How to shave hair in intimate. How to shave an intimate place? Whether it is necessary? What's better? Is it harmful? Preparing your intimate area for shaving

The “bosom of love” was carefully looked after many centuries ago, since a clean body is an indicator of the purity of the soul and thoughts. Now there are many ways to remove unwanted hair in the intimate area, the easiest and most affordable of them is shaving. Proper procedure will make the skin smooth and protect from irritation.

The easiest and cheapest way to remove hair in intimate places is shaving. Although women of different generations still disagree about whether to leave the bikini area in its original form.

Is it possible to shave hair in the intimate area?

The fact that intimate shaving is still dangerous not so long ago, French doctors started talking. The explanation is simple. With proper and regular hygiene of the genital organs, hair is the first barrier against various pathogens. If you do depilation, this protection will disappear.

Besides, mechanical hair removal leads to numerous microcracks.
It turns out that the skin is not only not protected, but also injured, and these are ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. By the way, the human papillomavirus also manifests itself precisely because of the injured areas of the epidermis.

However, many girls do not pay any attention to this ban. They do not notice any problems with women's health after shaving hair in the intimate area, and therefore act on the principle of "what does not immediately manifest itself badly, then it is possible."
In addition, intimate haircuts are gaining popularity, which allow you to solve both a medical and an aesthetic problem in one fell swoop.

Why do you need hair in the intimate area?

Hair in the intimate area is needed to perform a protective and sexual function.
The axillary and groin areas contain large sweat glands that secrete pheromones. Thanks to the hair, the evaporation surface of these pheromones increases, and the representative of the opposite sex intuitively feels a suitable partner.

It's interesting that women's sensitivity to smells is affected by the phase of the menstrual cycle: at ovulation, it is the highest.

But even such scientific explanations cannot convince most modern girls and women to lose the feeling of cleanliness and comfort in the bikini area. There are several ways to remove unwanted vegetation. The most accessible and understandable of them is the usual shaving.

What is required for shaving?

So that the hygienic procedure does not bring pain and does not leave behind unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the right machine and products for and after shaving.

How to choose a razor?

When choosing a machine, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Reusable
    Disposable machines are considered more hygienic, cheap, but dull quickly. On reusable razors, cartridges are replaced as needed.
  • Number and sharpness of blades
    The more of them, and the sharper they are, the better the razor shaves.
  • Additional functions
    The most popular of them are the presence of a comb that lifts the hairs during the procedure and gel pads that moisturize the skin at the same time as shaving.
  • Convenience
    The handle should not slip out of a wet, and even soapy hand. It is desirable that a floating head be provided - for the convenience of depilation in hard-to-reach places.
  • brand
    This point is the last one, since you should not blindly focus on it. Choose a machine based on its design and functionality. Perhaps the most convenient for you will be an inexpensive personal care item from a little-known brand.

Disposable machines

When using disposable machines for depilation of intimate areas, you should remember simple recommendations:

  • The machine must be new.
    If it has already been used to shave legs, do not use it to remove hair from the bikini area - the device quickly becomes dull and may cause irritation.
  • Don't buy very cheap low quality machines
    They do not remove hair well, and cuts and abrasions remain on the skin after shaving.

Popular Good quality disposable razors are available under the brands Gillette, Venus and BIC.

You can use a man's machine, but use it especially carefully, as its blades are sharper.

Supermarkets have special machines for shaving intimate areas.
Such devices have an optimal set of functions for the treatment of sensitive delicate skin - a smaller size, a special gel strip with antibacterial components and a small grill on the blade, which protects against irritation and provides a longer depilation effect.

In addition to conventional razors, women use electric shavers and trimmers.

electric shavers

Included with modern women's electric shavers is a set of nozzles of different widths and purposes. With their help, you can completely shave off the hair, cut it to a certain length or remove it along with the follicle.

The electric razor has very sharp blades protected by a special mesh. Due to this, it is almost impossible to injure the skin during depilation. Gel strips soften the hairs and moisturize the skin during the procedure, and the floating head makes it easy to treat hard-to-reach places.

An electric shaver is the ideal solution for depilation in the intimate area.

