How to cheer up a girl in different situations. How to quickly cheer up a girl on a date or in a text message

Girls are extremely emotional creatures, so it is very difficult to understand when their mood spoils, and how to cheer up a girl is an extremely difficult question. You need to clearly understand what you can joke about and what you should keep silent about. Numerous tips can be found on various sites, however, do not take all the written techniques personally, as the girls are different, and each one needs a specific approach. Try to trust your instincts, and analyze the situation in the current situation. It will be easy if you know your girlfriend, and if you just started dating, there is only trial and error.

You have decided to meet a new girl, well, write to her, make a compliment, add a funny picture, music or video to the message. Believe me, this is a good start for dating, or just cheer up and cheer up your girlfriend.

If your chosen one has been with you for a long time already, and you have accumulated your joint photos, videos where you are happy, send her, write the corresponding entry to the photo - this will not leave her indifferent.

If you recently started dating a girl, and you want to chat with her, but frequent calls will have a bad effect at the beginning of the development of a relationship, it doesn't matter if there is an SMS message, and we will tell you how to cheer up a girl in correspondence, and what you should not joke about especially when she is sad.

So, the most important thing is not to write poems, short messages are the key to success. Mostly girls do not like:

  • Jokes over them;
  • Black humor;
  • When they swear;
  • Dirty jokes.

Therefore, it is not necessary to watch programs like Comedy before the correspondence in order to conquer her with her "brilliant" humor, which she may simply not understand. Here are some examples of SMS for a girl:

  1. You know, I'm already so tired of waiting, it seems to me that in the evening you will want to call me on a date =);
  2. When we meet with you, promise not to laugh, I have prepared a love poem for you !;
  3. There is no strength, no desire to get up this morning, if I do not meet your shining eyes in the crowd.

Now, let's figure out how to cheer up a girl in correspondence if she is sad, because a positive attitude always helps to improve relations, even at a distance. Try not to bring up sad topics when she is in a bad mood, let her feel that she can rely on you at any time of the day, no matter how far you are from each other, and feel loved and desired.

When texting, do not talk about the fact that you talked to any other girl - this will only upset her, let her know that she is the only one for you. Tell us what funny situations you had with your friends and colleagues during the day.

What would be most pleasant for her and raise her mood, use words such as "bunny", "baby" and other gentle words in her address. After such messages, your girlfriend will stop being sad.

Decided to go out on a date, don't know how to cheer up a girl? Exactly, do not try to become a guru of humor, it will not help you. Behave naturally and not forcedly, this is the only way you can conquer your chosen one. If she is sad, try to improve her mood, surprise her. Passing flowers, buy them for her or a delicious chocolate bar or toy.

Try to arrange a memorable date with her, go to the theater, the zoo, or listen to a local group. Firstly, she will obviously like it, and secondly, it will cheer her up.

If you have been with your girlfriend for a long enough time, make her surprises, which she will definitely like, which she has long dreamed of. If her mood is at zero, then try to find out what is the matter, what is bothering her. Of course, she will answer that everything is fine, but still do not stop, persuade her to tell you. But don't repeat one question all the time, find an approach. When she tells you, don't be macho who thinks her sadness isn't worth the effort. Show that you are not only her boyfriend, but also a friend who is always ready to support in difficult times.

On a date, you can easily cheer up your girlfriend by telling a joke, a funny fact about yourself, or a story your friend told you. Just do not try to memorize the text, everything should look casual, and on the topic.

After reading this article, you can put our advice into practice, the main thing is to be confident in yourself, be yourself, cheerful and you will easily be able to withstand the oppression of female emotions. Which will lead you to a strengthening relationship, or maybe you will conquer a girl you liked for a long time, with whom you just corresponded, and she will go on a date with you.

Discussion: 10 comments

    I have long wanted to find information on how to cheer up a girl in correspondence. I myself have a "zero" fantasy, but I clearly understand the importance of positive emotions in communicating with the opposite sex. I tried one of the options given in the article. I don't know if Katya was laughing (that's my girlfriend's name), but the meeting was successful.

