State programs in the field of family, motherhood and childhood support

Stability today and prospects for the future are the most important components of well-being and quality of life. What is needed for this?

Get an education, find a job, get housing and start a family, provide guarantees of a comfortable old age and support for health. In many ways, the social stability of a person depends on the conditions created by the state for the realization of rights and opportunities.

Types of state support for citizens

Social policy in Russia covers all spheres of life.

This is the strategic action plan of the state with ambitious tasks on:

  • development of social infrastructure;
  • creation of intellectual potential;
  • preservation of cultural and family values;
  • preserving the health of the nation.

Activities are planned for years in advance through state social programs... Forward-looking statements are represented by legal documents approved at the government level.

Program passports include:

The areas include housing, pension, educational programs, support and development of health care, agriculture, families with children and socially vulnerable citizens.

Let's take a closer look at social programs that are relevant in 2019.


The inaccessibility of housing, outdated communications pushed the Russian government to modernize the housing sector.

A pilot version was launched in 2011 federal program "Housing" valid until 2014. The impressive results left no doubt that special events will continue.

Federal Target Program (FTP) "Housing" for 2015-2020

Coordinates the M program Ministry of Construction and Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation.

Tasks include:

Target audience FTPs are citizens to whom the state has obligations to provide housing for the population that is not provided with housing. The program also solves the interests of the executive authorities of the constituent entities (in terms of creating housing stock at the local level), representatives of the construction industry.

FTP includes 5 subroutines, 3 of which are aimed directly at citizens.

"Provision of housing for young families"

The government will need five years to resolve the housing problem of citizens under 35 years of age. All of them, of course, owe the municipalities to improve living conditions.

Officially unsettled citizens are provided for part of the cost of an "economy" apartment or construction of a residential building.

The size financing:

Subsidy right confirms. It is issued by local executive authorities. Of course, it will not work for public money to buy a penthouse.

Desires are limited social standards of the area:

  • 42 "squares" for a family of two;
  • 18 sq. meters for a large family.

An essential condition for obtaining a certificate is that the family has its own funds or the possibility of obtaining a home loan for the remaining value of the property. The state assists in lending on concessional terms, including the use of funds.

Subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by law"

The state support segment is aimed at housing for the following persons:

  • retirees of military service, departments of internal affairs, registered as housing waiting lists before 01.01.2005;
  • , law enforcement officers subject to dismissal for health reasons, in connection with staff changes or upon reaching the age limit. Their service life must be at least 10 years of the "calendar";
  • persons affected by radiation in accidents at nuclear facilities;
  • forced migrants who are on special migration registrations;
  • people leaving the Far North and equivalent territories;
  • migrants from ZATO.

Support is provided in the form of a cash subsidy. Confirmation is state housing certificate (GZhS)... An apartment, a house, its part, a room are purchased both in the primary and in the secondary market. The provision of a certificate is calculated taking into account the standards for the area and the cost of a square of housing in the region.

Installed the following standards:

  • 33 squares for a lonely citizen;
  • 42 sq. m for a family of 2 people;
  • 18 sq. m for a larger family.

Every six months, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade sets the estimated cost per square meter for the regions and for the country as a whole. It is forbidden to purchase premises smaller than the standard. If the subsidy is not enough, it is allowed to use credit or own funds.

The main condition is the absence of own real estate or the free transfer of the existing one to the municipality.

Subprogram "Provision of housing for certain categories of citizens" - 2015 - 2020

The social package is aimed at providing modern and comfortable housing representatives of the public sector:

  • employees of the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • rescuers of the Ministry for Civil Defense and Emergencies;
  • scientific workers.

A separate direction of the program is the resettlement of the population of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) from emergency housing.

Support is provided through the acquisition / construction of residential real estate for renting out or as official housing, the provision of subsidies for the purchase of real estate in ownership.

As conceived by the developers, the implementation of measures will allow attracting qualified personnel to strategic areas of activity for the country. The BAM zone covers Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Amur and Irkutsk regions. During the years of the development of these areas, young specialists were provided with temporary premises for living. To this day, 10,000 families continue to live in absolutely unsuitable conditions. By 2020, all of these citizens should acquire modern economy-class housing.

Programs to reduce unemployment and promote employment

Government measures to get out of the crisis in the Russian labor market are represented by the targeted federal program "Promotion of employment of the population" for 2013-2020.

The project is aimed at and reduction of social tension, improvement of labor legal relations, assistance in advanced training of specialists in leading areas of the economy and social sphere. The imbalance in the professional environment in some areas is planned to be eliminated by attracting foreign labor. This is a separate area of ​​the project.

In total, the program includes three subroutines:

  • "Increasing the employment of citizens of the Russian Federation and reducing unemployment";
  • "External labor migration";
  • "Development of labor market institutions".

Coordinates the project of the Ministry of Labor. The co-executors are the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (FTS - at the time of approval), the Ministry of Finance and the State Employment Service.

Social sphere

Social tension in Russian society is high. The economic crisis, the turbulent political situation in the world and other factors cannot be dismissed or eliminated at once.

But it is quite possible to take measures of additional guardianship of vulnerable citizens.

State program "Social support of citizens"

Started in January 2013. The set of measures is designed for a seven-year period.

Implementation will take place in the following areas:

  • expanding the targeted and targeted principle of providing social assistance measures to citizens in need;
  • empowering regional and local authorities to develop and distribute in-kind and monetary forms of social assistance;
  • solving the needs of citizens with disabilities, the elderly in third-party care of social service specialists and other structures;
  • popularization and creation of conditions for the transition to family forms of upbringing of children and adolescents left without parental care.

The program also does not bypass the social workers: by 2019 it is planned to raise the salaries of social workers. structures up to 100% of the regional average earnings.

"Accessible Environment" for 2011-2020

The addressee is the disabled and non-mobile categories of the population (for example, the elderly).

By 2020 planned:

  • create comfortable conditions for the life of persons with disabilities, including for;
  • help them optimally socialize;
  • to increase the tolerance of society towards people with specific psycho-physiological characteristics.

To do this, it is necessary to ensure optimal access of addressees to services and life support facilities, provide the necessary amount of rehabilitation / habilitation, and reform the activities of institutions of medical and social expertise.

The sphere of education

A well-functioning health care system, quality education and a reliable pension system are the three pillars of the nation's well-being.

Federal target program for the development of education for 2016-2020 is aimed at creating conditions for increasing the availability of quality education at all levels: general, higher, professional and additional.

When implementing the program the following will have to be done:

  • Reorganize the higher education system: create a network of universities (about 60) focused on key segments of regional economies;
  • Develop and implement educational standards for secondary specialized and higher education that meet modern conditions;
  • Create a control system for professional and higher education at the regional and federal levels.
  • Attract investment funds for the construction of educational facilities and the creation of educational, laboratory, economic infrastructure of educational institutions.

Measures to improve the economy of education are highlighted as a separate area.

The state programs of Tatarstan are described in the following video:

In the implementation of any state policy, various methods of state administration are used: economic, administrative, socio-political. One of the most relevant management methods is the target-programmed method.

The program-targeted method is used in the development of targeted integrated programs, which are a document that reflects the purpose and complex of research, production, organizational, economic, social and other tasks and activities, linked by resources, performers and deadlines.

The state program is a strategic planning document containing a set of planned activities, interrelated in terms of objectives, implementation timelines, executors and resources, and state policy instruments that ensure, within the framework of the implementation of key state functions, the achievement of the priorities and goals of state policy in the field of socio-economic development and provision national security of the Russian Federation. State programs are developed by federal executive bodies in order to achieve the priorities and goals of the country's socio-economic development.

State programs are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Budget Code. The use of state program-targeted management in a modern economy contributes to its effectiveness and applicability in any economic system.

In order to increase the effectiveness of state family policy, appropriate programs have been adopted.

Consider the state program of the Russian Federation "Social support of citizens", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014. No. 296.

The responsible executor of the program is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the program:

1) increasing the availability of social services for the population;

2) creating conditions for the growth of the welfare of citizens - recipients of social support measures, state social and insurance guarantees.

This program has a subprogram "Provision of state support for families with children."

By 2020, it is expected that the share of social service institutions based on forms of ownership will increase in total to 12.4%; an increase in the total fertility rate to 1.812; an increase in the share of orphans and children left without parental care, placed in a family for upbringing in the total number to 87.4%; improving the material and social status of elderly citizens.

The main activities of the subprogram "Provision of state support for families with children" are presented in Figure 3

Figure 4 - The main activities of the subprogram "Provision of state support for families with children"

An effective state family policy includes measures to increase the birth rate, counter mortality, improve the quality of human resources, the level of health, and education. In this aspect, direct targeted assistance to Russian families is significant: solving unemployment issues and improving housing conditions.

Thus, the objectives of the program "Promotion of employment of the population" are:

Ensuring the implementation of citizens' rights to protection from unemployment;

Increasing the efficiency of regulation of the processes of using labor resources and ensuring the protection of the labor rights of citizens;

Introducing a culture of safe work.

The volume of budgetary allocations for the implementation of the program is 386,567,782.1 thousand rubles.

The responsible executor of the program “Provision of affordable and comfortable housing and utilities for citizens of the Russian Federation” is the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation.

Objectives of the program:

Improving the quality and reliability of the provision of housing and communal services to the population;

Increasing the affordability of housing and the quality of housing provision for the population.

The implementation of the program assumes the following results:

A) an increase in the annual volume of housing commissioning to 120 million square meters. meters and up to 1980 thousand commissioned housing units in 2025;

B) creation of a developed rental housing market and non-commercial housing stock for citizens with a low level of income;

C) a decrease in the ratio of the average market value of a typical apartment with a total area of ​​54 sq. meters to the average annual income of a family of 3 people (housing affordability ratio) to 2.3;

D) creating opportunities for the citizens of the Russian Federation to improve their living conditions at least once every 15 years;

E) achieving the level of compliance of the housing stock with modern energy efficiency conditions, environmental requirements, as well as the needs of individual groups of citizens (large families, elderly people, disabled people, etc.);

E) improving the quality of housing and communal services and the level of satisfaction of the population of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that this program is of great importance in improving living conditions for the Russian family as a whole within the framework of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020.

The Education Development program is aimed at developing the potential of the young generation in the interests of innovative socially oriented development of the country, ensuring high quality education.

The current problems for Russian families are the availability of preschool educational organizations, improving the quality of educational services, the need to create modern requirements for learning conditions in schools.

By 2020, the program assumes no queue for enrolling children in preschool educational organizations for children from 3 to 7 years old; the creation of new places in general education organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, providing one-shift training in grades 1-11; an increase in the proportion of young people participating in the activities of youth public associations from 17 percent in 2010 to 28 percent by 2020.

The Healthcare Development program is of particular importance for raising the level of family health and fertility. Among the main activities of the program, we will single out some:

Development of a system of medical prevention of non-communicable diseases and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

Prevention of infectious diseases, including immunization;

Prevention of HIV, viral hepatitis B and C;

Development of primary health care, as well as a system for early detection of diseases, pathological conditions and risk factors for their development, including medical examinations and clinical examination of the population;

Improving the mechanisms for providing the population with medicines, medical devices, specialized medical food products for disabled children on an outpatient basis;

Primary prevention of dental diseases among the population;

Dispensary observation of patients with arterial hypertension.

Thus, the program-targeted method of state management of the institution of family, motherhood and childhood contributes to the achievement of the goals of state family policy in such areas as: support for working parents, support for families in the field of housing, education and health care, stimulating the birth rate, counteracting diseases and mortality.

Literature, regulations and electronic resources on the topic:

1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights: adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948 // ATP "ConsultantPlus".

