Stories of women who gave birth after 40 years. Psychologists' opinion: late mothers are good or not? Mom monitors her own health

She gave birth to her first daughter at 39, her second at 45

Important events in personal life Monica Bellucci took place in September, just before her birthday. In 1999, on the eve of her 35th birthday, the actress married actor Vincent Cassel. Five years later, a couple of weeks before her fortieth birthday, Bellucci gave birth to a daughter, Virgo, and at 45, a daughter, Leonie.

Monica has an ambiguous attitude towards late childbirth: “Women who give birth late, like me, like to say how brave they are. This is true, because the older you get, the greater the risk for you and your baby. But personally, I do not consider myself brave, I think that I was lucky. When I gave birth to my first child at 39, I said that I wanted a second child as soon as possible, but I was not ready for this in reality. Children are not films, they do not tolerate the hustle and bustle of preparing for their appearance. "

Halle Berry

She first became a mother at 41 years old, gave birth to her second child at 46 years old

Halle Berry gave birth to a daughter, Nala, by her boyfriend, fashion model Gabliel Aubrey, at the age of 41. Then they parted and fought for a long time in court for custody. The actress decided to have her second child in marriage with French actor Olivier Martinez. Baby Maceo-Robert was born when Berry was 46.

“I feel great. Although, to be honest, fate presented me with an incredible surprise. I thought that all these experiences were already in the past ... I was already on the verge of menopause, and here is the news, ”Berry shared after learning that she was pregnant for the second time.

Salma Hayek

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

Young Salma Hayek conquered Hollywood, fought with a Mexican accent, dated Edward Norton and Josh Lucas, but became a mother only after forty. Daughter Valentina Salma gave birth at 41 from billionaire François Henri Pinault. After the birth of their daughter, they parted, and a few months later they made up and got married.

“At 40, I am a more confident and balanced person compared to me at 30. Ten years ago, I could not have given my child as much as I am ready to give now. My daughter is lucky that she was born right now, when I am over 40, ”said Hayek.

Kim Basinger

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

With her first husband, makeup artist Ron Britton, Kim met at the age of 28. With the second, actor Alex Baldwin, when she was 40. A year after the wedding, Baldwin and Basinger had a daughter, Island.

After the birth of her daughter, the actress decided to take a break from her career and plunged into taking care of the child. “My wife and I are parting, she fell in love with another woman - a one and a half year old bald girl,” Baldwin joked on one of the talk shows.

Eva Mendes

Gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

Eva Mendes has long been ranked among the childfree - people who decided not to have children. The actress, who does not speak to journalists about her personal life at all, did not comment on her romance with her colleague and girls' favorite Ryan Gosling. After a three-year romance, Mendes and Gosling unexpectedly for the couple's fans (hiding her position, the actress did not even leave the house!), A daughter, Esmeralda, was born. Eve at that time was 40 years old.

“I never could have imagined that taking care of a newborn baby is so difficult. I thought my wildest nights were over. It turned out that the main tests lay ahead. So far I am coping without a nanny, but in the future I plan to hire an assistant. For me, this is the meaning of motherhood - fighting sleep at night, not knowing what to do, coping with everything on my own, ”said Mendes.

Marina Mogilevskaya

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

TASS / Elizaveta Klementyeva

The star of the series "Kitchen" Marina Mogilevskaya admitted that from the age of thirty she was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a daughter. The birth of a child was constantly postponed: there was no time, then there was a suitable man nearby. The actress said that as soon as she decided to stop worrying and let go of the situation, she found out about the pregnancy. Mogilevskaya gave birth to a daughter Masha from a man whose name she prefers not to name.

“Do I regret having given birth at forty-one and not at twenty? No, not a second. Everything has its time. Only by the age of forty it became more or less clear to me that I represent what I can and want to give to my child, unnecessary ambitions have disappeared somewhere, I have ceased to prove something to someone. "

Naomi Watts

She gave birth to her first son at 39, her second at 40

Fame and success came to Naomi Watts when she was in her thirties (thanks to the film by David Lynch "Mulholland Drive"). Prior to that, the Australian actress failed auditions in Hollywood and tried unsuccessfully to build a career, which she spoke about in more than one interview. So there was no time for children. Naomi gave birth to her first child, son Sasha, from the common-law spouse of Lev Schreiber at the age of 39, and a year and a half later, Samuel was born.

Naomi is glad that her children were born when she was far from 20 years old: “I am always with children. Or they are with me. We are bound by the strongest bonds. Maybe the whole point is that the first, Sasha, was born when I was already 39, and I managed to understand something about life. "

Nicole Kidman

The first biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, gave birth to 40 years

Nicole Kidman's path to fame was faster than her friend Naomi Watts. Success in Hollywood, husband of a movie star (Tom Cruise, having met Nicole on the set of Days of Thunder, divorced actress Mimi Rogers). Everything was overshadowed by the absence of the child. Kidman could not get pregnant, so the couple decided to adopt children - daughter Isabella and son Connor. Nicole Kidman gave birth to her first biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, from her second husband, Keith Urban. Two years later, a second child appeared in the family - the daughter of Faith Margaret was carried by a surrogate mother.

“I raised children when I was in my early twenties. Then I was not ready for a serious step - I myself was still a child. Not prepared emotionally and psychologically. Still, late motherhood has its advantages, ”Kidman admitted.