The most popular brands are Braun, Panasonic and Remington.
The disadvantages of such devices are the high cost and a slight discomfort after the first procedure.


If your skin is very sensitive to any mechanical impact, pay attention to trimmers. These devices accurately cut the hairs completely or to the desired length and do not injure the skin. Most often used to create intimate hairstyles.

The most famous quality brands are Phillips, Veet and Panasonic..
Before buying a device, be sure to read the reviews for it. Cheap devices can capture the skin along with the hairs, and this is both painful and traumatic.

Preparing your intimate area for shaving

How to avoid irritation and ingrown hairs

Irritation after shaving intimate areas accompanied by severe itching, burning and acne. It appears as a result of an incorrectly selected device and depilation products or due to the treatment of unprepared skin.

Before the procedure:

  • The skin must be steamed
    To do this, take a hot bath or shower. If you notice ingrown hairs, use a body scrub - it will clean the keratinized layer of the epithelium, and the procedure will be much easier and painless.
  • If the hair is long
    Then for a start they should be shortened with ordinary scissors.

Shaving products

Among the means for and after shaving intimate areas there are creams, foams and gels.


Creams are inexpensive, while they perform their main function well - softening and moisturizing the skin.

Mandatory components of a quality cream are alkaline soap, purified water, glycerin, starin, silicone, various fats and antiseptics, extracts from natural plants.


Foam is slightly more expensive than cream, but much cheaper than gel. The base material of a good lather should be a hydrated natural oil (olive, corn or almond). Additional components - extracts of chamomile, aloe or calendula, natural flavors.

Pass by cans of mineral mass at the base - this is a petroleum product that leaves a microscopic film on the skin.
As a result, the process of air exchange is disturbed and irritation appears.


The gel is evenly distributed on the skin and, unlike foam, is economical to use. The tool provides a soft glide of the razor, resulting in a flawless smooth surface of the skin.

The composition of the gel is almost completely the same as that of the foam.. Therefore, the requirements for it are similar.

There is no general answer to the question of which tool is better. This is an individual choice for everyone, and the best indicator of a suitable option is healthy, smooth skin without irritation.

Proper shaving of intimate areas at home

Proper depilation of the delicate female zone at home with a razor involves the following steps:

  • Moisten the previously prepared skin with warm water.
  • Evenly apply the purchased shaving product on it.
  • Wait 1-1.5 minutes for the active ingredients to act and soften the hairs.
  • Wet your razor with water.
  • Gently work the skin in the direction of hair growth. This will avoid irritation and ingrown hairs.

Skin care after shaving

  • At the end of the procedure, rinse the skin and the machine with warm water.
  • Pat your bikini area dry with a soft towel and apply aftershave.

It is advisable not to wear underwear for 20-30 minutes after the procedure. During this time, the skin will completely calm down, and the problem of irritation will most likely not bother you.

After Shave

With their help, you can prevent or relieve irritation after shaving, sugaring or other method of removing unwanted vegetation.

  • Cream “Triderm”
    The tool is not cheap, but it does an excellent job with redness, itching and ingrown hairs. It is used immediately after depilation or applied to irritated areas, if any. Contains hormones, therefore it is contraindicated for pregnant women. Before use, it is desirable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  • Cream or foam “Panthenol”
    Has no contraindications.
  • Cream “Boro Plus”
    Inexpensive and efficient. Suitable for lubricating the intimate area after shaving, as well as for treating other irritated skin areas. It consists exclusively of natural ingredients, has no contraindications.
  • Any baby cream
    Softens, soothes, does not cause allergies.

Sometimes skin irritation and other delicate annoyances arise due to some important factor being overlooked.

Shaving in intimate areas: video

In the videos prepared by us, you can see the secrets of proper shaving in the bikini area.

Today we decided to devote our article to a rather relevant question for both men and women: is it necessary to shave an intimate place ?! From the moment of puberty, boys and girls begin to grow hair where they were not before - in the genital area. Then young people begin to think about shaving an intimate place, and how to do it correctly so as not to cut themselves and avoid complications in the form of irritation.