2. Vienna Declaration and Program of Action of the World Conference on Human Rights: adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights on June 25, 1993 // PCA "ConsultantPlus".

3. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: adopted by resolution 2200 A (XXI) of the General Assembly on December 16, 1966, entered into force on January 3, 1976 // ATP ConsultantPlus.

4.Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979. Effective: September 3, 1981 // ATP ConsultantPlus.

5.Convention on the Rights of the Child: Adopted by General Assembly Resolution 44/25 of November 20, 1989, entered into force on September 2, 1990 // ATP ConsultantPlus.

6. Family Code of the Russian Federation: dated December 29, 1995 N 223-FZ: Adopted by the State. Duma on December 8. 1995: // SPS "ConsultantPlus".

7. On additional measures of state support for families with children: Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ: adopted by the State. Duma December 22. 2006 : approved By the Federation Council December 27. 2006 // SPS "ConsultantPlus".

8. On the announcement of the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/29/2017 No. 240 // SPS "ConsultantPlus"

9. On the Main Directions of the State Family Policy: (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on May 14, 1996, No. 712) // SPS "ConsultantPlus"

10. National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Women for 2017–2022: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/08/2017 No. 410-r // SPS "ConsultantPlus"

11. On the approval of the Concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2014 No. 1618-r // SPS "ConsultantPlus"

12. Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2015, No. 996-r. // SPS "ConsultantPlus"

13. Vartumyan, A.A. Transformation of the institution of family and state family policy in Russia: monograph / A. A. Vartumyan, A. V. Vereshchagina. - Moscow: TSIUMINL, 2012 - 212 p.

14. Portal of the State Programs of the Russian Federation. - official website - Access mode:

15. State family policy in the Russian Federation: interaction between government and society: materials of the IX International Congress "Russian Family", Moscow, May 18, 2012 / Nat. public com. "Russian family", Russian state social un-t; [ed.-comp .: L. N. Petrova, A. E. Nikiforova] Moscow: Publishing house of the Russian state. Social University, 2013 - 378 p.

16. State family policy in the Russian Federation: collection of materials / Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State. Duma: / comp .: I.F.Kovtunenko, A.P. Pokrovskaya. - Moscow: Publishing house. State Duma, 2014 - 430 p.

17. Elnikova, G.A. Modern sociological theories of family and family policy: textbook / G.A. with.

18. Mustaeva, F.A. Family policy in a single-industry city / F. A. Mustaeva, O. L. Potrikeeva, B. T. Ishanova - Ufa: BSPU Publishing House, 2016 - 196 p.

19. Legal support of state support for families in the Russian Federation: collective monograph / ed. A.M. Rabets. - M .: Publishing house of the RSSU, 2016 .-- 224 p.

20. Family law and the concept of the development of family legislation: international standards and the Russian model: a collection of articles following the results of the III International conference “Family law and the concept of the development of family legislation: international standards and the Russian model. Problems of intersectoral interaction of family, civil, housing, international private, administrative and criminal law, social security law in the regulation and protection of property and non-property relations in the family "/ under total. ed. Cand. jurid. Sciences A.E. Tarasova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2018 .-- 484 p.

Assignments and questions on the topic:

1. Explain the essence of the legal method of state regulation.

2. List the normative acts of the international level in the field of family, motherhood and childhood.

3. Write down federal family policy laws.

4. Name the strategic documents adopted by the state in the interests of the Russian family and children.

5. What is the significance of by-laws in the system of legal support of public administration?

6. List the federal by-laws in the field of family policy.

7. Write down departmental regulations in the field of family, motherhood and childhood protection

8. Give examples of local government regulations.

9. What is the role of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in the legal regulation of the state family policy?

10. What are the methods of government.

11. What is the relevance of the target-oriented management method?

12. What is the state program?

13. What state programs are being implemented in the field of family, motherhood and childhood support?

14. Who is the developer and responsible executor of state programs in the field of family, motherhood and childhood?

15. Fill in the table:

Topics of essays and reports.

1. Constitutional foundations of legal support for state support of the family.

2. Legal characteristics of the family in the Russian Federation.

3. Problems of the normative definition of the concept of a family.

4. Implementation of state family policy in the constitutional principles of family law of the Russian Federation.

5. Legal basis of state support for the life-preserving function of the family.

6. The program-targeted method of management in the implementation of state family policy.

7. Legal means of ensuring the educational function of the family.

Self-check tests:

1. The concept of the state family policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was approved by:

a) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) By the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation;

c) By order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Family law is administered by:

a) the Russian Federation;

b) under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Federation and its constituent entities;

c) subjects of the Federation.

3. The responsible executor of the state program "Social support of citizens" is:

a) Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

b) the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation;

c) Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

4. Document defining the priorities of state policy in the field of child rearing:

a) Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025;

b) National Strategy for Action for Children 2012-2017;

c) Concept for the development of school information and library centers .

5. A document that ensures continuity and is an additional guarantee for the implementation of all strategic documents adopted by the state in the interests of the Russian family and children:

(a) National Strategy for Action for Children 2012-2017;

b) Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025;

c) On the announcement of the Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation (decree of the President of the Russian Federation).

6. Agreement on the priority of protecting the rights of the child by all participating countries:

(a) Vienna Declaration and Program of Action of the World Conference on Human Rights;

b) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

c) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

7. The law governing the procedure for providing families with maternity (family) capital:

a) On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation;

b) On additional measures of state support for families with children;

c) On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.

8. The monthly payment to families with children in accordance with the federal law "On monthly payments" is carried out in the amount of:

a) the living wage for children established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

b) the minimum wage;

c) fifteen thousand rubles.

9. Maternal (family) capital is:

a) regional budget funds transferred to the budget of the Pension Fund of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures of state support;

b) funds from the municipal budget for the implementation of family support measures;

c) federal budget funds transferred to the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures of state support.

10. Persons who have received a certificate can dispose of maternity (family) capital in the following areas:

a) improvement of housing conditions, education for a child (children), formation of a funded pension for women, purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration of disabled children into society, receipt of a monthly payment.

b) improvement of housing conditions, education for a child (children), formation of a funded pension for women;

c) only to improve living conditions.

Creating conditions for an increase in the birth rate, protecting mothers and children, strengthening the institution of the family - these are priority social tasks in Russia. They should be of key importance for the present and for the future of our state and require systematic, coordinated work of authorities at all levels, society and citizens, this is a work that should have uniform, clear and achievable goals.

The main task of the state in this area is to create conditions for sustainable family well-being, which depends on a number of factors: family income, availability of educational and medical services, housing conditions, moral and physical health of adults and children, and many other factors.

We believe that it is this principle that should form the basis of the concept and the family policy pursued by the state. The creation of conditions for the growth of the birth rate, the protection of childhood and motherhood, and the strengthening of the institution of the family are priority social tasks in Russia.

The state must create conditions for raising the level and quality of life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian family and its social prestige.

In recent years, the state has done a lot to increase the authority of the family, to establish its decisive role in the upbringing of children; state awards have been established, including regional ones, which are awarded to families with many children.

The media, political parties and public organizations should be actively involved in raising the values ​​of responsible parenting and motherhood and a healthy lifestyle. Currently, the process of forming such a family-oriented information and educational policy is underway.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012-2017" highlights the main problems in the field of childhood, lists the key principles of the National Strategy, indicates the main measures aimed at reducing poverty among families with children aimed at creating a safe and comfortable family environment for children, aimed at preventing the removal of a child from the family, social orphanhood, aimed at ensuring the availability and quality of education, aimed at finding and supporting talented children and youth, aimed at developing the upbringing and socialization of children, aimed measures to create child-friendly health care, measures to develop a policy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, etc. adolescents, measures aimed at protecting the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care, measures aimed at preventing violence against minors and rehabilitating children who are victims of violence, and so on.

The decree lists a large number of measures and provides the expected results to be achieved by the 2017 strategy. A detailed outline of the National Strategy is given in Appendix 1.

Within the framework of the National Strategy, specific programs were developed in the areas under consideration:

The concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2014 N 1618-r;

The strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 N 996-r;

The strategy for the development of the industry of children's goods for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2013 N 962-r;

The concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 N 1351;

The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r;

State Program of the Russian Federation "Accessible Environment" for 2011 - 2015, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2011 N 175 and others.

In order to achieve the results of the National Strategy approved by the President of the Russian Federation in the Vologda Oblast, regulatory legal acts have been developed, the following should be specified in more detail:

The Law of the Vologda Region of December 29, 2003 No. 982-OZ "On the Protection of Family, Motherhood, Fatherhood and Childhood in the Vologda Region" establishes the basic legal, organizational and socio-economic foundations of state policy in the field of social support for children and families. This law approved the status of a large family, the law defines social support measures, the implementation of which takes place after the certificate of a large family is provided, the procedure for issuing and the form of the certificate was approved by the Government of the region of September 19, 2005 No. 1003 "On approval of the certificate of a large family."

Under the law, large families are provided with the following support measures:

Unified compensation payment for utilities and electricity in the amount of thirty percent;

Annual compensation in the amount of RUB 133 for the purchase of liquefied gas for each family member who does not benefit from a compensation payment of 30%;

Annual monetary compensation for the purchase of solid fuel for families living in houses that do not have central heating in the amount of 1,440 rubles;

Maternity capital for a third or subsequent child born or adopted in the form of a lump sum payment of one hundred thousand rubles.

The Law of the Vologda Region of January 28, 2005 No. 1218-OZ "On measures of social support for certain categories of citizens in order to realize the right to education" establishes the following support measures:

Children studying in schools from large families are paid a monthly compensation in the amount of one hundred and fifty rubles for travel on intracity transport;

Compensation for the provision of school clothes for one child once every two years in the amount of one thousand five hundred rubles.

In accordance with the law of the Vologda region dated July 15, 2003 No. 929-OZ "On providing food for schoolchildren in the Vologda region", children attending school from the first to the fourth grade are provided with milk free of charge during their studies, children from large families are provided with free meals.

Families with many children have the right to visit exhibitions, museums, and parks of culture free of charge once a month.

In the Vologda Oblast, additional measures of social support have been established for families with disabled children in order to protect their rights and interests:

The Law of the Vologda Region of March 1, 2005 No. 1236-OZ "On State Social Assistance in the Vologda Region" establishes a measure for the provision of state social assistance in the form of a quarterly allowance to low-income citizens with an average family income below the subsistence minimum, as well as to families with in its composition of children with disabilities under the age of eighteen, where both parents are disabled people who are not working.

The Law of the Vologda Region of April 26, 2007 No. 1574-OZ "On additional measures of social support for paying for housing for disabled people and families with children with disabilities, children who are HIV-infected" establishes compensation for paying for housing in the amount of fifty percent for people with disabilities and families with disabled children living in residential premises of a private housing stock.

In the Vologda Oblast, along with the aforementioned laws, regional target programs are being implemented, developed by authorized bodies, for example, “The Road to Home”; "Prevention of offenses in the Vologda region"; "Formation of a healthy lifestyle for the population of the Vologda region"; "Organization of recreation for children, their health improvement and employment for 2009 2016"; “Veliky Ustyug is the homeland of Santa Claus” and other activities that are aimed at protecting and improving the situation of children in difficult life situations, large families, to ensure the effective functioning of the system for the prevention of juvenile delinquency and neglect and other socially unprotected categories of citizens.

With the indicated variety of measures taken in the field of protection of mothers and children, according to the author, a number of problems remain unresolved, which we consider necessary to talk about further, giving options for their resolution.

In our opinion, the key problem is increasing the incomes of families with children. Its decision is directly related to the development of the economy, of course, with the opening of new industries and the creation of high-quality jobs. This is a long-term priority of the state.