Svetlana Permyakova

Gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

TASS / Vadim Tarakanov

Former kvnschitsa Svetlana Permyakova, who became popular after playing the head nurse in the TV series Interns, was very worried that she did not meet a suitable man and did not give birth to a child. At 39, the actress decided not to wait any longer and take matters into her own hands. Svetlana invited her 19-year-old director Maxim Scriabin to become the father of her child. Without official registration in the registry office and a magnificent wedding. Just friendly. So in July 2012, the daughter of Barbara was born, in whose upbringing Maxim takes an active part.

“The main thing in my story is the child! Varya is the meaning and center of our union with Max. I am sure that even if he does not live with us, he will still remain the best father and friend for his daughter. As well as for me. Now I know that you can give birth not only out of love, but also out of friendship, ”Svetlana said in an interview with 7Dnei magazine.

Susan Sarandon

She gave birth to a daughter at 39 years old and two sons at 42 years old and 45 years old

Fotodom / Rex Features

Susan Sarandon first married (to actor Chris Sarandon) at 23. They lived in a childless marriage for twelve years - the doctors diagnosed the actress with infertility. Susan made up for lost time in her fifties. From the director Franco Amurri, she gave birth to a daughter, Eva, and three years later, a son, Jack, was born, whose father was Sarandon's colleague in the film "Darkham Bull" Tim Robbins. Three more years later, they had a son, Miles.

“When I got pregnant, no one could understand how it happened. For many years I did not use contraception because the doctors said I was infertile. It was definitely a moment of happiness and feeling stronger than any diagnosis, ”Sarandon shared.

Courteney Cox

Gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

East News / Splash News

The star of the series "Friends" first became a mother at the age of 40: she gave birth to her daughter Coco from actor David Arquette. Three years before the birth of the girl, Courtney had a miscarriage, she suffered another seven after the birth of her first child.

“I'm ready for my second child because the clock is ticking. If I was 34, I would have waited another year. I want Coco to have a brother or sister. It's difficult to raise one child. The two are probably even more difficult, ”45-year-old Cox said in an interview six years ago. Unfortunately, Courtney never gave birth to her second child.

Mariah Carey

Gave birth to twins at 41

In April 2011, 41-year-old Mariah Carey, who became pregnant with IVF, gave birth to twins Moroccan and Monroe from her now ex-husband, showman Nick Cannon. The pregnancy was difficult, so after the birth of the babies, the singer announced that she no longer plans to have children.

“The pregnancy itself was very difficult. I had gestational diabetes, preeclampsia (high blood pressure that threatens the life of the mother and fetus) and all these things that you don't even want to know about. Hello everyone who has ever carried twins, I salute you because it is not easy! But for five years with my kids, I received so many new emotions, before their birth everything in my life revolved around a career, "Keri shared.

Jennifer Lopez

Gave birth to twins at 39

Jennifer Lopez has admitted many times that she dreams of children. At first, her personal life did not work out (a scandalous divorce with dancer Chris Judd, a wedding with actor Ben Affleck was canceled a few hours before the ceremony), later, married to singer Mark Anthony, Lopez could not get pregnant. Jennifer decided on IVF and in February 2008 gave birth to twins Max and Emma.

Unlike Mariah Carey, Lopez is not afraid to carry twins again. “I want a lot of children. Maybe four or five. I would like to give birth to more twins, ”Jennifer admitted.

Olga Drozdova

Gave birth to a son at 42 / Vadim Zyukov

Actors Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov have dreamed of a child for fifteen years. The doctors could not understand what was the matter - all indicators of both spouses were normal. Drozdova became pregnant at 41. By that time, she had almost come to terms with the fact that she would never become a mother.

“I wanted to give birth myself. Naturally, but at my forty-two years old, doctors considered this an unjustified risk to the child. I remember very clearly the first hours after giving birth. They brought me to the ward, and Dima sat by the window. There was a shower outside, thunder roared and the sun was shining at the same time. And looking at the happy and tired Dima, at this thunderstorm, I suddenly felt very acutely that finally everything in my life fell into place, ”the actress shared in an interview with the magazine“ 7 Days ”.

Those who decide to give birth at the end of their childbearing age are poetically called "late mothers" - apparently by analogy with later children. This definition is prettier than the repulsive "old-born". However, even twenty years ago, they said this about everyone who gave birth after 25 years. Nowadays, neither at 45 nor at 55 and there is no talk of old age.

And yet, these "young mothers" are older than middle age, in which we usually become mothers. And that changes something in their experience of motherhood.

"Why don't you ever race with me like Katya's mother?" - the innocent question of five-year-old Nina caught 48-year-old Christina by surprise. “I never liked sports and did not run either at 20 or at 30,” she says. - But seeing with what envy my daughter looks at her friend's young mother, she involuntarily felt guilty ... "

This feeling is familiar to many of those who have given birth to a child after 40 years. Can I be a good mother at that age? Am I attentive enough? Am I too protective of the child?

First of all, let us remind you: there are no perfect mothers, just as there is no ideal age to raise a child.