    I read a million tips on the Internet on how to cheer up a girl in VK. But I think that here it is necessary to proceed from the situation and the nature of the interlocutor. I have had girlfriends who just had a silly joke or a slight "divorce" to add mood. Now I changed the style. When communicating online, I focus on officialdom, but in real life I start joking.

    What I can definitely confirm is the girls' dislike for black humor. Although, there are exceptions here as well. My past passion was very fond of such anecdotes and even knew how to "compose" them myself. So it is worth starting from the character of the girl, individually selecting "keys" for her.

    I have met various types of girls, but most of all I love giggles by nature. They are open, bright, light and cheerful. It's easy with them. You feel like a real "Petrosyan" and you want to joke endlessly. But there are also sad natures who are UNREALABLE to cheer.

    Thanks for the article, because I learned a lot of interesting things for myself. Only one problem - somehow it didn't work out with a sense of humor. I am always serious in dealing with girls and I cannot rebuild myself. Because of this, many acquaintances ended after the first meeting. What to do?

    From my "bell tower" I can say that humor in communicating with girls is the main key to success. If you manage to keep your interlocutor positive, that's half the battle. There is enough depressive in life, so young ladies are drawn to cheerful guys. This is 100%. Just be funny.

    As for souvenirs and their effectiveness, I checked it myself. At each meeting with a girl, I tried to bring something as a gift. Nothing expensive, of course - ordinary knick-knacks from a gift shop or handmade. My humor is bad, so I tried to compensate in this way. Works.

    The hardest thing is to make a girl laugh by SMS. It is also bad that you do not see the real reaction - only guesses. I tried to joke many times, but in return I received only "Ha-ha" or a smiling emoticon. It is difficult to understand whether you have hit the mark or have blasted off another stupidity.

    Guys, I can give you one piece of advice. Don't try to be funny and witty - be that. Do not be afraid to say something stupid, because such platitudes often amuse girls even more. Believe me, the young lady will appreciate the efforts. This is how I met my wife. He was just talking all sorts of nonsense and trying to cheer up - it worked.

Laughter and fun liberates people, makes them closer, makes them want to meet more often. That is why many guys think about how to make a girl laugh. However, in this matter it is worth being very careful and observant. Jokes and humor can only be useful if the girl understands them. Humor, like good food spices, should be in moderation. An overabundance of humor can cause a negative reaction and consolidate the glory of a "pea jester" or "clown" for a guy.

How to make a pen girl laugh?

Quite a lot of guys and girls chat in. Thinking about how to make a girl laugh in contact or classmates, first look at the girl's personal pages and analyze them. It is necessary to see what exactly she likes, what causes her admiration and what kind of humor she likes.

You can try ways to make a girl laugh on social media:

  1. Send the girl a picture with a funny animal and come up with an interesting caption.
  2. Find a funny photo, upload it to your page and mark the girl you want to cheer on. There are many hilarious photos of someone failing or doing something funny. The girl, of course, will pay attention to such a joke and will definitely react.
  3. Comment on her photo. If you do not have a sufficient sense of humor, ask your friend for help in commenting. However, humor shouldn't be too ironic. Most likely, it should be somewhat flirtatious and pleasant.
  4. Send the girl an unfamiliar anecdote or a funny story. It is best if the selected stories are in the topic for some post on the page.
  5. Send your girlfriend a funny gift with an interesting commentary.

At the same time, it is important to remember that you should not just make the girl laugh, but interest her in your personality.

How to make a girl laugh on the phone?

Making a girl laugh on the phone is a little more difficult than meeting in person. When communicating with your own eyes, it is sometimes enough to raise your eyebrows or open your eyes wide to induce laughter. But when talking on the phone, facial expressions and gestures remain behind the scenes. We can only hope for the meaning of words and for intonation.

There are advantages to talking on the phone, however. At this time, you can read jokes on the Internet. This will help you not get lost and spoil the joke.

When telling a joke or anecdote, you need to watch your intonation. It should be expressive and different. Any joke can be ruined by telling it in an emotionless and monotonous voice.