First of all, it is necessary to create conditions for the active work of parents. It is necessary to disseminate the experience of employers who provide employment for women with preschool children, as well as parents who are raising children with disabilities.

These measures are not only support for families with children, but also an investment in the future. After all, the authority of a business is earned, among other things, by an attentive and sensitive attitude towards its employees.

The following example can be cited: at PJSC Severstal in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, pregnant women are sent to light work or are completely freed from work while maintaining average earnings. The same program exists in another largest company in the Vologda Oblast at PhosAgro.

The next acute problem of the modern family is the lack of places in preschool organizations. Less than half of preschool institutions now have nursery groups. State and municipal authorities are trying to develop a system for looking after and caring for children up to three years old, including promoting the implementation of business projects aimed at providing such services, involving volunteer organizations in this work, providing them with material support. To solve this problem, it is possible to propose the creation of non-state preschool educational institutions and the widespread development of variable forms of care and childcare.

We also consider it necessary to analyze the effectiveness of social support for families with children. Basically, such support is provided through the payment of benefits, their amount is usually insignificant, and they are almost invisible in the family budget. In the development of the working group of the State Council there is a provision on increasing payments to low-income families with children on the terms of a social contract.

The state is trying to create conditions for increasing the level and quality of life of an ordinary, ordinary Russian family and its social prestige.

Another acute problem is family trouble. Every year in Russia about fifty one thousand parents are restricted in their rights or are deprived of them altogether, and almost sixty two thousand children become orphans with living parents. This phenomenon is called social orphanhood.

In most cases, it is easier and more convenient for social services to simply isolate children from such dysfunctional families, from such parents, but the state sets the goal of helping the family, helping people, helping parents who find themselves in difficult life situations, in difficult circumstances, to return to normal life.

Since 2008, a federal grant fund has been operating to support children in difficult life situations, in addition, the state is developing support for non-profit organizations working in the field of supporting families with children. They promote the education and employment of parents, help large families, and participate in solving the problems of disabled children.

For example: in Cherepovets, the Road Home Foundation, in Kostroma, the Future Now Foundation. This non-profit foundation pays out one hundred thousand rubles to everyone who takes a foster child into the family; if they take a disabled child into the family - two hundred thousand rubles.

In the Moscow region, Leonid Fedun voluntarily donated eight hundred million rubles to the Moscow region for the construction of a rehabilitation center and twenty houses of a social village for foster parents, Gennady Timchenko did the same with the Klyuch fund in the Gatchina of the Leningrad region, PJSC Uralsib created the Victoria fund in the Vladimir region. Therefore, we can conclude that the programs of non-profit organizations are being implemented and achieve greater success than some areas of state policy, in addition, a socio-political effect can be observed when there are fewer and fewer indifferent people in society to the problems of orphans, children with disabilities, large families and foster families, more and more people are trying to help other people.

Another important problem is the lack of housing and the high need for better housing conditions. Housing is one of the main prerequisites for young families to have children, the most significant social benefit, as evidenced by the demand for all measures taken by the state aimed at improving housing conditions. Only one fact - 96.6 percent of all recipients of maternity capital sent it to improve housing conditions. In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional support is provided to young and large families in need of better housing conditions. In 23 regions, social payments are provided for the purchase of residential premises.

There are such programs in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, but their funding is so small that about 100 young families in the region can take advantage of this measure a year. Several ways can be proposed: the creation of youth cooperatives, and options with an installment plan to pay the first installment or lower interest rates under bank mortgage agreements for large and young families.

But it is obvious that the government measures taken have not yet led to the desired result - the need for families to improve housing conditions in the country as a whole remains high. One of the options for solving the housing problems of a young family can be the expansion of the practice and mechanisms for the application of special conditions for mortgage lending, the formation of which is provided for by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 600 "On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing. - public services ".

In the Vologda Oblast, together with credit institutions, it is planned to implement a pilot project "Social mortgage for young families", which is based on the principle of reducing the interest rate on mortgage loans in connection with the birth of children.

A young family with one or more children will be given the opportunity to purchase housing on a mortgage on special conditions, and the birth of each subsequent child will give the right to reduce the interest rate on the loan.

Providing housing for a young family on the above conditions will allow not to postpone the birth of children to a later age, to plan reproductive behavior for the long term, not to abandon the birth of the next children due to high loan payments, and ultimately strengthen the family. The conditions for obtaining a social mortgage will be: a registered marriage, the age of the spouses under 35, the presence of children in the family.

Not only young families are interested in this project, but also credit organizations and housing developers.

The Government of the Russian Federation tirelessly shows attention to the needs of young families, developing and implementing state support programs. Thanks to the attention of the authorities, people have the opportunity to reduce the cost of new housing by up to 40%. Depending on the type of activity and compliance with other requirements, you can use the terms of various targeted programs.

1. "Young Family" program

The federal program began its operation in 2011; young people under thirty-five years of age who are legally married can receive a housing certificate. The conditions of the program allow you to receive targeted funding from the state in the amount of thirty-five percent, in the absence of children, or forty percent, if there is a child in the family, for the construction of a house or equity participation in a facility under construction. The funds received can be used to pay for the concluded purchase and sale agreement, as well as to pay off the debt on mortgage lending.

For the implementation of the program, it is also assumed that the area of ​​the acquired housing will correspond: 42 m2 for a couple without children and 18 m2 per person if the family consists of 3 or more people.

2. The Governor's program "Young Family" operates separately, which involves the allocation of financial assistance from the authorities at the regional level. Accordingly, the needs are financed from the regional budget.

An additional requirement for participants in the program is the permanent registration in a specific region of both members of a married couple. Nevertheless, some regions offer even large amounts of financing for the purchase of new housing.

3. The federal target program "Housing" operates on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1050 dated December 17, 2010 until 2020. The main objectives of the program are: renovation of communal facilities, activation of programs for the construction of housing facilities, as well as provision of new housing for young families.

During the period of the program for 2014-2017, it is planned to build twenty-five million square meters of budget housing. The cost of living space will be twenty percent lower than the market value. The maximum price for one square meter has also been agreed - no more than thirty-five thousand rubles.

Those regions that are already participating in the program will receive the promised compensation for a square meter of housing commissioned in terms of infrastructure.

4. The state program "Social mortgage" involves the provision of a repayable loan for the purchase of housing and is implemented within the framework of the program "Housing for a Russian family".

Any category of citizens whose income is relatively low can become participants in the program. The installment plan can be up to thirty years.

Social mortgage began in 2015, making it possible to purchase new housing below fair value at a preferential financing rate - 12.84 percent - significant benefits for the population.

Preferential financing for young families is provided by leading credit organizations: Vneshtorgovybank, Gazprombank, OTP, Sberbank.

Maternity capital should also be indicated as one of the programs to support young families.

This program started in 2007 as one of the forms of support for families with children. Under the terms of the program, applicants will receive a one-time financial aid from the government. As of the beginning of 2015, 5.5 million families in Russia received such assistance.

Maternity capital is periodically revalued taking into account macroeconomic indicators, as well as the official inflation rate. In 2016, the amount of one-time aid did not increase and amounted to 453,026 rubles. However, the use of maternity capital is possible when there is no other received state support.

Separately, to the citizens of the Russian Federation, the Government provides payments for anti-crisis regulation. This year, to maintain stability, it was approved to receive assistance in the amount of twenty thousand rubles.

It is possible to receive maternity capital after the birth of a second child and subsequent children.

I would like to voice one more problem. In our opinion, the source of many family problems, including demographic ones, is the devaluation of the traditional values ​​of the family. Today, the number of unregistered marriages is growing, there is practically no positive dynamics in the number of divorces, although there are advantages - the number of children born out of wedlock is decreasing.

Therefore, it is extremely important to take measures to improve the quality and increase the amount of broadcast time of programs promoting traditional family values, a healthy lifestyle, and conscious parenting on federal and regional television and radio broadcasting channels. The formation of a harmoniously developed social responsibility, family-oriented personality is one of the most important priorities of the education system.

Undoubtedly, a special role should belong to the formation of a friendly environment for families with children - informational, cultural, leisure, sports and educational. At the state level, it is necessary to raise the status of families, which are based on the strength of marriage relations, healthy motherhood, the importance of family ties, respect for elders, and having many children. And I would like to emphasize the need to revive responsible parenthood. Of course, all this should be done taking into account the ethnic and confessional characteristics of the population.

It is necessary to form a consistent state information policy aimed at promoting traditional family values, reviving interest in the pedigree of each family and leading it in order for family values ​​to be affirmed.

We consider it necessary to focus our attention on the following problem of state policy in the field of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood - this is the irrelevance of the norms governing family relations, and more specifically the Family Code was adopted almost twenty years ago, today it needs serious updating. In particular, it reflects rather broad, vague grounds for intervention in the family by the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Imperfection of family legislation in terms of making a decision on the immediate removal of a child, which does not exclude abuse that is not in the interests of the family and the child. Taking away a child - this should be the most extreme measure, after all others have been exhausted. This is not enshrined in the Family Code.

Such facts, for example, as consent to the marriage of minors, is given only by the guardianship authorities, the consent of the parents is not required, which, it seems to us, just weakens the authority of the parents in the family.

For example, in case of divorces, the division of property between parents does not take into account the child who remains with one or another parent. That is, the norms of the Civil Code are not applicable with regard to the family. Therefore, we consider it necessary for the legislative bodies to start developing new provisions of the Family Code.

We can talk a lot about measures to support motherhood and childhood fatherhood in our country, but the programs developed do not achieve the desired result due to low funding for these projects.

As the budget data have already been cited on the example of the Vologda Oblast, the problem is very acute, since the amounts included in the budget are extremely small for the construction of social housing in the required volumes, an increase in benefits and other monetary payments and the implementation of social support measures in full.

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2.2 Ways to solve problems


List of sources used


Usually, the definition of a concept is given in codified legal acts that have higher legal force in comparison with other normative acts. Many definitions are directly contained in sectoral codes, such as land, criminal, family, labor and other codes. There is still no legislative consolidation of the concept of "social security", just as there is no codified act on social security itself. For this reason, we are faced with different interpretations of the very concept of "social security".

State social security can be considered as a guaranteed system of material support for citizens (in cash and (or) in kind) upon reaching a certain age, in case of disability, loss of breadwinner, temporary disability, raising children, loss of earnings and income, and in other cases, specially stipulated by the law, as well as the protection of their health and carried out at the expense of 19 specially created off-budget compulsory social insurance funds, formed from insurance contributions (unified social tax) and appropriations from the state budget of the Russian Federation by authorized bodies in the manner prescribed by law.

The problem of social security, social protection is quite acute in our state. Something prevents our state from appreciating the work of employees of budgetary organizations, to support pensioners and people who cannot take care of themselves. To the question "What prevents the state from showing itself properly?" hardly anyone can answer, except for the representatives of our government. But they are in no hurry to answer.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the current situation with motherhood and childhood in Russia at the present stage. There is a gradual decrease in the number of children born and a deterioration in the "social quality" of childhood. The family is under threat, a new concept has emerged that characterizes the state of the majority of "modern" families - the "risk group" family. Childhood is characterized by such phenomena as social orphanhood, fugitive children, children suffering from abuse, child begging and child labor; for maternity - a decrease in the level of reproductive health of women, the formation of a negative trend in maternal refusal of newborns and an increase in the number of underage mothers. So, the situation of modern motherhood and childhood is characterized by social deprivation, i.e. deprivation, restriction, inadequacy of certain conditions and resources necessary for the successful implementation of the function of motherhood and the development of each child.