When a boy or girl asks for advice on whether or not to shave an intimate area, very often they hear the answer: “Of course not! Once you start doing this, your hair will grow much faster.” This is a fairly common opinion, although it is erroneous. From whether you shave your hair or leave it, the rate of their growth will not change at all. After all, they do not have sensitivity and cannot transmit a signal to the brain about what is happening to them.

The second point that needs to be debunked is that the hair becomes thicker and coarser. This is also not true. Yes, this happens, but not due to shaving, but due to the natural aging process. Simply put, hair gets thicker with age.

Myth #3: Shaving is the root cause Of course, it's not. Think for yourself, if this were true, then men who shave their chin stubble would have to spend a third of their lives actively fighting nasty ingrown hairs. In fact, such an unfortunate incident happens to those who do not carefully care for an intimate place. This needs to be given more attention. If you answered yes to the question of whether it is necessary to shave an intimate place for yourself and started the process, then get ready to take care of a spicy hairstyle. First you need to treat the surface of the skin with a scrub, wash it with hot (within reasonable limits - you don’t need burns) water and wipe it with a towel. Then apply foam or and start the process. At the end of the procedure, treat the pubic area with a cooling cream.

Do men need to shave their private parts?

Why not? Of course! Many men do it and do not regret it at all. In summer it is not so hot, nothing pricks and does not tickle. For many men, this is the first time their partner asks for it, after which they begin to turn it into a daily ritual.

Things to Consider Before You Start Shaving

If you are 100% determined to clean up the pubic area, be prepared for the fact that depilation will have to be done every other day, and possibly even every day, so that the skin remains smooth as silk. You will also have to buy a good machine and replaceable cartridges with blades, a special gel, scrub and lotions.

intimate place machine tool?

Step 1: Trim your long hair with scissors so it doesn't dull your razor. In addition, it will make the process easier and painless.

Step 2 Take a hot bath or shower to steam your skin. When washing the intimate area, use an exfoliating scrub.

Step 3. Spread the pubis with gel (or foam) and start shaving. In no case do not use soap or shower gel - they are not suitable for this! When shaving, pull the skin back a little and, with gentle pressure, move the machine. Try not to put in too much effort to avoid cutting yourself.

Step 4. When finished, rinse off the remaining gel with warm water, wipe the pubic area with a towel and apply a cooling aftershave gel or This will help keep the skin soft and relieve irritation.

All women face the problem of hair removal in intimate areas of the body. Many people prefer laser hair removal, photoepilation, someone will decide on waxing. In addition to all the advantages, such procedures have disadvantages - they are expensive and quite painful. Therefore, the most common method for removing hair in the intimate area is shaving. At the same time, few people think about how to properly shave the bikini area. This process has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which will make shaving pleasant and effective. How to choose a razor Women's razors will not be particularly useful in such a delicate matter. No matter how strange it may sound, they were created specifically for removing hair on the legs, ...


All women face the problem of hair removal in intimate areas of the body. Many people prefer laser hair removal, photoepilation, someone will decide on waxing. In addition to all the advantages, such procedures have disadvantages - they are expensive and quite painful. Therefore, the most common method for removing hair in the intimate area is shaving. At the same time, few people think about it. This process has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which will make shaving pleasant and effective.

How to choose a machine

Women's razors in such a delicate matter will not be particularly useful. No matter how strange it may sound, they were created specifically for removing hair on the legs, and shaving them is quite comfortable and easy. For shaving the bikini area, it is better to purchase a men's machine with sharp blades. Alternatively, you can pick up a replaceable cassette from a men's razor to the handle of a female machine. It is better not to use disposable razors, they get dull very quickly and therefore are more or less suitable only for the face.

How to choose the right shaving product

When removing hair from intimate places, you can use soap, but this threatens to overdry the skin and irritate. It is best to choose a shaving cream or gel. For women with very sensitive skin, a hypoallergenic cream is suitable, where there are no dyes and alcohol in the composition. The foam will also be convenient to use, which can protect the skin as much as possible from any kind of damage. It is better not to buy men's shaving products, because women's skin is softer and more sensitive.

