. Indeed, due to food poisoning, many toxic substances are distinguished, which, with a blood current, fall into the body of the fetus and may harm it.

  2. If the doctor diagnosed the deficiency or excess of amniotic fluid, you should not sit on a water diet, since the volume of accumulating water does not depend on how much a woman drinks.
  3. It is necessary to regularly be in the fresh air, constantly airing the room in which there is a future mother. This will reduce the likelihood of headaches, normalizes sleep.
  4. Always worth dressing strictly on the weather. After all, overheating can provoke a faintness and even loss of consciousness, while supercooling may be caused by a cold.
  5. Normal breathing will recover closer to childbirth, when the belly drop, and so far, to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of shortness of breath on the stairs, it is necessary to raise slowly.
  6. It is necessary to relax enough, but at the same time not forget about the adequate physical activity, which will reduce the likelihood of edema, varicose the lower extremities. In addition, it is needed to train the heart. During sports exercises it is impossible to make sharp movements. It is better to go swimming, water acts soothing on the body of a woman. In addition, there is an opinion that it is swimming that helps to take the fetus head preview.
  7. If there are no contraindications, such as the threat of early childbirth, a small amount of accumulating waters or multiple pregnancy, then intimate life can be conducted in the same mode.
  8. To reduce the load on the spine, you need to wear antenatal bandage, picking up a gynecologist.
  9. We carry the compression stocking to reduce the load on the blood vessels of the lower extremities.
  10. It is impossible to sit, putting a foot on the leg, as this habit can provoke disorders of the blood supply to the small pelvis.

During pregnancy and childbirth, try to carefully prepare for a meeting with your baby.


Hormonal changes, increasing the uterus and the load on the musculoskeletal system provoke the occurrence of pain in different parts of the body. The intensity and frequency of these sensations depend on the individual characteristics of the body of the future mother. It is very important not to tolerate pain, it is better to immediately tell a doctor about her, even if she was insignificant. Only a gynecologist can say whether there is a threat of pregnancy.

  • Pain in the lower back arise due to an increase in the weight of the pregnant and load on the back. To minimize unpleasant sensations, doctors advise to use a bandage that fixes the stomach and unload the lumbar department.
  • Pain in the intestines and in the back pass - a common malaise, when 31 weeks of pregnancy occurs. There are due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, food processing slows down, which leads to constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Pain in the ion muscles appear due to the increased load on their feet and edema. Sometimes the cause of the cramps becomes the lack of calcium.

Childbirth for 31 weeks

31 The obstetric week of pregnancy pays different dangers in itself, one of which is premature childbirth. The early appearance of a child is threatened with his life, because the body is not ready for independent operation. However, subject to the provision of high-quality medical care and the availability of the necessary equipment, the baby will be able to survive and develop normally. The causes of premature birth can be various pathologies in the development of the fetus, bad habits, the age of pregnant, miscarriage in the past, stress and physical overvoltage.

The symptoms of premature genera include pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, the destruction of the breakfod water, frequent urination. The right sign that the child is preparing to go out - strong and frequent contractions. You need to urgently call in the ambulance or to go to the maternity hospital.

Allocation on the 31st obstetric age week of pregnancy

With a prosperous course of pregnancy, the future mother detects light-milk discharges without smell and various inclusions on its underwear.

A sharp change in the color of the vaginal secret, the appearance of an unpleasant smell, itching or pain is a reason to go to the gynecological examination.

Quite often, for 31 week, pregnant women suffer from a milkness - an infection that amazes the mucous membrane. This disease can be effective. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent intrauterine fetal infection.

Pressure and swelling

After 30 pregnancy, you need to closely monitor arterial pressure and edema. The fact is that in the past few months before delivery, some women are susceptible to such a danger as the development of late toxicosis - gestosis. This is a very serious illness, in which the life is not only a child, but also the mother. I need urgent medical care, any delay can lead to a fatal outcome.

What are the symptoms of gestosis? These include nausea, vomiting, fainting, weakness, high pressure, accumulation of fluid in the body. If a woman is constantly sick and at the same time she has strong edema for 31 weeks of pregnancy, it may be late toxicosis. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctors make cesarean cross section to preserve the life of mom and child.

Intimate life

In the absence of unreasoning, the future mother it is possible to continue intimate relationships. However, it is worth remembering that on the calendar 31st week of pregnancy and any negligence in this matter can lead to undesirable consequences. In order not to harm the child's health, the future mother should closely monitor his well-being.

Doctors can prescribe sexual peace if we are talking about the pregnancy of twins or there is a risk of premature appearance of a child.

Related research

Twice a week, the gynecologist adopt reception at which the mothers and baby appreciates. Before going to the doctor, a woman should pass the necessary analyzes:

  • general blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear on the microflora of the vagina;
  • titre of antibodies (only if there is a rhesus conflict).

A regular inspection of a doctor is an opportunity to maintain your health normally and prevent the development of diseases. The doctor controls the state of the fetus, listening to his heartbeat, and also monitors mom, measuring pressure, weight, abdominal circumference. All data is recorded in the exchange card, which a woman should carry. In the later dates, childbirth can begin at any time and, when a pregnant will come to the hospital, an obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to understand the medical care, which way to choose is natural or artificial.