PHOTO Timur Artamonov

Henrietta, 46 years old, daughter of Victoria 1 year 8 months

“I had my first child when I was in my early 20s, and I wanted a second, but it turned out only in a new marriage. The birth of a daughter almost two years ago, of course, is incomparable. You live, you live, everything is stable, your son is already an adult, a student, and suddenly life turns upside down - such a small miracle appears, around which everything revolves now!

At my age, the perception of a child is much more voluminous. It seems to me that in terms of the degree of involvement, I am now something between a mother and a grandmother. At 20, I did not forget about myself, but now I am completely focused on my daughter. I understand her mood better, I know what she wants. I spoil her more: after all, a girl, you need to be softer with her. Sometimes I imagine: now she will be 20, and I am already 64.

If only I had enough strength and time to lead her through all stages of growing up, to be with her as long as possible! This means that I need to do everything to keep in good shape. And then how life will turn out. It is not given to us to foresee what and how will happen. Theoretically, I can become a grandmother in a few years. I don't mind at all! The son sometimes works with the baby, plays with her. I think this experience will be useful to him in the future. "

“Those who ask the question 'Am I a good mother?' Would probably be thinking the same thing, even if they were ten years younger,” smiles child psychotherapist Marcel Ruefoot. "Then they would have found other reasons for concern."

Doesn't your mom run a race, play on all fours with the baby on the floor? "So what? - Psychologist Stephane Clerget wonders. - Of course, it's good to play with a child when we feel like it. But it's nice and easy to watch him play. This is even more important for its development. The role of the parents is to be present and attentive above all, not to be a playmate. "

“Now I have a different outlook on life and different priorities than they were at 25,” says 55-year-old Anna, mother of 9-year-old Aglaya. "Now I would rather spend the evening with my daughter, take a walk or read with her, rather than run to the cinema, visit or sit at work."

“Women who become mothers after forty are, in a sense, more free than young women,” says psychologist Elena Shuvarikova. - They have already achieved a lot and can devote themselves to a child to a much greater extent. Often they are more attentive to children than 30-year-old mothers. "

"I feel the sidelong glances of my parents on me"

Children see their parents' age in the eyes of their peers. “While the child is small, he is simply surprised,” Stephane Clerget reassures, “he is curious. And this moment is perfect for telling your son or daughter the story of his birth. Explain, for example, that he was born as a result of IVF, tell about the moment of his adoption, or simply emphasize: "I have been waiting for a long time to meet your dad."

There is no need to make excuses, nor to encourage him to make excuses by talking at school about the life of his parents. Your words are meant for him alone, and he can remember them to create his own family romance. "

As a teenager, a child - even if he never admits it to his parents - will find a reason for pride in the richer past of his “old people”: “My mother witnessed historical events”, “My father traveled all over Africa” ...

However, mature mothers are worried not only because of the appraising look of other people's children.

“The attitude of other parents and teachers is what bothers me! - exclaims Christina. - Now, older mothers seem to be not such a rarity. But for some reason not in our school: there are only three or four of us, such "old women". I can feel the sidelong glances of my parents on me. And teachers, many of whom are younger than me, feel uncomfortable with me. It's unpleasant for me to come to school, every time I experience real stress. "

Of course, the situation depends on personal qualities, but “when you are 15 years older and also have a high professional status, you make other mothers shy,” says 48-year-old Larisa, mother of seven-year-old Artyom, regretfully. - The relationship seems to be friendly, but the distance is felt. I'm not their own for them. "

At the same time, the late child gives the mother a sense of omnipotence, as if turning back time. At the age when her peers become grandmothers, she is a “young mother,” which means she is a young woman again. For her, everything is still just beginning - what an old age there!

"The appearance of a child changes the internal perspective," says child psychologist Galiya Nigmetzhanova, "and life does not seem as ruthless as other 40-year-old women who feel the beginning of wilting."

"I did not expect such constant fatigue"

All the later mothers with whom we talked talked about exactly this. Pregnancy, as a rule, did not leave bad memories, the most difficult thing began after the birth of the child. In the first months - snatches of sleep, which they can not make up for; then the eternal rush - to children's classes, sections or school trips.

“A child is sheer happiness, and I do not regret anything,” exclaims 48-year-old Laura, mother of six-year-old Sasha. "But I did not expect such constant fatigue ... Probably ten years earlier it would have been much easier to cope."

Indeed, vitality is decreasing, says Galiya Nigmetzhanova: "This is physiology: vitality, endurance becomes less for everyone over the years."

Physical fatigue is felt by all mothers, but in women over forty, it is aggravated by anxiety about the future: will there be enough strength to lift him, will I be able to give him everything he needs - not only financially, but also psychologically). And finally: will I live long enough?

"Late mothers are more plastic and wiser than young"

"Late mothers" and their children are separated not by one, but by two generations. “Between them there are 40 or even more years - for such a period colossal changes are taking place in the modern world,” notes Elena Shuvarikova. - The world in which these women grew up and the world in which their children grow up are completely different. The older the child, the more difficult it is for them to understand each other. Games, interests, technology, music vary greatly. "

But it is the “late mothers” who often try to keep up with the times and with their children. Most of them easily navigate the Internet and gadgets, get themselves tattoos and can flaunt youth slang.

Yes, someone stubbornly adheres to the educational principles learned from parents from the generation of the 1940s: unquestioning obedience, a ban on participation in conversations of adults. But others willingly accept modern democratic methods of education.