Telling a joke in someone's voice has a good effect. It can be humor from some recognizable program or a famous comedian. The ability to copy someone's intonation and voice is highly valued by girls.

Thinking about how you can make a girl laugh, it is worth remembering that there are things that you should not laugh at. These include:

How to make your girlfriend laugh?

It is easier to make your girlfriend laugh than an unfamiliar one, for the reason that her preferences and interests are already known. In this case, you should just delve into in order to choose the information that will be of interest to the girl, attract her attention and cause a funny reaction.

A guy should be not just funny, but witty. And this requires not just information, but also a creative approach to business.

This article will tell you how to make a girl smile. Even the most humble man, who does not like to talk in vain, can be instilled with the same sense of humor from which many girls go crazy. To be funny, you don't have to drive a cool car or dress in the latest fashion. It is enough to be yourself. After all, when a person feels at home, it is then that he allows himself to open up and be the same as his relatives see him. So, let's figure out how to make a girl laugh? How can you do this?

How to make a girl laugh

There are many ways to make a girl laugh. Feminine nature is in itself frivolous, and it can drive a girl crazy, and if you also have a pleasant appearance, you can easily. But we'll look at general cases that will work for everyone.

Positive thinking

The first thing to start with is with a positive outlook on the world around you. When you go to a meeting with a girl in a good mood, when she sees you, even if her day is not good, she will involuntarily smile at you. Lightness and carelessness will breathe from you. Every girl wants to find a man who would support her and could provide moral assistance in a difficult situation.

If you learn to listen to people and be responsive, then the fair sex will appreciate this quality. But don't overdo it with advice. If you do not know what to say in a particular difficult situation, it is better to show her with gestures that you empathize with her, and that you are not indifferent to everything that happens.

Naturalness is the key to success

As mentioned above, try to be yourself. Girls love relaxed and confident guys. If you, for example, grimace in front of a large crowd of people, she will think that for her sake you are ready to forget about the rules of decency. She will laugh for a long time and admire this trick. Come up with funny situations on the go, improvise.

Try to observe your surroundings, suddenly you notice something that she did not notice. Quickly think over the presentation of the material in your head and turn her gaze on what seemed funny to you. Success in this case is guaranteed.

But sometimes it happens that your humor has not made an impression on her, and you see a grimace on her face. Do not despair, a quick and technical change of topic is best here. Focus her gaze on the other. A compliment is best. Tell me how good she looks today, or pay attention to her wardrobe, even though she wears the same one every day, you will certainly be grateful.

Making up a funny situation

Sometimes lying a little in order to make a girl laugh is possible and even necessary. For example, you tell her a story where you are supposedly the main character, and an absurd situation happens to you, at which others laughed at. In fact, you made up this story, but you will cheer up your partner.

The most important thing is not to overdo it, so as not to get lost in the wilds of what is happening and not come up with a story that already looks more like a movie than real life. If you show that you can sometimes laugh at yourself, then she will take light jokes in her address, I don't think you are criticizing.

Girl humor support

Try to laugh with the girl. After all, any, absolutely any person, loves when her jokes are supported. Even if they are not very funny, try to support them. This will add male solidarity to you in her eyes, and perhaps she will think that mutual understanding in your relationship is at a high enough level.

Find out which topics affect her sense of humor the most. Study this segment, read interesting situations. If you're not quite good at joking about certain topics, then stick to your line. But you shouldn't play along too often, the girl may suspect that something is wrong, or, sooner or later, with the next story from her side, you will involuntarily show by your appearance that you do not care. Then it will look very ugly on your part, and will lead to a scandal or to a strong resentment.

Using set expressions

If you have phrases in your arsenal that can make a girl laugh by accident, feel free to use them. Most often, girls laugh when something does not work out in front of her eyes, and he casually pronounces a phrase meaning annoyance.

Try to select sentences that will not contain obscene language. After all, if you submit this or that phrase, which should sound differently, in a different interpretation, it will cause both laughter and admiration for the girl. Use this sometimes in relation to her, if something does not work out for her. You can change her bad mood into a positive one with one phrase.