Few know. But in this process there are secrets and features. Before shaving, it is better to steam out intimate areas. So the hairs will be removed easier and more painlessly. This can be done by taking a slightly hot shower or bath. Then long hairs should be cut with nail scissors or even ordinary ones if the first ones were not at hand. If there is a fear of injuring delicate skin, then you can use a special device - an electric trimmer - it is more convenient, and the blades are located at a safe distance from the body. But choose exactly the female models of the device.

Next, you need to apply shaving cream, spread it over the skin. After that, you should wait a bit, five minutes will be enough. Under the action of the product, both the skin and the hairs will soften, which will make the procedure more comfortable and safe. After a short time, you can proceed directly to shaving.

Take a comfortable position during the procedure. Place your foot so that the desired area is clearly visible, and it is easy to reach it. Ideally, the pubis should become flat. If necessary, stretch the skin with your fingers. You can squat down over the mirror, so hard-to-reach places will be clearly visible. The main thing is not to rush, otherwise you can cut your skin with a razor, and this is unpleasant.

To avoid ingrown hairs, shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it. It is better to make movements as little as possible so that there is no irritation.

After the procedure, you need to wash yourself, removing the remnants of shaving and hair. If there are small cuts, then treat them with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a special aftershave.

Do not forget about the daily hygiene of intimate parts of the body, otherwise irritation and infections cannot be avoided.

How often to shave your intimate area

This question is purely individual for every girl and woman. Do not overdo it and torment your skin every day, otherwise it will respond with irritation, red pimples will appear that will itch. It is necessary to choose the moment when the hairs begin to prick and cause discomfort, then the hair removal procedure should be performed.

Having knowledge about how to shave your bikini area and putting them into practice, you will become more confident and facilitate the process of body care. The skin will be beautiful and soft, without irritation, and the feeling of discomfort in the intimate area will disappear forever.

The modern woman strives for perfection in all aspects. But her beauty and presentable appearance occupy one of the main tasks. Excess body hair is unhygienic and unaesthetic. But in order not to go to a beauty salon every time, excess body hair can be removed without problems at home. Epilation of the bikini area at home can be done in different ways. The main thing: follow the correct instructions and prevent skin irritation.

There are various methods for removing unwanted hair in the bikini area:

  • sugaring;
  • wax strips;
  • laser depilation;
  • hair removal with electrical appliances: trimmer or epilator;
  • depilation with razor blades.

The last option is the cheapest and easiest. Therefore, now we will talk about him. For the procedure you will need:

  • Shaver;
  • cream for depilation in the bikini area;
  • shower gel;
  • aftershave;
  • scissors;
  • terry towel.

Shave the bikini area without irritation in 3 stages:

  1. Steaming. On moisturized and steamed skin, the depilation process is painless and without irritation. You can steam the skin either under a hot shower or with warm compresses soaked in herbal solutions. To prepare the skin, 10-15 minutes are enough.
  2. Shaving. Hair removal in the intimate area can be done either with disposable razors, or with special devices: trimmers or epilators. A special shaving gel or cream should be applied to the skin and only then proceed with the depilation process. If the skin is sensitive to any cosmetics, then you can use the old way: use olive oil, which does not contain chemical additives.
  3. Leather processing. After depilation, the skin is stressed, which can cause irritation, redness and ingrown hairs. To prevent this from happening, the bikini area after shaving is treated with talc or herbal compresses.

You can use special aftershave gels if the skin is not prone to allergies. Applying a moisturizer after shaving prevents irritation and ingrown hairs.

You can shave the intimate area in different ways: completely removing all hair or leaving an original pattern on the body.

Special stencils that are in the shape of a heart, an asterisk or a kiss will help you easily do this. For coarse and unruly hair, you can make an intimate haircut in the form of a vertical stripe.

The following tips will help you shave your bikini area beautifully and correctly:

  • if there is long hair in the intimate area, then before depilation they should be cut to 5-6 mm;
  • shaving should be done with soft and gentle movements - without pressing, since the skin in the bikini area is very easy to injure;
  • change the blades in the razor more often: this way there will be less irritation on the skin;
  • after depilation, the razor should be rinsed well and dried.

After hair removal, an undesirable phenomenon such as ingrown hairs may appear on the skin.