Ultrasound kid

For many future mothers, the thirty-first week of pregnancy is the time of passing the third planned ultrasound. This research method, along with a triple test (blood test for hormones hgch and estriol free, alpha-fetoprotein protein), gives a complete picture regarding the health of the child. With its help, the doctor can identify deviations in development, as well as analyze the state of the child's place: the prelationship and the degree of maturity of the placenta, the number of accumulating waters.

Sometimes it happens that on the first planned ultrasound, the doctor cannot name the sex of the child due to the "closed" posic of the fetus or outdated equipment. For parents waiting for girls and waiting boys, the third study by the Ultrasound method is an opportunity to find out who will soon replenish the family.

31 weeks of pregnancy - childbirth is getting closer. Every day, the baby grows, gaining weight, and mom becomes harder to walk and breathe. It remains very little. How many months are it? 7 full obstetric plus 3 weeks.

Puumiko happy family preparing for maternity hospital
Heavy ultrasound care
weight features in position

The kid's growth on the period of 31 weeks is about 40 cm, its weight is approximately 1.6 kg. How to develop a child.

  1. The child actively accumulates muscle mass.
  2. Face features become thinner, the nose takes a certain shape, the neck is lengthened, ears grow.
  3. The brain continues to be improved. Protective shells appeared around the nerve fibers, the transfer of impulses accelerated.
  4. Lightweight baby is highly developed. Epithelial cells forming a surfactant appeared in alveolar bags. And this means that the chances of the life of the baby when the occurrence of the last week increased significantly. Surfactant will allow the child to straighten the lungs and make the first independent breath.
  5. By 31 week, the kid is already capable of learning, he uses all five feelings. Reacts to sounds, it may show joy or discontent, distinguishes the voices of mom and dad.
  6. Under the skin, a sufficient amount of adipose tissue was accumulated, so the skin of the baby acquires pink color, characteristic of babies.
  7. The kidneys work well, deriving urine into the oily water.
  8. The number of pancreatic cells has increased, its mass has grown. This body is already able to ensure the fruit of insulin, maintains blood sugar levels.
  9. The liver has finished the formation of poles responsible for the removal of toxins from the blood.
  10. The kid reacts well to the light, however, the ability to distinguish colors will appear from him only a few months after birth.
  11. The child's sleep is represented by a rapid sleep phase with increased brain activity, which means that he sees dreams.
  12. Wake-up periods are becoming longer. Moms notice them in the activity of movements.
  13. The reproductive system continues to develop. Girls becomes visible clitoris, but the sex lips close it. The boy the tests are shifted to the inguinal area, and then in the scrotum.

PUsiko on the third trimester

Pregnancy twins for 31 weeks can proceed somewhat differently than those who expect one kid. Since children in the uterus two, it is natural that they are slower gaining weight, therefore noticeable deviations from the norms generally accepted for this period are not excluded. Introducing two children, a woman is experiencing a big load, for this term it is tormented by back pain, it becomes hard to walk. Such moms are desirable throughout the third trimester, the doctor is observed.

It is possible that when twins, childbirth will begin before the deadline - by 37-38 weeks.

31 weeks of pregnancy - the period of the next prenatal testing. But you can do ultrasound at 32 weeks. On this time, the woman visits the gynecologist every two weeks. The doctor now refers to a pregnant woman, as a crystal vessel, intently observing her condition and child.

Ultrasound examination on this period allows you to determine the prelation of the fetus. If the baby is located down, then, most likely, the childbirth will be carried out naturally. If the presence of pelvic, you should think about the caesarean section.

In addition, the ultrasound doctor:

  • looks like the internal bodies of the baby develop;
  • measures the size of the accumulating water;
  • examines the degree of maturity of the placenta;
  • checks whether there are no pathologies with the internal organs of the mother and whether there is no deposit of a baby cord.

Also learn whether it is necessary to do everything about the right one.

If you look at the photo and video of the ultrasound, made for 31 weeks of pregnancy, you can see how the child funny makes the face, ikaat, swallows the oily water, moves, sucks a big finger. If the baby is in a good mood, you can see his smile.

Women's well-being

At the 31 week of pregnancy, women's discomfort is enhanced. What happens with its body on this period.