Induce laughter with body movements

In time, you also need to wrinkle your face or dance. With these actions you will answer your question: "How to make a girl laugh?" Most girls go crazy when they see guys grimacing. Remember, they are like big children, laughing if you show them a finger. Know how to choose the moment for such actions. After all, for example, when you go to the theater, or you are invited to a secular reception, it is better to refrain from this kind of entertainment for the girl.

The easiest way to make your girlfriend laugh is by pretending that you can't hear or see her. This will add a certain flavor to the game, it will push you to pay attention. When she laughs, you should overexpose a little more, and then look in her direction, but know or feel this very line. After all, if you overplay too much, you can thereby offend her.

Flirt with her, roll up like you don't know each other. It will make her laugh. When you think there is a good time to tickle, you can do it, but do it gently, otherwise you may hurt with your strong hands.

Strike a balance

It will be a defeat if, after unrestrained laughter, your positive atmosphere is darkened by silence. Never allow this, try to make a microscopic pause after the fun and continue the conversation, preferably on some more serious topic.

No need to joke all the time, save your reserves for future meetings. At the very least, you will seem to the girl not entirely serious and frivolous. Don't joke about your significant other's appearance. After all, for every milady, appearance comes first. You need to use only those jokes that will make the girl laugh, and tell them so that the thread of the events is not interrupted. Otherwise, the anecdote will turn out to be a failure.

These were tips on how to behave in real life with a girl. But how to make a girl laugh if you can't see her. After all, many of us now meet and communicate most often on social networks. To make initial impressions on the fair sex, you should get her interested in chat communication. Here are some ways to make a pen girl laugh.

Make a compliment

Not seeing the girl in person, but seeing her photographs, you can immediately judge her appearance. And a good way to make the life of the one who sits on the other side of the screen, an original compliment can become more fun. Feel free to experiment.

Take a close look at all of her photographs, especially focus on those that you consider to be unsuccessful. After all, when you compliment such a photo, your chosen one will be very surprised, and the more you will lure her with your eccentricity. Try not to do banal pleasantries. After all, the zest in this business is the main thing.

Funny story from life

The funny stories that have ever happened to you, embarrassment, or is another example of how to make a girl laugh. Of course, in a live dialogue it is easier and more accessible to tell a story, but in order to amuse my lady through non-verbal communication, you will have to try.

Make the story brighter with the addition of emoticons or stickers, do not be afraid to seem funny or silly. After all, this is the whole point. The funnier you present yourself in front of her, the better your state of affairs.


The art of flirting is not given to everyone, but everything can be learned. With the help of it, no matter how strange it may seem, you can also make a girl laugh in SMS messages. In online communication, flirting is perceived a little differently than in real life. There it is more like a joke game than a serious one. Most of the time, girls find flirting with emoji additions very funny and a little ridiculous on the part of guys.

For example, after already long enough communication, write to her something like: “Baby, do you want to sit with me and talk about life, or maybe not just talk?” And do not forget to add emoticons at the end, otherwise it will not be perceived as unambiguous as it would be expected.Do not be alarmed that the girl might think that you are gluing her, omit the situation and translate the topic of conversation (girls are different, after all).

In general, these were the main ways to try to cheer up the opposite sex both in real life and on the Internet. Come up with your own jokes to make the girl laugh, experiment, do not be afraid of not at all friendly comments in your address in case of failure. If it didn't work with one, it will work with the other. Remember, a lot depends on laughter and the level of humor in your relationship.

Nowadays, there is a lot of stress and negative emotions. Girls have the same thing, and sometimes they do not have enough positive, fun, just to smile.
To the question "how to cheer up a girl?" could answer in one phrase - learn a couple of jokes. But I want to make it out in more detail, so that after reading the article, you can give positive to anyone and cheer any girl without difficulty, be it a date or just a chance meeting.

I always smile

It all starts with your inner state, and this is very important. Often people, experiencing some emotions, want to show others, but very few people succeed. An actor with 10 years of experience may be able to do it with ease, but a guy who is 25 years old and who is not familiar with acting will be more difficult with it.