Their flexibility and openness is largely a property of their age, says Galiya Nigmetzhanova. "40-year-olds are somewhat similar to 20-year-olds," says the psychologist. “The time for a new self-determination is coming for them. And they abandon dogmatic parental attitudes, open up to new ideas, can ponder and discuss them. And therefore, by the way, they willingly enter into dialogue with psychologists. “Late mothers” are more plastic and wiser than the young. They are ready to just be close to the child, see his uniqueness and enjoy her. "

"Less effort to get out of the merger relationship"

Children are a reminder of our aging, as with their birth we rise one step up the ladder of generations. Those who become parents in adulthood feel this change more acutely.

“In fact, they have had the last years of good physical shape,” recalls Elena Shuvarikova. - But they will spend these years on raising a child. Their peers, whose children have already grown up, will finally be able to devote time to themselves: enjoy life, travel, engage in hobbies or self-education, replenishing what they did not manage in their younger years. "

There is also another side. “A 55-year-old mother who is facing menopause at the moment her daughter enters puberty and shines with femininity may feel like she herself is rapidly fading,” notes Stéphane Clerget.

But for the daughter in this situation there are undoubted advantages: her mother is less tempted to unconsciously enter into a relationship of rivalry.

“It will take a little less effort for a girl to get out of the merger relationship and assert herself, and her adolescence may not be marked by the desire for risky experiments,” stresses Stéphane Clerget.

PHOTO Timur Artamonov

Marina, 53 years old, son Timofey 6 years old

“When I gave birth to Timofey, those around me reacted as if I was a heroine: the first child at 46! I was confused by this general admiration. The magic happened without any effort on my part. Of course, life has changed dramatically. I used to belong to myself, now everything is geared towards a child.

Before his appearance, for ten to fifteen years, I was engaged in decoration, painting at various objects, usually far from the city. Now I cannot leave. My husband is always at work, my mother, unfortunately, is no longer there, and there is no one to help me. And I do not dare to entrust the child to the nanny.

I will not say that I gave up work with a light heart. I miss this outlet, and I am trying to do something little by little. A child, it seems to me, is only part of our life. On the other hand, such is the fate of women. I do not feel like a black sheep, we have several older mothers in our kindergarten group. The difficulty is that my son and I are not just from different generations - from different eras. It is already felt that we look at everything from different points of view. Young mothers, I think, need less rubbing with their child. I already foresee what will happen in his 13-16 years ... But still I try to worry in moderation. "

"The child may feel anxious"

"Are you going to die soon?" - Asked Sasha, seeing his mother's suddenly appeared gray strand. And Laura remembered that she herself had once asked this question ... to her grandmother. Sasha was born when his grandmothers and one grandfather were no longer alive. It is not uncommon for parents to be elderly.

“At the age when children begin to realize that they are mortal, grandparents symbolically become a screen for them that blocks them from death,” explains Marcel Ryufo. "But if they are not alive, the child may feel anxious."

Any child once thinks that his parents may die. And in the late child, others are sometimes added to this question.

Nine-year-old Aglaya wonders if her mother will see her children.

17-year-old Sergei worries whether after graduation he will be able to financially support his mother, who by that time will be 70. However, so far she is enthusiastically working, skiing and is not going to grow decrepit.

And although the concern of children is understandable, the age of old age is being pushed back literally before our very eyes. Today and at 70 years old, many remain active, especially when taking care of themselves.

And this is doubly characteristic of "late mothers". Many of them consciously lead a healthy lifestyle. Become a burden for your child? It's out of the question!

The joy of motherhood can be felt at any age, and it does not matter whether you are a young girl or a woman for ... Late pregnancy and childbirth at the age of 40 is the norm in Western European countries. And for our mentality - in some way, a deviation from the usual. There can be many reasons for carrying a child at forty. This is also the previously impossible fertilization, the desire to get on your feet, find housing, make a career, live for yourself and, in the end, check the strength of the marriage bond. Over the years, the attitude towards childbirth has changed dramatically. For young girls this is often an unplanned act, while for an "autumn" woman it is often carefully thought out and conscious. There are many myths regarding late children. At the same time, the question of how childbirth goes at 40 years old, the opinion of doctors is sometimes very contradictory. Some believe that modern medicine has such a stock of therapeutic methods that age is not a sentence, and does not even interfere with bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby. Others are of the opinion that women's health after 40 is not strong enough for this and there is a significant risk for both mothers and newborns.

First birth at forty: pros and cons

If you nevertheless decide to give birth at a later age, discard all doubts and nonsense, rejoice that soon the little man will call you mother. Often doctors themselves dissuade patients, they say that it is dangerous to give birth, that the pregnancy itself is difficult. But if a woman does not have serious health deviations and chronic diseases, then why not? Age in itself is not a hindrance to carrying a healthy and strong child.

Benefits of late motherhood

There are many myths that speak in favor of age-related childbearing. Believe them or not - everyone's business. The opinion of doctors on this matter is also rather contradictory.