The socio-economic conditions for the functioning of the family, along with socio-cultural attitudes and traditions, are in modern society the most important determinant of the reproduction and development of the population. All basic human needs are met in the family, therefore, the study of the impact of the state on the socio-economic conditions of the family's life from the standpoint of economic sociology is especially relevant at the present time, when the state is actively reforming family policy.

The family is one of the leading basic subsystems of society, which performs two specific functions - the birth and socialization of children. Prevention and mitigation of negative trends in the situation of families with children is one of the main tasks of an effective socio-economic policy, the purpose of which is to ensure sustainable social development, taking into account socio-economic factors.

In matters of improving state support, family, motherhood and childhood, a significant role is assigned to regional programs of state support for families, the effectiveness of which needs active scientific study. The state system with the support of family, motherhood and childhood is created and formalized at the federal level, and at the regional level it is implemented in organizational measures to assist families with children.

The relevance of addressing the problem of state support for the family, motherhood and childhood is associated with the need to form other methodological approaches in Russian sociology that would allow not only describing, but also influencing the effectiveness of social protection of the family in the system of new economic relations.

The object of the research is public relations in the sphere of state support for mothers and children.

Subject - regulatory framework and problems of state support for mothers and children.

Thus, the purpose of the work is to study the essence and problems of state support for mothers and children.

To achieve this goal, it is required to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the types of state benefits to support motherhood and childhood.

2. Investigate the problems of state support for mothers and children.

3. To identify ways to solve the problems of state support for mothers and children.

The methodological basis of the research is the methods of analysis and synthesis, formal and logical, systemic and structural, historical and legal.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources and literature used.

1. General characteristics of state benefits for the support of mothers and children

1.1 Theoretical foundations of state policy to support motherhood and childhood

The main task of the social policy of the Russian Federation is to achieve the well-being of individuals and society, to ensure equal and fair opportunities for personal development. This task of the social policy of the Russian state must be solved in close unity with its economic policy.

The social development of a society largely depends on the status of its primary unit - the family, protection of motherhood and childhood. In Art. 38 of the Constitution enshrines the general rule that they are under the protection of the state.

State protection of motherhood and childhood, the family as a constitutional principle was first enshrined in 1977. The confirmation of the state policy in this area in the Basic Law of the Russian Federation corresponds to the UN international legal acts on human rights and testifies to the importance that is attached in modern society to the family, mother-woman, and children.

The protection of motherhood and childhood, the family is of a complex socio-economic nature and is carried out through the adoption of various state measures to promote motherhood, protect the interests of mothers and children, strengthen the family, its social support, and ensure the family rights of citizens.

An unconditional priority in social policy is "the best provision of the rights and interests of the child." Social policy and the regulatory legal framework created in recent years are aimed at helping to improve the status of the family, protecting the health of the mother, protecting the rights of children, and somewhat improving marital and family indicators.

Thus, the goals of social policy in relation to family, motherhood and childhood are:

Improvement in marriage rates and decrease in divorce rates in families;

Decrease in rates of maternal, perinatal and infant mortality;

Creation of a system of family placement of orphans, which will increase the rate of transfer of children to families;

Reducing the number of street children and families with children in a socially dangerous situation.

Implementation of social policy in relation to family, motherhood and childhood requires spending budget funds. In this case, the spending of budgetary funds is carried out in the following areas of expenditures of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation:

1. The wage fund for women in budgetary sectors (education, health care, culture, science).

2. Unemployment benefits and other measures to support women.

3. Monthly child benefits.

4. Benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

5. Benefits for caring for a child under the age of 1.5 years.

6. Benefits at birth, or when transferring a child to a family for upbringing.

7. Benefits for registration in early pregnancy.

8. Funds for children's recreation, health camps.

9. Pensions for old age, disability, loss of breadwinner (by the proportion of women).

10. Pensions for disabled children.

11. Lump sum payments to families with disabled children in connection with the monetization of benefits.

12. Increase of privileges (deductions) on personal income tax for children.

13. Federal, regional, municipal target programs: "Children of Russia"; "Provision of Young Families with Housing" and a number of others.

In the Russian Federation, federal laws have been adopted and are in effect to provide support for children and families with children: Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"; Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance"; Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ "On additional measures of state support for families with children"; Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children"; Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996 "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care"; Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 24, 1999 "On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency"; Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1996 No. 712 "On the Main Directions of the State Seed Policy".

The norms of international law are also in force - the Convention on the Rights of the Child; UN Declaration "On Social and Legal Principles Relating to the Protection and Welfare of Children, Especially in Foster Care and Adoption at the National and International Levels".

Based on the above normative acts, the rights of the child in the context of international standards of human and civil rights and freedoms can be divided into six main groups: the right to life, to a name, to equality in the exercise of other rights, etc .; the right to family well-being; on the free development of the child's personality; the right to children's health; the right to education and cultural development; the right to protect children from economic and other forms of exploitation, from involvement in the production and distribution of drugs, from inhuman detention and treatment of children in prisons.

One of the instruments of the state's social policy in the field of financial support for the institution of motherhood and childhood is the payment of the so-called "maternity capital" (these payments are not taxed). Families who have given birth to their second child can use these funds as early as January 1, 2007. For the first time in Russian practice, a fundamentally new measure to stimulate the birth rate is being introduced.

The maternity capital will grow - its size is supposed to be indexed depending on the rise in consumer prices in the country. In some cases, it is stipulated that the right to maternity (family) capital can be acquired by the adoptive parent, the father, or it is transferred to the children themselves.

It is necessary to ensure full transparency and availability of maternity capital funds. Starting from January 1, 2010, they can be used, at the request of women, in one of three directions: for the purchase of housing, the education of a child, or the formation of the funded part of the mother's labor pension.

A woman can spend money in several areas at once, some part on the education of a child, the other on paying off a mortgage loan.

Despite the fact that this instrument has been put into effect, many issues and the procedure for the provision of maternity capital itself remain unresolved and non-transparent.

1.2 Types of state benefits to support motherhood and childhood

Among the numerous forms and methods of supporting family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, the system of social security benefits stands out. It includes:

· Benefits for pregnancy and childbirth;

· A one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy;

· A one-time benefit at the birth of a child;

· A one-time allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing;

· Monthly childcare allowance;

· A one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript;

· A monthly allowance for a child of a military man doing military service by conscription.

The regulation of relations on the provision of citizens with these benefits is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children", the Procedure and Conditions for the Assignment and Payment of State Benefits to Citizens with Children, and other acts.

Maternity allowance.

The maternity allowance in 2014 is one of the types of insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance.

Only women can count on the maternity allowance (as opposed to the childcare allowance). All categories of recipients of maternity benefits in 2014 are listed in the Federal Law of 19.05.1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children".

These include women:

· Working;

· Unemployed (dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within 12 months preceding the day they were declared unemployed);

· Full-time students;

· Undergoing military service under the contract;

· Adopting a child and belonging to the above categories.

The maternity allowance in 2014 is paid only for the period of the leave of the same name. This means that if a woman does not exercise the right to the said leave and continues to work (and, accordingly, receive a salary), then she is not entitled to benefits. The employer in this situation is not entitled to provide a woman with two types of payments at once: both a salary and an allowance. Consequently, wages will be paid for the days of work. As soon as the woman decides to exercise the right to maternity leave and it is issued, the payment of wages will stop and the employer will calculate the allowance.

The maternity allowance is paid at the place of work, service or other activity. Women who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization are paid by the social security authorities at the place of residence (place of actual stay or actual residence).

If an employee is a part-time employee and has worked for the same employers in the previous two years, then both employers pay her maternity allowance in 2014.

The maternity allowance is paid at the expense of the FSS.

The list of required documents is listed in the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood":

Application for the appointment of benefits (drawn up in a free form)

· sick leave

Certificate of the amount of earnings for calculating benefits

The application for maternity allowance must not exceed six months from the date of the end of the maternity leave.

After the woman provides the package of necessary documents, the insured will assign her an allowance within ten days. If the maternity allowance is paid by the employer, then it is issued together with the next salary. If the benefits are provided by the social security authorities, then the payment is made by mail or through the bank no later than the 26th day of the month following the month of receipt of documents.

The maternity allowance is paid to the insured woman in total for the entire vacation period.

The amount of the maternity allowance depends on the status of the recipient:

Working women receive an allowance equal to 100% of the average earnings

Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles

Students - in the amount of a scholarship

Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

If the experience of the insured woman is less than six months, she can count on an allowance in the amount of no higher than the minimum wage (today - 5205 rubles)

The maternity allowance is indexed annually, it is enshrined in the law.

Indexation applies only to payments received by laid-off women. In 2014, the indexation coefficient is 1.05 - respectively, the size of the maternity allowance in 2014 is 515 rubles 33 kopecks.

Since 2013, women have not been given the right to choose the procedure for calculating benefits.

The maternity allowance is calculated based on the average earnings and does not depend on the length of service of the employee (in contrast to the temporary disability allowance). For convenience, the calculation of the allowance can be presented in the form of the following scheme: maternity allowance in 2014 = income for 2 calendar years (preceding the year of the decree) / number of days in this period * number of days of decree.

One-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy

This benefit is eligible for women who: have registered with medical institutions in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy; are entitled to maternity benefits (except for the adoptive parent).

This manual is indexed every year. In 2014, the amount of the allowance is 515.33 rubles (in 2013 - 490.79 rubles).

The allowance is assigned and paid at the place of destination of the maternity allowance:

Ш at the place of work - for working women;

Ш at the place of service - for women doing military service under contract, service as privates and commanding officers in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in institutions and bodies of the penal system, in the bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs substances in customs authorities;

Ш at the place of study - for women studying full-time on a paid or free basis in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education, in institutions of postgraduate vocational education;

Ш to the bodies of social protection of the population - to women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations, etc., within twelve months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner.

Required documents:

1) a certificate from a antenatal clinic or other medical institution that registered a woman in the early stages of pregnancy;

2) an application (on the form) - to the social protection authority, and at the place of work - in any form.

When providing a certificate: together with a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth - the allowance is paid simultaneously (no later than 10 days after the submission of documents). if the certificate is submitted later - within 10 days after its delivery.

The allowance is paid if the application for it was followed no later than 6 months from the date of the end of the maternity leave.

The purpose of this manual is to promote the timely medical examination of pregnant women, the prevention of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Lump sum for the birth of a child.

The childbirth allowance in 2014 is a one-time payment provided to one of the parents. If two or more children are born, this allowance is paid for each child. If the child was born dead, the allowance is not due.

The size of the childbirth allowance in 2014, taking into account the indexation, is 13,741.99 rubles. If you are an employee of the Far North, the amount of the benefit will increase by the regional coefficient.

A lump sum at the birth of a child is paid either at the place of work (for working recipients), or at the place of residence by the FSS authorities (for non-working, full-time students). If one of the spouses is working and the other is not, the allowance will be paid to the one who works.

To receive a childbirth allowance in 2014, you must submit the following documents:

Application for the appointment of benefits

A certificate of the birth of a child (children)

A certificate from the place of work of the other parent stating that he does not receive this benefit

A certified extract from the work book or other document about the last place of work (if the allowance is paid by the social security authorities)

Divorce certificate - in the presence of this fact

These documents must be submitted no later than six months from the date of birth of the child.

Within ten days from the date of submission of documents, the childbirth allowance must be assigned. It is paid as follows: by the employer - within the indicated ten days, by the social security authorities - no later than the 26th day of the month following the month of submission of documents for benefits.

Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing

Guardians (trustees), foster parents and adoptive parents have the right to a one-time benefit when a child is placed in a family for upbringing.