We first need to tune ourselves in a positive way, i.e. always smile and be cheerful.

  • One ritual will help with this.

My morning ritual

In life, I am friendly with everyone and generally think positively. People often ask me - how to cheer up a girl? And my morning ritual helps me in this, and it will also help you if you do everything.

Why in the morning?

Because in the morning, when we wake up, our facial muscles must also be included in the work, they need to be stretched with light gymnastics, and for this we need to laugh heartily for 5 minutes.

How to do it?

In the morning after waking up, take your phone and watch funny videos. Let's say it can be 1000-500 or Yeralash, or Comedy club (here to your taste). I check the feed on Instagram, since I am subscribed to various funny and funny accounts, the videos last one minute, and during this time I get so much positive that I am charged with positive energy for the whole day.

By the way, my girlfriend appreciated this ritual, and we both do this trick in the morning. It is necessary that we ourselves were funny before we amuse someone.

After we have completed this ritual, we can safely gather and go to conquer the girls or give positive, since we ourselves are charged.)

By the way, here is a video about cats. Yes, everyone loves them, no one can resist such mimicry))

YouTube: please provide the correct link

How to cheer up a girl in VK by correspondence?

90% of Russians are on Vkontakte, maybe your classmate or the girl you work with is your “friend” and you wanted to cheer her up, or somehow cheer her up. There is one big disadvantage in communicating on the Internet - the difficulty in conveying emotions! But!

We will do it in words. Let's say you flip through the VK tape and see a photo

Let's say the first photo I see is a girl with a snake. I know her, she is not one of those who eats infusions, but rather it is such a joke. I write here "my people", joking in order to amuse her.


It is not necessary to write just that, it all depends on your imagination. If you went to a friend's page on VK and saw something unusual on her avatar. For example, there, against the background of a unicorn smoking, then you can embellish it and write about it. It will be very funny 

Conclusion - look for cool and positive in everything, be creative and not only in social media. networks, but also on a walk, on a date. Be creative!

By phone

On a phone call, everything is much easier, you can even just call and laugh the receiver) Or, for example, you picked up and called your beloved and silently breathe into the receiver, she will appreciate it)) Seriously, when you talk, you can use any phrase to cheer girl.

An example of a telephone conversation:

You: Hello, hello
She: Oh hello
You: How are you?
She: I'm fine, are you?
You: I'm fine, look back
She: What do you mean?
You: Look back just
She: I'm looking, so what?
You: Smile 
She: What's wrong with you? "laughter"

There was such a kind of intrigue here, she thought that I was nearby and maybe watching her. It's funny, there are a lot of such examples. Now it is one o'clock in the morning and my eyes are already tired, I will describe examples separately with screenshots.

By sms

With sms you need to include imagination. Like this? For example, you can write an SMS with a trick

"Hi where are you? I'm near"

she will immediately think ...?
True, she will think that you are somewhere nearby.
But in fact, you just said that you were mentally close and informed about it ...
After such an SMS, the girl can call or write an answer with questions.
At this minute, we may not answer for 5-10 minutes, so the girl will have an emotional leap))
What they love))

A man needs to cheer up a girl. Someone may ask why a girl needs to be amused?

In the beginning I wrote that in our time there is a lot of negativity, a lot of misunderstandings and sometimes a girl just wants to smile. Here we can help her in this and quite simply. Well, if you came to read an article just for fun, and you are still afraid to talk to a girl, then this video is for you. See below.

I believe that life is a boomerang. Everything that you do comes back to you, so give joy, positive, smile and get the same in return. Isn't that cool? When you start to follow the ritual described in the beginning, you will see that life just became more fun. It was you who did it for yourself!

I will write a separate mini article on how to think positively in any circumstances.

Not everyone can communicate as I described, but you must admit that a girl is not interested in a guy who is dull himself and cannot give emotions. She came on a date expecting to have a good time. You can give her positive emotions on a date. So, knowing this should motivate you so that you begin to practice all this and in the end could cheer up any girl.