  1. Late children are more talented and intelligent than the newborns of young girls.
  2. Over the years, experience comes, and therefore the upbringing process is of a higher quality and higher level.
  3. After the birth of a baby, again due to age, better conditions for development are created for him, more attention and care from the parents is paid.
  4. Pregnancy has a great health-improving effect - the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and infectious diseases is reduced, as the woman's body is mobilized and tuned in to positive emotions, programmed for a high-quality and healthy lifestyle.
  5. The opinion of doctors in Western clinics - a forty-year-old expectant mother for health reasons can easily be compared with a young woman.
  6. When breastfeeding, a special hormone of joy is produced - oxytocin. This leads to the effect of rejuvenating moms, prolongs life. Childbirth after 40 years, statistics says that late children contribute to the return of the state of health of the body 5 to 10 years ago.

And the most important thing! To give a new life is always an act, and it does not matter at what age it was committed.

Risk factors

Risks of the first birth at forty

Nevertheless, late childbirth after 40 years has some unpleasant aspects. They are not always natural. There is always a threat of a cesarean section. But why is this so worth fearing? After all, many young girls during childbirth consciously take this step in order to avoid some complications. And if a woman is healthy and the obstetric history has no contraindications, then natural first childbirth is quite possible. Other negative factors affecting the newborn are also noted.

  1. The risk of a child developing Down syndrome and other genetic diseases, which is usually directly associated with the age of the parents. But the latest research methods for intrauterine development may well determine the development of pathological factors in time.
  2. The complex process of pregnancy and bearing a fetus. But modern medicine has all the scent of the necessary techniques to keep the body healthy after fertilization.
  3. Frequent cases of undermaturity or overmaturity of the fetus. But such cases are typical for different age groups.
  4. The likelihood of rupture of the birth canal. But if we take into account the level of development of medicine, there is no reason for particular concern.

Know! The danger exists always and regardless of age! Late pregnancy should not be a reason for abandoning motherhood. It's just that a woman in this position is extremely important to weigh the pros and cons in order to decide on childbirth after 40 years. It is imperative to consult and constantly be monitored by a gynecologist and geneticist, undergo all prescribed ultrasound and other examinations in order to reduce the risk to the health of the unborn baby.

Psychological aspect

How to prepare for childbirth at forty

Not only the body and health, but also the general mental and emotional state at the age of forty must be ready for late qualitatively new changes in life. The first birth at the age of 40, the opinion of psychoanalytic doctors should be accompanied by an adequate and positive attitude. Anxiety, fear, depressive states will harm. If these factors are absent, the child will be more developed than that of young mothers, mobile and cheerful. Parents for a child will become a role model, and they themselves will become successful and self-sufficient individuals.
Late childbirth, the first children - for many it was a pipe dream. Therefore, the principles of raising a long-awaited child are also qualitatively different. It doesn't matter that dad won't ride a bike with his son or play football in the yard. Let late children spend time with peers, and parents in the evening offer them educational games and study of cognitive literature. Do not pay attention to the opinion of society and its ill will. Maintain your dignity and do not get fooled by provocations from ill-wishers. After all, only you know that if you decide on your first birth at 40, then your family is the happiest and strongest in all respects.

Today, late childbirth has ceased to be something unusual and surprising. Everyone knows that there are many more disadvantages of age-related childbearing than advantages. Fortunately, the downsides don't always work, and the upsides remain the same. And let nothing scare or stop those who are on the way to the birth of a new man, regardless of age. And to give birth after 40 or not - the decision always remains with the woman.

Feel the strength in yourself and realize your desires, then everything will work out!

I wish you and your future babies health and happiness!

It happens that a woman really wants to give birth to a baby already in adulthood: when the financial situation has stabilized, confidence in the partner has increased, and perhaps little helpers are already growing up. But is childbirth after 40 so safe for the child and mother, and is it possible to give birth at this age? Let's figure it out.

Risks of childbirth at 40

Those who decide to give birth after 40 years should first undergo a full medical examination.

The best age for the birth of the first child is 18-28 years old, it is advisable to give birth to the second child at 35-40 years old. The fact is that after 35 years, hormonal and physical changes begin in a woman's body. Chronic ailments appear, especially heart disease, kidney disease or diabetes mellitus. A sedentary lifestyle also does not affect the body in the best way and can lead to lordosis, osteochondrosis, chest scoliosis and various pathologies of the spine.

At the same age, a smaller number of eggs capable of fertilization begins to be produced, and there are more anovulatory cycles. As a result, getting pregnant at 40 is much more difficult. Abortions also postpone a special imprint, especially if they have been done more than once. This affects not only the possibility of getting pregnant, but also the bearing of the fetus.

It is not uncommon for women of mature age to have children with Down syndrome. It's scary to think, but the risk of a baby being sick is 1:30 by the age of 45. Other hereditary diseases also begin to occur most often. Perhaps this is due to a decrease in casein, which adapts the eggs to fertilization. A low amount of this protein can lead to an abnormality in the number of chromosomes.

Another risk for carrying a baby is hypertension. Disturbances in the hematopoietic system impair the supply of blood to cells and are the main cause of gestosis and toxicosis. The baby receives less nutrients and oxygen and may start to choke. This phenomenon is called fetal hypoxia. If a woman suffers from increased blood coagulability, thrombosis of the umbilical cord vessels and placental insufficiency are possible.