The allowance is assigned if the application for it was followed no later than six months from the date of the entry into force of the court decision on adoption, or from the date of the adoption by the guardianship and trusteeship body of the decision to establish guardianship (guardianship), or from the date of the conclusion of an agreement on the transfer of the child upbringing in a foster family. If the guardian (trustee), adoptive parent or adoptive parent applied for the grant, but did not submit all the necessary documents, the Department of Social Protection of the Population gives the person who applied for a one-time benefit when transferring the child to a family, a written explanation of what documents must be submitted additionally. If such documents are submitted no later than six months from the date of receipt of the relevant explanation, the day of applying for a lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing shall be considered the day of acceptance (registration) of an application for the appointment of a one-time allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing.

When several children are transferred to a family, a one-time allowance for the transfer of a child for upbringing to a family is assigned for each child.

The allowance is assigned by the departments of social protection of the population at the place of residence (place of stay) of the guardian (trustee), foster parent, adoptive parent. The payment of the allowance is made by the Ministry of Social Relations of the Chelyabinsk Region at the expense of the federal budget.

Documents for assigning benefits:

1) an identity document of the applicant;

2) application for granting benefits;

3) a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force or an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on establishing guardianship (guardianship) over the child, an agreement on a foster family;

4) an application for the transfer of benefits to a credit institution with an indication of the personal account for crediting and the details of the credit institution;

For the appointment and payment of a one-time allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing in case of establishment of guardianship (guardianship) or transfer to a foster family, copies of documents confirming the absence of parents (single parent) or the impossibility of raising children by them (them) are additionally submitted:

a) the death certificate of the parents;

b) a court decision on depriving parents of parental rights (on restricting parental rights), recognizing parents as incapacitated (partially capable), missing or dead;

c) a document on the discovery of a found (thrown) child, issued by an internal affairs body or a guardianship and guardianship body;

d) a statement by the parents of their consent to the adoption (adoption) of a child, drawn up in accordance with the established procedure;

e) a certificate of the parents being in custody or of serving a sentence of imprisonment, issued by the relevant institution in which the parents are or are serving their sentence;

f) a court decision on the establishment of the fact of the absence of parental care of the child (including in connection with the illness of the parents);

g) a certificate from the internal affairs bodies that the location of the wanted parents has not been established.

In case of applying for the appointment of an allowance to the body of social protection of the population at the place of residence, a certificate is additionally submitted from the body of social protection of the population at the place of residence that the allowance was not assigned or paid.

Benefit amount:

From 01.01.2014: 15 803.29 rubles (taking into account the regional coefficient of 1.15).

When adopting a child over 7 years old, a disabled child, children who are brothers and (or) sisters - 120 750.00 rubles

Monthly childcare allowance

In the event of the onset of maternity leave while the mother is on parental leave, she is given the right to choose one of two types of benefits paid during the periods of the respective leave.

Mothers who are eligible for a pregnancy and childbirth allowance in the period after childbirth are entitled to receive either a pregnancy and childbirth allowance or a monthly childcare allowance from the day the child is born. In this case, on the basis of the woman's application for replacing the postnatal leave with parental leave, the monthly childcare allowance is paid off the previously paid maternity allowance if the amount of the childcare allowance is higher than the amount of the childcare allowance. pregnancy and childbirth.

The right to a monthly parental allowance is retained if the person on parental leave works part-time or at home, or if they continue their studies.

In the event that several persons are caring for a child at the same time, the right to receive a monthly childcare allowance is granted to one of these persons.

Features of the appointment and payment of benefits:

1. Persons subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, and persons doing military service under a contract or serving in the internal affairs bodies and other bodies, a monthly childcare allowance is assigned and paid to one of the parents, either to the person replacing him at the place of work (service);

2. In the event that both parents or a person replacing them do not work (do not serve) or study in full-time education in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education and institutions of postgraduate vocational education, monthly childcare allowance appointed and paid by the body of social protection of the population at the place of residence (place of stay, place of actual residence) of one of the parents, or a person replacing him;

3. If one of the parents or the person replacing him works (serves), and the other parent or the person replacing him does not work (does not serve), a monthly childcare allowance is assigned and paid at the place of work (service) parent or person replacing him.

4. In case of termination of activities by the insured on the day the insured person applies for maternity benefits or in case of impossibility of its payment by the insured due to insufficient funds in his account with a credit institution and the application of the sequence of debiting funds from the account provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The allowance is received by:

· Citizens of the Russian Federation living on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are doing military service under contract, serving as privates and commanding officers in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in institutions and bodies of the penal system, bodies for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs bodies and civilian personnel of military formations of the Russian Federation located on the territories of foreign states, in cases where the payment of these benefits is provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation;

· Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as refugees;

· Temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation and subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity to foreign citizens and stateless persons.

The amount of the monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years:

1. 40% of the average earnings, on which insurance contributions are calculated for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity, - to the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2. The minimum benefit amount is 2,576 rubles. 63 kopecks for the care of the 1st child and 5153 rubles. 24 kopecks (taking into account the indexation for 2014) for the care of the 2nd child and subsequent children.

2. For the care of the 1st child up to one and a half years old - 2576 rubles. 63 kopecks (taking into account indexation for 2014) - to persons specified in subparagraphs 3-6;

3. For the care of the 2nd and subsequent children up to one and a half years -5153 rubles. 24 kopecks (taking into account indexation for 2014) - persons specified in subparagraphs 3-6;

The maximum allowance for childcare in 2014 is RUB 17,053. 19 kopecks

In the case of caring for two or more children until they reach the age of one and a half years, the amount of the monthly childcare allowance is summed up. At the same time, the summed up amount of the benefit, calculated on the basis of average earnings (income, monetary allowance), cannot exceed:

· 100% of average earnings, on which insurance contributions are calculated for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood;

· 100% of earnings (income, pay) at the place of work (service) for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of parental leave;

· 100% of earnings (income) at the place of work for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of dismissal during the period of maternity leave;

In the event that the summarized amount of the monthly childcare allowance, calculated on the basis of average earnings (income, monetary allowance), is less than the summarized minimum amount of the benefit, then the amount of the benefit cannot be less than the summarized minimum amount of the benefit. At the same time, if the current legislation provides for certain categories of citizens guarantees for the payment of monthly childcare benefits in double the amount, then the total amount of the benefit cannot be less than two sizes of the summed up minimum amount of the benefit.

Federal Law No. 86-FZ of 05/07/2013 amends Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" according to which the same procedure for calculating the amount of monthly childcare benefits for persons dismissed is established during the period of parental leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the termination of activities by individuals as individual entrepreneurs, in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and mothers dismissed on the same grounds during the period of maternity leave.

One-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript.

The right of a pregnant wife to a one-time allowance, passing on the conscription of a military man, has:

the wife of a conscript military serviceman whose pregnancy is more than one hundred and eighty days.

the wife of cadets of military educational institutions is not paid this allowance.

A lump-sum allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript serviceman is assigned and paid by the social support body at the place of residence of the soldier's wife. Moreover, this benefit is paid regardless of the right to other types of state benefits to citizens with children.

The size of the lump sum allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript after indexation in 2014 is 21,761 rubles.

Documents that are required for the appointment and payment of a lump sum to the pregnant wife of a military serviceman who is undergoing military conscription:

1. Application for the appointment of benefits;

2. Passport of the citizen who applied for the allowance and a copy;

3. Copy of marriage certificate;

4. Certificate issued by the organization that registered the woman;

5. Certificate of military service by the conscript husband from the military unit, where the period of service is indicated; if the conscript military service is over - from the military commissariat at the place of conscription;

6. A copy of the bank account details.

Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript

The following have the right to a monthly child allowance for a conscript conscript:

· The mother from the birth of the child to 3 years, but only during the period when the father of the child is doing military service by conscription;

· The guardian of the child of a conscript soldier, or another relative of this child who actually cares for him.

A monthly allowance for a child of a conscript is assigned and paid by the social protection authority at the place of residence of a child of a conscript.

The size of the monthly allowance for a child of a military serviceman doing military service on conscription after indexation in 2014 is 9326 rubles.

Documents required for the appointment and payment of a monthly allowance for a child of a soldier doing military service on conscription:

1. Certificate of the birth of a child (children) issued by the registry office when registering a child and its copy;

2. A copy of the child's birth certificate;

3. Passport of the person who applied for the allowance and its copy;

4. Certificate of military service by conscription by the father from the military unit, where the period of service is indicated;

5. Application for the appointment of benefits;

Maternal (family) capital is an additional measure of state support for Russian families in which, after January 1, 2007, a second, third or subsequent child with Russian Federation citizenship was born or adopted. To date, the law defines the mother's right to receive a certificate for maternal (family) capital, provided that the second child in the family is born (or will be adopted) before December 31, 2016. The time limits for the disposal of MSC funds are not limited by law. The legislation provides for three directions for the disposal of maternity capital - for improving the living conditions of the family, for the education of children and for the funded part of the mother's future pension. The most demanded direction is the improvement of living conditions. The overwhelming majority (90 percent) of those who already have the right to dispose of this capital, allocate funds for the purchase of housing. Of these, almost 54 percent of Kostroma families do this with the attraction of credit funds (that is, without waiting until the second child is three years old). Recall that a certificate for maternity capital gives the right to dispose of this money when the child reaches the age of three. The exception is situations when the family needs to pay off the main debt or pay interest on loans or borrowings received for the purchase or construction of housing. In this case, maternity capital funds can be used at any time and regardless of the date of birth or adoption of the second child. And Kostroma residents actively use this right. Since the beginning of the law, 6,566 certificate holders have already directed funds from maternity capital to repay loans (loans) for the construction or purchase of housing. Another 5,586 people, having waited until their second child turns three, sent funds for the purchase, construction or reconstruction of housing.

Thus, 12,152 families out of 13,600 who disposed of funds (or part of these funds) of maternity capital used this money to improve their living conditions.

The size of the maternity (family) capital is indexed annually by the state. If in 2007 it was 250,000.0 rubles, then in 2014 - 429 thousand 08 rubles 50 kopecks.

In all cases of using maternity capital to improve the living conditions of a family, housing must be registered in the common property of parents, children and other family members. If at the time of filing an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the disposal of MSC funds, the housing is not registered in common ownership, then it is necessary to submit a notarized written commitment to further formalize this housing in the ownership of all family members. The term for transferring MSC funds is no more than two months from the date of the accepted application with a package of necessary documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence.

Funds of maternity (family) capital are transferred only by non-cash means, and any offer or attempt to "cash out" them may lead to the termination of the purchase and sale transaction or criminal punishment. If you have any doubts, then before concluding an agreement, we recommend that you definitely seek advice from your local PFR office.

Output. Motherhood and childhood are a necessary condition for the existence of society, because without the process of reproduction, the life of society is impossible in general. The phenomenon of motherhood and childhood has been and is currently the subject of study in various social sciences. A special role in the study of motherhood and childhood belongs to legal science, since it plays an important role in creating a legal mechanism for protecting the rights of mothers and children. A number of federal laws adopted recently are aimed at improving the material situation of women during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as protecting the interests of the family and children, and increasing the reproduction of the population. However, these and other measures, despite their certain positive impact, cannot fundamentally change the demographic situation in the country. It requires the implementation of a number of consistent, comprehensive and targeted measures by the legislative and executive authorities at both the federal and regional levels. In the course of modern administrative reforms, the state demographic policy is implemented by various power structures, which leads to inconsistency in actions on fertility, national health, life expectancy, family and marriage, migration.