A woman is a gentle creature, so mood swings are often characteristic of the fairer sex. Sadness can be caused by anything from a broken nail to a fight with a friend or problems at work.

You, as a true gentleman, decide to cheer up the girl.

Why are girls sad, girls' mood swings

Changeable mood in girls can be caused by both external events and internal changes in the body.

In order to change the situation in a positive direction, you need to know the reasons why it has arisen.

So, a girl may be sad for the following reasons:

Personal problems

Most young people fall in love quickly.

They can easily be touched and shed. And, plunging into a romantic atmosphere, they completely forget about real life, plunging headlong into personal problems.

If it happens that your friend is completely devoted to the relationship, she begins to lose weight and become depressed.

Dissatisfaction with work. Problems with bosses

Modern ladies are trying to realize themselves in life, so they do not put their careers in the last place.

For this very reason, your friend's mood can be spoiled.

Conflicts, gossip at work, transfer to another position are still the top of the list, each item from which negatively affects a person who is not indifferent to their work.

Physiological features

Severe mood swings can occur due to the so-called PMS syndrome.

Hormonal disruptions lead to mood changes. Such exacerbations in the body cause unreasonable tearfulness, irascibility and even aggression.

If you have noticed these signs, then, nevertheless, it is recommended to wait out the "storm".

The girl is just bored!

Trite, but true. A thing like boredom can have a profound effect on a person's mood. When a person is bored, his vitality decreases.

Why can it be boring?

There is no favorite and interesting thing, and there are simply no positive emotions. There is an exit! Find some fun together that won't let you get bored!

Psychological crisis

In this case, everything is pretty serious. A psychological crisis can be caused by deep emotional experiences, as well as disappointment in life and others. Unfortunately, only psychologists can help to get out of this state.

Constant failures

Any person in life has turning points, as well as the so-called "black bars", which cannot but leave a mark on the mood.

If you really want to cheer up your friend, just be constantly there, support her in all endeavors and try to distract from pressing problems.

Constant dissatisfaction with yourself

Who knows, maybe your girlfriend has low self-esteem? Do you constantly listen to suggestions that she has problems with her figure or just her appearance? So, how to cheer up in this and other cases described above?

What if she is sad?

Many young people want to know how to solve a problem such as a girl's persistent bad mood and her displeased expression.

It goes without saying that there is no clear recipe for how to cheer up a girl in a correspondence, but it's still worth trying.

Try to figure out the reason for the sadness. After all, the beautiful half of humanity has invented a lot of cunning moves. So it is quite possible that she is just waiting for your attention and care.

So that you do not hear in response to the question about the cause of sadness, in no case do not call this problem funny and frivolous. Otherwise, you risk aggravating the situation.

How to deal with unknown sadness? A compliment can be an easy and effective way. Let it be banal, but sweet and spoken with tenderness. Quite often, a joke or anecdote helps in difficult situations.

Of course, it is worth considering that moment if she often does not quite understand your humor. Then it is better to remain silent.

If the anecdote didn't work out, just try to distract your girlfriend. Offer a fun activity that suits her interests. If you are not sure about the choice, it is better to ask carefully.

Physical intimacy can be an especially important way of raising their moods for many.

It all depends on the situation and temperament. So, some just want to be hugged, hugged and gently kissed on the forehead. But high-quality, romantic sex also should not be discounted.

Original ways to cheer up a girl

If your friend has remained adamant, maybe original ways to cheer up will come in handy?

  • Buy some alcohol, play her favorite comedy.
  • Laughter room instantly boosts your mood!
  • If a girl loves animals, be sure to take her to the zoo.
  • Play her a funny and perky song on any musical instrument! It will be fun, especially if you have no voice or hearing.
  • You can tickle or bite her slightly.
  • Surprise or prepare a welcome gift.
  • Go shopping with her.
  • Take her to a chocolate or ice cream parlor.
  • Present an armful of flowers.
  • Have a romantic dinner.
  • Order her favorite song on the radio.
  • Be yourself!

Let's make a strange girl laugh