That this unpleasant phenomenon did not happen, it should be remembered:

  1. Before depilation, it is important not only to steam the skin, but also to exfoliate dead cells. This should be done not only on the eve of the procedure, but regularly once a week. With the help of a body scrub, the skin should be freed from dead epithelial cells.
  2. The machine should be directed in the direction of hair growth, and not against.
  3. Never shave on dry skin: be sure to use any moisturizing shaving cream, foam, gel, cream or baby soap.
  4. After the procedure, the skin should first be disinfected, and then smeared with any fat cream.

What to do if an ingrown hair in the bikini area has become a bump?

The best option is to go to a professional beautician.

But if the girl already has extensive experience in home depilation, then you can act according to this scheme:

  • steam out the bikini area;
  • take a thin needle and disinfect it in alcohol;
  • gently pick up an ingrown hair with the tip of a needle;
  • wipe the wound with alcohol or other antiseptic.

It should be noted that this problem occurs after shaving with blades. If unwanted hair is removed by other alternative methods: wax or laser, then there will be no ingrown hairs.

How to remove irritation in the bikini area

Unfortunately, skin irritations can appear, even if you follow all the rules described above. If the skin is sensitive, then olive oil should be used instead of foam. Shaved skin should be treated with medicinal herbs, as they are harmless and do not cause allergies. Herbal infusions have antibacterial properties that are not inferior to expensive cosmetics.

To remove irritation after shaving in the bikini area, you can use a herbal compress.

To do this, take 1 teaspoon of dry herbs: chamomile, mint, celandine, sage and 1 glass of water. Boil all this for 5 minutes, then cool and strain the broth.

Soak a soft cloth in this warm liquid and put it on the skin after depilation. After 10-15 minutes, blot the bikini area with a napkin or terry towel, and then sprinkle with talcum powder.

You can use regular baby powder or regular talcum powder with antibacterial properties. As a powder, food starch from potatoes or corn is perfect.

Aloe juice has a very good effect on the skin. It not only has a powerful antibacterial property, but does not cause itching and redness.

To avoid irritation in the bikini area, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • after depilation, you should not immediately put on underwear - the skin should “breathe”;
  • the first days after shaving, do not wear tight trousers;
  • do not use cosmetics of unknown brands;
  • when depilating the intimate area, never use a razor with rotating blades;
  • never shave the pubis if it has any skin diseases;
  • the cut site should be immediately rinsed with warm water and disinfected.

Hair removal of the most delicate area of ​​the body should be carried out very carefully, using high-quality products and tools.

Depilation tools - trimmer or epilator

Bikini trimmer- This is a hair clipper with many attachments. Its purpose is to cut hair, and not to shave the pubis baldly.

Its main properties:

  • leave the skin smooth, without cuts and irritations;
  • a large assortment of nozzles that allow you to shave the skin even in the most inaccessible places and make a variety of intimate hairstyles;
  • The device runs on batteries, which allows it to be used on trips.

Bikini epilator- This is an electrical device that completely rids the skin of hair along with the bulbs.

But despite such a tempting property, how to rid the bikini area of ​​hair forever, the epilator has a number of negative properties:

  • after depilation, there are cuts and irritations on the skin;
  • as a rule, only 1 nozzle is included in the kit;
  • there are very few wireless epilators on sale;
  • cannot be used while washing in the shower: since the device cannot be in contact with water;
  • shaving off her hair forever, the girl loses the opportunity to carry out various hairstyles in the bikini area.

What is the best trimmer for the bikini area? Before buying this product, you should learn a number of such rules:

Thus, a trimmer is one of the necessary things for a woman who regularly takes care of herself.

Other modern hair removal methods

There are many other modern methods of depilation that permanently save a woman from the problem of excess hair. As a rule, such radical procedures are painful and cost a lot of money. But, for the sake of the beauty of their body, women are ready for anything!

Removal of unwanted hair with wax

Waxing hair removal is one of the most popular salon procedures. For the bikini area, wax strips are usually used, which are disposable and reusable.

You can also make your own wax paste and separately cut strips from an old soft sheet.

There are two main wax paste recipes.

Do you want something interesting?