Maternity and Childhood Support Benefits: Maternity Benefit; a one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy; lump-sum payment for the birth of a child; a one-time allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing; monthly childcare allowance; a one-time allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript; monthly allowance for the child of a conscript.

2. Research of social policy of the state

2.1 The main problems of state support for mothers and children

Today, an increase in the number of citizens in especially unfavorable conditions is characteristic - these are large and single-parent families, families at risk, families with disabled children. The scale of social orphanhood, early alcoholism, drug addiction has sharply increased, and the number of women and children who have become victims of domestic violence is growing.

Various bodies are called upon to ensure the successful implementation and guarantees of the rights of mothers and children in the Russian Federation: state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, as well as public associations and other non-state institutions.

Despite the increasing attention to the problems of motherhood and childhood, today there are many problems that require the immediate intervention of state authorities.

The most important of them are:

Lack of family priority, family traditions, low family status;

Insufficient responsibility of parents and an increase in social orphanhood;

There are few conditions for raising a child in a family and for his self-realization as a full member of society;

There is no support for the family as a natural environment for the development of children;

The system of social protection of the family, motherhood and childhood is not fully developed;

The need for a socially oriented demographic policy of the state;

The need to bring the norms of domestic legislation in line with international norms on the protection of mothers and children.

There are a number of state tasks in the field of motherhood and childhood that need to be addressed:

Providing women with the opportunity to combine professional activities with raising children;

Improving the well-being of families with children;

Ensuring equal rights of men and women,

Women's health care:

Ensuring the rights of women to labor protection, protection of life, taking into account the maternal function;

Reducing child neglect and the number of juvenile delinquency;

Protecting the rights of children with disabilities and creating conditions for their successful integration into society;

Protection of the rights of the child in the family;

Strengthening the legal protection of childhood;

Children's health protection;

Protection of children in difficult life situations.

The solution of these and many other tasks in the field of state financial support for the institution of motherhood and childhood will make it possible to level the current crisis phenomena in this area.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation stipulates that "... the Russian Federation provides state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood ...". Also, the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims that "motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state."

These principles serve as the basis for the adoption by the state, represented by its authorized bodies, of measures to protect the interests of mothers and children, legal mechanisms for such protection, encouragement of the institution of motherhood, aimed at creating a healthy family, society, and the state as a whole.

The most important laws securing the rights of children in the Russian Federation include: the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

International legal acts are of decisive importance in setting the limits for the protection of mothers and children. By virtue of Part 4 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided by law, then the rules of the international treaty are applied. social benefit maternity childhood

International legal protection of mothers and children is reflected in the fundamental acts and declarations, covenants and charters on human rights since the beginning of the XX century. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has enshrined (paragraph 2 of article 25) that motherhood and infancy give the right to special care and assistance. Protection of mothers and children, as one of the key features, stands out in:

Charter of Social Rights and Guarantees of Citizens of Independent States (approved by the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on October 29, 1994).

The norms on the protection of mothers and children are contained in more than thirty international acts (conventions, recommendations of international organizations, bilateral interstate treaties).

Since the beginning of the 20th century, many special international legal acts have been developed and adopted, aimed at protecting the institution in question, in particular, the following acts must be highlighted:

ILO Convention No. 103 on Maternity Protection (Revised 1952) (Geneva, June 28, 1952);

Convention of the International Labor Organization No. 3 on maternity protection, adopted in 1919 (not ratified by the Russian Federation);

ILO Convention 156 on Equal Treatment and Equal Opportunities for Men and Women Workers: Workers with Family Responsibilities (Geneva, June 3, 1981);

The following special conventions of the International Labor Organization are devoted to protecting the interests of children: No. 138 "On the minimum age for admission to work", No. 29 "On forced or compulsory labor" and No. 182 "On the prohibition and immediate measures to eradicate the worst forms of child labor ".

In order to implement the norms of constitutional, labor, family and other branches of law aimed at protecting mothers and children, authorized state bodies are adopting programs to improve existing mechanisms and implement declarations. So, for example, one can single out the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2007 No. 172 "On the federal target program" Children of Russia "for 2007 - 2010"

There are 31.6 million children living in the Russian Federation. Among the most vulnerable categories of children are orphans and children left without parental care (731 thousand children), disabled children (587 thousand children) and children in a socially dangerous situation (676 thousand children). These groups of children need, first of all, social rehabilitation and adaptation, integration into society.

Deteriorating environmental conditions, unfavorable working conditions for women, inadequate opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, a high level of morbidity among parents, especially mothers, lead to an increase in childhood morbidity and disability.

Only 30% of newborns can be considered healthy. More than half of the children have functional abnormalities that require treatment, correction and rehabilitation measures.

Therefore, along with the development of federal legislation in the field of ensuring the rights and interests of children, the foundations of the corresponding regional legislation have been formed. The most important area of ​​ensuring the rights and interests of children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the adoption of special laws to protect the rights of children. For example, such laws have been adopted in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - "On the Rights of the Child"; Krasnoyarsk Territory - "On the Protection of the Rights of the Child"; Primorsky Territory - "On the Protection of the Rights of the Child in the Primorsky Territory"; Tomsk region - "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child on the territory of the Tomsk region."

It is noteworthy that in many northern regions special laws have been adopted aimed at social support of large families, increasing their status and improving the situation of children in them. Among them are the Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Arkhangelsk, Amur, Magadan and other regions.

The social significance of the problems associated with the state of health of children in the Russian Federation necessitates their solution by a program-targeted method based on the implementation of a system of measures aimed at reducing the indicators of childhood morbidity, disability and mortality, maintaining and strengthening health at all stages of child development.

As a result of the implementation of the Program, part of the funds from the federal and regional budgets will be saved by reducing the need for costs for solving a number of social issues. Budget savings will occur as a result of a decrease in the disability of children as a result of newborn screening, an improvement in the health status of children, a reduction in the cost of maintaining children in residential institutions, as well as a reduction in the cost of integrating graduates of these institutions into society, which will make it possible to reorient the freed up funds for organizing work with children and their families in need of special care of the state.

The implementation of the Program in terms of strengthening the preventive focus of the activities of social service institutions for families and children will help to reduce the factors of social disadvantage of families with children, leading to social orphanhood, and thereby reduce the proportion of children in need of state care.

The system of institutions providing social services will make it possible to proactively solve many emerging problems and avoid families with children getting into a situation of social risk.

Improving the efficiency of work and optimizing the use of state resources in the prevention of social disadvantage of families with children and social orphanhood will contribute to

Thus, the state policy to support motherhood and childhood is regulated by a number of legislative and other legal documents: from international to domestic (federal, regional and municipal). Among the organizational measures, target programs of the specified profile occupy an important place.

2.2 Ways to solve problems

The ways to solve the problem are to ensure the state policy in the field of maternity protection and increase the responsibility of all government structures for its implementation:

Introduction into medical practice of modern technologies for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of women and children;

Social support for mothers and children, creating conditions for protecting the health of mothers and the birth of healthy children;

Professional development of specialists working in the service of childhood and obstetrics;

Strengthening the material and technical base of children's and obstetric institutions;

Health education on women's and children's health, "responsible parenting", healthy lifestyles;

Interaction with public organizations, funds to support maternal and child health.

Currently, the overwhelming majority of disabled children are brought up in a family, one third are in specialized children's institutions. The work of these institutions needs to be reformed in order to strengthen its rehabilitation orientation.

The main task of the state in solving the problems of families raising children with disabilities is to support these families, to help parents carry out the child's rehabilitation process.

Disability in children means a significant limitation of life activity, it contributes to social maladjustment, which is caused by developmental disorders, difficulties in self-service, communication, learning, and mastering professional skills in the future. One of the main problems of families with a disabled child, a disabled child, is that children are in an almost isolated state, their family closes in its space, focusing on their misfortune. The child is deprived of active social development, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of his adaptation in society.

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480 RUB | UAH 150 | $ 7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut = "return nd ();"> Dissertation - 480 rubles, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week

Shushania, Shorena Semyonovna. Constitutional and legal regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia: dissertation ... candidate of legal sciences: 12.00.02 / Shushaniya Shorena Semyonovna; [Place of protection: Ros. acad. state services under the President of the Russian Federation] .- Moscow, 2011.- 196 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 11-12 / 934


Chapter 1 Support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the context of the implementation of the social principle; states

1. Family- and> marriage, like; objects of constitutional and legal regulation. eleven

2 Principles of constitutional and legal regulation of state support for the family - motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia: 21

3. The system of legal regulation of state support for families of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; 44

Chapter 2; Measures of state support for families, motherhood; paternity and childhood at the present stage of development of Russia ... 60

1. Reforming the policy of state support for family, motherhood; paternity and childhood. 60

2. Development of state guarantees and measures of state support for families of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia: ...; ... 73

3: Support for families who have adopted children in: modern Russian society. 108

Chapter 3. Practice of solving problems of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (on the example of Moscow and the Moscow region) ... 121

1. Legislative regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Moscow. - 121

2. The effectiveness of legislative regulation of state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the Moscow region. 151

Conclusion 184

List of normative and other legal acts 189

Introduction to work

Relevance of the research topic. In the modern socio-demographic situation in the Russian Federation, the institutions of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood acquire increased public significance, which necessitates the creation of an adequate system of social protection by the legislator. The * Concept of the demographic 1 policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015, among the priorities in the field of stimulating the birth rate and strengthening the family, proposes to improve the system of payments of benefits to citizens with children; increase and differentiate their size, taking into account the material and social conditions of the family, making them targeted.

The system of protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is designed not only to guarantee an adequate level of material security, but also to contribute to the creation of real prerequisites for the formation of families with children as subjects of economic activity, in the conditions of the emerging labor market.

In the Russian Federation, there are a number of unresolved social problems, which include: low wages compared to developed countries, rising prices and tariffs, falling living standards, increasing unemployment, insufficient protection of children, women, inaccessibility for young people of high-quality vocational education, medical service; lack of proper conditions for the purchase of housing and acceptable conditions for recreation; a number of others. Such a state of the social sphere at the present stage of Russia's development requires an intensification of social policy in general and demographic policy in particular.

Recently, a number of important legislative acts in this direction have been adopted. However, the problem of family protection, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood continues to remain relevant, affecting the life of every Russian. A general systematic analysis of legislation in the field of protection and protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood is needed to assess the degree of its development and its systemic approach to the level when it is possible to speak of a harmonious and holistic mechanism for the protection and protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. However, at present there are only isolated isolated studies in the considered area of ​​legal relations.

Legal regulation of family relations is aimed primarily at protecting the rights * and interests of family members, creating the necessary conditions in the family for raising children. The criterion for the “quality of life” is also “the quality of a person”, which also determines the changes in the role of sports, medicine, and art. The costs of the "health industry" already make up 20% of the national income of developed countries: prevention, early * diagnostics, refusal from rough and belated "repair" of a person. Moral terror against smokers began, material and moral stimulation of a healthy lifestyle. A new image of a new person is being created.

But the crisis of the family as a traditional “cell of society” becomes obvious, the individual, not the family, acts as a “social unit” - the rights of the “free personality” have become priority. Family substitutes have appeared: groups, hobby groups, dating clubs, etc.