Important! Despite all the danger of such births, the number of mothers of Balzac age is increasing every year, and they have quite healthy and beautiful babies. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of doctors and trust your intuition.
Hypertension is one of the risks in pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main cons

Is it possible to give birth at 40? Of course, but all possible risks must be taken into account:

  • Difficulty conceiving. Especially if this is the first birth at the age of 40. The chances of getting pregnant naturally during the cycle are only 5%, since due to a decrease in the number of eggs and a drop in the amount of hormones, fertility is significantly reduced.
  • The risks of miscarriage and premature birth are increased. To give birth at the Balzac age is quite dangerous - the child may be sick with Down syndrome.
  • Women who give birth at the age of 40 often have problems with lactation. Some may not have milk at all.
  • Childbirth after 40 years most often occurs artificially - using a cesarean section, as doctors try to minimize the risks to the health of the fetus and mother.
  • Chronic ailments. Of course, giving birth after 40 years is much more difficult than at a young age, since the body is already starting to malfunction. Babies born to mothers with hypertension are usually weaker and more susceptible to diseases than their peers.

Having decided on the first pregnancy after 40 years, be prepared that you may have to face some difficulties.

Main advantages

So is it worth giving birth at this age? If a woman is confident in her choice and really wants to be the mother of a beautiful baby, of course it is. The main advantages of giving birth at the age of forty are awareness of choice and an increased sense of responsibility for oneself and the baby. And, despite the fact that health is no longer what it was at 20, the advantages of childbirth at this time are quite enough:

Important! Childbirth in adulthood really rejuvenates the body. This is due to the release of progesterone, estrogen, growth hormone, and other beneficial hormones from the placenta. Thanks to them, metabolic processes are accelerated, immunity is increased, the development of reproductive organs and mammary glands occurs.

Required examinations

The question "Whether to give birth at forty" can be answered simply - yes, but you must take into account all the risks and undergo examinations prescribed by a doctor. Most often these are:

During pregnancy, you should listen to the doctor's recommendations and undergo all prescribed tests.
  1. Ultrasound at 11 and 18-20 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Screening tests:
  • At 11-13 weeks, a blood test and ultrasound of the fetus to exclude possible hereditary anomalies in the form of Down syndrome, Patau, Cornelia de Lange, Edwards, as well as disorders of the formation of the neural tube.
  • At 20-24 weeks, ultrasound diagnostics and blood sampling are also performed.
  • At 30-34 weeks - it is done as needed, for example, with a possible entanglement of the fetus or pathologies of internal organs. If the doctor does not like the results of the examination, he can refer the woman for additional tests, for example, amniotic fluid collection.
  1. Blood and urine tests.
  2. Cardiomonitoring to record abnormalities in the heart rhythm and identify abnormalities in the fetus.
  3. Fetometry is an ultrasound examination of the size of the fetus.
  4. Doppler ultrasonography - the study is prescribed according to indications, if there are suspicions of oxygen starvation of the fetus, hypoxia.
  5. Cordocentesis is an analysis of fetal blood from the umbilical cord to identify hereditary pathologies. Usually, amniocentesis is also carried out with it - the intake of amniotic fluid.

Artificial insemination

In Vitro Fertilization

It is no longer so easy to give birth at 40, and many women resort to an artificial method - in vitro fertilization. For this, an egg is taken from the girl using a puncture. The procedure can be quite painful, so light anesthesia is recommended. The future father must donate sperm, after which the cells are connected, and conception occurs. To have more chances, several embryos are placed in the egg. When the embryos begin to develop, the doctor will transfer them to the uterus. You can plant 1-3 embryos at a time. After 2-3 weeks, an ultrasound scan is performed, with the help of which you can find out how effective the procedure was, and whether the baby will be born.

Artificial insemination has long ceased to be a curiosity and many couples resort to it, regardless of age.


In order for a woman who decides to become pregnant artificially to have healthy babies, you need to prepare for conception and take care of your health in advance. For this you need:

  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, coffee.
  • Drink vitamins and minerals as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Go to an appointment with a gynecologist, identify all diseases of the reproductive organs and, if possible, cure them.
  • Visit an endocrinologist to analyze the amount of hormones and assess the activity of the hormonal system.
  • Consult with a cardiologist to talk about the possible risks associated with bearing and having a baby.
  • Spend more time outdoors, do special exercises and attend trainings.
  • Fully screened for hepatitis, TORCH infections and STDs.

Preparation for artificial conception requires careful preparation and a complete examination.

Consequences of childbirth at 40 years old

How wonderful it is to finally see your long-awaited baby! To feel its smell, warmth, hear a voice ... but, unfortunately, unpleasant symptoms can spoil the moment of happiness. Sometimes women who have already given birth feel contractions of the uterus, they are especially painful in multiparous. This is explained by the powerful release of oxytocin and stretching of the muscle tissue of the uterus. If the pain becomes unbearable, your doctor may prescribe antispasmodics.

No problem can darken the happiness of having a baby.

On the first day, a woman may be tormented by painful sensations in the perineum. This is mainly triggered by tears or cuts, bruising and overstretching of the vagina. To relieve the pain, you can put a small container of ice wrapped in cloth over your perineum. Usually, after a couple of days, the unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own.