Recipe #1

Take 50 g of paraffin, 100 g of beeswax and 200 g of rosin. Melt all this in a steam bath and mix thoroughly until smooth. Then cool and use as directed.

Recipe #2

Take 130 g of white wax and 300 g of palm wax. Melt everything in a steam bath and stir. When the finished paste has cooled, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and a few drops of any essential oil. Apply the prepared mass on the body, according to the instructions.

Waxing is done like this:

  1. Take a warm bath. If necessary, treat the skin with lidocaine spray.
  2. Wet the skin and sprinkle with talc.
  3. Lubricate the skin with the prepared mixture and attach the cut fabric strips on top. Or attach ready-made bikini wax strips.
  4. With a sharp movement, tear off the first strip on one side.
  5. Do the same in other places.
  6. When all hair is removed, cleanse the skin of wax residues with vegetable oils.
  7. After the procedure, smear the intimate area with Panthenol - a soothing cream.
  8. Peel after 3 days to prevent ingrown hairs.

Waxing is an old and proven method of hair removal that will give the skin an incredible smoothness and silkiness.

Sugaring is hair removal using a special sugar paste that is applied to the intimate area. The difference between this procedure is that the composition is applied against hair growth, and removed along with growth. This procedure is less painful than waxing and causes less skin irritation.

Sugared hair grows back in 2-3 weeks. This paste does not contain any chemicals, and therefore is not harmful to the body.

To make your own pasta, you need the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon zest - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • water - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mix all the ingredients and put on a slow fire. When after 5 minutes the mixture begins to boil, it should be stirred. Sugar should change its color - become amber. After 15 minutes, the composition for depilation is ready. It should be transferred from the pan to a plastic box and allowed to cool.

To get rid of hair in the bikini area by shugaring, follow this technology:

  1. The day before the procedure and cleanse the skin with a scrub.
  2. Steam the body an hour before depilation.
  3. Treat the bikini area with anti-hair growth lotion and sprinkle the skin with talcum powder.
  4. Take the prepared prepared paste and apply on the bikini area against hair growth. It is necessary to rub the mixture thoroughly. A small area should be processed.
  5. After 15-20 seconds, pick up the edge of the mixture and tear it sharply in the direction of hair growth.
  6. The same should be done with the rest of the bikini area.

This procedure is quite painful, so you can use painkillers or just apply ice cubes. To reduce pain, the skin should be slightly stretched. The hairs must be no shorter than 5 mm.

Skin care after depilation:

  1. After removing the hairs, you should take a warm shower and smear the bikini area with a fat cream.
  2. After a couple of days, the skin in the bikini area must be exfoliated with a scrub so that ingrown hairs do not appear. This should be repeated 1-2 times a week.
  3. Every day, treat the skin with an antibacterial lotion and moisturizer.

Sugaring is contraindicated for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of wounds, scratches and irritations on the skin;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes mellitus.

After the procedure, you can not sunbathe in the sun, swim in the sea, sauna, pool for 2-3 days. This method will provide smooth and even skin.

Laser epilation of the bikini area

All the above methods of hair removal are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: irritation, itching, pain, ingrown hairs.

But there is one modern method that allows you to remove hair in the bikini area without all these troubles. It's about laser hair removal. This procedure is not cheap, but its results are stunning: the skin is smooth, tender and without irritation.

The essence of the procedure is that the laser radiation, which is directed to the skin, destroys the hair follicles. The laser beam reacts to the pigmentation of the hair. That is, only mature bulbs in which melanin, a natural pigment, can be destroyed with a laser beam. There are about 20% of such hair with mature follicles on the human body.

Thus, it is impossible to get rid of all hair in one procedure. To permanently eliminate the germination of hair in the bikini area, it takes from 8 to 12 months. This is how long it takes for a complete change in the germination of new hair. Destroyed follicles can no longer germinate in the body. And the new ones, in the bulbs, which melanin will appear, will be destroyed.

It should be noted that laser depilation does not make sense for fair-haired young ladies, since the laser beam reacts to pigmentation.

Laser radiation does not harm the body. The only disadvantage of laser hair removal is redness of the skin, which disappears after a few hours. After laser exposure, the skin should be treated with a moisturizer and not exposed to the open sun.