In this regard, it seems relevant to study the institutions of the family and marriage as objects of constitutional and legal regulation; systems of legal regulation of state support for families of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; reforming the policy of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; development of state guarantees and measures of state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia; protection of the property rights of the child in the context of the priority of state support in cases of family breakdown, orphans and children left without parental care; support for families who have adopted (adopted) children in modern Russian society; the practice of solving the problems of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The low degree of scientific elaboration of this topic in the modern Russian and foreign literature, as well as its obvious practical significance, determined the choice as the topic of this study.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the research. Have repeatedly turned to the study of the family as a genetic source of the social sphere

I society, many Russian scientists (V.P. Vasiliev, V.I. Zhukov, I.G. Zainyshev, S.V. Kadomtseva, G.N. Karelova, V.M. Kapitsyn, V.N. Kovalev, VZhKolkov, Ph. V.G.Malghin, G.I.Osadchaya, L.I.Savinov, B.V. Tikhomirov, S.V. Ustimenko, and E.I. Kholostova; T.V. Shelyag, Z.A. Yankova and others .).

A new stage in the development of scientific views on the policy of the state t with regard to families and children refers to the beginning of the 90s of the XX century. and is associated with processes

I awareness of the new role of the family in society, the need for significant changes in the implementation of state family policy. A number of scientific studies are devoted to these problems (V.N. Arkhangelsky, A.G. Vishnevsky, f S.V. Darmodekhin, L.T. Dulinova, V.V. Elizarov, L.P. Kuksa, V.A. Lukov,

M.S.Matskovsky, E.A. Manukyan, V.M. Medkov, O.B. Oskolkova, A.M. Panov,

L.V. Topchiy, E.M. Chernyak). Various problems of family life, its social protection are considered in the works of VN Bobkov, Zh.E. Ivanova,! Yu.A. Koroleva, A.F. Kusov, Yu.I. Muratova, N.V. Pankrateva, L.S.Rzhanitsyna I and others

In the legal science of recent times, an attempt to study the features of social security of the population was undertaken by E.G. Azarova, \ G.B. Chelnokova, L.V. Otyrba, E.V. Protas, E.V. Solovieva, E.F. Chernysheva, \ L.V. Sotnikova et al. *, Noting that the problems of state support of the family and the social sphere as a whole are studied today very widely and fruitfully by representatives of various branches of science, we note that specific issues are constitutional -the legal regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia has not yet become the subject of a special legal * research, insufficiently studied and therefore have not received a practical application

I change. At the same time, at present, there is an urgent s need for a systematic conceptual study of this topic, conducting complex research, holistic theoretical comprehension, and, most importantly, in! development of practical recommendations for improving the regulation of state / state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia. і The object of the dissertation research is social relations that are developing; in the field of: implementation, state support for families, motherhood; paternity; and childhood in Russia:

The subject of the dissertation research is the legal norms governing public relations in the field of state support for the family, motherhood, paternity * and childhood; practice - their implementation - in? modern Russia.

The aim of the study is to develop scientific knowledge "about the constitutional and legal regulation of state support for families, motherhood, paternity and childhood in Russia.

In accordance with this goal, the author sets himself the following tasks: - to analyze the concepts of “family” and “marriage” as objects of constitutional and legal regulation; - to study the problems of establishing the basic principles of constitutional and legal regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia, aimed at the implementation of a national project in the field of demography; to generalize the system of legal regulation of state support for families of motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; consider reforming the policy of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; to study the development of state guarantees and measures of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia and identify measures to protect the property rights of the child in the context of the priority of state support in cases of family breakup, orphans and children left without parental care; analyze the legislative regulation of state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Moscow; to assess the effectiveness of legislative regulation of state support for families, motherhood, paternity and childhood in the Moscow region.

The methodological basis for a complete, complex and systemic solution of the tasks set in the work is the whole complex of general scientific methods of cognition.

When * performing ^ work were used, such methods of scientific analysis as comparative legal; concrete historical, linguistic ^ logical-legal; structural and functional; institutional ^ statistical, formal legal, retrospective. ...

The empirical basis of the study was, first of all, materials of statistical reporting; The work used materials, offices; Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and -. Social Insurance Fund - Russian Federation.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in the fact that it is. is a comprehensive, research; dedicated to constitutional legal regulation of the state; support; family, motherhood; paternity and childhood in Russia. The issues discussed in the work were previously the subject of scientific research in the field of economic sociology and demography. "-

The paper investigates the evolution of the views of scientists, the urgency of the institutions of the segment of Ibrak as objects of constitutional and legal regulation; the system of legal regulation of state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; reforming the policy of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; development of state guarantees and measures of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood c. Russia; "protection of the property rights of the child in the context of the priority of state support in cases of family breakup, orphans and children left without parental care; support for families that have adopted children in modern Russian society; the practice of solving problems of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The study contains theoretical conclusions on the issues of constitutional and legal regulation of state support for families, motherhood, paternity and childhood in Russia. On the basis of factual material, the features of the legal regulation of relations for state support of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Moscow and the Moscow region are illustrated.

The dissertation candidate puts forward specific proposals for improving the legal regulation of state support for families, motherhood; paternity and childhood in Russia.

Consolidation in Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the provisions on state protection, support and protection of the family indicate that Russian society is interested in preserving and strengthening the family as a unique social structure capable of performing a set of important social functions. The dissertation research presents the author's definition of the concept of "state support - family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood", which is defined as a system of decisions of the subjects of "state family policy, aimed at organizing an environment that provides favorable socio-economic conditions for the socialization of children and the possibility of combining motherhood, paternity and professional activity, based on targeted assistance!

The implementation of the provisions on the social nature of the state, enshrined as one of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, in modern conditions presupposes the targeted nature of state policy in the field of family support, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. The consequence of this is the direction of the state's efforts to provide social support to the weakest individuals (orphans, children left without parental care, disabled children, etc.), as well as to encourage other categories of citizens to work and self-sufficiency.

Among the constitutional mechanisms for the protection of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation, the candidate noted the positive role of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation.

However, along with the general positive trend in the development of his human rights activities, a number of problems of legal regulation of the status of this body have been identified. In accordance with international standards of state human rights institutions, guarantees of its independence should be established, namely: a) a special procedure for appointment, which presupposes the right of non-governmental human rights organizations to propose candidates for this position; b) the urgency of the powers; c) a list of the circumstances established in the law that impede the performance of duties in this position and are the basis for the early termination of powers.

4. The necessity of fixing the status of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in the federal law, which should regulate the range of powers to identify and verify the facts of violation of the rights of the child, as well as response measures to restore the violated rights and bring the perpetrators to justice, has been substantiated.

Along with the above, it is advisable to give the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child the right to monitor the observance of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation and, based on its results, make proposals for improving legislation and measures of state support for families, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood.

5. It is concluded that there is still no program document in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that defines the main priorities and directions of family policy and contains a set of measures aimed at their implementation. The author substantiated the need to form a comprehensive regional strategy that would consolidate the entire society and aimed at increasing the value of the family and: family lifestyle, helping the family in the implementation of all its functions, which should include the following areas: a) measures of an economic nature that provide conditions for meeting the interests and needs of families, increasing their economic independence; b) measures of social support and social security of the family and childhood; c) measures to improve the demographic situation aimed at increasing the birth rate; d) on the formation of "moral and value foundations; family: and marriage, strengthening the spiritual foundations of society. In crevices; increasing the importance of family and family lifestyle proposed to develop and; put into operation a training system; youth? to marriage and family life (system; general and primary? vocational education); teaching within the regional component: secondary standards; and higher professional education of special courses ^ focused on the role and significance of the family in the life of a person and society:

Theoretical? Shprakticheskaya significance of the study. Research results, theoretical conclusions, proposals, as well as scientific and practical recommendations can be taken into account: a) when developing federal laws; regulating support for families, motherhood, paternity and childhood; b) in the process of current rule-making; c) taken into account when developing by-laws; d) used for scientific purposes, ds are also implemented in the educational process, for example, in the preparation of educational and methodological recommendations for textbooks ^ and manuals for the courses: "Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation", "Jurisprudence".

Approbation of research results. The theoretical provisions, conclusions and scientific and practical recommendations contained in the dissertation aimed at improving the current legislation in the field of constitutional and legal regulation of state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood in Russia were approved in the educational process of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after V.I. K.A. Timiryazev in the preparation of educational materials for the course "Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation", "Jurisprudence", when the author conducts lectures and seminars on the course "Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation", "Jurisprudence", reports made by the candidate for the scientific -practical seminars and conferences, as well as in publications of the main provisions of the dissertation.

Study structure. The structure of the thesis is determined by its goals and objectives. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of regulatory legal acts, a bibliography.

Family- and> marriage like; objects of constitutional and legal regulation

Within the framework of the topic of the dissertation research, it is necessary to disclose the content of a number of basic concepts and categories, including “the object of constitutional regulation”, “family”, “marriage”.

In the constitutional and legal doctrine, the term "object" is most often used in relation to the concept of constitutional and legal relations.

In the theory of law, the object of a legal relationship is understood as something about which a legal relationship arises, something to which the rights and obligations of the participants are directed! legal relations1, or is it that real good, for the use or protection of which subjective rights and legal obligations are directed. "

The purpose of the concept "object of legal relationship" is to reveal the meaning of the existence of a legal relationship, to show why the subjects enter into a legal relationship and act in it, realizing their rights and obligations.

The famous Russian jurist prof. NG Aleksandrov understood the object of legal relationship as "that property object, about which there is a given relationship between the subjects." Another definition is given by Professor S.S. Alekseev. He considers the objects of legal relations "those phenomena (objects) of the world around us, to which subjective legal rights and obligations are directed."

At present, various opinions have been expressed about the concept of the object of constitutional and legal relations. So, A.I. Lepeshkin notes that depending on the nature of the state-legal relationship, its object can be certain actions, material and spiritual values, etc. 3.

V.O. Luchin believes that the objects of constitutional legal relations are those phenomena, objects of the surrounding world, to which subjective rights and obligations are directed.

According to O.E. Kutafin, the objects of constitutional and legal relations are objects or phenomena with which the norms of constitutional law connect the behavior of participants in constitutional and legal relations! These objects of rights and obligations include: state territory, state power, local government, people's behavior, actions of government bodies, local government bodies and public associations5.

A number of authors gulag that the category "object of legal relationship" should be distinguished from the category "object of law". The object of law is understood as the subject of legal regulation - the social sphere subject to legal influence6. As noted by Yu.K. Tolstoy, the very concept of "object of law" has repeatedly become the subject of disputes between scientists, this "is not idle, since the definition of the place of legal relationship in a number of other social phenomena and the disclosure of its official role largely depend not on his decision. ".

Consolidation in Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the provisions on state protection, support and protection of the family indicate that Russian society is interested in preserving and strengthening the family as a unique social structure capable of performing a set of most important social functions. The consolidation of the principle of state protection, support and protection of the family at the constitutional level means legal protection, support and protection of individual families that make up society.

In this regard, it is necessary to define the concept that is the object of the legal influence of the state - “family”.

The modern family is the result of centuries of historical development of diverse relationships associated with marriage and family9. In the sociological sense, a family is understood as “a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, the members of which are connected with each other by a common life, mutual

help, moral and legal responsibility ”or“ a group of people consisting of a husband, wife, children and other close relatives living together ”11. Cohabitation of persons and their mutual rights and obligations are recognized as the main features of the family and in the theory of law.

Most experts proceed from the fact that the modern family is a product of a long historical development of marriage and family relations - it is an association of persons based on marriage or kinship; related to each other and property relations, rights and obligations, community, raising children, maintaining a common household.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation and family legislation13 do not contain a definition of the family, in other branches of law (housing, civil, labor law, social security law) there are different interpretations of its nature and characteristics. It should also be noted that the definitions of the family offered in the scientific literature are not always unambiguous.