  1. The uterus is above the navel about 12 cm, the total weight gain is 9-12 kg.
  2. Sometimes a woman feels cutting the uterus, so-called false contractions. Usually they last 0.5-2 minutes. So the uterus is preparing for childbirth. If during battles you feel unpleasant sensations, try to make breathing exercises. Inhales deeply through the nose, exhale mouth slowly.
  3. This period is accompanied by tangible pains in the back and lower back.
  4. Often phenomenon at 31 weeks of pregnancy - varicose veins. It occurs due to the strong relaxation of the tissues of the muscles and the extension of the vessels.
  5. Many women celebrate the irregularity of the chair - once a few days. This is a consequence of two factors. First, the hormone progesterone strongly slows down the intestinal peristalsis. Secondly, the increased uterus presses the intestines, interferes with him to empty.
  6. Observed discomfort, gravity in the abdomen, flatulence.
  7. In a position lying on his back, many future mothers begins to spin the head, darkens in the eyes. This is due to the compression by the uterus of the lower hollow vein. Therefore, women in late pregnancy should relax on the side.
  8. The uterus enhances the pressure on the diaphragm, the consequence of what is the heartburn. To make her manifestation less pronounced, it is necessary to eat often and gradually. Then food will be easier to digest, and the stomach will not stretch.
  9. Hormon relaxing relaxes the pelvic bones, preparing a woman to childbirth. Because of this, pain in the pelvis area arise.

A happy family

If we talk about the feelings of a woman by 31 weeks of pregnancy, then its companions are becoming.

  1. Fatigue. The weight of the kid is already quite large, the load on all organs, the spine increases significantly.
  2. The fear of losing an equilibrium. Commonly reasonable, by the way. Because of the big abdomen, the center shift of the gravity of the woman's gait becomes clumsy. Try to walk slower, follow posture.
  3. Feeling heat. The rate of metabolism increases, which is accompanied by a feeling of heat, reinforced by sweating. Along with then, harmful substances and toxins come out of the body, so this is a good sign.
  4. Headache. Frequent late pregnancy satellites - blood pressure jumps. It is not surprising if you consider that the kidneys and the heart of a woman are worn. The pressure level should be monitored, consult with the attending physician.

RecommendationWhat to do?
Fit rightTry to eat only natural products. We take a special place in the diet with milk, meat, fish products. Do not eat fried, sharp, heavy dishes, which give extra load on the body.
Do not overeatControl your appetite. 31 weeks of pregnancy - a period when a woman wants to eat something all the time. Nevertheless, it is at this time that extra calories are postponed in the most inappropriate places.
Avoid swells

With each convenient case, try to raise your legs to the body level.

Limit salt use. Clothes should be free. You can also wear compression stockings and tights.

Evenkers - a sign of gestosis, so if you notice that no measures help them get rid of them, consult a doctor.

Slide relaxation methodsIf you are alarming about the upcoming clans, or simply can't fall asleep, set the relaxation method, which will help you relax, will bring calm.
Help the baby turn over

If the fruit is still not going down to this period, help him. There are many ways to stimulate the crumb to occupy the right position: swimming, special exercises.

Many women helped many women: they applied headphones with a pleasant melody to the bottom of the abdomen so that the baby sought her head there.

Get on yoga

Pregnant women marked her amazing ability to reduce back pain and lower back.

In the extreme case, you can purchase a special bandage for pregnant women.

Take care of babyThe task of the future mother is to do everything possible so that the child spends in the stomach the time that is predetermined by nature - 40 weeks. After all, by this time, light kids will be fully prepared for independent breathing, all organs and systems are fully developed.
Be chapter31 weeks - enough late term. It's time to start collecting things for the maternity hospital. Believe me, childbirth always begin unexpectedly, so if you gather a "alarming suitcase" in advance, you can get to the hospital in a short time, without forgetting something necessary.

But what about sex for 31 weeks of pregnancy - you can or can not? Many couples by this term minimize intimate proximity in fear to damage the future child and provoke premature childbirth. However, doctors are not tuned so categorically. Consult your doctor: If the pregnancy proceeds normally, the woman feels good, no contraindications to the sex.

Remember, the baby reliably protects the uterus and the communal bubble, so the risk to damage it is minimal. In addition, by the seventh month of pregnancy, women happen a hormonal splash, which is manifested in reinforced sexual activation.

Getting ready for maternity hospital, it may be frequent fatigue

Isolation or how to recognize childbirth?

By 31 week, the number of vaginal discharge may increase lightly. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between the separation of the accumulating waters. Water - liquid, transparent, odorless. If you suspect water leakage, contact the hospital urgently, as your baby is in danger of intrauterine infection.

Almost all women are detected on this laumium pregnancy. It is possible to determine it by mucous membranes, curly discharge with a specific beer smell. The thrush needs treatment, as the baby during childbirth can infect candida fungus.

What should really alert a woman, that's.

  1. Blood selection from the vagina. In case of non-delicate discharge, observe your condition. If they do not pass, you need to consult a doctor. If strong blood goes, it speaks of a detachment or the preservation of the placenta. Dangerous condition fraught with premature births. It is necessary to immediately cause ambulance, and before it does not move.
  2. Abdominal pain, especially accompanying bloody discharges. They indicate an increased tone of the uterus, so they require appeal to the doctor.
  3. Departure of the accumulation waters.

If it happened so that your crook was born a week for 31 weeks, no need to be upset. Be prepared to push the newborn - now he never needs your care and attention. Learn and.


The information published on the site site is exceptionally introductory and is intended only for familiarization. Visitors to the site should not use them as medical recommendations! The editorial board does not advise to engage in self-medication. Determination of the diagnosis and the choice of treatment technique remains an exceptional prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of the doctor will help to completely get rid of the disease!