Laser hair removal is contraindicated during pregnancy and menstruation. During these periods, a woman's senses are especially aggravated, and additional manipulations with delicate skin will add stress to a woman.

Depilation of the bikini area at home is feasible in many ways. The main thing: do everything according to the instructions and take care of the skin after depilation.

The modern concept of beauty obliges women and girls to take care of their bodies daily and carefully. A taut athletic figure, delicate skin without rashes and unwanted hair, healthy hair, well-groomed nails - this is a necessary minimum in order to feel attractive to the opposite sex. Especially troublesome for many women is the removal of excess on the body. The question became urgent, is it necessary to shave the groin of a girl and how to do it correctly.

The presence of hair around the genitals refers to the secondary sexual characteristics in women. Around the age of 11-12, girls begin to grow light vellus pubic hair. To achieve age 13-14 years they become darker, thicker and harder. Ovarian hormones regulate hair growth in the groin area, so during menopause they can become much less frequent.

Hair in the inguinal region evolutionarily should perform the following functions:

  • Increase the surface for the evaporation of pheromones secreted by special glands in the groin;
  • Thermoregulation function;
  • Visual sign of puberty;

Hair growth according to the female type is characterized by a horizontal border of hair growth. Any disturbances in the time of appearance of hair, their structure and growth zone may indicate hormonal abnormalities in the female body.

Why remove groin hair?

There is no definite answer to the question of whether it is worth shaving a girl's groin, however, unwanted vegetation causes a lot of inconvenience. You should think about removing pubic hair, consider why?

  1. If you want to wear lace underwear and thong. Hair peeking through underwear does not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Most modern swimwear models involve depilation in the bikini area.
  3. Men rarely appreciate the lush vegetation in the intimate zone of women. To please your loved one in erotic panties or completely naked, you should shave off the extra hairs.
  4. Shaving is essential if you want to experiment with intimate haircuts or tattoos.
  5. Hair creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and increases perspiration (especially in the hot season). Personal hygiene can be attributed to the main reasons why girls shave in the groin.

With what and how to shave hair in the groin

If you decide to take care of hygiene and the beautiful appearance of the pubis and perineum, you must definitely find out how girls shave in the groin correctly.

The skin in the bikini area is very sensitive to irritation, and the hair is stiff, which can cause some difficulties in the process of shaving. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of a razor, shaving products and to the implementation of the procedure itself.

Most women's razors are handy for removing hair from the surface of the legs and do not shave the skin of the groin very effectively. A razor for men can come to the rescue. As a rule, the blade of men's razors is much sharper, and they are located on a more mobile basis, which is of fundamental importance for removing hair in hard-to-reach places.

The range of women's shaving products today is quite wide. You can choose a foam, cream or shaving gel with the smell you like. But there are a number of products that are not recommended for use when shaving the intimate area:

  • Men's shaving products. Their composition includes more aggressive components that can cause an allergic reaction on delicate female skin. They also have a specific "male" aroma;
  • It is better not to use soap, shower gels and mousses. They contain a lot of active, detergents, which, in combination with microtrauma that occurs when shaving, can cause irritation;

In addition to shaving cream, for maximum aftershave performance, apply special aftershave skin care products. They soothe and moisturize the skin, preventing redness and itching.

Before starting a delicate procedure, it’s better to remember a few useful tips on how to shave a woman’s groin:

  • Use a body scrub before shaving your intimate area. It will exfoliate dead skin cells and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after shaving;
  • Moisten the skin of the groin area and apply shaving cream on it for 5-10 minutes. This time is necessary to prepare the skin and hairline for the procedure;
  • Shave only in the direction of hair growth to avoid cuts and irritation;
  • For convenience, before moving the razor, you can slightly pull the skin;
  • If a cut occurs, then it must be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • After shaving is complete, pat the bikini area dry with a towel (do not rub as this may cause irritation);

Hair removal in the groin area is a purely individual decision for each woman. You can choose the method of removal, completely or partially remove the hairline at your discretion. It is important to stick to the recommendations and not turn taking care of your body into a routine or painful duty.