Women who have previously given birth may have problems with lactation - there is a heaviness and tingling sensation in the chest, little milk arrives, the temperature stays around 37-37.5 °. The best way to correct the situation is to latch onto your baby frequently.

The figure of a woman also deteriorates - due to the large size of the uterus, a tummy appears. You should not worry too much about this - after a couple of weeks, the body should return to normal. If the problem persists, it is useful to perform special exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

You always need to remember that a calm baby is born to a peaceful mother, so you need to look for positive aspects in everything, and also adhere to the tips:

A calm baby is born to a peaceful mother.
  • Feel yourself. If the expectant mother feels good and is filled with a feeling of happiness, one should not go to doctors for no reason and wind up ahead of time.
  • Do what you love. Finally, you can do something that previously did not have enough time and energy - read your favorite book, cross-stitch or watch movies. It is advisable to learn more about the development of the baby and his further upbringing.
  • Trust others. Remember that you are not alone - your husband and other relatives will always come to the rescue, and the attending physician will do everything to ensure that the child is born healthy and unharmed. Try not to worry - a bad mood is quickly transmitted to the baby.
  • Find like-minded people, for example, in social networks and forums - they will be able to understand you like no one else, as they themselves experience the same feelings and feelings.
  • Try to stay away from people who look negatively about the fact that you are preparing to become a mother. Communicating with them can lead to doubts and bad moods.
  • Spend more time outdoors, take a warm shower before bed, and learn to do breathing exercises.

Summing up

Carrying and giving birth to a child at forty is no longer as easy as it would be at a young age, and the risks to the health of the child are also high. However, there are also positive moments - mom is already ripe for motherhood, and the baby will be surrounded by special care, tenderness and love. In addition, the body of late-bearing women is rejuvenated, and health becomes better. Therefore, if a woman wants to give birth to a child after 40 years, then she needs to do as her heart tells her, not paying attention to other people's views, because children are happiness and joy of life.

Pregnancy after 40 years is a very serious topic, requiring a thorough approach, a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons, especially taking into account the changes that have occurred in the woman's body since the most favorable period for conceiving a baby is in the past. But still…

Childbirth after 40 years in recent decades has become an increasingly frequent occurrence in our lives. And what pleases me is that the number of successful pregnancies is also increasing. What is the reason for such, let's not be afraid of this word, happy statistics?

There are many factors contributing to this.

Why have they given birth more often after 40 years?

First, at such an adult age, a woman comes to the decision to give birth to a child consciously. Consequently, pregnancy is preceded by preparation, both physical and moral. The expectant mother tries to follow the recommendations of doctors, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful situations, and get as many positive emotions as possible.

Secondly, pregnancy at the age of 40 is a completely conscious phenomenon, since the material basis of the future family has been prepared.

Thirdly, the level of development of medicine today makes it possible to cope with many health problems of the expectant mother, including those that were insurmountable just a few years ago. There are new drugs, technologies, thanks to which those who have long lost hope of giving birth at 40 have real chances to conceive, endure pregnancy, and become happy mothers.

In addition, modern couples often resort to in vitro fertilization, as well as far-reaching pregnancy planning - egg vitrification (simply put, freezing biomaterial in order to use it in the future). Thus, the problem of childbirth after 40 years is often solved very successfully.

You cannot discount the fact that women these days are more educated, equipped with information, and less superstitious. Today's adult mummies of toddlers are certainly beautiful, happy and less and less worried about the opinion of others: "In her years ...".

We also do not use the medical epithet "old-born" in this article, as you may have noticed. We say exactly "adult", "mature", "established" as a person prepared to become a mother, who knows the value of real happiness.

And yet, childbirth after 40 years has not only pros, but also cons. Or at least be very, very attentive to yourself.

Late pregnancy risks: not a reason for the disorder

… And there is a reason to carefully weigh everything, think it over, prepare thoroughly to successfully endure a pregnancy, even having passed the 40-year threshold.

How to minimize risks? Childbirth after 40 years: what does preparation for pregnancy include? How should an adult expectant mother behave? This is what will be discussed in this part of our article.

Risks, what are they, what are they associated with? How to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and is it possible? In most cases, the answers to these questions will be yes, BUT! if you're honest enough.

The first, main problem on the way to a happy birth of a child after the age of 40 is conception itself. As you know, with age, the number of female eggs decreases. If at the beginning of childbearing age (in the medical language of puberty) there are about 300 thousand of them, then by the age of 43 their number is so small that the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to only 1-2%. However, even a small fraction should not be discounted if pregnancy is still undesirable! Well, if you still intend to become a mother at this age - let's try!

Changes in a woman's body after childbirth

A miscarriage is also a very serious and urgent problem for mature mothers. Statistics show that from 40 years of age the probability of miscarriage is more than 30%, after 45 this indicator increases to 50% or more.

A 40-year-old mother is more likely to have a baby with chromosomal defects - Down syndrome and other genetic diseases. At least, this is what the statistics say. By the age of 45, the risk of having a special child is more than 3%, which is a rather serious indicator. This fact is the basis for doctors to recommend that women plan pregnancy before 35-37 years old, and childbirth after 45, from a medical point of view, is considered extremely undesirable.

Nevertheless, around us we can observe many happy families with fairly adult parents and quite healthy, active little ones. Therefore, let's continue talking about the aforementioned risk of pregnancy and childbirth after 40 years of age somewhat older.