In pre-revolutionary family law, the family, for example, was considered “as a union of persons bound by marriage and persons descended from them ... The family is based on a physiological moment, the desire to satisfy the sexual need. This determines the elementary composition of the family, which presupposes the union of a man and a woman. Children are a natural consequence of cohabitation ... The physical and moral makeup of the family is created in addition to the law ... The legal element is necessary and expedient in the field of property relations of family members. "

Principles of constitutional and legal regulation of state support for families - motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia

Legal regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Russia includes a set of normative legal acts that form an integral system that has a connectedness of elements, the interaction of components from which it is formed. The identification of such connections is important for constitutional law, since this is precisely the understanding of the complex nature of the legal impact on public relations in the field of state support for the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. Therefore, it is important for the design of this system to identify its principles.

Principles. (From Lat. - principium - basis, beginning) - these are the basic starting points of something, incl. fundamental ideas, basic, initial provisions of any theory, doctrine, science, worldview32. In the legal literature, there are three approaches to the definition of the concept of "principle of law".

According to the first, “the principles of law are fundamental ideas, principles that express the essence of law and follow from the general ideas of justice and freedom” 33. It is easy to see that in accordance with this definition, "principles of law" are eternal ideas that are the product of human thinking and which are in no way connected with existing reality. This idealistic view has long been refuted by F. Engels, who believed that in the social sciences, principles are not the starting point of research, but its final result. He also wrote that certain principles are not applied to the history of the development of human society, but are abstracted from it; humanity is not consistent with the principles, but, on the contrary, the principles are true only insofar as they correspond to history

In accordance with the second approach, legal principles are the main provisions (guidelines, ideas) embodied in law that determine the content of law and are ultimately conditioned by objective social laws35. “... Legal principles, - noted V.P. Gribanov, - are phenomena of an ideological nature, a product of the creative, conscious activity of people”. And further ... “That is why, first of all, it is impossible to agree with the idea of ​​prof. SN Bratusya that principles are “laws of motion of matter”. The laws, motions of matter are categorical objective, existing independently of our: consciousness. To identify them with principles means, in the words of F. Engels, "to slip a conscious way of action into nature" 36.

And, finally, S.N. Bratus wrote that the principles in the social sciences are the leading principles, the laws of the movement of society, as well as the phenomena included in one or another form of movement37. This point of view on the understanding of principles in the social sciences seems to be the most correct, since, as D.A. Kovachev believes, the laws of motion of matter are objective categories that exist independently of our consciousness. This is precisely the task of scientists, in order to reveal the laws existing and operating in nature and society and to give them a scientific definition. Therefore, even in the heat of polemics, one must not forget that the principles of any science, including social science, are not invented, but discovered by scientists as a result of studying objective reality. The use of the first two of the above definitions of the concept as a starting point in deciding what principles are characteristic for each individual branch of law leads in practice to a subjective, arbitrary solution of this issue.

Since in the framework of this work we consider the constitutional and legal principles of regulating state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, we believe that a more detailed description of this particular scientific category should be given.

The generally accepted point of view is that legal principles act as a kind of "supporting structure" on the basis of which not only norms, institutions or branches of law, but also its entire system, rest and are implemented. The principles serve as a guideline for all lawmaking, law enforcement and law enforcement activities of state bodies. The level of coherence, stability and efficiency of the legal system is directly dependent on the degree of their observance39.

Legal principles objectively reflect the qualities inherent in law as a whole, as well as in its individual branches and institutions. They reflect the laws of social and state life and therefore their content is objective. At the same time, they represent a volitional experience of the state, a product of the legislator's conscious creativity and are subjective in the form of legal expression. In fact, the principles of law are the result of the unity of the two sides - objective and subjective.

The first approach is that the principles of law are only ideological principles that have not been directly enshrined in legal norms. Thus, the principles are understood as the guiding principles of the implementation of management in society in the prevailing socio-economic conditions40. The principles of law are considered as a scientific category, reflecting in theoretical provisions, certain patterns of development of social relations, the direction and main features of the legal regulation of social relations41. A.M. Vasiliev considers the principles of law that determine the ideological foundations of legal regulation42. L.S. Yavich also considers the principles of law as "the starting ideas of his being"

Reforming the policy of state support for family, motherhood; paternity and childhood

Since 1992, the state policy in relation to the family has been formed in the conditions of the formation of Russian statehood, in the course of a cardinal transformation of socio-economic and political relations in society. Changed not only the state, but also the socio-economic structure, which was enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993. ;

In accordance with the new economic and political realities, the process of modernization of family policy, its goals, objectives and priorities has begun. Family policy was singled out as a relatively independent direction of social policy, which has its own ideology, legislative base and implementation mechanisms. In 1993, in preparation for the International Year of the Family, the Concept of Federal Family Policy in Russia was published, which was enshrined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Main Directions of State Family Policy" (1996) 110.

According to this Concept, it was supposed to carry out the redistribution of rights and mutual responsibility between the family and the state. The ideology of universal patronage "from above" was replaced by the liberal ideology of family sovereignty "from below". For the first time in the 20th century, the state proclaimed that the family is sovereign and responsible to itself in making decisions regarding its economic and demographic reproduction, role behavior and conscious parenting. The tasks of the state included the creation of conditions for the active functioning of families, the full disclosure of their economic, production, educational and other potential. The family began to be viewed as a subject and object of social policy.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation, which came into force on March 1, 1996, was of great importance in the formation of a new ideology and practice of state family policy. 111 It should be noted that in the modern norm-setting activity of government bodies, a young family does not act as a specific object.

B. 1990-2000 the state has declared the solution of the following tasks in the field of family support: formation of a system of state social guarantees to support the welfare of families with children; government incentives for small, including family entrepreneurship, various forms of self-employment; introduction of long-term concessional consumer lending for young families, families with minor children; development of new social technologies to support families, a network of specialized institutions for social services, families, children and youth, expanding the list of social services provided to them, including counseling, psychotherapeutic services for overcoming crisis situations, socio-psychological adaptation to new conditions; stimulating the development of types of voluntary insurance aimed at creating additional opportunities to support a family at crucial stages of its life cycle, implementing measures to ensure the stability and reliability of insurance systems in fulfilling insurance obligations.112

In order to solve the socio-economic problems of young families and youth, the state provides for the following measures.

First, the formation of the legislative and regulatory framework for the state youth housing policy; development and phased implementation of various mechanisms of state support and stimulation of the construction of economical housing for youth and young families by providing subsidies, loans, long-term loans, attracting extra-budgetary funding sources; support of youth initiatives, enterprises and organizations aimed at solving the housing problem of youth in the regions.

Second, the creation of the necessary conditions for providing socio-economic support for a young family, its adaptation in the transition to a market economy; development of centers to assist young families in solving problems related to employment and retraining.

Third, promoting youth entrepreneurship; gradual development of an integrated system of organizations that provide assistance to youth entrepreneurship (regional educational and entrepreneurial centers, business incubators, business support centers, etc.); state support and stimulation of youth entrepreneurship in the production, scientific and technical, innovation spheres, the sphere of rendering services to the population.

Fourth, the solution of employment issues, the organization of seasonal employment, including through the system of public works, the restoration of the system of student detachments and the coordination of their activities, the completion of the formation of the all-Russian system of youth labor exchanges and youth employment centers in order to facilitate their employment on a permanent and temporary basis. work, providing secondary employment.

In the main law of the country, the Constitution of the Russian Federation (paragraph 1, article 38), it is noted that the family is under the protection of the state. In another fundamental document, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1995, this thesis is confirmed in paragraph 1 of Art. 1. Family protection is complex and is carried out not only by family law, but also by the norms of other branches of law: social security, labor, housing, etc.

In 1994, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the directions for the development of social policy were approved, in which the bodies of state administration and social protection were aimed at overcoming negative trends and stabilizing the material situation of families, reducing poverty and increasing assistance to disabled family members; creating favorable conditions for employees with children to combine work with family responsibilities.

Legislative regulation of state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in Moscow

In a number of countries, including Russia, family support is becoming especially relevant due to the decline in natural population growth. The formation of the most favorable conditions for creating a family, giving birth and raising children, improving the quality and life expectancy are the main means of overcoming unfavorable demographic trends.

The implementation of an active family policy aimed at strengthening the position of the family, ensuring the health of mothers and children, increasing the birth rate and developing human capital are among the priority tasks of the socio-economic development of the city of Moscow.

If in the 90s, during the economic downturn, the executive authorities of the capital had to resolve, first of all, urgent problems of childhood and family and provide support only to low-income families, in recent years the formation and implementation of a long-term strategy of social policy focused on all categories of families has begun. ... This policy is based on the principles of family education of children, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for every family and every child, targeted assistance to socially vulnerable groups of families.

2007 - the Year of the Child in the capital - prepared the basis and determined the vector of further activities of the city authorities, representatives of public organizations, business structures, scientific and expert communities to address the problems of families, resolve issues of their socio-economic situation. A comprehensive program of additional measures to support families with children, create favorable conditions for the development of family forms of upbringing and the formation of a child's personality for 2007 significantly expanded the main types of monetary, in-kind and other assistance to families with children. і 2008 - Year of the Family - continued the course towards setting both a substantial financial provision of social support for families with children and a fundamental change in public consciousness in relation to family values. Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 25, 2007 No. 1164-PP- the city program “Year of the Family in the City of Moscow” was adopted, which was developed based on the understanding of the intrinsic value of the family for human life and development, the importance of the family in the life of society, its role in upbringing new generations, achieving social stability and progress.

The aim of the Program was to increase the prestige of the institution of the family, develop and preserve family traditions; assistance in solving life problems for families with children; development of a system of family forms of education. To a certain extent, the implementation of the Program has created the basis for the formation of a city program of an innovative model of family policy, as well as the development of a medium-term system of measures of the legislative and executive branches of government in the field of family policy. In order to promote family values, a new city award was established for parents with many children - the Badge of Honor "Parental Glory". The Moscow Family competition has become a tradition.

One of the most important events, which stands out against the background of other regional innovations in the field of changing the legal framework during the Year of the Family, was the approval of the Moscow Government's Strategy for the implementation of state policy in the interests of children "Moscow Children" for 2008-2017.

The activities envisaged in the implementation of the strategy also affect the interests of the family. The main tasks of implementing the strategy are: the formation of a system of moral and material incentives for the birth of children and an increase in the number of children in the family; strengthening the institution of the family, reviving and preserving the spiritual and moral traditions of family relations; the formation in public consciousness of a system of values ​​related to the family and the birth of children, the creation of conditions for increasing the social prestige of motherhood and fatherhood. The Strategy notes that the goal of the policy of caring for the family in the city of Moscow should be to promote the strengthening of the institution of family and marriage and the unconditional observance of the right of every child to a family, to improve the quality of life of families with children, to form; in families of a moral and psychological climate that maximizes the harmonious development of children. ...

An innovation developed; strategy advocates; system; interconnected criteria of shindicators; designed to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the Strategy - In fact, they: are; and the basis for conducting a monitoring of the implementation of measures taken. However, the economic crisis interrupted the forward movement; towards the formation of the systemic and conceptual foundations of family policy.

The capital participates in a number of international initiatives and projects for the benefit of families of children. As part of the Year of the Child, the Moscow Government made a decision to join the Russian capital to the initiated Children's; by the United Nations Foundation UNICEF to the international movement "Cities for Children". Thus, Moscow has undertaken the following obligations: to provide the necessary conditions for the realization of children's rights and the development of the potential of every child;. To ensure the meaningful participation of children in the process, discussion: and decision-making that affect their lives; create an inclusive, tolerant society in the city, where children are not discriminated against on any grounds, where violence against children is unacceptable. In accordance with the Agreement between the city of Moscow and UNESCO, a pilot project is operating; in the field of upbringing and education of young children "Moscow education: from infancy to school."