Special tests and screenings allow you to find out about the presence of genetic diseases (by the way, today at a fairly early stage). If the examination reveals abnormalities that you feel you cannot cope with, your doctor may advise you to terminate the pregnancy.

Important examinations

When and what examinations should be carried out in order to make sure that the child will not have chromosomal defects?

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Planned for the entire pregnancy is carried out three times. However, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe it an additional number of times.

The first ultrasound is done at 11-13 weeks.

It is on this examination that signs of Down syndrome in the embryo can be found.

Later in pregnancy, the likelihood of detecting this disorder is very low.

The AFP test is carried out from the 15th to the 18th week. This is a blood test for the content in it of a special protein, alpha-fetoprotein, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract and liver of the fetus (embryo). It should be noted here that this study is considered informative only if ultrasound data are simultaneously available for the same period.

What can the increased content of AFP in the expectant mother speak of? Perhaps you are expecting more than one child? But in addition to this good news, you can hear others, such as necrosis of the child's liver, non-union of the anterior abdominal wall, abnormalities in the development of the kidneys of the fetus, and other developmental anomalies.
If the AFP test values \u200b\u200bare lowered, this may mean the Down syndrome we have already mentioned, developmental delay, the death of a baby, spontaneous abortion, false pregnancy, and other problems.

In addition, possible errors in the calculation of the timing cannot be disregarded here: perhaps the pregnancy came a little later.

Along with the study described above, the hCG test (chorionic gonadotropin) and the analysis for free estirol (the hormone of preservation of pregnancy) are also done.

Increased hCG may indicate a threat of miscarriage or that the pregnancy is ectopic.

How to manage postpartum depression on your own

If the levels of hCG are low, this is a reason to think about a possible tumor process in the placenta or the presence of cancer in the mother.

In addition to the risks we have named, difficulties with carrying a pregnancy and directly giving birth after 40 years can be associated with congenital and acquired diseases of the mother during life, in connection with which, in fact, pregnancy was postponed for so long. These are, first of all, diseases of the heart, kidneys, hormonal disorders that require the use of drugs contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as problems with vision, musculoskeletal system and others. Therefore, in order for motherhood to work out, it is best to plan a future pregnancy.

Birth planning after 40: what does it mean?

As soon as you have decided for yourself that you will give birth after 40, you should “pull yourself together” and switch to a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, give the body proper rest, do not ignore active walks in the fresh air, do physical activity (at least exercise in the morning, the simplest exercises that can be performed in the office at the workplace). Particular attention should be paid to a complete, balanced diet. All of this is extremely important, especially if you decide to give birth after 40.

Perhaps someone will think that these are standard phrases that can be heard in every clinic. But we will emphasize: the doctor who strongly recommends it to you is good. Why then? Pregnancy, especially at such an adult age, requires a lot of strength, both physical and emotional. Your task is to accumulate a certain supply of them in order to simply withstand all 9 months with dignity without prejudice to your own health and the health of the child.

Therefore, being in good physical shape is a very important factor in a successful pregnancy.

A balanced diet is also a less important aspect of preparing for pregnancy. Did you know that some, including congenital diseases, are associated precisely with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals? Therefore, eat not only tasty, but also competently, dear future mothers. Even if you are not yet pregnant. After all, the birth of a child in the prospect of one or two years is not such a long time for the body to have time to properly prepare.

The psychological attitude is very important. To safely endure pregnancy, he must be positive. Knowledge of possible problems is not a reason for panic, but only a weighty argument to love yourself even more, to take care of your own body and soul. Information about risks is a reason to be more vigilant, to make sure that all the necessary tests and examinations are assigned to you and, moreover, on time. It is worth worrying only when the problem has arisen. By the way, this also needs to be learned. If you are a fairly modern woman and can afford it, the help of a good psychologist will not be superfluous.

Quitting bad habits should also be an integral part of your pregnancy preparation program. No alcohol, cigarettes, energy drinks, coffee, sleeping pills, antidepressants (unless the latter were prescribed by a doctor). You must define this taboo for yourself the sooner the better.

A few simple reasons why a husband does not want a wife after childbirth

Already 3-4 months before the onset of the planned pregnancy, you should visit the gynecologist, undergo all the necessary examinations assigned to him.

A mammologist, endocrinologist, therapist, as well as specialists with whom, for one reason or another, you are registered should also express their opinion regarding the possibility of childbirth after 40 years. Only after receiving all the advice, you should weigh your own risks and opportunities, "pros" and "cons" and make a final decision.

When pregnancy does not occur naturally

We have already mentioned the possibility of egg freezing. However, in this case, we are only talking about women with vision and wealth.

But there are often cases when we come to the decision to become a mother with difficulty, in doubts and contradictions. What to do if the expectant mother has "matured" too late to use the reserves of her own body? But what if there are unfavorable hereditary factors along the line of the mother and for a long time this was the argument against pregnancy?

There is also a way out - to resort to using a donor egg. Let's face it: this path is not easy and expensive. The thought of how this child can be yours can also visit you. However, the latter can often bother before the first movement of the baby. When you begin to feel a new life within yourself, coexist, listen to each other and, finally, be able to understand your child, doubts are dispelled like a dream.